Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1881, Page 6, Image 6
THIS OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY EOYEMBER 7 , 1881. , . "THIS COUNCIL , " WHo Oonsuro tlio Council Bluffi Gorrospondont. of "The Boo , " An TDlnborato Effort of Fondn , End Man of the "Big 4. " "But the Villain Still Pursues Her. " Lively News From the Lively City Over tbo Klvor. The defnclo city council met ftt the city building on laat Friday , and in the face of the fact that they are not recognized aa the tit jure council of Council IHuHrt , went through the . usual routine of transacting business. Churchill , Dawaon , Unthank Keller , Fonda and Spotmnn , on call of the roll , answered. The minutes of the previous meeting wore approved with out being road. Bills were allowed ' without lot or hindrance. Several moio saloons were established , The salaries of our police depart ment wcro increased , to enable them to batter ferret out crime , including the chief of police , who was allowed 900 per month. Without requesting it they raised the pay nil around , and to make the money coiro a little easier an txtra policomrm was added to the force , with Iho increased alary The reason given for raining the salary of our police force was that irovisioiiB and clothing had advanced. tVo hope these gentlemen will rbmeni- oer this when they como to count out their own money to their hired men next pay day. The report of Qcorgo W. Drake , engineer appointed to resurvey nvo- ryhuo G , shows that there were flOOO t , cubic yards of dirt hauled under tlio 4" contrnet with John 0. Lee , which is V' from 75 to 100 yards more than our made it this will for- v-f city engineer ; so - 1/1 over f ul at rest any imputation that Mr. Judann connived with any party to cheat or defraud the city. ' Justice Abbott , clerk of fiti.inco committee , nude hia report of accounts - counts audited , amounting since April 1st , 1881 , to the sum of § 10,732.80. , These figures do not include the flnan- i cial operations for October Mr. Ab- bolt , in milking hia report , explained 'to the council what the ; ho word mis ! cellaneous meant , in a very. ( Hchool ) masterly inannur , ' Permission granted N. J. Bond . to occupy city property for the pur- 1 peso of erecting corn shellers and scales for a term of five years. A communication from city ought- oor Judson was road wherein ho cau tions the city council in regard to tak ing steps to construct the Levee. That it should be built to the high ground in Street's addition if com menced before work is suspended , Ho thinks tliM before anything is done ho should bo furnished with spec ifications. . Dawnon offered u resolution , that 1 ' the council allow Mr. Vortices the sum of $50 for services while lie has j been laid up with a broken r.tiklo , , , caused by his horao falling upon him iu some way. The council voted to cut off all li brary fundsexeep'ing what they were . .obliged to r.tiae under the laws of the ' , atato. atato.Petition Petition of H. .1 Reynolds , for a remission of his license money for a saloon , was granted. Col. 1) . B. Dailey appeared for Mr. Reynolds , and in a few sympathetic remarks re minded the council that Mr. Reynolds was a member of the grand army of 'ho republic. That fur a long time not only had ho been sick and unable x ' 0 do work , but that his wife and , family had experienced thu same hard' , ito He hoped thu council would f. onaider Mr. Reynold's condition and remit the license fee. Mr. Dailey then , in eloquent terms , praised the council and uxtended an invitation for ' them to repair at the close of the council proceedings to the spacious , hall of thu grand army of the renul > > lie , there to aid in disposing of a sol- piers' feast in time of i > eaco. The following names a ? candidates for policeman were presented : By .Churchill. Mr. Tyson ; by Fonda , Ed. Bates ; Keller presented the name of Mortcz ; Mr. Spotmnn the name of Plum Juckson , The balloting began 'and resulted in thu selection of Mr. Churchill's nun. The committee to whom was re ferred the mutters of Messrs. Olllcer and Purcivnl , _ .in regard-to Indian creek damage. ! , reported adversely. Thu council ordered the city engineer tp survey and give Mace Wise the line of Indian creek. Mr. Field reported the amount col lected for Biloon licenses during the inonth , 31,150 ; circus , $75 ; "Prince of Whales , " 810. The mayor , with n wink , remarked i it this wat quite a good showing for second clam city. The report of the city surveyor iiowod that ho had weighed 71' ) loads : > ' . coal during the month. Thu pott- , * > lim of Win. Welch to bo allowed to qrect .scales on Tenth atreot was ' 'granted. . The petition of the niembers'of Res cue engine company to be allowed to select the driver of the now hose cart was , on motion of Mr. Churchill , re- "coivod , to be considered with other applicants. The petition of George F. Wright , , D.-0. Bloomer and others that Bluff etroot bo opened was , on motion of Mr. Untlmnk , referred to the aider- men of the third .ward , to report at the next mooting. The petition of if. J. Stewart , at torney for Ucarbiry , asking that tlio city take immediate action to tot'to thu case wna referred to thu city at torney. , Communication from Peter Herdio published in THIS BISK last Saturday offering to furnish the city with a system of water works was read , re ceived and placed on file. _ After transacting other unmportnnt { natters , the council ticoeptod Col- ouol Dailoy'rt invitation und repaired in a body to Grand Army hall , on Peail street , where the camp fires wore burning and a most sumptuous soldier's repast was spread. op.NfltmKD nr "THIS COUNCIL. " "W-iuM v u Ilk" to attend thli council } " "No , not till * council , sumo other council " "Ta , ta , comic 1. " Kina llieharit III , act t , tcene I. Among the proceedings of the cify council , not included in the report of the previous regular program , was the adoption of tlio following elaborate proimblo and resolution , in which the expressions "this council" "the coun cil" occur seventeen times , indicating the literary taste of the author : Whereas , thu common council of the city of Council Bluffs have always been courteous and accommodating to the persons engaged in the reporting of proceedings nnd nowa from the common council in the consideration > f public business being transacted by the council , and to this end have ai no time hindered any newspaper ro- torter in thin business , but hove will- ugly permitted the use of and granted every opportunity nnd facility to niako and have the proceeding of the coun cil published for the benefit of all per sons interested therein ; und WitKHUAH , Wo fun ! and see on the adjournment of every council the greatest abuse of the courtesy ex tended to one C. F. Adnms , the local reporter of Tin : OMAHA BKH , a news paper published in u foreign city , in thu statement of facts and record proceedings of the council , and that the said AdaniB , without roi'ard to facts , misrepresents the proceedings of the council , ns well an the motives of the individual members of the council and other ofjlcors of the city of Council Bluffs , in an ungentlemanly - manly w.iy , ns to himself and to thu common council , in the wilfully perverse - verso medium of his misrepresenta tion of facts and proceedings of this council , thereby wilfully abusing the confidence of this council nnd < ku public as to facts , and the courtesy ov- tended to him by this council ; there fore be it Resolved , That wo hereby express our contempt for ouch willful abuse of ourselves nnd the public as to pro ceeding , und thu facts nctod upon by this council , and that the said C. F. Adams may still enjoy the conrtosy of this council iu the unu of the city chairs and desks to prepare article of misrepresentations and deceit ns he has heretofore done , and that we do hereby express thu moatcomploto con tempt for the said "Omaha Boo" and the person aforesaid employed by it to deceive'and misrepresent the facts and proceeding ot this counsel , gained from public meetings of this council ; and that these resolution ! ) be printed and entered on the records as part of the proceeding of this council. The foregoing was written by our city attorney and introduced before our "do facto" city government last Friday evening by ono of the Big 4 "do facto" aldermen , E. R. Fonda , ono of the U. P. cabmen , better known as "Chapman's hairless choru him. " In presenting thu above , the cabman stated that ho had been iibuued and stung by TUB BKK long onougli. That he was tired of it. ' 'Thoothor day that paper said I wa foolish , and if they are allowed to go on I am ufraid tuuy will prove it. If it appeared in some papers I would not say ono word , but Tun BKU has a. wide circulation all through this state and the went , is taken all over No-i braska , away up the Platte river , whore I nm known. These are my reasons , gentlemen , for asking you to pass this resolution. " After the cabman had concluded , Mr. Churchill moved that it bo laid on the table. Mr. Dawaon said tlmtTiiK BKE had made light of the proceedings when they should be treated with grave solemnity. Ho for ono should vow ; in favor of the resolution. A vote was taken , resulting in its passage ; Ponda , Uiwson , Keller and Spetman noting in the ullirmntivo , Churchill ind Unthank in the negative. Phil lips and Cayin were not present. Asi will bo observed tlioao charges are made without any "in that's1 , or specifications of what was pub lished which has been considered cowardly and dishonorable. ' Even among the filth and slime of an ancient or modern "Asatia" sincn lost , with out money or without price , on Monday mornings , following each council meeting , 'we ' have given full and complete accountjof the proceed ings of the elty council. That we have at times erred in our report wo do not deny , but wo say in truth , dur ing all this time neither by letterer word hai our attention been but once called to a mistake we had made in our report of facts and this was a mistake in a financial teckoliing. We have not always published the de bates ver batim , we have too much ro- spcot for Council Blutfand her system of free schools. They censure us be cause wo dared to accuse them of nil- fully and mnticioiuly dugraoing , our city in the eyes of the civilized 'world , in refusing to examine the returned abstracts , declare the loatilt nnd call anew now election ai the law requires them to do. Wo say no matter how honest pcraonally theno men may bo , to defy the will of the voters of this city expressed - ' pressed at the polls ( which nald in lan guage an plain as that which appeared on the wall at the fe.iit of Bel- Bhan7.or , "You have boon weighed in the balance and found wanting ) is n willful , disgraceful and foolish viola tion of u public duty on general prin ciples. Ordinarily wo should feel very much grieved to bo csnsured by the city council of a ciy of 120,000 inhabitants - habitants , for trying to do our duty towards them by 'attacking wrong wherever it may appear , on our Htreots/in our saloons or in the halla of our city legislature. But coming from a sot of men who , like dunces , are too ignorant to be of any public uuo and too stubborn to learn , who for willfully reftming to do u sworn duty are existing daily under the sluulow of a criminal prosecution , and are only kept from behind the bars by the bonds of sympathetic friends , we shall reserve our tiurs for n moro fit ting occasion. 1 > KSK11V1I > NotwttliBlunding the unfavorable season for the health of western cities , owing to heavy r.urn and tliu conao- ( juont tendency to bad mularin , Coun- eil Ulnlla U remarkably healthy thij Benson. The dneton. uro only reason ably busy. Of these , howuvrr , wo liave u conniderablu' number , nil well- read in their piofcacion. Tlio fcmalo BOX in represented by several who ore accomplished graduates of atandnn medical schools , among whom may b creditably mentioned Mrs. Dr. J3ur roughs , whoso oflico and homo ere 01 First avenue- . During her cducationa courBO thii lady had two yfcars hospi < al practice nt the Cleveland Modicn Collcffo. nnd since she linn rcnumoi thiit rm lior home lion boon gradu.ill and surelyjwrrking her way Into ni excoMetit ] > rnclico both hero ami a Omaha , which city she also visit twice n week. For obvious nnd sat iofnctory reasons tlio expansion of hu practice id among her own BOX , unt her SUCCCM in CMCB is already attract ing favorable notice , o. A. it. AMI % vnm. Wo have nltondod several cam ] fires given by the Grand Army boy eince thu WAr , but none that nurnassei the ono lighted on Pearl street Friday oveninir. AVe followed afar oil the members of thu city council , and bo liind them and the mayor wo cntorcc Iho hall. There the council wore mcl > j Colonel I. U. Dailoy , who uscortui the honorable body through thu pncioua hall into the auditoriom , This room was brilliantly lighted nut ! very beautifully and tastefully deco rated with fl.ifj'B nnd bunting. On , ho base at , thu right were Boated lion , foscph II. Heed , Colonel W. F. Snjip , Captain Oeorgo Caraon and Justice FohnV. . Baird. 33verybody was noving nbodt in the most uocml man- ler. Several pieces of familiar mid appropriate music were played nnd ung , while the "nldermanic beans" and other edibles worn being prepared n an ante-room. Presently n porter announced that nil was ready , nnd thu nayor and city council , escorted by Colonel Dailuy , J. C. Da Haven and E. F. Holmes entered the ante oem iu which the mtppur was pro- mtod. Everything that could plo.iso a soldier or n hungry councilman Was pread before them - cold ham , cold nutton , linked beans , "hard tack" but not BO hard nn wo were provided ith during the wnr\ hot coffee , etc. Veil , you ought to have scon those Idermcn nnd Abbott , who snt at ono ml of the table , go for the baked loans. It was onouuh to make a fankeo blush away buck behind his nra , and ono would have thought to mvo noen Keller , Fondn and Spetman .iting that it was their hist meal bu- ire execution. Tlio mayor was Teaming of the million that is in tore for him when the Jlerdics get mder full headway. John Uaitd sat hero watching both tins of beans of ) cat ho could , while ho plied the peen to the nearer ono. wo did not at much , as our attention was ntiroly taken up with t hough tu f that resolution. The mayor nd city council can thank Col. Daily nd the Grand Army boys for a moat njoyablo midnight feast. NOT rAKTIC'UtAR. A family consisting of man and wife nd three children applied to Mr. Jrown , foreman in the Nonpareil ) ook bindery last Saturday lor work. Ir. Brown asked the man if ho cx- icctod to get work for the family , ho uiid ho was not "particular as tor lat if th'u old woman could got a job. ( e would stay tcr homo and take ccer of the children. " HANDOM SHOTS. Personally we have nothing against lie city council in their private bus- ness they are men of honor and tlio tighest basis capacity. But while liey are filling a public trust we claim lie right to criticise their acts , and hey ounnut frighten us by resolutions it tier. The printing of those resolutions of ensure oost the tax payers of Council Blufld ? 2o. Any one would suppose that the Hg4hild never been stung by aBe Bo 4. WANTED TO BLAP 1IIM. Quito a disgusting scene was wit- teased on Broadway. A man whose lUsineHs seems to be to carry a banjo round under his urm got into n war f .woids with a woman , presumed to ie liia wife. He was throating to strike icr add seemed to be trying to get her n some out-of-the-way street , where nmolested by a citizen ho could carry ut his threat. At the corner of Jryant street and Broadway ho wanted her to go down the former treet. But she was too sharp for lim. lie grabbed hold of her arm nd declared film should go that way r ho would give all she wanted. A mil by the name of Kenno happened tlong and remarked to thu man that ' he dared to strike that woman there u the sheet he should take a hand in ho affair. The wife declared if her lusband didn't let her nlono she vould nlnn him in the face , big as ho was , "Novor tnind his size , madam , " aid Kenno , "nlup him a good one ; I'll ; o you halves. " Between Konnu nnd lin wife the man became quite rucon- iled to the fact that he better let her bun , nnd they walked down quite iciicoablu to their boarding house. At the Grand Army camp fire on ( 'riday evening , Mayor Vaughan , in > chnlf of himself and members of the ity council , in an appropriate speech resented the boys with a splendid , : eel engraving of the battle of Get- yaburg. The beautiful picture vill o formally accepted nt the camp lire ext Friday evcnini' . HTKAI , Oil UTAUVK. A woman , mother of a lad who was created yesterday , appeared at police loadijuarterB yesterday in behalf of ler son , to try and get him released. ho said tliat she was out of fuel , and tur boy won all she hud to depend pon. That she was in destitute cir- uiiiatancos ; that all she Ind had for month from the county was ono nek nf flour ; that she .muat have uel to keep them warm if the police mated them in the act. 8hu said lint the city had only ono otllcor who lad a heart in him , and that was ilayor Ymiglmn , and his wife was uat like him. , MISOEM.AMOUS ! NEWS. Look out for the grand Herdio pa- ado. To 'day thu llorJics will bo in- ornmlly introduced to the public. 'hey will be drawn through the prin- ipal streets headed by thu liurdic mnd. Cyrus Hamlin , in his sermon yentor- ay afternoon , very eloquently and eelingly pictured the condition of omo of the boys upon our streets , she ho claimed wore wanderers on the uco of the earth , satiated with pro- unity and thoughts of crime , lie bought it thu duty of the business nen of the city to do all in thulr power to improve the moral condition of ou city nnd give it a higher tone. A regular monthly meeting of th board of trade will bo hold this even ing at their rooms on Pearletrept. / liirgo attendance of members ia tic aired , ns important busidcss will b transacted , Cy. D.tnforlh has so far rocpvorc < M to be able to como down stairs anc joke a little. Ho has passed the criti c , l pointj niid will no doubt recove very rapidly now. Wo are informed that n couple o young bloods from the country came to thu city quite Into on Snturdny night , got on considerable steam , re paired to ono of our "alloy girl1 doiiBf hitched their horses outside. trhero the poor creatures rcmainct until about C o'clock on Sunday morning. But perhaps ( tlio horses will fuel the best in the long run. A man under the influence of the ardent , appearing moro like an cacnncii unnlic than anything , walked into thu council chamber during the session ol .hat honorable body , and inquired il ie had n friend amongst them that would furnish him a night's lodging. Mayor Vaughnn informed him that if 10 would go down nnd make npplica- , ion to Chief Field ho no doubt would ID accommodated. This the man did vith success. A horse belonging to Georco A. Jolmcs wilfully and maliciously kicked igainst being driven byn city attorney Vilw would draw up such a resolution o bo published nt the city's ' expense , Mid died with the pink eye Saturday 0. S. Pike , G. A. Douglas , F. How ard , T. P. Bryan , and W. S. Gardner all catno over the river to got out of he mud , nnd were at the Pacific yes e relay. Two women have nt lost been ar rested by the chief of noliccmid taken o the calaboose. They were too iriink to tell the eye of n needle from a buttonhole. Hereafter our chief of the police opartment gets $100 per month , and u r policemen 870 per mouth , on ac- ount of the high price of provisions , Wo won't dare to say much. If wo o , they will paai another batch of csolutions for the tax-payers to pay or. or.Mart Mart Harden says hn is glad ho went , "beans" they had condensed lilk in the coffee. The following now names appeared n the register nt Burko's yesterday : ohn Roberts was there for being runk , ? 5 and coats ; Wm. Quinlan , runk and fighting , SO. 85 ; Win. jiderty , vagrancy , to the stone pile , nless friends intereferoj Cot. Bailey , runk , 85 00 and costs ; John Dona- en , drunk $5.00 and costs or stone- > ilo ; John Thomas , drunk , very drunk , ? 5 00 and costs or stone pile. J. H. Henry Walnut was in Towa's nctropolis over Sunday at the Ogden. John Keiitedy who lives in Creaton lie "Summit City" was in Council Bluffs at the Ogden. Seth Phelps , Rod Oak , vras at the ) gden yesterday. Get Ont Doors. The close confinement of all factory work gives the operatives pallid faces , ) oor appetite , languid , miserable foel- ngs , poor blood , inactive liver , kid- ey and urinary troubles , and all the ihysiriaiis and medicine in the world annot belt them unless they got out f doors or use Hop Bitters , the pur- at and best remedy , especially for uch cases , having abundance of ealth , sunshitio and rosy cheeks in letn. They coat but a triile. See nether column. Christian Recorder. nov5 Protecting Treoi- Take pine tar one part , ashes or oot three parts , dry earth throe arts , and soft soap two parts , water Utlicient' to make a thin solution , tain the bodies of the trees with it , a high aa the animals can reach in 10 fall before the rabbits begin on tern. Tlio scent will remain on them irough the winter. The rains wash ut the strength of the solution by do- roes into the rouuda during the sutn- lor and spring , which koopa the orers out. It docs not injure the roes. One gallon of tar will make nough to wash a thousand trees , Economy. A fortune may bo spent in using inef- ectual medicines , whun by amirying 'homos1 Kclcctrio Oil ft Hpccdy nnd ccon- niical euro can bo effected. In case of leuniutfoni , lama back , bixlily ailmentx , r pains nf every dcacriptfon it affords in- tant relief. 17 codlw free to Everybody ! \ Beautiful Book for the Asking , HynnpUInK personally nt the nearest oflK-o , 'llll ! HINUliU JIAN'UKACrtlHINa CO. ( err r | K > > tnlcaril ifat a diitance ) any ADULT i > cr. n Wtl | baircwntcil with n liuaiitldilly I1U8- [ iitid copy ul a Ncu liuuk ontltlutl QHNIUS REWARDED , OH THK TOEY OF THE SEWING MACHINE cmUlnlngn lianiUoino ami costly sUel i'iifniv- ir ( rontlK | > lurco ; n'eo , 34 llnuly fii nucU nond its , and bound In an c'al ' > orati > buu ! and gold lhoKra | > ticd cover. Nn chan ; \ > late > er l mailu r tiili iiAnJwrno bnok , wntcli u\n bo obtained ily hy ai > ) ila | > tlnn at the bianch and rul > ornate nato ollkcd ut 'i'hv binder llainiUcturing Co. TilK SINQEll MANUKAOTUIUNa CO , , rrlucljvtl Olllco , 31 Union S < iuare , Nvvr York _ pct2T-dmSettAw _ _ _ On AND OPENING I Protesior Flxlmr , ( Iroin St. lx > uU ) Uanrliii ; Ao- demy , htivnclird Hall , cor , Flftouuih and Farn. uni , Tuesday CM'tilnx , September Oth. t'lawua lor Uitdiu * ami llontlciueti comnicneln 'ucfehy < telling Ur | > tcmber Cth ; clasuon tor Inset ) anil Master * , coiiiiiiuiicinv' S.itunliy alter- eon nt 4 o'clock. Clwiiofor Fauillli-a , w ill bo rrfuigeit to suit the honorable | atroiiu. Alee allct dviclnx can b UiiKlit. Ttrnn liberal , mid pcifcc satUlactlon to schol. r I'uarintuuil. I'lhatulnttructionml ) eplr. i attho Danclnu Acijuiiy or at the msldcncc the ] > atron * . l'ri ate orJU ) to left utMnxMcur.t ro' * ii'30-U SIBBETT & FULLER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , DVTO CITY , NEB , Siwclal attention vliou to collection * lu Itutler THOU RUM ) , u 'lS KKD BYRON REED & . CO , pLDHlrr lUTlBUSUKD Estate Agency IN NEUl'ASKAJ Keep complcto lstruct ol tltlo to all Heal Ut In Ou ha aud UoutilM couutr , Election Froolfimi.tion on Conrl JionKo Approprlntlnn. At n fiction of the board of CoiihtvComml * * loncrs of Ilia county of Douglas In the tito ol No rntka , holdcn on the 4th d.iyof October , A. The following rvttlon ww tikcn by the lioaH with with rcipcct to the construction of 5 Court HOIIUC. WIIRRHAC , Owlntr to the enhanced taltia of labor on 4 mtitcrUI it Is lim < o < * llilo to erect a Court HOM O Kiiltublo for the ) m < pose of kalil county for the nuin ilcclitnntcd In the proctamv tlon for the livnio nf bondd for the construction of a Court House , milmiltted to the | > cope ) Novcnv Ur 2nd , l&Wl ; nn.l U'llKtt-Afl , After twlro thorouphlv Mlvcrtl lr the m tUr the lowest rcnion | > lblo hid for the constnictlou of A Court would ko fire pioof and Mich M to meet tlio nteds of tbo coun ty , amount * to Ono Hundred nnd Nlncty-elxht Tlinuiund Dollur ? ; and WitiRRAs , The li l nco of funds nfceswry to conetrud a nultnble Court Homo can bo niipiillcil from the general rot t-nuo ot the l-outily without ny a1dltlon l loty that tiow authorlznl by ln\v , lint tba question o ; ouch appropriation nnist Irst bcmibmltted to tbo electors of Mid county ; therefore , It In HKWLVRD , the follow Ing propOKltlon be and the name li hereby eubmlttcd to the ( | ll- led electors ot paid county of Douxli" , to-nlt : bhall the count } ot louiliv * bo authorlrvd In .ho year 18i2 , to appropriate from the iron r l revenue of Ibo mid county for that jcar out of iitidi not othcr I u rciintrcd for county i > ur > io , tlio sum of Twrnty-flTii Thousand Dolltrn , and In the year 1SJJ , from the rcvciitiaof tbit jinr out of funds not otherwise required for iounty purposcrt the furtbcr BUID of Twenty-Jive lo ) lam to aid in tlic erection con itrurtlon nml roinjilctlon of a Cou t iiillillnj ; In the city of Omiha for county pur- ) OSCK. Iho form In which the nbnvo projvMltlon Miall 10 ( ubiilttod shall haiy ballot , ii ) ti which bulloi Klmll bo printed or wrltteu , or party printed \\rlttcn , the worda 'Tor Court House Appro- ulitlon , " or "Arftln | t Court House Appropria- .on. " ntidnll ballotn cast hating thereon the vordri "Foi Court Ionso.\ppropri ! tloii"nhal ! be Ircmcd and taken to bo In fa > or of mid proposi Ion , and all ballots ca < 4 lii\liif ; thereon the ttoriHi , " ln > t Court House Appropriation. " hall bo ilcemcd and Ukrn to bo against Bfild irapotitlon.and It two thirds of tha votes cant A the election hcnlimfter protldeil tithls lie- inlf bo In favor of the nboio proposition , It anall 10 ilocinc < l and taKcn to bo carried. ' ( 'he t.ild proposition shall bootcd upon at ho Kencnl clcitl n to bo held In thoonunty of ) ouil.T(1 State of Nib.-ask.i , on the bth day of Vmetnbcr , A. D. 1SS1 , at tnu following named ilacca Oinabi Precinct No. one , (1) ( KelU Slavon's rocuy ; Tenth Btreot , Onmha Trcclnct No. t o , (2) ( at Jerry Mo- lortuy'e Rrocejy store. Uniahft I'recfiiLt No. thrco.C ! ) Dr. Hydo'g of- ie , cor. DouKlanand Twellih ttrccta. Omaha Prcclntt So. four , (4) ( Sbttltl's olflco court house. Onmh * I'rctinct No. ( he. ( S ) Holmos' hard are store , .Sixteenth and California streets. OinaVa ? rcclnct No. six , ( itj No. 1 Engine louxc , Twentieth ami Izard Ft recta. Saratrga I'rccinct School house no r Oruc- inr/s. ( t'lorcnco Trcvlnct Florence hotel. Union I'rccluct'lrvluf.'ton fchool house. JeOerbon 1'recinct School houeo In district * o. il. Klkhorn Precinct Elkhorn fchool house. Platte Valley 1'rcclnct-rScliool lit.n o at Water- oo. oo.Chi rik'o I'rcclnct School houea at Elkhorn aiion , Milliard I'reclnct Mlliard school house. McArdlu I'rcclnct McArdlu school liouso. DOUR as Precinct House of J 0. Wlcox. \Vct Omaha I'rcclnct School house near tlrtcn'e. And which election wilt bo opened at B o'clock n the morning and will continued open until 0 cjock In thu altcuioou ot the xanio diy. B. P. KMK1IIT , FRED UREXKL , F. W. COKLISS , County CominisHionere. JOHNR.MANC1USTER. County Clcrlt. oct2-w3t lomooraiio Cnudidnto for County 'JCronsui-or- COIinECTHD AFFIDAVIT 0V IIIIS. UNA I'ETKIIS. STATK ov NnniiASKA , ) DOUGLAS COUNTY. ) ' Mrs. Lina Peters being first duly sworn eposftH und k&ye , elie is well acquainted with one Chris. , and that on or bout the 31st ofMayl877 _ said Chris lartman then being the city treasurer of 'aulia. ' She preHcnted to said Hnrtninu as uch treasurer , by John F , Kuhn , a city varrant amounting to 825.00 principle , be- des interest for over two years on the line. Affiant pns said warrant was for work done on the Dodge ntreet grade. Alii- nt Maya that said Hartinatt told her , that .lid wnrr nt was not worth in-icli , would tit be paid in eeven or eight years. Aifi- nt nays nho had her taxes paid on the hove said date , and supposed to ( jut said rarrant in aa ca h. Affiant furthrr says , fiat uhortly afterwards the said Hartuiau anio to her harness store on I'arnbani trect , and informed her that ho could get man to buy said warrant , thereupon said lartman himself paid atliimt tb bum of 12.00 for said warrant. Affiant further iay , that shortly afterwards she was ver- lially informed that said warranthad been laid in full. Adiant further nays she sold aid warrant for $ ! 2.tO , relying entirely pen the false and fraudulent representa- on of said Hortman. Aiflant says ehe was then , and iu now n widow. This atiidavit is given to correct eome rror in the affidavit , sworn to on the 18th ay of October , buforo Luther It. Wright , justice of tin ) peace , and been heretofore uhluhed in Tun OMAHA IIK : and liepnb- c.\n. _ LINA I'ETKIW. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to eforo me this UGth d y of October , 1881. aiiii : CLAKKB , Notary Public. PATB J > OUQLAH ( JOUNTT. John F. Kuhn being firiit duly sworn , ouoscs and Nays , that he has read the > regoing atiidavit of Mrs. Lina Peters , nd i hat the statements therein made are .rue as ho verily believes. JOHN 1 > \ KUHN , Subscribed in my presence and sworn to eforo mo this 2Gth day of October , 1881. JOHN Munciiin CLAIIKK , oct27codiw Notary Public. TATK ov XKIWASKA , ) IOUOLAB ) COUNTY. JMS < Samuel G. Mullctto being first duly worn deposes , and says that ho is city reoHurerof Omaha : That his attention ) > boon called to tli'j ntliditvit of Mru. Jna Peters , piiblinliod in thu Omaha Daily epubllcan , in which nliu tiwoard that she , i or about July 1st , 1877 , sold to Chris. aitnum , then city treasurer , for the sum f $11.00 ! , a Dodge street grade warrant , Inch was in that name month paid in full * o-wit ; tliu burn of $29.00. Altiant f lilt her says that ho hrw cxiunin- 1 the bookn and reuonla of the city treau- ter's olllce , and that they show ; l t , that o Dodge street grndo fund warrant ifor ly amount whatever win paid in July , 877. 2d , that bnt one Dodge utrect grade md warrant for the amountnf § 29.00 won lid in tlio three ycais , 1870 , 1877 and ! 7S , and that that one was paid in July , 170 , having been turned in for taxe by olin ( i. WIllLrt , and endorsed by him , he living paid at that time the tax on hin edge fltroot store lot.S. S. G. MALLKTTR , City Treasurer. .Subscriber ! In my presence und ttwnru to eforo me tliia 1'Jth day of October , 1SS1. [ t KAL , ] U. W. AUimOHK , Notary Public. TATE OK NKHIIAHKA , I RH COUNTV01 DOUOLAH. f " ' Chris , llartman being duly aworn , in tswerto the atiidavit of Mrs. Peters , says : 'hat during his term of oflico an city trens > rvr of Onmlm , from April , 1870 to April , 871' ' , ho did not buy any warrant what- vernfMrs. Peters , or any other pen-on , id that he did not speculate iu warrants , Irccty or indrcetly , dining his said term. lliant further B.IVH , tliat if ho c.isbcd any arrant for Mrs. Peters it wan nt iU full ice valuf , and for the facts relating to the Jodyo sheet grade tax wniraiits , beg 'aye to refer to the accompanying afli- ait nf S. G. Malletto , the iirtkcut city reasuri-r. C. HAIITJIAN. Subseribed in my presence and Hworn ta eforo mo tliU 'JOth duy "f October , 1881. [ HUAL. ] ( J. W. ASIIHIOSK , Notary Public. B9GGS & HILL , REAL ESTATE BOOKERS No , 1508 Farnliam Street , rnci Nor.U Uo opp. Qi od CeulrU iloteL 1 ( B. & M. H. Jl. , EasternNobraska. ) E. E. Day . General Merchandise and Grain Dealer L. H. Sawyer ASon . Clothing , Boots and Shoos , Dry Goods , Et J. & II. J. Straight . ' . . .General Merchandise S. E. Greonslato . Drugs and Chemicals Charles H. Dill . ncai Estate D. Dean & Son . Lumber , C. N. Folsbn , Manager at South Bond T. W. Fountain . Purnituro , Implements , and Crown" Sewing Machines G. A. Hay & Co . Agr'l Impl'ts , Stoves , Tinware and Sporting Goods Geo. H. McCuno . American House H. Kirk . Grand Central Hotel Dr. George Stewart . Physician and SurgooH E. H. Phelps . Station Asent B. & M. Railroad George H. McCune . Stone Mason and Plasterer V. L. Martin . Moat Market Have received and are now exhibiting in their Beau tiful and Commodious roooa , up stairs , the largest and best selected stock of Ladies' and Children's CLOAKS to be found in the West. We have arrang ed on forms and in cases recent importations of DOLMANS ! DOLMANS ! DOLMANS ! In Satin Da Lyon and Mattlesae Silk with Pluah and Pur trim ming. Also Novelties in Plain Sicillian Silk and French Diagonal Cord with Passementerie trimming , all of which we ar-s offering at a very , moderate price. Our stock of Uleters and Jackets are equal to anything shown in any of the Leading : Metropolitan's Store. Our stock of CHILDREN'S CLOCKS Will bo found complete , and rang from 4 to 1C years , in light and dark Colors. Como and exiunino our Stock , and you will bo satisfied wo hare th best and cheapest asjortment to bo found in the West. A r a'g' . TtJV 'IH - 3EtOC&33fiC TCT3E" 5 < 3C > . 3kJBES ! > a 'TE& A. CRUICKSHANK & CO. Latest Styles of Men's , Boys' and Children's ox * Omaha , Collins Cheyenne , I Colorado .Fall and Winter LATE AND NOBBY STYLES / FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises. ox. IN Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit al i 1316 FARNHAM STREET , NEAR. FOURTEENTH , -QLJW3O POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , u > a V HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A , L. STRANG , 205 Farnam St. , Omah a .