Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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Importance of the Council Bluffi
Board of Trade ,
Cjpeninsr of "Iho Borcorer' '
by Home Talent To-Night.
Bay of the Mothodia
Episcopal Oonforonco ,
Kewa nad F noaa
The majority of ourcitizons Bcurcolj
the importnnco to n city of tin
JUKO of Council Bluffs of having nn a *
Itvo board of trade auch as wo 1m to ,
although it is of Tory recent origin.
It has no doubt boon the moat ndvnn-
iogooua and cheapest tnodtum through
which the importnnco and magnitude
of our city has reached the commcr-
< inl world. A gentleman who recently
risitod our city remarked to Tun
BEB reporter , "How. is ft year or
< at two ngo your city was acarcoly
known in the east , while nt the pres
ent time it is mentioned in commercial
centres as often as any other wcatortt
city , and , in fact , more frequently.
Then there won no place west of Chicago
cage but Omaha ; now with that
-city they connect yours as n fotraidn-
1)lo rival. , Wo claim that n good deal
of the notoriety wo hnvo attained has
oomo through our board of trado. They
moot night af tor nightin their rooma on
Atari atreot continually planning and
devising some meads to advertise our
city abroad and improving its condi
tion , at homo. The expense of keep
ing np the board qf conrso is consid *
crablo. Theao are mot by the mem *
bora of tholward , so that they are not
only giving their time but their
money freely for the improvement
and advancement of Council Bluffs in
the commercial world. Every bust-
nosa. man in the city should join the
loard. The amount of annual
tax is nominal compairod ,
with the advantages gained
and general buainoas and social information
mation that this chancp affords. The
present membership is composed of
the following well known and leading
business men of the city : L. 0.
Baldwin , John W. Chapman , Win.
M. Buahnoll , Marshal Key , F. 0.
JSTowell , John T. Baldwin , Lewis
Hammer , .1. J. Hathaway. Goo. A.
KcHlino , J. R , . Davidson , R. 0. Hub-
Tiard , II. E. Seaman , John N. Bald
win , A. 0. Graham , E. E.
Harkncss , F. IT. Orcutt. L.
W. Tulloya. John P. Weaver ,
flponcor Srnitli , J. C. Millimnn , 0. S.
Lcflerts , S. P. Chamberlain , J. St. 0.
vHillis , Henry Eisoman , E. H. Odoll ,
Leonard Everett , W. 0. James , A. T.
Elwoll , W. 0. James , T. W. MoCar-
, A. F. Flichinger , Nathan Phi1-
Sur , Dr. E. L Woodbury , L. C.
Empkoy , H. H. Motcalf , Dr.
A. B. McKuno , F. Spotman , A.
XL Walker , John Schooftgou
W. F. Sapp , Thomna fQwin ,
J. W. Rodorfer , J. MuUlortnJohn
Hammer , Joel Eaton , M. O. OjriOln.
M. E. Smith. J. 0. DeHavon , Conrad
< bliox N , M. PuBoy and F. B. Hart.
TTke board moot in regular session the
first Monday in each month , and in
-extra sessions thus far they have met
< rtx Monday ovoniuga oaoh week. The
number of stockholders are limited to
100 ; the capital stock to $100,000 ; the
indebtedness to 8100. The good that
well organized and active board of
4r&do can accomplish fur the advance-
-iilont of the interests of Council
Bluffs , both commercially und materially -
-terially , cannot bo computed , and out
loard should rocoiye the hearty support -
port and co-operation of every busi-
mow man.
What the board of trade has done
for our city wo ore afraid our proaonl
city council will undo , if they kooj.
tlioso resolutions before the public
much longer without correcting the
grammar and spelling. So 'far us the
resolutions affect us wo don't cure , ii
they are published morning and even-
ing. but wo do think they should be
polled correctly. The city council
voted to have these resolutions printed
t the oxponioof the taxpayers. The
Jtfonparou , Glebe and BEE published
"free gratis , " which gavp them
publicity that they could vcrj
havo. But still the .boobiet
Ibouglit it would never do to save the
taxpayers a few dollars , which , not
belonging to them , U of no account , ol
course. They must have them pub-
id again. The sooner the city
rid of such warts' the bolter fl
I bo for their material advancement
at homo and credit abroad.
When the Humpty Dumpty troupi
hero they exhibited on the stagi
ug the star actors throe coats oui
ok ass. The next day as a bo ;
vrai loading those animals donn
Inroad way to the depot , a man aland
ing in Koating'a door began to laugli
4Io bent himself in all kinds of shapot
and laughed until a friend stopped u
and inquired the matter. Why sai
to look yonder , There goes Jud on
leading The Big 4 , down to survo ,
the line for the now loveo.
Mrs. Jane Baldwin has quite a fore
Dgagod in striping her building o :
itio corner of Broadway and Pcai
Wtroot , iu the same manner of th
rmy building. This makes quito a
improvement iu the appoarauco c
local ! y.
The Philharmonio society open u
to-night in the opera "Sorcerer" o
Bloom & Nixon's ooora house. G
far as we huvo boon able to learn thi
Is one of the latest productions of Gi
tort & Sullivan und considered th
Lost. The saddest heart it U o'aimc '
will be rnado to leap with joy. The si
Jjoty will bo assisted by the folio win
distinguished vocalists : .
HIM Fannie Arnoldjpd Mr. Dan
IV , W. 6ea r , doctor ; pianist *
duke Poindextor , Col. L. W. Tulloya
Alexis , hit eon , betrothed to Aline
Uhas. D , Piumer ; Dr. Daily , tin
Vicar , C. U. Juitton ; J. Welilnglor
Wells , a Sorcerer , Harry J , 1'nrr
Lady Sangazuro , of the Nobility , Misi
Mary Morkol ; Aline , her Lovolj
Daughter , Miss Blanche Oliver ; Mrs ,
Partlot , a Pow Opener , Mrs. Oeo.
Van Onnan ; Constance , her Daugh
ter , Mlaa Fannie Arnold ; Witches ,
Moasrn. Wylio , Upton , Judd < t Dale ;
Pago. Charlie Franklin
All Council Bluffa vocalists.
To-day will conclude the Methodist
conference that has boon in nossion ( n
this city. The following la the pro-
gramme for 9 o'clock this morning ,
the devotional services to bo con
ducted by I. M. 0. Fling :
10:30 : Olrmt meetings. "Tho rolr
tion of the clans mooting to ourchurch
lifo and work. " C. L , Nyo.
11:15 : "How c n our Sunday
ftchools bo brought into inoro intimate
relations to the elaas mooting and the
church ? " K. M. H , FlomW.
2 p. m. Devotional oxurciaoa. Cy
rus Smith ,
3 p. m. "Tho possibilities of the
coming winter' * evangelistic campaign
in this district. " J. 0. Ecklos and P.
F. Brccso.
General discussion ,
The following reverend gentlemen
are in the city in attendance upon the
district conference : W. 8 , Hooker ,
presiding elder , J. Branstrom , W. W.
Carhnrt , H. J. Smith , J. W. AdaSr ,
W. R. Douglaaj , Jnmoa Lisle , . Charlen
Loach , E. M. H. Pluming , Charles L.
Nye , acting nocrotary , G serge Clam-
mor , 8. W. Miligan , J. 0. Ecklos , C.
W. Brewer , L Austin , Cyrus Smith ,
Charles Brown , 0. H. Burloy. In ad
dition to the above a largo number of
delegates from the various churches
are also hero. It wan expected that
B. F. Blaytonof Macedonia , wouldbo
yesterday afternoon , and address
the conference on the relation and dn-
ties of the laity to church bonovolono
38 , but as the ox-roprosentativo w.-u
unavoidably detained nt homo , this
July was assigned Hon. H , 0. Lamb ,
( rho delivered a very interesting ad-
Ircfls on the foregoing subject.
Paul Boquetto had n largo force of
non laying the foundation for his now
ivory , Halo and feed stable , which ho
ntends to erect near the corner ot
Broadway and Sixth streets. Ho
inds that his rapidly increasing busi-
IOBB demands enlarged quarters.
Folm Hammer has the contract for
nason and Rose it Brown the wood
The Big 4 , wo understand , nro con-
.omplating to hnvo the resolutions
mssed by this council translated into
lovoral different languages , and wo
presume at the city's oxpoiiBo.
Henry Herring , ono of the lively ,
wealthy business men of Harrison
county , called at THE BEE oftko yes
terday. Ho roportti crops in that sec
tion very good. The corn yield will
bo about fifty bushels to the aero.
F. 0. Taylor , of Now York , agent
for the dftlo of a work entitled , "Pic-
turcsquo America , " was in Council
Bluffs yesterday.
A forlorn and shipwrecked broth
er was entertained iu the calaboose-
police headquarters. Being too proud
o bog and too honoat to stool , ho
urnodroguoalittlo to goba square
ntkV \lMdJfctt ! / i 1
I-ftVWfl * TM t < l
The Hordio coachjfpprnpany douU-a
up their toama yesterday on account
if the hard hauling. Four mules on
j single coach ware used instead ol
wo , and only three coaohoa were put
m the route.
Chief Fiuld received atolcgram from
'udgo H. S , Hudson , to arfcat and
otainin custody two Inds , Joe Hudson ,
on of JudgQ Hudson , of Yorkvillo ,
llinoia , and Johnnie McCuIlan. OiU-
or Sterling took the matter in hand ,
and after diligent aoarch and inquiry ,
irrostod the boys and lodged them in
ho calaboose to await further devel
opments. *
E. I. Hawca , of Atlantic , was in
Council Bluffd yesterday at the Og-
Ed. Allen , of Hamburg , tundo this
city a flying visit ytuiurday , putting
up at the Ogdun ,
Oilicor Ousio arrested Joe Burns
> rotty well soakud with wliwkoy. Ho
ma put in the cooler to dry oft .
Bradford ,
Thou. Fltehan , Bradford , Pa. , wrltea :
I enclose money ( or SrniNu1 HLOAHOM , a
I Bald I would If It cured mo. Jly dyriMp-
tla hu vanlihed , with all iti s > inutoma.
Many thaiiki : I shall never , bo without it
in the liouKe. " Trice CO cenU , trial bot-
IM 10 cents.
Array Order * .
The following army orders hayo
boon Usuod ftom the hoadquarUira o
ho department of thn 1'latto , Omaha
The general court * martial oonvcnoc
, t Fort llobinaon , Nob. , by specia
orders No. 70 , nt Fort Fred. Steele ,
W. T. , by special orders No. 90 , am
at Fort Douglas , U. T. , by spocia
orders No. 100 , current series , from
those headquarters , uro dissolved.
A general court martial is appointee
to meet t Fort Thornburgh , U. T.
on Monday , the 21 t day of Novom
bar , 1881 , or as BOOH tkoroaftor ae
praotioablo , for the trial of such cosoa
as may bo brought before it.
Da tail for the court : Captain Dan
iolH. Murdock , Cth infantry ; V > 1
Ham C. Shannon , assistant surgeon
Jacob F. MUIUOII , 0 h infantry
Charles Byrne , Gth infantry ; Lyniai
\V. V. Konnon , Oth infantry ; Snncoi
M. Dinkins , Gth infantry ; Second
Lieutenant Arthur L. Waj/nor , Otl
infantry ; F ir t Lieutenant llusaoll H
Doy , Ctli infantry , judyo advocate ,
No other oillcors than those namcc
can bo oasembled without nunifoa
injury tu the service.
A general court martial is appointee
to meet at Fort Sanders , W , T. , 01
Monday , the 1-lth day of November
1881 , or as soon thereafter as practice
bio , for the trial of such prisoners a
may como before it.
Detail for the court : Captalne
Charles J. von Herrmann , 4th in
funtry ; Thomas F. Quinn , 4th in
fantry ; Albert D , King , 3d cavalry
LiuutonanU Edward L. "Bailey , 4tl
infantry ; Ooorgo A. Dodd , 3d cavalry
James A. lumlin , 4thinfantry ; Fran
B , Andrus , 4th infantry ; First Lieu
tenant Butler D. Price , adjutant 4t
infantry , judge ndvocato.
INo otber offleera than thoit * imo <
can bo asBcmblcd without manifest in
jury to tho'servico. ,
A general court martial is appoint
ed to mW at Fort Sidney , Non. , on
Monday , | Iho 1,4th , day of November ,
1881 , or M Bor > n thoroaftcr ns prac
ticable , for the trial of finch prisoners
as may bo brought before it ,
Detail for the court : Captains Kmil
Adam , Cth cavalry ; James P. Kim-
liall. assiBtant surgeon : William C.
Forbmh , Dth cavalry ; First Lieuten
ant Phinoaa P. Barnard , Cth cavalry ;
Second Lieutenants Charles H. Noycs ,
9th cavalry ; William K , AI my , Cih
cavalry ; First ) Lieutenant William B ,
Pooso , Oth infantry , judge advocate.
No other oflkors than those named
can bo assembled without manifest in
jury to the service.
A general court martial is appoint
ed to meet at Fort Bridger , W. T. ,
on Monday the 14th day of Novem
ber , 1881 , or BS soon thereafter an
practicable , for the trial of such pris
oners as may bo brought before tt.
Detail for the Court -Captains Ed
win Pollock , Oth Infantry , William
1. Bisboo , 4th infantry , Henry Me-
ilderry , oBslstant surgeon , Qorhard
i. Luhn , 4th infantry , First Lioutcn- ,
mt Robert H , Young , 4th infantry ,
Jocond Lieutenants Silas A. Wolf ,
4th infantry , Parker W. West , Sd
rivalry. First Lieutenant Henry E.
tobinson , 4th infantry , judge advo
No other officers than these named
: an bo assembled without manifest
njury to the service ,
A general court martial is appointed
o moot at For. Cameron , Utah torri-
ory , on Monday , the 21st day of No
vember , 1881 , or u soon thereafter as
iracticaulo , for the trial of such pris
oners as may be brought before it.
Detail for the court : Lieutenant
/olonol Daniel Houston , Jr. , Cth in-
antry ; Captain Thomas Britton , Gth
nfantry ; First Lioutona Djivid L.
Craft , Oth infantry : Second Lieuten
ants Bernard A. Uf rno , Gth infantry ,
Robert A. Stof\R , Gth infantry ,
lerah W. Tom fjjth infantry , Rou-
loti-B. Turner , Wi infantry.
First Lieutenant William H. H.
Crowoll , Gth infantry , judge advocatoi
No ether ofliiton than those named
: au be assemble ! without manifest In-
ury to the somco. * i
Very otton wo see a pomOn ,
ng frarn some form of kidtipy com-
iluint and is gradually dying by
nchos. This no longer need to bo so ,
or Electric Bittera will positively
nro Bright's disease , or any disoaae of
10 kidneys oruriniary orgaiis. They
ro especially adapted to this class of
iaoases , acting directly on the
totnach and Liver at the same time ,
-h'ilUppeedily euro where every
tlior remedy lias failed. Sold at
ifty cents a bottle , by lah & Me-
One of tha Reaionable pe | * urei
Of life , a properly cooked meat , afford * lltt'o or
10 present enj ment , anil muo fiibicquent tor *
ure toaoonnrracddipep'lc. Hut when chr > nle
ndlgtitlon In comb ittod with oitetter'l H omauh
lllttoM , the food In o < n with rcll i , nnd must
ruportant of all , \ u Imitated l > y and nourltheii
iio By i torn , U o thl eroud tonic unil corrcctlto
Ino to remedy ronttiputUn , blllouencu , rheu-
ma ) m , fo i r on ' f ue.
For ! o by * ' nrucglnUand De len generally.
Pree to Everybody !
A BoautiM Book for the Asking ,
Uyapplilnffperionally at tha nrareil efllre
y poiUlcard If at adlntaiice ) any ADCLT per.
nan w'l | ' bo proented with a beautifully 1IU | | '
rated copy ol a How Book entitled
contAlnlnjr a handsome and oo tly steel rngrav-
< v fronutplerce ; a'io , M Dnely rngraved wooc
rut * , and bound In an elaborate blue and golc
llhoitraphed cqrar. Mn charjfn whatever ! madu
for thll 1 andoome book , wnlchoan bo obtained
only by application at the b anch and lubor
Jluate office * ol The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Principal Office , St Union Bqiiaru , Kew York
OMillA , N , Ort. 28th1B8I , )
UouoiiH COCKTT. f
Vau are hereby notlOrd that Dciter U Thomat
purchased at the county treasurer ultlce , on the
ith day of June. 1870 , at pmate aale. Th fol
iQwInjc parcel of land for iaxca of 1877 , for \gh\ \ \
dollar * and nMietj-elKbt cent * iM ) ) , and the
ild DoxUr L. Ttinniuhantriniiforrou > ald oar
tlflcate ol aale to William Connor tor the aunt o
tan dollar * and twenty-time ctntiHO ( 23) . Oe
itrlptlou of prcpetty , to wit : Uoniraenclnir lOJt'
vhalni , K af 8HTcorner of 8K J , thence N 3. lfl (
rh ln , thence K 3.1t JchnlD , ibeac 3 16JchUu
thane * W 3.1 i chain * , to pla < .e ol Uoiftui Init In
H W ot a Eiec Inn Ho. 18 , rang * U , IS , contain
ing one atie That I will ( ale out a tax deed Iu
three inontbi from date of ihlt notice. uiwit *
C. F. Manderson ,
't ramham B > . Omaha W
Profooor Kluher , ( trom at lx > ul * ) Danrlnir Ac
ademy.ttaniUnUUIIcor ) Klttoenth and Faro
ham , Tueiday evening , Soptcmber 8th.
Cliwc * for ukdlu * and ( lentlemeucommcneta
Tuetdtty oenliiK Ueptvmlirr Oth ; claueM tor
MlMcuand Mattori , tommcnclng SatunUy after
noon at 4 o'clrck. Ctaoncn for Famlll * , will be
arranged to mlt the honorable patrons. Also
balltt dancing tan be taught.
Turin * liberal , and pettec tattifactlon to schol
arsKUartnticd J'rU telii.tructloiuwll )9glv
en at the Ujiiilog Ac ieaiy or at the nxddonce
of tli | > atrons.
1'ritata ordtii s > left atUsi Hover A
pro' * ii-so-U
FAITHT BILUXO Boots or rut Ana I
Foundations of Success
TbtUweol tatri * lfl ( rou , how to Irani-
Ml bjjitot * * , rtliiakU kt * * , Krial eMqaetU
i * te tiMw (01 (
AddnM tor elf.
OH tvmuuMo
Proprietor ,
' 1213 Harney Street ,
OMAHA , - - -
Cornices ,
Windows Finials
Dormer , ,
Speoht'a Patent Metillo Sky
Patent AdjuiUbfe Ratchet D p and
lira OKI general Htato Agent for the aboro
Unset food *
Oretlni , Balustrades , Ver nda , IOfTlc j and
D nk Railing * , Window nd Cellar
Guards ; alto
Peertonand Hill Patent Intlda Blind.
Commission Merchants ,
For the nalo of Farm Prodnco ; PoUtosn. Poulttjr ,
Butter , Egg * rixclrod and go d on
Cath * drucM made on connlgnmont * .
Warehouia and _ Store , 1413 Oodce Street.
Omaha , Neb ,
BIO. w. poms. i.
Attorneys-at-Law ,
ieo. P. Bern is
and OodM Bit. , Omaha , Nab.
. any bargalnn
.n IU hook * are luvurod tolUpatroon , Inite&d
hv thn m > pntj _
1306 Farnham 8t , . . . Omaha , Nebra
400,000 u.OZI,3ES selected Uad In fiwtern Nebrsk fat
. Great u rir ln in Improvixl farms , and
rain * city proporty.
I ) . F. DAV18 incnSTKB BNYDER
Ut UndCom'rn.P.n . .
Cambridge , Neb.
1,000,000 aoru ( forornmcmt Uod open to Home-
stood ! Pro-eu4 > Uoni MII ! Timber claluu. 200
: holcol mproveil oUlrai for nig or eichjtage. SCO
3 ( the b t deeded forma In Southwestern Nebru-
[ ft with tlmbur and tratai tor m\a. A law choice
itock nncbe * wllb tencwl fleldi , timber , h y nd
irktar , far ula , ohtap. Gornup oudtnca Solicited
lunAyentfr COLUMBIA
* nd OTTO BIO 3LK8. Bond
nd price Hit oooUioinff rail
I , I , U. SOLOMON ,
FlmtOUa and dim *
To OUhulns Rodde , noti-retldent defendanli
Yon re hereby notified tb t oo the Id day of
September , 1881 , John Kedde , pUlutlff. filed his
pclltltn In th Dlitrlct Court , within nl tor
bouglM County , Nebrwilc * , kpatntt you M de
fendant , the object and prayer of which petition
In , to obtain a decree of divorce from the bondr
of matrlmony with you ( or the following r uie > ,
to wit : lit , habitual drunkenneat ; Sd , extreme
cruelty , and for general relief.
You arc required < o answer tatd petition on
the 24th day o ! October , Ibll.
leTwEI Attorner * for Plaintiff.
OmTJ Front Room * ( op Main ) la Hanicom's
newlgfuk building , K. W , corner Fftoenth nd
ar * jn BtreaU ,
Anonlinanca ooncemlnij the llccnitng
el d lQ lay rr ) .
Be It ordained by the city council of th *
ityof Omaha :
SKTIONI , No pernonor personn nhall
lay any sewer , draii age pipe , drsin'or drain
onncttion with the public or district
ewerii , latnrtls or aptinrtooenccs in the
! ty of Omaha , except duly licence ! thire-
for under the provisions of this ordln ince.
SBC , 2. Any compoUnt mechanic with
ip , ience in laying pipe ewer , on ppl !
cation to the city council , may upon ap
proval , aad the payment in advance of
iicenue fee equal to three dollan a month
for each nnd every month to ( the Itt of
January next following thereafter , receive
H licenio to lay letter * , draini and connto-
tioua in the city of Omaha , provided no
appllc ition fur license ax drain layer ihall
be conililerrd iniless accempanlrd by a
bond in the sum of five hundred dollars
( $500.00) ) with two resident turttties thereon -
on paying taxes OB real estate m Douir.laa
county , Nebraska , on twice t e amount
named in the bond , and the said bond to be
approuaiu form by the city attorney , and
to Insufficiency by tin city council to
wcure the faithful and constant obediance
of ilvu ordinance during hU term of uevice ,
and to confirm wlthxll laws and ordinances
of the city of Omaha.
Sxo. S. Kvery license granted to any
drain layer , to lay drains , * hall expire on
the last day of each year without regard to
date of issuance , unlMi * > < .nr revolted for
cause ,
Rgc. 4. The city engineer may , for nn-
skillfulueaK. carelessness , or willful Y'o'a- '
tion of bin directions in drain 1 ying , sni.
pend the license of any drain lay. r , and
such ItceiiM shall not be In force and effect
auain until duly restored by direct ! n of
the city engineer or the city council , nor
shall any restitution of any licence fees
paid ther on bo made by the city for any
length of tlina for which said license maybe
bo niupeudftl ,
HKO. B. Any person or person * violating
any of th * sections of this nrdhmnco fhnll
usyincDnvlitiou thereof before the police
inaeistrate , be fined in any sum not lesa
than ten dollaw ( * 101 ) . nor more than
lWOOfor ( ) tlio first
< no hundred doll IM ( $
oifouse. and ten dollar * ( SIO.OO ) per diy
for each nnd every \lolstiow thereafter.
SBC. 6 , Thit ordinance nhall ba In force
and take affect from n I after iti passage.
President Oity Council
Attest :
J. J. L , tf. Juwtrr.
Olty Clerk.
FavedOc r25,1881.
obef 81.1881.
J , K. BOYD ,
1319 Farnham Street.
* _ _ i
Within the next sixty days we expect to occupy our new store * at
1315 and 1317 Farnham street , adjoining our present stand , with a
stock of
Goods equalled in the West ,
\J WttkO
and meanwhile we desire that all Omaha should take advantage of the very
Preparatory to movinprwe ofler our entire stock at a great sacrifice. Study < 3nroluly ] th
prices wo quote , bear in mind that we buy all goods for casb , do the largest etriotly retail dry
goods business between Ohicanoand Sanfrancieco , and aim to give our customers the benefit of
ail the low pncea and extra cash discounts given us by manufacturers and importers.
Bcavor Cloaks , handsomely trimmed
with PasBmontorio and Satin , Silk
Velvet , J5.00 to 81.00.
i All Wool Beaver Clokksfrom , $8.00
to $12.00.
Boayor Dolmans , handsomely trimmed -
mod with Silk and Fringe , $8.00 , or
with Satin Silk and Tosamontorio Deep
Fringe , Corded and Tassled , 110.00.
At 815.00 wo oiler a handsomely fur
trimmed all "Wool Dingonal Dolman ,
and at $18 00 wo ahow four styles of
Dolmans worth fully $20.00. Light
Jackets at $ O.CO to $12 Oft. Tn Light
Dolmans wo show ever 13 styles , from
$15 00 to $35.00 , making special prices
at $20.00 and ? 2G 00.
Bilk Dolmans from $45.00 to $75,00 ,
all handsomely trimmed with Far
Ladies' Suitings , Cashmeres ,
Silks and Plaids , Novelties.
40 inch Black Cashmeres GOc. , TCcA
95c. , $1.00.
4G inch Black Cashmeres , 75c. , 90c. ,
$1.00 , $1.25.
Wo will agree in all cases to refund
the money for Caahmorea should they
not prove satisfactory. Our prices will
bo found 20 to 30 per cent less than
those usually naked for same qualities ;
all wo asked is comparison.
4G inch French Flannel Suitings ,
4Ginch French Silkand Wool PJnids ,
48 inch French Foullo and Camels
Hair in extra heavy weight , $1.G5 to
2 00 a yard.
48 inch Drop doEtoat $1.25 , $1.50 ,
$1.80 , $2.50.
Ladies' and Children's
50 dozen Ladies' all Wool Seamless
3oae , 40o.
25 dozen Ladies' all Wool Seamless
lose * , extra huavy , 50c ,
25 docen Ladies' fine Caahmero
Hose , 75c. , worth $ T.OO.
Children's all Wool Seamless Hose
for school wear , all sines , 2Gc. , worth
40c. to 50c.
Boy * ' all Wool Gray Mixed School
Jose 40c. . worth 5Oc. to 7bo.
Lndins' extra heavy FJoocod Lined
3elbrigginn , 50c :
Ludies * fine Merino Vests , 45o. ,
worth COc.
Children's fine Merino Vests , 25c.
o 32.00.
3 Button Fisk , Clark it Plogf
Gloves , 75c.
4 Button Fisk , Clark & Flagg
Gloves , $1.00.
G Button Fisk , Clark A
Gloves , $1.25.
The above are well known in tht
east as ono of the best Gloves made.
The makers sold us nil they had , and
we assure our patrons that they rank
as high as any firat-clasa Glove known.
Usually soiling at $2.00 , $2.26 and
$2.50 per pair.
Wo nro solo agents in Omaha for
Courvoisier Kid Gloves.
3 Button Courvoisier Kids , $3.00
4 Button Courvoisicr Kids , 2.25
6 Button Courvoiaior Kids , 3.60
Poster Lace K ids , all Lengths.
3 Button Real Kid , Black , only $1.25
4.Button Real Kid , Black , only 1.60
When Gene we cannot replace.
Hand or machine made all Silk
Spanish , Guipure , Chintilly and other
now style Laces , from ono to twelve
inches , Deep Cream or Black ,
Spanish Lace Scarfs from 36c to
85.00 each.
Wo also'add to ourjiock of
Ten Cent Ribbons
Many now colors and extra widths i
Satin and Gros Grain.
Como early this morning.
Our Blanket Stock is the largest in
Omaha , and as 9111 prices will show is
by far the cheapest wo over offered.
100 Pairs 10-4 White Blankets $1.50 ,
worth $2.50.
100 Pairs 10-i "White Blankets $2.00 ,
worth $3.00.
00 11-4 White Blankets $2.50 Pair.
CO 10-4 White Blankets $3 50 Pair.
60 11-4 White Blankets § 4.60 Pair.
The Best § 5.00 Blankets in the West.
60 Pairs Extra Heavy all Wool
Blankets $6. CO.
50 Pairs 12-4 Extra Heavy Blankets
50Paks 11-4 all Wool Blankets
An Extra Largo San Jose , California ,
Blanket for $10.00. The Very Best
Bargain in Omaha.
48 Bed Comforts 55c. each , worth
75c. to $1.00.
48 Bed Comforts 7Go. each , worth
48 Bed Comforts , very lurgo and
heavy , at $1.25 each.
Fine French Blunkots of our own
importation from $15.00 to $50.00 B
pair. > >
S. I3. IMIOZRSim &c CO. ,
1319 Farnham Street.
Emporium of Fashion !
' - ' ' ' V A
We respectfully request the attention of the Ladies Nebraska {
to the announcement of the arrival of the largest and most recherche
nvoice of Fur Lined Promenade Wraps ; Silk , Plush and Embroid
ered Matelaise Dolman's ever imported west of the Missouri. .
CLOAKS FROM $5.00 TO $150.00.
Plain and Embroidered Dressing Sacques , .
Suits and Costumes in Innumerable Varieties. Wraps , Suits and Oostuoiei
to Order.
In the matte * of the KiUto of Jane * K. lib ,
deora ed.
Notlc li hereby Klven that the creditor ) nt
aid deceased , will meet the admlnlitrlz of said
Estate , before me , County Judge of Uougla *
bounty , N bra li a , al the County Court Hoom
n aald Couiit ) , on the Cth da ) of December. 1881 ,
on the th day ot February. IbSi , and on ttieeih
day ot April. 1S82 , at 10 o'clock a , u. each day ,
for the purpoia ol prtBentlnc their clalmi for ex'
amlnatlon , adjuitm6nt and allowance , Bli
munt * are How rd for crcdlton to present thtli
chlm , and one > rar for the adinlnUtratrix to
etttlciiald estate , from the fth day of October ,
lB81tliUiiotlcowlllbepublUhi l In Tun OMAUI
\\BIKLT ! ! for four wcU Buccwshcly , prior to
the eth day of December , 1SS1.
1\ true cony.l A , M. CHADWICK ,
oclO lt Couut >
DffirtBpLThomas'&Bpo ,
AID Alt ,
Pay Tazea , Bent Houses , Bto ,
0 TOO win to itrr oa HU
Men's Sox , Shirts ,
200 Dozen Soamloaa Fancy British
Sox 25c.
25 Dozen Mon'a Fine all Wool Scarlet -
lot Half Hoao BOc. a Pair fully worth
25 Dozen Fine English Merino HOBO
35c. 3 for fl.OO
Soamloas Unbleached Sox ? 2.00doz.
Extra Fine Unbleached Sox $3.50
doz. '
Best Quality Linen Collars $1.50
Best Quality Linen Gaffe $2.60 doz.
Another inyoico of .Men's Pique
Sown , Stitched back Derby Street
Gloves tl.35 pair , usually sold at
$2.00 to $2. GO. Every pair warranted
not to break.
Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers
25o.Heavy Merino Shirti or Drawers
50c. , worth' l.OO.
Heavy Merino ShirU ] or Drawers
81.00 , worth 81.25.
For 81.25 wo sell a v ry heavy
Patent Murino Shirt or D'gxwor that
lias heretofore sold for $1.50.
Seamless Shirts or Drawers from
$1.50 , formerly 81.75 , up to the best
Cartwripht and AVarHor'a Hand-knit
Scotch Shetland Wool.
ORDERS TAKEN for SilkJUnder-
w ar.
In this department all goods are of
our own importation at the prices
wo name. No house west of Now
York can compote with us.
19 inch Black Satins , all beautiful
luatro and well covered , 75c. , 85c. ,
93e. , 81.00.
22 inch Black Satin , 81.00 , 81.25 ,
81.40 , § 1.50 , 81-60 , 81.C5.
A complota line of Colored Satins
at 90c. , equal to the 81.25 Satin of
last season.
Black Gros Grain Silk 50c. , 75c. ,
90c. , $1.00 , all worth 25c. , a yard
Cashmere Finish Groa Grain Silk
from 81.15 to 83.50.
Wo have full linoB of our celebrated
brand of * , * ,
Cashmere Alexandra Silks
Black and Colored Plushes , full 21
inches widq $3 50.
19 inch Silk Velvets from $1.25 to
Over 20 quallies to choose from.
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,