Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1881, Page 7, Image 7

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010 hcrnrmm , bot. Oth nnd lOlh Street * .
Onacopy 1 } cur. In ( wl\incop ( trald ) flO.M
month ! . . . . . 6,0
month * " ' 3.00
, . \o Omnhft No. 2 through pwHtngcr , 11
. mi No. 4 , OnVtnnd pnwf ngcr , b:30o. : m ,
Arrlvo Omaha No. 1 , through pxwengcr , 3:60 :
ni. No , 3 , Oakland pimcniciT , 6:30 : ] > . tn.
C. , 11. & O , 6 a. tn. 3:40 : p. m.
C. A N. W. , 0 a. m.-3:40 : p. m. (
0. , It , I. 4. P. , 6 a. m. 3:10 p. m.
1C. C. , St. J , A C. II. , ICAUS nt H . m. ft"d 6:80 :
p. tn. ArrhesntSt. Loulsal 0.80rv. m. nnd 6:52 :
p. tn.
if. , Bt , L. & P. , lcn\CTit8 ( . m , find S:40r : > .
tn. Arrive * nt St. Loul * nt 6:40 : ft. m. nnd 7:30 :
. ra.
II. & M , In NeK , Through Kxrrws , 8:35 : a. m.
II. ft M. Lincoln freight. 7:00 : p. m.
U P Kxrrww , 1 :1D : p. m.
O. A H. V. for Unjoin , 10:10 : R. ra.
U. & 1C V. for OnccoU , 9:40 : a. m.
TJ. 1' . froliht No. , 6:30 : a. m.
V. P. freight No. , 8:16 : a. ra.
II. P. freight No. 7 , 6:10 : p. m. emigrant ,
U. P. freight Mo. 11 8ZS : p. ra.
0. B. A Q. , 5:00 : a. m.-7S6 : p m.
0. & N. W. , D:4S : R. IK. 7:25 : p. m.
C. R. I. fcP. . :4G : a. tn. 0.06 p. m.
K , C. , St. Joe & 0 It. , 7 : < 0 u. m. 0:45 : p. m
ABRITIRB moil TUX unrr AKD Botmitnoi ,
0. 6 II. V. from Lincoln 12M : p. m.
U. P. Exprcmv 8:26 p. m.
B & M. In Neb. , Through ExproM 1:16 : p. m
n. It M. Lincoln Krclht 8:35 : ft m.
U. P. .Freight No. 10-1:40 : p. m.
No , 6 4:26 : p. m. KmUjrant.
No. 8 10:50 : p. m.
No 12 11:3S : n , m.
O. ft R. V. mlxnd , ar. 4:8f : > p. m.
* ' - * , Noeni.
" 3 uSibnaka DirUlon ot tno Bt Paul & Blonx City
No. S IvavoD Otnah * 8:30 : a. m.
No. 4 ) UM OmnLn l.KO p. tn
So , 1 arrives at Ou iba at 6:30 : p. tn.
No. 8 ortlvoa at Omaha at 10 0 a. m.
Ix vo Omaha at 3:00 : , 9:00 : and 110 a , m.
IfX ) 2K , 3,00 , 4:00 : , 6:00 and 0:00 : p. m.
tx Te Council Ulutf * at 8:25 : , 9:26 : , 11:25 : a. m.
lii , 2:26 : , 3:25 : , 4:26 : 6:26 and 6:26 : p. tn.
SiuiJayn The dummy leaves Omaha at 9OC :
and 11:00n. m. ; " .00 , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. Lwvoa
Council BluHs at 9:26 : and 11:25 : a. m. ; 2:25.4:26 : :
and B:25 : p. tn.
Opening ; and Olcilng of t nlli.
a. tn. p. m. a. ru. p. m.
Chicago tN. W 11.00 9SO : 4:30 2:40 :
Chicago , K I. ft Pacific. 11:00 : 9:00 : 4:30 : 2:40 :
Chlcaro , B. & O. . . . . .11:00 : 9:00 : 4:80 2:40 :
Wabaeh. 12:30 : 4:30 : 2:40
Bloux City and Pacific. . 11:00 : 4:80 :
Dnlon Pacific 6.00 11:40 :
Omaha & U. V. . . . . . . . . . 4:00 : 11:40 :
B. ill. In Neb 4:00 : 8:40 : 5:30
Omaha i Northwestern. 4:50 : TlEO
Local malls for Htntoof Iowa lent e but once a
< Uy"VU : 4:30 : a.m.
A Lincoln Mull la also opened at 10:30 : a. m ,
Office open Sundaju from 12 m. to 1 p. in.
Business Directory ,
Abstract arid Real tstato.
JOHN L. McCAGUE , oppoiito Post Office.
W. R. BARTLETT S17 South 15th Street.
Room 14. Crclghton Block.
/ > . 1. LARGE Jr. , Room 2. Cidchton Block.
Boots and Shoe * .
Boots and Shoes. A good assortment ol
homo work on hand , corner 12th and Harney.
THOS. ERICKSON , S. E. cor. 16th and Douglas.
60510th street , manufactures to order good work
t fair prices. Repairing done.
Bed Springs.
J. F. LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1517 Dowlajst.
Book * , flews and ( Stationery.
J. I. FKUEHAUF 1015 Famnam Street.
Butter and Egg * .
McSHANE & SCHROEDER , the oldest B. and E.
house In Nebraska establliOicd 1876 Omaha.
southwest corner ICthand Dodje.
Best Board for the Money.
Satisfaction Quaranteed.
Meals at all Hours.
Board by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms for Cash.
FumishwTHnnrns Supplied.
Carriages anrt Road Wagons.
WM SN YDER , 14th and Harney Streets.
Uewe ers.
JOHN BAUMER 1314 Fnruham Street.
" V H. BEP.THOLD , Racs and Metal.
* i
fl Lumber , Lime and Cement.
FOSTER & QIt AY corner Uth and Douglae Sta.
Lamps and Glassware.
J. BONNER 1309 DonsUs St. Good Vailety.
Merchant Tailor * .
One of our most popular Merchant Tailors Is re
celvlng the latest designs for Spring and Summer
Goods for gentlemen's wear. Stylish , durable ,
and prices low as over 21513th bet. Douir.&Farii.
MRS. 0. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fancy -
cy Goods in great variety , Zephyrs , Card Boards ,
Hosiery , Gloves , Corsets , &c. Cheapest House In
the Went. Purchasers sa\o 80 per cent. Order
br Mall. 115 Fifteenth Street.
JOHN WEARNE&SONS.cor.Uth&Jaxksonitt
Hour and Feed.
OMAHA. CITY MILLS , 8th and Fnrnbam 8ts. ,
WeUhans Bros. , proprietors.
Z. STEVENS , 21st between Cumlng and lur
T. A. MC8HANE , Corn. 23d and Oumlngr Streeta.
Hardwaie , Iron nd Steel.
OLAN & LANGWOUTUY , Wholesale , 110 an ( >
112 16tb street
A. HOLMES corner 16th and California.
Harness. Saddles , &c ,
B. WEIST 2018th St. bet FarnHarney ,
ANFIELD HOUSE , Oeo. Canfleld.Oth & FarnhADi
DORAN HOUSE , P. U. Cary , 018 FanihamHt.
_ SLAVEN'S ' HOTEL. F. Slaven , 10th St.
Soufaiern Hotel , Gus. Hamel Oth & Lcavcnworth
Olothln Bought.
0 JBHAW will pay hlghent Cash price ( or second
band clothlntr. Corner 10th and Farobam.
DR. PAUL , Williams' Block , Cor. tbDodge. .
Drugs , Point * ana Oils.
Pharmacists , Fine Vane Uoods , Cor. loth * nd
Doutiii ktrooto
W. J. WHITEHOUf K , Wholesale &ReUll , 16th St.
,0. FIELD , 2022 North Side Cumlng Street.
.PARR , Drucglst , lOtn and Howard Streets.
Dry Goods Notions , Etc.
New York Dry Goods Store , 1310 and 1312 Farm
him strict.
t. C. EneuoM aim boots and shoes 7th & Paclfli ! .
huruiture , *
A F. GROSS. New and Second Hand Furniture
nd Stoves , 11U DouzlAB. Illgheit cash prlco
kid for second hana trooos.
BONNER 1S09 Donrl * et. Fine troods , &c.
Fence Works.
OUST , FRIES & CO. , 1213 Harney Ht , , Improve-
ed leu Boxe , Iron and Wooil Fences , Office
" -.Illniri. . Countera of Pine ami Walnut
Olgars and Tobacco.
WEST & FRIT8CDEU. manufacturers of Cigars ,
and Wholesale Dealers tn Tobaccos , 1305 Douglas.
W. F. LOHENZEN manufacturer 61410th street.
A. Don/vRhnn / , rUnts , cotflowcrt , Mcdi , boqnets
etc. N. W. cor. IRth anJ Dowlas ttroetn.
Civil engineers snd Burvoyon.
ANDRKW R09EWATER , CrtJghlon Block
town Surreys , Griul aud8ecroi ! 3yit ni
Uommlulon Merchants ,
JOHN 0. WIL L18.14H IKxlg * SUeol.
D B. nECUF.R , For details BOO Urge advert ! *
ment In Dalh * and Weekly.
Cornice Works ,
Wet rn Cornlpo Worts , Manufacturer ! Iron
Cornice , lln , Iron and Slate Rooflliiff. Onlcrs
from any locality promptly cxrcul l In the be
manner. Factory and Oflicc 1213 Harnc ok
uikhanlica Iron Cornices , WindowUatw , ot .
manufiictnrnl and put nil In any pntt ol th
countrv. T. BINHOI.D 410 Thlrtftnth ttrr-ct
OrocVery ,
J. nONNER 1809 Doust&a street Good line.
Clothing ; and rumUhlnj : Goods.
OEO. H. PKTKRSON. Also Hata , O > r , Books
Shoec , Notions and Cutlery , SOI S. 10th street.
Ratrleerwtors , Ortntletd's Patent ,
C. Y. GOODMAN llth Bt bet. Farn. A Harn r
Show Onto Manur ctory.i
0. J. mLBE.
Uinnfictarer and Dralor tn all kinds of Rhow
Caeos , UptlRht CMOS , fa . , 1B17 Own St.
FRANK t. OKRIIARD. proprietor Onwh
Show Owe mannfnctory , HIS Month 16th itreol
between If en orth and Harry. All good
warranted first-clam.
10th Rt. . b t. far. * Hat
Btovtm eno Tinware.
Dealer In Bto c * and Tinware , and Manufacture
of Tin Roofs and all kinds ot Building Work
Odd Fellows' Block.
J. BONNER. 1800 Dougl/ut Bt. Good and Cheap
J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills on
Cultivators , Odd Fellows UnlL
t Physicians and Burgeons.
W. 8. GIBBS , M. D. , lloom No i , Crclghton
Block , Uth Street.
P. S. LEIUENR1NO , X. D. Masonic Block.
C. L. HART , U. D. . Eye and Ear , opp. postoOlc
Oculist and AurUk. 8. W 16th and Farnham St <
Grand Central Gallerr ,
212 DUtoonth Street ,
near Masonic Hall. Flnt-clan Work and Prompt
HMH guaranteep
Plumbing , Qos nnd Btoara Fitting.
P , W. TARPY & CO. . 216 l th St , bet Farnham
and DougUs. Work promptly attended to.
D. 71TZPATBICK. H09 Dou las Street.
Painting an nper nglng.
IKN BY A. KOSTKRS.141 Dodge Street.
6hoa Utoro * .
Phillip Lanr1820 ( Farnham et. bet 13th A lltb
Second Hand Store.
PERKINS & LEAR. 1418 Douglas St. . Now an- -
Second Hand Furnlturo , House Furnishing Goo < le
' &c. , bourht and Hold on narrow rnarrins.
In the new brick block on DougUa Straot , has
Just opened a most elegant Bee * Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 18
every day.
" Caledonia " J FALCONER. 079 ICth Street.
CIIA3. UIEWE , 101K Farnham bet. 10th & lltd
09 Cent Stores.
P 0. BACKUS. 120fi Farnhum St. . Fancy Good
50- §
ILER & CO. ,
Sole Manufacturers. OMA.HA.
217 and 210 North Main St. , St. Louis ,
NEWS , f rrtrtnv ) 1 WRAPPING
Printers Stock.
xarCaah paid lor Rags and Paper Stock , Srra
Iron and Metals.
Paper Stock Warehouses 1229 to 1237 , North
Propos nls ior Sewer Bonds-
Scaled proposals will bo received until
October 29th , 1881 , at 12 , noon , by the
City Clerk nf Omaha , county of Douglas.
State of Nebraska , and will , at that hour ,
be opened for the mil-chase of STiO.OOO.OO
of the issue of 8100,000.00 of Sewer
Bonds , First Series , of the City of Omaha ,
Said bonds are dated September 1st , 1881 ,
are in sums ot $1,000.00 each , bear interest
from their date at the rate of tix per cen
tum per annum , payable at the office of
Kountzo Bros. , Now York , semi-annually ,
upon coupons attached ; said bonds are
Issued under the Charter power of said
city after election duly held authorizing
their issue for the completion of Sewers
partly constructed , and tor the construc
tion of additional Sewers. The 850,000.00
now offered are the first sold of said Bonds ,
Bids will bo addressed to the undersigned ,
and must state th ? full name and address
of the bidder , the amount of said Bonds
doflired , and the price proposed to be paid ,
The right Is reserved to reject any and
all bids. J. J. L. 0 , JKWETT ,
gept20-30t. City Clerk.
To NervoCis Sufferers
Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific
It Is a positive cure ( or Spcrmatoirhea , Semlna
Weokneetj. Impotancy , and all dlsoaiea resulting
'rom Sell-Abuse , as Mental Anxlocy , Loss )
Memory , Pahm In the llack or Side , and diseases
that lead to
insanity and
The Specific
Medicine Is
bolnj ; used
with wonder-
( u ) HUctcea.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pamphlets
not tree to all. Write ( or them and get ( ull par-
i rulari. - >
Price , Specific , $1.00 per package , or llx pack.
sjcs ( or tS.OO. Address all orders to
Nos. 104 and 100 Main St. IluUalo , N. Y.
Sold in Omaha by C. F. Goodman , J. W. Boll ,
1. K leh , and all ifruirijIsUe very where.
Professor Fisher , ( from St. Louis ) Danclnir Ac
ademy. Standard Hall , cor. Hltccnih and Farn-
mm , Tuesday ctenlnj- , September 6th.
Chuwcslor Ladies and Gentlemen comincnrln
Tuesday veiling Scptcuihvr ficlr classcMtor
Misses and Matters , coinnitncln Saturday afternoon -
noon ot 4 o'clock. Clasiei ( or families , will ho
arranged to suit tlio honorable patrons. Also
ballet dancing can ho taught.
Terms liberal , and perfect satisfaction to schol
ars guaranteed , rrhatuInstructionswl ] 'luglr-
en at the Dancing Ac Jcniy or at the residence
of the patrons.
Prhat ordoi 0 } : e left atManltcver *
aro'8 * J 30-l (
Prnitlo Fires.
NVftrittngH ntul cautions to provide
ntjmiist nnd innkp sixnto property
from the devouring pmirio litcs ,
wliich yearly sweep over the prftirips
of our fstato , nro in ninny cases not
heeded , and each J oar witnesses the
destruction of innny dollan worth of
valuable property , and the sorioun
financial crippling of many formers of
the stAto. No Hpocies of property
should bo loft exposed to tire any
longer than itiakoa to plow out n tiro-
guard , and ho is a wise and provident
man who promptly attends to the
matter , In the face of nil the expo-
rtcneo had by residents of thii part of
Nebraska , not n great deal of sympa
thy can bo felt for those who , by
their negligence , lese property.
[ Dawsou Co , rioncer. Already tlie
atato press arc publishing accounts of
( ho destruction of stacked hay , fences
and ox posed cribs and barns. The
umisnal fall of rain this month 1ms , of
course , prevented the spread of fires ,
and given farmers time to protect themselves -
solves by plowing fire guards.
Small Fnrnxo-
Small gardening will pay every sea
son , and should bo more encouraged
among farmers. There is no use farm-
intt a whole 100 acres of ground year
after year , nnd only got a moderate
living then , Farm loss' land , farm it
bolter nnd you will prosper. Kaiso
more calves , buy more calves , nnd
don't soil till they get their growth ;
there are millions in it. Takocaroof
what you have , and what you liavo
will tnko care of you. Baiso more
hogs and corn , put the corn into the
hoiis , the hogs in the market , nnd
your bank account will swell , the rust
cannot hurt it , the chinch bugs dare
not attack it , and the drouth will come
in vain.
Crashed Corn nnd Cob.
A friend inquires if it isndvisabloto
crush the cob with the corn to feed
cattle. Itdopondsupou other circum
stances. If good hay bo plenty and
cheap , it is a better ngont to keep the
bowels of cattle distended than crush
ed .cobs. But where cattle are kept in
close quarters and mainly fed corn or
crushed corn , it is important to have
something coarser and moro bulky
with-it. In the cnso many careful
breeders fuvor crushing the cobs with
the corn. Thura issomo nourishment
in the cobs , but the nourishment is not
the main object of feeding them.
They nid in keeping the bowels in
proper size nnd condition , and in no
case do they do any-harm. So in de
ciding the question , the price of hay
or good straw mast bo taken into
consideration. A ton of cobs is worth
probably n dollar , while a ton of hay
ia § 10.00 , and a ton of poor straw is
worth half that amount. In fattening
cattle , where it is the intention to
give them all the 'corn or meal they
will cat , a ton of crushed cobs is
about aa useful as a ton of poor straw ,
and far preferable to n ton of musty
hay or straw. Musty food poisons
the blood , while sweet coba will not
do any harm , and will supply the
place of hay in giving bulk to the
diet of the animal [ Iowa State Re
Hatch Bulbs.
The following directions for the
planting and care of bulbs are from
The New England Fanner :
These bulbs are quite hardy , anil
since they require some time to form
now roots , nnd since the roots begin
to grow while the weather is still quite
cold , they are best planted in the fall ,
about the 1st of November. They
will then bo ready to start into rapid
growth early in the spring. The bed
should bo well enriched witii n liberal
dressing of fine manure , nnd the bulbs
planted an inch or so below the sur
face , and , if very cnrly flowers are de
sired , the bed should bo well covered
up with litter , to prevent severe freez-
iiHT , and this covering being raked off
in March will favor an early start. In
sheltered locations the snowdrop
will bloom early in March , or oven
in February , if the wta'hcr is
mild enough to thaw out tno frost.
Just afterwards comes the crocus ; a
little later the flagrant and elegant
livncintli , the graceful narcissus , and
the gaudy tulip. The anemone nnd
scilhi nlso uro very pretty , nnd well
worth moro general attention. The
anemone isnot very hardy , and should
Imvo a good covering of litter for the
winter. Moat of these bulbs are easi
ly forced nnd made to flower in pots in
rho house in winter the only diflicul-
ty about forcing them being the time
required to stari them into a vigorous
growth. If they nro put nt once into
i warm room , they mnkofooblogrowth
nnd small flowers , but , if time is taken
; o get them well rooted in the low tern-
loraturo of a collar , or out of doors
Ivhon the weather is not too cold , then
; hey will como rapidly forward in a
warm room , and throw out fine , largo
lowers. The hyacinth , the cyclamen ,
; ho scilla , and oxnlis are favorites for
the window , andthecrocusnlsoisquito
easily grown in pota. "
Very many Nebraska farmers are
now engaged in fall plowing.
No beef cattilo can bo sold for loss
than 4 j cents per pound , and pay any
) refit to the owner.
It has been pretty clearly establish
ed that it pays 30 per cent moro on
ho investment to have steers ready
'or market at two years old then it
docs at three years.
A cow with three rings on a horn is
six years old ; with four she is seven
reara old. No now rings are formed
alter the tenth year. The deeper
rings , however , nnd the worn appearance -
anco of the horns are pretty sure indi
cations of old ago.
Peach trees are now living and boar-
ng in Northampton conuty , Virginia ,
hat wore planted in 1810 , nnd the
icinityia believed to have the beat
oil for peach culture in the world.
Squashes to bo kept over the winter
hould bo gathered before hard frosta
occur , with the stems remaining on
.hem. They should bo dried in the
un nnd placed where the temperature
B not subject to much change.
Pottawattamio county , Iowa , by the
Jnited States census , leads every
other county in the fltnto in the pro-
luetion of corn by over a million
of bushels. In 1879 that county pro.
duced 7150,107 ! bushels of corn ,
icing just about equal to the six
ew England states.
The bogus butter companies are
ailing. Two million dollars of capi
tal hivi been Mink by them. Trtt
butter has boon too scarce , but higl
prices will turn farmers' attention t
the cow , and bye and bye .people wil
know the taste of the uonnino article
as few do now , , when dcccptioi will bt
impossible. Trner Clipper.
The farmer wlu would be succossfu
must keep n sharp eye upon his latu
tlmt is down to grass. If ityioldsjiin
u tjootl crop of hay , or furnishes him n
lich pnstuto for his animals , ho ma ;
bo quite sure ho is on the road to sue
cess. On the othorhand , if the mead
ow is light , nnd the pasture furnishct
only a scanty picking , there is Hltli
hope that the year will bo a profilabli
ono. Look well to the gross land.
OrAiung is the retreat of the lam
owner from work and worry. Whih
not no remunerative as dairying , i
pays bettor with little labor , but in tin
gnii'.tng system capiUl works , while it
the dairy labor is money. If a farmer
owns his acres and can ntock them
grazing natures a quiet life with I'Oix
profits. There comes n time when n
working family deserves superior
school privileges , boys and girls turn
to mental improvements especially
Gr.iztng is the proper disposition of UK
farm for the timo.
Dr. J. li , Lawos , of Ilothamatod.
England , says that the potato pos
semes the propel ty of converting f
very much larger portion of the
mannio ingredients of the soil inti
human food thnn nny of the ceroa
grain crops. For instance , to over/
bushel of wheat about 100 pounds o
straw ate grown , while the hauling o !
the potatoes when dry is so light tha
in experimenting wo do not think it
worth while to weigh it ,
In the average English dairy i
takes from twenty-two to twenty-four
pounds of milk , according to the
quality , to make ono pound of butter
A cow that gives from eight to twelve
pounds of butterawookduringthobut
ter season ia counted an extra animal
Well-selected cows will produce fron
225 to 250 pounds of butter per year
on an average. The majority of ordi
nary dairies throughout the country
however , can .scarcely bo avoragoc
higher than 150 pounds per cow per
The Rnsaian Mulberry-
To the Editor ot Tux nun.
The great want in our climate is
something which will yitand its
changes and resmt our winter drouths ,
The secret of failures in the growing
of small fruits , for instance , is in our
dry winters. I have loft grnpo vines
out to watch them. They would <
through the first of the season wol
enough , but thu constant pumping
process of our dry winter winds woulc
exhaust them in February nnd March.
Hundreds of people hnvo como to Ne
braska to raise small fruits , and have
wondered nt their failure. This is
the cause. Knspborrics , blackberries
nnd grape vines in five winters out o :
six are sure to bo pumped dry by wiir
ter winds. This is the case away fron
shelter on the bleak prairies. The
only remedy is to cover them in the
fall and uncover just as the buds begin
gin to swell in the spring. Such being
the difficulties of the case , wo hail ni
auxiliary the Russians brought over
with them a few yeara ago. This
tree resembles our 'black ' mulberry
somewhat. It transplants remarkably
well , is moro hardy than the oak. 1
will hardly loose a bud in the mos
trying winters. It will stand 35 ant
40 below zero ( and CO for aught we
know ) , and then bo black with fruit
It boars quite young and bears enor
mously. One Russian in York couu
ty gathered eight bushels from five
year old trees , raised from seed ho
brought with him. I Imvo had two
j'car old trees bear the next year fron
setting out. It is a rapid grower am
has a line compact head if properly
trained. As a road or town tree ita
effect is fine. An orchard of then
eight or ten feet apart would make a
fine range for fowls , or a
good hay yard In a few years
the trees would bear live
bushels apiece As n fruit there nro n
variety of opinions , some calling it
the finest fruit in the world nnd oth
ers cannot boar thorn. "When ripe
they are very swcot. They are beat
a tnflo green nnd stowed. When ful
ly ripe j they mix well with cur
rants nnd raspberries or nny fruit
which is moro tart. But aa an addi
tion to our list of fruit treca ia a wel
come auxilliary. It is being quito ex
tensively planted with us. It should
not bo flourished like the Japanese per
simmon aa the "fruit of the gods" but
taking it for what it is worth , it it ) a
great reinforcement. It linn ulready
boon introduced into aomu of our
northern counties where it is giving
good satisfaction.
YoKKj Nebraska ,
Liquid Gold.
Dan'l ' PJank , of lirooklyn , Tioga county ,
Pa , , describes it Hum : "I rode thirty
mi'cs for a bottle of THOMAS' KCLKCTHIO
OIL , which effected the'wonderful cure of
a crooked limb in nix applications ; it
proved worth moro than gold to me. "
Boston's Lady Lawyer.
Boston Herald ,
The first shingle over hung out in
this city by a lady member of the bar ,
was , yesterday afternoon , the subject
of many pleasant congratulations ,
when a score or moro of the friends of
MisH Lelia J ; Robinson paid their re-
npects to that lady in her pleasant
aid ) cosoy quarters at No , Q Pember-
toii square , where a bird cage , ( low
ers , lace curtains nnd other evidences
of feminine taste and refinement pre
sent a striking and not. unwelcome
contrast io the dreariness of the aver
age lawyer's don. Miss Robinson en
joys the warm personal regard of a
largo circle of friends , who admire the
pluck with which she has surmounted
past obstacles and discouragements ,
md who will bid her a God-speed in
lor now profesmon.
Very otton wo see a person sutror-
ing fr m some form of kidney com
plaint and ia gradually dying by
inches. This no longer need to bo so ,
for Electric Bittern will positively
euro Bright's diaeaso , or any disease of
the kidneys orurininry organs. They
ire especially adapted to this cliisx of
liseiwes , acting directly on the
Stomach nnd Liver at the namu time ,
and will speedily < > uro where every
other remedy has failed. Sold nt
ifty cents a bottle , by lah A Mo *
Malton , (
i , Petnliw County , M !
At K County Oourr , held nt Iho County Court
Room , In anil for mid County. Aufrunt let , A.
i > . 1 1. i-rnont , iiowAiti ) it. Biirrn ,
County Judfd.
In thflnmttcr of the wUto of Joffiih It , Nol-
on , ( Ipowwril !
On riiulliifunil flllnj : trio trillion of Mirth *
B , Ntl * > n , proving thnt the InMrumrnt , imr-
l > ortlne to bo ilnlj authenticated copv of the
n t will ml twtnrucnt of caUl ilcrraW. oml of
th vrobato tht rtof , liy tlio Circuit Co\lrt of
KounUIn Count ) , HtMo of ln.llann , itml thin lUy
Incil In thin Court , may lie allowed Ami rccoMrd ,
M the Iwt wllUml ttntftincnt of KIJ | JoM ) < h II ,
dccuuicO , In nd lor tlio SUtoofNc *
. . . P. 1SS1. M 10
o clock . m , , lawwiKiioHorhinrlmifMrtMtltlon ,
Midi nil jHTHOim Intmi-UM In wild nnttcr nmy
Pl > nr ttt County Court to li hrUI , In * ml for
mill Conntv , Mid fhow COMIC hy the vrftj'i'r of
| H'tltiotifriihouMtiot IK ) crnntrd ; uml that notlr
nf tlic tftiiltnry of Mid jtlHIon nnd Uio Hmlvi :
thereof , ho Klvrn to nil jfrKmii Intoronlnl In fn\a
mnltcr , by puMlihlnic R coj > y ol thU order InTim
OMAHA WHHXI.T Ilin , A new mii er printed In mid
County , forthrro luciwihe VM > U , prior to Mid
d y ot LrnrlnK.
IA true copy. ) HOW A HP H. 8MITU ,
" S County Jiultto.
Btnlo of XebrMVft , HotiijlM County m :
At a County Court , hold At tha Coutrty Court
Hootn , In nd for wild County , Sept. J.Vd ,
A 1) . 1SSI. l're ent , A. 11. OUAUWICK ,
County Judge ,
In the nutter of thnnJoiitlon f f Jnnnleft in.
On reading and fUliif the ( wtltlon ot AI JISIU
e nd MC \ ror. urnjliiR that they trmv o1ow.
cdto&Jo | > t Mid Jonnlo Kyau , find Un prftion
* nd MMoiucnt of llenrr nnJ Klnn UVKH , ir iu *
Of mid child that H ld AUp tu * lM Poll Cnlcy
tn y | > iieimltted no to do ml volunUrllf rclln
quUhlnit til f Ulm to mid child
Ordered. Tbirt October ml , A. P. 1S81 , n
10 o'clock n , m , , U MnlgniHl for he rlnirnMd peti
tion , w htn all ) M > r oim IntermtcHl In iwld inMter
may pppar at n County Court to bo hold , In nnd
for mid County , Mid rhow c ui > fl why tbo vrner
of jwlltlonor thouM not 1 > crintiMl , am ) that no
tice of pondency of wld petition nml Urn hmrlni :
thereof , bo K\rm \ to all | > orHoni Interested In Mid
matter , hy pulllnhlni ? a copy of this order lu Tin
OVAIU WIIKLT ll , nnoitiipAporprlntod In nald
Cotintr , for three aurcoah o o < k , prior to mid
day of hoarluir A. U. UIIADW1CK ,
fViiinty Judga
In Uit matter of the Kotatoof P t r J. Johnson ,
Notlco li hereby glvon that thn crrdlton ol
MlJ drorxu-M , * ! ! mrrt the a < lmlnlstrator of mid
! ( < , N-foro mo , County Juilff * of DouglM
Coimtj , NebrMka , at n County Court lloom , In
Mid County , on the 2tth day of November , 1S81 ,
on the 24th day ol 'anunrr , 18S3 , and on the
24th day of iUrch , lS3i , at 1U o'clock a. m. MCh
day , for the purpoae of pretionllilK thtlr claltn *
for mlLatlon. ( Kljiutnifnt nnd allowanto.
8ln monthi ate mllowed for creditor * to premmt
their clvlm ( , andon .vrarforthnatlmlulitratorto
nettle raid KiUtt , from the 24th day of Septem
ber , 1 Sill , this notice will to puhllihra In Tin
OMAHA ATIIKLT lliitor four wceki lUcroMlrelyi
prior to the 24th day of November , 1881.
[ A true ropy. ] A. M. CHADWI K ,
octl9-w t County Judye.
Election Proclamation on Court
HOUBO Appropriation.
At a uwulpn of the lioard of Countv Comrnls-
oinvrn of the county of UougUs In thro Htnto of
Noi rn'ka , hpldan on the 4th day of'October ' , A.
The ( ollawlngivctlon'wns taken by the board
with vi 1th mpect to tnn construction of a Court
IIou c.
WIIHIIIAH , Owing to the enhanced Miluo of
labor an I material it In iwpoaiilblo to erect a
Court llortiu suitable for tha pii'poso of mid
county for tbo sum denlgnatrd In the procltiinn-
tlon for tbo ISKUO of bonds for the construction of
n Court House , submitted to the people Not cui
lior 2nd , 18SO ; and
Wimi'AH , After twlro thoroughly advertising
the mutter the lowest rcipomlhlo bid tor tlio
lonttructlon of A Court llounothat wou'd bo tire
pioof and Buch OH to meet tbo needs of tbo conn-
atuountalo Quo Hundred and Nlnoty-cljjht
Tlmiiflnnil Dalian ; and
\ViitiuE.\B , The balsnco of fundi necessary to
construct a suitable Court HOUHO can bo uiiiillcd
from tbo general rovcnuo of the ( ounty ultnout
any additional levy that now autborlzud by law ,
but tbo question oj such appropriation luunt
flret bo Biibmlttud to tbo electors of wild county ;
HiwoivitDf That the follow IIIK proposition bo
and tha eanio Is hereby submitted to the quail
flul electors or said county of Uoughm , to-wlt :
bball tliu count ) of Douglas bo authorized In
the jearlS82 , 11 appropriate from the Kcncul
rmcniie of thu said county for llmt } cur out of
funda not otherwlio ropilred for county pur-
pens , the eum of T pnty-llvo Thousand Dollars ,
and lu the 3car 18S3 , from the rocnuo of that
jcar out of funds not otherwise rc < ) ulnJ for
county purposes the further sum of Twciitj.n\e
ThotiBinil Dollars to aid in tha erection con-
etnictlon and completion ot a Cou.t Ilouno
In the city of Omaha for county pur-
The form In which the above proposition thall
bo ) i-ubmltted shall bo by ballot , upon which
ballot shall bo printed or written , or party printed
or written , the wonla "For Court fioiuu Appro-
pilatlon"or "Airalmt Court House Appropria
tion , " and all ballots mat bavin ) ; thereon the
words "Koi Court House Appropriation , " shall be
d'omcd and taken to bo In favor of wild propoBi
tlon , and all ballots ca t ha\lnk' thereon the
vord < i "Amlnst Couit Ifotiao Appropriation. "
shall bo deemed and takrn to bo against raid
proposition , nnd It two thirds of th votes cast
at the election hereinafter provided In thH be
half bo in favor of the abe > o proposition , It snail
bo deemed and taken to bo carried.
The said proposition shall bootcd upon at
the general clettl 'n to bo hilil In the county ol
Douglas , State of Nebraska , on the iitll duy ol
November , A. D. 1831 , at the following named
Omaha Precinct No. one , ( I ) Felix Klavon'a
grocery ; Tcnlh street.
Omaha Precinct No. two , (2) ( ) at Jerry Ma-
honey's groccjy utoro.
Omaha I'rccfnct No. three , (3) ( ) Dr. Hyilo'g of
fice , cor. Douglas and Twelfth streets.
Omaha Precinct No. four , (4) ( ) hhciin's olHco
court house.
Omaha Precinct No. fho , (6) ( ) HolmcH1 lurd-
ware store , Sixteenth and California struct * .
Omaha precinct No. slv , ( ) No. 1 Knglno
[ louse , Twentieth ami Izard utrects.
Precinct School house near Gruc-
Florence t'rcrlnct FJorcnui hotel.
Union 1'rcclnct Ir\hiKton school house.
Jodurijon Precinct School liouto in district
No. 41.
Klkborn 1'rcclnct Klkhorn ichool house ,
Platte Volley Precinct Hchool luute nt Water-
oo.Chl.ago Precinct Scliool house at Klkhorn
Milliard Precinct Mlllard school house.
McArdle 1'rcclnct McArdlo school house.
DouglOH Precinct IIoiiMi of J. 0. Wllcox.
WoHt Omaha Precinct School house near
And which election will bo opened at 8 o'clock
n the mornlnfrnnd will continued open until 0
o'clock in the afternoon ot the name day.
H. P. KN10IIT ,
FltKI ) DItK.VKL ,
County Commlnnlonere.
County Clerk.
Examination of Teacher *
I will ho present at my office In Crclghton
lock on the first Saturday of each month to x-
amlne such applicants as may desire to teach
o the public schools In Douglas county. Quar-
crly examination first Saturday in February ,
Hay , Augiut nod November.
J. J I'omw ,
County Stint , ubllo Instruction
Tni Hoar I'OFPI. R | Tui HI/IT /
Hnnafacture In fhetlzrs , 4,9 , 8 , 10 jnd 1
illon * . Xt baa no n > rln ? . llcrue no pulge
loealti work easily nd iiulcHy , and Ktt3the
atgcflt aroouft nf tutUr from the milk : or
roam ; Is made from Die t eat ath lumber , It
ild l nlowtr prlco than any I'thtr. flnt-dui
hum.- Mend lor dlKrlptlvoilrcuiar and price
lot to tbo
Commission Merchants ,
"or the talc of Farm Produce ; 1'otatoen Poultry ,
Duller , Y.nK * rccchtd and uo.d on
commliulon ,
Cash advancoa mndo on consignments.
Warehouta and Store , 1410 Dodge Street ,
Omaha , Neb.
614-616 So. TENTH STREET.
Y a
I Case scarlet Twill Flannels , 26 to 60 cents ,
1 Case White Shaker Flannels , 16 2-3 worth ,
25 cents.
Case Grey Mixed Flannels , 16 2-3 to 26 cts ,
Case Shirting Flannels , 22J-2 , worth 36 cts.
Lot Fancy Plaids , 20c , worth 30.
" 25c , worth 46.
11 All Wool Shudda Cloths , 46-50c , worth
Lot Black Cashmeres , 60 , 65 , 76 , 86 , 96 cts.
" Heather Foule Mixtures , 40c , worth 60.
11 All Wool Armres new shades 25 cts ,
worth 40.
Black Satins , 75c , $1.00 , $1.26 , $1.50 ,
Black Gros Grain Silks , $1,00 , , $1,25 , $1.35 ,
Look at our $1.00 silks.
Heavy Canton Flannels , 8-12 , IO , II 1-2 , 12 1-2.
Black and White checkered shirtings , 12 1-2 ,
and 16 cents uptown prices 16 2-3 and
20 cents.
1 Case Lanies' and Ohildrens * Hosiery.
17 dozen Men's Heavy Underwear , 5Q cents each ,
worth 75.
20 dozen Ladies' Merino Underwear 50 cents up to
Our Millinery department is now stocked with all
the correct styles.- Trimmed Hats $1.00 to $15.00.
P. G..IMLAH . , Manager ,
Leader of Popular Prices.
IE 3ST Gh K.A. . "V12sT G-
While our Work is better , , our Prices are Lower.
than all others.
I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS
offered for Competition in our line
Over All Competitors.
For the Best Watch Work ,
For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. )
For the Best Engraving ,
For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ;
' Cx
Having lately enlarged my workshops and putting in now i.nd improved mn
clunory , I hope to still moro improve the quality and finish of our
ork nnd fill or dura with moro promptness thnn is uaual.
My Motto has always boon and always will bo : "First to gain superior facill
ties and then advertise tlio fact not before no wild advertisements.
Sotno unprincipled dealers being in the habit of copying my
announcements , I would beg you ( tlio render of this , to
draw a line between such copied advertisements
nnd those of Yours very truly ,
The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb , ,
Sign of the Striking Town Clock.
Lath and Shingles ,
Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks
north of .
.nnil-3m. i
Max MEYER & CO. ,
Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards ,
Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards.
Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000" upward0 ,