TEE OMAHA DAILY BEE.SATURDAY : OCTOBER ? Q , 1881. rr/ifm-\y.-v.j l f 1 TV I V.1 * 1 . .I f f l i ? I TJ f , i i MUDDY WEATHER ' ' , , „ Sjiroain , Pinkbyo'StTll Troubling Horaoi , and Mou. ri < 0 > . ' " < ' ' A Bl 'Hit ' fit the lomplotoi ' ' liij Wrftn Fatofflco. " III pout to-nlRht frwm her * bunincM In which the nn | ) ' rciI 1 rcctly n'ml offlcl Jly tntorcsteil. Ipf glo it nil ttoMlb publlclly . t\ Thtfnbovo'rofbrs ' to a dispatch Belli after her name had been proaei\lod toitho senate by Prod- idonbJArthur , nt the request oT Mrs ! Baldwin's' ' 'friends. ' So far1 rur1 the domocratrtt1 ' fliiter figured" , in this 'irj'att erj ( wo have nothing to ; ' [ } , , to the dinpAlolt signed " yonparojl , " because totliit : yotcotd \ < V attach ) no special .tii nilK called } TJul'tho'lait dispatch , wo'fdo'd as it uf'oflicihlly1 ' would have ' Well1 WEllTJiiBUgh , as Mr. Chapman himself is officially coimceteA ltliUhtfgoVTTrn7 mcnt , and so far as , hp , CAU Tjq hai a right to select 'the com pany ho shall koep" ( tjfH5lMly ? But why "directly ? " That . is . thor r f f - if Svha'l rclsore/caW'iho16Dftn ! Hj'for being11 , , , , CUBthat , - L - aliill J o ; , f rVJnl ' 'thd' wldfVof tfodgo BbldwW Witoiily nieUs-of ( sQstt'iliineo ? ' Ha ! sh6 DVOMinurcVI.'hlm' or his ? Did h6T'.tfaf6'li\is'baid4of6t'do-tliOin ' ' { > 'rttl in' jifry ? iuFWnj < all w'ofc-iM learn wa should , clfSg6d : TjT6if liiio . uJthofteil iriftnil ' ' 'WJ-cai/WclAiiif / foi'Ml orlly by [ the sh'tto" ' rfd ins'thoy had for rofusing-'t'jillblfsH'tllo ) ole < ment 'rtd- dreW tJellvbrtja'by'Mry. 'Baldwinla- 'fdbs'btMisl'of "out" duriiiL'3 tbo\fuitL'ilal [ ! 1M3 > r fidlift. ' * ° Bcl/Usb / ! | r Mr Ojmpyan hH-.Mhyor- } | ' . -Baldwin hurt ' diSliKojJfflMi1'jT.iBaldwin ; 'why tho/d " ' coi so ] proyoh ' & \ ' ' . ( ' ' ' ' . milnhg'&ni\ht'.6f'b''ilr. ! , poatxrQi& ' ' of iSrf'Mri.'Biftli 'sboJtaWifr'ft'i ' ' ' y ciTrlfirmcd ' tKMuEUrll.'Hv'taljcr'slIp { , yhicJvWp bMlovd'will b'd'fluiie.- ' any inamdtial'.h'ttsL ' a grioranco' BO far 'its' cdnc'orn6fl , thoy'h'aVp ' arightl riblfn'oitllor "Sr1 . it ublfcly privataly. If JMr'"AriAonrlj wants an ofllcef/ho has-ft-right-to employ all honorable means to procure onc.and if The * " ' * " " ' Nonpariol sees 'flV"to" help 'the democrats in their M > ifyrta i to procure Mr. Armour the post- office against Mrs. Balijwrinj' they have a right to do BO. But they h&Vtifjjiahriqntl to isiy , .tluvt .sovopU. thousand ! buslnhssuinoh. of. tbia .city an o'ppo&dito theicbnfiraiatiou.of.tho widow-fef'JJuUgoi ' JBdldWiiif .oc . that MrH.nBiildnrin'H fHouds havo.docoivad Prpsillcnb Arthur inthb protnidda oicB to'learrr"thab"-Maco li number of poraona in thjs city have been Bultaiini ; ' Ixhnost thiJ same way , parlor furniture and mfikoiitr " ' inexpensive I expensive carpets and -T . r work. In the rear of nil , next to the bankjrho hns erected a * small , routjh Htoru'room. . IWto it al , in all , " Mr. M. is no j nn > i | rod < ' rapidly iiiur iwiuj ? ou'eiiicaa. THE MABCOm. Notwithstanding a dreiiehing ram , Dohati in an uproar tlio entire evening. , A person fueling downhearted should not fail to ationdjv } eiu.tLi8 | Dfim company puts "Masco'tto - on the boards. The charactpw/f v and the costumes ricH fand" John Tomploton V'tliQoJipracU'n , f Prince Lorenzo XyiI' > iAh\iiiciHoi ( ! improved upon. Alice vuno and all the girls took iheir Kmrta-oharraiiiKty , and the pretty utytb ) tltf sdbtlb wCll go hoar andobrfoi < yoursfclf , drid"bfci convinced that she haa no poor in that cliaractor. ' ' ' B F. Clayton , the former ox-rop- resontativo.froiii.Mncoilonju , as 111 . ) . ' .on the laulels they have ulready won quuc compoBcdly.'J | ' . - ' ' ' MOIIOAN'H TBUEPHOKE.- There waa considerable nnuisemont just after the election , and when consiJerablo doubt and anxiety liad possewiou of his mind. . V ho was searching some telegrams t sec if ho mipht not ha\o been mil tflVonT J Ho'cittld 'ii6l VoItav8rbMss [ ) : bWlhW ho Muld' * fif.iWBli'bfiijftor DutiiiR this time th ? l lopj\jno \ ( be bWAifto ring. ' ' WIml 1(0 ( yon vj nnt ? 'cried ' the rcprcscntatM frojlt l'o\lt \ > Vrltftiinie , \ > lthout looKing1 n | . ' Th 1.0ll'hing ' again.Well ? tfliaTIn 'el d yMJ want ? Oh , TAW rfo 'coiifusc I don't know what I riitu nbbilt P H dropped the disratehcK , ' MHiWtho in struniont and rang the bolLv No ail amo. -\vfntnbnot.tfl \ hi Soon the bcjl. inxngA > " 01i Chapman f will give n so ! inl concert veri Among other thinks ' fK6V wile - ' ' -ll o beautiful hyimi , Oilljian "Armour" Mutot , J'jirJniny" wi iiy iul , . , 1 > . * . * . / \Vc tried to get tlio jmjtnllipp at , thji.Jfing'i 'tulninnnd. . . , ' d'Aio time ago r\vc , \v'oro ( i r ( ormcc ,3 DV Ur. Potilsoti ( hn't " ) \liilp .cptmlo oi Ulrltfn v/oro in htettllio h6vn iWed r case. It Bbonft ho' hM'found ' th Pafticlo , ns will jirjp'c'iir 'Hy'lW fol IT31r ! . | { .lltorol The Hco : - l 'PleSao correct , loldotaso stolen from' ifiG , "cttHeP'hy " ' n ncnionxrf fame oc"of.Y oifUmK'iTft'fact ' , Iihato'Jmd ' tuoBUchi thing /Imppoh tc nioiYouw , p etc.VJ \\v. . . . F. ir. Warroji .ono pf .Nobraska'e ' way fromlbp j nring Elkhorn. Ho looks iiortUhjrbui thin. express com- panv'fl-wagons got swamped in the and was.nbandpned ' 'by street. . jlpi// > [ .1 . Irss JJ. . & . . J'lntnpr , retilrnetl Ifroin Ijor.f f/ | ) . > . tliPtjcountit ) * . eatordayJ 3J\o. w.ill.sQQi ) . rwldo , ' lidrmaifontiyCat dor oljl hpp)4 ) on ftroitan'ay-j I .V/ " . ' J.P. jConnerf ono-of'th'eoebt ibys Ihimidlstrlot h f Hndf for' ' iinu , . was in Council. JJlufl'iiyuatb itfihB Ggdfii . 7 .r' Spencer - Smithof thtfr.i pijJarfcH:1 ( : ro are dad 'to noV. Is 1-ecbvejil/g taril [ Hy.-undpr Dr.Gremi's wird./ ' ' ' ' * ' , ' .tilllV / . . , . . . . . . , t ,1 J Judge Burlvo spntcncoi iq riyiopyto ; ' ho' 'city 'p'p'iind't' ' * nq/pcka , yjster'- ' ajr'and'tmjfiftli was'sonl P.jJJ- li liom. ' ' Oiio ' of 'the ' sCo'no qrusti'urs ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' tatted 't'o rim "avyay. , 'At , ithislfljpo ) * " ' ' ' ratcliman "b'e'cahiq'riuhtcnedj r ajidj : M iOi ftIihBJ ,0 c1.l aJiWT:1 urs to fifonn the autodntiea , u idf-if ( ' ' ' ' . ' : a returned ' to the stone pivyijhm | > ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' flico'r'th'p'y fouii'd' . that th'o wholOjCrijw'j ' ad escaped. % , , . f Voiii'of. K'Pl'Ji wJQMqwa ) , stated yes- Qpday..tljal. . , Iji ) . trcgts. pf jjtnmcil \\\\HH \ \ \ wore.SQino.vhati ItfpseSubwt WWQI usty when compared } ti | Olnalia , r , If the colonel over the way don't ) ok put ho will _ lose " his "Mascotto. " UuStljJb Jomy'Jay "iMihoy will run routursqniB tinxo with that chiton is sfi'ouldor if ho waits for County knock it oil' . This ought to bo good \ \ cathor to un iho Iierdio3. .Tlu > poopl6 Wouldn't 'iilk-if Uioy could ritlo for rt/iilo-oL > There was constdorablowf Domino- ! ion-tlio other - eveningat th6 O&Ioij. ushcd in- inquired'fthb' , 'pauac.- ( olonel Oochranwho 'Ba'tt'te'"fhofDf- ' ' cu-iomnrked thai | 1ftJ ejdig up . aport ut their nrmoiy at 7i(30 ( o'c , har'p')3 ) fni.rayy. Sfflofe nil uniform. _ _ 5. snSthiwi/.oa fo.faaB/ Acting J st Sor'-'L , , , Captain , n p lMA'tl.fe / ' Vi flrf as tuturnod.jfrpm . ; io.attqniUjiln4' , / ' , uc/Ml MVii& . WVs00' " Geft , fJ havt [ . cUl&t'tu ! ens in Cyunpil ViulFa ypstorduy at the ensg [ wnrn Ortaw'iA dcof 'l ' c-oJ Frwl Kjn le C i Toi tojyinGaiibq | | { p Rd. Mv Hie of Ins o\m eyes At hen a child. Ijy- uusiiifi (3 \ f lil-r ! ] , voUl | ; npttiwmtf iin to do as ho pleased , is norioctly rue VJidti ii ijotnyanoraUy iovCW i that the older . Gauibetturieiniuncd ill fiibli ) even KfidlOtttis liplWlfiftfflik1. ltiof .wilful nobs. , , rTliy boy was bo- : l dtl&Wl I aWl/oloMW / WlliftJ ind , coiioeiviiiy.u t\ialikp..b \ > tliuiiisti ; JonillHflttttJJfl- 4enWod frbtNtl Llis frtUivw lu fejl M.UII innd.MMin. M nWt'Ddon ' 'ohirf : Wit fat oncUiW if my eye if you soiid.jiiu Jjaulfto he Lyceo. " It nai holiullfj' tliiifc4 "Al > loii ioaao ) , " a.iid'thpxfflUior , t ijAiJjoin it secnlsiio4r tt'lfevu - curetl Intt Ins boyjuii'ht Imyq inherited hiajum s'reiiKth of jnirposo , The same day qonTtpbkjl iiqlja'feiiknifo , as'thtSp'op- it , , Which "lie ahslICd1wltll suc-fi vloleiice .hu r uyo us to destroy it. Tlsftiw old Gambotta , ho opldiiot.ji\o in : uiid'LujoajreU o h yleA { ( , ] , j | ] Tftoso n r w ntftJtn t-tlii'placo ( Ki 8t. James last week , to attend the countjrAiir , if they wont by the way of iLijuo cr uk , HOtified Jiuartliafioail and nbbutthroo'infles tlus'sido orSt , o'nly ribuj * gwav or rhnllj' wunfn c long diatquco. The nucations liow il . .ctflA lli n . . a .ni , J | iShVlKn il secrets Khlch mo buried undtr thous qf tluiusands ol Aof tliftrock can Boon' tlio well known mound calloti by the Indians "Spirit Mound , " 01 f'DoviJs ) .Mountain . , " on the opposite side of the river and nbout oigln miles from Arurmillton. This mount ia betwtoil OQ. rtndV 0 ifodr long If rodR > widd 'anil ,115 or 70 foot' high , ahc ai first glando would'gtvb "tho Impfcs sion of having boon built.bv the bane of luuiij , 4TJjo IjidianJ used to regain it with tear , 'believing it to bo tin abode of a myriad of evil spirits.- Thcson liQr/oriUt.of Jittlo devil b6ut oigltt U iudoslijh , t\6ri said to wage Mar on mankind , am ifully nnkt Vup'iri malignancy wlm tlie/ lacked in size. 13ryau Mac ul o u .wiu ID ] i 1 1' 'rr-j OttiOJi'-X , i i / . . v . . - . . _ . . . doimld , an old Scotch trapper mi hunter , ho lived for many Jcai among life DslfqtaThflmfiSjTuid wh beciuilpVer \ fitfi\lMi \ < ulyith \ % i tradiUohs , slattfi } Uiat among < } > w legends. concerning .SnirfttMcAiml , wn ono , in fthibh . .wny"inulittoiteil til yiuat rodk.itear rit , Jiirnos. " 11rt said Hint ju4t frcforo , vstorto a'brwi light would 4)o ficotr t n.ignt ° $ > summit of &piri ( Mound , and that .01 spoil occasioni ft f4Sponaivo''ligli would npnctr on the , rock. . It n supposed thiil ( ho high , rfcAolalo prju rio about ho foclF trAs ft ort jc fltnnipiilg' grpund for the nice of little tlo demons \vfio made their hoine'ol Spirit Mound , nnd-tlmi thro * llht ( frere sivjiuU froth oiio ttAho'OthSr Hence ( it ns , Umttlio , flrval blithnrm leai looking Vock which our cit'uon pasHcd.bytso foirlefwly ln t week , \rti such nn objoot of tcirrorf flffy ' ngrt to the thdn 'resident' * bf country , that no , Indian t it under nny circumstances , fortune inAy in uttng Iridf jfcctiml iiicdicinco , by anpljlnf TliijiftV | ! UclcctpQ nrfa cim 11)11 leal euro can be eiFeUecl. In .Oitso n. IrhGtlinnUiir , 1/xuip j Ixxlll hSliiicut' " kir iiiin i of e it nlForih 5u p taut rplief. 17 cwllM rbo' ' WhltolIotthb' U61hB ( ' ; , nlihpd. ' , Evpryono * > vrhp 'lw visited Ihc Wliito lloitao slnco it was refurnished n 1873 will bo gl d > to know that the room , is Jo bo roplacbu by ri lew set ahjUtvinjt ) iaiidpiielyarvL'd | : rroo/l-wprR. / o llj. tUiah has been hero cighf fy'ear , itwill bi" rcmbrji- > erud , showed no wood. The room in which SIr Jf.OA'rficiariftnd afiofmmla hu 'Tresidcnt , wns fkf long ill js not o'u ' bo'TiiFUnilahctl ' ! .ns its fimiifure' ' fucniturotifl'nmplo icoliibiiluil. The 'walls' hare ; lowovor , recently been calcimlneil ivor the tinted pap6r which has boon jn tlicin B0 > 16hrphml ° whr6 iiow looks .1 ' T/ic / colors uro J. _ ll. i _ 1 . . - 1 _ 'l' Itid other liquids used iu i'llioi'1lcK ' f com | ho , wal | , hi dj beoUffplaB iQ nS ' Ivaa/nuchjjUapploredj , TIO8e | , pots a'rw iwl placed in the -AVhite Ilpuso will nm up _ to thurflttiKand 'o K be used uithct' f for' ' passoijcors , or Jiousohold mirnrtWil . ' . ' \ r . > ' - t-'i AWlso Pence oit , Wilder ( , r aiit yputololl [ mo lion * you liopt yourseu nnd-faniily v-oll the pait-scasonvwhon all the rest f us have ! iboenXaibktiaamf&clf , : , and iavu hud the , doctors /visiting us so ( tontl1 , 1t ! - L " - \F , "IJrothct Taylor , tlie miWofis Very 2.r y. usi5d"JHopJ ! Bitters fln time. , loptt my , family J v > \ \ and JiiVcd tlio locior bills. ' Three , Collars'1tVprtirof t Kept us well ani able t td work all : ho time. I'll warrant it has cost you > ml the ncigHbohr oStftot\fa'Hundrod the wrub ° il i t i iLfl , r. ' i 'j i. . . I "Deacon , I'll use your medicine icreaftdr. " ' v t * ' ' octl5-norl J J1 Rj D .no TOO pOpT T n. luxols NEW Djsnoviiiy for unsuntytfort1 ° 'Coughs 'nfiil' Ids jBroile1iitis"lfetc.1 , ' 'is' given fre6.of cost 1 ° . A'j > : ? u T3a cbugh , cold , difliculty of breathing , , lfo.iserifcss or'Wy * . affection' of'tflo throat otf lunga bj-'all' ' rhcans give this wonderful ) roniedyvai trial. ndjio your 9xistoncpl ( you j cannot illbrd. .to list this .opportunity pa.sa. ' . , , , th' % - j ? ° ' ? jNs\vDi , ( < jpa\jW : ! f3 JuWfWM ! " , J 3e ) .1t ; r Tyn fo Orpyt.Qjpialui. a- 3tcatrslucti , | ) lu4UnkOiuntcr , Tims fur. nUliud , aniliord ( urnUhixUn all kind * ol hard tel lt eil In ollAVhcii oe e.l urnb > iUlriiii liul h /or ; paint , t > n , ihort notlcti U r 'Aorktnen taw 1 10 bc t , incchanlpsrtli.it con be pnotuteJ , 'S \ < JUiOarr by gllujui jour too tr gto.f ) ' JV I 1 ' -1 I I ' Stojn , pw0 4114 Oaiuttr ] * , [ Our foreman In this ilcpaitweut KOI > f orraorh Uh' ' ProW ' 'jlailu/iuurtnV ' * O & * / Co , Ohl&jo , Ills , Mid hi dontf soiua ol tliu flnwt Stalr ork IntbttNorthnunl , . 4 r I PjlDCICI II AMBt Vf nti ) qr UAKPILLU rre.ldci.t . Oarl\oU/ \ A com lilcUvittltlifullilitOry Irotii cradlu to Vinve , b . , . . , Art clc intlj - | lurtritcil \ oliuiw. KnUorkC-tl edUfpri. ' Ulwrat tchn , Acit4 ) take pWcr lor from to to OU > ) ) iMdaU > Oiit cl5wi | > other book tpjitooue. AvmUueiM liijilt ) money iofa t , Tlio IxvikicJLi Itself , px ] Hrii ro not uccuiuary. lalluruuiiknoKiii Al make ImuuuiM iirpjlto. Prh atu tcriui free. 1 dhoiiQiiiirahMi.v&co. , BOGGS & HILL , ' ESTATE' ' BROKER ? Orpioi Korh ldp , opjjprwvlCwitrii Hotel. ' tf I 71 1 T r AU/J "J I / - _ ' ; ti.J'l = * = t < f1 { m1 "T * " - - ' vj Diminished Vigor. ili r lmhnr cii In ( rfcAt niwmiro tothofolronme < wlh. | } l lOlil J , ° i > } JuJIrJftuiuWol Host't tcr'i .Stomach Ullteif w + ilch ItivJ ornhfl urn illmtlUtci 'wUhOlit xutfyz the urinary or jrAfci. In otijiinetlnn with'its Infliicnic upor thorn , lt orrcctiticlillv ( , jmproiii mi'Ctlte ' , nm ) liinc < cr > nnT it > mln < 'lva to-liMlli > ' < ! ndr\c ft\tow \ Another nintHfl quivlity-1 Us contro nnj Kver nrtfft ne , [ nJ itij power 0 ( prrventlnu It , for ia'o 14 nil Drlla lsts and Dealers gmi jCrtlh. . . . . . . . I The Oldest Listahhsbeti SAN KING > NEBRASKA . ? 3adweli ! ; Hamilton ' & .Co. , transacted eatue aa that 61 n loofi'r < xiratctl Dink. * * Accounts Vi nt In cmrcnc } or cold eulijcct ( c Ichtchctk * Uncut nutlni Certificates of deposit 6U1 psVrJilo In liri > , IxCertificates manthis-sMArln ? Intorwt , or on vlB to cmtonx.rs onjipprtnej fecil Ulci ft hnrl.tt'i'atM ' ' W hitcrest.- ' ; j v * r Buy and Mil RoM , bllU ol eichsritfc.'covoru- ucnt , state , count } and city hohd * . ' * - Dr&w § Uht draft * on KJtitUdd. Irelwid , Scot- ind , und ! 1 j rt 01.J4rttoi > oJ3ti'O Boll EnrdpcvOpasv o tlclctti. COU.ECTION8 PROMETLYJMA'DK.J J' * , , - * , -j . > j ' M i I - ' i 1 .1 ' i / „ > - . j * | ! ? ' . - * t ' ' -1 7 _ - , . " " r.i t- T ; * ' . -J . * i v I ' . "ii - .J f t. - Corner1 ! lOth-ahd Howard " * . -Streets/ / " ' .1 S.I / . ' : ! - ' . : ' J ' * v r OMAHA ; ; ! ; t ' " j j - : Rates , , Two\ Dollars Per .Day ? ' J Atleautiful Book for tie AsMng , nrannh rJtl'crsonall.T'atltha nearest o'lllcfl Jj.llll ! SINUhH-SlAiN'OKA TOUtNO CO. ( or | ) j pattalcarii-K at a dUtailce ) ally /Di'UT pv-r. u vill boi > ro ntcd wltt .a ibeautllullj jilus- | itoii Lupy oa.Now Iloai-Cjititletl s. _ „ * ' ' r' ' ' ' ' - ! ? 1 - - GENIUS STokY'OFTHOEWIN&IACHI / - i-i u ' ' oiit lnt a Iiaolw0 ! o steel ' . iroDttir'BW ' . ' ? 0i uts , fttijtUouii4 ( n'an Llalxjrato blue and jjoltl Hho raiilrcd coi h. i Chanfe whatever la made or thuiraiiiUotne liook , which can bo obtii ncd nly by-'niiplicatioii Ut tlio b'niRh iinil cubor InAtc ollli-oa of TTliorfjuigcr llanufacturiu Co. ' ' if ag&W co Qllleo.pJ , Union giimro , Nc York ' > < J ' - - - JAND - n'd s 6.meS't * ' 11 ii t > ' . ' IN" TUB ' i MARKET ! , > , For Sale b / ' \VM. m mSouth South Tenth ! DISEASES- DR. L , B. GRADDY , 'Oculist and Aurist , UTC OUNIOAL ASSISTANT IN ROYAt Corner IBth and F rph m 8U. , J ui5meW- -v . A l. . " . - . . . . , . . . . - . . . . - . . . _ . . . . S. P. MORSE St C0 : 1319 Farnham Strefet. it > til in r . I ' t . . * ' in. i * Men's Furnishing i ' Goods Department ' " ' " . i . 300 ' PAIRS /.MEN'S DERBY STREET GLOVES' , . \ /WITH1 HEAVY STITQHED BAQKS , > ! .35 ; , JGaiinpt be-.Replaced or B'ouglit Elsewhere Less Than $1.75. to $2.00. ) ' ' * ' ' " : v \Q \ $ FfcftsMen's. ' 'Castor Iov.es , $ .1.0.0 g.'Pair. ' \ ' : . i ' i i \ ' .1 j ' i i . ) ' t i j ' 'i UNDERWEAR ! UNDERWEAR , , , . ! i ,1,1. < i j i it * i ij . t > n 11 Ojie Case Me1rihb3Shirts and Drawers,25c , eactti"6ne Case' Merino 'Shirts'anfy ' ' Drawers756..ieaQh/50Moz ; ! Eine. . M6riri'6'Shirtsrand Drawersr TScje clf ; ' I'i iri IWX Ii.'i.'Cl. ; Lt _ ' _ J T . - - < t < /\rk T'nrr ' 'j ' _ ' Trt * _ _ = MI ; An extr a Barg&inJn'SeamI.ess Scarlet.sKirts . and Drawees , ex ra-1 heavy'at$2.50 ; teach1.- , Oafrt'wVight'ri'ancI'1 Warner's ; and Hahd Knit' ; Scotch r < u- ) : 4.l'iti xj i ; . . , ! -wtf - - _ ' ' * ' ' ' ' . iQ L ' i l ! i ' , . 1 I I 11 It I. r u J rtill" lll "I * ' r .C r i ! DRESS COODS DEPARTMENT. i . . _ . ( f ; > .l i ( i i > _ > * i , , , . - _ . . - tl . -n I li ' . ' i tj ! jii ( , in l i > -ilrir I , f ) 40-inch Black Cashmeres , " -Fine , 60c ; - 40-inch Blacli qastinieres , Finer , 75c ( ; $1.00 , Sold Elsewheje , at < $1,25. i i ' . t it SILK'S | . „ PLugrttS't1 ; „ .VELVETS i ; , . , We , PhoTV the .largest I. assortment Vbe' iound 'west'of ; . 'Cjju'iiia'go ' : ' „ ( BIaqkfSiIl ' ' n forty different : qualities frpm-'SOo- to$3.75Black ; ; ; Satins in twenty ualities ; rom 75cto $2.60 Black Velvets in "seyen teen,1qtialities,1 , fr m'ij5i2d'to'$9lOO ! ; . < ic Iff allShades'and " " ; T , . , . . , , , , . , „ , . Blacls Plushes - Shades-'and "Colors:1 : ' * S ) . r ' ft ( r n it ' ' 'i - ' - 'V ' ' * * " _ .run i ol int tt' j / . ii 'ic * -f - . . f i - . : . . -o 4 r i'v K , , ltll lftf.fi p- ' J „ c , , ' ' i' | to' ' . ' | ir > ' r . . - . . ; .f . . . . - - 'JgjQ Earnham Street. ti- ANDJSTiLtWiUOW V ' . .CONTINUES TO , , . . .I' . " - Eoar for 3MLoores ( ) : " - * > - - - ; Harness : . ANI > "Saddfery : ' r > ! irfj y///i - "Q Ilie mtoptnl the Ulon naa Trade Stalk , anil ivllmj ifooJa m b sXAMREl > " * 'thotlON ml my NAME on thusanlc. . KOOQOD3 ARE ENUINK WITHOUT TIM ? AHOxE 8WMPS hobe t'watcrlol is' Used nJ .tlie U30 l dklllct" orkmcn arc employed , and nt the lowtgt ex * nco. Anjono tt'ishlni ; a iirlcfl-llst o ( stood will outer A favor Vi .Boudnn , ' ( or one. DAVID SMITH JlOftRE. Jnited , * , States Depository. I ' * . t 3E" Hatio : Cor. OLDEST , HANKJNa . KStABUSUMENT JN /OMAHA. . ' . > ' cucoEeaons TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. ) aiAHUSIIIIil8i8. > . i < < a National -Uatik August 20 , 18fl3. AND rft6iiTa oyr.B * " 396,900 orficEU JU.D Dikscrowr ! ' " ' ' ' , President. ' AUQUHIUH KorxTZK , Vice Fieildent. II. W. YiTBI , ClllW. " A. J. IvirrtnoH , Attorney , , " F , 11.5 DATW , * Thl biok recelv ea ( JeposlU without regard t < 5 amounU. ' i ' ! ' , luuettlme certlfiatct bbarine I Drawt draftsou n TraiirlMo nd prlncIpiJ Itlcs ol the UnltoU State * , l o Lppdon. Dubln ( Edlnl uriti&nd tia ) principal cHIts ot thejcaatl. ncnt or Europe. ' . , " , Bella inuiuDKer ticket * for cipfgnnti by tUa ( n nui llni * * 4 maVIJtt BlackBiamonlGoalCo. V. It tOOMIS , J , 8. NKWELL. J'RtB. Sue. 1.11. MILLKI1 , Aau > r. HARD OR SQFT COAL n car loti or In muntltlos to suit parch&aen Ordon SolidteJ. - Yard , Fobt P rnham and Douglas - ' . las Sta' . Omaha. . . . v , . ' , . , P ? tl , , * - ii/t mm - "iti " ' - - i ' - | ] ( t nlil it 1 * 11" " " ' * - " y . . j ' / ' t I/ V xT ' 11\3L3 IMI I I hi I I ' > wfl " _ L TE-A-ND , " ivpBB.y ! STYLED FOR i t . MEN . < , ; ; , BOYS / AND CHILDREN. ( i . . * _ _ _ r lit ' t i.lilt . i ' - - f"f * Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises , I / 1 , , , n i oif - , > ( vl ' 'IN ; Satisfaction'Guarariteedr'"Prices . to Suita'p r _ 1 , . * . . . . 1 , 11 t'J .f 'I' * ! ' ' 'I' ! ' k - i ' . . " 1316 FARNHAM STREET , " : - ' . ' V > " ' I ' ' " ' ' , , , . ' " ' ' v : : - . . . 'NEAIt ' FOOfiTEENTH. , . ' ' ' / ; , T / / Li1li.andShmgles } ; , / ' "C Yard and Office 15thaHd puniihgs Street , two blockii „ , . . north of * ' ST. PAUl ; - AN(0 ( : OMAHA : DEPOT h if ifu iy the'PATENT , , . u 'i i. 11 i 'i ' i MINNESOTA FLOUR. i i always ' gives satisfaction , because it makes a' ' ' superipr article 'of Bread , and is the Cheapest - ' estFJour in the market , Every s.ack ' , warranted'to run-alike or ' money refunded , ' . . . W. IVI. YATES- Cash Grocer. '