WP I * PHE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ELEVENTH YEAR. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING , NOVEMBERS , 1881 , NO. 113 124 Houses LOTS For Sale By . FIFTEENTH AND DOUQLAS STS , , No. 1 , Newhouio , 7 roomi , OH Cumlnir tlrcct No. 2. 2 tTjr house , B room * , well , cliternuid brn , Wtbtter , ne rl.th . tnitt , H)0. Na 3 , House ot 10 room * , on llnrnty , near h rtrcot , fltonr founditlon , (4000. No. 4 , Lareahouto ol U roorm , on Webster trtroct , ne&r Orelxhton Colics * , V3600. No. 6. II 'Use of 7 rooms , on Cau , n ar 17th rtroct , $1hOO. No. 7 , Homo of B room * , 3 lota , on 17th ttrtct near Itard , $3 00. No B , Homo of roomn , on Can , nwr llth , 2xlR2 fee lot , (1300. No. & , Houna of 8 rooms , kitchen , etc. , or Cux , near 13th > t eet , < 00. No. 10 , llouno of 3 room * with lot 22x132 feet , on Coil , near lUh itroct,9900. No. 11 , llouso of 6 roe ns , on 10th street , near Doul& < , 44x06 feet lot , $4000. No. 12 , Ho iBeof 6 rooms , brck foundation , on Ilarney , near 27th fctrcet. $1000. - No 13 , 1 utory new house of 6 rooms , brick foundation , on tit. Mary's tt\cnue , near convene , 1160. No. 14 , House of 6 room ? and summer kitchen , on 20th etreot , near dark , $2600. No. 15 , House of 8 rooms , on Sherman ntenuo (16th street ) near Nicholas , K2&0 No. ill , l 4 ttory liouiu ot 4 rooms , cellar , stable , etc. , on Daven ort , near 22 lHtroct , 81DOO , No. 17 , i- tory brick houoe of 8 roomu , near enJ ot rcu street car turn table , fJM. No. IS. Houau and i lota , 4 block * woet of High Bchool , S2.TOO. No. 19 , uouse and 3 lots on road to park , near head St. Mary' * a\cnue. $3300. No. 'JO. House and lliloUneJrHascftH's.South .Omaha. $2500. No. 21 , House and lot on Davcnp irt ttrcut , near IDtli Ktroct , $5500. No. 22 , 2-iit ry house and 1 t 32\00 feet , on Dar niort. near 12th street , 81300. No. ZJ , House of 4 roams and i lotion 17th trcot , near Izard , $ i200 , No. 25 , House and i lot on 10th ttrcot , t ear Dodge , WM. No. 8 , Ilnunc ami 1 lot ou 10th street , near Cau tel avenue , I14W . ' N . fl , 2 houses and lot 03 Jackson , near 13th trit. 4300. No , 29 , 6 hou ca and 1 lot on California , near Sth street , iOOO. Nu. 30 , 1J. story brink houie of 4 rooms with lot OOxSMfeet , onShtrman avenua (10th iitrcot ) , near Itard , $30i . No. 31 , IJ-ntory house and 33x66 feet , on 13th Ireect , near Howard strtet , $ 2000. No 32 , ' . .Btory houw of 6 rooms and two loin On Huson , n ar lith street , $3000. N ° | J& , LarKe house a d full lot on Caplto venue , near 13th street , SSiTO. No. 30 , 2 three story brick houses wi lot 44x IBfoct , on Clilcairo. near 18th street , K 0 oach. o. 37 , House of 7 rooms with 11 lot 1'aul ttmtt , near 18th street , 827 W. No 34 , Housa and lot on 18th etreet , near Sherman , S1860. ' No. 39 , House of 5 rooms with 44x60 feet lot , . on 16th street , near California , * 2 W No. 42 , HouKCof 8 rooms with lot 1KK1&0 feet , on Coburn. near Colfax street , 8J5CO. No. 43 , House and 2 lots on Chicago , near 20th ( trort , $70JJ. No. 45 , Larpre ho'ino of 7 rooms , closets pantry , well and chttni , on IStli , ntor Clark street , 93500 No. 4 , Lar e housu with full block , ntur new hottower , * 2000. No. 47 llousu ot 9 roinu with i lot , on Pacific , near llth street $3000. No. 49 , llrick house of 11 rooms , well , e'stom , CM thr lUK'.out ' the house , good born , etc. , on Farnham , near 17th street , toOOO. No to , Homo of 6 roomx , collar , well , etc. , on 18th , near I'aul street , $ OOiX > . No. 63 , House of 6 rooms and cellar , lotS3il32 , off St. Mury'natenuc , near convent , $1600. No. OS , rour hou-m and 83x120 feet , on Daven port , near 10th street , SiOOO. No. M ) , Hou o of 9 or 10 rooms , on California , OB r 21st i trit , 1 5500. No. 67 , House ot 6 rooms , summer kitchen , cellar , clatcn , ell , g od barn , etc. , near St. Mary avenue nnd 21st street , 93000. No. 3 , New house of 7 rooms , good barn , on Webster , near 22d street. 2600. No. 69 , Kour housea wltb ) lot , on 12th street , nearCass 62&00. No. ' , llouno of 3 room on Davenport , near t3rd street , 9900. No. 61 , Housa of 0 or 10 rooms , on Hurt street , ear 22nd street , 85000. No. 02 , House of 4 rooms , 1 story , porch , cel lar. cistern and well , on Homey , near 21st street , 1760. No. 03 , House of 4 roTni , closets , basement Mid cellar , near WUlUi Uad Works , tlCOO. ro. . 64 , Hulldlntr on leaned lot , on Dodif u street , oar post office , ( tore below and r-oin < alxnu , two No. 66 , 3 lots with born and other Improve ments , ncur street car turn table , fJOOO. No. ; , New hou of 6 rooms on 17th , near Cumlnir street , f 1000. No. 09 , Larjja nne house of 12 rooms , otrj- thlnx complete , o i 18th , near Chicago , WOOD. No. 70 , House on 18th street , near Davenport , ttoru below and rooms above , him , etc. , (16CO. No 71 , House of 8 rooms , line cellar , all complete plote , on California , near 21st , 7000. No. 72 , Ilrlck house , 10 or 11 rooms , on Daven port , near 16th $ U > 0. No. 73 , IJ-f tory hout-o , 6 rooms , cellar , w.l and el-Urn , on Jackson , near 12th , 1 1800. No. 74 , Ilrlck homa with 2 lots , fruit trees , etc. , on 16th , near Capitol avenue , 916,000. No. 76 , Houw of 4 room , burment , lot 17Jx 132 fett , on Matey , near 7th , $ C7i. No. 76 , 1 J-etory house , broom * , on Ous street , oiariethstreot , 4&00. No. 77 , 2-story house , 11 rooms , closets , fur- race , fruit trten. barn , tt < ; . , en Xarnhiiro , no r IStli ( .trust , 8000. No , 81 , 2 houiod with 9 rooms , and other with 6 rooms , on Chicago , ne r ISth street , 13000. No. 82 , li story bouso , 6 rooms , 4 closets , well an > ) 100 barrel cistern K0 ° d bain , on Fierce Ht. , uear 0th ( near new government corrall ) , 11800. Vo 83 , 2 story house , D rooms , eoaUhixl , jood well , el-Urn , on ) lot , on Capitol avenue , nco No. 81 , z'-story house , 8 rooms , 4 below hnd 4 boie , Sclobets , co'lar , wetland cistern , with It er i ground , on SaunderssUett , near Uarnt.Ls , 600. No. 86 , 2 stores , houio on leased } lot , leae runs 2 yean from April 1st , IbSl , on I' clMc ill. , near U , 1' . depot , * aOO No B6 , IIousv , 16 room , well , cistern , etc. , near 15th and Ilarney street , )000 No. 7 , 2 story house , 3 rooms , well null 40 feet ol water , with 6 Bcrtsol mutid , on KaunderH strett , near IJ H. lla-mclis , * 2000. No. 8a , large liouio ot 10 roonn , well , clatorn , fcirn , etc. , on Coij street , near 21tt , J7000. No. k9 , l.ar o house. 10 or 12 rooms , on Wob. Btrr stiett , near lUtli , J7600. No. DO , iarnra outeand beiullful comer lot , near Jlodge anil 17th sticeti , * IOOO. No. 91 , 1 story bouse , 0 roouu , etc. , on tarn bain , near 10th strett , $1600 , . F. BEfflS' Real Estate Exchange 15th and Dongl MI Ft root. WASHINGTON NEWS , Several Witnesses Summoned foi | the Buiteau Trial , * The Public Debt Inoreaslnt According to the October Statement. I Appointment of a Successor tc French , Commissioner of Railroad & ccounts , Windom Leaves for Now Yorh \9 9Folgor to Take Ohargo on the 12th. A Medical Journal's Opinion oJ the Treatment of the I r- . * Late President. MiioeUanaoni Washington Intel. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. National Anoclatod Vint. KXCfeKbED JIIH INSTRUCTIONS. WASHINGTON , Novumbpr 1. There in little doubt but that Minister Ilurl- bub'fiomewhat exceeded his instruc tions when ho Raid that the United States would support any particulai Peruvian government , but will proba bly bo lightly censured if at all. Hi WM simply over zealous. Blaino'i idea is to have Europeans and Ameri- cons understand that the United States as the'stronirftst republic on the west ern continunt , proposes to protecl weaker republics , and such wuro the tenor of the instructions given Hurl- but and Kilpatrick. * WILL HOT , APPOINT A KECBIVBR AT ; " ' ' PUiWKNT. Comptroller Knox says ho will not appoint a receiver for the Mechanics National bank , of Newark , until bo has received the report from the Ex aminer , which will not ba until to morrow. * WITNESSES roil GUITEAU. WASHINGTON , November1 1. Mr. Scoviile , counsel for Guiteau , over the rocejit order of the court allowing him to summon twenty witnesses at the government's expense , this morn ing had the clerk of the criminal court Bubpcena the following persons : Airs. Auguita Parker , James Kyrnan , Geo. T. Burroughs , Francis JI. Scovillo and J. LewisJ Lee , all"of Chicago cage ; J. Jptlyn , of fhe Oneida com munity , NY. ; Emmett O. Foss , of Dover , KH. . ; John A. Rice , of Mor ton , } Vfctf J3t,0Spiteka'ofNewYorkj A. Bi Af matrons : , \ViiliamspdrtPa. . ; ITEMS FROM ICELAND. The navy department has advices from the Alliance that she reached Reek Javok , Iceland , on October 10tl > . All are well. She ia waking a thorough search fur the Joannettc , giving a full description'to all vessels mot and throwinc overboard , the ves sels position iu sealed battles. The Reek Javek authoritiei'rcport that a largo mast , copper studded , was found an shore last Juno. This will be : losely examined for iduntification Hid a report made to the Danish min ister at Washington. Information was also sent that the ship JamCB < town , loaded with limber , was beached ncur Capo Reikunuo on the 2Cth of last Juno. She had been do- lortod by thu crow , the mizzen mast lad boon cut away , and HUD was a jompleto wreck. The whereabouts ol the crow has not yet been discovered , riio commander of the Alliance rc- > orta the ice floe much heavier and 'urthcr to the southward this soaaon .linn usual. UKPAKT.MK.NT .STATEMENT. The department statement issued o-day flhrrws a reduction during Deto ur of $132,145.88. TOSTMABTKUS COMMI3SIONH. Postmasters co'mmissions were sent o-day as follows : R. D. Wells , at Dawnington ; E. M. Reed , Erie , PH. ; > V. H. McLaughton , Petersburg , Va. ; I. P. Holdsworth , Misiouri ; Lmdsoy iVillis , Perry , Iowa ; J. D. Sornies , ? ulaski. Tonn. ; J. P N. Hatton , Mana , 111. . yBKNUIl'H ' HUCCEHHOn. The president has appointed Joseph C. McCiumnon to succeed Tliooplis ' 'rench as commissioner of railroad iccounts in the interior departmant. PKN8ION CLAIMS. W. W. Upton , second comptrolJpr I th o treasury , reports that dur- ng the last fiscal year there wore evisud and Hottled in his office 17,935 lonnion claims , the amounts aggrujrut- ng 9144,470,051. PKKPAKIHO A PKOTK.ST. It is rumordd hero thin afternoon hat Secretary Dlaine is preparing a > retest nguhiHt the action of the Bank f England in regard to the purchase I confederate bonds. Blainu reftm-n u interview at present. HKNATOR WINDOM. Senator Windom loft for Now York his afternoon on private businenH. lecretary Fol er iu expected to take hargo of the treasury department bout the 12th. DK11T HTATKMENT. In connection with the publication f the debt Htatomunt for October the blowing facia are of interest ; The ocreaeo of the debt for four months f HUH fiscal yearin $55,0(3-l.m.08 ( ! or the Hamit monttiH lant fiscal year , 53,000,000 , If tlio uaiao ratus of re- luction continue for the remaining itjht months the total reduction for ho fiscal year ending Juno 30 , 1882 , rill bo about 3170,000,000 , against 110,000,000 in the liscul year ended FunoUO , 1881. At this rate the entire mblic debt , 81,785,514,400.00 , , will bo rJpod out inside of ton years , as bo interest payments will steadily .ecrease in amount. The intoreat of he debt is about $52,000,000 annu- lly , while t thu tiuio Iwt jr r it was about $82,000,000 annually. Tlv poniion list will bo fully $13,000,001 , loss this year than last. "Providut the tax on whisky nnd tobacco TO mams the same , and without any nia tonal change in the tariff , wo wil not owe eire cent ton yoats hence , ' said a prominent treasury official to day. ONLY A HDMOn. Tlio rumor that General William son , late commissioner of the liviid of fice , is to bo secretary of the interior is based only on the fact that the luwi delegation recently hero expressed t < President Arthur their idea that thai ollico ought to go to Iowa , and th.it at Secretary Kirkwood w.is not to to- main , * hey know of no ono whom > hey would like to see in the phici better than Williamson. GABFIELD'S TREATMENT. KMTOUUL COMMKNT OF A HKDIUAI JOURNAL. WASHINGTON , Nov. 1 The cur rant number of Dr. AValah's llutro spoct of Medicine and Surgery , pub hohed this evening , will contain a loinj editorial comment on the cnso of the late Prcsidant Garfield , or , as the journal term * it , "tho resultof our in vostigatiou in the case for the purpose of giving a truthful and font-less ac < count. " Dr Walsh firet quotes fron : the official account by Dr. D. W. Bliss , in which ho relates how hi probed the wound with his linirer ul the depot , nnd how ho aftorwardt used a small flexible silver probe , and also how ho expressed his opinion thai stimulants should not be given to the wounded man nt that time , because oi his constantly suffering from nausea. Dr. Walsh say * ho had an opin ion that it was Surgeon Gen eral Wales who made the first degital examination of the wound , mid that stimulants wore given after Bliss arrivod. In substantiation of. thu opinion the article includes letters to the editor from Dr. Smith Town- rthond , health officer of the district , and of Dr. 0. B. Purvis. The fnrinut says ho himself gave 'tho president a stimulant before Bliss arrived. That Bliss brought a long probe which was not , however , used ; that alter tlio president was removed to the while house- Doctors Wales and Woodward were selected by Bliss to make an ex amination ; that Wales did so and made the report to the other physi cians as to the course of the ball. Dr. Purvis says the br.indy was jiven the president both bcforo and ifter Bliss arrived ; that Dr. Bliss un dertook to probe the wound , first with i small silver probe and then with a Woalton probe at the white house. Wales wanted to know just the nature of the wound and announce it , but Bliss , who gave the impression that 10 had been specially summoned , said o wait. Afterwards , however , Bliss , Wales and Woodward made an oxaiui- lation and Wales said ho had passed lis little linger in tho. wound and bund the" eleventh rib fractured and .lie liver perforated. Dr. Lincoln also writes to the cdi- or that when he arrived at the depot Bliss was said to have made a hurried examination of the wound , and had expressed the opinion that a further ixamination then would be dangurous. ) r. Wales himself writes to the odi- or that on arriving at the depot ho earned that Bliss had ansumod hargo of the case , and ho heard Bliss oiling the crowd that ho had passed ho probe three and one-half inches in ho wound , but not tolling its nature or the exact location. Wales also says tint ho made two examinations of the wound peroonally , nnd found the fractured rib and so re ported. He s.iys , too , that he did not share in thu general opinion that kho wound was fatal either at first or when ho received a note that his services wore no longer required. The editor then quotes from the afticial reports of Dr. Bliss' state ment that Drs. Hamilton and Agnew individually examined the wound at the first joint of the consultation , A.lso Dr. Hamilton's statement that Inding the track of the wound com pletely closed by a blood clot , ho re fused to make further exploration. Dr. Walsh is at a loss what to think Df the paper so at variance with state ments of reliable gentlemen. Ho as- iorts that the failure to enlarge the wound and remove the specula of the 30110 soon after the reaction was es tablished was a great mistake , and ixprosses the belief that if that mis- ako had not been made the pus cav- ty wonld not have formed. Quoting rein Dr. Hamilton's own work on Vlilitary Surgery , page 205 , erie of he most frequent causes of death and if delay in recovery is found to bo i small specula of bono loosened tro completely detached from the rib. 'Had not a false channel formed , " ays the 'editor , "a false diagnosis vould not have been made , and the [ anger of pyifiniu would have been ; reatly lessoned. " There ia quoted imineii ? authority to show that n borough cleansing and draining from ho right side of the vertobrni need tot have been fatal. The further iv.i- ertion is made that traumatic uneu- ism was not proven by autopsy , naking this point chiefly on ho fact that there wai lathing to show nave upture that the splenic artery win in ho track of the ball. Taking up Dr. Miss' points "for the consideration of ho profession , " Dr. Walsh oxpmses ho opinion that if Dr. Bliss' iniuto the xamimttion with a probe at the do- lot , as ho says , it was morn thorough liun the patient's condition justified , -'lirou inches and a half downward ml forward and downward and back * rani out of the course of the ball light ] .ici < r.ito a healthy tissue. Dr. tliaV inquiries ns to whether the residents transfer to tlio rhito house was timely and op- ropriately , and whether tlio most udicious means were used to securu rompt reaction , the editor is glad to nswor "Yes. " As to whether the listuko of the diagnosis was the na- ural result of the conditions prea- nt , Dr. Walsh says that it was the atural roault of the conditions per- littud to remain present , ttnd in re ly to another query of Dr. Bliss , tales that b d the wound been prop erly enlarged , the ball could hav < traced ivs far AS necessary with tin finger. In contradiction of Dr. Dims statement that President Garfield per snnally jihcod hinuo f under hii ( Dr. Bliss' ) earn. Dr. Watch nay thai It is susceptible of proof that GarfiuU stated , after Dr. Bliss had Assumed control of the CMOO and refused ndmis sum to Dr. Baxter , ( hat Dr. Huxtui had been for many yearn , and wai still considered by' him , his phjMcinn , and that ho had nuvur expressed i desire for Bliss to take churgo of the ciiso. The assertion wai also m > ult thit Mrs. Garfield wti nt no tinu aware that the president had siilecteil Dr. Bliss as huVmudicul attuiul.tnt. The article also snyg that keeping tin president's true condition from tin public was an unfortunate mistake ro. suiting from low of confidence in tin physicians statfhioi'tB nnd public 10- liuiico upon thp profession and cnliind otllctro' dispa ones. Aimtlior crroi was the failuvo to cn'l ' in omiiutnt pathologists , not previously connected with the case , to nssiat in the ni'l ' , > i > ny , | iarticularly aa tliat might have injured protection nguinst unf.ivora'ilo ' criti- ciBiiu. The article further ivhiiiti chat there can bo no retmura of the medical treatment of thu case and concludeB an fol lows : "Briefly summarizing , wo may say thnt-tl)0 ) failure to enl irgo tlio wound 'and remove the specn'a , the treatment of a false sinacs for thu track of the ball , the issuing of bulle tins. creating public distrust , the per formance of the autopsy with the pres ence of eminent disinterested pathol. ouist the arriving at uncertain de ductions from said autopsy , and thu false statements made Imvo done more to cost distrust on American surgery than any ether caao known to our medical history. " RnILROAX > NEWS. THE CONTEST AT COLXJMIWH. COLUMBUS , 0. , November 1.Tho upreuiu court this morning granted .euvo to the Vundtrhilt party in the railroad contest to file a petition in error to the order of the Franklin county court of October 22d , appoint ing a receiver , etc. , and also grunted a supcrsodiua , staying all proceedings in Judge Green's court upon filing u bond of $50,000 , ' The hearing upon the quo warranto and upon the peti tion in error will not bo had for a few weeks , as the issues have not been made up. NAKItOW O AUOK IUU.HOAI ) . YOUNGSTOWW , p. , November 1. A. G. Mattery , prtflidcntof the Cleveland - land , Dolphos & S.t. Louis narrow gauge railroad , is in the city to-day. Thia road will bo built through Youngstown next year nnd is a sys tem of narrow g HJjro railroads extend ing from Philadelphia to the City of Mexico. The Young-down car works have contracted for live hundred cars for this road , to bo , .shipped to St. CHICAGO , November 1. Th'o" Union Pacific railroad announces that on November Gth a icgular train will run between Omaha and Denver ever the new line , the Julesburg cut-off. It will leave Council Bluffr nt 7 p. m. , Omaha time , ariiving in Denver the following evening at 7 p. m. , Denver time. Coming east the train will Icavo Denver at 8 a. m. , arriving at Coun cil Bluffi at 8 a.m. , the following morning. ADVANCE KKEIOHT KATKH. CHICAGO , November 1. The ad vance freight rules on the Michigan Central and I < ako Shore roads took effect to-day. The ratus iiro 20c on gr.iin to New York , Philadelphii and Baltimore ; i'fic on crain to Boston ; 25c on provisions to Now York , Balti more and Philadelphia , and GOc on provisions to Boston. CONDENSED LIGHTNING. National AwoclatiMl I'reu CHICAGO , November 1. The von ytubon parly visited the now city of I'ullman this morning. They loft Chicago at ! < :30 : this afternoon for Niagara Falls via the Lake Shore. CINCINNATI , November 1. Pinkeye ia * made a fearful spread hero , and .hero nro over 1,000 cases in Cincin- iati and vicinity. Very fuw prove 'atal , but the horses are disabled from Tork. NuwAnK , N. J. , November 1. Na , han Perry , formerly member of con 'ross from Newark , and his wife both lied to-day from pnonmonia Ho was i native of Bridwvillo , Conn. , and TBS about sixty-fivo years of go. LITTLK ROCK , Ark. , November 1. jharles Jones , a negro , who assaulted i white lady in Johnson county ro sently , was yesterday taken from the il and hanged by a mob. BUULINGTON , Iowa , Novunibor 1.- Ion. H. H. Starr , ono of the pioneers if the west , and at onu time u leading awyer , died last night. Foam of Lynching. rational A wocUtiy ] J'r < w . MILWAUKBK , Wis. , November 1. iVm. Hulls , of Peoria , Ills , alias Leu iVilliams , the murderer of SherifT yoleman , was quietly removed to ) urand , Wis , , at 12 o'clock this morn- ng in chargu of oflicors Now that ! [ is identity him boon completely estab- ishod it it feared tlut ho will bo ynchod before ho can bo tried. A lozpn cold blooded murders are booked gainst the Williams brothers. Wouldn't Evangelize Worth a Cent latlonal Anwx-Uttd l'rf , CHICAGO , Wovomber 1. A Mrs. irown , a pliiliuithroptht and a mom- icr of the women ci.iristiiin lompjr- ncu union , took u jail bin ) , Ilcuiry i , I'erry , to her homo and tried for itvoral months lo oviinjje'uo him. ! ) iu advanced $1,400 on I'orry'n dii. lends only to find they wuio pustu. ho cauaud his arrest to day , and ho UH held to the criininiil court. llon l AuociaUxl fret * . Qui.voy , November 1. A passen- er train on thu Hunnibjl & Bt. Jou uilroad was wrecked last night near ) ly station by striking a eow. The ngino is a total wreck , and the uaches nil loft the track. The pas- eugoM were badly ihtkon up , None no WM hurt. BALDWIN'S ' BADNESS , Tlio Farther the Inveatigatioi Goes the Worse it Bole. The City of Nowarlc a LoBor by the Pniluro of the Bank , Moet of the Depositors of tin Bunk Able to Stand the LOBS Baldwin , the Onahier , Admit ted to Bail iu the 3uu\ , of $250 000. Avrost ot the Hod of the Pirni to Whom the Stolen Mouoy Was Loaned. Jcnio Jnmos Acaln Reported Killed Other Criminal Newo- National AwocUloJ frost. NKWAUK , N. J. , November 1. By prov.ioua arrangement , at 2 o'clock tlii ? afternoon United States District At- tiirnoy ICeasby appeared at the rcsi doaco of Cashier Bill win to receive from bin ; A voluntary st itomont con cerning the defalcation. Kuasby reported - ported the statement made as follows : lie as long ago as 187t ! began to muko irro ulur loans to C. Nugent & Co. Such loans wore made without securi ty and without the sanction of thu directors. Having once begun ho felt himself in Nugont's power and con tinued to inakofurtherloanR from year to year , some times as much as $50- 000 a month. The amount finally Dwelled to such proportions that he cou d not roccde unless ha faced in stant ruin nnd exposure , lloallowt'd Nugent to draw largo sums , and hoped to replace them in the regular course of buflinpsa. Nugent assured him that the firm hud a largo amount of property in bonds and real cstato and would make everything good. Nu gent was nwaro that Buldwin was us ing tie | bank money irregular ! ] ' , and said that whenever Buldwin required it ho would turn ever his property to secure the bank. The loans continu ally incroiiBod until they had reached over § 2,000,000. Nugont gave the cashier drat IB upon friends in Now York from time to titnu , which were credited to him to inrot drafts upon the b nk , and thu cashier used the money of the bank to take up tin ) drafts in Now York. Baldwin falsified the books to conceal the deposits. Thn losBCBOccasinnod by thmntJloana wore antcrod.ontho . a < ] ' countt ofthe. Mechanic's Nationa bank of Newark in such a inanne that , while it appeared by the book in Newark that they had S2,000OOC to their ctcdit in the New York bank the Newark bank really owed the Now York bank. The difference ii these loans , Baldwin asserted , Ma nmdo up in irregular loan to C. Nu gent & Co. Baldwi > denied that he lost any money by speculation. Baldwin was admitted to bail in the sum of 8250,000 , his bondsmen being W. H. Baldwin and Win. Dodd. Nu gent was arrested for aiding and allot ting in the swindle. NKWAUK , N. J. , November 1. The excitement over the bank failures and of other arrests are rife , but HO fur as can bo learned are without foundation. AlthoiiL'h the names of corporations and individuals am freely mentioned , a careful examination leads to the bnk lief that the heaviest losers by the Mechanics National Hank are the men most able to bear their IOBHOB and thill any failures that may como will bo among the smaller depositor * * whoso business may not bo able to continue , while their money , two-thirds ol which will bo a total loss , is lockoc under a receiver , most asuots are mortgages and other real estate not readily convertible The heaviest depositor ! are the City of Newark , the Mutual Benefit Lifo In Biintnce association , the brewery lirms of Balbacks , Kreugers , Hous- kers and Balautynes. , the Lister phos- phoros manufacturing company , the ituto banking company , the Clurk thread works and others of a class not likely greatly to feel their IOSHOL Ono private individual is naid to have lepohited u'0,000 a few days ngo , Ihu loss of which would ruin him. Prur ient SchiclilmuH and comptroller fiaottlor , of thu State Banking Com pany , without stating what : heir loss wai , said that it would not ombarnviii .hem and that the amounts deposiiod 11 the lust twenty-four hours had won litrgur ( linn for the correspond- ng period last week. There had been 10 indications ot a run and they feared lone. J. B. Bchotick , the book- < ouper for Lester Bros. , said that it ivan a mistake to sunposo that they Yould bo embarratsed or even be con- tiderablo loseni. They had taken .heir accounts from the Mechanics > ank three months ago and only copt a moderate balance there , ho bulk of their money having been ilaced elsewhere , although the iliangu in accounts had Ken for nirely business reasons , and not bo- i.uiae they behoved thu bank lo bu un- 011 ml They had paid their Imndi u noiith'H salary laeit night without om > ariasainont , and did not think thu .NKiuiit of their deposit wits greater hau thoHinall amount of their p.ipor i eld by thu bank , The city is tein Kinirily bankrupt , so f.irusreud.yinonoy u concerned , a statement which , ro- icutfd from nnuith to mottli , uiisoa a Hinile. The bank hold tlio cconntu of iho sinking fund commit- ionera , of thu iicniuduct board and of ho city treasurer. Thu two Litter lud obligationw which accrued to-day , nd to moot which they had to have nonuy at onco. They instantly trans * erred their account * yesterday to the National State bank , which advanced i&O.OOO nd anotbor | 60,000 to-d y. The b. nk will advancn all the city mnj want now. Of the rumors of arresti to bd made none could bo verified Some of thorn rnlatoto mou very closf to the arrested cashier in personal a well ns in business matters. Unitec States District Attorney A. Q. Kcus l > y nnd his son , United Klatos Com sioncr , E. Q. Koniby , both , however over , naid that there wns nt iiiluntibn at present of nrrestiii | any of the men whoso names won sumrostcd. They would not , however say that other arrests were not con tomplatod. The government propli nro exclusively in control of the bank and others are not admitted to tin building. No information has ye b on secured of any dulinito action a' ' Washington. NKWAIUC , November ! . A rcnorlor visited Nugont's house to-night to find out concerning thu rumor of his suicide , nnd it was duniod. NKWAIIK , N. J , , November 1 Unitud St tcs District Attorney Kea - by now tays that ho is untisiiod tlinl Nui-piit wiis fully aware of all ol Baldwin's movements ; that ho know of a1 ! the inniiipuliitioiin to which the books were subjected ; alint the regu lar drafts ninco January 1st have been ever $1,500,000 , on which payments have been made of § 1 , (100,000 ( during the lust two months , and thai in view of tlu-80 facts ho had informed Nu- gout's counsel that every dollar of the firm's property , real and personal , must bo turned over to a receiver when hppointcul. Ho believes the greater p.irt of the missim ; money is represented by property hold by Nu gent & Co. Nugent has also made a statement which partly explains the mystery mid carries back to Wai street that ho had been in the habit oi giving blank drafts to Baldwin who illed thmn in as hu likod. Mr. Koasby added : "Ho had a rope around Bald win's ' neck , but now I have ono around his nock and I intend to draw t tight. " A point of law wo-s raised to-day which shows how the cashier won the confidence of his employer. It is re ported , and on good authority , that Unld win's bomlbinen havu not re- lowed their bonds within fifteen , 'ears. This buing the case the securi- .ics nro no longer responsible and cannot bo brought to account for , According to law , Now Jersey bondi jonds are rcqnirpd to bo renowui every seven yeais. AftqrVjtmt ] time ellipses the sureties /c aVe ; void and the bondsmen freccufryih nil ro sponsibility. ProccediliV4luami > rniti were cominoncod by Wttrj5n' Apkur- nan and a summbns plncod in' thts lands of thu sheriff , the object being to hold President James A. Haleuy [ lursonally liable for the Iocs Ackur- innn has sustained by reason of Haid Ualsoy's neglect of duty .10 president. Mr. Ackorman owns over 150 shares of capital stock of the bank. His bonds nro placed at $25,000. , Thu freeholders c6mmittee is lilno re Attorney A. L..JCenBly , this afternoon madu n > etatbinont that Baldwjn had idvcn thorn evidence that he had nq ether complications than thcso with Nugent it Co. Ho had secured the books which showed during the last ton months the fol lowing drafts and deposits on account of the firm , alwuys in their advantage , but Irssoiiingas if he had tried to keep the firm's difference down : October Draft * . ' , . $223,000 DeiiotiU . 1 JU.OOO September Drafts . - . . 14' ,000 Deposits . Tfi.OOO iiRU-t Ur.i/t 165,000 Vfi.OOO July Uraf ti . 127,000 Depoaits . 113,000 Juno DraftM . 110,000 Deposits . 107,00 ( Mny DiuftH . liri.OOO Dc.ositH | . 110,000 April DruftH . 128000 DeiionlU . 107,000 Mnrcn Drafts . ir.r.,000 l.poitii . 7,000 February DMft-T . 143.000 DeiKioltH . 02,000 It is stated hero now positively ns against a similar statement this morn ing that Nugent has shot himsolf. It is not generally believed. Co mm is. * sioner Koaaby says the books pri * vntoly kept by Baldwin show again and again drafts made by Nugent & Co. against persons with whom they liud no buaincHS , and drafts weie thown to ropoitcrs for itinountfi as urge ns ? 120,000 , signed by Nugent & Co. , and claimed to have boon illed m by Baldwin. SuitH have beun iDgiin n'g.iinst thu president of the jank by the deporitors who bnso their claims on thu ground of porsom.1 loss hrough the inability of President Jas. A , Jialnoy , who received n tialary to kttund to the oidinury buninuts at his position. Nugent to-day u-/uin lositivuly refused to make an assign- nont , and said that ho owed nothing if consequence and has , been pnreist- imtly misrepresented , 8eward Or y , manager of the Park theatre , has sent aut a Jotter saying that the theatre's nanngeiiioiit is in no way interfered with by thu report that an attachment mil been placed agalnstit by the bank wuplu under the belief that it bo * iiiigud to thp elder Baldwin. The ax commissioners have refused to nuke puhlio the names of the stock * loldcrs of tlio bank nnd the amounts leld , us huinc aijainst publicy policy. Ml obli atioin ] on New York coupon iimds nro | iavablo now , and will bu nut by the National bank of com- iorco , of Now York. INIIVIHUAI | > WINION. Nr.w YOUK , November 1. Niimer * us stories weru in uirculiition in Wnll nd Brond strcetc during tlio foie- eon about Baldwin's ventures in tockn , but stranguly enough diligent liquifies failed to pluco thu firm with vliom h is alleged to have had deal * nga , Dot ctivos were aUo engaged vith u similar object in view , at the litigation , so it ia said , of thu dire-c orn of the crippled bank , but if they vo been suecuiif ul it U known only u thouielves , j President Sherman , of the Me chanics' National bunk 'of this city , said : "Wo nro secured by collateral for the overdrafts of $207,000 of the Mechanics' bank ot Nowark. I don't ' believe Baldwins' story that ho sunk $2,500,000 in the Nugont firm , " "Not bit it " hu mldcd n of , emphatically , "but tht ! moro T look into tho. affair , the inoro I am convinced that they gambled together. " Mr. Cox , cashier of the Mechanics National B.ink , of this city , who was sent to Newark yesterday to uininino into the wrecked concern coincided with Mr. Sherman in the viow. Ho claimed to give a detailed story of the. , result of his discoveries , but acknowl edged that about all that had boon said about the lunk was truo. It was incomprehensible to him that such a vast sum could be taken from the Mechanics Bank without an earlier * discovery. Ho far an ho could _ learn there weru but 8150,000 cosh in the lunk yesterday. What other pirticu- Itirs ho ascertained weru given to the olllcci'4 of hi * own b.ink S'atloiml Auoc'aUxl ' 1'rnn. KNOW RTOnMS AND OAI.F.H. , LoNiKix , November 1. Snow storms and gales nro to lny sweeping over Kngland. THK NKW 11KAN. . The now dean of Westminster was to-day inhtallod at the abbey with roat ceremony. OUT ON A RTKIKB. Thu colliers of noutljiwcst Lnncashira to-day went out on a "strike. niHPElUIKt ) . DUIILIN , November 1 , The police quietly dispersed the ladies' land league mooting at Carrick , Jipporary , to-dny. 1'AR.NKLL ILL. It bos just been made publio thai [ ' .irnoll in very ill. On Sunday bp liad a violent attack of fever , which tins continued and has prostrated him very muclu , Hu is to-day sutforing from convuUicns. ANOTIIKHUNKKHNAL MAOH1NK. 'I ' LONDONjNoyombor I.1 An infernal machinoj op rrtted by clock work , so ns to discharge the largo amount of , ' t ) f dyniMiiito with which it wns filled , at a cerlnili hour , Vf'vt diecovcrod junta moment' ' before the time arranged for itn diBchnrgo last night on the roof of Masonic hall at Dongovall , Scotland ; while 500 people .woro assembled tfcoru. Them isgrunt . excitement over the discovery. f TUUB Bill , FOUND. t LONDON , November 1. Tlte grand jury to-day found a trtie bill against Uf ray for the murder of Mr. Opfiild While robbing biroin a conipariment in a rail way .conch on the BrigHton road last nprnig. J'KBKDOM OK THE C1TV. The city of Waterford has , by a vote of its corporation , conferred th& freedom of the city on Mr' Dillon. RUMOIW UKNIKD. LONDON , November 1. Mr. Glad stone denies the tumors that have been in circulation of ministerial changes. 1T.KAKEU AT THK HAI.UTK. The international peace osiociatioti have pifiled ; a lovilution of satisfac tion at the salute of the British ilug at the Yorktown centennial. HKXTON UKLEAbEU. Dunux , November 2. Mr. Sexton ban been liberatfld from Kilmainhani jail on a medical certificate. CUTTJNO DOWN KXI'KN.SEH. LONDON , November 1.--The agri cultural distress of thu last three or four yours has had nil effect which is becoming cry marked on London clubs. Land owners looking around toseu in what dhuction n saving can bu made have , ui not a few instances , , cut off their club mbscriptions , and liave determined Hint instead of be- unging to three or four clubs to con- itio themselves to one , or at moat , wo. Democratic Oandldatca Reiicn- NatJounl AiMOcUtMi 1'ruMi , DBTUOIT , Mich. , November 1. Clio democrats of this city are in a fine picklu to-day , their candidates for nnyor nnd police justicu having re signed from tli ticket in dii-gust , be cause the Free Pmn , thu party organ , came out against ( hum. Ono of the candidates for councilman also re signed , Indication- fet oral Amoclutod 1'row. . WAKIIINOTON , D. 0. , Nov. 1. For ho upper lake region : Colder , partly cloudy weather and areas of rain , vtt- iablo winds and clearing weather , ining barometer , with winds Hhifting o tlio northwest. For the upper HiHoiosippi and lower Missouri val- ej's : Colder , northeast to nurthwort winds , generally cloudy weather and ainy and rising barometer. Bodlo * Recovered. Notional AwodmUJ I'lew. SIUMIOVOAN , Mich. , November 1. 'ho bodies of Goorijo W. Harrison nd his daughter Georgio , and Mrs. ) r James I'atorBon and Frank M. Jowles , of lingers Uity and Point St. gnnco , who were drowned September 1 by the upsetting of tlio boat , were ecovcred to-day. Ghouls Inul taken hem from the water to thu woods nd robbed the bodies. Cowlcs hud 800 on his person. Arraugini ; to Tight. S'ullotml Anuoi-Uteil I'rcef. Nr\v YOUK , November 1. Frank Vhitu and Gus Holden mot to-day , ml each posted thu lust installment f 81,500 of the { ? 2,500 sU.kes for vhich and the feather weight cham- ionship they ore to fight. They osBcd for the naming of the locality , nd Holden won. Ho will name the isttlu ground. They , are to fight on Jovenibor 10th , in Canada within a undred miles of Erie , and will leave .rio on the night of the 15th.