Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1881, Image 1

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lore Oomploto Botnrns From the
Different States ,
Wisconsin Still Rom&ina in the
B publican Banks by
6,000 Majority.
Pennsylvania Republicana El-
oot Their State Treasurer
by 15,000 Majority.
Indications That the Readjust-
tora Have Boon Victor
ious in Virginia.
The Election of the Republican
State Ticket in New
York Assured.
Tom Murphy , Grant and Conk-
ling's Pet , Defeated in ,
That Stato.
Returns From Nebraska In
dicate That the Republicans
Have Made a Clean
Low Elected Mayor of Brook
lyn , N. Y. , by Nearly
5.COO Majority.
Election Returns From. All the
Special Dispatch to Ibu Oinaha Deo.
WK.HT POINT , Neb , , November 9.
The uutiro democratic ticket is elected
except sheriff.
Sfoclal Dwpoteh to The Omaha lira.
HASTISIH , Nob. , November 9.
The f.irinora' alhanco anti-monopoly
ticket is oloclod , except county clork.
l II pakh to The Oimhi Hoc.
\VAHOO , Nob. , November 9.
Porky , republican , ia elected treasurer
by 1,500 majority. Probably the
whole republican ticket is olectod.
The election wont oft" quietly. Light
vote polled. The ropublicann elect
treasurer , superintendent of public.
instruction , commissioner , nurvoyor ,
coroner , fuaiomsta , sheriff and clerk.
County judge doubtful
Bpodal Dtepatchjo tlio Ouiah * Ret , ,
- -
ticket haa gone republican without a
doubt. The 'county ticket will stand
republican except on treasurer , which
is close , with strong probabilities of
electing Wheeler , republican , against
VanDuyno , democrat. Sutton prociuct
gives VanDuyno 51 majority. School
Creek precinct gives Vanpdyno 30
majority. Lewis precinct gives
Wheeler 20 majo'rity.Lincoln pre
RP cinct ptvoa abouE 20 majority for
RPt Whoolor. Harvard precinct giros a
good majority for Wheeler. There
waa no alhanco ticket in the Gold
Tlio democratic majorities wore rnado
up of republican voters. /
Special DIxpMch to Itie Bw > .
_ ir 9. The
election pr.aat.d off quietly/ The en
tire republican ticket is elected , except
Roper ou the people's ticket , who is
defeated by Davis , they nominee for
clerk , by 75 majority , There is * * "
majority on the etato'ticket
Special Ul < pateh to The Eoo
GRNKVA , November 9 In Pillmoro
county the whole auti-monodci/y' / ticket ,
with the exception of count/ clerk , is
elected. The . anti-monopoly candi
date , J. H. Fort , is yet ahead , with
three precincts to hear from. Cannot
yet toll who will bo elected , Winter-
atoon , the present incumbent , or J. H.
Fort. Thoflo that uro wloccod are :
P. D. Sturdovant , treasurer ; W. G.
Hannos , ahwiiff ; Cyrus Macy , coroner.
The balance of the old county ollicom
were elected without any fight.
KftiioMl AiwoelAted Treat.
NKW YORK , November 9. From
good authority it is stated that the
democratic majority in this pity on
the stuto ticket will bo 37,000. Rol
lins , republican for Surrogate , haa
, been elected by nearly 10,000 major
Ity. For the assembly it is atatod
i that there is a good domwcratic gain
Flower , democrat , has boon elected
by a suull majority over Aator , republican -
lican , in the ono hundred and
eighteenth congressional district.
ROMK , Novembor' ) , Purcell , democrat
ocrat , gets 202 majority.
LEK , November 9. Purcell gels 14J.
majority. William Walter AHUH're
publican candidate for congress in the
eleventh diutricti \ < \t been defeated ,
and ItosowellV Flower , democrat ,
electorf. Thii district was represented
by Levi P. Morton , republican , * now
minister to Franco , and is a demo-
cratio pain. In the ninth congrea-
Bional district , formerly represented
by Fernando Wood , democrat , do
wned , Thomas Murphy , ex-collector
of the port of Now York , republican ,
LJUJ been defeated by John Harley ,
democrat. In the fifth senatorial dia/
trict , Kodw rd Hog n , county democrat -
, crat , is defeated by J. O. Boyd , Tarn-
many. In the fourth * ntorinl dis
trict , Brooklyn , J. 0. Jacobs , demo
crat , ia elected bj R Bmull majority.
Seth Low , republican candidate for
Mayor of Brooklyn U elected by amall
majorities and the Democratic on the
Siato ticket .in. . Kingi county ia cut
down aoino 6,000 , , and will not from
proaont appearance exceed 3,000. Th i
Democratic majority in Now York
county on the State iickot in now sot
down at 37,000 , BO lhat the Democrats
will not from preient appearances
roach 45,000 nt Kingabridgo. Thia
places the probabilitioa of the State at
largo in favor of thp Re ublicana.
Ouondagp CDUnty gives 300 ropubli-
cau majority , Syraciuo City givoa
1,500 republican majority. The re
sult in Alooda district ia very clojo.
Iio now claims election by G7 major
ity. The 9th coHcresnionrxl district
with morothau half kf the assembly
district heard from , Hardy , democrat ,
has moro than 3,000 majority.
ANN.svittK , N. Y. , November 9.
Purcell has 40 majority , Roberta , for
senator , is elected by 1,000 major
ity. Jones , democrat , is elected as-
Homblymaii in the district.
BKOOKLYX , N. Y. , November 9.
Returns indicate thu election of Seth
Low , republican , by a Hinall majority.
Low , republican , majority for mayor
is estimated at 3,000.
ELMIUA , Is. Y. November 9. The
democratic pluraltyin Chomug county
on the atato ticket is 218. Dimon ,
democrat , for assemblyman has n
pluralty of 371. Schwartz , democrat ,
for senator has A pluralty of 624. Thu
vote in Stoubon county for senator is
clone. The republican majority in
Allughpny county for senator -will
roach 3,000. Eustace , democrat , for
county clerk ia elected by a pluralty
of 830. T. K. Borchor , green-
bicker , for assembly man , run
030 .iho l of hia tickot.
Aunuuv , N. Y. , November 9.
Cayuua county gives 2,000 republican
majority in thu atato ticket. Noyoa , re
publican for assembly , is elected. The
other assemblymen are in doubt.
Evans , for Btato Honator , in the
Twenty-sixth district , has 4,000 ma-
joiity. Seneca county girea CO ma
jority for the democratic state ticket ,
but elects a republican assemblymen.
Wuyno county elects 'two republican
assemblymen , and gives thp ropubli-
cad btito ticket 1,600 majority.
SYUAOUSI : , November 0. Carr's ma
jority in this , Onondntjo county , is
3,019 , and Hustods | 3,410. Thomai
G. Alvord , rep' , is cor'niuly
ulcctod by about MO majority in the
First aasombly district ; F.uren , re
publican , Second district , CIS nm-
joritv ; JohnLighton , democrat , Third
.district , 155 majority. Dennis ' lo- "
Curthy , republican , for 8omi fTn' the
Twenty-Fifth difltrWrritrtjIuctod by a
rod uc e dmjjw < rty.
. The democratic
* -ApiANYNovember 9.
cratic central coipmitteo claim the
state by 2,000 majority , with a proba
bility that Curr , republican , ia elected
secretary of state , tThe loaders of
both parties concede the senate as a
tie , with theassembJj doubtfuLj , - ,
"iJoiWAXoTS'ovenib'er 9.La'test re
turns , confirm previous dispatched.
Smith , for county treasurer , on whom
the bitfgest fight was made , is beaten
by 905. Titus , democrat" , is elected
senator by 5,540 ovcfHurd.
BROOKLYN , November 9. The totai
vote for Mayor ] wan as follows : Seth
Low , republicatt , 45,852 ; Jaa. llowoll ,
democrat , 40,9D2r Low's majority ,
4,476. 'Tho republicans elect three
uuporvisora at largo.
The following are the senators nnd
assembly men elected :
Senators Second district , John J.
Kiornun , democrat ; Third dirlrict ,
John D. Jacobs , democrat.
Asaoinblynion First dhtricr , John
Shanloy , democrat ; Second district ,
Michiul J. PiUinan , democrat ; Third
district ; , James E. Ti o , democrat ;
Fourth dUtrict , D. H . Kelley , demo
crat ; , Fifth district , Thos. J. Shondan ,
deniocrat ; Sixth street , Patrick'H ,
Mc'0.ivon , democrat ; Sovonlh district ,
George If. Lindsay , democrat ; Eighth
district , Moses Ens-el , democrat ; NiytlC
/district , JomcB M. Mark , republicati :
Tenth district , Richard J. Nowinan ,
democrat ; Kloventh district , Alfred
C. Chapman democrat ; Twelfth dis
trict , Jacques J. Stillwoll , democrat.
Now Yorlr/NoYrtnbor 9. - The city
vote for secretary pf state ia : Purcell
90,651 , Carr , 53,894 ; Purcoll'B ma
jority , 36,757. " ,
MILWACKEK November 9. Re
turn * nhow largo democratic g.iins
throughout the state with probable
majority for Fratt , democrat ; and the
on'iro democratic ticket. Thefollow- |
iiig are the losses and gaina of the re
publicans as compared with the vote
of 1870 : ,
Fiwt Congressional District Wau-
konl a ci nn'y loss 175Kortoaha county
loss 14 , Rock county loss 632 , Wai-
worth county losu 38.0.
.Second Congressional. " Distaict -
Jefferson county 212Ios4 Columbia
county 421 lom , Dave , county 404 ,
S uk county 331 loss. ,
Third Congressional District'r-Grant
c < junj.y loss 49 , flroon county gain 28 ,
Iowa county loss 61 , Lafayette county
loss 12.
Fourth ConfjroHsional District
Milwaukee county 1,902 loss , Ozaukeo
county 179 gain , Woshingfon ( county
71 gam. . ) l j
Fifth Congressional Districtj-jMani-
towac county 16 loss , Fondulae coun
ty 100 losu , Dod o'county 5 gajii , She-
boyu'an county 121 Inst. "
'Sixth Consjri'siional Diatrict Outa-
gamiojeouiify 30 gain , Green liako
.cotfiity 100 gain , Door county 20 gain ,
-Hrbwn county 140 loss , Calumet
county 500 loss , Winiiubigo county
4d2 IOBH , yallpiccll county 800 lofB ,
Seventh Congressional Distrjct
Tho. nut loss is 1,707. <
Eighgth CongrenBional District-
net low 3,772. |
Total JobB uvor 10,000 ; Many back
counties yet to heir from whiuh heretofore -
toforo cast republican majoritos. The
utmost excitement prevails and much
wonderment at'the result. .Itiis aup-
potted the next legislature will bo
democratic. The democrats gainoc
eight Assemblymen in this county.
MADISON , Wiconsin , Novombr 9.
Roturna from ! i6 election precincli
in aUto giro republican gain of 159
over vote of 1877 Which would indi
cate a kinall rcpublicanmajority in
sUto , not to exceed COO. .How
Koyos , republican , is Reeled to the
KBiembly in thn eocond district.
MADHON , Wig. , November 9. The
result in the itnto nt laf e will not bo
positively determined until late iu the
day. Returns from 161 towns , in
cluding the principal cities , show
not democratic ) gain of 8,000. The
democrats claim the Btato ticket , and
that the republicans have lost the
Btato , and this is not unlikely. They
were defeated by prohibition votes ,
which woio over 15,000.
MtLWAtixKK , November 9. Returns -
turns come i in very slowly but up to
noon sufficient have boon leceivud to
make It certain that the Utu ticket
lint been elected by a majority of
Pa. , Nov. 9. An un
URually liuht vote was polled in this
county. Out of H registry of 00,000
neb moro than 25,000 votes have beou
polled. The K Wolfe monument uc
compliahcd only an incmaaod plu
rality for Bailey , republican candidate
for State Treasurer , over Noble dom
ocrat. Wolfe's vote will reach 4,500
half of which comes from the demo
crats. Bailey's plurality is fully 5 ,
000. The entire county republican
ticket ia elected by majorities ranging
from 4,000 to 0,000. Reports from
the western counties of the state
showed a larger1 vote for Wolfe
than was expected , but , as in this
county , a fair proportion c.imo from
the democrats , except in the rural
communities , where ho drew from the
republicans. Advices hero from the
state at largo indicate thu election of
Bailey by about 10,000 plurality.
Wolfo'a vote in the atato will appro- .
mate 50,000.
Philadelphia , Novomber9.-Tho vote
iu Penn ylvania is very light , Bailey ,
republican candidate tor Btito : treas
urer , is elected by a pluralty of from
8,000 to 15 000 ever Noble , democrat ,
and Wolfe , independent , the latter
carrying but two counties in his own
district , Union and Snydor. Bailey
carried Philadelphia by n m i jonty-pf
13,459 ever Noblo. Wolfe's vote in
Philadelphia was only 14,537 , in the
total vote of 114,124 itutho city. The
republicans elect all their county olli-
corn , Mitchell for judge bcini ? 011 both
tickets. Throughout the statp there
was a marked change , except in Cur-
bon , where the tepublicana aud inde-
pondent-democrutB''sacctssftilly ; com-
bmod.oiflocal . candidates , and in
.SolriiylkiH where a ropublican-gruun-
back coal' lion waa defeated.
PiTTSHUKa , November 9. Ofllci.i !
returns from all but ,13 precincts in
Allegheny county give Bailey , repub
lican , for state treasurer , 14,702 ; Noble
blo , democrat , 10,036 ; Wolfe , inde
pendent , 5,957. The republican
county ticket iselocted by majorities
rangingjrom'900 to 2,500. Special
dispatcluia u The Times indicate thai
-Bailey'"niajority in the Btato ia nboui
6,250. } u > iai tri < > iw * 'fre ftow
will increase this , The Noble revolt
against the "bosses" was a miserable
failure. Ho carried but two comities ,
his own , Union , and Snyde'r/ Bailey
has majorities iu the folowiucoun- !
tics in the wcatoin parb of 'tho state
Allegheny 5,500 , Armstrong 500.
Boater 200 , Blair 700 , Bradford
1,350 , Crawford 400 , Erie 500 , In
diana 1,700 , Lawrence 750 , McRonna
300 , Somerset 1,200 , Vonango 100 ,
Washington COO.
Philadelphia , ' November 9. The
latest returns to 1:30 : a. m. give Bai
ley , republican , a plurality of 7,464 ,
At midnight tho-democratic atato committee
mittoo have received no official figurei
as to the stat < 5 tickot. They claim 17
senators aim ' 68 , probably 69 , iieue
blynien/ "
PJiWd Iphia , November 9. The
full / > vote of Philadelphia for , atato
treasurer ia : Bailey , republican , 55 ,
8M ; Noble , domocrot , 42,425 ; Wolfe
W,457 ; Jackeon , greonbackor , 1,249
'Richmond , November , 9. Not Iml ;
a dozen dispatches have been received
hero to-day. Cameron , readjuator , is
probably olected. General Mahono
is conlidOnt.df a largo majority for the
Btuto ticket and , behoves ho will have
a good working majority in the legis
lature. The Diapatch this morning
gave a vote of 246 precincts which
showed a majority for Daniels of
nearly 5,000. Those precincts gave
about one-third of the total vote of
the etato. The leading democratic
papers concede Cameron's election.
The absoluUrrosult will not bo deter
mined for a day or two yet. At Dan
iel's headquarters everybody is very
gloomy. ' .Daniel's friends now claim
that even if ho is defeated they will
probably get the legislature as there
are democratic gains and seventeen
counties yet to hear from , The State
Democrat afternoon Bays Cameron
is probably elected by 8,000. The
legislature ia still in doubt. Returns
up to midnight indicate that lion.
E. Cameron , republican and readjust-
er , lias boon elected" governor by
5,000 to 8,0,00 majority. Alexander
Farr , a Mohonite , is elected in Farr-
f w by 100'majority. . Shenandoah
gives 400. But little definite information
mation can be gained The following
is the official majority for Halifax
countyDruitols : 38. Barbour 38 ,
AlcKiu'ncy 30 , Edmunds 42 , Walkins
158 , Moiofield72.
Lotsburg , November 9 , The democratic -
ocratic majority in London iu 890.
The \\hito ticket is elected by a
handsomu majority. Daniel , 2,219 ;
Cameron , 1,323.
Noifolk , November 9 , Norfolk
City gives Daniels 474 majority.
Norfolk county gave him 985 , Ho
also carried Princesa Anne by up
wards of 200 majority. Portsmouth
gave D.iniols 215 majority , nnd elect
ed Butt'domocrat , to the legislature ,
Orange 'Court IJouso , November 9 ,
The democratic Btato ticket has 400
majority hi this county ,
Harris burg , November 9. Cameron
has 2,013 ; Daniel , 2,127. The bal-
an co of the iickot does not vary ten
votes ) .
Woodstock , Novemberd Th
unofficial returns from Shbnibdoih
eire Canleron 1.920 ! D n ! Ulu09 ;
CJrandBtaff , 1,907 , ; Neff , 1,609. J > ni-
ocrutio lo s on HnilcockVvotejtGG.
Frodrrickftbnrg , Novambar 0.
Duff Green , readjmtcr , is elected to
the hou 4 froin Kin , ? iGoorrt | * tia
Stafford by 480 majority , wwy ,
democrat , ia elected from SpitjKyl-
vsnin by at least fifty majority. "J. L.
Powell , roadjuator , for the Bonato in
the Thirteenth district , hfts 130 ma
jority in Stafford , and -is about ; even
in Spnttsylvania county , including
FrodoricliBburg. Thu gubcrnab. rial
candidates run about the same nith
the legislative candidates. ,
Abington , November 9. Wash wg-
ton glvoa al > out 700 for Muh < hu.
Bailey , Fowler and Kelley are
olcc.tedi { '
Wythovillo , November 9.-A11 kilo
prccinctfl have boon heard from , ijid
Cameron's majority in the count Ms
156. Sayers , readjiiBlor candU'nto
for the house of delegates , ran bumnd
Cameron 11 votes. / ) ,
Marion , November 9. Cameron
haa 445 majority in Stnytho county. )
BOSTON , November 9. The del
crata have made several gains of se
tors nnd representatives , which hi vo
surprised their opponents. The B
ornor's council elands 7 ropublicfp ?
1 democrat , Boston polled 29,0,31 , ,
votes , of which Governor Long nab
15,439 , Thompson 13,251 , Andrews *
172 , Almy 142 , and scattering 29. It j
has boon tlio most quiet election over
known , with the exception of a l
localities. There wan no scratchin
and few split tickets. 1
BOSTON , November 9. Rotu. '
from all the towns in the statebu .o :
give Loni/ , republican for govern )
90,302 ; Thompson , democrat , 53,501 .
Andrews , Greenback , 4,939 ; Almy ,
Prohibition , 1,741. .Both bronchos of
the legislature are heaypy republican ,
The governors council is otic demo
crat and Bdrcn republicans , the same
aa last year.
Boston , JTovembor 9. Rotumi
from allJUl live towns give Long a
plurality over Thompson , democrat , of
42,000 and about 16,000 over all.
The council ia republican , except
Flatoly , democrat , who is elected by
a majority of 50. Tlio democrats
train a aonator in Essex , where Henry
Young , repiiblicanwas badly pcratchui
and defeated by hia own party in ft
district wherein they gave their other
candidateBB6bO , ; majority. Th'o ro
publicann'gaint'd the South Boston
Henatorial district , owing to division
among the democrats. The senate
stands 35 republicans , 4-democr.itB
and 1 independent roj > til > licaii. House
177 ropublicamvS ? domocrata atu
5 independents. The greunbackora
cast 4,100 votes , in thu Btato. The
democrats lost in Boston , Fall River ,
Lynn and in most of thc mauufactur-
ing towns.
ViCKSiHinnNovember 9. The
election of the democrat Btato
i * l * * -t T s f' 'T ifr' ' " ? * : * * * * * I'TA. '
Handsome majorjtjF. Lamar for Unit
ed States Senator ia re-elected hoyom
a possibility of a .doubt and lugisla
turo ia democratic The republican
candidate for sheriff of this county is
possibly elected and ono legislator on
the same tickot. Thjero are few re
ports owing to bad ielegraphic com' '
munication. t'
JACEHON , Miss , November 9. Suf
ficient returns have been received by
the democratic atato committee to , indicate
dicato the election ofGen. , Long and
the entire state ticket by a majority o :
10 or 15,000. , Thp repnbhcans admii
thia to bo the case unless the large
nof < ro"swatiip counties give incroaaec
republican majorities , which is not
probable. In Marshall countya dif
ficulty occurred at te ) | polls aiid u
white man waa shot. A general row
was imminent but was stopped at the
beginning. In Landerdalo a dipturb
ancc occurred in which four whites
and fifteen negroes were killed. The
row was begun by the notgroos. The
legislature will bo three-quarters
democratic. /
NKW LONDON , Conn. , November 9.
Additional returns indicate that the
Democrats made nubota tial gains
throughout the State.Last year's
llopublican majority of 0 in the leg
islature will boconsidorably decreased.
New London county elects 10 Repub
lican representatives/ 10 Demo
crat H.
H.NKW HAVKK , November 9 , The
election of ye'itorday in the fourteen
senatorial districts resulted iu the suc
cess of the republican senators holding
over from lust year , consequently the
nenatu will stand 17 republicans and 7
democrats. The house , republican at
the last suasion of thn legislature , H
stood ICG republicans to 80 democrats.
The next house will consist of 149
republicans to 98 democrats.
NKW LONDON , November 9 ,
KugenoT.13.iss , of Windhamrepub
lican , ia olec od nonator in the Seven
teenth diiitrict by 573 majority
Ralph P. Oilbert , of Keebron , repub
lican , ia elected from the Twenty-third
senatorial district by 291 majority.
The republicans elected 10 out of the
14 senators. The next legislature will
stand Housu- 160 democrats
; Housurepublicans ,
ocrats 91. Seniito - republic-urn 17 ,
democrat * 7. There was a light , vote
polled throughout the stuto.
CIIJCAOO , November 9 , Complete
returns from the city and county shuw
the election of three democrats and
two county republican commissioners.
Judge Gary was unanimously reelected -
elected to the aupurior court , Steph
ens , republican , was ducted clerk of
the criminal court by a majority of 3-
BALTIMORE , November 9. Returns o
from the different counties come in
slowly. Enough is known , however ,
taken in consideration with the city
vote , to insure the election of Keating ,
democrat , for cjinptrollur. The city
gives him a majority of 12,133. Hi
majority in the whole state -will be
about 15,000. The next house o
delegates will contain 91 inMoad o
8 * member * as hort-toforo. It is bo
liavcd that the democrats will gain 4
of < uo 7 now tnemboni. It is estimate
( hat Uio n > publlcans will gain on laa
year in both the aotiatoand house.
OittCAOo , November 9. The fol
lowing is the nummary up to 11 p. m.
Reports from Now York Indicate that
the republicans have cnrriod thuir
tate ticket by about 5,000 majority.
The stnto Bonato is a tie and the lower
house is republican by 8 majority. 01
the four contjrccsiium to fill vacancies
the tcpiibliruid have apparently olect- .
oil 2 , nnd the uiuuorruts 2.
In MnwachU8n 'tU the ropublioans
Imvo carried tlio election by about
30.000 majority.
In ConiH'cticut the republicans
nmmtnin the nscondancy in botlV
lionsoa of the h > Kifllature.
In IVnnajhaiiin the
elect Uailov , atato trt'flsurcr , by'ivbout
10.000 plurality. /
In Maryland the dumyciats have
about 12,000 , majority. /
In Virginia the rondjuatera and re-
public-ail coalition probably carry the
utato ticket and legislature.
Missistippi wwit democratic.
In Wisconsin the ropublieaim have
elected the dX ( ticket by n Binall ma
jority , prolwlily aboet 6,000 , and
have a majGrity in tlM5 ! ' 'slat uro.
FromAlimitvotu' h-otnrni are
' , but thu ropul'v ann have .no
doubt made a clean \voci | , v
In Nebra&ka the republicans
' everythni ( ; .
, > 'ikUoii l AKsocinUil 1'ro -
1IKKU 10 111 ! KXAMINKI ) .
WAHIIINOTON , Nnvoiubor 9. At
tention having been called to the adulteration -
ulteration of beer in the drab district
of Now York , the commissioner if in
ternal revunuo proOBes ] ) to have a
careful examination imulo of thn ma
terials used in nianufacturing.buor all
svcrtho country.
\ The annual report of the qtmrtor-
linnter-uunoral , tiled this afternoon ,
ipws that $12,857,187 wore t.ppro-
yriated for- the dupartment for the
Joar , 911,203,530ero remitted to
lljsbursinj , ' otlicors , § 718,205 paid
Ijwugh the treasury , and $230,150
jir sundry expenses. IlosuggeHtq that
'no nllicers who are made acting ua-
SBtnnt qu.ii termuutera should bo com-
1/naaluil fur great pecuniary roapon-
BDility. A npecial appropriation is
rbominonded for the depot utock ol
cJlhiiigBo that thu dolioiuncy of the
pit ; two yortvs need not bo repented.
Bl8gain ; recommonda the erection ol
buldmgd for the donosit of rec
oils not in frequent use.
Sliroral minor appropriations are
retommendod , and aster reviewing
tin work done by the dopartmon
concludes the report by saying tha
thn ID.W aboliehing the iBsuenfr fuel
1ft * . ,
liavo byon subatituted forcanaloa fo
light at an incrcaao of $2,500 per an
'num. The introduction of thoa
ligbtt haa already improved th <
morafa f the rnon , who are now enabled
bled to Bfend time in rending instoat
of frequent\ng suttcra and grog shops
Professor Ilaiid since returning
from the ( juruintV' uartera of the lial
commissio'no has * buon Icopt buj
filling orders for carp , to bo placed in
the hikes nnT ponds throughout the
country. Applications arov.rucuivecl
at the rate onvhundredr.dnyidiAdaily
shipments of from 4,000 to 6,000" ,
being mado.
'The ' annual report of the second
auditor of the treasury was presented
to-day. The condensed balance stiout
shpwa the sums credited to the
bureaus of the war department under
the second auditorn supervision to bo
819,242/289 ; to Indian department
$15,994,739 ; important payments ol
thu year to the department are rouort
ed aa follows : Pay department $13-
436,090 ; ordinance department , 81-
027,716 ; medical diipirtment , 8713 ,
381 ; adjutant , , goneraro department ,
$80,731 ; appropriation unpor control
of the secretary of war 81ti7,110 ; sol
dier's home , $88,814 ; national homo
for disabled volunteora , 81,033,550 ;
coined to surplus lund $ 'JJ3,189. (
C10S1NO .
WASHINQTON , "November 9. Col ,
inoch Totten , counnul for the atur
outo dofendantc , thia morning bo raii
ho closing argument on the question
f whether it wuii usual to jirocoud by
ufornmtion in this court. Ho quoted
< paragraph which atatod that Col ,
/ook had in Juno last acknowledged
hat the government had no case
gaiiiat Brady and otlrcro , Ho was
ntorruptud by Col , Oaojc who said
hot at the tiniothu invoatigatian wan in
> rogreBs but ho iiuaginud now that the
fovornment liad an excellent coso.-
rfr. Totton , proceeding , road' from a
newspaper wniuh Htuted that the last
'raml jury was dJHchargod becnuao it
tia not sufficiently competent to han-
llu thia caso. Ho characterized this
a an iimult upon the court , It was ,
i contended , evidently authorized ,
' iloiiel Cook took ocuasion to say
I at since his connection with the
; hu had made no such atntomont
rectly or indirectly to thoprosH. Mr.
ittcn continued and itdmiited that
i formations wuro lo 'al , All canes in
be police court came up in this way ,
> it the facts charged in this infornm-
: ) ii , ho maintained , would not justify
1 1 allownncu in thia court , Hoututud
1 at the common law of Maryland , und
i itof Kuuland , wa in force in thiu
strict , und cited cases in the district
W lore ho allowed that citizens had
> : cn deprived of liberty in thu name
common law. _
Col. Enoch Totten concluded his
argument thin aftirnoon. Judge Cox
announced that he would rendtr a do-
cbiun as to whut would bo done in ro-
; jird to the informatiou to-morrow.
Lord Mayor's Day Colobratofl In
London Testorday ,
The I'rocoBBion tv Splendid Af
fair The Amorioftn
; Ohoorod.
A Brilliant A0sombln < | o at the
Bnnquot Last Evo-
Gladstone Spanks nt the Dau
/quot nnd Rofora to the
Trouble With Irelnud.
Biainnrok'B Party Badly Defeated -
featod in the Late
rann Elections.
A Report Current That BUmnrok
Will Re dRn-Hlii Power
Evidently Declining.
I AmociAtrd 1'iwn.
lOIll ) MAYOll'rt HAY.
TENDON , November 9. Thia is
Lord Mayors' Day. The preparations
for thu pageant hem were all complete
lust night and the ntroeU along which
the procwskrn is to paan bek'an
to bo filled with the usual crowd
of people early thia morning.
John \ \ hittnker IIIi > , the now lord
mayor , who IB in hia fifty-second yirnr ,
him been a member of the c irpor.ition
since 1804. When ho wai elected a
common' councilman for the Broad
street ward in 187" , ho succeeded Sir
John Musgrovo.
LoNiirtN * Niivinnbor 9.-Tho Lord
Mayor'a procession uaaa splendid af
fair , the weather being all that could
be desiu-d. The American Hag was
prominently displayed in the line and
was loudly cheered throughout the
route. The KCOIIO in thu puluco yard
of Westminster wai grand. The band *
pluyiiu ; American national uir * around
the Aineiioan Han while enthusiastic
cheers rent the air nnd n.ado it long to
bo remembered.
LONDON , November 9. Vt the Ion'
mayor's banquet to-night .hero wiwu
lirilliant aswinhhigit. Gladstone , ii
he courno of his umiarks , wild thai
twelve monthn uio the gov rninenl
wan fucit to fncu with * the _ conllict between
tweon law and InKTtiJ iiens , and tlu
people were uminimouBly conviiico (
that it was necessary for the govoin
mont to tuko most stringent moaBUica
for the defense of public law und
private liberty , and also that [ roland
should have the full benefit of bonoti-
coht legislation. .The land act had
r _ _ _ to iho
, "Foreign aflur , " 8ttld.fhat Bav b
in the presence of grave homo diflicul-
ties he waa hapjiy to aay that nothing
diatiirhud thb foreign rolutions of the
BKRUN , "November 9. In the fi"c
nnd'ballotiiig at Breslnu for member
of the reiuhauig , Horron Husoi.ncltiot !
and Krnckur have both been olecte
with the iiH < iatnnco of the consorva
liven-their progruBHivo opponents being
ing considonibly behind at the polls
At Or i ? a Bocialist hiis defeated a
conaorvativo , ai.d at Munich the ultra
inodtaiit's are ngnin victoriouii.
" , . . > . - , , November 9. Furthe
election rutiirn are received and thoyar
n no wise favorub'To < .Uio yovonimuiit
At Mannhilmo , Herr Ktjlftjr , tlio pee
f > lo's cnndidiilo , utNuermbiirg , tier
; 3rilliiiber | ; , a socialist , at Sollingcr
IIerr RittinpouHiin a socialist , at Do
lierniund Ilnrr Luufmun a progresaia
and at Lunna. Ilcrr Schlubor , u pro
ifreaaiat , have bcun elated on thooec
olid ballot. The diamny and anger o
the Bismarck party at UIOHO results i
not concealed and the rumors thn
Prince Binmarck will resiun und allow
: ho factions in the newly oh'ctct
[ leichptiig to fight it outnmong thum-
Ivi'H for asetfHon are very plentiful ,
BDKLIN , November 9. The POBI
.o-diiy comments on the aomi-ofliciul
hrcat of resignation made by Prince
Biamark , It saya that thu threat
would be alarming wuro it Horiuu&ly
meant but it was probably not' h < > in
tended. It was probably meant to
prepare the way for * iill lurthur con
cessions to the Vatican and the con
solidation of ulfcohHbrvativu elements
in the empire.Th6 atrength shown
by the Bociulista in tho- late election
have had their eliect upon htt jmn
of the udrniniiitrution party andTTIffF-
see that a union of , the connervi.tivu
forces is ubioluttOy necoMBurV to make
lead way auaiimt anarchy. On the
> ther hnnu and in other quarters
Maremarked liiumark
nuat bo\tiry.nenr the end if hia ro-
nurct'B , when l'o haa not ! ng hotter
o offer than a threat of re ination. | ;
t ia recalled that thin in : n old and
avorito oxpodieut of hia.Vhenuvor
to inut with a uerioiiH objection and
xw the majority againat him , ho IIUH
iruiitened to rcHign , und jian thus
tanned the chimbor i ; > to Hiipniissiuii ,
it t it be iiiH to ho fojt that uvon ho ia
10 now iiidinpom > ibft , and tie coun
ry\ would reoofvo the newfi of his
1'iiiL'imtioii a ) the novin of hit death.
NiW yoiii ; , Novoiibor § Hov. t
iugunu Shcohy , of Linit-riuk , who
IIB ihipriBoned in Bublinifor do-
erininVd mipjiort of the jnndi league ,
ind wlm ia now dotcrrecf fioin jutura-
ng hoiiui for fear of ajialn being np-
) ruhondld , arrived hen < to-day on
iio gti'aiiiBhip Franco. JIo wua nc-
ornianiil by T. M , Uifcly , M , 1' . ,
'Hrnoll'floxnccrotnry. \ . They were
mot by a committee , Father Bhoohy
ml Mr. Heivly wurw warmly welcomed
nd driven to the Fifth Avimuo IIot l.
\ i-
During the nftrrnoon the parlors , devoted -
voted to the uno of the visltora , rrero
throii txl by cnllon. Proparfttiona for
ft reception to-morrow cvcninc ro
lunrly complotod. Nearly nil divis
ions of the Ancient Order f Hibornl- '
na Hro to bo roprosontcd by largo
dulogationa. The tnouibora of this
order are _ working in harmony with
thu Nntionalitta nnd land lo.iguo
organizationa to make a great demon-
htration. There will bo addrcMti of
wrlcomo for the exiles.
Jtl'.IlUCINa IlKHTri.
DnnuK , Xorombor 0. The firat
decision rendered by the Limerick
ftub-cnimmtalcm , under the Innd net
w.w pivon i o-day iu the cnso of the
npplicntion of the tonaanta of _ cnatlo
Connull farm nnd the dcciniou ro-
ducud the rent * fifty per cent.
- *
The CulonRO "Tlmet" on thoEloo-
. lion * .
h'nttontl AworUttxl 1'rcw.
CalCAiKi , Novombut 9. The Times
this morning nya : ' 'Now York ban
bffin captured by the dtimocrata
probably by a conmderablo majority.
Mr. Thomnn Murphy , ex-col
lector of Nowork , and
the gentleman for whom ( irant nnd
Colliding electioneered , will not ait in
the seat of the late Fornnndo Wood.
-Democratic candidate will do
that. "Jf AH to the contest bo-
twoeri Mr. Astor and the other
( lower' the lututiu como in
reluctantly. Last evening it looked
ua tliough thu republicans had elected
their candidate for mayor in Brook
lyn. v'No ono will bo anrprined that
the sniuo party have carried Massa
chusetts. They have done the thing
before. Wisconsin tlomocnits claim
the state by a Nmall majority , and the
republicans have little to nay except
that they are uruatly surprised nt the
lack of dimensions of their own vote
Several Poioono Killed by the
Caviufj in of Two Buildings
in Now York.
National Amociatnd I'icw.
NKW YOHK , N vcmbor 9. A build-
ng south fifth nvcnuo and Grand
tiudt ciivod in thin morning. Firo-
non and ] iolico nro now searching the
uins fiirbodiuH of the victims. Up
o 11 o'clock they hud tnlsim out the
lodii'H of Frnnuis Knixpp mid his son.
J.ithirinO ; lUddur also iccuived sori-
nis injuiiiH and ia not oxpi-cted to
recover. JIary h.dd , John lludolph
and lour eluldien wore tukon out of
: ho uiiim. Their injuritvi are blight.
The firemun and i > olico are atill at
work .leuchinu for the bodioa.
Nuw YOHIC , Nuvumbur J ) . The
dimwtor at the corner of South Fifth
iivenuo and Grand ntrcet was what
ininht truly bo termed a holocaust ,
for a nioro oxtraordinury uccidout or
inoro peculiar onu has not occurred
buforo Jbthia city. Two four-story
brick P ngB wore totally djiiuoU-
JBh'edj l | 'ither.with all the offecfB'of ' .
the peoJreywhp ] 4ivedinith m. The
buildjngs'I'Wero'7 < * ecupiod' by , cloven
fuiuili M , a liquor ntoro baiug'ontthoj
crround floop > ' of ono and n clothing
store in tho.'olor. ) About three weeks
ago the tenants noticed that the
Htructuro-ViiH slowly caving in nnd it
waa aeon toitruinble. Word was sent
jy the owner tnth'o inapoctorof build-
'ngs. It i.ivuiid by aomo jtenplo that
.ho fltruotutoB were condemned , but
, his wuii defied by.JVlr. O'Brien ' , the
owner. Tjlio accident , which ia
hoiight to MO mainly duo to the giving
way of the .partition wall , occurred at
! ) o'clock a. iu. At that lime most of
ho nccup.Ynta worn atill at homo.
Suddenly b rumbling noise was
.le.ird. It ) wnti' tollowcd by
cr eking and hrcahing of beaniB nnd
without any further warning thu
buildings cnycd in''from the top vtiih
i crash , carrying 'with it the unfor- ,
.iinutt ) inhabitantii. T Crow da of people
UHhiul to the eeo'ie , and .ill willing
.muds were wet to pfyk to oid the flro-
nien and police , why were promptly '
m the pot , in 8iilrcliing | for und
ecuring tlio imprisoned people. In' *
ho hallway lou ' infiintu wor ; ll1
found under tioi.nm and uoro , *
ivith difficulty t\it \ n out and' '
sent to the hospital. , 'They next t-ook
out/nurmon nnd 'tvo women who' . '
were unable to give thuif immcH. The
names of thu killed a'nd wounded aa
far as obtainable up lo noon -\ro as
follows : ' y '
Killed Wra. Francis Knubu Jahn , '
Mrs , Rudolph and Minn'it ! Seville.
Injured Mr. Rudolph und hintou "
children aoyorely iniMrud , Muy I3old
suvcroly , Mury Sovfll | finvei'oJy nnd , '
Mre. Dill aeriously. \
NatlonsJ Amiylitcd . . . _
SAN FMANCIKCO , irfovoinbor 9. ' * *
Captain Kdwaid A.yponjtf , an 'old'- '
pioneer , died in this cjtv Iftut night. ' '
TJiodirectors ot thor fntysyillo sav- * '
higsbaBk-hiivo put the banJV in liquidation - . *
dation caused by'a' Bhrt kiftpi in real
eatuto on which loans'ivoreT ado
By order of the court thewdter'
been hut off from the Miltpn , Man-
unnita , Kureka , Beaten , 'Caina , anr'
North Bloomlii'ld hydraulic knines.
flieru is great excitement among the
miners. v
Gulteuu. ' * > ii
WAHIIINOTON , November' 9. Sco-
j\\\(3 \ \ \ ( , coutiBol for Guiteau , in court
this morning , tatod that , at prespnt > ,
lionasunablo to prrsunt tha.dflidavit
uf the warden of tho' : jail as
to the fact that the dintrictattorney ,
had in his posai'
letter nddrcaaud to biiu. , b ;
Ho intimated , however ,
rial ho would put the ward1
stand. '
. tj , '
Diatrict Attorney Corkhill replied , ,
reiterating hut denial that tho. Kit tor
wns in his potsotaion. ' Vv
Warden Crocker under path doiifeA' '
that ho hnd delivered u letter addr ,
ed to Mr. Scovillo to the District
There was Bomo crisp juicy Icoki
celery lying on the .walk in front
French * to-day , '
'i :
, c