Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1881, Image 1

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Especially Prepared For a Select
OirolQ of Lawyers ,
the Star Route Kingston *
Grouped in the Back-
JBnd Bob Ingersoll Engaged on
the Wicked Side of the
'The Argument in the Star
Eouto Cages Only Portly
. ( & . Flurry Created by the Re
ported Action ol the Cobi-
net Meeting
'Which Was Hold Immediately
After t'jo Yorktown
'Celebration. it
"No Truth Placed in the Story
By Members of the to
Diminishing Demand For Can-
foilorato Bondi
National Assoclatnl 1'row. to
WAMIINOTON , November 5. Trade
in confodoralo bonds hero has about
died out. Brokers who have bought why
hero , to-day received instructions to
buy no moro. TJiorc were
parties in the tion
cify to-dny buying on
speculation , and , without commission , the
from New York , and paying 31.60 or an
83 per $1 , 000 , instead ot the fisjurcsof
811 and $1D pur 81,000 , which were by
paid a day or tivo nijo. and
A delegation of FonudSao Indians If
arrived this morning on business with your
the interior department. They allow you
at their own expense , and will remain
several days. guilt
Arguments in the telephone inter
ference case at the patent office wi 1 the
not be concluded before
Tuesday or (
Wednesday of next week , aud the de ersoll's
cision us to who was the original in Upon
ventor of the telephone will not bo for
tendered for many weeks. Ho
CAUSE OP DISKASBS IN TUB NAVY. case Wales , of the navy , ho
in his annual report , argues that the aud
prevailing disease ? in the navy are tion
caused by the wasteful and- improper The
.preparation of food , and recommends which
a radical change in thupiesont system , in the
including the employment of compe effort
tent cooks. Ho points to the good of a
result of the system in use in the yer
.army. Ho will ask that a board of offi took
cers bo detailed to prepare a to
plan to carry his recommendations stood
into effect. The health rate of the crution
United States navy is higher than any his
> other navy in the world , and the rect
death rate lower. grand
WASHINGTON , Nov. 0. Consider legal tor
able comment has been caused this and
evening by the publication in the
use of
\ . evening papers of the allegua act of a judicial
cabinet meeting said
to have been
hold , with a full attendance , just after only
the Yorktown .
centennial. The
ac of
counts state that President Arthur Jirady
told the could
cabinet on this occasion , that
> ho called them again to consider the the
question of the prosecution of Guiteau. the ;
That from facts which had
come to his
1 in it.
knowledge ho believes
the government teims
ment to bo clearly unprepared for the illation
case. Ho added , with n good deal of the
-emphasis , accompanying his words with anta
clenched fist , that came diwa with ing
some force on the table "
, ho
of > hU
would consider it pre-eminently disgraceful
graceful to the government if in
feline of
Guituau'a cise , iw iu the star route
cases , the government should confess
itself unprepared to go on and bo WABIIIV
-compelled to ask a continuance. " At publicatioi
torney MoVe igh is said to night of
have boon present , but to have made Urown
no nign. The president is said to Secretary
have put the question to him directly PODBO of
-as to the preparations of the government - n decided
. mont to proceed in the case. The and has
.attorney general replied that he did Judge
/I / not consider it any part of his busi in the
ness to give attention to criminal known :
prosecution. The president replied with
that it was a great state trial and that certain
the country looked to MaoVeagh to see aa well
that it was conducted properly and claim to
* efiicienly. MacVoagh said there under the
was no Jaw or custom for the coiuiderati
attorney general to appear in criminal icts.
court trials , flo said ho had boon way to
told so by Judge Jeremiah Black. the tostirm
The report goes on to nay that the invostigatii
president nccusod MacVoagh of ignor that the
ance of the law and precedent ! ) . Tlo made , has
said that if the nttorney-guiioral do- forgotten
clincd to do no ho would appoint ublo more of
counsel to proscc.ito Guitoui and matter
ia ho Raid to have closed the lie , but
Bcono by ruiii.ii king that the attorney- of f the
general's ' ki.ottludyo of law would bo take step1)
greatly impiovod by reading the g.ito he (
statutes of the Umlud States which the ! effectual
define ( ho duties of his oflice , The mont.
authoiity for this statement doa not boon ollici
appear , other dopi ]
Secretary Windoin was asked in re the : coining
gard to the matter this evening and liirly lively
'Baid , "That is the first cabinet meet ation.
ing I over hoard of that was BO care THIS
fully reported. It is strange that no Lionel
one know of it before , " and with this minister ,
earcustic reply the Financier signified yesterday
JuYidenof how silly it would to bo place day and
any reliance on the story.
Spoilt 8011)
Secretary Lincoln , when spoken teen his secretary
on the subject , asked if , in the light with the bi
of such a Bcono , it did not neem strange His
that the president should have after
wards urged MacVeagh to remain in
SosroUry Kirkwood , the only other
cabinet officer in town , nnid to-night
th t hit acqunintanco with President
Arthur would loud him to expect him
incapable ) of
partipating in such a
scone The fact of the matter is that
at the certain cabinet
meeting men
tioncd the t president did call attention
to the inadequacy i of the counnel for
the prosecution of Guitonu , and after
consultation ! ) with MncYuagh , in a
pleasant way , however , it was decided
to engage oxJudgo Porter , of Now
York , HI nd Davids-o , of Washington , to
uroaocut The'fact that the ability
of District Attorney Corkhill WAS thus
question led to the report that ho
was seen to bo entirely displaced , and
this fact was thought by omo to throw
light on the origin of the above story.
WAHIIINUTON , November 5. Col ,
Ingoraol reaumod his argument for
the defense in the star route cases this
morning before Judge Carr in the
criminal court upon the motion to
quash the information. He took up
the second count which charges ISrady
with having awarded the contract to
McDonounh , and ho failing , awarded
to Walsh. Ho said in regard to
the charge / thatBrndy collected money
from contractors to use in the corrup
tion of congress , that it had nothing
do with the trial. Ho would waste
little time on thu next count , oven if
Col. Blia said they were not good.
Col. Cook intorrputed to say that
Col. Bliss had already announced that he
would leave ; the other counts to his
associate Col. Ingcrsoll then re
marked that t ho was compelled to in
that Col. i Bliss fathered the first ly
count but disclaimed all relationship
the others. [ L lughtor.j Jfroceed-
. he claimed that the government
must not only set forth that the con
tracts were extravagant , but iilso state '
they wore ; not only that they
wore corrupt , but whyt ihe government
mont hat not done so. The informa
was signed by Thomas < L. James ,
postmaster general. Uliss cited
opinion from Justice Ufa Hey in
which hu held that an affidavit filed
one person from the infounation built
belie of others was not sufficient ,
said : "This fits our taso exactly. '
you have any doubt about
jurisdiction go ahead. If cent.
have doubt of the information
it. If you have any doubt of the
of the accused say they are the
. This is what you are asked to A.
All the law and practice in the
country is i against it except perhaps in named
southern district of Now York , tion.
laughter ) At the close of Mr. Ing- and
remarks a recess rwas taken.
ro-i . and
ro-asaemblingMr. JofTChaudlei' ,
the defense opened his argument.
confined himself entirely to the
holding that if Brady Mas guilty eral
should bo impeached by congress
that the court * had no jurisdic
over hia case. a
argument of Jeff Chandler , temple
followed that and
slur : route coses was a nwsterly shot
and the effectual introduction escaped.
prominent young St. Louis law
to the bar of the District. Ho
the grounds | that on the motion
quash the I information that the case
where it was left , with the dis The
of the court to dispose of. If
interpretation of the law was cor
there was nothing to send to thu
jur . Thu acts alleged did not
a crime und"r the statutes.
alleged frauds in the case resulted Tbo
the alleged extravagant and im
use of public money in a mat-
which < would be and was
if it was not extravagant National
politic. The alleged impolitic NKW
public money was no more a
question than whether it can
al all. Impeachment was the the
remedy for these alleged frauds either
, and after the tribunal that made ,
impeach had confirmed the acts ment
there was extracted from pleased
whole transaction all secretion of treatu.ent
origin sin and wro.ig there was Hiid :
Chandler denounced in strong would
the manner in which the infor- right
had been brought about , and ) roheii3ivi
infamy brought upon the defend such
without any eppottumty to
ac- This is
themselves. ,
At the conclusion American
speech the court adjourned. truthfully
Win A. Cook will argue in de-
press ,
the information oa Monday. highly
MOHK t'KOOKKD.KE.SH. marquis
WASHINGTON , November 0. The since wo
in those dispatched Ins I that ; we
the sworn affidavit cf Paul the
of the work done by him on delay.
Sherman's , house at the ox- which ,
if the government has created in air
sensation i in political circles , children
resurrected the report that turn ,
Polger will make things lively 1ms Jiuard
treasury department. It is wrong
that two or three men , armed mo of
information very damaging to country ,
officials now in the department by any
as some recently retired , delightful [
have been promised places reached
now administration under the only
that they will furnish band's
These people claim in some your glor
have obtained possession of vi-lopmont
testimony taken by the treasury merce is
committee , which , now It's future
committee's report has been mated .
been allowed to bo officially pictures ,
, and : it is probable that no nusscd in
it than the Sherm in stable States.
will over bo made pub- and chat
that I the now necretary can bear
troaaury will hinmejf with ! ) moi
) to have convresj investi- French
whole nutter thoroughly to I would
. puiging of the depart- longer , hit
The flame plan having already home bufo
officially determined on in the and I
duU'tment3 , it h cert tin that before raid
congress will bo partiuu mnyhavo/
in the way of invosti- teen and
age , Tlioy
never been
Sackville West , the British bank has
who orrivod
unexpectedly last time
, remained homo during thn attended
received no callers. He The glowing
) time this morning with
, becoming acquainted uiro to nee
businosi of the department.
and I am
prcflor.lation to the president bu opportunit
will made an soon as the executive re
turns from Now York.
O , , November 6 , The
preliminary trinl of Charles Madder ,
& student , who murdered Miss Phoebe
Hurnard on Thursday night , bocnuso
she declined to marry him , is in pro
gress A great deaf of excitement
is mnnifeated , and fears are enter
tained that if the result of the trial is
not satisfactory , Madder will bo
AUOUBTA , Ga. , November B. Last
night two colored men named James
Barnett and Moses Martin had a dilli-
culty. They engaged in a hand-to-
hand otrugglu and Martin kicked Bur
nett to death.
NAPOI.KON , Ohio , November 0.At
11 a. m. thu jury in the Guv. Scott
murder case returned a verdict of not
CINCINNATI , November 0. Little
Rock spucial Bays that Deputy Sheriff
McDonald shot and killed Felix Bur-
oil , a mule thief , during a running
in Monroe county yesterday nnu
McDonald was badly wounded. Unroll
ell stole a mule from a widow two
months nc ° and yesterday caaio back
and stele another. a
S/VNFOKD / , Ky , November G. L. F.
McNama , conductor , and Win Taito ,
engineer of the tram , that killed fire
men at McKinney , on the Cincinnati
Southern Itailway two weeks ago ,
have boon indicted for murder in the
Irst degree. They ranoirimmoduto-
after the collision and have not
since boon hoard of. The Governor '
will offer a reward for their capture. n
JKKMKY CITY , N. J. , November C.
'Kanskow&ki , who murdered Mina
Muller , was to-day sentenced to bu
handed on January ( ith , 1882. When
asked if he.had anything to say why
sentenceof'dcath should not bo pro
nounced upon him ho said "God
knows that since this co rt homo was
no mete innocent man hns been
within it , God knows this. " After
Ht'iitonce had been pronounced he . '
exclaimed , "God knows I am inno man
. "
A BOW IN CA11I1. ard
COLUMBUS. Ga. , November G. In
camp of Mr , English , on the P. it The
railroad in Florida , a white man the
named Turnago and a colored man last
Quinley engaged in an alterca
. The other negroes took it up J.
at night fired into
the camp , re- heart
lilting in the death of a colored , man 85
thu Rounding of other parties.
ATLANTA : , Ga. , November 6. Sev the
whit men went to a necro dance
Cttrmad last night and got into
drunken row with some negroes. day
Edwards ' ( whitc { was shot in the There
by ; Austin Howard , . -negro , ing
kille . Another'white man was
though . not fatally. The negro Wishar
Marchioness Denies Their aupied this
Reported ; Ill-Treatment in woman
This Country. death.
French : Gnosts Bnnquottod in of
Now York Saturday Night. firm
N. Y.
Associated I'rek.i. I1CB3.
YOKK , November 5. The ness.NKW
Marchioness * do Rochainbc.-ui to-day G. -
indignant ! dcnioil to a reporter of and
National Associated Pzess that while
heiaolf or her husband had Hopovilli
as has 1 been reported , any state
to the effect that they wore dis P. '
with the
country and the
. tliwy had
received. She '
"If it were not unladylike I
call such statements by their
names , 'lies'tho only word com B.
enough to fully described machine
stupid | and falno statements. caught
tlwonly ins'.anco on which the atantly
journals have not spoken
of us. The courtesy of the likely
with ! this exception , lias boon tralia
gratifying to our party. The bping
has buon ill with malaria ever him.
reached Newport. Besides
were obliged tu separate from
party and return homo without
The sickness
ot the marquis
, Bank
I am advised is duo
, to a change his
and diet and desire
a to sue our ion of
, has 1 made mo anxious to re- Mechanics
and I
suppose someone who warded
mo nay BO has obtained
a of the
impression and accused
being weary of the real condii
But such is
not the csiso oxuminer
means. Our otay hns boon ' 'rclinghuysen
from the moment wo
this city to the present time
, '
drawback i Iicing Di'lx - discoii
- United
sickness. I am delighted with Iteal
glorious land. It'w rapid do- liulaiicodiii
in art , science and com titliur
the wonder of the world , of Now
is too great to bo esti Iank ! notcH
I have Cliuokx mi
never witnuHoed ouch York
such beauties as I huyo wit-
my travels in the United Duo from
Then , y u have gallant inun treasurer
charming women. No ono
testimony to these facts Total ,
moro enthusiasm than the
people who came in our paity.
dwuly love to nimaiti hero Capital iiibaiditM
hut : I must get the marquis UlrcuUtion
buforo ; ho is utterly prostrated , Amount
have a mother j earning , as I Viuuuntiluuto
, to sou my children. How Overdrafts
mnyhavoTwo / boys , ono four- National
the oth ir fifteen yeat of Total .
. are now at school , I
The acti
they will radnatc. I have ment is 2
hero before , but him-
- made
been 1 by
twice. Ho
eatnu the
in CM and lo1
your centennial
the year and tor will lee
! Philadelphia exhibition , Shelby uit
account ho
gavoof his
here created the do- the
the great land depositors
myself , to 00 per
very . glad to Imro had the will lose
I Otn , as stock add
has been reported , disguatcd
with the country. I should
kuop away Irotn it , When the boys
are out of school "wo are cdmlng
again , all four of us , the \vholofi\uiily ,
I want my children to travel nil over
America , and my husband and myself
will show them its bonuties , for we
are much interested in il as they
sibly can bo. Ono can spend a life pos
time in this city and its vicinity and
not grow weary , and then tho'Ameri
can Rhino , what beautiful viown
there are upon that river. West
Point in pretty beyond descrip
tion , and Niagara .Falls challenge
the admiration of the world.
Yoiktown was our grandest Rurpriiic.
What a beautiful BCOIIO the harbor WAS
with its shipping , aud the camp was a
plnco ono could linger long in. , The
ceremonies were all that nu onteqim-
iiu ; people could conceiveAild was
faithfully executed. Wo slept three
nights in the very room oucf occu
pied by the immortal Washington , i
Aloorhouso , under the roof where
the commissioners nu-t to arrange
for the surrender of Lord Cornwalhs
The knowledge that wo were ton thi
spot of such historic faino .wns in
itself a pleasure , but our greatest
happiness was here ( placing her land
over her heart ) at the thought , of
what the Burrondor moftiit foij.your
V0orncll calWd on
us there and Dodworth's band gru e us
serenade. '
"When do you sail for homo1' ? ' !
"Next Wednesday by A French
ntoamer. Wo shall say good bye lo A
American shores with regret , but ro-
liun with pleasure the memory ut our
occupation of them. " L
NKW YOHK , November 5.-Tho
banquet given by the New 3'ork
chamber of commurco in honor of the
French and Gorman guesti who vis-
'ted the United Stat 8 to parjicipalo
the centennial celebration , of the tos
victory or Yorktown , , was 'hold , this
evening at Delmonico'a. The large
parlors presented a beautiful appear to
ance , and were gaylyrdecoratcd. -
JatlonrU Aiuoclatotl Press. '
NEWARK , ( ) . , November G. Acol-
hion on thu " 13. it 0. railroad , ne ir
tfunbfiold , "killud Conductor Scott
'orbrsand John Andrews , a brako-
, and seriously injured Wrn.'An ' .
demon , thu t engineer , and Frank'How-
, fireman. 187
OtfNiiHANA , Ky. , November 6. to
bridge spanning Licking river , on
Kentucky Central road , burned
nigh , iulf
PAOLI , Ind. , November 6. Judge
A. Simpson died here to-day of copy
disease. Judge Simpsorf was 'be
years old , and the oldest active They
attorney in the state. Ho was a half que
brother of the Into Judge Clifford , of "
United States supreme court.
NKW YOKK , Kovomher C. 1,322
emigrant landed at Custlc Garden'to
, making 9(578 ( during the week. of
were 4,990 in , the corrcspi ud-
week last . " "
year. , Jft , $
LOUISVILLK , November G. Xavier
, n ; native of Germany , thirty-
years old , cut his throat with a
pocket i knife while in the station bur
arrest for being drunk.
KANSAS Cirv , November G. A fire tended
afternoon was
destroyed a shanty oc
by 1 Mrs. Hains , a colored
. , and ono child was burned to the ioroign
Aunuii , N. Y. , November 0. juest
J. Sartwell , a prominent man
this city , and a member of the
of Sartwell , Ford & Co. , exten eion put
shoe manufacturers at
. died , 10,000
, to-day after u short ill-
BnuNSWicK , N. J. , November
Walter . Seabnght nccidcntallyshot fnriiibhe
killed Hunry Waters to-day ,
they were together hunting at of .
, Madison township. evidences
PATKIWON , N. J. , November G. T. of
O'Connor , M. P. for Galway , was public
a grand reception at St. on
Hall here .
to-night. out ,
NKWAK , N. J. , November G. A. festivals
Drisco , foreman of the Atlantic versary
works at Arlington , was tist ,
in the bolting to-day and in- day
killed. . was
ToilONT , Out. , November G. It is donosboll
thai Tnckott will return to Aus- nynod
in a few days , disgusted with of
unable ! to make Hanlun row as
The Newark Bank.
, N. J. , November G. LONDON
Hsuminur Shelby has finished of Mr
preliminary labors in his invoatiga- cabinet
the I a ( Fairs of the defunct quickly
National bank , and for- were
his ruporU to the comptrollur of the
currency at Wmhington. The country
is a summary showing the personality
condition of the accounts HB the wily to
left thorn with lleceivcr party
; : ment of
AHHKTH. ality is
Uncounted . C 1,012,000 00 as a sign
States bomb . 600,00000 party ,
. SO.fHX ) 00 guisticd
duo from other ImnUa inonioiiH
tlmn thu Mechanics
" English
. 192.MO CO
luul Hjecu. ! . . 1 17,000 00 "
N wurk unil Now
IJankM . 86fiOO 00 rogues
3U.COO 00 Lord
United ministry
2flCOO 00 vain.
07f ,2US 00 rutortud
. 8 2,3W/i2J / ! 09 the duuui
But the
stock 3 fiOO 000 00 monk alir
pn/litH 485.000 ( ,0 dolph
f'0,000 (0 ( loader of
dun deiiir.Jtorn | ! . ' , ) 11,11.Mt ! who Htyla
lu bankH , . . 5JUiit57 ; KT cenduiiy
at MiclmnlcH
Hank New Ymk iVil , ! ? . ' ) 00 depths
. 3M JOiiS13 dunonncei
actual dulicicncy by the Htnte- contunipti
2,411,000 , J5 , vInch in to bu Wolvurtoi
iiHscHHinunts on thu btoukhold. worthy to
losscfl by dopmitorrt. Tfiu Jat toni
* $1,011,000.10. lix uniiior LONDON
uitinmtcs that after making al- morod
/or all probabo losses , that Status but
may rocuivo from 50 to gardud ho
cunt ( , and the utoukholdurs first it
an amount equal to thulr Hurlbut
additional !
, but it w
V JMU D l < jIt V , 1001
No Truth in the Rumors of Mi
Glaflstono's Botiromont and
of Gabinot Changes ,
The Pnet Week ft Very Bitter
tor Ono iu English
Wnglioh Party Loaders Engaged
in Donouucing Eivch
The lutorvontiou of the U. S
Between Clnli nud Peru Ro-
Ijarded Pnvorably.
Vury Little Opposition to Secretary
rotary Blniuo's Puuniua
Cautil Note.
The Laud Act Doing Adiuinia
lered in An Irnpnrtiftl Way
By the Lnud Court.
Qrowlafj Approlicnulon for the
of the Csar- Other
M.umin , November C. Senor IVFar
ami other iiromiiicntrevolutionisls
have dosurted that party , and uil
probably join Castollar in his atlumpi
convert the .Spanish novurnmunl
into a constitutional
monarchy hlu
that of ICnghuul. 'J'his nlt-p i' '
strengthened by the fact , that UK
royal dynasty , cither in ( food faith o
pixtunse , is now advocating thu a
peaceful progreis of the country.
A UlTTKlt Sl'iiCMI. : :
LONDON , November ft. ] { obort
Il.urbur ! , ' , who was a member of pir
from North StaHonlahiro ii
! ' . made : i remarkably bitter spoucl
a inivting of former constituent * a
lTiiid ' yesterday. He said Glad
stouo's oyernment WAS made up one
of quackb and one-half o lias
Quakuii. Its members , in quoting
, back morality in sentences lik
hefco : "Honesty is the best policy. " are
urtuouu nd you Hill bu huppy.1
resembled tradesmen who sol
lionablo butter wrapped up in
"egislative tracts.
THK.NH , November fi , The Icint ;
Gteuc has conferred the sub
Cordon Order of the Redeemer 01 the
. Muiidith Rood , the Americii the
minibtor , for BUI vices to Greece.
PAHIS , , November 5 , In the chant
of dualities to-day M. Ferry , par pocta
ticipatim ; ia the Tunis dubatu , con
that ! the French protectorati
inevitable and denied that tin much
expedition alienated the alliances o ,
powut . He further said thai uncial
arms of Franco were not for con-
DUBLIN Novembur ! > . The fix
applications to the mil * commis
of the land court amount to uua
, > ort
VOK Till : HAFKTV Ol' TIIIit'/.AK.
VlKNN , November 5.Evury day
! Home new evidence of the
deepening of thu fuars for thu safety
.Alexander 111. One of the latest tied
of this anxiety is thu order
promulgated in the Official I lold
St. Petersburg , prohibiting all lock
representations and spectacles
Christmas day , the tno days previ
on Sat in ( lays , on the twelve chief lotu
of i the church , on thu anni
of the death of John ( ho Jiap if
oa any day during Lent or any
during Easter i\uek. This oidur hero
mad * on a suggestion of J'obyo
, chief piocuiur of the' holy
, and ia a stop in the direction
seeming the czar uti many occasions '
possible : of going out in at least 'atlonil
negative safety of the absence of
, November 0. The rumors Now
Gladstone's retirement and of ) dgud
changes i have
subsided as lurk.
as they were raisud , if they
putout as fuelord. Thuresponso A
liberal 1 papers all over thu To-day
has buon UintMr. Gladjtone's 'ox as
is an indispensable neces- F (
tin continuance of thu liberal iu
in ponor j , and thiw acknowledge apital
the importance of his person
seized on by the consul vativoi o
cf i want of coherence in the
The last week was distin
by a bitterness and an acri attanal
recrimination unusual in
politics. After Mr. iu
had denounced the oather
traders" as lunatics and weathurand
it was not surprising to hear ast to
Salisbury taunting the liberal motor.
with having eaten dirt in ud
Sii William Vuriiou Harcourt ealhor
th it he did not understand OCA !
duuundus of public dincnsdion. laromotor
mieeeli which hat ) caimud thu uro
lias beun that of Lord Itan- ng
Churchill , the ( lushing young
the so-called foiutu pai ty ,
Mr. Gladstone .In an "in-
who h ul touched the l.jvveut ATLANTA
of political couaridce uir.l oek
, " Tlioruupon Hroadliunit anju
Chut chill UH a "miserable , er cunt
young man. " LOM !
told him tint ho was not on gins
blauk Mr. Gladstone's booto. n
uat hat
KKdAltDDII I'AVOItAdl-V , eld ,
, November 0. The ru iiuhundied
inturvontion of thu United akun ,
between Chili and Peru is iu- voighed
hero as a nucusaary ntep. At ot of
was thought that General oparately
had I exceeded hiu authority , on for
now understood that ho dim 10 Now
ply laid down the policy adopted b.
Mr. lilatnu. It is recognirod as mos"
uiuloMrnllo Hint Chili should b
itUmcd to deitroyed Iho Pertiviai
nationality , and it IA Admitted that th
interference ef the American govern
niunt is directly called for.
Secretary Ulaiuu's Panama cana
notii 1ms im > ked little opponition. llio
public freely concydu tlmt if Englant
has a right to control the government
of Egynt because the Sucn canal is 01
the road to India , thu United govern
ment has
surely a right to prevent
European inturfurunco with a route
directly aflocting her intori-sts on the
Di'in.iv , Novotibur 0. The Irish
land court 1ms given during the past
week unequivocal indications of thu
spirit in nhich it inteinta to administer
the land act. JuntiruO'llagan'fl defini
tion of a fair runt is Mich
a runt as will enable the ten
ant to live and thrive. This
was laid douniU the opening of thu
court a fortnight ago , and has since
born applied by HID assistant commis
Honors lit Dulfirit with
startliiiK re
nulls to thu routs on thu Crawford us
late and on thu Corimioney tenant es-
Into of Dutidnnaml | both of which
may bu callid "raokrunled. " In both
the rent was ruducod nn avuragu of
one-third all around. The coinmis-
pioiiera uxirc3sly [ uaid that neither on- *
titehad been maHiigudith thu lib <
erality expected or usual with Irish
landlords , honcu thu reduction is much
jjruatur than the probable avuragu.
LONDON , November 0.It in moro
than whispered in certain leading
lubs that a combination has been
fonnud of leading radical mid liberal
capitalists to laKe advantage of thu
tulmgs under the Irish land bill which
iiro ul ready depri'ming the valuu of
landed propurfy- Ireland , Thu plan
to piek up Irish pioporties uuietly
liuio and there as fiint II.M they uro
thtonn on the market by disheartened the
and disguHtii ) propiiutorn , and '
powerful syndicate ruuresunted by 'or
rt-oll knonn wct end bunking and
house is understood to bu jnga ed in when
thu operation. Johm Hriglit , who of
long ( ii-o u.\pit'Rsed hiR buliuf in thu ho
featibility of making Ireland u great .lio
lield for agiicultural Hpocnlation is rang
snid to bu largely inteieited in the made
DUIILIN , November (5. ( O'FIagan ; 'd ;
prepared iiBchumu for forming and being
improving thu Irish magistracy Thu eho
vast majority of Irinh jnagistratcs rapid
Protestants and Protestants are riblo
most oHunsivo to the Catholic popula
tion. | ) ior
LONDON , November ( ! . TJio government
ernment will appoint four additional
commissioners in Ireland to1 nice ! them
block of applications now before
land court. The
Arrests continue to bo made in al wore
parts of Ireland. Tlio'iiumbor ' of SUB alarm
jiow in prison is 2 iO.
HtM'lUBU AND ALAltM. and
1JHULIK , November (5. ( There ia means
Hurpriso and HODIO alarm in gov- the
frnmeut circles at thu victory of the picked
democrat Liubknecht who have era
carriud thu Htronghold of at
Vluyonca by a largu majority. lound rescue
coMuirmui POKMINU. possible
LONDON , November ( i. Commit- gree
are forming in England to sup of
the universal exhibition ut cairicd
in 1885. | ) lucb
1885.A t'IIt"ULAt. ( complete
PUIILIN , November 0Mr. . Eag.m , most im ;
reauurur of thu land leaguu , has is- and
a circular to farmers advising
sive resistance to "no runt , " to dred
their harvests and to Hull their Beadle
to avoid tioi/.uro.
t gave
LONDON , November (5.--A ( circular ler ,
from the Austrian govcinnieiit lo ,
represent * ) the visit of the king o the
Italy to Vienna is u guarantee of > ocamo
European puaco , and dunius that leavy
is the . inued ground for ap-
irehcnsion in any quarter. nidge
Associated I'tuia ,
A IIKI .MOltrilAOK tier
LOUIHVILM : , November (5 ( , The md
.ouisvillu tV Nashville railroad him at'lino ,
to the Merchants' Tiusteo , tornation
York , a § 7,000,000 mortgage , unfortunatoli
for record with thu county aa the
of the
thu Mississippi , Arkansas & vitli
Railroad company filed articles ho
tsHuciation and incorporation with hey
secretary of otato of Arkansas. c\erything
stock. $ K,000,000. } The road mnic.
bo run from Grounvillu , Miss , , uidgo ,
Toxarkana , Ark. iridgo
Indications- of nil
A noclatcJ 1'rumi. ue of
WASIIINOTON , Novumbur ( J. For ceded
upper lake region ; Partly cloudy lioso
, followed by threatening water.
ruin , slightly warmur , MIIIV is
south winds and fulling bar- vhilu the
. For the upper Mississippi ompany
lower Missouri valluys : Fair $1 fi < ) , 000.
during thu day followed by icouH
rain , oouthwust winds , falling f being
and slight rise in tumpura-
followed duiing the night by ris- The
btromului1. WAVKKIY
Gnorcin Cotton Exposition. rrived
A ' ' .
< oc'atijil 1'n.ns ,
I , G.
, November ( i. The last { .
of thu exposition has had u > est filllco
number of vimtois , boiny
forty ! ue.HtH of
, greater than any other ral
The preliminary trial of cot- vill bo
and cloanurs will bu miulo
AVuilnesday. Thu cotton for this
boon Hulectud from u single fatloiuil
lOaah competitor will bo given Bd.sniN
pounds. Tiniu will bu ard and
and thu fibre and seed ilayud
after ginning. Each iuld ,
lint will bu packed f.OOO
and all parcels Hunt to Hos- 'ho BOOIU
innpuction at the mooting of ouch
England cotton manufiw-
NO. 11 7
turors'associalioii , November 30. The
actual computition of fjins and cleaners
for awards will occur in December ,
when the National cotton planters'
sociation will bo in session. Another
largo doloRation f apinnora will at
tend this computition , which is ex
pected to settle
conclusively the BOV-
oral questions of vital importaiico to-
the future of cotton.
JDnnlc Statement.
National AmocJ&tctl 1'rnm.
NKW YOUK , November G. The *
bank statement to-day was unfavora
ble. Thu following are thu changes :
I/HUH IncrcnHcd . 64,0'JG,400
Hpccio ( IccrcnHOi ) . 104,009
l.rKftl tt'iulerH dccrciucd . 4 10,001)
Do | > nHltn iiicrouiicd . , , , . 4,013,700
Clt-culntion increivcil . . . . 60,410
Later Particulars of the Wreck
of the War
National AwwcUUnt I'rcm
IVIOKUK : , la. , November 5. At
about 7 o'clock List night this city woa
lirown into a wild fltata of alarm , a
erriblo crash being heard in the di
rection of thu river , and at once the
Ire bells were rnny , steam uliifltles
cro blown , serenuis and noises of al !
iiuls were to bu heard , and amid thu
general ulatm and
confuhion all man-
ier of H ild rumors and exaggerated rc-
porta wuro put into citculationt
md it rtiw at once realised
that a dire of
calamity a serious inv-
turo hud occurred. On thu luveo the
scene presented was one that defies
description , being terrible in the ex
treme , and a glance nan sufficient to.
show that the very worst of the many
stories sut quickly afloat \veio but too
true. The War E.iglu , ono of the
inest steamers navigating the upper
river , had whistled for the draw of
bridge , the signal buing promptly
mswerud , and had been headed
the outside of the draw piurs ,
was apparently passim ; till right ,
itwiis diacovured that the stern
the boat was swinging mound to
pier next to the draw , the bow of
boat being in an eddy. Thu pilot
to back hur , aud an ell'ort waa
to get her out of the perilous ,
situation and straighten her up for
, but the boat being heavily load-
and the ciirient at this point
vciy swift oven at low water ,
was entirely at the mercy of the
stream , and was swung with ter-
force against the bridge. Her
starboard wheul caught on the second
from the draw , whore , for a time ,
boat rested , and her Btern swung
around against the span. The pas
sengers were toiror-strickenand rushed
frantic with fear , a majority of.
leapinpfromthu boat totho bridge
andiiicltly | hurrying toaplucuofuafety.
officers romumed at their posts ,
, did. ull they could to prevent a
or lost ) of life , but the efforts
of but little avail against thu
of those on board. Desperate
attempts were made by nil to escape ,
the frightened people used every
to do so , many jumping into
river , a majority of whom were
up by the small steam-
and lesser cruft , which
once put out to thu
, but it is feared that several
watery craves , liut it is im
now to ascertain with any de
of correctness just what the Joes
life is. The boat , after striking ,
the span fiom its resting
, and went tearing through , a
and helpless wreck , pass
dcwn the liver stern fore
, rapidly filling with water ,
soon Bottling in u depth of about
fuut , at a point three hun
yards below the bridge. Hiram
, the pilot , who was on watch ,
lie saw the danger , and to avoid
signals to thu engineer to back
which he at once proceeded tu
but ins'ead of the bout yielding ;
efforts of those in charge shot
unmanat.'cablo owing to her
laden condition , and con-
to swing around against the
, backing up slowly , but not with
strength to gut her out of
tiwift current. She struck with ,
rcmundouu force against the second ,
from the draw , stacking it with
stiuboard wheel-house , crushing
giinding the immense wheel to
and Bunding terror and con-
into the very souls of the
on board. As soon
paHsungcrn became aware
great danger it appeared
the accident would bo attended
eurious loss of life , but owing tu
HtrehuoiiH efforts of the oflicora
wuro held well in check , and
possible done to allay a
The boat lay alongside of thu
and many jumped on the
and rapidly sought places of
Sitiall steamursand small crafts
sorts at once put out to the rea- ,
the people on board and sue-
in gutting many and piclnngup
who had leaped ofl into the
The loss to the imcket coiu-
estimated at about ? ! 0,000 ,
Kcokuk and Hamilton bridgu
tire sufferers to the extent of
. The boat had a miscclla-
cargo and lacked fully 200 tons ,
loadt'd to its full capacity.
FostmuHter General-
, , N. Y. Novuinber G.
Mnitur General James and wifu
heio to-day nccompaniud by
H. Larson ; md wifu and John
iYoriiwoimL"- , chief clerk of ( ho
dejiartmeiit. Thuy aie tho.
Asiiistant Post J\faHtor \ Gon-
Ituuinor , A puDlic reception
given them this cveninj.
Anxotlattxl 1'ruu.
, Novombur 5 The Hur-
Columbia football cloteim
this afternoon in Holmes'
Cambridge , in the presence of
epuctators. Many were ladies ,
stood ono goal and threa
downs for the Hurviirds , tt - >
for Columbia ,