1 THE' OilAKA DAILY BEE THURSDAY , NOYEMBFR 10 , 1,881 THE DAILY BE MAhA PUBUaHINU OO. , 010 Harnham , bat. Oth and 10th Street 1KHMS OF SUBSCRIPTION months \ RAILWAY TIME TABES Ml UU ) nlKAllO , BT , l-ACl , OMAHA RAILROAD. Leara Omaha No. S through pfmcnger . m. No. I , Oakland passenger , 8:30 . in. Arrive Omalia No. 1 , throuxh ixwongor , m. No , 3 , Oakland p vwiiRer , 6:30 p. m. LKATIKO OMAHA RABT OR BOCTU BOOHO. 0 , , B. ft q. 7:40 : a. m. 3:40 : p. ru. C. & K. W. , 7:40 a. m. 3:40 : p. in. C.'U. ' 1. fc P. . 7MO a. m. 8:40 : p. m. K. C. , St. J , & O. 11 , leavct at . m. and i p. m. Arrive ! at St. Louis at 0:30 : n. m. and I p. m. m.W. , St , L. i P. , kavoi at 8 a. rat nnd 8:4 : u. ArrlTM at St. Laub ) .Rt 6:40 : a. m , and ' m. . wiot o BOmtwB . \ B. A M. In Neb. , Through Kiprew , 8tO : a , B. A M. Lincoln Kxproaa 8:10 : p. m. IT P Eivreni , 13:11) p. tn. O. ft R. V. tor Llnoln , 10 : 0 a. m. O. & n. V. for Oicoola. 8 JO iv. m. U.P , freight No. 6. 6:30 : a. m. , U. P. freight No. V , 8:1 CQ. m. O. P. freight No. t , 8:10 : p. m. mljranl C. P. frelirht'No 11 8:26 p. m. AUniXO-flOM UT AXB MDTH. C. B. ft U b:00 : a , m. 7:25 : p m. C. ft M , W. , 0:46 : , a. m. 7:26 : p. m. a R. I. * P. , 0:45 a. m. 9:05 p. m. S. 0. , 8k Joe * 0 B. . 7:40 : a. m.:4Sp : , ABJUTtxa raott TO i VMT AJTD ocnrw Bt. O. ft K. T. from Lincoln lil : p. m , O. P. KxpreM 3:25 : p. m. B ft U. tn Neb. , Through Kxprees 1:16 : p. D. ft K. Lincoln Kxprou B.40 a m. O. P. Freight No. lu 1:40 p. tn. No , 0 l:1& : p. m. Kmlaraot. No , 8 10:60 : p. m. No 12 llS5 a. m. k O. A B. Y , mixed , ar , 4 * 5 p. tn. Motra. Ssbrsaka Dlvtstoa of tno St Paul ft Bloox C Rood. No. B leavn Omalia 8:30 : a. tn. Ho , i leaves OinaLa 1.80 p. in. No , 1 arrlrcaot Oi.uhRat 6SOp. : tn. No 8 arrlrea at Omaha at 10:60 a. m.- tronirr nutxa iirwixn OMAIU tm OODJtlL BLVTn. Leave Omaha nt 3:00 : , 9:00 and 11:00 a. I tSOO 2K . 8 0 , 4:00 : , 6rtX ) and 0:00 : p. m. Leave Council Bluff * at 8:25 : , 0:25 : , 11:25 : a. I 136 , ' 2:25 : , 3:26 : , 4:26 : 5:25 and 6:25 : p. in. Sundays The dummy leaves Omaha at B and 11:00 a. m. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : nnd 5:00 p. m. Low Council Illuflfl at 9:26 : and 11:26 : a. m. ; 2E5 : , 4 nd 0:25 p. m. Opening and Closing of Mall * . ROUTS. ormf. a. m. u. m. a. m. p. CWoitfO 4 N. W . 11.00 9:30 4:30 : Chicago , H I. & Pacific. 11:00 : 0:00 4:30 : Chicago B. & Q. . . , . .11:00 0:00 4:30 Wabosh. . . . . 12:30 4:30 Sioux City and Pacific. . 11:00 : 4:30 : Onion Paciue . 6:00 : 11:40 Dmaha&R.V . 4:00 11:40 . * ! ! . InNcb . 4:00 : 8:40 : OnuOuv. & Northwestern. 4SO : 7:30 Local malls for State of Iowa leave but one day , vli:4SOa. : : in. A Lincoln Mail IB also opened at 10:30 : a. m. Office open Sundays from 12 in. to 1 p. m. THOS , F HALL P. M Business Directory , Abstract and Real fcstate. JOHN L. McCAOUE , opposlto Post Office. W. R. BARTLETT 317 South 18th Street i Architects. DUFBENE ft MENDELSSOHN , ARCH1TEC1 Room Crclghton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. , Room 2 , Ciolchton Block , Boots and Shoes. JAMES DKVINE & CO. , Fine Boots and Shoos. A Rood assortment home work on hand , corner 12th and Haruey. TU03. ERICKSON , S. K. cor. 16th and Doug ! JOHN FORTUNATUS , 805 10th street , manufactures to order good we at fair prlcoe. Repalringdone. Bed Spring * . J. F. LARRIUER Manufacturer. 1617 Dowlas Book * . News and Stationery. J. T. FRUKHAUF 101B Farnham Street. Butter and Egg * . McSHANK ft SCHROEDER , the oldest B. and honso In Nebraska established 1875 Omaha , OKNTRAL -RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , wnthwert comer 16thand Dodgo. Beat Board ( or the Money. Satisfaction Quannto 'Uoali tA all Uours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Oood Tcnna ( or Col Furnished Rnomg Ruppllod. _ UnrrlnRd and WU BNYDKR , Uth and Qarnoy Streota. do we era. \ JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnham Street. Junk.- H. BERTHOLD , Raw and Metal. Lumber , Lima and Oement. FOSTER & OR.\Y corner 6th and Douslai 8 Lainpi and alai ' J. BONNER 1S09 DooailM St. Qood V rlel Merchant Tailors. G. A. UNDQUEST , Merchant Tailors Is i One o ( oar most popular eclvlng the latest doslpus ( or Sprlnff and Bumtt ' durab aoods for gentlemen'B wear. StyUnh , and price ) low as oror t6 18th bet. Doug.&Fai Millinery. UBS. 0. AniNOFJ , Wholwal ( and Retail , Fi ey GooilJ in great arlety , Zephyrs , Can ! Doari lloslery , Qlovea , Corsets , &c. Cheapest House * . Onl the Wost. Purchators ave SO per con bT Moll. 115 Fifteenth Htroet. hoimdry. JOHN WKARN , B & SONS , cor. 14th & Jackson i Mourond Feed. OMAHA CITY MILLS , 6th nd r rnhim 8t proprlnlort. _ Urocsn. 21st between Cumlng nd lu Z. BTEVBN8 , T. A. MoHHANK , Corn. 3d un J Cutnlnp Htree Hardwain , Iroti nnd Uteol. OLAN & LANQWORTHY , Wholotole , 110 a 112 16th street and ralllornla. A. IIOLMta corner mh Harnccu , Eaadlea.&c. B. WKI8T MlSthBt. bet Farn- & Harm Hotels . ANFIELD nOUSK , Ueo. CanDcld,9th & Farnhf DORAN HOUSE , P II , Cary , 91S Fornhim ! SLAVKN'S HOTEL. F. Sluen , 10th 8t. Southern Hotel. Qua , llamcl Ptli &Lu : > Ncnwoi Clothing Bought. C J3HAW will pay hlghcit Coin prlco ( or eeco hand clctliln ? . Corner 10th and > arnh > .m. Dentists , DR. PAUL , Wllllanih' I'lock. Cor. 16th & Do lg' ' Drue * ! PalntB and Oils. KUHN It CO. Fine "ano Ooods , Cor. 16ta , J. WHITEI10 Or K , Wliolcfalo it Retail , Iflth ol FIELD , 2022 Morlh Bloa Cumlng Btre i Druirglst , iota and Howard Street * . Dry Goods Notions , Etc. JOHN H. F. LEUMANN & CO. , New York Dry Goods Bwre , 1S10 and 1812 Fa ; him struct. L 0. Knewold also boots and shoes 7th & Pacll r-uruiture. A V GROSS , New and Second Hand Fmnltt od Stoves , 1114 Doujriai. Uijhcot caeb pr aid lor Hocond harm aocni. BONNKR IM'J Dowl * St. Fine goods , i Fence Work * . OMAHA FKNCK CO. & CO. UlSHarneySt. , lapro nriRT FRIES , " 'oa Sd lei Itoiw. Iron' and Wcod" Fences , Billlnw , Counters o ( 1'lne and Walout. _ _ Ot Jri arm 7ot > . : Florltt. A. DonKhnt , Pluitu , cut flowert , ttfdt , bcq tie N.W. tor , feu , * ai D < wlM tr t . Civil Engineer * nd 8urv Yor . ANDBKW ROSEWATEU * CrtlfrhUm CI Town surveyi , Ond nd Bowornfie 8yit it UommUtlon M reh nU. JOHN 0. WIL LISH14 tXxIco Slrwl. D D. nEEMKlU For dttall * o UrR8 tdtcr ment In I ) llv nd Weekly. Oornlca Work * . Wctera Cornice WorVa , MAnufactnrDn 1 Oornlc * , Tin , Iron nd Blsto K6oninjt. Or from any locality promptly executol In the manner. Factory nnd OfUco 1213 llarnry 8U Oahanlted Iron Cornlcce. Window Caps , ( manufactured itnd put up In any | m ol country. T. SINHOLU UP Thirteenth trcel Crockery. J. BONNEU 1SOO Douitlmlwt. OooJUna. Clothing and Furnishing Ooodt. OKO. II. PKTKIISON. At Hat , Oap , Be Shoos , Notlon ami Cutlery. 804 8. 10th gtreot RotrlgerMor * , Oanfleld' * Patent. 0. r.fiOODMAN lllh St. bet rarn.AHan Qhow Oiue M nuf ctonr. | 0. J. W1LDB , Uunfaetunr and Dealer In all klndl of 81 Caaei , Upri b Ctoot. * „ 1217 OaM Bt. mANK U OEntlAHD. proprietor Ora Bhow OHO manufactory , 818 South Itthiti between I nvenworth and JUrcy. All K < warranted Ont-cuwt. _ Pawnbroker * . noSKHFKLD. 10th St. . hot , fat , tr 1 8tovM na Tinwtra. A. BURMKSTKR , Dealer In Store * and Tinware , and Mannfach of Tin Rood and all kiodi of BaUdlnff W ( Odd Fellows' Block. J. BONNKB. 1809 DougUg 8 > . Oood and Chi I. KVANB.WholoMleand Retail 8eod Drill * 3ultlvator , Odd Fellow * HalU _ Physician * and 8urgoni. W. 8. QtDBS , M. D. , Room No t , Croljh Block. Uth Street. _ P. 8. LE13ENI11NO , 1C. D. UMonle Block , 3. L. HART , yt. D. , Kye and Ear. pp. ( ortol DR. L. B. QRADDT , JcullatundAurlBt. 8.W Uth and Farnham Photogr pner . OEO. 1IRYK , PROP. Onnd Central OallorV ) 812 Sixteenth Street. icar Masonic Itall. Flnt-cUu Work and Pron iofn gnarantcer _ PlumblnR , Qasand Steam Fitting : . P. W. TARPY H CO. . S16 12th St , bet. Farnt ind Douglas. Work promptly attended to. D. 7ITZPAT1UCK , 1409 DouelM Btroct. Palntlnc nn nper anting. HENRY A. KOSTKHS. Ill Dodge Street. Shoo Stores. Phillip Lace , 1320 Farnham Bt. bet 18th it II Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LKAR , 1410 Douglas St. . Now i Second Hand Furniture , Itouao Furnishing Got < c. , boiurht and sold on narrow marring. Ualoons. HENRY BAUFilANK , n the new brick block on Douglas Btraat , just opened a moet elegant Ucei Ilall. Uot Lunch from 10 to 18 ot cry day. Caledonia "J FALCONER. 679 16th Street. Undertaker * . JIIA8. IUEWE , lOlii Farnbam bet 10th & 11 09 Cent Stores. ' . 0. BACKUS. 120B Farnhmn St. . 7ancv Go W1R IN PASSENGER EATEJ HOBBIE BROS. . Brokers In all IUlIr < rickets , Omaha , Nob. , offer Tickets to the El intll further notice , at tbo ( allowing unhe&rc xnv Kates : / Chicago , 912 ; RoundTrlp , $24.00 , These Imlted First-Class Tickets nnd treed ( or reti hrough the year , and via the Old Reliable t : &RO , Burlington & Qulncy Railroad , Also , < vay to let clwfl. Zd cli NEW YORK , 2100 , BOSTON , 22 00 , PHILADELPHIA , 27 00 , 24 WASHINUTON , 27 00 , 24 For particular ! , write or go direct to HOIll 31103. , Dealers In Kednccd Rate Railroad i Steamship Tickets , 800 Tenth St.Omalia. . , N Remember the place Tnreo DOOM North Jnlon PaclOc Railroad Depot , East Bide of Tei jtrcot. Omaha , Aueuit 1 , 1681 , anS5d w HAWKEYE PLAlDfll ILL CO Des Moines , Iowa , Manufacturers of SASH , DOORS , BtlNC BRACKETS , MOULDINQ8 , AO. Great reduction In Bank Counters , Flans f ilahed , and work ( urnlilied In all kinds of hi r soft wood. Counters finished lu oil when i Ired. Shelving of all kind * ( urnlshod and I nto building ready for paint on short notl ) ur workmen are the best mechanics that can rocurcd. Bavo money by giving us your c < Stain , Newels and Qaluiters. Our foreman In this department wan forme vlth Frost Manufacturing Co , IChlcai Us , and has done some el tbo finest Stair wo n the Northwest Orders by mall promptly attended to. s2u toe Oraighton ani Niobrai luns dally , lea\lng Crelgbton on arrival rains at 6:30 p. m , Arrive at Nlobrara , 12:3C : n , Lca\oi Nlobrara , 11:30 p. m. Arrives ; rcljbton ( at 0 a. m. . In time for train. Fare , octlO-lm GEOROK 11ERRV , Proprietor WISE'S Jkxle. Greasi NEVER C.UMS ! Used on Wut.'oii' ! , UucpnJ , ( U-ux.n ] , Tbreeb' ' nd Mill Machinery , It la ihVAi-uAtLii TO ru IKS AMD TiUMBTiE3. ! It cure * tjcnitchcs and Inda oftoroo on Horses lud Stock , H wall M aoo. _ CLARK & WISE , Manuf'B , 300 Illinois Street , Chicago gg-SENP FOR PRICES. _ > " ECO ? . 3C.OXTXI3 PAPEE WAREHOUSE 217 and 210 North Main HU , St. Louu , WHOLESJILB DIULKJU ) IH 'OOK , I DAB5CDQ I WRITING IKWS , f r/UJtnO iWBAi-pih ENVELOPK3 , OA11D BOARD AND 3rinters Stocl < tSTCctsh paid for Rags and Paper Block , Hci ion and Metals. I'.ipor Block Warehouses 1229 to 1237. No : KENNEDY'S' EAST - INDI > ZZJ35L to aolo Jlanufa c iur el's , OMAI \vrnmrc n * SOME Jdailjr I > if i Appenrnnoe nnd Ch ct rUtlo ot the Treasury Qtr nnd Thoao EucRK" ' ! lu the En r. "i vine Burrnn. \VashloRion 0 'tr ; > onJ8not Pioneer Prwi periodically tlio foinnlo ( Icpnttm clerk is brought to public attunli SotnolimnB BIO fit-urea us a hot younff croftturo , beautiful nnd cu rated , coiulcmiiud to labor wearily c by day nt a gorcrnmont desk to si port n la.y fntlier , eick mother , n an indefinite- number of younger i tors nnd brothers. Anain she in p tpyud no n giddy miss , fashionably tired , the pet of n' member of c < gross or senator , entering the dopa inont Into in Iliu dny , ai n Micro mat of form , protected by oflicinl hit once , scon ut her best in the then nnd nt private clmmpagiio sup ] parties. Sometimes aho attracts pi lie notice as a talented artist or nu : cinn , aings at concerts or in ope apunks suvcn foreign langimgoa vn and talks English only fairly. Tin recent scandals hare brougttho fern clerk ngaiu under the blixzo of I footlights. Airs. Christiauoy waa the treasury when the old ox-sonn from Michigan sought her ouira without much pursuiision led her the altar , Helen Burrill , llowgal mistress , was in the signal oflico , or loftst , was upon the rolls of the \ department , and Mrs.Voil. . the d carded wife of John B. Clarke , J the congressman from the Elcvoi Missouri district , waa a departnn olerk before aho abandon9dtho allej delights of festive widowhood to sumo the joy a and vicissitudes o aocond marriago. A protracted n disgusting divorce suit has , in the c of Airs. Christianoy , shown the n take she mndo in catching a. woru * < old senator. The story of Mrs. > V romaina yet to bo told in court. T letter ia not intended to draw a ino From the folly of poor female olpi marrying man who occupy high oilk positions nor to warn young girls fn KATINO LATH 8U1TK1W WITH BTRANt UKK , but simply to show the class of won ; employed in the departments , th associations and general charactoi bica. Let us first take a look at the Standing in front of Lorillard's on pleasant afternoon at 4 o'clock t distinct classes of female clerks can seen. One coming down Ponnsylva \vonuo from the treasury dcpartmo the other coming up Fourteenth atr from the bureau of engraving t printing. Tlio treasury clerks , n ind women , appear in sight first , the treasury department is only a bli distant , vrlulo the printing office i lialf mile away. As the men clo are not the subject of this discourse will drop them at tlio start. Il jontlomau expects to sco nuinen types of female loveliness ho will greatly disappointed. He will look vain tor the clastic stop and J < [ rcshnesa of youth. Young won there are , but for the most hav careworn features and the imic complexions which result from lack proper exercises in the open air. N > ind then a really pretty girl may seen , but these to whom the te aouautiful could bo applied are as r ; la blossoms on century plants. 1 largo proportion of elderly women t ployed in the treasury department i natterjof some surprise to the strong The female clerks above the ago ; hirty outnumber those below tl agorshoulifThinTc 20'perconrr--T B duo to the fact that n majority ; ho applicants for placed are _ porat laving serious responsibilities enter the government employ to si port families or relatives. The worn : lorks in the.tconaury dross plainly 1 neatly. It ia ioldom that a slovoi iressed woman Ts seen among the A.t 4:15 : a majority of the dcpartmc : lerks will have passed , and the t ranca guard of the employes of t ) ureau of engraving and print ! 2omes in sight. , 'A marked dillorer ) etwoon these women and these w mvo just disappeared can bo set ind , this difference is readily explain t > y a kaowledgo 'of tho' difierent ki ) f work the two classes of work two /wo classes of"employes are roquii , o perform. In thp ' treasury , t women for the most part are engaj n clerical work , copying , transcribii stc They have cleanly tasks , and 'lighpr ' degree of mental capacity required of them.Vhilo1 there' many women in tho1 printing bure ivho perform strictly clerical duties ; reat number are engaged' in t manual labor of PHINTINO THE aREENBAC'KH. Thp p ato-printe'r ia a man , but a assisted by women , who do a pr mrt of the mechanical work. In itmosphero redolent with printc nk , which is BO strong as to fretjuoi y make visiitora eick and faint- the TOincn work from eight , to ton hoi i day. Their duty is to handle 1 reshly-printod shoots , to pass ink ho printer , wipe oil rollers , do , act , whatever their "boss" may ; ) juiro. Their wages vary , I und land , from 70 cents to § 1.50 per d : Pho oldest garments they posses ! ) : 3cat suited for the labor. Some -hem change their dresses bofo caving the bureau. Othc vear through the streets t jarmonts in which they work. The hat can afford the luxury of gloi : over their ink-stained hands. Son laving no regard for poraonal nppo mco , stalk along with solid lmnd aces. The unhealthy nature of th' work iashown in their movelnonta a : ountenancea. They are 'genera rpungor than their more aristocra istera of the department.'Ago a jxperioncp iu not necessary to b ) latp printer's assistant. Pain dories uro told'of the insulta tin { iris are subjected to by ( heir "liosso but many of tlio atoriea nro doVibtl exaggerated , as there are two sides ho question , It certainly iu no Peasant position for a young worn > f delicate instincts to occupy , that isaiatanUo n half-clad man , by win lido elio ia required to romuin all di uid upon whoso report she is ilopoi 3nt to n largo extent for her positit Pho plato printer , in it mnall way , m autocrat , .and if hci roporU that 1 iHsistnnt is worthless , no matl whether the report is false or true , a given another helper. In all the departments where worn ire cmployod a close watch , is kept heir movements by the chiefs jureijiis. But it ia not tn man tti ho morab of the dopcrtmonU iht-.ly duo. Lyna-oye/1 i/qraJA , o luichor to sou the defcctii. .in.Iw ? 01 ox than in thoco o ! tacn J y- i _ . . < . r i makoa it her 1 ly on the alert. She inoM to know her asfiocUtcaaronbc and H her Buspiclonn are once arou the little game i worked to bed r or she is convinced of her miMakc. is but natural that in a room wh twenty women , all comparative stra era , nro employed pvery one should interested in learning the chnrnctci her neighbor. And there is a ri esprit dii corps of virtue ninon * th ladies. She who is laboring for I broad with nothing td love or clior beyond , perhaps , an naed mother n will not associ her own self-respect , with a womnn whoso manners nnd oh actor nro equally doubtful and \v wears finer clothes than her salary v tumble her to purchase. Moro tl this , tlio former will , nine times oui ton , indulge her opinions freely , r make it uncomfortably .warm for 1 leas fastidious confrere. There is sx roatdealofoxnggoralii liowovcr. about the alleged laxity tomalo clerks' morals. On the win they nro a fnrhighor , class of won than these employed in largo numb in any private industry. They i bettor educated , more refined , fli cultivated , than any clnss of won who work for their bread. Uetwc them and the factory girls of N England there can never bo n comii ison. The surrounding * of the depa mont clerks are immeasurably higl than these of the mill hand. Th are , of course , bad ones among the as there are bad pooplq in every w of life , but it "evens up" in the partuionta aa well aa in ttio salon. Liquid Gold- _ J Plank , of Hrooklyn. fiogn com Pa. , dwcrlbes It limn : "I mio th : ml ca for a bottle of TIIOMAH' ECI.KCT OIL , which effected the wonderful cur a crooked limb In six applications proved worth more than gold to mo. " A Square Man. Detroit Proa Press. At a recent reunion of Comp : A , Fifth Michigan Cavalry , held the house of Mnjor Mothoraill , in t city , some one , while the yucsta w at dinner , remarked : , "I wish Ch lain B. was here , ' "at which there i a roar of laughter withbut rSny apji rent cause. Uooking ncross to the porters Captain Starkoy "ha-hat out : You gentlemen don't kn what you are laughing about. Th was a chap in our regiment by name of B ; , one of those pious light you road about but seldom meet. wns the best forager in the regime could go and bring in more chick thanany other man , and xvns cor quently in high foatlior'with thp < cors. When our chaplain rosi i and cnmo homo I } , was appointee the vacancy. Ho was .the 'boas' ch lain in the camp would hold a pi er meeting in the evening and thei out and steal all the chickoim wit n milo of camp. One Sunday wore encamped alongside of an Indi regiment , and a lot of their boyscs up to me and said : 'Captain , thatt parson o' yours t lks likoasquar * m How dolsizo him up ? ' "I assu liim that 13. waa n square man t then ho said ; 'Tho fact is , Cnpt : I want to get him to tspmo over to i camp and do a equar' job for us. "i s.oo , last Sunday wp had a lioss r with the th Illinois boys , and nidqo didn't give us a squar' di Now wo nro poing to try'it Ugain' t afternoon , ' and. wo want aaquar'ra Now that thar parson looks lib over and say which hosa win's. ' the beauty of it was , " said Stark "that ho wont over and judged liorso race within t\vo hours af iio had said 'Amen. ' , , FARMERS AND MECHANICS If you wish to avoid great dani nnd trouble , besides n no small 1 of oxponao , at this aoaaon of the yc you should , take prompt stops to ki disease from your houselfold. 1 system should bo cleansed , blc purified , stomach and bowels reputed ted , and prevent nnd euro disea arising- from spring malaria. Vfo kn of notljing that will so .perfect iy r surely do this ns Electric 'Bitters , c at the trifling cost of fifty cento a I tie. - [ Exchange. Sold by Tsh & MoMahon. (1 ( Article * 'of "Incorporation of 1 Millard Farmers' Club- Articles of incorporation made i adopted thin 29th day of October , A. 1881 , by and between the undersigned corporators , oa f olio WH , to- wit ; Article I. The name of this club fihall the Millnrd Fanners' club. FLACIt OK nUHINESH. Article II , The principal place of bi ness of tbia club snail be at Millnrd i tlou , county of Douglax , NebroHka , l KATDUK OrBVStNKriB. . Article III. The general nature nf bi ' thin' club in m-M 'to bo traneactocl by conduct a general literary mid ! social bi nefw and other entertainments of b HOC character. oAriior , BTOOK. Article IV. The amount of capital Btc of tliin club Hliall lie two thoiiBauil ilolln divided into aharen of one dollar cm which fhall be paid in the man nor i > Bcribed by the ( liiectora. C01IMHNCESIEHT AND TKtlMIMATIOX. Article V. Thtu club shall co.-nnieiico transact buxine n and cxeici'oltscorpor , nowerw tlio 20tb dny of October , 1881 , n lU powers xhall coaeo nu tlio 'JUth dny Oobuer , 108L. | AllOUNTH OK LIAlir.ITV. | Article VI. The hlKlieBtAiiinunt oful bllity fir indebtudiiern , wlilih tliU r'cl shaUat anjr one time subject ; itslef , hli bo three hunilied djllurs , OKKIOEHH. > Article VII. The officer * of t club Hindi bo conducted liy board of three direcloir , who ftliall elected from ninonf , ' the xtocjcholdorH , r they Hlmll appoint a prcniiUjit and m other ( iflicora an by law is required. JULIUS SdlltAKUKIl , J. lil.UM , j , OI.AUH SCIJUMANN , W. _ , CoiiNir w DOUKI.AH On thin 20tu day , of OctolicK A. J ) . 8S pernonally appeared befbroi me , Chai israndca , a notary public for aid conn , Iuliu Sclirocder. .1. lilum , ! Claua Re ! inaiin , W. Oerndorf , to mo known to . _ . „ ot tlio forci < oiiii , rtlcloH of w.-nioration , and .acknowlcdj d the name be tfifir voluntary act and o ed. [ BKAL , ] CHAUI.KH lltANDKH , Notary public in and for D uglae poun Kebraiik > i , Prof , W , J , Anfler's S loot Dan A. Hoipe , Or , Hall , IQIp 6qdg Ot. Tlau ( or KCutlemon conmcnclnr Tutc4 r r np , Oct. t , Clva ( or lailloa daracuca | Thi JVovatlnt , 0"ofc * . Vermj llboml. Its 91 iVioM ! litfre Kit JcwlJnt tie WtlU , Oil ic. , I pun jntarwUd jtrftct ettlilicllwi nSpli..1 i'ot { .rtt , tc. , ctU n | A , Ho pe , T IKistot aid Ccpltol Ave inalin _ . . _ _ - _ _ _ AND STILL THE Lit OONTINUKa TO Roar for Moore ( s ) Harness AMD Saddler , Ih ro Ktoptnl th < i Uon M k Tr dn Milk , llray fooda will be STAMl'Kli with th LI uicliny NAMK on the nun * . NO GOODS A GKNUINK WITHOUT TIIS AHOVK BTAM Thohmt miterlM li uwii nl th * tnoti U workmen r emnlortd , and t the lowent price. An-on % Uhlnir prlMt-llit oi good conltr fiver br wndlnit tor one. DAVID SMITH MOORE MASTER'S BALK. In the Ctrcull Court of lh Untl ( t BUtu for District ot N br nk : JBBK * K. 0 Hlnrwood , | ASl'lol ln * * > : C l ln Ihitlcr > ccf duller O. W. Dunn * Henry Ktlb r. | roRncioiivHi DP n nro ui. Publ'c ' notice li hereby Kbn > , thfttlnrmrim uc o ( nlwrco ntrrtxl In < hv tli c me , on Iho Jiul d y ol Sen ember , 1NSI M.I.1H I , . 1IIKUII i\VKIt , SxelM XU-ti-r Ch nc rj In mild Court , will on thn 6th iln Drccmhvr , Usl , uttho hour of 3 o'clock In' tltrrnoon of n UI day , nt Die went door of United hi tt Court 'loimo Mul I'ont Ollloo 1 > ItiiT , In Ilia City ot Lincoln , 1 nc i-ter Ooui Stxlonnil lUntrktol Nebraska , icll nt nucl i bo following drmribiHl procrty , to wit : The nuittbw o-t nvmrtcr of th touttuwt i\ | I IT , nceilon n itibvml nineteen ( in ) . J thoi hull of tlionnrtheA t iiiart | ranil the noithv iiuattcrol the norlhcuuit quarter of tuition ni bcred thirty (30) ( ) , nil I tovrwhlp inilnln Ihlrtj-oiu-l ! ) ntiil rntiff n mb r < i ! two'J ) t In the county of t'alnr nn J htatn of Ncbraokn KI 1.IH L. lllhUIIOWKIt , Special Xlmter In Chanicr ; U. (1. 11 I-LL , flo Icltor for Coniilnlnant. nt ) To the 8tockhold n of Ids NebrAtkn ( Light Company. Tnlto notice , that n upodnl n ectfnr of I Kt < vMioliU < rn ll | lie lirlii t the olfli-o ol i Diiiipuny , llnwlu , ut 4 p. m. , on the 16th dny Diremlicr 1 81 , far iho purpomol clootlne en ( liractvnn , mid the olllccrs ol Iho I'omlw Thcru Imvlnj ; ho , n n failure to elect dlrectori tbo lant nntinnl tticetln ) ; , SYI.VANU.S WKIUIIT , I'roidcnt , KHANK MUUl'IIY , Sccrotnry JXi'ixl Oiralm , Nov. Uth , 1S81. noUwt MASTER'S ' SALK. In Iho Clrailt Court ol the Uultvd Htntca for Dlstrla of Nubraska : Kvw 1 Sccuiity ( 'oinmny > B. J-IK CIIANCEHY. Martha A. Conrad nnd ! P. Cour.ul Public notice Is liori'by t'l\mi , th in puniun nml byUriunot nilocrou entered in ilin ill ciuiw. nn the 2nd clay of September , 1881 HUMS I , . Hlf.ItllOWKK. t4iocinl | Mastur Chancery In 8 ild Court , w 111 on the Oth da ) Deci'inbiT , 1881 , at tlio hour ol 3 o'clocic In Afternoon of the nal t d y , nt the went door tie Ulilnd Stilton Court Ilouw anil 1'oit Ol building , in the City nf Lincoln , lancAitorCo ty , fctateai.d UUtnct of Kcbriukn , hull nl i lion tli 4 foUn lti ) > dcHcrlbcd property , to.wlt Tliu nortlmeit quartir of ncctlun numbt ten ( .10) ) In tnAii hli | niim1 trod thirty ( : IO ) i raiuu numbered niff ( ) ea t , in the Count ) Dlxon and Statu ot NobnwU. HUMS I. . 11IKU110WKU , Siioclal Sla-tiT In Chan\.erj 1) . 0 , Iln.L , Solicitor for Complnlnaut. lid The "American Cattle Journa WANTED AgonU nnJ co every county In th" United Hta'cu to can get up clnbs Kv iy oubscribor Run n " * > luni Tlii-i'ia\id.drftv , n i iio In tlio An Dlrfrlbut on orin5olmCattle. . Bbcrp , Bv 1'oultry. Agricultural Iraplcuieniii , Hto IH , Kr TrccH , JcHclry , liooku , etc Hub crlptlon , < n year , in auvanco Special prizes odnrud agciitn Send sUmp for Kaniplui. Addroiv C. B. ALLEN , 1'ul ) . "Jlurnl Nebra.sk " ( 'Amor I Mil Cattle Journal" ) Omaha , Nub. I PROBATE NOTICE. > _ In the matter of the Entatoof Peter J. Johni decease J Notice Is hereby given that the creditor stld duceucd , will met t the ailtalnUtrator of i EHtate , before me , County Judge of loti | County , Nebraska , t a County Court Itoom eaidCounty , on the 24th day of November , li on the 24th cloy bf "anuarv , 1832 , ando < 21th day of March , IKS'2 , at lu o'clock a. in. ci day , for the purpose of prcucntlnj , ' their clnl for examination. adjUHtment and allow an Six monthmiro allowed for crcilltora to prcni their claim * , and one year for the admlnUtrato nettle n.ild Katnte , from the 2Uh day of Heptc tier , 18B1 , thin notice will bo published In 1 OMAHA WHKKLV llnfor four woeka nucccaslve prior to the Kith d V of Novomhnr , 1881. [ A true copy. ) A. 11. CI1AUWI K , octiu-wlt County Judge NOTIOB. State of Nebraska , DOUB las County na : At n County Court , held &t the County Co Kooin. In and for nald County , Oct. 'M A. II , 1831. Present , A. M. OlfAUWK County Judge , 'i In the matter ol thaoatato of Nets Mongom ilci'CKseil ; ' On reading and filing Iho petition nt Peter Hack , praying that administration of said t may bo ( 'rnnted to himiolf , M admlnUtrator. Ordered , That November 30th , A. I ) . 1881. 1 0 o'clock a , Jii. , I > aoluned for hearing said pc ; lon , wlifiinll porhorm Interested In Bald mat may nppc&r at a County Court to bo held , Inter tor HI | ! County , anil nhow cituxg why the pr j of petitioner should not ba granted , and that ) .ku of ilondoncy o ( n ld petition and Uio heart : htr < x > rhciUcn , ; to all pcrnoni Interested In i matter , by publWilnp a copy of tlui order ID T OMAHA WTUM.Y linn , n newapapor printed in u Oounty , for thrco oucctwUe weekt , prior to n A. M. CHAIMV1CK , RESOLUTION ORDERING SID WALKS. ! o It rcnolvcd by the City Council of tliu cltj * * Omaha : Tliat anldewulk bo , within fifteen dayiifr bin date , constructed and laid to tliu tcnipori ( nule In ald city. In front ol and ollowlnirUtxcrlbcil prciulneHlz : Lot 1 , wctt Mu of 10th utrobt , In block one eel wlde.-J Lot 2. wet Hldo of lOtli street , In block one [ cut wUlo , Lot fl. weal blilo ol 10th Htroet , In block OIK It 1. went Ido of.lOth utrcot , In bl ck H , ctt vslue , Lot V. west Bide of 10th street , In block It 'out ' n lap , I/jtU. vMtit hl'lo of 10li : Btrcet , in block 14 'ut wldo. All In H.i : . Kogcr'u addition , to the city . HM dlilaualkn to be constructed of 2-liKh pi plank and to be In width , Hi uhuto npicillid , a , hu rupuctlvo owner ornwner fif the alKivu i 'crllml prtinUeK uro lureby required to tonetri , hu ftame. Paused Kbv. 1,1831. J. J. I , . C' . JKWBTT , City Clerk _ _ UKSOLUT10N OKDKIUNGHIUE WALKS. lie It revolted by tli city council of tlio City Omaha : Tint o nldeualk bo , ulthln fifteen days In thlmlate , lonstruiteil und laid to the tcmporu L-raJe In ealddty , In front of and adjoining t 'ollowlnir Otvrll/ul prciulnuit \ : Ixit 10 , roit Bldo of VVIioaUjii street , In An stronit's a < | dillnn , 4 fwt ulde. Lot 10 , ei l nM of WhcAton ulrcot , Iri An itroi ' * nltltloMfoctwli ! | ) . Hucli MoUalk to bocmintrurtedof li Inch pli ilank and W be In wlilUi , an abovn upoclllol , ai ) io re pc.tlve owner or owner * of the abovu d icribed preuilnui are licrohy ri | ulrid to coiutru IIOBIIIIO. City Clerk. * LT Hcptvnber Uth , by the undc TIABi1 , llvlatf on tb Jtlxv < lrl ! ' Uni ro JU ; il 'ulln ve cf omiu' , , , li rl ; ; Ira yeu eW , M * JiUKUO.HALE. INVITATION TO ALL WIIO HAVE WATCHES AND CLOCKS TO BE REPAIRED , * IB IsT Gtt . .A.V 1 3iT Gh TO BE DONE OR JEWELRY FrlANUFACTURED. WMe our Work is better , our Prices are Lower than all others. " I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our line Over All Competitors. For the Best Watch Work , For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. ) For the Best Engraving , ' For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) FOR THE BEST DISPLAYED , ETC. _ D _ \ Having Intoly enlarged my workshops nnd putting in now und improved tn ohinory , I hope to still inoro improve the quality nnd .finish of our ork and ( ill orders with inoro promptness than IB usual. My Motto has alwnva boon und always will bo : "First to gain superior faetll tics and then ndvortiao the fact not before no' wild ndrortisomonta. Homo unprinciplud doalorsbuing in the habit of copying my nnnonncomunts , I would bog you , the reader of this , to draw n line betwocn such copied ntlvortisomonta nnd these of Yours very truly , A. B. HUBERMANN , The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. , , Sign of the Striking Town Clock. CARPETS HAVE DECLINED SLIGHTLY I J. B. Detwiler Is the first to make the announce ment to his.customers and the general public. MATTINGS , OIL CLOTH AND WINDOW SHADES , Always sold at the lowest Market Prices. We carry the largest stock and make the Lowest Prices. Orders promptly filled and every attention given to patrons. J. B. DETWILER , 1313 Farnham Street.t NEBRASKA. OMAHA , - - - - DOMESTICS ARE DOWN. 9 l-4Pepperal Sheeting 22 l-2c former price 30c. 10 1-4 Pepperal Bleached Sheet ings 7 l-2c , former price 40c. Canton Flannel 7 l-2c , former price 12 l-2c. Canton Flannel He , former price 16 2-3c. All-Wool Scarlet Flannel' 25d , former price 32 l-2c. Ail-Wool White'Flannel 37 l-2c , brmer price , 37 l-2c. \n Immense Stock . of these Goods in all Grades at the -A