Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1881, Image 8

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Monday Morning , Nov 7.
"For Sheriff ,
DA.VI1J N. MII.Tilili.
J"or Trwuiuror ,
For Cl rk ,
Far ComniimioiiM- ,
n. i1. KNIOHT.
For Simcror ,
For Supcilntcnrlentof Instruction ,
For I oroner ,
I COf.l.
Jfrederlclj faftdlnz Ifnttcr.
UoMJe. Ho'.likbte Hatter.
OloTe * t tlio 01) ) cent toro.
Ladlw Hand Bag/i allhoO'J cent Bloro
Flno Hue of .Sponge * and Chamoi
Shin * nt Kuliu'ri drug ntoro Nl-tf ,
Short Hnnd taught at Jiunlncnn Co
lego. oct.0-141
Head Mw. Lin i I'cUin' corrected nffi
davit on Cth page.
Hubbcr VooU and nhoe nt Haswitx &
WellH. 1422 Douglas * street : T&S.
Oh , K live Honey. Culory and
Lemons , nt French * ' , 1119 Farnham St.
specialty of I'reacrlptlwu nt Opera
houM I'hannncy. Scimitar & Uocht.
Old ( { old exchanged for new jowoJry at
Kdholm < t Krickson's , opposite the poit ;
3ice. octM-tf
Hargains in Ixvita and nliocs hefora
loving t l.viwiU ) & Wells. 1,122 lou
asrt street. T&S.
Swiw choose Imported and imitation ,
wholesale nnd retail , nt H. Moyer'n , 207
Bontli 1.1th Rtreot.
Itnswitr. ft Wells , dealer * in boots nnd
BOOOH will remove in a few dayH to ll. ydi'
Now Opera 1 ( OUHO. T&H.
Nindcl and Kro 1 Sign of the golden
hat213houth Mthhtrccti are d.iily in re
ceipt of fin > ( -clotted good * in the hat nnd
cap 1 no for men , boyn and children.
These go > < U lut o been ordered from the
best eastern manufacturer * to milt their
largo fnll and winter tr.tile. ( Jive them a
Ono hundiixt und fifty-nine beautiful '
residence lot * , locntvd on Hamilton Rtreot ,
half way between the turn tiblo of the ,
red ntrcot rar line and the waterworks
rtncrvoir nnd addition , mid ! u t went of
the convent of the Hijlorn I'oor Clnlro in '
Shinn'B addition. 1'ricos range from $75
to $100 each , nnd will bo Hold on cany
tonrn to thoHo who will Imnrovo , H mh *
real ustato oKcncy , l''iftcontn und Uouglaa .
MlrriMlo Dlotn- ,
"Your HpriiiR l > lo < * Hem is n HUCCCBS. I
certainly think it * elfectH are wonderful ;
nil the JyH | > eptic HyinptomH 1 complained
of have vanished ; my wife in almi outhusi'
nstic in pralto of it ; nhu wits dUli urcd
by blotchfH nnd pmpl ! < H on her f.iee , and
had a cnntlnuouH headache. She in nil
right now , ii'id all unsightly erupt OUH
h v gone. You may refer any doubting
nnrtieH to mo. 1C. M. WII.MAJIHOX ,
"K\k \ Htrcet , Utilldlo. "
Price , 50 cento ; triul bxttlen , 10 cuiitri.
"Wolls1 Health Uonowor , " gmntoat
tomudy on earth for impotunco , leanness -
ness , sexual debility , ito. Onu dollar
nt druggiat'B. Depot , 0. F Good
man. ( C )
Mr. Goo. A. Van liiwegon , who ban for
the pint two yearn boon the book-keeper
for tlio Chicago lumbar company , ban ac
cepted a similar portion with llor & Co.
in their nov.1 und elegant < iuirter.i ; on Hnr-
ney ntreut. The position which Mr. Van
Tnwoxon iwcepts i u more remunerative
me , amlour best winlien go with him for
10 i * a Hteady nud reliable young man well ;
inalilied to take charge of itny nut of
find it hard to 'loq > in good huulth ,
owing to the cunstnut chunuo of
watur , diet nud the jurring of the
cars. All tluisu things injaru the
kidnoyn , while NV.xrnor'B Sifo : Kidnuy
nnd Liver Ouro is certain lo counter
act tliuiu. lw
Music ill tbo Air.
Profcuflor Songor IIOH hoon cnllnd
nwny from hifl uttito of active work lo
direct the put f ornimico of Gilbert and [
Sullivftii'a honutiful opera "Tho Sor-
ooror , " nt Council iJlufl'u. The opunv
has boon in rchoraal there a iiuiuhor
of months , nnd promises to bo nn
event of moro limn usual importance.
Col. L. W. Tullies , MIBH Oliver ,
Mr. mid Miss Ollicor , Mm. Van Or-
man , Mihfl Murtlu , in fact nil the bent ,
talunt in Ihu Blull's , is in the nfliiir.
ifr. Ilnrrv 1'arr , of thin city , nnd our
I dinlingiiiBliud vocul teacher , Mi&u Ar
nold , are iilBo in the cant , filling , of
course , two of the most important
roles. The opera will bo presented
two nights this week , and the follow
* ug Friduy night and Saturday in mat
nee at lioyd's uporu house , this city.
Get Oat Door * .
The close coniitieiuunt of all factory
vork , gives the operative * pallid faces ,
poor nppotile , languid , uiiierablo fvul-
ingB , poor blood , inactive liver , kid
neys and urinary troubles , und all tin :
physicians and medicine in the world
cannot help them unless they gel oul
of door * or use Hop Hitters , the
pu'ost and best remedy , especially for
Buclwsa os , having abundance of health
sunshine and rosy chcoko in Ihom
They coat' but a tritle. Sue another
column , Christian Recorder , nov 15
Dr. "Amelia Burroughs , Withnel
houserTui > a < lay und Kriduys , 10 a in
eiii , iudigwtluu iitiil licurtburii.
At a f , nonjinoii.
A. W. jjfyllriodo , 1 12 Douglas
near 13lh'olfers ono uf the livsl uiu
largest Block of liootn nnd BliocH
Good in qualily mid very law in price
everything warranted lo givu uuUsfuo
tion nnd ono price lo all. Call before
buying ulsewhoro. Hoota inadu lo
Older , s
la tbo Verdict of the Coroner'
Jury in Col. Smith's Oaso.
A Foul-Mouthed Villain Writoi
a Threatening Postal Card ,
Action by the Citizens and Ba :
HeavyEowords Offered Forth
Aeaassin ,
Mooting and Addresses at the
Academy of Mueic.
Tito Searoh Borjrun Actively , Bat No
Oluo ai Yet Obtnlncd.
The horrible and atrocious murder ,
of which Colonel Watson It. Smitl
was the viclim , and of which the ful
details were given in Saturday morn
ing's IlKK , was of courno tlio sensutioi
of Saturday , and ntill continues lo bo
the subject of consideration among al
classes of citizmis. From tlio hour oi
its discovery until daylighl Saturday
morning , the remains lay whore the
unfortunate man was stricken down ,
being guarded by detail of police
AI 8 o'clock , Coroner Jacobs im
pannolludn jury consisting of James
Stcplicnson , A. Atkinson , J. 13.
Furay , J. I , Uodick , F. McShano ,
J ) . L. Shane , wlio were aworn in
in the hall of the building whore the
body lay , and viowud the corpse ,
which was immediately after
removed to Mr. Jacobs' undertaking
rooms , whore a post mortem was sot
for 10 o'clock. The watch , ring ,
money and valnblea were all found ,
showing that the robbing wait not the
object of Uio crime. Jn Ihu largo
poet ulbook was
addressed "Watson II. Smith , city , "
and postmarked "Omaha , October
20th , 12 in. " The reverse Hide cf this
card bore the words
Upon doing as directed the pre
viously illegible communication waa
soon to bo as follows :
"You dirty Httlo slinken white
'leaded Boii-of-a-b . If
- - - you over
ntcrfcro with my business again I
vill cut your out as mire as your
mine is Shistor. You dirty
lipocrit. You are. a toolo
'or a dirty sneak. I will meet you
m the cross roads. T. A. "
The blanks are supplied , the origi-
ml being lee outrageous for publica-
vas conducted by Dra. Goo. V , Ayrca ,
tollman , Moore , Douiao , Gibbs and
Mercer. The ball was found to have
3iitenul a little in front of the left
jar and fractured the bones
in n great many pieces , so that , < Uio
icalp being removed , the entire skull
iviia Inid open without the Uhe of the
mw. The ball passed through the
brain and oul above and behind the
right ear , making a clean passage ,
while il must have been that a "slung
shot" wax afterwards used to make
uiro of the deadly work. The bones
were all splintered and small pieces
found half way through tbo brain.
At the conclusion of thu post mor
tem the inquest wns begun. .
The following witnesses were
iworn : N , A. Kulin , John O'Dono-
luo , Howard Smith , K. 12. Allen , Dr.
11. 0. Moore , L. M. Doy , lrs. More-
ir , Coll'inaii , Denise and AyeiH , U , L.
VIoody , and G. M , Lamhort.ion.
The facts elicited were materially
IH staled above.
The jury deliberated and hoard
cstiniony until 2 o'clock in thu after
noon , when , after a slight consulta
tion , ( hey agreed upon the following
verdict of murder :
The jury Hud that the deceased
eamo to his death nt the door of his
ollico in the United Stateu court house
and postollico , in the city of Omaha ,
Nebraska , after 10 o'clock and iifteon
minutes on the night of November
4th , 1881 , by a gunshot wound through
the head , inflicted by soinu person or
persons to the jurors unknown. And
wo do further find that the killing win
a premeditated and malicious murder.
Signed. ] JOHN 11. Fuiuv ,
T. J. McSllANK ,
A. W. l'llKLl',1 ,
The following bill was issued and
distributed about the city Saturday
A mooting of the eilizuns of Omaha
will be hold at the Academy of Music ,
nt 3 o'clock , p. m. , to express their
horror al this terrible crime , and to
lake such action ns may bn necessary
to assist the legal autlioiitius in thu
speedy detection of the murdoror.
When the district court opened Sat
urday Colonel E. F. Smytlio moved
that thu court adjourn out of respocl
for the memory of Colonel Watson 11.
Smith , nnd , after sumo discussion , it
was HO determined. Immediatuly after a
adjournment of court a moutingof the
bar wna called , lo tuko notion upon the
death of ono of ( heir number. On
motion , Juityo Wakoly wns unaiii.
niously oloolul president ol the meet
ing.1 Upon taking the clmir the judge
made nit eloquent impromptu speech ,
in which ho highly eulogized ( ho deceased -
ceased ,
A motion that a committee on
resolutions bo appointed l > \
the president was carried ,
and the following gentlemen
wcro named as mcmbuis of ( hut com
milleo ; Col. 0. S. Chiwo. I Ton. E.
Entabrook , lion. John 1. Kodick ,
Hon. G , W. Donne , Hon. 1 . O. Ifawos ,
Goo , S. Gilbert , A. N. Ferguson ,
Hon. J. L. Webster , 1C. W. Simoral ,
A motion wa then inado to adjourn
for u week or moro until the cnuuo ol
Col. Smith's death should have beet
determined. This motion excited
quitoauiuiatoddiscussion , during which
Mr. Howe said that ho doubted the
propriety of any meeting of the bar ,
inasmuch nfl the deceased WAS never n
practicing lawyer. Gen. Kstabroo
favored thu motion to wait , int.niatiiij
an intention of cipreinInK i" the res
ulutions whit the bar considered th
c.iuao of death ,
This motion , however , was over
ruled , and tlio meeting tuijiurnod tin
til 4 o'clock Saturday evening , when
the committee will reported.
The committee held n session afto
the bar meeting and fiiiaHytro olvci
to adopt no immediate resolutions , am
appointed a dub-committee of three to
draft proper resolutions at some futur
time. The sub-committee are Honi
Q. W. Donne , J. L. Webster and J
0 , Hnwos ,
The following , from the liquor men
is the first oiler of n reward. It ex
plains itself )
450O Kowavd for tlio ant
Conviction of the Mitrdorer o
Col. Watson B. Smith.
On the night of the 4th of November
bor , Col. Watson 11. Smith -wan murdered
dored at the door of lib ollico in tin
postollico building , Omaha. So great
n crime should not go unpunished.
Justice to the fair nrunu um"
reputation of this community , a. "
well as thc _ punishment of
the olTenae , reijuiro that the porBoi :
guilty of the heinous crime bo fount
out and punished for bin act.
The great wrong of misdirected
suspicion to individual interests and
potBotml reputation , ai well as social
order , demands that every effort be
put forth to bring the guilty offender
Lo justice.
Therefore , as an inducement to the
oflicers of the law to be most vigilant
in the dejection of the guilty one
and to aid in the work the MerchanU'
uul Manufacturets' Union of Ne
braska freely offer and will pay a re
ward of live hundred dullara to the
pewon who shall wecuro the arrest
md conviction of the person guillyof
; ho murder of Col. Watson 11. Smith.
At a special meeting of the officer *
if the Merchants' and Manufacturers'
inion of Nebraska , held this fith day
of November , 1881 , by a unanimous
resolution of said meeting the above
reward was offered and will bo paid.
P. E. ILKR , President.
The following offer of nn additional
oward of ? 200 is made by the Good
'emplara society :
'a tlio fclltar'Thu ) ( life.
OMAHA , November 5 , 1881. Allow
no throuuh yourcolumiiH to oiler n to-
vard ot (8200) ( ) two hundred dollars
or the arrest and conviction of the
ssoHsin of Col. Watson U. Smith.
G. W. C. T. of Good Templars.
The murder having boon committed
n property owned by the United
tates , the criminal , if caught , wi Ibe
ubject only to their jurisdiction , if
o over needs any. United States
) intrict Attorney Lambcrtson and the
ocal bar and otliciary are all at work
o strike the trail.
The meeting held at the Academy
f Music at. ! p. m. Saturday , in re-
[ uniso to the citizens' call , was nt-
ended by several hundred poisons
nd was nn occasion marked by ex.-
ressions ot the deepest oyinpathy.
Absolute solemnity pervaded the as-
ombly and it was in all respects in
oeping with the sad circumstances
vhioli had called it together. The
uayor ,
HOX. JAMES K. 110YI ) ,
.rns chosen chairmanand upon assum-
ng that position uuid :
'The whole community is nhocked
t the tragedy which occupies all
linds and moves nil hearts. A most
trocious crime has been perpetrated
n our midat. Ono of the nu st worthy ,
prominent and unoffending citizens
us been stricken down by the hand
f an nss.isaiii in the dead hour of
ight , nnd wo have met hero at this
imo to take a dispassionate view of
lie lamentable occurrence , nnd to de-
ido upon moauurcs to aid the legal
uthorities to bring the villain who
unlimited the deed to speedy justice.
AH mayor of thin city I wish to say
iit ; I do not believe that ai.y particu-
ar class of our citizens are ri'sponsi-
lo for this crime. I believe it was
liu murderous net of some degraded
retch , and that the organization upon
vhich unjust reflection hrm been cast
ro equally anxious with us nil to
ave the guilty punished , and I am
iforiiu-d that they have set apart
ifiOO for that purpose. Any action
rou take an law abiding citizotiH will
ecoivo my hearty co-opuration. "
J. U. French was chosen secretary ,
uid upon motion the following com-
uittee of seven was appointed by the
hair to draft suitable resolutions for
vloption by the convention ; Dr.
ililier , Judge Savage , Fred Nye , IT ,
\ . McShane , Horace Newman , 0. F.
> avin and G. W. Hall. Judge Suv-
igu being absent , owing to his posi-
ion as dibtrict Judge , Gen. Eatabrouk
van appointed in his place.
While the committee wan or.t Hon.
fohn L. Webster spoke at mmio
ength in regard to the action anpro-
) rmte for the mooting , of the shock-
up and atrocious character of the
3D mo , and of the high standard of
slmraotcr in both public and private
ifo attained by Col. Smith ,
vcro then reported to the meeting as
ollowu :
"Whereas , Col. Watson U. Smith ,
citir.en universally esteemed by all
; oed men in the community for his
ligh Christian character and personal
.vortb , has neon ntricken down by the
land of an assassin in the prime of
! iis manhood and in the midst or his
usefulness , the citizens of Omaha , assembled
somblod in mass meeting for the pur
[ wsoof exprowiug their sentiments
jpon a crime HO atrocious , and of doing -
ing what thpy may to aid thu authori
ties to vindicate the outraged laws ,
do icnulvo
1. Intelligence of the murder of
Colonel WaUon 11. Smith has been ro-
cpived by all classes of people in this
city with deep sensibility and pro
found regret.
2 , That a crime so utterly unprok d ,
brutal and infamous , could bo commit
ted in community so distinguished
for its law-abiding character and free
dom from the higher crimes , nnd upon
a man who was so conspicuous for his
kindness of heart and inolTenaivo dis
position and demeanor toward nil
men , iivcs just cause for alarm for the
Bftfoty of society ] and wo hold it to bo
the high duty of every citizen of thin
stale and city ( o exhaust every lawful
effort to aid the authorities in bring
ing its perpetrator , or perpetrators , to
speedy justice and condign punish
3 , The reported action of Hon. AI
binus Nance , thcgovernor of the state
in oifering n reward for the arrest an
conviction of the murderer of our eland
and lamented follovr-citizon , is received
ceived by us with great satisfaction.
4 In the untimely death of Col
Smith the state and city in which h
has lived BO long have abundant cauai
to lament the tragic fata , nnd to deplore
ploro the loss of an honorable , high
minded and useful citizen , whosi
name was without blemish , and whosi
upright and manly life was withou
5. The heartfelt sympathy of th
people of this city are hereby tenderei
to the stricken wife , fatherless children
dron , and the bereaved kindred of tin
deceased in their irreparable loss of nt
affectionate and devoted husband
father , son and brothorand the secretary
tary of this meeting is hereby requested
quested to transmit a copy of tlioa (
resolutions lo'Jhe mourning wife ami
parents of the dccoasea.
Dr. Miller , in speaking on the rcso
lutions , added a fitting tr.buto to the
life and character of Col. Smith , do
[ ) Iored the ciimo as a blow to thu so
cial order and good name of the city
which ho thought should now rise U
ind vimlicato the majesty of the law.
The villain nhould bo pursued with
Jio utmost energy , nnd the method of
bringing about vigorous measures , by
raising a fund by subscription , was
United Stale ; District Attorney
LiitmbcrtBon , in a pointed address ,
said , among other things : "The
crime was committed in the postollico
juilding , and 1 have notified the de
triment and bclievo they will send a
{ elective hero to hunt the assassin.
And I believe that ouch was the love
if the depart men I for thin man that
hey will join with the state is seeing
hut the Hssaugin is not only hunted
lown , but that the hide is stripped
rom his back when ho is found. "
General John 0. Cowin said that
'all felt the bullet that struck down
Watson 1' . Smith. I understand this
necting is foructionnot for laudation
of the dead. Wo are here to devise
ways and moans , and to si > o that the
leath of this man is properly pun-
shed , and lo HOO that the good name
of the state and the community in
iroperly protected. The matter will
jo thoroughly investigated , and the
mini who stood in the hall of the
Jnited States court house waiting for
lis victim is bound to bo discovered.
Murder will outl"
Chas. J. Green said that there is
no cKiis in the community who have
uoro anxiety to bring the assassin to
nstico than those who have disagreed
with Col. Smith.
Gen. Eastbrook declared that
nit for the morc'st accident ho himself
would have boon assassinated Huvoral
ays ago and ho was liable to bo the
next victim -Ho attributed the
loath of Col. Smith to rum , and
laimcd that the atmosphere of
) maha is tainted with murder. He
aid the motive of the assassination (
was known to all. That the death of
Jol. Smith was duo to the part he had
.ikon in temperance matters. Ilomen-
ionod the fact that a certain saloon-
coeper had placed a skull and cross-
ones on his saloon windows , with the
nscription "Sacred to the memory of
Vutson B. Smith. " "Now * do you
eo the motive ? " asked Gen. Esta-
> rook. Ho believed in enforcing the
uw at all hazard * .
Roy. J. W. Harris , pastor of the
laptist church ( Col. Smith's church ) ,
i an extended speech said that Col.
Smith died a martyr to his principles
nd hoped that the people here will
eo that law and order are preserved.
'I look forward to the judumout day
nd I see them uatherrd before the
iirono. 'There is no condemnation
.o them that are in Christ Jesus. '
And I ace Watson 31. Smith standing
n the army of the redeemed , with no
innily in his heart toward his nuir-
erer standing on the other side ,
long the condemned. "
Hon A. J. Poppleton spoke with
real feeling about the terrible death
f his friend , und impressed the au-
ienoi * n ith necessity and importance
f making every effort in their power
o ferret out the assassin , in the in-
crest of public morals and safoty.
The resolutions having been adopt-
d , [
Hon. A. E. Touzalin proprosod n ,
) lan for raising $10,000 , one-half of
ho amount to be at once offered ns a
oward for the arrest and conviction
f the assassin. The plan being
dopted , the following contract was
nterud into ;
"We , whoao names nrohoro signed ,
grco to pay to James E. lloyd ,
nayor of Oumlia , the sums of money
lerounto subscribed by us , any unused
> urlioiis thereof to be refunded pro-
Ktrtionately to us. The purpose of
his subscription is to raise a total
um of ton thousand dollars , five
housand dollars of which is to be used
as a reward for the apprehension and
onviction of the murderer or murder
ers of Watson 11. Smith , the ro-
uainder to be under the control of
James E. lloyd und to bo used by
lim for such purposes as ho may deem
VIBO and proper to secure the just
Hinishiuont of the murderer or mur
lorors. A board of trustees , consist
ng of three persons , shall constitute
in advisory board with whom Mr.
loyd may consult in declaring on
ilnns of action 'necessary to be pur
J. E. Uoyd , $100 ; A. E , Touz-vlin ,
$250 ; A. J. Popploton , § 100 ; Hor-
iiaii Kouutz , 8100 ; J. 11. Furay , $100 ;
Max Meyer , 8100 : John A. McSlmno ,
$100 ; 0. 11. Huborman , $100 ; L. B.
Williams , 8100 ; 0. W. Mead , $100 ;
M. G. Mclvoon , $100 ; P. E , Her ,
8100 ; A. J. Simpson , $100 ; Jaiiwu
Stephenson , $100 ; 0. F. D.ivia , $100 ;
E. K Vining , $100 ; G. W. Lininger ,
J100 ; P. 0. Himobaiigh , $100 ; Na-
lian Merriam , $100 ; E , L. Roy-
uolt , $25 ; E. A Esta-
brook , $25 ; J. G. Willis , $25 ;
J. S. McCormiok , $50 ; Omaha Republican -
publican , $25 ; 0. S. Stobbins. $50 ;
15. Xabriakio , $20 ; . J. L. Webster ,
? 50 ; Hioh. Kitchen , $50 ; G. M. Lam-
bertson , SOO ; George W. Gray , U. P.
railway , $200 ; Omaha National Bank
$100 ; O. W. Doatioe50 ; Willis Yatea
| 25 ; Horace Newman , $25 ; S. J
Howell , $25 ; J. H. Dermont , $25
Henry Hickman , $25 ; T. C. llruncr
$25 ; L. N. Morse , $25 ; W. J. Welsh
aui , $25 ; Elinor D. Frank
$25 ; J. 11. French & Cu. , $50 ; 0
Shiverick , 25j H. T. Clatkc , $100 ; G
A. Ciutrr post G. A. U. , $100 ; W. V
Morse , $50 ; Chns. Childo , $25 ; 0. M
Clark , $25 ; A. G. Hastings. $25 ; 0
. Mandorson , $50 ; Gco. W. Hall
625 ; J. 11. West , $26 ; Henry Horn
bcrgcr , $25 ; J. H. Kellom , $25 ; Senator
ator Saundcrn , $50 ; Wilson Reynolds
Fremont , flOO. Total , $4,150.
A. E. Touzlin , Herman Kounte am
Ezra Millard were appointed the trus
lees , with Mayor Uoyd as chairmai
and treasurer , nnd thereupon the fol
lowing wns isr.uod :
The ubovo ronard is In-ruby ofTorc (
for the detection and conviction o
the murderer or murderers of Col
oriel Watson II. Smith , late of Omaha
who was murdered the night
November 4th , 1881.
On bshalf the citizens of Omaha ,
The governor's telegram wan ns
follows :
LINCOLN , Novo.nbor 5.
H. CJrcbo , Deputy Hheriir :
Ask the sheriff to send oflicia
notice to-day. I will issue procla
uiatioii at ones ollering reward.
This Hwolls the sum of the olFurct
rewind to $5,000 , the governor's
being limited by law to $200
At a special mooting of the Good
Templars Saturday evening the fol
lowing resolutions were unanimously
adopted :
Resolved , That we , the members of
the L O. G. T. , feel deeply the loss of
our fellow citizen und worker in the
temperance cause , Col. Watson H.
Smith , and wo do jieieby tender our
sympathy to the friends and relatives
of thu deceased.
Resolved , That wo use every en
deavor to bring the assassin to justice.
Ilcsul veil , That ns the work in which
ho was engaged was a branch of our
work , and as ho wns working under
our b.innor , that wo deeply regret til's
loss of a temperance worker , u Chris
tian man and a law-abiding citizen.
Resolved , That wo earnestly prao
that condign punishment may by
meted out to the villain in duo time.
Resolved , Thatu copy of these reso
lutions bo forwarded to the bereaved
family. '
( Signed ) W. J. WAHD ,
E. P.
returned from David City , whore
Mrs. Smith und two children had
been visiting , at. 3:25 : p. in. Saturday ,
the Union Pacific olUcors holding the
train at David City until preparations
for the sad joutney were complete.
Depaty U. S. Marshal Hastings mot
the family at Valley and accompanied
them to this city.
The body of the dead man was re
moved at 4 p. m. Saturday from the
coroner's rooms to his late residence.
His ollico iu the postollico buil ling is
draped in mourning , and the flag
lying at half-mast. The Baptist
church also wears the sombre tokens
which have boon worn by the nation
during this fall.
takes plnco at 2 p. m. to-day , from
the First Baptist church , on Fifteenth
and Davenport streets.
were made yesterday , though the as
sassination continued to occupy all
minds , furnish the only theme of con
versation The moro the matter is
investigated , the moro mysterious it
becomes. There is a large force of
local detectives at work , and yesterday
two of Pinkerton's men arrived trom
thu'east. Theories are plentiful , but
the chances of an early capture are
not great.
A. Horse Killed and Two Wag
ons Smashed.
Friday morning , while a number
sf teams -vero standing nt the Tenth
street crossing , waiting for the passage
jf a freight train , two largo horses at
tached lo the wagon of Frisco & Co.
Omaha Safe company ) , became
frightened at the escape of steam from
in engine. The frantic animals nt
first plunged forward , and then to ono
side , completely wrecking the wagon
which \VM behind thorn.
A11101117 the other teams there was n
single horse and democrat wagon , be
longing to Gcorgo Collins , n second
hand stove dealer on Douglas street.
The , polo of the safe wagon was
plunged into the side of Collins'
liorse , and a hook on the end
pierced the poor animal's Hanks , tear
ing a gaping uouud about a foot in
length. Collins' wagon was entirely
demolished. After ono or two moro
fierce lunges ono of the frightened
team fell and they were secured with
out further danger. Collins' horse
will probably die. The total loss by
the accident , including the value of
the horse , is nearly $100.
Dit. KiNd'rt NKW DISCOVHRY for
Consumption , Coughs und Colds
Asthma , Bronchitis , etc. , is given
away in trial bottles freeof cost to
the afflicted. If you have a bad
eouyh , cold , difliculty of breathing ,
hoarseness or any affection of the
throat or lungs by all moans give this
wonderful remedy a trial. As you
value your oxhtenco you cannot
afford to lot this opportunity pass.
Wo could not afford , and would not
give this remedy away unless wo
Know it would accomplish what wo
claim for it. Thousands of hopeless
C.ISC3 have already been completely
cured by it. There is no medieino in
tlio world that will euro ono half the
cases that Da. KiNa'aNEwDiHCOVEH
will cure. For sale by
G ) Isu & MoMAHON , Omaha.
Forty years' trial ou proven "BLACK
: AUGI1T" the beat liver mcUicino in
: io world.
At C. P. OooJmin.
The Faat Trains Prom Ghicag <
and to Denver.
Several residents of Omaha were o
the first "limited express" on th
Pennsylvania Central line , which ra
from Now York to Chicago in twenty
six hours. They speak of the ride a
a most delightful one , and urmttcndo
by a delay or accident. Every trail
thus far on this fast line has made it
time , and the experiment is an asaurei
and triumphant success.
The Union Pacific train from th
west , known nsNo , 4 , made up twi
hours and throe quarters Frida ;
afternoon in her run in and arrive (
only an hour behind time. The de
lay was caused by the Central Pacifi
train being four hours late.
About two hundred emigrants wonl
westward Saturday There were
Roodly proportion of Americans in the
number. A young couple , who mo
each other for the first time nt the
transfer depot in the afternoon , con
eluded to take the trip together am
BO were made as ono by a justice o ;
the pence on this sido.
" * *
In. connection with the new mat
service on the Denver "short line" it
is learned that the carrying of the
mail from Julesburg to Denver wil
"expedite" two or three star routes
jctweon these points to the extent oi
doini ; away with them. The saving
, o the gHVornmont by this will niort
ban pay fo.i Uio new nuil route.
The Union Pacific road has con
sented to carry pouches of mail to all
) oints between hero and Julesbunr
'reo ' of charge until the new mail cars
shall bo built and put on. By these
irrangemonts for mail service on the
( short lino" the government Is not
mly riot put to additional oxponto ,
) Ut will actually save money. Some
try nice figuring has been done in
vrranging Iheso matters , for which
he postoflice officials hero should re
cive no small share of the credit.
NOT1CK Ad > citlecniont To Lottn , 1'cr Sale ,
> o t , Found , Wants , licmdlnc , tc. , will bo In1
icrtod In these columns once for TEX CENTS
Mr line ; caxh subsequent Insertion , FIVHCKNTS
r lino. The Hmt Inmirtlon never l w tbnn
IONEY TO LOAN Call at Law OBIw of D.
LVf L. Thomas lloom 8. Crelchton liloch.
To loan at from 8 to 10 per cent
on oed real ofltatosocurlty , by
H. ISAAC EDWAKPS 1109 Fttrnh'iui St ,
TO LOAN At 8 per coutln-
teroBt In sums of J2f,00 and
wards , [ or S to C years , on rtr city and
arm property , llnyu USAI , EUTXTI and LOAN
QKXCT. 15th and Dou Ica SU.
'TT'ANTED- for ( roncralhousework ; must
rV bo a gnoA coak , njhor and Ironcr. 1023
umlng street 4498 *
rANTKD A peed Girl at once ot 710 North
V V Ninctoentn street 4 0 8 *
TTANTED A flrst-clasj woman cook at Chris.
TV lloikt'a ren nurat.t , 1106 Karnham street.
.TrANTED . Situation In piU ate family to cook ,
YV waehandiron. Address M.C. lt.llKBomce.
IANTKD A competout 'aundrew , by Mrs.
W H Kountie , South 10th St. 439-10 *
.TTAKTKIl Girl to do housework. Enquire
YV " 10 Farnham St. 442-tf
TTANEED Asoodglrl to do Jiou oworV , at
VV Chaa. Merut's restaurant , 1105 Farnham
rect. 125-7
: ANTED. A chambcrunld at the Emmet
w House . 418-S *
'A TED. Cook and kitchen irlil ut the
P-wllle House. 417-tf
TjTANTED A flrst-rja < barber at Kf-aincy ,
If Neb A steady Job In my shop all winter.
D. OAINES. 431-5'
TIT"ANTED Twn girls , ono to cook , wsnh and
f V iron , nnd onu to do second work and take
are of children. lieet of rtfercnctM required ,
pply southea t corner of 20th and California
to. Best of wagei. 39.1 tf
ITANTKO A position In ilr > .t-cla i druz
IV Htore , by a ) , raduatu of Unlvcwty of
ennslvanuM. D ) Entirely fimlllur with the
rug bumne 3. Addrms , J , .M. F. , Heu ollico.
3 3 12 *
J ANTED 1W ) to 200 loads of dlrl near 23d
W and St. Mary's avenue. Enqulro at Ilee
men. 222a-tf
VTAMEO li.0 to 200 loads of dirt near 2Jrd
rV and St. Mary'a avenue. Enqulro at Bee
Hce. 193-tf
TTANTKD Funding brldgo and school bonds.
! \ U. T. Clark , Uciltivuo. 28-U
KENT Ilooms ot 17CO Hurt street , between -
tween 17th and IBth. 448-10 *
TiOH UENT Furnished room , S. K. cor. 17th
} and Datenpjrt. Ono or two gentlemen.
H13-P *
710U KENT HOIITO of inuven roomn , within nil
: block from P. O. Inciulro 1513 Jonw. un-
1 Nov. Slh. 426 a *
7011 KENT Houo with 3 roomn , goo * well
? and cistern , on Marney , btt. lt > th and 10th
ts. Inquire on premUoi. 437-tt
OK RENT FurnUhcd or unfurni hcd room ;
. ' No. 125 Howard bt. , tot. Uth and 10th.
427-S *
neil KKNT Sloro room. Apply to Shrove ,
I JarvU & Co. , corner 14th and Dolgo.U ) .
TIOUUEST Furnished room" , north nidi of
} California St , , ' 'd door west of 2Ut. Inquire
fter I p. m. 434.ti
OailENT A two story house with 8 flno
. ' rooms and,4 Urge elo ets ; a'so , barn tf de
red. Inquire at 2433 Davenport street , Koutb
de. 435-tf
7011 HEN r-ltrlck more In .boobs' h o k , Uth
J and Capitol avenue. JOHN O , JACOII8.
R KENT 1'urnlthed ro m for one or two
gentlemen , N.V. . cor. 20th and Cast M .
T OR UKNT 2 story home , 8 rooms , 4
. ? coset ! ; al40Bb rnlf diislrid. 2ia3Iaveu.
port St. 41"1
7\OR RKNT.-Cottigo nousa at routh eldo of
L } IaviiiM | > rt trcktncur Twenty Hfh. ( 405-0'
7\OU KENT A lion.o In North Umaha , at
L1 lOOJa month. Inquire ISl'J Bbennan
venue. A ,
1J10R HENT-Nicely furnl.hcd rocrn * to M ,
L1 _ 1417 IjowudMj _ 88 6 _
[ T1OK hi : .NT To jounginen wliodtslru good
[ } wintir tfuurltrb : two nicely fun Itlitd
ooin . Inquire of J , L. Kite at Joe & hum's or
t 17151 > od o trect. _ octif '
1TOR RENT A furnUbed front room fc
! withboird , fa'nllv.
Ttteiifd. Cull 0078 N. 17th St.
[ 710RJIENT Onoor two rooms , fiirnliU
L1 unfurnlslicd , H. > V , cor. ol
3dSU. Ill
HKNT An olurar.tlv lurnUhol alcove
room , low price ; bilok liouso , 013 dat Bt ,
1'ull KKM i Tjruuuoa rooau uvvr M J.
D ehaota'ExcbJKiBo.N.i : . eo . 16th and Dodjft
ITtOK SAl.K Or i nl , on e sr IMUIS , ons c < fh
L1 flnwt rnildincM In the city , Inquire V.
Uookc , 18th and I.ou orth S . AIM 0 root *
h . . for nt. 371-8'
, j , . BALL -Kl nitUM piano. Knqulro 10)
b 1 N , l tb St. Will Mil on monthljr pavmonh.
438 lt
"I710R BALK Hln ruMnnco property at bw
J.1 RiJn , mart Hnirablt location In th * city ;
Ml comp'ete with Nvrn , ont hound nd dhubbflryj
910 South 24th jt. , flrho i o from Parnham. i
Enqulro ol W. L. KIJJ , IIB Uth St. , J cob ' V
Illock. .7 '
_ _ _ /
I7IOKNALK T < mftoodconlMic.hc-v : lie/
JjJIarn.UJh St. _ _ _ ocH-M
TjlOIl SALE-TA irmall hrufto and J lot with geol
.U well Mid stable , on 30th , nor bhfrmin Bi ,
No 1B07. Prifo , EttQ. 2Ta-U
I IOh HALf -A wtll tl blliihixl nnd . /IUK
JL1 rUrdwm bu ln s stack and building In
a frrowli < r tiwo on the II. A M rtllroad la
Southern ffebnwkk. Kor tnrMeuUn cull w > or
i > dre i II , Z. Kowltr , Uubbell , Neb.
' 87t.B | |
'l.lOH HALE- lot ol ncond hand ( umltura.
JJ * ton , cartxs' and crockery tmt , tU.
Bplglt , ISQg DougUa SU _
BKMIfl lUMrattilnirlontlUt * ot hou/tut , lot ]
Undi uid lura * tar Ml * Drill und get
_ _ _ _ _
I 1011 HAMi-A nmftll iirUio | , D. W. t'sjuo 1 *
1 Son'i m k5. In perfect cwdcr. Inquire o < i
O. Clttk & Co. _ 9Q.M
FOU SALB MM * of DougUitRud Srpr one *
II M. A. ROHEWATKK , l&WFiinhiui ( rtniot
OH SALE Four &cr < yi of Una near water-
worm rcvertolr , also two cottages on Capitol
11. Add. ANIUKWULVINH.1SOO | , Dotwlai 8k.
HOU.SKH AND LAND Ucung rent * botuw.
store * , hotels , fiurr oti > , lin-ls , otUcua
roomi , etc ,
rpMK d\crtl'crhftrlnfr cqulteil the light of &
J. A 1 Medicine , of which 1lio ] > r ( crlptliu hM
hitherto hoen a ( juarde I eicrul to the cclcbi&tutl
liOHpltal Irani which It Is obtained , dcvlrci to
m it wltli some ono willing to luuit a mo
r 1UI for a Blmrc In thu ) > roflt . Addre < P. U.
box Ml , Omalu. 447-10
fTlAKEM UP 2cow , one rc'lond whlti tpot-
J ted and onortfil with lomo whlto on bellr.
2 inllmnoiuh on llcllcvuo road. MICHAKL
I711I.sT-CI.AK3 Ublebourd can bo had Bt Ko.
Jj 101J p pfl ilrtet , bcUeoi Twont'oth and
> ent 404-81
HAl.hHMA.N ( from New
A Yorkrfesln-s a situation whore hU OT.
> lcc * would be reiiulrcd. Ko objection to tfflinj
went AddrcMi. ! , cnioll. ( Joldstelu , Coun-
til HlufTa. IOHU. 42b
EOtTND A i > ct of eurifioal tooln. Owner CUD
h \o the prune by railing at CulJwo.l 8t ,
Let C' mrl and Kin , Hlu ' addition. OEO.
milK J. M OltUNSWIUK & 1I1.AKK CO. , Keep
X a complete stock of Milliard Tubloa and HI1-
Hard mcr'handiau on Imtid.r.t Uiolrttoreroom.WS
Soutli 10th Ht. , Oicalia , Kcb. oia-lm"
IIU ( HhrAnHrK W.ll pay the Inchon it ii
. prloo for bvcond h&nd Ullll.ird and Tool
Tablet ! . Call or luldiow era South 10th at.
olZ-lm *
r > EM1S1 REALJ-ATATK BOOM.-hoc 1st
! ) HAY-At A. H. Saudor'a F od Store
' 1018 ll&rnoy St. 19-tt
NEW CITY MAPS. 10o. Uounto
BEMIB1 * . S.f.O. OhO. V. BHMIS.
NOTICE. Special advertisements , such M
x > 8t , Found , To Loan , For Sale , Ta Bent ,
r'ante , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted in thl *
column at the low rate of TEN CENTd PER
c < a
INE for the flrst Insertion and FIVE CKNTS
'EK LINE for each eubitcqucnt insertion.
joarcndrt'rtlHement ) at our olDcfl , upstairs ,
corner Broadway and Main btrectf , CountU
lluffa. _
ANTK1) K > er\body In Council Illufls lo
to take Tim Una , 20 ccnta per week , da
tered by carriers. Oftlce corner uroadway and
lain , up stalra , Council Bluffs. _ Wl-tl
T On SALE Oi o 10-foot Iron bed , 19 inch
J salng , wood turning lafie , euljiljlo ( or pat-
rn * . poets , chucklnjr and drlln | ] > ; i-tronR fciol ,
nrly now ; cost $110 , prlco $75. One utronjf
rill pr M , little u ed ; i-oa $15(1. pilcngllO. One
cw wood turning lathe , Q foot bed , 10 la h
wing ; prlco $40. One new oupalo blower , disks
nil moulding and , cheap. Other Uthex , stvaiu
> ginct ! , fhaltiii and pulllos B. D. S J.
OPK1NS , Council llliidrt , luwa. 10 s6t
" OSTblack and white bulldoe , large col-
_ J lar and chain around hit , nccK. Infurinatloo
n regard to him , or hU return , will be Jlbciall
t arded. J. o'llRIEN , U. P. cottage , near
ranslcr , Council Bluf ! .
) AUTIUS hrvun. HCMH , furniture jnd tecnd
InndhoubcholilgooJiii fatij deetri tic .c..n
po o ot them for cish by ciHIng tt the ( JIty
ucilon Store ot J. A. Pulton f& Co. Otncil
oKa. oct23 U
' \VILL iioll n y Carriage and'Wayon Shop at B
burgaln or mil stock and tool- , for ca h , mid
ent i-hop , to a good ruii > oiiiiblu man. Koiron
or selling li going on a farn , Call onorad trees
V. 0. Morris , Couucl lIHifTs , Iowa. oc20
tlcLctH continues to boom. Uni rocedcntcd
w raten to all lAitcrn jxjlBtd. Every tkkct
uarunti'C-d. Orders filled o > telephone. From
IB to ten dollars saved by purihaxln ? tickets
C. A. Potter , Ruccitaor to Potter & Palmer , No.
0 South Fifth Ntn et , four doors below the po t-
llcu , Council lilugn , Iowa , g _ oct3-t (
irA.NTEDHoy , with pony , to carry papcn.
I V Inquire at IIHK olilce , Council liluHe.
octl3-tl _
" \7ANTKD To buy 100 tons broom corn.
| fV For particulars wldreiw Council Illuffi
room Factory , Council llluffj , lawn. 658-29t (
T7" ANTED A coo4 curpcnter t once. Ap
tV ] > ly ilynsttr U Adums , Council DliuTe ,
iwa. _ OM-29 *
ANTKU Allrst-clows broom tier , ilayna
& Co , , Council Blufls. Iowa. 600 30 *
ANTElt A boy to dochores at Unstora
W tlshery , Council IlluftJ. _ 001-28 *
T10R SALE Old papers 40c per hundred , at
' The lieu office. Council IlluffH. f27-tf
lONALIbT , 4'JS Tenth Street , between Farnham
indllatney. Will , with the aid of guardian
ilrlts , obtain for any one a glance at the put
id prtwent , and on certain conditions In the fu-
ire. Bo 3U and Shoes made to order. Perfect
lutlsfactlon fuarantced aii2l-lm
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Orape Creuu Tartnr. No other
nation make- such lljfht , flaky hot breads ,
usurious paatry. Can be oaten by Dyspeptic
without fear of thellUresulting from hvaryi nil
Ktstlblo food. Sold only In cans , by all Oroovn
NewYejk ,
V , f. OoocUtuw