THE OMAFA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY-tfOVEJVfBER 1 , 1881 11) ) The Omaha Bee. t nbH hed rcry morning , except Sunday Wio only Moadiy morning dklly. IKKMSBVMAIL : ar. . $10.00 I Three Month$3.00 Month * . . . 5.00 | One 1.00 DHK WEKKLY DUE , pnblUhedcr. cy Wcdnetdny. UKUMS POST 1'AIDt- Ono Year . < F2.00 I ThreeMonUw. . M BlxMonlhs. . . . 1.00 1 Ono " . . ' COnUESrOXUKNCK-AH Communl oixtiona relating to Newmmd IMiUiriMmnt torn ( mould La addressed to tlio EDITOR or w BUSINESS IiKTTEKS All f < tt n wid Rcmittanoixs should be ad droned to Tun OMAHA L'onuHiiiMo COM IAKY , OMAHA. UrnfU , Checks and PoM- n ftce Ordflia to bo made payable to tlio filer of the Company. OMAHA PUBLISHING 00 , , Prop'rs E.ROSEWATEU , Editor. Edwin Dorf , Manngor of City Circulation. _ John H. riercrt In In Cham i of , the Mall Ctrcu itlon of TJIE DAILY 151 A. . A. H. Fitch. correspondent and solicitor. Nr.t > KASKA demands of her railroads low tariffs nndfnir and prompt aoivicc. David D vis * fence U not as funny a subject to tlio democrAcy an it used to be. A THOUSAND chonp homes for jvork- ingmen in Omaha would find ready occupants. _ _ _ _ _ DAVE MILIEU will bo "on timo" next Tuesday in his "run" for the ahorilTs oflico. The czar expects to bo crowned at Moscow in April unless worked off be fore tint time by the Nilulisto. Tun next congraia is ikoly to hoar the west speak in no mtbduod voice upon the question of river improve ment. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NEW YOIIK is suffering from a water - ter famine and the prioo of liquor * and milk has increased as a cense quence. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TICK Now York Herald opposes the Mississippi river improvement. The JHeraltl oflico always was constitution ally opposed to water in any form. MEXICO has already promised $87- * 000,000 in railroad subsidies. When the bonds fall duo an army of collec tors can find profitable employment in Mexico. _ _ THAT the rich in the west arc becoming - coming richer and the poor poorer must bo largely laid at the doors of the great monopolies , which are fattening - toning thomsclvoj and their favoritcn at the expense of the producing classes. In Philadelphia lust wool : a thief was detected , urrcatod , tried , con- victud and eontencod within oijht ; houis from the date of the commission of his offense.- This is the kind of juitice U'o people of this country would-like to BOO dealt out toGuitoiut. Tin : report that Secretary Folgor is only a temporary makeshift who is shortly to jjivo way to Mr. Conkliug ai chief of the treasury department , is cm insult to the into'ligonco and ntorlin , common sonsa which has thus fur marked the administration of President Arthur. TUB stalwart poloi are reaching eagerly after the persimmons , and , to judge by the jubilations which folio v avery successful venture , Iho public might think that the entire patronage of the government had been placed at their disposal. That this is not the truth no one knows bettor than the so-called stalwarts. THK Indiana greenback papers are crowing loudly over the apparent in crease in the greenback vote ua shown by the late elections in Ohio and Iowa , which causes the Kansas City Times to remark that this levity in iho "pros- nco of deith , and with the knowledge of the two recent funerals in the greenback family , is in questionable taste. " FLOHIDA is gaining a reputation fo being a law-abiding etato , which some of her western eistors may well envy Judge Walker has hold the fall term of court in throe of the counties o his circuit and in them not a single bil of indictment was found ; and this no for want of evidence whore crime had been notoriously perpetrated , but be cause no crimes cognizable by gran < juries had boon committed. No iMi'AUTUL voter in Douglas county will have any difficulty in BO looting the ticket which ho will sup port at the coming election. Individ ually and collectively the republican nominations are superior to thoseo the democratic party. While THE BK boliov&dat the time the ropublica nominations wore made that som of the names might hav boon improved , the action of th democratic convention left no choice ti votorB. The objections to certain o the republican nominees are not sue ns to warrant , under the circuit etanccs , a vote for their opponents and it is the duty of every ropublica to give to the ticket his cordiul BUI THE SUPREME COURT. The subject of relief for Iho supreme court of the United States is of such Dressing importance that the next con- ; rcss cannot in justice to Iho country and that body postpone its immediate consideration. Aside from its numcr- cal weakness , with one seat on tlio jench vacant by death and another tluougli the disability of Justice Hunt , the fact is becoming moro and more apparent that as now constituted the federal judiciary is utter- y incapable of disposing of ho cases which annually pour before it. Within the last thirty ycnrs lie volume of business in the supreme court has increased fourfold , while its capacity has remained unchanged. In 850 the number of now cases dock- ted was less than one hundred. Now lore than four hundred a year are landed up from the lower courts for djudicatioti. At the present season lie number of cases set down for ar gument will not fall short f twelve hundred , while the onrt is already three years bo- lind with its docket , and is onstantly losing ground. This otnto f affairs is duo to a number of con- pirlng causes. The growth of the ountry , the extension of trade and ommorco , the development of the nining industry , Iho increase in the ntont system and a great war with 10 numerous questions which have esultcd from its conduct and conolu- oii8 , all have ended in increasing Mention and taxing the resources of ur highest judicial body. To thcso nuxt bo added the enlargement of 10 jurisdiction of the lower federal ourts with appeal to the supreme > onch No sane person will deny the urgent ocessity of some remedy for the buses which now impede a speedy djuJicttion of casoj in the supreme ourt. The only question lias been nd is as to the best moans of nccom- lishing the desired end. Three lans have boon proposed for roorgan- zing our Biiprcino court. The first ontemplatos an increase in the num- > ur of supreme justices to twenty-one , id the separation of the court into ; wo or three divisions. The necoml Ian proposes to add a number i justices to Iho bench an ready constituted without dividing 10 court , while the third would Cre te an appellate court between that ribunal and the lower federal courts. > f the throe , the best authorities , la uding fx-Justico Strong , consider 10 third the best. Judge Strong , in recent interview on tlio subject , ox- > roBsod the conviction that the best Ian to afford the needed relief to the ipromo court is to create an appellate ribunal inferior to the supreme court , to proposes throe circuit judges in ach of the nine circuits , and econunonds in each circuit tin ap- appellate court composed of the cir- uit judges and the supreme court ustico on circuit duty. This appel- ate court would have final jurisdic- ion of a lanu number of cnsos which re now transferred to the docket of lie Bupromo court , and would , in udcjo Strong's opinion , "relievo the upicmo court of at least half the business that now presses upon it , without detracting at all from the unctions for which it was created. " ? h'm plan of Judge Strong is worthy > f careful consideration by congress , 30U10 action should at once be taken n the matter. Aside from the seri ous overwork of both the circuit and supreme court judges , the inconvon- once , loss and injustice caused by the iroaont state of affairs to litigating lartics is an abuse wh'ich should note > o tolerated and otnnot much longer )0suffered to continue without scan dal and disgrace to our judicial sys tain. LONG AND SHORT HAULS Tito i rail way organ * never tire o ringing the changes upon the subjcci of "long and short hauls. " One o ! : ho greatest defects of the Doano law , according to these subsidised judges , H tint it mukoa no discrimination be tween the cost of service in the trans portation of produce for different dis tances. The credulity of the public ia imposed upon by the barefaced asser tion that the terminal charges urn ! expenses , the handling of the freight , switching of cars and other like work which must bo done before the hau commences and after it ends cost moro to the railways than the actual hau itself and are the same whether tin haul bo ono of ton miles or 500 miles. It is by such assertions , ' which ore familiar to every reader of Nebraska monopoly organs , that the Illinois railroad commissioners have boun induced ducod to make a now schedule o : freight tariffs which greatly in creases the maximum rates o freights on produce transported over the railroads on hauls of less than 150 miles. This action of the commissioners is generally denounce * throughout the Btato. The Chicago Tribune , which is always sound upoi the railroad question , takes occasion to expose the long and short hau fallacy very completely in the follow ing terms ; Now , what is the fact as to this cost of loading and unloading ? It every case , where freight is shippot by the car-load , the whole cost o loading and unloading is pah by the shipper and consignee nnd the railroad company als collects a charge for "switching" the car , both at the place of shipment and at the point ol dolivoryl Tlio cars nro loaded nnd unloaded generally by , and always at the dost of , the owners of the fre'Rht. ' When the car is oaded at a lumber yard , or , coil yard , or cattle yard , or warehouse , or at any ilaco other than the railroad frciuht Icpot , the railroads compel the pay- nrnt of the coat of switching , and at the terminus the unloading is done at ho expense of the consignee. It is ) iily when goods are shipped other than by the car load that the loading and unloading is done by the com- ) any. and in all such cases tlio cost of ransporlation is largely in excess of the rates prescribed by thecoinmiBsion- ers for car lortds ! Those facts nro notorious rious , and thneomtnisaionornbtit insult mblic intolliir.cnco by holding out ho prolonso that the cost of loading and unloading freight to be shipped yy the car-load forms any part of the cost to bo paid for transportation. If ho commissioners are not nw.iro that these charges are paid by the shippers and consignees , then their ignorance , vhich is possible , is disgraceful ; two of thorn have boon drawing salaries or several years , and ougjit in that imo to have picked up some in forma- ion. If they did know of those lungs , them their increase of tlio rates of transportation because of the cost ) f loading and unloading and twitch- UK the cars , which is all paid by the hippcrs and consignees , is nn nddi- ional circumstance showing their con- empt for the public interests and heir slavish subserviency to the rail roads. ONK good result of the railroad 'war" ia the aggressive move of the . 'onnsylvaniacompany in inaugurating afasttriinbctwdon Now York and Chi cago. This train will bo composed of hotel earn and parlor and sleeping cars and ono baggage cor. As on the Washing- on line , an extra faro will bo charged. The Traveler from Boston to Chicago will pay $10 in addition to his trip uro. Tin's includes sleeping accom modations without transfer to Phila delphia From New York , Phila- adolphia , Baltimore and Washington ho extra faro will bo $8 tj Chicago and $4 to Pittsburg. No stops will > o made for meals , but passengers will bo served in the hotel cars. The rain will leave Now York at 8 a. m. , Philadelphia at 10:15 : , and Baltimore at 9:25. : It will reach Pittsburg at 7:41 : in the evening and Chicago at 9:40 : the next morning. From Now fork to Pittsburg the whole time , ncluding stops , is 1'J hours and 5 minutes , and to Chicago 2G hours and 35 minutes. From Philadelphia to Pittsburg the time is 9 hours and 55 nmutcs , and to Chicago 24 hours and .5 minutes. This move on the part of the Penn- ylvania company will necessitate a [ uickening of time by the other trunk incs. At present the fastest train on , ho Now Yirk Central and Lake Shore rom Now York to Chicago takes just hirty-four hours to complete the dis- ance , or seven and a half hours longer than by the now "Limited. " The 'astost ' time fromBaltimoro to Chicago ay the Baltimore & Ohio is about thirty-four hours and a half , as against ; wonty-fivo hours by the Ponnsylvn , nin. Such a difference in time cannot je maintained without great damage , o the passenger traffic of the compet- ng roads , and a general quickening of schedule time may therefore bo ex pected on thu Erie , Now York Central and Baltimore & Ohio roads. The people of the west would wel come any cause which would result in .ho quickening of the time on roads west of the Mississippi. The snail's lace at which the trains on our rail roads crawl is an outrage on the pub ic. Why should travellers between Chicago and Omaha bo forced to spend twenty-two hours in traversing a distance - tanco made in half the time on the trunk lines cast ? THK plaintiro wail of The Laramie ttoomtrang over the scarcity of women in the west receives strong backing from the census reports , showing the unequal distribution of population throughout the country. In the loca tion of the sexes nature soonis to have laid aside her great law of compensa tion and distributed her favors wjth a very partial hand. Statistics show that the marrying outlook for single women in the east is decidedly dis couraging , owing to the lack of a Bufli- cionti number of husbands to gooround , All the New England States have a large excess of females , Massachusetts standing at the head with 00,000 overplus. No\v York has 71,000 moro females than males , Now Jersey 12- , 000 , Pennsylvania 10,000 , Maryland about the same number , while the most of the Southern States have en tirely too many representatives of the gentler sex. In the western states and territories the excess of males is pro portionately largo. Illinois has an excess of 00,000 , Indiana 43,000 , Mich igan 88,000 , Iowa 42,000 , Wisconsin 45,000 , Minnesota 58,000 , Colorado 44,000 , Nevada 22,000 , and Nebraska 40,000. Wyoming tarritory has 14- 000 men , and only 0,000 women ; Idaho has 38,000 men , and only 10.00C women ; Montana has 38,000 of the former and only 10,000 of the latter , while the surplus of men in Arizona amounts to 10,000. Missouri has surplus of 80,000 males , while on the Pacific coast California has 102,000 , Oregon 32,000 and Washington terri tory 17,000. Taken altogether , there are about ono million more men in the United States than women. SEORETAUY SHEKMAK can well afford to snap his fingers at his accusers. Tlio whole charge , as aptly comment ed upon by the Cincinnati Commer cial , is "that while ho was occupied with great affairs Shcrmanizing our finances that is to say , bringing about resumption and the mignificont prosperity which it implied , some of SiU third-rate subordinates wore mis appropriating small sums ortho con tingent fund , nnd playing a potty game of swindling under falsified ac counts. There is nothing that touches Sherman. The actual charge that ; ho stalwarts nuke against him is that 10 used his power to defeat the bit ; loss job that came up in the shape of .he third term. Ho could afford to dead guilty to that. " WESTERN RAILROAD PRO GRESS. All account ! agree that the pro- -ojod eastern extension of tljo Central Pacific to the Missouri river haa tibcn abandoned by the Iluntington party. Tlio recent trip to the cast of the prea deut of the Central Pacific was the moans of harmonizing all disputes bo- ; weon that company and the Union Pacific , and for the present , at least , all prospects of railroad competition n this direction , have vanished. The j , P. engineers have looked over the route , however , and their reports will ) o filed for future reference. A corps of Missouri Pacific bridge Miildurs have arrived at Falls City , : his state , to bridge the Nomaha river. Track-laying progresses at the rate of three-fourths of a milo per day at present. The construction force will t > o doubled as soon as men and teams can bo had , and the contractors ex pect to reach the Nomaha by the time ; ho bridge is completed. Work on ; ho northern end is progressing rap idly. Two new towns luvo already aeon laid out on the line Springfield in Sarpy county and Sheridan in No- naha county. The Lincoln Democrat assorts that i branch of the Missouri Pacific from Nebraska City by v > ay of Weeping Water valley to Lincoln has boon de cided upon , the road to bo completed by October , 1882. It is also assorted that Gould hns purchased for the Wabash line the charter for the only imdge possible over the Missouri at Nebraska'City. Three' great corporations are now [ leading for the Black Hills country two through " Nebraska and one through Dakota. "The Omaha and Black Hills branch of the Union Pacific , now com pleted to St. Paul , will begin opera tions early in the spring and push up the Loup val ley in the direction of the liills. Graders are no.v working beyond - yond St. Paul. The Sioux City & Pacific will stare from Fort Niobrara in the spring , and , with the advan tage of route , stands a good show for first place in the race. The Chicago & Northwestern will push from Fort Pierre , Dakota , westward , strike the northern hills , and thence northwest to a connection with the Northern Pacific at or near Helena. The coun try to bo traversed by these roads is now settling rapidly , and with facili ties for travel and marketing will in crease ton-fold in wealth and popula tion in flYo years. A branch road from Topeka , Kas. . to a junction with the B. & M. at Wymoro ia under survey and will soon bo built. Survejing on tha Nebraska City & Northwestern , in the direction of Wa- hoe , will commence to-day. This is supposed to be a link of tlio Wabiish system , and will bo pushed to a con nection with the Union Pacific , prob ably at Fremont. With the construc tion of this line , and the bridging of the Missouri river at Nebraska City , the Wubash will secure a decided ad vantage over the Iowa pool lines in the matter of through freight for Chi- caco and St. Louis. The Republican valley division of the B. & M. has been graded fifty miles beyond Culbortson , and the iron laid twenty-five miles of that distance. It is expected ono hundred miles of track will bo laid by January 1. Two construction trains are constantly em ployed , and ono and a half to two miles of trackspikod daily. The sandy nature of the route will admit of unin terrupted 'work during winter. Depot - pot and transfer facilities have already been secured in Dtmver , and a largo force of men are It'.ying sidetracks. The Denver & Now Orleans road is branching out from the former city. The delay occasioned by the opposi tion of the Rio Grande company to crossing its track has been overcome bv an injunction fiom Judge Hallett , of the circuit court. Jay Gould now controls 11,711 miles of road , nearly 4,000 of which is included in the Union Pacific sys tem. Brown county , Dakota , is now in the vertex of a war between the Northwestern and Milwaukee roads. They are fighting for position in the Jim valley. Trains on the U.tah & Northern are now running to Silver Bow , seven miles from Bittte. The latter city will be the northern terminus of the road. road.Tho The Northern Pacific has crossed O'Fallon's crook , 55 miles east ot Miles City , Montana , and is being energetically pushed toward Powder river. If the weather proves favora ble it is likely to reach Miles City by January 1st. Work is BOOH to bo commenced on the tunnel through the main range of tlio Rocky moun tains , near Helena. It will bo nearly 4,000 foot in length. Union Pacific engineers have made a survey for a branch of the Utah ifc Northern from Dillon' to the Yellow stone National Park , by way of Vir ginia City , Montana. The road will bo a narrow guago , the maximum grade about 100 feet and 130 miles in length. Construction will not begin until next year. The NewEdltoi'of "Tbo Century. " The life ot the now editor of The Century Magazine ( Scribnor H Month ly ) , Mr. Richard Watson Oildor , has been an eventful ono , lie was born in Bordontown , N. J. , in 1844. His father , who was a Methodist preacher , like moat of that class was in moder ate circumstances , and could give his son but moderate educational advan tages , but the boy was early drawn toward * literature , and when only twelve years old published an amateur paper entitled The St. Thomas Regis ter , on which ho did both the editori al and mechanical work. When only sixteen years old ho edited a campaign paper in the interest of Boll and Everett. The presidential election bringing his engagement to a close , ho went to Philadelphia and studied law lor a time , but soon returned to literature. In 1803 ho enlisted in the First Philadelphia ar tillery , and served through "tho emer gency" campaign. In 1805 ho became a reporter on 'Iho Newark Advertiser , and was rapidly advanced through the grades of legislative * reporter and local editor to the position of manag ing editor. Ho remained with The Advertiser for several years , nnd after leaving it , with Mr. Newton Crane , started a daily paper , the New ark Morning Register. While editing this paper ho also ( .ontributcd regu larly to the editorial and other de partments of Hours at Home , and it' is said that ho would frequently work all night on the Register , and then , after only a few hours of sloop , go to New York antl perform his duties aa editor of the magazine. In 1870 , when Scribnor's monthly was started , Hours at Homo was merged into it , and Mr. Gilder upon Dr. Holland's invitation , became its assistant editor : In this position ho has performed a threat variety of valu able and important work , a few of which were his charming essays , under the head of the "Old Cabinet. " Ho _ is a poet of some dis tinction , and has published two vol umes of verse , < ho "Now Day" nnd the "Pool and His Master. " Those who are acquainted with Dr. Gilder and his ability , say that the mantle of Mr. Holland < : ould not have fallen on shoulders moro worthy in every ro- ipect to wear it. POLITICAL NOTES. Senator David Davis , it ia nafd. content- plntea n tour through the eonth after the ftdjounncnt of thonenate. Aaslstant Puetlnaiter General Brady , of Star-route noteriety , owed his appoint ment to the late Senator Morton. There have ecn one hundred and fif teen presidential postmasters before the H nute for confirmation this xusion. Senator Lainar ( Dem. , Minn. ) has paired with Senator Teller , mul goca to his state to apeak every day until ttio coming elec tion. In Washington they call the president's temporary home on Capital hill the "gray houne , " to distinguish it from the old presi dential mansion. It ia built of gray gran ite. Gen. Fremont , like Tyner , resigned in consequence of a preislnpr invitation. The people of Arizona thought the governor ought to come there long enough to receipt for his salary. Secretary Maine's last talk with Presi dent Gorfield was in reference to the "complete reconciliation of the two sec- tionH , north and Boutli , if The Washing ton Star is correct in its statement to that effect. Secretary Hunt's office is overrun with ofh'ce-ieekers , mostly ladies. He had twenty positions for copyjats at SCO n month. He has hail 2,000 applications for these place , notwithstanding the fact that they are all filled. The campaign in Massachusetts id BO dull that The Springfield Union ia led to announce th..t "the attention of the pub lic is called to the fact that there i % a po litical c.unpnign going on in MnssacUu- sett * . It is understood that Governor Long is a candidate for re-election , and one Thompson , a democrat , expect * to be defeated. " William E. Chandler candidate for the > , cunt juilgeship i * Chief Justice Doe , nnd he saya New Hampshire has had but three places in the cabinet and the Giipreire court , all occupied by one man , Lev ! 'Wood- bury , against twenty-three places given to Massachusetts. Doe stands high as a jurist , but would not give to the court the lift which Gray would. Furious with Senatir Voprhees for his ( sensible remarks on the tariff , Watterson denounces him in a column and a half , and says : "It is hardi conceivable that a democrat , otanding six feet in his stocU- ings ana retaining six ounces of sense , nhould rise to reassert Ferioualy the worn- out dogmas of rapine which democrat ) ) ha\u contended against time out of mind " Chairman Cooper , of the Pennsylvania republican state committee , ha\ing pent out nu assessment circular to ofliceholderx , the civil service reform association of Philadelphia lias adopted resolutions condemning - demning and protesting against the assess ment "as tending to the injury of the pub lic service and the defeat of tho.objects for which this association has been organized. ' Beecher and his church have for m ny years been a power in Urooltjyn po itics , and the caudidute tint secures the vote * of the Plymouth congregation is gi nerally elected. At present Geu.Tracy , who was one of Beecher'a lauyerj in the Tilton case , is a candid .te for mayor , auigioatly \ t > the Hurpriso of mo < t people , Ileury Ward spoke at an anti-Tracy meeting : nut long 070. The excuse nude on I3eecher'H behalf i < that two of his sons are actively engaged in forwarding tlio intrrest of Mr. Ho w , Uei , Tracy's open ; nt , and he did not wish to oppose thi boy * . PERSONALITIES. Kx-Vico President Wheeler will \isit California. ) Queen Victoria's maids of honor aver age about 60 years of age. Jay Gould's HHteris the wife of a Meth odist preacher at Los Angeles , Cal , General McClellan and Jeff DaviR found themselvcH on opposite tides of the table at Paris. President Grevy gave 20,000 francs to the ) > onr in Paris in honor of his daughter's wedding. Justice Miller's gown worn on the United Stitcs supreme beuch , was made in Paris. " 'apt. llcynttn i < reported to havemi'Te $75dUO by paddling around iu his life- Having dre B. Mi's Arthur , daughter of tha president , ii a blonde-haired young lady now attend- school ut Albany , Mr. Whittier , the pcet. saya he received two hundred Applications fur his auto rftph In the course of A year. A portrait model of Guiteau has been placed Iu the Chamber of Horrors at Mine. Tussaund'H exhibition , London , Nast , the artist , It stld to have invested 940,000 in a Colorado silver mine , which lie tinda , un pononal inspection , to bo al most worthless. Mlas Lotta and Edwin Booth are said to be the richoit ret < reseutatlvea of the dramatic profession. The former is worth half a million and the latter estimates his wealth at $150,000. Mr. Joseph Jefferson comes third on the ILit , und Mr John Me- Cullough hai made 9HO,000 in the past three years. The Country- Who that haa c\er lived any time in tha country but must have heard of the virtues of Burdock as n blood purifier. Buidock Blood Bitters cure dybpepsia , biliousness and all disorders arising from iniinire blood ur deranged liver or kidneys. Price 81.00 , trial Icttlcs m - 17 eodlw 'Don'i * lr Value. " , Know H lf . "They cured mo of Ague , Biliousness - ness nnd Kidney Complaint , ns re commended , I htul ft half bottle loft which I used for my two little girls , who the doctors nnd neighbors naia could not bo cured , I would have lost both of thorn ono night if I had not given thorn Hop Bitters. They did thorn BO much good I continued their use until they wuro cured , That is why I say you do not know half the value of Hop Bitters , and do not re commend them hit h enough. " B. , Jlochcslpr , N. Y. See other column. American Ilurnl llomo. oot. Ifi-nuv. 1 Established 11 Tears , Ilcpreoonted * 82 , OOOOOO.O. imntod. .C. T. TAYLOIt & CO UUi 4 Lloiijrlm at. DON'T IT BURN I My house and furniture ia insured with C. T. TAYLOR k CO. , Cor 14th nnd DouYlaa. AOKVT3 WANTED KOU th * Futeai Mlln < t Book ol th * AK | Fouiidatioiis of Success. BUSINESS AND 804HAL FORMS Tha lawi of trad * , le ral form * , how to tram. rt burlncra , valuable ublrw , locial etiquette , oarllaiuentary naasre , bow to conduct public bunluBM ; In l rt it U & comnluta OuIJa to Sue- cotu for fcU i-hvuKi A Urally necotwi y. Addrit * for elrcukn ) nd special ternu , 4.NCUUK PUB- MHHIKiM'O ' Ht Irf il V. . ACJBNT8 WANTED FOR CREATIVE SCIENCE and Sexual Philosophy. Protu iy Illustrated , Ihemnst Important and but book published. ICvm-y family want * It Rxtnordlnary inducement * offered Airent * . Address ASimn1 PuBLianuca Co. . St. Loull , Mo AGENTS WANTED MR OUR NEW BOOK ] BIBLE FOR THE YOUNG. " being the Story of the Scriptures , by Rev. George Alexander Crook , D. D. , In simple and attroctlte anguafco for old and > oung. Profusely Illustra ted , making a most Interesting and Impreseiie youth a Instructor. E\ cry parent will secure thli work. . Preachers , you should circulate It. Price 13.00. Send for circulars with extra terms. J H CHAMBERS b CO. St Louis W rTlAKKN DP Scpfmber lltli , by the under- JL signed , living on the Judge Brlgg's farm , two nnd a half miles vest of Omaha , Douglas Couuty , Neb. , ono milch cow , supposed to be fi\e j tars old , no car marks or brands , red and white speckled JAMES G. HALE. 21fl.novl3-y5p . AGENTS WANTED FOR FA8TK8T SKLLmO BOOKS OF TDS AOl I Foundations of Success BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FORMS. The laws of trade , legal forms , how to trans act business , \aluablo tables , social etiquette parliamentary usage , how to conduct public busi ness ; In fact ft is a complete Guide to Succcsj tot ill cases. A family necessity. Address for cir culars and special terms ANC1IOR PUBLISHING CO. . St.Louis. Mo. v f REAL ESTATE. Wo are now offering FOR SALE OVER Best and Cheapest Farming Land In Nebraska , located In all the best counties In the state. In DOUGLAS COUNTY Alone MC ha > o about 25,000 Acres For sale at $3 , $10 and $1' ! per acre , ( j to 15 miles from Omaha , 16,000 Acre * In Oarpy County , 10,000 . Acres In Washington County , Larp Tract * In all other countlm In Nebraska and Western Iowa. ALSO An Immense list of OMAHA CITY property con- 6lfctln ( f FINt RESIDENCES , HOUSES and LOTS , BUSINESS PROPFRTY of nil kinds , LOTS If * ADDITIONS to Oiraha. ACRE TRAOT8 , etc. , for Sale , Itent and Exchange. BOGGS & HILL , Eeal Estate Brokers , 1408 Farnham Street , OPP , GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL , FOR SALE 3M acres , Hinllen from the city , 40 acres culti- \atcd , running water , plenty of > alley , school house on thu land , farms nil around it , 12.f > 0 Iitracto. 1JOUOS & II1LL 1'OH BALK $20 acres , 11 mllej from tlty , 7f. acrrs of fine \alley-100 acres U Iev I land , 40 atri-s cultl- > ateu. Ihlrg water , near timber , owner ex tremely anxious to sell , $12.10 per acre. 110(108 & 1111,1 , , Heal Estate llrokcrs. KH ) SALE 60 acres , 13 miles from city , 17 acres under ul- tinted very thole land will be sold cheap. BOUQ3 4. HILL , Utal EsUta Urokcra. FOR SALE BO acres , 10 miles from city , only $10 per acre , If told at onco. 110UUS & HILL , Heal Estate Brokers. FOR SALE 100 acres , 10 miles went of city , > alley and wa ter , near station , (2,201. DOOOa & HILL , Itutl Estate Broken , FOR HALE lOOacres , 11 miles west of city , plenty of valley , litlng prlng , lmproedurms on all tides , near school and station , must be told imtanttr. FOR RALE 160 crw with running nater , fine \allej , good surrounding ) , H mllea fiom court houaa , only 10 per acre , If sold soon. liOUdb & HILL. * OR BALE 60 acres , two miles cast of Elkhorn station , ury BOGUS & 1U.L. FOR HALE. 100 cares , fhc mllri north of Elkhorn station 10 rlKityuina , 1U mile * from cit,40 sirw lultUatud.fll. HOaas&IIILL. rou SALE ICO acrc , 11 mile * from city. * I,200. IIOGUS&IULL. FOR SALE ( MO acre * , In one tract , ieen miles west of Fre- incut , to acrw lultlvitefl , all ljul lanJ-U very choice , Hirer-fourth * of a mite from ( tatloii 111 ncll all or part , or Mil exchange for Oman * property. HOODS A HiLL. TOR HALK 3 tract * , of ICO trw cvh In S rp > county , $ t * per Rcie water on alt three qti'tle * . liOUOS A HILL. , FOR HALF. SO aero * , close to city , $40 per acre , walr nd T ! y. BOUOS&1IILU FOR flALR , 2J miles e > t of city : 40 crw , four nllm nouthucot ot city both nice plccoi ol hml-MII Mil ch ap. IIOOOS it HILL. FOR HALK 100 acre far n , 2 } mlles from city , $ 'i,0X ' ( ) . 110C.O.S & HILL , Real Estate Uroltcn. FOR HALK MO acrci , near Mlll rdtll dlvld to null. TOR 8AIJK 100 acrcn Imore station , $29 noons & HILL FOR 8ALK in.fOO acrci on the Eikhornallev , between the hi k horn and t rcniont. 1JOUGS & I11LU FOR SALK 14 qn rtemoctlons of land In townnhlp lCr&nj [ 12 ; also 18 qunrtcr settlinn In townnhlp 10 , nngo 11 , onlv 12 to 13 mill * frcm Omaha , tiomo very Ion priced land In these loti. UOCiOS .t HILL , Hml Estate Rrokcn 50 HOUSES AND LOTS ox Monthly Payments. A\ ill Inillil thrno hou'ci to order fast u ra qitlrul.on our loin on Farnham , Douglas And Dodge , and 27th , 20th , 20th .end dOth 8t . We iN not hullil n > tlilnu but coal solid. No. 1 house' , lining full M k'ood nutcrlilsand doing fully n KOOil * ork M In dona on large , flrst-clas ImlullnvH. All homes ure nhuetcd , tor p&pertx ) . sliloil , plastered two coata , to Poor enl jama wMl | ulntcit ltli best paint , all wlmlowg hung on heavy vtclxhti. nnd lUtod fo linl o or out- eldo lillmln , ns desired , All studding ID placed 13 Inchon fro .n centre to centre oil framing lum ber bcli K fully H hiavy 01 that lined In large house . Houses cant In ( rom four to six roou n , with ten foot celling * , folding doom , rtc. Wa I \ltoall jiiople wanting homes , to call unit ex- lunlno Uiu houses c are now building. We re quire In nil ra cs a conn In band payment of (100 or 8-UO , balance niontlilv BOGGS & HILL , Eeal Estate Brokers , 1408 FarnbamSt. , ' OPP , GRAHD CENTRAL 'HOTEL , Houses , Lots , Residences , Etc. House And lot , 16th and llnrcy. 93,600. Tuo houa-n and ono lot. ItJtii and Loaveo- worth , $2,200. House and email lot , 13th and Cass , $000. Three hoim anil lot , nth and Cost ) , $2,000. lloueo and lot , Oth and I'acldc , $3IH 0. House and lot , 10th and I'ierce , $1,250. Fine res dcnce , 8hlnn' add tlon , W.OOO. llounj and twol.its.2Uth and Faruham , $2,600 House and lot , Sdth nndKarnha , 91,300. Two new houits and lot , 17th and Marcj. $2 200. New bouses and one-half lot , 22 1 and Capitol avenue , $2OCO. House , 8e\cn rooms , wllhl t , Shlnn'n addition. $1,70(1. ( Kfnu residence property St. Mary's avenue , House and lot , Da\cnport direct , ft , 000. Home and lot , Slilnn'a additlo , i-ouU. House and lot , till ) and I'lercc , $200 Largo house , corner lot , 21st * nd Ourt , loir price. House and lot , Armstrong's a loition , $2,700. Coiner lot , tumll house , Armstrong's addition , i 0. 0.Hou Hou c and lot , 12th and C pltol acmie , $3,200 House an 1 1 t , 23d and Harne > , $2,000. Fine res dencc , Uallfornli street , J7,000. link house , SOthaiid Oouzl.e , ? lbOO. Full coiner lot and t\to houses , 10th and Cop to ) avenue , $12,100. Full lot and hou e , h islness locatl n , ? 7K)0. ) Ekgai.t resldci ce , No 1 locution , J7.W. II use an ' lot , ISth and I ) it' , $ -t/JO. / Commodious n Did net , th te lots , $18,000. llou o on 1 lot , 2Sth and Farnham , 81,160. House ard lo , 20tb nd Douglas , ? 1WO. Residence property , California itreit , 83,700. Residence propertj , 1'atk Wilde a\enue , vcrj cheap. , House and J lot , 12th a-d Pac no , 81,200. House and lot. Dod e street , SJ,5 JO. Two house an , ' , twothudd cf a lot , 23d anil Ca 8 , $ l,50ij. Desirable nbldence , two loti on Capi'ol Hill. STBUO J ll'ick residence , choice location , $3,600. House tiul o ic acre , South Oinahn , $3uO. FUo eplcndlilij lo.'ited busmen lots , 22xCS feet lacli , as"goo a location as can bo found In the city , each 82,500. Two business lots , rppom o "Tn Millard " so th tide Uougl.e , between 12th and 13th , each $3,000. Six business lots on 25th street , 31,800 to $2,600. Full comer lots , suitable for bustncw , $7,600. Twobueln ss lot , together 41xWi fict , No. location , $5,000. HIv good business } ota , rach 22x120 , each $3,000. Three business lota , 22x120 f ct each , all for $7,01,0. lluslncss corner , 132 feet square , ono of th : bc.t locations n the city , 319,000. OC\12 fictou coriicr , vet/ cheap for all , full lot , Ibth and Harnej , 81,800. Full lot , 22d and California , ? 1,600. Connir lot , Jefferson and Douglas , 81,200. Residence lot , Dpdtfe strett , # 2,600. Large lo * , 21st and Harxe ) , § 1,000. Corner , CtixbO feet , 13th and Tierce , SOW. Itlock In West Omaha , 81,600. Brick cottage and tuo lots , well improved 83,000. iwenty choice lota , Park Wild ) atcnue , ( COO to SSOO. SSOO.Nlmty cl ht lotn.'south of St. Mary' * lucmia between Ifilhand S0th ! street * , § 500 to $700. Ninety lots on Farnham , Doiiluiaiia | Dodfo between 2Mb , 27ih,2jtl alia 30th struts SJUO to 400 , BOGuS & HILL FOR SALE Just What RAILROAD MEN WANT an FN- riRE BLOCK OF QROUNO-clght full lots , with line lar o Iniiaj of fouitccn rooo.8 and many other \.Unable improkimentt. Will dhlde this and sell In parcels to null purchaser , BOGGS & HILL , Eeal Estate.Brokers , 1408 Parnllam Street , OPP. BRAND CENTRAL HOTEL. CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. By vlrtuo of the power qpntnined in a chattel mortgage given on the 21st day of Jtine 1870 , by Henry . LalTcr to William KdMnitlM and by mud Kdwanls ottm , .i.u uv n < * u i un uiuo assigned to Augunt Doll , which said mortgage wan on the 27th day of June 1879 , duly filed in the County Clerk's office of Dougla County , Nebraska , nnd on which there Is now due $19 , " > ,2j in the payment of which default has been made , I will sell at public auction to tlio hfchest bidder for cash , at C. ! ' . Goodman's store No. 1114 and 111C Douglas street , in the city of Omaha on thii 10th day of November , proximo at 10 o'clock a. m. .f said day. the good * , chat tels and property described in Haiti mort gage , to-wit : A full stock of drugs , medi cines , paints , oil and window-glass , to gether with store fixtures and furniture , consisting of shelving , glass fuinlturc , drawers , counters , cupboard * , prescription case and scales , lamp * , show caies , stands , mortar.sii'n. and other woodan Signs , sponge basket , show globes , brackets , tables , matting , steve nnd pipe , zinc board , desk , chairs , etc. , also Jot household - hold furniture consisting of carpets , bed steads , chairs , bureau , looking-ylass , kitchen safe , cookng ( stove , etc. AUOUHT DOLL , Mortgagee. By Clarkson & Hunt , his attorneys. Omaha , Oct. iMth 1881. BlCYCLES.c - - - - - - - - . Send three cent rta mp for Catalogue and prlco Hat containing full information. I D SOLOMON N , , , , Palutd.OlU and Gl OAfAHA. NKlt C. F. Manderson , | If ATTORNEY - AT - LAW.s ' 2 Farnham St. , Omaha N ti