THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , NOVEMBER 1 , 1881 , NO. 112 \ WASHINGTON NEWS , President Arthnr Appoints Sfcra- ham as Postmaster at Lynchlmrg , Va , Official Notice of His Appoint inent Sent to PostmnBter- . Uonoral James. Extensive Changes BoinR Mad in the Into ior of the White House. Mourning Paper and Bvelopo Ueod by the President f jr Official Business. Congressman Hiscook'o Chances cos for the Speakership Diminishing. CongreFsmanKasson Conceded to be the Leading Man % For That Position. Clark , the Miisonrl Oanorosiman Applied for a Divorce. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. National Assocmtod 1'rcMfl. rOSTPONKD UNTIL TUUnSDAV. WASHINGTON , October 31. Tin star rout i ; cases were called in tin criminal court thia morning. Distric Attorney Corkhill , of the counsel fo ; the government , asked'forun adjourn men. until Thursday , upontho groum that Assistant Col. Cook wns absent Col. Totten , for the defense , said thn the accused wore ready to go on , bui were willing to accede to the reques provided that no further delay woul ( T5a asked for on Thursdny , nnd on thn consideration postponement was granted. AKOTIIER "OIIANK. " WASUINOTON , October 31. A man about 40 years of age , well dressed , went to the white house this morning asked for President Arthur and pro edited the following letter of intro' duction : "JohnVolinc : You are hereby in formed that Dr. John Noettling ii lawfully elected president of thoUnitec States und occupies the white house ovcry day. ( Signed ) "AunonTY GOD. This letter the man said , was com municated by the Holy Ubost. Ser gcant Dtiiisumn , recognizing in the stranger a crank , arrested him. The lunatic made a desperate resistance . mid drew ttjovolrer onthw sergeant buc was overpowered and lodged ii the station houso. There ho said ho wns from Colesvillo- , Snyder county Pa. That ho went to the white house three weeks ago to get the correc election returns which ho now wantcc for the purpose of ascertaining if the man God said was elected wna really elected. 1'OSTMA.STKK.S NOT ACTED UPOX. WASHINGTON , October 31. The nominations for postmasters in the fol lowing towns were not acted on by the senate : Sherman , Tex. ; Anham , Tex ; Montgomery , Ala. ; Bethlehem , Pa. ; Jackson , Miss.j South Pueblo , 4 Col. ; lynchburg , Vn. ; Suffolk , Va. ; Nashville , Tonn. ; Memphis , Tonn. .Teirorson City , Mo. ; Donaldson villo , La. .fAVY HEOULATIONS. The secretrfry of the navy has issued n circular calling attention to the navy regulations prohibiting offi ccts from soliciting influence for par ticular assignment. Hereafter all applications for assignment to duty must be .nado to thu secretary of the navy. HTKAHAM APPOINTED. Official notification of the appoint ment of Clifford Stniham as postmaster tor at Lynchburfc , Va , in place of Wilson , msponded , was sent to Post- master-Gonera ! James this afternoon by the president. Among the other Appointments of postmasters were scv- ural postmasters nominated by , Prtsi dent Garfield. OUITEAU'H TUIAL. The trial of Guiteiiu is positively fixed for two weeks from to-day. Sco- villo and Robinson have issued sub- popnas for twenty witnesses , and it is said they will ask thu court for more. MAHON KJUONINO INHANITY. Guitcau is devoting himself to writ ing. Ho Htill recoivrs a great many letters. Among those to-day was ono from Sergiaut John MUJOII , who ra cently shot nt him. ' MHSOII is trying the crazy dodge'and writes in that atrain , ns shown by the following ex tract : "I BOB that your trial is to como offer or to commence on November 14th. Thnt'a giving you a chance to gi'ow and got a now suit of clothes from Uoaton , Then you will look bettor than you do now. You ought not to have called upon these soldiers to keep the mob away. The ? ) is no mob in Washington that would hurt you , yet there are some that would like to BOO you killed and they have not the grit to try. Your re moving the president has made some oxtr. work to irnny and some Invu undo money by it. Well , I must tell you that your shot last July haa made men pray that .never prayed before. " THE WHITE HOUSE- , C'HANOES. WASIIINOTON , October 31. Exten sive , change ! ! nro being made in the interior arrangements of the white houso. Heretofore the army of callers on the president have swarmed around the door of the president' * private ofltco and filled the corridors and lull * . If the attention of the doorkeeper - keeper was distracted for a moment , and the president's door ahould open , one of thu hangers-on outside could dart in. Several times men have forced themselves into the presence once of the president , and have also boon an nnhoynnco by loaf jng nround the door. II is th intention to have everything done inn moro orderly manner. The larg room in the front of the house , whor Col. Crook nnd Mr. Morton had desks ia now being fitted up exclusively fo availing room , nnd scats will bo pro yidod hero , nnd visitors will bo showi into this room , nnd from there sent in their cards and wait until the president idont wishes to BOO them. The wid corridor has been partitioned ofr , th partition being partly of glass am parly of wood , and the room thu formed on the east side will bo USED HY TUB OLBItlCAL VOUCK. The telegraph and telephone instru monta have bcon moved into the roon on the northeast corner , which was used by the Gnrfiold boys ns a study The now room formed from the cor rider will give the clerical force add ! space , which is much needed and besides the entire presidential office fico will be in n connected series o rooms. All the rooms uro beiiif , cleaned nnd brightened up , now pa per being put on the walls where needed , and the furniture being re varnished and upholstered. The pnpor and envelopes used it the official business of the prosiden are very deeply edged in black , nnd instead of the wonted heading , "Ex ccutivo Mansion"thoro are the words ' 'Office of the President of the Unitei Statcb. Official. " This heading .will be retained ns moro appropriate than the former. Communications in icg.ird to receptions tions , social and private matters como from the executive mansion , but pub lie business from the office of th president. The private part of the house is also being overhauled. The president is not expected to occupy the house til" December. THE SPEAKERSHIP. HISCOOK. "WASHINGTON , October 31. The supporters of Mr. Hiscock's candi dacy for the speaker-ship are consid erably discouraged , in view of the fact that Now York has now two places in the cabinet.gjTho opponents of Hiscock naturally nro taking ad vantage of this fact t6 urge that inas much ns New York has the piesidency , the two department which have very much moro patronage than all the other depart ments combined ( the treasury and the [ )03toflice ) , the mission to Franco , AiiA some of Iho most important bu reau offices , and a great many other important places in the homo and for eign service , it will bo asking too much for Now York to present a can didate for speaker. There is a marked indisposition among public men to permit any state to succncd onio , In the" matter of nfiftiSpbly of offico- liolding and patronage , 'Consequently , tlio friends' the western candidates for speaker are becoming inoro aggres sive. Mr. Kasson has been hero a low days , and , while ho makes no boasts , it is very evident that the tide is turning in his favor. Of his quail Ications tor the position no ono has ever ventured to suggest a doubt. Ilio greatest difficulty which ho has encountered in his canvass is the fact : hat ho haa not bcon a member of the ist two congresses , and for that ro.v son has not a personal acquaintance with some of the younger men in con- ; ross. Mil. KAMiON since his return to this country , how ever , has improved his opportunities , tnd that argument is n much less in- luential ono than it was three months ago. It is too early as yet to compare the strength of the different candi- lates by any roster of votes which hey claim. Keifor , of Ohio , insists hat ho has moro pledged votes than tuyone , but it is quite certain that ho l-iims some members who it is known will vote for Kasson. There uro at east two members of the Ohio dole- ; ation who are disposed to vote for Jiscock , of Now York , instead of tcifer , of their own state. THE CLARK SCANDAL. OONQKEBSMAN ULAIIK AFPUEii Foil A DI VORCE. WASHINGTON , 13. 0. October 31. The wife of Gen. John 13. Clark , nombor of congress from Missouri , ias boon served in this eity with the : opy of tlio petition for a divorce led by Gon. Clurk'a counsel in the ircuit court. The petition Beta forth hat on the 10th day of November , 880 , in the city of Wuiihington , 3lark and defendant were married nd lived together until the 15th of lay of October , 1881 ; that plaintiff aithfully conducted himself , nnd with idelity performed all the dutioi of a uisbjnd , treating dufendont with re- poet , kindness and affection , doing 11 in his power and menus 0 render her condition comfortable , nd happy , but that defendant , nmiudful of her duties and oblign- ions as the wife of plaintiff , has , .uring suid marrirtgo , offered such in dignities to plaintiff ai to render his ondition intolerable ; that plaintiff tatod at the time of nid marriage 10 was the father of four children by former maJmge , and these children ivoro all under age and dependent pen him ; that he was , and at theme mo of said marriage and is now , a lombor of congress , and that within short time after his marriage with ofendant , who exhibited towards ilnintiff and mid children , especial- y towards the oMuit daughter , amed Gussie , a spirit of unkindness , linruprescnting to plaintiff the conduct f his children and treating them with mrnhnuBs ; would exhibit a moit vio- ont tornpor ; she would abuao thorn nd plaintiff in the grossest lanpiugu 1 the presence of hia children , which underod his homo unfit fur them and place of misery for himself. At 10 residence of hia father in Howard ounty , Mo. , nho cauuod him much aortification by continued outbreak * f temper. She desired him to exude - udo hi * daughter Gussie from the house , nnd because ho wouldn't do st threatened to abandon his bed nut : board. Within the last few weeks defendant has conducted herself both in public and private so as to bring plnmtifT into scandal and to mnko him and his domestic affair ] thu sub ject of Borious comment. In this that the defendant clandestinely , nnd without his knowledge or consent , did repeatedly , nlono nnd in company of men of her acquaintanceship an unknown tT plniiitilf , outer public rent - t nil rant R nnd saloons in Wnshinglon and drink intoxicating liquors to ex cess. Tlio plaintiff also avora thattho defendant * , i B ho recently discovered , wna in the rnwt of taking opium to excess , nnd that upon a recent occa sion she returned to the house under thu influence of intoxicating liquors , nnd in the presence of li's ' daughter Gussio undo aii unseemly exhibition of herself , spurning his request to ru- tire to her room and trampling on his feelings in utter abandon. While thus intoxicatnd she rcvortei to her dislike for plaintiff and his children , especially Gussio , whom she rushed upon with threatening furj necessitating his interference. Alst that defendant's violence attraotoc the attention of the neighbors so th.i ho wna compelled to send his dauchtor Gussio to the family of Senator Vest , of Missouri , and . he , in utter dis- pair of the ponduct nnd reformation ol defendant , and out of self respect , felt constrained to quit her sociably , which ho did then and there. Teutonic Tonrlstt. National AsttoctaUtl Prean. ' CHICAGO , October 31. The Von Stoubcn p.trty , thirty-fivo in number , were formerly welcomed to the citj this morning by Mayor Harrison at the Grand Pacific hotel. His speech was replied by Mr. Walker Blnino , after which the aldermen , city officials and citizen's committee , were intro duced to the guests. All then en tered carriages nnd wore driven around "tho city. CHIUAOO , October 31. The von Stouboii party , the Germans guests of the nation , arrived last night from St. Louis. To-day a grand reception was given them at the Grand Pacific hotel. They visited the board of trade , stock ynrds and parks. This evening the Gorman societies gave them a serenade nnd reception. Speeches were made by Baron Stoubon , Walker Blaine , Mayor Harrison and otliers , , They leave to-morrow morning tor Niagara , where they will remain ono day. Thence to 'Boston , Now York and Philadelphia. A telegram was received from Hon. Horatio Seymour , asking the party to visit Steubonville , N. Y. , where General von Steuben died. , Atlanta Cotton Exposition. Natlon&l AraocUtod Prow. ATLANTA , Ga. , October 31. A special from Washington to-d y says the invitation.of of the executive com mittee of , , the cotton exposition to "President Arthur nnd cabinet , "Vice President Davis and members of the senate to attend the exposition in a body after adjournment , was1 fa vorably received , nnd the im pression 13 that the president , with the members of the cabinet nnd the senate , will visit the exposition in 'a ' body , immediijtoly upon the adjourn ment 6f the senate. Gen. Grant , ox- Senator Conkling , nnd other promt nont parties will also bo prevailed upon to como. Arrangements nro now being madofor the transportation of the visitors and their friend ; " . These distinguished persons will bo guests of the city of Atlanta , and , should nothing happen to prevent their coming , Atlanta will give thorn a warm Georgia welcome. Identified ns Ono of the Willlnmn Brothers. National Associated I'I-CHH. MILWAUKEE. October 31. An ex citing scene was witnessed in the jail to-oay when four men from Popin and Dunn counties , Wis. , arrived to iden tify Win. Kuhj as tlio notorious out- Liw , Lon Williams. Ono the party wns Coleman , brother of the sheriff murdered by Williams , and wnen the prisoner was brought forth Coleman - man jumped to his foot exclaiming , "My God ! yon are the man who mur- lored my brother. " Coleman drew a large navy revolver and levelled it at [ ho prisoner , but the deputy sher iff restrained him from shooting. The four men positively identify the prisoner as Lon Williams , tha author jf scores of crimes in Wisconsin , II- inois , Missouri and Iowa. It is said ; hat the priaonor'b friends will try a writ of habeas corpus to-morrow. i Brewery Blaze. National Awodntcd I'rcen , Stnten Island , October 31. The immense brewery of Messrs. Meyer & Bachninn took fire at about a quarter-past 10 o'clock this morn- tig from some unexplained cause. The fire spread with fearful rapidity , and the building was soon atotal ruin. A great panic existed among the n- ookors from the possible explosion of omo of the boilers. The streets were eon olearpd by the authorities , how- over. It is computed that four hun- Irod men arc thrown out ol employ ment and the loss ia estimated al 1250,000. Order of 'Arrett Revoked- National Anaoclattd I'nta , COLUMBUS , Ohio , October 31. Judge Green this morning revoked ho order of arrest made against J. I. Doveroaux and Stevenson Burke , > f Cleveland , and issued nn order for hem to appear on Saturday , No vern ier Oth , and show cause why they hould not bo attached for contempt , I'his is exactly what had been done teforo the arrest proceedings were begun. _ _ _ Clio Grand Trunk Advance * Rater. National Atnociittod I'ttiu CHICAGO , October 31 , The Grand Trunk road advanced its eastern pa- ongor rates this mornini ; to the bl owing figure * ; Boston 810 , with a ebito of 88,75 Now ; York 815 , ro- > ate $8.75 ; Buffalo 810 , without re- bate. The Grand Trunk has always naintainod a differential rate of § 2 ess than that charged by moro direct eastern roads , nnd ns the Vnndorbilt roads now charge n not rate to lioiton of S10.S25 , nnd to Now York of f ! 1.1 > 5 , it can consistently charge $7.if ! > to Boston and $0.25 to Now York , ns thereby its rates nro still 93 lower thin competing lines. OTHER FOREIGN AFP AIRS * National Awoc'atod Vrtos. AIUiKSTS. LONDON , October 31. 'Iho nrrcsl of members of the land IC.TJUO con tinues all over Ireland , nnd no do the riots nqniust the service of writs of ejectment. At C.istlo Doriuot thu mob became so moderate und kulthit it moved on the police b.itrnclca and smashed all the windows. Through out England the Irishmen nro unani mous in voting against every candid n , to in municipal elections/ XlllIMSTti TO UK TP.IED. VIIJSNA , Oct. 31. What is believed - liovod to the greatest political trial In history takes place early in Novem ber. Some foity of the most piomi- nont under arrest , uill bo tried , chief among whom is Trig onal. He nnd snmo others have fig ured prominently in all thn lecunt plots of the revolutionists , nnd ho and liis immediate confederates were ac tively concerned in the nlot which culminated in the assassination of Alexander II. The trial will bo con ducted in profound sccrocy mid the world will only know of the main ro suit when sentence haa been pro nounced upon them. The Russian revolutionists are busy in their move ments about the empire , which forpbodo sorao evil stroke. "The loader * never have been BO busy in printing and cir culating documents , in holding secret meetings and dispatching trusty 11101- aengera on m ) sterious journeys. The people feel , from what they nee of these mysterious nnd effcctivo move- monta , that preparations i nro being made to strike some terrible blow , but whoro. it will full none but , the inside Naders of the revolutionary party can over surmise. What addto the fool ing of common terror istho , action of the government of Russia. It Iris ordered that largo bodies of troops shall be in readiness to 'not , at a mo ment's notice in every la'rgo city of Russia especially St. Petersburg. Wont the Younger Boys Pnrdopotl- National Amoclivteil Proas.'f 'f STILT.WATEII , Minn. October 31. Major Young and Mra. Sophia ) , undo and aunt of the > notorious Younger Brothers uro here taking the initiatory steps to bring the mat ter of the boys' p-vrdon to the atten tion of the legislature oh an appeal from Governor fillsbury , Who has ro- fiuod to exercise executive clemeucy. The petitioners are wealthy residents of the Pacific slope 'and are opoiiding nionoy feely in thnir cause , but as thu pardoning power is vested ' absolutely and only in the governor 'it do'es nut hppear now they can ncccunplish this object through'lho lej if > ) li\.We. \ Elootrlo Brief * . National Aiociated I'ruw. MILWAUKEE , October 31. Burglars entered the residence of Jacob * Bald win at an early hour this morning , when ho shot ono with a revolver. KHOKU.K , Ta. , October 31. The river is stationary. Boats visited the supmcned ; city of Alexandria to-day. Work of repairing Indian Grave levee begins to-morrow. MILWAOKEK , October 31. Ono hundred cigar-makers mot to-day nnd resolved to atrko to-morrow if their demands for an advance of $1 per thousand are refused. NEW YOIIK , October 31. We.ither to-day strange for this time of the year being very summery , the thermometer momotor marking 73' ut 3:30 : p. m , and 07 ° at midnight. RICHMOND , Va. , October 31. The striking conl miners at C.innellton , W. V . , have just received a. notice from the company that they must resume - sumo work Tuesday or bo 'discharged. ST. JOHN , N. B. , October 30. A severe storm pnwiilod on Wednes day and Thursday in Norchumborland Btr.iits. Ono schooner w.iu wrvcktd and several dimaged in Summorflido harbor. On Woilm-hdiy MIX inches of snow full nt Summcnido. CHICAGO , October 31. The Baron yon Stoubon party arrived thin even ing from St. Louis , and nro quartered at thu "Grand Pacific hotel. ATLANTA , On. , October 31. This will bo an important week for the ox- position. To-day Edward Atkinson armed with a party of cotton mill proprietors representing § 45,000,000 capital and 50.000 upindlcB. Hon. G. Ii. Loring , United States commis sioner of agriculture , will bo-here. ELOIN , Ills. , Oct. 31. Small pox is in this city. One death occurred yesterday , and two cases developed. The schools are closed. CHICAGO , Oct. 31. Anton Gundor- ton , ntted eighteen , WAS killed to-day by n blow from a billiard cuu in the liandfl of Gilbert Arguut. ATHKNH , Ga. , Oct. 31. The eteam aw mill of Siko it Knight , three miles from Hnwkinsvillo , wan de stroyed by fire last nipht with 0,000 , foot of lumber Loss , § 20,000. RAILROAD NEWS. JTAHT T1UIK. CIIICADO , Octobrr 31. The now 'ast train on the PeniiBylvania road called "Limited Express , commenced running to-day , leaving ut 3:30. : It nukes the trip to Now York in wenty-six hours , ton hours lesa than 'ormerly. NO CHANG. K IN IUTES. The eastern pasisongor rates hnvo lot boon changed since Sunday , and ho Giand Trunk continues to under sell all the other roads , Iowa' * Oulcinl Voto. DKH MoiNKHj Oct 31. The official vote of the entire tate gives Sherman , republic'in , 133,310 ; Kinnu , demo crat , 73,397 ; Clark , greonbackor , 28 , . 123 ; Sherman's majority , 09,020. I'ho vote in 1880 was : Garfield , 183- 001 ; HancocL , 105,845 ; Weaver , groeubacker , 32,327. BUSTED BANK , Later Particulars of tlio Bank Suspension at Newark , N , J , , Yesterday , The Eoflcionoy Expected to Reach Botwoon$2,000,000 and $3,000,000. The Caehior's Spocnlutions on Wall Street the Cauao of thrt Fniluro. A Negro in South fnroliuu Re prieved by the Governor Niao Times. Ho is Finally Granted a Now Trial and Acquitted. Discovery of Extensive CUeok in Topeka , Kansas. Sentence of aMiMonrl Mnrdoror > Other Criminal Intolllnonoo. Nation * ! Associated 1'rcM. NEW YonK , October 31. It is rumored from Newark , N. J. , Urn t the Mechanic.1) National Bank hna nua- ponded and that 0110 of tlio ollicors is a defaulter to the nmount of $200,000. NEWARK , N. J. , October 31. The doors of the Mechanic's were not ooncd ] for business this morning. Tlio announcement that the bank had nuspomlqJ How like wild-lire , and the excitement among the depositor. * is intense. The amount ( if the shortuiro is reported to bo from 8200,000 to 82iiO,000. Tlio president is Joseph A. Hnlsoy , and the cimliiur Oscar L. Baldwin. The state b.uik ex aminer c.imo to the city Friday , exam ined the State bank , and then announced his intention of examining the Mechanic's bank to-day. When Baldwin learned of thU , ho is said to liavo called a meeting of the board of directors and announced to them that the bank could not. stand an oxaminn- liun. The directors offered to niako up 8500,000 , but were informed Unit $500,000 would not cover the defi ciency. The bank people are very reticent , but it is understood tliat B.tidwin haa boun placed under nr- rcst. KRCONl ) niWATCH. NKWAKK , N. J. , October 31. The Mechanics National Bunk won former ly one of tlio moat prosperous in the city and its suspension causes \yhntwaB deecribud by ono of the depositors ns "an eartliquako. " Oacar L. Baldwin , the cashier , made a full report of itn condition yesterday at the special meet ing of the directors called by him and the directors decided to suspend busi ness at onco. Tlio bank ia closed to all comers and the ofliciuls refuse to siva any information except that the bank is ruined ; that Baldwin hadbeen arrested and tlio Government exam iners sent for. The following in the October statement : Liabilities - apitnl Htoolc . Sr.00,009 SiimluH . 400,000 Undivided profits . CS29,47-l Nntional i nnknatcH outntand- Dividends unpaid . 3,002 DepoHits . 2,417,215 , % Certified clierki . 03,407 Cftshicr'n checks . 7'ICU Duo othfr Nation * ! banks. . . . 13lfji3 ! Due Statu banka . 70,912 , Total . 811,107,302.39 It is probably impossible to pay the depositor moro than forty' pur cent. The failure is reported to have been caused by an attempt to support sev eral business iirms , whoso papur was held for enormous amounts. The above mentioned comprise aovorul of the largest busineca houaea in tlio cityNEWARK NEWARK , N. J. , October 31. The amount of ono firm's obligations to the busted bank are stated ut $700,000. The city of Newark will bo a loser , the acquuduct bo'tnl hourd having boon n depositor to the extent of fl20- 000 and tlio city treasurer to tlio amount of $135,000. It ia not definite ly known what deposition haa boon made of the lost funds. The following is the hoird of directors ; Joseph A. Hnlfoy. president ; Oscar L. Baldwin , cashier ; director. ' , Stephen A. Con- diet , George A. llalsey , Lewis 0. Grover , ' James F. Bond , Wrn. Clarke , Jon. H. Dorsoy , flenryO. Howell , Jo . Heustor Hii'.dwin ' The cashier wan ar- reBtcdbyDojiutyUnitudStatcsMftrahal Burnett while he wan in bed , whvro ho still lies , complutnly prostrated. Ho in fluid to have confessed at n mouting of the directors yesterday 1 hut ho had boon robbing the bank from timu to time during the past throe years , and it is stated that dur ing that time lie had boon ( peculating in Wall Rtrout. District Attorney Ki'aabey says the books hurothow that the Mechanics' National bank , of Now York , owes the broken b.vnk 92,000,000 , whereas , ho say , the real amount , as the government and bunk authorities beli vo , is only ubuut $200,000 , the dilforuico having boon used by Baldwin to coyer up his deficiency. Baldwin , in his confi-n- flion , exonerates all others but himself from blamo. Tliu arrest w.ia made on the uflidavita of Keasboy and the di rectors of the bank. The following notice is posted on the bunk door : "Closed in connouenuu ( ] of ntito- ; nionts alluding the bunk nindu by thu cashier ycnterday , which uro now un dergoing investigation. " The bank a lock up to the last piiid il per cent. , and was quoted ut 185 , A prominent manufacturing linn is eportod Huepondod on account of the tank's failure , and several other firms are expected to follow , NKW YOKK , October 31. Benjamin i ) . ' Buennan , president of the Muchuu- ic's nntiunnl buik of this city , through which the broken bunk of Newark did its Now York business , discussing the failure with r. reporter of the National Associated 1'rosi , made the following statement : Wo ewe them nothing. They ewe us over $200,000. Wo have paper winch wo cashed for thorn , in the nature of bills receivable , to the full amount of their indebtedness. The Newark bank did a general dis counting business , nnd the papiTo cashed for them they hnd cashed for thnircuslomois. Most , if not all of it is duo yet nnd the examinations ahow that il is probably all good , that is , wo caii , wo believe , collect nil wo loaned on it from the makers of the paper. How is it po'siblo for the cashier of a bank in n pl.ico us small as Nownrk , to ombo/.r.lo us much w $2,000,1)00 , nnd not bo found for Ihroo .ir * , you ask. It in not nt nil. lie didn't ' do anything of the kind. See hove. The capital of iho bank is $500,000 , its surplus H-IIUO $175,000 itn deposits about $2,000.000. Ho would have had to stenl ail the cap- ibl , nil thu surplus nnd over a million from the deposits. It couldn't -bo done and it was not done. How did the thing happen , you ask. Well ( hey have hcondningwlmt they ought not to have done. What makes mo say this is that for n long time the btnklms been hard up , and bard up in the midst of Iho best of times and with a deposit of $2,000,000. If they were doing tight they should not have been ho hurd up that they had to como over hero constantly for help. Wo asked Fink it Hatch this morning if Baldwin had boon speculating and they paid not to their knowloduo. No ono hero looms to have suspected that ho had iieon , and if ho had , ns ho said , used $2,000,000 in speculation in this atroot iho fact could not linvo been concealed. The * peculation wns not hero , or at least nil of it was not. Our cashier is over now making an investigation , nnd what I aay is based on what he hna Toportud thus fur. NKVAUK , N. ,1. , October 31. The failure of the Merchant national Innk , which waiuinnouncod to-day , is the greatest disaster of the kind 'that over happened in this city The bank was nupposod to bu ono of the strong est in the city , nnd li.ul the unlimited confidouco of business num. Stock nold a few days ago nt $1.87. The pres ident nnd directors are among the foremost business men , and it wait the depository of trust funds , business tirnm nnd the city nnd county futulp. Tlio bank building is located on Broad street near Alnrket , nnd next door to Iho b.tnk of which Ilcdden , now in the utiito prison fur embezzlement , was c-ishior. The Innk has for yean * been nmnnuod by thu defaulting cashier , Oscar L. Baldwin , m the president , Joseph A. ITalsoy , has long since re tired from active business. Mr. Hnl- soy is near eighty yoava old nnd fonblo. The paying tullrr is a brother of tlio casliier. Undoubtedly several of the beat business firms of this city nro in- vnlvodr and porhiips eomo in Now York. The oflicern of the bank am these engaged in the investigation nro very reticent , but the facts cannel bo conceidod but n few hours longer. The defalcation is for moro than 82,000,000 and may bo over $3,000,000 , white the contingent failures and losses cannot can ai yet be only surmised. The board of di rectors included : George A. Ilnlsoy , member of the republican national committee nnd a prominent politician ] Lewis 0. Grover , president of the Mutual Hoiioi'it Life Immranco com pany ; William Clnrk , head of Clark's 111 r end works ; .Joseph 11 dialer , a wealthy brewer ; Col. Wright , ft mil lionaire , flnn of the l.ito United Status Senator Wright ; Stephen II. Condict and many others. Baldwin , the de faulting cashier , is n son of Cnlob Baldwin , nnd entered Iho bank im n boy. Ho was Hindu ns.si3taut cashier in 1852 , and about nine yc'irs later was promoted to the place ho lias since occupied. Ho was n prominent mem ber of society and nn active church member , nnd while the bclla of the church of which ho was a member were calling people to worship yesterday , Baldwin , with pallid face nnd ittronming cyen. won before the board of directors' ' special mooting a few hundred ynrds nwny confeasing that ho had ombc/- xlod ever $2,000,000 , His n-l.itivos nnd friends include some of the most prominent pi'oplo in Now York His salary as cashier wns $7,000 From the special meeting Unldwin wont to his homo comph'trly prostrated , re tiring to bud , v.'horo ho was arrested a few hours later upon the following nlljdavilii bufoju Unitad Slatt-s Com missioner Kenaby : Anthony Q. Ivcasly , ot full age , being duly aworn , naith ; Tlmt ho is an attorney of the United SUten for the district of Now Jersey ; that on thin day ho has been informed by James F. Bond , one of the directors of the Mechanics National Bank of Newark , Now Jersey , and acting no a member of the committee appointed by the board of dirtctorn of niid bank , that Oacnr L. Baldwin , cashier of tnul bank , has , from time to time , during B rorul yeiira , absconded iho funds Hiid credit : ) of said bunk and by nuch misapplication has cnustd thu IOHS of over $2,000,000 , with intent to injure and dofr.uul Biiid bank ami the creditors and stockholders thereof ; hat taid Baldwin , an oflicor of raid bank , is guilty of n violation of sec tion fi,20'J of the revised etatuto of tlio United States and prayn that he may bo apprehended and dealt with ucvcording to law. The other officers and directors of the bank too1 ( oath to the same ell'ect. Slnco B.ildwin'a arrest under the Imrgo of the United Slates marshal 10 has boon confined to his bed. Baldwin wns reputed to bo n Wall street speculator , Ho also loaned inonoy in largo nniounta to business UrniH , onoof the latter being 0 , Nu- ; ; ont & Co , , extensive morocco niiuiu- acturera. Several \ > : wkn und firms will bo tempornrily umbarinssed by , ho lack of funds deposited in ho Mochaniu'u bank to meet current demand. Several corporations uid declared dividenda , payable at .hia bank , and the money hud been deposited to mi'iit ' them. They are now , of course , nonpayable. B.Ud- win's confession was precipitated by the nrrivnl of the government bank examiner , whoso investigation Bald win knew would disclose the true atnto of affairs. The examiner bcpan work this morning. The Mechanics' hank was chartered in 1831 nnd organized as n national bank in 18U5. A great leal of blame is attnchcd to the di rectors for lack of caution nnd disrc- ard of rosponsibility. The nwoni statement , issued October 1st , showed implo surplus , as follows : KKSOl'ItCES , niul dincounts . $ lnOilf ! > 0 ! < 0 i.imls to pccuro circtilatiun , . . r > 00OCO.O < ) ) no from approved rcscrvo nRcnts. . . . . 1 , l2tl.4S9.40 ) uu from other ? C.itionl banks . 152,317.015 ) IHI from ( .Into 1 iinkn and 41MO.O."i lU-nl ti tftto furniture * and fixtures . , 'J.,000.00 Current repentc * and tnxct paid -l.aV.U2 ClieokH and other cnsh ItcinH. Onf > l9,30 ! Kvcliati ci for clenrtni ; huusa ) > 9 Hills of ntlior Xntlontl liaaku 3IW.J.M Fractional currency , Includ- in > T nleicoN Sfir.WJ Specie , including gold trean- urynotiM 'J9MO.Wi ; I.eeul tender notm 1f > 'JO.-ll ! Kc'UMiipUon fund with United States tu-amiry , 5 percent l'2r.GO.OO Dnu from United States treasury otlu r thnn 5 pi * cout redemption fund 4,500.00 Total . 54,107,802.39 , I.UlllLlTIF.S. Capital xtock paid hi . $ 500,000.00 Surplu fund . 40,000.00 Itlicr umtivlded profits . 02,294.74 Xatiimal bank uotea out- . 4tO,100.00 DIviileiulH uiiiaid | . 3,902.00 tiuHvlilual ( lcponlti miliject to checks . 2 417,215.9(5 ( Cert ! lied checks . 03,407.15 Caxhior'a check * imlntniuHtiK 7,300.08 Due other Nntional bankn. . . 134,542.77 Duo Htatu banks , and bankura 70,912.70 Total $1,107,802.30 The Mutual Benefit insurance com- iaii3T had on deposit a considerable iinount , but not enough to cause scr- ' otia einbntr.issment. E.ich stock * liidder of the bank is liali'o tobolosont for ] Kir value of stock , and will lese in addition the entire stock itself. CRIMINAL. National Aworlatetl I'nws. DOOMED TO DIK. Ho J.I , A , Mo. , October 31. Sontonoo of death was piuuiod on Gco. Boluinnan , the Pool Hollow cave murdoior , on Saturday. Ho was tried the first of the week ut an adjourned teun of the I'hulps county circuit court , Judeo C. 0. Bland prodding , nnd on Wednes day the jury found him guilty of mur der in the fust degree. His attorney immediately moved for a new trial , based on col tain rulings of Iho coutt , which wns 'argued to-dny. After an able itppcal on behalf of the defend ant , the judge overruled thamotioimml Kontuncod the criminal to bo hanged on December , 23d , 1881. The pris " oner took the ordeal lather coolly , merely nodding his head , hut his wife and brother were paruly/.od with grief. While the sherilfVIB removing him back to jail she clung to her husband with heroic devotion , and her fobs and moans were really torriblo. Be fore ho left trio court room ho eiuned nn affidavit appealing to the supreme ) court without nhowing nervousness. It is the generally expressed opinion here that the aontoiico is a juat one. SNATCHED VIIOM M'.ATIf. S. C. , Oatobc-r 31. To day in the court of general Hcasioim at Abbeville , one of the mott celebrated murder categ in thnciiminal record in this itato culminated in the acquittal of thu deceased. On the 20th of December - comber , 1877 , George Franklin and his sister Drucolla Franklin , living about ton miles fiom Abbeville court house , were brtitnll } ' murdered while at cupper nnd their house robbed. Suspicion attached to nn old coNred man named Jeff David , who liyed on the place , and ho was arrested , Ho Hon tried in April , 1878 , convicted > f minder , nnd aon- tcntcd to bo handed on the 17th of May following. The futal day ar rived , and the condemned man was led forth to the EC : Hold , the rope was adjuhtud , .and the blnck cap drawn over InB face. After the attending ininiHtor luid bidden tl.o doomed man farewell , nnd jiiHt ns ( lie nhuriff wna about to spring the trigger which , in another instant , would hnvo launched Jeff David's BIIII ! into eternity , a mes senger boy milled LH'a'hh'mly ' into the jail-yard with ad'MfitIi ' : : which proved to bo n lopnovo f r the cou- donincd man Irom Guv Hninpii n. Thin unuxpoctcd | oilpoiiemnnt of Iho execution caused fiulingsof the n.ojt inteiiKO bittuiniba nniong the p'jni- hico , who firmly believed in the uil- prii's guilt Thrusts of lynching wuio freely made , nnd BO strong was public sonfiinuiit iigaiiitt tlio prisoner tiiat ho was Hi'iit to the penitentiary at Co lumbia for safe keeping. After inef fectual efforts on the part of counsel to ecuro n new trial another duy was set for the execution. Again David stood upon the gallowa ready to diu , and ugnin nt the last moment came n IDCB- Bngo from the uovernor giving liiin anew now leiiso of life. But it is almost im- , ) ) isibo ! to follow the courto of this remarkable case through all ita intri- caciiH. Suflico to eay that nine times did D.widB zealous counsel vainly attempt to secure their client a low trial , Nine timed was n day of execution fixed , and nine times was the unfortunate man reprieved by Jovornqr Hampton. Simpson , Jctor and Hiigood , Inn counsel , not discom fited , how ever , by all these adverse circumstances , made tlio tenth motion jeforo the circuit court in Juno lasi 'or a new trial , and this time their ef- 'orts were euccessfnl. The second rial commenced on Tliundny inom- ng , and ended to-day at 12 o'clock ia4 the manner above atatod. IiiuooJn'u Health Zmprovine * > ditlcn l AnwclatvJ I'lfttu. Si > niK FiKi.Dl III. , October 31. k'iida ol Mm. Abraham Lincoln m this city have rucuirod information of in iinprovi'inunt in that land's health. 5)10 ) is under treatment in a watet euro catub'.lahiuvut in New York city ,