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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 10 , 1831 FINANCE AND COMMERCE. riMANOIAJU 1 jw YORK , No emb r 9 , I MOMKT. Money closed casykt 4 per cent. Exchange closed uteady at 4 Sl@4 83. \ UOTiaiXURNTH. GoTernm nts clont > d firm an followi ! Currency 6's 130 bid 4' coupons 11CJ Hd 4J' coupons 1 ISjMd 6rs continued 101 } Vld G'a continued 1 OlJ bid RAILROAD BOND- ) . Pacific railroad bonds closed ftfl follow * : Union first * 1171 bid. Union land grants 11 A@l Ifi Sinking funds 1 22J1 25 C tral 115110 HTOCKB. The ntock miaket to-day vrai active and irregular thnroughout , but closed gener ally Htrong at it flight advance for the day in the general list : while in voino instance * marked advance was recorded , Some Southwestern thires also advanced , akarply. The following are the cloning bids : AfcT H , i f > 3- . Preferred. . . . 90 MetKlo 100 HAL 2 4 Ni.Pl. . 4 : pfd G3 ' pf.l . 82 B&Q a N J 0 96i OS ' C4 NY C , 13D | C 0 & 'I C. . . . 21 Northwestern .127 cc syj Preferred. . . . 140 C S &C 5 Ohio'Cential . 42 Central i'a O.'S Ont&W 31J CC&l . .93 ? 00 37 Ck A 132 * Omaha -12J DL& W 127i I'reforml. . . . 103 DH. 110 OreRonNav..lG9 1 > * N 71 StP AD 29 D&UG 8oS Preferred. . . . 70 Mri 475 StP & N M. 101 pfd 92d Wabash 49 Jlrio & W < mt. . 47 Preferred. . . . 89 Adams 143 PD&K 43 wy isifl PM 45 American 'JIJi j.fd G2 a.s 72 ltoi'klKlun < 1..13l nstj go * StI'aul 1033 I'roforrcd. . . . 114' San Francisco. . 4Gj Ill Central. . . . 134 J Preferred. . . . 70 I B AW 53 l8t preferred..103 * 411 Texas Pacific. . . 59j XS 121 TDi B 20 LN A4 C. . . . 71) ) Union Pacific..120J MLStW. . . . 51- W U 872 MC UIMKO BTOCKB. Following are the "highest priceg on mining stocks at the New York mining exchange : R.ibinson . . 1038 Con Vn 320 Oihyf-olite . G13 SLNosl & 4. 9GO Sutro . 130 . . . . 10 Little Chief. . . 105 South Pad. . . . 7G3 Iron Silver. . . . 210 GoodslutWH. . . 55 Bcchtel . 55 State Line 2 & 3. 305 Gala . 70 Hukill07 Oriental & M . 63 cmc\ao , iioNKr MARKET. CHICAGO , November 9. There is a goodsupply of loanable funds iu bank vaults.ilmt under a pretty active demand by all classes of borriwern ; rates werefirm > and steady at G@7 per cent. Thera is very little eastern exchange ma't- ingowing to tha hi ; h prices of grainhere , which ] revents bhipmcntH , and the mar- lent to-day was firm with sales boUveen banks at 75@SOc premium per 81,0 0. The clearings of the asHociated banka were * 7,800,000. , , _ _ COMMERCIAL. OmnhnVholegn.le Marhot- OrncK or TUB OMAHA BRK , Wednesday Evening , November 9. In mercantile circles to-day tr.ido was booming , orders coming in about as fast an they can bo fi led. Prices generally steady and few changes. In drui4 we note : decline of lOc for opium. Hides , fur ? , ie , quiet.B Tallow declined Jc. Grain steady Wheat advanced about Ic ; barley No. 2 unchanged ; No , 3 declined 2c ; rye advanced Ic ; corn advanced Ic ; oati advanced l c. Provisions firm and no changes in prices. Local Grain Dealing ! . WHEAT. Cosh No. 2 , 1 10J ; cash No. a. 05J : rejected 74Jc. BARLLY. Ua h No 2 , 93c ; No. 3 , \ 79c. 79c.RYE. . Cash. 79c. CORN. Cosh No. 2 , 45ic. OATS. Couh. 35r. Livestock. At COHNOIL BLUFKH HTOCK TAHDH. Cattle Good shipping , $4 00@5 00 ; fat ws and heifers. $2 75@3 00. Hogs Mixed packing , $5 2.5 50. Sheep Slaughtering in demand at $4 00 Provision * . FLOUR Spring wheat , ntraight grade , 3325@37f > ; patent , 83 75@4 SO ; winter wheat straight grade $3 85@4 25 ; patent , J4 60@4 SO ; graham rye , $2 75 ; Wheat , $3 00. RYE FLOUR-S3 25. MILLSTUFPS Bran , per cwt. 90c ; icreeningn , per cwt. 80c ; shortn , per cwt 1.00 ; chopped feed , nor cwt. 1 20 ; meal bolted , yellow , 1 40 ; white , 81 7/ / > . POTATOES In car lota , 100@l 05 ; Salt Lakes , 1 25@1 35. Retail , 150 ® 175. 175.SWni'iT POTATOKS-Gonuine Muna- tine , 4o per lb. POULTRY Chicken * dressed per dozen , $2 B02 75. PKAIKIU OHICKKNS-2 60@3 OC per dozen. WILD GEESK 2 75@3 50. WILD UUOKH-1 00@1 50. K6JS ( l'inn5@2Cc. BUTTER Choice hcarceat20@30poor ; , no market : creamery , 30@35c. APPLES Good. Bound , Tory Bcarce At $4 fiO4 75 per bbl. , , , nONEV Califuruia white clover in omb. 2425c. , M L.KMONS Steady ; per box , eiOOOj FlneHt MeHhina nrnnRPH J8 00 repacked. MALLAGA GRAPES-Per bbl.8 M ; perhulf bbl. , $150. BEESWAX-Yellow , 18@20c. ONIONS 1 5i'@l ' GO per buhhel. OAniJAGE 5100@200per dozen , os jRA BEURIES-Pcr bbl. , 58 00 ® 850. CELERY Per dnz. , 50S'55c. ( DRESSED OUlBKENS-Pcr lb. , 10 ® 15DUESSCI ) TURKEYS-Pcr lb. , 12J ® : B1JUKSSKI ) DUCKS-Per lb. , 12Jo. DRESSEDGEESE-Per IU , ll@13c. Grocers List. good , , 14c covt Java rbuckles , TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 45@5r > c ; Choice , C0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45c ; Choice , C0@75c ; Young Ifyson , good , 3G@ COc ; pliolce. C. cffiSl 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf. good , - - SUGARS.-Cut loaf , llic ; Cnwhocl , Hie ; Granulated lie ; Powdered , llio Fine 'powdered , 11 Jc ; ; Standard Coffee A. lOUc- New York Confectioner s Standard A. lOJc ; Good A , lOJc ; Prairie Extra U , 9Jo. 9Jo.SYRUPS. . Sugar houw , bbli , 50c ; ha'f hla 6"c : kegs , 44 gallons , S2 50 ; choice toh'le H 5(5c ( ; naffbbl53c. . k.82 50. SPICK.4.-Peppcr , 20 ; All.plw , 20o ; Clo e , 45c ; Nutmeg , $1 OOj CaKsitt , 25c ; MSODA.-bwight'4 It. . pftp w , WOO ; DC- \ _ i Uad do , 13 00 ; Church's , $3 CO ; Keg SUr r G1c * , 8J Corn SUrch , 8j@9o ; Miwlidot 7o ; Oorn , 7io. . Rr y loftd , j > r bbl , 1 95 ; Aoh- ton , In nscks , 3 frO ) bbln dairy CO , 5s , 3 45j bbl * dktrr. 100 , 3 . 3 G5. DUIKD FKUlTS-Cboico hAlve , cs , new crop , lOc ; Kvapornt d Apple" , Uxe * . 1314c | Mlchjr ! n , 8Jc ; New York applet , 8je : Prunes ld , " 5C ! now > 8Jc ; Currant * , 7@7Jc ) Illackberrios , now , O'HKKSK Full cm n , 15 * ; r rt SVlm. Hie. WOODENWAllH Two hoop pftll , I 95 ; three ho p pniln , 2 20 ; No. 1 tub * , 0 50 ; No. 2 tut * . , . 8 CO : No. S tubs 7 50 ; pioneer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Cr wn , 1 90 : Well buckets 3 25. LKAD Bar , SI Co. MATCHIIS 1'er c.-ulilio , 90c ; round oasrs 87.65 ; square cases 85.10. 1'UOVISIONS-BMnkfaRt bacon. It. . . sholco lard , ISJe ; dried bfof , 13Jc ; hhnuld- era , canvassed 9c ; hatus , cau\uaacd lie ; bacon , dlile 12ic NKW I'lCKLES-Modlum , In hnrrols 110 OOi'do in half bbl , 5 75i ; > maUB , in hbl , 12 00 do , in hnlfbbls 7 CO ; Kberkinn , iu bbls , 14 00 ; do , in half bbl * , 7 50. Y1NEGA11 Pure , npplo . extra , 16c ; pure apple , 13c ; Pnu'lnp Dlirn nuulo , ICc , HOMINY New , * G 00 per bbl. BKANS-Mrdium , hand picked $3.00 vet hufthel : navy , $ -1 00. llOWi Siual , inch nnd larger , 9&o & ; ) neb , lOciJtnch , 10 it. SOATS-Kirk'a Savon Imperial , 345 ; Klrk't satinet. 3 45 ; Kirk's nUnd rd , 3 50 ; Kirk'g whit * Kunnlan , & 25 : Kirk's F.utoca , 205 , Kirk'srrnneQuen ! , (100 ( coke ) , 3 10 ; Kirk' magnolia , 4 55. CANDLKS-Boxea , 40 lb , 16 oz , 8s lGalmreu 40 Ibd. , ICot. , CM , ICc. LYK American , 3 40 ! Urcenwicb , 340 : Wwteni , 2 75 ; North Star , 3 60 ; Lowia' lye , 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 2 76. POTASH I'ennRylvania CATW , 4 doz. , in case , 3 35 ; ] ? nbbittV Ball , 2 dot. In , 1 90 : Anchor B.ill 2 doz in ctue. 1 50. FIKLD SKKD ] lcd clover , choice new , ? C 00 per buflhcl ; mammoth clover now , $7 00 ; white clover , now , 314 00 nl nlfa clover , now , $12 50 ; nlsike , now , SIS 00. Timothy , good , new , $3 00 ; blue gram , extra clean , $1 50 ; blue KraM , clean , $1 25 ; orchard grams 33 50 ; red top , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Mis ouri , 80e ; millet , Gorman , $1 00 to $1 25 ; Hungarian. 80c. IIKDOESKKB Oiftfte orange , 1 to 5 bushels , 5 00 ; onago orange , 10 bushel * or over , $4 60 ; honey locust , per lb , , S5c ; per 100 fb , 535 00. FISH Family whlto fish , 00 lb hf $3 75 ; No , 1 white nh , 90 lb hf bbla , C 30 ; No. 1 white fiah. in 10 lb kits , 1 00 ; family 10 lb klU , 75c ; New Holland herring , per keg , 1 35 ; Russian flardines 75c ; Colup-- bin river aalmon , per 100 Ibs , 8 00 ; Oeoiya's Bank codfish , Gc ; Gen. lwnelo i codhah ; S jc ; bonoloRs fiah , 4Jc. MACKEREL Half bblflmg mackereL 100 llw , ? 12 QO ; hf bbl No. I or ahoro do , 100 Ibs , C 00 ; hf bbla , fat family do , 100 Ibtj , 3 80 ; mem mackerel , 12 lb kita , 2 25 ; No. 1 ex chore , 12 lb do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore , 12 lb do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 lb do , 75c. OANNKD GOODS Oysters , 2 lb ( Field's ) , per case , 84 20 ; do 1 lb ( Field's ) , per case , 2 50 ; do 2 U > ( Standard ) , per case , 8 1)0 ) ; do 1 lb ( standard ) , per case , 2 50 ; do 2 lb ( slack ) , per cane , 2 75 ; do 1 lb ( HUck ) . per case , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1 lb , per dozen , 1 G0@l 70 ; do 2 tb , per dozen " r > 5. Sardines , Biuall lsh ! , imported , _ one quarter boxes per box , 14 c ; American , cptartor boxes per box , lie ; do half boxes , per box , 21ic. Lobsters , 1 lb per dozen , 1 80. Tomatoes. 2 30 ; do 3 lb per cnso , 3 10 ; Corn , 2 lb ( Mountain ) per case , 3 70 ; soaked corn , 2 10 ; do 2 lb ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 3 7. ) ; Hiring beans , per case , 2 25 ; Lima beans per case , 2 20. Succotash per cate , 2 25. I'oas , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice , nor case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 lb , per case , 280 ; strawberries , " 2 lb , per ease , 2 75 ; raspberries , 2 lb , per case , 275@300. Dameona , 2 lt > , per case , 2 45. Bnrtlett poara per case , 3 Oo@4 00.Vhortlebor - ries per case , 2 SO. Kgg plums , 2 lb per cise , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 lb , . per case. 4 50. Gmen gages,2 lb per case , 3 50 : do choice , " lb i > er case,4 50. 1'ino Apples , 2 B > , percale , 4 00@5 75. PeacheH , 2 lb per cas : , 3 10 : do 3 lb , cate , C 00@C 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , per caso.3S5 ; do pie , 6 tb , per dozen , 3 50. KIOE Carolina , 8@8ic ; Louidiana , 7J 8c. rtANDTS Roasted , choice , rod Ten nessee , ! ) c per lb ; fancy white , lOc per lb ; raw white Virginia raw , lOc ; roosted , lljc. Dry Goods. nnOWN COTTONS Atlantic A. 8Jc ; Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boott FK , Sic : Buckeye LL. 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W , 71c ; Chittenango A , OJc ; l > reat Falls K , 8jc ; Hoosicr , OJc : llonent Width , 7je ; In dian Head A , SJc ; Indian Standard A , 8Jc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8c ; Lawrence LL , 7c ; Mystic Kivcr , 7ic ; Pequot A , 8 c ; Shawmut LL , GJc ; Utica C , 5c ; Wachun- ett B , 7ic : do A , 8Jc ; do K 48 , ISJc ; Wai- cott BB , 74c. FINE BHOWN COTl'ONS Allendalo 4-4 : 7ic ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Jc ; Atlantio LL. GJc ; Badger State X 4-1 , 7c ; Bcnnington C 4-4 , Gjc ; ISnckeye S. 4-1 , GJcc Indian Orchard AA 9-8 , Sic ; Laconia O 39 , 8Jc ; Lchigh E 4-4 , 9Jc ; Lonsdale 4-1 , lOc : Pepperell N 30 , 7c ; do 0 32 , 7ic ; do R 3fi , 7c ; [ ; do K 39 , 8Jc ; 1'ocaMit O 4-4 , 7jc ; Wauisutta 4-4 , 13c. BLKACHPD : COTTONS Androscog- tin L4-4.10cBlackstoneA ; A in penal 9c ; do do half bleachrd 4.4 , Qc ; Cabot 4-4,87 ; Fidelity 4-1 , 9c ; Fruit of th Loom.lOJ ; do can.brio4-4,13cdoWaterTwi8t,10JcGreat ; ; Falls Q , &c ; Indiun Head ttbrunkf4 , 12 c ; L nsdalo , 10c ; do cambric 37 , 13c ; New York filillfl , 13c ; Pequot A , lOc ; Pepyerell N G Twills , 12Jc : Pocahontas 4-4 , Die ; PocasH-t 4-1 , 8tc ; Utica , lie ; Wamauttu O X X , 13c. DUCKS T7nbleached Atlantic , 10 ot , 17c ; Baltimore do , IGc ; I ono Star , 8 oz. , 12c ; &av ge , 18c , DUCKS ( Colorcd-Alb ) ny 35 brown. So ; do C , drub , lie : do XX , stripes und pUUli ) , 12lc ; do XXX brown auu drab , stripes and plaids , 12J6 ; Arlington fj.ncy , ' llc ! ; 1'ruiidwick brown , 8Jc : Chariot fhury , 12ic ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall Kivoi brown , wctra heavy , 11. Jc ; Indiana A brown , 13c : Nepontct A brown , 15c , TIOKINCiS-AraoHkcaa A C A 32 , do XX blue 32 , 18Jc ; Arrowanna , 9Jc ; ( Jlaromont B B , 15Jc ; Conefitoga ex tra , 17Jc : Hamilton P , llic ; Lewinton A 20 , 15c ; Minnohaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega nup-r extra 4-4. 28c ; Pearl River 32 , IGic ; Put- nani XX blue ntrine , 1'Jcj Shotucket H , 10 > c ; do SS 12c ; Ycorran'n blue 29 , SJc. DENIMS. Atnoskeak , blueandbrown , lOie ; Andover DD liluc , Ifijc ; Arlington blue Scotch , 18 c : Concord OOO , blue and brown , 12 Je ; do AAA , do do 13J ; do XXX do do lljc ; Ilayinukrr'ii blue nnd brown , ! IJcMy ; ticRherllntripi' , 10c ; IVarl River , blue and brown , 15io ; ( Jncasvllle , blue and brown , 1 < Jc , CAMBRICS Barnard , file ; ICddyntono lininc , 21 inch double face , Hjc ; Garner A gluzcd , f > c ; Manhattan glove iinixli , 5'fc ; Newport do Gc ; do glaml , fiijc ; Poijuot do EC ; Lo kuood kid tmnh'Gc. CORSET JEANSAmory , BcjAndros- coggin Battccn , 8JcClarendon ; , GjcjConen- trija ; fiatteeni , 7c ; Hallowo'l ' , He ; Indian Oichard imiiroved , 7Jc ; Narragant'Ctt , 74c ; Pejiiierill uattuen 9Jn ; Rockport , 7. 0. PRINTS Aliens , GJc : American , GJc ; Am Id , 7c ; Berwick , 4 c ; Cochcco , 7o ; Conestoga. fiic ; Dunkirk , 4fc ; ; Dunnell , < ij@7c ; Eddyatone. ' 7ci GlouccHter , fie ; Harmony , 5Jc ; Knickerbocker , GJc ; Mcr- rimac D , 7 i M ystic , 5Jc ; Srat'ue ] , ( > o Huuthbridge , Cc ; do. Olnghanw , 7c ; llarl- bore , f > ? o : Oriental , GJe. GINGHAMS AniOHkcajr , lOic ; Amon- keag drees 1'JJ ; ArgylllOJc ; Atlantic , DC ; Cumberland , 7c ; jjlghland , 8lc ; Kenilwo-th , 8ic ; Plun kett , lOic ; Suu- Hex , Sc. COTTONADKS Abborvlllo 13Jc ; Agate , 20c ; American , llo ; ArtWan , 20c ; Cairo D and T , ISJc ; Clarion 0 and T , Sufwx , 12c ; Tioga , 12ic ; Wachui-ett nhirt- inn chocks , 12jc ; do , Nankin , 12Jc ; York , plain Nankin , 124c ; do , checks , utrijxw and fancy , 12Jc ! dn , Hoi , 20c. Hll KKTINGS-AndroBCOBitln 10.4,274c ; do 9-4 , 34c ! do4 , 22 ; Contlnsntol G 42 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4. 2 < i ; New York mtlli 9S , SGc ; do 78 , 30e : do 68 22Jc PembroVt 10-4 , 2.c ! Poouol 10-4 , M e ; do 7-4 , 19e : do 49 , IGc ; I'cnporoll 8G , 20c do 67 , 21c ; do 57 , 18c ; Utlco % , Me ; do 68 , 22ic ; do 48 , 17c Druri , DRUGS AND CHEMICALS.-Aeld Carlmlic , 50c ; Acid , Tartaric , 55c ; Balsam Copnbia , per lb , 70c ; Bark , Sontafra * , per lb , 12o ; Calomel , per lb , 70c ; Cinchonldl % oz , SOcj Chloroform , l > er lb. ! Xc ) ) over's powdern , ncr lb , $1 40j KIMOIII nnltn , per lb , 3Jc ; Glycerine , pure , i > er lb 4Sc : Lead , Acetate , perlb , 22c : Car bon oil , 110 ° , per gallon , lljc ; do 150 ° , prrRal , 13ic ; Oil , Castor , No. 1. per gal , PI 35 ; Oil , Cmtor , No.3per Ral. (28 ( ! Oil , OHvo , | > cr pal , SI 40 ; Oil , Origanum. 50o Opium , S4 50 ; ouiuin * P. A W. k U. & S. nor or , SI 9"i ; PoUfwium , Iodide , per lb 82 40 ; Salncm , v r OI3r c : Snlphnte o Morrihiu * , j > oroz , 53 75 ; Sulpmtr Hour , t > er Iu , 4c : Strvchtdne. ocr ot , 91 CO. Lumber. \vrtOLK8M.H. FENCINCJ No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , $20 00 No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 19 00 ; heetitiR drevwod No. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2 , 16 00 ; common boardx , dressed , 20 00. FRAMING 16 ft. nnd under , per M 20 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00(22 ( ft , 22 00 21 ft. 25 Ou. FINISHING No. 1. finish 11 , 1 * mu 2 inch , 850 00 No. 1 finish 1 Inch $45 00 No. 3 , finish IJ , 14 and 2 inch. ? 45 00 : No 2 finish , 1 inch , $10 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 in.h : $35 00) ) O. G. battens per iOO feet Uu. 51 00 ; well curbing , { 22 00 ; rough i nnd ' . inch battonn yor 100 feet lin. , 50c. STOCK BOARDS A stock , $4000 ; Q J35 00 ; C , J30 00 ; common Block , $22 60 FLOORING No. 1 , $40 00 ; No. 2 t3 $ 00 ; No , 3 , 822 00 ; yell w pine , No. 1 S40K . SIDING-NO , i , $34 oo } NO. 2 , 32200 No. S. $1800. SHIP LAP-Plaln , $22 00 ; 0. G. No. 1 832 00 ; No. 2 , $22 00. CEILING $21 00037 00. LATH AND SHINGLES A sUrfl-osl bundles. SS 85 , No. 2 , 52 50 ; No. 3 , $2 00 J.uth , 83 60. Building Material , LIME Far barrel , 51 35 ; bulk per bu. 35c. Cement , bbl , $2 SO. Iowa planter bbl , $2 50. Hair per bu , 35c. Turret felt 100 lUs $3 50. Straw imard. 84 00. PAPER Sttaw paper , Sjfc ; rag paper 4c ; dry goods paper , 7ctnamla ; paper , lOc news paper , Sc. CO/VL Ciunborlnnd blacksmith , $12 Morris Run Ulo-wburg , 812 ; WWtebrcai1 lump , ? 6 ; Whltobreast nut , S8 ; Iowa lump , $6 ; Iowa nut 8l ! ; Rock Springs , $3 Anthracite , all sizes. $12 50. Palnti Oil * and Varnlihei. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. k C. Co.pure Gc ; MaMcillen green , 1 to 5 lb cans , 20c French zinc , grceu seal ( 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish nsst 20c ; French zince , in oil ast , 15c ; Raw and burnt umber , 1 tb cans 12c ; raw ant burnt Sienna , 13c : vandyke brown , 13. refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , lfic i ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussiai blue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind and shuttoi green , L. M. & D. , 1-lc ; Paris green. ISc I"iliau red , IGc ; Venetian rod , DC ; Tuscan i-ni , 22c ; American Venniliod , I. &P. , 18c chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D. O. , 18c yellow ochve , 9c ; golden t > chro , 10 ; paten ilrycr , Gc ; grAining colors : light oak. dark oa , waluut , chestnut iind aah 12c. Dry Dalnt \Vhito lead , GJc ; I'Vonch zino , lOc ; Pari whitcing 2Jc ; v.-hiting gihlerK , IJc \\hithij ; coml , lie ; lampblack German town , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , Sc ; Pros siun bluem45c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vnndyko brown , Sfll umber , burnt , _ 4c ; umber , raw 1c ; sionnV burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4 ( Paris grt'en genuine , 350 ; Paris green com' 2flc ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrom green K. , 12c ; vennillion , Eng , , 70c ; ver million , America , 18c ; Indian red , lOc rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookr-on" ' c : vonetinn red Am. , l c ; red lead , 7ic chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome ycl low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre French , 2Jc ; ocliro , American , IJc Winter's mineral. 2c " ; lehlgh brown , 2js Spanish bro\vn. 2 c ; "Princa'a mineral 3c VARNISHES Barrels per gallon Furniture , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 SI ; furniture , U , 85c ; coach , extra , ? 1 40 Coach , No. 1 , SI 20 ; Dauiur , 31 50 ; Japan 70c ; aaphaltum , 70c : shollac. $3 50 ; hart oil finish. SI 30. OILS 110'carbon , per gallon , 12c ; 150 headlight , per gallon , 13c ; 175" hcadlighf per gallon , 17c ; cr.vntoline , per gallon , 20c linseed , raw , per gallon , U4 ; linaeed , boiled nor gallon , G7c ; lard , winter st 'd , pcrual Inn. 105 ; No. 1 , 80c : No. 2 , G5c ; castor XXX , per gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 15 ; sweet , per gallon , 85c ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon , 1 35 ; tinh , W. B. per gallon , GOc ; neaUfoot , cxtr.v , per gallon , 75c ; No , 1 , 65c ; lubri cating , zero , per gallon , 30c ; summer , 15c fa den nmchim ; , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No. 2 , 30 ; nperm , signal , per gallon , 80c ; ter- pcntino , per gallon , G4c ; iiaptho , 71" , per gsllon , 30c ; Of , 20c. Heavy Harnwara List. Iron , ratea , $3 50 ; plow ateel , cost , 7ic ; cost tool do. 15@20 wagon spokiw , ret , 2 25@3 00 ; hulw , per set , 1 25 ; felloes , sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per lb , 7@llc ] washers , per lb , 8@18c ; nveta , per lb , lie ] coil chain , j > er lb , 612e ; malleable , 8c ] rou wedge * , 6c ; crowbarH , Gc ; harrow teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring steel , 7@8c. NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 GO ; 8 to 10 , 375 ; Gd , 4 00 ; 4d , 4 25 ; 3d , common , 5 00:3d , fine , 6 50 ; clinch , all sizes , C 25 ; 6d , cosing , 1 75 ; 8d casing , 4 50 ; lOd casing , 4 25 ; lOd finish , 4 75 ; 8d finish , 5 00 ; Cd finish , 5 25 half kegs , lOc extra. SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , $2.10 ; Oriental Powder , kega , $6.40 ; do. , half kega , $3.48 ; do. , quarter kcga , 81.88 ; Blast ing , koRfl. $3.35 : luec , i > r 100 feet 50c. Honai and Mulei. The market is brink arid all gnuon are ( filing well at a slight advance in pticos. The demand for * oed horeea exceeds tha supply connidorably. Priceu range as fol IOWH : Fine single drivers , $150. to 300. ; Extra Iraft horui-H , $175. to 225. ; Common draft lories. 8100. to 150. : Extn * farm horsun , M10 , to 12.5 , ; Common to good farm honieH 330. to flOO. ; Extra plugs , SW > . to 75. ; Cotnmou plugs , ? 20 , to $10 , 'MULES. 15 to 15J ImudH ( extra ) , 3125. to 150. ; 14J to 15 hands. $100. to 140. ; 14 to JU hands , $76. to 100. ; 13J to 14 bauds , SIX ) , to 75. Hldei , Hun , Etc. HIDES Green butcher's hide , 71 ; green : urcd hides , 8Jc ; green salt , port cured iidoii , 8(5 ( > 8ic ; dry Mint , Round , 13@14c ; dry calf and kip , 12@lc : ! ; dry salt hldcs.Hminl , ll@12c ; green calf , wt. 8 to 15lls. , 10llo ; green calf , wt , under 8 llm , per ikin , ! Xc ; grcenpclts , SI 00@1 15 ; green lamb nklns SI 10@125 ; damaged hides , two-third ra.o , cut scored and one grub , claued two loc ; short otritio , 40r' narrow stripe 25c ; jruad dtrlpe , lOc , 'J'allow , Sic. Wool. Merino unwashed , light , 14@16c ; heavy , I3fi)15c ( ) ; inodium unwashed , light , 18@20c ; ttib-woehed , choice , 32c : fair , .SOc ; dingy and w. , 28c ; burry , black and cotted wooln 2Gc loss Llquon , ALCOHOL 187 proof. 2 25 per wlno ga'lon ' ; extra California spirits 187 proof , L.'tO per proof gallon ; tiiplo refined spirit * 187 proof , 1 21tier proof wallonj re-dlstille < i whiskies , 1 OOfajl Sj- line blended , 1 50(2) ( ) 250 ; Kentucky bourbonn , 200@700 ; K n- lucky nnd Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00it/7 ( / 00. KKANDIKS Imjwrtal , B 00@1G 00 ; domestic 1 404 00. GINS Imported , 4 50@8 00 ; domestic , RUMS Imported , 4 50@0 00 ; New England. 2 001 00 ; domestic , 1 M@3 50 ; I'EACH AND APPLE URANDY- 175f < g 100 , OIIAMPAONK8 Iintiorted wr cane , ! fi OOC < ? 134 00 ; Araerioon , per case , 12 00 ® L8 00. CI.AUKTa-1'er CM * , 4 50@I8 00. WINKS Uhluo wine , ] < tr CM * , 6 20 00 ; Cutawbo , per wioi 4 00@ * 00. Cltrt and Tobacco * . OIOAHS. Swim 815.00 ! Connecticut , JttS.OO ; Mixed , 8&r > .00 ! Seed Havana , 660.00 ; Clmr Harnnis $75.00. TOBACCO I'l.UO. OoUon Nule , 24 Hi , COcj Spotted Kftwn. file ; Our Hope , 62c ; Star , jmumln , 21 11) , butt , GOc ; Koran Shoo , pounds 24 lb , butU , GOc ; Purity , 21 lb , butts , r.2cj Queen Met , 21 lb , butt * , Me ! Gut Kdo | , pound * , 24 lb , lwtt , 67 ; Army and Navv , i > oimdB4c ; Dulllnn , pound , r-Sc ; 1/orillardV Climax , pound * , GOc. 1UXKCUT In paik-Hanl to lUwt , 75aj Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80c ; Favorite , > . ' > ( 1'ocky Mountain , .Vic ; Vnncy , WVDnUy ; , t.x ; . In tin foil - Cfttllnn 0. S. , 2 or parkaKM , 6 lb boxes , per lb C-lct lxrillnnlV TiRcr , CiOc. SMOKINO All crftdpfl-Common , 25 to 33c. Granuluti-d IHsekwvlN Dutlum , 10 oz Dlcj Uuko * Durhnm , 10 " ? , f 0c ; Senl of North Carolina , Irt or , 40 ; Seal of Nebriw. km llioz , SSc ; LonoJivck , or. linen bug * , perlb , Sl.Wl Afarlmrga' 1'ncV , a oz , tin oil , 66cj Uo Tall. OCc. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Council BlnfiW Market , j ButnrrH , No > ember ! ) , Flour Mi nuf clur il by Crynlnl nnd City Mill" . 3 7 a4 ! BO : KMVUM ami Mis. wiuri flour , 3 60@4 25 } gr natn , 3 75 ; rye flour , 3 40. Uran and Shnrt/i 17 00 per Ion. Chop Corn 22 50 per Ion. Wheat-No. 2 , * 11S ; No. S , M ; re jected , 70. Corn-No. 2 , 43 , rclfcten . OaU No. 2 , 40cs rclfctcvi. 3 Barley No. 2. OOet No. 3 , 75c , ll y 5 50@G 00. l-C 00f 8 00. .VSO@57S. Cattln Shipp n > r , 4 005 00 ; milch COWM 30 OOConfi 00 ptr heiul ; butcherK utoclc , U 75@3 00. Hlu-oii 1 005 00. G HideK Tic : t ! S hldcn , 80. Wool lfi@ 5. Butter 30@3T > c. ] 'otntooH 1 00Jil ( ) 20 ; Bwcct , Onions 1.25 ® 1 40. Grand Junction Mtu-liot G HAND JUNCTION , la. , November 0. Kir 17c. Gutter 10@18c. ( JilloAQO. November 9. On 'Change the jnarkcts weio IIKIOI ! ) un der local Bjieculnt've influence. Tli. 10- ceiptrt of Kr in w * 438 car loadii by rai , cm rnciiih' 73 ol uneat. 31 B of cornS , ot ontu , 1 of rye nnd 21 ol barley. i'lourCJuiet , nnd _ about utichim cd ; common to choice upriutfvostcni , $1 10G5 0 7.r j do Minnesota , 6 257 2o ; patentu , 7 60 ® 25 ; wliitiT liranda , 0 fiO@8 Otj ) ryu Hour , r > 800 ( ! 1. ; buckwheat flour , 1)00 ) ® 10 00. Wheat No. 2 princ U in nctivo de mand , and ft large Hpeculative buiiineHWut < trn Kiictud within an itrecular but higher raiifjo of p iccn. The market li iu op. neil about i&'fc lower , nndfelloff an nddiliomil 4c , then rallied un lur an iiciivo demniid from "ehortp , " and pricta advanced lg2c above o rly iumdo jirice" , and latur juluil weak cr ami declined to insid prices of the day , and imally closed about 4" lower on regular bo.ud , and on call at 1 27 for November ; 8L ' 'OJCIll 28 | for Deceinbci ; 1 29J for Jwnuaryj No. 3 spiing , 1 13 ; ie- jcctud nominal at U3c. Corn-Uonsi crablo fitrenpth was de veloped in the market cnrly in the Hession , under the inllu nco of increased i < rder from titsido parlies to pun-h mo for future delivery. Opening transactions were m < Ie at it t-liglic Q- cline , but ruled htronger , and an improvement of lj@l owa tamel. ; ( Later , however , after the ordtra n ere pro vided for , the market wcakemd , i < nd prices Hettlcd liackngain l @ljjcund niled comparatively Bteady at thu clo-o. The 'ma ' ket finally cloned about J@tc hi'lior ( f. r Do 'ember and January and jc lower for May on regular b u > r < l , and on c.Ul at 5S9c for November ; SOj c for December ; 59gc Tor January 04g@G4ic for May ; C4Jc for June ; rejected , 60u. OaU Irregular lit fractionary lusher ranife. No. 2 , 42'lt for November ; 44 Jo for December ; 42jjc for the year ; 42c for Jan uary ; 44Jc for May. Kyef rui and trifle higher ; No. 2 , 115 c for December ; .I'ic for Jimuary. lUrley Vei y quiet but firm , with few Boilers ; No. 2 , 1 05 for November ; 1 52J for December. 1'oik Opened nclivp and advanced , but Inter weakened i > nd closed tame at 15 DO for Dt'ccml IT ; 17 l.r fe7 17i for January ; 17 35 for February ; 17 fi."i lor Mar h Lard -Steady ; closed at 10 85@10 87i for November ; U ) 00 for tlio year ; 11 17J for J.tiiuary ; 11 012 " 3i.'i for 1'cbruary ; 11 42Jfor Jfareh ; ll"G2 } for May. Bulk Meats Firmer and a little higher. Hhort ribi 8 75 for January ; H 85 for Feb ruary. Whiskey Quiit at 114. Button There won n moilorato lonl and outa du order demand for tine frehh made butter ; choice to fancy creamery , 34@3Gc ; ordinary to Rood do , 29@33c ; Koo'il to fancy dairy , 2C@32c ; common to fuirdo. , 10 ( ! 22c ; ladle packed , 1417c. KgB Strictly frmh in fair demand Rt 23@21c ; supply not large. ] { ec'tH. Shipm't Flour . 15,048 W.CO ; Wheat . 48,307 1U.54I Corn . , . 207,011 3.1 . > ,83 OatH . t , . 55,888 30,00 Kye . . 12,199 6,858 Barley . 39,740 33,230 Chicago JLiive Btock. ( JlllOAOO , November 9. Cattle Weak ind alow on b t but firm for butcherH and packers clioiioexort | Hteerd , SO 50uC ( 75 ; common to fair whipping ? M 00S)5 ( ) On ; poor to choice conn And mixeii lots , 2 204 00 ; Texan jjrarwc.MOOftfJti ; native81 , 20flOj ) storktw f2 00@3130 ; feedcrn , § 3 40 4 00 , Hfcoipw,5 , i 0 ; nhlpmentn , 18,000. Blieiip Market juctlve and Kteady ; com- in on to fair , 2 73 50 ; goud to choice 4 00@4 75. : oxtra-J 'J0@5 110. ] { cceipt , | 2,200 , ; Bhipmentf , 000. Quality of offer- very poor. git Stc.'idy ' on nil grader ) Mid about 5c tiotteJ ; mixed packing , 550 ® ( ! 10 ; IL-htlioKS 500@5 95 ; choic. . lieavy , ( J 15(2(1 ( ( * 70 ; culla and ( ramer. ' ! C0@5 20. BpcclptH , 31,000 head ; Hhiim | nU 4,900. , Foorjn Proilaco. I'KOIUA. November 9. Wheat Fairly nui ) ilied and dull. Corn Kirm hii * . inactive , rcpcclullv In the better grade * ; y 1 oUOJo ; lilfjh n ixed , me ; mixej , 69Hc [ No. 3. 6c ! ) ; re- [ ectid 59 < ; ; no grale , .rHc ; now , No. 3 , 58c. Oatn Firm and higher , but not active : No. li white , 43u , mixidI21c ; rejtcUd nixed , 41Jc. Ziiverpool Prodnoo. Lncnroot , November 0. r Arnerlcii , 10n fidS(13 ( ( Wheat Winter , I0i CdraTni Id ; white , 0 < lOdrulllH ; Bprliig , ! f9d@llii 6(1 ; club , IH Pork 7C . larcl-S8d. Toledo Proanoc , . V heal-Eoalrr ; No 2 red , 1301 fir anil ; 1 2Cj for December ; 1 39g for Junn- ry : 1 42 for February , ( . 'am Steady ; > fo. 2 Mo for cub ; 60Jo or December ; C7o fur May , 0 U Dull ; nutklu dulag. ST. Ixjtnfl , NovmboT 0 , Flour Quiet and unchanged. Whp t Ommod lower , Mid dran ( sl n > l closed lower : 1 35ai ( 3.1) ) for cooh ; 1 371 for December ; 1 393 for January : 1423 for February : No. 3 do , 12 , " > J < tt 1 Jfl ! | ! November do , 1 14. Corn -Higher and unsettled ; f.2@r.2jo for cash ; 043c for Decembers Cto for January : CTiJc fur February ; C8c for May. O.Us Slow ; 42 ? ® I3ic forcoMi43Jc ; ( or Doiember ; 41Jc tor January ; UJttlSjc for May. Rye -Better at 9Gc iuk d. Unchanged ! prime to choice , Nnninalat4 ! 00 , lluttcr UnchanRPil. 1'ccn Unchnnirod , WliUky-Julii at 1 10. IVrktu t ; jobbing At 17 20. Ijtnl Nominally higher at 10 W ) . llec'U. Sh. Floor . 4,00il 7,000 Whcnt . 19,000 12IX Corn ! . 37,000 47.1HX ) Oi U . 7,000 r.HX > Ky . 3000 fl.OOO llorlcy . 1S,0X ( ) 4OO > 8t. Louli Llvo Stock. ST. IxntiB. Ko HOLM KaHier ; llcht nldpplni ; f > HO'iS 530 ; Vorkern , t > 6SS15 ( 75 | nixed puckitiK 525COO | butehorn'to fancy. G lOfjT.640 Hect'ipts , 8,1)00 head : shipment * , 1,700 tuad , Xork lrodnoo NKW YOUK , November 0. Flour Quiet and without chmuc ; oouthprn , xtrady and in tuiHlnratn ie- ! uiaiul ; coiumon to choice extra , 5 00 © 850. 850.Whc.t Whc.\t Opened Kff.ljc hluJier , bu1 clnced heavy with portion i'f ivilvanro lo < t ! No. 2 red , 1 40iC l 42 ; mixed winter , 130 ; No. 1 white , 13Sfj)140 ) ; o. 2 d. . , 1 30 ; Ni > 2 nil , Novombi-r , 141. Co'ii Opened ( ) ] hii"r | , but cloned ucnkvith most o lott ; unurideil nil/ci-d / , G2@fiSlc ; No. 3 , 07rr071 ( ( " . No. 2 , Nil. a Novrniber , 07i@n8 c , < ' " 47jc. liye Dull and weak at 1 ni@l 04. Harley Activa and M < fonder ; No. 1 C.iuadn , ri ht , 1 1C , 1'urk Dull uud uuminal , npot mowi , Laid Quiet and firm ; 1130 for cnsh ; 11 271 for November. Hi'ef mid Cut Mont * Unchanued. Whisky Nominal. Plitlnaolphia Proilaon. I'ltlLADicu'lllA , November 0. Whpat Uatiur ; 1 39J for C.IHI and No vember , 1 414G.iH I1J for December. Com I.owurGCtftide ( ; [ for civdi and Ni > - vembi'r ; GSJJ for December. Oatn KuHler ; filic for cwih ; 50rilic for Niitiiuhor. llye-liui t uU 00. Baltlmara Prodnoo. UALTIMOHK , November 0. Klour Qtdet. Wheat 1'irm ; No. 2 red winter , rnny ; 1 3.Snl38i ( ; fur cash and Novumber , 1 41 f r IJfCvmher. Corn Mixed w enti'rn , Hteady ; G5JOiCc for viifh and November. I < lvn Stools , EAHT LIUKIUT , Pa. , November ' . ) . CiittlaDull ; receipt * , 000 ; shipment * . G.0. G.0.HogH Dull ; receipts 3,000 ; idiipmonts , 2,1(10 ; Philadelphia * , G45ii.i ( ( f > 0 ; Yorkers , C > 75 ( lt > 00. Sheep Slow ; receipt * , 1,400 ; shipments , 3,000. Buffalo lilvo Stoolt. EAKT BurKAi.o , November 9. Hogs Steady ; receiptH , 22 c-w ; chip- mentH , 19 earn ; Yorern , fi 00(810 ( 2.i ; oo mediums , G 25(5G ( } 43 ; choice heavy , 0 2."igO GO. Cincinnati Prodnoo. CINCINNATI , November 9. Moss Pork Jobbing , 18 2fif2)18fiO. ) Ijard Quiet ; current nmkr , 10 U ! > . Bulk MentB Quift ; clvar uidcH , 9 10. Bacon Clear Hides , 11 25. 1'lour Finn ; 43004 50. Wheat No. 2 roil , 1 38. Corn Steady ; No. 2 mixed , G2ic. Oat ! Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 40c , Rye Firm ; No. 2 , 1 00. Barley No. 2 , full , 1 12. Whiiky Firm at 103. Kansa * City Product ) Marltot. KANHAH CITV , November 9. Wheat RccHptH , 2 ,22G bunhels ; ith- drawn , l.rr , 193 ; better feeling ; market ntlll uiibettfoil ; No , 4 , catli , 85c ; November , 87c ; No. 3 , ca h , 98(59Sc ( ; November , 97Sc ; December , 101102 ; No. , canlj , 1 15 ; No. 1 , conh , 1 20. Corn ReceiptH , 5,98'J buHhrN ; with- dinwn , 7,101 ; in nt"ro , 75,408. Marknt utronyer and quick nnl H ; No. 2 mixed , Nov uiber , fiSffilKIc ; December , S9@"i9ic ; No 2 white mixed , ca-h , n minal. Oats R cclpts , 2,557 : withdrawn , 3.7H Htore , 51,4)0. ! ) No. 2 November , 42.JC Rye ReceiptH , 2,080 ; in store , 12,25' ' No. 2 , cash , 82J. H.y Receipt * largo tf choice quality bent , 10 00@ll 00. Butter Receipts light and I'oor ; choice 2Sf , : > Oc ; medium , 20@25c ; low , 13@15t Eggn Rucei tn I'ght ' ; 25c. ApnlcK I 605 00 , Poultry Prairie chicken * , 3 00ffl3 f.O " " quuil , 1 50 ; t.jal ducks , 1 00@t 2.r. ; nm ardn , 1 50 J 1 7 ; uquirrt'lH , 7f c&l 00 ; rub bitiil 00 perd zen. Cheeno Supply fair , choice , 15c ; mccl urn , 13@14c ; poor , 5@7c. Kannao City Itlvo Stock. KANHAH CITV , November 9. Cftttlo Market nteady and unchanged nattvo nhippiug nteern , 5 OOfcJjO 15 ; untlv butcher utecr-i , ! 1 40 ( < t)4 ) 50 ; native feedcrx 3 00@3 fi ; native cnwn , 2 Mfo3 ) ! 2."r : Cole radon , 'I SOI 00 ; Colorado IndMirrcds 3 25fiJ,3 fiO ; TOXHH Hteern , 3 00@3 50 ; TuxaJ1 cown7 2 50@3 00. lIe H Quiet ; clinlco packers , 5 ! )0t ) 0 20 ; mudiuui , 5 Kifflpi 05. ATriiin Gooi Tbrongh a .Bridge- SWISH CITV , Ind , , Novcinbor . AB the west bound freight oiithuUod- ford it Swiss City railroad was cross- int ; thu railroad thu coiiibiiiation npat olippud from the aliulinunt nnd foil , with thu ontiio tr.iin , into the river , n distance of thirty fuel , into ton feet of water. The c-ngino , with three moil , wan cntiroly submerged Tliroo moil were rescued. TJiu rvinnindur of the crow and paszoiigura furod wor o in llio caboose , as it luft the lirulgo luut and wan pitched iijjiiiiiHt the train , fatally injuring a braKciiian , .lohn Ooddnor , of Bedford , and fcoriously injuring jiasbonuur nainud Itiiinliolt und n tnwolinif mini naniod JMolFut , of Indiiinapolia. OthcM cacaped with fllifjlit bruiset ) . Thu puojilu on tilioro bud to iniiki ) n raft to rcHciio thu paaauii'or ( from the middle of the rivor. Thm iu tlio satno bridge thatwna wunhcdnway twoyutira ogo. GntOutDoors. Tlio close confinement of nil factory work given the operatives pallid faces , luncuid niinomblo foul- poor nppotito , , - inactive liver , kidney ings , jioor blood , ney and urinary troubled , and till the physicians and medicine in the world 3annot bull them unions they got out : jf doontor use Jlop JJitturs , the pur- . st und best remedy , capcciallyor luch cases , liaving .abiindiinco of lualtb , nunshinu and rosy chookH in .hoin. They cost but n triflo. See niotbor column. Christian Recorder. novlC DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS- JIOTKLS , ABLINOrON , d. a MelNTIRE , Ltneoln , M b. WAVERLY HOUSE. JAMEO W. ORABTnEE. W v rty. Nab. SARATOGA HOTEL , J. 8. QTELLINIUO , Mllford , Neb. AMERICAN MOUSE. GEO. H. McOAIN. ( South Dend.Neb. HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , LouUvllle , Neo OITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Ol lr , Nab. GRAND CENTRAL , D. T. PHILLIPS , Harvard , Neb , DEPOT HOTEL , F. H. BABOITT. Norfolk , Nob. OITY HOTEL , J. F. COLE , Peru , Neb. UAF1NUM HOUSE , Mtt , VAN HORN , Nebr k City , Neb. tiEvcnic , D. DRUM , Unndllla , Neb. WI8NER HOUSE , PERRINE DROS. , Wltner , Ntb. DRAPER HOUSE , O. WHIPPLE , Q Nlobr r . Neb , CREIQHTON HOUSE , P. U. THIDADEAU , Ortlghton , Neb , OITY HOTEL. L , J. JOHNOON , Nemaha City , Neb. CENTRAL HOUSE , JOHN COOPER , OnkeUle , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , WM. CLEMMON8 , Oew rd , Ne4 > . COMMERCIAL HOTEL E. EVANB , O'Kelll , Neb. NCLIQH HOUSE , W. D. MOULTON , Wett P lnt , N b DORCHESTER HOTEL , A. 8. KINKLE. Dorchettcr , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. Q. MEAD , Nelleh. Neb CENTRAL HOUSE , JAO. McKILLIP , Y rk , Nob. TUTTLC HOUSE , W , H. TUTTLE , Aurora , Neb. OAQE HOUSE , A. R. OAQE , RepubllcanCltyN b DENVER HOUOE OAIRNB & WILLIAMS. Hasting * . Mob. SANDERO HOUSE. OHA8. E. McNISH , Friend , Neb. WOODWARD HOUSE , WAREN WOODWARD , Exeter , Neb. PACIFIC HOTEL , B.U. PORTER , Fairmont , Nab E8TE8 HOUSE , N. T t8TE8 , Qr nd liland , N lx COMMERCIAL Houae. F. W. WILMB , Kearney , Neb. HOLLAND HOUBE , QEO. D. HOLLAND , Red Cloud , Neb. WILDER HOURE1 THOMPSON REED , Wllber , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. 0. OAARPER , Hardy. Neb. PACIFIC HOTEL , W. P. REN3HAW , Beatrice , Neb. HAMMOND HOUSE , JOHN HAMMOND , Colnmbut , Neb. CENTRAL CITY HOUSE. J. 8. QIIEQERY , Central Cltv , Neb * CITY HOTEL , J. P. ORCW3 Coin , la. SCOTT HOUSE , H. SCOTT , Silver Olty Ut SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN A DECKER. Oretlon , la , NEOLA HOTEL , F. 8IEVERTZ , Neola. la. EMERSON HOU8C , A. L. SHELDON , Emerton , U. DLANOHARD HOUSE , T , FOREY , DUnchnrd , la. PARK'S HOTEL , COL. F , M. PARK , Shenandoah , ta. MERCHANTS' HOTED , W , I. DOULWARE. Durllngton Junction (11. ( & BI. B : 11. , EaatcrnNubraako. ) r. j * . Morris & Gould Furniture and Undertaking- S. II. Nichols Furniture and Undortakinc S. S. lt\\m \ General Merchandise E. 0. Uockford , ( Chonp John ) 8torn \V. 0. 1'utton Jforchandiso J. II. Snell Gonural Store and Groin Dealer U. 11. Hose General Merchandise ) D. 1) . Cooluy , Anaintant Cashier Dank of Aahhind , Ilunl Estate nnd ItiBiir.inoo K. W. Molntyru General Jrerchandiao 0. W. Knieely General MorchandLso Shuington Bros Dry Gooda and Clothing Dr. A. 1 * . Camp Dentist II. 0. Drown. . . .Attorney at Lnvr , Real Estate , Insurance und Pension Agent K A. Din-rio Agent II. & M. R. B. Joseph Kessler Bukor and Confectioner D. T. Noully Dakery and Confectioner F. G. Ualuir ( Jo Lumber , Litno , &o H. W. CurtiH & Co Agricultural Implements and Coat J. A. Jury ( with David Doan ) Lumber and Coal C. A. I'iurcu it Co Livery , Feed and Sale Stable J. JnhiiHon Harness and Saddles V. Albert Harness and Saddles Goo. Untoh Hoots , Shoea , Cloven and Mitten * J. A. Grillln Merchant Tailor 0. B. Hackney Exchange Hotel [ W. , St. L. & P. nnd 0 , B. & Q. B. R- , Western Iowa. ] GOXCT. T. C. Board Cashier Bank of Coin K. E. Martin ' Stock Dealer 1'rincn it "Reid ' . Groceries and Quconswaro Pollock it Love General Store F L. Bishop General Store Win. Beeves it Co General Store J. Loy Drugs , TJookn nnd Stationery Cox it Monroe Drugs , Books and Stationery Dowoll Bros Furniture nnd Undertaking W. A. Woodwortli Hardware , Stoves and Tinware 0. M. Rose Grain Dealers W J. Clark Contractor and Builder A. P. Anderson Agricultural Implements : W. C. Maxwell Bakery and Confectionery Jeffords Dros Watchmakers nnd Jewelers J. McMahon Saloon J. J. Nunn Barber T. II. Baldwin Mayor of Coin J. P. Crows Proprietor of City Hall A. Bozoll Editor of Coin Eoglo Special Attention Is Once More Callefl to the Fact that Rank foremost in the West in Asso rtment and Prices of CLOTHING , FOR MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps. Wo aro'proparod to moot the demands of the trade in regard to Latest Style * nnd PaUornu. Fine Merchant Tniloriug in Connection RESPECTFULLY , M. HELLMAN & CO , , 1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 812 13th St POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AMD SCHOOL BELLS _ _ A.JL. STRANC , 206 Farnam St. , Omah a. Max MEYER & CO. , Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards , Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards. Cigars from $15,00 per 1,000 upwards ,