Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1881, Page 3, Image 3
I THE OMAHA JDAILYBEE : MONDAY NOVEMBER 7 , 1881 .REGISTRATION LIST , TIIIKD WARD. Adams J 0 Adamson Robert AngollJ B Abel C G Allen C A Albright R Atkinson Alex Austin Clias II Arnold John R Ad , m FJAtik E Agan Patrick Avery Henry J Anderson Jas W Ayers F U AWe Alfred Ayers Gee B Archibald Rochio Adler Alexander Audon Win J Adams Henry Anderson Gee Austin Henry Arnold John N Adams Valentino Ainscow Ed Aults 0 J Andrua Phillip Arnold ! P Ainlin John Ashley Goo AWe Albert Allen Daniel H Adams Frank E Avery llinry J Alexander Ohnrlcs Arnold William S Audrey H.tmmuiid Banckca Ctms Barlholomow W 0 Haas N D Ratty Wm Baty Jacobs Boatty Samuel Beardaloy S M Berry Luke Berthold Henry Bernstein A M Billing Jacob Bloom Simeon Bonner Win II Bowman S.mford Brown Gee 1 Brown Daniel Brown David F Brown Solomon Bristol Jaa Brockman Peter .Buslu-y John Bycrs John M Burnoy 0 E Burke Gee Brnbeckor M B B.iker Chas Boyles Albert L Bngga Edward R Xturnos Gee Burke Clnia E Batea Robert Boaidsloy Seth M Boyd Joseph G Bruttoii Wm Bowman Rilph Btrry Edward Burnette Lorenzo Barber Henry Burke Thoa Bain Gee Blakely Arthur Bitting Win II Brown Gee W- 1 Brown Goo W 2 B.ilcombe U B Borland Fr.uik L Brown Edward H Billings A W Bear Asbury Boj le John Bordi'ii Andy Boonstni Jurion II Bowman D.ivid H Byerlo Sylvester Boehl Werner Borggren John BcindorlF Louis Brown Chas F Bishop W S Badger W Baldwin S C Bosshoimer L BmyjChaaT Beozloy Syltoator By on Wm P Boindorir Otto Buihdorff Chas Buechlo Adolpho Benton Darnel S Burton Bonj F Bowen Jerry Brechbelor John Blond Clarence N Beokor Henry BriJwor Batiah Black Alexander Becht Maz Boll Thomas Beir Fred Brigga James L Brigga Arthur Benglo F J BloodsonM W Braage L G Buford Chaa H Brooks Chas P Bolin Preston Burrow H A Barnnoll Joseph Byors John 1' ' Bridger Wm M Burt M A Brim nor Morrin Box Henry Bragg Byron Bonoke Guatavo Bow Patrick Braddy John Bouhard J Bradford Lewis E Batto See Brown Al Bunco John W B ngillion Chas Brown Randall A Benson L Brage Lewis Burdick R Beaumont Lowia E Butterford Wm Brannaii Alike Barrett Jamca Beg Gotliub Ballard James Baldacuf Chaa Burke Edwin Barry Samuel M Buorgor Louis JJruuiols Peter Barry Edmond B.ildauf Sharpy Brigis ; B I Braddy lama Burch Ebonezor B.iker Will C Bierr Albert Brudor Pat Bishop E G Brown S Brown Goo Bourn J J Ballingor Minor Bothwell S S Byerly Sylvester Bushman H H Bargin John Burdosh Richard Burnett D M Braddy James Butts E L Brough Theodore Bond Callaway T Bartletto D H 'Cummings Morrick Chose 0 S Clair Julia ClinoJohn Cuator David C. Carroll James Clark John Cotter James Clark John T Collins Gus Connolly John Charles James S Carleton 0 0 Coleman 0 E 'Callaway H Carney II -Caulfield John J Clair James Critchlield A J Cunncon M Crawford J 0 Cumin John Crawford H H Campbell S S Carter E B Carpenter R W Camp William Crawford Pat 0 Caiuwrau James Carpenter E E CranoG E Commt'H T 'Curry R D Chadwick PM Cannnonzind A Crawford W C Cooper R C Carpenter H F Cruno Wallace Carnoll J Cartwell Mielmol Chapman J G Cockely Pat CummiiiKs J J Camtoll Dennis Collins Tunis J Couch L A Cole Walter Curtin R W Cooper G Cassady Carlisle Carfman W H Chaao 0 Clem Carlton M H Carnos Joseph Currier FF , Carney James Canon Fred Campbell J W Collins Dan CadwJl Gee P Carroll Patrick Carpenter A B Canfiold G Case JM Cuinn Max Coo Fred Chipman J I > Carey J J Culver Edwin -Clarke Bonj C Cecil WV 1 Clay Henry Collins J S Cury Pat CJarko A E Connolly Jas Costello Mix 'Cmroy M II Carey Aug -O.tolloM Gavanaoh J Coon John Candwoll M Charles Win C Chambers SJ Caasora Wm G Condun Aug Carpenter J II Cownaly Peter Comertord J U Carpenter A J Castlcr A Cokely Con Carey P A Campbell A C Carney W A Carnoa Joseph Curoy Louis Cull Daniel Card in Thomas Connolly Ed Cotter Tlioinas Oobott Thomas Costlo Miho Costallo James Cat roll Tim Case Wm H Dillon D Dusold John Donohuo J Dolonu I * > od Doyle Moacs Ducrosa Victor Duiifjchor Chas Daniel G L Davia T J David Frank . Dalan Wm Dugan Jaa Durochur John Durfor Chauncoy Dowdell Peter Da via Gee Daughoity Pat Dyer Jas A ' Dow'itt A J Derwin Gee Dontztr P F Doland Jaa F Donahue Ohas DoKuioy Piifc Daasopt J N Donovan Miclmol Davis Win A Davis Durvent Ed Dojono F X Drexel J C Domproy M Drach J P Diokson Alex Donnelly Richaid Dalton S F Dohlo llonry Darling 0 E [ Donohuo S R Dinnan Thos Daron Kd Donincy 1'etor Drpacsl Ralph Davis Levi Douglaa Isaac Dillon Frank Dickson W B Dexter W II Dolony P Donovan Owen Dunn Linard Duolittlo laaao N Duffy Patriok D.xvis Edgar P Dohui John Durgan T A Deal U 11 Dolnn John Doinpsoy Peter Doyle Peter Doyle Davis Dunnigan Jiunos Duncan E G Davis Jnmoa Da1o A llormnn Dike Win Donovan Jolin Ellis John Ergood S G Kdgcrton Joseph Ernst Christ Eagan D-U Enright David Ediuuaon Clias Evans Thos Eke Archiu Ettora Jonathan Evorutlo Win Erdnian Wra H Eliot A 11 Emory J T Eag n Thos Ellis L A Evans John II Edwards Lewis J Edinunson Sain Kbener Fred Eaton Edric L Edwards lance Edwards Nich N Rigtn Dennis EdinuiiBon Win Ellis John Ergood S G EdgerUm Joseph Ernst Cluist Eukur Henry Elsassor Peter Ebaur John Frang Adolph Fisher Clrns Fisher Jos Flynn Thos Kortoch Paul Farrell < Ias Flynn Jno-No 1 Fisher T E Foster Clias Feenoy J II Ford Andrew Frewan Andrew Foster A G Frotwoll D S M Forbes Emery Forbes J.itnca Frank John Fink G W Floyd E G Flynn Jno-No 2 Ford Patrick Fisher J J Fisher Godfrey Flynn Goo II Funk Chas E Ferguson Henry Fitgerald Morria Foley Michael Ford Win H Fisher John Frtnnortt'z Fred Plary Michael Frank Jacob Festnor Fred 0 Fust nor Julius T Faron Win Foster Thos G Flein Wm L'rovnui John J Fonda Win A Flory Michael Flick Oh as Pa roil Philip Flock Theo Foiattck John Fay Peter U Fojig Chas N Flunuory P fisher Etnil Featnor Chas Wisher John Flynn Jna Fitzpatrick Ilugh Frost L n Fleiglo J II Frouy Adolpli b'ostnor Jos Earon Philip union ic ; Wm Gantez Valentine jiirnincr Gee Gustaphson S V Guthrie R 0 Galla lior Pat llican Pat Greene Winston jorater Gto Gamble W 11 Juhouno Michael Greene Calvin W Green August Griflin D A recn Robt George E R 3randpro Carl Gotheimer Phillip ! iish Eliaa Grebe Henry ar 3robo llonry jr Grebu Louis ji'isak'inan El W Glyn R T Giyn Pat N Gruar Ilalpli jraci ] Joseph Green G W loonro Pat Gallic.- " ! Win H jinice Martin Gill J M Gerkey llenry Gorman P J jillespio John Grow Ohas Greene J C Greed Chas R illospioJohn Gardner Sam jimbloAdam Gotluib Esuh J.irber 'ohn Gaum P A ioroy Dennis Googes Gee Javaa P A G.irvey Dennis Ionian Patrick J Groves Gee illcspie John Grotwald Henry ironner G Garragau Phillip II uunigan James Gutun Albert Irobo TheoJoro GroachiU 0 S Gable G B G la via John unnult Lowia lertzke Fred Horzog Gee lay Joseph Hornborger Henry lughesVm B Horan Joseph londorson Win nenderson Chas "W Iitohcock W R Huck Louis larerly Dclanco llobcrt J H lucloss Frank Hogan C II ) lutchinaon Jaa Howard Thoa H lartson P M Honriijan Chaa Hoilman J W Hort Leo Hoist S W Heyr Goo Moonor Matt Huba Jacob Hefner Joseph Hawkins T L Hebrucht L Hunt Gee J Hurley John E Hertzmnn" Philip Hayden Matt H Howard Richard Howell Win H Humphrey W H HoytRobtC Hornsby E M Harrison Oliver Hicks Liuf Holmes Henry Harrii Peter Halberfc John S Hcnncy Enoch Hunt Alonza B Hail \Vm G Ilofmoistcr Henry Hnnloy Chas Hunt Albert B Hines Patrick Holland Phillip S Honshaw Horace Holeman F C Haggerty Edward Henringer Christ ' Hitchcock A A Heyer Win Hass J W Higby John C Hoyn Goo ILu-aly Henry Hyde Harry W Heller Francis T Homichs John Hasso Aug Hart 0 L Iladfield Danl B Harrison Oliver Hartman Chris Huth Fred Halen Joseph Hill Low W Hjgan Patrick Hillbourn Lowia Ho.idloy . Gee Hillock Jamca B Havens Thos C Hoan John Housman John Harrington F C Hunnan C Fn Haller John Hoybrecht Lewis Hotzel Goo W HOUBO Win U arris Herman Hamann Timothy Harper R II Hiibig Chaa A Hodges F S Howu H H Higgins James Hurley Cliaa Harris C F HurriB E A Hartshorno E S Henry Pat Hatroth P Helinan Peter Harris F H HeiiHcl Frank Harpster J W Hout Henry Hanlon Thos Hamlin Jny J' Houkora A 0 Hughes Path HafoyPath Hoglo Hollis E Hammond A J Hall Mat Harrington jGcprge Howard John PJamatin Morris Humphrey E K Hannan Joseph ' Hunter J II Hunter B W Hill L W Eager W J Higby H H Hufl Win Hubait J H Hunsinqer Chris IT win Goo Inakeop Chaa Irvinu Jaa Irvine Jaa II Johnson Mathew Jaisli John Turdinu J B Jones Alones Torman Tlioa Jerdiue W J Juclson H M Jordan Pat Johnson John Johnson D U Jackson Gee S Jones llubon P Turdino Tlioa F Jett A G J-mlino Walter S Jarral Henry Johliboa Jua E Jeffries Henry H ' Touts \Vm R Johnson Martin ' Johnson Win Johnson UJ Johnson Suinner Jackson L Inniea E L Jolnuou ' Iamo3 John A JohiiBon Andruw1 ' ' Ivimbalt Richard Kendall Jin ' Kullman Thos Knhn John T ' Kennel Valentino Kliuo E R ' Killman .k-rry Kinney Thos ' Connol Win Kirnbill Levi ' Kinskoll F N Kent Fr D ' Ivirkcndall F P Konyon F ' Keene Crayton Kom Pat ' Kasrur Fr J King John ' ICulbo Win Klotz Gee Kelley Hucli Koyes D E ' If out \Vm II Kelley John J ' Klein Jacob Klein Adolph Kostcr Jos U Knotts Win U Kuhl llonry Kunfiuiui David Kelley N E Kullman Samuel Knnunerlinrj Aug kerr Gee Kisor Udlil Kuohl Edw Knapp Israel M ! Kuiller JJM Kcalinu D.tvitl F King Phillip Kress Ferdinand Kuhl Chriat King Oeo W Keek Henry Kt'ssler Herman KonnedylL W Kinney Leoko King S F Kiriven John Kalioy JMUOS Kreyct Christian Kecchan Win Kinikler F 11 Kahnbach Christ Krebs Thomas Ktihlman Charles Keith William Kand Casa Kelliher J King John Kostors Frank H Kelly Warner Knowlcs Henry Livosey Henry Lynch John Li'.nry Mike Lehman Simon Linde Goo Lehr Win Luwio John Lewis Harrison Lewis Allen Larry Casper Livi soy U E Logan Jonn Laurence Orwin L'lgim John Lambert Osc\r W Lncoy John hman N E Lowu M V Lachamiollo E Little Chaa E Lucas G W Lnrrimor P F Lamb Jason L Lnmli John V ivosey Lonard Light J W I ang Philip Lutsch Richard Lyon Theo F Iiwlir : Michael Laughlin Thoa W Lipdohl Aug Liwlar Mortimer Lloyd Chaa utrken Goo LauurJohn W iogan Stewart Larmin John lOamoy Michael Lacttlle L L Lindqucat F Led ley John Law II Lamed James looker Win A Lummo Frederick Lynch Pat Lynch Bat Mead Chns W Miller Wm K Matthews Win Morria Ed T Morris Jam us Miller D N Mentor C J Maynohan A E Moiley John Mullen Thos F Morrow Pat Monahan P Moran John Martin Christian Magee HaTV Meyers H B Menach W W Morrison 'Wm Mograno T G Meyers Julius Mauer Ed Meyer Alex M Mondleson Louis Morrison Samuel Mills Rob't Marshall MM Miller Edw Molkor John L Marcy Harmon Miller Howard C Meohan Fraud Miller Goo Musacr Win B Miller Wm S Maxwell John E Morran Jaa E Merritt Jos Morgan Richard Montgomery Jas Meyer Andrew Mills Elanathon Moel Fred Milton Oacar P Mitchell Henry J Morkt Chaa Morritt John Mallan Hugh Morrow Jas E i Murphy P N Mmlden J W Myers Isaac 15 Miller Wm K Alans John H Mania Er.tnk Miller Sarin Merriam Chas N Miller Oeo Miller John Meyer Mai ity Montgomery C P Mocker C H Maloy Pot Mosaberg Andrew Motor Chaa Marten Jas Meyer A Miller A Moyors Gut Mack John Alack Jas Morrell'John Q Mauaa B G Miller Ed W Miles John Maran Wm H Marria A D Murray Thoa Maran D G Mataon J D Miller 0 A Maria David Miller S A Meyer Henry Morton Jaa T Moran John Morris T Miller John Mitchell Wm Miller O G Miller Wm K Manna P Martin G W Murray Pat Martin Anthony Mitchell Thos Madden John Malloy Pat Mullholland Hugh MullhoIlandFrank McCuno Wm Mullholland Thos Mulligan Pat Murphy J J Murton Sam'l A Matheised Neils Megeath Chaa 0 Miller Gee A Meyer Nicholas McGuire Bernard McKee W E McDonald John McCarthy Aleck McClure E A McNishWm McManua Hugh McGuire Thos McMahoii S McCann McCarthy Tim MoMullon John McNamara Fr McKonnu W J MoNabb D.HI MoMillen Thoa B McCartny Mike McCartney Alex McGuinii Wm McClure Harry McClelland A McGentry Alex McAllisteJ Jas McDermott Mike McDovittEdw McNamara Fr McGuno Win McKenna W J McGinn Bernard McNnabb Daniel McDonald John McMillin T ios B McKuo WE McCartney Mike McCartney Alcok MacDunou h F M McCartney Jaa F McKenzie Jas F McMahon Michael McMillcn Neil McDonald Dan MCarty Jaa McGuun Wm McManus Hugh McClure Harry McG win'Thos McCUland Alex McM.ihon Sov McGcntry Anth'fty AlcCalliater Jaa McCarthy Tim McDermott Mike McMullen John MoDovitt Edw McGuckin D L McLaughlin E D McGraw Patrick Jas F 1 Nichols Bonj 1 [ Nichols John A 1 Nichols John I 1 tfounicyor Henry Neligh Jas J tfolaon John NcsbitJohnF tfelT P II Nugent J G Sfcuian Henry Nichols W tf olan James F 2 Nichols Bonj 2 Nichols John A-SNt-ffRhnn II Nugent John J Nash John W forthu Peter Nodor Andrew kelson John Nesbit John F Nichols John I 2 Nash Win F tfobor Clias Novins Chris ftchol James Nichol James J 'Jugon John N 2 Nelson Peter Poison John B Norton John fowton Jolm ) lson Edward Olcott J W Mondoru" Goo W O'Moira Frank ) 'Hcrron Wm O'Connoll Tim 1 ) 'Connor John J Oilman Morris E ) wens John W O'Horron John ) 'Connoll John O'Conncll Tim 2 ) 'Brien Peter Oakley Oscar J Men Peter Osmor Martin . ) 'Briun I'oter 2 O'Connor John 2 ) 'nrion E A Oatu JUIIIOH . laborn Simpson 'orter Jaa P PfllorHonLawronco 'owors Michael Pugh Fred II otter Chas A rosto.i W T arkinson W A eekhiun W II 'inkliam Jua K 'iper Archibald 'oiutu John S itulKon Ohria 'lummer C J 'oyton Win B 'eniiis Aluk 'alterBon Goo-1 'ula Aug 'anna E N 'rinco Solomon 'orter J P 'owora Edmond 'iokard J A 'roston Wm sr 1're.ston Win T-2 'cary Ht-nry M I'eporkarnVm 'otter Chas A Parrish Mart II 1 inner T G Purr Michael 'arkor Suther A Porter Jaa A Numb Will W Petoraon Guo 'utnain Nat B Pickard Kuucno 'iirr Henry J Pitcher Romhard Penny Humphrey Poltcr Albert J Polly John Patrick Henry J Perry N R Patty W R Patterson Goo-2 Patterson J E Mpiahrl Adolpho Putorson S Pholan T Pickard John Prtddon Chns T Purr Goo N Pinknoy Edw 0 Pe.jrco Fred'k LI PfftBS Will Shannon Bernard Stuphenson S tudon Dan Stanborry Byron Sorensen Al Snowden A It Stanlon J N B Saunders Pric Smith A C Sheppard J E hcliui Michael Shc.uuwobber Wm scottC H Smith Gee V lattorlv J E Sixirka W R toward Ed Swartr. Sam 5aur Ford Soiichrist W C Sago Roscwoll G Smith J D Schallbr Frank Spore H C ichanbarker J H Smith Cyruo iharel Fred Snyder D 0 itirman C C Saxmnn Phillip ichopp H P StaJimdorf J ichlegal Alex Schorer Fred liert llenry Stundon Dan lOinlcr Albert Sheppard J E iliaf Fred Shropshire J S Sheppard D P Stobcr Sam Schuoiar Win in SchuItK Aug Spons Conrad Schmidt Wm F Schmid Gee Splitt Chaa Schroeder U T Swistur Wm Sturk J W Severe Julius Severe Robert SylvanusTR Sims Frank Sanders W O Schintz Fraud Sg.vr Jos Sywart Gus Spear Fred Syjins F L Smith John A Smith S M Shill Gustavo Steppon A Stulu SA Schneider Ed Schippocit Aug Stricklor J Scott Thoa W Stem J 'rcd Schalank Adolph Spo man J H Schlank 0 Shiller Jacdb Sway Frank Sullivan Jtiinos Schuntabergcr C Shields Hugh Shreiver J.icob SondorfAl Shaffer Conrad 0 Schmidt Herman Stoncatroet J H Siiaw Clias School pier , John II Sap Peter Sinor M Stebbens Alex G Shoppman S II Standman Wm Sauror Morris Shields John H Stintnan Chas Schwancer Lewis Smith A B Sorrinaon Fat Shields Martiu Smytho 0 J Schlip E G Soabright Henry Sywart G M Speed C S Shropshire Robt C Schaflor Charles C Sault Samuel Sclaudu Axel R Smytho 01 Stephan August Summprs ' William Sheppord D P Shodo A Sullivan D H Scribnor F Smith Sam Stover Fred Smith H Shaller George Schmitz John I Smith David Scobio William I luckor John S 'Tompson Chas laft Chas Tlioinas Henry Ihompson L A Tromann Augustus lurpin Zuch Titemann John re.thon Joseph Trossin lludolph-1 rimm Milton F Tolls JamcH-l Thompson Jonas Trimblo Gee rhomus J Wm Tizardllichard-l futhill George P Taylor Thou H ruckor Jno It Trossin Rudolph-2 raft Chas Thomas Henry Thompson Leon A Trcmaino Augustus Paynter John I Tronivotti Theo N 1'ilford Ashford Tuttle John M IVacy P J Tir-ard Richard-2 i'lwmpson C W Tannis Milton F Foils Jamcs-2 Thompson James , rrimbloGoorgo Thomas John W Fhrockleeker Jno Thomnett Wm 1'hompBon G C Thresher Frank Thompson G E Trucoy P J Thrasher Frank Taylor Julius S Jrlan Frail Usher Win J Uncles FB VanOtmnn Justin Voss Henry VanOrman H Voley Nicholas Vottkopf Jolin Vandoraon Win Vindquist Saul J Arandoborg L H paderan Furgus Venstrand Peter Sam'l I Yunnoy Win H tVoodworth 0 D Woodworth Carlos Wood worth Fred Weiss August Woisenback 1 Wolf Henry H A'right Lutlior R Ward Win iVilson Ini Wilson Frank U kVilkina Harry L Williams W L Wright Joseph Wirth John A A'mh Casmor J White John F IVeidonaall John Woindhnrt Jacob F Wortz G W Wood Charles L A'arnor Goo A Winship Frank iVilliama Henry Wineborso Jacob Vrifjht Wm Walker Phincaa A iVillianiR David F Walker Herman iVaddolJ Walls Thos A .Vobb T T Wagner Frank II iVhitonian Edward Woybright Nathan .Valhico Robt A Wallace W L iVoybriyht Math Willard Chas C iVilliiiiiiH W L Volsli John Wirth Casper J Voolf Goodman M'oods Edward Vallcer Walter Woinlmaon P VilkifionS Wnth Edward Veckback Mielmol Wechback Gustavo Villo CliriHtian Wruu Thuodoro Vc.lfo . John N Wolfe Lewis \V Votot Edwin JJ AVorlz John T ViHtlako Jas W Wittig Ed Vuy Jab \V Whitney Chas M Vilcox John F Winn Putrick Vindham Peter \ray old Gee A Vohrer CharUy Waujjh Win V Voolf Isnao Williamu P J Vokofild J A WampfterOhriat VnUtni John WarJ F Vinguest C J White OJioB K Vasaborg Andrew Wataon J D Willrodt Henry F Walla Thin 8 Walchtcr Frank Womack W D Wicman ! John Wagner Ed Wooll Jacob Wemplo C II Willo Adolj.h Walnco John Weaver A Warner Wm C Yost Chaa A Yates Daniel Young F W WILL 11. 1 LEY , Registrar Third Ward. The Country. Who Ins OUT lived any thno In the country but must Imvo hcnnl of thmlrtucs of Ilimlnck m it blixnl purifier. Hurtlnck Hloinl Hitters euro dyopepsla , btlloiiMictA itnd nil < li < onorn nrishif ; from inipuro lilocnl r itcraiijred llvrr or kidncy.4. Price $1.00 , trial Ivttlr * i < " > ' 7 wnllw "U foci- lido n bill ( fira rolling up .nil down the cheit , " l < ncomi om' | < ri"niun ninong euf. fcrcr * from ItidUcttlon , 'llicii u c Tarrant'aBoltzor Aporiout , Rpt the wtiin Into n healthy condition , "o that t F work , ninl \ on won't ! > o tronlilwl nftcr ii. ) , \ . | | ! 1 1 < lliu fruitful inotlur of innny n.til ltoiMM'i rt-Hult iik f'otii tli" I rjul ooiiilllloii ni lm MomnC' , uinl the ftporlont r rrlci oil vailly iitul ( ikMMtith 1ho i. we , mid thin cuti'8 the tlluuee SECRET AMONG THE LADIES The brilliant , fusciunfinc ( in ( or Complex Ion Tor which ladies strive cli icily aril- flcinl , and all rhovill take the trouble may socnro them. Tilt-so roseate , bewitching lines follorr tlto use of Hngnu's Mag- Jiolln Ilalm n delicate , harm less and always reliable article. Kold by nil drngaiisia. The Magnolia IJnlm conconla every blemish , removes Sal- IOVTIICSS , Tan , Kcdness , Erup tions , ull evidences of excite ment nnd every imperfection. Its effects are immediate and oitnrnl : : that no human being can detect its application. T7 t for dpi ) IT iho tnot direct , ijulchnit , and ifost line comavUng tlio rcat Mctrojiolli ) , CHI AQO.andthn I > MUKV , Noiirn-KJBuaN , Hoinn ud Hoimi-KltT'im , which Icrnilimtuthi-ri ) , rlth KAKBiH flTY , LUiVRNWOUTII , ATCI1IHOH , IOUNCIL Ilumu und UUAIIA , thu COIIUIBVIII ' XTi H from wlilth md.klu EVCHY LINE OK ROAD : hnt p6notratw th i intinent from tbo Missouri " , Uor to the Pacific Mojti. The HIOAGO ROOK ISLAND & PA CIFIC lUJfAVAV Is the only line from ChKugu ounln track Into Kanwu ? , or nhlch , liy lt mvp rniul , rraclio * the iwlntd aliovo nainwl. 'u iK. N < priiH nv UAIIKIAQKI No MIBS U CONHKOIIONH ! Nu hiKldllti ) ; In III- ventilated or iincliam tan > , i > xvory piMsciiKcr le carrlul In roomy , clean and ventilated coaches upon Fut KxpruMj Trnlna. Div CAIIH of unrh'r.lod inn iiindiico , PULLMAN I'ALiCB HtKBi-iNa OIHO. nd ournwiiworM-famotw DININQ CAIU , Hixiii whldi iiiutlniirv Hfrvod of un > Hurpawwl ( iiccllonco , nt the low rate o' HIIVKNTT- KINU UIOTB IACII , nlth aniplo time for hcnlthfiil enjoyment. Through Cars bctnccn Chicago , Pvorla , Mil HBiikoo and llltwonrl Hlvi'r 1'ohits ; and clone con ncctloni at all polntn of liitoiaoctlon with ether rovlii. Wo ticket ( do not forgot thin ) dlroctly to even pluvu of Imiwrtancu In l.ainw. Nulirauka , Jibuti Illlla , W\oinltif | , UlAli , Idaho , Nevada , California , Oregon , Waihlnitton Territory , Colorado , Arlronn and Now tluilco. An llheral arroiiKomonU r'finlinf | li nije c any oilier line , and ratcu of faro alria > H uxl ow m compotltani , who furnlBli hut a tithe of the com fort. fort.Doira and tackle of uportainvn free. TltKota. manti and foldon at nil prlnclpa otllccH In iho United Btntos and OuniJu. U. 11. CAULK , K. ST. JOIfN , Vlco I'ron't & Gun. Otii. Tk t and I'wts'r Af | tlanacrcr. Chlcavo Clilm/o. WAR IH PASSENGER RATES I HOIlltri' IlItOH , . Ilrokor In all Itallroad Tlckctn , Omaha , Neb. , offi r Tickutn to the Kn t , until further notku , ut tliu lollowlnt ; uuhuard ol Low IttitiM ; Chicago , I2 ; Hound Trip , t l.OO. ThoHO are limited KirHt-Clnnii Tickets and ifood for rit-'tn through thu > enrHiil ( h the Old Jtellable i cao , Iturllnjftoii ifc ( ulury Itailroad. Also , L..I way to 1st cltwi , U clam , NKW YOHK , 821 00 , UOSTON , U 00 , J'llJLAUKLI'HIA , 'aw , ' 2100 , WAHIIINJTON , 27 U , U 00 , Kor particulars , wrlto orRO direct to IIOIIIIIK I1HOH. , Duakru In Kuduivd Ilatu lUllroad and fJUiainthlp TltkctM , WJ T.inth .St. , Omuha , Neb , Htuicnihor the place Thrco Uoori North of Union Paclllc Itullruad Depot , Kant Uldo of Tenth Utrcet. Onmhn. Auifmt 1. 18S1 _ au2f.ilaw4m PILES ! P1LES1 PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Last ! No Quo Need Snfforl A ( iirociiro for Illlnd , IHeulInK , Hilling and Ulcerated 1'lloH lia * li < n discovered hy Dr.Vil - llani , ( an Indian remedy , ) called Dr. Wllllaiii'H Indian Olntiutnt. A ulnglu tiox lira cuad thu worntchronlo i-axcn of Zfior aOjcuru Htundliik' . No one need mjlTerflvu minutes alter applying thli uondtrfulkoothliiK' midklnu , Lotlonu , limtrii. iniintu and i lectuarltH do moru harm tlian K"od , Wllllain'H Olntinenl nlwoilii the tumor * , allajH thu inteimullcliliiif , ( iiurtltulaaly at iil 'ht afttir getting warm In hedacUaH apnnltlcu , uhi.ii In- utant and utlnle'u relief , and l i > rcurtil | only for l'IIu . Uililn ol tliujirhatuparld , and for uoth Inif Lino. Head tthnt the Hon. J. M. CcHlnhcrry of Cle\o < liviul KHauljout lir , William's Indian I'llo Oint ment : I lmu lined heorei u ( 1'llu-i curu-t ami It oltcirdi mop enmirv tout ) that I hot c neier found unjthliiL' wnlih gait ] udi linmollatoniid | > tTina < nent rillvf an DrVil bin'n incllun Olntmunt Kur k.tlo hj all drUK'Klsti or mailed on receipt cf price , 1 00. HENRY & CO , , Prop'ru. , ClVKIAM > , OHIO , Korualohy 0 , f' Goodman. DGXterL.Tliomas&Bro , WILL IIUY AND UKLL AND TUANHACTION CONNIurrnD TIIHURWITII , Puy Taxes , Bout Houses , Etc. If tOU WANT TO BUT OH BULL Ctkll at Otflce , Itoom 8 , Crolgbtoa [ Block , Omaha. JOL&J ? " > > - ZVotw * JcyonA any rcasonablo qn istlon Hint Ui * CHICAGO & MORTH-WtSTERN BY Is by nil < v1i\s tlu > e1t roi i for you to take when Irarcllna In cu'licr direction be twccnV Chicago and all of the Principal Points In tho'Wosf , Norlfi And Northwest.1- JfAp. The rrlnclpM . the Writ nitd Ifon'hwMt nro StatMnc ' polnti. Us Uiroujin trains umku close wltu Uiatralasof allrullro.wHai THE CHICAGO A. NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , OvornllnMtq - ' Hist The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. lO'iillman SloriiliiR CAM Nnrtfo ortKnrth\vratof Chicago. Itbai. Caiiiulai. . IJciiicmlicrtoaskfnrTtckctavIathlsroail.ltosnrotlicyrcnaov rtt.aiHj take none other. JU.KJM UUaiUrrlUciriAtnnacorlChleaio. ; > A W. U. STK.NNEriOeii'l I'.iss. Afimt , IIAUHY P. DtlRL , TlcXot AKCtil 0. to N. W. Hallway , llth anil Knnh m i-t-ocU. D. K. KUlllM.L , Aiwlntont Tickok Ak'ont O. & K. W. llnllnay , litb and K > rnbam itrooll J. HKI.L. Ticket AifMit C. & N. W. ltall y , U. I' . H. H. Depot. BAUKHT. CLAHK ( Icnuml Avonl. Announcement ! A large and varied stock of Sta ple and Fancy FancyODS AT FIFiEEN PER CENT THAN DOWN TOWN STORES. You will Save MONEY by buying your DRY GOODS of GUILD & McINNIS , 003 N. lOtli Street , 2d door north of Cal E Side. EDHOLM & ERIGKSON , ( HVKTHK nAHOAINS IN ALI , KINDS OK JEWELRY , WATCHES , CLOCKS , SILVERWARE SOLID AND PLATED WARE AND DIAMONDS. & .t Prices that Suit Any Customer Who Really Wishes a First- Glass Article. STAR TINTED SPECTACLES i n A a ' EDHOLM & ERICKSON , THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Office. SHPfOiflR TUAfjL OTHERS In Convenience , DURABILITY , ECONOMY AND GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. THE SOLD BY Lang & Fotick