Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1881, Image 1

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" \
: Final Adjournment of the Senate
at 4:30 : p , m , Saturday.
A Lively Debate During the
Executive Session of
the Senate.
.Democratic and Republican
Loaders Have a Protaot-
ed War of Wordo ,
.In Regard to Having Absent
Senators Brought in
Friday Night.
'The Lynchburg , Va. , Postinas-
terehip Laid Over Till
Next Session.
Secretary Windom's Proposed
Plan for Civil Serv
ice Reform.
' Star Route Oasoi Ready tor Trial-
Other WiuMnjjton News- .
WASHINGTON , October29. The sen
ate in executive to-day confirmed the
following nominations : Chas. Paysou ,
of Massachusetts , as charge d'affaires
to Denmark ; John L , BoVeridgo to
bo United States attorney of the west
ern district of Louisiana.
Consuls General Ford , of Vogel ,
Ohio , at Frankfort , Simon Wolfe , of
the District of Columbia , at Cairo ;
Silas P. Hubbell , of New York , at St.
John's , Quebec ; George W. Rosovelt ,
of Pennsylvania , at Bordeaux ; Jcsso
H. . Moore , uf Illinois , at Callao ;
Charles Kahlo , of Indiana , at Sidney ;
J. A. Leonard , of Minnesota , at Lcith :
John Roboson , of Tennessee , at Tri
poli , and Volnoy V. Smith , of Arkan-
as * at Crmifruiioa. -
Collectors of Customs John A.
Tibbits , district of Now London ,
Conn. , and Chas. G. Osborn , district
of Superior , Michigan.
Surveyors of Ciiat ms Sidney H.
Rich , Port Jefferson , Now York.
Surveyor Generals Jacques A.
" Ela , of Louisiana , and John S. Har
f ris , of Montana.
Receiver of Public Moneys Chas.
H. Gould , at Miles City , Montana.
Postmasters Wm. It. Malteaon , at
Newton , N. J.j John M. Patton , at
Villisca , Iowa ; Mrs. Jane Baldwin , nt
Council Bluffs , Iowa ; E. R. Hast
ings , at Carroll 'City , Iowa ; Geo. L.
-Painter , at MuuciuPa. . ; A . M.
Ayers , at Canton , Pa. , and a number
of army and navy promotions. This
list includes all the nominations sent
to the senate except Walmaugh for
paymaster general , and Stratham to
be postmaster at Lynchburg , and
half a dozen minor postmasters. *
After the senate went into execu
tive session to-day a debate Bpiung up
that lasted nearly three hours. It was
of a lively character , concerning the
action of the senate last night in di
recting the sergoaiit-at-arms to bring
in senators. Senators Brown , Hill
and B.iyard violently assailed the ac
tion of the minority in issuing the or
der , taking substantially the same po
sition expressed in thu protest of the
democratic senators which was filed
m during the debate.
Mr. Edmunds was the principal
speaker on the other-side , although
Messrs. Ingalls , Hoar and
other republicans participated. Mr.
Edmunds defended the constitution
ality and legality of the action , and
quoted from the remarks of Senator
Morgan and others on lilo occasions ,
when _ an _ order wus made fur more
sweeping in its terms than thu present
case. 'Ihis order was signed by the
president of the senate and bore the
great seal of the senate. It directed
the sergeant - at - arms to bring
in certain senators named , while on
. .former occasion the resolution gave
tlie sergeant authority to go out and
compel the compliance of any
senator ho might capture. ' He
said the very men who now created
all the commotion over the dignity of
the senate were those who had strenu
ously advocated a more objectionable
order in 1879 ,
The protest filed by the democratic
senators was on the ground ; First ,
That said resolution was in violation
of < ho fifth section of the first artilo
of the constitution , which authorises
a Hruullor number than a quorum of
each house to compel the attendance
of absent members only when the
manner of such compulniou and pen
alty for refusal to attend have boon
provided , no provision over haviuc
been made by this aenata in any man
ner compelling the attendance of ab
sent members , n9r any penalty affixed
for their refusal to attend. Second ,
Because said resolution and or
der violates the freedom from ar
rest guaranteed to each member of
the senate under article 1 , section
6 of the constitution. Third , Because
the resolution and order violates thejun-
broken , unquestioned and honored
usa''o of the senate under which the
mombura now absent have paired and
absented themselves only under such
understanding. Fourth , Because said
rcsolutio was subsequently and with
out previous notice introduced and
adopted after midnight , with no op
portunity for debate , and is an un
warrantable and dangerous departure
from the line of precedence and the
constitutional government of this
This was signed by Bayard , Vest ,
Hamp'on , Voorhees , Slater , Jones ,
Parley , Bock , Davis , ( W. Va. ) Brown ,
Williams , Swaino , Johnston , Ptigh ,
Pendletoy , Coke , Call , Morgan , Ran-
om , George , Marcy , Walker and
Jones , ( Fla. ) Senator George signed
with the following note : "I 'concur
in thu protoat with the understanding
that it docs not deny the power of Ui
senate , with a constitutional quorum
to proscribe arrest ns n moans of compelling
polling the attendance of nn nb
Bonteo. "
The debate wss continued unti
nearly 4 o'clock , when the whole subject
joct was laid on the table.
The Boraoant-at-arms immediate ! ;
telegraphed to absentees , whom ho notified
tifiod last night to attend , what nctioi
had been taken by the senate.
The nomination of Stratham for the
Lynchburg pottoflico cam'o up as the
next business.
Mr. Ferry Baid it was apparent tha
the democrats were determined thu
no action thould bo roichcil on thu
nomination , and in order that otho
business miqht not bo delayed woult
move that the nomination ho over fo
the present.
To this there was no dissent ant
the way was then cleared for the senate
ate to reach a speedy completion of Ha
The calendar was then gone on
with until the name of Pay Directo
Walmaugh , to bo paymaster genera
of the navy , was reached. Hero an
other hitch occurred , but the senate
was in no humor for a long delay am
the case was laid naido. One or twc
postmasters shared the same fate , nne
the last nurao on the calendar \ > K
reached. Then , with the doors stil
closed , although constitutionally it
open session , Messrs. Sherman ant
Bayard wore appointed wait upoi
the president and inform him that the
senate wan ready to adjourn. The
committee waa ' 'absent but a shor
time , and reported that the presidon
had rep ied that ho had no further
communication to make to the senate.
Mr. Bayard then offered n resolu
tion of thanks to the presiding officer
for the dignity and impartiality will
which ho had presided and it was
unanimously adopted , Mr. Garlant
occupying the chair temporarily.
Mr. Maxoy moved that the senate
adjourn sine tiio.
Before announcing the vote theE
resident pro t tern , returned thnnk
E ) r thu abuvu resolution and hoped nil
the senators would ? bo able to bo pres
ent at the next session and declared
the senate adjourned without day.
The doors were thrown open and
; ho announcement made that the BOII-
ito hud concluded its labors , which
had extended over a period of twonty-
ono working days , sixteen of which
iad been actual .working days.
WASHIOTOK , October 29. Commis
sioner of Internal Rovcnuu Raum
received a dispatch to-day which an-
lounccd tha4. A' . J. Lane , special dep
uty under Collector Olurk at Atlanta ,
iad boon killed. In April , 1880 ,
Lane was arrested at the instance of
liicit distillers , against wnom ho had
operated , on a trumped-up charge
of carrying concealed weapons. Ho
waa released frpjxi jihu cpuuty. jail at
lie instance of tho'oollcctbr , the' dis-
ricb attorney and General Raum , who
changed to bo in Georgia at the time.
Counsel for the star route people
appeared in court Lite this afteinoou
and started , that they wore ready to
> roceed witli thu cases next Monday.
2ol. Ingersoll , counsel for one of the
lefendants , arrived to day , and nil are
low in readiness for the proceedings.
The annual report of AdjutantGon-
ral Drum was submitted to-day. The
otal enlisted men ia the army is 21-
948. Of these 0,424 are drawing in-
rcosed pay for continuous service of
ivo yeaw. Over 11,928 will become
entitled to an incre.isu of pay during
he fiscal year ending Jun 30 , 1883.
Mr. Scovillo , Guiteau'a council , is-
ucd a second batch of a dozen sub-
> ocncas for witnesses to-day. As soon
aa the formality hud been observed
hey were withdrawn from the file to
iravent the names from becoming
WASHINOTON , October 30 The
ow senators who remain in the city
ongratuluto themselves on the face
liat the special session of the senate
vas BO soon concluded , and that with-
ut serious difference. Beyond the
lection of president pro tern , and the
onfinnation of the president's np-
lointmunta , little was done , und there
vas not much to bo done.
The sub-committee on judiciary will
it during the recess on judiciary mat
Potomac river improvements are
Iso to hnvo earnest consideration
uring recess , and the redemption of
lie flats is expected to be further
ushed strenuously before another
"With the departure of most of the
enators and the president also , affairs
t the capital may be expected to bo-
omo very quiet. President Arthur
xpocts to go to Now York Wodnos-
ay or Thursday of this week and
probabl } ' remain until after the state
ilcction. Before he goes ho has some
fficial matters to attend to , princi
pally , the issuance of commis-
lions. It is also expected that hu
rill appoint his nominees for postmas-
ers who have died with the senate's
fission. Among those isthat of
atratham , of Lynchburg , whoso name
ausod such n iitfht in executive sos-
ion , Cabinet gossips have ceased
rom troubling MoVeagh is in New
brk. Hois still attorney general ,
mt Solicitor General Phillips
B doing the work and will probably
ontinuo so to do until the star
otito matters end and Howe is np-
jointed. Lincoln , James and Hunt
re expected to at ay right along ,
hough the latter may be replaced by
x-Senator Sargent in December , so
tiat Secretary Kirkwood , for whom
OWH people hero m good forcu are
uhting , may bo allowed to remain.
Maine expects to bo succeeded in Da-
cumber by FrolinghuyBcn. Thus tti
cabinet matters stand according ti
general belief.
More than half the senators starto (
for home last night. Among tlicsi
were Plumb , Coke , Egorton , Graves
Hansom , llnwley , Platt , Hoar , Fryi
and Vance , vice Provident Davt
started for Illinois to-night. Sunntoi
Brown , of Georgia , ia still here will
his family , nnd will remain durinj
the recess. Senator Allison goo ,
west to-morrow , and will return nboul
November 15. Senator Conger wil
keep his family hero ant
go homo for n few days Son
ntor Wade Hampton will make j
speaking tour in Mississippi during
November. Senator Mahono Itocp :
hia headquarter- ) hero for the present ,
Senator Baynrd goes homo to-monou
as also does Senator Sherman. Sentv
tor Bon Hill will go to I'liiladolnhit
before going south. Senators Millci
and Laphaiu , of Now York , will re
main hero a day or two. The man
ber of senators remaining all througl
the recess will bo less than n dozen.
WASHINGTON , October 29. In reply
ply to the question what , if anything ,
had been done by himself while secretary -
rotary of the treasury with a view tu
the establishment of n system of civil
service { reform , Secretary Windon :
to-day said that ho had j-ivon thu sub-
jcot vury careful consideration. It
had frequently been discussed witli
President Garfield who was earnest ! )
in faror of some practicable system
which would correct the eviU of tlu
present mode of making appoint
nients. The plan to accomplish ihi :
had not been completed when tlu
president ' vas assassinated. Subse
quently Secrtoary Wiudom hud
prepared u system applica
ble to the treasury departuunt
which was ready to bo promulgated.
Ho only a.wntted the recovery of
President Garfield to put it into oper
ation. One of the most serious ob
jections to the present mode of ap
pointments is that it tends to convert
departments into more charitable in
stitutions for the purpose of support
ing individuals who are unable tu
support themselves , The * fact that
applications are made in Washington
direct to the president aid heads of
departments induces n great many to
come hero with the expectation of
procuring appointments , and who
have onfy money enough to bring
them here , nnd find themselves
ittrundod in the city without moans of
support. The consequence is that
they at once appeal to their senators
and members , and other influences
they can bring to bear , to secure a
place. Finding them in this predica
ment , the senators and members are
obliged to gcjt them places or see
them sufloTE , , ho result of this
is.thnt very rnnnyapplications u'ro
based wholly upon the nocdsaities of
the applicants. Of the numerous ap
plications made to the treasury dn-
partmont during the last eight month ? ,
the secretary said lip would be safe in
asserting that five-sixths of them were
based upon the inability of the party
applying to support themselves. An
other objection to the present system
is that the best service is not secured ,
and the appointments nut piopurly
listributed. People who remain af
lomo , nnd who , in many cases , tire
must competent to discharge thu du
ties of an official position , have no op
portunity for entering the public iior-
; ico. Tiiuy are crowded out by these
who come to Washington to solicit
> laces. It is proposed to allot to the
itatea respectively , as the law
requires , the number of ap
pointments which each would bu
jntitled to in the treasury
department and to appoint a carefully
selected- committee of three in each
state whoso duty should be to meet at
suinu convenient place in each state
jiicp a year , and buforo whom any ono
desirous of entering the government
service should have a right to HppeuK
'or examination , such examination to
) o practical and relate to the charac
ter , experience und capacity uf thu ap-
ilicant to tliu duties of tliu position
o which appointment is deserved ,
said committeu to prepare n list graded
kccordini : to the merit of these who
uss examination and forward the pa-
) ers to the head of thu department at
Washington. From this examination
lorsous bhould bo selected from thu
load of the list , und only bu sent for
vhen the state of which they tire resi
dents should bo entitled 10 appoint-
nunts. It was further proposed ( hat
n making these selections from the
ist ex-suldiors or their widows or
ihildron should have the preference.
t was believed that this system would
; ive satisfaction because it would
afford a fair distribution to all the
states. While securing the best avail
able service it would also relieve thu
lopar'tmont at Washington from an-
loyancu and pressure which now con-
umes BO largo a part of the time of
ho president und cnbinut. The pro-
> osod system also made a provision
or promotions , upon examination of
application , according to merit , The
ocrotary proposed this system to
Present Garhuld at Long Branch a
week before ho was shot and he re.
; arded it witn much favor. It is be-
ieved that had ho lived some such
plan would hove beo.i applied to al ]
uparttnents and congress would have
oen urged to provide by law
ur n thorough and com-
> lute civil service reform.
'Mlorml Aeioclatol 1 roc ,
CLINTON , 111. , October 20. The
Vabash railway has compromised tlie
uit for damages brought by the Ma-
ill brothers , of this city , to recover
amugos on n large Dhipinent of wool
njurud in travel at Toledo lawtFubru-
ry by floods. The bjsis of the com-
iromiso is seventy-five cents on the
ollar. Many other cases , amounting
n the aggregate to 8800,000 , will prob-
bly bo nettled likewise ! as this suit
xras a teat one , the company holding
hat it waa not ruapoiuublo for the
The Land Aot Giving Genera
Satisfaction to the People -
plo of Ireland ,
The News From That Country
of a More Encourag
ing Nature.
Applications to the Land Court
Increasing Llvory
Day ,
The Treaty Botweoii England
the Transvaal Bntisfao-
torily Received
UlcooUnuoouB News From Boy and
tlto Sea *
National Associate ! 1'rcsa , <
DuiiLiN , October 30. A collision
between the police nnd populace oc
curred to-duy in Bolmullit , county
Mayo. The police were engaged in
escorting the ofllcers of the law to the
different farms in which they had been
ordered to servo writs of ejectment
ngvinst those who refused to either
seek redress for their grievances un
der the land , law or pay rents. The
district is strongly under the govern
ment of the land league. The farm
ers to bo ejected had accepted the
"no rent" manifesto as the rule. The
landlords sought tudross by procur
ing writn , and fanners to the
number of 700 banded together to
resist the writs. As officers would
not bo talked to or argued with a
melee ensued , in which scorosof shots
were fired , resulting in , the wounding
of a large number of officers who
worn finally compelled to retire , over
come by superior numbers of dcape-
rntn men. This successful resistance
is hailed with delight by the Irish ten
antry , and grave tears are felt by the
government here as to the effect upon
the immediate future enforcement of
ho land laws. It is a eigniiicuit fact
; land lo.iguo . sympathizers , both
n Dublin and hero wore" firac tu be
apprised of the condition of affairs.
DUHLIN , October 30. Tlio iarmprs
are Hocking into the land court in in
creasing number a every day. One
; housand five hundred cases were on-
; ored Thursday , 1.000 applied Friday
ind 3,600 yesterday. I'ho staff of
clerks is working night and tiny yet
ill ere cqmpjtelvv | : yij ( ! i. It ia Jn
contemplatiorrio appoint inore subcommittees -
committees , as the four ubout to ait
are inadequate to the labor. It would
take t\vo for'the present stall' to
work off the casoj which will probably
apply during the coming month.
NEW YOUK , October 30. The Trib
une's London cable this morning says
, ho Irish outlook is decidedly but-
-ur. The land court is ovbrtvhelmml
vith work which daily increases. Fif
ocn hundred cases were entered on
Thursday and there wore thirty thou
sand applications for notices. Tticro
s no sign of the lengue recovering
rum the stupefaction which fullonod
ho break up of the cuntral authority ,
tfovoitlieless the agitation may pus-
i'ss Litent vitality , tor it should bo
emombercd that tlie most violent dti-
elopment of.Foniiinisin . occurred
iwelvo months after the supposed sup-
ircsaion. Tlie brnnclies of the lo guu
iru unmistakably fulling to piects
vhich , coupled with the naluiiiid-
ng number of applications to the
u ml court , proves that thu
iressuro exeroised by the league has
lecreaaod The power of the league
was once nowhere greater than in
ounty Mayo , yut a thousand tuniuis )
n Ciistlebar alimo ] iavn applud for 110-
icea. 'he ' land court judges have
,000 cases before them of one class
ilone. Four commissioners have
) eon appointed. They will each have
opuratu district ? and will befjiu to
djitdic.ito in a few days. The period
or applications will bo extotmed no as
o permit tenants whoso cases Imvn
> een abandoned by the solicitor of
he land league to begin proceedings.
'cimutH readily transfer the c.iues
roni the rcprusontative of the lo.igue
o u priviito solicitor. TJiis con-
itiuii of affairs , coupled with thu
.oterminntion oxprosped by Gladstone
and Chamberlain last week to con-
inuo a firm policy , exposes the gov-
riiment to renewed Cfiisurj for not
dopting stringi'iit meu8un > s nt an
nrlior stauo. Public opinion com-
nunt is that the determination of the
'overnmont is not to relax their prea-
uro , notwithstaiidiiie the preeont
iilm. The funds in the hands of the
gitators would enable thorn to take
dvantage of n preirutuio withdrawal
of coercion. Olinmborlain'a doclara-
ioim at Liverpool n-'ainst , any drcamn
if dissplviii" the union as fatal to the
rauqiiility of 'England and Ireland
uliku shown how completely Parnell's
'no rent" policy has destroyed the
ympathy of the radicals with the Irish
mity. The same Liverpool uudiuncn
hat choured Chamberlain applauded
inthusiastically a npuech in which
jord Jlurlington two yuars ago ap
proved of Lord Rumsoy's qualified ao-
eptanco of ( he hnmu rule platform ,
[ 'hu leogue policy will estrange all
ugliHh support from any such im-
ional inovt-mrnt for a generation.
, 'arnell' ' imprmnnment swyod him
rom political ouicido. Ho was drift-
ng toward trcobon , the ordinary cli-
mil of Iriuh popular leadership.
iVhoii free , ho may find fanners autiij-
Ujd with the work of the land court ,
jut ho may fall back on BOC'IU ! agita-
ion baod on the laborers' g riovaiioes.
i'houili ; thu ladies' league is not yok
upprcsacd , it hat been required to reno -
no vo from the promises of other
> rgauiaationH. Any attempt of thu
adioi to keep ahv the agitation
imfail repressive measures ngains
thum , At ] > rcsont thoyaro priutontlj
confining themselves to promotin ]
the comfort of thu prisoners. The
defeat of the attempt to confer the
ftoodom of the city of Dublin on Par
neil and Dillon , aa accomplished it
the face of determined efforts on tin
part of (5ray and his friends to enforce
force the support of moderate homi
rulers. When Oray found that the
requisition had not received the m
natures of n majority of the council
he intended to abandon the uropoaal
but the lories taunted him into per
niating Trilh it.
Nr.w Youu , Octotobur 30. A Paris
dispatch s.iys : The land leaguers Btil
ailed the .turunest confidence in the
urentual triumph of iheir cauan ,
though the turn wliich thingA have
tnken in the last few days mliht ; de
press thu most ehoerftil of them. The
treasurer of the league ha * not given
up the hope of getting that million
morling which hu wants BO badly , bill
so far nothing justifies the hope.
Since thu iirrust uf Purnell ho ha
July received subscriptions amounting
to about JL'-'toOO , the greatest
p.irt being ronutti-il from America.
The leiiguo has decided not to have
any ollicos either here or in England.
The opening of an olllce in England
might bu regarded as a conspirncy ami
have dimgroeablo coiHcquence'n. Egan
and Bik'gitr will remain in I'arm for a
tiniu mid \\honuvur the state ot the
tcagiiu alfaira reipiireK , oilier members
will come over to coufnr with them.
The lengiio rolii's for the present al
most entirely on the exertions of thu
lady lenuuuri ) . MiH Parnoll hna bcut.
fonv.mlod i'10,000 and will bo
iumtnissioncd thu task of re-
liovini ; evicted tei.unts with
Lhat mongro fund. Mr. Egun
WKS aaked to clear up one important
point m regard to the ultimuto object
) t the league movement , and to ex
plain the exuct meaning of thu cry of
"No rents , 110 huidtitruM. " Efjaii rc-
ilicd , speaking on behalf of himself
ind n mujorily of hu ; IriotuU , that it
wits intended in miiko nil letting of
and , even by fanners , illugal , and
, liat no man in Ireland Rhould ho iil-
owed to hold mom 111 in ho could
cultivate , and wherever faniiijiu found
.hat they had too much they should
jo compelled to sell p.u-t of it.
LONDON , October 2 ! ) . The Cathtilic
archbishop of Dub'iu ' hits issued a
xvstorial dunounuiiij the "in > rei't"
u'ogramme as coinmuiiism and u dis-
; r.ico to the Cliiiitiau world.
A UUflOll.
It ia rumored that M'r. Sexton is
LONDON , October30. The spot'chos
of Mr. Clmiuburliiin and Mr. Glad
stone , at Liverpool and Knowaloy re
spectively have not tended to the
eliueidiUinn of-tlio utravor-
ny about Iruli'ind. Cli.iinborlaiu frank'-
ly admitted thut thu objects of the
land league wore originally Ifgil and
even praisuwiirthy and that only since
kho "no runt" proclamation had it become -
come guilty nt tioitsonuhlo practices
And therefore illegal. Mr. Chnmber-
uin further iidmiis that thu govern
ment of which ho is a member felt
-hat the land leiiguo agitation ,
with all UR concomitants
uf outmu 'il ' | terrorism , was abso-
utely iiL'ces i.iry to enable thorn to
tush thu land bill thrdtu'h the lords.
dud it net been lor this thu bill would
lave been thrown nut by tlie. lords , as
ho compunction bill of the previous
Kea-tioii as thrown nut , thus giving
ho1 signal for tuiroiism. Mr. Glaci-
slono does not admit that the leuguu
nlluonced the introduction uf thu land
nil , the government having previous-
y decided to treat the laud question.
LONDON , October 29. The French ,
iftor having occupied Knirwun and
ucurud their possession oi the place ,
cavini ; sufiluiunt force to hold the
own , advanced their main force out to
hu couch went of thu place , whither
hu fiimilit-H and Honks of the insur-
_ oiits had bueti taken for refuge ,
'hero was uho found most of the
iluuder which the iiiHiirgents hud
ied a way fioiu Kairwan when they
lillnged it , previous to French occu-
) ation.
The volknwud resolution ratifies
, ho treaty ot peace with England , re-
erring to it us thu only ineaiid of
avoiding further bloodshed in Knuth
Uriea , und stamps it as' u treaty well
[ ovited for the common welfare of
ho TiniiBviinl. Tliu resolution also
cqiiests tliu Boer government to com-
iiunicato the resolution to all friendly
uiwois throughout the world.
The Memorial Diplomatique , of
'aria , states that Earl Gniimilo , thu
Jntish foreign sccretarj- , will proposu
hut tliu European powers send an
donlical notu to Waahington , courte
ously rejecting the conclusions of
Secretary Blame's note concerning
ho Panama cunul.
CONHTANTINOI-LB , October 29. The
Turkish financial negotiations have
icon concluded and an irrado wilt bo
BBueJ fixing the conditions upon
which the resumption of the payment
of intorcBt on the national obligation
will bo m.kdo. The results of the
Sgyptian miH ion huvo Batinliod the
tiliau , who lion publicly announced
hu fact.
BEULIN , October 29. In thu recent
election the progressists now claim
hat thu ruturns show that they gained
i dozen uoatu in thu ruiuhatag.
PAHIS , October 29. The Empress
Dugoniu visited Fotitainoblcu incog-
lito on Thursday. She WUB ( .Toatly
novod when shown the former apart-
nunta of Iior son , the latu prince im-
ROMK , October 29. The Italian pa-
> ors pabliah au official communication
of the Austrian government asking tin
pleasure of the presence of thq kiiif
of Italyat Vienna. Germany rcgardi
every act of friendship botwooii Italj
nnd Austria as done toward herself.
Now York' *
Natloiul AiuxxmtcJ 1'roii ,
NKW YOIIK , October 29. Tota
registration in tliin city 17019. ! . Las !
yenr it was 218,023 , nnd iu 1881 it wae
A Pnonliar Caio.
Kktlnnal AMoclatctt Pitta.
BUFFALO , N. Y. , October 29. Al
bert Barnard , n Cmwdian saloon
keeper , was arrested last night for attempting -
tempting suicide with laudanum. He
is 31. yeara old , and was influenced in
the act by domestic troubles. It ap
pears that his wife is 51 years Old ,
and the two don't ngrco very well.
Ho ha * been engaged in thu saloon
business here , and sold nut for $500
nnd left for Chicago. Ilia wife fol
lowed him and hu says robbed him of
the money , and hu returned homo to
demand it. Hu was' ungngud to a
young lady , who called at the station
to sou him and was surprised to le.irn
that ho was married.
Sntinfaotorily AOJ noted.
lMuitdi to Tux lim.
Sioux CITY , In. , October 30. A
private letter from a reliable man ,
bearing date of Now York , October
25th says : I called on C. P. Ilun-
tington , vice president of the Central
Pacific railroad , ilo oaid that his en
gineers wore out looking for a line to
thu Missouri river , and that six weeks
ago ho would have snid positively that
lis company would build a line to thu
Missouri rivor. In fact , the rails had
joon bought , to bo delivered at San
Francisco. His road decided
.o build , from the fact that
the Union Pacific , with whom they
iad worked for n number
of years , threatened to invade their
territory by building wont nnd it was
.o retaliate that induced the Central
L'acilic to run lines to the Missouri
river , and now , however , thoru in n
.uospect of n compromise , in fdct , the
Urion Pacific claims that it will con-
ceuu with what is asked. Iu case
; hey do the Central Pacific will not
xtend east from Ogden , s6 Mr. Huut-
ngton says , and would not co-operate
with any other road at Ogden except
, ho Union Pacific , if niatteru n'ro
fixed up.
A MagulfloBnt Bridge.
National AntoUatuil 1'runn ,
LouiaviLLV , October 29. Amid the
booming of c.tnnou and in the pres
ence of thousands of spectators , to/
< duy < at NojvAlbany was iu&j , * the cor
ner Btotio of the now Kentucky nnd
Indiana rail wayjmdgo. It is intended
to be thu must ulu ant nnd finished
bridge on the Ohio rivor. Length
4,801) foot , Including the approaches ,
which will bo forty-threo wide. Thu
roadway deck spans will bo the Inrg-
cst used in truss bridge in thu coun-
; iy. This will bo constructed , be
sides masonry and wrought ironof steel
vnd wood , subjected tojtho presorvn-
; ivo process , the load way a of asphalt
uid gravol. The spans will bo 583
uut long , the piers 111 foot high. It
will include railroad track , a double
inck for street curs nnd footways ,
Ttio cost will bo § 0,500,000. The
corner atone was laid by the grand
uastor of the grand Indgu of Indiana.
rhoiHtnto olliciula of tliu two status
ind tliu nuiyor and council of Louis
ville and Now Albany weru present.
Prioo Prot
National Aiuociatotl 1'rettk
ST. Louirf , October 29. Replying
; o a question nskod by Trickott , Han-
an has sent a telegram saying that ho
will take § 12,000 to row Trickott a race
or § 1,000 on Crovo Coour lake. This
a looked upon as a bluff , us it i.s a
nuoh larger sum than waa ever asked
or paid in addition to thu stakes.
Trickutt is in fine form and anxious to
noet Haitian. It is intimated that
the latter is trying to avoid Trickott.
The Robert * Cnco.
Nutlorm ! AeoociatcU 1'rexa.
CiiiCAtio , Oct. 29. The habeas
corpus c.isu of Mrs. Ada Roberta ,
eeking release from thu Elgin insnno
iiHylum , to wliich BIO waa sent after
mr trial for killinir TJioodoro Webber ,
cumo up n'juin before Judge Rogers
o-day. Mis. Rober.H testified that
tor regular medical attendant at the
asylum up the Christmas WIIH Dr. Oli
ver , now deceased. Since that date
up to thu time of issuing the writ she
md boun Attended by Dr. Stone , who
luddouly loft for Now York. W.V. .
D'lJrion , Mrs. Roberts attorney , naid
iu visited Elgin asylum in April , 18RO.
} r. Kilbourno , Hupcrmtundont of the
asylum , told him that it WUB
a great joke to have Mis.
loborts in that institution. Ho had
seen her in jail before her trial und
cnew that she was "foxing" and sane
as anybody. That ulio hud porpe-
rated fraud upon her attorneys , wit-
neiaoi and the court , but that , al
though the had escaped the poniten-
mry , eho had got into the asylum and
wouldn't gut out until he was very
curtain , indued , of her ultimate rccov-
iry from the mental malady which
mpollod her to shoot Webber. The
ittornoyH consumed thu afternoon
witli their arguments and thu casu was
closed. The judyo has rcsorvod hiu
Bodies Found.
Nntlon l An oi'luttd I'rona.
DAVKNi'OUT , Iowa , October 29.
This morning the body of Win. Wuro ,
of Cordova , ill. , onu of the victims of
.hu steamer tiiluhrist disaster , was
found tun mileu below thia city , float
ing with a piece of the wreck. Th
remains wuru taken to Rock Island
and u coroner's jury impaneled , who
viewed the remains and adjourned to
Monday. This evening the body of
MrB. Mary Jane Cauipan , another
victim , waa found twelve rnUfctt below ,
They Swindle the Wisconsin
Central Railroad Out
of $500,000 $ , ,
A Lot of Station Agents Im
plicated in the Steal.
End of the Long Strike in the
Cincinnati Rolling Mills.
Finding of Two Persona Killed
m the Disaster at
A Diamond Merchant m Bos
ton Robed of 55,000
Worth of Goods.
Crlmo , Aooldontn nnd Other Inter
esting Talogrnpuio Now * .
Nktlon&l AmocUtctl Pruu.
COLUMIUA , S. C. , October 29. At
Abbeyvillo , S. C. , yesterday , Abe
Gibson , ai cil 1.1 , ntul Geoigo 1'atton ,
nged 10 , disputed over a game of mar-
bleb , George finally called Abe tv liar ,
whereupon the latter got a pistol and
slnt George in the head , killing him
Squire Clark , who was convicted of
inuuter on the second trial in Lexing
ton county , and was to have been
hanged yesterday , was respited by the
governor for one month.
MILWAUKKK , Wis. , October 29.
The evidence appears to bo accumu-
ttting that the man calling hiinaolf
Win. Kuhl is the notorious desperado
Lion Williams , tllu sheriff kilior ai.d
outlaw. To-day lie was sentenced for
i short term for vagrancy , and upon
lis discharge will bo rearrested on the
charge of murder. '
MILWAUKEE , October 30. An extensive -
tonsivo railroad swindle .was made
Hiblio to-day , the Wisconsin Central
railway being the victim. Eleven
iioBsonger conductors and a largo
number of station agents have been
discharged and arrested on proof cf
Jioir boiii" implicated in the con-
opiracy. while the company claims
: o have lost thousands of dollars by
conductors collecting cash fares and
tot reporting them , their chief loss ,
lias been caused by agents selling
uckota , , > vhich wore returned to them
unpunc.hcil.Lby the conductors nnd
tlien sold 'over mid over acam. * The
agents were tolerably safe , as they
wore only required to report the solo
of tickets once a month. The coin-
> any claim that in so mo instanuea the
lonductors have sold tickets to scalp
ers. It is not known how long thai
raud has boon going on or how it
viia finally discovered , but the lota to
ho company is said to bo at least
§ 500,000. ,
NEW Yoiiic , Octobo. 29. Wodnes- .
lay last a well dressed man called at , ,
ho Moiau diamond cutting establish-
uent , 'Bostnn , and stated ho wai till
, o purchase u "Icrgo quantity of dia
monds. Some oi the best stones in.
; ho establishment were shown him
without purchasing. After his depar
ture Mr. Morse discovered that
iciirly 5,000 worth of stones had
boon stolen. lie immediately com
municated with his agent in this city
ivlio placed the case in the
lands of Inspector Byrne. Luut night
i well known thief named Edward
McLeaiu was arrested on ftuspicion of
juing the thief , and locked up in the
central oflico. The Boston authorities
mvo been communicated with.
Strilio Ended.
National Aiuoclatud 1'rcaa. ,
CINCINNATI , October 29. The '
strike of rolling mill hands , some two
houaand in number , which has been
a progress since Juno 1st , came to a
conclusion to-dny. When the men
struck they were getting ten per cent.
above Pittsburg prices , and they
.truck for twelve per cunt , additional.
1'he ' mills offered to pay the prices
hey were getting , but after five
nonths the men were obliged to com- '
> remise by agreeing to work until
Tune 1st at the old rates and after
hat date to receive only Pittsburg
QUINCY , October 29. The river ia
low 19 feet above low water mark
and about stationary. The land in
side the levees arc entirely flooded.
L'ho damage ia complete and incalcu-
able. This morning a tluod came
down Quincv bay , evidently let in by
the breaking oi the Indian Grave levee
above. It cumo with Bitch force that
several large log rafts , barges and flat
.touts were torn from their moorings
n the bay and floated down the river
at the rate of ton miles an hour.
Boats wore ntartod after the property ,
und much was saved. There is but
) iio line of communication west from
tore. The Hannibul & St. Joe trains
run on that through eighteen inches
of water for several miles. This state
of affairs must continue for several
weeks , Even should the river go
down fast , it will take n long time to
repair the daningcs.
Indication *
National AtwcUtcd free * .
WAHIIINOTON , D. 0. , October UO.
For the upper lakes : Fair weather ,
variable winds , shifting to southerly ,
stationary or lower barometer , sta
tionary or higher temperature. For
the Missouri valley ; Fair weather ,
south winds , utatlonary r lower
barometer , stationary or higher tern- ,
porature. The river * will remain ,
nearly tntionnry.