Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1881, Image 8

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Tuesday Morning , Nov. 1.
Patterson pells eonl ,
Frederick Ixsiullng HnUcr.
Donne. Kollftblo Hntter ,
Kino pocket knives nt Kuhn'n.
Gloves nt the 09 cent store ,
Owl Cigars at Kuhn'ft DniR Store.
Ladies Hand IJivgs ftttlioO'J cent store
NlgUt School nt the BuJnc * CollcRO
Short Hand tftURht rtt Iluiincs Co
ICRC. oct.O-1-H
Fifteen cars of Block cnmo In ycstcr-
ii y from the went.
Komi MM. Ma * I'dcnt' corrected offi
davit on 5th pnge.
See thoao KlcRfint plush Dolmans at
-UMcrg , Ulster * , an elcrnnt variety ,
at McDonald'ii.
Fur lined dolmans nml circulars
choice noveltle' , received lull morning nt
. McDonald's.
The catcrn trains wore all Into ycster
day , from ono to two hours.
Children's cloaks , ulsters nnd dolmnni
at McDonald's.
Specialty of Frc crli > U n nt Opera
house 1'hannacy. Schrotor k Ucclit.
Old gold exchanged for now Jewelry at
Kdholm & KrickunV , opimsito the post ;
office. oct28-tf
Special cur " 03 , " S. H. II. Clark's
private car , went west yesterday on
the U. 1' . mail train.
The utrong noutli wind yesterday
made the Uig Muddy a turbulent n ? well
as n turbid stream.
The carpenters nt work on the Millard
hotel , have received un ndvnncoof 25 cents
on wages , and n.jvv . got 83.00 per day.
The Hock Island train , the only ono
i from the cast yesterday wn3 two
hours and a quarter late , delaying the west
liound U. P. train an hoar.
The bo t 5 and lOo cigars in city to ho
had at Schroter k Becht's Opera Ifousa
Pharmacy , ono duor north Uoyd's Opera
Homo. ' oct2G-lw
One of Omaha's modest belles failed
to sco Uoyton in the water Sunday , re
fusing to accompany her escort pant 0 ray's
yard bccniuo the lumber wasn't dressed.
The attention of the city council is
called to the absence of n crossing on the
intersection of 13th nnd Capitol nvenuo ,
where the four hundred uchool children
who attend the Central Hchool have to
flounder through the mud going to nnd
.from school. It is shameful ,
6no hundred and fifty-nine beautiful
itwldenco lots , located on Hamilton Btrect ,
half way between the turn table of the
'r'odittreot rar line and the waterworks
reservoir nnd addition , and just went of
the convent of the Sisters Poor Claire in
Shinn's addition. Prices range from $75
to $1 < 0 each , and will bo sold on easy
terim to thoio who will improve. I3oms' !
real estate agency , Fifteenth nnd Douglas
Bradford , Fa.
ThoFitchan , Bradford , Pa. , writes :
"I endow money for Hi'iuxa DLOSHOM , us
I said I would if it cured me. My dyxpep-
urn has vanliihcd , with all its symptom * .
Muny thanks : 1 nhall never bo without it
in the bouse.1' Price CO cents , trial bottle
tle * 10 cents. 17cdlw
II. H , A. I'andt baa returned from tbo
, Guy Barton arrived from the west TCI-
E. Lane , superintendent of bridges , U.
1 * . H. It , went went went yesterday.
L. Judge Dwlght G. Hull returned from
Lincoln , on bin way to Sioux City yesterday
day afternoon.
Supt , Kd. Dickinson loft yesterday for
.liararato , bis headquarter * . The name an-
nouncemeut ban been made every day for
1 A week , but ho always got left , nnd no did
the reporter on his personal. Thin time
it's a fact
Warner's Safe Kidney nnd Live
Cure. 17oodlw
Court Jots.
Tboro were two disturbers of the jieaco
and seven Blocumbs In tlio police court
this morning. All paid lines but two , who
were committed in default.
The .murder case Is np tn the district
our' U , Jay ,
AWiio Deacon
"Deacon Wilder , I want you to toll
ma how you kept yourself and futnilv
vroll the pait Buaaon , when nil thu rent
of us have buon uiok BO much , nml
have had the doctors visithu ; us HO
often ? "
"Brother Taylor , the answer is very
cosy. I uiicd Hop Hitters in tiinu ,
kept my family well nnd saved the
doctor bills , Three dollars' worth of
it kept 11 H well and able to work nil
the timo. I'll warrant it has coat you
\ and tliu neighbors ono to two hundred
dollars apiece to keep sick thosatno
timo. "
"Deacon , I'll so your medicine
lieroaflor. " octlO-novl
. 'WINE OF CARDU1" makea rosy
ttnd clear couiplexioiiA.
At C. V. GooJtnan.
"Tho Itovoro tiousa Council Ulun"a
la the toit second-clou liotol in the
ireit. " autriy-lm
Number 8 , Meridian llangcs , must
bo sold this week or stored. In order
to dispose of them immediately will
aacrifico cost ; $45 rouge * for 110 ;
onn 50 range for $37 , at No. 521
xouth Tenth street. oct2G-3teod
make. Shoes Tlio bust fitting and
wearing shoes in America , for ealo
only at A , D. MOIISK.
14th and Farnham utrcoUs.
On and after November 1st wo will
close our store evury evening at 0i)0 : )
excepting SatunlnyH , nnd respectfully
invite our lady frieuds to lusiat us in
this now movement.
Fifty dozen 3-button Kid Glovur , in
ilark and opera hhades , at DOe a jxiir
eame as sold up town for 7Go ut tlio
Boston Store , 014-C10 South Tenth
4-twot. oSG-tf
A Cunning Robbery Skilfully
Dnn. Oarey , nn U. P. Postal
Clerk , in Limbo.
Ho Steals S2'000 in a Kogl-tercd
Daniel H. Garoy , n poUal clerk on the
Union Pacific rnllroftd , was arrested at
Kearney , Neb. , on Saturday last by Post-
office Inspector John U. Fnray , of tliif
city , And brought ' < > Omaha , where lie wn
lodged in jail. The charge ngalnit Carey
wan that ha had comml ted n robbery of
the mulls in August lnt , and had then
taken n registered letter package contain
ing $2,000. When nrrestcd , Gnrey at first
denied the crime , but afterwards con-
-run CIUMK.
On the 10th of August the Vint Na
tional bank of Omaha placed in the post-
olllco In ihit city a registered letter pack
age , containing 92,000 in currency of dif
ferent denomination11 , directed to thu
Firat National bank in Doatltvoml , 1) . T.
The package duly went out of the Onuhn
poslollico by the wcst-baund Union Pacific
train on that day , in charge of Pottal
Clerk Cramor. When Cramer arrived at
Lho end of his route , Kearney , Nth. , ha
turned over the registered packages in
liirt care , among which was
thn ono count-lining $2,000 , to
Postal Clerk Daniel It. Garoy. who
javo Cramer n receipt therefor. ( Jnrey
carried the registered matter to Sidney ,
Lho end of his route , and turned over such
nn went on westward to the clerk on
i ho western division , while ho carried the
$2,000 , package , with somn others , to the
po-tolTlco , nnd delivered them all to the
postmaster , Fred. K. Claray , recciring a
receipt for them. AH the ilaga line for
Deadwnod vtarts from Sidney , nil of the
mail for Dradwood and other pointH in the
Khick Hills has to bo transferred hero.
There nro uauallv n number of registered
cttcm , which are deposited in an iron box
'or their long stage ride , and the box
securely locked ni d sealed. Clnrcr has an
isiistant in the poitofHce who docs this
work daily , nnd the rrginterod packages
acre , as , turned over to him.
Garey is well known to tlio postmaiter
and has often assisted in 'Various ' ways
about the office , BO that ho had the fice-
dnm of all dn < nrtmcnti of it , including
hat. in which the registered letters were
inndled ,
When the returning mail from Deadwood -
wood arrived , nix days after the mail in
vli ch tin S2.000 package WM Riippo cd to
lave bi'on sunt , had gone from tlio Sidney
lostoflico , it contained a letter from Sol.
5tarr , the Dead wind PO ttna > it r , stating
hat all of the valuables had been received ,
xccpt this one. Thinking there must bo
OHIO mistake Postmaster Clan y sent him
a duplicate ! of the receipt ho had given
iaroy , as well an a iluplluato of h'S ' register
if the package in question. The leturning
nail , however , brought another lett rfiou
PoSilinastcr Starr to the effect that , lie had
never Keen the package , nnd that it could
mt.havo bci'ii stolen butxvecn Sidney nud
Jeadwood , as the Heal on thi money
nd been found unbroken. This
elnyin ascertaining the fact that the
listing package had never loft Sidney oc-
imled twelve day * , wh ch biougnt It
along to about the z3d of August. On that
day Inspector 1'uray happened to bo in
Sidney on other business , and ho was lin-
nediately informed that something wts
wrong. He proceeded to look into the
natter , but an ho wax obliged to go to
) cadwood the next day , ho telegraphed
anil 'then wrote to Inspector Soyliolt ,
vhojj.fhva ? In Omaha , instructing
lim to work up the caso. Seybolt
iKoertnincd , upon inquiry , that the post-
Hlcu hire had received on August 10th a
mckago txirro. pending to the one lost from
ho Omaha national hank , where lie learned
hat it contained the amount of $2.000.
la then went to Sidney , nnd , nfter look-
ng about a day or two , satisfied himself
lint the package had been Htolen from
lie Sidney postotiice. AppenianccH were
ery strOni ; against Po tmoster ClaroyV
lerk , who put up the mail , but the latter ,
Don n critical examination , made so in-
tocent an appearance , that Soybolt wan
onviuced that ho know nothing of it.
iaroy , tlio postal clerk , wax Reen jmcl soma-
Idug about his actions gnvo strength to
ho suspicion , which Furay had expressed
n his first letter of in truotlons that lie
was the man. Still , Garey held a receipt
or the cafu delivery of tlio package , nud
hn aflnir was thereby rendered very com-
ilicated ,
Up/n FurayV return , ns ho was obliged
o go to Washliiicton , ho telegraphed
Chief Inspector Stewart , at Chicago , to
end on a man to i ni t in the invcKtiga-
inn. Accordingly Inspector Frank S.
tedell. of Crown Point , I ml , win tent
out by Stewart , nnd ho took up the case ,
n which uo further progress lnwl been
undo. About this tinio Unrey procured M
eave of nbvence for four weeks , on the
il a of fclckness , nnd took his family with
ilm lo ( iului. Ills , , where lie remained
( line time. The inspector followed him ,
nil was Joined nt Ualva by Intpector H.
I. Honslmw. The two olliccra shadwwed
lieir very pcitilntcntly , keeping nn
ccnratc run ef his expenses. From Onlvn
Unrey vsent with his family to Valli-co ,
IOMM , wbere ho stayed afuw days and then
rolunietl tt ) bin post of I'uty.
Tliuy inspectors bad found that Garey
was spending much inoro money than lie
naturally would have , and HO when ho re
turned to Kearney , they followed , feeling
HUIO uf their man. Garoy made ono run
from Kearney to Sidney and return , when
Furay and Seybolt wcro telegraphed for.
Thvy went to Kearney , unit there took
refugn at tlio Reformatory , which is under
tlio charge of Siipurintcndunt George S.
Collins , pretending to be on a bunting trip.
Collins bad prevloutly been taken into the
cnnfldvuco of the innpecioni , and , by his
imsistuuco , a conxtant communication vvu.1
kept up with tlio officers , who wcro Btlll
watching ( iareyV every muve.
As all the evidence obtainable lit this
time had been secured , Furay , on .Satur
day , went Into the city proper and Immu-
( { lately arrested Garey. Tha prisoner at
tint pleaded innocence , but finally broke
down under Furay'n peculiar style of crosa.
( mestlnnlni * and uihdu a cle n breast of the
r-iW cry. He also m J n written state
ment , In which be fully acknowledged the
crime , and exonerated the itotttoftice clerk
at Sidney. Ho utates that after the ro-
ct-lpt lor the rcgl-tere-l letter had been
[ ( Ivanmm , ho LUIHJ around the registered
letter department , nnj , while no ono was
looking , slipped the valuable package un
der hiii 0"-at and made away with it. He
furthermore said tint ho h d hidden
i li > rifi nnrt of the monnv in his
Hllur , undtr a stone jar. Search retried
Scl.uW wniru ha dad ludica ed. The rest
ut the money , executing ? 7B , nlso recov-
freii , be bad spunt , Mai. Furay took prm.
ifMlun of the money and it over to
Ilia Lank in this city.
Gar y vras brought to Omaha and Ukon
Before the United States coiimilanloner.
Hero ho uleo confused to thu crime and
iviu reinandBd to Jail. His Mmttiico will
e given by the next United States court
.n Kchslon here.
Due remarkable fcaturu of the skilful
k-tectlvo work done by Mtmtri ) .
n.d Hen-haw , while they were after their
nan. During the feur weeks they thtul-
iwed him he never MW or heard of cither
> i thfin. In > | Kctor Furay tpeaks In thu
ilfhf t terms of thu ability displayed by
be ottice referred to. lie also wikhro
to rxtchd thanks t > t Hupt. Colling nf the
reform rchool , Hon. John D. Se.unan and
K. > f. Grlmcf , th postmnsler ntKe.irnny ,
for the courtvsirri thown them nnd able
OMlfttanco in nvrking up the case ,
Array Ordom-
Tlio following orders were Isiuod froir
the he-vdaiiartcrs of the department of the
Platte , Omaha , Nob. , dated October 31 ,
In compliance with instruct ons from
the ndjutnnt general's office , dated Octo
ber 11 , 1S81 , additional recruiting rendez
vous nrecstnblishfd in thii department , na
follows !
At Fort Douglat , Utah Tcr. : Flmt
Lieutenant 15. K. Thompson , adjutant
iilxth Infantry , recruiting ofliccr.
At Fort D. A. Unwell , W. T. ; Kir t
Lieutcimnt 15. KejnoldH , adjutant Third
oavalrv , recruiting olficor.
At Fort Saiimlern , W. T. ; First Lieu
tenant Hutler I ) . Price , adjutant Fourth
infantry , recruiting officer.
The officers detailed will make enlist ,
mrnts and rc'cnlhtuient for regiments in
this department ,
Thflr report * , retunif , etc. , * ill lie ren-
dercd direct t the adjutant gtncral of the
Hecruiting ofTiccrs will report from time
time to these headquarters , the names of
recruits obbdned , together with the regi
ment < > r company for which enlisted , with
aylewto ihcir being ordered to their re
spective stations ,
Two Hundred Laborers trom
this City for Rail
road Work.
T.V. . HpofTord , formerly ruad master on
the Wflst'rn dlvJs'sn of the U. P. railroad ,
nnd afterwards in the employ of the I ) . &
M. company , was in Omaha Simd-ij
looking form n to work on the new Atlan
tic [ & Pacific road , which is
to be built from Albequerquo , N.
M , , to Sin Frnndflco. He hail liif
office at the Cnn field house , but so great
was the rush of men to see him that he
was obliged to pre-empt the opposite cor
ner , where a crowd , ranging from fifty to
n hundred , were congregated all day long.
Spoflord was after track layers ami labor
ers , nnd , Judging from the number of men
with whom ho talked , ho had no difficulty
in finding plenty to ncccpt his proposi
tion * .
Ho stated to a 13ii : : reporter th t thf
new line was to be pushed thiough with
all ] MssIb o rapidity , nnd ho expected t
get a thou and men from this section nna
Kansn" . Thi wages p nd nio liberal , nnd
ho claimed that the climate was mild nnd
saluUri.'Uf. Ho left veil onlay morning on
the 11. & AC. for Atcmxon , Kan. , nnd took
one hundred men fnnn thin cityal ngwi h
him. The rencoiiH given by inost of the
men for wishing to go HO far from Immc.foi-
work were tint they ilrrnded the colil and
irivatlnns of nn tneruintcr like that of
( ast year. TheAtaiiticfc Pacific roinpt-
ny furnishes transportation for the moj
School District No. 6O.
On Saturday , petition wu filed in
the district court by lion. Goo. W-
Donno , nttornoy for tlio Omaha
board of education , iudung for a man
( luniu'j ' ngninsl Hchoitl district No. 50 ,
to rcdiiiro tlio otliciirs to turn oycr
their district properly anil fundn to
the school district of this city. This
in h.iaitu upori-a law passed last winter
declaring that nil the territory within
the limits of cities of inoro than 2 , 000
inhabitant ! } shall constitute ono Hchool
district. District No. GO i :
within the limits embracing that part
of the city lying north of Omiiha
crook. There is n report that tlio ac
tion by thu board of education wil
bo contested.
Traveling Men
find it hard to keep in good health ,
owing to the constant change of
water , diet and the jarring of the
cars. All these thinga injiuo the
kidneys , while Warner's Safe Kidney
and Liver Cure is certain to counter
act them.
A thort description of the manufactur
ing enterprises located within our city
limits , and which contributes to largely to
the material growth and advancement of
the metropolis of the state , cannot but
prove intcroating to the many thousand
readers ( if Tin : Ur.n. Prominent among
these varied manufacturing interests i
that of the Omnhn Foundry and Machine
company , hituated on the line of the U. P.
H. It. CO.'H tra. k , in the south cstern
portion of the city. This enterprising CM-
tabliahmcnt has enjoyed im exceedingly
notivo trade throughout the year , > Their
orders have been rushing in upon them
without ceniing fro-n the > ery beginning of
the season nutil now , when they
find theniselvi's compelled to enlarge -
large and Increase their facilltien ,
in order to accommodate their numer
ous patrons and fill their orders with dis
patch. They have recently made exten
sive alterations and enhtrgments in their
foundry and mat hino shoiiK. one of which
is the ( liscarclineiit of the old eiiaino which
supplied power to their machinery , and
the Mib-titutiiin of one of theirown manu
facture , which in , beyond doubt , one of the
h.inclhoiiHHt nnd most effective models we
ba\euver veen in the wdMem country ,
They have added to their ori imil plan a
largo steam punch and utenm fheari for
boiler niaklnx , which are piobably the
finest tools of the kind went nf the Mis-
Bourl. In connection with their manu
facturing buxinoss the coiiiiiany nre hand
ling pig iron nnd foundry i > upp1i < M in large
ipiantitieH for tlie Bupply of the .VeiTuska
and western trwle. t 'rom pitrt.onal exam
ination and experience VIP can ccii clcu-
tioiuly attest the excellence of the
products ef this firm in tliu line
uf building nud architectural iron
work. It in this lirm which U
furnikhingtho beautiful iron front for thu
Mlllnrd block nn Harnt-y vtrect nnd the
Urelghton and Lytlo blocks nn Furnham
ittreet , They lm\e this neasou furiiiiheil
five Htore frouti for Tekamuh City , six for
Plattemouth , Neb , , lii' idcsa large amount
at iron and pipe work for the City water
work * company nf Omaha. They ulsn
have the contract for furninhing thu U , & N bro kitwith , lltlieircaHtlronworlt.
A. H Davieu It the nuperinteudunt of
the machine hop and general consulting
Foreman of the vbtublibiiment. He it a
thoroughly , vcieutttic man , Air.
\ . llotii has charge of the foundry , nud
undoubtedly comprehends his bmlnesa in
ill Its detalld. All uf these gentlemen ure
under the auli\o ] iereonal HUpervision of
tha head and biainti of thu Institution ,
[ Jnpt. T.W. T.lllchaul * , than whom there
is no more capable , genial gentleman in
.he state.
ThU linn affords constant1 employment
.0 a force of about fifty men. moulder ,
: iiodel mail en1 , machlnlnts , lilackuniithu
uul laborers. They nre ceuntantly
e tocklng our market liy frequent impor-
ntlont of skilled labor from the east.
Their biibinoHH last month t.urp.uised nil
heir pro ions experiunuo blnce tluir or-
; jiiUation , and It affords UK great pleas-
ue to congratulate the firm on their sue-
"BLAOK.DnAUGHT" cures dyajx-p
lift , iudifjcstiou and heartburn.
At 0. K. Goodmin.
Graphic Account of the Dan
gers of the Yellowstono-
Misaouri Trip. *
ThoBInnWho HIM Fonrcht TJnilor
In c'nnectlon with th visit of Capt.
Paul Uoylon to thh city oa Saturday ,
when ho stopped on IIH way of floating
down the Missouri , ho wa visited by a
representative of TIM : BKH.
Captain Uoyton wai allowed a con pi o of
hour * reel and time to get a rquaro meal
after whlih his room was visited by quite
a little party of friends , Including the
representatives of Tun IJr.K nnd New York
Herald , Mr. Freeman nnd several members
of the lUce company , who made the Can-
field house their headquarters. Among
the latter were Misses Helen Harold and
Maude Moitlmcr , the two most charming
and beautiful ladies of the troupe. Thn
hospitalities of "IJaby Mine" were again
dispensed and , his heart opened by these
maglo influence * , the captain enteitained
his callers for hours WKI the must graphic
account not only of I > U Yi-llowstone-Mia-
i-ourl voyage , but of Ills adventurers b ;
flood and field in every ocean and ever ;
continent 'almost in the world. Ho in i
iiennnal appearance , of medium Iiciuh' '
broad shouldered and Iron mmclcd. lli
eyes tire supernatiiraliy bright , hi
countenance frank and open and conversa
tionnl powers of the liighcHt order. J
native of the Keystone stale , Uapt Uoytoi
is Htill less than .Tl year of n' e and 10 o
that number hat been pnmed roughing 1
in rubber. HU reply to thu question as t
how ho came to enter upon mich a lift
was , "I jiift took to water naturally froi :
the tinio 1 was a boy. 1 had moie shingle
worn out over my back for going Into tin
water than would roof a housn. Young ai
ho it ho has traveled over 20,000 miles i :
hii rubber suit nnd has fought
VNI : K rot'K KLAOH ,
taking an nctive part in tliu Franco-Prus
ian war , hav ng solo command of tlv
Peruvian torpedo service in the war will
Chili and taking an active part in the lat
unpleaBuntncKS. Among the mci he has
traversed ara the Ithine , Danube , Klione ,
Po , Tiber , Seine Loire , Tugus , nml a
dozen others abroad , beside * the Ohio ,
Mississippi , and last of nil th
Mi-boun in Am-rlca. iiesido gratifying
uaturil love of .ulvcnture , travel nu
8ight-4reinr ; , th > t cnpta u is collecting mn
tfrial for a book whicli ii now iu prepain
tion entitled , "Houghing it in Kubber , '
which uill ImpublUhud siinultaneouRiy ir
tha United 8 alts aud in Europe , in th
KtislUlinud French languagei1. The c.ip
Uin irt wore f.imuuH across thau than n
his own country , ho May. nud one H If.
coiut.tuUd ngont for his book
IIHH swiured overs 21,00 Kiibsctilieia
already for tlio work. Capt. Uoyton speaki
five different languages fluently and has received >
ceived forty-two deeorationa of Knight ,
hood nnd medals , and u an honorary mom.
br of cuimtlcis clubt , orders and societies.
Ho re cived the only order of Knighthood
ever confened by the lalo Queen Alcrcedef
upon an Am. rican He has been a guest by
Hpceial invation of all
of Kuropo and every act of bravery has re.
ceived recognition. Ho received a medn !
from the Italian government for bringing
to hboro the body of a ouiif ; girl who had
b.-en drouncd and which he .accidentally
Htruck with his piddle as ho floated ilowi
btream ! Ytst ho hi.s saved Bcventy-nm
liveH in America and novcr
received n tokfln ot rtcogniti .n. Constant
communion with all that is giMtjd and
.ubliino in n.uuro has iven tli'R niau n
wonderful el qu tie. His conversation is
not only entertaining , but thrilling and
Mpliij in the extiemtt. HU talk of the
mont couimunplaco experiences thro
over them uu indekcrihalilu charm , and
when be RoU down to the
teally exciting vccnes ho Ins
witnessed , thu NighU are
nowhere. His voyage down the Missouri
from Ulendivo , on the Yellowstone , COO
mil s above Kort Yntes , wan begun
Sept. 17th , his boat being previously
decorated by the daughter of Gen.
Merrill , and a parting salute tired
nfter him by the garrhon. The
first days paddling was through water KO
shallow that he frequently had to spar
hiniKelf over locks on which he had
grounded. Ho camped at 7 o'clock
with a single feeling of uneasiness , that
in regard to Indians.
of driftwood ho composed himself to sleep ,
to be awakened Liter by thu up ashing of
water , which ho nt first took to be Indians
approaching. He grasped his revolver and
crept to the bunx to discover amagniricent
elk , which he shot , but it escaped lo the
woods. He returned to find his pa'Idle
burned half up by tlm lire and then nat
down in that lonely t > olitudo to make a
duplicate half with his hatchet , from hard
u-onil. At daybreak ho vturted again and
this day "IJaby Mine" was overturned and
he hu lehead-light ami thermometer lost.
On the'thlrd dayhoMiagged himself nnd
tore hit ) unit which necessitated a stop for
repairs. That ovoningho entered the .Mis
souri and was soon enjoying the hospital *
tiies of ] ' \irt Ilutoni. This was
i bample of the incidents of the voyage
but nut of its danger. While shooting
round n bend in his laxt day on tlio Yel
lowstone he looked up to see hi'i.telf . cov
ered by on Indian' * rifle. ( iRixping the
linger in an instant he uttered the xingle
- jaciil.tion "How ! " with a yell like n
Joinancho at the name time ftnmling up
iijii facing the noble red man. The latter
itood paralyzed for a moment
uul then turuinn' ( tad incontinently to the
furiHti At um then period of the trip
was passed , and In fore the occupant
.ould be hulled , lie ran into'iu nml
luiiie out with a liflo , crime.I . for woik.
Bojton infiir.tiinu hounded thn cavalry
: hargu cu his l.'iilo ' : witli mitht ( and mitMi ,
\M\ \ the trpiwr , < lropiiir | his gnu saiil
'Well , htrun er , that , wastholuckiest blust
jou ever ummleii. 1 was Ju t going to
nlioot you for a bear on A log , " Tliu dan-
fer fiom land were Mipplementcd liythoru
if the river , beds of ijnicUsftiu ! , forests of
! iug.-i , treacherous ediliei and murderous
nsla ( if thi rlimy blue clay already men-
lloncil. To therp were added the hide-
pcrllmblo loneliness of utter olituite. For
: lavn not the hound of a humiiii
volco n heard , the i-tilluem wait
unbroken rave by the cry of thn coyoti- ,
, he c.ickllng nf the wild eeno or the whint-
inc of thu wind. Occasionally a herd nf
mtelope orgr up of buffalo were tieen on
juttcH back from the river , or perhaps the
leer disporting thi-muelvej on the Hi nd-
jars or the mount in goats browning in
nil night , unconscious nf the presence
if man. Tha captain would not
ihimt tha gume wiwuly and cunt nied
limwlf with lOumliiiK hit luge nd K < < -
ug thriu Bcautpor away f > r il Mr I fe , ltv. .
PK him wrry lor the lo s of eren their
omnany , as be win ugain left a'onu with
i * hurt nwuk ouel among the colitudes of
he foreut , 'I ho forts along thn rivi-r en-
.ertaloed . the duilug voyagur m'it
i iufs mely ; ths ludUns took
ilm for "good medicina and
uihoon as the borderland of civ lizatloii
vus met he found a warm reception
'lucwhere. ' From Ulfinarck down hU trip
van rendered less lonely by the pro eueo
if The New York Herald correspondent ,
md thi captnln Ins i ow probably over-
'nine the modt ulllicult part of his tup.
IU hurry at present U to e-capo the nji-
iroachlng cold weather nnd the < loving of
mvlgatiou. In the upper Mistouri hn
nlfeied much from the Ice which gathered
> n his armor and to icy coldness of the
later which cut like a knife , when it pent -
t rated the rubber suit th'oush a hole
aado by a sntg. Thatrip will be resumed
o-inorrow niorninB nnd will occupy about
time weeks in Its completion , Hut two
l.indlngs will bo mode In cities , nt St.
M , , Btl1' Jvnnsa' ' City , and no Hmo
will bn lost in getting to the southward of
Jock t rojfs advance guard.
DOWN mi : iiivp.n.
From Omaha the hltlo craft towed by
the captain will bear n new ttand of colors
of delicatehky blue Mlk , which will bo
thosBof Helen Harold , < ino of the ladies
already'spoken of. M ! s Harold is not
only a beautiful woman , but Is an author-
CMI , having contributed sketches for the
Wnvcrly and other magazines. She Unlso
a fine nrtist , one of her oilpaintings , valued
nt $1,000 being g ivcn a prominent place in
the great Kxposition. A luagnificcnt pen
man nnd n line book-keeper , It would be
diflicult to inmcine the young lady exer In
want nf a tirofe-slon. Her colors will
honor as well as adorn "the Baby" and
bring plea-ant recollections to tlio Cap
tain's mind in Irs solitary moments.
Capt. Bojton will leave for the south.
In nrdor to give everyone a chance to nee
the btnrt without missing work or pchool *
lioun > , ho will leave the foot ot Furnatn
street nt 12-30 . in. lie will give no ex
hibition further than the preliminaries nf
his mart , firing a parting salute , etc. He
was ytsVirrny afternoon prcsentedwith a
hantlfomo now cornet and nn elenant
brandy tlsk by Capt Inglelmrt , nf the
Monster Whale party , who i nn nlil per
sonal friend. It was found impiactlcablu
to undertake a lecture , woio her new
colors tills afternoon. The captain will
arrive at .St. Joseph at 3 p , in. on Thurs
day , the distance being about tlm asino as
that ; from Sioux City to this poin .
Arrival of the O. K. Peck from
the Upper Missouri.
About 0:30 : n. m. ytbterday , the first
steamer down the river , thU HO.IBOO , from
I he upper Missouri , the C , . K. Peck ,
arrived in this city and landed nt the foot
ol Farnhnm street , where she was boarded
1 y a 13EE reporter.
Tlio steamer left Ynnkton t 7 n. in
Friday , but t eeg huad wind <
low water nud heavy fbf
made the run Mow. Siou
City was clcurod onbitiirdnv at-l0 : ; p. m. .
nnd the mn of over 20 miles WUH made i.
forty-one hours , seven hours less than tlv
usual time , nnd thU against adverse wind
nnd low w.-.ter. It wiis a remarkable run
The O.K. Peck is Hying light , having m
freight and but few passengers , stragglen
picked np along the way Her only objcc
is to get dowu the river and out cf thi
way of the ice. It will bo remem
bered that ast year aha was or
her w y from Omaha to Nebraska City ,
to ! ad with corn for St. Louis , uh n tin
ice cloicd in on her an I nhe lay through
the'winter , going mirth ear yi. the Hpri
She has had all tlio business nht * could
ti.iei s ason. The high water in the spring
was followed in the Upper Mi nouri by a
taie of low water nu precede ntei [
in _ the hitoryi of the river , am :
this was hard on river transportation , Tin
0' . 1C. Peck is one of the N. W. T. Co. ' ,
boit ? , that line doing business principally
between Sioux City nnd Bismarck. ThereTO
\TO six other boats iu the line , the iS'eliii
Peck , Far West , ( ien. Terry , Gen
Mcado nnd Pennaha. The lattc :
boat was pulled over -3,000 feet , ou
jf the river bottom at Yankton ;
iftcr tha ice left her. The Meadt
was pulled out 2,800 feet off the chore op
[ losite Yanktou Agency. The Nellie Peck
tvas launchtd otl of the _ ice twelve fee
ibove the level of the railroad track a
Sioux City. The boats of other lines suf.
: pred as sev erely aa thcsp. The completion
if the Northern Pacific will wind np
itcainboating on the Yelluwntone ,
jut will still leave moiu than the
iresent fleet can do , as the mibinepu fron
Bismarck to the mountains , via thu MU
louii , is growing steadily.
The C. K. Peck is the only boat whlcl
whicli will go down to St. Louis , nm'
; wo others go to Sioux City. The resl
rvill winter without repairs. The delay al
.lih point on account of the wind am
'or a supply ot fuel. A measuienieni
) f the height of the bridge was
; aken nt noon , and it was found the ) > as-
lape could bo made without lowerim the
itocks , which are Cfty-ueven feet above the
.voter . level.
The C. K. Peck is in charge of Captain
J. W. Uiahop , general agent of the N. W ,
L1 Co , , and a veteran t-teamboat captain
Captain Wm. 11. Massey , as good a steam
i at-man as ever was on th <
iver , i > ) pilot ; John K. M
[ , tin , engineer ; nnd "Grandpap *
aims , Steward. The steamer is the bigcest
tout on the river except thu Dakota , and U
inly equinped for both passenger and
reiglit traffic.
The Mohammedan is prohibited
o indulge in wino , but if their
irophut was on earth ngain ho would
econmieiul ' 'Conrad's BudivoisiT1' ' to
lie followers as a healthy arid invig-
irating stimulant.
Obituary ,
Mrs. S. M. Sutphcn , wife of I ) . C.
iutphen , Ksq. , died nt 0:15 : ji. m , Sunday ,
> ct. 30tli , aged 51 years , 1 > 2 days. The
Lincral will take place at 2 p. m , Tuesday ,
rom the late residence in West Omaha ,
iurial will take place nt the house.
Thomas F. Wilkins , died Oct. 30th. at
is residence in North Omaha , aged 70
Forty years' trial ui proven "BLACK-
CAUGHT" the best liver medicine
uv world.
At'C. V. flooJman.
Dr. Amelia Burroughs , Wilhncll
, ouuo , anil Fridays , 10 n tn.
D 8 \ > . in. oct 'J2-
GnriluM Mii > unicnt Fund ,
TIIK Uiiii c.nowltd- thetrcctlpt of
10 fioia thu Dnnirh society as a contrihn-
ion toward the GurHcld monument fund ,
'his fund Is growing
ro the and best in the
ity. A. I ) . MOUSK.
'ianoi and Orfjoim , K ° lo A. IIoHpe ,
510 Dodi-o s reut. octSltf
Roman Gold Brackets ; also Japan *
BO Brackets , at llospe's , 1,519 Dod o
troet. octSO-tf.
Go to tlio French Coffee House , nn
'unth street , for the best cup of cofv
30 iu the city. P.jWiig , proprietor.
BW&S *
Poland it Gwyor sell "Shogo" and
[ nlhannn flour , ground food nnd baled
lay. o O-lvr
Ladies , ask to sea our Silk Hound ,
'ino , Heavy Monnn Vt sts nt OQcts. ,
laiinid to ho worth $1 by others.
k'o mean what wo say when wo ad-
ertisp , nnd ri'iieat that wo shall cor-
linly undoraoll everybody iu Omulm
iis fall in way of the bargains we
iiall olfer in every department. Ask
i see our Cloaks and Dress Goods
180 , nt BUMHMlN'rl.
octl0tf !
Jos. Schlitz' Milwaukee Deer on
r.-xught at the Mvrcham'aEzcha.igc ,
> rner 10th und Dodge streets.
The Barber Shbpa Roaumo BUR.
iness Slocumb Violations.
As predicted by Tin : HUB ccvernl ilayi
ngu , the barber shop ? , by n general agree ,
incut , re-opeiifid for business Sunday ,
They were not lacking nt all for custom
and the old luxury of smoking a Bun-
day morning cigar while waiting
( or the tallamanic ' Noxtl" became
once more A thing of reality.
Whether , in Imitation of this example or
not. several dealers in the ardent ope ed
their places and lud a a. odly nn of
patronage. Among them it was noticed
Hi rt's talnin , cm Farnam street , nnd the
ono adjoining to it , wcrn both lit up in the
evening. barney .Shi nnon'H place , on
Tenth street , was nlso in full blast , and
the cheerful cx-aldernmn Is reported tn
have remarked that ho could ulloid to
settle his $100 fine every Monday , from
Sunday's profits , if need bo
( Jen. Mritabrook told n reporter of TlIK
BKK Sunday evening that ho hnd gone by
Shannon's vnloon pnrly in the cv. ing nml
had looncd in , aud that ho had been fol
lowed from that point by three men ,
whom ) 'o ev.vln ! by Hiopjiing in nt the
house of nn acquaintance , While he was
there a man uamo to the iloor and
asked if ho vyos In. TJnon 1 o-
ing answered in tin nfliima ive ,
the man said : 'Tell Ktttnbrook thit
a | > arty wants to ceo him on the corner of
Tenth street and Capitol avenue at
8 o'clock. " The general then spoke up
and said : "What do you want of met"
when the man abiuptly walked away.
Tlio general gave it as hiri opinion that , the
man meant to waylay and beat him , if ho
hnd guno to the appointed rendesvous.
If you wish to avoid great danjysr
and trouble , besides n no sintill bill
of expense , nt this srason of the year ,
you should take prompt stops to keep
disease from your lioiiaolAld. The
> stem should bn cleansed , blood
purified , stomach and bowels regula
ted , and prevent nnd euro disease's
arising irom opring malaria. Wo know
of nothing that will so perfectly und
surely do this as Electric Bitters , and
at the trifling cost of fifty cents a bet
tle. [ Exchange.
Sold by Ish & McMahon. (1) ( )
NOTICE Aih crtluttineni To Loin , Kor Silo ,
Ust , Found , Want * . Itoanllne , Sc. , will bo In
serted In these columns once for TKN CENTS
per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVE CENTS
per line. Thn first tncortlon never loss than
ONEV TO LOAN Call ut LawOlticcof D.
M L. Tliomas Uooii 8. C'rcli'hton Block.
l\\l\ \ To loanut from H to 10 percent
wlM I on ( rood real entatesecurity , by
l K. KAAC EUWA1IDS 110'J ' Karnham .st
LOAf - - At S pi-r ccntlii
rfwl/.l/Uw tcrcst In uniusof S2.600 am
upn'arda , for 3 to B years , on flrst-elaxa city am
farm property. DKMIS UXAI. ESTATK and Lox
AarvcT. lUh and Douitlr.n Stu.
ANThlV-A seed ( jirl for houiework i ;
W iiull famtlv. Inqiurc at 13 f
A. n. orUJSTONP. . sw-i
V\7"ANTiD Two ( , 'lrN , ono to rook , wush nn
VV Iron , nnd one to Jo sc-coml work and ttk
: are of children. Best of rt'urcnces raqiilriMl
ly eouthci t corner of 20th anil Californ !
I waste- . 30 ! tf
\NTEO A ( rood barber Immediately ,
W Sam Crrnlleld , Ci9 10th St.
ANTED l-lnlnpr room Rlrl nt licli'c
W re * tan rant , 13th and Jack Ron Sts 3'llM
\ l'ANTED , I'osltlon In ifiocery or harduan
v * ' - tonby iniu ol e ptrience In lu h. .
3ood rclcrui.coi given. Addrrba , R. 0. II. , He
3IR c. 3SO-31 *
A clrl for hoiuewnrk Imnirdiato
WANTED BZO Harnoy St. , bit. 9th nn
10th. Sl'0-lf
ANTEO A ( ? oed girl at once. Mrs. II ,
W VI hltmore , S. W. cor. l&th and Webster ,
VITANTKO A position In flret-class diw
W store , hy a radiate r [ University fit
I'ennsjltanu ( M. D ) Entirely f.imiliar with th
Irutf bus noaa. Addrtu , J. M F. , Hee olllee.
! ii > 3 12 *
W > ANTED Dlnir.g room girl nt Creljrhtoi
House. 3SS 31 *
A ftrrnj ' , jourj ; man wlllnj to
WANTKD lilnncll encially ii'cful around a
lotel Good wave i and steady cmplo.1 ment tu
.he rixht man. Apply at New guapcr Union , cor ,
L'tb and Howard Sta. ! ! 7d-tJ
Hyn lady , situation a.i house. .
WANTED or will as-Ut in ll 'lit work in afaiu. .
ly. Address this with Jlre. T. Jl. C. . I' . O.
ANTED Men and to mi by Duffy Ilron.
W bel , 1 arnham and Douglau. on fcth St.
2'J3 tf
ANTED-IfO to 200 loads of dirt near 23d
w and St. Mary a a > rnue. Enuulru at } iec
. 222 ! > .tf
. > liOtozflOloaanofclirc near 23ru
WANTK. . Jlury'd avcnuoi Enquire at liee
ittlce. 193-tf
ANTED Fntidlnir bridge and ucliool bonds.
W U. T. CUrk , Uellovuu. 26-tf
riT ANTED A lady w lhcITwrTtln f > do at
VV homa or in an ofllcc , his had ionic rx-
Titnc-ennj conmdcrablu liuslnc-ii tict ; or will
. * lat In llK'lit housework and BVB ! muilc Itnaonu
i a famll ) . Addrutiii ono week , Ilm 1. 1 ! . 11. .
' . O. , Omaha. 2b7-tf
[ ,1OH UbNT A furnhhcd front ruom for rcit
L ulth boird , In prlvatu fAHilly , ( JcntUmin
rtlcr'Ld. Call WJ7J K. Kth Ht. Si > i-\l
1,1011 HK.NT Itooiiinn-i 1'oixril , northnri.t cor
L1 nir Capitol avi'iiLU and 17th bl * . 3D7-3P
POlt I'.KNT A Ur o h nd < omty furnished
room , miltabl' ' for ) < frsoii8 , with boird ;
DOJ llth and apltol nMiiue , U57-T
[ 71015 KENT A homo In North Omaha , at
! ' JlOOJn month. Inquire 1219 bherman
vrnte , A. CAMJIEXZIND W9 tf
[ 710H KENT Nicely furnished roomto lot ,
I1 MIT Ifowirdi-t. 3-86
[ 7AOK IlKNT-Wtllfurnlhcd and lomfortable
U > lcn > ln room- , convenient location and
w on blu r t . Apply at 210 N Dth St. 381-2
; ; iOK HK.VTKurnl.hcd icomn , S. K. corni-f
I. 16th ktid Jkckoon Ht * . Enqulro on urc-
> ' ! _ 3t2Jf
; 710K HE.NT Two furnl hcd or unfnrnUhrd
J room-.boulho * . t corner JBth and Houglaa
iqulro at No. Kit ) Uouglut bt. 3-4-31
riOU E.ST To yountr rnon whodcMro good
i ; wintfr quarlort ; two nicely furnl-brd
> om * . Inquire of J , L. Hlco at Joe & Ham's or
I 171J Dodio treet. _ ocm tf
p.NT Two fuml-hwl rooms for jcntlo- ;
1 mm , isio Howard stiett , touth cf the
' thntll.
710H IlENT Ono or two roam * , rurnUhcd or
: unfurchlitd , S. W. cor. ot California and
5d fat * . 32241
710U KENT An letraitly lurnlihitd alcove
' room , low prlco , bilck bouse , " 013 Ctun tt.
7 > 0ll KKNT Fnrnlihed Iront room on Ural
: Moor , t 31 ? mil at. , bet. DAveuinrt an-i
KENT J ( unnihod roomi over ll J >
chknU' Ln.h nKoN. K. ccr. lUlb and Ilg
* on SALE
TOH H\IK _ Fine rcsldmcc property ut nbar.
' Kal" , mojt dilrable location In tne clt < :
1 couip He with barn , out houin.ndtibubbcry :
0 H > iulh 2ith t , . Br.t ho v from Karnhaiii.
riqulru ol W. L Kldd , 110 Uth fit. . Jacob * '
_ _
rOIl SALE-pr runt , on e y term * , one of the
flnwt iNldiucM In th city , Inquiru D
E Team good vonlcehcip : at RcJ
Mlarn , IMh St. octl-tf
1.10USAI.K-A h. IIM nd j lot with jrood
I ; well nil -able ( , on 20th. noir Shermtn St. ,
No 1807. 1'ricc.WW ) . 37J-U
FOR SAt.B Choip , Two nAdlent Home -toroj
In ( food condition , one R doiibloricat r. Ap
ply at northciut corner 19th and California Sts.
IOr. SAUI * A Wfll tstahllihed nd pr ) lnst
. llnrdw-iro l > m ness stoik ami liulldlnK-ln
a KOR | ti. n on the 11. A M. rallrcixl In
Souilicrn .Sthriwka 'For rar'lculin call in or
ftddrc-s H , Z. Kowler , llubbcll , Neb ,
"I.1OII SAtK A lot of second hand furniture.
Jtovcs , carW | and cfockcrv ware , t H.
lRle , 12U3 Douglas SU. '
B Kills has rnttllriiclonir list * of houtwH , lota
hndii Mid fimu ( or fta ] Cell and get.
FOIt SAI.K LiMo&nU runuturool a flrtt da * !
hotolln a town of 1800 Inhabitants , Inrtate
of N briV ; has ! 4 > ds ; the trai cllnif inoti.B rc-
ort. Inijnlro ( it DKK offlpo. JlV-tt
. 'OH SA'.K Anwll tnRliio , ! . W. I'RVIJB &
U Son'amako. In perfect oador. Inquire of tl.
U. Clark & Co , "O-tl
IJ10U SAfiK Mam of boiiRlRH and aarpy nun.
I1 tlos. A.llOSKWATKKl 20KrDlnm.trvct
* HALK1 first class uilihiet or nn , vcrj4
1 cheap : nearly now. liuiulto MlltcJtcvcni
& Son , 14th and Farnhum Mt
OIl SAM * 1'our acres ot Iftim
_ . worns rcwrvolr , nNo two coltajca on Capltoli
lllll. Add. ANimUW UbVl.VS , ISOfl DouirlaH bt-
813 tf
ROUSK3 AND LANU-ltoiiim renU hoiisoe ,
stores , hotels , farrr ots , lands , cttlcaa
rooniB. etc , Sco let iJa e
LOST 2 hecr books , ono contalnln : Win
money , belong rig to MM. J. Uaunan. Finder -
er will plunge lea * cat tliUoltUe and riccho ro-
* ! . Sim 31
_ _ _
TTIOUND A eot of surgical tool * . Onncr can
Jj hive the same by calling nt CnMwet M. . .
l > ct CainM and King , Shlnu's addition. liEO.
T CORNISH. 30/1.7 /
OTHAYKD A reel cow of m. diinii xlzu , wi.h n
O white fpot on top ol lh hips nd apelcoof
around her hotn. Kor It *
rope rccov crv , aabon-
ahlor * ard will be paid , t. . C. Knewalcl. Ifcth.
and Jackson St * . 373 31
milK J. H UKUNSWIt-K & lll.Akh CO. , hwjp.
JL a complete stock of lillllard Tables and HlfT
Hard mer'handlso on their t tore room.&OO
South 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. ol2-lm'
"j not llb'l Asbl U W 11 pay tne highest cash.
rj . Jirlco for eei-ond hand billiard and 1'ooi
Table * . Call or addicestW ) South irtli St.
olg.lm *
r > K1IIS' KEALKiiTATK BOOM be * 1st pa.fa.
BALKO HAY At A. H. Sander's Food Storu
1013 Harncy St. slO-tf
Isi pajce.
BEMI81 NBW CITV MAI'8. JOc.-jfoiinTcJ
Maps , S7.EO. Of H. P. Bt-Ml.S.
.Sol'iU. . special udtirtlacnunty , such . BS-
Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent ,
Want , Boarding , etc. , will ho insertid In Ihla
column at tlia low rate of TKN CINTj I'Kli
LINU for the first insertion nnd FIVK CENT3
PEK M.VE for cuh tubequctit inlcitlon.
Leave ndvcrilHinicnU at cur olllcp , upstirn
corner IlrjaUway and Jlaln street' , Council
T'fTAM'KIi hvcr > " 55dy in IlluffTTa
W to take Tim Urn , 2V cents per week , do
Ihcrcd by carriers. Oilico cor.icr Urond y an < t
MUii , up htalra , Onuici ItlulTa. Bh--tf
Inttovea , furniture and eecont
handhouiieholdifood- , , . \ il cri tlun.cnn.
rispo-.a nt thunforc a'l by ollln ; ut the ( .Sty
Auction of J. A I'.ttton . Co. ojt'2i tt
TWILL sell n j Car iage aid Wajon Shop at o.
bargain or fill stuck end tool- , for ca-h , and
rent hoi | , to a coed re . .on-llu | man. KuiBnn
for helling f 4 oin on a far ti. Callonorad icfiA-
W. a. Morris , CotincI ItllilT * , lo\ia. cc-JC-t %
OST Op u face silver Kiy wlnd'n ' ? v-akh ,
U'httlor motLnicnti. Kin ler will ba mil'a-
lyroMardtd. L a o at "Bte" otllce , Counclt
Binds. c 25 ! ! t
1JOT1KICS TICKl.T OKKH.Far in railroad
I tkkcu ctntlnnes to boom. Un. rcctdcntei.
low niteH to all nst < ni poiHts. Kvcry tKket
{ raarniiiitil. Ortleru filled Dy telciihono. . From
one to ten dollars tavid by rmrinaaini- ticket *
of C. A. I'ot cr , succceaor to Potter & 1'almor , No.
W South Fifth Btrnt , f ur doora bco th" pct
olllcg. Council I luff" . lo a. _ o < U3-lf
'A TED Hey , with pony , to carry paptre.
W Inquire ate otllcc , Council liluils.
o -tl3-tf
WANTED To buy lee tons broom corn.
Tor iiarttculars addretM Council IllulL *
Broom Factory , Council lluff ) , IOM.-V C ! > SOtf
A eood carpenter at onco. Ap
ply llynstcr & Adams , Council Plurfs.
lOMa. B50-29 *
' 1 Kil A Hr t-cliWH bronin tier. Jlnjno
" i. , Council IlluffH. Iowa. f O SO *
W AN'i'KU A boy to do chore * at Jljnstem
fl-hcrv. Conned Bluff i. fxll-28 *
WANTKDrooj girl for KCIII ral hounuwork.
Maria Mynatcr. Countli Bluffs. C02 tf
\\7ANTKH-A Bltuatlon by n ftrst-rlm n > illerT
VV Had 20 jcars experience. Understanda
aid and new | roceufces. 8p aks l-inli-i ! an (
Ucrman and acquainted with stcnm ami water
( i crs. Can 'ite ! he bodt of reference , vvfii
comuon trial at any time. Address H. S. , Box
1611 , Council DlufTx , la. bS-2tj )
POH SALK Old paper * 40o per hundred , oj
The Bee ofllcc. Council Blufl * . BI 27 tf
ro Contractors , JBIaildora and
Property Owiiors.
The undeislgnvd havingbein appointed ageo )
'or ' the extennlvo Iron and wlro manufacturing
oust-s of K. T. Darnum , of Detroit , and tha
Husj-el Iron Foun.'ry and Works at Toledo ,
3lilo , rapai Itj i.f fX ) tons dally , Is prepared t
'nrnlrh ' ci-tliiiati-i * and prices for Iron mliimng ,
6i-ic. , for t-turn froiitx , window caps end Hill * ,
.hrt-xliold | > lAtii < , wrought Iron beams and idrd *
; r , li > diftulUtlcvntnrH , tnplo llttlngs , pulley * ,
i infcliiRtu. . ; nlMi Iron fences , cresting , win-
In * ifiianlH , flmttcri , ittalrs , bald nits , settees ,
hiliH , tanc-K , i , i\i.rliiiii" | , fountains , rummer
IOUHIX , linn , imnliimnil ccmotury ornami-nts ,
lowtr ituiuN , KH\\ . - < uaril * , lie. , ke.t In ondleto
arlulv. Catalogues supplied on application.
.iiKNitr n. BAitity ,
Manufacturers' Agent , 22 I'eurl strot. .
antrlO-lm me Cnuncll IHnlK Iow
riONALlKT , 4118 Tenth Htn.etl > etweo-j Faru'iam.
.ndlfainey. Will , with tne aid of iuaidl-.a :
plritu , obtain for any ona aclanco at tha paal
aid pruHcnt , and on certain conditions In the fa
il re , BooU and Shoes m do to order. IVrtt-ct
atNfactlon truaranterd nnSn-lra
Absolutely Pure.
Jladu from Onfa Crev.a T rUr , No other
rj tlon m&kcd nuch llKbt , flaky hot bro d .
ixiirloua pantry. Cao be oaten by Dyvpepcta
III out f ar of the 111 * rttultlDtf from heovyl n < X
Mtlble food. Hold only In cmni , by all Oroctn
New Yo
0. f. Good win