THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , NOVEMBER 14 1881. J SOCIAL BOUNDS Which Mingle With the Musi of the Dance in Parlor tvnd Hall. Woolworth Party nt"Cor land Plnco"-Soconil Mooting of Iho Imerial Clnb- Social Notes and Polilo Personal Ulan. llnm snow nnti mud combined 1m\ united to cast a damper over savor ; social entertainments in our city dm ing the past \vcck. Undoubtedly tli terrible condition of the streets pr < vented as largo an attendance on 3 < Y day evening aa might otherwise liav been expected at tin : wooi.woiiTir nnciUTioN given by Mr. atul Mrs. Woolworth i their daughter Miss Jcannio Wool worth at their residence o : St. Mnry'a avenue. Corllnm Plnco only lacked a moonlight nigh and a dryer nlinoapltmo io oxhibi itself at its best. The grounds wer illuminated by hcadlighln and th broad verandah caruulcd with crasl mul enclosed with canvaa in order I increase the space for dancing. Th Musical Union furnished the nuiai nnd dancing vna the order of tin evening , from shortly r.ftor 8 o'clocl until long after midnight. Nearl ; fifty couples vcro present , ainoiij whom were the following : Mr. and Mis \Vakoly , Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Hoed , Mr nndMiasTouz-alin , Mr. and Miss Wood Mr. and Miss Berlin , Mr. and Mis : Lchmor , Mr. and Mrs. Peck , Mr. am Mrs. Ringwalt , Mr. Wilbur and tin Misses Wilbur , Mr. and Miss Ilaydon Mr. and Miss Crary , Mr. and Mrs. D V. Barkalow , Mr. and Mrs. Pritchott Mr. nnd Mrs. Carter , .Mr. nnd Mrs Council and Miss Connell , Mr. am Mrs. Webster , Mr. and Mrs Jones , Mr. and Mrs. llamacy , Mr Congdon nnd the Misses Congdon Mr. and Mrs. Floyd , Mr. and Mrs Patterson , Mr. and Mrs. Clminbcra , Mr. and Mrs. Powell , Mr. am' Mrs. Squires , Miss Mall , Miss IHshop , Miss Milliard , MJRS Jlodclin , Mis' Dalcombo , the Misses Ijanis , Misc Siiundcrs. MisslJoyd , Mi ? Campbell , Miss Lake , Miss Wood , the Mihio : Buttoriiuld , Mini Goldsmith , Mis < Paddock , and Misn llogoiH ; am' Messrs. Itarr , Scott , Jk-ach , li , Davis OarliHh , Drake , N. E. and M W , Barknloir , T L. mul Goo. Kingwalt L. Slovens , Tousy , McMillan , War rack , Darrow , llorbnch , Taylor Ogden , G < ; o. J'ntcrson , AV. Morrisji Bicrbowor , Hedick , ilrinilion , Frank Savage and Carrier. The party was largely full drcni , am Bomo of the costumes worn were par ticularly beautiful , and equally be coming to the wearers. Miss CarrioMillixrd were an oxqui alto dress of palo blue Hurnli , will pearl pas omontei io trimming. Miss "Woolworlh appeared in abcau tiful coatumo of muslin , trimmed will - . ! . , . v Miss Ilona Boss was dressed in pali pink silk , wliito lace trimming. Mrs. Carter were an elegant wliiti silk brokado of great richness trimmed with pcwl passcmenterio- diamond ornaments. Miss Touzalin , black silk and lace Miss Crary were a costume of pali blue silk. p. Miss Etta Wells waa dressed in pinl ILt , satin.Miss Miss Berlin was attired in a hand Bomo costume of white silk trimmoi with claret colored velvet. Miss Siuindora ivory win to , Miss " \Volls palo blue silk. Miss Hanscom white oilk , . Miss Lake -whito sunxh and laco. | .V I'K ) Miss Lottio Congdon palo blu ri ellk. U ellk.Miss Roddio .whito dress of nun [ voiling. JJII'KUIAI. GMJB. The second party of the Imperil club was held on Wednesday ovcnin rs in Masonic hall. Nearly fifty coujili were present , and danced to the ii rsl'5 Bpiring strains of Hoffnmim'n orchei l'5 ' tra through a program of sixteen nun 3 bors. An elegant Biippcr wiw fir nishod nt 11 o'clock' , after whic 3i dancing was lesumed and kept up m " J til a Into hour. iv KOOIAI , NOTKS. ia ! Thcrp nro two private Germans c the tapis. A pleasant private parly took plm at Standard hall on Thursday eve ing. About twenty couples wo present , and all seemed to fully e joy the occasion. IJotlman's orchc tru performed well the musical part the program , while tho. compai danced with happy faces and trippii foot. The lloor managers were Clia McDonald , Ed. Shelby , Matt. Clai and Ed. Murphy. A well arrang program of only eighteen nuinbu enabled the company to disperse at ficasonablo hours , The ball of the Young Mochanii club , which counts ninoi its mombcrii some of tl best young men of tl "Union Pacifio railway Hhoi > H to < place on Friday _ evening at Standa hall , Irvino'u orchestra f urn iuhod tl W music , and about fifty couples danci fc to its strains. The committee of r rangomonts was ns follows : J. ] Burnicall , J , 0 , Muhonoy , M. Flci ing , J. Ilyan , J. Murphy. Monday , the 28th instant , is a pointed for the Omaha tolcgraphoi second annual ball. It will bo he in Central hall , the dancing and di ing floors both being occupied v > ithi nets and the supper. The "Hollos Lettrcs club" is t ! naino of a now not of waltzes do < cated to Hon. J. L. Webster , prci dent of this Omaha literary organiz tiori , by Miss Mary I ) . Wilson , daug tor of Gon. Thos. Wilson. A solitaire diamond ongagotno ring was displayed for the first tin IIII s this week on the hand of a Cass etre belle , , The next pleasant Hours party taki V place next Friday. The Christmas party of the or Ifoura li.ia boon ct for the 28 Ih ( December , Mrs. Judge rorlcrliafljono ( to Qol ! : City to join hur liusbnnd. Mrs. 33. L. Eaton lias rolurnodjfroi 11 10 cast. Miss Oeorfiio Maxwell , of Fromonl is visitiiiK fricnda In Otnalin. Miss Tmltlocl : , htorof ox-Sonr tor Tatldook , in visitiiiy Mrs. Lyina Uichnrdson. Mr. mid Mrs. Edward S. Mayo lei on Thursday for their now homo i Oregon. _ _ _ _ BY TELEGRAPH. "Prlncn Hnl" Reloaded. National ArwKintcsl 1'roM. NKVV YOUK , November 12. Ilonr AV. fJunet , bettor known M "Prino Hal , " ux-conrt liotisn coiniiiia innar o 'Tweed nnd Touna Democracy" fnmt wasiolcascd from the ponilontinry tt lay , his term of iinpri.sdiiinoiitliio ! jcuan last March , lmviiiexiirpd. | ; li idiiilion to his ncnUnico of iinpriaon netit ho was ordered to pay n line o | iGOI ) , or rcninin in prison until tli ino was paid , olio day for over ; dollar. Aa Genet had become to toor to pay the fine , his friends havi or some time pus I been making client o liayo him released without paying ho money. This could only bo dotn > y n remission of the finoby the judg vho Bontunccd him , or through a par Ion from the governor. Application nado on behalf of Genet to tin governor of the nlato and Judgi J.inielii were summiirily rofimed As n other resource wa : oft a number of Genet's friends con ribtited the amount necessary , am o-day the fine was paid over to tin warden at the penitentiary and Gene vas released , lie was mot by a nunv > or of friondH and escorted to the city Io then went homo. Genet wan ar estcd , tried and convicted in 1873 or fraudulently obtaining ยง 1,80' rom the city in payment formateri ila for the Harlem court IIOUHO taforoflentonoo waa pronounced h escaped from the custody of th liurilf and ( led to Canada. Afte iludin justice for n number of j'cnra io returned in greatly reduced cir cumstanccn. Jiy advise of liis friondi io surrendered himself and was ar aifjucd for nont once. JIo waanenlencot o imprisonment in the pcnitentian or eight months and fined $ ! ) , ( JOI io gained tlesh during coiilincmun nd .appealed in good health tun [ lirits when ho rejj.iined 1m frcedon j-dajf. 3n conversntioii with Gene o said : "llio crime for winch I havi eon incarcerated , 1 am in no wis uilty. _ _ The Princotonn Victorious- atlonal Associated 1'rc.t.i. Nuw YOUK , November 12. Th cams of Princeton and Columbia col ego mot at the polo ( { rounds thi Hornoon and phiyed their match gam f foot ball , despite the fact that rail toured in torrent * and mud was eve heir uhocs. Jioth teams were oqun u > \ eight but the .Princotoiuana she vvei upoi'ior tactics to their antagonists irhoflu di'fenso wan Bomowhat weak 'ho fierce oiiHlau htB of the .Jorso ; ion carried ovcrythin before then nd the blue and white legged Col um ) ias were sent sprawling right and loft mir ndronurica invariably fulling 01 < ) p of them andthoy | did not gain any hing by the tumble for the mu < tuck in generous quantities. Th core at the tonnitiation stood : Prince ons one goal , two touch downs wit a safety touch down. Columbiaa Neal ; oal , no touch down and three aafot , ouch downs. Time of game , 1 houi 5 minutes. Er-Chiofof Folico Saod- Kntlorml Assocbted .jrcsrt. M'oNTitn.VL , November 12. Jas iaxter has entered an action for coi piracy against Col. lliokoy , ox-ehiii of the Chicago police. The latter i .ho recent Baxter-Sulla trial state hat Jiaxtor'B photograph hadboen i bo Iloguea , gallery for aoven yoai with a record of buing a contidenc nan and a swindler whereas it aj )0iira that the photograph was place in the { jullory only during the Uaxtp Sells tri-il a few weeks ago at the ii stance of Sellu. AdeUuu Puttl. National A ncl tcd 1'rcwi. Niw : YOUK , November 12. C Wednesday evening next Adolii Patti will aing for the benefit of tl Michigan sull'erurn. Invitations ha1 been issued to the president and ca inet and alro Gonor.iln Sherman , M jpr Goiu-jal llancock and many di tinguiRheil citizeiiH of all slates wl will bo given special seats on tlioutay Secretary lilaino IriRalrundc exjirefa his pleasure at the invitation and t effort , will be made to make it | grandest afluir of the ocason. A Lojrul Opluioii. National AB3oi.latod 1'ri'M. CoiUMiiUH , 0. , November 12. A tornoy-Cioneral Nash to-day gave i opinion to the ntato house commissio charged with the improvement of tl ventilation , that the acceptance of tl contracts by it w.w illegal , as no eo ] of the plans and specifications hi been iilod with the state audiU Section 715 ! requires the attorney-go oral to approve such contracto und 1 refuses. All preparations for the wo had been mauo and the opinion cans an indefinite stoppage. Naval Exoroinoa- National ABTOO Mid l'ro H. NiiwroitT , 11.1. , Novomborl2 , T exorcises of the graduation class United States naval training aquadr were conducted to-day with a uuncei till sham battle at Coasters llarli island. The uvolutioiiH were witnoi od by a numbur of naval ollicon ) , t ; city council and many prominent ci Kens of Newport. The weather w cold and threatening. Thlsnftonio the presentation of the prizes to place on the gun dock of the N < Hampshire , where DOO boya wi assembled , A E'oud Ended. National AuoclaUxl DKOATUII , 111. , November 12 , IJluo Mount , this county , lust niy Dr. llopwoll W. Shaw , an old u : well-known practicing physician , v shot and instantly killed by Jamea Ward , aged 21 , son of u hotel koopi TJio shooting grow out of n fain difficulty. _ Autolior WalkiugMatcli. National y wcUti > J I'rei * . NKW YOHK , Novembor32 , Olmrl lUwoll , of England , und John Dobli > f Chicago , signed nn gr cmont ti IAJ to walk iix dayn go a yon plf.v natch in Chicago to begin on the 251 nstatit. The tirnt dcposile of (500 ido was paid. Tlio ipcond for n aim ar ntnountwill bo paid to the cditc of the American Field , Chicago. T J natch in foi $1,0 < X ) a eido and t } ; gale money deducting expenses. CRISJC. Nation * ! AfucUttd I'ren. ALMOST A DOUnLS WUUtlEIl. ATLANTA , November 12. Mr Elk haircloth * ai killed by a negro name Alex McEloven , * t DrMichrillc. o < 'ridny night and Dr. Fairclotn , troth or of Jilm.t , badly injured. TJi lifliculty grow out of a settlement bs .ween the Faircloths mid the negtt Young Fairehlld v/aa killed with a ate helve and the doctor waa ci rith it knife in the linnilR of the m ; ro. The latter fled and is boin lolly pursued. ATLANTA , Ga. , November 12.- Vhon a coflin , supposed to con tat lie corpio of a negro , reached tli dilatory to-day it n as discovered thn ho liody had been otoloti and th oflin filled with sand. The medic ? ollego hero willboiaidcd late to-nigli nd many arrests are rxpccted , na it i ujposed the body trill bo found. MUHIUUIKU roil HIS MONKY , EAOT SAOINAW , Mich. , Novtirnbc 2. This morning an old man nanw liram CorrlcH was found dead in tli ; reet horribly mulilntod. H row from the bank the day bofor 1DOO and no policy wns found o lis person. A. notorious characte amod Jack Ryan , who had the win ' and hai orcd man's pockot-book ricU to pawn his overcoat was ai oatcd on suspicion. -wirrt IHCEHT. CHICAGO , November IS , Adiliao : Buck was arrested this uvcnin charged by his Bon-in-law , norland with the crime of Inocat with hia owi dauphtur , liorland'a wifo. She nUte that she was compelled to eubmit t her fiither ninco nlio 10 years o ago , nnd nl o thnt her two eistors hav bcuu dubivucliud by the father. Bud claims that it is nblitckmailingBcliciiu Ecoiiomy- A fnrtuno inny bo spent In lining Ino fi'ctual inudlcinca , when ) > y ntii > lyhi Tlioiiian' llclcctric Oil n ppecily nnd ceo- l euro can bo ulfcctcd. In case i ivimmtixtn , kino back , bodily nilment r prins of uvcry dcscriiitfou it nlfurda ii taut icliuf. _ If ' * ' CONDENSED LIGHTNING- ktloiiftl Amociatrd VtuM. UUOOKLTN , N. Y. , November ! . ' { . - Vin , ] j. Cocbran , a medical Hinder t Uelleviio college , living with h athor , David Cochran , at 210 Jlig treet , IIHH diiuppcnred with S2f)00 i percent. United States bonds bcloiij ng to Miss Mary A. Jlurvoy , hia foi or nistcr. iT , Mich. , November 13.- 'ho now fttcamship lininswick , Ca ] ain Chambcilain , foundered lai ight off Dunkiik , N. Y. , and tli ngineer and two cooks , whose mum ave not yet been ascertained , Wei rownod. KKW YORK , November 13. Tli National llille association liuu uiuli onijiderutioii the sending of a teat o \Vimblcdom next July , provided natch can bo arranged with tli Iritish aHsociixtion. CINCINNATI , November 13. Tli French guests remained in this cil all day and were r.howii < lie sights I ; , ho nuiyor and a delegation of citizen ; This avuniiui they loft for Louisvilli onrouto to Now Orleans. LOUISVILLE , November 13. Tt iiiuored this erening that Hour ] rawford of Chicago , has secured controlling interest in the Louiavhli Srow Albany it Chicago railroad. CHICAGO , November 13. A Boll villo special to The Chicago Hera ] ays that Dr. W. H. Woodward wi atally shot to-day by J. 0. Hun mroy , editor of The 13ollevillo Toll icopo , in a political quarrel. ALBANY , N. Y. , November 13. ikiff ferry boat , plying between HOU ! L'roy and Fort Schuylor , on this BH of the Hudson river , was wampi hia evening. The boat contained party of ( tovontoon Iron workers , eig ! of whom were drowned and nine n cued , KANHAH CITV , Novotnbor 13. , E. Ashbrook'u livery atablu wan d Htroyuil by lire at 12 o'clock to-nigl Seven horses and unumbcr of vohicl were burned. SICTNNY MEN. "Wells' Health llcnowor , " groatc remedy on oaith for impotence , leu nens , Hoxual debility , itu. One doll at druggist's. Depot , 0. I1. Got man. (5) ( ) Got Twenty Ytjurn. National AtttocUtol i'n a Nuw Yon K , November 12. Tlu doro McGurk , who confenied , wh ill in Erie hospital , to having mi dered a man named Meads at Whit dental department in 18G5 , wan cc victed of manslaughter to-day and nc tonced to twenty yearn solitary cr ( moment. He protested hisinnoconi This in the second tiial , the first hr ing roHitlted in a verdict of murder the first degree. Will Testify Against the Assam ! National Aiwoclitod I'rcsn , iA , November 12. ' bert La Toucheaf , a resident of tl city , who was Riihpojimt'd to-day United States Maishal Kearns to ti tify in dofonao of Guitoau , fonnoi bo.mlwl with the assaisin and was tornm of intimacy wit h him. His o denco will boar directly against thoi sanity theory. dot Out Doors. The close confinement of nil fade vork , gives the nncnitivo pallid fnci poor appetite , languid , miserable fe ings , poor blood , inactive liver , k ! noys and uriimiy troublea , and all t ph > siciiinB and medicine in the woi cannot'help them unless they get c of doors or use Hop Hitters , i pu'ost and best remedy , especially I suchcaooa , having abundance of heall aunahino nnd rosy cheeks in the They cost but a trifle. See nnotl column. C'/imfinn liccontcr , nov on. n. cuuijox , j. a , m Clarksoh & . Hunt , Siicvow r. to HlrliArdt & Hunt , ATTOENBYS-AT-LA 0m h N'Mi. r ri\ * sMM I j-oti n fcr Irctti 1 > > | > cp h ) line ItUUDOCK Mjnnn I11TTKH ( joti arc afflicted llli Hilioujnu" , "so IIUIltJOUK 1JI.001) IIITTKK I jou ftro prostrated with nick Hia-hdie , take IIUIUlOCK I1I.OGU IIITTiU : I jour Ilovcljnro illnorilcrcil , rcpihtf them wli 111 , on inrmt I your Wood \ > mptiro , purify It u llh nun DOCK IH.OOD rimru you ha\a Indigestion , you w 111 flnd r n nntMo i mmnocK HLOOU uirmt : 'toil ' an troubled x\ltli Spring ComphlnU , c l.itctljcin"with ! 1UJH1JOCK 111,001) llITll'.lt ) our Liver lj torpid , rcjtoro Itto liKiltiiynctlc ith nuuuocKiiLooi ) iiiTTiii : ! your l.hor Is affected , jon will a sure r loratUo In IIUItttOCK 111.001) HITTiil : ! j on hnvnnny species of Humor or Pimple , f.1 ot to ukc iiimnocic iiLoou IIITTKH : 1 you hao any f yinptoins ot Ulccrn or Sn-of uloi ores , acurntliorcmcdy HI lie fauml IH IIUHDOCK W.OOD IllTTKIU "or Impirllni * ttrcngth and \Itality to the py im , nothing canc'iml IIUUDOCK W.OOD im mi ! 'or Xenon1 ! and Oencnl liability , tone up tl jstem with IIUUDOC'K 111.001) WTTEIli HCB , 31.00 per Bottle ; Trial Bottle * 10 Ct FOSTER , MILBURN , & Co , , Prip BUFFALO , K. Y. SoUl nt wholesale by leh & McMahon nnti C. 1 oodman. Jo 27 cod-mo Ono of tlio Reasonable Pleasures 01 life , a piopcrly co .Uud meat clTariNllttJoi opnsupKnj .tiiion" , aiulimi Mib-quciit tc IKO toneoiiliiiU'iUl-iciifi < ' . Iatwli ! < ; ii thrui ' tiill ohtion intoinli'it'cil ' wl'Ji oilcitcr'a S'onni litiLrtin' food U en n with nlii'i , nml ino nliorl.aiir o ( n 1 , U ns-iinlntuil ! by anil nouiKh nu s > slcm. I'MI tliN > rra il ! n ml correct ! ' Iso to rimicil ) ioii > < tl | > itl4ii , lilioutnitu" , rlio 10 , IHII : , [ u. r anv a. uc. rorsjlu byall Driij'flstsnnilBO'lcrsKcncrall Vlary J. Holmes il : Madeline. A splcmlltl nc norcl by Slits. MARY J. HOLMES , wl > oso' nevi vll mo cnoriuously , and are read mill re IT : vitli sucli Inicrcit. llcautlfully bound ; pric l.BO. . AlmliandfiOtnoncwcJItloiisofMro. Holmi othtrorkH Tcnixi ( > t n' ' SmiHMnc , l.c Ihcn , Killth IIc , iVlna Drowning , Marian Gn Vest n , I'orcst House , ( .to , itc. ALSO , SOLD 11V ALL 1100KSK1 1.KUS : MAY AGNES FLEMING. A Changed Heart. Another Intensely liitt tlni ; IIOM ! by MAY AOM > Ftrvixo , author lloto cnjiltil noxeli Ouj' Hardcourt's Wife , Vnnilertiil Woman , Mul Marriage. Silent a : Pruc , Lost for a Woman , etc. Ikaiituull } bouc rice , ? l.t,0. Q. wTcARTcTON & CO. , OatSIJcodlin. I'ulilisiicra , N. Y. City. OKAY'S SPECIFIC TRADE MARK The Oie TRADE MAR hnn'llili mil * ciiy Ainin. ( aillui ; uiru Seminal rliui , 1 1 tall . follow UB n GEFGRETAK ! Q. iui'Ko ' of AFTER TACIH tieit Aliiiic , iw Ijoatal Mcinor ) , Unhcnal IM lilita , rain In ( ho Hiuk , DiniircHi of VMon , 1' tcaturo Old AKU , and many oilier Di-casca tl lead t ) Insanity or Coiisuiuntlon nml D 1'rei ; turoQra\o , /J/Tnll pirtlculars In oir imnnhtcr , wh wo dbslio to HI nd fnu trnmil to in cry o gatho .Specific : .MixIMno h loj ] by nli druitrfl atilpcr | iackr > KoorOpackic3 for J5 , or \ bo wont free liy mall mi rcu' iitof the money , nddicsslni ; TUB OKA IIIUIUINUCU. , Uuflalo. N. Y For Bale by 0. K Cloodr. ocTmo-ri WAE IN PASSENBEE RATES HOiinii : IiUOS. . IlroliurK lii nil Ilnllri TUI.otH , Omthn , Neb. , ollrr'Ucketsto tlio Kii until further nottcu , at tlio ( ollowlnir unheard Low Itati'u : Ohlcnf'o , I2 ; lloind Trip , S21.00. These i limited Hrst-ClnstTldat * nud irocxl for rcti tlirouKhtliojiMr.iuiUilatl'o Old Hcllablo C cogo , lIuilliiKton iV ; ( > ulucy llailroMl AUo , ( ay to l t cli , 2J NHVYOUK , filTO , 110STON. 2J CO. 1'1I1I.A1)KU'HIA , 2700. 211 WASllINuTON7oO ; , 211 For I'-mlciihra. ivrlUiorRoiltrMt to 110UI ! IlltOB. , Duileru III I'-eiliUf , ! Uito ItullrnivJ n rini-ililn Tickets , fcU3 Tunth St. , Oinnhd , Ni ItcnieinlxT tlio placr Thrvn Doors North Union 1'adliu lUllroail D.M.ut. Kut Side otTui Struct. Onmlia , Auitust , 1 , 1881 PAPEE WA11SHOUSE GRAHAMTAPER 6 ( 817 on.l 21B North llaln St. , fct. Low ? , IN } PAPERS KNVELOl'Ed , CAHD UOAUU AND Printers Stocl X CMh paid fcr Hgs anJ P ncr Stock , Bo Iron and Uetals. r | > or Stock W i Iiou M 1X49 to 12J7 , No NetoaskaLandAgem DAVIS & SMYDER , IBOti Fnrnham Of. , Omahn , Nobra Caro.ully itclectcil Und In Eastern Nobroakn * 0o. Uimt lUtvixlin In Improved firia , i Ouiaha city proixiity , 0. F. DAVIS WKBSTKH BNYU1 Late L uJ Com'r , P. R . . C. F. Manderson , ATTOENEY-AT-LA - - 8 Fiiuhkui St. ' , OouOuk N B $ * O " 3C BAStm & WELLS , Will Remove in a tew days to BOYD'S MEW OPERA HOUSE You will do well to call and examine our stock of BOOTS I SHOES At 1422 Douglas St , near 15th , Which will bo Sold ut Extra ordinary Low Prices Before - fore Moving. I I O tei AKD- Handsomesi IN THE T ? OT8 fT7 * k iW'iM if A R 1C For Sale by WM. F. STOETZBL 621 South Tenth St. THE OOCIDEUTAL J. I. PAYNTER Proprietor Corner 10th and Howarc Streets , OJMAIIA , KEB , Bates , Two Dollars POP Day Gil AND OPENING I TrofoMor Klshcr , ( from St. Louis ) Uauclnir Ai lulutny , Stan Janl Hall , cor Fifteenth ami Fan ham , Tuesday v\ciilnx , bt ) > tcmtcr (1th. C'lmt'3 for Ukillo4 and Guntlctnciicommcncln Tuesday nenlni ; Scjitcinhcr 6th ; cluitsoss Ic MUsoa anil liastcra , coiHtuciicIny Saturday aftci noon at 4 a'clrck. Clasuca for Families , ullll to suit tlio honorable patrons. Ali ballet dancing can l > o taught. Terms HlK'nJ , and poifect Batltfactlou to echo an KUifMitctxI. I'rlratoliibtructlontull 'XJK ! ' en at the Dancing Actiiuuy or at the naldciu of tin ) imtroni. 1'rlrato ciUcu } ac left at M x 11 ever . aai-SO-U -WHOLESALE On Eiver Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , neROmelV MARBLE HEAD LIME CO.'S Lumber Lath , , Shingles , rhirteenth nud California Streets , OMAHA , - - - NEB poStinolm - WHO LES ALB - BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DUAtntl N Wall Paper and Window Shades. . 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. n I. OBERPELDER & CO. , IMPOUTintS AND JOllBKHS OV 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. The only exclusive -wholesale house in this line in the west. -FOI o We desire to call the special attention of the trtido to our aloprnnt liuea ( at BOTTOM'PKICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan Jackets nnd Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls Hosiery , &\y open. V/holosale only. SHREVE , d/ARVIS & OO. , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. rti ISH & McMAHON , 1408 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , N&J3. * The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS. Jy 18-nio FEARON & GOLE , &i3i r 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Nob. Connlcnmcnts mode us will receive prompt attention. References , : State Cank , Omaha ; Flati 6 Co , , lialtluiore ; 1'cck < t Uanshtr , Chicago ; M wwt t nCincinnati. . 1213 Farnhsm St. , Omaha , Neb. GunsAsTimunilionSporling : Goods PISHINQ TAOELE , BASE BALLS , and ti . POLL L1HE OF IJOTiOKS AND FANCY GOODS. MAX MEYER & CO. Omaha , Me T CHEAP FOR CASH ! Base Burners. I Cannon Stoves. I Small Heaters. Remember the Place , 1211 Farnham Sfc , noSdSt POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , DHABS AND IRON , PH'B , BTKAU MINING UAOniNEHT , BELTINO , HOSE , FITTINGS I'ACKINa , AT WHOLESALE AND HCTAIL. HALUDAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A , L. STRANG , 205 Farnam St. , Oman a.