Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1881, Page 6, Image 6
THE ( IMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY NOVEMBER 10 , 1881. COIN ON THE PRAIRI A Largo Amount of Legal' ' der Takou iu Trade. An IOWA Town of Two Yean Bntno nnd SurroumUrm of The lice. C m f ] > ondcnrc " COIN , In. , November 3. T not a mint , although there in cc erablo money being coined here , years ngo ( ho ( own si to ol Con nothing moro attractive than "hump" on the -\vido prairies. ) the Wabnah railroad was built 11 rectors made notation here , natr Coin and built n depot. At that thorc'wofl R small trading point milo north of thia place , known i SNOW nttt , * which consisted of a general aton postoflico combined. This oatal mont was moved hero in the ft 79 , and was the first business op out in this place. The postoffice Allotted n now building and ? name. The evaporation of Snow IcVvcs a solid residuum of n flo mill , which is now running , and i dwelling. Soon after the new began to develop a lumber yard opened fcnd several buildings quickly erected. The excitement high and is up yet. The price ol is constantly raining , although no out of the roach of those of mod luonns who wish to provide a horn COIN * to-d y is n young city , just'old on to bo weanud Irom tno parent { and is doing nicely , notwithstaii the inclemency of tliu weather di this critical period. She , was i poratod August 1 , 1881 , hud M H. Baldwin uloctod mayor. I di learn whether she had any tcotl or not , but some of tha rmlroad who invade the town can give thi formation. She is very Jargo fo ; ago , however , and ranks only thi ; Page county , in a business poii view. There are now upwards of visible noses hero. MKW HTOOKH are opening , new buildings ma ) and now acquaintances are foun most every day. Messrs. Priuc Reid have just conio out with f , colors and an increased stock of coricH , the old and reliable P. taking a partner. A complete t of agricultural implements , will building , postoilico , furniture i and building , hardware ntock ntore , grocery store , a millinery lor , now house. A tine drug sti about to sally forth with a coin paraphernalia , and n dry goods i also are among these that come i this head. Messrs. Pollock & Lovp erect fine store 22xGO and filled it "t full" of general inorchaudiso in cembor , their trade is increasing on 1IIIHY DAYrf they are obliged to have extra c to take in the wealth aud give ou uo received. Those dttys occur in Coin and the > way the teams the streets , and the people co gate about town would nstonisl observer ; in shor * there is as i business donu hero as thuro is in i towns three times as largo. 1 are now fifteen commercial house the necessary work shops and pi sional ofllceri , always ready to the public and everything neodot the comforts of lifo can bo cuuvet ly had in Coin withont the ususl experienced in young towns. A the IMl'UOVKMKHtS nro noted a now U , P. church ct making two churches in $2,500 , ' nnd n now railroad is being'gi which is to run from Corni Olarinda , Iowa. It is a branch C. , B. & Q. , and crosses the W three-fourths of a mile north1 o depot ; they make ft hijh track the latter rood thia giving on pendent crossing for both : ' They will put up\U depot on thn and are expected to bo in runui : der by January 1st next. A elevator is contemplated atthis and a newspaper is to make it but this week. Borne talk is -about a now school house wh vbadly nootlod nnd must be att to for there are now over 100 sc crowded into a small building would not furnish room cnou ) ono-hulf that number and just them. A nuw IIANKINd OKFICK is located on the prominent < size , 20x50 feet ana is to be oc by the bank of Coin which wns lishcd January 20th , 1881. Tli building will bo frame , built wl intention of substituting n brie soon , or when the demands ( country require it , the vault i atantial ana permanently put uj to bo fitted with all the model provomonts , this is a branch hu the Page Co. , bank of Clurinda in charge of Mr. T. 0. Beard , c Toney "does" go and goes ho \ CKOI-H. I think it uafo to tmy that the of Page county , aru above the age of neighbor counties for thi Thn corn in many Hilda tha planted early , much bettor thn expected , yet there are some that were replanted on acco poor seed , and a backward sprii wore BO latb that it did not and is of little good. Potato . other products are not to oxce usual report of half a crop. Th been shipped from this station the months of Juno , July , and September 803 carloads of mostly com , and 02 carloads o I was very cordially invited to . A , 1V1IIUL IK rAOB COUNT by Captain Nooley , an old tiroi has been hero for the put ton Ho'isa relic of the late war , served Cvo year * OH commaii cavalry. I was highly onte with hit skctcho * and incidents tlio IndUu troubles while on th during his career , wl ) t the can tell about his experience inakvan interesting publioatioi drove a fine team acroM the B < portion of the county und it nicest country I ever visited wil ny exception , Th farms nro under n subdued of cultivation , the most of their fenced and n general outlook of p.rily prevails. Wo visited cottr.aE flrjUNas. ono of the oldest towns , which been badly Blighted by the rail and is now kept up by tbo Amitv lego nnd a few boarding houses. J are only two or thrro stocks of t there , but it in just the right plac can rest as ? a collrgo OH parents that their children will not got trouble on account of the i any vices usually found in larger tci Thcro are no saloon * or garni house in town , nothing but quiet nothing to call the attention from various studies hero ( at There nro now an attendance 215 ftTUDKNTH of which fully 00 per cent , are residents. The faculty coniist of en well trained tcichcrs roprcsoi all branches of English nnd hi studios together with the arts and guages. of M Wo passed tho'fruit ' farm whogavoussomo rare i G. Snugliti imons of apples. Ho has about ] bearing apmo trees and picked 3 bushels of fruit this fall and ready sale at homo at 01 per bu He has had an average crop of 1 bushels for the last ten yoarri. "What is your opinion of Pagoc ty n " A yilUITOUOWlHO COUNTUY , I asked. ' "Wo planted the first lot of J trees in 1858 and they are all now , the winters seemed to hare ! them and wo became discourage ! ipont seven months ( pivoting in suit of n fruit growing section finally como home and told the we would again plant and put the thick that , if the half of them from any cause , ( hey would the thick enough nnd they are thick now. Wo have been cu them out over since. Foru THK nOUXlM did an extensive damage and the the worst enemy wo have now , hi using insect traps and taking D.iins wo can keep them back so little or no damage is done. " "Do you ooimidor a northern preferable ? " "Yes. " "On what account. " "It is more backward'in tho's than a southern slope , the gre trouble in trying to grow fruit I' the warm weather usually previ in February and March starts buds to expanding and the fil'KINCI FltOHTH of April destroys thorn. A nor slope does inot thaw out ontirc March , and as long as the fro about the roots the buds do not nnd it is advisable ( o mulch the in ordec to hold the frostin the gt until proper time. " "What varieties of winter * a do you best succeed with1 "Tin ? Bon Davis is number Willow-twig , wincsap , white main , Jonathan , romanito , Hi twig and jonutin como , jui the named. TUB WINDS blow off the largo and heavy 1 which is the only objection t domining , a oed summer vnrlet a great bearer. The early sour , vest , red Juno , and Uonick , are the nnel astrean have done nc with us ; paromnin , sweet jam , Toltnan sweet ara among the bust mor nnd fall variety wo havo. " "How nre pouches and pears ? " "Peaches are short lived wi ( and wo have not given them mu a trial. But THK I'EAH'H JIUOHT so quick that they are of no use. ' "Do yon think of any way to vout blight , and what do you cor the chief cause. " "No I think blight is cause OD rapid n growth of tops duriii rowing season. I have known j roes to grow shoots 8 to 10 fc ength in the month of Juno , am ng small roots , the tree fails t ap enough after dry weather c o support so. much , tup and of tome omo of the limbs must die ; weaker ones wither first. " "Would rigid pruning beany 1 I think so. " A CHKEHB FACTOHV i.located noor Col go Springs i apacity of. 5,000 pounds of mil lay , The product of some 200 was utilized thu season , and i sold at 11 cents per pound at ho Dairying is in order in this vi and with tlio improved stock of and the use of ice and better now found among the farm Page county , butter and cheea oine , to the front. I noticed some line ever growing in many farm yards < way , milking the whole conntr ; chcorful.and inviting. TUB Al'IAKY of Mr , Liuglilin comprises ! ! 81 and are in ulUiiirishingconditioi L. clous not allow them to swan usually divides thu strong one ; ho has perfect control over tin saw a frame of beautiful ham removed from the hive that ornament any table. See advertising columns foi ness director- . Re SKINNY MEN. "Wolla1 Health Uonowor , " remedy on earth for impotenci ness , gtuiuul debility , Ac. Out at druggist's. Depot , 0. F man. AN HONEST MEDICINE OF COST. Of all medicines advertised tiny ufloction of the Throat , Oj Lungs , wo know of none wo c ommoiid so highly as Du. KING DIKCOVKKY for Consumption C Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis II vor , Hoarseness , Tickling i Throat , losi of voice , etc , Thi icino does positively euro , an where everything else has fuiloi medicine can show one-half so positive and permanent cures i already ken effected by tliii wondorfuj romody. 1'or Asthi Bronchitiu it is * perlect spocif ing the very worst CMOS in tin i it time possible. Wo soy means give it a trial. Trial froo. Hegular ufeofl.OO. Foi 8ily ( ) IKU & Ilnmllton County Crop * . CorrMipondtnloflni Bm. In your issue of October 20 u the head of "Aurora" from youi respondent lUngcrj appears the lowing : "Tho crops hero nro ni unsurpassed by any spot in Nebn Fifty to soycnly-fivo bushels i coin product to the acre , and the tal amount is stupendous nnd ca bo correctly estimated ni this I Wheat will fully average twelve 1 els to the acre. Oats from fift sixty bushels , and other grains in portion. A magnificent cxhihi Hamilton County products was i ivt the state fair this year , thn the onterprino of Mr. Helling. " Our County Agricultual Soi mooting was set for 20th , the 1 received Tin : BKK , and wo also n County Alliance meeting , I this part of the nrticlo to a nnmb Farmers from various parts of the c ty and the general expression was priso at such a report , und Severn guested the writer to correct the s uiunt to THR BKH , for all said " [ also statements invariably do o [ promised to attempt a correcl Having for many years been a porter ou crops 'for our govorm ind also for Prime's crop buroa have by inquiring of threshing chiuo men and farmers relativi crops , and also being a farmer traveling some among farms , tried to arrivn at the correct estii of crops. Corn is placed by none at eve bushels per acre an average. put it as low os 15. Our county premium crop was 52 bushels ; second 42 bushels. I much d there being an aero in this county will go 75 , while there are hunt of ncrco of lute planting that will go over D to 15 bushels , yet wo lit tolerable crop of good corn. Wheat will not average over 7 I els , some say 5 , yet I have put estimate at 7. Olio of the far that hoard mo read ttio article "in the precinct ho lived ho font.d only one piece that 10 bushels , while moat only from two to five bushels , " I seen no threshing machine man averages oats over 25 , or 30 at most. Wo do not wish our coun be misrepresented to deceive grunts , but want an honest state : of fuels about crops. "Hanger" gous to n lawyer to the condition of crops. I shout soon think of going to a ahoemak inquire about law. "A magnificent exhibit of Ham county products was made tit the fair this year , through tlio enter of Mr. Ilollmg. " Where wn * it ? secretary of our county society , assistant secretary at the state the ono who had the entries tor cc exhibits to make , I can state Hamilton county mudo no entr exhibits. While , as secretary of awarding committee on county o : its , wo wont into the tent of the M. railroad company to oxu Kearney county oxnibita , I saw o marked "From Hamilton county inquired of the ixgunt who had ch where were Hamilton county's gi Ho replied , "There are a few among those sacks , but I cannel which they aio ! " This was all 1 or heard of , undoubtedly "A ma cent exhibit" by the B. ' & M. It that could not tell which. Any that wants moro information of "Magnificent Exhibit" ask Col. Bride , state secretary , or Ed. J tyre , of Seward , superintendent department. I know Mr. llollings gathered varieties of farm crops , and the publican of Aurora said , "Mr. . ' ings , send them to Iowa to show plus of Hamilton county cr Probably the "Magnificent Exli was the refuse of these , to the I M. uompany. The most of Ran article was gocd and truo. Yours Respectfully , E. S. PIIKI. AUKOHA , Nob. Economy. A fortune may bo uncut in twlng . 'ectnnl medicines , wlion by mi ] Thouiaa' Uclcctrlc Oil a epecdy nnd omtcal cure can be effected. Iu a rbeumutluu ) , laine back , bodily nlli or priiiH ol every deucrlntfon it ofloi * timt relief. IV Prairie Firm and CorrisiKmdeiico ol The Bos. The farmers of Calhoun pn mot again on the 24th ult. foi purpose of takinc ? in the wolf an ( uestion for discussion. Quito u bar mot and a very lively intortta manifested. They necin to bo do iued to put a stop to the burn ! the prairie grass in the fall of UK for several seasons , First , it let bleak , bare prairie lire , with note to hold the snow from drifting deep drifts , much to the annoyai travelers ; it burns up much vogel that would help to feed stock ( hi the winter in many localities , an of the greatest reasons is that burned over in the fall pro many moro woods than when hi off in the spring after the wcede taken u little start. The eno > \ by the graes molts slowly and into the ground in the spring an old grass prevents the ground drying out by the spring winds. For the above and other re every ono should do his best ti vent the pr.iirieu being burned. The question of destroying wolves wan discuBsod , but no d < conclusion arrived at. A tion wns carried for committee of Qvo bo elected to resolutions and by-laws to bo sn ted at a general meeting to bo hi Saturday , Novombot 12th. The mittuo consists of David Nealo , mon Cochran , Norman Slador , lloBchmark and Judge Stilts , agreed to moot at the office of , Stilts , Monday evening , Nov ( 10th. The meeting adjourned. DAVID Western BorpQ ana Oattk Buranco Company , . Oa > : , nJ , - - M r , ' . Ineurw Ilor i. Hul i , a UWv * ' , it' acoUint.jMx.Mxior lh lt. Atiucli. UiJ tint ol tht BUtc. Bud ( or dic.dui. t I fen auflcr Irom Ujupcpito , usa HUIUMKJK ULOOD niT I you nr nmlct * ! 11111 IlllloHineM , use f IIUKDOCK niOOD UIT I you nro prwtrtUxl with nick Headache , I J1UIU > OCK I1I.OOD UIT I your Dowels arc ( Unordered , rcpulato tlicr nounooK III.OOD IIIT I your Illood U mpurr , purity It with BUUDOC'K IILOOD BIT f jouhavoImitationjou will flndan nn n BUUDOCK BLOOD BIT. t yon nro troubled with Spring Complalnl wllcato them with BUKUOCK BLOOD BIT I your UrerU torpid , rntore It to healthy rlth BURDOCK BLOOD IHT f your UIOT U tOcttod , you will flnd a n toratlvoIn ilUKDOCK IILOOD BIT ] lyouhATe > nypeclMOlHumar or Pimp ! lot to take BURDOCK BI.OOD BIT f you hara nny nymptomi ot Ulcer * or Hero Sorcg , n cxuntlro remedy will l > o found ! BUKDOCK BLOOD BIT ] Tor Importing drength and vitality to tr cm , nothing < n l BOUDOCK BLOOD BIT For Korvotu nod Gtnorol Debility , tone u yatemwlth BURDOCK BLOOD BIT Price , 01.00 per'Dottle ; Trial Bottles II POSTEElMILBURHI&CoIPr BUTTALO , N. Y- Bold at wholesale bj lib A UcMahon and Joodman. jo 27 cot ! The leading Scientist * ot to-day ogre roe t dlecucs nru caused by ilUorilvreil k or liver. If , therefore , the kidneys ixnd 11\ kept In perfect ordir , perfect health will result. This truthnMonl'bcenkno n a time and for years people Buffered great without belli ) ; nblo to llnd relief. Tha ilUi of Warner'H nnfe Kidm-y and Ucr Cure m ot these trc a now era 1 1 the treatment M de from n simple tropical leaf of rnro vn contains just the elements necessary to n and Invigorate both ot theti great organ mfelr restore and keep them in order. Poiltlve Remedy for all thedlscasoa thai palm In tlio low or part o ( the body tor ' Lh 01 II eo dachCH Jaun Ice Dizziness Vev . A IO Lit er and Urinary Orgam It Is an excellent nnd Hnf < r > rcmody for f durltiR 1'rcKnancy. It will control MensU and In In ' limble for Loucorrhcoa or Fall the Womb. As a Ulood Purlfler It Is uncauAlrd , for 1 the organs that make the blood. This remedy , u hlch 1m * done Kitch wend put up In the LARGEST SIZED nOTl'I.K ( medicine upon the market and Is soli ] by Klattt and all dealers at SI. 26 tier bottle. HlabctcB , cnnulri. for WAKNRn'S SAFB JIKTKH CU11K. ItluaPOjI 1VK Itemed ; H. H. WARNER & OO./ Rochester , t < jelB-tu-tb-sat. _ PILES ! PILES ! PILES A Sure Cure Found at L No One Need Suffer ! A dire cure for Illlnd , Heeding. Itchln Ulceratoi Piles has been dUcoterud by Di Mam , ( an Indian remedy , ) leallcd Dr. Vl Indian Ointment. A Blug'e box has cui woml chronic ciifcs of 26 n | SOj earn ulandl ono need Buffer five uilmitw alter applyli nondcrful eoothlng iiavdleno. Lotions , monts and electuaries do nero harm than Willlam's'Olutment ' abxorh the tumors. the intense itching , ( partlciloaly at night getting narm In bud , ) act < a apoultlco , R | Btant and mlnlona rulUf , aid U prepared o , I'llca. Hclilntr of the prl\ati parts , and to : log cue , lwd hi\t thullon J. II Ccfllnbcrryof land BUYS about Dr. Wllllivn'H Indian Pili incnt : I have used Bcotej ol Piles cures , affords mo p eiuu > o to sty that I have nevei anything wulcli ga > e such iniinonUto and uont relief an Dr. Wll lam't Indian Olntm For sale by all druggltU 9r mailed on rw price , 91.00. 91.00.HENRV t CO. . Prop'rs. CLKVXLADD , ( For tale by 0 , V doodnun. To Nervous Suften THE GREAT KURCPEAN REMEC Dr. J , B. Bimpson'a Spe It I a positive euro tot Suonnatoirhca , B Wto'tprui. ImcUnoy , and all dltcaaua re Iroin hcH-Abuuf , M Mciiftl AnxlctjI that I Conmn Inmnl cnrl le } Uudlcl bsing with v ful HUl t ftU - " - - " LJIZ _ ! ii I ' n i i i ' I cut ftco to all. - Wrlto for 'hem and got fi tlrulan , I'r'.ce. Snedfle , 81.00 pot pck&ie , or il : tirea for ti.OO. Addrotw al onlcra to B. Hll1h ( MKDIOINE ( K09. 1M mid 10U Mjln St. Iluffalo , 1 Oold III Ouutha by 0. f.Qoodmsn , J. V J , K lull * , and all ifrujKiwovorywberc , B B' ' _ ' BtALEO PROPOSALS For the Conntructkn of BldewaU Bealeil iirnixwali will bec-ccolvod by the \iiitll November 'Sth. Ibbl , 18 jlinediiitll .ctl-maml tpilrlng < . noon , for tlio ton t ftllcn In front of nnil adjoUtig tliu follo evrlbed nriiiuhrii to-wlt : , I < 1 8. blocn ' . ' & , north ( lie of Com etio < r.att 10 feet Iot7 , block i.1 , north eldo C Ixjt J Mode , e t nidi 22mt Ht , Ixt i , block 12 , nouth i > Uu \ > cbstcr utri tYett 200 ftctot bouth 112 feet of lot 2 , ' ot'-'arnbaiii etreet addition , on north uluu Bouth 132 feet lot 3 , Opltol Million , iidoofXarnham. addltlon orth lido Blue Lot 4 , Copltol luxui vtrect addltlonooitb nlda I'a I/it f > , Capitol , it/i'Ct Omiba , November 3rle CltyC J , P. ENGLISH , ATTORNEY-AT-U BIO South Thirteenth Street , with ' M.Wooiworthi John Q.Jacobs , ' ' * ' , ' r. ' i * i r1 'f * i J V i.1" * * 1 i 'o. ' 17 uih-mtt. ! CJd M d ot U BASWTZ & WEL1 Will Remove in a t < days to BOYD'S NEW OPERA HOI You will do well call and examine our stock of BOOTS a SHOE At 1422 Douglas St , near 151 Which-will be Sold at Ex ordinary Low Prices Before - fore Moving. AND Handsome -IN THE- MAREEO For Sale by WM. F. STOETZI 621 South Tntb 8t. 8t.II Richmond , Ind. STA LlS.ISi : > 1848 Builders of ENGINES OF ALL SIZ From 3 to 25 H. P , SAW WllLLS , For For nil Grains and Seeds , Including C nnd Timothy. Peed Mills , &o. , &o , It will pay you largely to write , ing what you want and how you wish to pay. Unuiurl Inducements to Cash Purclii ADDRESS : ROBINSON & GO noSwtf Richmond. ' . SIBBBTT & FULLER , ATTORNEYS AT LA O1TY , NEB , 2pecUl attention lion to collections In 1 FOSTER & CRAY , WHOLESALE- LUMBER , GOAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet. Parnliam and Douglas Sts. , . , - - - ISHESIB. . c80mcly MARBLE HEAD LIME CO.'S Double Strength White Lime 3EOEC. g./VT.TJ.A.'JC' ST. PAUL LUMBER YARD Lumber , .Lath , Shingles , Thirteenth and California Streets , OMAHA , - - - NEB totlmtlm J. S. OM LTJXaXvXJESXMX > 9 - WHOLESALE - BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DKALKR IK Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. n, I. OBERFELDEE & CO. , * IMTOnTER8 AND JODBKR3 OF MILLINERY & NOTIONS , 1308 and I3IO DOUGLAS STREET. The only excluaivo wholcsalo hnuao in thia line in the went. HEADQUARTERS MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. We deaire to call the special attention ol the trade to our elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PKIGES ) of Underwear , Cardigan Jackets .and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Ovei-ahirts , Overalls Hosiery , &c. , now open. "Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVIS & CO. , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS , ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , N B. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS. Jy 18-mo FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. Consignments made un will receive prompt attention. References : State . Bonk , Omaha ; Platl . , , w" w * r > " Cincinnati. & Co. Bultiraore ; Peck & Bannhor Chlcasfo ; "F. O. WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha , Neb. Max Meyer & Go. GunsAmmunitionSporting Goods FISHING TAOKLH , BASH BALLS , and a FULL LINE OF NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. MAX MEYER & CO. Omaha , Ne ' " * > Omaha , A "PfiT.Afi'K" . . Collins ' , Cheyenne , * * * WAM.IW ) Colorado ) / Fall and Winter LOTHINGII LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. / t Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises. ooaaOCTCK Satisfaction Guaranteed Prices to Suit all If 1316 FARNHAM STREET , NEAR FOURTEENTH ,