Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1881, Image 1

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Hie Lyiiclitrarg , Va , , Postmas-
tership Considered in Exeo- ,
utivo Session ,
The Democrats , by Dilatory
Motions , Prevent a Vote
Being Beached.
-Logan and Voorhees Have a
Debate Over Their Devo
tion to Union Soldiers ,
'The Senate Si ill in Session
MldniRht-An All Night
Session Probable.
.A Final Adjournment Not Considered
siderod Probable Before
Next Week.
James Sworn in on His New
Appointment as Postmaster -
' * , ter General.
"Folger to Take Charge of the
" November
Treasury" Department -
. vembor 1st.
Howgato Pleads Not Guilty to the
Now Indictment Against
National AssouatcJ Proas.
WASHINGTON , Ootobor 28. After
tho4 transaction of some unimport
ant'businuas , the senate , at 12:25 : p
m : , on motion of Edmunds , wont into
executive session.
The Lynchburg postinastorship wil
come up as regular order.
Immediately upon closing the doors
for the executive- suasion of the senate
this afternoon , Senator Edmunds
called for the order on the calendar ,
which was the nomination of Stratham
to bo postmaster at Lynohburg , Va.
' The democrats at once began dila
tory motions'to. prevent the vote being
< reached , BO no business was transacted.
The republicans insisted on the or
der of the calendar , and seemed deter
mined to put in Mahono's calendar.
/ , it is alleged , is in pursuance
of the bargain last spring. The demo
crats stick to the unjustness of un
seating the present incumbent , and
. swear that they will not let a vote be
reached before November 8. the day
of the Virginia election.
The debate was opened by Hill ( Ga. )
who , in opposition to the instructions
of > his physicians , spoke for nearly
two hours.
. --Morgan favored the senate with ,
dissection of Virginia politics of eome-
. thing over an huur.
t Logan and Voorhoes had a spirited
bout over their relative devotion to
the interests of Union soldiers
Hour also spoke at some length and
a number on either side more briefly.
About C p. in. the fillibusturint ; be
gan and the want of a quorum was
developed ,
A call of the senate was ordered
with direction to the
a sergoant-at-
arms to request , the presence of ab
sentees which had the eflect to leave
a bare half dozen senators in their
scats. As an incentive to an attend
ance an elegant lunchwas spread
early in the evening in the room of
the committed on appropriations. At
, about 8 o'clock , by common consent ,
business was suspended and an hour
' was spent at lunch. After ! ) p. in.
debate grow desultory. Only about
forty-fivo senators wore present.
At 10:45 : p. in. the lantern in the
dome was still burning , showing that
the Virginia campaign was still being
Iflfe proceedings were now only on-
liveried by motions to adjourn , which
there is little likelihood of being car-
Tied for some time to come.
A republican caucus , it is reported ,
, will bo hold at the first opportunity.
Conjecture assigns as its cause an of-
ort to hold curtain senators who nro
tired of delay and threaten to go homo
unless n final udjournniect is reached
All confirmations heretofore made ,
including Folger and Hatton , have
cen by the president.
Just after 10 o'clock a democratic
senator came out and said there was
little prospect of an adjournment to
night , and a final adjournment would
bo very unlikely for a week or two.
Ernest Dichman , the minister at
Bogota , Columbia , recently recalled
at the instance of that government , :
wus at the state department to-day.
He had a hard time at Bogata and
" " * " did not get along with the authorities
who accused him of being in league
with their enemies and of using his
office to advance the interest of the
Panama canal scheme. Soon' after
his recall Dichman had a personal en
counter with the ex-secretory of state
at Bogato whom ho accused of being ,
the cause of all his troubles. George
Money , who was nominated and con
firmed as his successor , is now fully [
, established in the ollico.
The opinion of Attorney-General
ilaoVeagli , published to-day , upset
ting the decision of Judge Lawrence ,
of the treasury , in the matter of
whether the appropriation of SlJiBOO
for artificial limbs should bo expended
by the war or interior department ,
lias caused quite a stir in ollicial cir- .
clca. * Mr. Lawrence , who is said to
consider his decisions infallible , de
cided against the secretary of the
treasury and in favor of the interior
department. MacVoagh reverses this
and leaves the matter in the :
hands of the war department.
In commenting upon the matter
the attorney-general says ho can't see
how the opinion of n subordinate of
ficer in any department can bo bind ,
ing upon the head of that department
until force is cxprqssly given to his
decisions by plain and unambitious
law , nnd ho cites also Richardson's J.
10 , court of claims , ns follows.
Comptrollers are as much subject
to the rules , regulations and general
directions of the secretory of the
treasury , and as much bound to obey
and bo governed by them as are id"
other subordinate olllcors in the treasury
ury department.
The first comptroller is natural ! ,
annoyed at this , and will no doub"
take occasion to say a word in relation
tion I o the matter.
Postmaator General James was
sworn in to-day on his now appoint
mcnt , ns was also First Asaistnn
Postmaster Hatton , The latter goo
to Iowa for a short time before assuin
ing his duties.
Judge Folger is expected to tak
clmrgo of the treasury about Novom
her 1st.
rr.nAi > NOT O.UILTY.
WASHINGTON , October 28. In th
criminal court this morning dipt
llowgato plead not guilty to the now
indictment found against him , and it
default of bail was sent to jail. Aftei
ho had been taken back to jail , Col
Corkhill saw that still another indict
mcnt , for the embezzlement of 840 ,
000 , would bo found and probably b
brought in next week. The dela ;
was on account of the absence of wit
nesses , who had asked for time to at' '
tend to other important matters
which time had been granted.
WASHINGTON , October 28. Just before
fore 3 o'clock this afternoon an explosion
plosion took place in the govornmen
ordnance department at the navy yard
and res'ulted in the instant death o' '
George L. Lawrence and injury t <
another. The accident happened ii
the hydraulic press room , and th
building was totally demolished. Law
rence , with George W. Gates and
Marion Thompson , ' wore in tlio build'
ing engaged in operating machinery
used in charging Brockets. Lawrence
was boring a rocket , when it exploded
and was followed by the explosion o
two others. Ho was terribly lacerated
the hnck of hia head being blown off ,
and Thompson was badly bruised , bu
not seriously. Gates' injuries are no
serious. Lawrence Una beou employed
at the navy yard for twenty-eight
years , and was sober and industrious
Ho leaves a wife and four children.
The chief of the bureau of statistics
reports to the secretary of the treasury
that the excess of exports of merchan
dise from the United States during
September was 80,709,250 , against
$17,097,246 in the correspbnding
month of 1880. The excess of im
ports of gold and silver coin and bul
lion was 810,200,865. ) '
General Trade Reported Favor
able Throughout the
A Slight Decrease in Failures Re
ported to Bradstroot's.
National Associated I'rcsn. '
NEW YOHK , October 28 The gen
eral trails throughout the United
States may be said to have taken sev
eral deep breaths during the slight re
laxation recently noted. There is be
ginning , however , to be displayed re
newed activity. This is in consequence
quence of the approach of cold weath
er and more confidence duo to the
check put upon speculation of late.
The notable feature in the diatribu
tion of staples is that of dry goods ,
for which there appears to be an un
precedented demand at western cities.
The most pronounced increase in re
ceipts of orders is reported from Kun
eos City and St. Louis. At these
points , however , as at.Chiargo , Pitts-
burg and Detroit , transportation fa
cilities are inadequate , and serious
drawbacks are suffered in consequence.
The decrease in freight rates is expect
ed to materially improve the situation.
One hundred and twenty-ono fail
ures . throughout the United States
ind Canada were reported to Brad-
ureet's during the past week , a de
crease of 1 as compared with the pre
ceding week.There is considerable
increase in the Now England and
western states. In the middle ataton
there More 27 failures , a decrease of 4j
Now England states 32 , an increase of
10 ; southern states 17 , a decrease of
3 ; western states 33 , an increase of 13 ;
California and the territories 8 , a do-
rcuso of 3 ; Canada and the provinces
i , a decrease of 2.
S'tttlonaVAwocUtod I'rcw.
QUINUV , Ills. , October 28. The ,
third break in the Sny levee occurred
to-day , and the Sny bottoms are all
looded. A largo amount of damage
vill result.
GENESEO , Ills. , October 28. The
lock river continues to rise , and
nucli damage has been dune to hay ,
orn and pasturage. King's ferry is ;
inablo to run.
CRIME. . .
National Asioclatal Preaa.
DKTHOIT , October 28. The colo-
irated Norris murder caao ended in
.ho Wayne circuit court this after-
loon with a verdict of murder in the
ir t decree against Isaac Clark and
Daniel Graham.
DALLAS , Texis , October 28. Aspo-
ml says that Jack Post waa hanged i
it Graham to-day , for murder , in the
irosenco of several thousand people.
The River Convention Perfect
Their Plans for Improving
* the Mississippi ,
Immediate and Liberal Action
by Congress a Commercial
River Navigation the Best and
Surest Way of Regulating
A Volnmiuout Array of Faoti-
National Aisoclatud 1'rcsn.
Sr. Louis , October 28.Major H.
E. Dunnell , of Minnesota , was made
permanent chairman of the river con
vention. Upon taking the chair Mr.
Dunnell , in a few brief and general
remarks , said as delegates they woto
hero from twenty different states and
territories , extending from Minnesota
to the Gulf of Mexico , and from the
eastern seaboard to the Rooky moun
tains , to discuss the question and to
devise moans for the improvement of
the great rivers of thu Mississippi
valley , whoso productions had given
the balance of trade to this country.
The question waa not only onu. of
great interest to the Mississippi val
ley , but to the whole nation , and
should bo treated with deliberation
and with the view to impress its im
portance upon congress , and of in
ducing that body to extend the aid so
much needed.
There was read a paper written by
General Gilmore , president of thu
river committee , in which ho ex
plained the two well known conditions
which characterize the entire lonsth
of the river below Cairo. First , that
bad shoals , bars and dangerous navi
gation are always accompanied by lov
water , the width exceeding 3,000 feet
and , second , that when the widtl
does not exceed 3,000 , there is n gooc
channel all the year round. In otlie
words , bad navigation is produced by
wide rivers , and good navigation hi
narrow ones. The same principle ap
plies to the river between' the mouths
of the Missouri and Ohio. Preson
remedies arc , first , to prevent turthcr
enlargement by protecting the cavini ,
banks , and second , to narrow tin
stream to a suitable width when the
widths are excessive and the
navigation bad. Wherever this
is necessary , therefore , the caving
banks will \o \ graded to the proper
slope and protected by suitable revet
ments against further invasion.
Where the widths are too great the
channel will bo narrowed by forces
developed in the s'rtmm itself throiigl
the agency of high dykes'placed either
longitudinal or transversely to th
channel , as circumstances shall re
quire. By these dykes .open works
will bo constructed , largely of poles
wire and brush. The works are expected
poctod to secure a low water depth o :
ton feet , with a possibility considers
bly beyond that limit. This is a work
of unparalleled magnitude , and the
result depends as much upon the sup
port and co-operation of the people as
upon the efforts of the commission or
agents of the government.
Judge Taylor , roproion'tiiig the river
commission , addressed the convention ,
lie said that the river commission
looked with great anxiety to the re
sult of the proceedings of the conven
tion. There must be universal per
manency. There wore various ways
to improve the river. Tlio right plan
was to compel the great stream to
build its own banks. This had nl-
ready been done at Horsetail bar ,
just below St. Louis , where it had
been compelled to build banks at
least forty feet in height.
adopted by the convention are as fol
lows :
The representatives of the commer
cial interests , and of the agricultural
and other productive industries of the
Mississippi valley , in convention as
sembled , believing that the Mississippi
river and its navigable tributaries , the
great inland water way prepared by
the Creator for the use of the people ,
are a most important and valuable
part of the national domain , free to
all , beyond the reach of monopoly ,
and affording to the whole people that
competition in transportation which
benefits the producer and con-
9Utner alike ; and further , that
dicap transportation js the great
necessity of on agricultural people
ple , the mdisponsihlo condition of
easy conveyance to distant markets of
their staple products , bulky in proportion
tion to value , and the familiar coon-
jinical truth that the cheapest trans
portation of such products is by water ,
in especially applicable to the great
water ways of tain country , provided
the same bo kept from snags , sand
bars , treacherous banks and other ob-
itaclcs to navigation , do therefore ro-
lolvo and declare :
First. That it is the manifest and
imperative duty of the government cf
ho United States to cause to be made
mch improvement of the Mississippi
ind navigable tributaries as shall per-
iianontly secure safe and easy naviga-
ion thereof , thereby cheapening
roight , reducing insurance and other
jurdens and expenses , promoting the
fast inland commerce of the nation ,
ind creating now avenues of foreign
rado , and thus not only inviting in-
sreased production and imputation ,
jut assuring greater prosperity to the
diolo people. Especially is this
luty obvious and our demand
ustifiod in view of donations al-
oady made by congress in land
iipountingto Dearly 200,000,000 acres ,
ind in bonds issued or guaranteed ,
leorly § 100,000,000 more , in aid of
irtificlal highway * , the properly of
rivato individuals , and necessarily
urnishing oven at the lowest rates the
nest costly form of transportation on
largo ecnlo , as compared with on
ippropriation not yet amounting to
f2&,000,000 in all for the improve-
inont of 15,000 miles of water ways
whoso freedom , for tax imposed fo
monopoly is protected by conatitu
tioiml guarantees , while the chea ;
service- and unrestricted compotitioi
they alford is the most ofllctunl cor
native of exorbitant charges o
any route to the seaboard ; that ap
propriations for such improvement
should bo separately made , with du
provision for assnrinc ; the people o
their faithful applications to the s.-uno
and should bd adequate to the In
tended prosecution of the works begun
gun until they are finished , so ns ti
avoid the wasteful destruction of worl
partially completed by reason of tlu
dolny or stoppage thereof , for want o
sullicient appropriations. And be '
"Resolved , That this eommissjoi
recognizes with extreme a.ititfactioi
and emphatic approval thu passage o
un net of congress , Juno 28 , | 8"9 , foi
the appointment of the Miaiit.sipp
river commission , and in the compru
hi'nsivK and scientific survo\a and thu
important rccoinmondation.s miulo bj
the distinguished engineers appoiiitut
mi that commission , as sot foril
in their reports of February 17
1880 , and January 8 , 185)1 ) , the firal
well-considered and oll'Octinl step to
wards complete and permanent open
ing of the Mississippi' valley to the
markets of the world ) but would alst
strongly express its regret at the ro
fnsa ! of the last congress , after ctvtt
jug said commission , and notwith
ing the deliberate and emphatic ap
proval of their plans by the house com
mittee on improvement of the Mistis
sippi , to appropriate the amount esti
mated and recommended by said coin
mission for doing the work , by thun
ciirpfully laid out'und proposed. Am
be it further 1
Resolved , That In the deliberates
and earnest judgment of , this convou-
tion delegated to represent the in
tcrests of the states andterritories ) in
thu union inhabited by mure than
half of its entire population , from
whom is collected above seventy per
cent , of the entire internal royonuu'ol
the nation , whoso internal commerce
is already one-half that of the entire
United States , moro than twelve times
greater than the total foreign com
nierco of tlio world , but upon whoso
industry is this year levied , by obsta
cle to safe and easy navigation of the
Miasisnippi liver and its navigable
tributaries a needless direct tax by
way of increased freights and insur
ance , wreaks and repuiis , of
not less than § 10,000,000-it
is the impomtivo duty of
congress and the right of the people
for whom this convention is author
ized to speak , that th'o legislation
wisely begun be made effectual and
permanent by enlarging the powers of
the river commission * to include the
native prosecution of the work al
ready recommended by thorn , and by
regular and separate appropriations
from year to year of ouch sums as said
commission , acting undortho rauona
bio supervision of congress , shall ro-
jort as necossry to that end , so that
this great and indisponsible work , na
tional in every sense , sOL : irarlongor
be delayed.nd bo it further
Resolved , That the scieiitiQc and
comprehensive system of river im
provement by the competent commis
sion thus inaugurated should bo ap
plied to complete and permanent im
provement and the maintenance of all
navigable tributaries of the great river.
And bo it further
Resolved , T.hat this convention
recognizes with great satisfaction the
benefits already resulting to nuviga
tion of the Mississippi and principal
ributaries by the extension of the
light house system thereto , and ex
presses the earnest hope that the par
tial lighting of tlicso rivers may be
speedily enlarged by an increasing
number of districts and lights , to such
extent as the light house board , in
consultation with the riv.-r commissioners
sionors , shall find necessary to render
such soryico.completely cfliciont. And
bo it further
Resolved , The president of the con
vention is hereby authorized and re
quested to appoint at lib earliest con
venience a committee of twenty-one ,
who shall bo charged with the duty of
preparing , as soon as practicable after
the convention adjourns , a memorial
to congress on buhulf of the delegates
to this convention and the people
whom they represent , in support of
and in accordance with the foregoing
resolutions , embodying such statistical
information as said convention may
deem expedient ; that they cause
to bo printed a sufficient number
of copies of said resolutions
and memorial , together with proceed
ings of this commission tor wide dis
trilmtion , and a copy thereof to bo
Kiven to each member of the United
States seii'itu ' and house of representa
tives , as soon as practicable , and said
commission to take such further action
touching proper presentation of miid
resolutions and memorial to congress ,
and procure duo coniiduration thereof
as they may deem best.
A resolution citing the importance
of a connection between the upper
Mississippi and the great lakes was
offered in connection with the above ,
and action upon it postponed until to
Special Dlipatcli to Tin U .
ST. LODIH , October 28. The river
ponvention unanimously passed de
sirable resolutions to-day and ad
journed. Among the oflicurs Nebras
ka had a vice president , Colonel 0 , S ,
Chase , of your city.
Hail Storm.
Nutlonul Awoclatod I'tcM.
CoLUiiiiWH , Ga. , October 28 , A
hail storm in the imt''ro of a cyclone
passed over Ellavillo yoatorday. The
utoro of Drew & IJuck waa unroofuu
and goods therein badly injured. Several -
oral houses were blown down and
the handsome now residence of Gov.
Drew was considerably injured ,
Boj-tou Bound For Omaha.
Hitlonal AwodateJ 1'rotuj.
Sioux CJTV , la. , October 28. Paul
Hoyton resumed his journey down the
Missouri river at half-past ton o'clock
this morning.
Steamer " Gilohrist" Bocoiuos
Unmanageable and Strikes the
Government Bridge ,
The Boat Careens and Many
Persona are Thrown Into
the Rivor.
The Grow and Passoncors of
the Boat Wild With
Escaping Steam from the
Boilers Scalds Many Per-
Hoii3 to Death.
Crowds of People on Shore Unable -
able to Respond to the Piti-
f\il Cries for Help.
Sovontoou or Eighteen Pomona
LOKO Their Liven Scones
nnil Inciilnntft.
National AumcUtod Prom.
DAVKNI'UUT , Iowa , October 28. :
The particulars of the terrible acci
dent of hut night , whereby seventeen
or eighteen persons lost their lives ,
are an follows : Tlio steamer Gilchriat
left this point iibout 10ISO ; o'clock , in
apparently good trim and condition ,
bound for all points up the river ,
loaded with a largo and valuable cargo
of miscellaneous freight , and carrying
in her cabins a full list of passengers.
The number , ns near as can bo ascer
tained , was twenty-four. When the
Hteamur had passed under the
s'oyoriiineut bridge ppiuniug : the
MiiwisHippi and connecting the
cities of D.ivonport mid Ruck Isl
and , the connecting rods of the enyino
suddenly gave wny , causing the entire
machinery to become .unnrinnuoihlo
ind useless. The river jiut now is
very high , o ving to the lecont mid
extensive Hood * , and the current con
sequently extremely rapid , HO that thu
steamer Gilchrist had no longer her
iiachiiiury to keep lior bow up stream.
The swiftly runniii' ' ; river curried
: ho helpless vessel down stream
it a rapid and alarming rate.
5ho struck one of thu abutments with
: errifio force and careened over , caus-
ng the weights on the safety valves
of the steam chest to break fiom their
'astctiinga ami slide of ) ' , the valves
no lunger holding a check on the
itoain in thu boilers. It poured out
n huge volumes and enveloped the
lolpk-ss crow and piHSiMiisurs , * who
wore wildly endeavoring to secure life
preservers in thu main saloon and
icaldod many of thum in an awful
nmni\er. \ „ No sooner had the steamer
rebounded from thu shojk of the col
lision than she began sink
ing , in which condition she
was carried past and below this city ,
the shrieks and cries for help uttered
by the frenziedvictiiiishuiiig distinctly
audible by largo crowdsof citizonswho
soon thronged the banks , but they
could extend no assistance at the
steamer was hurled past their eyes by
tlio tuibulent river. No immediate
efforts to aid her could bo put forward ,
is most of the small boats wcro tied
up for winter. The steamer Evnns-
ville was got in motion as soon ns
mssible , however , and hurried to ( he
cscuo. The Gilchrist in the nican-
imo had drifted down the river with
ho crew and pas.iuugers , who were in
sane with terror and excitement. Eight
lersons hud taken refuge on thu
mrgo in tuw of the Gil-
chribt. Those on the barge
enow not whether they wore safe or
n mortal danger. Around them was
i thick cloud ot t earn mi ( locating them
KO that their only chance to breathe
v.i.s to Ho down on thu Jock , In the
cifbin of tin ) boat they could hear the
cries an I nuuns ot thu fated pas-
Oi.'iiguiH who hud stood there while the
crow on tlio forccuutlo were calling
oudly for help. They could
) o seen and at that time
10 help could be given them.
L'lio sinking steamer and barge Htrand
eil tor a moment opposite Paige ,
Jixc n & CO'H mill , but soon floated
ill' Thu Evansvillu overtook her in
ibout twenty minutes and rescued
ho following pasaongorj and crow.
Passengers J. H. Ways , ] \frp. \
Wont , 0. U Davenport. Tlios. Harts.
r. McClelland , W. G. SkoHon.
Crow Jiilly Brown , John Mona ,
Tohn Sliubor , clerk ; .John Gilchritit ,
aptain ; Dorrand and 11 err , pilots ,
tlost of them were taken oil * of the
inrgo and flat boat. Those who/wore
calded by escaping steam presented a
nest horrible sight ,
It is impoDtiblu at this writing to
ecure an accurate list of thu victims ,
jut the following uro known to bo
mong thu missing : Mrs. Camp , of
) avonport ; Miss Temple , of LoClairo ;
Mr.Vondt , of Lo Clairoj lady , name
nkuo < vn , and tliruo colored deck
Word was received from Hock
Bland Into this afternoon that several
f the passengers and crew were res *
ued und taken to that city. An cf-
ort will bo made this afternoon to
aisu the wreck and search the cabin
or the bodies. The wreck now
cs a mile and a half down
do river on its beam ondH almostfliib-
nerged. It is learned to-day that
lioru wcro twenty-eight on board ,
nd that none wore taken from thu
utor. The number of the killed by
team and drowning will probably not
jo less than a do/.en ,
Big Trip for a Little Graft.
atlonal AesocUUxl 1'ruu
CINCINNATI , October 28. Thomas
'Vendi ' and two companions arrived
lore from Bullalo in a IHtlo craft
ailed the Turk , en route for Florido.
'hey came to Cleveland on thu lake ,
lionco to Portsmouth , Ohio , on the
Ohio canal , They go dawn the Ohio
nnd Mississippi rivers to New Orleans
thmico across the gulf to Florida , i
will be the first time such a trip wa
uvor iniuU\
NUlonnl Amochtol I'rrwu
Ciiuuno , October 28. K. J. Guy
loy , for many years superintendent o
the Wisconsin it Milwaukee divisioi
of the Chicago t Northwestern rail
road , has resigned. Charles D. C5or
1mm. late of the Fort Way no road
has been appointed his successor.
NKW YOHK , October ' . ' 8. One out
growth of the railroad war whicl
seems to bo approaching an oiid is the
announcement by the Pennsylvania
railroad of their intention to put on r
new fast Chicago train which wil !
leave Now York on its initial trii' '
Monday. A special feature of tliii
train is that the time to Chicago
bo very much shortened , the trait
leaving Now York at 8 o'clock in the
morning and reaching Chicago at ! ) :4 : (
the next morning , thereby making the
time between the two cities a little
mor than twenty-four hours , us
against thirty-six hours , the time nou
made by the Pacific oxprosu on thu
Punnaylvanin railroad , hitherto the
fastest Chicago train out of Now York.
Accommodation on this train will bo
limited , or , in other word ? , there wil
bo only such a number of cars nllowci
in the train as can bo handled wit )
thu certainty of making the running
time , liy this arrangement the chance
detention to the train by addinc cars
at any point will bo overcome.
The Chicago limited , us this
train is called , will be composer
of a parlor , sleeping and dining cars
only , and none but passengers for
Hurrisburg , Pittsburg , Fort Wayne ,
Chicago and points beyond will bo
carried by it. .Between New York anil
I'ittshurg tlio schedule only provides
'or tlireo stops for the train. Drcak-
iust will bo served immediately after
the train leaves Jersey City , dinner
ifter leaving llarrisburg , which will
M about 1 o'clock , supper at 0 o'clock ,
[ > ofore reaching Pittsburg , and broak-
; tict the following morning before
reaching Chicago.
Ciiituno , October 28.0. . J. Wil-
jams , chief engineer of the Chicago
it Atlantic road , says to-day : "There
is no truth whatever in the report as
to Vanderbilt'H control of the road.
Tim company which set out to build
Lhu road still has , and intends to
coup , control. I have a largo force of
non at work grading the cntiro longtli
if the road. Steel rath have been
nought , and the work of laying will
jo begun in the spring. It is well
xiiown that it is mortgaged and its
minis are on the market and can bu
nought by any one ; but its stock can-
uit bo so bought. That is to say , the
company has i > o present intention of
selling out. Wo have a sealed con-
ract with the Chicago iVs Western ,
[ ndiuna for entrance into the city. "
N.\tloiiM Associated 1'rOM. 'i
DUIILIN , October 28. The Loitrim
and Formon branches of the land
caguo have announced their deter
ninatinn to adhere to the "no rent'
imuifcsto of the central league. Thn
ipplicntions made to thu hind court
or reductions of rent are , however ,
ncrcasing enormously , and the
chances of the league defeating thu
act are growing Blighter uvory mo
LONDON , October 28. The French
have occupied Kairwan , and the in
surgents have Hod , having pillaged
the city before departing from it.
Franklin 1) . Gowen has published a
long circular letter soliciting Heading
proxies fiom those who favor the ro-
ascendancy of hiu influence in the
management of the affairs of the
Heading Hail way company.
The St James Gazette , comment
ing on the German election , aayu :
"Tho result is a drawn battle between
Prince liismurck and his opponents.
The prince's home and financial pol -
icy have not obtained that approval
from thu electors which ho sought ,
and the connorvalivcH , whilst ac
knowledging their comparative- defeat ,
rejoice over the proofs of gradual con
servative reaction which the ! returns
show lias pet in. In Alsace and Lor
raine the French delegates retain their
Heats despite the ell'ortH of the govern
ment to defeat them. The socialist
neil a large vote in some ' places , but
in largo towns throughout the coun
try thu liberals have about held their
own , while in small districts thu con-
lervativun have made gains , the man
ufacturing elmwCH favoring Franco's
protective policy and the people of
the agricultural districts opposing it "
Further ad vices from Burliii describe
the defeat of the conservative ! ) as be
ing complete , and not ono will ropre-
pcnt the capital in thu next parliament.
Tlio socialist vote has boon greatly in
creased , and thu opposition may prove
strong enough to necessitate thu disso
lution of parliament.
The Irish World to-morrow will
publish tlfti following cable ;
PAUIH , October 28. To Patrick
Ford , editor of Tlio Irish World.
Hov. Eugene Shceliy , recently released
from Kilmainhain jail , nnd Mr , T. M
Ilealy , M. P. , for Waterford , will
louvo Paris for Now York to-morrow.
A farewell mippcr by the Irish resi
dents of Paris , presided over by
Patrick Kgan , treasurer of the land
league , wus given the gentlemen this
PAIIIK , October 28. After a very
nlormy sitting of thu cluimbur of
deputies , M. Giinjbettii was pro
claimed provisional president by 1117
votes out of HOI.
A dispatch from Tunis pays the
French troops entered Kairoran un-
Bdioido at Brooklyn , N , Y. , of a.
Young Man From Quinoy ,
of Young Ladled nnd.
Sweetly WordedMltnlvoi Fonnd
on Hi * Parian.
N tlonM AiaocUted 1'rom.
DuooiaYN , N. Y. , October 28. In
a little room in the top story of a
frame house on Singleton street was
found this morning the body of n
young man , who committed suicide
under circuuistances of ji romantic na
ture. His name waa William A.
Bowles. Until very recently ho was
employed as a clerk in thu clothing ;
store of Rosenberg it Son , Fulton
street. Ho came to Urooklyn three
months ago from Qui'ncy , Illinois ,
whcro ho was engaged in the dry
goods business and whore his frionda
and relatives reside. Yesterday forenoon -
noon ho returned from the store , and
not getting up the door was broken in
this morning. The body was
found stretched at , full length on
thu bed , his immaculate shirt
front adorned with neat gold studs
and around the collar was a spotted
lavender nock tie. The clothes were *
of line material and elegant make ,
the hair neatly combed and the lips
compressed. In a tumbler by the side
of the bed wcro dregs of sulphurate
of morphia. In a pocket of the coat
suspended from the wall was the dru < *
itself , lablod "Poison. " There wore
other objects of interest in the room.
The most interesting was the picture
of a slenderly-built girl , with largo
black oyea , and hair that fell in curls
over her forehead. A lace veil was
thrown negligently over her hcail and
shoulders , and in her hand wan held n
Imnch of flowers. It was a pretty pic-
.uro , full of grace and cxprotsioiu
On the back , in a girlish hand , wore
written these words ; "Your over
ovinn wife , Annie E. Adams , " Be
sides it , there were pictures of other
; irls , but none so attractive as Annie's.
To ono the name of "Lizzie Furlong"
vaa attached , and to another the au-
oqraph of "Lilho McCoy. " Miss
HcCoy had written the word *
'Quincy , 111. , " under her own Bigna-
uro , her picture being taken m highly
Runsatioiml style so popular with many
actresses of the day. On the table
voru letters , onu of which was ad-
Irossod to R. L. Bowles , 423 Ver-
uont street , Quincy. There was ono
icorintr a Chicago post mark , ad-
Iressed to the young man who lay on
he bed. It read as follows :
October 22 , 1881.-DEAU WILL :
! am not in writing hu-
nor and I can't write much
o-night , as it is quite late. Your
Otter came to-day , and you are just
as lovely as you can bo. I expected
a letter and was so ulad you did neb
disappoint mo. How I would love to
see you. The day has boon perfectly
.ovely. . I never aw such.a day , for
the middle of October , and the
ground i just moist enough to bu
ileosant. The crass in our yard is
Tidy beautiful. I have been tempted
several times to go out and roll on it.
! just tell you that I really don't
enow where to begin , but will start
vith what I did Thursday. I have
icon anxious for a long time
o have my fortune told ,
and I hoard cousinAnna , say slm
vould also , and so wo said "lot's go , "
ind wo wont to Western avenue and
vo found madame in , and I went in.
ind she took my hand and commenced
o read. She wouldn't lot any ono in.
the room mo , She told mo all
ibout past circumstances , said wo
vould redeem everything and in a
very fifiort time bo very well off. I
was placed in a very embarrassed po
sition. She said that I was of a very
iroud nature and would do as I liked ,
jut she said , "You will como out all
ight. " She said , "There is a light
coniploxioncd cent in love with you ,
ind you love him. "
In her letter she refers to their marriage -
riago in tlio future , and closes with
'I am always your loving Annio. "
The coroner has made Arrangements
or the inquest to-morrow. There ap-
> cars to bu no doubt that thu young
nan was prompted to commit suicide
> y despondency produced probably by
aok of moans , His relatives in Quin
oy have boon telegraphed to , and it is
xpected that they will como to-
Jrooklyn and claim the body.
Chief 'Jiutlceiblo of the Court of
Appeal * .
'atlonal Ansociatod Press.
BROOKLYN , October 28. " There is a
novemcnt on foot to secure the ap-
lointmont of General Benjamin F.
'racy to the chief justiceship of the
few York court of appeals , made va
unt by the acceptance of the socreta-
vship of thu treasury by Chief Jua-
ice Folger. General Tracy was the
cgular nominee for mayor of the city ,
nd resigned , in conjunction with
liploy Rogers , the young republican
uciiun of the party , in favor of. Seth
A > W. General Tracy was ono of the
Juecher counsel , and made the opon-
ng address to the court in the case.
Indication *
National AMOclatcd View.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , October 29.
'or the upper lakes : Cloudy weather
nd min , south winds , followed by
ising barometer , stationary or lower
emporaturo For the upper Mis-
issippi valley : Cloudy weather and
ain , south ahiftinir to west winds ,
ligher barometer , stationary or lower-
umperaturo. For the Missouri val-
ov ; Clearing weather , northwest
inds , higher bnromelor , lower tom-
eraturo. The Mississippi river will
Protpeotiva Prleo Fight.
illonal Awoclatctl I'rCsn.
NKW YOJIK , October 28 , Articles.
f agreement have buon signed by
em Miico , of England , and Al Ed-
vards , of Now York , to fight a prize *
uht with hard gloves for $2,000 n.
ido , on the 13th of November , with-
n twenty-five miles of this city.