Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1881, Image 1

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\ 124
For Sale By
No. 1 , VewKoudo , 7 roomn. on Owning Btrcet
iwar Sounders , $1 00.
Xo. 2. 2 Kt iry houac , 0 room * , well , cistern and
barn , Webster , near 16th trw.t , K600.
Ho. 3 , Homo' 10 room * , on Harncy , near
h rtreet , atonx foundation , $4000.
No. 4 , lAnrahoum ot 11 rooms , on Wctater
itruot , n ar Urelghton College , S3SOO.
No. 0 , 11 u o o ( 7 rooms. on CAM , near 17tli
rtroet , JJtXW.
No. 7 , HOUHO of 8 rooms , 3 lots , on 17th Mmt
near Izard , W 00.
iNo 8 , House of G rooratt. on Cora , neir 14th ,
WillW fe lot , 81300.
No. 0 , Haunt ) of 3 room * , kitchen , etc. , or
Cans , miir 13th Bt eot , $500.
No. 10 , Mou.e of 3 roonifl with lot 22x132 foot ,
oa Case. near 14th htrett , $900.
No. II , House of 6 room * , en 16th utrwit , near
DouglHH , 44x6U feet lot , * 4000.
No. 12 , Ho.ifcof 6 roams. lir ck foundation , on
Ilarncy , near 27th btrect , 81000.
No 13 , 1 utory new house ot 0 rooms , brick
foundation , oQ at. Mar ) 'a avenue , mar eon\cnt.
No. 14 , House of 5 roonn and summer klti hen ,
on 20th Htri-ot , near clark , < 2 00.
No. li , Houxecl Sroomn , on Hhormanaunuo
(16th street ) near Nicholas , $22M > .
No. 1H , 1 jlory house of 4 room ; , cellar ,
table , etc. , on Dtivcnori , near 22d street , SUOO.
No. 17 , 2-story brick house of 6 room * , uvni
end of red utrcvt car turn table , gUCO.
No. 18 , Ilouso and 2 lote , 4oloi.k vwt of High
School , ? I.WO.
No. 10 , House and 3 lot * on road to park , rear
, bead St. Mnry'n a > cnue , $ & 00.
S No. 20 , Ilouso and 11 J lota near IIuKcaJl'i ) , South
.S Omriha , PiOOu.
No. 21 , HOUHO and lot on Dvonp > rt otrtot ,
near lOtn xtrcvt , $ KOO.
No. 2i , 2 Ht > . ry Uoueo and l"t 02x0(3 feet , on
Davonuort. near 12th tttroot , ilSOO.
No. 23 , HOUDO of 4 roonu and 2 lots on 17th
Uoet , near Izard , BiZOO. *
No. , House and 4 lot on 10th Mrtwt , near
Dodje | , W50.
No. W , HOUWJ and 4 lot oa 10th rtrcct , near
Can tel avenue , $14Co.
N . 27 , 2 hource and lot on JacK on , near 13th
direct , $4300.
No. 29 , b hou oj and 1 lot on California , now"
A 8th ( treet , 16000. - , - . , <
Nn. SO , If-ntory brick bouM of 4 rooms1 with
tot 60x260 feet , on Shtrman avenue (16th street ) ,
DOLf'laard , SJOOO. "
No. SI , IJ-itory houo uii 33x66 feet , on 13th
tret-el , near Howard Btrtc' , V2000.
Kc 32 , v.- tory hsuso of 0 rooms and two lota
OB Mttton , rar llth iitreel , $3000.
Nosfi , Large houatt a d full lot on Caplto
t renue , near 13th ttrect , 92 00.
No. SO , 2 three otcry brick housoi vlot 44x
1 t foot , cm Chicago , near 18th street , J Oeaoh.
r-o. 37 , Douse of 7 rooms with 14 lot Paul
( treet , near ISih itroot , * 2760.
No 3 ! ) , llou and lot on 18th rtreet , uear
Shorrton , 81850.
Nn. 30 , Houtieoti rooms with 4UM feet lot ,
on IBth atiect , near California , 8J500
No. 42 , House of 8 rooms with lot ISOxlSO feet ,
on Cobvun , near Colfax street , $3500.
No. 43. House and 2 loU on ChlcuRo , ner JOth
street , * 7SJJ.
No , 43 , l-arjro houw of 7 rooms , closet * pantry ,
uf 11 and cittern , on 18th , near Clark nuoet , 83100
No. 4t ) , Lar c houB'i with full block , near new
uhott ou er , 82000.
No. 47 House of 9 roims * ith i lot , on Pacific ,
, Bear llth Btruet $3000.
> - . No. 4D , 11 rick house of 11 rooms , well , c'stern ,
gtta throughout thu houiw , sfowl barn , etc. , on
Karnham , near 17th street , $0000.
No iO , Houue ol C room ? , cellar , well , etc. , on
10U ) , near 1'itil itreet , 8-1000.
No. 63 , Uouneof B roomiand cclhrUt33xl32 ) ,
off Ht Marr'a avenue , near convent , 81WX ) .
No. , Four hou-oa and8Sxl 0 feet , on Daven
port , near 10th street , & 000.
No. M , Hou e of 0 or 10 rooma , on California ,
OB r 2Ut ktreet , (6 * 00.
No 67 , Houeu of (1 ( rooms , rummer kitchen ,
cellar , cluteM , veil , grod barn , etc. , noor Ht.
Hary B avenue and 21et street , 83000.
No. 68 , New houws of 7 rooms , good barn , on
Webetor , near 22d street. fci'XX ) .
No. DO , Kour houM-o witb 4 lot , on 12Ui itreet ,
nearCosK 82UO , ,
No. 6D , HOUM of S rooma on Dttvcnport , near
23rd itreet , f.KW.
No. 61 , llouso of 0 or 10 roonui , on Hurt itmt ,
near 2ind street , $6000.
No. 02 , Hou e of 4 rooms , 1 story , poreh , eel.
Jar. cistuni and well , on Uarney , near 21st itreet ,
No. 63 , Home of 4 ro'nu , elomtii , basement
od cellar , near Whlto Uad Work ) , 16OO.
f-o. 64 , Building on leased lot , on Dodite street ,
near uoat olllco , irtoru below and r./omi abor ,
BOQNn. . 66 , 3 lots with birn and other improre-
ruonto , neor street car turn table , 82000.
No. 61 , Newhoueof rooma on 17th , near
Cumlng street , 81000.
No 69 , Large One house of IE rooms , orcry-
thtnKoomi > l t , o < 19th , near Chicago , 99000.
f > o , 70 , ICouwi on 18th itroet , near i.a > enport ,
< toro below and rooms akore , twim , etc. , 91600 ,
' No 71 , Hou fl of H roomx , nu cellar , all complete
plote , on California , near 2 let , 87000.
No. 72 , Drlck hou , 10 or 11 rooms , on DaTeu
port , near 16th (60 0 ,
No. 78 , IJ-storv houM , 6 roonu , cellar , w > 1
Mid el-torn , on Jacknon , near 12th , 91800.
Mo. 74 , Brick hou- with 2 lota , fruit trow ,
etc , on 16th , near Capitol avenue , 916,000.
No. 76 , Houveot 4 roonu , hwment , lot lx
112 ( ott , on Hairy , nrar 7th , (672.
„ . No. 76 , ) } -stor.v hou o , Brooms , on CUBS sir wt ,
' - iMM IflthitrcKt , $4600.
No , 77 , S- torhouno , H rooms , doiefe , fur.
raoe , fruit true . bam , etc. , ou Varnham , near
18th rtre t. ( dOOO.
No. 81 , 2 houitoa v.-Hh 0 rooms , and other with
fl roonv. on Cnlcago , n ir 12th street. 93000.
Ho. 82 , 1 J-slory hous , 6 room * , 4 clonets , well
and 100-ba/rcl dutorn good barn , on H rc at. ,
near JOth ( near new govornmeut oorrall ) , 91600.
No. 83 , a-story hou eB rooros , .eoulnhod , good
wsl , eUtern , on I lot , on Capitol avenue , m
illtth , 92:00.
No. 84 , 2-story house , 8 rooms , 4 below and 4
bove , S elo iii , co lar , MO ) ! and cliUru , with &
cr H irround , on Saunderttitmt , near barracks ,
No. 86 , S stores , houM on leased } lot , IfMs
run 2 yoapifrom Apdl l t , 1881 , on Paelrte at , ,
near U. 1' . depot , sOO
No 86 , HOUSB , 15 ronmi , well , clsUrn , etc. ,
near lith and llarney ttruets , 9 000
No. 87 , 2 story hou e , 3 rooms , well with 40
fctt ot water , nlth 6 acrtsol vrnund , on fttundtirs
struct , near U H. UaTickn , < 2000.
No. 88 , iJir o house ol 10 room , we'l ' , cittern ,
birn , etc. , on Uuu utrctt , near 21 t , 7000.
No. b9 , I arfc-e hou , 10 orl8room , on Wen.
stcr tt'eet , near 1'Jth , OT600.
> o. 00. IA O ouicand b viMlul oorucr lot ,
nvar lr > dB' anil 17th itrinU , 97000.
No 91 , I tory houno , H roomd , tt ; . , on rurn
luun , uua lOtuttrict , 91600.
Real Estate Exchange
Doutrl n Ptroet
The President Sips Stratham's '
Oommission aa Postmaster
at Lynohlmrg , Ya ,
Frelinghuyaon Appointed Receiver -
ceivor of the Busted
Newark Bank.
Poutmanter-General Jamea to
Leave the Oabinot as Soon
as Conproso Moots ,
In Order to AEBUTHO Direction
ot nn Important Bank and
Safa Depository.
Walmouth Appointed Pay Di
rector Until Congresp Meets
in December.
Secretary Kant to go on R Tour of
Inspection of the Navy Yards.
National Aaeoelattd Prcii.
WASHINGTON , November U. Presi
dent Arthur will go to Now York to
morrow nnd return the luttor part of
next week. Ho will occupy the White
House about December 1st , Ho hun
selected a room to bo arranged for his
personal use in thu northwest corner
of the second floor cccrosv the hall
from the room in which his lamented
Dredeccssor.lay sulFuring for BO many
weeka. Ho will not go to the Sol-
dior'a houiuixt all thi.s fall.
The follovvint ; appointments were
made by the president to-day : Clif
ford Stratham , postmaster at Lynchburg -
burg , Ya. ; Sydney T. Taylor , chief
engineer of the revenue aurvice ; com-
mixsioncra to examine and report upon
twenty-five miles of railroad con
structed by the Northern Pacific rail
road cjmpany : Henry H. Gorinye ,
of Now York ; Chris. W. Stagle , of
loxra ; Thomas Miner , of Washington
In answer to numerous inquiries re
ceived Treasurer QilGllan to-day issued
the fullowim ; statement of the method
of computing the first dividend of in
terest on continued 0 per cents : In
terest duo November 1st , 1881 , on
funded loan of 1881 , continued at
per cent. , was computed by taking the
full interest for the quarter oudin ?
October 31st , at 3J per cent , and de
ducting therefrom the interest from
August 1st $ o August 12th , 1881 ,
being eleven ; dayn at 3jper.-cent. ,
computed" byTPrico'e interest tfcbles
S65 days to the year , August 12th ,
1881 , being tho' date on which interest
commenced as stated on the face of
the bond ) ) .
Secretary Hunt lias appointed Cap
tain Frances M. llamsey , U. S. N. ,
superintendent of the naval academy
at Annapolis , viao Rear Admiral 0.
R. 1 * . Rogers placed on the retired
list. The scretary also signed the
commissions of the recently appointed
civil engineers in the navy , aa well as
of the oiHcera confirmed by the senate
during the special session. Thu sec
retary goes to New York with Presi
dent Arthur on the limited express
to-morrow. Ho will go thence on a
tour of inspection of the navy pards.
Commissioner Pric-1 , of the interior
department , has received the follow
ing telegram from San Carlos , Ari
zona territory :
"Chief George , with seven men ,
came into the agency yesterday. I ex
amined them lust muht and turned
them over to thn military this morn
ing. ( Signed ) TIFFANY , Agent. "
Pay Director Walmouth , who Jailed
of confirmation as paymaster-general
of the navy , is to bo temporarily As
signed fo the duties of that office until
congress can act on his nomination.
A few months ago the electric light
was introduced into the Philadelphia
postofiice. The bill for October has
jiut bean presented to the poj toflico
department. It shown that in last
October whun gas wim used thu bill
was $1,184 while this month , with the
electric light , the bill is $354 , a net
saving in onu month of $830.
It ifl known to bo fact that Post
master-General James hits gone to
Now York to pertoct arrangements for
HMumiug direction of an important
bank and safe depository under the
patronage of Vandurbilt. Ho expects
to assume the duties of the position aa
coon as possible after congress meeta.
WAHHIXUTON , November 2. The
comptroller cays that thu report of
Bank Examiner Shelby , of Augusta ,
1880 , contained the following para
graph : "I yerifiod the account with
the Mechnnica' National Dank , of
Newark , by obtaining its own balance
and reconciling. " The comptroller
says that if the examiner hud not been
deceived by a forged letter of Bald
win , whicli wan handed to the ex
aminer in the place of thu genuine let
ter of the cuHhier of the bank , in New
York , the onormotm lofaes of the
bank would have been exposed lour-
teen months ago , ut the ditto of the
examination. Ilu also s ya that the
bank examines have always burn in
structed to verify the accounts of cor
respondents , and immediately nfUT
the failure of the Fiwt National Bunk ,
of Newark in June , 1880 , the follow
ing special letter of nifitructioim was
tent to every examiner :
Biro to call your attention to the im
portance of proving the correctness of
the account * of the banks you exam
ino with their corresponding banks ,
and to this end you are instructed to
call for , examine critically , and , eo far
M possible , reconcile the accounts cur
rent in all CASCS , or if it bo found im
possible , to reconcile the accounts as
they probably after will bo. 'You will
satisfy youttolf that the balances
claimed , both debt nnd credit , are sub-
Mantially correct , the means ot doing
which must bo left to your own judg
ment. When the balanced are largo ,
or if you sco any reason to doubt that
they are cornet , you will verify them
by corresponding with the debtor or
creditor banks , as the cnno may re
quire. Very respectfully ,
JOHN G. Kxox , Comptroller.
WAfimmiTOX , November 2. The
comptroller of the currency has ap
pointed Hot ) . Frederick Theodoru
Frelinghtiypeti , oi Newark , receiver
of the broken Aleclunici' National
bank , of Newark , N. J. , and Litin M ,
Price as assintant receiver.
WAHHINOTON , November 2. The
commission of Cliff rd StrAthun as
postmaster of Lynchburg , Va. , vice
Wilson , suspended , WAR sujnrnl by the
president this morning , and will be
forwarded thia afternoon.
T. K. Pickering , executive manager
of the American depirlmnnt of the
Melbourne exposition will makeawar 'B
of medals to succcHnful American ox-
hibitoru in thia city next week.
mania ,
KatlonalAraoclaUx ) I'rcwt.
CHICAOO , November 2. On account
of a risjwrt made to Gov. Cullom by a
committee of the national short horn
breeders association recently held at
Jacksonville , Ills , thu governor has
issued a proclamation setting forth
that contacious plouro-phuumonia ox-
iat in epidemic form in Fuirfioli )
county , Connecticut ; Putnam Went
Chester , Kings and Queuti counties ,
New York ; Lehiuh , 13erkB , Montgom
ery , Philadelphia , Dolawnre , Cheater ,
Lancaster , York , Adams and Cum
berland counties , Pennsylvania ; Ber-
uen , Hudson , Morris , Esnix , Union ,
Somoruot , Huntordnm , Middlesex ,
Mercer , Monmouth , Ocean , Burlington ,
Camden , Gloucester and All-intia
counties , N. J. ; New Cnstlo Dela-
w r , Cecil , Hartford , Baltimore ,
Harvard and Carroll count ieo , Mary
land. The proclamation then goea on
to prohibit the importation of nny
domestic animals of the Bovine speck's
fro 'ii the localities named after the
10th of November , on a fine of not li'
than $1,000 nor more than 810,000 as
provided by law , unless the shipment
ia accompanied by a certificate of
health by a duly authorised veturiA
ary inspector.
The French Guests at Baltimore-
National Associated Frew.
BOSTON , November 2. The French
guests were to-day shown the public
buildings of the city , Thn party un
der the eccort of the national lancers
and first corps of cadets were convoy
ed through the prominent strceta to
the Bunker Hill monument where
they were reeeivod by the monument
association. Hon. Robert C. Win-
throp delivered an aridrosn of welcome ,
after which they wore shown about
the grounds and monument from the
top of which the tri color was dis
played. Returning , the party were
then driven to Harvard college , after
which a vimt was mndo to Washing' '
ton Kim and to Washington ho idquar
tera , and Prof. Lougfollnw'ti homo
whence they returned to Vendome. A
full drem reception WHS given by
Mayor Prince at Vendomo.
Atlanta Exposition.
NaUonal Awvclattxi PreM.
ATLANTA , November 2. The na
tional planters association should have
met hero to-day , but at a late momtmt
the meeting was postponed umil Da-
cember. Hon. Goo. B. Lormg , com-
nu sionor of agriculture , who vrna t >
address the asaociation , came any way
and at noon delivered a lengthy address -
dress at Judges hall , on the exposition
grounds. El ward Atkinson respond
ed to it. To-morro * is manufactur
er's day at the exposition. Edward
Atkinson will deliver an address at
Boiler DxpliMion-
National A-wocUtod Frew.
CINCINNATI , November 2. The
boiler of Samuol. . Johnson's saw mill
at Gurtville , Ky. , explmlbd to-day ,
mortally wounding John T. Johnson ,
Pleasant Hensley , David Hoe < erand
Jas Hall. Four or Cvu others were
badly hurt , but only tha four above
named will certainly die. The prop
erty wo * uninsured , and great excite
ment and distress prevails. David
Hoover haa since diudand others can
not live through the d y.
Tk * . Notorious ; Outlaw-
national Awodated Frew.
MILWAUKKK , November 2. Judge
MjtHory to-duy lignod n order deliv
ering the notorious outlaw , Wm.
Kuhl , alias Lon Williams , to the au
thorities of Popin county , VVii. , and
at noon the prisoner wan spirited away
to that county , and not to Juliet , ai
at first Huppoeed. Tha prisoner's * is-
tera and other relatives hero uro trying
to prove an alibi.
New * .
National AwodttoJ Prms.
SAN FRANCISCO , November 2. The
town marshal and hii aeiintantfl in the
Utu cow-boy fight in Tombstone have
Leon held for murder in § 10,000.
Then > is much difmatisfacfiori ut the
verdict of the coroner's jury. The
cow-bny * are raiding stock ntor Cinnp
Chief George and three of hio band
have surrendered to sub-Agent Hoag ,
National AuwcUted I'rfBii.
WAHIUNUTON , D. 0. , Nov. 2. For
the lake region ; Light rain or BIIOW ,
followed Gy cloiring weather , c..ld
north to went winds , and ihing IIH-
rometer. Fur the upper Misdiasippi
nnd lower Missouri rulleys ; Gen
erally fair wodther , northweat to
southwest winds stationary and light
rise in temperature , and slight , fol
lowed by falling barometer.
The Firat Decision Under the
Irish Land Act'Mado
OonornlSatisfaction Bxpro&sod
nt the Decision of the
1 and Court.
A Big Reduction Madoiulvonta
Moro 1'xpectcd'to '
Efforts to Rovisojtho Anglo-
French Conimoroinl Treaty
a Complete Failure.
Sexton , the Land
Lendur , Reloauod from
Kilmainham Jail.
Ho in Released on Condition that
Ho Iioav B for 1'ranoo.
Katlonal A Mt < l I'mf.
NKW YOHK , November li A cabin
from Castle B'ayney , Ireland , says :
At last , of tor a struggle of tivo yeaiH ,
landlord and tenant linvc coma face to
face before the judges to decide what
was a fair rent. The finit case ex
amined under the land act has just
been decided here. Its results is a
sweeping reduction , amounting nil
together to two pounds , fifteen uliil-
lings in H yearly rental of eight
pounds , nixieen shilling ! ! . Thin is , i
eerious defeat tor tlio lamllord , but. it
in inevitable that the tint decbiim
should involve reductions. This decision -
cision proves Parnell's clevornea ?
and wisdom in the selection for
test cnsert thoHn in which Iho rents
were not exhorbitant but moderate ,
so that the dcision which was at tirnt
real'y ' necessary to the success of the
act would bo a precedent for further
decisions. Two commuisions are setting
ting , but that at Castle Bliigney wan
more important than that at Belfast ,
the latter being concerned with cases
under the Ulster custom , and tha
former being in a district where
smaller holdings prevail , and being
more likely to bring out the charac
teristic features of the land question.
Castle Bluimey ia surrounded by much
wretched land mid minute holdings.
It U the homo of the Molly Muguiren.
The condition imposed upon Mr
Sexton by the government for his release -
lease from KilmHinhanv jail ia that ho
shall go to France. An He has accepted
liberty , he will also accept tha exile. &
The disturbancen at Bell Mullet ,
where the seven hundred farmers last
Saturday resisted the police and eject
ment procefs server and drove them
from the scene , after much tiring on
both sides , still continue. Four of
the peasantry then shot have mice
died , and six more will die from their
wounds. The road toOgden has been
blockaded by the populace to resist the
return of thu noldiers. The bridge
has been destroyed , and nt convenient
places for the mob great piles of pav
ing stone have been collected.
LONDON , November 2. The bank
of England does not hold a single
penny of confederate bonds or money ,
and all storied to the contrary are
gross fabrications.
LONDON , November 2. There is
no lunger any reason to doubt the
utter and complete failure of all thu
negotiations regarding the revision of
the Anglo French commercial treaty.
The eollapso seonm to bo final and
perfect. The English commissioners
had already given their ulti
matum in reply to the
French note of last spring
which broke off the conference nr-
rangomenti > , which were Just on the
point of meeting. The French have
positively refused to concede any pre
liminary , but demand that any com
mission which shall meet shall bo un
hampered by any old obligitions ,
whether by treaty or otherwise. The
French government now formally
announces that no negotiations
can * be based on any such
conditions as thosu laid down
in ' the no-called ntutuu quo
program mo , and they must h wo n new
treator none at all. This brings
about a long dead lock , and indicates
u Btrnng feeling on the part of the
French aga'mit , .framing any new
treaty whatuvur , and a denim to allow
thu old ono to lapse and give Franco
a custom tariff of its own. Such a
tariff would probably bo highly pro
tective and ou many articles prohibi
Qre&t prominence will bo given to
thu Amoriuau flag in the lord mayor's
procession. >
VIHNNA , November 2 Count Von
Sch offer , the present Austrian repre
sentative at the court of the Khedive ,
has been recalled and will he promoted
to an emba ador post at Wttsliinutm ,
The appointment has , it is understood
already been mndo.
DUDMN , November 2 The Imlicu' '
land locguo met in thii city to-duy
without interference from the govern-
munt , Mi H F.miull and Union Tay
lor were the principal ppoftkere. It
was resolved toform a political prison-
era' aid
ST. PKTKIUUJUHO , November 2.
Five cmplojCB of the cznr'n palace at
CJatacliina have bron arrettud for
being engaged in a nihilist plot.
COKHTANTINOI-I.K , November 2.It
U reported that the tribea in Mecca
have risen in iiuurroctiou aud that the
grand ftchirof has proclaimed himself
as caliph and IIM rohuuiod Midlmt
Pa hB.
Thsj Mnxioo Hnrrloiui-
KaUonal AworltUxl TKM
CITV nr MKIICO , November 2.
Further rmticulurs of the Mnnsonnillo
hurricane are to the effect that there
was R strong wind which continued
for twenty-four hours and gradually
incrt'Mod in Htratigth until it blew a
perfect hurricane During the night
the custom houito was completely de
stroyed nnd a number of other housns
were bvlly wrecked , while nearly
every roof in the city was blown oil.
There weio five ships in the horbor
at the time , four of which were ln t.
An Ami'tican steamer of u regular
line , plying between Mexican and
American ports , is overdue and crave
fu.vrs arc cnturtaimnl for her ptifely.
So fur only ono death hits boi-n ro-
FlroAHimOutBoruume Ho Didn't
Natlonnl A < xlatt < 1 1'rc * ' .
CitiCAno , November 2. Recently
Judge Joseph Oavy was nominated by
both dcmocr.Us and republicans for
re-uh'clion to the superior court. Now
it it ) reported that thu democrats will
nubatitute &omu other man because
d\vy refused to pay 81,000 campaign
asacaamoiit. '
Nfttlonol ARfOtUtixl I'rcs
CHIPAOO , November 2. The libel
cnno of Bernard Hecht , who sues The
Tribuiio for $10,000 dnniHgus , cloeud
this afternoon , and the jury was in-
ftructed to bring in a sealed verdict
in the morning.
The Ghootaw * In Council-
National AMoclatud I'rmn.
LITTLE KOCK , Ark. , Novumbur 2.
An Indian territory special Bays that
atiory debate is pro reRning to-day in
the Choctaw council over the bill to
permit a railroad to pass through the
aiida. The bill will probably paen.
A Batoh of News from that Far
Away Country.
National Afwodated I'rwin
PANAMA , Oetobor 2-1 The latest
diitc-3 from Lima are that on the 12th
imtaut the Chilians affected an occu
pation of the town , by unexpectedly
landing a body of troopn at Puqta ,
marched them inland at once and took
HHesHion of the city without firing a
shot. The inhabitants wore rejoiced
ut being iclieved of the heavy tux im
posed by Col. Noorun nnd his associ
Garcio Culderon hcvs ceasud jto have
power in the Chilian lines , but in
likely to retain adherents in the in
terior although ho may not bo able to
visit the country. The troopa in
AroquQpa ! have revolted , and impris
oned Senor Uolar and the chief offi
cers , and declared in favor of Cald-
eron. Pioroln , partiianq declare that
a countor'rovolution must have taken
place ere this , aud that Solar
hm : probably been reinstated. A
probability in that the Chilians
have taken advantage of the situation
and garrisoned the city which is thu
centre of resistance in the south from
which terniB could bo dictated. If
the invaders would establish them
selves in Arcquepa they can control nil
the wealthieut cities in Bolivia. It is
believed by those who profess to
know that the United Status will resist
Chili and support tha provisional
government. Geneva ! Hurlbut'H com
munications have been widely circu
lated and bogua dispatcher threaten
ing Chili published to uomo oflicem.
The Chilian treaty with the Argentine
Ilepublic destroys the hope of Peru's
aasmtanco from thut quarter.
The provisional pTBidont , Garcia
Calderon , was married last Monday.
Moore , United States comiul at Ci l-
loa , h d a quarrel with tliu prefect , .
It was reported to Gen. Hurlbut , and
thchiuh Chilian officials have for
mally explained that no disrespect
was moant.
A body snatching cnso , similar to
A. T. Stewart's , occurred in Monti-
video , but the police captured the en.
tire gang. They demanded § 2,000-
000 in local currency for the budy ot
the woman which had been stolen ,
and in the transfer of the money they
were captured.
Robberies and murdors'are frequent
throughout t is county , especially in
the vicinity of Lima.
The Chilian prosn is urging vigor
ous nu-aiures by the government and
fltamping out of Peruvian resistance
by Htern milittary measures
The Columbia canal employed are
still suffering from yellow f-jver and
sickness gjnorally along thu line of
the canal , especially at Anpinwall.
.Tho canal compiny has received largo
supplies and matprial for hospitals
which will be built at onco. The
company has purchased the Grand
hotel in this city aud will concentrate
all ofiici'H there and furnish quarters
for all employed , and proper food ,
ventilated apartments , < tc.
There is some excitement and indig
nation at the announced intention uf
DeLotsepn to introduce French con
vict htbor from New Caledonia. It is
argued that labor ii cheap and the in
troduction of French convictu would
necessitate French troops to guard
them , uguinst which it in believed Co
lombia would protest and would be
backed by the United Statvs govern
ment which haa repeatedly 'declared
that it would enforce thu Monroe doc-
iSleatnorn arriving from Moxicnn nnd
Cential American pertH report diea-
troUH k'iilun nnd oxtunaivc doatruc ion
of property both on uet ; and liunl ,
San lionita I'H composed of thatched
lioimuH , nearly every oho of whiuh
worn unroofed. Tnu damnge in thu
interior of the country I'H difficult to
estimate , In Cluunpiuco , Giiatamala ,
the American Kchoonor Montana wan
driven ashore a coinplotu wreck. The
crew wai saved. Tlio damaco to the
couat towns and cities in Guatiunnla
ia very yreat , and relief parties have
been organized for the Hufioreru , and
subscriptions Imvo been iuatitutod at
the cauital.
The Southwestern Freight Pool
Association in Session
at Chicago ,
An Effort Bone Mndo t : > Satis
factorily Divide the
The Lake Shore Road to Run a
FaotTrnin Between GhioiRo
and Now York.
Fatal Qunrrol Between Two
Colored Grooms at St.
Joseph , Mo.
60,000 Threo-Cout Stumps
Stolen from the Postofflc
at Kalamnzoo , Mich.
Mlnorllniicotui Tnlofjraph Nows.
National Asxo < latcd 1'refi.
CHICAOO , Novembers. The nouth-
western association on freight pool
continued in session all day. Only
ono of the disturbing questions was
The committee on territorial
Boundaries failed to agree on thu gen
eral question , but reported in favor of
a pool on Colorado business , which
report the association adopted. It
wim agreed that a pool bo made in
about the same territory iw now exiit-
ing , f n ul that the question of addi
tional territory boiigrood upon by the
roiulti interested , the dif.piilifl to bo
Bottled by arbitration.
November 2. - The otl't-
cow of the Luke Shore it Michigan
Southern are arranging the time c.trd
of a now fast twin between New York
and Chiciigo , to commence next Mon-
Any. Dining earn will not bo attached ,
although fitojirt will be mndo for re-
freflimontn. The lime will be twenty-
six honrfl or oven botweuii the
two citiue. Thu Michigan Centvul
folltK are ulno expecting orders any
miiinto to prepare for running a 1'ait
Iniin between Chicago end Now York.
CHICAOO , Novombur 2. The Penn
sylvania railroad people nniort that if
the Yanderbilt lines start u twenty-six
hour train the Pennsylvania new lim
ited oxprosH will be run between Chicago
cage and Now York in twenty-six
hours. It claims to have two IIOIUH
thu shortest Hue.
TOKONTO , November 2. The man
agement of the Midland railroad has
been thoroughly reorganized ilnd is to
be connected with it line of nuw steel
steamers from Chicago and Duluth.
The object of the company in to secure
western freight by way of Port Uopo
to New York.
CHICAUO , November 2 , It is expected -
pectod that at to-dny's mooting of the
Southwestern Pool association the
question of territorial boundaries ,
which IH the principal onu before the
meeting , will bo definitely settled ,
Two proportion looking to a nettle-
ment of thin question has been
adopted. Ono IH that in ro-organizing
the pool thu territorial bounduries
should bo the same OH ut present.
That if nny competitive businuna
should bo carried by linen not
terminal at the four Missouri
river terminal ' point H' , then
similar ] > unineHi carried through
tlnmo points Miall not bo reported by
any of the lines. The second propo
sition ia that the qrops earnings of the
entire business nhould bo pooled and
each road allotted a fixed percentage ,
and that in case of a disagreement tlio
question of per cent bo submitted for
arbitration. Potter , Gault and Tul-
magu a e this morning wrestling with
the question ns to what additional
territory , if any , should be taken in
as n me.tHUro of protection to the in
terests of thu lines now comprising
the pool.
SimKVKronT , La. , November 2.
Tenmco Achille , Bttirlin ' Bun , Hum
phreyHoanley uml Hen BrnNJiiy , four
Ml'grons , have beun convicted ut
Franklin of thu murder of I ) . Lar-
mand , formerly of Kt. Martin parinh ,
in August last , Achillo and Bt'ii wrre
sentenced to bo hung end thu other
two to imprisonment for lifu.
KALAMAZOO , Mich. , November 2.--
When L. H , Kendoll made up his ac
counts yesterday preparatory to turn-
im ; the ofticu ovei to the now post
master it wan discovered that 50,000
three cent stamp * were miesing , There
is no moans of telling when they were
token or by whom.
Sr. JOK. Mo. , November 2. The
fall races began hero to-day on the
fair grounds.
Two colored grooms got inlo a quar
rel and Henry Brown , onu of them ,
Htubbed Duir Hoane , the other , in thu
eye with a pitchfork , inflicting a faUI
wound , lloth men were employees of
Gov. Howie , of Maryland.
CINCINNATI , November 2. J. W.
OJnir , proHL'tutinij attorney of Fnyetto
county , Went Virginia , ln t niqht uhot
dead JamiH Leurs , u negro. Leiirn
wan on n slriki ) at the C.ipolon minen
it ndVIIH under arrubt , having given
nuch troubk' . Ilo attempted to OH-
cnpu nnd wnii Killed by the prosecutor. i
Jlimlnn Afrniil of Trioliott.
NtUonal AbtucuttMl Vruiu.
ToitONTO , Out. , November 2. Thu
mooting between Tijckelt and Jianlan
w A rather stormy one. Triokett
aiked Hanlnn to row him for $2,000 u
ideat Ht. 1/ouis , but the champion r -
fu d point blank to do wo this fall , Uo
said that ho would acrommotlato him
with a race on homo waters. The
latter , after repeatedly a kinq him for
a race , and ns often beintr refused , bc-
came very warm , and made use
of mmto uncomplimenUiv language.
Ho naid that _ ho nnd coino
17,000 miles torecoivnsatLifactionnjid
that Hanlnn wan not the man to give
it to him. Hanlan putn forward as
an OXCUBU that ho hat pnn'.ponod his
race \utlt Hots until nuxt spring , Mid ,
therefore , it would not bo fulr to got
on another race till the preeont ono
WAR oil' . Whun Trickott loft ho did
not deign to bid Hanlan farewell. Ho
leaves for St. Louis in a ftnv days and
will probably return homo to Aim-
trolin next month. Hanlati'ri course
is Hcverely criticised by liii ) friondn in
Xatloual ocl tcxl I'rivw.
Goi.runi'K , (5a. ( , November U * Th'o
stoamur G. ( lunby struck a
rock and sunk ycatetday at Cherry
COLUMMU , S. C. , November 2.
Prof. David Duncan , of Woolford college -
lego , Spartansburg , H. C. , ono of the
most eminent icholurn and widely
known educators in the couth , died
to-dny , ngod ninety.
LnnsviLLK , November ; 3. John
Holcran , a section foreman on the
Louisville , Cincinnati & Lexington
railroad was run over and killed by n
switching 1'iigino to-day.
CoLUMHUH , O. , Novembers. Joeso
Rico WM killed nt the railroad cross
ing at Newark this morning by a Pan
11 audio train.
UUVKALO , N. Y. , November 2.
William H. Gurney , an old and re- '
npectod law partner of Hon. L. L.
Lewis , committed suicide by throwing
himtelf into Buffalo Creek at the foot
of Ferry street about 1 o'clock to-dny.
BROOKLYN , November 2. Dr. Bon-
jnmin Franklin Bocho , great giamlson
of llenjnmin Franklin , and an otlicer
in the United States navy for nearly
sixty yoarfl , died at his rcaidonce in
thin city thin morning at D o'clock af
ter an illne&H of two week ) .
LorisviLl.Bj November 2. MIBS
Alinnio Jenkins , sixteen years old ,
daughter of f5. 11. Juukinn , a respected -
spocted ftirmnrof Fayotto county , Ky. ,
shot heraolf fatally through the heart
to-day. No cause IB known , but is
supposed to bo a love affair.
NKW YOIII : , November 2. During
a drutikonquiirrul thin morning Frank
WuiligtiMii , aged 00 yonrn , WHB ntran-
glod to death with a piece of cloth by
his HOU Henry , aged 22. The parricide -
cido was arrested and locked up , pend
ing thu inquest.
Ono hundred and sixty-sovon Mor
mons arrived horoto-cliy on board the
steamer Wisccmsin. They were from
England , Scotland , Franco , Wales ,
Denmark , Norway and Sweden. They
will settle in Utah.
Wltne * cB for Gaiteaa.
National Annotated Vioa.
CiiiCAoo , November 2. Dr. J. G.
Kiornan , of No. 70 Monroe street. ,
was subpoenaed to-day a.i H witness in
thoGuitcau trial. Jnanintorviuwthu
doctor said : "I know nothing about
tint cum I do not know any of the
piirtioa personally. Nuvor mot any"
of them. I suppose I was nubpo'iiaccl
to givu evidence as an export on a >
hyputheticul c.uo , which will bo pru-
Butitfd bv the counsel. I think
Uuiteau is laboring under a state of
partial itiHiinity , called monomania ,
in which dipcaio tliero are u few
mental niiinifcatiiti/ms , mid thesubjtct
may appear to be wholly insane to
the world around. Persons sviiFering
from thm form of disoaiu urn only
partially responsible , and it IB alwayo'
very diflicuft to miy whuthtr they
Hhould be held reiponeiblo or not fur
any particular net. I think that when ,
as in this cumi , the act was the direct
rcHiilt of tli particular form of the
diaoum ) , they should not. "
"If you do not know any of the
partiea personally , why do you think
you have bcun nelocttd aa a witncsa. "
"I Hupposo it in bi'cnuHo 1 tint ono
of the editors of Thu Chicago Medical
Jtoview , which Im.s always taken thw
ground that fluitean is irrespoiiHiblt ,
and in that opinion it is ( sup
ported by Thu Ohio Medical Journal ,
The St. Louis Record ,
The HoHtonMudiciil Journal , The Lon
don L.uicet and The Journal of Ner
vous and Mental Diai'iues. The dis
ease was first dominated in Germany
in 1870 , and one of the many symp
toms of it was shown to bo u tendency
in the subject to full frequently and
violently in love and to imagine thut
every ladyho met was in love with
him , Mr. J. II. Hill niid he liad not
been Hubpu'tined , but ho had recvivod
a letter from Mr. Kcovijlo asking him
if ho would give evidence hero before
a notary. He said ho would have no
objection to do so , but ho did not
know whet good it would do. He had
never seen Guiteau , though he hud
heard of him from hii friends fre-
juontly , and from their accounts al
ways couniduivd him a poor , cruzy
loon , but ho did not luppose that
would bo taken ua evidence.
National'Awoclated freu.
CHICAGO , November 2. The storm
of yesterday caused a further delay to
trains , especially in the vicinity of the
Missiasippi river. No trains on the
Keokuk & St. Louis road can get into
the former city , the transfer being ef
fected by boat from Ikiena Vislu.
Sl.lOOSDottor Off.
National AwiclattU 1'imt.
CiiArrANOooA , Tenn , November 2.
A month ngo a gentleman liad stored
in a garret several Jiundred thousand
dolluru in Cuiifuderuto bondi , conaid-
cretl utterly worthk'fls. Yegturdny ho
sold 8200,000 worth at Atlanta lor
Italia Navigation Nearly Closed.
National Aiwoclatt'd I'low.
CIIIC-AOO , November 2. The son- '
eon of hike navigation is nearly clofud.
Chicago elevutorsnow contain 12,000-
000 buHhelH of grain &gninBt ' 0,500-
000 buaheln a > cnr ngo at this time ,
and a steamer to-day wa'i engaged to
curry corn to Buffalo for l c per
bushel ,