Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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Hia Loat Experience in thi Lecture -
i turo Field.
Boyton'ii Brother in a British Dnn-
It was the general desire of the citizens
izons of Omaha that Cnjit. ] Joytoi
might bo induced to lecture in Omnlm
while here , nnd TUB KKK roporte
sked liim en SuMday evening if there
was any prospect of his gratifying
their wishes.
"No , " was the reply , "I have quit
the lecture fit-Id entirely after an experience -
porionco I had once down on the Mia-
aissippi. " , .
Very naturally the captain was
wkod what his experience there was ,
and he told it , the facts boinR Rood
enough to go with Mark Twain's adventures -
ventures in the same lino.
Ho was walcinR i trip down
the Father of Watow , nd
left Momphid , ono day , Intend
ing to itirtko an all night
run. As ho passed Helena , Ark. , the
populace turned out on masse to greet
hint , and surrounded him in the water
with a Hoot of small boats , urory
mother's son of them having a flask or
bottle of k'or which they pressed on
him , and were so enthusiastic that
they finally compelled him to land.
Ho had made a long pull , and , being
tired , thought he might ns well stop
over night.
The mayor of the town cumo to him
and wanted him to lecluro at night ,
but the captain rufuiiod on the plea
that ho never lectured.
"Oh , we'll fix all ilut. You just
leave the matter to us , and wo will
got an audience at the opera hotiso
and you can talk to them. "
The navigator wont to bed
and was soon asleep , fnrgotling all
about the lecture which hu had no
thoughts of giving. At 8 o'clock the
mayor woke him , shaking his arm , and
aid : "Come , captain , the house is
full. Wo'vo got it all arMiigod. "
"I can't lecture , " said JJoytonj I'vo
no , cloth on. " Ho' had only his white
flannel 'un'dorclohos , iholowcr garment
coining about to his knees.
' "I'vo fixed that , too , " said the
mayor. "I'll give you my coat
'to wear , and I have Bent the
doctor to borrow n pair of
pants. " After much persuasion the
captain followed him to the opera
house , which was jammed full. The
doctor , however , did not conic , and
the audience howled for the curtain to
go up.
"D n the doctor , " said the mayor ,
in uroatjoorploxity , "What has bu-
como of him. But stay. I have it.
We'll fix you out. So say
ing tlo ) ofllcial got u
tall desk , which ho tut
in the center of the nt.ige. Ho thou
procured a largo curtain , which ho
wrapped about the dusk , so as to con
ceal the lecturer's lower extremities ,
and having dohnod the borroirod coat ,
Puul took his place behind the desk
-and the curtain wont up.
Warming up in the course of his
lecture , from' the hearty ei.thu-
siiwm , 'ivitli which it was
received | ho ) > egun the story of the
fight witli a. tthark ill tho- straits of
MocsiiKi , when ho hail three ribs
'broken. Coming to the crisis of the
ovotit lie forgot himaclf , and as he
wont to niako an emphatic gesture ho
strode out' boldly from the shelter of
the desk
Ho saw a look of great astonishment
on the faces of the uudionco , which
gradually deepened into a broad grin ,
and then went ofT into a perfect roar
of laughter. Glancing down hu real
ized the situation , and with ono grand
bolt shot oft' thostigo and ended his
lecture abruptly.
"That was my last lecture , " Miultlio
captain , "and satisfied mo with the
stage. "
Ho has delivered no other leolnro
on this trip , and it was only after the
utmost urging upon the part of his
friends hero that ho consented to stop
over and give the citizens oftOmnlm a
talk at the Academy last night.
As is known to many , ho
is a brother of the Iloytuii
who is imprisoned in Ireland ,
and in whoso behalf as a citizen of
the United Slates Mr. Blnino declined
to interfere. It is the desire of many
to hoar something of his brother dur
ing the lecture , and the captain will
no doubt gratify the wish.
The Chicago Roads Makinc
Changes in Their
The now Chicago and Denver , 01
raora properly , Omaha and Donvei
fast express train is causing the rail
roads between this city and Chicugi.
to make changes in their running
time which will work equally to the
advantage of local us througl1
travel. The first road to announce
the changes in the now time schedule
is the Chicago & Hock Island. The
train which will conned with the Den
ver express will leave Chicago nt 0lt :
p. m. , and arrive hero u (
7:00 : p. m. , Chicago time , which
will make the lime of its
arrival by Omuha time , (127 ; p. m
The morning train cast will not leave
the transfer depot until 8:4'J : a. in. ,
Omaha'limo , which will allow a con
iioctiun with the Denver express , ant
will urrivo in Chicago by the time o
that city , 7:25 : * a. m. , the following
< lay.Joth
] Joth the 0. , B. it Q. and North-
wcatern roads will probably follow
this change in timo. The advuntagi
to Omaha passengers will bo fastc
time to Chicago and also convenience
in the time of leaving this city in the
morning , as it will bo no longer nccos
aary to catch the 0 o'clock trnnsfo
Off for a Trip-
General Agent Davenport , of the 0
J ) . & Q. and Kansas City roads , lef
yoitorday for the West on an extended
tended trip through Montana , fdah
and Utah , Ho is accompanied b v Mar
Morton , the traveling agent of the C.
I ) . & Q , Mr. Davenport will con
bine business frith pleasure and wil
bo absent about a month. IHu rcccn
promotion to the General Agency o
the 0. , . ifc Q. and K. C , , and St.
Jo < t C. JJ. roads at ( his point demon
strated the faithfulness with which his
ardous duties havn been performed ,
and his nrosont vacation is ono nobly
deserved. During Mr. D.tvenport's
alwonco the local agent , L. M. Kmte ,
will nMUino the general aqont s duties.
And while the subject is in mind , have
Lho much trnvnlint : cilixons of Omaha
and Nobnuiku over stopped to think
Jiat hero , at this western terminus of
ho great oastoin loads , are located
'our ol the boot railroad men
n the country ? It would bo
( difficult task indeodto find elsewhere
ir any where four such capable , judi
cious , and withal accommodating nnd
'onial ' gentlemen im are Davtnportof
'ho C. , J3. A Q. and K. 0. Bt. Joe it
C. 11. | Clark , of the Northwestern ;
Stephens , of the lUick Inland ; and
Gault of the "Cannon Mall , " or Wa-
baihlino. They are " 4 of a kind"
who can't bo buatcn.
Discussed and Answered at the
Christian Ohuroh Sun
day Night.
The announcement that the pastor
of the Christian church would answer
the following questions at his church
Sunday night , drew alnrqo and deeply
interested audience , tbo house being
filled to its utmost capacity. By the
request of many who listened to'tho
sermon , the following extract is pub
liahoJ :
The questions were :
1. What 1 a change of heart ?
2. How can the Dinner cnmo to Chriot ?
8. Wlut in the difference between tlif
napticm of the Holy Spirit and the Olft
of the Holy Spirit ?
Only the first two questions were
answered , the last being laid over until
The speaker raid : "Inasmuch as
the questions related to man's salva
tion , they could only bo answered out
of God's Word.
The first atop in answer t * the first
question 18 to dotarmino what is meant
by the heart in the Bible. Thia can
bo done by grouping together ttho
scriptures referring to the heart of
man.From these wo learn that the heart
embraces :
1. The i nilervtnnding Matt. 13:15. :
2. The UeiiHoninj. IWern M rlc 2:0-8. :
3. The Kmotiunal Nature John 10:0-2:2 : : ,
and Act * 2:20. :
4. The Will Acts 7:51. :
0 The Affections Matt. 0:20-21. :
( i. The Memory Lute 1:1,0. :
7. The Imiigiufttlon Luke 1:51 : and
2:10. : '
To purify the heart is to purify the
understanding , IOIIKOM , emotion , will ,
affection , memory mid imagination of
man. This change is biought about
by God liimsolf. But God does not
bring his power to bear upon the heart
of man direct , but has ordained the
go'spol unto Halyution.
Hero Bom. i , 10 , was introduced ,
and'it was shown that jho gospel was
designed to enlighten the mind , subdue -
duo the will , win the affections , pro
duce joy and happiness , store the
memory v/jth useful knowledge , aud
purify the iiunxination oi man.s * .
to Christ.'was * then taken up , and
occupied the ovuning. It was shown
by reference to John C ; 44 , that no
man can como to Christ except the
father draw him , and it was proven
by the 45 verso that God draws monte
to Chrsit by His word , by what men
hoar and learn of the father. Refer
ence was also made to John 12 ; 32 , to
show that God drew men to Him.and
to Christ by the death of Ilia son , on
the cross.
The death of Jesus being understood
and believed , wins the love of the Bin-
tier , and this is i no very important
step towards coming to Clnist. But
it was claimed that the sinner might
hear this pathetic story of Christ's
sull'oring and believe it mid love Christ
and yet not bo in Christ , posses
sion of his covenanted blessings.
To support this position reference
was inado to Acts ii , ! 17 , 88. It was
taught that the persons asking the
question "What must wo do ? "
having heard the Gospel , believed -
liovod it , and were in love with
Jesus , but had not yet
attained t9 the blessings of the Gos <
ol , anl wh'on they cried to the Apostles
tles of Christ for the instructions as
o their duty , the answer was : "lie
> ont and bo baptUod every ono of you
n the name of' Jesus Christ for the
remission of Bins , and you shall receive
coivo the Holy Ghost. " From all
his , the conclusion was reached that
o como to Christ , the sinner must :
1 , Henri hriot.
2. Itcllcvo In Him.
1. Itcpont of hi < hins.
4 , II * IwptUwl relying entirely upon
ho death , the blood of Joiuu Christ , for
Itotn. 0 : 11 , was rend , as cwrroboratlni ;
hu above view.
During the services Mr. MoGruna
lian came in with his aids' ' and eanij
"Yo Must Bo Bom Again ! " to the
; nmt delight of the audience.
At the close of the sorvioon ono
young man presented liimsolf for
membership in the church and will bo
Immersed next Wednesday night.
The teaching of .Mr. Whittle was
spoken of in terms of highest com
mendation ,
- '
Bricklayer1 * Benefit Ball.
The benefit bull given by the Brick
layer's Association last night in Cent
ral Hall was a very enjoyable and sue
cosKful occasion , About seventy-five
couples were present , which ropros
oatod only about half the ntim
bor of , tickets sold , The Irvine
orchestra furnished the music. Sun
per wad nerved at eleven o'clock
after which the prize waltzing contcs
took place. Mra , Samuel Walker wa
declui ed the best lady waltxor com
poting. The prize was a very hand
Homo toilet Bet in a velvet case
OhailcH Willis received' ' the priso a
gold pin for soiling the greatest num
bi r of tickets.
Mirablle Dlotu-
"Your Bnrlnp hlonaom Is a * ucce > ui. '
ceitulnly tlifnlc ita ctfecU uro woiulerfu !
all the Jynieiitlo | nyiiii > toma I ciui ) | > luiuo <
of Imvu vftiiloho ( | ; my wifut \ uUo entlmal
iibtlc tn prnUe of it ; uhu wai diitliguriH
l y blotchfH and iilinplts on bur face , itm
liad a contlmiDiis headache. Hliu U a
tijht now , ami all unsightly erupt cm
h vii ( { one. You iiiny refer any dtuibtiiii
tiartlM to me , II. il , WILLIAMUOX ,
" , "Klk Btrcot , Uuiralo. "
Price , M ) tCMitu ! trial bottle , 10 cents.
A Goodly List , in Prospect for
the Next Ton Days.
Thora will bo no lack of amusements
for the coming week or ten days. To
night will open the list , at the Acade
my of Music , whore Capt. Paul Boy-
ton , the intreped navigator and fearless -
loss commander of the torpedo
aorvico in the Into Peruvian war
will glvo ono of his entertaining lec
tures. Ho docs thin at the general
request of the citizonB of Omaha ,
and it will bo the first lecture given
on his YollowHtono-Missouri voyage.
Ho had intended to leave at noon to
day , but wan so pressed to stay that
ho finally contented. Popular prices
of admission will bo charged.
This talented actress , whosupportcd
the great Italian tragedian , Salvini ,
lost season , in now Htarring , and is
mooting with unprecedented nuccoss.
iho appears at the Academy of Music
morrow , Wednesday , ovonitu ; , nup-
wrtod by a good company , in "Tho
/ountoiB , " for which reserved scats
ro 't/n / sale at Kdholm & Ericknon's
owelry ntorc.
On Thursday night the Omaha
Cither club ytvos a grand contort at
Joyd's opor. % house , the rtttractiona
Iforod being ot an unusually fine na-
uro. The house will , no doubt , bo
rowded , the club being very popular ,
ne well as way up musicians.
On Friday and Saturday evenings ,
'fovombor ' 4th and Oth , Anthony , El-
is it Hathaway's consolidated oggro-
; ation of the four best hall shows in
ho country Havel's Humpty Dumpy -
y pantomime company , Miaco's dou-
> lo specialty company , Parker Iloss *
ntornational dog school and Tony
Manning's famous military band and
'rof. ' orchestra will
Gray's opera ap-
> car at Boyd'a opera houso.
Next Tuesday and Wednesday ovon-
ngs , November 8th and Oth , the Oma-
m Harmonic club give "The Chimes
of No'rmandy" at "Boyd's opera
louao. Their first rehearsal in the
pora houoo was hold last night. 'Tho '
) ox sheet , for the ealo of reserved ,
will bo opened at 9 a. m. , Thursday ,
t the opera house.
On Thursday , Norombor 10th ,
laverly'n Now Mastodon minstrels
will open out at the Boyd in nil their
vorshadowing yastncss.
On the llth and 12th Collier's
'Banker's Daughter" will boat Boyd's.
? hia will draw big beyond all doubt.
Get Oat Door * .
The close confinement of nil , factory
work , gives the operative pallid faces ,
) oor appetite , languid , miserable feel-
ngB , poor blood , inactive liver , kid-
oys and urinary troubles , and all the
mysicians and medicine in the world
innot help them unless thpy got out
I doors or use Hop Bitters , , thoU
) U est and best remedy , especially for
inch cases , having abundance ofhoalth ,
uiishino and rosy cheeks in them.
'lioy cost ibut u'trillo. See another
olumn. Christian Itecorder. nov 15
Rodlitratlon Notice.
Notice is hereby given to the dec
ors of the Sixth ward that I will sit
t my drug store , No. 2022 Cumincj
treet , on Monday , October the Hist ,
nd Tuesday , Wednesday and Thurs-
ay of November 1st , 2d and 3d ,
881 , for the purpose of registering
10 electors of said ward.
In witness whereof I hereunto sot
ly hand this 20th day of October
881. C. C. FIKI.D ,
Registrar Sixth Ward.
fou are nick ; well , there ! A met one romc-
y that will cum you beyond poHnibility or
oulit. If it'n Liver or Kidney trouble ,
/niiHiimpUnn , DvHpejMta. Debility.
" 'Well's Huftlth llcnewer" IH your hope.
1. Druggut Depot , C. Y , Goodman ,
.hnalia. (4) ( )
RoKlitratlon Notice.
Notice iu hereby given to the oloc-
ors of the Fifth ward that I will mt
n the U. P. Bakery on Sixteenth
atroet , bo ween California and Web-
ator , on October 31st , and , Tuesday ,
iVcdncsday and Thursday , November
.ot , SM and 3d , 1881 , for the jnirpose
of registering the electors of said ward.
In witnosa whereof I hereunto sot
ny hand this 19th day f October , A.
D. , 1881. S. WAKXFIHU ) ,
olO-lt Registrar , Fifth ward.
Realitratiou Notice.
Notice is hereby given to the oloc-
era of the Fourth ward , that I will
sib in the store of E. Wynmn , Fif
teenth street , three doors south of
ho poslotlice , on Mondny , October
flnt , and Tuesday , Wednesday and
Thursday , November 1st , 2d and 3d ,
1881 , for the purpose of registering
ho oloctora of said ward.
In witness whereof I hereunto sot
my hand this , 18th day of October ,
A. D. , 1881. JOHN S. Woon ,
oc 118d till nov3 Registrar.
OMAHA , Neb. , Oct. 18 , 1881.
RenUtration Notice.
Notice is hereby given to the oloc-
torn of the First Ward of the city ol
Omaha that I will ait at my oflico , 51- !
South Tenth street , October 24 , 2f > ,
20. 27 , 28 , 2 ! ) and 31 , and Novombei
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and fj , for the purpose ol
registering the electors of oaid ward.
In witness whereof I have hereunto
act my hrnd this , 21st dayof October ,
1881. E. M. STKMIIKUCI ,
Registrar Firt Ward.
Lovejoy sells the light running Do
mostio and takes pleasure in uuaran
teeing it. Call at Domestic ollico am
oxatuino it. 1005 , IGth street. ' Nl-Ot
WANTKD , A few more good active
reliable purchasing amenta to sell the
li.'jht running Domestic Bowing ma
chino. For terms address , W , D
Womack , nonoral traveling agent
Omaha , Nebraska. Nltf.
Children's school lioso at Kurtz's.
B unlock
ltr . J. O. IlobcrUion , rittobunr. Pa. , wrltci : "I
WM mifTerlncfroni [ fcncral debility , want of o ] > -
ictlto , cnmtlrntlon , etc. , no llmt Ufa IM ft bur
den ; after mini ? DurJock IHooJ Dlttere I felt bet-
or thun fnrjc rj. I cannot jiraljo j-our IJItton
,00 , much. "
Il.Olubi , of nuff to , N. Y. , wrlt ! "Vonr
turdock Illc < nittern , In chronic dl f icsof the
> lood , liter -J kldneyn , hare btcn eitrnally
markctl with miccoK. Ihavo UMM ! them uiycff
with bent rwului , for torpidity of the Ih or. ndln
riueof A friend of mlno luflarlng from drornjr ,
ho effect n rv lout. "
. . ' , N. Y.h rlt
> oen mihjtct to ttrtoun dlnorder ol the kidneys ,
anil unnble to attend to biulnem ; Uurdock Blood
llttorn rele ! * cd mo bfforo half n bottle wagoned ,
feel confident that they will entirely cure ma. "
K Anonlth Halt , Blnghampion , K. T. , write * :
'I suffered with a dnll p ln through mr 'eft '
unif and ihouldcr. I < o l tny spirit * , appetite
> nd color , and could with difficulty keep up all
day. Took jour Uurdock Illood Hitters an di
rected , and ha\o fc.t no rnlo since Brit week at-
or u lns thorn , "
Mr. Noah Haiti , Elmlra , N. T.'writes : "Abon *
our > car * ! fO I hail an attack ol bilious fever , and
ncvor fully recovered. My dlywtlvo organi
were weakened , and I would be completely prof-
rated for ( Uys. After utln ; two tiottlcn of your
Uurdock I'lood Hitters the Improvement wag no
rlrlbla that I u&i astonhhcd. I can now. though
01 yoari ol ago , do n ( air and reasonable day'a
C. Dlackot noMnnon , proprietor of The Canada
' Toronto ( Int. writes "
'raibytcrlan , , , : "Korycarii
' . Buffvrul rreatly from oft-recurring headache. I
used jourllurdock Dlood Illttcnwith happleot
rrmilt , and t now' ' find myelf In better health
.nan Jar yean past. "
Mrs. WalUco , nuffalo , N , Y , wrUes : ' ! have
iMxl Ilunlock Iltood Ilittera fcr norv oun and bil
ious headaches , and can recommend it to anyone
for bllllausnciM. " i
Mrs. Ira Mulholland | , Al1 > iiny , N. Y , wrltetr
'For several yean 1 hove Buffered from oft-recur-j
rinjf bllllous headaches ; dyspojvria , and eom- {
ilalntfl peculiar to tny lex. Since urine your ,
iurdocx. Blood Bitten I am ontlrelv relieved. "
Tics , 1.00 per Bottle ; Trial Dottle * 10 CU
FOSTER , MILBUBN , & Oo , ; Props ,
Sold t wholwale by lib t McMAhon and C. F.I
Good num. Je 27 od-me
One of the Reasonable Pleasures
Of life , n proiicrly cookctl meat , nfTordfi little or
10 present cnjincnt , and inu " > subsequent tor-
tire to a confirmed d } pcptc. ! But when chronic
migration la comliftttcd w Ith Tontclter's s omach
lltti'M , the food is cn'fii M 1th rclla'i , ami most
iiiortnnt ) | of nil , In IM initiated I > y nnil mmrixhos
novjtUmi. UHO thi * nr.vul tnnic end corrccthe
al o to remedy ( onitlpitNn , billuu ncsj , rhcu-
na IHIII , ( e-i r mil nine.
Formic by Ml Orucgijtsand Do k'ra generally.
Corner 10th and Howard
Streets ,
, Two Dollars Per Bay ,
. . ,
Cambridge , Neb.
1,000,000 BOTOR Kovcmmont land open to Home-
tuttli. l'ro-en iJoii nd Tlmbiir clalnu. 200
Cliolccl mprovoil Unliju for wile or exchange. 200
ol the tiwt ilculixl Mrina In Southwuuh. rn Nobru-
k w 1th tlnilicr ami water for Us. A few choice
stock runchui wllli le'icud HcM , timber , hny and
water , for Mle. ohuip. CorrrapouJcnco HolldUxl ,
In the matter of the Estate ot James K. leh ,
Notlco Is hereby f\vcn \ that the creditors ol
mid deceased , will meet the ailmlnlstrlx > > ( wld
Kjj ( > to. Uiilora me , County Judge of Uouglat
County , NcbraiVa , nt the County Court Koom
In mid County , on the Oth dayof Iceombi < r,18811
on the I'.lh day o ( Kvbrunrv , 1S82 , and on the Oth
day ol April , ' 13S2 , nt 10 o'clock n. in. run day ,
for the pnri > ese ol iirewntlnt ; tlivlr claims lorux-
amlnatlaii , adjustinunt and allow ani'o , Six
luonti aru allowed for creditor ) to present their
claim , nnil 0110 joar for the tulmltilatratrlx to
iwttlo mid estate , from thii ( Jth day of October ,
IbSl , tlili notice lll be iniMUlii'U In Tim ONDU
WKKKLT UKK for four HcckgHiu-cesslicly , prior to
the cth day of December , 1S81.
IA truu copy. ) A , 11. QIIADWICK ,
County Judge :
Clarkson & . Hunt ,
Surcoevr * tn Illcharda & Hunt ,
81 MthBtrf't Om hn Nub ,
OADFiri n Ai'tnt4 wantcil ( or Ufa o
uAKrlfcLU I'rcMJenl ( lartlolJ. A com
pltte , faithful hUtory fromcradlo to crave , by
the eminent blograpocr , Col. Conucll. Hookt
all ready for doln cry. An vlvgintly Illustrated
volume. Kndorncd edition. Liberal terms.
Agents take orjvrs for from SO to W copies dally
OuUvlls any other book ten toone. Aircntsiic\c
rondo money BO fast , The book sells lUclf. bx
( icrleiicoiiotnete'toary. Failure unknown. Al
make Immenio proHtM. I'rh ate terms frco.
ocOdiwlm 1'ortland , Malno.
Ornci-Front Koomi ( uu bt lre ) In Hantpom'
n 'w ' trliW liulttllni ; , N. W. ucrtmr Fltctuth od
aruhiui Stroctu.
1422 Douelas St. , 6th.
Before removing to
the i r n e w
Will toll their stock ol
At Greatly Reduced Pricea.
Professor Fiahcr , ( from St. Louis ) Dancing Ac
ademy , Standard Ifall , cor. Fifteenth and Porn-
am , Tuesday evening , September 6th.
Clauses for Uulles ami < ! cntlcmcucoranicncl.l
'uestlay t\cnltij { Htit > 'i > ibcr Oth ; clawcsHlor
IltBea and Muster * , conmn nuing Saturday after-
0011 at 4 o'clock. I'l c-i 4 for Kamllicn , will bo
rnuiKCil to milt tliu hnnornblo patrons. Also
iillet dancln ? cnn be Un lit.
Terras liberal , mid pet fix ) satisfaction to schol
ars guaranteed. I'rl ali > instructions wll Mgir-
n attho Dincinu ALiJcmy or it the "wlilenco
if the patron i.
i'rirato ordcn oj oo left atM > Weyer &
nro's igSO-tf
Commission Merchants.
'or the ralo of I'arm Produce ; I'otutocs Poultry ,
Butter , Kgss received and BO d on
Coah advance * made on consignment * .
Warehouse and Store , 1413 Dodge Street ,
Omaha , Neb. n/Hton30
H a n d s o mest
For Sale by
621 South Tenth St.
A Sure Cure Found at Last !
No One Need Suffer !
Asurocnro for llllnd , llleedinir. Itclilnp and
Ulcerated 1'llei bu bcon dlncmcred by Dr. Wil
liam , ( an Indian remedy , ) tilled Dr. William's
Indian Ointment. A slnglo box hu cured the
worst chronic tasm of 25 or 80) can nUndlnx. No
one nowl suffer Ih onilimti'Jt alter appl > Inu this
uondcrful noothlnf metllilne. Ix > tlons , Instru
ments and electuaries do more harm than K001' .
Wllllam'a Ointment auDorbt the tumora , allaji
the Intense Itching ; ( tartlculaaly at night alter
wanu In btxlactd an a poultice , given In
tant and mlnlc&i relief , and liprcjiarcd only for
Plies , Itcliini ; of thoprUatuparU , and for noth
ing euo.
Head what thollon J. M. Cffflnbcrry of Cle\e
Und nay" about Dr. William's Indian I'lle Oint
ment : 1 ha\e used kcorca ol I'lle * euro * , and II
aOonH me p ensure to my that I hav no or fount
n ) thlnx w utvli > ra > ° kl" ' lmino''late and pcrnia
ncut icllcl as Dr.Vt ! lam' * Indian Ointment
For tulu by all ilruv'trUtu or mailed on receipt oi
price , * I 00.
HENRY & CO. , Prop'ru. ,
Tor taloby 0. F.
OctlWwd&weowl )
Gent's Furnishing Goods ,
H. M. & M. PEAVY , Proprietors ,
1309 Farnham Street , OMAHA , NEB.
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sis , ,
Double Strength White Lime
Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,
Thirteenth and California Streets , OMAHA , - - - NEB
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
1304 : Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. oc4.m .ir
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.
O1MCV& .
The only exclusive wholesale house m thia the west.
. O.
1213 FarnhEtrrSt. . Omaha , Neb.
We desire to call the special attention ot the trade to oui
elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan
Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalla
Hosiery , & open. Wholesale only.
Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts.
ni * *
CL r
The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug1 House in Nebraska
Jv 18-me
Commissson Merchants ,
1121 Parnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
Consljrnmenta . , made ut will receive prompt attention. . , Referenced : State Baiik , Omaha ; Platl
& Co. lliltlrnore ; Peck 4 Banshor , ChlcacoJ ' w .u t o Cincinnati.
Special Attention
Is Once More Called to the Fact that
Bank foremost in the West in Asso rtment and
Prices of
Furnishing Goods
Hats and Caps.
Wo aro'propnred to meet the demands of the trade in regard to Latest Styloe
and Patterns. Fine Merchant Tiiilorhij ; in Connection
1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th St.