TEE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TUESDAY NOVEMBER I , 1881 PRESIDENT ARTHUR ATHOME Personal nnd Social Trnit of Our Now Chief ILunsilclr * Washington Itcpntillc. On certain specified days of the wrook , i a drawing-room almost largo unough for : i publio hall , overlooking thu c.ipitol grounds and furnished wilh richness mid splendor , may bo seen \ during certain noura the man toward whom all eyes nro turned , \nd for whom every true American has noth ing but feelings of good will and words of encouragement. The man is something over six fqct in height , of presence most imposing , a face nt once grave , solf-posaoased and frank , u manner composed and full of dignity and courtesy. Ilis figure , straight us a dart , well-round- od nnd woll-proportioned , is clad in sombre rainmunt from top to too , yet a better dressed figure was never seen in a drawing-room. A braid-bound Prince Albert coat of black , buttoned nearly to the chin , dark trousers and gaiters , a blaciv silk scarf fastened with an onyx pin and half covering the whitest of standing collars - those sot elF the lace the military grave , closely-trimmed tary whiskers and mustache , the round head with its short , yray-bp- sprinkled hair and the somewhat llorid complexion. No ono can sco this figure standing near the door in an nttitudo of perfect case and grace without knowing that it belongs to nil American gentleman. The room is well fitted for its uses. Costly lace nnd satin hangings , furniture of carved nnd inlaid woods , priceless ornaments of ivory and precious metals , cun ningly-wrought bronzes , pictures from master hands and a thousand pretty things decorating tables , cabi nets and mantels these furnish the back-ground to tnofignro whichstamh" near the opened door. The gentle man within that liguro welcomes you with quiet cordiality " .cordiality that you feel yon cannot triilo with. He shakos you by the hand , and then , while ho rolls a bill of paper between his fingers , his hands resting againot liis breast , he listens to you with pa tience , if not with interest. Ho talki little and is guarded. The volubility of deceit is noticeably lacking in him. Ho says commonplace things most charmingly , and in graver things you feel that ho means what ho says. You also feel that he has a lull apprecia tion tit his grc.it responsibilities , and that while he would rather have es caped them , ho will not , having them , endeavor to shrink from them. Thus hurriedly and briolly is sketched the now President as I saw him a few days ago at his temporary residence on Cap itol Hill. Mechanics- York Times. The licif ht of the Grout Pyramid , lifts tomb of Khufn , of Cheeps , of tlio fourth dynasty , was oti inally 480fuet 9 inches , and the l > aso 7C4 feet. It is virtually a muss of solid masonry , for the rock must taku upbut a small pro portion of tlia interior , and the cham bers and passages liavo no appreciable relation to the whole bulk. The ma terial chiefly employed is the limcstono on which the structure stands , which was in part cleared away to make n level platform ; but the finer quality , used fSr'tho casing stones and lining of passages , was quarried on the other aide.of the river , nearly 10 miles away ; and the red granite , also used for in ner casing and for thu sarcophagus , was quarried at Syone , at the extreme south of Egypt , nearly 550 miles away by the course of the river. Wo must remember that the Third Pyramid , now 203 foot high , was cased in part , or wholly , with granite of Sycne. How did the Egyptians contrive to transport and raise these vast blocks of stone ? Lot us Jook at the whole process. First , the labor of quarrying , without any of the modern aids of blasting , must have been enormous , especially when the hard red granite , which turns the edges of our modern steel tools , and " yet was cut by brnnzo ones , had to bo "V hewn out and shaped into accurate blocks. The transport to the river was not diflicult , and the descent on nvfta during the high Nile would have mnt no risks but for the sand-banks. At this period of the year the rafts would have been brought by a canal very near the site of the pyramid. A causeway , of w icli there are remains , would have made the land transport leas dillicult. But it must .bo remembered that the only mode ot moving great masses on land was by means of slednus drawn by men or oxen. So fur we see only a vast expenditure of almost unaided labor ; how vast wo do nqt appreciate , for it is beyond imagination to master the tremendous work ; wo are con stantly confused by our being unable to cast away the modern , notions of facility to which wo are accustomed. All this preliminary labor was followed by the actual work of building. _ The Great Pyramid is not a mass of piled- up stones ; it is ft model of construc tive skill. A sheet of paper cannot bo placed between the casing stones , and wo can scarcely imagine that any mortar was spread on their sides , The passages present no roughness that could arrest the sarcophagus. Everything - ' thing was exquisitely finished. Allowance was made for the pressure of the vast mass. The great chnm- of the sarcophagus has no less iTin five small chambers above it to lighten tho'superincumbent weight ; over the cwtranco of the first passage two great stones are placed in n vault ed position for the same purpose. In consequence nothing has given way. Our real dilliculty begins when wo en deavor to explain ny mode by which the great blocks ot which the pyramid is built were- placed in position nt thuir various heights until the top atone was put upon the summit , and the work of casing completed the wonder. It would bo easy to find a method if it did not entail as much labor as the building of the pyramid itself , Ilejecting any such view the most reasonable conjecture that can bo offered ia that inclined planes ran along the sides of the giant stops in which the pyramid was bnilt , and that the stones wore dragged up them by the workmen. It is necessarry here to note that when ho mummy of the King had been ilaced in the sepulchral chamber , the ntrancopassage was permanently eloa- f J , and heavy portcullises lowered at torvalsj this needing great mechani- 1 skill. The chapel attached to each ratnid for the sepulchral rites was iU at a suitable distance in front of c ntrary to the practice in the tombs or subjects around , in which the chapel was constructed in the mass of the maaonry , or hewn in the rock. The final closing of every pyramid , which vas the universal custom , is an important fact , which is in itself enough to disprove a scientific heresy , according to which deep secrets were concealed in the heart ot the Great Pyramid for the enlightenment of remote genera tions. 1'rof. Piazza Smyth docs not consider the rod granite sarcophagus a royal cotlln , like every other sarco phagus in I gynt , but a divinely-ap pointed sacred standard , connecting the ancient measures with , for in stance , the English inch. Yet more here , and in other parts of the pyra mid , ho fancies that ho set's the indi cations of profound astronomical truths , which were unknown -to the old Egyptians. This phantasy has been plishod to the length of makilig the pyramid , not nlono a record of an ancient faith , but a stone prophecy of the ages to "come. An Egyptolo gist muy ridicule a . theory which destroys the whole value of his labors ; a logician ninny protest against the section of one pyramid on which to found a hypothesis ami the rejec tion of all others , and the choice of measurements which best suit the evolution of the fancies of the speculator later ; but the true answer can only bo given by good mathematicians. They can explain the reasons of the pro portions which have baon interpreted away from their original purpose , and show how easy it is to prove anything to the uninitiated by thosp "dangerous playthings , " numbers which at least deceive the theorist himself. Sir Henry James , royal engineer , and Prot. Wackdrbarth , of Ups.Ua , have thus abundantly refuted the extraordi nary fancier of Prof. Piam Smyth. Mirobllo Dlctu. "Your Spring blossom is n success. I certainly think its effects are wonderful : nil the dyspeptic | ) } symptoms I I complained of have vanisued ; my wife i * also ciitluui Rstic in proi'e of it ; she was disfigured by blotchts nnd pint pirn on her facer and hod a continuous hvadnche. She is all right now , and all unsightly erupt ons h'VHgone. . You may refer any doubting parties to me. 11. M. WILLIAMSON , "Elk street , Uulfulo. " Price , 50 cents ; tri.il bottles , 10 cents. fl7-oodlw ] A Woman-Searcher- De roit Tost. Perhaps searching female prisoners is not one of the most grateful tasks in the world , but that is the vocation of a lady who resides in the Hawley block , and has lived there steadily in the sahio suit of rooms for sixteen years. " Mrs. Hoose , the lady in qucs tion , is a pleasant-looking woman , still young. Nothing in her appear ance would indicate any unusual strength or determination. She was not at all averao to being interviewed , nor did she seem to think there was anything unusual or unpleasant in her calling. "I don't mind it at all , " she said , "when the ladies are sober , but when they have been drinking they some times make mo a good deal of troublo. Tuey are all innocent , every ono of thorn , at least they say they arc , and when T find the goods on them they wonder how they could have got thoro. I searched two colored girls the other day who were accused of sto ling 81,500 from a man who strayed into their don. They laughed at mo and asked if I thought they wouldn't be smart to carry the money around with them. Anyhow they didn't have it. " "Have you many shop-lifters ? " "Yes ; they are my best customers. One was brought to mo not long ago who pleaded pitifully. She said she would give me all she had in the world if I would only lot her go ; that her husband was a respectables man and it would break his heart. I had to search her , and I found concealed un der each arm-pit a splendid silk and bead cord and tassel. One smuggler whom I searched had no underwear on , but whole pieces of goods were rolled around her ; her hair was very thick and I found several pairs of kid gloves twisted up in it. Her husband never came near her , but her brother tried his best to get her cleared. " "Dj the women you search belong to a very low class ? " "I search the worst and best. Jinny cases never get into the paners. Well dressed and respectable women get drunk and disorderly and are brought in , and they send for mo to go to the station and search their pockets for their name1 ] and address , and for mor phine , as these women are all morphine - phine chewers. " "If a husband is sent for to take his wife homo and pay a fine ho always lays her wrong-doing to morphine. There is another class of women ; old maids who work in shops by the day , who once or twice a year go out on a spree with some gentlemen friends who are sure to accuse them of steal ing their pocket-books. Ono man dropped his pocket-book on the street and had a lady arrested whom ho said had picked it up. I searched her but found nothing and she was let go. " "Aro they very much frightened when you examine them ? " "Yen , and they ofl'er mo everything to lot them go , but. I tell them 1 must do my duty and usually coax them u little ; but if they resist they know I would use main force. Sometimes I have such hard characters to search that the policemen who bring them in are afraid to let mo go in a room ulono wilh them. But they never offer mo I any harm. Some of them are drcsiod beautifully and with good taste , too. It ia not allowable for the men to search them ; but ono _ respectable lady who wau brought in for shop lifting , or 'kleptomania ' , ' us they call it now , refused to have mo search her , and the captain of the precinct searched her. I tell you it would molt a heart of stone Bometimes to hoar them cry and RO on. The old ones get hardened to it and don't mind , but those that are newat it , just as soon us I find the goods , wilt right down. " "What do tnoy steal principally ? " "Everything. There was a gang of Polish women who went round taking all they could lay their hands on. 1 found children's agates and marbleM in their pockets ; shoes , clothing und general dry goods ; but moitly lux uries. It is a veiy rare case that anyone ono steals from necessity. " It would seem as if nothing sustains this class of humanity like the "blessed cnnsciouBiicHi of guilt. " They who are tryos in the art of atoaling Buffer pangs of uhamo and consciousness which the searcher , if she lias a mia- oiouary ttpirit , might turn to their fu- lure good. At fiO cents a head she has all she Jean do to attend to their corporeal situation , The room in which she conductr this searching operation is furnished with nporlnres which give the police nil opportunity to watch both thoui- specter nnd inspected , thus destroying any possible chance of collusion. DYINCHW INOllKS. Very otton wo see a person sutler ing from some form of kidney com plaint nnd is gradually dying by inches. This no linger need to bo so , for Electric Bitters will positively cure Jtright's ' disease , or nny disease of the kidneys orurininry organs. They are especially adapted to this class of diseases , acting directly on the Stomach and Liver nt the same time , and will speedily euro where every other remedy has failed. Sold at fifty cents a bottle , by Ish & Me. Mullein. ( ' As yellow fin n loinon , " evprc.vw the factthit jaunillco has net In. The poor. Ill- u cd liter ha.i turned Ilko the "trodden-tipon orni , " and asserted her rights. Uho at once Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient , regularly , nceor.llns to directions ! cet the sys tem In proper shape , and noon the bloom ol \oiilh 111 rolurn to the heek and health bo ro- storu 1. No incdlclno la better for the general Bjetcm than TARRA.NT'HSKLT/.K ArKiiiitsT. . SOLD DY ALL UKUQ01STS. UKUQ01STS.dally cod. . VJIOBATK NOTJE. In tbo matter of the Estate of James K. lib , deceased. Notice It hereby el\cn thnt the creditors of unld dcceasod , w 111 meet the admtnlstrix of nald KjtUle , before mo , County Judjo of Douglas County , Nebraska , nt the County Court Hoom In salof Couiity , on thu Oth dayof Decemher.lSSl , on the (1th ( day of February , 1SS2 , and on the Oth dny of AJirll , 1882 , at 10 o'clock a. m. each day , for the purpose nf prcocntlng their claims for ex amination , adjustment nml allow anco. Six mont a are allowed for creditors to present tholr claimnnd one year for thu administratrix to settle snld estate , from the ( Jtli day of October , 1831 , tills notice ill bo published In Tim OMAIU WKKKUY URR for fo < ir weeks successively , prior to the oth day of December , 1S31. [ A true copy. ] A , II. CHADWICK , oc0w4t ! County Judge : PROBATE NOTICE. In tlis matter of the Estate of 1'ctcr J. Johnson , deceased Notice U hereby given that the creditors ol sild iliccoBcd.ttll moit the administrator of said Estatr , bcfoto me , County Judge of Douglas County , Nebraska , nt n County court Kooui. In said County , on the 24th day of November , 1S81 , ou the 24th day of . anuary , ISSi , nnd o i the 2Uh day of March , 1832 , nt 10 o'clock n , m. each day , for the purpose of presenting tluir claims tor examination , adjustment and allowance fix months are allowed for creditors to present their claims , and oneyear for the administrator to nettle said Estate , from the 21th day of Septem ber , 1831 , this notice Hill bo published In THE OMAHA WKBKLY limtfor four weeks successively , prior to the 2Uh day of November , 1881. [ A true copy. ] A. M. CIIADWI K , oct9-w4t County Judgo. If TOII are a man ) If younreo , of uuslnc. sweaL ' , ninn of leu - cncd by the ctrnln of tir tclllnKOTtrnii- your duties avoid nlfclit work , to res ptimiihntianil udo , toi o brain nerv * nmi Hop Bittern. watte , Uho Hop U. Jf jounroyounrt nndf i culTorinff from any I u- ( tUeictlon or illhl | > al I tlon i 1C 5 ou are 'nar- ricd or vlnRlo. olit ori uupr , euiTorlnp' from Door health or UuiicuUli I jnir an a Lou of alck ecu , rely on HopJ Bittern \Vhocver you are. Tliouunnas die n- nunllj-frum some whcntTtr yoa/eol that ur form t/f Kidney eyTtcrai y ' di caao that mtfclJt neeJs clcanslnj ? , ton- Inir or utiniulutlnic. wlthoutfnroxfdil I bra timely u co ( tnUo Hop HopBlttero Bitters. kldnevt D. I. O. pfafrii clfacmel [ i an aboolntt , and trroBlnuv ottherloinart , . ! no ? bio c u r e for bnieell. hlood.l drunkenness iittrcriienv t\ \ use of opium , You will tie tobaccoor cured If you use narcotic * . Hop Blttere If yen are elm- Bold by drn < . weak and tnlf. Bcudtor ply loWBplrited.try NEVER Circular. Hi It may nopDirrns onvoyour life. It hn FAIL TO CO. , aaved hun Bocherttr , S. Ti dreds. Toronto , Out. Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 15th and Dodge 8ti. , Omaha , Neb This agency noes STRICTLY a brokerage bwlneas. Does not speculate , and therefore any bargains on Its books an- Insured to Ita patronn , Instead of being ( rabbled u bv the apeut Free to Everybody ! A Beautiful Book for the Asking , liy apphlng personally lit the ncarcxt olllco of 'I UK SINUKR MANUFAinUllINtt CO. ( or by ( raitalcard If at a ilUtantu ) any Alil'LT per. BOH wi'J bu presented with a beautifully Illus trated copy of a Nuw Hook entitled . GENIUS REWARDED , or. THE STORY OF THE SEWING MACHINE containing a handsome and costly steel r ngrav- ir frontlaplcrrc ; a'xo ' , "i finely ingrared vsood cuts , and bound In on e'aboratoh ' ne and gold lithographed cover. No chargii whatever Is made for this i and-iome book , wnlch can ba obtained only by application Ht the b nnch and subor dinate oinces of The Singer Maiiifacturlig | Co. THE BINOER MANUFAtTURINa CO. , ce , 31 Dnlon Hipare , Kev York OOCIDENTAL J. I. PAYNTER , Proprietor. . Comer 10th and Howard Streets , ' OMAHA , NEB , Eatos , Two Dollars Per Day , o SMOm For Madam , Wlioso complexion botrrtys sonic liumllintlng impcrlcc- lion , \vhoso mirror tells yon ( hat yon are Vanned ) Sallow ami disfigured in countenance , or liavo Eruptions , llcdness , llouglmcss or unwholesome tints of conmlexioiu wo say use llagnn'8 Mngnolln Balm. ItlsndellcntoJinrinlessniHl delightful article , producing the most natural and entranc ing tints , Ilia artillciality ot which no observer can detect , nnd which soon becomesiiicr. tunnpiit if the JIiiEUQH : . Bulni Is judiciously used. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK..Tl.l.lr''TRADB : ' MARK iiv. An mi- falling ruro for Hcmlnal Weakness , Simrniator * rhon , liupot- nicy , nml all DUrOM'Stlmt' J em > " AFTER TARIHO , belt Ai > iuiiw ! ; Loss of Memory , Unhorsal Ijvuii- tilde , Pain In the llaok , Dimness of VMon , I're maturj Old Ae ( , and inaiij other Dl-eisos that lead to Insanity or Consumption nnd a I'rinm ture Grako. jtiT'Kull particulars in otir pimiOilct , which o dei-lrc to send free by mail to every one. JtaTTne Specific Mrdlctno Is Bold by all druKgltt * at ? 1 per package , or 0 packages for W , or will bo fent free by mall n receipt of the money , uy addressing THE QUAY MKDICINK CO. , Uuflalo , N. V. Tor sale hy C F ( loodman. John G. Jacobs , ( Formerly of 0 lab & Jacob * , ) UNDERTAKER. No. mTFarnhnm'St , , Old Stand ot eobOI tVOrdcra < iv Telcuraivh SollciUiJ 7-lv HAWKEYE PLAININB MILL 00 , Des Moines , Iowa. Manufacturers of SASH. DOORS , BLINDS , BRACKETS , MOULDINGS , AC. Great reduction in Hnnk Counters , Pinna fur nhenndoid | ! furnUhiil In nil Kinds of hare or soft \\ood. Counters finished in oil when tie sired Shelving of nil klnJj furnishixl nnd liu into building ready for paint on short notice Our workmen nro the best mechanics that inn bo procured. ba\o money by ii\liig us your con tracts. Stairs , Newels and Balusters , Our foreman in this dcinitmcnt was former ! ) rtlth Front Matiufacturin ) ; Co , ' Chlcuuo Ilia , and has done Boinu of the fincet Stair A In the Northwest OrdcrH by mall promptly attended to. 20 m BOCGS & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS No. 1508 Fnrnhom Street , - - 3XTOEI3B. Ovnn Nor h l < li > otip Grnml Central Itntnl Sioux City & Pacific THE SIODX OITT ROUTE Runs a Solid Train 'Ihroujjh from Council Bluffs to fct. 1-aul Without Change Time , Only 17 Houn. rr is 1OO MILES TUB SHORTEST liOOTE COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS 0ULUTH OR BISMAllCK and all polnta In Northern Iowa , Mlnnooota ant Dakota. This line Is equipped with the Improve Wratlnghouse Automatic Air-brake anri MlUci Platfonn Coupler and llufler ; and lor SPEED. SAFETY AND COMFORT is unsurpassed. Piillnmn Palace Sleeping Car run through WITHOUT CIIANUU heUeun Kan sas City and St. Paul , > la Council 111 u da and Sioux City. Trains leave Union Pacific Transfer nt Coun cil lllulla , at 7l.r : ! p. in , dally on nrrhnl of Kanras City , Ht. Joseph and Council Itlufh train from the Soutli. Arrl\lnBat Hlonx City 11:35 p. m. and at thu New Union Depot at St. Paul at l : 'M noon. TKN IIOURS IN ADVANCE OK Am' OTHER ROUTE. . ( icmbcr In taking the Bioux City liouto jouuet a'lhrniiKh Train. Thu Shonoxt l.lno , the ( ulckcntTimo and a Comfortable Hide In the Through ars between COUNCIL 11LUFFS AND ST. PAUL. < 3TSeo that your TlckcU read \ia Uiu "Sioux City and Pacific Kail oad. * ' J. S. WATTLES , J. It. HUCHANAN , bupcrlntendent. Gen'l Pass. Apciit. P. E. R01JINSON , AsH't ( .cn'l Pus . A 't , Missouri Valley , Iowa. J. II. O'BHYAN , Southwestern AKCIII , Councl I lllulT , Iowa. 1880. SHORTJJNE , 1880. KANSAS CITY , St , Joe & Council Bluffs ICC A T TU U Till OHLY Direct Line to ST. LOUIS ANDTIIKKASr From Omaha and the West , No changii of cars between Om.\ha and a > . ix > nl , ami but ono between OMAHA and NEW YOIUC , Daily PassengerTrains IXACniJiQ AU , EABTKHN AND WKSTKBN cmES with LKS6 CHAIIUKS and IN ADVANCE of ALL , ' OTUEit LINES. This entlro line U equipped with Pullman't Palace Sleeping Cars , Palace Day Coacbca , lllller't Ufety Platform anil Coupler , oud the celebrated Wcutlnghouso Airbrake. tiTHco that your ticket reads VIA i\AHHAH CITf , OT. JOSEPH & COUNCIL I1LUKFU Rail road , via at , Joseph and Ht , Louis. Ticket * for sola at all coupon stations In th * West. J , K. BARNARD , A 0. DAWJM , Gen. Supt. , Ht. Joseph , Mo ) den. Paw. and Ticket Ayt. , Ht. Joseph , Jio. | AHDT IIOHOIN , Ticket Agent , 1020 Farnham street. A. D. UABIAUD General Arent , _ _ OMAHA. HK BlackDiamondGoalGo. W. II LOOMI8 , J. 8 , NEWELL , PRKD. SEC. I. H. MILLER , AORNT. HARD OR SOFT COAL in car Iota or m nuantltleii to milt purchaser ! Orders Solicited. Yard , Foot Farnham and Doug las Sts. , Omaha. ep3 tf LEGAL NOTICE. To Catharine Iteddo , non-ronldcnt defendant ; Yon are hereby notified ( hat on thu U day ol September , IBS ] , John Rtdde , pUlutlH , Bled till x-lltlon In the District Court , within and lor Uouglas County , Nebraska , against you as do- 'endant , the object and prayer of which petition s , to obtain a decreed divorce from the bond * oimatrlmony ; vtllh you for the following causes , to-wit : lit , habitual drunkcnnotu ; 2d , eitrcmc cruelty , and for general relief , You are required to answer ( aid petition on the SiUi day of October , 1881 , ( DOANK 4 CAUPDELL , MTwtt AtUrneri for fklclUr. " * v * " ei > * - ' Hi.V3ia.l4/ ; . ' f S : jffi jffi < jjMna * No Changing Cars OMAHA & CHICAGO , U'hcro direct connection are tnaiio nitn Through SLKUriNO OAK LINKS for NKW VOH15 , I10STON , IMIILAUKU'HIA. 11ALTIMOUK. WA8HINOTON AND ALL KASTKUN IT1KS. The Short Line via. Peoria fat 1NUIANAVOLIS , CINCINNATI , LOUIS- V1LLK , ami nil points In the TlIX RUT tMI For ST. LOUIS. \Vhcro direct connections are made in the Union Depot with the Through Sleeping Cot Lines for ALL 1'OINTS S OTTTDHC. NEW LINE ESMOINES THE KAVOKITK UOUTK FOR Rock Island. The uneqvftlcJ Inducements offered by this line to tmclora nnd tourlsU are an follows : The celebrated PULLMAN (10-whcol ( ) PALACK SLEKI'INO CAKS run only on thli line C. , II. * Q. PALACK . 'HAWING ItOOM CA119 , with Morton's KocllnlnR Chairs. No extra charge for seats In Reclining Chairs. The famous C. , B. & Q. Talaco Dining Can. Gorirooiu Smoking Ours Httod with elepint hlKh-backol rattan revolving chairs , ( or the oxcluaixo useot firet-claea poasen- gcrs. gcrs.Stool Track and superior equipment comblrf nlth their gic&t through car arrangement , mtkui tills , above all others , the fa\orlto route to Ine East , South and Southeast. Try It , and > ou nil ! find traxollng a luiurj' In stead of a discomfort. Through tlckcUlo thin cclohratud line for rale at nil olllcca In the Unltoil Stntea nnd Can < la. AH Infonimtlon M.jtit ratua of fare , Sleeping Cnr &ccommoilntlon , Time Tables , etc. , will bo cheerfully glvoti by appljlut ! to PEHCEVAL LOWELL , Qcnornl I'wvjont'ur A''cnt , Chicago , T. J. roiTEU , nnnoril Mnniu'cr Chlcairo. West for being thu moet direct , quickest , ui nafctit line connecting the great Metropolis , CHI CAGO , and the EABTKRN , NORTU-EAHTKRN , SODT and SOUTII-KABTKRS LIXIW , which terminate there with KAKHAS Crrr , LIAVKKWORTII , ATOiira if COUNCIL liLL'Fpd and OMAIU , the COMMIBCIAI CKNTRM from which radiate EVERY LINE OF ROAD that penetrates the Continent from the Mtaraurl Itior to the Pacific Slope. The CHICAGO ROOK ISLAND & PA OIFIO RAILWAY IB the only line from Chicago owning track Into Kanua , or which , by Ita own rood , roaches th pointe above named. No TRANBrmu BT CARRLAOB No MIHHINO ooNNKCTioxHl No huddling In 111 ventilated or unclean cars , aa every paiwcn or I carried in roomy , clean and ventilated ooachc upon Font Kxprcsft Trains. DAT CARB of unrivaled mngnlflcenco , PULLUAM PAUCR Hi.Kr.rixo CABS , and ourown world-famous DIKING CARD , uiion which mcala are eervod of un BurpOHsed excellence , at the low rate of 8ivr.vrr Finn CKNTS IIACU , with ample time for healthful enjoyment. < , Through Care between Chicago , Poorla , Mil waukco and Missouri River Poiiita ; and close con ncctloim at all points of Internocllon with other roadu. Wo ticket ( do not forgot thin ) directly to every place of Importance in Kannaa , Nobnuka , IIUcl HlllB , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , Nmoda , California Oregon , Washington Territory , Colorado , Arizona and Now Mexico. An liberal arrangement * regarding baggag any other line , and rates of faro always asl ow as competitors , who furuUh but a tltht of tbo cow fort. fort.DogB and tackle of sportsmen free. Tickets , mapnand folders at all prlnclpa ofBccs In the United fltatwi and Canada. II. II. CAULK , K. HT. JOHN , Vlco Pres't & den. Oen.Tkt an J I'ans'r A t ; Manager , Chlcaira Chluozo. WISE'S Axle Grease NEVER GUMS ! Used on Wagons , Ituggios , Reapers , Throehcru ind Mill Machinery. U ls iNVALDAiiLKTorAlui KKH ANI > TKAUBTKUH. It curuH bcratchcg and all kludii of soreo on JIoiscu and Htock , as well fts ou un' un'CLAEK & WISE , Manuf's , 300 Illinois Street , Oh CVHKND FOII PRICES. ' " OS. H. CLAkKIHIK. Clarkson & Hunt , SucooHwn to Richards & Hunt , ATTORNEYS-AT- fl UthRtrrnt Om h Nnb NetekaLand Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , COS Farnham Ot. , . . . Omaha , Nebraska Care.ully Delected Und In Eastern Nebraska foi tale , ( /rout Hirgains la Improved farnu , and Omaha city property , 0. F. DAVIS1 WKfiSTKB 8NYDER Late Un-l Com'r JI P " _ J.P.ENGLISH , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , 810 SouUi Thirteenth SUwt , with J. M.Woolworth. SIBBETT & FULLER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , DVTD CITY , NEB , Special attention gUtu to collections In Ilutlei : oni > t > "U'me-Bni 010. W , bOAMI. 1 , 0. DOANE & CAMPBELL , Attorneys t-Law , B W OOR. TH * DOUQLAS BTB. v VI OMAHA , THIS AND C JftRECT MAP jcyonrt nny rr.isonnMc ntiMtlon tlmttJi.n CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN BY 1 * by nil cxlrts ttio b si ror..l for you to take when tmolln ? In oltlier illtretlon b.t ! M > > Uilcagu and alt of the Principal Points In the West , Nortn 101 ! Northwest. t'nrrtnlly ' Tamln ( t\ts \ Mnp. The * Prlndpnl Cities of the \\Mtnrifc XorrhwrM nrt' MnilonS tin tills road , lit thminjU trains inuko close connection * wltli tbotrnamotuilmllimdiA * iinrtlon points. Mf ye1'1 V. , - W ) liw * B q'oK3 t KM PS 'T/ P rW TO wws : V .ouxf.lu' . ' VT" X ftVT F SFJPa l - ' " - M r hf ; v * 9 \ I uuiV.ni. ! . Unc 0 { 'CHICAGO .telNgRTgWlcgr ' > . A TT > V > .Trf ' l THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. IM'MM ' cl" - ' - ' L'on-lcJ,1llllx1' , , ' ' l > ' .1lvi | > r&Cullfornla Mtin. " "Wlnona , MlntuMotn & Ccntml Dakota LIn 5 , .yiltl'c . { , ty or ohniiltix Y.iiiUtnn l.lnc."Clilcnio , at , Paul nnd Mlnncnpolh I.lno. T nr. Illinois. 1 ri-rpoit K DiiliiKinu Line. " "Mlhruukcn. ( Jrrcn lluv& I/.iko Superior i-n 'i Cn > i iMS ° XCr r ° Ur ° Sultl by II" Cou''ou ' ' ' 1'lcla'1 Aguiits m tlio Uultcd. Htutoa wn\ Jlcnicinlicrtnnok forTlckcts via thliroad.bosuro they rend over It.nml takononootliw. JIAUJ'IN UUGmrr.Ccu'l Mnuaccr , Chicago. * . W. U. STEXSKTr.Ucu'l 1'ass. Apeut , ClilroiM * HAH11Y P. DUKL. Ticket ARont 0. & N. W. Railway , 14th and Fojnham street * . D. K. KIMItALL , AMliUnt Ticki-t Ai-eiit C. & N. W. lUllnay , lltli and Farnham ttreoli J. HKLL , Ticket Agent 0. ft N. W. Hallway , U. l > . H. H. Depot BAMKi ) T. CLARK General Acont. Announcement ! A large and varied stock of Sta ple and Fancy AT EIF1EEN PEE CENT THAN DOWN TOWN STORES. * You will Save MONEY by buying : your DRY GOODS of GUILD & McINNIS , 00.1 N. 10th Street , 2d door north of Cul E Sido. EDHOLRI & EBB -GIVE THE IIARQAIN3 IN ALL KINDS OF- JEWELRY , WATCHES , CLOCKS , SILVERWAEE SOLID AND PLATED WARE AND DIAMONDS. At Prices that Suit , Any Customer Who Really Wishes a First- Class Article. STAR TINTED SPECTACLES is COCO m II CO EDHOLM & ERIOKSON , THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Office , SUPERIOR In Convenience , DURABILITY , ECONOMY GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. BUYiHlBEST ! SOLD BY Lang & Fotick