Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1881, Image 1
r 1 ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA , FRIDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 11. 1881 , NO , 121 ft : orSale By FIFTEENTH AND DOU&L4S STS , , No I , Vo liounp , 7 roomy , on Cilraln etnct No 2. i ! Kt i ) iiouHc , D room' , uill , barn , VVelmtor , m ir 16th strict , ttfiOO No 3 , Homo of 10 roonn , on Harno > , uoar ll strict , ntonn founditlon , $1000. No 4 , LjirKO hnUMi of II IOOIIIH , on VV'cbiter rtn-ct , tioar OniKhton Colle u , < l')00. No 0 , H msu of 7 roonw. on Cnsn , ITtli ctrvet , 4ibOO. No. 7 , Houof 3 rooirR , llfjti , on 17th Btr ct ncur IztrJ , # 1 00 No 8 , House of fi room * , on Cftua , neir llth , 22xlta ft lot , $1500. No , l > , HOUHO o. U rosin. ' , kltclien , V'K , 01 Ca'w , iu-arl3tih t cot , V'OO No , 10 , llou'o of , ] room * with lo' ' . * 2\13J fact , oil < J.v , ncnr llth stixot , $ .KM ) So. 11 , llou > u of 0 roonin , on lOtli htnxt , ntar Dousjlax , 4iett lot. $4000. No IJ , HouMiQf 6 rooinii lir eh founJx'loii , on Ilarnc/ , near J7th fctrcct , ylWO No IJ , 1 Etorj ne hoiwc ol 0 roonw , line ! . foundation , on bt. Jim V'H QMIIUU , near convent , 16JO. No 14 , Ifonae of C room' mnl < lun oil SOUl Ntivot , ninr rlArl : , i"J ! > ( W. No li , ItouMi cf S rooirn , on Mu.nnan ftMiiii * ( inth Htrt-ot ) np r MchoU , 22aO No lil , 1 J-story IIOUPO ot ) rooms , rnllur , itftblo , utc , , on Da\ntj oit , imr 22 > 1 BtriH.t , J1WK ) No 17 , 'J ilory lirifl lieu u oJ fl roonw , m r cnJ of rwl * tn et car turn table , SiJ. No 13. Ilouso < uid S lot * , t ulocirf wout of Il bchool , $2riX ( ) . No 10 , If ouio and S loU on rood to purlc , near bead fit. llnre. . \ unite , WfOO No 20 , Houno und lljlotauo * ? tlMcaH'i- , South Omaha , 8ir < W. No , 21 , Uou'o nnd lot on Dmcnp rt htrrat , ear lOUi ntrwt , JMUO No i3 , 2 tnrj IIOUM nnd 1 t 32vGa ftet , on CarenK > rt. near 12th xtrcot , tflTOO No 23 , Ilouso o'4 roonu und 1 ! lotMoa ( root , near Lzan ! , Ht'XQ. No. 15 , House and J lot on ICUi rirc-et , I rar No. iff , lIouKO and J lot on 10th rtrvet , near dp to ] avenue , $1(50 N . 7 , S houMM and 1st o J JiuXaon , ne-vr ISlh ttrmt , (4800. * No CD. 6 houica and 1 lot on CblUomla , near Stli ntrnet , t XX. No BO , Ij rtori- brick bouro of t rooina with ! ot. 0n200foet , ouHhtrnwn HTCUUH now Inard , $3XX ) . No. 31 , 1 } Btory houno and 23x63 f < * t on ISlh trcnct , near HoivarJ etriot , IT20VQ No 32 , vetory houixi of a roonu and tuo lotfl n llftBOn , near 15th street , $ .1000 N ° JJo , LarifohouHB u d full lot on Capita f venue , neur 13th i-trrot , % 2yX ) . No. 3d , 2 three star , } brick houfoi wi lot 44x 13 feet , on nuar ISth ntrt'L t , . ' 0 uidi ho. 37 , Hoaw of 7 rooms with IJ lot I'.iul itrtwt , n ar liith street , ? 27&0. No 81 , Houw ) und lot on 18th street , ncr Bhorruan , filSiO. No. 80 , IIou or > (5 ( roortw 1th44j 6 f t lot , on 18th strixjt , near C'ullfornl * , > iZliW No tZ , Houe l H roomn wtb lot IJCnlDOlei't , on Coburn , near Colfnx Btri'ot , * 3MQ No. 48 , HOUJW and lota on Oilcs/o , near Ulth Mtreei , 975JJ. No 45 , Ijirgn hononof * roonin , well and cintorn , on IStli , nuir ( lark utreot , No 40 , houra with full block , nwr n\iw ahoU over , $2000 No 47 Houxti of 9 roims with ' , lot , on Piu.Uli\ near lltli Ktroct $304) No 40 , llnck bouHoof 11 roonts , ell , o U'm , r ix tnrou l.out the hnmc , K < vnl barn , etc , on rarnham , nwr 17th street , OuWO. No 60 , Mouse ot H room * , ctllar , well , etc , on 10th , ncur Paul ttrool , $ UOOO lie & 3 , llouxo of d roomi and ce'.Ur. off i t. Harv't avenue , uear conrcnt , No , 55 , tour houMDndH3xl Oftt , on Daveti port , n < v 10th ntmit , f6000 No 56 , Hoa e of 9 or 10 rooran , on C < UU > > nila , No 07 , Houu cfl room * , Rummer kitchen , ellw , iirterii , well , ffrod barn , etc , nuii Ht. ilary's kTcnue and 21 st utrrnt , tJJOOO No. M , New houim of 7 rooms , Rooj biro , on \VetMter , neur 22d tnwt. IrtM ) . No. W , four houxe * wlUi i lot , on 12th Htrrct , neur COM 9Cioo. No. AD , Houra of .1 room * o < n-jvfnport , m-M 23nl street , 9900 No 01 , Housaof nor 10 rooms , on Fliict ntrp t , ear t'nd Mrurt , * fW3 Jfo. 2 , Houmi of 4 room , I story , porch , eel- ! r , rUtarn and will ! , ou llitrni-y , nurHlMS street , 17W. No. 03 , HOUM of > ro-ras , elo rt , bwm tined nod cellar , near \n\tn \ ( evl Workv , 91MUO. No < , lluldlnsonleii ! ; Jlnt , on Io < li9Btn > i5t , near port olUce , store below atyj rxiuu ano e , SWONo. . S , Slot * with barn Mid other Irnproie- ment * . nnir utrctl car turn table , 92000 , No. f , Nowhou.oof ( J roomaon 17to , BMW Cutiilnj .trcut , $1010. Mo e > , I rje tine h < m. of 1Z roomi. rury- ihln cornplate , o i 18th , near Cblrajjo , (000. ( .No. 70 , IIout on Ifah utroet , uour Uaveninrt , ( toro below nnJ roouu abo\ , barn , ct * " , $1WO No Tl , riotiM of A roomr , Une cdlar , ail com plete , on CulUornia , near Xt t , VTCxW. No. 7 , Ilriok hou o , JO or H rooou.on Diifen .port , nour I6th fMXI. No 7 , ltorvhou < , 0 rooms , wllw , w.-J and cl-UTii , on JMkuoi ) , nrar 12th , J1MX ) . No , 7 . llrick hou-o lth i lot * fruit trwj , etc , on lOtli , near Capitol ri > nii ' , J15.OX ) No. 76 , Uouw of 4 rooon , buwmtuit , lot Kin J82leit , ou Maicy , ni r 7th , i < J7& . No 70 , ] J-uwrv houjw , Brooini , on Oiuw dtrix * , /ixr lUthntroot.euoo. No , 77 , J ! story hoiwe , 11 r am , elo t , fur- ace , fruit tree * . b rn , ttv. , on Karuhair , niuf th fttreot , 9-5000. No. 81 , t bouvw with 0 room * , anJ other vntb rootu * . on Chicago , niwr 12ui Htrctt , SOOOO No bt , 1 } utorjr houw , Oroonn , itloola , tvrll aid 100 larrol ciatorn if'xxJ bam , on I i rro St , oar SOtli ( mtar now uvornment corrall ) , $ lbOO .No KJ , V storj bougie , 9 rooms , toilihol , X-wJ veil , eUtern , on J lol , on Capitol uvcuue , ma , . No 81 , i story hou , A rooms , 4 below and 4 bora , 3 clown , c * l r , wull unl clutorn , with fi er t I/round , on H unJefeiUctjt , near Uarrnka , 2600 No fi3 , 2 ctorrs , lieu on lemio. ! J lot , l o runs Ijuirn from April 1st , Uil , on I'oUrtc ai. , no. r U I' J l > ot , i ) No Kfl , HOCHJ , 15 room * , Hull , eUtern , tt , ncur lIHIi anil lli.rne > ulnets , ifJOOO No. 87 , 2 utory limuo , i rooms , Hell with 40 feet of water , with 5 ucrtiot rouiij , onbaundcr < utrcct , nt ir U fa. lt Twh * . SJOOO , No. hS , Lirh-g housj ol 10 rootnd , veil , clutorn , barn , ik , on O trui.t , ntur 2Ut , 87000 No > J , I artfo hou.i. , 10 or IS rooms , on Wtb otor trpet , nwr l th , f'M GEO. P. BEMIS' leal Estate Ex lange 15th nnd Doujl OH Ptroet WASHINGTON NEWS , A Largo Number of Additional WitnossBS Summoned for the Gflitoan Gam Judge Cox Qivoa His DocUion in the Star Route Cases Yesterday Morning. Ho Declares the Crinio In famous and Sets the Information - formation Aaido. Applications for Offlco Pouring in Rapidly Upon the President. The President and Secretary Blnine Expected Prom Now York'To-Day. Jml | > o JToIeor Expected to Qunlily itfi Secretary of the Treasury on Saturday- THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Notional Asioclutid 1'rcw ALASKA AllVlf'rh. WASHINGTON , November 10. The secretary of the navy 1m advicoi fioni Conmi.uidur Lull , of th United Rtiitoi stu.iuiship M.t3sachuBotls , dated Sitka , Alaska , October 18. Ho tuya tlmt on the 15th of September hu viaitod the village of Nnkutut on Bellamy'a bay , and in rested , ui Indian charged with the niindur of two white n.eii in Sop- toinbcr , 1880. Tlio prisonur and threu Indiin witnesses wcru sent to Port - kind , Oregon , whoru thu trial will oc cur. Thu .in cut of : ui Indian and thu fining him fifty bl.inkuta , for nt.ibbing aBqutwat Rockwell , caused the In- cliiins there to thioatun inoro dibtutb- nncen. Tlio doubling of the guard around thu puson [ tightened the In- , and tlioy quieted down. Most of the sav.n'oa , profesa aroat affection for Hie \ \ hues , and say thuy will .lid thuin in any attempt at good govorn- inent. Theto aru now three tovyna whuru the Indian * and whites live amicably together , viz : Sitko , Rock well and Wiiingel. Henry JnopolF liaa boon arrested for soiling liquor to the Indian ? , and an example will bo made of him. HKM1KRS HIS lit CISIOX. WAHHINOTOX , November 10. The criminal court wa crowded this morning , as .ludgo Cos was to deliver an opinion as to whether the order permitting information to bo filed in the star route caaea ahnuld bo ruseind- od. Colonel Cookfor , tho. government , and MeaerB. AVilaon , Totten and Shol- lubargor , for the dofonuo , were pres ent. 3Ir. Fionoh , one of the defen dants , sit by hia COUIIHO ! . Judge COX'B opinion was an exhauRtiro ru- vipw of the case , occup > inj ( ever forty minuton in dulivory. Ho held that the crimes charged were infamou" , and concluded by diatuiHsing the du- 'enditntij in thia suit. WITNKSSMIN TIIK ( The following 11 a hat of the now flitnoBaea on the piit of thn goyoin- nentthut woru furniahod to Guiteau .iy the to-day : John S. jioc-kcr , warden of ; the jail ; K. L Duboiny , Kobt. II. Hill , Arlington " otol ; Hov. Itush 11. Shippon , Ellen ! . Grant , Mary S. Lockwood , Win. 5. Qrant , Chaw. L Gardner , Chun. S. Gardner , Win. Parker , Henry 15. sands , Jamen H. Wood , Jo oph C. iTutchinaon , K. D. "Groua , John \shurBt , John J. llodgen , Ilunry Campbell , Frank IJ. Hamilton , John G raj , Will tain H. Cook , 3uuklo > , Aithur SiinmonV , D.vl- en , W. S. Crawfoid , Dniol Sprigs ; * , Mphonao Denn , J. H. lUchard , Chap. 5. Kennedy , Hichard A. Gillun , Ed ward Savory , Wm , Green , E. Troup "NLirtin , O. L. Pmdon , Chas. BL loiidloyV. . S. Young , Jen. D. lol- ) way , W. L. Duke , O. L. Judd , "L. C. Moiton , J. F , Bhendan , > ' . J. Dotnn , H. A. IJrnwn , Walker Blame.John Hay , IJ. Mont gomery , D. McLear , Shnw , 200 "Jroadway , Nuw York ; Ilenry Wood , Philadelphia' ; D. H. Snnderland , I'rooport , Ilia. ; A. V. Kich.itd , Freeport - port , 111. ; Warren H. Brown , 172 3roadway , New York ; G. H. Hawcs , 20(5 Went Ono Hundred and Twenty ifth atroot , Nevr York ; Stephen Eng- Klish , 1117 Uroadway , New York : loyal LFourke , 1105 Giraril atrout , Philadelphia ; ( J. IJ. Hawoa , 1.12 Went jixtounth ntrout , Now York ; H. ) . Dunham , Boston ; John V. Uuitouu , 145 Appluton atreot , Joaton ; Kov. J. K. Tarbox , Boston ; lov. John L. Withrovr , S. D. Phelpe , .12 Thirty-Soventh atroot , IJoaton ; A. . KtttvenH , IJuT ( lo ; J. II. Palrnni , Saratoga SpringiN. Y.j.Jfov. I. Ma ; ee , Albany , N. Y. ; Charier ; Farming , Chicago ; J , L. Uoynoldi , Ilavin'ja- need , Cook county , N. Y ' 4rTLICUTIOKH > OK OFUPK. No one oi < inn to know whun At- ornoy General MacVoagh will return , f indeed ho return * at all. The preni- lent will find plenty to occupy hia nind on his return. Applications or ofJioo nro pouring into thu white IOIIBU and auem to bo increaaing each day. They aru for allgradm of oflico , rom clejiiitmuntiiiuaaungcr to foreign iiieHii'ii Amonij thu ruportn m one hat \ \ iso , of Vin/inia , w ill push hia lamu for a cabinet ullicu. Several iginii republioana in this city , how- cvir , aiy tlmt WHO will bo rewarded vith thu juilgcihiji of the court of ] ) ic da of his utatu. TUB I'Jtr.SIDIi.NT AN1 CAIIIHUr , President Arthur will return from ' ( ew York on the limited oxprcHa , reaching here at , 1.15 p. m. to-inorrow. jecrutury Hlainu and Walkur Blame vill jirob.iblu accompany him. Post- naator-Gonurul Jamea will return on Saturday. It ia expected that Jud o "olgor will qualify ni iccretary of the trejuiury on Siturdny. Kocrolnry Hunt will bo iibitent * ooril dny yet. wiMi > o 'ri nrrt'Mitvj HCIIHMK. WAFUUNOTOV , November 10. Kx- Secretary Windom's i-ohtnding opera tion has now beun entirely completed , the few romiiinin ? auapendi'd cama having boon ditxmul of. The total amount of bonds continued nt three and one-half per cunt is $57OOUOr ! ' > 0 and thu total cot to the govoinrnont was ubout § 10,000 , of which neatly 30,000 wan for papei and printing thu bonda and for nil other oxpi'iinea , in cludingnnking examinations of bond * OX TIIK SCnUlTT OH ItHMt. The attention of Iho commiiHionei of intorml rovcnuo having been called to the Bubject of the UBH of glucose and otlur ndultoratioim in manufac turing beer , that blowers wure required - quired to koup account of the iniU'ri- : al uiud und that their hooka would of courao ahow what articles w mt into thu composition of beer , t lie commis sioner sta ua that the government Ins no control ever the material of which beer ia made nnd cannot dictate to brewois ns to whether they shall in shall not use glncbsu. Whatevu ac tion ia taken in uxnminitig the ma terial account of thu broweirf would be to the inturmtof the biewcraand pub lic. It ia not the policy of thn ollicu to expose thoitivntu ] business of tuv | ) ajern. In fact the law does not do- aign that Ruoli shall bo done. IX MKMOKY OK TIIK L\TK I'lil HIDKST. WASiiiNnrox , Ntiv ember 10. One of tlio most interesting ceiumonies ii memoiy of tlio late President Gar field took plnco hero to-day in tlu form of a "Lod o of Soirow , " undui the uuapices of IMitlirao loilge of Pur fection. Foundry church was crowd ed to its utmost capacity. A thou sand inviiationa wuru issued , inultid ing thu pruaidont , cabinet and the personal fiienda of Gen ilariieliL Amo > igthose picaont wuru Secret\rien Windom and Kirkwood , " Gen. Swaim and Col. Jlockwell. A feature of the handflomu decorations of thu church was n large catafalques and uasket , fac simile of that in which the body now reata in Clovuland. The u\orci8os consisted of music , inuludins ; "Ho ! Roiper of Lifo'a llaivcot , " thu fav orite hymn of the aoiioral , a piayer by Dr. Power , the latu president pastor , and an able uddres ? by Dr. George Bajjhtv Loring , of SlasiachnsottH , United Statca commissioner of agri culture. Dr. Loring'aaddieas wn ono of the handsomest tnbuteapaid to thu departed president. NOT UHCOUUAOVD. Colonel W. H. Smith , apociul gov eminent counael iu thu atti route cases , atatea to-night that the proue cut ion ia not at all diacouiagedby the deuiaion of thu court. Procuedingi ; iofore the grand jury will hu iniiti- : utod within ton dayn. ELECTION NEWS. NU'.OMJ AroocUted Press. VIRGINIA. Richmond , , Novouxbor , 10. The democrnta have given up all hopes ol success. The rcrtdjuater victory is a complete ono. The Whig will tomorrow row editorially say ; "Wo have not yet received auflicient returna to gi vo exiict or even pioximato figuroa of our m.t- ioiities , but wo know enough to bo quite poaitho that Cameron and our whole state ticket are oluutod by a najority of not le 8 than 12,000 and that wo have carried both br.tncliL'K of the general asaembly by u joint najority exceeding that of the Icgis aturo of 1870-80. Indeed the ro- .uinnasfaraa recoiled fully justify our claiming a majority of 20,000 for our statu ticket , but out of abundant caution wo dechno to claim a very thing wo might reasonably do. " RICHMOND , NovomborlO. Kotumi rom 88 countion and uitioa ( thuro nro ono hundred counticri in nil ) give Jauioion a not majoiity of . ' ( ,100. The : ountiea yet to hoar from will pioba- bly uiako his majority 8,000. The reid - id jus tors or coalitionists claim 12.000. 'They h.ivo the logiilatuie , " aya The State , the leading democratic orgun , 'by 10 on joint ballot. " The osti- mutps of the majority claimed by tha pilitioniatft the day buforo the nlec- ion , as they appealed in thi'/ie dia- iatchcs of that date , will not ha far ut of the way. A prominent coali- ionists ray that it would not mirprino urn if Mahono got into the cabinet , n connection with the sen&to hu nampa of Iliddleborgor , uiditor Maiaoy , Lioutenant-Govornor- iloct John S"I.owis nnd John F. Vise are most frequently mentioned. t his boon atid a Mahono legislature would amend the city charter HO a * to make the pohco force metropolitan hereby placing it under the control f the at.ito. It was generally believed hat Mahnne liftl promised to inako ip one-fourth of the forcuof nogroos. t in euppnnod thit the Hiddloborger's lill will at ouco bo taken to the sti- ireme court which body will pad's upon tH constitutionality. It ia mont prob * hie that the Iliddlubergor bill will > o nppprovnd by the court and will o into operation the fudornl ouitB interfuio. ST. PAUL , November 10. Elcc- ion loturrm are ntill incomplete. 'horo is no doubt of the uceoa of lie entire republican tickut. It is irobablo that thu proposition to de- oto thu proceeds of the silo of mtor- al improvement bonds to the piy- noiit of the old railroad bonds ia do eatod This will u-quiro the lugis- atuio to ptovidu a ninkint ; fund for ho balance of the now bonda issued n lieu of the old and may prolong the week or ton days , MISSISSIPPI JACKHOV , Miss. , Novombm 10. 'ho lateat cHtnrulo at dumouratic luiidquartora puts the majority of jOivery , democrat , at over 20,0f'0 ' , nd thia is accepted by the few fusion- ata to bo found at their hcadquarttTrf is not far from correct. It la now bo- iovud Gov. Alcorn , Judge Sunrall or louie prominent republican would tavo polled a larger vote than King , a the position of the latter in holding a neat in the ntato scnnto in a demo crat nnd running ns an opposition can- didat , was ntrotiqly ncrtiiifit him , mid the negroes pormutdod tlmt ho waa not entitled to tlu-ir > otc USA lepnblican. The domocraU hi o both Immrhcn nf the li'gisUturo but the onntbtnuil cu position will flhow ft Miry tittpoetuhlo minority. NEW yonic NKW YOKK , November 10 , 1 r0 11. m , Th loturnn receiu-d from all the countuM oxci'pt oV n uivn the ronub- lican Rtate ticket a mijotity i f 7l > l-l. 1 lusted , republican , fur atato trras nrer , IUIIB about 10,000 bchiiid his ticket. AUIVNV , N. Y. , , Nou'iubor 10 - Thu Argus cliunu for thu democrats BBemblymeii and seven teun dunttorn nnd their latest figures give Carr oM-r 5,000 majority. The lest of the ticket thoj do not con- ccdw. * " NEBRASKA. blHi'lul Dl iutrli to Tlio Ihf KH > SKNcnoinbor 10. - The vote for sliitc olllcoM was at follows : Munci'r 1IHJ , Dear 111) ) , P.rass 1)1 ! ) , l5.Mili.woi : ti2 : , Maxwell I'M , 1'iliuld 141 , P.oueis 141. Tln > following county ficlit't WIH olucteil .1 W. Hu s , county coininiHsiciiei , .1 J AKlntoih , dork ; Joanph Obcifi-lilur , s'n ' > i'tintuiid < 'nt of public instruction ; S. O. Kowlur , nhirilT ; Jam n Sutliei Ininl , trt.Hurc'r ; Jell NOM bailer , juJ o ; John C.irloy , coionui. lit" ! LKH t < orST\ DvMnOnv , November , 10. Hut lor county electH dwiuierntic clink , ttliunirand mporintoiukiit. Thu 10 piil > lu'.iim elect tieasurtT , c unity com and county judgo. Prank Divisos rupubliean majority M noiily six luuHied. Thu rcturna urn now complete. Ailniun County. ( .orn. , viuiente of tin Utitt' JIMAIA , November" 10 'Iho can- in this county waa unorguticaily and w.mnly contuHtud until near the closing liKiini , when the republicans practii.illy ' 'gave up the alnp. " Tlteiu vu'io but two ticku's ' in the field thu of tins republicans.-md lira > f thu nllia n j or anti-iuonoMolibth Eveiy candia 'o ' on the 1-il'er ticket , with but > \ option , was uleutud , M. H. IJ. TuNitoy being ie-eluctcd county clork. Thn cindidiites fur com missioner and Aiipuiintendent weru on both ticketa W. S. Crow w.i3 elected county treasurer ever K. 6tein.ui , present in- cumbunt , by H3" mujoiity. Guurgo F. Work wn elected cminty judge ovur IJ P. Smith , proiunt in cumbent , by 118 majority. Guorgo F. Hi tliin oii was elected shoriir over C. Gi NVilnon , und fllar- tin , indopoiidoiiTjUiy n plurality 22 votea. USj . Tris p 1vac-l SJi'cted county clerk over S. W. .Swinuford by LJ52 mujority. The of tin Auction is a eur- piise to "all the wiild ai.d the reat of mankind" in Adiitnu county. It ahowa three thingit 1. What the farmura can do wlion thuy set thum- anlvea about it. 2. T.mthere ia an anti-monopoly aoiitiinunt ntid fuuling that will not bu longer tntl'd with , ti. That ring-madu Htrto.i ure liable to bu amashud. Thu democrata , it may Im irmaik- ed , hopelessly in the niinoiit\ , putuul no county tinkot , iind for it did theii little beat , not bectuso they loved their "piinciples" lei-h , but luted ( ho republicans more. "Anythingto bunt thy rejjublicans , " was and u Ihuir ahibholuth. But largely , in thia con test , thu defeated them- aelves. J DR. BOYNTON. His Opinion Concorninff the Treatment of iho Late President's Caae. The 'Wound Not Fatal But thn Early Treatment of the CUBO lUd. TOPI.KA , November 10. The Cajii- ol will publish in iho inornint ; a long intortiew with Dr. Hoynton , of Clo\o- and , in which ho gives Iiis tiowMon .he ( Jaifitdd cane and the criticism. ' ) on .he ticatmont of the case whiuh ho announced anon after the death of 'loneialOarfied ho would make pub ic at some future timo. The follow- ng extract contains the mituriil ) omui of the interior ; . "Doctor , do yon think the preai dent'H wixind wah nocon arily ? " Ho leplied in hta quick , dJoimvo way. "I do not. " "You think that if ho had had proper nurgtcal tre.itmont from the first hu might have gotten well. " "I most cortMiily do , I do not any , iowo\or , that ho might not huvo died ON en under such circumstances. " "You think then there wan c.isonablo ground for hope ut thu first. I do inout nssuredly. " ; ' You think that the casj wns not iroperly handhd " " 1 liiuo ; ilw.i\H been of tint opinion from the fimt , tlmt in , that the truit- nunt was bad at the utirt. Aftur Ag- tew iind Hannlti'ii came it could nut tavo boon bottur.1 "You say then , doctor , that lie preoidont had achanco for recov ery at the first , but , in our opin- on , these ch incus wuru all thrown may by the wretched treatment of he ciae. " "You oxprem it utrongly , siid the doctor , "but you reach the right con clusion , " "How Jong did tlmt clmnco for 10- covury exist and when did you lose lope ? " "On the 23rd ilay of July whoa ho lad the first rigor. Igavohim up then. Up to that tiinu I had hoped hu might get well After that I foil thorn wane no u roil i id f-ir Lore. ' "Why did von rtach thntconrluMoi tlmt timo. WHH the chill n certain in dication of the Npproirh of death ? " "No , I did not e\puct inimedinlt disnolution. The rigor was an eu ilenco of pjaomia " "What waa the occasion of mnu mi * ; 1 rnonn as it uinvoidabh'3 "li at miii , you knoft , or blood poisoning - oning , r Hiilts frntn dead pus Urn puiumm v t in thun , 1 think RO. Tin public never did know that the piesi- dunt's wound Aiiinuvorcle'niied proj- erly till thren woeksnfterhewas shot Tout ia innro than I have. i\er iul In fore on tliis nutter , but tlmt ia thu gist ( if thu whole canu and the ground for complaint of tlio pi extent's aun-i- cil tn fitment in the early history of the cnso. Subseiitient ( Uivitloinenta ] fully corroborated what 1 funml then llmt H , tint the pus hud , throui > li caiolemness and inoouipetence , been allowed to be in the wound till it rotted nnd pn > niia hid done its per fect work " "Yon think this could have boon nvoiU-d' " "Yes , jini know what Dr. \giiuw did as anon us he was called ns a con sulting surgeon. The first thing waste to miguest and in ike. an incision ti di.nn what was then supposed to hi the tr.ick of the ball but which was , a jon know , only a great pus cuu- ty which ought never tu lu\o been formed. I hold the attuiditn : sur geons roiponsihlu for the conilitiim ol the wound on the day Agnew am Hamilton were called. " "Doctor , I remember that ( . 'rump , stow aid tit the white house , and ono of the nurses said that the prewdmit sull'uHiil a gieat deal and would mnnc- t'.iiUH HOW mi. Tint Ina feet felt liku tffero were a thoiiHind needles in thorn. Did the president antler much ? " "lio did , both from his wound and lliii lital , and , im ( Jrump mini , often complained of that peculnr sons.ition in tliu feot. " " \Yna not thia pricking Huimhoit in the feet tiiken as an indication ol apiiial injury / " "It was and so suggested to Dr. Ull- but ho thought dilleiently. Tin autopsy showed u.s how much ho was mist ikon. " "You do not consider such an in j'ny to the 'ipinii as the president re cuud nucevMiily fatal. " " .No J do m t. As J said beftno t'.iiiik the president had a reasonable ch inrii fur recovoiy but that it waa tliinwn awaj bj the bid inanaseniun of the ciao during the ( irat tlueoweeka \\liuiiyveryUimu depended upon tlio utmost akill. It waa then tlmt the put waa pillowed to ticcumnlato ant catiaoil piaumiu which the unfuoblei s > Htem of the president was not abh to overcome. " "How did lilinrt comu to hmo ch.ugo of the ciati ? " "Ho just took churgo of it. Hi happened to bo the tirnt man cullw after the Hhoiiting , and ho stuck to it ahovimz everybody olno usidu. Nuithor the prenidont nor Mra. Garliold uvor employed him tu take c mrgo of the "Dr. HI isa wrote them. " "Who niiulu the examiimtiona ? " "Dr. IMiBS alwaya took the pulse and roapiration , and Dr. Koybun took the temperature till hu wat dia miaaed. The obsurvatioim were generally orally made when the ] > resident waa asleep , und ut the moat favorable timis. " "Did the other Burgeons aign the bulletins upon Itlisa' reports without making thoirown obitirvatioiis' " "Yea they took hia word for it till after they went to Hlboion when 1 nuggcfUod to Hamilton that they were being deceived. Ho took Iho pulse then and it went up u little in the bulletin ! ! . "Did General Garfield over see the bullotiiia ? " " that favor- "Only onii wasoxtrcmoly - iiblo was shown to him. " "Doctor , whit waa the condition of the nresidont's mind Waa ho duliri- outi much of the time ? " "Y. m , particular y after the fiiat rigor for three vveuka prior to that Fndiy m Auii ! t ( Itlack Fiidayasit wan culled ) , when it was thought ho VV.M dying , I think it wus about the 20th of August. For three weeks prior to tlul ho had been delirious most of the titnn. Hm mind uluaiod up a little and then it wnn , if you in- ummbur , that I thought him better. " The .ilnivti vraa elicited in the uourso of a dirmltoiy convurH.ttion , but it is unduratoiid that ho contumpl-itt'H ro- riowinx tie ! wJiolo caau in detail ovur hia ovrn ai imturo and by the luquuat of M , G.irhold , who desires it. Important Turlff Convention. NRW YORK , Novombci 10. An important tatifF eonvuntiori is to beheld held in this city November 2 ! > and 30. The Nebraska wool glowers' wi- socintion his appointed iti proaidcnt , W. Picktuoll , with ( Jnitod States Senators Vanwyck and Puddock nnd five ether dologatos. Kow York city indtiRtritia will aund one hundred dule aten , Thu ] > lan of the executive ctjirimtttee , as indicated in thu call , U to aolect four leading subjectn , on which elaborate addresses iiro now being propirod by prominent trnflic men to bt dulivorod befoio tint convontion. Kitloiiil AJWKlau-.l I'KJJK. WAHlI ( ( TN ( , Novemboi 1 ] . For the lower laku region Noilhonst and aouthw at winiU , falling baiomuter , generally cloudy woitluir and light rain nr HIIOW and iitatioimry or nlight rise in temperature . l' ' < ir tint upper Misiissijipi and lowur Misioun val- lupi : ( i0'onuM'ly cloudy woathur , light rain or snow , IIHIII tempuia- tuio , followed by falling binnuiler , vvindri , moitly fioin the east and smith. Mtoroy MnoJ. Kiktlonil A * ' ) cUtul 1'ruii Cn lOAdo , November 10. Cluss } Yur- don , late comHpondunt of thoChiwgo Tunes , coininuncud Hint to d iy ugtiiuat Kditor Storey for r > ( )0 ) , the amount agrocd upon for utualiug nil udvancii copy of President Ila > ua' ' Storey rofuiod tu p y. TRANS-ATLANTIC. * The Fre-noli Dabmet Teiulor Their Resipafcions to Presi- tlonli Brovy , The U 6i uutioua Accepted A Now Ciibmnt to bo Formed. The Rumor Again Current Tlmt Bismarck Will Resign. The Old Cabinet RHqiioatud to Romiiin Until a NPW Min- iatry ia Found. Tim RnsiinuVivr Undent to lie Ilo- iluccil ( il.01)ltH ( rORUION Al'l'AIRS Katloml Aiwoculiil I'nw. tlHMIICIi. . Hi , HI IN , November 10. The lopoit tint Pi uii'o ItisinircU rcilly eontom- ] ilntus icsigmng oontiniiea to bo ru- poited. The pu > \ mcial correspond ent of ii journal , duvoted to tlio ex- iHtmg nnnidtry , and Mometimes bo- liuveil to bo inspired by Hismarck , ro- prodnciM the niticlo funn Thu 1'ost of yestordiy concerning thu ropoited lonignation , bill umkea no comment on it. IUNSTAN W < U IIUllOt.T. Advices from St. Petersburg say that it is reported that a diminution of 00,000,000 toublei is to bo undo in tlio Kusrtim vviu budget Thia would u th it IliiHsia diHiH not at prca- ont contuuplato any foreign military entnipii'KM. ' . ' . TIIK M'.liM'll MINIiTlU PAI-.I-I , NovtMiiber 10. Tlio loin * ox peeled eent has at last taken place , After the ciilnnut council to-day IM. Jules Feny und his follow imntsteiii piesented their reHignationa to Presi dent Grovy. He accepted them with formal expressions of legrut nnd es teem. lie ieip.iested the muiitiUu-a to roinnin in chiugo of their reapectivo dupartnienta until thuir sucocaama are appointed. To thia request the min isters ncseited. Piesident Grovy thun Ham ho had decided to nend for M. Gambottii with whom ho will havean interview. The list of the now min istry which was oontin then dinpatcli- os so r o few days ago in likely to prove correct. STOCkllOLliHtS1 ilKKTINO. LONDON , November 10 Thurn was a very laruo meeting of thuatockhold- eia of the Heading railroid this af tor- noon , ever five hundred being prt-s- out. A uninimoua > ote of coutidonco in BIr. do won waa adopted. UHLlUVhll TO ItB AX IN-hlU\AL MA- I'-'V f VIIIKM. yv - * , / - , Sir Vornoii IFurcourt and 3fr. For- ster have examined a box which has been forwarded from America to Mr. Creyku , member of parliament. It is believed that thu screws fiustening the box have at fheir base eome kind of an explosive . The investigation ia prucuoding. A.V AKKPHT. LOMDO.V , Novomhor 10. A dinpitch from Constantinople announces that tlio arrest of Ka\asa , of the American consulate at .Salonica for UTigandiige him boon H.ititf.ictorily arranged by Said Pasha mid General Wullnco , min ister of the United States , The gov ernor of iSalcnica delivered Kavnsa to the American consul , and the consul placed him at the disposal of thu [ lurto For trial bj an ordinary tribunal , not by court martial , a ruprraentatiYO of thn American COUIIHU ! to be prusont. I'AUII , November 10 , M. Furry urtd hin colluaguen in the ministry : iavc nwifinud and Priaident ( irovy ins Hccejitiid their rcaigimtionn. Presi dent Gruvy suninumod SI. ( ivmbrtU und the * } hnvo been closeted during Lho uftoruoon in ai ranging u nuw cab- illdl. WIIOl.l"ULK MAKHAfUH. Ixiwnr , > fovomber 10. A dla- patch mis the kin ' of Aalmntou him laused the nmaaacru of 200 young girla in order to us their blood to nix thn mot tar mud in rrecting the tnto building. The Kngliah govurn- mont has ordered their roprcsmitntivo o jirotest against thm butchery und to imkii inquiries.- ainnoatn.nnd Mnisnoliavotts Sr. PAUL , Minn. , Novuinbur 10. 'ho Ingislaturu did little ot gonural nturuat lo-cUy. Tlio moat impcrtunt nils pasnud vt H onu granting the lail- oadi the right of way over swamp amis und another jope-aling thu law nuking stock holdern in uianufactur- ng compaiiiuB liable fnr double tlio amount of thuir stock. HOHTON , November 10. Hoth mmchus of thu kgislaturo met in cx- ra ( ii:8ioH : thia moiniug Thuy oiihiderud curtain iiuctionn of Lie ruvisod atatuceit and then ad- 0111 ned. Thu auuaion v , ill bu a abort HID. JtmclUlou of the Mnthoiltst Churcli latlxiul A orl ti-J 1'n.n * . l'iui.AiiPi.i'iiiA | Nov. 10. Idsliop Warren , of Atlanta , ( in. , .Muirill , of Chicago , , of St , Paul , Minn. , ind Peck , of Syraoiiho , N. Y. , wuru iresi nt to d iy at thu opening HUHHIOII jf the geiiural eoiiinnttuu on thu chinch uxtuiiHion uf the oMethodmt Cpixcopal church of thu United Stated. rim npurt for tint last tun months nhirv an increase ov r last yuar'a iu- ceiptH of D27.-IIO and thu total dm- lUtHoinuiits § lltl'J2 ( ) ! , leaving u c.iah jaluncu of & : ; 0li70 on hund , Toi-riblo Aooltlont. Nntloual AiwititttLU 1' Ni'.wYouK , Novuinbur 10About 1 o'clock thin afternoon a ternblu uc- cident occurrud at the Itulvidurohotol which , though itttondud with no loss of life , Keverely injured innny persons who had niirrowly esc.iied ] from death. The now panscngor elevator broke from its tastonincs and fell front the fourth floor to the ground. In the el evator weio several p I'sonijera beside * the boy in charuo and all of them vveru morn or less injured. CONDENSED LIGHTNING- N tloiuJ . IJ\NK , MIUM. , November 10. Mike Connelly and Dan Driscoll hada spree laat night ut the latter'a house. The former becoming boisturous Driacpll uavu him u dose of laudanum to quiet him , alter which they Iwthdrank beer. Connelly thun went homo. At 10:80 : o'clook hu waa taken sick and died at 1.510 thin moimng. Diwcoll is under arrest. CINCINNATI , Novemyor JO. John Theuber , of Hamilton , Ohio , who re cently won a wrestling mutch has do- pivuted S100 and oll'ura to wreatlu any man in Amurica weighing lesa than IfiO pounds. Gneco-Koman for S200 to SfiOO a side. Donn AHVU ir , G.i , November 10. Mr. Win , Kilgo , acting as oxvintliug illlcer , nttuinnted toarreatWin. Zaun , /ami ntitick Kiliro with u shovel and Kilgo lirud at Xnnn with u pistol. Deith imniediatoly resulted. CoUMUitTH , ( In. , November 10. I'd. Partridge , a negro nt Ainericui , beat his step daughter to death Mon- , lny , and waa arrested , but cacapcd. Tuu'Y CITV , Temi. , November 10. -Four convicts , Itill Curtis , Hariy Cornell , Anderson and Johnson ea- eaped ftom the branch punitentiary last night by Hawing through thu wall. During thu nioluu two convicts gut to lighting , and one killud an other. Si'UiNuriHin , Tonn. , November 10. Juduu John Woodard'a distillery burned last night. No inauranco ; loss 820,000. CuiCAfio , November 10. The iii- lur-H ite ngrictiltural convention wan in HUSHOII to-day and evening. Ilcso- lutioua wuiu adopted looking toward mine prompt nnd accuiatu crop ru- poiU. Committee.n wuro appointed and thu convention ad join nod tt > meet next year. French nuil Gormun Guests- National Associated I'rcwn. Ni.w YOUK , November 10. Among Iho piMsengera who sailed to-day ou thu ateamer St. Liuront forlliuru wcru M. LiMartniia Do Kochambean and Ainu.1 , l i Munpuis Do Hocham- beau , dulegitea to thu Yorktown cun- tunnial celebration. A party of friunda aaHumbk'd on thu whaif to bid them "lion voyage. " A number of Frunch dolegatua to the Yorktown celebration dupai ted thia uvuning for thu weal to innlcu an oxtondud tour oE the country. Thn Gurmnn delutjatca wuru given n banquet thia afternoon by the Gorman club. It ia not cor- Uin tlmt the Germans will returu home to-morrow na waa intended , Nisw YOUK , November 10. Tlio Yon Steubun tumilywho were dele gates aout by Germany to the \ork- to'wircjjntuimi- for.homeitQ.diir * , w iS tJ on tJio atehmor Wioland.Si" x. . r * , * ' ? $ * )1 ) t a Aooidontal ShootiDff. Xatlonil AMWcUtotl 1'rou UOSTON , November 10. Geo. S. Dally , aged eighteen years , proprietor of "the tircadu , " North Scituatu , was found in hia store thia morning in .t pool of blood , sullering from : v pistol wound in thu left sldu near the heart. When found hu was aumi-consciou and whun interviuned as to thu cause of the net said that last night at 11 o'clock when about to closu up for thu night olio of the pistola kept in thu storu accidentally went oil und being unable to make any outcry ho was obliged to luiuain where ho waa until assistance reached him thia morning. 'Tli Honnepin Canal- N&tloiul AhuoclnUd 1'tim. CHICAIIO , November 10. The meet ing of tint cuiuiiiiseion apjiointed nt Davunport , low a , in May , to orcanizo For effiictivo work to eucuru assistance Ftom congress for the construction of thu Ilonnepin canal , waa held in thin city to-day , The propoaod canal ox- luiuls from Ilonnepin , 111. , to thu Mmainnippi river at Davunport. It will cent 93,500,000. It Mill shorten thu distuncu to Chicago thirty-Gvu tuilvi1 , Speechua fav orablu to the pro- lect woiu made by Senator Logan > . liuuiirul Hundurson , Judge Murphy and FIRES. TJI uc n rmumr.x jiuuKtsn TO I > KATJI. Sioux CITV , low n , Novuinbur 10. During tlio temporary iibscncu of their [ lurontn thrtt young childrun of Anon - , on IJinck , living iienr Marcus , thk statu , nut fire to the house and wuru iiuinid to death. Mr. Hinck discov- ; red tlio thimia and waa serioualy jurned trying to reficuu the childroii. T11X1H HTA7K CAI'lTOI. 11UHNKI ) . AUHTIN , Toxaa , Novombur 10. 1'ho ntatu capitol building burned last light. All thu archives of thu re ublic , Toxaa battlu flaga , portraits iid pahitingH wuru destroyed. Loss. about ? 200,0 , < JO. _ Jewelry Store Rohbory. UlU'ial AwoctiiLiJil 1'tixu , KANriAriCiTY , Novumber 10 Two masked inun untured thu jcwulry store jf F. A. Khuak , in Kansau City at T 'clock ' to-night and robbed it o $1,000 woi tli of gooda. The atoro at the timu of thu lobbery waa in clmrgo. > i a boy , who was huld by onu of tlm naaked men while thu other atolu the. irticlcu. No cluu to thu thiuvoa. . . - - - - Cnptuicd HlblVInn- Nub. , Noveinbor 10. Shunir liters ruluinud thia morning 'torn AteJnaon county. Mo , , with Miltun liioun , the thief who etolo i'hoa. Wilu'a team and wngon , luat ivuulc , in UIH county. Thu thief ia safuly Judged in juil hero , Postponed. National l'rtn. NKWAIIK , N. J. , November 10. The examination of Nugent haa been post- [ lonud until 0 o'clo'ok M onday muriug next , thu hour eot down fur tlmt of Baldwin. Moro fuilurca are feared.