Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1881, Page 4, Image 4

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" * 1t \
The OmahiaBe
Ihibltihed v ry morninir ,
Cb only Monday morning dtvilf.
, ar. . $10.00 I Three Months. *
Months. . . S.000no |
ty Wednowlay.
Ono Year . 82.00 I Three Months . .
Bii Months. . . . 1.00 I Ono
tloni relating t < > News nnd KdlUrial i
torn 0 clionld IMJ oddroised to the Kntio
iiR rr
chouid bo
' nnd Itcmittancen
Ij tU'r
OMAHA PrntifliUKo
drocpcxl to Tun
rANT , OMAHA. Drafts , Chocks and 1
odico Onlem to bo mwlo payable to
order of the Company.
dwin D vl , Mannfjor of C
Oironlatioit' _
John II. Pierce in In Chfttvo of the S
Circu ton ! of THK DAILY B1JK.
A. IT. Piteli.corrcBpondentandnolici
OABHIKR nowadays moans
Tioro. " . ,
= = = = =
Tun shot gun still bangs awaj
RAII.UOAD tariffs hnvo for their
joct the greatest amount of extort
for the umalleat amount of oilioi
TUB Merchants and Manufactur
Union have decided not to publ
cndorso the candidates of cither pi
in the coining election ,
the Herald gets ready to i
cuss that little legislative prinl
steal it will doubtless throw open
columns to Mr. Doano.
T first stop towards an impn
mont of the Missouri river will be
improvement of the representative :
the Missouri valley in congress.
JOHN RUHU knows the county tn
wror'a oflico and the people of Douj
know him. For thcso reasons ho
bo elected by a handsome majority
CHRIS is n good citizen , but
poses better at the atcs of the si
fair than ho will bo afforded nn opj
tunity to do in the county court hoi
< Mn. TII.DEN has purchased a
Tiecktie. The reports of the old f
tloman's continued feebleness are i
ddntly oxageorated. Ho is foobloa
of political years.
JOHN BAUMKH is the candidate
the republican party for county cli
and will receive hia party's support
cause ho is the best candidate for
position in the Hold.
TUB anticipations of heavy faih
following the Newark bank defa
iion have not boon realized. Not ! :
bettor indicates the healthy finan
condition of the country.
JUDOK CHADWIOK is no tomporn
fanatic , but ho has wisely rofusoc
make his canvass on an nnti-Sloci
3aw basis. Mr. O'Connor will
cover that this sort of a campi
wont win.
K is relieved from her f
of a water famine. During the
week copious rains have swollen
Croton river and the water in
atorago reservoirs has risen ton inc
This will bo a great roli f to Now 1
EVKIIY voter in Douglas count ;
interested in the maintenance of
present cfliciont ttyatom of coui
Bohools , and that is the reason
Professor Pointa will bo ro-electet
the county suporintendenoy by uhi
orao majority ,
MK. TIMME'S claim for the coi
commissioncrship rests on the
that ho is a democrat and was on
member of the Cook county (
board of comnussionora. Noithe
these grounds ia sufliciont to dra
liim the support of republicans.
JOHN JACOBS has boon coroner
the last two years and haa fulfilled
duties of that oflico to the aatisfac
of Douglas county. Dee Conl
should atick to his greenback theo
blue pills , bills and prcacripl
and leave the duties of the core
nhip to others and moro oxperio
Iv Secretary Blaine retires fron
cabinet on January 1st , as ho tl
probable , ho will hare complot
continuous term of public uervic
tondintr over twenty-two yean ,
congressman , senator and cabinet
cor James O. Blaine has played
bla part , and the general verdi
"well done , good and faithful
vant. "
THK silver certificate oxporimo
Secretary Sherman has proved a ,
uccosa. ] ) y this moans the $2,001
< of money coined monthly by the
eminent has boon kept in uctiro c
lation , while the silver dollars
been stored in the treasury as n |
Aiiteo of the certificates which n
vented their value. At the pri
time Jesi than $240,000 of our t
coiimgo ii out a ! general circula
The eily is slowly recovering f
the shock of Iho dreadful trnj'utl ;
Saturday liwt. No event in Oin
vritlrin our recollection hna RO pro ;
moved every element in our comi
nily. The high social nnd m
stnncliiiff of Iho victim , the (
blooded atrocity of his Inking
nnd tlio pitiful consoiiucncoH of a \
owed wifu in ill health and five
nlinninl childrun nil have addci
iticroaso the horrent of the bio
deed. Aside from the fueling of ;
sonnl bereavement which Is oxf
cnced by the frionda of the dccoai
nnd the indignation foil by ovcry 1
loving resident of Omaha at the <
tardly crime which han robbed ho
ono of lior nnnlioHt nnd mont four
citi/ona , the nisa ainatiou of Wat
H. Smith is a monnco to every inai
woman in Omaha who may nrr
[ loraonal hatred or jiwakcn feelingi
rovcngo in the bruaatn of lawless
[ lusporato men. Such n trngodj
\ blot on the fair naino of our cit ;
iisgraco to its reputation na a law al
iiUX community nnd n dreadful wan
gainstfuturopoflsibililies. Whonna
filiation InrUn in the midnight air li
cit men may well tromblu. When
murdoror's blow falls upon nuch n i
what citizen of Omaha it nafo from
laaaulta ?
The ono tiling that now remain
bo done af tor burying the dead is
leave no moans untried to
iarth his cowardly murdoror.rJ
ia the Bontimont of onr c
Mid bocaiiHO it is the nentin ;
wo believe that the criminal will
imablo to escape from the toils wl
n arouaod community haa set for
onsnaromont. The crowded n
meeting on Saturday , the liberal c
tributionn from our moat promiu
citizens and the eagerness displayed
every hand to assist in the ouarch
the murderer give every liopo t
Msassination cannot go unpunialio ]
this city. Meantime lot our citi
lay nsido nil prejudice all pass !
Let all unite , regardless of dif
3iiccs of opinion , in hurting down
ssassiu , This is no time for uns
tantinl charges agninst individual )
rganizntions in whoso discussion
ontion will bo turned nsido from
no great subject which should
very mind. If there are nccompl
lioy will bo brought to justice , if
cod wao the result of a conspiracy
; bo proved. But until mich nsi
ions nro clearly proven no i
las the legal or niornl ri
o give thorn utterance , nil the in on
> cuauso by mich cxprossion passioi
rouaod which will hinder a con
nion of public effort. Thousandi
yes nro now eagerly following ov
race ; thousands of oars are open
ioar the faintest murmur which r
five a clue to lurking guilt. Lib
rewards have stimulated lagging or
; y. Unwise counsels and misdiroc
uspicion may block the wheel
irogross in the search. Tin ; BBK
teals to every good citizen of Omi
lot to intensify the present oxci
ooling in ouc community. There
need of cool and dispassionate ju
munt , of earnest nnd sustained wo
ml of a united sentiment , which '
upport every effort , from whato
ourco , to blot out the bloody st
which has cast disgrace upon our c
THK Now York political campn
ias been marked by eneigotic work
joth parties. One of the most
couraging features in the canvass
) oeu the work of the independent
nont , composed largely of intollij
and educated young business n
who have thrown their inlluonci
ho scftlo for the best Candida
L'ho sulking of Homo of the disc
Hod stalwart chiota hua recoivoc
oncourngemcnt from President
hur , who has given as strong hit !
ions as possible to his former frit
that any falling off In
usual republican majority
) o lar from grateful to
chief executive. Indications poin
the election of the republican s
ticket by from 10,000 to 20,000
iority. The democratic press is being
ing loudly of a probable majority
the legislature. The claim is
based on any reliable grounds. '
present senate of Now York is c
posed of twenty-fivo republicans
eight democrats. In each of
nineteen districts the republican
jority was over 2,000 in excess of
entire democratic vote. It will
soon that the chances of a domoci
majority in this branch of the leg
turo are exceedingly small. In
assembly the present 'republican
jority is thirty.four. The domoci
therefore , to secure control of
lower house of the Now York lc >
turo must make a net gain of u
teen , In but nineteen districts
nod by the republicans in 1880
plurality of the successful
didato fell below five hund
whilu at the same election flf
democrats obtained their seats 1
margin equally small. The demoi
intuit then carry nil but ono of
nineteen of the close districts
represented by republicans , nnd
none of the fifteen in uhlch their
candidates narrowly escaped dofci
the next legislature of New York
democratic. When it is romonib
that but four of the nineteen del
bio districts represented by rep
cairn wore democratic the year bel
while eight of the fifteen domoc
immediately succeeded republic
democratic boasts concerning the !
York legislature will scorn as nbi
an they nro unfounded.
The local cuitost in Now York ci
aoing pushed with a great deal of
orgy , and the eflbrlsof the ropublii
are being principally directed towi
ensuring the defeat of the least di
nblo democratic candidates ,
smoothorcd warfare between J
Kelly nnd the kid-glovo domoci
will result in a diminished domoci
rote , nnd it is hoped that snvernlofl
can bo filled with sound republic
The heavy majorities which the dor
racy have boon rolling up for y
print in the city make nny general
publican victory impossible. Still f
sUnlial gains nro expected in to-n
row's contest.
ELKCTIO.NM will bo hold nest T
day in twelve stales , Including Ma
chnsotti. Connecticut elects half
stale senate ; Now York votes for
rotary of state nnd treasurer , judi ;
.ho court of appeals , etc. , nnd olcc
ofrislnturo ; in the fith , llth , 22d
27th districts congressmen will a1s (
chosen to fill vacancies ; Now Joi
elects itn hnuso of rcprcscntatiTCB
a part of the uennto ; Pcnnsylvi
elects a state treasurer nnd con
officers ; in Wisconsin and Virg
state officers will bo chosen , i
numbers of the lower houses of
cgislatnrcs and n part of the nonat
Minnesota votes for stnto officers
n full legislature , with two jud
Colorado elects judges nnd con
officers ; Nebraska elects a judge
the supreme court nnd regents of
university ; Maryland votes for s
: ontrollor and a part of the legifllati
uidj Mississippi elects a full logislati
with stnto officers. Wisconsin i
rotes on a constitutional amcndrr
iroviding for bionnal elections ; A
losotn will net upon constitute
( revisions respecting taxation , ]
libiting special legislation nnd fn
ho pay of legislators. Colorndc
tlso to determine the location ol
capital by popular vote.
DOUOI.AH county is to decide thro
o-morrow's election whether her i
: ourt house is to bo built of fire pi
natcrinls nnd finished according to
axcellont plan first ndopted by
: ounty commissioners. The prop
ion to complete the building on
> riginal Meyer's plan should bo i
-iod without a dissenting vote. ' .
asked to sanction
" > ooplo are not
BBHO of any now bonds. They
mly required to authorize the cou
ominissionors to expend upon
Duildiug such surplus from the gem
und an remains unexpended fi
Lima to time until
necessary funds nro obtained ,
county jail was built from sur
monies in the county treasury w
ant the levying of an additional
upon the people of the county ,
low court house can also bocomph
is a durable , fire proof and anbsl
ial building without any additic
mrdon upon the taxpayora of
: ounty. Every voter in Omaha
narrow should cast his ballot for
erection of a court house which
issuro the safety of our county roc <
ind which will in addition bo a sot
: > { pride to the city ns a inonumen
alogant and substantial architect !
IT costs something to run n ran
first class city. The Now York
aonrd of estimate and apporti
mate has completed its estimate
city expenses for 1882 and places tl
at $29,212,0231 Aa the city ha
revenue independent of taxal
amounting to $1,700,000 , the amo
to bo raised from the latter source
$27,512,623. Over one-third of
expenses of New York consist of fi
charges in the stnto tax and into
on the city debt , so that the rcduol
made by the board is about 11
cent , on the expenditures within t'
reach nnd ial Is principally on
police , parks and board of cducat
which furnish two-thirds of the
tronchmont. The budget of ]
York city is , with ono except
Paris , the largest in the world ,
there are eightoenindopondontnat
with whom the United .Status
diplomatic relations which spend
THK debt paying party in Minno
are happy over the passage of the
by the legislature to adjust the
bonded railroad debt , which ha
long boon the basis of a charge of
pudiation against the state. Ace
ing to the compromise with the cr
tors the entire debt is to bo sot
at fifty cents on the dollar , princ
and interest. Now bonds are t
issued , bearing interest at a r.xto
exceeding five pur cent. At the *
( ion to-morrow the people of the e
vote on a proposition Hotting a
the proceeds of public lands to os
lish a sinking fund for the paymoi
the bonds issued.
NINBTY-TIIKKK millions roductu
the national debt has taken i
since the beginning of President
field's administration. It is u
time to think about reducing tnxa
IK the Second ward fails of its
unl republican majority the part ;
Omaha can lay the failure at the
of Isaac B , Hascall ,
WITH track laying , bursting w ,
pipes , gas trenches nnd piles of bon
street is
block Farnnm
on every ,
poorest apology for thoroughfnr
any street in the city.
RUMOII has it that "Mr. Conklir
disappointed in President Arthur.
is the country , and very agreeably
Appointed. _ _ _ _ _ _
DENVKR may now congratulate 1
self that she is only twenty-four lu
distant from the metropolis of the
If ARI > work on the part of ropu
cans will elect the cntiro tickol
liandaomo majorities.
"MUNDER will out" but as n i
its disclosure is the result of im
ti ioim work.
Wyrndo IIM two Reporters.
Anew cle\ator In nointf up at Str <
burg. .
The canine tax In Adams connty amo' '
to ? 73.68.
Corn will average 30 bushel * in Join
The Fremont creamery Is opened
: > tuinesB.
Schuylcr claims tie handsomest d
wchtof Omaha.
Donpy lirnn. ' bank Imildlnj } nt "Wah
nearly completed ,
Tlio rifling cnoration vro tnultlnl ;
numzliif'ly in Scliujlcr.
Wnlcefichl , the new railroad towr
Dixon county , is booming.
1'rairlc fires nro multiplying nnd 1
fituckn and barns dl apl'enr'nS'
An Omaha mnn has tmrchtiHed gro
for a packing houto nt Wyinore ,
The Union 1'ncific has cornnipncod % von
at Columbun.
on 310,000 round-house
Ued Cloiid'a new public schmil will i
? 0,780. The contract htiH been let for 1
num.Tho name of tlio new town nt the ct
ing of thu B. & M. and the M. 1' . wil
The Rtntionn on the line of the Ut
L'acific nro being onmtnciitcdwith t
and shrubbery.
Martin I'lnntz living four miles nor'l
Kclih ( raised four bupliuli of jit-anut
six rodH of ground.
Harvard him railed $2JfO for Con
jntioml church. Tlio toundivtion is
ready completed.
Tlio business men of Lincoln h
'onned n pnitcctivc society against swi
era and delinquents.
The Nebraska Signal , published nt F
inont , ii the latent beacon in the n
mmopoly pathway.
DawBon county claims n ppnulatim
2 1,000 Bhecpwith H proaiieciive inert
ut 0,000 thin winter.
A Grand Island ynunt ; man nni
jynn wai fearfully mutilated while ci
CM < ly Imndling n shotgun.
Patrick Kates , a travel- from St. .1
vas relieved of two silver watches ant
n cdHli iu A hotel in Lincoln.
Colunibuv is the "ho-jH11 town for ] > i
toes. Twenty thoti'and doll.ira worth li
already been shipped from there.
A kidnapper named Hawkinson is <
ined in jtiil t Seward. Ho XV.IB cantu
six milca out of town with the ncpnev
J. T. Davis.
The government freight house 1ms I
removed from Niohrarn to Long Pine ,
> rcscnt tcrininun of the Sioux City fc
lifio railroad.
A hard citn ! confined in the jail
Ti'cumseh kno.Ked down the turnke ;
le o K'ned Um door of liiu cell , and di :
> eired In tli" dsrkueax.
W. H. Dickhioon. surveyor of Saun
cuiinty , fell from the top of a new tl
itory hotel in Wuhoo lint week , _ nnd
njuritH ho received it is fenrod will pi
fatal.North '
North Ucuders teaah the young idea
, o " > thai < o their hoofs" an a preliminnr
the cultivation of the upper stories. '
now Kchool houuo will bo cponed wit
J. M. Paullin , of Anpinwnll , died \
suddenly in Nemaha City lost week , lin
lif.tely after the amputation of n fin
rom "omboliuin" or blood clot in
Tivintleton , a horao thief awaiting t
it North Plttte , wni ahnckled and give
iberty of the yard for exercise. IIi
now lunberinp up by killing epaco on
There WOH quite a display of hip poi
artillery in Lincoln last week. A
with glaring eyes nnd protruding ton
an the gauntlet of n dozen gun * befort
Dark was wafted to the silent f bore.
The boy Will Foster , who swore that
ather wan acceenory to the inurde
Chiles' ford , Nuckolli county , has t
lentencod to two yearn' imprisonment
perjury'nnd i now in the penitentiary ,
A. youthful sinner of thirteen , with
ilgniticant name of Lcgg , left the u re
roof iu Clay county with $40 and the
nan'n team. He wax overtaken i
:1aHting3 : and hurried homeward for p
Col. Place , U. S. engineer nt Line
ian invento'l a "titock alarm , " by mean
which , when attached to locomotive ,
natur can bo thrown a distance in fron
, he pilot , thuH driving Block f :
; ho track.
fliere wan A young lady in Palmy rar
Who had n most loving nduiirer ,
Her ho promised to wed ,
Then proved false nnd fled ;
She now wantu (3,000 to "heel" her.
A sad accident occurred at Wnhoo
week. MTH. Johuuon and her mol
irhil * Kturnlng from n funeral , v
thrown out of their wagon backward
( he ground with great violence- .
former unstained nplnal inuren ! wl
l > arnltied her body , while the old ladj
ceived injuries likely to terminate fati
Nebraska City shelterH two of the li > i
loaferx in the Ute. Ono of them for
- family poHsoHsion , headed by the fat
stout and healthy , * two strong nnd
irrown HOUR , and a huuky wife , mnruhei
the poor house and demanded admin
nnd a ot ( nit for the winter. Number
compels bin wife and children t >
nround town while ho enjoys mm bath
the lee aide of bin shanty.
The lightning rod swindler * nro ab :
in th- lulu ) , gulling the iinbonh stico
The lattbt dodge was BUcceeiifnUy pract
In Kearney county , where Buv.rnl r
for $11 were ral ed to 8111. A mc
tongued man named Ferris wan ca\
nnd convio'ed of the crime , nnd bi
over to the dUtrict court in 81,000. Fl
ing acquHintHnctt in Hn-iUnga , he in I
the Hhtriff to acco\upnuy him in his 1
for bondsmen. F-rris wa uncomm , nnd "lushed" the otticiul ot e
bar in town. The limb of tha law
nodii laid out , nnd Fenii departed
oilier fields of uaefulucfH.
Die nlmdow of the penitentiary 1m
tcrrora for the gang of youthful thi
nnw flourUhiiiK in Lin oln. They
fearlefH. fleet of foot nnd BUCCCBaful.
of the gang , laht week , decided to ynn
overcoat hanging in front of Hurl !
clothing utore. No vooner thought
donej tno thief grabbed the ul-tcr nni
' with Hui
into a neigh'xrW hnllwny
in hot pursuit , Whuu cornered he s
oflereii So ai a compromiHo , which w.i
cllnrd , but viicn Hurlbut Btooiieil to
up the c6nt the young rascal leaped
htm nnd lit out , and EOOII disappear !
the ulloywuys of tha town ,
Hon.W- . llaldemaii , th nextcoi
treasurer of I'AWUCD , w ft f w years
a fttrong candidate for treasurer before
itnto convention.
Political "dRinphoolery" li a. brill
sitcccm in I'nwnto county.
A new fireproof utono vnnlthan beer
iled to the Court HOUBO for the prese
lion of public records.
Table Hock now tiU on a hill , where
old town dlte formerly waa and will
let her li ht nhinu for all.
Superintendent Howe reports
eclioola in n lloiiri hiti | ; condition in o
particular throughout the county , thi
Dr. .T.H. Htunlln , r prominent vctciii
Burgeon of Oinnba , ia now in our city 1
ing after the various dinen CK known to
111 'INC.
The devclopemcnt of the coalinlnra i
Cincinnati ! in the no thca t part of
county ii being actively carried un for
apprunching whiter.
'llio bunit dUtrict in 'awneo cty n
being rebuilt with substantial brick 1 1
IngH entirely firo-proof and will bo refer
for dcuipnncy , many of them this win
No vacant boudoi in Pawnee fo > r
Everything ia on the boom here , with1
mnnd for more laborer * . The fanners
enjoying good crops , \rlth hish prices
good prospect * ahead.
Tim trial of defaulting treasurer U
minx haa been deferred tllljinothcrtcn
court. Homo allcga n txiliticnl rn on.
01 B n religious ono end utill othera thit
persecute may bo implicated with
Gen. I ) , llomick , unco a prominent hi
* r hero nnd now. a retired capitnliiit ,
linn been rojmirnlnr during the FUintnc
eouthcrn Cnlifiirnin , has recently re tin
to this city with a view of tnaklag it
future ) home.
At an independent convpnUon hcli
thiHCoimtr lait Saturday Kditnr Wall
of The Kntoiprine , wan nominated
coroner , allof whichdead honors hcpror
ly declined , knowing full well th-t
would bo the first subject for an inrj
utter election , )
The truck layeron the U. V. U. It. A
from the A. & v 11. U. will bo In this
on next Saturday , nt which time wo
then have communication with the out
world. Thu contractor ! ) have ( Info
their work which they did well and ur
very unfavorable- circumstances of T >
nnrt weather , and have gone to the fron
the Denver eitennion.
K. Kingnbury , one of the promir
Block dealers in oouth Nebraska , has
cent nurchnxed 500 head of cattle m U
imd drove them through to his fine U
farm near this ci y , where he will I
them during the winUr. Mr. K , is
of the oldest and ablest fttock men h
and he thinka he eees a bonanza iu buj
we stern cattle and driving them thro
and fattening them for the eastern n
IcetH.The editorial prodigy of Tbo P
nes City Unterprii-o la cute. W
ho riaitrt Lincoln or Omaha he regi tcrn
* firat-clnsn hotel BO that hia name will
pear in the mo niug papers. Thei
takuH hia meals and lodging at Fomo tw
ty-cent reataurant for economy's sake ,
tliat he can in thia way obtain cheap
turiety and cheap hash. Hu will go i
the cabinet sure.
Sioux City ia to have a button f.ictt
A distillery ia to be erected nt AtUti
Webster City is to have a telephone
The buckwheat crop in Cerro Go
: ounty IB nearly a failure.
Thirty thousand dollars will be iuves
nn tow mill r.t Cherokee.
The Dei MoinesNorthernrailroad tn
ins reicbed JciferBon , ( jreene county.
A very malignant type of diphtheria !
uade ita appearance in DyeiHvillo.
Muscatino haa wiped nut the last of
levcn per cent bonds , Sl'3,000 in nmoi
Never in the hia'ory of Taylor con
lava \egetablea been BO scarce as nt p
The Board of Supervisors of Cass co
; y have purchased 240 acres for a i
Tha tale * of ft beer-fnuctt m nuf ct
in Kort Dodge will * zceed 83OoO
ynr.Th Dea Moines Turners have wi
? 2CO" ) for a new building for the use of
While boring an artesian well nt Si
City , nt the depth of ICO feet petroli
was found.
The Dubunue tc Sioux City raibr
aompany has paid a semi-annual divid
of thren i er cent.
Agricultural exp"rtsclaim th't the li
com crop is short 75,000,000 bushels on
count of poor Reed.
Corn huakn nre said to be thin this ;
son , and with many this ia n sure ind
tion of a u.ild winter.
The Fint Nati nal bnnk of Li'bon
inrrtnderod its charter. It will be c
tinned M prirnte bank.
There are 228 tel.-phfino jnatrurai
connected with the syHtem in Clinl
Lyons , Camanchc and Fulton.
On Miinca ina 'aland ' ono hundred bu
Ings nro Huriounded by water , caused
the great rife in the Jills isaippi.
To wh t uses , etc The old Metho
: hurch in Dea Moines has been rented
it laundry nnd ohirt manufactory.
A project is on foot at Spencer to bi
iv town ball , 40 by 80 , with 10-foot ceil
by n stock company. Shares , $25 each
Ono man Iu Grundy coun'y ' has rn
thi * f eoson CO 000 pounds of tobacco , wl
ivill bring him the neat mim of ? 51,00 <
The yintou canning works have e
Jown for the season , having put up c
half a million cans of tomatoe and con
Laborers nnd team * , are in demand
the Ottumwa ft Kirkville railroad cou
uy , nt § 1.75 per dy for the former
33 60 for the Utter.
Grinnell haa an artesian well nt a co
pi,000. At Oskaloosa they expends ! S
000 in mnking hole 3,000 feet deep ,
then did not get water.
The new pork packing houno at Oi
IMOB.I is just completed. It haa n capa
for 1,500 hogs a day , which can be incr
ed to 2,500 if necessary.
The third annual contention of
Ninth District IOWA Bund > y School n
ciat on URH held at Or nd Junction on
26th ult. , end continued in sestsion tl
. ays ,
A barbed lath fe-co factory U in op
tion at Atlantic. It has been nmnii g
than a month , but already tweho mile
fence have been Bold and orders fur tt :
more are in ,
A Sac county firmer has n orchan
1001 ppl trrei from reven tn tw
y aru growth , which have yielded tha I
two or thr e years fruni four to nix I
drod buahelu.
The Fort Dodpo board of trade h a
elded to accept the offer of the C na <
pork.p eking iioiiBe n giftof ten ere :
and 10 per cent of the amount they in
in Improvements.
Thn F nila grist mill has just been c
nl'tel. It Is 30 byIK feet , four etc
high , nnd 1ms a capacity for grinding
bu holu of wheat and he eainu quantit
corn every twelve hours ,
Chaa J. Kundlott of Id * Grove
made 1,000 gallons of a rghmnHyiup
H anon. Fo ty-ono faimera brought <
to his mill to be gruiud. Mr. 11. taki :
certain proportion as his pay.
John -McMukeu , i f Wnuhlngtnn c > r
li niiietynuoeara old. Ho came
Iowa in the iprlng of 1839 , eettlinj
le > Molt rs county. He is \ iporou. I
man nl hit nge , and lie can read witl
Tlia Colmnbui & Council-Bluff i loil
company Is the newest venture ,
principal oflico is to bo t Oaknluosk ,
the capital provided for by the ar i
which are now nn file with the eocretii
atate , it 8 0,000,000.
Nineteen cars , containing & 00 1
horned bovine * , all the way from the
nian territory , were unloaJfd nt Bhe
lout w' ok. The cattle are owned by
costeiu sMidtcato. and % vill bo quart
for tlio winter in Sioux county.
Tha Iowa Gonnrnl
The following is the record of
noxtlown loginlaturo M at pronont
ported :
Itopublicatiain romnii , democrat
itnlica , grocnhacka in small c ;
Hold-overs marked by a *
First District -H. W. Koth
Sccotid District Alox. Hro
Tliird District- * , ! . J. WALT. , C
Fourth District * DAViuM. CI.A
Now York.
Fifth District * William II. \
son , Oacuola.
Sixth District * ! . W. Keller , i
Seventh District Fulton B. Olt
Kighth District-Alfrcd Hcbr
Hod Oak.
Ninth District K. . / . JIaU , 1 :
Tenth District Lot Abraham ,
Eleventh District * Sanford
Boling , FnirGuld.
Twelfth District C. M. Bro'
Thirteenth District J. 0. Hati
BOH , Ottumwa.
Fourteenth District Jolm
I'rizor , IJrighton.
Fifteenth District * J. Kelly Jo !
ion , Oskaloosn.
Sixteenth District * J. F. Gro
lee , Knoxvillo.
Seventeenth Dislrict * Mnrk
Danhioll , Hartford ,
Eighteenth District G. B. IIu
Nineteenth District * G. F.Vrig
Couucill Blulft.
Twentieth District Pliny Nich (
West Liberty.
Twenty-firut District J. 0. Bi
Davenport. 3
Twenty-second District W.
Cotton , Do Witt.
Twenty-third District * John R
sell , Onslow.
Twenty-fourth District * Pi <
Mitchell , Maquoketa.
Twenty-fifth District * Jobn
Shrader , Iowa City.
Twenty-sixth District W. A. I
rick , Victor.
* Ji
Twenty-seventh District
W Henderson , Ctdnr Rnpids.
District * John
Twenty- eighth
Michols , Vinton.
Twenty-ninth District E. S. S
ow , Monroe.
Thirtieth District H. Y. Smi
DCS Moines.
Thirty-first District * Samucl
icholR , Panora.
Thirty-second District Deloa A
} ld , Marshalltown.
Thirty-third District * Jolm
3illott , Ogden.
Thirty-fourth District T. M.
Logan , Lifjan , Harrison county.
Thirty fifth District J. K. Grai
Thirty-sixth District * Rodney
Cirrill , Manchester.
Thirly-Boventh District J.
ivamrar , Webster City.
Thirty-eighth District H. 0. I
uonway , Cedar Fulls.
Thirty-ninth District-M.
Flannon , Independence.
Fortieth Diatrict * Mnrtln Gart
Forly-first District * Henry N
inder , Lansing.
Foity-second Dislrict H. A.Bal
Fortythird District-William I
rabeo , Clormont.
Forty-fourth District Edw
Marshall , Nashua.
Forty-fifth District A. N. Poym
Forty-siith District * A. M.V
ley , Aplington.
Forty-seventh District H. G. I
ker , Mason City.
Forty-eighth District J. J. II
sell , Jefferson.
Forty- ninth District * Eldin
Hartshorn , Emmotsburg.
Fiftieth Distict-G. S. Robins
Storm Lako.
Total * Hold over 2C ; rcpublica
15 ; greenbackers , 2 ; democrats , 3.
Republicans in romau , democrat )
Italics , greonbackera nnd fusion
small caps.
AllamakooW. . D. Earl , Wauk
Appanoose E , M. Reynolds , C
Benton I. M. St. Glair , Vint
JOHN RYDBR ( ind. ) Vinton.
Blnckhnwk C. A. Bishop , Lapoi
Thomas Welstoad , Waterloo.
Boone A. J. Holmes , Boono.
Breincr L. S. Hanchott ( ind. n
Buchanan Isaac Muncy , Jess
Butler H. 0. JJrown , Durmont ,
Cass William Baughman , G
Cedar William P. Wolf , Tipt
Chickasaw J , F. BABCOOK , Fr
Clarke W. H. Hall , Oaceola.
Claytoc Gregor McGregor , 1
Gregor ; Van Staadcn , Elkader.
Clinton Larkm Upham , D.
Dallaa-T. J. Caldwell , Adel.
Decatur -IF. F. Kelly.
Delaware W. H. Morton , Earlvi
Des Moines A. H , JTo/dem /
Wn\ . Lynch , Burlington.
Dubuque A. ] y. Daugheriy. Du
iue ; Michael Ml , Dennir O'Bn
Fayetto William Taylor , \ \
Floyd A. S. Flint , Marble Bo
Fremont Lorin K. Henderson.
Grand A. V. Slout , Parkorsbi
Guthrie Center.
Haluilton Charles Aldrich , W
stor City.
Hardin J. J. Cook , Now Pri
Harrison L. K , Holier , Magno
Henry 0. W. Payne , Swedeabi
A. L. Crow , Sal oin.
Howaid D , S. LAMDKKT.
Iowa Elviu Tilton , Millorsburt
Jackson Two democrats.
Jasper J. M. Toole , Monroe ]
E. Dotson , Cnlfax.
JelForson John Williamson , Lil
Johnson IZ. S. Lucas , - JJrc
Jones Dr. M. H. Galkins , Wyi
ing.Kcokuk Thomas E. Johns , Sig <
ney.Leo J. N. Irwin , Keokukj II
SHOO/ ; .
Linn Frank W.Hnrt , Mt. Von
L. B , limvdith , Cedar Rapids ,
Louisa F. A , Duncan , Columbu * .
City.Lucna Wnrron S. Dungnn , CliarU
Madison Butler Bird , Pattoraoiu
Mnhaska Robert Wnrron , Txjigh- ,
ton ; Jamcn Bridges , Indianapolis.
Marion-/ . M. McCully , Polla ;
WILLIAM BLAIN , Knoxvillo.
Marshall E. 0. Lcmert , Marshall-
town.Mills W. S. Lewis , Malvom.
Monroe J. M. Robb , Albia.
Montgomery 0. C. Plnttcr , Red !
Oak.Muacatinc J. A. Picklcr , J. 0. .
Donahor , Muscatine.
Page W. E. Wcbitcr , Clarinda.
Polk T. E. Haines , Altoona ; T.
W. Havens , Des Moinea.
Pottawattamie - - II. 0. Seiffort ,
Avoca ; . / . G. Morgan , Council Bluffs.
Powonhiok Charles H. Spencer , ,
Grinnell. -
Ringold 0. C. Bosworth , Eugene , .
Scott Wm. 0. Schmidt , Jimat
Bluuller , P. McVamiB , Davenport.
glory T. C. McCall , Nevada.
Tama G. R. Struble , Toledo.
Taylor Lyman Evans , Bedford.
Union A. P. Stevens , Crentou.
Van Buren Captain J. Ellerick , ,
Doud'a Corner. " *
Wapollo P. M. Epperson , Eddy- .
rillo ; G. W. Dickens , Agency City.
Warren W. F. Powell , Indianol * . . .
Wnalu'ngton Abraham Pearson , ,
Wayne Dr. McCullough , Hunio-
Webster R. M. Wright , Fort * .
Winncahiok L. Huboll , D. 0. .
Woodbury E. 11 , Hubbnrd , Sioui. ,
Plymouth Sioux nnd Lyon 0. L , .
Davidson , Pattersonville.
Monona , Ida and Crawford B. T. .
Shearer , Ida Grove.
Cherokee , Buna Vista. Pocahonta i
nd Sac Horatio Pitcher , Cherokee. ,
Green , Carroll nnd Calhoun H. .
SV. Macomber , Carroll.
Aclair , Audubon and Shelby Platt
Wicks , Harlan.
Clay , Osccola , O'Brien nnd Dickin-
ion 0. M. Barrett , Sheldon.
Emmot , Palo Alto , Kossuth and :
Qumboldt J. J. IVilson , Algona.
Wright , Winnebago , Hancock and *
Worth J. E. Anderson , Forest City. .
Cerro Gordo and Franklin R. S.
Oonson , Hampton , independent ro-
Total Republicans , 73 ; democrats , . ,
20 ; greenbackers and fusionista , 7.
This will giro the republicans 85
majority on joint ballot , or a loss of 4 !
unco last session.
Llqnid Gold.
Dan'l riank , of Brooklyn , Tiogn countj , .
Pa. , describes it thus : "I rude thirty
ni'es for a bottle of THOMAS' ECLKCTIUO
3ir , , whicli effected the wonderful euro of
t crooked limb in six applications ; it
iroved worth more than gold to : no. "
The Oldest Established
C/aldwell , Hamilton & Co , , ,
tnnnctod name as that of Q Inoor-
Mnted oank ,
Accounts k pt In currency or golil rubjecl to .
: lcht clicck wlthoak uotlc
Certificate of deposit saued payable in Ihreo , ,
ill and tucho months , jcarint ; inttreet , or on
iem&nd without Interest.
Advoncoa mada to cuetcimnre on approved MCV- -
rltlca at market rates of luteroct.
Duy and Hell gold , bllin ot exchange , goren-
neat , ttate , county and city bouda.
Draw dgnt Jrttta on England , Ireland , Sco4--
and , and all parta of Karopo.
Soil European ponsago tickets ,
Proprietor ,
1213 Harney Street ,
OMAHA , - - - NEB0.
Cornices ,
Dormer Windows ,
Specht'a Patent Metalio Sky
PaUnt Adjustable Rutchtt Br and
I am tha general State Agent ( ortheaboro
ino of goods.
Jreatlngs , Baluitradet , Verand.ikOfl1coMidi
Dank Raillnei , Window and Cellar
Quardt ; al o
Pterion end Hill Patent Intldo Blind.
Handles , Nuts , Frnite , Etc , , Etc , ,
And Confectionery !
416 10th St. , OMAHA , NEB.
TRADE MARK T'-'i ' " 'TltADE ' MAHIf.
B | > ermator.
rhc , Jinpot-
cncy , and all
' ° " ' >
IEFOIIETARIHQ. ( ol AFTER TAKINOV. Ai i ; i lA ) ol Memory , Liw | <
tutle , Tain In tlio Hack , Ulmneia of Vixlon , 1'rc-
mature Old 4ge , nnd many other [ H'omes IhM
load to Insanity or Coiieuinjitlou a till a J'rtnik-
XdrKull parttcuUri tn o-jr " " "hlet , which.
we dulro to fcctid tree I r mail to emyonu.
d Tnt > Specific Medlcliio In told by aUdruggUU
at II per package , orti pacV ji fr 16. or * IUi
be ecnt freu by mall nn rei i lot the money ' by
addrwwlni ; THEQKAY iKUIt'lNKCof ,
For ule by 0. K Ooodsr '