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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1881)
6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY NOVEMBER o , 1881. THE DAILY ROUND-UP. The Record of Counoil Bluffs For One Friday , Revised Version of the Wiso- Danforth Racket. The "Half Told Tola" ol Two Sufferers. Hordic Will Supply Cheap Hy- drante , A Now Star in the Theatrical Horizon. Condonied Doing * of A Doll Day. Notwithstanding our fire department - mont was late in getting to the fire the other morning , they did the best they could. Twice they got stuck fast in the mud on Broadway. It chows ono thing for a certainty , that this city needs water works , and , judging from the following communi cation to Mayor Vauphan , Mr. Her dic is ready to supply that long-foil need : To the Honorable Mayor and City Council i GENTS : I have been looking over your contract with THK rnoro.sEo WATER WOUKH COMPANY , and I call it a dccidodly fat thing for the company. I will furnish you with as good a system of water works as they propose , and furnish tha city fire hydrants the same as they , at $00 in- utead of $100 , and furnish individuals nt from 15 to 25 per cent , loss than their charges. I have had cxpcrionco in the business , and am confident that your city will regret the fulfillment of the present contract. If you desire - sire to HAVK YOUK CITY ? 8OOC , ) a year to start with , write mo at Philadelphia and I will aavo your taxpayers thousands of dollars. Very jcspcctfully , P. HKUDIO. " Wo understand that Air. Hordic has examined the facilities for furnishing water to the city from the Missouri thoroughly , and believes that ho has a plan , which oxcclls in every way the ono contemplated by the American Construction Company. THE PEOPLi : SHOULD K5OW nt once just what that company pro- jH > ao to do and hayo thuin take some action in the premises at once or throw up the sponge and give some uno ulso a chance. The lot of a newspaper man is a hard ono , and wo do begin to pity poor Olark. The account of \TISE-1UJJK01U ) AFFJIAY TTOS given us at a late hour last oven- ing. Wo reported it as wo wore able to from what facts wo could gather. In our article yesterday morning 'wo stated that Mr. Wise was not arrested up to a late hour. The facts is ho was arrested twice. As soon as news of the affair reached police headquarters J. W. Morse repaired to Mr. Wise's office on Scott street and made the arrest. When arrested Mr. Wise stated to Officer Morse that DANFOBTH HAD INSULTED HIM nt every opportunity , that lie stood it just as long as ho could , and finally informed him that if ho repeated the insult ho would whip him. After this ho met Danforth and the insult was repeated on the public street. Ho afterwatds saw him going west on Broadway towards tho. Metropolitrn hotel , and followed him up and ful filled his promise to the luttor. Ho expects to answer to tha law for hia act. It seems that when Morse arrested Wise ho did not take him to jail , but told him to appear the next morning at I'OLICE HKADQUAHTKUK to answer. Chief Field , upon hearIng - Ing this , wont down to the Metropoli tan hotel , saw the condition Mr. Dan forth was in , and , believing that Mr. "Wiso should bo nut under bonds , entered complaint , took it to Judge Burko'a residence on Washington avenue , had a warrant issued , Wise arrested again and his bail p fixed at $500 for his appearance yes terday morning at 10 o'clock. Wo could hardly credit the report that "Wjao resisted the oflicor or used a "brick when ho struck Danforth. Mr. "Wiflo aays Danforth had CALLED HIM A LIAll , and at different times had called at liim from his carriage "oh you son of ab 1" That on Thursday Danforth rode past him with a stran ur in his carriage , and pointing to Wise ho re marked to the man with him , "Tlioro goes a son of a u . " Mr. Wise then informed him to prepare for ho ahould "lick" him betoru night. Ho aays Danforth replied , "I urn ready to moot you uny timo. " Ho saw him in the afternoon about Jj o'clock going down Broadway and followed him. AVhou near the Metro politan hotel ho informed him what ho was going to do ; that ho called him vile names and ho could I'UKl'AKK TO HI' I.IUKKI ) . Danforth immediately turned around , struck him with his list , knocked him into the gutter and struck him twice afterwards. Ho used nothing but his fist iiml did not kick him or ubuso 1 liim , but simply served him us ho would any man that would insult his old mother , Dohanoy'a opera hpuso was crowded to its utmost capacity on 'J hursiliij evening , to witnosa Charles L. D.ivis' familiar rendition of hia character of "Alvin Jouliii , " After the audience were nil seated U was announced thai 3Ir. Davis waa CONIMNKI ) TO HIH 1IKI > at the Ogden hotel , uimblo to ussunu the character ; that tliuy had in thuii company n young man who resomblei DaviH very much , so much that hi had been taken personally for him that ho had taken the character 01 several occasions to the complete nit iufoction of their audiences. However over , those who did not wish to re main would have their money refund c { | at the door. No ono loft the hall J * , - ll- nnd nil witnessed n most sntisfactorj rendition of the character by MR. CIIAU1.E3 WILI.AUD. Indeed , wo don't ' bohovo that Mr. Davis1 friends would have known the "Alvin Joshn. " now from the original To the KJItor of The Ilco. Your reference to the qungmlro and mudholo between Broadway and our factory is correct , and more too. It extends from Broadway to First avo- 11110 and instead of thrco month * standing it has boon there six years with no outlet , n stink street for the slimy water from the city streets to dry down and MIX INTO MUCK of an awful flavor. Not o load of filling has boon out Into it since wo came hero. The above is ono reason , with others , why wo want to move our factory to Omaha or some place outside of n town that got * fat on ono lido only. The other reasons are : long und protracted sickness of ourselves ind children. Ono is dead and buried , another now sick and our family physi cian assigns the cause to this filth. Brothers in suffering not half told , ( Signed ) S. D. & S. J. HOI-KINH. THK IIF.llDICH. An Omaha paper yesterday morning contained the following : "A line of Hordic coaches begins running between the transfer and the uity of Council Bluffs on Monday , rhoy meet all trains and connect with n line of cars runnini ; across the town. Five cents faro and this arrangement will catch everybody. " There is no doubt but that the ibovo is true ; and that next Monday will witness the introduction of the tlordic coach system in our city. The un won't bo fired , neither will the boll bo rung , but WHEN THK HAND T1EOINS TO PLAY pou may look out for the "Hcrdics. " \Vo hope the streets will bo in good trim , so that they may got n good send off. The Ilcrdic burn is located on West Broadway , whore the coachon , liorscs , mules , etc. , will be kept when not in uso. It is an ill wind that blows no ono iood. The recent fire having re moved Mrs. Motcalf's objections to boilor-nmkors pounding to their fioarts' content , the business started igain yesterday , with the sun shining jpon them established in their quar ters in the standing walls of the roof- ess blacksmith shop. A CAI1I ) . Mr. Metcnlf and wife desire throush THE BEE to thank the fire department nul all others who participated'in the ittempt to rescue their property from ho burning building. VAIU AND FESTIVAL. The Scandinavian Lutheran society icld a grand fair and festival at their iluircli last evening. The attendance vaa quite largo. o. A. it. The Grand Army of the Republic iglited its camp fire , lust evening , in huir hall on I'earl street. A most' mjoyablo season was indulged in by ho saviors of our country. FOUND A HOME. Mayor YouKhan adopted a little } oy , Master Tomlin , into the family > f J. T. Mowory yesterday. The mayor is always on hand to comfort Lho widow and the fathorjoss. QUICK HECOVEHY. Frank Seller , who , it will bo ro- inomborcd , was crushed badly on at tempting to board a train out at the western station , was taken to the : ounty house , where Dr. Hart am- minted his arm , has recovered and las been sent by Mr. Burroughs back ; o Chicago. For a man to recover 'roni such an injury in so short a time ipoaks well for Dr. Hart , undorwhoso treatment ho has boon. IlEMOVAL. 0. S. Hubbard lion moved his paint business into a shop on the west side uf North Main street. I'EUHONAL. B. 15. I'rainoy , father of Justice Fraineyof this city , arrived yesterday from Denver. Mr. Frainoy repro- Bouts the firm of John McConvillo , Chicago. Almost Yonnu Attain. My mother was nfllictod n long time with neuralgia , and a dull , heavy , in active condition of the whole system , headache , nervous prostration , and was almost helnloss. No physicians or medicines did her any good. Thrco months aio she began to use Hop Bitters , with such good effect that she scorns and feels young attain , although over 70 years old , Wo think there is no other medicine fit to use in the family. A lady in 1'rovidonco , R. I Journal. novl-15 REGISTRATION LIST. FOURTH WARD. Hunt G J ] Hoagland G A Hook 0 ( col ) Holliday C E Harrison W H ( col ) Helm 0 Now man Horace Neville Jas Northrup H G Nicholas A P Norgreon A M Nourae R H Nottint-er G M NelHon Jena Niolsou Andrew Nielsen Bcnnt Nielsen N W Neligh Wm No.ton M O'Grady J M O'Brien E A O'Brien Jas O'Connor E Otto F Olson Ola Olsen A Oakca J J Overall E R Ogden W B Orchard W N Oson Anton Ogdcn Chas Porino P L Pax ton W A Pcabody W L Punato H R H Pottoriqill Pritchott G E Pcdcraon C Peterson John PotetBon JAW Peterson Win Patterson Jas Rev Paterson S Pcntzoll J G Potty J W Plculon A Putnam Jno S Person Mon.i Parratt E J Parratt Wm Pierce J H Popper J B Place W E Pholbin J J Penn Frank Polard L Park John Parratt J II Patrick S Prat John Peacock A Phounrf R Poycko E Purvis Kobcrt Pcdorson Jens Pedersen C Paraell Gee II Pratt C J Quarnstrom A P STATK or Nr.nuASKA , 1 Dotxu.AH COUNTY. ) This is to certify that Iho above is r true list of the registered voters o ( the Fourth ward , city of Omaha , tc ( Into. In witness whereof 1 hereunto sol my hand this 3d day of November , A , D. 1681. JOHN S. WOOD , Registrar Fourth \Vard. Rngiitrntlon Notion. STATK OK NKHIUHKA , \ Doupi'Aa COUNTY. ) Notice in hereby given to the elec tor of the Fourth wnrd , that I will sit m the store of E. Wyman , Fif teenth street , three doors south i the postoflico , on Monday , November 7) 1B81 , to rrmkn additions , to correct omissions , to atriko off any nnmo that Is not entitled to the elective fran chise , or other errors in said list. In witness whereof I hereunto sot my hand this , 18th day of October , A. D. , 1881. JOHN S. WOOD , net 18d till nov3 Registrar. OMAHA , Neb. , Oct. 18 , 1881. Addstional names will bo published on Monday evening. Economy. A fortune may bo spent In using Inef fectual medicine. * , wlicn l > y applying Thomas' Kclectrlc Oil a speedy mul econ omical euro can bo effected. In cat < c of rheumatism , Inmo li.ick , bodily nil men ts , or p.iiiiH of every dcacriptfou it affords In- relief. J7 podlw The leading Sclentuti ot to-day afreo that mostdIBcanmaro caused by disordered kidneys > r ll\cr. If , therefore , the kidneys and liver are kept In perfect order , perfect health will bo the result. This tnithhaa only been know a a short Itnu and ( or years people suffered great agony without being ftblo to rind relief. The dlscntery of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure inirks a a new era In. the treatment of thcso troubles. jade from a simple tropical leaf of rare value. It contains Just the elements necessary to nourish and Invigorate both of these great orptna. and afcly retitoro and keen thorn In order. I tin a > osltive Remedy for all the diseases that cause lalns In the lower part of the body ( or Torpid .her Headache * -Jaundice Diziincss fi ravel FeverAru& ( Ucr end iTrlnarv Organs , It la an excellent and gate remedy for fcmaloa luring 1'rcKnancy. It will control Menstruation and U In 'oluablc for Loucorrhma or Falling ot he Womb. As a Blood Purlflcr It In uncqualcd , for it curca he organs that make the blood. This remedy , which has done such wonder1 , is mt up in the LARGEST SI2KU IIOTfUK of any mcdicmo upon the market , and Is Hold by Drug gists and all dealers at SI.25 per bottle. For Diabetes , enquire for WAHNEK'S SAFK DIA BETES CUUE. It Is ft POSI IVE Uemedy. H. H. WARNER & CO. , Rocheiter , N. Y. ] cl6-tu-th-sat- ? ree to Everybody ! A Beautiful Book for tlie Asking , Ity applying personally at the nearest office of/I HE SINUKR MANUFACTUIUNO CO. ( or by postal card If at a distance. ) auy ADULT per. sou wll bt > presented with a beautifully lfus- | ratcd copy of a Now Book entitled GENIUS REWARDED , OR THE STORY OF THE SEWING MACHINE ontalnlng a handsome and costly steel rngrav- V frontlspicrco ; also , 9i finely rngrarcd wood uts , and bound In an clabomte blua and ( ( old Ithoeraphcd cover. No charge wlmUncr Is made or this tiandrnme brck , which tnn bo obtained only by application at the luanch and subor ilnate offices of The Singer Manufacturing Co. THE 8INJEU MANUFACTURINQ CO. , Principal Ofllco , 31 Union Stjuare , Now York oct27-dmietf > tw Professor KUhcr , ( from St. I uls ) Dancing Academy - ademy , Standard Hall , cor Klfteonth and Fora * iam , Tuesday evening , September Oth. Clowns for Uullwi and Gentlemen comracncln PuoKday k > enlng September Oth ; claMoas tor Mbnoa and Masters , commencing Saturday after noon at 4 o'clock. Clautca for Famlllefl , will be arranged to suit the honorable patrous. Also ballet dancing can bo Uught. Terms liberal , and perfeo satisfaction to rchol * ara guaranteed , fri rate Instructions wll Viglr. en at the Dancing- Academy or at the meidonco of the patrons. Private ordcil y o left atM Weyer & gtn'it _ > ifSO-U The Oldest Established BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co. , Badnea Inuuvcied mat M that of an Incor- xiratud oank. Account * kef t In rorreney or gold subject to ilpht check without notice Certificates of deposit ( sued payable In throe , si i and Uclvo months , jcailng Interest , or on demand without Intercut. Advance * made to customers on approved wen- rlties at market rates of Intercut , Buy anil oell gold , bills of exchange , govern ment , state , county and city bonds. Draw light dnfta on England , Ireland , Scot land , and all partD of Europu. Sell European p&NMge UekcU COI.LKOT10N8 PROMPTLY M AOK. aucldt _ United States Depository , NationalBank - OK OUAIIA. - Cor. 13th and Farnam Sta. OLDEST RANKING KJrrAIlUSHMEHT IW SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. ! BTABUBIIRB IBM. OrgonlioJ M National Bunk Aug nat SO , 1M3 CAPITAL AND PUOriTS OVER 300OOC OrriCHU ) AND DIRK7TOSJ ! HlHUiN KOI'STZU , I'timuc. . . . AuuunTL'8 KOPNTZX , Vlco ProdJent , II. W , VAIM , Outlier. A. J. I'orfLKTON , Attorney. JOHN A. t'KMoufOM. K. II. DATU , Aeot. Cahlcr Thl l nk rooohcs dtpislts without rccarJ t ( Mimimte. Iwu < a time ctrtlttcatos lieailnir Intfrcst. Draw * drafts on Kan Ktanrlnco aim ptlnclpa cltliw of the UnltcU Statai , also I/wlon. Dublin rJllnburKh ainl the } irincli > ol cities of tuo coutl nent ol Eurojw , tioUt laweiijiir tltkcU for cmljrantJ \ > f the lu man line _ roavliHf SIBBBTT & PULLER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW VTO CITY , NEB , Bpcclal aUrolloo | d > < * to coUevtloiu In Ilut-'e DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS IIOTHLS. ARLINGTON , AMERICAN HOUSE , HALL HOUSE , CITY HOTEL , QHAND CENTRAL , DEPOT HOTEL , CITY HOTEL , DARNUM HOUSE , REVERIE , WISNER HOUSE , DRAPER HOUSE , OREIQHTON HOUSE , CITY HOTEL , CENTRAL HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , COMMERCIAL HOTEL NELIQH HOUSE , DORCHESTER HOTEL , COMMERCIAL HOTE. , CENTRAL HOUSE , TUTTLE HOUSE , QAQE. HOUSE , DENVER HOUSE SANDERS HOUSE , WOODWARD HOUSE , PACIFIC HOTEL , E8TES HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , HOLLAND HOUSE , WILDER HOURE' COMMERCIAL HOUSE PACIFIC HOTEL , HAMMOND HOUSE , CENTRAL CITY HOUSE , CITY HOTEL , SCOTT HOUSE , SUMMIT HOUSE , NEOLA HOTEL , EMERSON HOUSE , BLANOHARD HOUSE , PARK'S HOTEL , PROPRIETORS , J. Q , MclNTIRE , QEO. H. McCUNE , A. W. HALL , CHENEY & CLARK , D. T. PHILLIPS , F. H. DADDITT , J. F. COLE , MR. VAN HORN , m PERRINE BROS , , O. WHIPPLE , P. D. THIDADEAU , L. J. JOHNSON. JOHN CCOPER , WM. CLEMMONS , E. EVANS , W. D. MOULTON , A. 8. KINKLE , J. Q. MEAD , JA8. McKILLIP , W. H. TUTTLE , A. R. fJAOE , CAIRNS & WILLIAMS , CHA8. E. McNISH , WAREN WOODWARD , 8. J. PORTER , N. T tBTES , F. W. WILMS , GEO. D. HOLLAND , THOMPSON REED , A. C. CAARPER , W. P. REN8HAW , JOHN HAMMOND , J. 8. QREQERY , H. 8COTT , SWAN & BECKER , F. 8IEVERTZ , A. L. 8HELDON , T. FOREY , COL. F. M. PARK , Lincoln , Neb. South Bend , Neb. Loultvllle , Nee. Dlalr. Neb. Harvard , Neb. Norfolk , Neb. Peru , Neb. NebraikA City , Neb. Unadllla , Neb. Wltner , Neb. Nlobrnro , Neb. Crelghton. Neb , Nemaha City , Neb. Oakdale , Neb. Seward , Neb. O'Xelll , Neb. We t Point Neb Dorchester , Neb. Neligh , N b York , Neb. Aurora , Neb. Republican City Neb- Hatting. , Neb. Friend , Neb. Exeter , Neb. Fairmont , Neb Grand liland , Neb , Kearney , Neb. Red Cloud , Neb. Wllber , Neb Hardy , Neb. Beatrice , Neb. Columbus , Neb. Central Cltv , Neb. Coin , la. Silver City la Creiton , la. Neola , la. Emerion , la. Blanchard , la , Shennndoali , la. ( B. & M. II. R. , Eastern Nebraska. ) E. E. Day Gpnoral Merchandise and Grain Dealer L H. Sawyer & Son Clothing , Boots and Shoes , Dry Goods , Etc J. & H. J. Streight General .Merchandise 3. E. Greonslate Drugs and Chemicals Charles H. Dill ; Real Estate D. Dean & Son Lumber , 0. N. J'olsoir , Manager at South Bond T. W. Fountain Purniture , Implements , and Crown Sowing Machines 3. A. Hay & Co Agr'l Impl'ts , Stoves , Tinwaro'and Sporting Goods Jeo. H. McCune American Houao 3. Kirk Grand Central Hotel 3r. George Stewart Physician and Surgeon 3. H. Thclps Station Agent B. & M. Railroad 3eorgo H. McCuno Stone Mason and Plasterer V. L. Martin Moat Market Omaha , A PAT A HIT Collins Cheyenne , * * * V-LB-ff&Vil. , Colorado Fall and Winter N LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. / i , . , , i .w Hats ? Gaps , Trunks , Valises. XKTGt- i IN TEE LATESTSTYLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit ai < 1316 FARM HAM STREET , NEAR FOURTEENTH. J. A. WAEEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN X Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT OTSTATE AQKNl FOR MILWAUKEE CEM3NTCOUPANT , Near Union Pacific Depot , - - - OMAHA , NEB O. H. BALLOU , DEALER IN Lath and Shingles , Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks north of ST. PAUL. AND OMAHA DEPOT pod-Urn. i * + -jf- jajE rx > SJCXCTCHUEI POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MINING MACHINERY , BELTING , HOSE , DIIASS AND IRON FITTINGS , PIPE , BTKAM PACKING , AT WHOLESALE AND UETAIL. KALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AM SCHOOL BELLS A. L. STRANG , 206 Farnam St. , Omaha. i BHi < W WM M Of the Very Latest Styles. FOR LIDIES , QENTS , AND CHILDREN , AT MRS. HUBERMANN'S , 16th Street , bet. Capital Avenue and Davenport , Fura made to order end Repn.iHnon < wt-ly dona olOt