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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 5 , 1881. THE DAILY BEE. Saturday Morning , Nov. 6 LOCAL BRBVITI13B. Patterson Bella cool. Frederick Leading Hatter. Donne. Reliable Hatter. Glovca at tho09 cent store. Owl Cigars at Kuhn'fl Dnut Store. Ladles Hand Bags nt the O'J cent store 1'incst supply of perfumery at Kaxo's nl-lm The Hock Inland train was an hour and ft half late yesterday morning , At 7 A , m , yesterday the mercury utood at 35 * and at 2 p. m , 58' . Fine line offrSponge * and Chatnoh Skins at Kuhn'n drug store Nl-tf , Short Hand taught at Business Co logc. octVO-l'U Finest line of ] xrfumcfl at Saxe's. nl-lm Head Mrs. Lln Petow' corrected affi davit on Mh page. These moonlight nlghti are > ery beau- Jul. Sclah. Fifty-five care of utock in on tha U. P. The noon cxprwm en the U. 1' . yeHtcr- ilay.tookout twchc loaded car * . The twerlaml train from the wcet to day to two hours late , Fresh White , fixh nnd Lnko trout nt " \Vicmcra' , 18th nnd Chicago. Dcllconcfl , Nuthc Hongy. Celery nnd lemons , at French'r , 1119 Fnrnlmm St. 2li different varieties of Crockcro nt Trcr.chX lll'J ' Fnrnhatn St. aticcialty of 1'rencrlpUwn nt Opera house Pharmacy. Schroter & Hecht. Cords and tassel * , now line 23c. woith 75c t the Bcmton Store. Blankets and comfortcru in great va riety. New arrlals call and mo them ot tlio Boston Store. N3-2t. Old B"M exchanged for now jowulry at P.dholm & KricknonV , oppnslto the post ; office. oct284f A bitch of 107 Mormons , en route to Kino , will roach Omaha early neit week. They landed in New York Thursday. "Cashuiero | Bouciuct , " Pure Snow , Tine Tar and ( Jem Toilet Soaps , at l'"rench' , lll'l Farnham Htrcet. The now reservoir at the liitoMcction of Douglas and l.'lth'HtruetH in now full of water. Judge Chadwick married three cou ples yesterday , and Ktlll tlio mercury got-H clown. The latest rovilty. The Organitrv is nn exhibition at Jonanen'H jewelry btore 410 , 13th street. Swiss cheese imported and imitation , wholesale and retail , nt II. Mujet't , 207 nouth 13th street. There will bo a political ball at the llohcrnian hall , ou South Thirteenth ntreot , this evening. The largest assortment of Trim and Slate Mantles in the west , at Pierey'n , 1211 Farnliam Direct. no % 2-2t A new brick block in going up rapidly on the corner of D'dgo nnd C.vpitol ave nue , recently burnedolf. There will be a metting of Vohta Chapter No. C , O. 13 , 8. , UI'H evening , for work. By order W. M. There were three drankn in the police court thia morning , one n woman. Tlio iiiual fmo not botnj p-vld they all went to jail , There were two writs of hihcaa corpus brought up in the county court yeuterday , both of which were tlimnimed in the pleadings. John Jacobs haa made mich nil excel lent coroner that ho \ \ ill receive the mip- port of both parties and go in by a regular Iowa majority. A special meeting of t' o council ii called lor thin evening to cnnitlder the HitHtion of awarding the BOH or bond * to the lowest bidder , a firm in Baugor , Me. At 7:1G a. in. yesterdiy n train of four coadicj , nj deeper and two baggage cam left for Denver , to make its llrnt run in < n the Dencr oxpretu. Messra Congdon and Stevens took jiaiaago out ou the train , which waa in charge of a freight crow , Chas. DM in and the Alv in Jonlln com pany went went at noon ycHterday , having played in the Blulfa laut night. They ap I > eared nt Fremont last night and open a three wevkN engagement at the Bu h Street Theatre , San Franciuco , on the 21 at. Tiiey .number eighteen people Chrli. Boechel , a young , unmarried an&n , who recently drove for Henry Uiotz- man , Jio Thirteenth grocer , died of ty < phold fever , at Mercy hospital , at 3 p. in. yesterday , Ho WM a member of the so ciety of Turners , by whom he will bo liuried at 1 ! p. m , Sunday. Under the now arrangement on tlitfU. ! > the "Omaha Depot la the terminal station for all east bound tr.iiim. " The west bound trains Ktart from the Truuefer juat an they do from the U. P. uhupH. It IK a kind of a way Htatlon on the mail from the round house to the depot. One hundred and fifty-nino beautiful reeidento lota , located on Hamilton street , b lf way between tbo turn table of the rod street car line and the waterworks reservoir and addition , and luit went of the convent of the Bisters Poor Claire in fihinn'H addition. Prices range from $ T5 to 9100 each , and will bo Hold ou easy tormi to thoao who will Improve. Hernia' real estate agency , Fifleentu and DouglaH treets. treets.Win. Win. Hamorechlag , who runs a notion toro at No. 020 south lOtlmtreot mot witli a severe accident Thurbday. While out riding with an ac < iuaintancu , mar Burt and 10th , the wagon wheel ran into a rut or hole careening It to one elilu and throw , ing Mr , II , out. Ho fell on his head ami wai picked up insensible and badly bruised , lie was comoycd at once to his residence on Maion street , wlmro ho now lien In t critical condition. It In hoped , Itmvover that tbo injuries may nut pro to bcrioun. It appears that gome of the Gtnnani in the 1'in.t ni , who wrro not Hatlnliei with the nominee for ju tlco of tliopeuti for that locality , on tin democratic ticket have induced Mr. Max Bergmann , tin clerk of the county court , to allow hi name to bo mibbtlluted OH the ticket. Mr Derguiann 1 a j ouiig iu.n who i * by lili tralnluf and experience well iiuaHfivd t < fill nucli nn office , and if any democrat 'et ilie poiltiou he wou'.d du it a * much cie < ll JM any one , He is lacknl by the l > e znen of bii party in tha ward. HORRIBLE MULDER Watson B. Smith Foully As sassinated. Struck Doadnt the Door of His Offlco. His Body Found Lyinff in a " " Pool of Blood. A Horrible Hole in His Brain Prom Some Unknown Weapon. No Trace of the Aiiniiln Found Up to Four O'Cloolf This Morning. One of the foulest murder * that over Blnincd the history of thia com munity took plnco about midnight lost night , the victim being Col. Wat son B. .Smith , Uio clerk ot the United States circuit court for the district of Nebraska , The particulars were but meagrely obtained ftt the hour of writing , as the horrible deed was not discovered un til between 2 and 'J o'clock thia morning. The colonel had boon out'at David City for two dayH with hia family , visiting the relatives of Mrs. Smith. Ho returned yesterday afternoon nnd after supper lust evening , left hia homo in North Omahn for hia oflice , it bcinigthcn about 71 o'clock. Ills mother vna loft at the IIOUHO , and becoming alarmed at hia absence she went to the residence of Dr. Moore , on the eamo block , and ho , in rc- sponso to ' bur request , tele phoned to the drug store .of Norman Kuhn , corner of Fifteenth nnd Douglas , asking Mr. Kuhn , who uiiHworod the e.ill , to m the colonel's nllicu , in the United SLitcH building , nnd see if the colonel wus there , Mr. Kuhn did PS requested and wont up to the third Htory , the ollico being located there , in the Buit of rooms in the northeast corner Tlioro VTJIS no light in the ollico , and ho groped his way acrooa the hall , hia footfitopn producing a ghostly ring on the mnrblo tiling. An lie noarcd the door Ilia foot struck nn object on the p.kvcmcnt , and , stoop ing over , his hand came in contact with tile hand of a man , cold as ice. With n premonition of the terrible crime , Mr. Kuhn did not stop to investigate further , but has tened down the aUirn and ran to Douglas Htrcet to find nn ollicor , the first onu encountered being Po liceman J. O'Donohuo , who re turned with him to his store , from which Dr. Moore was telephoned to como immediately. They then re paired again to the third lloor of the postoflico building , when the officer lit the gas in the hall. A fearful sight met their oyoa. On the floor to the north of the doorway , his body resting on the right sidu nnd against the wall lay the body of Col. Smith , Hia head thrown back , face upturned and glmully in death. A great pool of clotted blood onr- rounded the body , which was still clad in the overcoat and light colored scarf worn in the evening. A bundle of papers lay in the doorway , while the door ntood partly ajitr , uith the key hanging in the keyhole. In the ewer part of the pantnloona of the oft log , and so far up their length as .o bo ncurly conccalad from view , v , nn 'ound n new rovohor of the pat- euiknowiuistho "llritish bull-dog. " bo same weapon used in the ussaasi- lutlon of President ( lailield , of 41 calibio , and with but one chumber discharged , and rest lo.ided. The position of the body , the unnatural location of the weapon and the ghaut- ly wound itself , at me impelled the beholders to the idea of murder. The revolver was of the style called an English bull-do ; . ' , 14 calibre , and self-cocking. Only one chamber of the BIX win discharged. Tie ] weapon was bloody , both on the barrel and black carved handle , but here the np- peartvncoof being new , ly this time Dr. Moore had ar rived , and upon examination of tin wound at unco pronounced the opin ion that it was iwi produced by t bullet , but by a heavy blow 01 the head from some blunt instrument the wholu top of tlio ukull belli ) crushed in. Thia theory , induudva : corroborated by ull thu circumstance' BurroundiiiK the case , no ICHS than b ; the well known Ohriitiun charade 4 nnd Horone and liuppy lifo of the deceased ceased , A alight warmth was utill percepti ble on tlin throat beneath the the chin on the hasty preliminary examination by the physician , and thia led to the belief that Ihu murder had not long been done , The block watchman , who uas called , immediately went to Coroner Jacobs' ollice , awoke the man sleeping there , and then hastened to the cor oner's house. The latter immediately went to the iconu of the murder nnd examined the body as it lay on the floor. Tha dead man wan lying ftlmoflt on his back , with his head directly north and a portion of the body in front of the door. The face presented a most ghostly and horrible wight , with the wide staring oycn , open mouth and features drawn in that awful agony of the death struggle. In the upper back portion of the head on the left aide was a terrible gaping wound almost an inch in diameter from which thn brains are protruding. The skull no * cracked around in front nnd in several directions radiating from the hole made by the heavy blow. lilood had flowed copiously from the wound , cars and mouth , and formed a largo and thiek pool of clot back of and underneath the head nnd body Hy the side of the doorway , a few foot from the feet of the body , were a letter and paper which had fallen from the victim's hand. The key ot the door waa still in ita place and the lock was not turned. The weapon which may have been used to Rend the bullet crushing into the murdered man's brain \vaa found lying imme diately nt hia foot , with the handle resting on the right foot and partly within ( he pantaloons. ) About BIer eight feut from the body , in a southerly direction , were several spots of blood on the iloor , two an l.ugo as n silver quarter. These were immediately in front of the water tank , nhich standa about three foot to the south of the dooi- way. way.In In the pail under the tank was about n gallon of water. Floating on the top was a clot of blood/ resem bling bloody phlegm , us if is had been spit fiom the mouth of the murderer into the pail. There were ether t tinges of blood in the water which in dicated that hands had boon cleaned or partly cleaned of the damnable cridonco of the asaaasin's guilt. Coroner Jacobs made only a casual examination of the body , but found no other injuries except a alight con tusion on the loft knee , which might have been caused by the victim's fall. By , ' 5 o'clock about fifty men were congregated in the hallway , who looked \\ith horrified eyes upon the dead man lying so ghastly nnd still , and Ihitei.ed with bated breath to the stories of who weto first upon 10 scone. After AH careful an examination as mssiblo of the surroundings , Cor- iiur Jacobs concluded to not isturb the body until daylight , and a uard "ttoro placed about it to pro- out anyone else frpm touching the omainH , ' The doors loading from the hallway nto the United States court room , ml from the clerk's office Into the iourt room waa all found by the otli- eni upon their arrival to bo locked , The only person in the building at .ho . time of the fatal occurrence , BO 'ar as known , won Mr. E. 0. Konnia- on , whoa on night duty in the loHtotlico , as nubstiluto for the regular man , Ho naainturvied by a 15UK re porter and stated that ho had hoard a uiiso uhich he thought was a pistol nhot , but supposed it wan outside , he building , and being very biuy did nut investigate the natter. He heard no noisu aa of uuy struggling or contention. Thought the shot waa hoard after midnight but could not s.iy definitely , M he uaa too busy to pay much attention t < It , The b.ill wn found at a Ute hem near the stairway , and under tin north window. It aa slightly tlat toned on one Hide as if it Jiad struct the wall. It fitted the revolver ox uctly. Thia would look as if it vvu : fued by the colonel at hw asnnilant a they met. Part it's leaving town or iliitiwaing o their household ulfucts will mak money by culling on A. 8. Kitoh Co. , 200 South J2th utreet , who pa' the hitiht'st CASH price for second hand furniture. n'-lm HERRICK ON THE STAND. Ho Testifies in the Do Great Trial Yesterday. A Sensntlon Created in Court Hi * Appenranoo. The trul of Charles Do Great for arson progtcssed yesterday with as much rapidity as possible , and tit ) main testimony was closed before ad journment of court. The name wit nesses for the defense as appeared in the trial of Ben Do Oroat were sworn. The principal ones were the prisoner , Chas. Do Qroat , who solemnly averred upon the stand thnt ho did not know anything consuming the fire , and Mrs , Allinan who again swore to the fact that she know the boyn were in the house nt 10:30 : p , in. on the night of the fire. During her cross examina tion the question waa asked her as to why she wished to got into Chas. Do Groat's trunk , when it was at. tachcd during his absence , and previ ous to his arrest. She hesitated to answer , but the counsel for the state urged hia question. Still she hesi tated , and the counsel for the prose cution commenced to smell a rodent of mammoth proportions and rose in his seat to insist upon an answer. "Well , " said Mrs. Altman , as she looked toward Charley Do Great and smiled , while the prisoner perceptibly colored , "ho ( moaning Do Great ) wrolo mo to got possession of his love letters , which were in the trunk , and which ho didn't want the parties Jiaving possession of it to read. " An [ audible smile went around the court room , and it waa evident from the faces of the jury that they appre ciated the point. For the moment the idea of DeGroat's being n prisoner wiut forgottun , and it was evident that the reply had unlocked the "one touch of nature which makes the whole world kin. " The excited coun sel for the prosecution sat down. After the w itnessos presented by the defence had finished their testimony the st.xto produced a witness , -whoso presence had boon announced but it had bcun thought by hia not appearing before that ho has not to bo sworn. District Attorney Burnh.uu called "Mr , llerrick , " and tlu'ro vvjs imme diately : i flutter of excitement in thu com t room , llerrick stepped to the witness stand without much embarrass ment nnd gave his testimony in a mo- way. Ho did not appear to be under great discomfort from the fact ho had como from the peni tentiary for the purpose of sending another mantliuio foi the same crime , and seemed to rather enjoy the atten tion ho leceivod. His testimony created somcnhat of a sensation as it was given. In etfect it was as follows : In September preceding the fire I had iv conversation with Charley Do- Groat. Ho said that ho wasn't mak- ij ; money and wanted to get rid of is partner Kreolo. He said it would o a Rood plan to increase the insur- nco and then burn the store ; that his thing waa often in ow York city and usually uccessfully. He offered mo $500 to : lo the job. Two or three days after ; ho store was burned I heard the Do Croats talking t9gethcr and Charley aughed ut Ben for making BO much loise in climbing over the ; shed into heir room at Mrs , Altman's and got- ing in the window , after ho had run lome from the tiro. Sev eral days af- : er the store w.ia burned Charley told no that if too many questions were vsked wo should lay it on J reolo , llerrick was most-vigorously cross- jxnminod by Gen. Cowin for the do- 'unnc , and his Htatemcnls were con- idorubly mutilated. At the conclu- ion of thiii examination the court ad- ourned. To-day being motion day , ho Bummint ; up m the Do Great case ft ill bo commenced Monday morning. Mlrabllo Dicta- "Your .SjiriiiK.lilossotn is a BHCCCSB. I crtninly think its eiTecta are wonderful } ,11 tlie ( lyrfj.ontic syinptoum I complained > f have \atiHiied ; my wifu id iilao enthuai- Mtio in prime nf it ; nho was disfigured by blotchex and pimples on her face , and lind n continuous headnclio. She is all lit now , ivid all miHi htly eruptions vn Rone. You mnv refer ny doubting > artie to me. It. M. WILLIAMSON , "iik street , UufI U > . " Price , 50 cento ; trl il buttles. 10 cent * . flT-eodlw ] THE RED CLOUD , Another Steamer Bound For a Warmer Climate. At ! MO p. in. yesterday the steamer lied Cloud of tlio B.vker line , which has been expected for several days ) .ist , arrived in this city , bound from Fort IK'iiton to St. Louis , where slit * will undergo extensive u-piurs , and probably go south and ply on the lower Mississippi andjlled river during the winter. The Hed Cloud left Bismarck two weeks ago , the aigtu of winter oven then being quite perceptible , Five inches of enow | .was scraped oil the hurricane deck the morning she started , and the steamer Eclipse c.imo in with her wheels froron full of ic * . This was on Sunday , October L'Xl. Several inchoH of snow was found at Fort Pierre also. At Hot Springs , seven- ty-fivo milus above Fort Randall , the steam wis rising until it looked like a tluet of steamboats , The recent rise in the river did not extend , the cap tain stated , above Ynukton. The Niobrnnv was pouring a flood into the Big Muddy aa the Ited Cloud came down , This steamer handled about 250 tons of freight on her down trii > , 150 tons for Fort Yatoa alone. Shu also had ull the pisftongcra uho could carry , On reaching this point , however , inobt of the freight had been discharged , and only about twenty pasiongers , a portion tion of whom were for Omaha , re mained. Almost all of these were ladies , Mr. B. F , Troxel , the agent of the Halter linu at Omaha , was on thu lookout for his steamer , and had a car of coal Ride-tracked on the loyco , nt th2 foot of Farnain streotawaiting her arrival. As soon aa shehvl made her landing the roustabouts begin putting in the supply of fuel , and t > no was ready to go acraln at 5 o'clock , The Hed Cloud is 0110 of tho/ finest steamers in the river trade , and Ins a l.vrgo carrying capacity for freight nnd passengers. She is commanded by Capt John A. Will iams , and Capt. West Jacobs in her efficient pilot. Capt. Williams stated that the Sherman , a government boat , would bo down in about ton days , having received orders already to go to St. Louis , where she will probably be put to some now use , being old and unfit for river business. It was dusk when the Rod Cloud cut loose and drifted slowly down to the bridge , behind which her huge hull soonsank , from sight among'.ihe moon beams and shadows on the great river. Stenographer' * Banquet- The second annual V.mquct of the Nebraska State Stenographers' As sociation will bo hold nt the Creigh- ton Houeo Monday evening , Novem ber 7th. Several intoreslinc ; papers will bo presented by leading stenographers , and a good time ia anticipated , Preliminary to the banquet a brief business meeting will be held at the ollico of Hell & Amoa , Hanscom block , at 7:30 : o'clock sharp , and the _ pres ence of all members ot the association is heartily desired. JNO. T. BKU , Gio. : W. BOYDK.V , President. Secretary. QUIT WORK , The Carpenters on the Hotel Millard Leave in a Body with Their Foreman. Thoyx Snspeotod a Soliemo to Sup plant Thorn- On Monday last the carpenters working on the Millard Hotel build ing , corner Douglas and Thirteenth street made n peaceful and quiet ic- quest for the small advance of twenty- live cents on the daj''s work of ten hours. No threats were made and the request was granted at once , be ing noted at the time in TIIK BEE. While everybody apparently so sercno it appears that in leality the advance was not conceded with any spirit of justice but with the determination to supplant the entire force , foreman and all as soon as possible. To this end the following notice waa published : WANTED. 12 cirpentcra for a Ion ; ; winter' * job. lmmire ? southeast corner Webster and 2Ut. 1' . J. Creedon. When a carpenter applied to Mr. Creedon for work ho'Was not informed what ho waa to do , or if informed was told to say nothing about it. Each man would get , \ note to Mr. Shear * , secretary of the association , instructing him to allow the bearer to deposit his kit of tools in the building and was told to be ready to go to work Monday morning. The carpenters claim that the scheme was gotten up by the architect and Secre tary Shears , and that the intention was on Monday morning to inform them that their places were all sup plied and they were not wanted. Some of tlio new gang , however , presented their orders to Air. Couns- man , the foreman , instead of to Mr. Shears , and as he did not understand it ho took it to the secretary asking him what authority Mr. Creedon had to hire mun to como to work there. The re } ly was that ho had authority to hire men bub had no authority to say anything about it. Mr. Counsman had given him to understand that the men knew all about it. As soon as the thirteen carpenters learned what was up they siw into the scheme and yesterday morning all stopped work , including fore man. Counsman and they have made this statement as a notice to the now carpenters whom they do not bohevo to be posted as to the true inwardness of the matter. They also say that while there is plenty of work to employ twenty carpenters instead of thirteen , six of the men were laid off yesterday before it was known that all were going. . i Child Injured- A quite serious accident occurred tea a little child of Dr , Jensen yesterday foronvon at the residence on Four teenth and Jackson streets.Several of the children were playing together , when the one injured , in turning , foil against a sharp stick , which was forced into its cheek. The doctor was called hastily homo and the wound dressed , The child is doing as well as possible. "BLACK-DRAUGHT" run * HVHJK-JI. ein , indigestion and heartburn. At C. V. Ooodmnn. School CUildren'n Whnln Dny- To-clad ( Saturday ) thu pupils of the Omaha public schools will be ad mitted to see the whale at thu reduced ducod price of ton cents each. Su perintendent Lane waa waited upon by Manager Knglohardt yesterday and a generous invitation extended , which was cordially accepted. As a means of instruction nothing can bo moro useful or intereatinu than a lec ture upon the natural history of the whale , accompanied by lifo-si/ed illus trations , describing its manner of eating and sleeping , why the whale is not a fish , why its bones are not whalebonca and how it was captured. Prof. Mummery , of Detroit , will explain its habits , and givu a specially instructive lecture to school children. Teachers who accompiny their classes are invited to make such explanation or comment as they may deem neces sary to the butter comprehension of the subject by their pupils , TrnvoTiuc Men find it hard to Keep in good health , owing to the constant chanuo of water , diet and the jarring of the eara. All those things injnrp the kidnoj'H , while Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure ia certain to counter act them. Iw THE NEW ELLA. A Steam Ferry Boat on route to Ft. Pierre. Thursday the steam ferry Now Ella , which has for two yeira past been running at Plattsmouth , arrived at the levee on route to Fort Pierre , D. T. , a distance of about 800 miles north of this city. It seems rather Into in the season for a start on so long n northern trip , but they will go until the ice closes them in , dcnigiiing only to bo them nt the opening of next season , though , should the winter - tor prove an open one , the boat will bo run right along. The trip , under favorable circumstances , will occupy ton days. The Now Ella was built at Leaven- worth _ , Kan. , twelve years ago , is pro vided with a single engine , five and one-half feet stroke , twenty-inch cylinder , two heavy boilers , and has a capacity for lu'jtcatns. At Platts- mouth the boat was in the hands of Messrs. Sousloy , Simpson and Payne , who found that the trade there would not justify them running a steam ferry , and accordingly sold the boat to Led- wich and Evans , of Fort Pierre. She is making the trip up in charge of Captains Sously and Simpson , accom panied by Ledwich , unn of the pur chasers. They hope to reach tneir destination before winter sets in. The stop at Omaha was for supplies , and the boat proceeded on her journey last night. Get Oat Doom The close confinement of all factory work gives the operatives pillid faces , poor appetite , lanuuid , miserable feel ings , poor blood , inactive liver , kid ney and urinary troubles , nnd all the physicians and inodicino in the world cannot belt them unless they got out of doors or use Hop Bitters , the pur est and best remedy , especially for such cases , having abundance of health , sunshine- and rosy cheeks in them. They cost but a trifle. See another column. Christian Recorder. novlD Dr. Amelia Burroughs , Withnell house , Tuesday and Fridays , 10 a. in. to 8 p. in. " into SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Advertisement To Loan , For Sale , Lost , Kouml , Wants. Hoarding , &c , will bo In serted In tlicbo columnn once ( or TEK CRNTS per line ; cichsubseiiumtlnHertion , F1VK CENTS per HDP. The Crst Insertion never less than TWUNTY.FIVK CENTS TO LOAN-MONEY. ONLY TO LOAN Call at Law Olttco c ! D. M L. Thouvut lloomP , Urcisrhton lilock. Art A To loan at from S to 10 per cent /\/l/U on ? oed real eetatcsocurit } , by 1)11. ISAAC KDWAKUJ 1108 Farnhaui bt. . AAATt > LOAN At 3 per centln- /OOU.Ul/W / ternt In sums of $2,600 and upwards , for 3 tofiyiars. on ( hut-Ulna cltj and ( arm proiK-rtj. KKMIH KSAL liirxn : and LOAM A'JNSCT , IfJth and Uoiulas fttc. HELP WANTED. ANTKI ) A competent laumlrcjg , l > y Mrs W II Kountzc , Soutn 10 h St. 4M 10' Olrltodo housework. Fnqutro WANTKP Farnham St. 44J tf bmall room for gentleman ; not WANTED tlun 3 block * from ] Mii and Farnham. Adilrt-M , C. G. ( Bcu oflice. 411-4 A ( food fflrl to dohonsoHork , at WANEEO Mertt'd restaurant. 1105 Farnham street 423 7 WANTKD Acirl to cook , a U and Iron. licit wn ti to competent tirl. Itefcreui-eH required , Apply uouthuuit corner DoU lvi and 18th Htrcet. 4JJ 4 ANThU , A chimbennalil at the I mine t HoiHt ) 418 L" \TrAt TEI > . Cook ana kitchen srlil at thu > / t'aciOj Hou.o. 417-tf "r\T ANTED Situation by a boy IS > cnra old. VV 1'lat.u In otoro prefcrn J. Addre&H , J. I' . N. lice office _ 3J 4 _ ANTED A 11 rut ch barber at Kearney , W Neb A bteaJy job in mj nhop al ! winter. WWAVTKI 4315" ) 12 tarpen tern for a l n ; whiter WAVTKI Enquire t-outh cast corner Webuttr andiltt. 1' . J. CKKEDON. 4 4' Two trl ! , OIIB to cook. vih and Iron , and onu to do second work and taku care of c hildrui. Kent of references rciiulrol. Appl } Boutlnait corner of 20th and California Strt. Itest of wa o ) . 30 J tf - po-ttlon In Dr-t class druar WANTKD-A tv uraJiMto of University of PtmiehamaM. It ) Entirely familiar with the drug bunincaa , J , M. F , , Bcu ollica. SS3 U * \irANTKD-By a lady , situation ID house- VV keeper or will nmUt In light work In a fam ily. Addrraa tills with Mm. T. R. C. . P. O. , Omaha. 388 tf \\7 ANlhU-lU ) to 21X1 loads of VV nd rit. Mary a avenue. Enquire nt ISco offlcfl S220 tf \T rANTK It UO to 200 loads of dirt near 23rd VY and St. Marl's avcnuo. Enquire at Die office. 183-tf -\TrANTEO-Fundlnir tnidice and chool bonds. YV H. T. Clark , Belleruo. 3 tf VtrANTKD A lady wUhe-i writing to do at YY homo or In in ortlce , has had t-omu ex- perlincc and conildcrahlu bunliitw * tact ; or will M-lat In lUht housework and irUo miiHlcli-ssons In a famil > . Addriwoono wcuU. Mrs 1. II. M , , P. O. , Onmha 2H7-tf FOB RENT-HOUSES AND LAND. OU KENT Furnished room , H. K. cor. 17th iui4 D.uciipsrt. Otiu or two Kcntleinui. hliP * T710K IIK.NT Ilouno rooniK , within nix J1 block ! from 1' . O. Imiuiro ISlSJoncn. un til Xo\.blb. 4.IS ( KKNT Houto with S roonn , ( jood well U10U 1 cUlcrn , on Ilarnu ) , btt. IBth and Ifftli bta Inquire on premise * , 437 tf HKNT Furninheil or unfurnlnhtil room ; FOIl . 125 llownnl fat. , bet. Othnnil 10th. 4JJ7-5' Iir.NT S'oru room. A | > uljr to Shre > e , FOIl & Co , corner Hth and I'o tga.U. . HKNT FurnUhtd roonn , north sldo of Foil ht. , 2d door wt t ol * M. Inquire alter 1 p. in. 434 tf A to tory liousowltli 8 flue FORllhNT 4 1 irt'o tlo cU ; u' o , Lam If < le eireil , Incuitro at 2IJJ tiaunpoit street , touth * Uu. 415-tf ) KKNT-llrlik Htoro In Jacob1 b'o U , 15th UUU Capitol aunuv. JOHN 0 , JACJOllS T OIt HUM' Furnished roonn fur ono or two J K-Htli > nicnN.V. . cor.20th and Can * fl . 1,1011 llllNT 2 uton house , b rooms , 4 f ilo .t.i Uo.alurnlldi.iilrud. S port bt. . OU IlENT. CotU j Home ut imithblduof I 1 lliunport ttrviit nearluflit ) tilth. - * I71OKHU ! < r A hau o In North Omaha , at X' tOOJa month. Imiulru 1210 blurman uienue. A. UAMMUN/INU. to'tf _ OKUKNT Nlcily furnlihed rooim to let , I V HIT Howard M. _ J 5 rtEST To ) onnimmwhodnilru winter quarters : two nlcvly furnlthed roomi. Inquire of J , L. Kiev' at Jew K Ham's or at 171SIxidjBitr t. octM tf SPEUIAIi HQTIOES-OontmttBd \ lurnl hp.l front room lor ren lth boird , In prlvnto family. Ocntifman prcfcrttd. IVill 007t N. 17th St. 3W U ItCNT One or two r os > * , m ! hcd or EOtl , 8. W. cor. of California and S3d Sit. S22 tf riOll IlKNT-An plcifvntlr furnUhtd Mtovt X room , low price ; bilck homo , 2013 CUM St. 329 tf I.1OK KKN1 J furntshwl roonn o\a JL chaou1 Kich tif ( , N. E , cor. IBth and rOn BALE. l OR SALE Vine uprlitht piano. Enquire 1C * Jj N. lth St Will ncll on monthly pAtmcobi. PALX. A frwh milch cow. Nortinurt corner ( Seventeen h am ) Nlcholm MiwM 4I4U' T710II SALK Or rent , on c-wy tormt. one o ( ih Jj flnurt tc ldtncoi In the city , Inqulra I > . CooVe , 16th and Luuenworth St . 371-S * 17UR SALE Fine rcsldinco proj > rty at a bar * 1 R Jn , moit ilrslrablo lomtlou In the city ; all complete with barn , out houses andtihubbcry ; 210 South 24th S . flr't honno from Farnham. Enquire of W. L Kldd , I1B ISth Ht , Jncubs * Illock. 304-7 fjlullHAliK Team good ponle , chevp : t Keel 2lJarn , let hat. _ o .il- OR HAlili A Bmall house and I lot with peed well and stable , on 20th , near Sherman Si , No 1307 Vrlce.JWO. 273 tf KICK FOU LALt. B 203-tf LALt.KSTARUOOK Jt COR. 'tjiOU HALK A well oitAbllshul and JL' Hardware bin mm stock and building tea a groulij ; town on the II. & . M. rallrcnd In boutheru Nibraika For particulars call on or addruin II , X. Fowler , lltibUll , Nob. _ : i7fl s * _ 1 .1 U II hAUh A lot of second hand furniture , stotcK , carpc'Hand ' crockury ware , at H. , 1203 lQUtla ) < htH. _ 285 1m T > EU1S has rattling IODK lists of IIUUMM , lota JD Linda and farina for sale Call and jftt them. ITIOll BAIK A Binall etiRlnc , R. W. Pa > ne & Jj Son's mako. In iicrftict osdcr , Inquire of n. O. Clark A Co. 3'1-tf _ "TOOK HALE llaps of Douglas and Snrpy oun > JC Uee. A. HOSBWATEH.lSZOFarnham street 3tO _ ITIOIt SALE Four aci'ua of land uiwr wntcr- Jj worna rccr > olr , also two cottages on Capitol filll. Add. ANDUbWiBh.VINS.1300 Douglas St. b48tt _ AND LAND licmts renU houses , HOUSES storcA , hotels , faro * ota , laods , offices rooms , etc , Pee let pate MI80ELLANCOU8. IOST Bctuirn the I'resU ) tcrian cliurch anil j Furnhim street , n enM bracelet , hinder ull' bellberallv rewarded b lemln ? the game at Sam 1 Burns' China St re. 441 4 * All MIE CIIANC E Ilcforo next Tuesdaj , the undersigned will "til vcr > low for cinh , a lotot furnituiL , tarpcto , state * , picture' , books , utcnsilx , * c. , aha a piano. Call and inspect. E. S. 31oo , euntliw ctt corner I.c.i\ mortli and Ifcth. 4104 * . bc-hvl | at No. 1 2U1I Oasn ktrtct , between Itunticth and 'Iwentj-ltrnt BtiieU. 404 S * FIHsroLAS-i hALKSMAN ( from Xew YorK ) desires a situation whcro his ser- viec < vou'd bu required , o objection to tjoiii uiht Addro < sA. lllack , care 11. Uoldstuin , i'ouu- ell llllllTj. Iowa _ 42I--J "ITIOUN'D A Eet cf surgical teeN Owner am JL1 hio the Hamu bv culling at Taldwcl St. , bet < aim 1 mid KinShlniiji addition. ObO. T. COItXISIl 35 7 % rPIIi : J. M IIUUNSWICK & UUAkhCO , hcep JL n completehtoek of ISiihinl Tables and Itil- liaid incrclinndiHu on tlieiretore room , 609 South 10th St. , Omiln , Neb. ol2-lm * HOClIblAabbK Will pay tno hiithe t cash J. ] incu for bccond himl lillliard and Pool Tab'm. ' Call or addre CUU houth 10th rtt J.B olS-lm * B EMIS1 BOOM. beeIrt page. HAY At A. II. Sauder's Feed Store BALED Harncy St sia tf EMIS1 REAL ESTATK EXCUANOK. S B 1m pa , ? e. NEW CITi MA I'M. 10o Mounte B Maps , $2.60. OLO P. BFMIS. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Special adicrtNemonto , BUth aa Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Hoarding , etc , will bo inserted In tola column at the low ratoof TEN CENTS PEU LINE for the first ir.bcrtlon and FI\E CK.ST8 PER LINE for etch subxcquent Insertion. Lca\eodi erlistmurti at our olllcc , up st/iirc , uorner Uroadwa ) and Main vtrcutt , Council Uluffa. _ IftrAVrhlJ htLrliod ) in tounctl Bluffs lo YY to take TIIK BPF , 2(1 ( cent * per week , do luered by carriers. Olbco corner Broadway and up stairs. Council UlnflH. _ Cti ° tf > umfto > c8 , furniture nd kcc nri PAIlTlbS oOilH OAII ) iltccri ticD.ctn oicpo'io ot them for esh by e-illin , , ' ut the lltv Auction Store of J. A. Patton HSi Co. C < icil IlluflD , Io . oct28 tf \ ILL Hiill m } Caiiia o and Wugon bhop a.i a I bargain or tell fllotk ami tool- , for cath , and rent chop , to a iooil rixcon iblu man. Kcinon for ttllin , ; i < trol'ih on a turn. Call on oraddran W. O , Morris , Council Uluffd , Iowa. oc2tl 0 "l OITKK'a TIChLT OFFICi : War in railroad I tlckeu continueH to bconi. Uiureealintud low ruteH to nil eastern i > olHt Ilvcrj tivket guaranteed. Orders filled n > teleirfionc. From one to ten dollars tu\cd by purchusing tickets of C. A. I'otter , successor to 1'ottcri. I'ulmer , No. 40 South t ifth street , four doom below the poet- ollice , Council Hhig < . lo n ocilStt Ioy ! , with pony , to carry pajwrs. WAMKU at UBB ollice , Council Uluilu. oetlS tf "ITtTANTKO To buy 10U tons broom corn. YY for particulars addreM Council Illnfls Broom Kactory , Council Blufls , Iowa _ 668 ! _ A 8001 Carpenter at once Ap. ply Mynstcr & Adainu , Council Bluffs , Iowa. C50M' AN1ED A first clans broom tlor.'Mayn * W & Co. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. &CO 80 * 'ANTED A boy to do chores at Mjnrters W Hahery. Council BluffJ. 6 l- i TTIOIJ8ALE-O1 ( ! papers 40c per hundred , at J The Beu nllice. Council lllult H < 27tl EDWARD KUEHL HA01BTKK OF PALMY&TERV AND CONDI TJONALIST , 403 Tunth Street , between Farnhom andllainey. Will , wilb the aid of guardian uplrlts , obtain for any ono a Klance at the past and prooent , and on certain conditions in the fu ture. IlooU and Shoes uwda to order. rfect wttlnfartlon f imrantrod Absolutely Pure. Made from Grape Crw.n TarUr , No other arpatton inaki such light , flaky hot broads , usurious i uitry. Can be cat u by Djtpeptle without fear of the Ills rnultlnK from hearyl oil d. Bold only In cans , by all Grcxxrl \ HOYAL | tA8INO romKR CO ] Kew Tor * . C. F , 0 odBMi