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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1881)
8 THE OMASA DAILY BUP : THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 10 , 1881. THE DAILY BEE. Thursday Morning , Nov. 10. LOOAL BREVITIES. F tt n > on tUi eoiL Frederick Lo dltvr Ilfttlcr. Donne. ItolUble Hatter , OloTM kt UisW < * nt itAre. Lftdlw Hand Duff * * th 99 cent nioro. Fins lint of SpongM and ChumoU ' store NMf. Sk M At Kuhn'i drug BONNBR'3 for bent Stovwi ml Fur- nO-tf sitare. - ' -Short ll nd taught at Bnaintti Col- oct 0-Ul leg * . Smoke the CHICAGO Tmw Clffar , for do eml7 t Vonjth' * drug tor . n8-tf opocUlty f X'rooerlptUn Rt Opera 8olm > t r A of shell lion B m ftnl , - work bMktU ftt .Tonwan'a b truly 'ocautl- Old gold exchanged for ncrr jewelry at Kflhalm & RricknonX opp xJU th po t ( Bwiw ehce e imiwlcJ Mid Imitation , wholesale nnd ratal ) , t H. Mtyor's , 207 wmth 13th § lreeV The lA'iuer mil clwny IIOXCH for lodica work nt Jcnftsoii'ii nro HOiuelhing to be Ken ivnd nJmlrcd. French's hwd balemnnn nnyp , "It * * no DMi telling th ponplo wo have clioup SJIRMS nd coffee * nuit trM , They know it already. " It Ujuit M hnpowlblo to keep the floor of French's grocery clean n It lit to jet ncroaa Farnuui htreet without getting in the mud. - ' Nlndel nnd Kro'1-Slgn of the gnj'n luxt 213 Houth 14th Rtrwt , nro dally" ' re- In th al a 1 cclpt of fiua wlacteil nooda children. (1 ( " < line for men , boys > cup been , . < leryl ( 'rom tl' ° TliM * Borxln hare " to mllt ttoir manufaowM" best ejutcrn ( ! lro a large fall and wlr" ' t J - * mil. One hundred nnil fifty-nlao boantiful rtwldence loin , loontcd on Hamilton utreet , half way between the turn tsblo of the the waterworkt line and red street CM reaerrnJr and addition , and Uat wwt o ) the convent of the SLiters Toir Clalro ID Shinn'n nddltlon. I'ricea ran frnm 87f to 61W eacli , and will bo ld on cat , > tcnrn to thono who will Imiinvo. IScnti'n rcnl Mtnto agency , Fifteenth and Doiiylm treats. The moonlight will HOOII In gone , - -Itailroiul travel wiw very ioavy ycstir ' ' lay. I'ino weather for the wlulls of No Tcmbcr. < J The Dankor'M Daughter at liyd'n Vrl day and Saturday. I A man charged with citriylniconccnl d weapons , wiw up in police eoul ycoter Jay. \ The f ruiU of election day wor HCVCI drunko. ( Jno paid bin fine and Nixvout t jail. I Only one dnuik ornamented Ucaln boons with hU proience yesterday , p. in. ono more Utur. > Thirtyflvo earn t otock came ! u o -the U. P. yesterday. The caatefn l-an ! were all on time ycstviday. A KocUIsl.ndjbrakemnn , hadliln hui cnuhod at 4:30 n. in. ye tor.lay wMld cou Hug can in the Spoon Lake yard ) . The copper captured no lonj ; ao ( ai tiU lying in police headquarterftvill bo i tnrnod to the owners on Monday nuxt. The Fircmeu'it wMUWc , ( jiven by 1 cinoCJ. . . No. 3. takes place \Fireuic Hall , November 15. It will bii i pleaai affair. Tlie fncomfui ; Denver trati yest day liftil 23 Denver and four lilnckuv jianicngora , from Colorado through. Tim inan who r.ilfeU the row at t , Third ward poln ) Tuesday , paid 83 a ooHta to Judge lloncko tbii inomlu ? . Work on 1'axtun & CiullaRlior'tfu Htorohoueo , on Tenth Htrcot , will teen coinmonced. The foundatlona nro bo ! laid. ThaN. S. T. C. A. meotiug already nouneixl will come off on ThtirMUy B&tunUy of next week at Boyd'u op Loose. Loose.A A man named Hanieri jfot In to a di ciilty Tuesday with Nclwin , tin tail And finally gave him a Nevcrrhlov over I ye with a revolver. A tlifflculty occurred Tuesday nightl twecn 'two Swnloi * t I'Vnh&in tn reatanrant. After eumuminj ; * gratis or of btvulveiione deHirfd the .olber to pay I Lilt and the l tU > r tiujlns , Umui | > ed hii He paid $3 end < \ > U. The anacuneenipnt wo raiulo a fe day * HincA'fa ' 'U ( ha paiera in the city , the efft that Tom WJsoii , of Fremon hwl Emitted Bulcldf by poisoning hii uelf. ' A letter rocaVcd from him la evening , by Mr. Oo > . Onufiold , doilies tl rejKvt in toto. Tom y * he only hwl uick tpcll and in no co.-uner'u meat SH yet. The "Verdict" dramatic compan that crou ) > of hUUvio amateum that play "Waltinc for the "Verdict" ao wcwpta'j here lout winUr reoranUxl ' ( , under t protecting u < ge4\f \ Mr. 'Kdw. ' A. O'Uri nllait "Jamen ILndlo , " Tuesday ovenli and uniknimou lv\lMiied \ to produce ' "I Colleen llawn ; orlltlde of Oarryowei JnaJewweeka. Ihj rnibllo can look t for a choice dratia'io ' trmt from the " V diet" Dramatic Oltib. is daily gni ing ground oret Mw many gpuric winea anA . liquor * tow in UBO. A at your HoW tud SiJoon for it. WiiKM you u-o weiry and tired asip of * 'Go\rad'H \ BudwoiBer" e you fool at on < $ relio/ / . i , _ Dr. Ainoliaiflurrouphs , WiUn IIOUBO , luosdajond Fridnyi , 10 a * ° 8 P < m . ' ' n& Our Block of oota and Shoea i largo. T lie Bi'stlTlio chcnpoat. A , , o , 14tli nnd Jn OUUMBN FJNE calf rowed , buckleuloxta at ? 5.0 ( worthy your ntteatio , ivi8ONK DDL : WMiTJiAKcau l > o bouj-it anj'whi of eaiao quality und etylo A. 1 , Mown : 14 and Fixniliuii ) . WYOMING POTAT&S. Superior quality for Halo | rot ] < tenbunhoh and uownrd at jov ( iui Ly Poland & Owyor , 14 io wr BIG GAME ; Shorifl Killian , of Hall County , Oapturea Two Notorious Criminals. A Hand to Hand PJ.ght "With the DoBporato' A WUoontln 8h < 4jriff En Route to jr aftnrnoon a brief telegram gram ffu received inrtthii city an non'j0inK thnt ShorifrkiHion , of Ilnll c'junty , hnd como upon the notorious Williami or Maxwell brothon , who hare no long nuccoRsfully eluded th officers of the Badger Ute , and haa Boizod ono and corrollud the next. Nobrnska noemi to bo a favorilo resort - sort for the -worst criminals that go unhung. They go out imagining thni the state ia in en advanced scale of barbarinni , and that once hero thoyaro practically nafo from arre t and IHIU- inhmont. Unfortunately such a fooling has boon juttliflcd by tliu action of the authorities in too many CMOS , hut that trouble in done away with largely now , and the "Avenging Hand" now htrikrs na quickly lioro M innlaid old Now England - land , Not only in the ofliccr ready to perform his duty , hut every citizen teems to rcHolvo himself into a com- inittoo of ono to tuo that no guilty nuiti oicnpoa , and , animutud by this spirit , thupuoplo aru rapidly bocomin a race of natural born republicans , TJio piwt two days oxomplitiod this in the unst romnrkablo manner. Tliu news of t4o arrest at Grand laland of two RUch ihtud criminalH from Wis- coila'iu produced no mnull Bunsntion , yet , contrary to the old-time feeling , tlioro wa no agitation beyond thonat- ural excitement of a chaeo for a crim inal , notwithatandiui ; the fuel that the objects of pursuit not only were guilty murdurera but were ren'titing the olli- cora and trying to add to the extent of the enormities laid at their door. Thu particular of the detection , thu chase und the capture are in brief as follows : On Tuesday night a farmer living about two miles nouth bf Grand Island caino into that city and told Sheriff Killian thnt there wcro two Huapicioim parties at ) IH ! IIOIIHO. Jlo itaid that they claimed to bo hunters from Uastingi , but the farmer , BOuing that they carried Winchester rilles , thouglit thuy were not exactly the kind of guns to hhopt gceso with , BO wonb in and told Killian , who Blurted out about 5 o'clock Wednesday morn ing , with a diiputy , nnd wont in the house , where both Kd and Alonw ; Maxwell , alias Williams , were in bud. The Hhorilf ordered them up , as lit wished to apeak with them. Alona < got up , dressed himself , with the exception < ception of his hat nnd coat , and ux < cused himself to do Rome errand , Killian then stepped up to Ed and was about to lay hit * hand on him , when Wilhanm drew his revolver 01 Uio sheriir ; The oheriir grasped ttu fvolver aud wronchud it awaj him , and with tin of tko farmer am nd ono ofi.Jio farmor'n Bonn , throw hir to the Ihor , and while the farmer am HOI Bat on him , the BherifT tried to go the handculft on him. Kd. payo regular Indinn'war whonp'and Killia II H told his dtniity l g t < l * * ' AI T. / . lUt ho ateppuu outbide , ho 0aw Aloni running at full npoed towardn ] iii with revolver dr.vwn. Killiaii steppe to ono nido and thu hull from Alonzo' ' revolver passed him and lodged' in th hu grass. Killian now stopped irmid nd again , ivith the deputy on guard a the door with a double barreled shot gun. An HOOII as Killian went bacl ow to Eel , to endeavor to got the cullen bo on him , Alonzu tried to force his wn ; through the door , and the doput ; cuvored him with bin gun , but j rninsed lire , Alonzo then ran elf , an has not been Been tince. It ia thougli ho m hiding in the tall grass noa there , and a largo ponso of men ar now scouring thn country for him. ; ffi. ShorilT Killian jafely lodged Et or , Maxwell , alioB Williams , inthocjunt the jail , where ho now awaitn the arrivi of ( ho ahoriff of J'wjiin county , Wis who telegraphed thnt ho would leaven on Iho liiflt train for Grand Island The posse out nffor Alonzo have nc HO returned up to tliia hour of writing. The history of the crime with wuia theto in on are charged is a remark abl ono , as is also that of their eacap and the circumAtancen connected wit it. On the 10th of July last , Mil to A. Coleman , under sherilf , of Duranl Wis. , and his brother , Charles Coh . .man. ox-shorill'of Popin county , woi 81'eliot ' and killed by the Willian brotherstwo , wull-kuown deHporadooi wlioiu they were endeavoring to ai rest. A noaio of thirty armed mo purguod tliu iminleroru , with thu ir od I lontion of lynching thorn if they ha < caught thorn.On thu 27thof he mon , still being ai'archcd for , woi en aightod and cillud upon to aurromle but they nnswerod by opening fire the poBse. They were ut thift time i Eau Qnllo wonde and the purauit w ; continued with redoubled vigor , ti lUt noted Indian eoouta and thirty bleed hounds accompanying the company o Ludington cavalrytwo hundred men The moHt intoiifooxeitiiniuntprovaik' InUB but the it-arch continued withou ) UB nucceaa until about two moiitha n ( when n man tuppoavd to be Lou Wil liama WAS nuts tod. Ho dnniod hi try identity with the murderer , nnd atato thut his immo iviis Win , Kuhl. H ixlan BRsortud thnt pa the date of th killing ho was workini ; for a f.-vrmor r loll Hamilton , Illinois. There Imo boo m. A gnat contest over the auppoau e identity of Kuhl nud Lnn William in nliaa Mxwoll , which wa * titill num ,1) . inK when the nflUir at ( Irar laland waa toleprnjihcd oast. TJ Hheritr of 1'epin county will arrive Omaha to-morrow aud proceed Grand Island with thu proper rwiuu ) is tion i > a | ur0 | etc. Thopiiioner v LA It probably atop over one niylit on h'm i jro , turn 1ri ] > to enjoy the hospitalitiea the Hotel Guy. The Country. Who that.liM ever livid any tlmo In country but nuut haw Leard of thavirt Of of Hurdock an a blued j-urlfier. liurd I Blood Bittern cure dyniwpdla | , lilloust ires aod ll dlaiirfivri uriAluj fn > nj 'Imp dgo i loodbr"derojDJff < l liver or kidney. . li 11.00 , trUl bcttlc * I" - 17 todl returns wh < ; , .h yC8torday continued - tinuod to como 'ln from the various wards wanln 'xnj procinciB ) ahow the Republican , victory of Tuesday to hats liaon , in Dougla * county , most 6ouploto and overwhelming. Impor tant lolcgraph news prevent ! an ex tended local oloctton report , which will bo moro complete , and -will bo given in tabular form in the next is sue of THR linn. CHIMES OF NORMANDY. An Excellent Performance by the Omaha Harmonic Society. The excellent work which the Har monic Society has accomplished in uniting and training our local vocal' ists han boon frequently alluded to in those columns. .Pew , outside of the press and the enterprising manager * of the organization appreciate the diffi culties which thia musical society haste to contend with since , it'e organiza tion and fewer Btill know what earnest and persevering work on the part of Hu officers and members is re sponsible foi thu excellent rendering oftho''C/iimM of JVornuim/y" which was presented to our pcoplo on Tuesday evening at Uoyd's opera hoUHu. In all n-Hpects , but thu audi ence , which ouuht to have filled every seat in thu building , it was a triumph for thoBocinty. The munical part of the opera bore evidence of patient re hearsal and painstaking ntudy of the composer's conception , while the acting waa frco from that ntifTiicss which HO often mars the effort of amateurs. In the richness and variety of the costumes , thu setting of the econery und the grouping of the _ performers , there wan little to criticise. The mass of the chorun so far as their movement and appearance on thu stage was concerned was handled with rare oaso. The "business" waa ex cellently arranged and carried out and throughout the entire opera there was an absence of those ombarraisaingmis- t.ikes and halts which do so much to mar the pleasure of an audience and the unity of a performance. 3f spnco permitted it a detailed ex amination of the musical merits of the rendering of the "Chimes" might prove interesting as it certainly would pnivo grukifyiiiij to every friend of the Har monic ocw .v. To gay that no oper.v has over been , ut upon tjlo Omaha local talei , ' . - . atago by lvnich V-M COIU. pare with last night a l'.rformanco , in faint praiQO. Especial mu.on | Iust bo made of thu excellent work * t ( j10 chorus. The ] ) tirts woio well bit. aiicud , the voices uniformly good , and the cues t.ikun with promptnenc and unison. In volume if Bound , and 'in harmony ot rendition tin choruaca of the Chiinen of Normandj have rarely been moro a.itm factorily presdnted on the metro politan stnge , and Prof. Mayor and the ladies and gentlemen whc participated deserve every congratu lation over the happy roaulta of thuii ntudy. In speaking of the orchestr ; the admission must bo ciade that thi work WUH not up to the usual mark o the Musical Union. The overture bert evidence of hasty preparation and un Huflieiont ufiuoraal und Lhoucconipnill mont frequently lagged. 3Ir. Stein liausor ha.1 under his charge an ox cellentclasa of musiciana capable o : performing with credit to thomselvti and pleasure to our people , but nc individual ability can ninko up for tht lack of practice and rehearsal. To-nighJ wo are sure that they will bo able tc givci a better account of themselves , The aolo parta wcro all taken by vocalista too well known in Omahn musical circles to require an extended introduction. Mrs. Chan. K. Squires as tterpnlettc , the piquant mock heroine , did full justice to her reputation as an accomplitmed aoprano. Her voice wa clear , true ami sympathetic. Hur act- mi ; wart eaay and thoroughly in ac cordance with A conscientious concep tion of the difleront characters ftho WHO c.ilod upon to'aesumo. The continued applause which met MrB Squires * oril. liant eflbrta evidenced howthoroughl ) aho maintained the place which aim hut won in thu hearta of Ouiuha a inuaici cal people. The part o ! Gtrmaint wan ad' mirably filled by Misa Liz 2'0 ' Caldprwpod whoao find apjiearanco in light opera in our citj gives rare proraiHo of future BUCCOIS , Miss Oalderwood has a voice of eon aidorablu range and compass. Ho : Hinging was marked by an case and naturalness demanded by the eweoi and Bivnplo Utrinainc and in the applause plauso which greeted the nolo aingers , Miss Calderwood waa by no moani forgottnn. Mr. Wlkina Jfenri , and the Gaipard of Mr. 1'onnill were al that the many adrairera of those woi known aingera could desiro. Mr M yo , who took the dillicult part ol /dm dvtierves more than passing notice not loss because it waa hm first appearance anco on the Omaha aiago than bec.iuei the gontlemau diapluyed ran powers of humorous and mirth provoking expression joined to ; pleasing tenor voice , and an easy aut unallontud action. Almoit Yoanu My mother WUH afflicted a long with neuralgia , and a dull , heavy , in active condition of the whole system headache , nervous prostration , am waa almost helpless. No physician or modicinet did her auy good. Thre months ace aho began to use iloj Hitters , with such good eiFcct tiiat ah seems and feel * youim nuuiu , ultliougl over 70 years old , Wo think thtr i no other medici o tit to UHO in th f.imily. A Lidy in Providence , 11.1 in -Journal uovl-15 to li AclinowlodRomont- liil Mra. Watson B. Smith , desiroi roof through tlieso columns , to noknowlt'i of the heartfelt sympathy of the publ in her recent great und sudden b roavomont. She also wishes to o : the press her deep gratitude for the mat U j vrotds of retpuct for her departed h'J DCk leki band , which have boon publUh d BI ure uttered throughouttho state , and f rice tha 'tokeni of riteem for Got Smitl Lw character which have b en e'xtcude HIB INITIATION , lofly , the Artiat , Joina Omaha Dramatic Club. Ml * Initiation. Into IU IMj-storlom Since the pkssaqa of the Sloeumb bill not a few devices have boonadopt- ed to evade ita intent And purp"ii , nd among those is the formation of cluba , of which there are now tovornl in the city and county , all regularly incorporated under the atata laws of Nebraska , Among those ia the Oma ha dramatic club , with headquarters at the Stadt theatre , concerning which JoaofTy , iho well known pianist , told the following story to * Donror reporter - porter : While on rout * for San Francisco , on reaching Omaha on a Sunday , there waa a lay-orer for several hours , and Josefly and a few others wout out for it stroll abou * . the city , Naturally enough they became thirsty and Nought for beer , but the ealoona wore nil cloaod , nor oven were the back doors open. After wandering about for HOIUO time JojefFy'ityo was caught by a nigu upon which w n inscribed in largo lottere , "Stadt Theater. " Turning to his companions ho ox- cltimed : "Whoro tliero'n n atadt theater there muit bo Gormuim , and where there are Germans there must bo boor , follow me , " and approaching the door , entered tha vestibule - tibulo of the thonter. There wan a bar to one eido , with a bartender * behind it , and a number of parties kind of lounging around. "Boer , " said Josefly comprehensively waving his hand to signify the number of glasses required. "Wa don't null boor on Sundays , " was the roply. "But , " said the artist , expostulating , "I aoo these other gentlemen are sup- plied. " "That's nil right , " replied the man behind the bur , "they nro members. " "Members of what ? " cried JosefTy'a entire party. "Of the club , " was importurably answered. Happening to glance round , ono of the p < irty at this juncture recognized an old Chicago friend among thu party , and hailed him , a general in troduction followed , und Joauffy and his friendn were conducted to a room where , after a few trifling ceremonials had been gene through , they were do- , clarcd duly elected honorary members of the club , and their names were enrolled on its Imt of membership. Our troubles are all over now , they thought , and , returning to the main room , again repeated the requeat for beer. beer."Nein , " wait ! the stolid bar man , "you must bi stockholders , " "Wull , " Joscffy asked , evidently fancying that the stockholder business meant treating the crowd , "how many res have wo got to purchase ? " ' * / " < * , " was the reply , ns the bar- lnnn n.anaod him live ticket * , each ono f which wttitlod the bearer to a glass f beer , and Mich waa ono for Mch iienibor of tnopju. . , "Only a quarter V interrogated [ | joaefiyi "Only a quarter , " replied . . : no lost , for the first time breaking out , nto a broad grin. How many quar- en , or rather shares , in the stocks of , he Stadt a beer bank were subse quently owned by the artist and hia lompiuuoiiB deponent aayeth not , only .t in stated on the authority of Man- the artist and \tivr Wulfaohn that both hia companions alept soundly and un- il late the following morning. " EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS Service for Busi ness Men Tuesday Night. The Tuesday night's meeting at the . 'rosbyterian church wasouuespecially interesting to business men , many of whom were present. After a song orvico of twenty minutes , Mr. White - o asked all to unite in prayer with lev. J. W. Shank , of the Eighteenth treat M. E. Church. Following thin rlr. and Mrs. McGranahan Hang a uot , with chorus , "Tho Crowning > y is Coiniujf , " after which silent . rayer v a offured by the audience for ( Jod'a blessing'on. the wordas it hould ' 10 read. Mr. Whittle road for his text Matt. 6:26. : "What is a man profited , if he hall gain the whole world and lose hin > wn soul ? or , what shall a man give n exchange for his soul ? " The speaker tried to impress upon his hoarnra that "it is i t all of life to live , not all of death .odio. " The grain of this lite ia only 'or a short time and then fides away. Once in a bunking houaoa stir was n 11 do over the death of a prominent : itimn. Many were anxious and one nquirod 'what did ho leave ? " A Chrmtian man who wan ia the con- . i vorsation remarked that 'ho loft it 1' ' all. ' Wo can't take our wealth with ua when wo go honco. It does not fit u for eternity. At the eloso of the diseourno Mr. and Mrs. MeGranahan ang very beautifully nnd with much expression , "Have you any room for Jcsua. " Several short talks were made by husinoM and professional men before the mooting cloiod , Mooting * will continue during the week euch afternoon and oveu < . .n * ' " PERSOKAI * H. J. Slmpnou of Stuart , ia h town. James Kearney , of Dcnvtr , U in tli city. Alex. Swan , the heavy cattlt owner , ar Ived yesterday from tlu west. o K , IJjbcock , of Lincoln , Is In the city , staying at v . r rclhtoii ( housa W. U. Clark , of Wfttenvos amonj tlio arrivals in the city yesterdty. Ftcd Parker nnd A. 0. Ualolt , of So < Fall ? , uro re Istered at the Creghton. Hon. Thomtw L. Klmlull , gmoial man jeruf theUnloit Pacificrulio Ireturnei ywttrday afternoon from Drnrer an Larnmio. Alle 0 t nd her variety troupe wer pasJtPgeraouth wo t bound Union I'l otfio tr t rJ y. They gothrough t Ui * ' oowt knd open in 8 n Franclici Allo * U tbt ld r f th w ll known 0 U who , a few year * RO , were tha rufif of th TAriety stace. HerbertThayer , ion of HenatorThayer , ot Hock Crffk , was in Omaha yesterday n a brirf rlnlt. ! te l ftjn the afternoon for Now York City and Denton on a few woeVn' vitit. H. U. 1'ernlnjr'r , editor tf The H tnr- day Timed , hu dlnponcd of that paper , and yeet rday return-d to De Molnet.hli former home. Mr. PeriinKer it a genl l gentleman and a good newrpaptr man , nnd mad * many friend * in Onaha wh will reg l his dtparture. GENERAL SHERMAN , Fourteen Days Coming From Biamarck to Omaha. m tit * Fang of WlnUr. A few days ago the teamor Red Cloud , of the Baker line , paaaod down , and it waa thoti stated that a govern ment boat would arrive in about ton daya. The latter gained time on her predecessor , and at 4:1)0 : ) p. m. yester day rounded tt > gracefully at the levee , between Rmihnra and Douglas streets , where BIO was noon boarded by a BKK reporter , who made the acquaint ance of thu officers , The General Sherman , for thai is the namu of the handsome craft , is olRcercd ns follows : Capt. W. G. Lingo , master ; John Leasuro , clerk ; A. J. Spahr , pilot ; J. K. Martin , head engineer ; John A. Marsh , second end engineer ; Nohon Simons , mate ; W. H. Alexander , steward. The steamer was built in the shipyards oil the Ohio , opposite New Albany , Ind. , in 1877 , and with her counterpart , the Don Ciuuenn , started for Biamarck in the spring of that year. The Don Cameron waa a few days behind the Sherman and striking a snag just this side of Sioux City , wont down to lie forever in thu bed of the Missouri. The survivor of the twin crafts is a trim and well equipped boat. She is 145 feet long , by 28 foot breadth of beam and 280 registered tonnage. Shu is provided with two engines , 12 inch cylinders and 4i foot stroke , and is fitted up in first-class style , her cabin being the best of any on the river , excepting , perhaps , the Montana and Dakota. C pt , Lintjo is an old river captain who formerly commanded ono of the packets in the Omaha St. Joe line , back in the 'CO's. Ho was master of the same steamer on which Harry Dcuel was clerk in the fall of 1806 , nnd ran on the line for ton years. He inquired for Messrs. Deuol and W. W. Copeland , both of whom ho desired - sired to BCO before leaving. The General Sherman waa built to carry freight and passengers on the upper Missouri , and has run between Biamarck and Fort Bcntpn on the Missouri and Ferry's Landing on the Yellowstone. The trip down the river ia the first ono since she was taken up in 1877 , and is for purpose of undergoing extensive re- l' - . in the course of which thirty feet w , ) Q ndded to her iongth. She will return . . _ h hl aho ; 'Iho boat fci. Tjiamarclc Octo ber 2Gth , nnd , , made only such stops as wore necessitated by high winds and a oua river. Considerable enow foil before iho loft , the first being the fall of , hreo weeks a go last Iriday , which was reported by Captain Williams , of 'rho Uod Cloud. No ice has been run icross yet , and Captain Lingo is has- ening to got south before winter nets n. The atop hero wan to obtain coal tnd rations for the trip to St. Louis , ind these wore supplied by the officers , t the military headquarters in this ity. It was expected that the boat would leave at daylight thia morning. Got Oat Doors. The clem * confinement of all factory rork , gives the operative pallid faces , > oor appetite , languid , miserable fool- ngH , poor blood , inactive liver , kid- noya and urinaty troubles , and all the ih < aicians and medicine in the world imnot help thorn unless they got out if doora or uao Hop Bittera , thom m eat and best remedy , especially for uch crises , having abundance of health , unshinu and rosy checks in them. They cent but a trifle. See another : oluinn. Chriitian liteordtr. nov 15 SOLDIERS ON WHEELS. A'.Regiment of Troops en Route Boat from the Pacific Coast. At 10 o'clock Wednesday a upccial rain consisting of aix baggage cars , ight day coaches , three Pullman Icepora and a caboose , nrrivod in this ity from the west , The train hnd on jo.ird several hundred aoldieia , offi- era und ladies , who left the i'acific east on Friday for the Now England east , to various pointa of which they lave been transferred. There were of the Fourth infantry Uogt. , CO.'B K and F , from Ft. Canby. iVaahington Ty. ; Co.'a A , C nnd L , VI EJ' ° int , San Francisco harbor ; ight ttprjr - H Co. H , from Pro- aidio ; Co. Al , from o u . t rtaTi the headquarters of the Fourth anil- lory , and the band of the Fourth in fantry , from Preaidio. All were un der command of General Graham , whoso family accompanied him. The officera on board were aa fol lows : Captains Hosbrook , Throckmorton and family , Eauan , Smith and family , Cukhing nnd family , Field , Bancroft nnd family , Fugor , U. Q , M. , and Leary a , and wife , 'l > hill $ , "S. Ftth and family , Alexander , PnoVWpn Stuart and family , Cumlnga and wife , Gerard , Totton , Howe nnd family , Evorotts and family , andSchroeiter. The train o > ily remained on thia side about five minutes and pulled ncroa the bridge to be transferred immo. diatoly to another special train for the tut. OLOSIflG THE ARGUMENT , Tbo DoQroat Caao Still Before the District Court , The argument of counsel In the trial of CharloB DcGroat occupied the entire day in the district court , which resumed ita session at 0 o'clock yesterday - torday morning , District Attorney Burnham opened the argument for the ttato , and spoke two hours , in which he made a careful review of the whole caao nnd gave the moro important testimony. J. II. Clarkion , Kaq. , for the defense - fonso , followed in an argument on legal points , and preaonted again to the jury much of the testimony pro- lentod laat week iu behalf of the pris oner. oner.Gen. . John C. Cowin then mndo the chief closing argument for thodefensc. Ilia effort was a most eloquent and masterly ono and attracted the earnest attention of thu jury and spectators. Ho apoko three hours. At 5:30 : o'clock Judge Thurston be gan the concluding argument of the the cane , ana presented Iho casoof the state in a moat forcible and able man ner. During the brief time ho spoke the court room was breathlessly still. At C o'clock Judge Savage adjourned court until 0 a. m. to-dity , when Judge Thuraton will continue his speech nnd the case bogivcn to the jury. ' Traveling Men find it hard to keep in good health , owing to tha constant change of water , diet nnd the jarring of the cars. All these tlnnga injnro the kidneys , while Warner's Sate Kidney and Liver Cure ia certain to counteract - act them. . Iw SPECIALlOTICES. NOTICE Advertisement To Lo n , ForS ] f , Ixwt , Found. W nt , Boudlnc. tc. , will bo In verted to theeo columns once tor TEN CKNTS per line ; ench truboequentlnwrtlon , FIVE CKNTS per lice. Tha tint Insertion neTir lens thui nVKNTT-FIVK C1KNT8 TO LOAN MONEY. TY/f OHEY TO LOAN C&ll at Uvr OUlce of D. 1VJL L. Tbomu Room 8 , Cielehton Block. To loan at ( rom S to 10 percent ' "n Bood r l wtAtc'ocurity , by UK. ItjAAC F.DVVAKDii 1100 Karnhnm St. OOKA Af ATO tOAN At 8 per ccntln- 3WOU.UUU teriwk In sum * of f2KO and upwards , for 3 to S years , on tlrct-clftM city and ( arm property. HIUIS I'.XAL EstATH and LOAM AOIHCT : , 16th and Uouzlcs fiU HJLP WANTED. > S tuutloninprliatt fuinilytocook , WANTKt J Iron , /ildreaill.c. I ) . , UKT. ollico. 41C-U' 'AMKD A boy at Marcy & Co. . 14th street W 1039' WWANTHI > Oiimbcrmald. Apply ftt the WANTHI . 471-1-1 I'eiit'on hy n tcmpcrant jounp WANTED a ntorc , had two > ojr ' uxpcrltnce In wroccry sfcro , hot ot tolcKLCi ) it ic < iirrcd. n 1) ) , hoi iW. P. O. 4bU 11 * A etout boy to take c re of WANTKD . Apjly B. o. oor. ISth and Uodjjo 474-10 A situation by aprntllcal boott- WANTKD nno U willing to make hlmwlt useful In any capacity. Unoi'tptloral ttitiran- nlali Addrt 3 Mr. Llughts , 107 Soutb-lOtb ( trect. 473-H * 'ANTED A llrst-clvn cylinder press ( cciler , W Hi thh elBoo. Loi9tf \TTANTKD-SltuatIon for a flrst-ches mil Iner from the tart. Aildran S43' WANTKD , . oujoiceepe , t 1109 Farnhiun Btroet , up Btau. . 4CJ-t ( WANTKD By a lody-A lady partner to go In builnwu. Addresa ilra. E. A. , Omahn. Nebraska , 470-11 * i'AXTKD Two dlnlnj room jrlrl at St. W ' Chnilra Hotel. 4S9-3' WANTKD-A cook at 820 Harnoy Rt. . Let. Pth and 10th. 4&3.U WANTKD A younp man to work In a hat more , at 1322 Farnbatn St. 4H2-U A flrxt-tlass woman c-ok atChrte. WANTED ranuurai.t , 11 Oi FArchaiu utrcet. 4J1-U A compeUat UumlreiM , by Mr * . WANTED , Sautn lO.h St. 439-10' . Olrltodo boaiowork. Kiuiuiro WANTF.n Xarnham Ut. 442-tf ANTKD. C ofc nnd kitchen tfil at tha _ P ciacUouec. _ 417-tf WANTKD Two ( rirlo. ono to cook , \r h ajid Iron , and one to do 8c end wor and take care of children. Best ot r > fireocon rwiulrfJ. Apply eouthco , corner of ZOtU and Collfornla HU. Beit of wage * . S93 tf WANTKD A pOKltton In flnt-clanj | tore , by a Krftcluito ol University of 1'ennsllama ( Id. I ) ) Kntlrtly rumlltor nitiithc drug Luflincu. AJdrtaj. J. M. R , } le offiro. 31-3 IK * HO to WO loodi of dirt rjcur XZd WANTED Mary's areuue. Enquire at Dtx ofllce. 3SJV-U " \"I7"AJTKL > HO to tt looas ef dirt near XSrJ VY lu > d St. Uary's avenue. Enquire at Boo oUlca. 198-tf _ - - , . school bond * . U. T. CUak , Bifl.rue. S6-M FOR RENT HOUSES AND LAND. [ TfoTTKKNT-Co'logcon ' SO h Btr/et between Farubaui and Uouglan. Enquire en prim- EOH RKNT Kutnl heJ front room , 1417 Ho arUtrett. 477-1S riOKRK.ST KurnUh.d room. SJ door south , JJ ol K. K. cor. Davenport and lllb HI. 4i8- ' RKNT-Room nn'l board , n. w. cor ; " o ( FOK CopltoMrenm > nd 17th. _ _ w 9 ! _ TTlOrt RENT-L njeli ndiKm8'y furnlnhcd ba"k JJ parlor also ( rout room keconu w iIT4kh"'K HA1.K One of the be t grocsrr stores In } thu i-l v of Crent in , Iowa. Location A 1. No- doing a tuccr-tful buelnn > n. Keuon for jcllln' , golm ; Into other builneM. Ad J run "Uuiinex- , " lock box 2.1. Crotou. Iowa. 40 U KKNT-KurnUhid front room , with or wlthouvbond. CalUt 003 N , ITIh Ht. 402-tf 00 It KENT A milte ol six rooms , enltublo for J ? houDDkitplny , Enquire at 1H17 Chlcajo , or 15)8 a-id 1S10 DatiRlM Ht. . tip ttolrn. < UIf -.1 HK.ST FumldhcU rooms at N. W , cor ntr 1 d and WtUter. 171011 HRNT-llooin * at 17CO Uurt street , he- I1 twren iTihBiidlttli. 118-10' I 10H 11KST Furnished room , B. K. cor. 17th and lUjctui rt. Ona or tuo gentlemen. I01' ' IlBST-IIouse cf noun rooms , within tli Ablocl < < " " * V , 0. Imiulro 1613 Jom . un- tllhdv , fcih. 420 B * EOU REN r-llrlck store In Jioob1 b'o k , Uth and C pltoJ avenuo. JOUN O. JACOHa. . 438-tf EOR HEHT-t story house , B looms , 4 Urx elo tj aUo.t , Urn U dialrtd , X488 D TII. J r Si , lt ) < SPKOIAL NOTIOES-OontlBied T A lwo tory hou with 8 fl 1 } rooms did 4 Urge clcxtU ; no , born If d * . ilreil. Inquire tl Mil Dircnpoit Btrtet. xmth tldt. > 4SM1 FOR MKNT To joanit men who dealre toot winUr quarters : Iwo nicely fumtuhod Toomt. Inquire of J. L. Rk M Jot t Sam's et a > iri8Dod < t trett. RKNT A fnrnlhed front room for rent FOR with board , In prlTate fanillr. DID liman prettf i d. Oil 007t N. 17th St. ! * > aSUJT I hmbbed room * oter * * FOB haoM'Rxohaire.N. JE. 001. lei * aod Dodyt tr * lf. BALE. BALK A small neat paying bnilnem , EOH lease of UuUJIujf , , Uood iev n In/ lllnff. Only small Okpllal required. Enqmln ktthlaoQlre 4M1P BAIK-Lot ou 6lh itmt belwe n r dfic unifltice. Enquire * l lllo Houtb-eth at , 403 11 * 7,101 ! BALB-Flne upright piano. Enquire 10 Jj .N. IWhBt. WUl J1 oa month ] ; p * > menla. 438 ' "I70RSALE T n good penl , cJitrp : ak ! l d JL1 Barn. Uth St. odl-tf OK HAI.K A Rnall houeo and J Urt wllh a-ooi F well ud stable , on 30th , w Bhrfm-ui Kt. , No 1807. Price , MM. 878-tl HICK fOK KALb. B 203-tf KSTARROOK & OOK. .1OHSALK A. lot of Beooud hand fnrnltura , ftOTM , can > eta and crockery nuo , at IL. lgie , laoa POUKIM st * . zos-im UA rattUiiK lontt lists at bousm , loie BKU1H * aiid farm * for BO ] * Call tad gel them. BALIS A EmAll engine , I ) . W. Ptynn FOR > make. In perfect osdor. Innulri' ol 1. G. OUrk & Co. ITIOR BALK Maps of Ioa laa and Borpy ont- J ? tlea. A.HOSKWATKnlB20F rnhunotro t KO-U "I OR 8ALB Four ocre of Innd near wntor- I1 work * reservoir , alaotvro rottount on Capitol llilL Add. ANDREW , UEV1NS..1SOO DougUui 8t AND LAND Bemls renta honnxt , HOUHK9 Btorvt , hotel * , ( anr ot * , land * , olSceg roomn , etc , Bco lot p < 4c > MIBCCLLANEOUQ. rilHK iwlvertl'cr limlnc acquired thorlfthtol an JL A 1 Ucdicine , of which tha pr BCrlptlun han hltheito been u guurdol secret to the cclubtatod houpltil Irom whkh It li obtalnrd , ilMlm to m et lUi pome one willing to Inrctt " mo jernte ca Itil far a ohnrc In the iirollku Addt st F. O. box &OZ , Omaha. 447-10 . M. BRUNHWICK & BtAKK 00. , Keep a complete stock of Billiard Table * and Ull- Until mcrnandiao on hand.nt tht4rttore room ,000 Houth 10th Ht. , Omaha , Neb. ol2-lm < T llOHSVAa9HJ Will pay Uio highest awb rl . price for mirond hand Billiard and Pool Tablee. Call or addrcei 500 South ICth Ht. . olZ-lm * KMI8' RKAL i TATE BOOM. Hee Irt pn e. B AI.EO HAY At A. II. Bonder1 ! ) Few ! Store B 101SIlarno.YSt. Hltt IEM1S1 UUAL ESTATK KXCHAXiUK.-g KMIS1 ! BW CITS MAP8. 10c. Moutite B Map , 8.BO. UhO. F. IlKMtS. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICK. Special iwlvertlticmeiiti , sueh ae Ixwt , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Want * , Hoarding , etc. , will bo ineerUil In this column at Iho low rate ol TEN CFJiTd 1'EK LINE for the flrdt insertion and FIVE CENTS PKIw LINK for cncb eubH ] ucnt Ineertion. Leave adv crtlxementfi at cur cilice , up Ft.ire , comer Ilroadwuy and Main etrctt ) . Council K erj'hody in Council DlnffB Jo WANTED KHP , 211 cents per vtitk , tie Ihcrid by carmru. Oltiie corner Ilroadwuy and Main , up BUIr . Council Blugn. 6 2-tf A good sUody man to take care WjtKTKD . Addr en A. L. , BOJ office , Council Bluffs. NOTJ-7t ANTED To buy Rood mlleh eow. Addrc W Bf otBe , Council Blufls. Neru-6t Agcnti to tanfaas B et pay. WANTED - In the lobiitry. Ad < ireas C. M.Ee offloe , Council BluBi. FOR SAL ? : Home , buggy > nd barneta , cheap for nwh. Addretu Vr. II. C. , Beu cUkc , Council lllufld. NOTU-3I BALE Ore 10-foot Iron bed. 10 Inch FOR HAiug , wood turning lat'ie , sulublo forpafc- tern < , pcwtn , chucking and drilling ; Ktrong i'xl , ruatlj new ; cut 51 IU , pilcc $ rt ) . Ono etroni ; drill prM < , little usid ; i < 04 $ lii. prlc $110. One new wood turnini ; lithe , K foot bed , 10 in h nwlnglprlc ; gl'J. OIICIKW vupaln , bliiwtr , flanks und moulillng sand , cheap. 0 lier Uthes , uUnm tnKiiHH , rhultinf ; and pallieJi H. D. &S. J. HOl'KINd , Council UiuQn , I iwa. 10 s3t T 03T \ black mid white bulldor , large col- .LJ l r and chain around hLi ntc < < . Infurmutlon In regard to him , r.r hi- return , will be liberally riftardel. J. O'UKIEX , U. P. < x > tta e , Liar transfer , Council Bluffs. . having fctOTin , furniture end ee. ad S PART1K.S ila ) dweri tion can dlxpo e ot them for cish by CAllini ; t the City Auction Store of J. A. FHlton TA Co. CfQicU ' , Io a. ot28 tf OTTF.K'H TICKKT OFFICK-War In railroad X ticket/ ) continue * to boom. Um rvccdentod low rutw < to all eautcrn polHts. Ercry tltkct guarantied. Orders tilled Dy tolcphone. From one to ten dolUrn vavod by purtnaolng tickets of C. A. Potter , Bucoeuor to Potter A 1'almtr , No. 40 South Fifth etrtet , f > ur doora belo * the poet- office , Councllllluffii , Iowa. _ octlS-if lioy , wfth pony , to carry pap re. WANTKD at ii K oSlcc , Council lluil ) . octl3t : ? | T17"ANTKD ] To buy 100 lee * broom corn. TT For partlculara addreiM Countil Itlnff * Broom Factory , Council Blulli , lova. 6J6-KU 1KTANTED A dnt-clam broom tier. Mayn * VV t Co. . Council Illaffj , Iowa. MO 80 * 'AKTKD A boy to do chorea al Mjnrters W fluhery. Council BluBa. OBIW BALK Old papefB 4Tc per hundred , kt FOR Iteo office. Council BluOr. Bi-27 tf EDWAED KUEHL MAOIBTKR OF PALMY6TKKY AND.CONUI T10KALIBT , tOfl Tenth Htrrel , between Fanibom andtlajaey. Will , with tne aid of guardian pints , obtain for any one t Blanco at ih past and prvHent , and on certain condition * In the fu ture. Itoota und 8hwn uindo to order. Perfect natlxfactlon ruaranuixl au2fl-lm Absolutely Pure. 'l tion makfao sucJi Hgni , iuUj uJ uiuriou. naatrr. Can U ten bj w/i wlUout f u of { halllr retultlng from hM Vcrtlble lood. Bold In conn , hr i" " - HOYAL HAilMOHOWT ln ftr.