Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1881, Page 2, Image 2
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY NOVEMBER 7 , 1881. I SOCIAL SIPS. From a Week's Cup of Innocent Enjoyment. The Masquo-Social of the "Belle Lootros Club" Trip ping at Touzalhi's. Social Notes and Palixto Porsonnl- TUB wnr.K. Tlio past week in Omaha's aoci.i ! circles has been Jioticcablo for a num- Lor of pleasant gathoriuga , which , while smaller and lesa formal than the club parties , have been none the lew enjoyable to these fortunate enough to participate. On Wednesday evening - ing i\ MASQtTK SOCrAl. was given by Mrs. Nathan Shelton at her residence on Dodge street to the "Bollo Lottros club , " of which she ia a prominent member. Guests began ar riving nt 8 , and from that time until- ton the handsome parlors were .filled with a happy party of disguised humanity. The costumes worn exhib ited considerable ingenuity on the part of the club and indicated that ft love for literature had not entirely eradiated a love of amusement and social intercourse. Dancing began at half-past eight to the accompaniment of excellent musio furnished by Stein- liauaor and was continued until the call for refreshments summoned tno guests to the supper room. Unmask ing took place shortly before ton and many pleasant surprises which irons the result. The following were present : Mrs Shelton , "Tambourine Girl from Mascotto ; " Mrs. Chas. Powell , "Young La'ly Nineteenth Conturyj" Mrs. Chester Divis , "Mario An toinette ; " Mrs. Burns , "Pink Dom ino ; " Mrs. Test , "Waiter Maid ; " Mrs. Turner , "Airs. Jack Frost ; " Miss Uodili ) , "Libortio ; " Miss Tillotaon , "Mail Carrier ; " Mrs. Webster , "J3I.ick Domino ; " Miss Freeman , "Quakeress ; " Miss Ida Free man , "French Peasant Girl ; " JIrs. Jarvis , "The Press ; " Mr. Webster , "Old Woman Search ing for her Husband ; " Mr. Nathan Shelton , "Knight , of Golden Fleece ; " Mr. Burns , Ulk Domino ; " Mr. Archie Powell , "Harlequin ; " Mr. Carrier , "Mephistopholcs ; " Major Stevens , "Hunedictivo Mark ; " Sir. Annin , "Ulk Domino ; " Mr. Will Shelton , Taslm of Many Talcs ; " Mr. Cheater Davis , ' 'Oscar ' Wilde ; " Mr. Frank Shelton , "Mary Anderson ; " Mr. Stobbins , "Father Time ; " Mr. Freeman - man , "French Chasseur ; " Mr. E. F. Test , "Blk Domino ; " Mr. Jarvis , "Lone Fisherman ; " Mr. Coo , "French OOicor ; " Master Nat- tie Shelton , "Flowerof the Family. " The party broke up at a late hour after a delightful ovenintr , whoso en joyment was greatly heightened by the untiring efforts of Mr. and.Mrs. Sholton. MIU TOUZALIN'B PAUTY. Mr. A. E. Touzaliii gave a pleasant little party on Friday evening at his residence on Chicago and Nineteenth streets. The affair was. of rather an impromptu nature , according to Mr. Touzalm's custom ; invitations only having boon issued two days prior to the event. Some fifty couples were in attendance. The elegant parlors of Mr. Touzalin never looked hand somer or brighter. Most of the gen tlemen wore in full dross and many of the ladies also. The Musical Union orchestra furnished excellent musio and the entire first floor was thrown open fpr dancing. The party did not break up until early morning after hav ing discussed an elegant supper. Among these present were : Mms Touzalin , Mrs. D. Touzalin , Mr.-and lira. Floyd , Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Squiors , Mr. and Mrs. Maurice , Mr. and Mrs. Webster , Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Green , Mr. and Mrs. Shivorick , Mr. And Mrs. G > W. Doano , the Misses Doano , Eustis Ilingwalt Wakoloy , tshivorick , Tiltahson , Hal- combo ; Barlow , Nelia and Dora Loh- mer , Wells and Berlin , Messrs. East- is Carrier War-rack Toil- , , Wakoly , , - oy , Fairfield , J. mid T. Ringwnlt , Hundricks , lions , Beach , Barkulow , "Wood , W. B. Scott , Drake , Bullock , Jiobmor , Taylor and Brock. ' Social Noted. The Standard club hold their third party on Wednesday evening at Stan- card hall. The Musical Union fur nished the music , and it goes without aying that a delightful evening was spent by all present , On Tuesday oyening Miss Carrie Millard entertained a number of her friends at a dinner party at her resi dence on Capitol avenue , These who word present were Carrie Millard , D. II. Itpss , Miss Hunisoy , G. D. Thayer , Miss Iloyt , Ezra Millard , W. F. McMillan , Miss fihlvorick , I. 0. Bullock , John R. Ringwalt , Rona Iloss , Miss Woolworth - worth , J. M. Iloss , Miss Popploton , Mrs. Millard , Miss Uingwalt , and M , Ii. Drake. Cards are out for a series of rpcop- tiona by Mrs. Windsor at Brownoll Hall on Saturday , NoveiuborDUi , Sat urday , January 7th and Saturday , February dth , from four until two p. m. ' A pleasant Halloween party was hold on Monday evening at the resi dence of Mr. Thomas Ililoy.on Seven teenth and Cass streets. The Rev. Dr. Stelling , pastor of the Lutheran church , hold n pleasant house warming on Friday evening which was attended by a largo number of his congregation , Polite Fenonalitloi- Mus Dews , who for the past month lias been visiting Miss Minnie Maul , returns on Monday to her homo in Cedar Rapids , Iowa. W B. Ogden , formerly of G. II. & J. B. Collins , who is now making a trip east , will , on hia return , make Dos Mouits his homo. Mr. Ed. Williams and bride have xeturned from their eastern trip , Mr * . Jak. ' E. Boyd and son have gone to Sun Francisco ( < > visit her mother. Mrs. Ed. Peck nnd nistcr , Mis * Carrie Bishop , arrived from Denver last Sunday ; ' Miss Mollie Horbach IIM returned from her viait east , Capt. C. B. llustiii htn returned from Idaho , and expects to remain during the winter in Omaha. The Misses Notirso , of Hay field Wis. , are visiting in this city , the uuests of their aunt , Mrs. General Wilson , Hon. J. M. Woolworth Ima return cd from Washington. Mrs. Samuel Cooper , of Cedar Uap- ids , Iowa , is in the city on a viait to her daughter , Sirs L. il Ilheom , Mrs , H. C. Clowry ; , hai returned to Chicago nccompanioil by Mrs. If. D , Kstabrook , who goes there to make a brief visit. Mrs. Clark , wife of General Super intendent Clark , of the U. P. railway , 1m yono to Hot Springs , Arkansas , for her health. Mrs. E. L. Eaton nnd daughter have returned from Chicago , Blnlr Koto * . Corrdpondenfo of The lite. BIAIK , November 0. During the trial of the caeo of Omo vs. Dulanoy in Judge Perkins1 court on Tuesday morning a dispute arose between ( ho judge and Dulanoy when the judge won rendering his decision against Dulanoy. Dulanoy took occasion to interrupt hini,4 .iyine : "Judge , you aaid on the street n few daya ago that you should decide the case against mo unless I paip the coats. " Upon this remark the judge , instead of lining Dulanoy , picked up a largo motalic ink stand and hurled it at him with all his strength , Dulanoy dodged the misslo and it passed over hia lioad , hitting a young man by the naino of Wilson , who was sitting behind - hind Dulanoy , in the mouth , knock ing two of his tooth out and cutting a deep gash. Wilson is in danger of being thrown into lockjaw. Parties having business in that court are ad vised to wear base ball masks. ThoS. , 0. ifc P. railroad company have boon improving their rounu houso. They have four now stalls nearly completed. The two new depots - pots are completed nnd ready for oc cupancy. Their stock yards , which are the beat on the road , are now be ing used. The stock yards , depots , and ono of the banks up town are to bo connected by telephone , Cook Bros , have enlarged their pew building on the corner of Wash ington and Fifth streets , making the building 31x100 , and intend putting in im audition to their largo stock of liardwaro and extensive stock of gro ceries and dry goods , and boots and shoes. The Pilot came out last week in anew now dross. The paper is to do away with the patent inside , and will bo printed at homo. E. W , Blue , of the Democrat , has retired , The paper is now run by A. B. Samson. Uix. Exponilvo Wedding- The Now York World ban boon fig- urinir on the expense of a fashionable wedding in that city. It is not neces sary to Bay that it includes many items that the rural bridegroom will neb recognize as forming a part of his wedding outfit ; such , for instance , as cards at from $200 to 8500 ; matrimo nial undertaker naif a man were going to be buried at from $100 to $200 ; ushers' scarfs and pins , aggregating from $30 to $70 ; minister's foe from ? 100 to $200 ; BOX tern's fee from $20 .o $50 ; bridesmaids' dress , dinner ivon by groom , caterer , mun'c , florist , > rganist and miscellaneous , aggregat ing from $2,000 to $3,000 , , and cheap it that when a man gets the right < ind of a wife. But plain people will think a good deal of it is superfluous. A Wall street boar is said to have caused a friend to put his intended son-in-law up to eloping with his daughter , on the ground of economy. It was a sharp trick , and added the element of romance to the affair in ad dition to the saving of money. Per haps the best way to got married is to call in a minister and have it done without cards , groomsmen , brides maids , undertakers , ushers , or other expensive and needless extras. The friends have a simple way of having Philander and Dorothy stand up in mooting , when Philander will say that ho takes Dorothy for his wife and Dorothy says oho takes Philander for a huf bund. There is not even n clergy man , but it is said that ono never hears of a Quaker divorce. A Deserted Village. Aspen Timo. Soon wo reached the mushroom cramp of Highland. It well deserves the name applied to it the deserted village. But ono house is inhabited. The structures numbering hundreds ore falling down , and look distressed. Buildings which once covered immense tucks of merchandise are empty , nnd the doors and windows are big yawn ing holea without glass or boards. The rude signs of "Store , " "Assay Office , " etc. , swings in a crary manner from the tops o ? doorways , and in front of toppling buildings , and old founda tions overgrown with weeds und partly - ly buried in sand tell where many c mountain business house once hope fully roared its form. This village htu a history , Its existence was duo to the ' 'Old Turk , " who , having a small stock of liquors , etc. , camped there in the spring of 1880 , and erected acabin. Hero ho oflbred the prospector his wares , and told of wealth buried in the hills behind his cabin. Many listened to his words of wisdom , and cast their lot with him. As the season opened hundreds Hocked to the now camp , but when Aspen and Ashcroft began to produce fine mineral , the people of Highland became disgusted , and quietly - ly and siloU y departed for more prom ising places. Almoit Young Again. My mother was atllicted a long time with neuralgia , and a dull , heavy , inactive - active condition of the whole system , headache , nervous prostration , and was almost holptesa. No physicians or medicines did her ony good. Three months atjo eho began to use Hop Bitters , with such good effect that she scorns and fools ypunt ! attain , nlthouuh over 70 years olil , Wo think ther is no other medicine fit to uio in the family , A lady in Providence , 11. I Journal , novWG THE LODGES. Whisperings From the Inner Sanctuary of Temples of Mystery. Ma onloMnsl&-Tho Comlnc Eloc- iioni Tlio Triple Ltnli and THE TREE KASOWB. MUSIC 15 Till ! I.ODOES. The Riihjuci of flinging in the Lortgo is attracting mono attention in caatuni Masonic circles. Omnlin Free MOBOIIH would do well to follow suit in reorga nize their musical arrangcmcnte. Every ledge i "r city contnitm n number of good vocnliala who coultl add much to the by joining their forces and practising iho various odes. The instrumental music in aomo quartern , which might bo men tioned , { Boriounlr in need of im- proTemont. Will not aomo of the lirothrun talco the matter in hand. COMIXH KLECTIOHB. Next month olcctinnn irill Wo hold in a number of Masonic bodies in thia ctiy , and the brethren arc already doubtloBR considering the nubjuct of the best candidates to fill tko rarioua station1 ? . No organization is so largely dependent upon a competent olliciary M the Free Matrons. In no other order haa custom and precedent thrown better safeguards around the chain ) of it'n governing members. The qualifica tions for Masonic officers should be stringently considered. Few members of a lodge possess them in their en tirety. No less care ought to bo exer cised in the choice of the subordinate officers than in the selection of the Master for from them material must bo worked up for future incumbents * of the oast. 00 AT HAIUfl. St. John held her "regular" on Thursday evening and transacted 'a considerable amount of business. Illinois Royal Arch Masons have 184 chaptcra , and a membership of over 10,000. Mt. Calvary Commandpry No. 1 lold their monthly mooting on Fri day evening. THE TRIPLE JLINK. Three Lodges in Manchester , Now Elampshirc , are reported aa having , in .ho aggregate , two thousand members. Six Lodges in Portland , Maine , re port 2,008 members and $122,173.10 xssots. The Grand Ledge of Now York voted unanimously to exercise its in- luonco in to repeal the Insuraneo law recently adopted by the Legislature of that State. Some of the loduca cast have a irotty good surplus in their treasur es , and the question nt "loaning 'unda out" to their members liaa been under discussion. The 0. P. Herald solvoB the dilemma in n few words : 'Build a hall of your own. " In Gal- fornia , among the beat buildings in every city , town and viliago , are the Ddd Fellows' halls , and other orders also have "struck for the soil,1' ' and. erected handsome homes for their fraternities in many localities. The oldest Odd Fellows living ere Joseph Patterson , initiated in 1810 , low a member of Tompk'ins Lodge , tfo. 9 , of Now York City ; S. P. Shannon , of Vloomington , Illinois , nitiatod in 1827 ; Albert Guild , of Joaton , Massachusetts , and William ) Hilda , of California , both initiated in 1828. At last reports , the Manchester Jnity , of England , had 000,000 mom- > ors. January 1 , 1881 , the American > rdor had 450,0-12 , exclusive of those n foreign lands. KNIGHTLY PYTHIANS- On Monday evening , the 24th of ) ctobor , VLANKT tOIHJKNO. 4 conferred the first degree on two op- ) licants , and there were two now ap- ) hcations for mkiuborship on the desk > f the K. of P , & S. There was work n conferring the tirst and second do- 3'ress last Monday evening , and both mcotingsworo largely attended. Tliero will bo work in the second nnd'third degrees next Monday night. OMAHA u , D conferred the second degree on one and the first on fourapplicantsonthonight of the 26th ult. , and dcspito the mis erable weather had eighteen Knights [ > resent to assist in the work. Last Thursday evening there were twonty-throo mombera and two visit ing Knights present , with work in second end and third degrees. Four were in ducted into the mysteries of thoformer , ind one in those of the latter degree. Two now applicants yet to boncteu on. On Wednesday evening Nebraska fxnlgo No. 1 had an interesting busi ness meeting , but no dcgreo work. This Lodge , the oldest in the State , as its number Bignifies , has of _ late grown voiy conserv ative , and those desiring admission to membership will have to make known their deairo to the oilicersor mombera of the ledge , aa they will not .bo sought after. Wo , of the Pythian Knighthood , consider the fact established , that our order is worthy the best material of any community , as its tonoto are of the best and purest character. There fore wo have no apologies to make , and no inducom. nts to offer. Bradford , Pa. Thou. Fltchan , Dnulfwil , 1'a. , writes ; "I enclose mnnoy for Si'iu.vo HIOHHOU , na I said I would If it cun-d mo. My ilvenon- blft 1ms yaniuhod. with nil its symptom * . Mnny tlmnkBj 1 Bliall uoverHio without it In the IIOUBO. " 1'rlco DO cent * , trial bot- tie. 10 0-ntn. < 17oodlw BlackMamondOoalOo. Vf. II L001IIS , J. B. NEWKLL , I'M KB. I. U. MILLGR/AuuT. HARD OR SOFT COAL In tar lota or In miaiitltioa to suit purchasers Yard , Foot Farnham and Doug. las Sts. , Omaha. Jlrs. J. O. Hohrrtron , I'itWiurif , Pa. , wrllci : " ! WM utiffcrlntffroM Kerieml deMIIty , wnnt of ap petite , constipation , etc. , w > tint flto nt : > bur den ; afttr uslnK Hunlock Iloo ! < l Itittu-s I full bet ter than for } fa" . I cannot pralte your Utters too tnuch. " J.fllbh . f Huffalo , N. Y. , wrttfs : "Vour Ilurdork Itlf Kltlm , In chronic illtta'cn of tlic Wooil llm a J kldnpvn , late bftn cltrnally marked with MJCCCM. In.ivo u ul Hum rn } ( .I ( ulth bent rcMilti , for torpidltj- tlicllicr nnd In nrcot a friend cf nilno eulfcrlng from ilropcy , the effect WM uuritlou . " Ilruco Turner , Rochmcr , X , V , [ wrllcn : ' " been mibject to nrioui disorder of the klJIiev1) . .ind nnablo to attend to Imftliicss ; llunlock Ulo.j.l Illttcrx rcllcu-il molitfoio h llft ttlo rw used , I feel confident that they wlllintlrtly curoniv. " K. A-cnlth Hall , lllnuhampton , N. Y. , wrllcx : "I Buffered with a dull jnln through mv ift him ; and nhouldtr. I/o > t my rplrlti , appctltx and color , and eoitjd ith cllniculty ktcp up all day. Took your Burdock Hloul ItitttiN as ill reeled , nnd have felt no pain elnco ftrtt wuck af ter using them. " i ' Ur. Noah Half t , Klmlrrv , N. T. . writes ! "About four } ( r ago I hid nn attark of bllloui tin cr , m < d ncvir fully rccovcri'd. lly dicstl\a | > iTg\na were weakened , and I would Leioi plotcly pros trated for d& ) . Alter tiring two bottlci ol your Ilurdock fllood Illttcm the Itnprnti ment VIM m \triblethrtt I MahtoiiUhid , Iiannow. thouili el yrara of OKC , do a Ulr ami icasonablo dajr'a work. C. Blncket RoblnKon , proprietor of The Canailn Pridbytcrinn , Toronto , ( int. , wrltcii : "Korjears I Buffered itrcatly from olt-rocurrlriK headache. I uiied jour Ilurdock Blood Hitters \Utli happiest rcHultrt , and I now find mjeilf In bitter lualth than for years jvant. " Ur . Wallace , llnffalo , N. Y , writes : ' urcd Ilurdock Illood Illttira for nen-oux and Ml- lloun headaches , and can rci-umnioud It to anyone rtqulrliiK a euro for bllllouunisi. " n. Ira Mullholland , Albiny , K. Y , write : For several yearn I IIM o mi ( lend from oft-recur * ilna bllllouA hcadachoa , ilj p psla , and com- iilnlntn peculiar to my NI , Since UIIK ] xnur Ilurdock lllocxl 1)11 ) torn I am entirely nllevcd. " Price , PI.OO per Dottle ; Trial Dottles 10 Ct * FOSTER , MILBURH. . & Do , .Props . , BTTFFAI.O , W. Y. Sold at wholesale by Ish k UcMahon and C. F. Goodman. je 27 cod-mo Ono of tli < i ncasonablo Pleaiurei ) f life , n vni | 'rly cooked meat , nfTordaMUtlo or 10 prcuxiif. or.J - \ incnt , and muc subsequent tor- .uro tea jnrnicddygncptlc. Dut when chronic NillKi'stloIrm coinbatlca with "ostottcr'ii S onm < _ h Uittcm , the food ia catrn with relish , and most iiiporUint of all , \a \ oti-Imllated by and nourishes the Hj-Btcm. Veu thli Krand tonic and correctlro ilao to rcincdy foastipatlsn , blllouenc'U , rhou- im IHIU , fo't-runJ a uc. For ntlo I'jrnil Dru giitoand Dolora generally. HAWKEYE PLAINING MILL CO. , Des Moines , Iowa , Manufacturers of SASH. OOOR8 , BLINDS , BRACKETS , MOULDINGS , AC. Great reduction In Bank Counters , Plani fur nished , and work furnished In all kinds of harder or soft wood. Counters finished In oil when do- sired. ShelTlnjrof all kinds furnished and put into liullJInn ready for paint on nhort notice Our workmen are tha test mechanics that can bo procured. Bare money by glIng us youi con tract * . Stair * , Newell and Baluiteri. Our foreman In thin dcpirtmcnt woo former ! } with Frost Manufacturing Co , 'Chicago , Ills , and has done uoiue of the finest Stair work n the Northwest Orders by mall promptly attended to. tJ m 1830. SKQRTJ.IHE. 1880. JELANSAS CITY , St , Joe & Council Bluffs v n TB OITLT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND TIIK EAST From Omaha and the West. Mo change of cars between Omaha and at. ixjulo , and bat one between OHA1IA aod MKW YOKK. Daily PassengerTrains II1CUIXO AU. EADTKRN AND WESTERN CITIES with LESS CHAUOiS and IN AUVANCK of ALLJ OTHER LINKS. This entire line Is equipped with Pullman's Palace Blocplnx Cars , Palace Day Coaches , Mlllur'i Safety Platform and Coupler , and the celebrated WostlnKhouso Airbrake. jMTBoo that your ticket roatU VIA nANHAS OIT , ST. JOSKl'H & COUNCIL BLUrra IU1I- road , via St. Jcwcph and St. Louis. Tick eta for sale at all coupon ctntlons ID the Woat. J , T. HARNAH1) , . A > C. DAWE3 , Gen. Bunt , , St. Jcvi > h , Mo ] Oen , I'mu.And Ticket Agt. , St. Joseph , Mo. | AUDI BOIUIIH , Ticket Auoni , 1020 Kurnliani nln.ut. A. D , DlMiKD. Uunoml Agent , OUAHA.NK To Nervous Sufferers THE CHEAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Or , J. B. Bimpoon's Spociflo ItM \ a positive euro for Spermatoirhra , Scmlna fVeoknetw , JinioUiicy , and all ill * * * * * resulting from Self-Abuse , aa MonUl Aniluty , Loaai tlcmory , Pains lu the Hack or Side , and dlgoane * - - - that lead to Consumption Insanity and early gro The Specific Mcdlvlno In being UPOI | with wonder ful vucccta. _ PamhloU ent free to all. Wilte for them and got full par tlculari. Price , Speclne , 11.00 per package , or ill pack. > { c for tf.OO. AddrcM all ordcn to 11. BIMSON MElllCIKE CO. Nos. 104 and 108 Main tit IluOalo , N. \ . Sold lu Omaha by O , F. Goodman , J , W. Hell , J. U Ibh , and all druralttsetcrjr where. O. F , Manderson , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 't ftinhjun St.V Omaha K No Changing Cars OMAHA & CHICAGO Whtro dlrtrt niniicctlon are BU > IH wlttt TMon k HLEIJVINO OAK LIN W for NEW YOKK , ItOSrON , PniLADELPIirA , WA2HWOT05 AND ALL EASTKUX ITlEa. The Short Line via. Peoria Kor INDIANAPOLIS , OINfilNNATI , LOUIS- V1LLK , and all polnte In the > nil put uxi For ST. LOUIS , Where rllrprt rcmiMtions are mada Iti tfco Union Depot vltU thoThrouf h Sleeping Cai LIn 9 for ALL JOINTS UWE-DES M01HE3 T1IK FAVORITR ROUTK roil Rock Island. The nncqrtlml Inducements offered bj ihli lltn to trttclcnt ami tourist * > ro M followg : The celebrated I'ULLVAN (18-wheel ( ) PALACE SLKF.P1NO OAKS run only on this line C. , n. fc Q. PALACE RAWING UOOM CARS , with Uorton'a Kcdlntng ChAlre. No oitn charge ( or soots In Ilccllnlni ; Chain. The famoui C. , B. A Q. I'aUco Dining Can. Gorgooug Smoking Can fitted with elegant high-backed rattan ttroMog chain , ( or the cxcltulve ago of flrat-claat fawan- gen. gen.Stcol Track and tuportor equipment comblrsl with thtlr gicat through car arrangement , ra it thle. above all others , the favorite rout * to tnc Eaut , South and Bouthoul. Tr It , and you will find traveling ft luxury la- stood o ( a discomfort. Through ticket * vlo this celebrated line for le at nil offices In the United SUtd and Canada. All Information atout raten of fare , Sleeping Car accommodntlone , Time Tatlon , etc. , will b cheerfully tftvn by applying to tERCEVAL LOWELL , General cnirer Aeent , CUcago. J. POTTER , Oft , Ifanaper Chlr ro. DISEASES OF THE DR. L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist , LATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. References alt Reputable Physicians of Omaha. tJTOfTice , Corner 15th and Farnham Sfs , Omaha , Neb. u2matf The Oreighton and Niobrara ! tuns dally , leaving Crclghton on arrival of trains at O.SO p. ra. Ar.ivoat Nlobran , 12.SO * . m. Ixa\oi Nlobrara , 11:30 p. m. Arrives fat Crctphtoti at 6 a. m. . In time for train. Fare , 92 octlO-lm QiORQE : I1ERRY. Proprietor Sioux City , & Pacific ' THE SIOUX CITY BOUTS Runs a Solid Train Through from Council Blufia to t-t. faul Without Change Time , Only 17 Hour * . ir IB 1.OO JULES THE SHORTEST BOUTB , rsox OOUNOIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS OULUTH OR BISMARCK , and all polnta In Northern Iowa , lllnooeota and Dakota. Thia line la equipped with the Improved Wofltinghouflo Automatic Alr-brako and llUlei Platform Coupler and liufler ; and for 8PEED. SAFETY AND COMFORT > unsurpassed. Pullman Palace Sleeping Car run throuKh W'THOUT ' CHANGE bet cen Kan son City and St. Paul , rla Council Bluffs and Sioux City. Trains leave Union Pacific Transfer at Coun cil Bluffs , at 7:35 : p. in. daily on arrival of Kannaa City , St. Joseph and Council liluflj train from the South. Arriving at Sioux City 11:35 : p. m. , anil at the New Union Depot at St. Paul at 12:30 noon. TEN HOURS IH ADVANCE OF ANY OTIIEH KOUTE. OTRcmcmhcr In taking the Sioux City Route you a et a ' 1 hrnugh Train. The Shortest Line , the Quickest Time and a Comfortable Kldo In the Through > nra between COUNCIL BLUFFS AND ST. PAUL. OTijco that } our Tickct-i rood via the "Sloax City ami I'aclllc Kall.oad.- * / , S. WATTLES , J. R. BUCHANAN , Superintendent. Ocn'l Pass. Aurent. P. K. UOBINSON , Aw't Ocn'l Pa . Ac't , Ulnsourl Vnlley , Iowa. J , II. 0 'BRYAN , Southwestern /Agent , _ Counci 1 Uluff , Iowa lilt jonarea . f roan of Ui. nMtl)7tlie lralnpf t ntoUlniaT rni- your datlf avoid nlght work , to inter ttlmoUntiand ut tor * bralnntrv Ho | > Bittern. aiA * , u > * HO | If you r jrountt and 1 tufferln from any tu fllicrttlon or UUsli iK-d or ilTjtlo , old or TOUJW , lurTtrliv from poor health r laiurulin .Ins on a bed ot Uck- BM , rt4j oa HO pi I Bitter * . IVhoerer youare. h neier you /eel i i nualljrtrom wma that y ur y teni form -it Kidney iued * cltanitnu.ton- ' r dlpopo tbjtt luljfUt lu * or tlmuiMlnit. f haTe bMnr ' nt > without Intoxicating , I Itja timely lueof take Hop HopBltters IttD'C. ' kiitntvi 0.1. O. b r'u niia * coin-1 rv ( is an abaoInU tta < nf , A ottbastw bntrili , a load. . , HOP Udrunkennetg 1 bin > nd cure Irrwlit/v for 1 UM of opium , You will tie ) tobaeooo' llnareotlca. Hop Blrt rt Solilbydrnar- Ifjauareilm rtits. B ndtur plr weak and JowsptrtWd.try NEVER Circular. it i | t may 0f ill IIM life. nvoyour It hn FAIL T CO. , nved hun- dr cls. AToronto.Onk. WISE'S Axle Grease NEVER GUMS ! Used on Wagons , Dugtrieu , Reapers , Thresher * and Mill Machinery. It ls iiuMuiiBLH TO A M tna AM > TaAHHTBua. It cures Scratclioa and all kinds ol soroo on Homes tad Stock , ut well as on men. men.OLARK & WISE , Hanuf'8 , 085 Illinois Street , Chicago KTSRND FOR PRICKS. < " * -u W , U. OONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Orrioi Front Rooms ( up italn ) In Ilantcom'i new brlrk building , N , Vf. corner Fttecoth od inbam Sti t . Of the Very Latest Styles. FOB LADIES , GENTS , iBD DHILDEEi , MRS. HUBERM ANN'S , IGth Street , bot. Capitol Avenuq fvnd Davenport. Pura < _ to order /\tid Ropn-'Hno Q * n.hl r rjoa _ olOt D WHOLESALE On River Bank , Bet , Farnham and Douglas Sts.f on na en ecSOitirly MARBLE HEAD LIME CO.'S Double Strength White Lime ' .PAULLUMBERYAED- - Lumber , Lath , Shingles , Thirteenth and California Streets , OMAHA , - - . - NEB : .cSlmolm WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER ! AND DEALER IN Wall Paper and Window Shades- . 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. 0 MMMH MHMMMiHM BMMMaMMBiHHBWM > MaNM M PM HMBiMB aB > * MMHHMMBMHMM > ManMMMM MMMMBB I. OBERFELDER & CO , , IMPORTERS AND JOBBEHS O TIWTTP " 1" SnkVSTa'iF'a "WE * O aIBarfB BTrt > ! fl f iiRTr ? f MILLINERY & NOTIONS , 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. IBLflL , . . . The only exclusive wholcaalo honso in thia line in the west 1213 Farnhsin St. . Onnaha , Neb. H -FOE MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. We desire to call the special attention of the trade to one elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan , Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overehirts , Overalls Hosiery , &c. , now open. Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVIS & CO. , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. D ISTS ISH & McMAHON , 1408 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , HEB. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska , SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. jy 18-mo FEARON & COLE , Gommissson Merchants ; , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. Consignments mode ua will recclro prompt attention. . Keferencox : State Dank. Omaha ; PUiit Ai Co. . llaltimoro ; Peck & Bausher , Chicago ; " w .k n Cincinnati. Max Meyer GunsAmmunitionSporting Goods ? PISHING TACKLE , BASE BALLS , and a FULL LINE OF NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS , MAX MEYER & CO. Omaha , Ne Max MEYER TOBACCONISTS i | Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards. Jfipes from 25c. per dozen upwards. Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards.