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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BKF : WEDNESDAY , NOVEMBERS , 1881. THE DAILY BEI "Wednesday Morning , Nov. LOCAL BBBVITIBS , FntUimon nell § coaU FrodericV Doae. ReUM > l llnttor. OloTfts nt the 90 cent nlore. Ladles Hand BogsattbeOQ cent ftto Fine line of Sponges nnd Ch m < Skins at Kuhn'i drug utore Nl-tf. Short Hand taught nt Baelocii ' lego. oef.-0-Ht opeclnlty f l'rwcriptl n ftt Ope houM 1'hannncT. Bchroter k Bccht , Old gold exchanged for now jowcJry Mdholm & ErickeonX oppolt9 the jxx Swina chceflo Imported and Imltntlo wholesale und retail , nt II. Meyer' * , 2 oath 13th street Nlndel nnd Kre'l Sign of the gold liat 213 nouth 14th ntrcet , MO dally in i celpt of fine selected goods tn the hnt ni op line for men , boys and childre ThM gopdn have boon ordered from t Ixsflt eastern manufacturer * to null tin largo fall and winter trade , Glvo their roll. One hundred and fifty-nine bontitll resilience lot * , located on Hamilton ttroi half way between the tarn tnblo of t red Btroet car line nnd the wntcrwor reservoir and nddltion. and luit went the convent of the Sinters Poor Clalro Shlnn's addition. Price * rnngo from $ to $100 each , and will bo Bold on en termi to those who will improve. Bom real cetato agency , Fifteenth and Uougl utroets. . The Banker's Daughter at UoydV F < lny nnd Saturday. Forty-fivo earn of Block cnrno In ycsl 17 rom the went. ' -Tbo ( uMortmcnt of uhell Bon Bon a jerk LtwkeU at Jonaxon's in truly beau i The Hcrdica were making it lively I iho BluffH ttroet CAM yesterday , The county court docket will bo call over thin morning at 9 o'clock. Smoke the ClllCAno TIHKH Cigar , f sale only at Foniyth'ii drug utore , nS-tf Knos Johnson , of Marvel's Dep bating house rejoice i in the arrhal of h Hecond a girl. The I.acqujr an 1 ebony boxen f ladlrHWorkatJonnean'a uro Houiethlnj ; ' 1)0 , n on und admired , The eastern trains wcro nil Into ye terday , the C. , B. & Q.nbout four hour The U. P. oxprenn WUH two bourn late : consequence , 01 the five SloctunH who appeared b fore Judge Boncko yesterday and we fined $10 nud coxtionch , tht eo were cot initted nnd two paid. Tlioso two ardent dt ! > ciplcB of Nimro Will Knig nud J , T. Lard , wont out I Clrfipmnn about the COHO of last week at returned with n largo bag of game of o kinds. kinds.A A man went west yesledny with 1W canary binl , which ho will put on tl market in San Francisco. Thu name inn took 1,300 through three weeks ago. Tl bird * are Imported from Germany. Four noldiers of Fort Fred Stee' went , hunting and cooked tholr tneul wit anwsnio instead of Baking powder. All dli from the poleon. Ono of tliem la broth -ofOojit. McAuley. Mm , Judge F. O. Graham , botti known to the theatrical profeH ion nu Id Xiringaton , slipped on A IOORO plank , o Tenth street , yesterday and foil , dlsloca1 ing both Hnibn. She will probably DUO tli city for damage. .fudge Ilawwt claimH that nnco ho an AinbroBe have been oiUcIng together , 1 : has brought the latter back to bin Unit lov and that ho woHyotlerdny working d-r tl cutird Ilepublicau ticket , w th thn exce | lion-of ono personal friend ou the Buurbu tickot. tickot.A A mistake wai inuila YVHton'ny in tl htatoment that the flower * InBcrlbod , "W uTouru our Teacher , " were glvou by tl infant clan * . They were < rum Col. Smith iivrn clawthat , ho eHtubliahed , comprlnii /oven / or eight boys of from 14 to 10 yen of ago. Traveling Mon find it-hard to keep * in good hoiiltl owing to the constant change i water , diet uud the jarring of th cars. All these things injnrp tli kidneys , while Warner's Safu Kidnc and Liver Cure ia certain to countoi act them. Iw Board of Ednoatloii- The board of education held thoi regular moutltly meeting Honda evening. Present Connoyer , Thrall , , Fergi .son , McShimo. The report of the treasurer showe a balance of 811,700.00 in the gonon fund , and 8482.27 ui the sinkin fund. The secretary received $350 fc intercut on bonds in thu sinking fuiu and paid the eamo into the city troae ury. Application from Mrs. Julia Hard cndburg to bo assiatant teacher wu ulnced on tile. The president and secretary wor xuthomed to draw warrants fo ' 'H.3W.70 to pay teachora aud $250,2 Lo pay janitors. Committee ou claims waa granto JQO week further time to report o bills. bills.Tho The superintendent waa authorize to got ono additional room ready fc occupancy in the O&BS street schoc building , and the superintendent an committee on teachers wore nutho : izcd to employ a substitute tencher , The secretary was authorized to n now insurance on the high nclioi building , and divide the same atnon the agents , and get lower mtea , and i nrcpumrv to 6 ° to outside companio : jLdjournod. 'EACH AND EVERY TICKET in the Afichigan Tobacco More rail ; draws n prize. No blanks , Tickol $1.00 each. HS-tf. R. 15BRNSTEIN lias received h Urge btock of Fancy and Staple Dr. Guodn at No , 210 B. Twelfth atreo ind 1'iui added a very line line t Cloaks , Dolmans , Laiiea' Furs , Cai nets , etc. , and ho will be pleased t JIBVO ull his old customurs call , op :7ill : uthore in need of tine goods ut lo uov8-Gt A CLEAN SWEEP , The RopublicanCftndidatos TJ umphantly Bloated. Two Thousand Majority for tl County Ticket , Miller and Ruah Lead the R publican Van , Somtohlnn the Ordar of th and Returns Blow. Tuesday wan an oleolion day of t ploasantoRtnnturo. Asto all that the workers at the polls cot doeiro , nlthoucjh the muddy strei Romowhat interfered with the eflfccti work of "skirmishers" in carriaf and on foot. A. hasty visit to each the ward polls ihowcd that ovoi thing wan proceeding quietly , and tin although the naloons wcro genera open , little disturbance had < curr'od. Tlio workers around t polln were numerous , aud suum to well disciplined. Large cloth bamu on the carringcR , used to hunt up ni bring in decrepit and unhoodi voters , showed on which side of t fight they are employed. At 4 p. i the report wu * aa follows ; The republican ticket , nn a who ! is ahead in the city and also ahead four wards. Rush leadn this ticki with Chad wick next. On tlio detn cratio ticket Hartmun is conaidornl ahead nlflo , nnd it is probable that t two candiildtt'H for treasurer will ha1 the largest 'votes cnst. The coti house appropriation bonds uro buii generally voted , without oppoaitin Taylor , deraocratto candidate f county alerk , is running strongly the Third , Pifth and Sixth wards. ] the afternoon the 1) . & M. company clerks turned out in n bnt and championed hiu causo. The di ferent candidntcn are either resorvit their forces for the Inter hours of tl day or the total vuto will bo light. In the First ward , at 1 o'clock ] m. , 250 votes had been cast. Tl voting strength of the wnrd is aboi i00. ] There wna considerable acratcl ing in fuvor of Hush ( rep ) for trea urer , and O'Koefo ( dem. ) for sheril The republiunn ticket was general ahead. A alight diHturbnncu arose ; 1 : 0 p. in. , but it was soon quelled. In the Second ward ! 2f > 2 votes hi boon polled up lo 2 o'clock. .Tno vo ing strength of this ward ia also uboi GOO. The main fight hero wan ovi treasurer , in which Ruah was aheai Tlio Demncrntic liuket otherwise aeoti od in the lead. Chudwick ( Hop. ) an O'Connor ' , ( Dem. ) for county jud were also having n very pretty flgh The "bloody third" waa the scene c considerable excitement all day. J , vro o'clock 280 votes , out of 'a poesib. J50 , had been polled. Huvonil bogt .ickots were out andnlsomnny ntraigl ilemocratio on which O'Keefo'o iian : H-miHpelied O'Koffe. Theaotho inapui , ors will bo liable to throw out. Tin or's friends were doing all they comer : or him , uud ilartiuah was workiu liard. Still the republican ticket an candidates were ahead. There wn considerable nulling about of undi cidod voters , but no lights. The co prod troops had not aa yet shown u in great force , evidently laying bac For orders or , perhaps , supplies. Tlio Qghf iu the Fourth ward was rory tame ono. Theru was little sti ibout the i polls , and at 1 o'clock enl .43 votes had boon cast. The Fifth ward polls , corner c Sixteenth and Chicago streets , looke ike the pay olh'co of the U. P. shoj in Saturday night. A Hiring of voter LOO foot long were waiting pationU , or a chance to deposit their ballott \ great doul of quiet work was boin done for Hush , Taylor nnd Hartnm around the corner , and the ticket were deftly handled. At 2 o'cloc 271 voten had been polled here. The Sixth ward polln were dull i the forenoon but beciuno exceeding ! interesting after dinner. Taylor friends began \o show their work hoi is they had in the Fifth ward , whil Haunter ( republican , for clerk ) mad more than usual exertions to hold h advantage. A largo crowd were aboi the polls , which were in No. 1's et [ jine house , but no disturbance nccu rod. At 2 o'clock 102 votes had bee cast , and they were coining in lively The indications for the whole cit ire fltronsly in favor of an entire n ) ublicvn victory , The number < rotes cast up to 2 o'clock in the who ! : ity was 1,388. This indicates enl \bout a two-thirds vote , The Ggl may wax warmer , however , by nigl .ho reserve forces may bo brongl aut. A number of mistaken in tli ) rtnting of the ticketa , the abundam af scratches , and the "bogus" ticket mimed off on votera for ' 'straights will probably delay the counting unt \ late hour this evening. TIIK tUMULT. The polls closed ut U o'clock , an lion commenced the most laboriot ind tedious work of the day counl ng the votes , for the scratches wet ike unto the sands of the sea ahor ill number. It waa U o'clock before onythin ; ike an eatimato could bo made , an then no reliable ficureH Imd been ai rived nt. Enough WHS dotorminoe lowovor , to show that the republics ticket had made a clean sweep in th city , and that Miller , candidate fc thorifT , und ilush , candidate fi treasurer , were elected by an ovoi whelming majority. The total vo ! was about two-thirds of the WAUII. The canvass in the First ward wi : ontinued until 2 o'clock , when tl : inspectors adjourned until 1 o'cloc p. in. to-day , witho-t announcin any result. It WUH generally conciu ed , however , that tin ; ropublica ticket was uhoad , Thure were &ti 217 "splits" in thu'box to eount. HKCONK WAlll > . The seconu ward was the liwt 01 from which returiiBof arulinblo imtui could bo obtnined , In this ward tl : iotul'Votn was C4I1 , The following i tlio vote for each candidate , with mi ioritioB , in each inutiincu tlio republ ; an candidate buing printed first. Judge of the supreme court : Mai Fiofiold and Powers' majorities , c.v as. THIRD -WAUD. Mitxwdl. . 310 Murder . 3 Iknr . 310 Hr.-utu . 3 Krifi Ul . .tOC Po vrn . 3 Miller . 305 O'Keefc . 3 Hftrtmnn . . . .231 Kunh . 1 lUtnner . 351 Titylor . 3 O'Ccnnor . 340 Ch dwlek..3 rimi wxnn. The Fifth ward wan the ono i which the democracy hung the hopes , and they were not entire disappointed , Kush a' ' ono on the r publican ticket In ahead , and ho 1 about sixty majority. The rent of tl ticket is democratic by from thirty I forty , At a very late hour turthor returi are received in this ward which a as follows : Miller ( herfr.2'JS ! ) O'Keefo ( heriff.3 O'Ktofe'i maj. . , . 22 Anrtman ( tre.-m..Wl which leaver n ma jority for luifth. Ununier ( clerk ) . . . 240 ( tlvlnff Taylor nmr - Knlhtcominiil..23.r ; ( ! Tlmma ( comml )3 ) Timeii mnjoilty Mil Chmlrick ( J IKC ) ) 204 O'Connor judjo.3 ) O"Gounor' inajur- Ity . 4R 1' InU ( iupt ) . 207 Shield ( Kupt ) . . . . 3 Shields mnjnrlty 67 jBcolHiomncri..21)7 ( ) Conkllng ( cor ) . . 3 innlorl- Sniith ( curveyor.207 ) HOMO ( nurvcyor)3 ) HIXTH WAKD. The Sixth wnrd canvass was in completed at a very late hour. ! won then dut rminvd that the stai ticket was republican by ] 85 majorit ; and that Miller had 191 majorit ; Hush was nlHO ahead by a handHon figure , and the balance of the ticki republican. Later returna alfio from this war show as follows : Miller . 308 O'Koefo . T. Kush . 30. ) Hnrtman . 1' liaumer . 311 Tnylnr . 11 Knutht . 301 I'mme . 1 ! riijulwick . 3'3 O'Connor . K 1'olntM . 203 HhicMs . II JncnbH . 312 Conkllnc . 11 Smith . 30H Hntifo . 11 Tbo Preclncta. At the hous of going to press , foi precincts had been hoard from. The ivoro Millard , Saratogo , Union un Jefferson : lIll.LAIlt ) I'ltKCINCT. Miller 72 O'Kcefu ] [ tunh " 5 Hartinau ( Fiaumer Ki Tyler : Knmht 14 Timme < Clmuwck 10 O'Conunr * 1'olnl 22 KhiclilH ( Tacobs 48 Coukling -I Smith M.JIoiwe i HA1UTOOA. Miller 51 O'Keefo 1 Ittmh M Hnrtnmn 1 Urtiinicr. M Taylor. 1 Knittht il ! Tiimmi 4 ChiwJwick 81 O'Connor 1 Thin would ifivo nmjoritlei as followi filler SO , Husli 31 , Itmnm-r 49 , Timme 1 ! ( Chndwick 32. UNION. Miller ill O'Keofo 1 tutth 108 Hnriimu iauiner 04 Tnylnr C If-lit 0. < Tinimo ! Dhiulwick 05 O'Connor 1 L'oInU m HhleldH 2 TnculM 0.1 CnnkllnR 2 Smith 04 Howe 2 Major-Hits Miller C5 , Rush 90 , B.iumc n , KniRht 7' , Chndwick 73 , PolutH T. Jacobn 73 , Smith 72. JkXfKHKOX. Miller. 51 O'Kepfe 1 ituith 55 llarttnnn Urirmcr 48 Taylor ] Knlpht 10 Tlmmo f Chadwick 48 O'Connor 1 Points 47 Shield * I Tacobn 47 OnnklloK 1 3mlth 48 HOUKB 1 Majortirii Miller 40 , Kunh 49 , liauini H , Timmo 41 , Chadwick 34 , Points 31 Tncoba 34 , Smith 34. COUNTY. Sheriff Miller 208 ; O'Koofo 28J 3'Koefo's majority 15. Treasurer Rush 370 ; Hartma : LC9 ; Rush's majority 210. Clerk Haumer 311 ; Taylor 23 ! ) Jaumor's majority 72. Commissioner Knight 200 ; Timin 290 ; Timmo's majority ! 50. Judge Chixdwick 287 ; O'Conno 'CO ; Chadwick's m'ajprity27. Supt , of Instruction Points 205 ; shields 207 ; Points' majority 25. Coroner Jacobs 30ti , Conklin 242 ; Jacobs' majority G4. Surveyor Smith 301 ; House 251 smith's majority 50. Assessor I3ehm2GO13rnwning ; lOii ( ohm's majority 105. Lippincott republican , and Powull iomocrat , wore elected justices of th > eaco. Tlp.y Notwi- A drunken man narrowly escape icing crushed by a backing car on th .Oth street crossing yesterday aftoi noon , The car struck him , hut fet Lunfttcly knocked him out of the way The Omaha tailors had considerabl rouble lost ovenincc. One , a cripple was so oxhilcratud over the elcctioi : ontt < at that it required four officer o carry him to the "home for th weary" under the court IIOUHO. Th nhur ran against the wrong man 01 L'hirteonth street nml wears ono ey n mourning , li'j also reoeivod i ; IHI on the head by a full. The result of the election in th ? hird ward was received by five or si : nun on Twelfth street , last ovonini ; jy shouting loud enough to bp heart n Council liluffr ) . The glorification lowuver , ended m u general fight , ani ) iio or two of the party wore rolled i hu mud. A Skeleton Found. A complete human skdleton was du jp on Sixth street , near Mason , o Sunday lost , by some little childre who were playing about a clay ban with shovels. They first struck th ribs nnd finally brought the who ! ramo to light. It was buried in mnk on the brow of the hill ovoi ooking the Missouri. At the time i nay have been a beautiful burial spot mt at prt'Hont the bank supports i ) table on ono side and is skirted b , Sixth street on the other , and it wa Duly a question of n few days whui ho bones would bu washed out t'hoy evidently belonged to an uiui > oraon and hud been in tlio gr > robably a quarter of a century. "NO CHANGE FOB FRAUD. " In the Michigan tobacco btoro priz ttntribuion , Speculators ploatio in fatig.ito. Tickets Sl.OOYach. Ni blnuks. NB-tf , DEY'S DEPARTURE. The BiRnal Offlco in Thia Ci Changes Hnnds Once More. Among thopaisongers in the DC vcr train train last night wai Si goant Luther M. Doy , who for near two year * paithaii boon the officer chnrgo of the signal office At tl station. A uhargonfso much importance 1 : only escaped earlier mention from t fact that events so momentous ha boon transpiring continually to cro it for the time from notice and n uncomplimentary to Mr. Doy'n si censor to tay that the announccmc of thochsngo in ofiicors will bo rci with regret byall our > citir.onswhoha had opportunity of becoming acqunii : od with the gentleman who soon Icav us , or who hive had relations cith in an official or social capacity wi him. It is somewhat in mitigation the disappointment tlmt the fact tl chnngu is in the nature ofn promotit will bo learned. Mr. Doy about fo weeks agu made application to the d partment to bo transferred to tl Piko'n Pe.ik station , and n weuk uj lip received notice that pursuant his request the transfer would 1 made very Hoon. The request w made with the double purpose of s curing more time for study in tl , branch of the service and for tl greater responsibility nnd cxpuricn would brini- The new station aflon in opportunity to do special mcteo ulogical work nnd 'mako sciei tific observations , for which ir portnnt facilities are afforded. Tl Force of assistants is largi ind the field of research i kho science of which Mr. Doy is rotary , much broader in its scop ind the notification of the transfi was accompanied by the expresat liopp tlmt ho would testify the oppn Nation of his promotion by extra e forts toward the und sought. Mr. Doy came to Omaha in Janui ry , 18$0 , and he has been known as lilligoiit otlicer , a thorough studei r-ersod in the intricacies of his worl ind as a plcaaant acquaintaiu ind an upright and useful citi/.ei Elis lecturts in thu Baptist cluirc luring the first sprint ; of his vcsklcni lore attracted no little attention an 10 is a valued contributor to varioi MiblicatioiiH in the line of his profe iian. Ho has been in the signal BO i-icu seven years and has been stntioi id nt DulTilo , Cleveland , Mobile an Ihiiaha. Ho takes away with hii nore tlmn ho brought , a wife , whoi to married in Council - Blut 11 Juno last , and to bet vo wish n continued enjo ; nont of the good will tlmt has bee .heirs while in their midst. Mr. Doy's successor is Mr. Aloxat lor Pollak , who arrived with h : 'amily on Sunday morniiif ; last nn nu ! already assumed liis now pc lition. Tim BEE extends to him loarty welcome to the Gate City. 'Almost Younc Again- My mother was atllicted a long tiin vith neuralgia , and a dull , heavy , ir ictivo condition of the whole systen leadacho , nurvoun prostration , an vaa altrioat holpless. No physicini > r medicines did her any good. Thrc nonths ace she began to use Ho Bitters , with such good effect that sli icoina und feels youni ; again , althoug > ver 70 years old , VVo think there : 10 other inedicino fit to uao in th 'amily. A lady in Providence , 11. j Journal novl-15 Tbe anlier'ti Dnngbter. The great society drama , ThoBanl ir's Daughter , the tini'st thing no ) uing produced on the utago will b > rusentud in Omaha , nt Boyd's Opei Touso November llth and 12th , Fr lay and Saturday next. Of it th ihnira Advertiser says : A Inrgo audience witnosood iho prc luction of this plity nt the opera houn list night. The coinudy , which is c lix acta , is ono of Bronaon Howard' ' icst , and was highly enjoyed by th mdienco last night. The company TIO wore from the Now York Unio jquaro Theatre , are without an excup ion all good artists , Mrs. Charli iValcot as "Floreno St. Vincun 3rown , " the "maid , wife andwidow , lid splendidly nnd caused mucl slighter , an did also her husband , a ' 0. Washington Phipps , " u reprc entativo , American tourist. Thea wo characters could not have bpe ; nore satisfactorily filled. Mis Jolgrado truly portrayed th tart of the Banker's daugh or and heart-broken wife .nd her apparent sorrow was so lift ike as to bring tears into many eye * > Ir. Whiting as "John Strobelow , ho deceived hunhnnd , admirably per ormi'd his part , as did Mr. Daboll he French nobleman , and indeed al ho others , not forgetting "Littl ieorgin , " who displayed powers fo ctiug that many older artists uiigh roll envy. Army Orders. The following army orders hav it'tn iBBiied from the headquarters c he department of thn Platte , Omaha Recent inspections of thu cavalry c his department ahi w that it is not i hat efficient state that the best inter st of the service requires. A thorough system of drills ani nilitary instruction will be at once ei ahlUhed aud continued whenever it i > os ible. When a troop of cavalry is ordere in detached service the Post Com nandur will forward to these Head [ uartors a report showing the strengt if the command so detached , and nt Bunting by name for all officers an iiliated men retained at the post , c tbsont from the commnnd , with th Authority for their absence. No cavalry horses shall bo tranufoi ed to the quartermaster's dopartmcn rithuut the authoiity of the depart nunt commander. Cavalry horses shall bo used fc avalry purposes only , A thoroug napection of all horses in the quiu ormaster'a department shall bo mad \ once by post commanders , und a' loraes found not fit for service will b eportcd to these headquarters. Post commanders will sou tlmt al ho ordinary garriaon duties uro regu arly and properly performed. Many of the troop records are re ported ns being irregularly nnd i properly kept , 'ost commanders v see that those irregularities nro ci rected , and they will rcpoit montl upon the subjects of thia order. Recruit James U. Purcell , onlisl at Fort Omaha , Nebraska , is assign to the Ninth i titan try. PERSONAL. Judge Douno left for Chicago ye l day , Martin Dunham went onM on n buitlii ttlp yo tcrdivy. Karl Ii. Coe , V.vand wife , wont t ytntcrdfty alternoon. C , Y , Iddlngn , the cittls inan of No Pintle , Ii In the city. Col. .T. J. Dickey arrived from Ogd y * terdoy afternoon. It on A .S. Paddock , ex-ccnator fr Nebraska , ! in town , J , Quintan , traveling agent fur the B & Chicago line , is In the city , MM. D. C. Hull , wife of Jude Hul' , Lincoln , wnn in Omaha yesterday. 1'Mward H , Mayo , wife and mother ; in tbo city , to | ping at tha Withnell. F. J , Potter , Kocond vice prcdidont a general manager of the B. & M. nnd C. , k Q. rood , In in the city. Capt. Coduian , mining correnpondc for the Xew York Commercial , cmo from the wcxt ycHterday. I * M. Dey , of the \ gnnnervlee \ otR' le't last evening to take change of the nnl Rcrvjco oilice on Pike's [ icnk. Win. Evorsolc , presi agent fo * Havi V'H Xow Mnstoilim MinAtroln , ii the ci nnd called at Trie. BKH office to-day. . II. Toby , of Toby & Booth , thoRn > ork packer. * In Chicago , arrived fr < Denver ytntenlay morn ng aad went wei K. M. llaitlttt , K-q. , nnd J. Morri irivato Benrctnry for Gov. Saunders , to he fast Denver train fur Fremont It evening , H. P. Brown , agent for the Brush eh trio light company , loft for Cliicngn y ( e relay , after putting up three lampx hla city. Mm. C. B. Lincoln , of thin city , t > nd h Bister , Mrs. M. H. Kills , left for Lira ) hlo , yeKterdny. They will npond t winter e ft. Ca t. M , Lee , has gene to.Fort McKi ney , Vf. T. . to hold a court mnrtial. Ca 3. Valentino ( ; oai to the atuo i > lucu htuno rnphor. W. B. Kider , divinion Buperi omlont of the C. , B. & Q. , wai at tl iransfur depot yesterday , lie returned > cston l bt veniu . .Maj. John O'Bryan , sencrnl aRont ho MmneapoliH & St. Paul rai'ro.ul , w ; i pivwnger on the firnt fnat exprexs tra rom Denver yesterday. Cnpt. CJcorge Taylor , of Bcllo CMC ! Nebraska , , who hawbeeu up in the Yellov tone touring through Moutanu Aim \ugunt , laut , has returned home. Mw. W.V. . Wyman left On-ahn onFr ay uvenini ; laft for Beaufort , South Car iua , where f > ho will upend the wiut uiontliH , expecting to return in Aprilnox The following are nmon the arrivalx i ho Canfield house : D. lUdjeway , i Jonvor ; Mru , Wildman , "I West Poin V. H. Parker , of Beatrice ; J. W. Borne f Plattnuoutli , The Withnell IIOUHO roster noted tr urival yesterday afternoon of the follov ngpenona : J. S. Atwool , A.J. Sawyt and wife , nnd J. K. Weanen , all of Lit oln ; J. C. Cornwoll , of Ptplllion. H. II. Lee i * nuw a Pullman conduct * n the Union Pacific road. Mr. Leo hi jt'cn in tlio Pullman office in Chicago ft omo ttino , and is both an cxjeiiuuct | onductor and an ufTftblo gentleman , The following , among otherx , aron tl Vithnell House register as late arrival ; fohn Klingell , South Bend ; N. Am trong , Glendale , M. T. ; J. C. Crawfon Vest Point ; G. M , Meaahara , Sioux Cit ; Louin Beaumont , the well known an ompfto' t day clerk of the Withne louse , left yesterday for a month's vaoi ion in Colorado. During his absence , U oed looking and genial night clerl "rank Gable , will axaumo the duties. Ex-Secretary of the Treasury Boutwe vat n passenger on the fimt train arm in n the through Denver run ycstor'R ; norning. Ho remained in Omaha a the : iine and took dinner at the Transfer depo fter which he vhitod Council Blutft on went o t In the afternoon. Among the oflirialu nnd gentlemen ti oylng the "deadhead" trip of the new c i or Denver , and pasaengera un the fin rain over the new line from that poll rere J , II. Congdon , general waster 1111 banlc of the Union Pachc company , an } . K , Stevens , tmperintendent of the en nd building department. | lernnelveH delighted with the appoinl nenliof the road nnd ileganco of tli oachej. A Street Slitrmlit. About-2:10yestorday : morning Georg jindo was awakened by thu noise c shot or two from a very heavy pif ol , the sound coming from the direc ion of the Tivoli garden. A foi linuti's later four shots wcro heard i uick succession , this time shifte round toward the Union Pu ific headquarters. Next ther van a scurrying of fee lirough the mud , barking of dogs an general racket , and then more iirinj p Douglas street. Mr. Lindo diet < ot get up to investigate the subject nd the policemen did not report an iot of this kind , HO explanation is i : rder. By the way , it is said thn ne of our policemen , who has a nigh oat , refuHod to drink a cup of aolle ho other evening because it woul uop him awako. Warner's Safe Ki dnoy and Liv 3uro. ITeodli Dr. Amelia Burroughs , Withnel iousi > , Tuesday and Fridaj-s , 10 a. in o 8 p. ui ' UiVo 'WINE OF OARDUI for Indies onlj At 0. f. Goodman. the largo stock of Men's Joy's nnd Children's Overcoats a 'olacks's before purchasing , 13H " 'nrnham ritreet. novl-twf DESERVED COMPLIMEN Tribute byjthe Revenue Coi misaioner to the Ne braska The following letter was received the internal revenue oflico in this ci n few days ago. It is a dosorvedcoi pliraont from a high official sourc and will bo appreciated by the mai friends of Collector Crounso : WAMiiKoroN , October 31 , ISfll. LorcuoCrounw ) , Kwj. , CoUeettr In.enuJ Hi cnur , Omihk , Neb. ; Bin : The condition of your ofli upon its recent examination by Ro enuo Agent Somerville was found bo first-class in every respect. I ca not hotter express my appreciatii than by quoting the language of t ! report. The agent says : "In all n " experience I have never seen a be "tor regulated ollico , nnd have nov "mot with a more competent lot " oflicialfl than in the district of N "brnska. I have no changes to BU " post , and can only recommend th " the officers strive to maintain tl "present condition of the servii " which it nooniB to me impossible " improve , " Accept iny congratulations. Respectfully , GRKKN B. RAUM , Comraisaioner , Got Oat Doors. The close confmomont of nil factoi vork , gives the operative pallid face poor appetite , languid , miserable fee ings , poor blood , inactive liver , kit mtys and urinary troubles , nnd all tl phi sicians and medicine in the worl cinnot help them unless they got ot of doors or use Hop Bitters , tl pa est and best remedy , especially fc such cases , having abundance of lionltl sunshine and rosy cheeks in then They cost but a trifle. See anothi column. Christinn ii'ccoraer. nov ] "Rafflo" The fixtures and stock of the Micl igan tobacco store , 1417 , Dougli street to bo disposed of. Ticke $1.00 each. No blanks. N8-tf. The Country. Who thnt has over lived any time in tl country but iimut have heard of thevirtu of Burdock aa a blood purifier. Burdoc Blood Bittern cure dyHpepsin , biliontmci nud nil dinonlerH arising from iiupu l lood or deraujred liver or kidueyH. Prl < 81.00. trial bcttleni" " 17 codlM SPEGJAL NOTJciESJ" NOTICE Advertl8emeiit To Loan , For 8M Lout , Found , W nta , Bonrdlnir , &c. , will be 1 gcrtod lu thoKO rolnmnn once for TKX C1SK1 per line ; o ch Babiiequent Insertion , FIVECKN1 per line. Tba tint Irwortioa never lew thi TWKNTY.P1VK OKNTS TO LOAN MONEY. ONEY ' TO LOAN Call nt Law Odlce of ] M' L. Thomu Koom 8. Creltrhtori Block. ArkA To loan atfrora 8 to 10p r con ' 'IMon coud real l K. ISAAC KDWAUDS1109 y rnbajn St. AAATO LOAf < At 8 per ccntti UU\J tercet In eura of 2KO ar iipwardu , for 3 to E yearn , on llret-claee city tr ( arm property. BnHig HitiL ESYATX and Loa AHIKCT , 16th and Douzlas 8lt. HELP WANTED. I ANTKD Two tHnlnj room glrla At. S \ Chirk * Hotel. 4SO-9 * AXTKD Wlda awake man for wlnttr'njol w uru and steadvl 421 S. 101 h St. 417-b - cook at 920 Harnoy St. , be' ' WANTKD-A . 3-tf A > ounpm' n to work iu a hn WANTED at 1322 rurnUamat. 4S2-1 Girl for general housework ; mut WANTED cook , gather and ironer. W- cet. 4498 * ANTKD A ( , 'ood Girl Bt once at 710 Nort W Ninctoenta btreet 4 SO 8 * A flrst-clas ominc-ok atChrii WANTED re * uunuit , 1106 Faruhatu etreut 401-tf \TJANTED Situation Inprlvatefam'ly to cook YV wash and Iron. Addreiu M.C. BlInKoUlc , 440-S * A competent lAundnw ) , by Jin WANTED , South 10 h St. 439-10 * ' Girl to do homework. Enquir W'mo Farnham St. 442-tf ARTED. Cook and kltcheu Kill at th W P * < 4tlcjllou ) . _ 417-tf _ Two jfirls , ono to cook , wash ani WANTED and ono to do uccond work and tak aru of children. Beat of references ) reuulrcd Vpjjlyoouthca-t corner of 20th and Callforni : jt . Bent of waKui. A position In first-claw drw WANTED by a xraduate of Unlvernlty o I'cnneylvama (11. ( D ) Entirely fimlllar witn tb < lruj ( bumocw. Addrea ? , J. U. F. , Bee office. ' ANTED 1I.O to SOO loodn of dirt near S3 < and St. Mary'ia > onu . Enquire at Be < irtlcc. _ 3SM-U ANTED UO to JOOIoaclD of dirt near 23rt and St. Mary'd avenue. Euqulra at lo < irtlto. lltt-tf ANTED Funding bridge and ecbool bondi W U. T. Clark , Btllevue. U3-tf FOR RENT HOUSES AND LAND. KENT KurnUhed front room , with 01 without board. Call at 003 N. 17th St. 4G2-tf I71OU KENT A fculta of elx rooms , miltabla fo : L' housokceplnR. Enquire at 1817 Chicago r 1303 and 1310 louilaa ) tit. , up utalr * . tdi-tf neil KKNT-KurnUbed room , Zd door went L1 S. K. cor. Dm on port and llth Ht 458-1 PlOll KKNT Furnluhfd roonm at N. W. cor L > n 2 M mid WcbuUr. 6S RKNT-IlouieforaiimaH f nilly InFoull 01011 . luqiUru at No. 810 South lOtli St 4548 [ T10R KENT-Koora * nt 17W Uurt ittrcet , be L' tw ten mh and 1Mb. . H8-10 * HKNT furnish room , H. K. cor. , ITU Foil I ) vcnpjrt. Ono or two gentlemen. nOH KENT Hou tuevin room ) , wltbln til L1 blorki from ] ' , O. Inquire U13 Jonon. un 11 Nov. hth. 4MB * It KENT KurnUhed roonw , north nlda ol P C llforula St. , 2d door w t of 21nt.In < | ulrc . Itor I p. m. riORKKNT A tv.o story houwjwuh S On < P r oui and 4 hrc clo.ctt ; ' o , barn If de Ircd. InqulroatS 33 Uavrniioit ttrect , noutl : 431-tt Idc- . ITIOII KKN r llrlek utoru In Jjwbi' b o k , l li U and Capitol memit. JOuNO. JACOllS. MOH WEST 2-story house , 8 rooms , 4 lirgt L1 cloKt.aho , b rnlldiBlicd. Sm lUuiv KNT-To } ouni ; mtn w ho ifwlre tfoocj POTl winter quartern t o nl ly furnUhcd JOHH. Inquiruof J , L. Itloo at Joe & Fam'a 01 t 171SDnd.TB > trta. _ oct'.Y ' OR RK.NT A furnUhed front room fe with bojrd , In private family. rtfmod. tailCOrfN. IHhHt. [ 7OR ( RENT Ooe or to r 3un , fumiiltt L1 unfunlahcd , B. W. .CM. .of CttUforn ! t SPEUIAL NQTIOBS-DontlDiiui OH RKNT-An e > PK rUtr furnlOml JcoTt room , low prtcflj brick houDo , J01J CAM 8U .i nwa K niiintiivu ruwu. ui LI eh nU' Kicbinee.H , B. ttt. Iflti and Dodff * ' PQR BALE. "TOOK SALR Or rent , on cAujrtorm * . on o { Uu 1 JL1 . finest rMldtncei In tlio eltjr. inquire D. Cooke , 18tb and L < atcnorth Bit. AIM 0-room hour * torrent. 8T1-8' 8ALK-Kine uprJeht piano. Knnulro loa FOR . ICth SI. VUU Mai on monthpavmcnt ! * . 456.9' FOKBAl.B-in > m ( rood poalM , cheep ; * at RJ Darn , Ibth 8t TOORHALK-A fraall honno and , lot with peed r well uiil Mublo. on 20th , ne Bhermtn 81 , No 1807. Pricr. BV ) , SJS-U lllCh KOU 'L-AI.H. B 503-tf KSTAnUOOK A POK 8ALKlolof icconrl hand furniture , 11OH * , carpom and crockery w j , ft > 11 , Hplgle , 1M3 OouglM Sta. _ ' " "KM IB hM nttllng lonif llnti of BOUWW , lot * Und Hud l im ( or Ml * Odl And rtt thooi. _ TJI OU HAU1 A tmall tntfae , II. W. P rn > Jj Hon > mtko. In v rfect ocder , Inquire ot lu , O. Clark < s Co. T7IOR 8AI.R iUrw of DouplM Kbd Haryr can- JD tie * . A , ROaEWATKUltMF rnh nirtrort ! 3 80it _ 1710R SAI.K Knur ncroa of land ncarjwntor * J ; norKg nieriolr , alxo two cottair.w on Capltot lim. Add. AMIliWiUhVLNS , 1300 Douglas St. 4 U _ AKI ) LAND Benin rent * houwa , HOUSES , hotels , farrr ete , lands , offlcog room * . etc , Sco lit i we MISCELLANEOUS. T OST On the EOth of Oitoher , n red uid I 1 white epotted ciw ; Ion. : horn * , about nlno orUnj < rtrn ok ) . A llber.xl reward ( or her return - turn to No. 1403 Howard St. 400.8" riMIK ertl'crhavlnc acquired tlmrlifht of an JL A 1 Medicine , of whlcli the prescription ban blthcrtn hi-cn n Kiiarde 1 ecrret to tlio cclcb'ntod ho | Irom wlilih It In obtained , diHlrci to m ct vltli Home one willing to Inx-st a rno.'cmto ra JU1 for a nhnre In the profits. AJdrwo P. O. box 02 , Omaha. 447-10 - t rl board can ha ; hid nt No. FIKST-CLAS3 ttrcct , between Twvntcth and 404-8 * & Ol AHAl.f U > IA.N ( Iron AFIK&T ) dcBlrcH a ultustlon where hit BIT- rleci wou'd be required. No objection to xv\ng \ went AddromA. jtUck , carol ) . Uolclotdn , Coun- ill lllufT * , Irmn. _ 42t- ' < J. M. 1IKUNSWIUK & IJI.AKK CO. , K p THE complete stock of Dllllard Tnblcfl and 1)11- ) llard ruerrhandlvo on' tliclrbtoro room,500 South 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. ol2-lm * T llOCHbTAcSfcK Will puy tne hiifhtei uwn tj . prtco for Kecond hand Ullllard and Pool Tables. Call or addrcuq 09 South 10th St. olJ-lm * KM1S' KKALJ'M'ATK DOOM B HAY At A. H. Sandor'a Fcod Store BALED Harncy bt. alB-tt TJKMI3' KKAl , ESTATE KXCHAXOE.-a JJ 1st paqc. * ' NEW CITY HAPS. 10. " . MonntT BKMIS' , f ? . 10. O H O. P. H IM IS. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPEGIA1 NOTICES. NOTICK. Special advertisement * , uch aa U > et , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , tVantu , Donrdlng , etc. , ulll bo inncrted In this iclumn at tlio low ratu of TEN CKNTS PEK AKK for the flrat Inwrtlon end FIVK CUNTS 'Ell LINK for each Bubwjqucnt Inwirtlon. xnve odr orl iHcmcnta at our ofilcc , upetiirs , ornor llroadway and tlaln etrevti , CouncQ JlnfN. \TrANTEU-E\erjbody in Council Bluffs leVY VY to tuke Tun I'KK. 20 cents per week , de Uered by carrierc. Olfke coriier llroadwaf ao4 ilaUi , up stalra , Council Bluga. 602-tf A | ( oed steady man to Uko care WANTED . A4dr m A. L. B , Bo i office , 'ouncll IllufTn , Ko j-7t ANTED To buy peed rnlteh cow. Add row w lira oUlcu , Council lllufft. NerD-6t CTTANTED Agcnti to camaw Be piy- YV I'lu lM-int8s in the country. Aduresa ! . M. , EceotUce , Council Bluffs. . NovU-tl BALE llurne , buR y nd rmrnc * ! . cheap FOR cash. Addrew . U. C. , ll e otllce , louncll llIulTs. NovD-3t nOU.BAUV-Oro 10-foot iron fed. 19 inch C BInt ' , , wood turning lafie. lorpat- crns , ] x > 8t0 , chucking and drlillnutroog ; ticl , early new ; coht ? 110 , prlre % , l. Onu utronj ; rill prctM , little used ; eon $16 ( > , p Icu llO. One tw wood turning lathe , U foot bed , 10 in h wlnxprlce ; ] $ iO. Onu new cupalo , bbwcr , tlaski nd tnoulvlln rand , ( heap. O her Uthej , BUom nK'lncffhaftiD ) ; and piilht-i. 8. D. & H J. 101'KINS , Council Illuffe , I < > wa. 10 N6t r OST A black and white bulldor , larpte col- Lj lar nnd chain around Mi necK. Information i regard to him , or liU return , will bo liberally B ardcJ. J. U'OIUEN , It. P. cottJfie , utor un'sfur , Council llhidj. having itoves , ftirnlturo and oce nd hand household goal * f uiiy duncri tli n .can lupose ot them for by callini ; ut the ( ; itr .uctlon Store of J. A. Fatten C * Co. dnicll luff * , low ft. o t28U OTTEK'S TICKUT OFKICB-War in rallrood L tickets continuua to boom. Uu ; roccxicnted > w rated to all eastern point * . Every tUkoi uaranteed , Orders filled Dy telephone. From ne to ten dollars Hived by purchattln ; ticket * I C. A. Potter , nucccHior to Potter & Palmer , No. ) South Fifth fctreet , fi.ur door beion th poet- Illce , Council Plugi. loii * . octlS-tf ; TirANTEI > Hey , with i > ony , to carry papers , f Y Inquire at linn olUce , CouncU Blullt. octlS-U rTJTANTKD To buy 100 ton * broom corn. rY for partlculan iuldre * > Council Bluffs room Factory , CouncU BIufl , Iowa. 6MOU ; TTANTED A flrrt-cUw broom tier. Hayn * rY &Co. , Council Bluffii. Iowa. ECO 80 * 1TANTKD A boy to do chorea at Jljnster I rT llnhcry. Council Blutfa. 601-88 * 7K > K SALB Old popori 40c per hundred , at j The Bee efflce. Council Blofl . Kfl-U EDWARD KUEHL AOISTEK OF PALMYSTKRY AND CONDI' lONALlbT , 408 Tenth Streetbetween Farnhom jdlla.ney. Will , vlth tbo aid of euardUa * > lriti , obtain for any ono a glance ) at the put ad pr ent , and on certain condition * la the fa- ire. tBooUi and Shoes m jo to order. Perfect itUfaction ruarantnxl POWDER Absolutely Pure. / Mad from Orepo Cre.o TarUr. No other patlan mAkea iruch llht , flaky hot bmd , xnrloui paltry. Can IK eatoa by DpeBCO tlout fear of the 111 * mulling from heavy ) rtlble food. Bold only In auu , by all Oroe < § I UOTAU JIAKINOBPOWBKR TO' J Net > Y At