v 1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY NOVEMBER 4 , 1881 The OmalhaBe only Monday morning dally. KUMS BY MAlLs v. ar . ? 10.00 I Three Motithn. MontUs. . . B.OOlOne i ! "odneoJay. au . I ThrceMonUw. ino Yc r. . 52.00 JU Months. . . . 1.00 | Ono oonmaroNTJKN'CB-An Comi atlons rclatiny to hewandUHtoria ni nhonld l > o ftddremod to the LIIIT BUSINESS LKTTF.U8-AU lly b Irtttors and HomlttanrM nhotiW drewciltoTiiR OMAHA L'WBUHIIINO PANT , OMAHA. DrafU , rhcckn ami office Ordets to l > e made payable order of the Company , ffiHA PUBLISHING 00. , Pr ( E.BOSEWATEU , Editor Edwin Dnvl * , Manaeor of Clroolatlon- _ John H. Pierce In In Charge i of ' the CHrcuUion of THK DAILY BKK. A. n. Fitch. corrennondentamlimli TATIIONH of TUB BIK will con the rot forwarding favor on UB by of the election next Tuesday very county in the state aa BOI the result has been definitely n ! , inincd. Wo desire- more onpei the exact returns on supreme j nd regents of the university. MORE manufactories , a wagon b across the Missouri , and a numl ) first class funoralfl nro a few o needs of Omaha which wo call teat -at the present time. BEX HILL is the latest convo service reform , Uon would Jiis mouth closed as tightly as or tor if a democratic administrate dishing out federal pap in the of Georgia. INTEGRITY and ability are th most important qualifications fo incumbent of our county judgi These are possessed byJudgoC wick , and will receive the end mcnt of the voters of Douglas co O0K consul at Berlin has been inn an essay on the American Omaha cr.n exhibit as fine spec ! of the American hog as any othoi in the west. The Omahog'n wal two logs and many of them arc aottlors. Gov. ROBERTH , of Texas , n absolutely to ride upon a ra : pass , saying ho would rather Oov. Roberts should bo cased glass box and exhibited , nt Lii Nebraska governors are not cut < that kind of linen. THK Newark Mechanics' Na Tfink failure was the first rcporl the fiscal year ending Novcmbo Juat what the services of the i * Jersey bank examiners amoni Ii would be an interesting fact fo swindled stockholders to invest ADVICEH from Wasnington positively that Postmaster G ( James will retire from the en early in next month. Mr. J administration of the postal so while ono ot the shortest in the h of the government , has boon the Lrilliant on record. Hotf. WM. DAILY , of Nemahn published an open letter in ox tion of his "flop" from Dundy Ic dock during the late senator1 ! ; teat. The explanation is dec lame and not in accord with tl planations ho made on the spot his bombshell flashed in the pan WHEN stock watering and con tion ring swindling have been iibitod by law , and a rigid ncci Lility of the railroads to the government enforced under penalties , the fir t great sto { Laro boon taken towards a sa tory solution of the railroad tion. THK Illinois railroadi need a our reminder from the citizens < tate that they are the croaturoi 3iot the rulers of the people. 'W corporation dufiantly avows its tion to disobey the laws it is time that the question of supoi ahould bo decided thoroughly promptly. TUB lengthy speech of Sam Randall in favor of the abolili internal revenue taxes on whiol tobacco will not moot with g approval. The saino argument used in favor of the repeal of t tics on coflbo and tea , with the of enriching the importers am ing no'difference in the cost I consumer of these luxuries. CotLEcrroii ROBEHTHOW , of Tork , willt soon have to wal plank , notwithstanding Preside ihur's earnest dcsiro to follow i footpaths of his lamented prodec Congressman Richard Crowloj thur'a candidate for the senate Platt was elected , is believed Robertson's prospective SUCCOR the head of the Now York c Jiou e , -i- EASTERN /iNTT-MOr.OFOLI ! The null-monopoly movement rapidly giining strength in the cas stati-8 , ns ita objoutn nnd princi are boiiiR brought moro nnd more fore the people. In Now York Now Jersey the grip of the corp lions on loctl interests , which are by ono being monopolized at the 1 the foe in inlcnsifjing lie exponio , Hint a policy of inaction cannot n longer bo maintained by the poop .hoy expect to retain any rcmimnl .heir political or municipal power. extortions and nn Now York the discriminations < > f the Now York ( ral has awakened universal honlilit along fa l o whih .hat corporation Kld and doli.uit purchnso of leg , ita opponitii : , uro after legislature .ho freedom of the cnnils nnil Us < rol of state ofllcom nnd the fltalo licinry has antagonized n largo growing oloinent among the fan n sections of the Btnto not trave iy its rails. In New York city nti-monopoly movement has I akon up and is being pushed by n f the merchant princes of the i opolia. lion like F. H. Thun , 'otor Cooper , Henry Nic nd II. H. Clafiin , w japital aggregated milliona dollars nro upending ti.no and mi n diffusing a knowledge of corj. ion methods nnd anti-monopoly i ciplos. Upon the iaauo of Htati national control of the railroads , utimfttod that 60,000 voters couli iccurod in Now York city nlono f purely anti-monopoly ticket. I anti-monopoly leagues are b quietly but efficiently orgai : .hroughout the state , and sup ] with documents from the hoadquni of the loaguo. Papers frio to the movement nro offi the use of their columnn the publication of matter boc upon the question of cheap tram tntion nnd aiding the cause by v OUB discussion of the measures candidates. For the first time ii liistory of Now York politics the i monopoly issue has compelled th tontion of platform makers , am though the party utterances on question were neither loud or iiouncod still n concession rapidly growing minority was w 'roin both political conventions. the railways fear the continued gn of the anti-monopoly sentiment is by the labored editorials from organs of Vanderbilt and Gould ag any interference with the "vi rights" of the corporations. J the magazines nnd reviews have t up the subject , nnd have called discussion of the question the n writers of the oast. In Now Jersey the monopolizin the corporations of the entire v front of the cities of Ilobokon Jersey Oily , and the total oxoiuj of their real ostnto and other ] orty from local taxation , is 1 made an issue in the canvass for and state candidates for oflico. ] anti-monopoly leagues have formed on the basis of those in York , whoso members are phi to oppose the election of every c ; date for office who IB not knov favor and who will rot if elected for the principles of anti-mono A number of anti-monopoly ci dates independent of ( ho nominci the party tickets have boon plac nomination , and are being vigor supported. The movement , if widespread than in Now York , is the lees active , or failing in the port of able and respected citi In other states on the Atlanlii board there are evidences steady growth in the sontimon nuti-nioiiopoly. Wherever the has taken up the discussion o aubjoct it has undo innny coir And in sections where railroad in II has boon sufficient to stiilo the of the pooplu through the public nnla , there are thousands of v who have nullurod from the oxtoi and unjust diacriinitifttions of the roads who nro only nwniting timi opportunity to plows thomsolvo record as opposed to further liccn the part of corporate monopolies The methods Adopted by the Monopoly Lonuuo have thus far marked by wisdom and grcift ai istr&tivo ability. Ono of the gri otids already accomplished by tl ganizition hai boon the olovuti the anti-monopoly question in east to a square issue bctwoo : people and the corporations , railroad wreckers hnvo ceased c "coininun the anti-monopolists and are forced into a dofonsivi tudo while their political nnd bii ; methods are exposed for pnbli spoction and discussion. ' It is n source of gratification'to in the west who for years have fighting the battle for anti-mon against heavy odds to witnrm growth of the principles which hauuaolong advocated. It , ia moro a source of gratification ti ( hit the conduct of the anti-mon c-uiso in other ucctions is in the . of nblo and oxpcrionucd loaders i wealth d inarms bribery and i position defies abuao. The wi producers have clasped hands eastern consumora in their bnttl the rights of the people before many years have el thuy will BOO the iu a wave of sentiment whicl svioop the country from the Ath to the Pacific , nnd which -will a' nnd i to ovcry American producer per low tariffs nnd undiscriinim service on the part of the rnilt under the supervision of the r < scntalivo of the people. JOHN J , POINTS. The rcnominntion of Profi Points ns county superintendent c tructionwill moot with the co ipport of every republican vote ) ouglns county. Mr. Points dt is term of oflico him given RCI ntisfaction to both p.itronn nnd t < r in onr schools. The incrcas 10 efficiency of the schools of E ns county is largely owing to the 11 and industrious inspection of esflor Points nnd his conHcien upcrvision of thuir teachers , t as county has never had a countj lorintendctit of schools who has dared greater ability in the disci f hin duties or whoso work has lore natisfactory to our pooplo. CBW Points' popularity is the r f merit nnd ho ought to bo homely omoly endorsed at the polls an 'uosday. Every voter in Doi ounty who has the interest of ounty schools nt heart should cat ) allot for Professor Points. Sr Louis is about to wrcstlo lie tolcgrah ] polo nuisnnco. Bt treasure is being brought to bear lie city council to prohibit nnj licr defacement of the streets b ] msightly poles which stretch ivory i very thoroughfare. It is foun n other cities , that in cases of fir eng lines of wire a serious obe ion to the free operation of th department. Chicago lias ah nken steps to prevent the strii of telegraph or telephone wires c ground , with the result of forcin ompanics to oxperinent with th lorground system of telegraphy view to its early adoption. [ ucstion will sooner or later tself upon all the largo cities o ! ountry. No nation in the 1 grants valuable franchises whic convenience tho. public to the o lone in our own country. As t is satisfactorily demonstrated indorground telegraphy is practit ust so soon should our cities 1 iovod of the defacement of the work of wires and the unsightly which now disfigure our streets. AT the coining election in Wi sin four constitutional onicndr will bo submitted to the poop heir ratification. A question h nriaon as to the method in which hall bo voted upon , the atto ; enoral lias decided that the four > o voted for or against ay n who each voter. This decision is crc great surprise in the Badger sta ! t is in the face of n plain provisi article 12 of the constitution , ' states that "if moro than ono ai incnt bo submitted , they shall bi nittcd in such a manner that tin lie may rote for or against amendments separately. " The iioy-genoral seems to have some ml ideas on the subject , and has decision upon n previous prect [ t is now n question whether tl suit of the election will no disputed , and the cnao carried I supreme court on the ground elation lation of the constitutional prov THK lrahl attack upon . Kinney is na malicious as it isun For. The intimation that Judge noy is receiving pay for the dig and manly address of welcome h lirored nt the reception ton General Van Wyck by hid friend neighbors at Nebraska City afti election to the senate is to HV least decidedly indecent. It wi remembered that Judge Kinnuj bean honored by the support o democrats in the legislature the position to which G Van \tyck was elected Ik was eminently proporthat the montoi local pride and heartfelt fication ever General Van Wl elevation should find generous e sion through .Intlgo Kinnoy. Mcriba mercenary motives to hi such a tribute is simply benefit tempt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mil. Jo.SKl'U K. McOAMMB Pennsylvania , ussistnnt nttorno , era ! of the United States , line appointed to the important posit commissioner of railroads , mac cant some months ago by the niary dismissal of Thoophilus Fi The Washington correspondent Cincinnati Commercial represen now commissioner ni n man w fear and without icprouch , It i hoped ho ia also a man \\hoi Pacific railroads cannot buy. IT is the right nnd in fuct th < of every conscientious voter to H the names of notoriously incoin or dishonest candidates ; but t ! publicans of this city nnd < can't bi'ltor themselves this y scratching their ticket and sub ing democratic candidates , OiiitiH , HAUTXIAN is about tin man on the democratic tick whoso election Dr. Miller tu deep interest , and that fact is ir ii excellent reason why John 1 10jld receive the gontril auppo ur citiycns , irrespective of party THK lack of financial success M as attended the Atlanta exhibit ! aid to bo principally owing to igh rates of fnro charged by the oads , which have prevented a gei Itendanco of the people of the s < LAST , but by no means least , ii ) ortnnco , is the oflico of con ohn G. Jabobs hns made an ace do officer , nnd there is no doubl will bo re-elected by a handsome ority. THK clerk of Douglas county st > o a man of responsibility. For eason John IJaumer will bo our ounty clerk. A LOMJ pull , a strong pull a mil altogether , will elect the rep in ticket in this county. THE ST. X.OUIB CONVENT ; Eloport of the Nebraika Dolcgr to Governor Nn.noo. LINCOLN , November 1 , 18i o Ills Krcellency , Alhlmm Nance , Ocnor Nebraska : Sue I hnvo been instructed our delegation to the Missis iver convention lately held n is , Mo. , to inform you of tli ults to their labors , nnd in nci nco therewith I { have the lion ubmit the following : It was apparent to your deleg : Tovious to their departure fo ouis , that influences wore nt wo online the subject matter of the tiiUon to the improvement ol iIiHsisBtppi alone , and particular hat portion of the river situated i f St. Louis ; and wo BOOH disco1 iter our arrival there that wo lotJnnVnkcn in the premises. II _ ourdolouation , air , ntoncorosolv work earnestly and dilligently to .ue the flectional and local selfish which was endangering a work a ional in its character as vasl ; rund in its magnitude. Wo cor d with such delegates as were , urselves , representatives of state uatod in the Missouri volley pr nd found no difficulty in sect their valuable assistance. Tlioii tlo wns our battlo. But owing t < many states represented the nun were against us , and it required erect and dilligont work on the of every member of your deleg : and ofheir friends and allies I of the Mis euro a ju.st recognition iver ; and I have reason to cong ate your excellency , nnd througl , ho people of Nebraska , ever the lint our labors wore not in .vain. The act of July. 79 , organ vhat is known as the Missu liver commission , in its first sc ) rovidoa for the surveys of "tho issippi river and its navigable t Urios , " while section four of the ict provides for the expcnditui moneys on the improvement of Mississippi alone , "not on the ) rovemont of its navigable tri ics , " and this was the mistake c congressional delegations roprcso .ho Missouri valley proper , in Forty-sixth congress , , or , if ilcaso , their gross negligence : , hero would have been no diflicul , ho least in adding the words its navigable tributaries , " to the "Mississippi , " in the fourth sect at least the records show no elTbi that direction. The commission UB more trouble than all else course , if it had been it Bible to improve the Misi because of scientific reasons , tore the improvements on Mississippi below St. Charles completed , there would have be < excuse ; but auch eng nier as boon charged with the survo ; those rivera by the war departnu not assort such n tiling , ami no in the convention was bold enou clain that such was the case Tl provomont of the Mississippi nlc of such vast magnitude and of great importance to the people < i woat that wo would have saci our se'ctional pride to the coi good if it had been deinoimtratei that our position wns cndangcrin grand work. But this is not done simply because it could n done wo doomed it our duty to for oqunl privileges with the Ik ! flippi , thus hoping to secure n sp ( completion of the great work iu templation. The Nebraska delegation lias moreover instrumental indeed ii hinted with it in the hiking of stops as will , in the near futui Bidt In n Missouri riser commi provided our delegation in coi does not succeed in amending tl ot July , 1870 , as above ugg and for that reason a convent ! the Missouri river ntntes and tc rics will bo called at Kansas Cit ; before congress meets. To thi- vontion your excellency will 1 vited to send a delegation , h committee which has the mat charge. Considering the fact that 1 Sutor , of the United States cngii who has completed his survey < Missouri river in accordance wi < struct ions from the war depart approximated such improvements a depth of twelve feet from St. C to bioux City , at a cost of eighi linns of dollars , it seems Btnun view of the maxnificont result ) would derive from such an undi ing , that wo should find any ti at nil in securing the necessary t jiriutions to commence the worki ing the year 1882 , so that bj sand bans snags and changing noli w ill have made room for a t did stream of v.ator , at no plat than ono thousand tcct wide , r every place nnd for all time t font deep. Major Sutor's rep very comprehensive on this su The prcsn of Nobr.uk.t should , untiring energy and unrelenting lion to the cause of cheap trana lion , use its best endeavors incr such n public opinion as will be mount to nil olau , By HO doil projB would do ita duty and 01 duty to the people. It was desirable that the po : ties of the Mississippi should be onstrated to the convention , ni that purpose an excursion on tin upon a Btenm tug and its bargoo n number was decided upon. wcnty-fivo hundred people , inclu ho detonates and their friends , n board , and a flying trip WAS I own the river about twelve nnlci eturn. On the return trip the si tig and its barges bad to face lighly current , but bravely wa work done , nt the rnto of about liles an hour. The barges and tcamer hnvo a capacity of 1C ons , or 1,000 , railroad cars of ten ach ; and considering this imir mount of height , one may we ! urprisotl nt the grand ponsi ics of tlicso western wnterv Vo were informed that fil lundred dollars will cover the cx [ : > f the trip from St. Louis to Non cans , or ono dollar and onu-half nilro.id car. To-day , sir , to r he tide waters of the Atlantic by vo pay all the way from ono him o ono hundred and lifty dollars nr. Is not the question of c riimportation nolvedwhen the waters of the Atlantic nro renche mo dollar nnd one-half per car if teen cents per ton ? I dare say > uch nro the possibilities of the issippi , nnd the Missouri has MHO possibilities. Thin is iv short synopsis of our delegation hna done , and wl IBS necn. Your Excellency w omo future day receive from irosident of the board of trade o jouis n printed pamphlet conta ho complete proceedings of the issippi river improvement cot ion. To this icport I append a > f the resolutions passed by the vontion , and I respectfully call attention to them , particularly tc ilution No. 4 , the one that omb ho idea that the Missouri river not bo ncglectoj. ITiopo , sir , that you rill bo sat ; with the work of jour delcgn nnd in the behalf of roy colleague well as in my own behalf , I te rou most respectful thanks for loner you have conferred upon I nnd mo by entrusting us with ask of taking care of Nebraska crests at St. Louis. Allow in ixpross the hope that the chief e : ivo of Nebraska will call the a ion of our delegation in ; rcsB to this report , so that they ully understand the nituation inish that which your dele atio commenced. It is cheap transp ion that onr people want , and tine o secure it is through the imp mont of our water highways , nain , of your Excellency , the ibedient servant. VICTOR YIFQUA : O COI DENT A.L JOTTINC MONTANA. Forty cars of wheat leave W every any. Wheat brings ot Helena from ' . -cuts a pound. Ft. Keogh hai been reinforced b tdditiooal trooi g in the LIB 30 dayu. The governor of Utah. MonUni ilaho recently root at 13utti ) and' c ered measures to prevent thu spre Mortuonum. Int-nno sxoitement reigns ove-thf Ikcoveries of gold in tlio vicinity ul tlu/innls and Imndieda uro weudini ; way to that point. The U. ft N. engineers in JefTeraor ron hnvo had a couple of rough fighti be bears , two young men having tu i ionic on account of the injuries the ceived. A new town ia building on Sweat creek , up the Bitter Root , the quart ioveries of last summer being the Che place will be called Gnrfiuld , in of thu only prehident whoever % isit Bitter Hoot valley. The Rradors on the _ Utah & No itruok for an incretwe in wages , clc , hat the coot of living , owing to the i ; y of the weather , will amount to ; nan their present wages. The coi at once acceded to their domandtf. Within the tire y ara next euMiin i'i uted cxpoaditureH of the Noi Pmifio for couetrnctinn and cthe : ; > OHBH adjacent to Helena will read ) 'JO,0 ' < 0. The plaut of machine r pal" KUopg , round housen , fieigh am linger da ot , etc. , will probably ni less ttum eSTO.OOO. COLORADO. Denver has opened a medical colic The coal interests of Como are bo' Kukomo in reeoverini ? rapidly tra effects r > ( thu recent liiea. Judge Thomas M Uowon's entitr s own urobablo inu mo from hli Norto mina R $8,000 to 811,000 per The n w KpUcopnl Cathedral ia I wdl hi ooiii-ecrutod next Sunday , the Inrgo t and most elegnnt in the At the lowrit estimate 9600,000 hai dUburaed nioca June 1 opening < miningHcoium 01 mining ontcrfrine Miiioinl Point. Summit county , it in Mtiirmte. . yield a groan product in roind numl ? ' ,5H,103 This will RV Sumu thlidplacoln the minoial producioi ties . 'f the State. The rompletion of the Colorad < Line ditch , which ii a con mnm ti ticipittrd month hence , will tiai 300,0 0 arretinf barren land into pri d fftrnu. When linielied it xrlll be 10 ( In length , It ii BX feet deep am l wiJe t tLo bottom. A rich itrlke ia reported to htr made ia the I ) * I' n ibaft of the I near Leadville. la thu l rel at adc 40 f et in the forenimed eh aft & p dicuUr vein of galena 2 inchw in ncloied in 18 iuchei of bird carbc wa > cut , retnrna from which ihrr niiocet of filter and i 7-10 ouuots go CO j > or cent. In Uad. CALIFORNIA Tim Toin imelter of the CA ! dUtrtct is tunning cut lead aad litr lion , During the Iwt ten daya pounds ImTO been run , valutd t 9 Sulphate of itrontium has t > raa ft Mazurka canjon , Inyo county. Ii eraiojy thl < minerul is unml y calle < tit . Nitrate of itrontium ia > o i work * , giving a beautiful criiuiou cc the ( Unit. The other day , while Daniel Doil pnyiiif with other bu ) H at. a uairmll Menducino , he fell Into n pile of aa which gave way boncaib him , the u tin bottom being all on firo. Tlia tunate boy w * hoirilily buinwl , an after died ot the injuries. The removal of the trees and hi l.'Nl ) acrtft if the old G ika ranch Vina , Tehaina county , hua teen menrvd , and when the land U c'ejr put in tuder , it id tlu intention o cninr Stanford , the owner of the i pait rf the Oerke g ant , la plant t tin * track in grupd viucu. DAKOTA AND THE QLAOK HILl Material in on the ground for a 1 diat chinch at Dell llapidd. The new iiauo of 1'ennington court house bomli neil at U5. Uauchmen in the valley near City are building an irrigating ditc ! An agent of the Union Pacific lecting peciraeni of BUck llllla o Chamberlain cUimi a jxipulatlon by actual count. And it Isn't I nonthi since the railroad reached C Tlio populatiin of the HilU h inc ng. NinteendoKs were counted iu roud on M < in street , Hnpld City , a Ryu ago. 'i'ho holler itf Stewart' * mill near t nan's gulch In thn IMixck HilU , cxpli cillin' Hnwnril Siiiilh nun of Miejirr ore , and general'y wrecking the mill Th tola ! nsie < sedaluationof Da tccording to the return * rcceivc'l ' \ > f tor I'liruy , ii o > cr thi'ty-ono million ar * with fno cou > tie * yt 1 1 > hiar froi Pnttmastcr Howard of YanVton , ins been in peeling the Jim river v av utotk ruiiing In that > alley has < cd nnifwnltuHo In thU HLMHOU nm nxt will tl ) ublo it .i ARIZONA. The Tombstona water works are Uted. Tliroc notoriou' ' dospcraloe'i c ( rein the jollat Tombstouc. Thu ere of th TomVtnn * mine ii > b ? the finest jut discovered iu the Illon dlntfict , Ilo [ > r1s from all qumtcra bn'nit e IH finm the IIIIIIPB. An impo ttiko hn8 hteu male in Limn Uu nted. Ore is mid to astiiy 114,000 t on , WYOMING. The North Park mieea tr" looming The bicycle fever h.Vi HtruckGrccn Gicen River , but fourteen iiill s lift Huuk Springs mines , is HaI r till fnW'tll. The Pomcroy lirothern , of Konta ave dixposed of their cattle nnd ha\t hjaed 1M)0 ) hu.ul of ithuv ] ) . HID Union PaciOc nilwiy rnm ccently paid it * taxes iu Lit ouiitainimiiting to SU 8 3 02. Stockton Monalnn , the thirteen jci on of Cap . Deano Monnhan , met a nerioUH accident IIOJT Port McKi ant week. He wa out gunning , > vht f the barrcla exploded , tihattoring h ! irin KO badly that it had to bo nnipu the elbow. UTAH. The foundation of the Desert Univi t Sa t L ko City it ) completed. Salt Lake police are pulling the ilen. Several well known citizens apt red inn late haul , The recent hevy raina are ca reat rejoicing among stock man. 31 wi 1 taVo a new growth and late feed urcd all over the territory. WASHINGTON TERRITORY. The territorial legislature is iniessi The Territorial univortity has 71 lents. There are thirty pcholars now on re hu Pataha City public Hchool. Dayton ayer.iges over 1,003 Backs i 'f wheat shipped to Portland daily. The coal tiel'ls of Pugct Sound nr racting the attention of eastern ca its. its.Kloven hundred dollars' worth of o as Beized near I'ort Townnend by ex louse officers on board the steamer G Jaston. The own < r was diligently It or , but no ono claimed the valuable ige. Thu duties on the pacUago i iavo amounted to $500. NEVADA. Articles of incorporation of the Ni Midland IJailrond Company , with C' stock of 85,000 000 , divided into f nhares , hfivu been Sled in the oKice < Secretary of the Stite. Thepropo e will crosd the State from o.iBt to vves There ia iboomhere in building m.i xt Eureka and the Kuruk t Mid Cal'l ' Lumber Company nnnouncc.l thit i iDpnsiiible for them oprocnrocirn ei on the Central Pjcifie to supply tl n nd. The cotmuinption of lumt the mines ia verylar , e. THE IOWA ELECTION Official Figures From the Eloi of October 11 , 1881. Counties. Sherman. Kinnc. ( Adair 1,130 197 Adams Oil 322 Allainakce 1,355 1,238 Appunooae 1,384 1,049 Audubon , 8.)5 522 Bcnton 2,018 955 BbckHawk 1,070 718 Boone 1,781 1,004 Bremcr l,42i ( 540 Buchanan 1,512 014 Uuena Visti 1,071 217 Butler. . . . . . 1,138 258 Calhoun 7U2 20S Carroll 1,110 1,007 C.vcs 1.G40 840 Ccd.r 1,575 8J3 Cerro Gordo 1,041 382 Cherokee 919 192 Chickauaw 889 J.G8 . Cl.rke 1,017 4GG CUy Gt)7 43 Clayton 2,151 1,917 Clinton 2,315 2,313 Crawford 1,209 913 Dallav . . 1,842 270 Davis 1,092 943 Decatur 1,340 G71 Delaware 1,823 1,043 DCS Moines 2,327 2,371 Dickinnou . 253 Dubuiiuo 2 , CC'J 3,804 , Kmmet 285 40 Fayotto 1,022 552 Floyd 1,27.1 , 359 Franklin 1,135 188 Fremont 1,131 1,2 J7 Greene 1,371 128 Grundy. . . 971 374 Guthno 1,190 587 Hamilton . . . 989 215 Hancock COS 127 Hardin 1,130 11)2 ) , Harrinon 1,488 1,178 Henry 1,779 853 Howard 749 4'J Humboldt. . . C94 192 Ida 7CO 351 Iowa 1,211 852 Jackson 1,035 1,949 , Jasper 2,073 C95 JelfuMon 1,551 90S JohnBon . 1,918 2,210 Jones , . . 1,352 4GG Keolnk 1,799 1.2U KoiButb 671 a l L u ? ,694 3,000 Linu 2,83 > 1,870 Louiin. . . . 1,3 2 490 - Lucaa 1.2C3 618 Lyon 41'J CO MivlUnn.- . . 1,524 th Mabvtk 2,015 589 Marion 1.891 1,076 Marihall ! , 512 M1IU 1,349 788 Mitchell . . . . 1.119 39 % Monona G40 17G Monroe 1,070 703 Montgomery 1,183 247 Muacatmo 1,8)4 I/JO/ O'Lrlen 7C M Oicola 482 ( H P g I,2i4 S13 Palo Alto 303 3f , Plymouth 1.1CO 84 PiK-ahout.n CGI 242 Polk 8,414 1,039 Pottnwnttnmle . 2,330 1,988 Poweshlek 1,317 407 Uinggold 1,070 , 231 Sac . 1,169 203 Scott 2,057 2,551 Shelby 1,050 095 Sioux 791 314 Story 1,47 283 Tauia 1,393 570 Taylor 1,28 397 Uilion 1.2GO 50"i Van Burcn 1,001 1,290 Wapollo 2,2l5s 1,010 , Warren . . 1,811 539 Washington . 1,635 744 Wavno . . . . 1317 309 Webster 1,303 453 Winncbiigo „ 075 20 WinncthFek 1,000 745 Woodbury . . . . 1,305 858 Worth 19 2 < J Wright G30 193 Total ,133,320 73,397' Scattering ; Win , Johnson , An ( uuti.ntcret society ) ; Cedar , 14 ; Del . . . M * _ * . _ _ . _ 0 * Jones , 19 ; _ _ Jefferson 11s Fflveltp , 12 ; , ; M rlon,2 ( Page. 11) Van lUren , 08t Wovhlnaton , lit Union , 1. lotal , 1m. Liquid Gold. Dftn'l Plank , of Hro&iclj n. Tioga connty , 1'a. , ilChcribti it thu ! " 1 rode thirty ml es for a bottle of TliovAV Lct.KCTiuo Oil , which effected the wonderful cure of n crooked limb in nix ap | > lleatinnHj it prtn cd worth moro than gold to mo. " " i"60' " " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A Voice From the Grnvo. Ex-Oovoiiuirlleiulricks. of Indiana , appears in print with roimnincuncps of his senatorial carciT nnd collcinicd. ( Ho classes llovcnly Johnson na tlio ablest lawyer in the senate during his succeeded in term. Charles Sunnier having more of his views unbodied in the laws of the country thnn any other of California excelled - man. McDougul , , celled all in { fein-HUo speeches made on the spur of the moment. Henry S. L\no , of Indi.ina , had few superiors ns an orator. Oov Grime ? , of Iowa , w.is as pure a man as ever entered pub lic life. Collttinor , of "Vermont , was remarkublo for ingenuity in de bate. Anthony never g.wo oll'enso , and was highly successful. ] 3uckn- lovr , of Pennsylvania , was a debater of laro force , and produced during the stress of his seti.itorial duties the ablest book that has been written on minority representation. Cowan , of the same state , always cnmo into a discussion at the height of the contro versy , and was ublc to maintain him self against grout odds. Garret DA VIS was the most fearless debater he ever saw , but not always consider ate. Doolittle , of Wisconsin , was the finest or.itor. I't'ssendon ' , of Maine , was the ablest senator his state has ever produced. Ho never left a point unanswered , nnd was the readiest man in the body. John 1 * . Halo was bril liant , but not btudious , and repented himself. John Sherman was always prepared for action. Trumbull , of Il linois , was eminent as n lawyer nnd debater. Gov. Mor on was an nblo- leader , but extreme in his expres sions. Strength and earnestness were his peculiarities. Almost YonuR Again- My mother was aillicted a long timo- with neuralgia , and a dull , heavy , in active condition of the whole system , . headache , nervous prostration , and was almost helpless. No physicians- or medicines did her any good. Thrco months ace she began to use Hop Bitters , with such good effect that she seems and feuls young again , although ever 70 years old , Wo think there is no other medicine fit to use in the ? atnily. A lady in Providence , R. I Journal. novl-15 BOYD'S OPERA HOUSE ! JAMES K 1IOYD , Proprlttor. H U MAKSil , Business Hamper. 'tiday nnd SaturOny cicnirgn and Sat. Matinee. ANTHOSV , Kl.UK & HATAWAYS MAJESTIC COJiHOI.IDATKl ) AOORbQATIONt 4 UNITED SHOWS. 4 telUtlon ot ArUtH E\crOr ( inl > zed for One AiluiiHnhn. ItAVKL'SNewh llutchdl HUHl'TY DUM1TY. lltndud bj the Great , the Only Cirlualdl , c. w. tiAvnu > Ii\co' Douhlo Specially mid Ko > cl > Co. llicOioit Tartar-Ko 4 Intiriiationat ilastoJou DOR t'chool. The Most Intcllli'ont mid Ainuslnp Canines Be fore the Auicnain 1'ublic. QUAY & MANNINO'b Mll.MUAIi CONGRESS , 'ustappoiraniu In AucncaotthcOrnmiest Novel' ty ol the . ie , , SAUUAII , the FabtlndUtrinceea. fire Worhhi | or. A Vintablo I'ritBtcss of the Sun , who will ai'p-nr at c.vh entertainment t'lvcn by thin Mon tr AjCrepitlon ( , in the re markable and original Specialties. Once bten Nigeria lit Forgotten. The fibo\e mimmoth jcompiny , tni cling In : heir own I'alaiu Drawing Hcom Car , wlilch will JC open for Inspection of the public every after noon , on da > of exhibition. I oik out for grand irotcMiuc utrect parade. Secure \on KCUtaut Hex Otllcuatidavolil tin Jam at the tlekit otllco. Piico ol ailnilBHion , $1 , VDc , COc and 25c. Pocrn opoa at 7. I'erlornnr.co at d o'clock. lla'tncc m 2.311. in. I'arquctte and Parquette Circle Ilcnen cd , 0c. Dress Circle , 25c. in w-fas BOYO'S OPERA HOUSE ! J. E. IJOYD , Proprietor. R. L. MARSH , Business Manager. Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings NOVEMBER 8 AND 9 ! Omaha Harmonic Society ! Anslattd hy the Orwhestra ot the Omaha Musical Union. Tlio Whole Undtr the Direction of QEO. P. MAYER , , Will present for thu firs : tin n Omnha rf thtrinlrg Comic Opera In thrco AcU , r TEE CHIMES OF NORMANDY , Ono of the ( Icm * of Ijight Opcr , cnmhinlnc th uttractive feature ) * ol unusually good Muelc with ( i plot InteiCfllinK throughout. geaU t the ucuil prices , can bo occurcd at the Ilex Office In the per * House , on anil nftcr Ihurida } mornlngr , XovemborS. ti2d7t RESOLUTION ORDERING SIDE- WALKS. vy Do It rcKiUed tij the City Council of Iho tity of Omaha : That nttldeunlk Lo , within fifteen days from thin dote , eonctnictccl und lild to the tuinixjrury grade in wild city , In front nfnnd adjolnUv the followingleticritiu ! jircmlHeniz : Lot 1 , wett aldoot 10th lrcc , In block one , 4 i feet wl-ic. Lot 'J , wt'k rldo of 10th etrcut , la b'ock lie , 4 < fcot Klitr. I ot n. wfst ridv ot 10th ttrect , In Hock one , i feet wiJo. j I otl. went Hide ofk10th itroct , In bUck U , 4 i , ff et wide. Lot 2. w * t lido of 10th ttrcct , In block 14 , i . fcctutdu. , LotS.nrtet Ho at 10 h itref , In lilccV H , 1 feet 'A Ido , ' All ill H. t. Kogtr'4 ddillon , to the city ot Onuha. v Haiti nldcu lk to he contracted of 2 Inch pins planUand to lie in width , . ' abora H vdflad , and the nwpicthe owner or ownernof thu nbovu de- I ncrihid prtmiuM aru hereby required to construct j ' the name. 1'ftastdNoT. 1,1881. , J. J. t. C. JKWKTT , City Clork. Prof , W , J , Ander's Select Danc ing Academy , A. Hospo , Jr. Hall , ICIO Dodce 8t. ClaM tor Kviitlumen commencing Tuesday eren- Infj , Oct. 4 , Clans ( or ladles comroenunx Thun- tUjc\enlug , Oct.0. Term * liberal. The eas intthodt 1 hino for teaching the Wnltr , Glldi , lie. , I can eunrantee pcrftel eatlsfaulon o ihoUre. For ttttnt , &c. , call at A. 11 ON no , r. , " 'Mrnwlllfl Capitol A\o. ilTdlm D. S. BENTON. ATTOBHEY - AT - LAW AUIUCn DLOCK , 15th St . OmiMNob , REAL ESTATE BROKERS No. 1508 Famham fttroot , Orrio Kor h ildo OVP Grand Central Hotel. The mcmberH and friends of the Lutheran church are hereby requested to meet at the houeo of Uov. Dr. Stclling , to-morrow ( Friday ) evening , corner Eleventh and Harnoy. By order of the committee.