ff THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 1 , 18 > 1 FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL. NKW YORK , October 31. MONET. Money closed at C p6r cent. Call toAnk were active at 1-22 per cent above tlio reg ular wto. Kzchango closed steady at 4 81J@ I 85J , f\ land jictu-d transaction 80i4 81 for bankers'sixty dsya tterllug bills ; 4 81 ? @ 435 tori cam-id. OOVKKNMKXTfl. QovcrnmcnU wore sternly. Currency G's 1 SO bid i's coupons 1 IGi bid U' coupons 113 bid 5 continued 1 02 liid O'u continued 1 01 bid IIAILnOAD nomt. Pacific railroad bonds closed M follows t Union firsts * 1101 'Union land grants 113j@l 14 Sinking funds 123 bid. The block market to dny opened rather firm , and prices advanced fractions'/ ! the active stocks at ttio ouUct. The fall- uro of tha Newark bank , howavir , had the cflect of checking uny upward move- tnent , aud n fatlin ? movement set in , chilli roulted in a di cl'no that rather more than olfstt the incrcasa of osrly morning. Whcnlho actual facts became known , rtgardinj the Newark bank fillure , the market ran along more stead ily for general stoc'/cs , although there were Jiomo fcverishnoss In Rpeciilativo dealings , and a general desire to Hell , This latter tendency became more marked as tha day advanced , and it was announced that there had been several commercial failures con sequent on the enormous extent of the speculations in the bank. Tuis bank has been iegaidd us one of the best la the country , and the dullness of the market was because of an unsettled feeling ns to whom inisht bo involved in the smash-up. "The lowest prices of the d y were current during the later hours. STOCKS. Tbo following are the closing bids : A&TIf 65 MO 03) ) , Preferred. . . . 00 M L S & W. . . . 51 ' B& O 1378- N..T.0 93' GC&IO 204 NY C 139) ) Cedar Falls. . . . 23 North western .124 ; -Central Pft 95 Preferred. . . . 134i C& A 12 > NP 38j CCC'&I Preferred. . . . 79 Cent Arizona. . . Omaha 41 } C Stint NO. . 77 Preferred. . . . 10 $ DLJk W 1201 Oregon Nav..102 D&UG 82J PD&E 395 Erie 44 | Pacific Mail. . . . 48 ? K&W 43 } Roclt Island. . . . 134 $ Adams 145 StP.uil 108 Wclla & Fargo. 134 San Francisco. . 44 American 93 Preferred. . . . 09 } U.S 70 1st preferred..10r > J H&St J 9CJ StPM &M..10GJ Preferred. . . . 113 ToxasPacific. . . 53 111 Cent ISO Union Pacific. . 120J IB& W 43J Wabash 48J K&T 40 § Preferred. . . . 88 LS 121 W U SGg CHICAGO MONEt MAUKtT. CHICAGO. October 31. This week opened wi'.h slnrp demand for money , and rates ruled firm atG@7 per cent. All A1 paper offered was takpn. Eeastern exchange between the city batiks is Orinor at par , and 23c premium per 31,000. The clearings of the associated banks were § 7,400,000. The movement of money to and from the city was aleut evenly balanced. COMMERCIAL. Omaha 'Wholesale Marlcet- OPFICK or TUB OMAHA BKE , 1 Evening , October 31 . , ) Grain , market quiet and no change noted. Provisions ftoady. Butter scarce and ten dency upwards. The demand for cream ery exceeds the supply. In previous years the amount of cieamery butter used by lo cal retailer * was small , .but this season the demand compels all retailers to keep it on hand. Nothing now that was especially important occurred among local traders to-day. Merchandising continues as active ai ever ; the weather was delighful and everything moving smoothly. In drugs we note a decline of 3efor acid tartaric. In oils wo note an advance of Jc for carbon and headlight. Local tiraln Dealings. WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 1 15g ; cash No. , 1 02 : rejected S2Jc. BARLEY. Cash No 2 , 95c ; No. 3 , 83c. 83c.RYE. . Cash. 85c. CORN. Cash No. 2 , 47gc. OATS. Cash. 3-VJp. Livestock. AT COUNCIL nMJFKH STOCK TAUDS. Cattle Good shipping , § 4 00@5 00 ; fat cows and heifers. $2 75@3 00. Hogs Mixed packing , 85 23@5 50. Sheep Slaughtering in demand at 84 00 @ 500. Provisions. FLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade , $325@375 ; patent , 83 754 60 ; winter wheat Htraight grade 83 85@4 23 ; patent , SI 60@4 90 ; graham rye , 82 73 ; Wheat , S3 00. RYE FLOUR S3 25. MILLSTUFFS Bran , per cwt. 90c ; ( screenings , per cwt. SOc ; shorts , per cwt 1.00 ; chopped feed , per cwt. 1 20 ; meal bolted , yellow , 1 40 ; white. SI 75. POTATOES In c.ir lots , 100@1 03 ; Salt Lakes , 1 25@1 35. SWEET POTATOES- Genuine Musa- tine , 4o per II ) . POULTRY Live chickens per dozen , $2 50@2 75. PRAIRIE CHICKENS $2 503 OC per dozen. WILD GEESE 2 75@3 50. WILD DUOKS-1 00@1 50. EGGS Firm ; 21@22c. BUTTE R Choice scarce at 20@30 ; poor , no market : creamery , 30@35c. APPLES Good , Bound , very dcarce at 81 50 per bbl. HONEY California white clover in comb , 21@25c. LEMONS Steady ; per box , 1000 ; Finest Messina oranges $8 00 repacked. CALIFORNIA PEARS-Per box , $350 ( 400. ' BEESWAJC Yellow , 18@20o. ONIONS-1 50@1 GO per bushel. CABBAGE $100@2 00 per dozen , aa to quality. CRANBERRIES-Por bbl. , $8 00 ® 3 50. CELERY Per doz. , 50@55c. Grocers List. COFFEE. Rio , lair , ISic : Rio , good , 14c ; Rio , prime to choice , lljc ; Old gov't Java ; 264@281c , Mocha , 28Jc ; Arbuckle's , 173c. 173c.TEAS. . Gunpowder , good , @ 55c ; IJUy * CJ1U1JC | Ut-JvVWv * wf u Miu AVUV * tvmt 35c ; Japan , choice , fX75c ) ; Oolong , coud , . 35@40 ; Oolong , choice , 40@55 ; Souchong , geod. awa-iOc ; choice. 3545c. SUGARS. Cut loaf , lljc : Crushed , 11 Jc ; Granulated , lie ; Powdered , 11 Jo Fine powdered , llfc ; Standard Coffee A. lOSc ; New York Confectioner's Standard A , lOJcj Good A , lO c ; Prairie Eitw C , 9o. 9o.SYRUPS. SYRUPS. Sugar house , bbl , Xc ) : half Lls , 62cj kegs , 44 gallons , $250 ; choice table syrup , We ; halfbbls , D3o ; kegv.Sa W ) . SPI. Pepjier , 20 ; Allspice , 0c ; * Cloves , 45c ; Nutinocru , 31 OOs Cassia , 25c } Y .Mace 8100. SODA. Dwlght'n lb paper * , W 00 ; Do- land do , $3 00) ) Church' * , $3 CO ; Keg ' STARCrr.-Pcarl , 4je ; Silver 01 < H , SJ " ; Corn Starch , 8J@9c ; Excelnior uion . 7c ; Com. 7ic. SALT. Dray Jowls per bbl , 1 95 ; Adi- ton , In nacks , 360 ; bbls dairy GO , 6 * , 345 ; bbls dairy , 100. 3 . 3G.5. FRUlTS-Choiee halves , poache * , nevrcror > . lOc : Evaporated Apple- , 5 lb boxes , 1S11C ! Michigan , 8c } ; New York apple * , 8\c : Prunes , old , 7o ; new , SJc ; Currants , 7@7ic ; lilackberrlos , new , 'CHEESE Full Croun , 15c ; Part Skim. Hie. WOODENWARK Two hoop pall * , 1 95 ; three liowp pails , 2 20 ; No. I tub" , 9 60 ; No. 2 tubs , . 8 60 : No. tub * . 7 60 ; pioneer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Cr wn , 290 : Well bucket323. . LEAD Bar , 81 05. MATCHES-Per caddie , OOo ; round cases 87.G.5 ! square cases , S.V 10. PROVISION'S Breakfast Imcon , 14) . jholcclard , 13Jc ; dried beef , 13jc ; nhnuld- era , canvassed 9o ; hams , cauvoiuted 14e ; bacon , sides 12 te NEW PICKLES-Medlum , in barrel * , $10 00 : do in half bbls , 5 75 : smalls , in bbU , 12 00 ilo , In half bold , 7 CO ; gherkins , in bbls , 14 00 ; do , in half bbls. 7 60. VINEGAR 1'uro apple extra , IGc ; pure apple , 13c ; Prus.iintr uure annle , IGc. HOMINY New , $ G 00 per bbt. BEANS-Modium , hand picked $3.90 per bushel : navy , $1 00. ROPE Sisal , 4 Inch nnd larger , 9\o \ ; 3 inch , 10c ; 1 inch , lOJo. SOAPS-Kirk's Savon Imperial , 345 ; Klik's eatlnet. 3 45 ; Kirk's utmidard , 3 50 ; Kirk's white Russian , 5 25 : Kirk's Eutoca , 2 05 : ' Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100- ( cakes ) , S 40 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 55. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , Ifi oz , 8s , lGcboxes ; 40 Ibs. , 1G oz. , Ga , IGc. LYE American , 340 ; Greenwich , 340 : Western , 2 75 : North Star , 2 60 ; Lewis' lye , 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 275. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. , In case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in case , I 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in ca.se , 1 60. FIELD SHED Rod clover , choice new , $ G 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover new , $700 ; white clover , new. $1400 nl alfa clover , new , $1250 ; alsike , new , $1300. Timothy , good , now , $3 00 ; blue grans , extra clean , $150 ; blue grass , clean , $1 2.5 ; orchard grass , 82 50 ; red top , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri , 80c ; millet , German , $100 to $125 ; Hungarian. SOc. HEDGESEED Osage orange , 1 to 5 bushels , $5 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels or over , 84 50 ; honey locust , per lb. , 35c ; per 100 lb , 925 00. FISH-Family white fish , 90 lb hf bbls , 83 75 ; No , 1 white fish , 90 lb hf bbln , G 30 ; No. 1 white fish , in 10 lb kits , 100 ; family _ . _ . . , Gonrgo' ' Bank codfish , Gc ; Gen. boneless codtiah ; 8Jc ; boneless fish , 42c. MAOKEKEL Half bbls messmackerel , 100 Ibg , $12 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do , 100 11 , G 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 Ibs , 3 83 ; mess mackerel , 12 lb kits , 2 25 ; No. 1 ex shore , 12 lb do , 1 60 ; No. 1 shore , 12 lb do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 lb do , 75c. CANNED GOODS-Oystere , 2 lb ( Field's ) , per case , $4 20 ; do 1 lb ( Field's ) , per case , 2 60 : do 2 lb ( Standard ) , per case , 3 90 ; do 1 lb ( standard ) , per case , 2 50 ; do 2 lb ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 lb ( slack ) , per case , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1 lb , per dozen , 1 C0@l 70 ; do 2 lb , per dozen 2 55. Sardines , Hinall f ah , imported , _ one quarter boxes per box , 14Jc ; American , quarter boxes per box , lie ; do half boxes , per box , 21ic. Lobsters , 1 lb per dozen , 180. Tomatoes , 230 ; do 3 lb per case , 3 10 ; Corn , 2 lb ( Mountain ) per case , 3 70 ; soaked corn , 2 10 ; do 2 lb ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 375 ; string beans , per case , 2 25 ; Lima beans per case , 2 20. Snccotash per case , 2 2.5. Peas , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice , per case , 4 60. Blackberries , 2 lb , per case , 280 ; strawberries , 2 lb , per case , 2 75 ; raspberries , 2 lb , per case , 2 753 00. Damsons , 2 lb , per case , 2 45. Bartlett pears per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleber- jries per case , 2 80. Egg plums , 2 lb per cuse , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 lb , per case. 4 50. Green gages,2 lb per case , 3 60 : do choice , " lb per case , 1 50. Pine Apples , 2 lb , per case , 4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 lb per case , 3 10 : do 3 lb ; casa , ft 00@G 50 ; do ; ( pie ) , 3 lb , per case,38j ; do pie , G It ) , per dozen , 3 60. R ICE Carolina , 8@3ic ; Louisiana , 7i . PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Tennessee - nessee , 9c per Ib ; fancy white , lOc per lb ; wv white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted , llic. Cigars nnd Tobaccos. CIGARS. Seeds , S15.00 : Connecticut , 825.00 ; Mixed , $35.00 ; Seed Havana , $30.00 ; Clear Havana , § 75.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Puilc , 24 lb , GOc ; Spotted Fawn. Glc ; Our Rope , G2c ; Star , pounds , 21 lb , butts , GOc ; Horse Shoe , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , GOc ; Purity , 24 lb. butts , 52c ; Queen Bee , 21 lb , butts , 53c ! Glt Edge , pounds , 24 lb , butts , 57 ; Army and N.avy , pounds , 54c ; Bullion , pounds , fi8c ; Lorillard's Climax , pounds , GOc. FINE CUT In pails. Hard to Beat , 73o ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , SOc ; Favorite , G5c ; Rocky Mountain , 55o ; Fancy , 60c ; Daisy , 45c. In tin foil Catlius O. S. , 2 oz packages , 5 lb boxes , jier lb G5c ; Lorillards Tiger , GOc. SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to 33c. Granulated Black wells Durham , 16 oz 51c ; Dukes Durham , 16 oz , 60c ; Seal of North Carolina , 1C or. 40 ; Seal of Nebras ka , 10 oz , 38c ; Lone Jack , 4 oz , linen bags , perlb , 81.35 ; Marburgu' Puck , 2 oz , tin oil , 55c ; Dog Tail. 65c. Drups , DRUGS AND CIIEMKXALS. Acid Carbolic , 60c ; Acid , Tartario , 55c ; Balsam Copabla , per lb , 70c ; Bark , Sassafras , per lb , 12o ; Calomel , per lb , 70c ; Cinchonldla , per oz , 70c ; Chloroform , per lb. OOc ; Dover's powders , per lb , 81 40 } Epaom alts , per lb , 3Jc ; Glycerine , pure , per lb , 3c ; Lead , Acetatepcrlb , 22c ; Car Olive , per gal , SI 40 ; Oil , Origanum , 50c Opium , ? 1 60 ; P. & W. & It. & S. , pur oz , 81 95 ; Potassium , Iodide , per lb ; 32 35 ; Salacm , per oz , 35c ; Sulphate of Morphine , per oz , 83 75 ; Sulpnur flour , per lb , 4c ; Strychnine , nor oz , SI 60. Pnlnti Ollf and Varnlihei. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. & 0. Co.pure , Gc ; Marxeilles green , 1 to 5 lb cans , 20c ; Kicnch zinc , green seal , 12c ; French line , red seal , He ; French zinc , In varnish asu , 20c ; French ziuce , In oil asst , 15c ; Raw and burnt umber , 1 lb cans 12c : raw and buna Sienna , 13c : Vandyke brown , 13 , j lefined lampblack , 12c : coach black , l"e ; I"ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian blue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green , L. M. & D , , Mc b'ind and shutter green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; Paris green. 18c ; J-dian red , 15c : Venetian red , ! c ; Tuscan rut , 22c ; American Vermillod , I. &P. , 18o ; chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & I ) . O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 10 ; patent ilryer , Gc ; graining colors : light oak. dark oa { , walnut , chestnut and ash 12c. Dry ° alntt White lead , CJc ; French 7ine. Oc ; Paris whiteing 2Jc ; whiting gilders , lie ; vibiting convl , lc ; lampblack German , town , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; 1'rus- slan blue , 45c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vivndyke , lirqwn , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sleuna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4o Paris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green com'l JSa ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrom- green K. , 12c ; vennillion , Eng. , 70c ; vermillion - million , America , 18c ; Indian red. lOc , rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cooknon s 'i'io : Venetian red Am. , lijo ; red lead , TJcj chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yel low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ofjhro , IVench , 2Jc ; ochre , American , He ; Winter's mineral. 2c ; lehlgh brown , 2a : epanlsh brown. 2c ; Prince' * mineral 3c ; VARNISHES-Barrels per gallon. Funilture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , Slfmnture ; ! , U , 86c ; coach , extra , Sfl 40 ; Coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , $1 60 ; Japan. 70c ; BHiihaltum , 70c ; sholLic , 83 60 ; hard oil finish. 81 SO. OlLS-1101 carbon per gallon. 12o ; 160" I cadlicht , per gallon. ISc ; 175' he'adlidit , pergallon , 17c ; cryntollnc , pergii" , ' 'Oc ; linseed , raw , per gallon/CIc ; Lin ped , boil ed , pt-r gallon , C7c ; lard , winter utr'd , per k-atlon , 1 0,5 ; No. 1 , We , No. 2G5c ? ; castor , XXX. per gallon , 130c , No. 3 , 115 ; sweet per gallon , S-V ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon , 81 35 ; fi hW.B. , i > er gallon , GOcn ; atjifoot1 extra , per gallon , 160 , No. 1,6.5 ; lumbrri , eating , 7cn\ per gallon , SOc , summer , 16c golden machine. No. 1 , per gallon , W e , No. L' , SOc ; uparin , nlgiml , per gallon , 80c ; tur * pcntlne , per gallon. G4cj nnptha 74 dec , ) er gallon 20o. G3 deir , 20c. Liquor. ALCOHOL 187 prool , ? 2 M Per lne gallon , extra California splriU , 187 proof at 1TX ) IHT proof gallon triple refined spirits187 proof , SI 21 : per proof gal re-d ! < ti11ed uhidden , 100 ( > l 50 ; fmo blended , SI t'lOS a oO ; Kentucky bourbons bens , 82 00&7 00 : Kentucky and Pennsyl vania rye * , S2 00@7 00. BRANDIES-Imported , $6 001GOO ; domestic 1 40@4 00. 1 GINS Importeil , 4rX@fiOO ) ; domestic , 1 40@3 00. RUMS Imported , 4 BOgfJ 00 ; New JJnglnml. 2 004 00 ; douicstlc , 1 503 60 ; J'EACII AND APPLE BRANDY- 175W100. CHAMPAONTIS Imiiortoil per cn f , 20 00@31 00 ; American , per cnso , 1200 ® 1800. CLARETS-Per eae , 4 60@1G 00. WINES Rhluowino , l er case. C. 00@0 PC Catawba , per case 400(3700. ( Heavy Hardware Lut. Iron , rates , $3 50 : plow uleel , cast , 74c ; east tool do. 15 20 wagon upokes , set. 2 25@3 00hubs ; , per eot , 1 2o ; felloes , saweil dry , 140 ; tongues , each , 70@85o : a > Jes , catli , 75c ; WIUAIO nuts , per lb , 7@llc ; washers , perlb. 8@lSo : rivets , per lb , Ilo ; coil chain , per lb , G(3112c ( ; malleable , So ; iron wcdgoo , Gc ; crowbar * , Gc : harrow teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring steel. 7,8c. NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 GO : 8 to 10 , 375 ; Gd , 4 00 ; 4d. 4 23 ; 3d , common , 5 00 : 3d , half kega , 10c extra. SHOT. Shot , $1.85 ; Buck shot , f2.10 ; Oriental Powder , kegs , 80.40 ; do. , half kegs. $3.48"do. : , quarter kegs , 81.88 ; BlastIng - Ing , kc B , $3.35 : Fuse , uer 100 feet 60c. Hidet , Hun , Etc. HIDES Green butcher's hide , 7i ; green cured hides , 8c ; green nalt , p rl cured hides , 8@Rta drj- flint , sound , 13@14c ; dry calf and kip , 12@13c ; dry salt hides , Round , ll@12c ; green calf , wt. 8 to 15 lbn. . 10@llc ; green call , wt , under 8 Iba , per kin , 60c ; green pelts , 81 00@115 ; green lamb skins , 8110@125 ; damaged'hides , two-third rate , cut scored nnd one grub , classed two- tl Irda rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent. off. Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 , 20. ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No , 1 , 50c ; No. 2 , 30c.No. S , 15c ; No. 4 , 6c. Fox , No. 1 , 60c ; No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black , tine ; short stripe , 40c ; narrow etrlpo 'i5c ; brood utripo , 10o. Tallow , Gc. Wool. Merino unwashed , light , 14@16c ; heavy , 13@15c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c ; tub-washed , choice , 32c ; fair , 30c ; dingy and w. , 2Sc ; hurry , black and cotted wools 2@Gc less Horace and Mulct. The market i brisk and all gradoFi are selling well at a slight advance In niicos. The demand for peed horses exceeds the supply considerably. Prices range as fol lows : Fine single drivers , 8150. to 300. ; Extra draft horses , $175. to 225. ; Common dra.'t horses , S100. to 150. : Extra farm home * , S110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horses 890. to 3100. ; Extra pluge , $60. to 75. ; Common plugs , 820. to 840. MULES. 15 to 15 ] , hands ( extra ) , $125. to 150. ; 11J to 15 hands , $100. to 140. ; 14 to 14J hands , $75. to 100. ; 13J to 14 hands , $ bO. to 75. Lumber. WHOrKHALE. FENCING No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , $20 00 ; No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 19 00 ; sheeting dressed , No. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2 , 1C 00 ; common boards , dressed. 20 00. i FRAMING 16 ft. and under , per M , 20 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00 ; 24ft. 2500. FINISHING No. 1. finish 1 } , li and 2 inch , 850 00 No. 1 finnh 1 inch 845 00 ; No. 2. finish 1 } , 14 and 2 inch , 84500 : No. 2 finish , 1 inch , 810 00 ; No , 3 finish , linh , $3500 ; O. G. battens pet .00 feet lin. , 8100 ; well curbing , $2200 ; rough J and 2 inch battens per 100 feet lin. . 50c. STOCK BOARDS A stock , $40 00 ; B $35 00 ; O , 830 00 ; common htock , $22 50. FLOOIUNG No. 1 , $40 00 ; No. 2 , $35 00 ; No , D , 822 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1 , $4000. SIDING No. 1 , $24 00 ; No. 2 , $22 00 ; No. 3. S18 00. SHIP LAP Plain , $22 00 ; O. G. No. 1 , $32 00 ; No. 2 , $22 00. CEILING 824 00f837 ( 00. LATH AND SHINGLES A Btarbest ( ) hhingles , S3 85 , No. 2 , $2 50 ; No. 3 , $2 00. Lath , $3 60. Building Material. LIME Fir barrel , $1 35 ; bulk per hu. , 35c. Cement , bbl , $2 50. Iowa plaster , bbl , $2 60. Hair per bu , 33c. Tarred felt 100 Ibs , $3 50. Straw board , $4 00. PAPER Straw paper , 3c ; rag paper , 4c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; manila paper , lOc ; news paper , 8c. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , $12 ; Morris Run Blonsburg , 812 ; Whitebreast lump , $ G ; Whitebreast nut , $ G ; Iowa lump , $0 : Iowa nut $ G ; Rock Springs , $8 ; Anthracite , all size * . $12 50. Dry Qoodi. BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , Sic ; Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boott FF , 8k ; Buckeye LL14 , 7c ; Cabot W , 7Jc ; Chittcnango A , C c ; ( jreat Falls E , 8ic ; Hoosier , Gc ; Honest Width , 7 o ; In dian Head A , 8fc ; Indian Standard A , 8 c ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8.c ; Lawrence LL , 7c ; Mystic River , 7icj Pequot A , 8'tfu ; Shawmut LL , GJc ; Utica C , 54c ; Wnchus- ett B , 74c : do A , SJc ; do E 48 , 12Jc ; Wal- cott BB , 74c. FINE BROWN COTTONS-Allendalo 4-4 : 7ic ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 73c ; Atlantic LL. GJc ; Badger Statp X 4-1 , 7c ; liennington C 4-1 , GJc ; Buclteye S. 4-4 , Gfco Indian Orchard AA 9-8. Liconiu O 1U1L4 JWX. tf'U 8Jc ; 3'J , 8 > c ; Lehtgh K 4-1 , ! Hc ; LoiiMlalo-l-l lOc ; I'eppereil N HO , 7c ; do O 32 , 7Jc ; do R 30 , 7fc ; do K 3'J. 8ic ; Pocasstt C 4-1 , 7Jc ; Wamsutta4-4 , ISc. BLEACHED COTTONS Andre cog- ( .in L4-4.10cBlackstoueA ; A in perial ! ) c ; do do half bleached 4-4Oc ; Cabot 4-4,8 / ; Fidelity4-l , 91cFruit ; of th-tLooin.lOi . ; do can brie4-4,13cjdo WalerTw 1stlO cTreat ; Falls Q. Oc ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12 c ; L ns'lule , lOc ; do cambric 37 , 13c ; New York Mills. 13c ; Pequot A , lOc : Pepperell N G Twills , 12Jc ; Pocabontas 4-1 , JJc ; Pocassct 4-1 , Sic ; Utica , lie ; Wamsutta O X X , 13c. DUCICS Unbleached Atlantic , 10 oz. , 17c ; Baltimore do , IGc ; Lone Star , 8 a ? . , 12c ; Savage , 18c. DUCKS ( Colored ) Allwny E brown , 8c ; do C , drub , lie ; do XX , stripes and plaids , I2jc ; do XXX brown and drab , stripes and plaids , 12Jc ; Arlington fi.noy , lUc ; L'runuwick brown , 8Jc ; Chariot fancy , IBJcj do extra heavy , ' 'Oc ; Fall Rlvoi brown , extra heavy , lljc ; 'Iiidianu A brown. 13c : Neponsot A bron , 15c. TIOKINGS-AmosUeag A C A 32 , 17Jc ; do XX blue 32 , 18jc ; Arrowanna , lljc ; Clarciiiont B B , 15ic ; Conestoga ex tra , 17 0 ; Ifiiiniltoii D , flic ; Lovmton A 30 , 15c ; Mlnnohalia 4-4. 20c ; Omeg DENIMS. Amoskeak , blueand brown , lOJc ; Andover DD blue , 154c ; Arlington blue Scotch , 18Jc ; Concord OOO. blue anil browu , 12Jc ; do AAA , do do 13J ; doXXX dodo MJoj llaymaker'H blue mid brown , Ujc ; Myhtio River DD stripe , lOJc ; ' IVarl Jtiver , bluoand brown , lf/i / ; Uncanville , blue ami brown , IKJc , CAMBUICS Biimard , 5Jc ; Eddystone lining. 21 inch doutile face , Hjc ; Garner A glazed , Co , Manhattan cloyo finUli , fj c ; Ncxvpcrt do Co ; do gla/ed , B'lc ; I'djuot do Oc ; Lo.-1'.uood kid tmUh , ( ic. CORSET JEANS Amory , 8oAndnn- ; coggln tattcen , 8Jc ; Clarendon , O o ; Conestoga - toga satteeua , 7jc ; Hallowoll , 8cj Iiidiun Orcbaid Improved , 7Jo ; Narragansett , 7Jc ; Peppeilll satttcn , Oioj Uockpoit , 7'ic. ' PHI NTS Allen * . GJc ; American , Gjc ; Arn > ld , 7c ; Berwick , 43c | Cochcco , fc ; Conestogd. GJc ; Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Diumcll , 0 > J@7cj Eddyatoue , 7c ; Gloucester , Gc ; Harmony , 6Jo ; Knickerbocker , Gjc ; Mer- rluiftc D. 7cj Myotlc , f > Jc ; Spramcn , 6e\ \ Southbrldgo , Gc ; do. Ginghams , "c ; Jtarl- IwrO , 6jc ; ; Oriont.il , CJc. GINOHAMS-Amoikcag , lOjc : At- gyle. 10Jc : Atlantic , 9c ; Cumberland. 7Jcj Highland , 8Jc ; Kenllwo.th , 8Je ; Phm. kctt , lOJc ; Sujscx , 8c. COTTONADKS Abbervllle Agate , 20c { American , lie ; Artlnlnn , 20c ; C.Vlr. D and T , 13c | ; Clarion D and T , 17Jc ; Dccean Co.stripes DandT , IGej Key- utone , 13Jc ; Ncntuckct , IDc ; Nonpareil , IGo ; Ocein I ) and T , 13jc ; Royal , Irtjc ; . ifiiiiii mikiiij j .iv > iiv ( ui fancy , 12Jo ; do , 8 or. , Kte. do' 9-l | 1'lc ; do 8-1 , 22crc7 > 7itinent'aT JO 42 , lie ; Fruit of iho ly om 10-1. 27J ; New York mills 93 , 35c ; do 78 , 30c ; do 68 , 22Jc ; Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; Pequot 10-1 , USJcj < lo 7-4 , llc ! : ilo 4 ! ) , IGc : IVpperoll M. 29o ; do 07. 21c ; do 57 , 18cj Utica 9fi , Me ; do 68 , 2Jic ; ilo 48 , 17c MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. ' U Council Bluffs Mnrliot. COUNCIL BLUKXH , Ortobor 31. Flour Manufactured by Crystal and City Mill * . 3 76 ( & ( 1 60 : Kansas nnd Mis. souri Hour , 350@1 25 ; graliam , 3 7.5 ; rje Hour , 3 40. Br.ui and Shorts 17 00 per ton. Chop Corn 22 50 per ton , Wheat No. 2 , $120 ; No. 3 , 100 ; re jected , 75. Corn No. 2 , 60 , rcjectou 48. Oats No. 2 , 40c ; rejected , 35t. Barley No. 2. 90c : No. 3 , 75 . Hay-5 60@G 00. Wood-G 00(3 ( > 8 00. Live Hogs ,5 60g)5 ( ) 75. Cattle Shlpp tig , 4 000f > 00 ; milch cows 30 00@15 00 p r head ; butchcre stock , 2 75@3 00. Sheeli 1 ( X5 ) 00. . Uuttcr 30@35o. KKgH-20c. Potatoes 1 00@1 20 ; sweet , 4@5c. Onions 1 25@1 40. Kccuipte , 80 ; shipments , 13. ,4) ) ITodaoc. CUIOAQO. October 31. On 'Change the markets opened weak , and afterwards became firm , but later be came weak , The receipts of grain were 7,1100 bunliol * by canal and 7211 car loads by rail , embracing' 100 of wheat , 193 nf corn , C'J of oats , 11 of rye and 50 of barley. Flour Dull and easy ; demand light ; common to choice spring western , 4 50 ® 7 75 ; patents , 7 f > 0@'J 50 ; winter brands , C 50@8 00 ; rye , 6 90@0 15 ; buckwheat , 9 50 10 00. Wheat In No. 2 spring there wan n active businosH transacted , and feeling throughout the session waa considerably unsettled , accompanied by i i irregular range oi price * . At the opening the market was weak under free speculative offerings , prices declining quickly about J per bushel. At the decline a slmrp rcuc < tlon occurred , buyers commenced to pur. chase in nre freely and prices were ad' vauced IJpor bushel , then commcncpd to recede gradually at iirat , but wire influ enced by rumord of tl.o . failure nf a bank In New Yoiki Sunday , and fell oif , and : \ decline of 2o per biiblit'l occuircd , lluctu- ated , and finally closed about ligljc ] > er bushel lower uu regular board , and on c til at 1 83J for November , 1 321 33 for lc- comber , 1 30 } for the jear ; 1 33g for Janu ary ; No 3 , quiet at 1 18 ; rejected , nomi nal. nal.Corn Demand was quite active and the market ruled firmer and higher , pi ices advancing l@ljc. | Toward the cl HU the feeling wat not so strong and prices set tled back @ 5c , and ruled comparatively steady to the close. Shipping demand fair. The market finally closed at about J@Jc higher on regular board , and on call at C2ic for No\ ember , CUc for Janu ary , GSjJiglflc for May ; rejected , 59@f > 'JJ Oats Opened better , but declined for futures ; No. 2 closed at 43Jc for No vetubcr , 43ic for December. Hye Inactive and nplectodj ( demand light ; No. 2 closed nt 1 01 furtJNovcmber ; 1 03 for December. Parley Dull and quiet ; No. 2 , 1 OB for October ; 1 5@1 00 forjNorember ; 1 OOJ@ 1 07J for December. Pork Demand active and closed al 30 25 for November ; 17 75 for January ; 18 00 for February ; 18 20 for March ; 10 20 fur the year. Lard Active and closed at 11 40 for November ; 11 55 for December ; 11 72i for January ; 11 874 for February ; 12 00 for iVarch ; 12 121 for April ; 12221 for May.- Bulk Meats Active and higher ; short ribs , closed at 8 ( J2i for November ; 8 SO for December ; 9 00 for January ; 9 10 for Feb ruary. Whisky lo lower at 1 35. Butter Steady ; demand light and re ceipts light ; choice to fancy creamery , 31 @ 30c ; ordinary to good do , 233c ! ) ; good to fancy dairy , 2G,32c ( ; common to fail- do , 10@22c ; ladel packed , 15@18c ; grease , 7@9c. JCggs Demand fimall and receipts lib eral ; atrictly fresh , 22@23c. Itec'ts. Shipm'tH Flour . 11,322 14,177 Wheat . 40i32 ( 00,81)5 ) Corn . 213,130 37,290 Oats . 08,112 07,453 Uyu. . ' . . 9,113 8,839 Barley . 52,701 14,215 Chicago XilvoStoakt CHICAOO , October 31. Cattle Receipt" , 4,500 ; shipments. l,400j mot with a better opmand , mid prices i tiled htendier , but without quota- mo change ; supply mostly of common and half fat natives , End * range cattle exports nom'nal ' at 000(7070 ( ; fair to choice shipping grades , 5 OOfeO 25 ; poor to good gr.iBs fed htcers , 4001 ( 75 ; stocKers and ft-cder' , 240(5(375 ( ( ; n'cak calves hold at 450 ; II 00 | > er l > end ; for poor to good through Tux.if , 2 fi5@3 70 ; i.orthcrn range cattle , 3 CO ® 140 , with Coloindn Bteerc , 1 75. 75.Hheop Iteceintc , 1,000 head ; Bhipincntu , 1,300 head ; KOOII Hbcei ) hold at 4 U2& ; poor tofulrati2o@130. : Hogs Heceipts , 17,600 head ; blp- mentH , 4,700 ; market nlow and v.dues weak at previous quotation ; ( luulity of offerings poor. Hogn Light hoctH Hold lit 5 83@fi 10 ; mixed packing , 5 80@G 30 ; heavy | aching and filifiii'iiig , ( I ' 15@G 90 ; culls ami grauu- cm , 4 00@5 2ri. Now.Xorli Jfi-ocluoo NKW YOIIK , October 31. Flour Market dull and strongly in biivum favor. Sales 1,058 libl * . Wheat Feverish and Jo } lower th n S&turday'H prices. Hales , II'/O.OOO ' biiHlieln ; ungraded red winter red , 131J@140J ! ; No 2 reil , 1 43J1 95 ; ungraded w hite , I 28 © 1 42j ; No. 1 do , 1 411@1 42J ; ungrade'il gpring , 1 27. Com Opened at } ( ? , l.o higher , but elnieil with less strength , .Sales , l.fXJO.OOO . biibhel * ; No , 2 mixoJ , 08@G9Vo ; liecein- her , 7M ( i713o. Oats A Hliado better and fairly active. Hales , 350,000 buthols ; No. 1 white , 53c ; No. 2 do , 50e - * Itye Quiet and steady at 1 01@1 05 , lisrley Dull and nominul , Pork Dull and nominal ; mess , J8 00 ; November , 17 25@17 50. Lard Dull and weak ; canli. 11 70 ; November , 11 05(0)11 ( ) 07J.J Cinoinuati Produce. CINCINNATI , October 31. Provisions Mesa Pork Jobbing , 18 50 @ 18 75. L-inl Quiet ; current make , 11 40. Bulk MeutH-Clu.ir Met937 950. Bacon Quiet ; cleur slden. 11 OO< 25 , Flour-W nk ; family , li CO&H75. Wheat Dull ; No. M red * pM 41. Corn Firm ; No , 2 mixed , 45c. Uye-KnHv ; No. 2 , 1 11.1 Barley Weak ; No. 2 fall , 1 13. Whhky-Weaker at 111. Now Xorlc Dry Goods- NKW YOHK , October 31. The dry goods Jobbing Undo ha.1 b < m very quiet in all departments owing to the unfavorable condition of the weather which continued too M arm for the distri bution of fnll and winter good * . H is jirob.ible , however , that the TiunlncM done by jobbers dining the month now closed lion bein larger than any previous Octoi cr , and there it very hopeful foellng in this branch of trad * although Irregular nnd upon tin whole sluggish. Buffalo Ltvo Stooh. EAST IturrAlX ) , October 31 , Hogs Stronger ; Yorkers , 0 00S.G 20) ) medium weights , G 20@G 45 ; heavy , 7 60M 7 GO. PhllnUol pbln Produce. 1'lItUHKI.PIIIA , October 31. Wheat-Cash , 1 38 © 1 MJj November , 1 R9J1-10 ; Dccemher. 1 44J. Corn Cash , G7JffG8c ( ; November , tGSc ; December , "QjJGii'OJc. Oats Cah , 6llc ; November , 60@5lc ; December , 51.5lic { [ , Kye Cash , 1 Oil. Baltimore Prodnoe. BALUUOIIK , October 31 Flour Steady ; family , G 7R7 76 ; su per. 6 OOp.5 7 < 5. Wheat No. 2 red winter , firmer nt 1 39 ; S'ovcmbcr , 1 3'.lif.l ( 39 | ; December , 1 35J@ Com Steady ; white , 72@7lc ; yellow , 071c. E'HtLiiborty Llvo Stoolc. KAHT LIIIKHTV , I'o. , October 31. CattUDull and a nhade off , lU'ceipto , J,3SO bead ; HhipinvntK , 1,731 bun. ! , HogK-Slow ; Philadelphiiis , G W@G IK ) ; Yorkers , f. Ki@0 00. Sheep Fair tra e nnd unchanged. PittilmrK Oil Market. PirrsVLMio , October 31. Gil Market opened"at 88Jc freely bIJ , aihanced to 883c declined at f > 7Jcj noon at87Jo bid. Charters , 50,983 bbs. ! ; hlp- miMits 114,797 bbK ; refined Antwerp 19J franctt ; rt'tintd L indon , C c , BTATK OK NEIIIUHKA , 1 DODOLAH COUNTY. } ' Notice is hoi oby given to the oloa- tors of the Fourth ward , that I will ait in the store of IS. Wynmn , Fif teenth street , three doors south f the poitollico , on Moiuliy , October yiat , and Tuesday , Wcdnoiday and Thundny , November 1st , "il mill 3d , 1881 , fur the juirpovo of registering the electors of said ward. In witness whereof I hereunto sot my hand this , 18th day of October , A. D. , 1881. JOHN S. WOOD , octlSd till nnv3 Registrar , OMAHA , Neb. , Oct. 18 , 1881. Registration Notice- Notice ia hereby given to the elec tors of the First Ward of the city of Omaha that I will sit at my ollico , CM South Tenth street , October 24 , U5 , 2G. 27 , 28 , 29 anil 1 , and November 1 , 2 , 3I , anil D , for the purpose of registering the electors of said ward. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hrnd this , 21st day of October , 1881. K. M. STKNIIKUO , Registrar Firt Ward. oct21-tillnov5 FALL SONQ. UY DTKON , Ladies t-ivo UH your i-tteiition While those attractions few wo mention , Be.iuties piled up by the hcorp , At Atkinson's famed First Prize Btoie. Hats and bonnet * ox cry style , Plush and rili ona by the mile , linpoitcd Htrai ht from foicigucoaHt , In every hue the rainbow boasts ; Fancy leathers , tussnnd ilowerx , IMrclri and ornamuuts in hhitweni ; First'clivsH liandH to trim 'em o'er , In AtliiiiKoa's famad Leading store. Ladies' hand-bags , latest phapc , From which no money can etcipc ; Laced kid gloves in all vniiety , Corsets vailed to satiety ; Children's dninty hand-knit good * , Cape.s and jackets , cloaks and hoods , For which our patrons dally pour To Atkinson's famed First Prize Htnre. Drehs goods in every style and nhade , And choicest fancy goods just made , With charms and beauties hard to tvll , That please the Indies mighty well , The latest funs und richtbt jewclb ; Xcphyrx , cardboat ; ! , canvass , crewels , And a hundred fine und fancy things , Th it in vast crowds the people liringri To Atkinson's famed Leading ftore , Where bargains loom ne'er been before. Here dolU on dolls you never naw So largo a wtock in Omaha From tiny dollie , mnsill mid shady , To the htyliidi got up little lady ; Attentions imiiieinuu and rare , With which no IIOIISQ can now compare , So come to Atkinson's Leading btoie , And wo will phew you , tell you more. ATKINSON & Co. . Crcighton Block. Hats , nil grades , ut Bunco's. ( ) ct. > 12t The romovnl of the Omaha Safe and Vault company to their liandHOiuo nnd coihinodioim new building , takes place this week whore , uith their increased facilities , they v/ill be able to fill the orders of their host of patrons with greater facility und despatch than heretofore. The new building nitu- ated just south of their present fac tory on Fourteenth street is quite an crnament to thai Hcction of the town. Gloves and mittonii at Jinnee's. OctUl 2t Sweet Potatoes 5 cents a pound at ' oct.'U-at. Win. Gentleman's. - The only passable crossing on Don- ia street is the one kept clean by Kuhn t Co. , in front of their drug store. The finest Watch , the finest Kings , the highest grade of Silverware at llubermann's. Latlioj' StulFHuitH for § 4.00 , at Mrs. W. ] J. Woods , 210 Sixteenth street , oct'-1-in wf AH , Those who nro able to discriminate between good and per articles of wearing apparel , who desire value received - coived for their money , should avoid second-ham' stores and visit the mag nificent establishment of M. Jlellmun ifc Co. , 1 01 and lUOII Farnham Htreet , corner of Thirteenth , where tlioy will find 0110 of the largest and finest stocks of Clothing and Gents' ' Furnishing Goods to bo seen anywhere in the Western country. IJUY YOUIt HOOTS and SHOES at the low price Shoo Store of A. D. Morse , SrocK , ClIKAI'KHT STOCK , M th and Karnhain ntrecli. 1'refientH of all kinds at White- house's drui/ store , < i05 North Six teenth Htreet. oct20eod2m Uuta at UUUuntiJtoro. Bupl'Jleodln DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS- 7/OFA'L.S' . inOPltTKTOKS. ARLINGTON. J. 0. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb , CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Ulalr , Neb , ORAND OCNTRAL , D , T PHILLIPS , Hnrvnrd , ' Neb. DEPOT HOTEL , F. H. DADUITT , Norfolk , Neb. CITY HOTEL. J. F. COLE , Peru , Nab. BARNUM HOUSE , MR. VAN HORN , Nsbrnika Cty | , Neb , REVERIE , Unadllla , Neb. WISHER HOU6C , PERRINE DROS. , Wlinor , Neb , DRAPER HOUSE , O. WHIPPL'E , Nlobr.ir.t , Neb. CREIQHTON HOUSE , P. D. THIOADEAU , CrelRhton , Neb. CITY HOTEL. L. J.JOHNSON , Netnahn City , Neb. CENTRAL HOUSE , JOHN COOPER , OAkdale , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , WM. CLEMMON8 , Sew rd , Neb , COMMERCIAL HOTEL E , EVANS , O'Neill , Neb. NELIQH HOUSE , W. D. MOULTON , Wett Point , Neb DORCHESTER HOTEL , A. 0. KINKLE , Dorchetter , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. a. MEAD , Nellch , Neb CENTRAL HOUSE , JAS. McKILLIP , York , Neb , TUTTLE HOUSE , W. H. TUTTLE , Aurora , Neb. C1AOE HOUSE , A. R. OACE , Republican V ll DENVER HOUSE CAIRNS & WILLIAMS , HAtllnRi. Neb. SANDERS HOUSE , CHA8. E. McNISH , Friend , Neb. WOODWARD HOUOC. WAREN WOODWARD , Exiter , Neb. PACIFIC HOTEL , 8. J. PORTER , F-Alrmont , Neb ESTE3 HOU8E , N. T tSTES , Qrand lilnnd , Neb , COMMCnO'ALHOUOE. F , W. WILMB , Kearney , Neb. HOLLAND HOUSE , QEO. D. HOLLAND , Red Cloud , Neb. WILDER HOURE1 THOMPSON REED , Wllber , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. PACIFIC HOTEL , W. P. REN8HAW , Deatrlce , Neb. SCOTT HOUSE , H. SCOTT , Silver Oily ! . SUMMIT MOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , Creiton , to. NEOLA HOTEL , F. 8IEVCRTZ , Neola. la. HAMMOND HOUSE , JOHN HAMMOND , Columbut , Ned.l CENTRAL CITY HOUSE , J. 8. QREQERY , Central Oltv , Ned. CMCRSON HOUSE , A. L. SHELDON , Emenon , la. [ \V. , St. L. it P. 11. II. , Southwestern Iowa. ] A. Burr * Co Grain Dealers ftnd Millet * / . D. Mntluiss Grain Dealer II. S. Wolff Stock Brooder Ed. Day Fnriuor and Stock Dealer M. Opponhoiinor , Foundry and Machinery A. J. Croao Clothing and Furnishing Goods M. J. Dtith'uld Confectionery mm Lunch Win. I'rioHtmiui Moat Market F. L. Dcflh Wall Pnpor and Shades John Hairinnn President lowu Homo Insurance Co. G.V. . Gunnison Editor " Shenandoah Reporter Copson it GutT Editors Shenandoah Republican Col. F. M. Park Proprietor Park's ' Hotel [ W. , St. L. it P. R. R. , Southwestern Iowa. ] SI \7JEJ3K. . O3C1 0. 0. Greenwood it Bro. , Lumber and Grain L. YV. Riissoll it Co..Hardware , Grocers and Agricultural Implements J. W. Sale , Manager S. M. Wyntt , General Store and Agricultural Implements IF. II. Hnlfukor Farmer and Stockgrowor \V. G. Moore Drugs , Books and Music Taylor it Swanson General Store and Agricultural Implements E. JI. Wing , . . . Stock Dealer and Grain. F. Smith it Co Grain Elevator .1. R. Allison Farmer and Stock Dialer II. Scott Scott Hotel Omaha , Collins Cheyenne , Colorado Fall and Winter LATE AND NOBBY STYLES Caps , Trunks , Valises. i3scxixr : 3Z J XUDEI TO IN TEEILATKST.ST YLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit al 1316 FARNHAM STREET , NEAIt FOURTEENTH , MAX MEYEE & BRO. , the Oldest Wholesale and Retail Jewelry House in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in Silver Ware , Clocks , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , -he ; La test , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in Precious Stones , aad all descriptions of Fine Watches at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers , Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farn ham Streets MAX MEYER & BRO. Ill IETEB & BEQ. O 3MEA. . 3EE THE LEADING USIC HOUSE IN THE WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our , prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments a * Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Enaba Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warreu , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasing * . J. A. WAKEFIELD , WUOLWJALi : AND HF.TAIL DKALEIt IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLIHDS , FOLDINGS , Li ME , OEJTO. ClThTATIi AOENl F01I AIIMVAUKEK CKllsNT , Near Union Pacific Depot , , OMAHA , NEB