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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY , NOVEMBER 0 , 1881 ' 5 TTATLY BE ] PUBLISHING CO. , PRoPHItTOr JtO r-ttritnain , bet. Oth And 10th Streels / 1KHM9 OK SUUSCIUPIION Jo cony 1 j car , In a J\ Alice ( poetnlil | ) $10 uonths " . . . . 6 nonths " 3 RAILWAY TIME TABLE. IIB CUlll CIMCAOO , RT , f.U'l , , KI.MiR.UOU9 / OMKIIA RAILROAD. Loaro Omah % No. 2 through pwcngcr , , ru. No. 4 , O.iMnml pm-tourer , 8:30im. : . .Atrhc Omahi No. 1 , through vwuen or , S m. No , S , (1-vKhml lasscngor , 5:30 : f. ill. UVVISt ] OMM1A KAST OR SOUTH HOUND. C. , IV & Q. " ' 41 .v in. S:40 : p. w. C. & N. IV. , 7:10 a. m. 3:40 : p , tn. 0. , K. I. \ 1' . , 7:40 : B. TO. 3:40p. : m , K. C. , SI. J. A U. I ! . , icaica at H n. in. ai tl Q p. in. ArrltvsatSt. Louisat 0JOn. : in. and 6 p. in. in.W. . St , L. A ; P. , IcwwatS a. tn. nml 3:40 : m , Arrives at St. l < ouUtntdIO : n. m , nnd.7 . m. wiwr on RoirrnniisTD.i B , ft M. In Neb. , Through Kxprcss , 8:10 : a. 11 , & M , Lincoln llxprc'w-SlO p. m. U P Kxi.rcw , 12lb : it. in. O. & U. V. for Un.-ohi , 10:20 a. m. O. & H. V. for Odooolt , 0:10 : a. in. U. P. freight No. 6 , 5:30 : n. m. U. P. freight No. 9 , & : l5a. in. U. P. freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. in. emigrant. U. P. frck-ht No 11 8:20 p.m. AKMVDb- FROM IA8T AND KOtTIIl. 0. D. & O b:00 ft. m. 7:26 : p m. 0. A. N. W. , ll:45 : a. in. 7:26 : p. in. C. H. I. 4 : P. . 9:45 : a. in. 0.05 p. m. K. C. , St. Joe JtC 1 ! . , 7JOa. : m. :46 : p. ARKl\1sa VRCIM TIIR ftRiT.AND ROinilWKST. 0. & It. V. from Lincoln ll.VJ p. in. U , 1 * . ixprt" ! i:2i : ! p. in , n ii M.ln Neb. , ThroiiRh-ETprcw 1:16 p. B. & M. Lincoln Ki.pron-0 40 a m. U. 1 * . rretght No. h 1:40 : p. m. No , C 4'JS : p. In. Kuilgmnt , No. S 10:60 : p. m. No 12-11:35 ft. in. O , & U. V. mixed , ar. 4:36 : p. m. NORTH. Nebraska Dl\ Won ot tnu St. Paul ft Sioux C Ravi. No. 2 leave * Oumla 9:30 : a. m. No. 4 IcaviM Onial.A 1,30 p. in No. 1 arrives at Owihnnt 6:30 : p. m. No. 3 arrl\oi at Oiimha at 10M : a. m. DCMUT TRA1NH Mni'ltM OMAHA AND OOUM.IU Eivtra. tcn\e Omaha nt I'M , 0:00 : and 11:00 : . 1:00 : 2.00 , 3:00 : , 4:00 : , 6:00 : and C:00 : p. m. Luue Council llHUIjftt:25 , 0:25 , 11:25 . 1:25 , 2:25 : , S:25 : , 4:25 : 6:25 end 0.25p.m. Sun njH The dummy lcr M. ) Omaha at f klid ll:0il a. in. ; 2.00 , 4:00 : and 6:00 p. ru. Lea Council ti'uffa at 9:26 : and 11:25 a. m. ; 2:26 : , i nd 8:25 p. ru. Opening and Oloilnc of Malli. SOUTB. ODIN. 01,03 ! a. m. p. m. a. in. p. Ohlcairo&N. W 11.00 0,30 4:30 : Chlciiro , K I. k Pftciric.ll-.OO 9.00 4:30 : Chlcairo. 11. & O. . . , . .11:00 : 9:00 : 4:30 : Waha. h 12:30 : 4SO : Sioux City anil Pacific. . 11:00 : 4SO : Union Pacttic G:00 11:40 : Omaha&H.V 4SW 11:40 : G. AM. In Neli 1:00 : 8:40 : ( Omaha G Northwestern. 4:30 : 7:30 : Local mail" for State ot Iowa lcavc but oni day , Uz : 4:30 : n , m. A Lincoln Mall N also opened at 10:30 : a. m. Office open Sundays from 12 in. to 1 p. m. TIIOS. K HALL P. i' ' Business Director ? Abstract and Real Estate. JOHN L. McCAQUE , oppos'to ' Post Office , W. R. BAHTLETT 817 South 13th Street. Archl tects. DUFRENE & MKNDELSSOHN , AKCniTEC Room 14 Crcighton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. . Room 2 , Crelu'hton BIocl Booti and Shoes. jAiiEa DKVINE & co. . Fine Boots and Shoes. A gocd assortment homo work on hand , corner 12th and Harney. 1H03. ERICKSON , 3. E. cor. 16th and Doug JOHN FORTUNATUS , 60S 10th street , manufactures to order good n it fair prices. Repairing done. Bed 8prlngi. J. F. LARRIMEU Manufacturer. 1617 Douelai Books , Newt and Stationery. J. I. FRUEIIAUF 101G Farnham Street. Butter and Eggi. UcptlANE & SCHKOKDKR. the oldest B. and house In Kcbraska establlBhcd 1875 Omaha. CKNTRAt RESTAURANT , ilHB. A. RYAN , southwest corner IGthand Dodge. l Best Board for the Monty. Satisfaction Ouarant Ueali at all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. * Good Terms for Ci Furnished llnmnB Supplied. Carriage * and Road Wagons. WM SNYDER , 14th and Ilamey Street. Oewe ers. JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnham Street. Junk. H. BKRTHOLD , Roirs and Metal. Lumber , Lime and Cement. FOSTER & GRAY corner ttth and Douglaa Lamps and Glassware. J. BONNER 1S09 Do'ujzlM St. Good Varl Merchant Tailors. O. A' LINDQUEST , Ona of our most popular Merchant Tailors Is cclvlng the latest dcalgn for Spring and Sum : Qoods for gentlemen's wear. StylUh , dura and prices low as o\cr 215 13th bet Douv.&Fi Millinery. MRS. 0. A. RING Ell , Wholesale and Retail , I cy Goods In great variety , Zephyrs , Card Boa : Hosiery , Gloves , Corsets , &c. Cheapest Houw the West. Purchasers ea\o SO per cent. Oi br Mall. 116 Fifteenth Street. r-oundry , JOHN WEAUNE & SONS , cor. 14th b Jftrkaot ( lour and Feed. OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnham 8 Welahana Bros. , proprietor ! . Urocers. Z. STEVENS , 21st between Cuinlng and It ' T. A. MoSIfANE' Corn. J3d and Cumlnybtre Mar a waie , Iron and Steel. OLAN & LANGWORTIIY , Wholesale , 110 112 16th , street A. HOLMES corner Ifttli and CalllotnU. Harness. Baddies , &c. B. WK1BT 2018th St. bet FarnKan , Hotels ANF1ELD HOUSE , Geo. Carfflold.Dth & Farnl DOUAN HOUSE , P H. Gary , 012 Farnham . , SLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. 81nen ; , 10th St. .Southern Hotel , Ous. Hamel 9th & Leavcnwc Clothing Bought. 0 .SHAW will pay highest Cash price for Bee hand clotblny. Corner 10th and Farnham. Dentists. DR. PAUL , Williams' Block , Cor , 16th & Dodj Drugs , Paints and Oils , .KOHN & CO , Fharmaolita , Fine Vane Goods , Cor. HtQ i Doutiis ttrceto If. J. WHITEnOUf K , Wholceale * Retail , 18U 0. FIELD , 2022 North Bide Cumlng Btr . PARR , Druggist , IQtn and Howard Stroeta Dry Goods Notions , Etc. JOHN II. F. LEUMANN 4.CO. , N w York Dry Goods Store , 1310 and 1312 Fi biro street. L.O. Enowold also booto and shoea 7th&Ptc urulture , A F. GROSS , New and Second Hand Furnlt ' nd Stoves , 1114 DouiclM. Highest caub'p old for second haua teens , BONNER 1S09 Dourl * St. Fine ticodi , Fence Works. OMAHA FENCE CO. OUST , FRIES & CO. , mSIUrney St. , Imprt ed Ice ISoxoa , Iron and Wood Fences , 01 Ralliriffi , Counters of Pine and Walnut. Cigars and Tobacco , WEST & FIHTSCriEH , manufacturers of Clz and Wholcmlo Dvalen In Totaccos , 1W5 Dnuy W , K. LOllKNZEN manufacturer lliorarnt Florlit. A. Donnchuc , plant * , cut flowf r , p l , boqu etc. N. W. cor. Idth and Itounlin streets. Civil Engineers end Surveyors. ANPUKW KOSKWATKK. Croluhton Rio Town Sunc } , GrvloandSoweraico SjUcini UommlJilon Merchants. JOHN O.VIL L1S.1414 IXHlito Street , n n. limiKIU FnnltUUj < largo Mhcrt ! mcnt In IKlh nmt WccVbr. _ Cornlco V/orks. F.-oMcrn Cornice \\ortn. MamHActtircra li Cornice , lln , Iron and SUto Hoofllnir. Onl 'ron ' ftiiv loeillty promptly cxccttlw In the I Smr ? Factory and bil'ic ISIS iltarwyHU OiUanlrCil Iron CornU'Cf.Vlnatjw Utp c maimfiUtircd nnd put up In any iml of cmiiitrv. T. 4lOTIilttccnih street J. 110NNKR ISOSDoiuiMKinsct. Oo < xUlno. Clothing nnd HurnlshliiR Ooodi , OEO. It , PCTEIWON. Alio Hats , Cap * , Ito < v , Notions and Cutlery , S04 S. 10th street. RctrlRorators , Cflnflold's Patent. C. F. GOODMAN llth St. bet. Fnrn. A lUrn Show Case Manufnctory.i 0. J. W1LUK , Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds of Bb Case * , Uprluht Caocs , ' . , 1317 C&S9 St. FUAXK L. OEIUIAItl ) , proprietor Omi Show Cft'o timnutietory , 818 South ICthstn between I/tincnuoitli and Mercy , All go \\nrrnntcil flrxt .clans. Pawnbroker * . UOMKVFKM ) . 10th St. . hnf. far H I Gloves * no Tinware. A. WUHMKSTKlt , Dealer In Stoves nnd Tlnwaro , ant ] Manutictf : of Tin Unoh and all klnJs of liulMlnn We Odd KelloAB' Block. J. DONNIHl. 130S1 DonorU * St. Ooo.l . and Che Qced * . J. EVANb , Wholcstle nnd Hot-ill Seed Drills : CultUatorfl , Odd Fellows ilill. Physicians antl Surgeons. \V. S. GIUI1S , M. D. , llMin No 4 , Crelgh Dlock , IMh Street. P. H. LKISENU1NC1 , 1 , U. Masonic Block. 0 ! L. HART , 11. 1) . . E > r and , opp. postal DR. L. n. ( JRADlY. Oculist nnd Aut'nt , S.V 16th nnd Farnham Photogrnpners. OEO. IUYN. VHOP. Urand Central Ualtrrv , 212 alxtccnth Street. near Mannnlc Hall. Firat-ilaaaWork and I'roii nom gmtrnntcTp Plumbing , Ca and Steam Fitting. P. W. TARPV & CO. . 21612th St. , lict. Parnt and Douihs. ; WorK promptly attended to. D. riTZPATHICK. 1409 Doimlas Street. Painting nn npop 'TENKY A. KOSTK113,141 Uoilgo Street Shoo Stores. Phillip Lane , 1320 Farnham St. bet , 13th & H Second Hand Qtoro. 1'KHIUNS & LEAK , 1410 DaiiKlas St. . New Second Hand rurnlture. House Furnishing Got fie. , bought and uold on narrow ruan'lna. aalooni. HENRY HAUFMANN , In the new bnck block on Uoti luj Strict , Just 0 ] nixl a most elorant Beel Hall , * Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 e\ cry day. " J FALCONER. 679 ICth Street. Undertakers. CHAS. RIEWE , 1012 Farnham bet. 10th & 1 ! UO Cent Store * . P. C. BACKUS , 1206 Farnham St.Fancy On WAR IN PASSENGER RATE ? HOUBIE BROS , , Brokers In all Ralln Tickets , Oiimhtv , Neb. , oiler Tickets to the Ei until further notice , at the following unhcan law liatcs : Chicago , SI2 ; Round IVIp , 824.00 , These limited First-Class Tickets and Kood for ret ; through the year , and via the Old Reliable ( cage , Burlington & Qulncy Railroad , , Also , i way to * 1st claw , 2dcli NEW YORK , S21 00 , BOSTON , 22 00 , PHILADELPHIA , 27 00 , 24 WASHINGTON , 2700 , 24 For particulars , wrlto or go direct to HOD ] BROS. , Dealers in Reduced Itato Railroad : Steamship Tickets , 800 Tenth St. , Omaha , K RcmeinDcr the place Three Doors North Union Pacific Railroad Depot , East Side o ! Te Street. Omaha. Auc ist 1,1881 u25davi HAWKEYE PLAINIM MILL CD Des Moines , Iowa. Manufacturers of SASH. DOORS , BLINI BRACKETS , MOULDINGS , &O. Great reduction In Bank Counters , Plans I ntthed , and work I urnlshurl In all kinds of her or soft wood. Counters finished In oil when sired. Shelving of all kinds furnished and Into building ready for paint on short not Our workmen are the beat mechanics that car procured. Sa > e money by gling ug your c tracts. Stairs , Newels and Balusters. Our foreman In thli department was formi lth Frost Manufacturing Co , IChlcn Ills , and has done some of the finest Stair ill hi the Northwest Orders by mall promptly attended to. s29 The Creighton and Niotoa Runs dally , leatlng Crclghton on arrival trains at 6.30 p. m. Arrhoat Nlourara , 12.3' ' m. Lea\os Nlobraro , 11:30 i > . m. Arrives Crclphton at 0 o. m. . in time for train. Fare , octlO-lm GEOIIGE DERUY , Proprletoi WISE'S Azle Greas NEVER GUMSI Used on Wagons , Buggies , Reapers , Thresh and Mill Machinery , It Is cfVALUABMi TO n. Ra AND TKAMSTXIIH. It cures Scratches and kinds of sorco on Horses and Stock , an well as men. men.OLARK & WISE , Manufs , 305 Illinois Street , Chicago CTSF.ND FOR PRICES. - . * - so ? PAPER WAREHOUSE CRAHAMTAPER C ( 217 and 219 North Main St. , Ht , Loun , WUOI.KHAI.H DKAL a IN \ PAPERS FJJVELOPE3 , CARD BOARD AND Printers Stoct < arCosh paid 'or ' Ragu and Paper Stock , Sc frnn and MetAlS * Paper Htock Warehouses 1229 to 1237 , No KENNEDY'S E'ASTINDh bd b = ) cz > BITTERJ ILER & CO. , Sola Mcmufactur ere , OMAH. ABOUT MENSS WIQS. \Vorltn or Art tliut Docnlvn Ev the KcouKj-cs of Iiovo-WJR MtiltorV Soorot < New Yerk Sun. "Americana liavo mndo ttront ii provumunU in uiusns Molina iti 111:1 : othur things , si : < l H. Gohun , tliu \ \ tnnkur , to n Sun reporter. "l < Wi > i pcoplovill wear the olibf.iahiuii heavy Kngliuli wii 9 nowntlnys. 1 stead i [ the thick , hot , and unco : fortablo liead covering of former tin wu liuvo no\v li ht , u'lacoful nnd en veniont > viia that nro n very cli imitation of the natural linir. I'on orly tliu fact that n , man were n v was known at a glinco , Now t imitation is so eloso that I liavu kuo' it to lulllti oxatnitmtion. The otl day a young mnu who vroniH a blun \\\g \ cauio to liavoit rcpnirod. T fou that a largu lock luxil boon cut , out it. 1 nal'cd him how ithnpponud , a ho told ntu a lady had askuil h fur a lock of his Imir , and thai ho h allowed hur to maku hurotvn auloctit Ho confessed to a little trepu lion ulioii she took hold of t look to cut it ofl' , but shu was fmi with him and cut oil' the lock close the head without dincovorinjf that were a wig. The work of restorati WJIH artistic. It would not do to ; pluco a lock of full length at oni NVc boqnn with short pieces , iinit.iti the nnturnl growth of the hair. 'I ' lady never found out the deception v til after they were married , when a happened to hundlo his hair lesa ti dtrly. There ia an old gentleman witli gray board for whom I have mixdo w tiinco his hair was black. As his be ; began to grow gray the contrast I twfen that and the hair of his head T too miirkod. Wo began by maki ' him a w'ig with a few gray hairs spr klud in. Gradually the number gray hairs was increased until now buys three white wigs a year. Bh wigs lust longer than white. The 1 ter turn yellow with wear , and wo h : found no way of cleaning tlio wh hair without destroying the workm ; ship of the wig. Where : v wi cov the entire head it is easy to make it tight with most heads without the i of anyadhi'.fivosubRtalico. But , win the wig covers only a part of the hoi or whore toupees or patches are usi it is necessary to stick on the false h with mucilage or adhesive wax. "Wigs cost all the way up from to § 100 , according to the fineness the hair aiul the excellence ) of I workmanship ! The most costly w are made on a foundation of hair la Each hair is carefully selected n knotted to a mesh of the laco. T kind is called the ventilated wig. "V can part it anywhere , like natu hair , and the appearance of the pa ing will bo like that of the natu scalp. The tlesh shows through 1 meshes of the lace with great natui ness. That is the kind of wig I blonde young man woro. Chea ] wigs arc inado by fastening hair long threads and sowing strips ol on a foundation less costly than h lace. Even these can not bo dote'c ) by the ordinary observer , althoi when you know that a man wo such a wig over , toupees are put with so much skill , by mixing thooi with the natural hair , that the art not perceptible. I think the t dency now is to conceal baldn rojJier than to lot it bo seen. True the summer , some of our young n do got their heads clipped like st prison convicts , or the boys in a pi house , but I think the fashion is 1 favored , than formerly. "Some experiments have b < made in the direction of transpla ing hair into the skin , but thus without success. You know you n stick a pin through the outer si without pain. Hairs have beondra through holes thus made , and roots hair have been planted in the sk But the result lias been to create little inflammation and suppuration the point of contact of the hair w the skin. The hair lace foundatior the latest improvement , and -that fifteen years old. The cheaper foi dation is called 'weft' or woven. 'J costliest hair is that which cu naturally. The curl may bo inn tat but no respectable dealer would scl for natural curl. The fraud woi soon be discovered. There is n bet opportunity in a curled wig to cone our art. The locks may bo carolcs disposed with more success than wh the hair is straight. Of course know the names of many promitx men in all the professions who w < wigs , but it is a point of honor w not to reveal 1 our profession them. would as soon think of betraying I name of a lady who wears pu braids , switch , or curls of artific manufacture. "Many men wear wigsijuitoasmu for their health as for appearanc sake. It has been found that ba headed men are subject to coli neuralgia and catarrh. A bald-head man in an audience near a window i nuisance. When others want t window open to secure ventilation 1 in consideration for his bare pa wants the window shut. If ho pi on his hat nobody sees that ho doei because ho is bald and he is thouj. unmannerly. Some professors a doctors wear skull caps , but they lo odd , and wigs are much better. T market is always well supplied w , all colors and shades of hair , the b > of which is imported. Men do 'wreath their wrinkled brows wi well saved combings' us women co monly do. It would not pay mon save the combings , In men's wig < i t cost of the Imir is nut so much as t labor , In women's wigs the hair the costliest p rt. " Liquid Gold. Dnn'I Plonk , of Brooklyn. Tioga coun Ta. , describes it UIUH : "I rode till ini'en for a bottle of TIIOMAH' HeLKor ; OIL , which effected the wonderful cure n crooked limb In nix applications ! proved worth more than gold to me. " 17codlv FARMERS AND MECHANICS , If you wish to avoid great danf and trouble , besides a no small 1 of expense , at this season of the ye you should take prompt steps to kt disease from your housolnld , 'i system should bo cleansed , bio purified , stomach and bowels rcj/u ted , and prevent and cure disoai arising from spring malaria. Wu kn of nothing that will BO perfectly a surely do this as Eloctrio liittora , a at the trifling cost of fifty cents a b tie. [ Exchange , Sold by Ish & Mcllahon , ( ! ' Artlolo * of Incorporation of t Mlllrml Fnrmorn * dull- Article * of incorporation inndo .1 mlolited this ailh Any of October , A. 1SI , by nml between ilio undersigned corporntorf" , M follow * , lo-wlt : NAMK. Article T. The name of this club shall the Mlllnnl Farmers' club. l'I.ACi : OK HtMlXKiS , Article II. Tlio jilixco of bi M of tliii club slmll bt ntMilUml tion , comity ol' Doiigln4 , Nebraska. SATl'HK W 11US1.VKSH. Aittcle III , The imturo ot In M to bo Unii i\ctcil by till * club U conduct 'n ( H'licrnl literary and Mxiinl In cutertniiuuvnti of n aoi 1ii'-M nnd other character , CAt'lTOti HTOCK. Article IV , Tlio amount of capital nd oc tin * clii'i shall bo two thoiHund doll ; hit" shares nf oim dotbir en whkhliMI bo iud ! in the inminor | periled by tUa dli colors. COMMI'.NCKMKNT ANIl TnHMISATlnS. Artlo o V. Tld * club nhall cimiinoucc tinninct Imoluem nnd I'M'irtusUsCiwpoi jiower tlm 'JUlh dny nf October. 1891 , i UN | iowuis ( .hill ccato u tlio 'J'Jtli d y Uctiibcr , 1SW1. AMOUNTS ir l.I.MUUTV. Art'cla ' VI. Tim huilicut nmount of i bility or indubUMltieihleh tbii c aludl at nny om > time subject italcf , Rh bu three lumilied djl | N , rtklo Vlt. The otliceM of t club sludl bo _ conduclcd by board of three ilirectorw , who fbixll ducted from nmong the stocklioldcw , i they shnll npiKiiiit A president nml HI other otHcew at by law H icqnlrcd. .TUI.U'M SCIIIUVKIIKII , .T. lll.l'M , Cl.AL'S Bcitl'MANN , W , Gr.iiNDOitK. { > TATI : w Nr.nitA < * K.\ t'OVSTV W DoiIKUVi On thU KHIi day of October , A.-D. SS personally Mppeared before me , Clini llnuidca , a notnry public forxaia conn ilulius Schroeilcr , .f. Blum , Chun Sc maun , W. UuiniJojf , to mo known to the biRiivrM ul tliu forwotiiir nrticlca of corporation , niul pckmm leilsed the Mint bo their voluntary net nml ticcd. [ MKAI. . ] ( JiiAiars I > IIAXI > IH : Notary iiubltc in and for ] ) intilnt ( couu Xclirnikn. PROBATE NOTICE. In tlig mutter of the HsUtoof 1'ctcr J , Johns doccivicil Notlcu Is licrcliy given that the crwlltor HI id ilm'vHtlwlli met t tlio otlmlnUtrntorali KHtnti * , before 1110 , Coiintyj JuilRO ot DOIIJ L'Qiitit.v , Nolirn l.iv , nt n County Court Uooin raid County , on the JMth ila > c ! November , Is on the .Mth day ot . ixniuirv , ISS , anil o i 24th > Ky of March , 1SS2 , at 111 o'clock ft. in. v. , lor the pnriioao of prcMMitlni , ' their ch : for uNHiiiiiintlon. mljiistmcnt nnd nllowan Six luoiiths nro nlloucil for creditors to prc < their ilnhus , ami one j for tlio ailmlnlstrnto tuttle "alii K < tnto , from the tilth > Uv of Mci > ti bcr , 1831 , thli notlco will to pnlillshoJ In ' OMAHA Wi-.riu.v HFK far four eok ucccssl\i jirior to th 24th day of Jtcuembir , 1S81. [ A true iopy.1 A. M. CIIAUWIt'K , oitlU 4t Cnnntv JuiU'i Examination of Toncbors- I nil ) ho | ircEcnt at my ollko In lilockon the first Saturday of each month to ninlno Mich nij > HiitB tvs may dcslro to tc In Iho public schools In DoiiKloa county. Qi : tcrly evainlnitlon flrnt Saturday li Fobru Hay , Augiibt and iN'cn ember. J. J VOISTS , Stipt. ubllc liiBtructlo PROBATE NOTICE. State of Nebraska , Douiilas County us : At a County Court , liuld at tliu County Cf lloom , In and for t > ilJ County. Oct. U A. H. 1BS1. Present , A. JI. CIIAUW1 County Jnil o. In the matter of the estate of Ncla Mongcn deceased : On rt-ailin ? and fllliif tlio ( wtltlon ol Tcte Back , virajn \ % that nihiiliiistratlun of said > -b may lie ) > raiitfd to himself , ns admlnli-trator. Ordered , That November aoth , A. D. IfcSl 10 o'clock a , in. , In assigned for licarini ; sild p tlon , hcn all persons Interested in said ma may appear at n County Court to bo held , Infer for Rild County , and ehow cauio why the pr of petitioner should not Do granted , anil that tli o of pendency of said petition and ' .ho heal thereof , bo gan to all parsons interested In ' matter , by publishing a copy of tlnsonlcrlii' OMAHA WKKKLT DUE , a newspaper printed In County , for thrco successive uuokti , prior to day of hoftrltif ; A. M. CUAUW1CK , no2wSt fiounQ' Judu CARPET HOUSE 1 -OF J. B. DETWILEF 1313 Farnham St. . OMAHAN , Eg. Hoe reduced \iriaat anil are now wltl n ( r t Cody Brussels , 81.25 to $1.00 ; fiert T up BruBBels , Jl.OO to1.20 ; Rest 3-plrilwpot i to $1.40 ; Ilcst Ingrain , OOu to 91.15 ; ahrfr grain , SSo to CSc. Mattings , Oil Cloth and Widow Shai at Lowest Market Prices , Largest Steck and Lowest Priooa MAnSCILI.CS ADAMS AnfkMCtNlkD IICI % * . ML Corn Shellw Horse Powers , Wind Kills.Culllva & Corn Stslk CutK Marseilles M'fg. Jo 28-wlv RESOLUTION ORDERING SII WALKS. no It rcsohcd by the City Council o < the clt ; Omaha ; 'lhatntildowalk hovltlilii fifteen d .y fi thlsdato , ronstruettd anil laid to the temper Krado In na ! < l city. In front nl and adjoining following described premlucHlz : Lot I , wctt uidu of 10th Btrcet , In block oni fectwl'lc. Ix > t 2. west side of 10th street , In block on feet ttldo. 1,013. west cldo of 10th street , in block on feet wldu. Lot 1. west Hidoof.lOthstreet , In Muck II feet wide. Iot2. wc t ulJoof lOthotreot , In blook 1 feet H lile. Lot : t. west hide ot lOUi etruct , In block 1 feet wide. All In a. K. Kogu'd addition , to the tlty Omaha. KuUI sldewnlks to bo coimtruitcd of 2-Inch f pUnk and to bo In uldth , OH aboto specified , the re pcctlvo owner or owners f thu abovu bcribed premUea are hereby rujulrud to conuti the humo. v. 1,1831. J. J. t. 0. JKWKTT , City fieri RESOLUTION ORDERINGSlDlf WALKS. Do It rtxohod by th city council of the , Clt ) Omaha : That a tldowalk be , within flftccinlayn fi thUclate , construttul and laid to thu tomjior LTulo In laid city , In front of and adjoining follow liitf described preiniHCH , tlz : hot IS , cant side of Wticaton etrect , In A utroriL-'s addltlnii , t fett wide , Lot 10 , tv > t I < 1 of Wlicaton street , In A stronu'ii addition , 4 Utt wide. Huth tlilewnlk to be lonstrui ted of 2 Inch \ nlanU and to bo In uldUi , an ube > u spccllkd , i the rcspecthe owner or owners of thu abovu scribed premium are . ; runulrud to toimti thu Bamo , . 1,1881. /iC.JKWinTi City fieri rilAKKN i'i' aepfinber lllll , , hy the uin : J Blk'iie < l , llviii ) ; on the Jud o IlriKi ; ' * fa two and a half mllui H cut of Omaha , Douj County , Neb , , ono mllth cow , BUpposeil to flvo yearn old , no tar marks or brand * , red i whlloiipecLlud JAMKb G. IIALt MASTKK'S SAI.K. In Iho l-lrcnlt Court of the United Slntw lor I DNtrlrt of S lircuVv JAIIICS K. 0 Shcr ooit , I Call In Puller "itrlircnt Huth-r j'1" Clmiwrj . W. Dunn A lltnry Telhcr , ; innrcM" ! on OK MniiTiiMir : , I'uMV iiotlro H h1 reli ) nUon.tlmtlnptir iiMi and h ) Urine of decree ( litrrcd In he i-ho C.III < P , on tlio Cm ! day of Scp rindrr , Issl , H.I.IS L. llliilll"Wiil : : , SKc'nl | ' Mitir Court , Hill on the I'eirmbir ' , 1 1 , atthn fioiir ol i ) uVloik In t ifttrtioon nf Mlil nt } , at tlio went < lw > r rf t t nllcil MntiiH'niirt MOIHU and l'o < t OIIK-n bull Ini ; , In the ( IIV uf Lincoln , I Hiu'i-Ur Count Stttonnil DUtrUtof Xibra i , fell al amll ihe follow Inirdcrrllml prcp it } , to wit : TlioMiitli\vi'r-tiintUr | of tlio nnithiiir ( | ter , sretton n inlirrtil nineteen ( UO. and Ibo i liilf < > f tliolinrllie\ in.Hternnil | the notthn < < | iiaitvr nl II n nor'lnakliuirler ' | cf Kwtion nil liontl lliltt.v ( , .0) , all I tnumhlp Mimli'r thlrttomO'i'id ran nimili nil lwoi ! ) iv > In tlH > roiint > of l'e\l rnn I MVoof Nibni ft. Kl MS 1 , . lit ) U1IOW1.K , peilal Ma ter in Ih.imery , l > . H. Hi MH So K'ltor for Oomphlinnt n'lw To the Stockholder * of the Nf.lir.l5kn C Light Company. Takr iiollo1 , that a ppo.hl meftfiir nf m loikhoMcr * "III bu ticld At tlio olllpo of r ( vmiuiiOmiln | , , at 4 p. in. , on thu inth thy Utritnhtr , 1 % 1 , for ilmuir | < iMaaf cluctlmr e IMI dlrei loit , nml the < illlcer ol the roiiin 'Ibcrelniltiitbenn fullnru to diet illrtrton the la t aiiniiO luootlmr. SYIiVAM'S W Hiaiir , Provident , nt\XK Mlllll'IIV , SecroUn. Di'wt On-aha , Nollth , Ivil , iii' * 6l MASl'KK'S SALE. Ill the Clnult Court of the United Statelier t OiMrlct uf Nehrinka ; New KiiL'Unil Mortjca o [ i'finltv ' I amtvuiy ) \ * . MN CHAM'iii\ : Mnrtlii A. Oouiad ami I teornc ! I1. Coin ul i IOIII < t OHI'KK OK MOUTH III" . Public not Icolihoruby f\\rn \ , th In piirsniu and bj vlriunof inleriev filtered In ili , \ln > filiie , on the 2nd day of Septrmlur , Ihil , I'.I.I.IS Ii. IIIKKIIOtVliK. Si-eelal Master Ch.uicorj In mid Court. III oil the litli ilay Duembir , 1SSI , at the hii'irol H oYlncx In tl sllirnoiiii of the ml I < 1 > \ , at the wiM duor the llnlliil stiles Court llnnsu nnd | 'ot dill tniilillnq : , in the I'll ; nf l.tnrnln , 1ktict < terl'ou tv , titateainl HUtikt of Xohia k , > , Mill at al tlon the following ilo'erllml | iripertj , tovl | The noitlixu'il iliirtir | of mitlon number ten ll"lii ) tottinlilp miml > ircd thlit ) ( MJ ) in ruiikOiimnbernl > KfO ) et , In the Liuilitj ll\on and btatu ol N < nraskn. Ki.i.isi. . iiiKiv.owiit : : , Siicilal M t > r In Chauciry. I ) . ( ! . Hl'I.I , Hnllrltor for CouipUlifXht , iu Tlio "Aiucrican Oattlo Journal , WAXTKH AisenU and co le'p ndenti c\ery I'liunty in th" Unltiil Sti t tn raino and K'tinnlulm I'.ioij HitliM'riber K > ttu"l'i iiiiuui TUki t , " nuil drn\\H a p Ire in HID Atiini Dlitrllmton of llhxidud Cattle , Sheep , Nwln Poultry. AKrleiilturil ImplementH , SCLVIS , 1'iuli Treci , .feweliv , HiioKs ete Suh-crlptloii , si. a jeir , In advanie Hpcclal prizes otfcred ( Xents fend Uimp for HimjilCH. AiMross \ It. Atilil-N , Pull. "Kuril Nebra kV ( T 'Ainer lean Cattle .lournal" ) Omaha , Neb. tit ) OF ALL POP MAN AMD BEAST. For morn tlmn n third ofn century tli Mrtlcnn BltiHtniif ; l.lnlmcuthaN net ? Uiiowii toiiiUlloim nil over thu world n Ihi ! only Miff rollniico for the rollot i' nculilur.lH nml nalii. It IH u niuilii In nliovn prlcouiKl pi itmi like lirilof tt lilml. Korovury lonn ol uxtcmul pa1 lliu MnstanK I.lnlniont Is without iin equal , It [ iciietrult-M llcolk nml iniKclu t Hie iury lionv inuUlng thu uuntlnv nneo of pain nnd Inlliiininntlon linpo Htlilo. Its I'llocttuipon llniiinn L-'li.'ah an liiutnCreation uro uiiuallyvoiulc fill. Thu r.lnlinc'iit Is nceilL'il liy somebody I ovury house , livery < lny Inlniw tiuwa < the unmij' of nil imful Hi'itlilor bur Hiilxlueil , of rlicuimitlc innrtyr * r < Mtoioil , or a vnlunlilu IIOKO or o incd by tlio liciillnir po\\cr oftJila \vlilcli Bjicedllv cures sneh nllinontti < the HUMAN I'LKSll ns It > ieniuiitI4nj , bwelllnpjai Btl oliiti , Contrrcteil Mnst'it ; ' . . I'.iirn ml tirnlil * , C1 ; ijru > H"i : ail IVirnliik. < / ? > u 11 ouH Jtllcs nu "K2Ktlfflinn , Xnmeni ! : , < M rev lilreri , Frond ) ) ( * , Vhlllilnliu NuVo Nlpplrif Cakcil Jtrcnat , nu linletil every form of extcrnnl till enne. It lirnliivllliont acitr * . For the HHUTI : CIUUTIOH II wires .Npralui , Sivliiiiy , MIIT Johiti Foil ml or , ITnrneBH norea , Hoof 1 > I cn c , Fool Hot , NcroiT Worm , ftcnl Itnllovv Horn , Ncrntolim , Vlml pnlln ; , Nnnvlii , Thruili , ] tli > uloii ( Ohl Hnrrt , Poll Kvll , Film 11 po thn Nlfiht nml every ciditr nllincn Covliicli the ocrupaitt * > f til Ntnlilo nml Hloclf Yuril ntf llnlile , Thu niezlcnn niuituiic Ijliiluieii nhviiys cures anil nuvur dlauppoliiti audit IB , ] > osltlvcly , THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS POE MAN OIL BEAST. 08. R. CLAUKDOlf , I. a. 11U Clarkson & Hunt , Bucoctw- Richards & Hunt , ATTORNEYS- - 81 UthBtrM Om h NMi. MraskaLanuAgem DAVIS & SHYDER , ! 505Fnrnhom St. , > . Omaha , Nebra 9bOO , Care.ully mloctol land In Knitcrn Nebraeka nlo. Great llarjfalni ) In Improved ( urine , i Omilm city property. > 0. V. DAVIS WKI13TKK SNYDE Late Land Com'r I P. H . . PIONEER LAND AGENC R M. EATHBTTC Cambridge , Neb. 1,000,000 OWM government land open to Itoi stead * I'ro-emvtlonH and Timber claims. : cholo ! niproved tlalina for mlo or oxchano. ) : of the bent dieted farnm In HouthwuiUirii Kebi ka with timber and water for xalo. A few ehc Btock ruiiihcM wllbfoiicod fleldu , timber , hay i water , for Bale , cljuip , Uorreup oudenco Holld ' m rSOtf < . J.P.ENGLISH , ATTORNEY - AT - 310 flouth Tlilrtwnth Hlreet , with ' M.Woolworth. D. S. BENTON. ATTORNEY - AT - LA" ' AHDACH IJLOCK , UthStJ. Omaha Neb TO r I aSa ORCHARD & BEAtf , J. B , FRENCH & CO. , C A R P ET S1 GROCERS ! S -MAKE1JS OF THE- Finest Silver Plated Spoils and Forks , The only iindjj Stional pinto thiit original firm of | in- is giving for - llogora llroa. atanco a single Piftf/ / All ou < Spoons , m. plated Hpoon a Forks and Knives plated triple thieknosaof with the greatest plato only on of euro. Each i the a o c t i o B lot being hung on a Bcalo while wlioro expo d being plated , to to wear , thcroViy insure a full deposit - making a single posit of silver on plated Spoon thorn. thorn.Wo wear as long aa Wo would cull a triple plated especial atten tion to our BOO- one. Rival- Orient Tinned. All Orders In the West should bo Addressed to A. B. HTJBERMANN , Wholesale Jeweler , OMAHA , . NEB. Omaha , A POL4CK 9olli s Cheyenne , * \JJl&WJ > J ± 9 Colorado Fall and Winter CLOTHING ! ! LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises. OX. aCTBCIWrC * ZrlLOJDXl TO C XCX XlXt , IN TlIEILATEST STyLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed , Prices to Suit al 1316 FARNHAM STREET , NEAIt FOUIITEENTIJ , Buy the PATENT PROCESS MINNESOTA FLOUR It always gives satisfaction , because it makes superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap est Flour in the market , Every sack warranted to run alike or money refunded. W. M. YATES , Cash Grocer.