THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAf , NOVEMBER 1 1881 FINANCE AND COMMERCE FINANCIAL NEW YORK , Novembers. HONET. Hover closed at 5@G per cent , Bxehang * closed nt 4 81@4 & > , tlio r i ng prices uf the day. QoTcrnmonts clo cd jta follows : 4lt' * coupoiw . 113 lil 4 a coupons . 1 1C I. Currency G's . 1 " 0 bl 5'a oontlmifd . 1 0\l \ 1 j K' oou tinned . 1 01 bi HAII.UOAI ) Pacific railroad bond * closed M followi Union firstn . 1 1G\ Union land grnntH . 1 13 ] Sinkinfj funiU . 1 2j5 CoutraLi . 115J HTOCKH. The market opened hljherbyn ullgl margin. Advances were fractional nn followed by ft corresponding decline , tl closing prices being nil irregular , and di not vary from those of the same hour ye ; terday. Tke followliu' arc the closintf bids : A.&T11 . 51 Mo Pa . 10' Preferred . . . . 90 M L S A W . . . . fiC B& O . 137i NY t ! . 18f oc&ic . 21 N J c . o ; Central Pa . 933 Northwestern .12f O C C & 1 . 92 ? Prcferrwl . . . .13S 0& A . 130J N P . 39j 0 St L & N O . . 70 Preferred . . . . 81 Cent Ariz . IJ Omaha . 11 Cdar FallB. . . . 23 Preferreil . . . . 10S Del I c &Wost,127a Oregon Nav. . . . 1GJ DiHG . 81 } PD&K . 3i ! Hrio . 45J RofkMand.,13,1 Erie & West . . 47 St P.uil . 108 Adams . 110 San Franci'wo . . 4i ! Wells & Fargo . 133 Preferred . . . . GD American . . . . . . 91 1st preferred. . 101 : T7.S . 74 RtPM &M..107 HiStJ . 9G StP.VDpTd.7J Preferred . . . . 112 J TOXBH Pacific . . . 511 Houston i Tex. T D & 15 . 2S 1 B k W . 43 Union Pacific . . 120 HI Cent . 131 J Wabaah . 45 K&T . 40 } Preferred. . . . ! : ! ; IS . 1223 W U . BO MO . 94J MINI3CJ 8TOOKH. Following are the h'gheifc ( ricji o : mining etocka at the New York minln axohange : Alice . 530 Horn Silver. . . 1073 O'n Mountain. 375 Hibernla . 31 Cherokee . 120 8 L Nos 1 k 4 . 71 ConVn . 2rfl ) Silver 1iff . . 310 Great Eastern. 12 Oriental & M . 80 Eureka . 1725 Iron Silver. . . . 21B , . 75 Navajo . 34 Chrysolite . . . . G.'O Robinaon . 1325 Good Show. . . 45 State LNos 23 350 So PJ . 8G2J Northern Bollel352 Little Pittsbrg. 235 Stivnnont . 212 OUIOAOO MONKV MA11KBT. CHICAOO. November 3. Businesi in banking circles was fair ! active. The demand for money was goo and the ofTeringi of paper were suffi.ieu to absorb the funds the banks were ir dined to loac. Rate ? remain firm at G@ per cent per annum , The market for cast rn exchanges rulei firm , and nalei between tweon city banks were at par. The clear inga of the associated banks were § 9,500 , 000. _ _ _ COMMERCIAL. Omaha Wholesale Market- OrnoB OKTitR OMAHA BKB , ) Thursday livening , November 3. J The grain trade at the elevators wai re ranrkably slow durin f the day. Whea declined lie. Barley declined 2c. Ryi declined 2j. Corn declined Jo. Oats > fraction lower. There waso good d mam for local consumption. C' nslderabl scarcity orjats in about oil descriptions , bu mainly corn and oata. Tha urgency in tin request , however , was mainly confined ti lota for immediate me. Prices for nl eorta were very well Riintainod and choici loti of oata aud corn commanded Htroni figures. Hav advanced $2 00@3 00 per ton. The dealings in btreet produce were ir regular in movement. Some sorts of veg etables wera a trillo scarce , especially po tatoes and cabbjge. Egg * scarce. Gooc butter in demand and prices bliffmiing. V/liolesalo merchanta report good bus in MS , and no chaayo in quotations for to day. Loca Oraln . WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 1 114 ; cool X No. 3. 97i : rejected 75Jc. v EARLKY. Cash No 2 , 94o ; No. 3 7 o. o.RYE. . Cash , 83c. CORN. Cah No. 2 , 484o. OATS. Cauh. 31c. Livestock. AT CODNCII. BI.DPIT.H HTOOK TAnDfl. Cattle Good 8hipi > ing , 94 00@D 00 ; fai oowii and heifer * . $2 75@3 00. Hogs Mixed packing , § 5 23@5 50. . Sheep Slaughtorina ; m demand nt $4 OC @ 000. Provlaloni. FLOUR Hprmg wheat , straight grade $325@375 ; patent , 93 75@4 50 ; wintei wheat straight grido 53 83@4 23 ; patent , $1 50@4 90 ; graham rye , 2 75 ; Wheat , $300. RYE FLOUR S3 V . MILLSTUFFS Bran , per cwt. fWc sorocnings , jier cwt. SOc ; shorts , pei owt 1.00 ; choppetl food , per cwt. 1 20 ; moa ! bolted , yellow. 1 40 ; white. 81 75. POTATOES-In car lota , 100@L 05 Salt Lakes , 1 25C1 35. SWKKT POTATOES-Genuino Musa tine , 4c pnr Ib. POULTRY Lira chlckena per dozen , | 2 80@2 75. PRAIRIE OniOKKNS-$2 50@3 ( X or dozen. WILD GBKSK-2 75350. WILD DUOKS-1 00@1 50. KGGS Firm ; y2@21c. BU'ITKR Choieoiicarcoat20 30poorl ; DO market : creamery , 30@35o. APPLES Good , nound , very ecacc at 84 S04 75 per bbl. IIONKV Oullfjrnia white clover Ir omb ' . ' . , 2-l@3c. - - ' - LEMONH-Steady ; par bor , eiOOOj Finotit Medina or.tugeit $8 00 ropaokixi. CALIFORNIA PEARS-Por box , * 3M ( 100. BEESWAX Yellow , 18@30o. ONIONS I 5-i < ai GO porbiwhel , CABBAGE $ L 00@2 00 per dozen , at to quality. CHANBEimrKS-l'or bbl. , $3 00 ® 150. CELERY Per doz. , 50@5rc , Grocen Llit. COFFEE. Rio , lair , IMo ; Rio , good , 14c ; Rio , prime t choice , lljc ; Old BOV'I Java ; 2Gl@lSic ! , Mocha , 281c ; Arbuckle' , TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 450. r c ; Cliolce , C0@7. > c ; Imperial , good , 40@4.r c ; Choice , G0@75c ; Young Hycou , good , 3G@ BOc ; choice , G5c@l 00 ; Japan Nnt Loaf , 85c ; Japan , choice , G0@75c ; Oolong , go.xl , S5@40 ; Oiilong , choice , 40@55j Swuclion ; ; , eaod. XiGhWe ; choice. yj@4Cc. SUGARS. Cut loaf , llic ; Crushed , llc ; Granulated , lie ; Powdered , 11 4c BYRTJI'S. - Stiffir house , hhls , 50c ; hitil bl , 62c ; keps , 4k pMnne , ? 2 50 ; choice tobla syrup , Me ; haubblw , 53c ; kejra- ) . BPJCKS. Pepper , 20 : Allnprce , 20c ; Cloven , 45cj Nutmeg , 91 00 : Oaasla , SKcj Mace II00. \ \ \ SODA. Dwtsnt'n n > pivpori , S3 OOj T ) tiil do , J3 OOj Church' * , S3 09 ; KCR xo li 1'onrl Rilror nio i . 1'onrllias , ( SlSJc ; Com Stnrch , 8i@9c ; KTuclsK Glos.i , "ct Corn , 7Jc. SALT. Dray \otu\f \ \ , per M > 1 , 1 ! 5 ; A. 1 Ian , In H.ICC , 5 oO ; bl > N dairy GO , f > * , 3 li M51 * dairy , 100 , IK 3 < W. DIUKI ) FKUlTS-Choico IwUc , poaches , now crop. lOc ! Kvnpornlcd Apple 5 Ib boxes , 13Jllc ; ; No Ynrk apples , 8)0 ) : Prune * , old , "ie ; new 8k ; Currants , Y@7Jc ; Blackberries now uilKKSK-Pull Cream , 15cj l' i Skim. lUc. \V001)KNWAttK-Two hoop pall 1 0 , ' ) ; three honn iinUs , ' - > 20 ; No. 1 tub. . 9 fiO | Xo. 2 tul ) , , 8 oO : No. 3 tubs. 7 nloncor wnihboanls , 1 8 , " ; Double Crtm 2 DO ; WelllincVet323. . LKAD-ltor , SI1 05. MA'l'OHKS I'cr caddto , OOo ; roun caw , ? 7.Vi ( : square coat * , 35,10. 1'JIOVISIONS Breakfast Won , 14 , jhoico bnl , 13ic ! dried beef , I3Jc ! Mirmli < re , mvni od Ocj hams , canvnsacd l-li bacini , Bides 12Jc XHW I'lCKM'.S-Modtmn , In baml ? 10 00 : ilo in half bblc , fi 75 : small" , In bbV VJ 00 do , in half bblc , 7 CO ; gherkins , I bbl , 14 00 : do , in half bblc. 7 M ) . VINKCJAU 1'uro . npplo extra , lfi < iiuic apple , 13c ; I'niRMnir imrn nnule , IGc HOMINY New , SO 00 per bbl. BKANSMedium , hund picked W. per husliol : nivy , 8-1 00. HOl'K SH ! | , $ Inch and larger , 9c ; inch , lie : t Inch , lOic. SOAl'S-Kirk'H Savon Imperial , 3 If Kirk'n sntiuet. 3 45 ; Kirk'n utandurd , 3 5C Klvk's whlto nussinii , fi 2.1 : Klrk'a Kutocc 2 05T : Kirk's 1'ralrie Queen , (100 ( cakcm 3 10 ; KlrkV magnolia , 4 53. CANDLKS Boxes , 40 Ibs , Ifi oz , IGcfWea 40 11 > a. , 1G m. , fa , IGc. LYE Amfiricnn , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 34 ( Western , 2 7.r ; North SUr , 2 60j Iiowl : lye , 4COJowolllyc , 276. POTASH Pennsylvania can , 4 dor , In case , 3 3.r > ; Hnhbitt'a Hall , 2 doz. in crun 1 1)0 ) : Anchor 15M1 J ! dot in case , 1 BO. FIKLD SKKD Hod clover , choic now , $ fiOO per buahul ; mammoth clove new , $700 ; white clover , now. $110C i\\ \ alfa clover , new , $12 50 ; alslko , now S1300. Timothy , good , now , ? 3 0 ( blue grans , extra clean , 31 50 ; blue ( jra.ii clean , 81 25 ; orchard grans , 82 50 ; rod toj choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or MisHour 80c ; millet , Gorman , SI 00 to 91 K Hungarian. 80c. HKUGK8KKD OHORO orange , 1 to butheln , $5 00 ; onago orange , 10 bushels c over , $ i 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; pe 100 Ibs . $25 00. FISH Fftinily white finh , 00 Ib hf bbli 83 75 ; No , 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbli , 6 3 ( No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits. 1 00 > famil 10 Ib kits 75c ; New Holland herring , pc keg , 1 33 ; llutuian sardines , 75c ; Colun bin river salmon , per lOOlba , 8 00 ; Geonjo' ' Bank .codfish . , Go ; Gen. bonolesa codfu.1 8Jc ; boneless futh , 4Jc. MA.CKKRKL Half bbla mensmackorcl 100 Ibs , $12 50 ; hf bbl No. I ex shore dc 100 IbH , G 00 ; hf bbla , fat family do , 10 Ibs , 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kiln , 2 No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 short 12 Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do , 75c. CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 1 { Field's ) , per case , ? 4 20 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ] per cane , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case 3 90 ; do 1 Ib ( ntnndml ) , per coco , 2 50 ; d 2 Ib ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) nor case , 200. Onionx , 380. Salmon , : Ib , per dozen , 1 G0@l 70 ; do 2 Ib , per dozei 2 53. Sardines , small tsh ; , imported , om quarter boxes per box , 14 Jc ; American quarter boxes per box. lie ; do half box en per box , 2Uc. Lobsters , 1 Ib per dozen 1 80. Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do 3 Ib pe case , 3 10 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain per case , 3 70 ; soaked corn , 2 10 ; d < 2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per ca e , 375 string beans , per case , 2 25 ; Lima beam per case , 2 20. Succotash per case , 2 25 I'eas , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice per case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case J80 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , " 75 raspberries , 2 Ib , per cabe , 2 75@3 00 Damsons , 2 ID , per case , 2 45. Bartletl : > car.i per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortlober rics per case , 2 80. EJJR plums , 2 Ib pei : i e , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per caso. 4 50 3rnen gages,2 Ib per case , 3 60 : do choice , b per case,4 50. 1'ina Apples , 2 tt > , per case 4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 Ib per case , 3 10 do 3 Ib , case , 0 00@G 50 ; dopie ( ) , 3 Ib , pei case,385dopie ; , 6 tb , per dozen , 3 50. KICE Carolina , 8@8ic ; Louldiana , 71 ( ffSJc. PKANUTS Roasted , choice , red Tennessee nessee , Ocper Ib ; fancy white , lOc per Ib raw white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted llic. Clears and Tobaccos. CIGARS. Seeds , 815.00 ; Connecticut 825.00 ; Mkede35.00 ; Seed Havana , 550. 00 Clear Havana , § 75.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule , 2-1 Ib , GOc ; Spotted Fawn , Glc ; Our Rope ! 2c ; Star , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , GOc ; Horse Shoe , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , GOc ; Purity , 2J b , butts , 52c ; Queen Bee , 21 Ib , butts , 53c. : jJilt Edge , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , 57 ; Armj Hid Navy , pounds , 54c ; Bullion , pounds , i8c ; Lorillard's Climax , pounds , GOc. FINK CUT In paiU. Hard to Beat , 'UD ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80s : favorite , C5c ; Ifocky Mountain , .We : ancy , BOc ; Daisy , 45c. In tin foil Catlins 0. S. , 2 oz uackagea , 5 Ib boxes , ) or Ib fi5c : Lorillard H Tiger , GOc. SMOKING All grades Common , 25 tc * ! 3c. Granulated Blackwclls Durham , If oz 51c ; Dukes Durham , 1G oz , 50c ; Seal ol tforth Carolina , 10 oz. 46 ; Seal of Neliran. ca , Ifi oz , 38c ; Lone Jack , 4 07 , linen bajjn , lorlb , 81.35 ; Marburga' Puck , 2 oz , tin oil , 55c ; Dog Tail. G5c. Drucs. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Acid Carbolic ; COc ; Acid , Tartaric , 55c ; Bolsan : Jopabiu , tcr Ib , 70c ; Bark , baHsafras , pei b , 12o ; Calomal , per Ib , 70c ; Cincbonidia , > er oz , 70c ; Chloroform , per Ib. flOc ; Cover's powders , per Ib , $1 40 ; Epsom alts , per Ib , 3Jc ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib , :3c : ; Lead , Acetate , per Ib , 22c ; Cai > on oil , 110 ° , par gallon , IHc ; do 150 ° , lor gal , 13Jo ; Oil , Cantor , No. 1 , per n l , ! i 35 ; Oil , Castor , No.3por gal.Sl 28 ; Oil , ) live , per gal , $1 40 ; Oil , Origanum , 56a Opium , * 1 50 ; I > . & W. & Jt. & S. , > er oz , SI 95 ; Potasxium. Iodide , per Ib ; 35 ; Salacin , per oz , 35c : Sulphate ol Alorphlno , > er oz , C3 75 ; Bulphnr flour , ler Ib , 4c ; Btrrchnino. uer oz , $1 50. Paints Olio and Varnishes. PAINTS IN OIL-\Vhlto lead , Omaha ' . P. , 7c ; while lead , O. P. & 0. Co.pure , c ; MarselUei grocn , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20cj 'rcnch zinc , green seal , 12c ; Frthich zinc , 'ail seal , lie ; French zinc , in varninh aust , 20c ; French linoo , in oil aiwt , 15e ; Raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cam ) 12c ; raw and limit Sienna , 13c : vandyke brown , 13V ; ofined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , lcc ; "oiy black , 16c ; drop block , ICc ; Pnwiian > Iue , SOc ; ultramaritio blue , 18c ; chroma green , L. M. & D. , Itc ; blind and nhutter rreon , L. M. & D. , Ilo ; Paris green , 18o ; "ilinn red , 15c ; Venetian rod , 9c ; Tascan - , A22c \ ; American Vurmllind , I. &P. , 18o ; chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D. O. , 18oj vellow ochre , 9o ; golden ochre , 1C ; patent Irycr , Oc ; Draining colorrf : light oak , dark 03 c , walnut , chestnut and Mb 12c. Dry ° alnts White lead , GJc ; J'rcncli Jn , lOc ; Paris rhltetng 2Jc ; whiting pildorn. lie ; i lilting coml , lie ; lampblack German. own , 14c ; lampblack , onlijiary , 8c ; Pms. iuu lilue , 45e ; ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke , irown , fie ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; Hlcnna , raw , Io million , America , 18cj Indian red , lOc , rose pink , l-lc ; Venetian read , Cookiwm'H Uc ; Venetian red Am. , Ifa ; rod lead , 7Jc ; iTiromu yellow , pcnuino , 20c ; chrome vol. low , K. , I'-'c ; ochre , rochelle , lie ; ochre , 1'Vench , 2c | ; ochre , American , IJc ; Winter's mineral. 2Jc ; Ichiifh brown. 2Joj spanUh brown , 2 c ; 1'rinca'u mineral 3c ; VAKNI5I1KS Barrels per trallon. I'liniittiru , extra , 81 10 ; furnttiiro , No. 1 , 81 ; furniture , U , 8-lc ; coach , extra , 81 40 ; C/'oach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Danmr , $1 fi8 ; Janan. 'Oc ; a phaltum , 70c ; thellac , ? 3 W ) ; hard M linibh. SI 30. OILS 110carbon , pfr gallon. llcinO' ; licailllRht , per Ballon , 13c ; W headllsh1 , nor gallon , IGJc ; crystoline , tier gallon , 20c ; linseed , raw , per gallon , M ! linseed , boiled , per gallon , C7c ; lard , winter utt'd , perual- lon. 1 03 ; Nn. 1 , SOc : No , 2 , G.'c ; ca to XXX , p > r pallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 15 : < < > per gallon , S.'c ; npfrin , W. 1 ! . , per g.dloi 1 35 ; fifth , W , U. per gallon , GOc ; ncaUfoo extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , G3cj lubr catiu.C ) zero , per ( jalloii , SOc ; miinmrr , 15i -o den tnncblnn , No. 1 , per gallon , We ; Ni 2 , 30 : operin , signal , ptT gallon , SOc ' ; te pentlne. l > cr cnllon , Glc ; naptha , 71' , pi gallon , SOc ; 01' , 20c. Htavy H rnwaro Llol. Iron , rales , ? 3 50 ! plow Meel , cast , "i > cast tool dn. IBCe.'JO wnuon spokes , Ke 2 23@3 CHI ; hubs , per pet , 1 25 ; follow , aw dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70rf8."ic : ivtle each , 75c ; Rnaro nut , per Ib , 7@lli wiisheM , JIT ll > . Sfl ! c : nvoter ] Ib , Hi coil chain , per Ib , t > @ 12o ! mallcabli' , Si lri n wt'dgtn , Gc : crowbars , Go : hiirnv teeth , 4c ; hothcshooi' , per k 'g , 5 00 ; uprin steel. 78c. NA1LS-10 to 20d. 3 CO ; 8 In 10 , 3 7. ' fid , 4 00 ; 4d. 4 2.ij 3d , common. 5 OOs ! V fine , fi 50 ; clinch , all sires , 5 23 ; I'xl , wln ( 1 75 ; Sd caMtiir , 4 5 ; 10,1 casing , 4 25 ; 10 finish , 4 75 : 8d finish , 3 00 ; 6M finish , 5 2 , ' half kegs lOc extra. SHO'l' . Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot. * 2.1 ( Oriental Powder , kegs , SO.-IO : do. , ha kcgo.3.1f : do , , Quarter kegs , Sl.Wj Bias : ln , kc R. ? 3.V : > : Fuse , i > r 100 foot We. Hlilci , hur , Etc. HIDIIS Oreon bulcherV hide , 7 ; gree cured hides , 8Jc ; green salt , 1'crV cure hlden , Hffislc ; dry flint , nountl , 13 ® ! ( c ; dr calf and"klp , 12tflHc ( ; dry unit hiiles.souiu ll@12c ; grocn calf , wt. 8 to 15 lb . . 10@lli green cnlf , wt , wider 8 lb < , per skin , 50 < green pelts SI 00@1 15 ; green lamb nkitu 91 10 )123 ) ; damaged hides two-third raji cut .t * \ scored L . \ \ and . . ono _ . - " grub _ . , clawed - _ _ . - . * tw . r < We | nhort atri ! > o , 40 ( " narrow stri | ) 'J3i broad ntripo , lOc , Tallow , Ge , Wool. Merino nnwimhwl , light , 14@lGc ; hoavj 13 < E)15 ) ; medium unwashed , light , 1820i ttlb-waahwl , choice , 32cj fair , 30c ; ding and w. , 28c ; burry , black and cottod woo : 26c lew Horses nd Mules. Tlio market in brisk and all fftrulefl i Helling well at n , nlight advance in piicei The demand for rood homco ezcoeda th supply considerably. Pricxw range an Io lown : Fins single drivers , 8150. to 300. ; Eitr draft hornon , 8175. to 225. ; Common drui hoMos , 8100. to 150. : Extra fann hornet $110. to 125. ; Common to good farm borac ; $90. to 8100. ; Extra plugs , * GO. to 75 , Common plugs , 820. to 840. MULES. 15 to 15i hands ( extra ) , 512 ? to 150. ; 14 J to 15 hand * , 9100. to 140 , 11 to 14J Land * , 875. to 100. ; 13J to 1 hunda , 800. to 75. Lumber. FENCING No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , $20 OC No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 19 00 ; shtMjting dremed No. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2 , 1C 00 ; common boards dressed , 20 00. FRAMING 1(5 ( ft. nnd under , per M 20 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 OC 2 ft. 23 ( K > . FINISHING-NO. i.finiHh ii , 14 am 2 inch , 650 00 No. 1 finlKh 1 inch S45 OC No. 2 , fininh IJ , 14 and 2 inch , 84500 : N < 2 finish , 1 inch , 540 00 ; No , 3 imish , 1 inoli $33 00 ; O. G. battona per .iOO feet lin , $1 00 ; well curbing , 822 00 ; rough J and inch battona per 100 feet lin. , 50c. STOCK BOARDS A stock , $10 00 ; 1 835 00 ; C. 830 00 ; common stock , $22 5C FLOORING No. 1 , 8-10 00 ; No. S $33 00 ; No , 3 , $22 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1 $1000. SIDING No. 1 , 82400 ; No. 2 , ? 220C No. 3 , SIS 00. SHIP LAP Plain , $22 00 ; O. G. No. 1 § 32 00 ; No. 2 , ? 22 00. CEILING $24 OOOS37 00. LATH AND SHINGLES A starrest bliimjles. S3 85 , No. 2 , 82 50 ; No. 3 , 82 00 Lath , 83 50. Building ; Material. LIME Ptr barrel , ? 1 35 ; bulk per bu. 35c. Cement , bbl , § 2 50. Iowa plaster bbl , S2 50. Hair per bu , 35c. Tnrx-et felt 100 HH , $3 50. Straw board , $1 00. PAPER Straw paper , 3c ; rng paper 4c ; dry gooda paper , 7o ; nmuila paper , lOc uewa paper , 8c. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 512 Morria Run Bloshburg , S12 ; Whitobreas lump , § 6 ; Whitebreant nut , $ G ; low : lumn , SO : Iowa nut Sfl ; Rock Springs , 8 ? Anthracite , all nizes S12 50. ' Liquors. ALCOHOL 187 proof , 2 25 per win < gallon ; extra California spiriti. 187 proof 1 30 pur proof gallon ; triple refined spirits tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , J ! 00@7 0 < ) BRANDIES Imported , SB 00@1G 00 domestic 1 40@4 00. GINS Imported. 4 50@C 00 ; domefitic 1 40@3 00. HUMS Imported , 4 f > 0@G 00 ; New EiU-land. 2 00ro)4 ) 00 ; domestic , 1 fiO@3 50 PEACH AND APPLK BRANDY- 1 75@4 00. CHAMPAGNiS Imported per ca e , 20 00@31 03 ; American , tier case , 12 00(5 ( 1800. CLARETS Per case , 4 50@1G 00. WINES Rhino wine , per case , G 00(3 ( 20 00 ; Catawba , per case , 4 00@7 00. Dry Goods. BROWN COTTONS-Atlantic A , 8Jc Applutnn XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boott FF , iUc ; Buckeye LL. 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W , 7ic ; Chittenanco A , O.c ; Ureat Falls E , Bjcj Hoonier , Gjc : llonent Width , 7Jc ; In- lian Head A , 8c ; Indian Standard A , 3iJc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8Jc ; Lawrence LL , 7c ; Myntio Ri\er , 7.Jc ; Pequnt A , R c ; Shawmut LL , GJc ; Utica C , 5Jcj Wachus- ett H , 7ic : do A , Sjc ; Jo E 48 , 121c ; Wai- : ott BB , 7c. PINK BHOWN COTl'ONS-Allendale 1-4 ; 7ic ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7fc : Atlantic LL , Glc ; ] 5ad er Htatp X 4-4 , 7c ; Uennington C f-4 , Gjc ; Ituckoyo S. 4-4 , GAcc Indian Orchard AA 0-8 , HJc ; Laconia 0 39 , 8Jc ; LohlKh E11 , Otc ; Lonxdalo 4-4 , lOc ; Popperoll N 30 , 7c ; do 0 32 , 7.Jc ; do R 5rt , 7Jc ; do E 39. 8Jc ; Pocassct C 4-4 , 7Jc ; Wanisutta4 > l , 15e , HLKACHKD COTTONS Androsco . tin L4-4,10clilaclutuncA ; A in perialOc ; : lo do half bleached 4 4 , Do ; Cabot 4-4,8 ? ; Fidelity4-1 , OJcjFrtH ! , of tli Looin,10J ; do : an.bric4-4i:5cdoWati'rTivintloicjJreat : ; h'alU Q , Oc ; Indian IIi-adHhrnnk-f' } , la o ; ' - 4al 't lOc : do cambric : 37 , Kc ! ; Now > i Millx , 13c ; I'uquot A , lOc ; 1'uppeHl ( > Twills , 12ic ; Pocahontaa 4-4 , 9ic ; rociiHi't't 4-4 , 8Jc ; Utica , lie ; Wainsutta ) X X , 13c. DUCKS Unbleached Atlantic , 10 oz. , I7c ; Baltimore do , IGc ; Luno Star , 8 oz. , L'Jcj SaT'Ro , 18c. DUCKS ( Colored ) Albany E brown , ic ; do C , drab , lie ; do XX , Rlripes and Tallin , 12c ; rlo XXX brown und drab , 'tripes ' and plaids , 1'JJc ; Arlington fancy , 19c ; Urunaivick brown , 8Jc ; Chariot fancy , I2jjc ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River jrown , s tra heavy , llic ; Indiana A ) rown , 13c ; Ncponiiut A bro n , IDc. TICKINJS ( AmoHkcaK A O A 32 , .7Jc ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jc ; Arrowanna , Uc ; I'lareniont li H , lIJju ; Conutto a ox- la , 17ic : Hnmilton 1) , lljc ; Lewicton A 10 , 15c ; JNIinnebaha 4-4 , 20c ; Onioga super xtra4. | . 28c ; Pearl River 32 , lufc ; ] 'ut- mm XX blue stripe , 12o ; Hlietuckcl S , 0c ; do SS 12c ; Yconuti'd bhio 2'J ' , Sic. 1)KNIMS. ) Anuwkrok , blueand brown , CAc ; Andover 1)1) blue , 154e : Arlington duo Scotch , 18ic ; Concord OOO , blue and rown , 12ic ; do AA A , do do 13 } ; do XXX lo do 1 ) { c ; ilnymaker'n blue mid brown , ic ; .Myittio RiMT D1J Btripc , IGJc ; Povr ! Over , blue and brown , Kijc ; UncaHvitle , iluo and brown , l. ' > c. OAMHUIC8 Barnard , Mo ; Eddyntono IniiiK' , \ inch double face , K\c \ ; Oarner A : lazed , T c ; Manhattan uloyu I'mMi , r/jc ; s'owport do Gc ; do glazed , . 'jjcj Pe uot do > c ; Luikwood kid hnieh , Oo. CORSET JEANS-Amory , 8c ; Andros- : ojgin ! ( tattceti , HJc ; Clarendon , GoCVmov ; oga Matteens , l\c ; Hallowoll , 8c ; Indian Orchard improved , 7ic ; Narra anHelt , "ic ; 'cj perill Batteen , 9Jn ; Rockport , 7Sc. PUINTS-Allens , GJc ; American , OJo ; Vrnohl , 7c ; Berwick , 4Jc ; Cochoco , , To ; Conoatoga. CJc ; Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Dnnnd GJ7c ; Eddy tonc. "c ; Olou st r , G Harmony , fijc : Knickerbocker , CJc ; Mr rlumo D. 7c ; Mystic , fijc ; SpT cu , G SoulhbrldRc , fie ; do. OliiKhaui'S ' 7c ; Mar bore , fiijc ; Oriental , Glc. UJNOHAMS-Aino.ikcjVK , lOJc : A cvlo , lOjo ; Atlantip , Oc ; Cumberland , 7Ji Hiyhlaiid , 8Jc ! Krnllwo.'th , Sic ; 1'lui krtt , lOjc ! SUMCX , 8c. C'O'lTONADES Abbetvlllo 13V Acatr'JCct Amrricati , lie1. AttMan , 20 O. lr > . D nnd T , I3jc ; Clarion D Midi 17ic ; Dfcoan t'o.stripci DandT , 10c | Ke ; Rlone , ISJc ; Nnntnrkcl , 19o | Nonpan-l IGo ; Ocein D and T. ISjc ; Uoyal , 1C } . .SIIM X , I2c ; Tlnsa , 12\c \ | Wacmxctt Milr [ ng choclic , 12jcj do , , lUjc ; \ orl plain Nankin , 12jc ; do , chrckp , Btrii > < an fancy , 12Jo ; do , 8 < > z , ttc. Pomlirnke 10-1 , 25c ; Prquot 10.1 , 28ir ; .1 . 7-1 , Iflc : do 49 , ICc ; Ponpcrolt Urt , 1 * ) , do 07 , 21c ; dn 57 , iSo ; Ctlca 00 , We ; d 58 , 2i.'ic ; do 13 , 17o MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Council Blnifr TJnrltnt. COUNCIL Btuvrw , November 3. Flnur Manufactured by Crystal an City MI1K 375W4 f.0 ; Knnian and Mi Hourl Hour , 3 60@4 25 ; Kralmm , 3 75 ; rj ( lour , 3 40. Bran and Shorts 17 00 per ton. Chop Corn 22 50 per ton. Wheat No. 2 , ? 120 ; No. 3 , 100 ; n looted , 75. Corn No. 2 , M ) , rejected 48. O.Ux No. 2 , 40c : rejected , 3"x. Bvrlcy No. 2. UOc ; No. 3 , 75o. Hay-5M@GOO. ) Wo.xl-GOOWSOO. Live Hoi-H-5Vr'0@5 75. Caltlo-ShlppiiiK , 4 00@C 00 ; mild cows 30 00 ® 15 00 per head ; butchci stock , 2 "MM 00. Sheep t 00@5 00. ( ! HldeR-5cGShlde ; , PC. Wool 15@V5. Butter SOtsi.a..c. E BH 20c. Potatow 1 001 20 ; swoct , Onlonl 25@1 40. ReceiptH , 80 ; shipment * , 13. Grand Junction Giuxn JcNorioN , In. , November 3. Egga IGc. Butter 12@20c. Cliloago CidOAUO. Novcmbor S. On 'Ch ngo thomarkeiH wore weaker an lower. The recoiptu of Bain wore G,50 bu. by canal , 10.000 bu. by laks and 51 cir loads by rail , embracine 99 of whral 325 of corn , 48 of outs , 10 of rye and 31 c barloy. Flour Dull and weak , very httlo _ d ( mand ; common to choice wcntcrn 8 ] > ring 450rrfG75M5nnc ; ota,5 25@7 75 ; ] > atcnt > 7 50@9 W | winter wheat Hours , G 60@8 2. " rye do , 5 00@015 ; buckwheat , 9 001U OC Wheat l\o. 2 rpringWDH active with lewor rmiKO of prices. At the opening th < market wns a hhade stronger , but unde liberal xpcculativo ollerin a the markc began to wo ken , and prices declined with Rome fluctuationH , 2j@3c per bushel rallied a trillo , fluctuated , nnd finall eloced lj@2ic per bushel lower on regula board , and nn call at 1 21) ) for Novtmbet 1 30il 305 for December , 1 20 for th year , 1 31 j for Jai-uary ; No. 3 njiriug ( puet at 1 15 ; rejec cd , ! )2c. ) Corn Offering * of No. 2 and high mixei were quite free for future Delivery , DIV tlio market ruled weak during a yrente portion of the soahiyn. The demand wa only moderate and chiefly from the loca "i-horts. " Prices ruled cany , and on th whole range declined 14@14 i and clohei tame at thu reduction. The market clnsci IJCojlJc lower on the regular board , and 01 callat Gli@Glc for November ; G2g@G3 for December ; G3o for January ; G7iG7g [ or Mny ; G71c for Juno ; rejected , fn mod crate demand at 581@58Jc. Oata Weak and lower in Bympath ; with other markets. Trade slow. No. i closed at 43c fur Novcmb r , 43ic for DC cembor , 43jj.s for the year ; 43Jo for Jan uary ; 4Gic for May. Rye Slow and euaicr ; ; No. 2 , D74c fo December. Barluy Dull and very nuiot ; No. 2 , 1 0 Tor November nnd December ; No. 3 , noni inally 99c. Pork Inactive demand and liberally ol fered ; mess closed steady at 1C 20 for DC comber , 17 40 for January , 17 G2J@17 G for February. Lard Easier and nominally lower ; cloaei at It 22 } for December , 11 121 for < 1 > year 11 37i@ll 40 for January , 11 52J fo February . Bulk Meats Weak and lower ; Hhortribs } 37J for November , 8 82J for January J 95 fur February. Whisky Weak and lower at 1 15. liuttor The market for common contin ic dull nnd unsatiufactory ; line creamer ; n fair local request aud steady ; olforiug noderate ; choice to fancy creamery ! l@tlic : ; ordinary to good do , 29@3c ! ! ; gooi , o funcy dairy , 2G@32c ; common to fai lo. lG@22c ; ladle picked , 14@17c. E : eu Quiet and steady ; strictly fresh 21C2.22C. Reo't . Shlpm't Flour . 13.023 12,42 : Wheat . 20,298 15,82 : Corn . " 152,7'JO 192.521 , OatH . . . . 51 , GOG 42,38 : ly > . 7.GOG 4,90 ! Barley . 53,793 25,91- CIIICAQO , November 3. Cattle In fair dvmand and the niarko not materially changed ; medium to choici hiiiping , 5 50@G 10 ; common to fair , 4 ( X ? )5 ) 00 ; ifaod to choice butcher * ' 3 40ft4 00 tnckeru and fcodorH , 2 CO , 3 20 , 3 40@4 00 tecoiptrf , G.5CO ; ahipmentn , 2,700. HogM ftioderatoly active but unicttl t ! | nii d jiackinc : , 5 GO@IO ( ! ; medium woigliti indbutcIiorH'nogH , 5 90@G UO ; choice btavj 'iOG ( 90 ; cullu and KraaaerH , 3 30@5 SO , teceipt , 20,000 head ; chipmNito. 4,400. Shfjep Dull nnd weak ; cemmnu to full anffcd nt 2 G5@3 25 ; incdiuw to good , 50o,4 ( , 25 ; c > ioco ! to extra , 4 505 30. Ro- t-ipti ) , 2,000 head ; ehipmentd , OOJ. St. Zjoui * Prcilnco ST. Loom , November 3. Flour Dull and about 5c Inwor. Wheat Opened hi lier aad broke badly , nrtiallv rccovo cd nnd cloued quiet ; No , red , 1 3G1 3G1 for c h ; 1 3S4 for De- ember ; 1 42J for January ; 1 45 lor Feb- uary ; No. 3 do , 1 27 ; No. 4 do , 1 17. Corn Lower ; G2o forcanh ; 01 jc for NQ- ember ; G4jja for December ; G5Ju for Jim- ary ; 609c for February ; 71c for Afay. OatH Lower ; 432o fpr caah ; 43Jo for ovwnber ; 45ic for December 40Jc for anuary ; 50c lor May. Rye Lowr nt 1 00. Barley Unchanged ; prim * to choice , 00@1 15. Ix-ad Quint at 4 90. Butter Unchanged. Etrgn Unchanged. Whisky liottt-r at 1 13. ' .irk Dull ut 17 75 for cat * ; 17 65 for cbruary. Lard Nominally lower. lower.Roo'ta. . Shlprn'ti. lour . P.OOO (11,000 ( Vhcnt . 20,000 5,000 'om . 35,000 17,000 ) atH . 10,000 13,000 lye . 3,000 2,000 Jarlcy . 31,000 3,000 Liverpool Produce. 1-lVKlirooi , , Novtmber 'J. Flour Amcricin , 10n Gd@13n. Wheat Winter , 10 GdJlH ( Id ; white , Oi lOdf lln 2d ; Kiiring , Da lOdfelOa Sd ; lub , UK ideaisoa. Corn fin 10d. Pork 78 * . Lard-58j 9d Boltimoro Prodnoo , BALTIMOIIK , November 3 , Wheat Firmer ; fall. 1 38@1 44 ; No. 2 od winter , Irregular at 1 ill ; November o,1411. Com Yellow , quiet nt GG@G'Jc | mixed cutiini , dull at OUJ@07ic. Noir "Xork frodnco NswYoiiK , November 3. Flour- Dull , but tinchnnced ) Minnrsol extra , 5 Mn.O ) 00 ; city mfll . 710 771 iinlhcin llnur , dull nt 5 lKftS ) ( 50. WliMt UhKo tied ; J fTc hluhort t crtuled red winter , 1 30C )1 ) 4. : No 2 d ( 1431 ® ! tSJi white , 1371 ; mixed wlntci 1 OO , ConiLowor ; ungraded mixed , G'JC G9Jc : No. 2 , Gl(8 ! ( > 70c for Novrml or , Oals Murkot ICM octUp ; No. 1 whftr 63c ; No. 2 , MKrf.r.lJc ) No. I mixed , Sc lyo-l ! it met aud fidrly ntti > o ; 1 04i ( I 0. . Barley Firm and quiet at I 11@1 13. Pork- Dull nnd nominal ; spot mosi 177fi ( < 6)SOO. ) Ixud Quiet nnd firm ; ca 1ill 42J ; Nt oliibtr , 11 41) ) . Sugar ( Juiot but firmer. Butter Qulot nnd htc.uly ; state18 ( SGc ; western , llp''ir.c , EpK - Finn and in fair demand ; ne.n by , LVk 3Hc : state , 1.7@Mo } western , 20i lliurd. 2lfif22c. ColTei'- Unchanged ; lljo , Moh-isesi Xcw ctop , 705,75e. Tallow L'ncliangivl ; prime city , 7) ) > ( < ? ,8i Toledo Prodnco TOI.KDO , November ! 1. \\heat Act ! > e , but cak ; No 2 rcc loOfirca h ; 1 371 for DoccmbcrK ; ! for January ; 1 42 for February. Corncik ; high mixed Gflc ; No. : C4c for CA h nnd December ; GUjc for ywi d Nominal. Wilmington Mnrliot. NVii.MixcTOS , Novnmbor3. Spiiita Turpcutine Steady ut49c. Clovolnnil Mnrliot. CI.KVKI.A.XD. November , ' . ' . Pelt oleum Unchanged ; standard Hhlt < 110 ° test , Tc. _ _ Peorla Proilaoci. PKOHIA , November 3 , Wheat Dull mid prices entirely turn Inal. Inal.Corn Corn Opened slow , ruled qnii-t and littl irregular ; No. 2 white , < > % : big mUct.1 , G2c : mixed , Gljc ; No. 3 rejectvt 59c ; now , 55c. OaU Knsy und lower , hut mnderatrl active ; No. 2 white , 41Jc ; rejected , 43 ( rejected mixed , 40e. Rye Dull and lower it 1 02. B.irloy Firm , with better grade * in dt mnnd. Hlghwinra Unsettled. Rcc'tfl. ShipV Corn . 1,800 85 Wheat . 40,175 47,00 Oata . 25,700 33,155 Barley . 3,100 1,80 Rye . 4 100 Ur.O Highw.ncn . None 1,41 i Philadelphia Prodnoa. Pllll.Aliui.niiA , November 3. Wheat C Hh , 1 401@1 41 ; Novembet 1 101@1 41 ; December. 14ll ; Jnnuarj 1 47fi. Corn Cash nnd November , G8@G9c Dotember , "He ; January , 73Jc. Ont Cash , Sljc ; November , 50c ; D comber , M c. Rye Cash , 1 05. Buffalo Ijlvo Stock. EAST BurrALO , No\ ember 3. HogH A chado easier ; receipts , 53 RhipmentH , 41 cars ; KhipmentH to No York , 17 cars ; Yorkt-w , 5 90@G 15 ; tui dium wuights , G 2o@G 45 ; choice heavj G 50@G 70. Eistliiborty Lilvo Stoolc , EAST LiiiitiiTV , Pa , , November 3. Cattle -Fair nnd uncluiigcd ; faiv t best , ( I 00@G 25 ; fair to good , 5 005 5 ( eommon , 4 00@4 50. ReceiptH. 139 lieai ! shipmentH , 570 HogH Fair. Receipts. 2,090 ; ship mcntf , 1,700 ; 1'hiladelphioa , G G0@i JC Yorkers , 5 90@G 10. Cluclniiatl Produce. CINCINNATI , November 3. MCRI Pork Jobbing , 18001850. Lard Quiet ; current make , 11074. Bulk Meats Quiet ; clear Bidcn , 9 12ii ( 925. 925.Bacon Bacon Quiet ; clear Hides , 11 25. Flour Wcakur ; family , G 40@8 75. Wheat Easier ; No. 2 red 1 4(5. ( Corn Lower ; No. 2 mixed , GOJc. Oats Eany ; No 2 mixed , 44o Rye Quio ; No. 2 , 1 074. Barley Weak ; No. 1 fall , 1 13. Whiaky Firmer nt 1 12. Fittsbnrg Oil Mnrkot- Pirrsiiuno , November 3. Oil Market opened at 85Jc ; cloned n 85 0 ; charters yesterday were 19,281 bbli thipinciitx yesterday were 75,000 bbli PiUsburg siilea yesterday , 308,000 bbli Pittbburg exchange stock , 1 G5 bid ; n fined Antwerp , 19 francs. Now Xorlc lry Goods- Nuw YOUK , Novoinber 3. The feature in the market to-ib } ' ha jecn an adrnncj in somoof thomoht popu lar makt'H of brown and b'cached rottotu but this action was HO generally cxj > ec' i by the bo t posted huyi rt < that it ha caused no fiurpriao whatever. Theru wa a fair demand for cotton goodH by jobber and converters , and in thU connection tli Htlcn , c upled with tlio deliveries on uc : oantof b-nk orders , readied a C'ir.fidern jlu aggregate aiuount ; othcrwi Imuinu' was ijiiict wi h p.icking IIOU.ICH and ther , va8 a limit in the jobbing branched. Ther 14 beun n hteady deuand for brown tint jlenclicd goodd ut gcnls' hands. Colorcc cottons were in fair request by jobbers and there was conaid'inblc inquiry fo lyrd duckf , etc. , made by converters , mu nhirttrndo ave .t havu made the followin , advance of ] > ri < OH on lirown cottons : Continental tinontal O , SG-ineli , Sic ; D , 40-lnch , 9k 0 do , 42.inch , IHc ; C ilj. tV , 45.incli 2Ji ; C do. ll.4S.inch , 13ic : U bleachci eottona , Lonndalo , 4-1 , lO c ; C Continuuta 1J , 4-5 , 9i'c ; do. 42-inch , 12ic ; 0 do , 45 neb , 13JC. _ _ DYING JiY INCHES. Very otton uo KOO a poraon auflbr ng from HUIIHI form of kidney coin ilnint nnd i.'i gradually dying bj nckon. This no longer nuud to bo HOer or Electric liittuni will jionitivol ) tire I'riglit'n diaunsc , or any iliHUiiHu ol he kidnoyw oruriniarv orgaiin. Thoj tro uupccially adapted to thin clasH eli i ca oH , acting directly on tin stomach and Livur at thu xanio thnu , mil will Bieedily ) cnro whoru ovorv ) thur rumudy luti fnilud. Sold ut ftjr conU n botllo , by Jah & Me. ilahon. (3 ( ftESOLUTlON OUDKH1NG KIDK- WALKS. lo It rwohcd liy tli city council ut tliv City c : Omaha : Tlmt a ( dcluwallc Jic , within flltfcn diy from hldlalu , coTistriu tt'il ami Udl to thu tuinporar ) railo Iti wilil rltj , III front of ami iwljolliliitf tin ) HnwIiiK ilmrllxd iireuihcn , viz ; Wl.c.'itfin utrt-ct In Arm IM ID , i t slclu nf , trODg'n uilJItlon , 1 fc-i t wi.lo . , Lot 10 , cTiit nld ol Wlicaton ptruet , In Ami troiiK'n a lillllon , 4 fcit wnlo. h'tifh ulilcwalk to lioroimtrticlfclof 2 Inrh pine ImiU utiil to liu In uldHi , a ube o upccintxl , ami 10 ri'xpittlvuoHiicr or nwncm 4l thu ntxivo ilc crilit d iircmU'H uru hereby roquIrcJ to coiM ia mine. City Cltrk. nu. w , IXMNI. A. o. DOAHE& CAMPBELL , Attorneys- -Law , 8 W COIt. Tit li UOUOr-AS 8T3. v l' OMAHA , Edward W. Simeral , (15. ( & M. K. It. , Eahtorn Nebraska. ) J3OXTMM txmtno. E. K. Day General Murclinndiso and Grnin Dealer L. 11. Sawyer it Son Clothing , Hoota nnd Shoos , Dry Goods , Btc .1. A H. J. Stroight General Merchandise b. K Groonnlato Drugs nnd Chemicala Olmrlcs 11. Dill Roni Eatoto D. Dean it Son Lumber , 0. N. Folson , Manager at South Bond T. W. Fountain 1'urnitniv , Implements , and Crown Sowing Machines G. A. Hay & Co Agr'l Impl'ti , Stoves , Tinware and Sporting Goods Goo. II. McCuno American House H. Kirk Grand Central Hotel Dr. GeorRO Stewart Physician and Surgeon E. II. Phelps Station Agent 11. it M. Rnilroad George II. McCuno Stouo Mason and Plasterer V. L. Martin McatMarkct On. . IE * CHEAP FOR CASH ! Base Burners. I Cannon Stoves , I Small Heaters. Remember the Place , 1211 Farnham St. noOdlw Omaha , A Collins Cheyenne , J Colorado Fall and Winter LATE AND NOBBY STYLES IN Satisfaction Guaranteed. 'Prices te Buifc a 1316 FARNHAM STREET , NEAIl FODJITEKNTH. J. A. WHOLESALE ADD UKTAIL DBALEU IK Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDiHQS , Uft ! , CEMENT jarfiTATE AOKNi rOR MILWAUKKE Union Pacific Depot , OMAHA , NEB O. H. BALLOU , DEALER IN Lath and Shi Yard and Office loth and Gainings Street , two blocks north of ST. PAUL AND OMAHA DEPOT cnd-Hin. W. J. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , Orrir * 1'ront Itooins ( nn talr ) In llanicom'i ew brick liullillnif , NY. . ccrnor KlUentb oJ Reading and Elocution -TAUGHT IIY JULIE E HABDENBERQH. Volco Training : , Private tenons and Olatiet. 2011 Cast Street , beltmii 20tU and 2Uk ,