Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1881, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha B
L'ntilhhod rory morning , eicept i
Tha only Monday morning dally ,
ar . fclO.OO I T litre Monti
Moulin.- 0.00) ) Una
WKEKJjY EKE , putlli
ry Wwlnc ilay.
Ono Ywr 52.00 I 'Hirco Monti
Bbc Mouths. . . . 1.00 | One "
eonuispoNnrNci-Ai ) Co
Cations rvlntiux to NtW4andkltai ! !
lore nhmililxi rulilretwod to tlio Ki ;
THH HKF. . .
LotUii * and Remittance * should
dressed In Til * OMAHA VuiiLtsillNi
PANT , OMAHA. Draft * , Chuck * nr
o'fico ' Onleis to bo miulo
order of the Company.
Edwin Dnvla , Mtmaccr of
v *
John It. Tierce U Jn Chruve of th
Clrou itiou of THE DAILY JJEE.
A. II. ritcli.cnrrniiponilentamlBo
playorbut our present county an
tondcnt of public instruction ca
him 1'oinlson an election eontc
win the dny.
Tin : Soulhwoitorn railroad
which includes nil touching Mi
river cities , hnvo ngrcod to the
and unitedly maintain rales
fluuco producers.
THKUK is yet hope for the fir
formation of Texas. A SauAr
jury has fixed the pumshmcu
stayo robber at ninety-nine yes
the pcnitontiary.
Tun millers ot Milwaukee
MinncnpoliH have declared w
wheat npiculatorH. They propt
kuok tlio bottom out of the pi
boom in prices by closing up
OK course Coroner Jucolfl ia i
buiinrm obliRjitiona to "Doc. (
linsf , " but lie will Hhow him lit
conduct n first cliiss political fu
next Tuesday without the use of
or emetics.
IT is reported on yood auth
that Quartermaster-Goner * ! W
PayinaBtor-Gcneral ISrown and
geon-Gonoral .Uarnos will bo re
early in December , their places t
taken by Colonel "Kufus Inj
Colonel W. J { . Rochester , nnd C
Crane , the present assistant
general. _
Mu. BLAINI' feels couGdent
December p-ill bring a yonoral ou
of the present moinbora of the
not. Ho tiiinka that ho will hi
tired to make way for Air. Pri
huyoen , and that a ntnlwart wi
appointed in tlio plncu of Postma
General .lames. General Gran
urging General Bcalo for tlio nav ;
partmcnt. _
A ritnsi ! installment of Mot
converts have reached Now \
England , Scotland , Germany , Swi
land and Scandinavia contribute
swell iho number 507. Note
atunding the uilbrti of the author !
particularly in Germany , the mn
of polygamy and a frco pas& to 1
is n superior attraction to tht
ludod nnd hungry peasants o ! the
The bond required by law , I
given by the county judge of
county , is for the Hum of fifty 1
Band dollars. Mr. Ghadwiok ,
was recently appointed by thu cu
commissioners to Till the vacanc
this oflico , furnished the roqt
bond within twenty-four hours
his appointment. His ability tc
nish so largo a bond on BO short
tico. signed by several of our bosl
most rciponsiblo citizonu , indi
the confidence recouod in bin
business men of this community
JUDGE CiiAiiwici ; has already
onstratod his qualifications for tl
fico of county judge. 1'or the
tli re o months ho has filled this in
Ant position , to the entire satiafa
of lawyers and litigants. No
reason exists why ho should IK
required to give way for O'Co
The voters of this county , as w
demonstrated on Tuesday next
not disposed to "swop horses it
middle of the stream , " or to ro
an able and efficient officer to
place for a man who is untried
comparatively unknown , and
is without experience ,
cation or known al
MB. WALTON- , the American
has made such fabulous Bums of n
in backing Lorillard'a nnd Kcono
blca in England , is the propriol
the St. Jamca Hotel in Now '
Mr. Walton and his son have
unusually fortunate in bettin )
horse races , the pool-bellors docl
that they are in luaguo will
Sanatio majesty. Two years
father and eon went to Saratoga ,
at a single meeting captured 820
in stakes , ruining three pool-so
Their winnings in England this HI
arc estimated at over half a mi
Mr , Walton thinks betting even
profitable than keeping n llnjt <
The voters of Douglas com
bocal'ed upon next Tuesday I
a county treasurer for the etisu
joars. The oflico in in many i
the most important and rtHpon
any within tlio gift of the peoj
requires n capable , honest and <
man with brains tothihk and v
cculivu ability to administer ,
all it demands of its incumbent
nugh knowledge of thoinlticate
of an office through which pas
mi ally all the receipts an
Imracinentfl of Douglas <
I'lio candidates now in n
lion before ) tlio people fi
: ountry troasurership nro Job
ind Chrii. ilaitman , and the
> f Omnlin nro called upon to
vliicli oi those H ntleinun
ittcd to fill the position w
; reatcst profit and sat infliction
ax pay era.
Mr. Hush is too well known
itizons of Omaha and the ro
if Douglas county to require pi
ho hands of tlio pros.4. Fu
earn past his efficient servi
loputy county treasurer have
lini known and respected by
no who ban had huainess Iranst
u the ollico. A man of rdi
nd refinument , hu Ins
u thcao ( jiialitios tlio iini > ort. !
initials of an excellent accon
ntiring energy , the highest ml
nd a courtesy in the discharge
til ion \\hich has not failed tt :
,3 mark on all with whom ho hn
roiight in contact. No man
otter tbau County Treasurer
10 elllcioncy and value of John
nd the testimony of the bo :
) itnty commissioners ia unaniin
10 praise of the businoi < s qu ;
urn which RO admirably fit h ;
10 oflico to which ho in nominal
10 republicans of tins county.
Chris Hartman , the dome
itninou for the county treasure
a chronic oflico Becker , whoso
l > al claim for public recog :
a to upon thu alleged fact th
a German. As city troasun
ities were ably performed by i
y , who possessed the ndvn
or Mr. Ilarttnan of nnderatn
mble entry bookkeeping and
ilo to write and comprehend si :
cutivu Huntunccs in tlio Ei
ngunge. Of Mr llartman's ho
ere has never been nny more <
an there has been of his ignot
oncst ignorance ia not , how
0 bent of claims upon n positu
laucial trust , nor , when j
no other qualilici
an that of u
.lionality , is it the best guar
of th
r * n faithful performance
ss of the county treanurorship
unty treasurer must bo able
mothing more tlmn to reat
: ito bad English in order to gal
nfidonco of Omaha tax-payera
nging around slreot corners
or substitute for thu practical
iiico gained by four ycais fai
irk in ono of the moat impu
d dilllcult ollicuain the county
use. Our tnx-payora will d
is election upon the merits o
iididatcs. It is simply iv
> n of qualifio.kUona. Jolm
s domonstratcd his n'
fill the ofiico through four yea
puty&hip under one of the
iciont county treasurers which I
1 county hasi over had. II
.i/.on who is respected by fr
d political enemies. Ilo is n
intelligence and education ,
lisa essential qualifications hu
at of being a republican an
iminoe of his party. No
indod voter should hesitate ;
out in casting lib vote for
uah next Tuesday , and ho oug
i elected by a handsome major !
AccouniNa to the statement
nt out by Chief of Statistics Ni
ere were landed during Soptt
1,924 passengers from foreign
les in the customs districts of'
ere , Boston , Detroit , Huron ,
: seta , Now Orleans , New York ,
.mnquoddy , Philadelphia , and
runcisco. Of the whole nui
$ , -152 were immigrants , 8i80 , :
tizons of the United Slates ret
oin abroad , and : ) ,092 aliens no
Ming to remain in the country ,
emigrants are classified by
ius ua follows ; Englnnd and V
097 } Ireland , 5 , 33j See
071 ; Austria , l,071tj Gormanj
)8 ; Norway , l,7&Uj Sweden , I
anada , 8,710 ; China , ! > 7G ; ai
' .her e ountrios , D.8D8 , Com
itli thu corresponding month o
nar the increase amounts to i
ho falling cfF in immigranta
anada for the month , as com
ith the corresponding month o
oar , amounted to nearly fifty poi
hero has also been a slight de-
i emigration from Ireland and
ia. Tlio bulk of thu increase
om Germany , the number
) , C08 as against 13,141 foi
lonth of September , 1880. F
iiartor ending September 30 the
ar of immigrants is shown
n,803 , while the number fc
irrosponding quarter in J88 (
i5,233. Tiiu following are tht
ibutions of the several couutii
10 three months just past : En
id Wales 24,708 ; Ireland , I
jotland , 4,890) ) Austria , -JGa7j
7fi"fJ H i
many , r)0-113 ; Norway , ,
den , in,059j CanndA , 19,310 ;
1,807 , and all other country , . '
Mit. G. W. DOAXK ngain p
his compliments to Dr. Miller i
trenchant style. Uy the way ,
floes the Htrald propose to nen
Doano lint little bill for publiil
full that railroad law , as rei |
some weeks fino.
The Gorman elections haven :
in nn overwhelming defeat for
Itismarck. The plain issue bcfi
people was n vote cf confidence
government r.nd they have am
by returning oil tlioleadorsof thi
sition and decreasing seriously
destroying entirely the force
coalition against jirogrcssist
pies. Tlio division and sub-divi
parties in Germany is BO intricat
nn analysis of the returns is i
impossible. Results have been re
from 308 election districts. Th
ccssful candidates include 30 co
ntivca , 21 free conservatives , 8'J
bora of the centre party , 32 na
liberals , 30 secessionists , 27 prt
wts , 12 I'olcs and 21 protester
particularism. In districts wher
{ overnmonl put forth the
itrengUi in support , of its fiiunt
nosh significant defeats were cu
.crcil. 1'rinco Jhsmarck's son
iam was defeated in tliu Mulh
lialrict by 500 voles. The
ireacher , thu llev. 33r. Stoeckoi
lefcatod by over (5,000 ( majority ,
stouckor was the instig.vtor of
var against tlio Hebrews , and w
; ardcd as the representative o
iiiti-Somitia movement , and hi
check t
eat is tv well-deserved
larrow-mindod nnd prejudiced fai
The result of t' ' > o elections mi
tattling to the chancellor as for
: ig liis coming downfall
lower. The composition of
ionium parliament has been pec
y fitted for the display of Bisnr
oculiar tactics. Divided into fi
r more parties , nnd ouch pi
; hose individuality dependu la
pen minor questions of principl
olicy , none have been strong en
9 command : i majority of the K
tag. Taking advantage of this
ition of affairs Bismarck's air
eon to accomplish such com
ions , often of conflicting intci
i were necessary to carry his i
res through the Imperial parliau
bus inthopuriod prior to the Fn
'russian ' war the Chancellor i
idical progressist and free tr ;
ater ho became a conservative i
cr tc win the support of the 1
olding classes to hia policy of pr
on and centralization. In the
lit elections the strongest efforts
mdo to carry the polls in the
jrvalivo interests , but notwithst
ig the immense power which the
srvativos were able to bring to
id the largo sums of money uxj
1 on their behalf they have mot
i overwhelming defeat. Tlio
ressists and liberals have done
hilo the cloricaln have scored n
int success. The whole qucstii
rinco Bismarck remaining in p
> w depends upon the amount of
3rt ho can expect from these In
tiould thu Chancellor refuse tinge
ingo or modify the May laws diu
; air t the Cutholicaho willcncoi
i opposition almost as as
: the progressists. Little can at
it bo expected by the govorni
'om the conservatives. This cri
ivere , and is made more so by th
art that I'rinco Bismarck will pi
ly dissolve the present elected ps
lent before Christmas.
Ono of the most pleasing resul
10 Gorman elections is the dufe
10 "Jew baiters. " All the
omitio candidates were dofoatc
10 election of liberals by largo
mties. The Hebrews in Genre
ro with the popular party and 01
do of constitutional liberty ,
orco onslaught indulged in ag
loin was instigated by noblemen
ore offended at seeing "con
adesmoii" erect palatial man
usido their ancestral castles. I
ot long ago when the n
ion , to a very great
snt , owned the country.
10 family of a wealthy count on
'ould accede to the estate , an
ould enter the army as an oflii
liird would go into the church , o
omo mercantile pursuits , each h ;
lie protection nnd patronage of
oblb relative and all his friends ,
olitics of the last twenty years
ondered ecclesiastical offices lot
irablo than they were formerly
ho close buriness competition o
lebrews has tended largely to ri
ho morchanta of noble lineage t
[ inks of common mortals. Th
ultod in open and disgraceful
ility to the Israelites , which has
ordially denounced at the poll
ho liberal elements of German vi
The situation of affairs in Ir
omains practically unchanged , v
ondcncy towards quiet. The
ourt is overwhelmed with bus
nd ttia tenantry are transfc
heir cases from representatives <
oaguo to thu hands of private si
ira. Fifteen hundred cases an
o have been entered in a aingk
L'hero have been 30,000 applic ;
or notices , and UICAO are on
increase , In county Mayo ,
the league holdalmcstunlimitct
not less thnn a thousand tem
Castlobar have applied for n
Thin well illustrates the feeling
fanners when loft to chooao thei
course of action. The Rover
matiifeaU A disposition to give a
nuts n fair chance under the Ian
Four commissioners have bee
pointed , each of which will h ,
own district , and commence to
diciUo in a few days. The peril
applications will also be uxtciu
older to permit tenants whoso
have been abandoned by the so
nf the land league to commune
While the German elections
turned out BO disastrously to Bisi ,
Loon Gambotta ia riding on thi
ft-nyo of public favor in Franco ,
liroua to teat his strength in the
> er of deputies the French pi
innonnccd himself aa a provi
; andidato for president of that
L'hu billet rcaultud in his elect )
i vote of 317 to 20 , n rcault whic
n the highest degrcr flattering
rieiuls. There seems to bo no
hat Gnmhetta has after
Consideration of the qii
lecided to accept office nnd tc
i pen himself at 1'resident G ;
equeat thu formation of a chl
U a recent interview with the
lent it was agriled that M. Gun :
night iiKsumu the presidency o
ouncil , with or without a port
I. Gamboltn ban not yet disclosi
Togrammo or the composition <
abinot , but it is believed thi
iuon Say will bo minister of fin
I. Do Freycinot minister of wa
I. Ferry minister of interior.
The first case decidcdjby the
jurt resulted in a material rodu
f rent. The land was discovert
o poor and marshy and praet
orthloas without the oxponditu :
jnsidor.iblo labor and money or
irt of the tonaiu. Thu lander
or hearing both sides adjourne
lew the property and imtnodi
jcreod a reduction of CO shilling
10 rent. The case will be app
) the Kuperior court.
Austria and Italy have been
iting during the past week ovei
looting of the Emperor Fr
> aeph and King Humbert of I
ho meeting , which waa nt the ret
' the Italian king , is considered
d for Austria's alliance in cas
oublo with France. The go :
ipression is that the visit of
alian king was not altogether
iino to the Austrian emperor ,
fusal waa impossible without
Him ; Italy. A correspondent s
at there is only ono alliance
ia carea about , and that ono , w
firmer than ever it luu boon y <
10 Gorman alliance. But thu
sror naturally wishes that Ai
iould bo on good terms with all
iighbors , and that IH exactly wl
auld have rather done without ]
umbert's visit. Austria has hi
lived on a very friendly fo <
ith the French Republic , and
cos being represented as playinj
, rt of a big brother to Italy agi
The inlluonco of the Irish vet
iglish boroughs is making itself
ainst the govornmont. In the
ms hold this week in Liver ]
anchoster and Leeds , a notice
crease in the liberal vote
* rked , nnd a corresponding inci
the conservative strength , j
iposaiblo to say just what Irisl
England expect to gain fro
> rty which , for centuries , has
o consistent enemy of every n
ont looking towards Irish relief.
Franco is not disposed to lei
ilping hand to the Land League ,
leading article the Republique 1
is'e expressed public opinion wh
iid ; "If the Irish were abl
ason they would understand
uch as Europe is disposed to uy ,
lizo with them while their compl
lund no echo , public sympathy
; .sort their cause us BOOH as it is
lat they rebel for the moro phi
' rebellion. The government
it right and justice on its side. '
Some ono baa taken the troubl
) lloct statistics of the existing p
rokers in the United British I
am. Their total number is 4,37 !
uring a single year they toke in ,
itimated , some 200,000,000 pie
.eiiirns made by 831 pawnbn
ipre.scnt a business of 32,50 !
Icdu'eH , and the total of 200,001
calculated from these returns
ppoars that the 32,500,000 tra
ons involved 1,887 cases in th
cu courts and the arrest and in
iiment of 450 persons facts \
u not Indicate as much irrogul
nd trouble us might have been Ic
> r. Only 2,311 of the pledges
iven up. They represented a
uluation of 1,080.
STATIHTJCH of the population c
eria , which include in their estii
omadic tribes and colonials , da
take out a largo total for that
id dreary Asiatic country. The
only 1,385,000 souls , who nro
ividod among the provinces'
ulsk , 408,000 ; Tomsk , 320
koutsh , 105,000 ; Yunlssi , 103
Transhaiknl territory , 141 } .
3,000 ; Maritime provinces ,
Yakoutsk , 112,000. Since tin
of Siberia includes nn area of 1
DOO nqti.iro vunsU ono linea :
being nearly three-quartera of
it is clearly apparent 1
thinly populated thin territory
Personal But Pointed ,
( lie
The editor of the Herald attci
Bolster up his sinking credit , ai
iuvo the odium of hia disre [
> OHilion as n monopoly capper ,
nember of the thieving printin ;
> y claiming anBocmtion with mt
er than himsulf. This i
ild trick cf Dr. Millers ,
t will not B.IVO him
L'lio unauthorixed use of thu nai
lighly respected citizens by bin
ho hope of thereby committing
0 an endorsement of his silly
ngs and venal practices , sum
, cta aa a boomerang. Two nt 1
hose "better men , "whoso good
lave been lugoed into this c
ersy without their consent b
ilillor , with thohnpo of thereby f
hem in an attitude of apparel
agonism to mo , have voluntoc
xprcaa to mo their cntirn disap ]
fsuch use of their nnmea , nnd
.isgust at tliu freedom so asaun
) r. Miller.
The point which this editorial
laker attempts to make in his
f his "close , personal , i
rofcsaional and political
ition" with Judgp Wakeloy ,
ihea into thin nir
lie aimplo atatumenb that
Wikoly was not a caucus nomii
ny time as the candidate o
oinocratic party of the leyi.slatu
Fnitcd States senator. Tlio
ist for him by the democrats , n
10 democrats without exccptk
oth houses of the legislature ,
mntancoua tribute to hia aoun
3 n democrat and his
uiractcr as a citizen , and
10 rcault of informal
idividual consultations union
iw democrats in the legislature.
; rward , when Bomu criticiam
isacd upon our action in votin
North I'latto man , when the a
: n part of the state below the 1
vor claimed the aur.ator , it
mild necessary to hold a cauc
jininuto a candidate , uml it w
tat caucua and the only ci
: deinocrata which waa hold ,
10 fooling was manifested to voi
) man whoso candidacy couh
iplication even , bo conatrucd
1 endorsement of the rotten p
a and spiteful vindictivciiei
r. Jliller. Hereafter if Dr. J
isirea to correct any of my i
onta of fact , ho had better giv
b to his veracious and
mt and accomplished corrcapnn
> o Connor. He will have the
ight advantage over hia own
ations of not only failing uttet
: ito any truth , but of atudi
oiding all semblance of it.
u'ting to sea the brass collar
oved from the doctor's neck
lough to allow him to print UK
w in the Herald , and to see a
Miner therein of the connectii
o Herald with the ring of ori
loves , I remain , etc. ,
Mrs. Scott-SiddonB is now acting i
> ndou Ilaymaarket theatre.
"Black-Eyed Susan" is the anbjec
w comic opera by Meyer Lntz.
Lucca will appear na Margaret
jito'a "Mclibtofcle" next Jniun
.T. II. Ilaverly has _ bought out the
Ilo and Gilmore interests in "M
TOKO ! ! . "
Mra. John C. Promont is said to
irk ou a tragedy in which Jolm M
i h ju < iy iippear.
Kate Uatenian , the f.imotH Le ;
fier days , ia BUrriuK in the EnKlis
tices in upluy called "His Wifo. "
A hitherto unknown opera by
ho Antwerp I'ainter/'compoaed in
tn ho produced in London next * eu
W. J. Ferpuson. E. M. Holland , ,
ville nnd , ) ilin Dillon liavo been en
pluy the principal partc of Ucoi
' "Mothcr-in-Lnw. "
UIH'H new piece ,
Lydia Thompson has miulo her
uico on the London ataa aftrr n
uco thorrfroui of three yeatsa
> yi-lty thfatre , an Mrs. Smylie , in '
) fnts of the flaw , "
The Theatre lloyal , of StocV
rmerly known as the opera honp
en deitroycd by lira. It wa | ii
ius * that ( iustftyuH II f. was asnasiti
a masked ball in 17U2.
The theatrical e\ ont in New YorJ
; ek will be the appearance of the I
teedian Ilosai at liooth'd. He will
challenge comparison with Sfthi
ipoarinx tirst aa Othello.
Jolmnnas llralmis will eoon yo to
ijen and there rehearre hia new
urcrto with Dr. Unlow's orch
: iich he will Accompany on ltd c
ur throughout Germany.
The ideating announcement i *
nt Hih'iior Salvini has dolinitelv d
return to thU country nuxt year
mblic at
\8coollyrecei\cdbythe {
it hia genius vnmiufahed nil indilfe
id the end of thu latest cngairuiuent
Mile. Ilhea , Mr. Sargent's new tin
rived in New York. She will mnl
* t public aupearauco in this counl
; ilonel Sinn's Hrooklyn I'ark Thee >
o 14th nf November , and the foil
euk he will act in Booth's Then
> in city. She will probably appeal
"Adrieune Locouvrcur. "
The Cincinnati CollcKO of
nmceii that the necnnd Operu V <
ill take plnceontheiath , 1-lth , 15th
'th and 18th of next February.
> eras which have already been poHi
ickled upon nre : "Kidelio , " by H
in ; "AfricAtne , " byituycrbeer ; " \ Veil
oil , " by lloBsini , mid "Magic Kbit
[ ozart. With the exception of tl
imcd , whose repetition ia genera )
anded , neither of these grand worl
'er been fairly rendeneil in thin ci
fact , in thin country. "Africaini
era of extraordinary interest , hi
jlleve , ne > er been performed in C
Clieytnn * is noon to Imto n row
Hire , The nnly theatre it baa nt p
n dingy lull over a II very stable , a
irforiimncea ure frequently iuteirui :
le braying of the mules down i
mlly Melville and her e < > mnny i
lere ncently , nnd the ( air cantntrii
tally shocked when ( lie curtain
iv/ii on the lout act to hear it annc
mt the imutl variety bhow nnd
nuld now bvgin. "Will you b lie
> Ul Kiuily , "a co.rufut creHturo
it on the Ui In u Hhrckingly
uiniug one of the
ed < iiuj b > tan -iug
oun my nprrn , nd tlio audience iv
I me. 1 Hindi iievtr got hi r ( thrill ,
ice oat of my entu , tuid Unit U i
thereMon * why Imnnofry I over
myself to bo induced to App ar ii
enne. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A Fnrtu Bollnd.
I wonder what he IB thinking
lu the plowing fields to-dnv !
He watches the hciwls nf the oxen
And no\er looks this wny.
I wonder If c\er ho ( { ticcseH
Thnt under the rngired brim
Of his torn Htraw liat 1 am peeping
To atcnl n look nt hi ml
Ho IIM nlmluii thccurl.1 from hinfn
And is looking uji thin way ,
0 , where is iny nin-bonnct , mother !
.Ho was thinking of me all day ,
Anil I'm going down to the men lov
For 1 know lie ia waiting there ,
To wreathe the Minshine bhmotn
In the curls of my yellow hair.
Shaded utripe * ivrc In high demnn
Muffs ofclvct and Ince will bo n
iroguo this winter ,
Feather head-dresses nre adopt
'o hlona1ilo
Four thousand women keep i
ihops in New York.
Oold effects arc introduced large
itriped woollenn UIH seaeon.
Immenno whitu satin Ixiws nre v
he belt with whtlo ovonlng drcsies ,
Small flower lints with tiny brii
vide spring * , will be used for tlicat
: yelling purposes ,
Plump girls nre Rnid to bo going
nnliicm. If this is true , the iiluiup
; irl the Hlinuncr her dinners.
Large Alsatian Ixnvs of moires
rorn upon the head lK > th by youi
lilerly ladien , the Intter chowicj.
Mlw > fary O'Keil , of llurek.i , III. ,
, or debut _ us a burglar hist uck I
lingn millinery otoio in the modi a
d Ktyle.
Some girls nro born fnt , Rome a
itncNt , and home fix themselves ui
Id iiuwKgapera mid things. [ Arj
Itcd plush bonnets adorned with II
jd feathers , helH by large ; old-fan !
: iste _ buckler' ! , are thu choice of a f
cnlric Indies ,
Coronet wreaths of pure white i
nlored flowers will bo veryfmhlr
orn with full ovcniiii ; toilet' , wl
air arranged n la Josephine.
lenl dilver nnd also fine stocl bullr
Npinyed , cut In facets which
i.unonds nnd look exceedingly ricl
; reet jackets of embossed velvet.
A Chicago firm hns invented a bci
ith a wardrobe nttnchment. This
ccellent idea. Itvill ennlile n won
nell her new dr s while she l < ash
When n Now Jersey woman shoot
irglar nnd kills a neighbor's dog
ake her foot the dninnges. After
an has paid for f .urortivedogs aho
it ) burglar de d in his track.
In Melbourne the well-to-do ladie1
; itntcd the question of Beats for she ]
i successfully thit nenrlv all the
ibtnouU emiiloyiiijjf emale nsBistant
rovided these humane conveniences
3tsarl-gr y hilk stockings , either nl
jlicatcly embroidero.l in fine pink
, are the rule of the hour. Tht
oi n with Stephanie H.andnh of
ack batin , fnjtcned uith tiny
Gloves , no matter how loiig , that 1
) the arm ure no longer c nsulcred i
yle. Two or three buttons nt th-
ily nre nllowat le. Thi > remain ler
eve is in solid piece fitting loobely
ic arm.
Scirfs , Basics and reve s nre mt
le new sUipcd and pluided fabrics i
id wool. In dresses of monocl
ilor the pnnel facials , cauiieole , pel
id culFs are frecjuently innde of uiaterinls.
A late yiensh caprice : s to weai
ngs made of real Brazilian beetles.
; her style IB that f n tiny bird bo
ich long made < f fine , beautiful fc
ycd crimson and g cen. The oycs (
ird ate fo < mcd of dinmonds.
More than three thousand wome
nployed in the railway offices of AT
hey receive a snlnryof S15to30an
'he majority of thorn nre the wi
ives or daughters of defunct or i
inle emplojes on the different roads
The new veils have Itirge clota o :
[ net net sni'l to be injurious to the
eils of Biuallcr dots , though not ol
vte , nro Bafer and more becoming.
10 and grevcudine v ils come in win
, bronze , greens , olive , gray and i
ilor , with or without dots.
Patti'H wardrobe _ is snid to be stui
he lierlin jmpers give long ileacrioti
s dazzling ( miilitios and mnku up ,
tort coatuuio , made of blue antit
ather , it said to show oft" the stoc
iperbly , nnd call down the house.
Ufitj an wo are informed , was gott
f Vienna modistes without regard t
A UBti.Hnurt 1'oughkeejmie Rirl hna
in to the presid-nt. of all the prii
> llcges in this countiy to inquire vrl
10 fhuuld s y "mumps is" or ' n :
o. " Homo of the presidents spoke
.glyof . "one mump , " while others
icucious of "one mumps. " It is nt
ittt aulhoritiet ditler LU uucli vital
ons ,
"What would you do if you _ were
were you ! " teriilcrly inquired n ;
veil of his Iftdy friend na he escorto
nrie from church.Vfll , " nuid sh
wvra you I th'.ulil throw nway thi
< r rett , cut uj > my cnni for lire '
enr my wnti'li cliain iinderneftth my
id stay ai home nights and pra
rains. "
It must be a daring woman whi
far a t'Oiinot that is described i
" channin
> 8hipu papers ni "perfectly
i original , " It is a velvet bonnet ;
nitmg pond-lily leave * with Btetni
: lns of llk of alight color. An 111
own coilH a en ake cunningly HID
\rk giecn pi nab , and in its loatl
itter the must brillmut eyes.
Pretty hand ncreens or other hone
itmeuts nro made of the large ovnl
ins for sale everywhere during the
limner. Clusters of bright flowers ,
nd bits of wood moss are arranged
ieze aniund thoedgf of the fan , a
le center ia net n large bow of natii
im. Two of thet-a faun tried toj
mke n very pretty ornament.
The mutual duties f the church d
id the monkey me to gather in coiil
on i while the organs pluya. *
A colored man of Lancaster , Pa.
iea nccu'cd of stealing a church. '
iliukey once geU religion ho Hants
there ii in the nmrkut.
Tha autmusic.1 ir.embtrs of C
reoliytvii.ui churcii , Toronto , succee
iwdnyiiigoin driving the miulcal
Incd meiubers from the sat red pre
' the church nt the toes ni their I
he organ lolloweil the p. treating 1
It seems that Mr. Hnrri'on is no
; ily "Boy preacher. " One Mei
ho it giren the same title , has bet
inl nt Canton , III. , before the Met !
mfereuc1 , on charges of "awci
rtinkemiei-H , lying , mi > king nnd c
ig t > be a republican when lie was a
: rat. "
At the recent Methodist conferei
inclnnati lii hnp Wiley told the cl
en that they inu-t not Vims women
as n dangerous practice. Well ,
lurches will keep on until there wo :
ny fun left. The Presbyterians woi
jo pie dance , the Methodists kic
noking mid kUMng , nnd all the chu
rev cut something. It will get BO at
hilo that nil wo can do will be t < jo !
nptinU , and go in swimming , The '
sU will never go back on n fellow' *
i mtiimulng ,
A grait msny viesclicrs arouncons
being converted to In
recent jiMer meeting Ucechcr said he'Mlil
tint give some of the patriarchs n very
good chnrncter cither , nor find much to
pay in commemlitlon of Joshua , while he
averted that , in his opinion , Jacob's twdvo "
pom were little better thnn cut-throats.
llenddod that the ido that God Imd the
nulkf , mill wn revengeful , was abhorrent
t > every bron < l soul. And jet Ucechcr
cnnnut fil a homo the wny Inger-oll can ,
at n dollar n hrnd. There I * gut ting to be
ft good denl of this kind of t lk , aliult an
noys us old Prcsbyterlnns n good denl.
A Unptlst vrencher , John It. YcatU ,
di co\ercd the " .Milh-nnimn Spring" on
Ureacy Crcc > r , Ark. ltflo.fromn mountain -
tain 100 feet lilgh , is the color of elder , nnd
tn-t * llknppio iitaudy. An oyo-whuew
aym "Thote nmlrr the indiioiico ef the
wuter perfectly ccnlntic. h g ing ami
loving everything they meet. Old men
iiid old women , young man nnd young :
Indies , < mbrjco ench other bv hinging and
Iciwinp , 1 mrt nn oil vhlle-hnitcdman
Mul wnm.1.1 1 suppopo ab nit eighty yenr
ildanil they woio hupping and rkipping
Ike'lnmb * . F H W hundreds lying ntmiml
ihe tprin no drunk that they ton d not
> Und up , and they w ? r lyinic nnd laugh-
ug trjmg tn o'liplhcirhandt , "
Uev. Koheit Matlo k , rome two years
igo ft Methodist mlnlilor Jn Arknnsnn ,
mind tlie creed of thnt chinch too narrower
or ninnuof such bro d KAII O ns he was ,
md ho junmeil the gnniH nnd establiaheil
k religuin of bin own. Thu chief fcnturo
if Mutl < ck's rellgt'in WMbloodatonement ,
mil lie nseil to slaughter lambs nnd burn
hem un an altar. Of tour a ho got quilo
> following * there is nlwnjs an element
u every cotnmuiiity ready tucmbrnco nny.
hingnew in r igion or Dolitic * . Another
eature of Mullock's religion was the plain
uatmerof which ha called sinners liars nnd
hievtH. He would point out ptrsnns in
he conprog.ition , dciounce thuin ni gin *
len , nnd shuw that a siniif r Ytns cither a
lar or u thief. Of ctmr o tbo ( inrlies felt
lioy were siunerrf , gro t sinners , and were
filling to admit it , but they
id not think it necessary to rpeak.
f it in such plain terms and iu nt per-
pnnl ( i manner. On one occasion Mntlock
hpoiled a sinner n mud Tom Miller , gently
hiding him for bting n Ihr nnd a thief ,
nd Bftid it would be necunry for him to
mkoa blood atonement. Miller got on
is enr , ami after church w.ii over wanted
j know what rnllock meant. Matlock
ion slabbed Miller to the heart , ns n
lood atonement , nnd was sent to an in-
ine asyluni for n year. The oilier clny ha
'JIB released , and ft party of M.iller'H
lends got hold of him and hung him up
) n tree. They dM not state what their
jibona were , but the infeienec h that it
'as for a blood ntonemcnt.
Liquid Gold-
Dan'l Plnnk , of Urooklyn. Tioga county ,
n , , describes it thus : "I rode thirty .
il'cs ' for n bottle of THOMAS' ECI.KCTIUO
II , which effected the wonderful cure of
crooked limb in six applications ; it
roved worth moro than gold to me. "
17co < llw
JAMES E l.'OYD , I'rctirlctor.
H U MAHSU , business Manager.
rida ] and Saturday c\cnr > K9 ami Hit. Mntlncc.
loGrandest Constellation of Arltts EvcrOrgonl
? L'ii ( or Olio AilmUsIon.
AVKI.'S Newly llatchoil HUMl'TY DUMPTV
HcAdul by the ( Iroat , the Only Orlumldi ,
lllaco'tf Double Special ! ) ftnvl No cl Co.
' Intirnitioiul Mastojon
-o Brtat 1'arkcr-Uohi
DOR School.
ae Most Intelligent anil Amii'sliis Canines P -
[ ore the Aiucrkau Tubllc.
irntapiHurnnccliiAmcricaoftliuRrnnilcst Novel-
y ol thu ARC , HADW.MI , thu KnstlndlaPrlnccBs. V
ire Worchitr. A Venlablo I'ricntess of the
Hun , who will nmicar at each entertainment
given liy tliia Mona'tr A rcRatlon , in tho.iro-
warknmc nnd original Specialties , \
Once Seen Nv\crta be KorKOttcn.
The abo\o inimmoth company , traveling in
icir oun VaUco Dr.iwltit ; Hooin Corlilch will
i open lor inspect ion of thu public every altor-
> on , on day of cxlilliitlan. F.ook out for K rand
otcoquo street iiarailc. Sccmo jou Ecivteat
jxOlllcc and avoid the jam at the tkhrt otlico.
Price of a.liiilsoioii , gl , ; Sc , COc nnd 25c.
Docra epee at 7. I'erlonmnce at a o'clock. i
Matineu at 2.30 r. in.
irquctto nnd I'arquctte Circle UesorveJ , > 0c.
rtis Circle , 25c. rnufaa
Proprietor ,
1213 Harney Street ,
iMAHA , - - - NEB.
Cornices ,
Jormer Windows , Finials ,
pecht's Patent Mettelic Sky
Patent Adjustadle Ratchet Bar and
The are the K ncral State Amenta for the above
10 ot gooda.
estlngt , Baluttrndes , Vcrnndat.lOfTlceand
Bank Railing * , Widow and Cellar
Guards ; also
Pocrson and Hill Patent Intlde Blind ,
indies , Nuts , Fruits , Etc , , Etc ,
And Confectionery !
416 10th St. , OMAHA , NEIJ.
For tha Construction of Sidewalks.
BcaUd proposals lllli rcecltecl liy the under-
; n d until Novcinbtr l'2th. IfSl , 12 o'clock
on , for the cunatructlon a nil rtpnlrlriK of bldc >
ilka in front of and adjoining tlio ( ollcmlnjf dc >
nbcil jircinlec-s , to-wii :
UtS , block ! i5 , north sldo of Cast httec t.
I'jtet 16 feet lot 7 , block 5 , north aldoL'aaa fit
Ixit 1 , block 49 , vest Hide 22nd tit
Lot I , block 12 , uouth bide Wobbler street , to
West -ZOO feet of Bouth 1H2 feet of lot 2 , Capitol
north Uo ot rurnham trt-et ,
clltlon , en
Houtli 182 ftot lot 3 , Capitol a | > dltlon , north
lo of Farnhani. , ,
fcldo tide Faro-
I , Capitol addition , north
addition , north elilo Farnhkm
Ixit C , Capitol
Omaha , Kcvcmbcr 3 1881.c
c > jEwmi
City Cleric.
noUdCt _
laruAerntfr COLUUI1IA
andOvrulllCiTCL . Sena
i three rent utamp forCatalojrue
Mid prtco llat containing full
Information ,
N , I , B , SOLOMON ,
Palntn.OU * and Gla