Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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There wan a fi\lr ncthe ileic ,
money , and notwithstanding the U ]
good , rates were firm al fi7 f
per nnnurU ) but the h.inlcfl t > 1\w
grndci of paper below choice ,
exchange between cily bunVw w.
and firm , with niliva at I > 0e prcni
51,000. The cUiirlngg of the us
btttiku were $9,000,000.
Omahn "Wbolenolo Marli
Tuesday KvenltiK , November
( ! r&ln firmer ; wheat advanced al
fcarloy uncli.iiied { llye uncliaiiRt ;
about Ic higher tlmn yenterday ; i
rancod nb ut Ic.
ProTifilorn Hcndy and rjuiet.
* gRi nnd poUtocH rather scarce , bn
In the drug market va at
following chingcH ! Cinchonidia at
lOc per os. ; Rlyeorino advanced :
potfcaatum iodide advanced T c.
No other changes reported to-da
Loc * drain Dealing.
WHEAT. Uiwh No. J ! , 1 OOJ
No. H. 94 } ; rojectnd 74 ic.
BAULKY. Cwh No 2 , 93ci
Sic.KYE. . Cash , 78e.
CORN. C.vth No. 2 , 44 Jo.
OATS. Ciwh. 33fc.
Cattle Good flipping. 81 00@5
COWH and heifero. $2 7fi@l3 00.
Hofpt Mixed packing , $5 25@5 I
Sheep Slaughtering in domund i
FLOUR Spring wheat , utrnighi
$325@375 ; patent , $3 7i > @ 4 fiO ;
wheat straight grade S3 85(54 25 ;
3 * 50@4 Oi ) ; , grahaiu rye , 52 75 ; A
93 00.
MILLSTUKKS Bran , per cv
fcreeninga , per cwt. 80c ; short
cwt 1.00 ; chopped food , per cwt. 1
bolted , yellow , 1 40 : white. 81 75.
POTATOES In car lots , 100
Salt Lakes , 1 25@1 35. Retail ,
tine , to per Ib.
POULTRY Chickens dress *
down , $2 50@2 75.
per dozen.
WILD GECSU 2 75(5 ( ? . ' ? f.0.
EGGS Finn ; ; ; 5@2Gc.
BUTTER Choice source at 20@C
no market : creamery , 30@35c.
APPLES Good. eound. very
at $4 ) @ 4 75 per bbl.
HONEY California white clo
comb , 24@25c.
LEMONS Steady ; per box ,
Finest Messina ornniren ? 8 00 roi
per half bbl. , $ ISO.
BEESWAX Vcllow , 18 < a20c.
ONIONS 1 5"@l GO per bushel
CABBAGE 31 00@2 00 per do :
ta quality.
CRANBERRIES Per bbl. . :
CELERY Per doz. , Sti Kie.
15cDKESSED DUCKS-Per Ib. , 15
Qrocers List.
COFFEE. llio , inir. ISic ; Rio
14c ; Bio , prime to choice , 14Jc ; Oli
Java ; 2Ci@28ic , Mocha , 28 Jc ; Arb
17c.JEAS. . Gunpowder , good , 4
Choice , 60@75c ; Imperial , good , 4
Choice , 60@75c ; Young Hyson , goc
BOc ; choice , 65c@l 00 ; Japan Nat
35c ; Japan , choice , B0@7flc ; Oolonf
85@40 ; Oolong , choice , 40@55 ; Sm
good , 35a40c ( : choice.3.r45c. .
SUGARS. Cut loaf , llic : C
lljc ; Grnnulatod , lie ; Powderet
Fine powdered , lljc ; Standard Co :
lOJc ; New York Confectioner'n St
A , lOJc ; Good A , lOgc ; Prairie E
9Jc.8YRUPS. . SURM houne , bbls , &
bbi , 52c ; kegs , 4ft gallonfl , 82 50 ;
-tabln synip , 50c ; half bbln , 53c ; kegt
SPICES. Pepper , 20 ; Allapic
Cloven , 45c ; Nutmeg , . $1 00 : Caasi
Mace 8100.
SODA. Dwiftht's Ib popern , S3 (
land do , $3 00 ; Church'a , S3 00 ; Kei
STARCH. Pearl , 4 ic ; Silyor G
@ 8Jc ; Corn Starch , 8i@9c ; E :
GloaH. 7c ; Corn. 7ic.
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 9
ton , in HivckR , 3 50 ; bbls dairy CO. &
'bbls dairy. 100 , 3 , 365.
tpeftches , new crop , lOc ; Evaporated J
B Hi hexes , 13i@llc ; Michigan , 8c
York apples , 8c ; 1'runei , olrf , 7jc
84c ; Currants , 7@74c ; Ulackberrie.1 ,
CHEESE Full Cream , 15o ;
Skim. 11 4c.
1 95 ; three ho p piiilH , 2 20 ; No. I
960 ; No. 2 ( uU , 8 50 : No. 3 tuba
pionef r waHhboardn , 1 85 ; Double I
2 90 : Wellbncketx , 3 25.
LKAD Bar , SI 05.
MATCHES Per caddie , 90e ;
CARCH , $7.05 ; iquare ciwen , 95.10 ,
PROVISIONS-Breakfant bacoi
ahoice lard , 13Jc ; dried beef , ISJc ; i
era , canvasxed 9c ; hamn , canvass
bacon. Rides 12&c
NEW PICIvLESediuIn | in \
910 00 : do iuhalf bbli , 0 7. > ; mnallH , i
12 00 do , in hulf bbls. 7 CO ; gherk
bbls , 14 00 ; do , in half bbl * , 7 50.
VINEGAR Pure apple extrn
pure npplo , 13c : Prusiine uurn ann
HOMINY ew , Sfli 00 per bbl.
BEANS Medium , hand picked
per bunhel ; nuvy , 5-1 00.
ROt'E Sinai , 4 inch and larger ,
neb , We ; 1 inch , 10k.
SOAPS-Kirk'M Savon Imperial ,
Kirk'd natinet. 3iri ; Kirk'a Ktandan
Kirk' * white Kuesian. 5 23 : Kirk1 * 1
2 03 : * Kirk'H Prairie Queen , (100 (
3 10 ; Kirk1 * mapiolia , 4 55.
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ib , Ifi
lCcb ; xes401lM. , 16 or. , Grf , ICc.
LYE American , 3 40 ; Greonwlcl
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ;
lye , 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 275.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans ,
in case , 3 35 ; Biihbitt'H Ball , 2 doz. I
1 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case. 1 60
FIELD SEED -Rod clover.
new , $0 00 per bushel ; mammoth
new , 87 00 ; white clover , new ,
al alfa clover , new , $12 60 ; nhikc
91300. Timothy , good , new ,
blue grow ) , extrn clean , 81 50 ; blue
clean , $1 25 ; orchard grass , $2 50 ; r
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Mi
80c ; millet , German , $1 00 to
Hungarian. & 0c.
HEDGESEEW-Osage orange ,
burhels , S5 00 ; oxage orange , 10 bun !
over , $4 SO ; honey locust , per Ib , , S
100 IbK , , 825 00.
FISH Family white fish , 90 Ib li
93 75 ; No , 1 white fwh , DO Ib hf bbl
No. 1 white fish. In 10 Ib kits. 1 00 ;
10 Ib kits , 75c ; New Holland herrli
keg , 1 35 ; Rundian sardines , 75c ; 4
biu river salmon , per lOOllw , 8 00 ; G
Bank codfuh , Co ; Gen , buneluia c
8c ; boueliMs fmh13c. .
MAOKKKKIi HulfbblHinesjnia
100 llw , 812TO ; hfbbl No. 1 ox dlw
100 Itw. G 00 ; hf bWn , fat family d
IbH , 3 85 ; mej mackurel , 12 Ib felts
Nn 1 ex tt\\nn. , 12 Ib do 1 50 ; N'o. 1 her .
12 Ib dn. 1 00 ; fnt fnmllv , 10 Ib do ,
( Field's ) , per case , S4 20 ; do 1 H > ( }
t > r CMfl , 2 Wt ) do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , I
3 90 ; do I Ib ( standard ) , per ewe , !
2 Ib ( sUek ) , iwr cv , 2 75 ; do 1 tb '
per cftoe , 200. Onions 3 80. S
Ib , iwr dotcn , 1 60@1 70 ; do21b , p
2 55 , Sardines , nm-01 t'nh , Import )
quivrter boxes per box , 14Jc ! An
quarter boxM per box , lie ; dn 1ml
pprlwx , 21&C. I lwtern , 1 Hsr
180. Totnatoew. 230 ; do 3 1
CARB , 3 10 ; Corn , 2 lb . ( Mi
per cose , 3 70 ; ponlced com , U
2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per cafe ,
string lK"kns. per ca-sp , 2 2T > $ Limn
jwr case , 2 20 , Succotash i or case
Peas , common , per case , 2 00 ; iieai ,
per case , 4 50. Blnckberrios , 2lb , p
280 ; strawberrico , 2 Ib , per pas
r pbcrries , 2 Ib , per owe , 2 "I
Damsons , 2 l\\ per case , 2 45. 1
jwaw per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Who
rics per case , 2 80. Kgi ; plum2
, 3fiOdn ; choice , 2 Ib , | > er casi
Grcan gaos,2 Ib per case , 3 50 : do c
Ib i er o se,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , r ,
400(81575. ( Peaches , 2 Ib per en * .
dn 3 Ib. case , ti 00@6 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3
case , 3 W ; do pie , G tb , ] HT dozen , 3 f
( JBSJc.
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , to
newtoe , 9c per Ibj fancy white , lOo
ra > v white Virginia raw , lOc ; i
OlKri and Tob ccot.
CIOARa.-Seoda , 815.00s Conn
82S.OO ; Mixed , $35.00 ! Seed Havana ,
Clear Havana , $70.00.
24 Ib , GOc ; Spotted Fawn. Clc ; Ou
C2c ; Star , pounds. 24 Ib , butt * , GOc :
Shoe , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , 60c ; Pu
Ib , butts , 52c ; Queen Bee , 21 Ib , but
Glt ! Edge , pounds , 2J Ib , butts , 57 ;
and Navy , pouuds , ri4c ; Bullion , i
58cj Ixirulard'a Climax , pound * , G0 <
PINE CUT In palls. Hard t
75s ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountal
Favorite , 05c ; Itocky Mountain
Fancy , 50c ; Daisy , 45c. In tin
Cfttlim 0 , S. , 2 oz packages , 5 Ib
per Ib C5c ; Lorillnrd Tiger , CiOc.
SMOKING All grades Conunc
33c. Granulated Blackwolls Durl
oz file ; Dukea Durham , 16 or , 50c ;
North Carolina , 10 or , 4t ) ; Heal of 1
ka , 16 oz , 38c ; Lone Jack , 4 or , line
per Ib , $1.35 ; Morburgs' Puck , 2
oil , 55c ; Do Tnil. 65c.
Paint * Oils and Vttrnlihas.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead ,
P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. & C. C
IVc ; Marhoille * green , 1 to 5 Ib ca
French zinc , green seal. 12c ; Fronc
rod seal , He ; French zinc , in varnii
'JOe ; French zinco , in oil asut , 15
and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; n
burnt Sieuna , 13c : Vandyke bro\
refined lampblack , 12c ; coach bloc
i ory black , 16c ; drop black , ICc ; 1
blue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , IBc ;
green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind and
tfrepn , L. M. & D. , 14c : Paris gree
Inili n red , 15c : Venetian red , 9c ;
rvil , 22c ; American Vcnnillod , I , &
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. fc. D.
yellow ochre , g9e ; golden ochre , 10 ; '
dryer , 6c ; graining colors : light oa'
nnd ash 12c.
on c , walnut , chestnut
Dry ° alnt
White lead , GJc ; French Tine , lOc
whjteing 2Jc ; whiting gilders ,
biting eom'l , 1.4c ; lamnblack G
town , He ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ;
sian blue , 45c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vn
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umb
tc ; ienna , burnt , Ic ; sienna , n
Paris green gcjmine , 3ic ! ; Paris gree
inc ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ;
green K , , 12c ; vermillion , Eng. , 7C
million , America , ISc ; Indian rtv
rose pink , 140 ; vonntion read , Co
% jc : Venetian red Am. , 19c ; red lei
chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chron
low , K. , 12c ; ocbre , rochcllo , 3c ;
irrench , 2jc ; ochre , American ,
Winter'H mineral , 2Jc ; lehigh brow
spanibh bro\vn. 24c ; Prince'a minei
VARNISHES Barrels -per
Furniture , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , ' .
SI ; furniture , U , 85c ; conch , extra ,
Coach , No. 1 , $1 20 ; Dam'ar , $1 50 ;
70c ; asphaltuiu , 70c ; shellac , $35C
oil finish. $1 30.
OILS 110' carbon , per gallon , 12-
headlight , per gallon , 13c ; 17& " bea
per gallon , 17c ; cryhtdline , per gall
linseed , riw , pergallon,01 ; linseed ,
per gallon , 07c ; lard , \vinter st 'd , i
Ion , 1 05 ; No. 1 , 80c : No. 2 , CHc ;
XXX. p r gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 110 ;
per gallon , 85c ; sperm , W , 15. , per
135 ; tirtli , W. B. per gallon , COc ; net
extra , per gallon , 7fic ; No. 1 , OKc ]
eating , zero , pergallon , 30c ; pummi
yo den macbtmj , S'o. 1 , per gallon , 31
2 , 30 ; sperm , aignal , per gallon , 8 (
pentino , per gallon , OJc ; naptha , 7
gallon , 30c ; 64' , 20c.
Heavy Harnware List.
Iron , rotes , $3 50 ; plow steel , can
cast tool do. 15@20 wagon spok
i 2o@3 00 ; hulw , per sot , 1 25 ; felloes ,
dry , 140 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ;
each , 7Cc ; wiuare nuts , per Ib ,
washers , per Ib. 8@18c ; nvettf , ner 1
coil chftia , per Ib , 6@l'Jc ; malleab.
ron wedge , 6c ; crowbars , Gc ; 1
teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ;
steel , 7@8c.
NAILS-10 to 20d. 3 CO ; 8 to 10
3d , 4 00 ; 4d , 4 2o ; 3d , common , 5
Quo , 6 50 ; clinch , nil sizes , C 25 ; Cd ,
I 75 ; 8d casing , 4 W ; lOd casing , 4 ' .
finish , 4 75 ; 8d finish , 5 00 ; Cd finihh
mlf koRfl , lOc extra.
SHOT.-Shot , $1.85 ; Buck shot ,
Mental Powder , kega , 50.40 ; do
tegs , 33xl8"do. ; , quarter kegs , 81.88 ;
OK , keira , $3.35 : Fuse , uer 100 feet
Hldet , l-uri , Etc.
HIDES Green butcher's bide , 7i
: ured hidefl , 8Jc ; green wilt , part
ildes , 8@sc ; dry ( lint , sound , 13@1'
jrtlf and kip , 12aluc ( ) ; dry salt bides ,
Ilgl2c ; greun calf , wt. S to 15 His. , K
preen calf , wt , under 8 Its , per skit
preen pelts , Si 00@115 ; green lamb
> l 10@125 ; damaged hides , two-thir
ut scored and one grub , classed
Urdu rate.branded hides 10 per cu
. ! OIIH skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , SOc ; ' .
! 0V ; No. 4 , lOo. Aliuk , No. 1. 50c ;
We ; No. 3 , inc ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , :
jOc ; No. 2 , 2oc. Skunk , No. 1 ,
l.r > c ; Brmrt stripe , -JOfi' narrow etripi
/road ntripo , lOc , Tallow , Gc ,
Marino unwashed , light , 14(510c } ;
3@15c ; medium unwashed , Ifght , If
nb-wwihcd , cboico , 32c : fair , SOc ;
md w. , 28c ; burry , block and cottod
! © Cc leas
Horses and Mules.
The market Is brisk and all grad
tiling well nl a slight advance iu
I'he clemund for Rood hornen excoei
iiipply conHtderably. Pricei range
own :
Fitie single drivers , SlfX ) . to 300. ;
Iraft hornet ) , S17& . to 2"25. ; Common
iores , S100. to 150. : Kxtru farm 1
StlO. to 125. ; Common to good farm 1
! 00. to 8100. ; Extra jilugs , SW. 1
Jommon plugs , § 20. to $40.
MULES. IB to IBi hands ( extra )
.o 150. ; 14J to 15 hands , $100. tc
L4 to 14 i hands , 375. to 100. j 1SJ
land * . 800. to 75.
Lumber ,
: l
j I
Irewe'd. 20 00.
FItAMING 10 ft. and under , p
> 0 00 ; 10 ft , studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft.
! lft.250u.
"FINISHING No. 1. finish U , 1
! inch , 850 00 No. 1 finish 1 Inch S
S'o. 2 , finish 1J , U and 2 Inch , $ J50
finish , I Inch , S40 00 ; No , 3 linlih , :
aK 00 ; O. G. battona per 00 fc
SI 00 ; well curbing , ? 2200 ; rough i
nch battoiw per 100 feet lli50c. .
STOCK BOAHD.S-ABtock , $10
135 00 ; C , 630 00 ; common stock , S
FLOORING No. 1 , & 10 00 ; I
sVj 00 ; No , 3 , $22 00 ; yellow pine ,
> 4000.
SIDIXO-No. 1 , § 21 00 ; No. 2 , !
SI 1111 LAP Plain , 822 00 ; O , G.
S32 00 ; No. 2 , 922 00 ,
CKILINO 824 ocvaiew oo.
i-liinnlcs , M 85 , No. 2 , $2 60 ; No. 3
I vtli , $3 60.
Dulldlnc M t rl l ,
LIME Pir b rrfl. 81 35 ; bulk
V c. Ct-mrnt , bbl , S3 W ) . Iowa
bbl , * 2 60. Hair per bu , 35c.
felt 100 1U * . $3 BO. Straw board , !
PAPER St aw paper , 3c ; ra |
Ic ; dry gtxnls i > at or , 7o ; mamU pnj
news paper , 8c
COAl/-Cumburland l.lacksmU
Morris Run Blowlmrg , 912 ; Wht
lump , $6 ; WhUebrwut ut , $ < >
liimii , W : lowu nut $ ( i ; Rixk ; Sprl
Anthracite , all Mzc < . $12 M.
ALCOHOL- proof , 2 2 , * , p
ga Ion ; extra California spirit * . ISi
1 30 per proof gallon ; triple refini'd
187 pr'MH , 1 24 per proof t' llnn [ rc-i
whiskies , I OOfft.t , ' ; tine bl.-n led
2 50 ; Kentucky bouibons , 2007l
tucky and Prnnnylvanla rj > , 201
BRANDIES Import * ! , * 00
dnntOJitle 1 40@4 00.
GINS ImiXrtod , 4 50@6 00 ; di
1 40@3 00.
RUMS Imported , 4 M@C
England. 2 004 00 ; domeMic , 1 f.
1 764 00.
OHAMPAONKS ImtKirtcrt p <
2d 00 34 00 ; A meriatn , per CODA ,
CLARKTS-Pcr case , 4 'X1C ) (
WINKS Khlne wine , per ewe ,
20 00 ; Catawbn , per rasfl , 4 00@7 I
' Drur * .
Carbolic , BOc ; Acid , Tartaric , We ;
Copabla , per Ib , 70e ; Bark , Bassafi
Ib , 12o ; Calomel , p r Ib , 70c ; Clncl
i > er or. , BOc ; Chloroform , per 1
Dover's powders , per Ib , l 40 ;
salts , per Ib , 3Jc ; Glycerine , pure ,
45c : I/oad , Acetate , per Ib , 2 !
lion oil , 110 ° , Kr gallon , Ujc ; d
per ga,13.c ! } ; Oil , Castor , No. 1 ,
* ! 33 ; Oil , Castor , No.3pcr gal.Sl :
Olive , p.or gal , ? 1 40 ; Oil , Origan
Opium , W GO ; nuinine P. t W. k
per OK , SI 95 ; Potassium , Iodide ,
| 2 40 ; Salacin , per nz , 35c ; Sulti
Morvihlne , per oz , $3 75 ; Sulpliu
p r Ib , 4c : Strvchcine. tier o& , 81
Dry Ooodi.
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c
FF , Sic ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cwl
7lc ; Cmttonango A , GJc ; ( > rcat }
SJc ; Hoortler , Ojc : Honest Width , '
clfan Head A , 8 ; Indian Stand
8c ; Indian Orchard d. w. , l c ; LH
LL , 7c ; Mystic Ri\er , 7ic ; IVquot
Shnwmut LL , GJc ; Utica , C , 54c ; V
ett B , 7ic : do A , HJc ; do F. 48 , ISfc
cott 15B , 71c.
4-4 ; 7c ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle
Atlantic LL. CJc ; Badger StatP X
Bcnnington C 4-1 , Gjc ; Buckeye S.I
Indian Orchard AA'J-8,8e : La
39 , 8k ; Lehigh E 4-4 , 9Jo ; lynwl
lOc ; Pepncrcll N 30 , 7c ; < lo O 32 , 71
36 , 7 c ; do E 39. S\e \ ; Pocasiet C 4
Wmimuttw 4-4 , 13c.
tin L 4-4,10cBlackstoneA ; A in pi
do do half blenched 4.4,9c ; Cabot
Fidelity4-4 , J cVruit ; of th 1/Joni ,
can brie 4-4,13c ; do WaterTwiht,10ii
Falls Q. Oc ; Indian II > ad shrunk -
L iiB'Iiile , lOc ; do cambric 37 , 13
York Mills , 13c ; Pequot A. lOc ; IV
N G Twills , 12Jc : Pocahontoa !
Pocaswt 4-1 , 8Jc ; Utica , lie ; Wt
0 X X , 13c.
DUCKS Unbleached Atlantic
17c ; Baltimore do , IGc ; Lone Stir ,
12c ; Sav.-ge , 18c.
DUCKS ( Colored ) Alh-ny K
Be ; do C , drab , lie : do XX , stri ]
plaids , 12ic ; do XXX brown anc
stripes and plnidv , 12c ; Arlington
I9c ; Brunswick brown , 8Jc ; Chariot
12ic ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall
brown , extra heavy , lljc ; Indl
brown , 13c ; Nepunset A brown , 15
17ic ; do XX blue 32 , 18io ; Arro
DJc ; Clarcmont B B. 15Jc ; Coneit
tra , 17ie ; Hamilton D , llje ; Lewi
SO , 15c ; Minnehaha4-4 , 20c ; Ouieg
pxtro 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl Ither 32.icj
nam XX blue tttrine , 12c ; .Shetu
lOic ; do S3 12c ; Yeoman's blue :
DENIMS. Amoskcak , blueand
tGJc ; Andover DD blue , IGJc ; Ar
blue Scotch , 18ic ; Concord OOO , b !
brown , 12&c ; do AAA , do do l.'tj ; di
: lo do 14ic ; Haymaker's blue nd
Jc ; Mystic River DD stripe , IGfcc ;
River , blue and bruwn , 15Jc ; Unc
lilue and brown , 13ic.
CAMBRICS Barnard , 51c ; Edi
lining , 24 inch double face , 8jc ; Gni
, -lazed , 5e ; Manhattan glove finisl
Newport do Gc ; do glazed , 5Jc ; Petp
K ; Lo > .kwood kid brush , Cc.
CORSET JEANS-Amory , 89 ;
soggin nattcen , HJc ; Clarendon , Gijcj
toga Ratteens , 7\c ; Hallowell , Be ;
Orchard iniroved ] , 7Jc ; Narraganse
t'ejiperill sat teen , 9Jn ; Rockport , 7
PRINTS Aliens , 6Jc ; America !
> Vrn ld , 7c ; Berwick , 4Jc ; Cochec
ones oga. Gjc ; Dunkirk , 4Jc ; D
5J@7c ; Eddystone. 7e ; Gloucesti
Harmnny , 6 0 ; Knickerbocker , CJe
rimao 1) , 7o ; M ystic , 6Jc ; Sproput
iouthbridge , ( ic ; do. Ginghams , 7c ;
Him , 5e : Oriental , Gic.
GINGHAMS Amoskcag , lOic ;
ceag dress 12J ; Argyle , 10c ; At
Ic ; Cumberland , 7Jc ; Highland
enllworth , 8ic ; Plun kett , lOJc
lex , 8c.
Vgate , 20c ; American , lie ; Artisia
3air D and T , 13Jc ; Clarion I )
.7Jc ; Iec an Co. stripes D and T , IGc
tone , 13Jc ; Nr.ntncket , 19c ; Non
.Go ; Ocean I ) and T , ISje ; Royal ,
Sussex , 12c ; Tioga. 12Jc ; Wachumsti
ng checlia , 12 c ; do , Nankin , 12c ;
ilain Nankin. 12&c ; do , clieckN , utrii :
ancy , 12Jc ; do , 8 or , 20c.
SHEETINGS-Androccogdn -
lo 9-1 , 24c ; do 8-1 , 22c ; C.intinen
12 , lie ; Fruit of ihe Ix > nm 10-4. 27J
* f"ork mills 98 , Me ; do 78 , 30c ; do M.
'embroke 10-4 , 25e ; Pemiot 10-1 , 25
4 , 19e : do 49 , IGc ; Pepperell DC
lo G7. 21c ; do 57 , 18c ; Ulica OG , i
18 , 22ie ; do 48,17c
Council Bluffs Market.
Flo\ir Manufactured by Crystn
> ity Mills. 3 75 ® 1 50 ; Kansas uric
ouri flour , 3 50@4 25 ; graham , 3 7
lour , 3 10. and Shorts 17 00 per ton.
Chop Com 22 50 per ton.
Wheat No. 2 , 8115 ; No. 3 , 9
ected , 70.
Com No. 2it , rejected 43.
Oats Ko. 2 , 40c ; rejected , 35 < . .
Barley No. 2. OOc ; No. 3 , 75c.
Hay li K0 00.
Wood-C 00@8 00.
Ll\e Hogs 5 505 75.
Cattle-Shipping , 4 00(555 00 ; '
own : tO 00 © 15 ( X ) per head ; In
lock , 2 7fi@ 00.
Sheep 1 005 00.
G IHdeH-flc ; O ti hides , 8c.
Wool 15 < § ) r , .
Butter-3035c. (
l'otato s-l 00@1 20 ; sweet , 4@5
Onion -l 25@1 40.
Croud Junction Movket
GUANO JUNCTION , la. , Nuu-mb
Eggs 17c.
Butter 10@18c.
Chicago Jfroauco.
( JiHCAOO. Novembi
On 'Change the nmrlceU weru rpili
niceH weroiv hadu higher undci
iillutnces , the receipts of grain wcr
lusheln by canal niut 831 car loads I
miimclng Ml of wheat , MM of corn ,
iatn , 7 of rye and 19 of barley.
Flour Dull and rmiet , local j
loldlng off ; common to choice sprim
L-ni,5J COCi'i 75do ; Minnesota ,
low crude.83 TWaJi OOi ) pfttontu . 87 OU
( A9 10 : r\e Jlour , 3.'i 80 ( G li ; bu
Hour , S9 OOfrtlO ( K ) .
Wheat The warkft was iuit <
nnd nn unicttlcd ( rclitif ; existed ,
pMiK-d ithhigherprlcrs , Forelpr
rather uuf.tvoralilp ami market
wvakcr with rArly trwding ht lo
oc. A good spiculatlvti drinni
ev r , soon Hprftlii : up nnd with ooir
atloi advanced IBPilllr. then
w ' k-r , dcoliiilng fiCJc per bu-hol
U'd , and i lihliy cmed about iWi'
on it ular bn.trd , and on mil al $1
Ni\ember ( ; $1 2H | for Deceml i ; S
Corn -During the rarly part of
kton , thr umikct WAH firmer nnd
nccount ,
act \ on sptrulitthr
jiaiiied with nur.vlual iulv > ne il
of J@Jc. Shortly i ( Ur noon the
weitkeiu-d and pricei receded 4c
lar bo.trd , anil on call closed at ' <
Novemlur ; f > 9Je for IVcrmbrr ; (
for Jainnry ; 050 for May ; G4i@.G
May ; BSJu for thcy " r.
Outs A firmer fueling WK df
dun mainly tu iutprotrmcnt in otli
kctr , trmlva4 on xpi'cuUliv * t
No. 2 , C < M > I UAI about < o IdKhi
cloi > ed itt 113oJ4'JjJc ( for Norembr
for December ; 42 p fir January ;
M y.
KyeFlim anddemnnd lair ; prl
maicrially chnngrd ; No. 2 clon-d
for Novpinlif r | 9tc for December ;
Jutiuary ,
Barley Qnlrt nnd fair , wlthoul
rl il chwitfe ; No. 'J * l 81 01JCll 04 f
veitibor ; 51 t.5@l . OC for Deci'mbr r ,
Pork St-ndy at slightly highci
cloned nt 15 7BS1GOO | for c.nn ;
for Decrml or ; $17 02J for J
817 27i for Kwbrunry.
Lurd Higher : cloird at $10 ;
Nu\ ember ; $1 924 for Deren.bcr
for J i , ry : S12 22J@12 25 for ) V
811 S5 for Mni-ch ; 810 75 for thu y ,
Bulk Moats Strong ; short rifn
at 8:1 (10 ( for November ; SH 10 for
b r ; § S G2J fo Jinuiary ; 58 80 ferry
ry ; $ S 9. ) fitr Match ,
lluttor Thuri ; nui n Might fall
in the dem toil from the l' ' > cal In
ported by dealers , Receipts and o
of f.n were not huge ; holders IM | > Her
and medium
er prices , butcnmuion
were dull with niuplo supply ,
and shippers doing very
tlo : cholco to fancy TI
31@38c ; ordinary to good do , 1
good to fancy dttlry , 2G ( < i > 32c ; rmn
fair di > , l ( ' > ( $22c ; Lullu pikckcd , Hfi
Eggs 'trictly frei.h in fuir rn |
local trade at 12@23 ; pickled , 10(0 ,
1.1 v Btooh.
CniCAno , Nuveml
CaUlo Market htcady ; good to
G 00@7 00 ; fair to medium , 5 ( K
common , dull it 4 0 @ 4 70 ; hi
slow at 2 25 ( 3 Wi ; stnckers. von
: .t 2 30@3 00 : feeder * , 3 20@3 85 ;
atWo-ruS ; ImlMneeds , 400MI f
coipt' , | 4,5X ) ; shipments , 1,000.
Hogs Market weak ; mixed p
r > GOSt ; ; 05 ; choice heavy , 3 a
light , 5 G0@5 90 ; culls nnd grasw
( j'r 00 Receipts , 32,000 hrad ;
mvnU 3,500.
Sheep Market nctlvo find firn
mon to fair , 3 OOtfiU 00 ; good to
425500. Receipts , 1,200 ; nhii
St. Lenin Prodnoe.
ST. IXIUIH. Koveml
Flour Quiet nnd unchanged.
Whent Opened lower , and ai
with a iiuiet inurement ; Nn. 2 red ,
131 for cash ; 1 3TjJ@l 37 for Dec
1 381(3)1 ( ) 10 for Januury ; 1 41Jji.l (
Corn -Higher and Blow ; COiiGl (
cash ; C2jrtGio } ( fur December ; Gil 1
Tanuary ; 04G12c fur February ; G
for May.
Oats Better and clew ; 42jSiicf ( ;
13 © tic for December ; 45C for Ji
47 e for ay.
Rye -Higher at 91c.
Hurley Unchanged ; prime to
1 00@1 15.
Lead Quiet at 4 90.
Butter Unchanged.
Eggs Unchanged ,
Whisky Lower nt 1 10.
Pork Dull ; peddling nt 17 25.
Dry Salt Meats Nominal.
Lerd Nominal.
Bacon D nil ; 825@10 1010 60.
Rec'ts. SI
Flour . 41000
Wheat . 15,000
Corn . 10,000
Oats . 4,000
Rye .
Barley . 25,000
FUt.Tjum Oil Market.
Oil Market opened at 83Jc ; cl
icon at 83ic ; Antwerp , r fmw
'rancs ' ; shipments were 43,228 bbl
torn were 40,030 bbls ; Pittsburc
Pe or la Pradaoa.
PKOIIIA , Noveml
Wheat Dull.
Corn Opened oaiy. liut ruled
irm , and closed shade higher ; h > gh
9 c ; mixed , 59c ; No. 3 , 58c ;
)7Sc ; no grade , 57c ; new ; 51c.
Oats Modurately active , tinn an
r ; No. 2 white , 42 c ; mixed , 41
octed , 42c.
Rye Still inactive and firm at
Ions ; No. 2. 9Gc.
li irley Quirt and unsettled.
Highwincs Unsettled.Ree'tn.
Wheat . 4,100
3orn . 43,050
Oats . 145
{ ye . 3,475
Parley . 1,100
St. Louis Live Stock.
ST. LOUIH , Noveml
Hogs Unchanged ; supply ma' '
nixedl packinglvery light ; shipping ,
40 ; Yorkers , 5 G0(35 85 ; n ixcd pi
10@G 00 ; butchers' to fancy , fi 10
teceipts , 4,800 : shiiinents | , 2,100.
Liverpool Prodnoa.
Flour Anicrlcni , 10n Gd ( < " ? ,13H
Wheat Winter , 10s Gd"llH Id ;
Oi 10.1(5)1 ( ) Is lil ; Miring , 9i lOdfa ,
lull , HH ld@llsC'.i.
Coni 5 lOd ,
Pork 77n Od.
Lard 58s _
Cleveland Marliot.
Cl.KVI.I.A.NTJ , Nuvrmlx
Putroleum Finn ; utandard whil
est , 7c.
Toledo Proanoo
TOLKDO , Noveml
\ \ hfiit Ojuiet and ( inner ; Nn
. 33J f r cash ; I 35J for Decembei
lor Jiitiimry : 1 40 | fur February.
Corn Quiet and firmer ; I igh
52c ; No. 2 , WJc for cash ; r/Jfc fi
amber ; GOu for January ; CGo for
Oats Quiet and unchanged ;
Clnoliinatl Prodno .
( /'INCINMATI. Nnvemb
MOHI Pork Jobblnif , 18 25@18
Lard Uuiet ; priinu utu m , 10
Bulk Meats -Quiet ; clear MK ;
J 15.
Bacon Quiet ; clear n5de , 11 00.
Flour Kasy ; family , G 'jnfe7 40 ,
Wheat-Quiet ; No. 2 red 1 30.
Corn-Higher ; No , 2 mixed , Glc ,
Oats Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , -15o
Ryo-l-'irmcr ; No. 2. 1 00.
Barleyiay : ; N . 2 , fall , 00c@l
WhKty U'enk at 1 08.
I'artiua Jcavini ; town or d IDIOTS
liuir liopsuluild t'lfuclB will
nonoy Wy calliny on A. L. K
Jo. , "p/ ! South J2th Htreot , wl
ho highest OABII pricu for Ht
land furnituro. no
Plonsftnt Colobmtion b ;
Omaha Mtunuorohoi
The worthy president of the
Maonnorclior Kouiuty , Kd. Wir
in most cheerful uiani
Uio tenth annivornnr }
coimoctiun with thu nocioty n
tivo tnumbvr. Mr. Wirth hn
invsidunt twice in that time
prvnunt holds that ofllco. Abou
of the niumhern of thu
and tlu-ir friciuln were
annivrriinry whicli was hold
M > ci ly' iipartinontn in lira ml t
on 10th nnd Houard ntrout
rnom was very prettily decorat
numoroua appropriate mottoni
hunt ; in coiinpicuiniH positions , th
iilont doing all of the work uii
own hand , which wan uocviMary
custom of thu nocioty.
About U o'clock , wliun thu co
had anieinblod , the proiidont wi
grotuUtod in u brief Apvech (
occurrence of no uotnblo an on
the yrosont ono , and rotpoiu
cotihidurabht Iciiu'tli , in which 1
viowud the projiroiiB of Iho Sti
chop nooioty since ho hud boci
immthur , and in turn con rat
lim brothur uiotnborn upon thoi
ci'BR nnd improvi'inunt ,
After Homo lumininq inci
llonry SlniHsbur , in bi < h : lf
Buciety , proacntud tlio prcsultMit
i heavy nnd beautiful void
chain , uUucliml toluoh WIIA a
ivnt iiiHcribotl , "I'rcnuiiUul to K.
l > y Omaha Alivniuirclinr Hocioty
7 , 1881. " Mr. Wirtli wu i
surpriticil , nnd in u few oxproiui
his ynitiliido avovvnd IUH ptirpt > t
iniiiii a Sionvor UK long ut ho liv
Herman LnvuiiH niiido H pointi
nppropriuto Hu > L ch , which wan
runliud to. The Moboror bimin
the ovi-nii'g boiiij ; o\or , the i
vud thuir nuimtB indulgud in in
hut huarty fun , and tlio Hociutj
Bovurul appropriate HOIUS , Sulu
sung by lltmry HtiRsly nnd j
hCoin , tlio Hociuty joining in the c
The > vholo occasion \VIIB a mo
[ oyublo ono , und \\a hoartly u
into by uvoiy ouo. Aiming the
born of the Miinucclmr who Imv
roiichod the tenth unnivorHnry c
roiuictiin with the nocioly arc
Wirth nnd Fnul Kiniinul. All
[ icrity in the futuiu , in the lie
To the Indii'H of Oiniihn n :
Council lilutla roquQating t
pk'OHuro of their prcaunuo
Wodnosduy , the Jlth inat. .
which tnno will bo ilisplny
for their inupoction und n
proval a now iuvoico of ii
ported DohnaiiH , Drcmu
SacqucHFurLinodand Pin
Tritnmod Wraps nnd Cloa
uiodolod in tlio most npprov
style nud latest fanciCH. Fei
in ; , ' assured that no invoice
uqual murit has over boon d
played iu thin r.ity , compr
ing HO many forms of vlugar
and comforts. Wo inv
your approval feeling u ;
guinu of our ability to plo :
the moit fantidious taatca.
McDUNALD'S Emporium
Fashion , 1408Fnnihani8troi
, j - . -
Pianos and Organs , po to A. 1
1519 Doduo Htroot.
W. E. Lauonstoin has jimt i
at 220 North Sixteenth ntroet
and now stock of ntnplo and
GrocoricH. Everything fresh nn
iivo him a call. i
Choice Salt Potatooa at Win.
plenum's. _ no's
Champagne Jelly , Prongs , Al
Pusto , Tuscan C lives , A thu
Sauce , California White Chorrii
ported Gorman Stawbqrriea , ]
2-iporH , lloyal Celery Salt , and fc
L'aato , nro the latent novolticA
counters of Eronch , the ( grocer.
Tlio lively trndo nt Hubun
lowolry House whowe that peoj
irociuto good nrticles und p
Frpdcrick'H ? 3.00 Stiff Hi
rapidly. nc
The Omaha Furrier , IJoni
Uchtw , 1,1)22 ) Farnliam ntrool
and Four
.wt'on Thirteenth
itruuts , invito.i hutiiMi nnd ( { out
, o vinitandtixumino hia Hjiluud
fortmunt of fine Fuw , CSlovo
Wintur Caps. no\
On Wild Bxporimonta
\DI\ nil 1 Iccratlte , Iiilhnimator ) nnd
i of the T roil anil Nuui
The Only Reliable Treati
nrlntnl illructtoM ind the if.
te U oriMo In LV ry HHU. Indltiuiii
iiallKiikiit ( ci nr , T r lie < t me Ildnu iOr
jit.rih , lttu < curcxl liuuilii-dit of OKI
ill other reiuiUlts Wild , I'ritu WOO
xpren C , O. I ) , A lli.urkl d nxiunt lo a ,
Mortality from Dlohtherla Ik Hunla tu
Qieiitvituven | icr mni Jn tliu United
ho inorlalllf Irom IilpMhtiU 1 < nit ) \ >
Jndcr lit JtfferU' tnatmcnt tl ilriU
inly nnfltth c ( ou per cent. , or out
lltind < J < of wltnewn In Council 111
hroujfhout thu UiiUnu HMtm dolmtll ,
' oiidurluUuicMK In tlm i <
. Jfferi
) r. (
> ( li ] > ) itluTli , Midttl o ol hl < uriuatKlU . :
tut In thi ) trcatiiitntcl ( ndlid'.lQii , nlu.
f failure nnd mitt' rlnif under ntlif r tnu
> ) i > iMla | j the nu'c of nliatylho i-tr
kit oNtiiHM , lintli ineiitr.l uid | > ) i ) lrul
IcUniattlkB wIMIvat cflictn , mid lit tin
tmaln toitenlrurthv jutlcnt.
In writing frr * iH-vl l tii'utmuit 3
t.ti mei.t ol fii'itonn | ClurRiM rcaaui
* C.'UJll-II IIIUO. ,
NovD-u ,
9 l-4Pepperal Sheeting 22 l-2c
former price 30c.
10 1-4 Pepperal Bleached Sheel
ings 7 l-2c , former price 40c.
Canton Flannel 7 l-2c , former
price 12 l-2c.
Canton Flannel Me , former
price 16 2-3c.
All-Wool Scarlet Flannel 25c ,
former price 32 l-2c.
Ail-Wool White Flannel § 7 I-2c ,
former price 37 l-2c.
An Immense Stock of these
Goods in all Grades at the
oston Store.
Special Attention
Is Once More Called to the Fact that
Rank foremost in the West in Asso rtment and
Prices of
Furnishing Goods
Hats and Caps.
Wo nro'proparcd to niuut the domnnda of the trndo In regard to Latest Style *
and Patterns. Fine Merchant Tailoring iu Connection
1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th St
In 'Convenience ,
. Lang & Fotick
Lath and Shingles ,
Yard and Office 16th and Cumings Street , two blocka
north of
[ in-
the Oldest Wholesale and
111 B Retail Jewelry House in
ilar Omaha. Visitors can here
sell find allnovelties in Silver
Mt Ware , Clocks , Rich and
Stylish Jewelry , he Latest
bo- test , Most Artistic , and
Kill ith Choicest Selections in
IIHnd Precious Stones , and all
f descriptions of Fine
Watches at as Low Pri
FE ces as is compatible with
honorable dealers. Call
.T- and see our Elegant New
Store , Tower Building ,
corner llth and Farn-
lam Streets
General Agents for the
Finest and Best Pianos and
Organs manufactured.
Our prices are as Low as
any Eastern Manufacture
and Dealer. *
Pianos and Organs sc
for cash or installments i
Bottom Prices.
A SPLENDID stock <
Steinway Pianos , Enabe
Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi
anos , and other makes.
Also Clough & Warren ,
Sterling , ' Imperial , Smith
American Organs , &c. Do
not fail to see us before pur
It will
itonlo ilo In MEYER & CO.
ulintu Max . ,
it by
nt * .
1 unt.
ate In
In live
In * ivl
to Dr.
I mic.
Ill ( ll
cauto I'll ) . Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards.
e ll lull . Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards.
rlin Cigars from $15,00 per 1,000 upwaxds *