Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1881, Page 6, Image 6

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A Rainy Day and Dull Times
Generally ,
The Sorcerer Fulfills Expecta
tion find Play Again
"What the Uordics Have lo
Contend With Now ,
.A Hun -with Conglitornlilo Cash 1
Ills Clothos.
If J. Wellington Wells Imd Hi
power to cqnjuro up seine npiril thu
could Imvc dispelled the miser.ibl
Tve.illicrtho L'hilliiiritionic sociuly liav
Imd to contend with , lie no doub
would have donu so. Nolnithatnml
injj the kid wenllicr the oporn lious
ww crowded iit ; tin kit Mtjjht to wit
nens tlio second rendition of tin
'Sorcerer. " The nlijjht duqroo o
cmbarrasanirnt apparent the iitst evening
ing UUEJ not noticed no much Ian
evening. Each ono Kouniod inoro n
liomu on thu nbyo and took their p.irlf
decidedly butler. Tie ] entire com *
pany lacked two very iBionlial rcqui
aitca for thu faithful rendition of the
picco fotcunnd tonu of voico. They
di ( ' not put t'iioili ! ; force into the
acting nml foigot they were talking
3or the benefit of a luryo hall full of
listeners. Liwt mylit they nude i\ de
cided improvement in tlie o rc.specU ,
nnd by the timu they nro ready tc ;
visit our sinter city over tlio river they
will dimply mir-priso tlio | .coplo. Miss
Blanche Olivu ni pretty , Rweet little
/singer , and had the uudiuncu on her
aide from the Btnrt. Mr. I'ahnur is ;
fmo ( linger and in acting doim nicely.
Mr. Tulluy U n fine tiingor , but ii
fincnlchiK is incliued to npeak too low.
Mr. Jurison lakes the part of the "Vicar
exceedingly well but pilchua hi voice
n little low. Mms Morklo is a mveot
singer , and her acting in very fine for
nn mn nt our. Mr. Pun and Mien l a
1110 Arnold took their parts admirably ,
mid Mrs. Ocorgo Vim Oniun , the paw
opener , should have been called the
opener. Shu can furnish n crowd
with 120 lauylm in I'M minutes by the
watch. To be fully appreciated ulio
must bo neon. Profeeoor Senior han
dles the "baton" and Addio Horton -
ton the keys with their usual graoo.
On the whole tlio "Soiccrer" has thus
far proved a decided "hit , " Tliuru
will bo n matinco this afternoon at 2
o'clock. Don't fail to attend.
Tiiero will alwaya bo found in every
community a certain number of chronic
gruinbluni when anything in under
taken by homo talent. A man remark
ed last night that ho would like to BOO
the "Sorcerer , " but the public would
be swindled out of their money ; that
a few of the lending 01103 would got
the lion's share , and that the society
would derive no benefit. Thin nnmo
man will go to every double and
twisted finud of a show that cuinoH
hero ; _ will have a good Boat in every
old circus tent , whuro thousands of
dollars am taken from the people
nightly , nnd not a growl ; but
wuon for their own benefit
and that of tlio musical tmcioty to
which they belong , some of "our
own" got up an entertainment , these
growlers are nflraid there is a swindle
oinowhoro. Wo will say right hero
thnt every dollar received after the
legitimate oxpennca aio paid , will go
into a fund for the benefit of the
Philharmonic societyof CouncilBlulls ,
and wo hope they will bo many.
Mayor Vaughan attended the Sorcerer -
corer and wan well pleased , lie not
only attended himself , but had Uordica
and twelve mules hi attendance to
convoy these homo who came from
a distance. Our mayor is light
"weight , " but when it conies to "grit1
1 o cariios away tlio entire bakery.
D. II. McDanold & Co. , Chicago ,
yrho do an extensive branch business
in thia city , have commenced to erect
u building 80x25 on lower Main
troot , near the foundry. The in
crease of buHincsH demands more spa
cious quartera and its character a loca
tion further away from the thickly
populated district. This firm have
several branch houses scattered over
4ho west , but consider Council Blulls
the most desirable point owing
to its vast railroad system and facili
ties for shipping and receiving from
all parts of the country. Tlio building
will have a brick banement , with a
ono and a half or two story super
John 1' . Purely , who can tip a I'Vtr '
bank's at 'MO , and HO built by the
Great Architect that hu is unable to
count the buttons on his vcut , got into
* lit lo trouble the other day with one
of our leading but rather diminutive
citizens. Loud wordu were oxchangpd ,
1'urdy made tv motion , and , reaching
into his pocket , the little man linked
liiim what ho intended to do. "I'll
lot you know , " cried I'urdy , in a gut
terel tone. IJo drew from hw poukul
a hugo pine. "I dare you to etiiko
no , big as you are , " cried the citizen.
I'urdy granitic ] , and inking his l i { of
tobacco from hi it pocket , remarked
"Oh go nway I'vo lived for the las
twenty years , and wau never known t ( ,
triko an infant. "
I * . A. True , son of .Joninh True , ol
ATOCA , was in the cily joaterdaybo
fore County Superintendent Cooper ,
telling what ho know a tibout nohool.
teaching. Wo iinderiitand that young
True will bo engaged to db.out thu
young idea how to shoot out at Alin
don , thu county ,
Mr. Clark , city editor of our young
contemporary , JIM been Bonding homo
ftoino very graphio and iutiirettUii ;
kclchoa of his wcslcin lifo and moun
tain r&mbloa.
TIio gigantic proportions of the
inammolli elevator bf iiin to loom uj
in tlio wodtuin partof the oily.Vliui
completed , it will lie- the hirgtwt wru
of Chicago , Wo iindernluiid anothoi
will coon bo outturn need of double thu
cajmcily of this ono.
Mr , iunmrd , vrho lim ; In-on acting
as tgont ttliiB ) point fur the 1 . 0. Si
.Too AB. . road , Im moved uith his
family i < i St. Joseph , Missouri ,
So faros Iho Herdics nro concerned
51 may l > rove trim ( hat. a bad b < gin
ning ni.ikfs a ioml cndinir , for cor- titH'iiturjTiso A.I ever started
undir anch tinauspiciotii circiim-
stniiccfl. ] ( . hns boon nothing hut nun
and mud enough in dhcnurntfo Ihu
mules themselves siuco Mr. Vaugliaii
it Co. starlul tlioni , and how long before -
fore our aim-Is will got in good coudi-
lion to enable Iho In ihow
Ilium "IF lo tliu bust iidviintago it would
bo dillioult to conjecture , All wo ci > i
nny in the comiiai.y . nil ) havu their
tnotnl jm-ity well lusted if the travel
ing thuuld contintiu this nay nil win-
IT. 0. Oliver Iiaa moved hia staple
and fancy grocery bufincBs from
'IViifh avuiiuu to the ntoro recently
vacatoJ by Erb it Ingnolt.
Obi'ifolder & Nttwiiian claim to bo
nulling out nt cost , and at Ihu sumo
tinin givu nclico that they do not in
lend to move over to Om.'ilia. In the tor regard they exhibited moro thai
ordinary whilom.
A man who gave his name \V. II ,
MeL-jin olllcer Sterling
, was picked by
ling and CitB'c ' ycsleiday in tliu vicin
i y of tlio NoitluMstorn depot comid
i-taMy titidur thu iiillucncu of inloxi
aitui- : liquors , Thu ollicors suspicion
I'd tint hu wim in company vith , men
bunt on going through hia | > ockut9
when hu had been fairly laid out.
Ho wui taken to policu headquarters
mid a Hunruh instituted nnd tlio fact
revealed I hat ho uns a gontleiiiin ; of
means. They found a draft , in his fa-
t'or for $000 , a unto for $100 and a
nimll amount in uuih. Tin-no uiR-els
110 deposited Thursday night with the
v enl ub the Nrn th western for safe
.ecping. They will rem.iin in Judge
Uark's ' Hank until thu i.nui in biilli-
. iontly dry for ironing when they will
, ) ii returned to him loan thu ovpouse
} f keeping himaelf and bin elFect.s.
V. Julieris c.tllcd at TUP. IJnu ollico
yesterday , Jlo claimi to h.ivo the
ueat thing for tlio oiphtheri.i , and
icarlot fever yet diNcovi > rod by man ,
uid there is no doubt hia medi-
: on ia lirat-cliiai for the purposes in-
ended. Ho hai used it freely him-
lei but not enough to remove from
111 Hyntem liia gicenb.iclc ideas. Ho
itill tliitikH the doctrine will ovcnln-
illy jirovail in Ibis country.
Draidos giving the cliildrenn ride in
ho Hurdica nt a nickel a head , our
nayor ha ? donated to the Catholic no-
ioty a lot of hind woith S100. There
ploanuroIn giving whuim man him
ilonty togivo , and no ono rcalixo.i
| IH moru than our m.iyor.
F. M. Williams ban completed a
irgo two 6toiy frame dwelling houao
icar bin refeiilouco onl'nuikliii ' struot
ur renting purpose. Thin ia a pleas-
nt part of the city to live in ,
F. O. Fee ban eroded n neat and
ttractivo frame toncmont IIOUBO on
Jraco atroot in the upper part of the
There Bocma to bumorohouso build
up in the upper pail of tiio city than
11 any other portion at the preaent
Mrs. Nicholn has just completed o
no story f nil no dwelling on Grace
treut in the upper part of tlio city.
JudgnLarimur , together with James
L. Jackson nnd BOH , have returned
com a brief vmit to their western
lock farina.
lion. J. J. lirown , the well-known
nilroad contractor , has returned from
into an extended kuumoaa trip to the
Wo understand that work will noon
ummcnco in good earnest on Union
vunuo and pushed to completion at
10 earliest possible period.
J. Y. Fuller has returned homo
om quito an extended business and
loasuro trip.
Uflo Dr. Jotroris' treatment for diph-
icria , and nil ulcerative , intbmma-
iry , putiid or catnrrhal conditionn
f the thioab and noso. IndispotiBa-
10 in malignant ncarlol fever , also n
tire prevuntative. A phy&ician un-
occsaary. Follow diroutiona and the
usult will bo favorable in ovcry caso.
'ho boat catarrh remedy , curing him-
redo of cases where all else fail. The
lortalitv from diphtheria in Europe
nd the United Statoa , from DO to 77
or cent , under Dr. Jefforis' treat-
lout , the death rate i/i / merely nomi-
al , only ono-fifth of ono per cont. , erin
in DOO. Trice , SfiJ.OO per treatment ,
lodicino sent by express , 0. 0. D.
nldross Dr. Thoman JeHoris , Council
thiU's , Iowa. at m-w-tf
Dlntriot Court-
The cane of Clark VH. the Omaha
llovator company , W H concluded Fri-
ay afternoon and given to tlio jury.
'hroo other petit jurore were dis-
harmed in the morning by Jndgo Sav-
go until Novonibur 21 t , when court
kill bo resumed. The intervening
imo will bo occupied by Judge Sav-
igo m holding court in Hint county.
llrailfurd. Pa.
Thoj. FItclian , Itnulfonl , ! ' . , writoB :
'I iinclosu inonoy for tifltlNU llUMsoil. in
I null ! I would If It cuiisl tiiu. My dydiiop-
'la ' had vauUhtd , with nil IU Hymitouw. )
Umy th.kiikH ; I ulmll nu\vr ho witlunit U
11 the houiiu. " 1'ilco BO contu , trial hot-
.loa 10 c-nta. ITeodlw
Doutli Roooril.
Mr * . Marie IfenderHon , aged 02
yaw , dii-d ut 4 a. in. November llth
vt IHT rocidouco on JOIICH street , bo-
Iwei'ii lUh ! and 1 ith. Funeral at 2 p.
in. Saturday.
Mrs. Sarah Mmigan , mother of Mr.
Lawroncu Mangan , died 'nt her rosi-
Junco , 12J2 Jacknon street , near JJHh ,
ig > d 75 ycaro. Saturday nt
il)0 ; ! ) a. m. , from the residence and
lirocevd to Ninth htreut Cathedral ,
nheio mana will bo hold. Friunda in
Very elton no BOO a person auirer <
ing fr m noino form of kidney com-
jilutnt and is gnulually dying by
niches. This no longer need to bo o ,
For Hluctiiu HittuiH will positively
' f llnf-lit's dineaho , or any dineasoof
ihti Lidiiiiyv orudnuiry organs. They
iiw iMjifuiulIy aduptod to thia class ol
ili 6mc , acting directly on the and Liver ut the HUIIIO time ,
viil viJ ) bpwdily ciio where every
olb-r | roim-dy h.ia fuilml. Sold at
llfty iHiit ) A luitUf , . ! ) l.ih it Mo-
MIUIOII , ; < t
The ( carting Sclcnttiti ot to-day n rco ( lilt
iroft ill co oH urc cniuic < l lijr illiwir'IcrM kdi ! < > > F
nrlhtr. If. Ihrnforu , llio kiiliin" tavl liver fire
kiptln pcrfuctonl r , [ Htfuct lioilth wlll'utlio
rcmilt. 'llilx truth liani tily linn known ft fluirt
tliiiunnil tor jinri ju-oplc cnHcrul crest ai-oiij
witlinnt lichiK ftMc to llnd rolkt. Thu ill "iirj
of Warncr'n fttc Kliln y MH ! Liver Uun tMrki a
nt * cm In llio treatment of tlnto trotiMci
M.vic from n fhii'li ] ; tro | Icul Icnf of rnronluc. . It
.nU DM Juit the < ItinuitN laccsHjry to notiri'li
nnilin\lic'r.ito ( ' liolh of UHHO cront or nii , mid
Kifcl ) rtHtnrc nml kccii thum Inorilir. Itlfli.
fotltl c Urmedy for ( ill the ill e re thatiail > o
aim In tliu liiwer jnrt of tlm lioilj-fnr Torpiil
I iici lUftilAclitKJ.iunillco DizzlniHH ( Inuil
I'cvcr'iiu - Iilirr uncl I'rlnnrv Ordain.
It l. < mi f.scn'lciit tuiilMfo rcuiuly lor ( cimli .i
liirl'i | rreunancy It lll control Mciistrintlon
mil In In HI liable ( or Li ucor rliuA or I'nlli'i ot
tliL-U'oinl ) .
AH n liloo < l I'urlflcr It IH tnicquilol , for It cure *
liu orfTftiin that Iniku tlio Mood.
TlilM rtiiR'ily , liiih ln ilnnu iicli nonJrr ,
mt up In the LAItllKS'l' ' hlX.KI ) HOT I I.I. of i
iifilliinu iii-oii tliiiin.irkit ami h MOI | by IJrii
KlxtH anil nil ikiUrN nt SI.2G iirr liottlo. Tor
lhlclL * , iii'lilri | for WAUNKnM HAFK HI
IITISUUHI : : iti i. tvi : uuncjy.
H. H. WARNER & CO. , Rochonlor , N. Y.
JClO tll'ttl-Klt-
Tlio "American Oattlo Journal , "
WANTI'K Atrrntii and co rc-jwmUntN In
extr ) muni } In DID I nlleil M.-I'IH to rantn < H
nml HI t nil i lulu Kvirj miburrllier lO-tn u "I'ri-
iilnin Tkk < t"aml ilriun n jiilzu In thn Annual
H'trllmtnn nl Illooildl faille , Sluop ,
'oiiltrj , AKtlciilturil Implement ! ! , Hio H , Kinl'H ,
Trti" , Jcwi-lrv , llook , itc Knli cilptlun , < 1.0U
} cirln m h nn co .Sptclil jirlztx oUcrul for
auuntn Mini ! Ktami > fur noinpli . AililriMH W.
0 II. AM.I.K , l'iil . "K.rit .Vcbrixska" ( The
Amor icnn t'utllo Joiiriml" ) Onuihi , h'J tf
Commission Merchants.
"or the fftlo of Farm l'ro > luco ; I'otntocn 1'oultrj ,
Ituttcr , KKRH n-cclM-d anil no tl on
toninilK lon.
Cnnh ndmncm maJo on conflKnmcntfl.
iV.ircliouio and Btoro , 1413 Dodge Street
Omaha , Neb. Bisto
310 BouUi Thirteenth Htroot , with
-1 M.Woolworth.
John G. Jacobs ,
( Formerly of Ol lii , Jacob * , )
-Jo. - 1 :7 Foniham St. , Old Stand of cob m .
eSTOnlum ov Ti lmr nli Snllrltnd Sr
For morn than n third of nocnturv thn
nirxlcniiMimlniifI < liilnieiitlmHUacii
knonn toinlllloim nil ever thn world IIP
tlm only huff ) rcltnnco Tor the rullof of
iiorliU'iiti uiul ruin. It U n mmUclno
nhovu jirlco mill prnUiiv the bent of It *
kind. Fur L-\ try Turin of ozUimol paUi
Jluntnnp I.lnlmcnt Is without Rn onnnl.
11 jtcuctrntr * flrih mid luucclo to
( lie very bone ninUlnr ; thu conUnu-
iincfi of pnln Kin ) luilnniinikUon ImpON-
nlblx. Itfu-fToclHiipon llumiin t'U-ah iiml
llm Jlrtito t'rciitloii uro cijuully rrouilur-
fni. Tlio
J.lnlinont la Jiocilrd hy sninobody In
viiry ) ioti3 ( . Kvpry iluv UrliiKH HUWH nt
I lie ii oiiyofun nivfitl nciiltl or burls
mibilnt'il , of rlirunintlc inuityrn 1-1-
Ntoiotl , or \ulitivlI liurun or ox
nuvi tl by tliu liunluift potrurof Ihlj
wulcli speedily eurcn such allmon'a of
tlm HUMAN VMWll i\D
ICiettniKt t li , Mivolllnftii. Htl/T
Jnliiti , Cniitrr.ctnl Mitor.i : ; , Unrnx
ud Ncnliti. Cu-t , 15ru' = niici
Vprnlllt. IZrfHu < nat Illtrt nnd
T > ninonrun. Old
ljiplo , Cntiuil llrenot , nut )
lnil i > il crrry form nf cxlcruul Ulu-
enio. It henl * MllhoutHCura.
Kor thu HuuTi : UUKATIOH it euros
Nprnliif , Nwlnny. SUIT Jnlnti ,
Founder , rinriioi Norn , Hoof I > U-
rmri , Foot llot , Ncrevr Worm , Hcnb ,
Hollu r Horn , Ncrntclirn , HVIuil-
Snlli , Mpavln , Thrimli , ItliiKlionc ,
Id Norci , Poll ivll , film n\tan
( he HiK it and every otlirr ailment
to which the occupant * of the
table nml Stock Yuril ore Ilulilr.
Tlm Mexican MimtuiiK L.liiliiient
always curva anil nuvor dlsuppoluta ;
ouil U la ,
Roml for out
Nuw Illustra
ted Prico-LUt
No. SO , for
tr of 1831. Free to miy addrcs.1. Contains -
tains full description of all Hinds of gootla
or IH.TJOIIHI and family ut > c. Wo di-al
directly with the consumer , imd sell nil
; ooda in nny ( itmntlty nt uholtMle iirieea.
You can buy Lcttor und cheaper thun lit
2L7 and JJ'JO Wnlmh Avfnuc.Cliicngo.llL
O . R. CLIUKMIX. / . U , HUM
Glarkson , Hunt ,
BucwKiHi * " to Ulchnrda i. Hunt ,
81 KthHtrrvt OIK hi NMi ,
Bptck ] ttUntloa tficu to Kjltclloiw lu llnllti
"U-ino Cuj
In thsmitttcroltlio f > Utec ( l'd r J. Johnson
KotUc 1 hcrrhy Rlirn thai tha rrcdlton f )
ilil tkntLttd , mil int the itlmlniAirntor of ml
l > Utlitfoio tnc , County Judge ol iMtigU
tonnti , NclirMl.iv , nt n Coun.y i ouit Itoom. I
1C iiirity , on tliu 2tlh < ! > rf , IbSl
on tlio SI Ii ilay of . aninrv , IS'iZ , nnd o < th
illli l y of Mirch , 1S-W. ftt lu ti'cloc'K n in. rac
I iy , lor the immune of | in cnUnif th lr chlm
'or ciciiiilimtloii , ft > IJiistintnt nnd iillnu&nce
Ix mnntliA nro nlloKul ( or Lrcilltim ti ] irt < < cii
lliclr claim * , niidnricj&trfortlicn'liuliiliitrntort
i .lieKvM l > tr\tc , from tlioSltli d\v of Sctitcm
I r , IS l.thH nolle c Mill l > o lnililMiv.1 ll > Til
OH/IIA W'Kfiiu IitKfor four woikn mtccwUi.lj
prior In tliuZltli ilay of Not club r , It l.
( Atmciovy ) A. II. OIIADWI K ,
tn-ti ! ) wit Uonntv
To the Stockholcl'rs of tlio HehrAska Qa
Llnht CompAny.
rfitlcc , Hint fiechl | mctttn ? nf M |
dirn will lc luld ot theritn'Obfdnt
, riunln , at 4 p. in. , on tlio ilny n
Duimher 1 81 , Mr ih | > uriv > ol -tlns-cv !
piidlr it/irn , uiul the olllccM if ( litro > piny
' ) < riilii\lii l > c iiaMliuuli tktt dlrictorn
tinImt ADI u l tniT'liiir.
BVI.VANCS WlliH IT , 1'rn'ldfnt ,
PltVVK MUltl'IIV.Hcc-clAry.
n-i'rd OTivln , Nuj Uth , IsSl. ni < 0 6t
To Cuthsrlno Hcdilu , nnn'rcildent dtfcndftiil ,
Von nro lieiiliy notilud that on thu 2d dy o
Siptdulicr , mi , John lloddu phlhtitT , niixl hi
petition In Iho District , Court , ulthlnmi-1 to
biinulaH Count ) , Ntliranka , nrnliiht ) v 11 nx tU >
fdidtlit , thoolijul * nilir | > > i.rof wlilch j itllloi
Ip.tonhtiliiailuripnf illt.rci3 ( from the bond
ollnmtrlniony nlth joii fur Ihu followl-i rainci
lo-wlt : Ut , liMiilutldrunkriincM ; Sd , vitrctni
cruelty , fttid for ( 'cncrnl relief.
Vounru rerulri-l | to Minwur KOI ! iiclltlon or
thoU4tli day ol fjLtoHr , l > kl ,
HOA.VKiCAMriir.M , ,
7 fit Altorntv * lor I
In Iho Circuit Co'trt of llio United Stales for the
DNtrlit nf Nilin li :
NiwP. jrlvd. , . .
bccuilty i oimm.y
Marthi A. Conrad Mul I
( Itorxo 1\ Conrad \
rnnniiwi IT. or MorttOAni1.
Piili'lo noticu Ii lio'ibv Khui , tli In ptirmiiknce
nml It ) Inii-of ndtcKti tntcicd In > vc
I'HUHo , on the Siil i'ny of Kcptinilicr , 1SS1 , I ,
KI.IH ! , . IllMtHOWKs. Knal | , ! HnHter Ii
Clianc-pij In ndd U > nrt. uitl on thu Otli ihy of
lleiinilit-r , thu liiiur of 3 o'clock In thu
nfiirnoon of i iU > , nt the urnt door ol
tin IJnl nl Milui Court HOUKC nnd l'o > t uilkc
liulldiiiK , In the Cltv of Lincoln , l/Mienitcr Coun
ty , htatonul I'l'trlrt of Nolnnskn , nil nt nuc
tlnn ill follnuniil | tcrlh > il iiropurty , to-wt | :
Tliu noitlmc t quartir of motion numbered
ten (10) ) in louii-lii ] . numUrtd thlitj ( SO ) and
inn an nitieri.d lxri ) ovt , In llio County ol
Diion nnd htntu ot llr.1 ka.
Kf.l.lSI. . llIERIlOWEIt ,
FjK-clnl Ma < iUr In Chan try.
I > . 0. llitt , Solicitor for Complainant. nil 5t
n the matter ot tlic K tnto of Jamoa K. Ih ,
floccn ud.
NotlCB IA horrliy | > cn that the creditors ot
nld deceased , will meet the ndmlnlttrlx of wld
> txlo , before me. County Judjo of Doucliu-
'ounty , N.lra kn , nt thu County Court Itoom
n wild County , on theiithdayof Deceinbir.lSM ,
on the fith day nt February , 1882 , nnd on theflth
lay of April , 1832 , nt 10 orclotk n. in. on.h ( Ky ,
for the purjioac of prfucntlnj. thilr clnlmt for 01-
nnilnntlon , adjiihtnifiit nml allonnncc. Six
miint a nro alloArd for cridltnm to preiient their
chlm , und onu jiar for the uilminlntratrlx tc
ncltlo wild curate , from the ( Ith day of October ,
18bl , thU notl 'o lll l)0publl hul In TIIH OMAII/
WfKKl.Y HKR for \u-ekneuccosbholy , pnor to
thnfath day of December , 1881.
( A truu copy. ) A , M. CHADWICK.
oclDwlt County
OMMIA , Nun. , Oct.ZSth , 1SS1.1
You uro hereby notified thnt IJtxter I , .
purchased nt the countj trea-tunr utncc , on th
Ctli ilay of June , Ib79 , nt privntc i > ilo. The fol
lowing parcel ol land lor tnx i of 1877 , for pllit |
dullnmuiul nlnct ) C.RI . t cci.tii { Wh6) , and the
Id Dexter I. . Thomni lias tr nsferrul naid ctr-
tllkato of fule \\'llllnm Connor for the eum of
tui dollars nnd twenty-tbrce ciniH10 ( 23) ) DO-
HI rliition of prc [ titj , toit : Commenc rtg 10.27
iluifnt , Kef S\V coniLrof bK } , thence N 3.I6J
rlmliiH , thrnco K3.1jchalnfithciipca ( leichainc ,
thi-nc W 3,1 1 chalnn , to plao ol bt im in in
H W of b KHIC Ion No. 10 , inn e U , 13 , contain-
Inj ; onu ncru That 1 will tnkc out u tni dn I in
Uiroo months from date of thlt notice. ni ! 3t *
Ill Iho Circuit Court of tba United Etatea tot the
DWrlctof Nilra-ika :
Jiunt.H K. 0 ah rwood , I
Cahln Rutlcr k Uobtcca Butler fla C1"1"1 ? .
U. W. Dunn & Henry Keller. ,
Puhl'c notlco h hrreby ( then , th tlnpnwian (
nnd by rirtuo of adocrre entfK-d In ihc nbove
rawe , on the SnJ ilay of Scp-cmbor , IbSl , I ,
H.LIH 1. . HIKHItflWEH , BlKC'ol Ma-tft iu
Clmmory In mM Court , will on the etlnlayof
I > oc L-iiibtT , 18jl , nt the liour of 3 o'cloi Jc In the
iftornoon ol tld any , nt tbu wwt door of the
United StatiH Court 'lou o ndrot't Oltico build
Inif , In the City of Mnroln , LuncAit r County ,
SUtuand IllntrUt of Ni-br-vka , ol ! M. auction
Ihu followlni ; di-s ril > c' < l prcin-rty , to wit.
TlinmjutlnH-tqunrtprol tlio Kiuthuist quar
ter , Htc'lan n imbinil nlnitcvn ( ID ) , and the (
half of llio northea t i iurt.r ( nd the noithw t
luartorof thot > orlheftntiuurtercf | i-ction num-
litrwl thlrtj ( M ) , nil In townihlp numbcruil
lhlrty-oima ( ) und nn numbirtd two(2) ( umt ,
In tlio oumuy o ( Citlnn.nd State of NobnvOia.
KL1.ISI. . JllKltllOWEK ,
Special Muster in Chnuarr.
D. O. Iliru , , So Icltor for Coinplalnaat. n w5t
Fall and Winter
At New York Prices at
E. I , & I. Peavy's '
1300 Parnhain St. ,
OMAHA. - - - NEB.
Eiamlnntion of Teiiolicn.
I will lo prospnt ut my otllro In Crcljihton
hlock on thu flr t Siturda ) of wh month to i
ainlno Huch npiillcnnu at nuiy donlra to tpnch
In the public nohoolr * In Douglm county. Quar
terly examination first .Saturday In Kelruary.
Ilay , AUtfutt and Moi umbur.
J. J Por.Ttn ,
Count } Hnpt. ubilr Inntruitlui
Prof , W , J , Anflor'8 ' Select Danc
ing Aoaflomy ,
A. Hoipe , Jr. Hall , 1510 Dodge St.
( .law for irentlenicn commonclnsr TiicmUjorcn
Injr , Oct. , Clans for Udlrrt rrtnjinencintf Thurs-
duymcninic.Oit.O. TeruiH llboral. TIu > ivw
luothotl i 1 hive for t chlng the Wr.ltr , Olldn
I can unr nt | iotfuct fatUfju-tlori c
> 'or Unn , Ac. , call tt A. Hn | > o , r. .
Aio Bl7dlm
RIPVPI CO iKmAKentff COI.I'illllA
IbrM centi'i.iirp ' forCaUlogu *
inl j'rioo lid ; couuiLicv f
loforiuatlon ,
Paiit , Oll ( titd Glm
The Oroilitun and Hiobrara
Hunii dully , le \lni ; CreUlitnn nn arrltal of
tmliiHatf , Wn m. Arrh .U Mol.raii. 1 * 30 1. .
in , U-a\o ) Klobrara , 11:30 p. in ArrUei'at
Crulhtoii | at U x in. . In limn tot train. Furo , "
ar.oitui : mnuY : ,
And Notary Public ,
ock , O otllo " > " ' rvr > 1"
" "
Ho. ItVOHFurnkiun Ktrw t ,
OJrweuvBCAusraaTB. .
0 u : .Vor.b tlJa opp. Orud CcutrJ Itutrt.
1319 Farnham Street.
Within the next sixty days we expect to occupy our new store at
1315 and 1317 Farnham street , adjoining our present stand , with a
stock of
and meanwhile we desire that all Omaha should take advance of the very
v\r JE
_ Preparatory to moving wo oftor our entire stock nt a pront sacrifice. Study cnrolully the
prices -wo quuio , bonr in mind that wo buy nil gooda for cnah , do the lartroat etrictly retail dry
geode bucinosH between Chicagoanrt Sant'rancisco , n d nim to civo our customcrH tlio boneflt os !
ail the low pricea aud extra cash discounts given us by mauufacturera and iinportery.
liuaverGloakn , handtiotiudy triminct
with I'.iRinionturio mid Satin , Bilk
Vdv t , S3 00 to § 1.00.
All Wool Boavoi'OloAlio.froin $8 00
to S12.CO.
J5o.ivcr Dolman ? , handsomely trim ,
mod with Silk nnd Fringe1 , 8 00 , or
with S.itinSilk aiidr.iHiinoiilurii ! Deep
Fringe , Corded und T.vsskd , § 10.00.
At $15.00 we oll'i-r n liandsomiily fur
.rimtnod nil \Vool Dingonil : Doliimn ,
and nt $18 00 wo show four stloi of
DolnmiiH worth fully ? 20.00. Ltuht
Fackotn nt $9 50 to $12.00. In Liyht
Dolmans wo ( .how ovorl. ! styles , from
? lf 00 to$35.00 , making encciul tiriccs
it 820.00 und § 25 00.
Silk Dolnmm fromtr > . ( )0 ) to S7C 00 ,
nil hiuidaomoly trimmed with Pur
badiea' Suitings , Cashrnoreo ,
Silka and Plaids. Novelties.
40 inch .Black CiishmoreaCOc. , 7Gc. ,
05c. , SI 00.
10 inch Dlack Cashmeres , 75c. , 90c. ,
? 1 00 , $1 25.
Wo will ngico in all cases to refund
ho money for Cashmorus should they
lot provu Bntiefactory. Our prices will
m found 20 to 30 per cent less than
hoao uatiiilly asked for earao qualities ;
ill wo asked ia comparison.
40 inch French Flannel Suitings ,
4Cinch French SilkaudWool Plaids.
? 1.00.
48 inch French Foullo and C.imels
Liir in extra heavy weight , $1.05 to
2 00 n yard.
48 inch Drap doEtoat 81.25. gl.oO ,
§ 1.80 , S2.50.
Ladies' and Children's
50 dozen Ladies' all Wool Seamless
Hose , 40c.
25 dozen Ladies' oil Wool Seamless
loao , extra heavy , 60e.
25 dozen Ladies' fmo Cashmere
HOBO , 7Cc. , worth $1.00.
Children's all Wool Seamless HOBO
or school wear , all sizes , 25c. , worth
Oc. to 50c.
Boys' all Wool Gray Mixed School
Hose 40c. . worth 50c. to 75c.
Ladies' extra heavy Fleeced Lined
3olbrigginn , 50c :
Ixidiot ) ' fine Merino Vests , 45c. ,
vorth COc.
Children's fine Merino Vests , 25c.
o $2.00.
Men's Sox , Shirts ,
200 Dozen Seamless Fancy Hritiah
Sox 25o.
25 Dozen Mon'a Fine nil Wool Scarlet -
lot Half lloso 50c. a P.iir fully worth
25 Dozen Fine English Merino HOBO
35c. 3 for 81.00
Niunihm Unhlcaclied Sox $2.00 doz.
Extra Fine Unbleached Sox 2.50
Best Quality Linen Collara § 1.50
Best Qunlily Linen CutFu S2.50 doz.
Another invoice of Mini's Pique
Sown , Stitched hack Derby Street
Gloves $1.35 piir , usually sold at
$2.00 to $2 50. Every pair warranted
not to break.
Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers
Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers
50c. , worth $100.
Heavy Merino Shirts"or Diawera
$1.00 , worth $1.25.
ForSL.25 wo sell a very heavy
Patent Merino Shirt or Drawer that
has heretofore sold for SI 50.
Seamless Shirts or Drawers from
61.50 , formerly 81.75 , up to the beat
Curtwri lit anil Warner's Hand-knit
Scotch Shetland Wool.
OKDKRS TAKEN for Silk.Undot-
In this department nil goods are of
our own importation at the prices
wo name , ffo houao west of Now
York can compete with ua.
19 inch Black Satins , all beautiful
uatrc and well covered , 7oc. , 85c. ,
95c. , $1.00.
22 inch Black Satin , $1.00 , $1.25 ,
$1.40 , $1.50 , 81.CO , $1.G3.
A complete line of Colored ti lDs
at 90c. , equal to the § 1.25 Satin of
"ant Hca.son.
Black Gros Grain Silk 50e. , 75c. ,
80c. , gl.OO , all -worth 2oc. , a yard
Caehmuro Finish Gros Grain Silk
rom § 1.16 to 83.50.
Wo have full linus.of our celebrated
jrand of
Cashmere Alexandre Silks
31ack and Colored Plushes , full 21
nchou wide $3 50.
19 inch Silk Velvets from 81.25 to
Over 20ftiaHio's | to choono from.
3 Uwtt.ui Fisk , Ulark &
Glovca , 75c.
4 Hutft.n . Fiak , Clark A , Flngg
Gloves , 81.00.
(5 ( Button Fifik , Clatk & Fla
Glovm , SL 25.
The above are well known in th
east a > j ono of the bust Gloves made.
The makcra Bold us all they Imd , and
w o assure our p.itroim that tht-y rank
as hij'h an nny lirat-chfls Glovokno rn.
Ubitilly Boiling at $2.00 , ? 2.25 and
$2 50 per p , ir.
Wo are aolo amenta in Omaha for
Courvoisier Kid Gloves.
3 Button Courvoisii-r Kids , $2.00
4 Button Coinvoisier Kids , 2.25
G Button Courvoibk-r Kills , 2.GO
Foster Lace Kids , all Lengths.
3 Button Heat Kid , Black , only $1.25
4 Button Heal Kid , Bluck , only 1.50
' \Yhon Gone wo ciinnot replace.
Hand or machine made nil Silk
Spanish , Guipure , Uhintilly and other
now style Laces , from ono to twelve
inchu.s , Deep Cream or Ulack.
Sp.miah Lace Scarfs from 35c to
5.00 each.
AVe also'ndd to our nock of
Ten Cent Ribbons
Many now colors and extra widths ua
Satin nnd CJro-j Grain.
Como early this morning. *
Our Blanket Stock ia the largust in
Omaha , and us our prices will show is
by far the chcapust wo ever olFored.
100 Pnirs 10-4 White Blankets 81.50 ,
worth 812.50.
100 Pairs 10-4 White Blankets $2.00 ,
worth § :5.00. :
GO 11-4 Whtto Blankets $2.60 Pair.
( JO 10-4 White Blankets $3.50 Pair.
00 11 4 White Blankets $4.50 Pair.
The Bust $5.00 BlnnUts in the West.
50 P-iits Eitrji Heavy all Wool
Blnnknta fcti.fiO.
50 Pairs 112-4 Extra Heavy Blaoket *
50 Pairs 11-4 all Wool Blankets
An Extra Largo San Jose , California ,
Blanket for § 10.00. The Very Beet
Bigun in Omaha.
48 Bed Comforts G5c. each , irortk
75c. to $1.00.
48 Bed Cornfortfl 75o. each , wortk
§ 1.23.
48 Bed Comforts , very largo and
heavy , at § 1.U5 each.
Fine 1'rouch Blankets of our own
importation from 815.00 to $50.00 a
S. IP. [ MIOIRSIH ! & OO. ,
1319 Farnham Street
/ &
We respectfully request the attention of the Ladies of Nebraska
o the announcement of the arrival of the largest and most recherche
nvoice of Fur Lined Promenade Wraps ; Silk , Plush and Embroid
ered Matelaise Dolman's ever imported west of the Missouri.
Trimmed Elaborately -with every Shade of Plush , Satin , Velvet Passementerie.
Suits and Costumes in Innumerable Varieties.
Plain and Embroidered Dressing Sacques ,
For the Conitructlon of Sidewalks.
Rtnlnl pronomh will Iw rrcthcil lij tlio under.
KIHNJ nnlll No\i'inticr liith. ISbl , 12 o1"1"
eon , for tliu coti.t ' .cthn anil rrpilr > nt > n
ulk In front ot ami adjoining thu ( ollonlr
i-ilbid | ireinlti , tO'wIt :
Lit 8 , b'ock 86 , north bl < lo of fa * * sti <
IU t 16 frit lot 7 , Mock 26 , north Mu CM
I/t 1 , 1'loik 49 , Ht-t xlili ) 'J'Jml M
lxt I , Mock 12 , mtU eiili ) Wttatrr ft *
> o re alrtd.
WuitfOOfcotof douth r 2fcft < ' ( | nt r n "
rtilltlon , on north l.iuol t'arni'ain i
houtli US ( vet lot 3 , C 1 > 1U > I | i i i MJ '
uio of I'utnliaiii.
4 , Capitol addition , north Ma r.Jo I . m.
.am eri'c
Ixit i , Capitol addition , north lUr Kirr J.GI
tri' t.
Oiulln. NcTCtnWr Srd , 1FS1.
J , J. 1. . 0. JKWI.TT.
tit )
In Convenience ,
* af < * y a C y fi < Jy o
Lang & Fotick