Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1881, Page 7, Image 7

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010 harnnam , bet. Oth anil 10th Street * .
Onocopylyear , In ( ulvincopi ( li > all$10.C ) <
months " . . . . 5.0
months " ' 3.0(1 (
Ixvuo Oinahft No. 2 through rAwnp-cr , 11
. tn. No. 4 , Onktiml ( avenger , hSOx : in.
ArrhoOinaliv-No. 1 , through ( ttsicnjfor , 2:46 :
w. No , 3 , Oakland pM&eriKir , 6:30 : ( i. ID.
0. , n. ft Q. s n. m. 3:40 : p , m.
C. & K. Wv 0 n. in. 3UO y. ni.
C. , It. I. & ( ' . . 0 x in. HMD p. m.
K. c. . St. J. & C. ! . , lca\cs nt s i. m. nml 0:30 :
p. in. ArrUcsatSt. Louis nt 6:30 : n. in. and 5:62 :
1 > . in.
tV , . fit. I , , i Plc.i\c < nt S a. in. nml 3:40 : p.
m. Atrhcs at ht. Urnls ntOIO : a. in. aiut 7:30 :
. m.
WMT OR BODlirKint. ! '
n. k M , In Neb. , Through i\prcs : ? , 8Bi : . in.
11. & 11. Lincoln Freight. 7:00 p. tn.
U I1 Kinross , 12:16 : p. m.
O. ft n. V. lor Lincoln , 10.20 n. m.
O. A H. V. lor Ojcooln , 0:40 : a. m.
U. I' . lr l-'ht No. 6 , 6:30 : ft. in.
U. P. Irclpht No. U , fc:15 : a. m.
V , 1' . height No. 7 , 6:10 : p. in. emigrant.
U. 1frclirht No. 11 8:26 : y. in.
0. I ) . & O. , 6:00 : n. ID. 7:26 : p m.
C. 1 N. W. , : I5 n. in. 7:25 : p. in.
C. K. I.l\DIDa. : ui.-0.0fip. m.
K. C. , St. Joe tiO 11. , 7:40 a. in. 0:46 : p. m
ARRIVING ntoii Tim WEST AND sonuwrat.
0. & It. V. from Lincoln 12lS : ! p. in.
U. P. Kxpnra 35p. m ,
B i Nub. , Through Kxprou 1:16 : p. id.
It. ft M. Lincoln 1'rcliht 8.35 tn.
U. P. Freight No. 10-1:40 : p. in.
No. C 4:25 : p. in. Emigrant.
No. 8 10.60 p. m.
No 12 11:35 : n. in.
O , & R , Y. mixed , nr. 4:35 : p. m.
Nobnwka Division of the St. P.vil fc Sioux City
No. 2 tux\oa Omalu 8:50.1. : m.
No. 4 lew ca Omni n 1.30 p. in
No. 1 nrrh CD nt Oi.uha at 6.30p.m.
Ho. B nrrhes at Omaha at 10:60 : . in.
LCA\O Omaha nt j:00 : , 0.00 and 11:00 : a. al. |
1:00 : 2.00 , 1:00 : , 4:00 : , 6:00 : and 0.00 p. in.
Lca\ Counch HlulT < < at 8:25 , 9.25 , 11:26 : a.m. ;
1:25 , 2:25 : , 3.25 , 4:26 : 6:25 anil 0:26 : p. m.
SundajH The dummy lea\ui Onnhu at 0.00
nd 11:00n. : . m. ; 2.00 , 4:00 : and 5:00 : p. m. Loc
Council lllutTd at 9:25 : aod 11:25 : a. m. ; 2:26 : , 4:26 :
and 6:25 : p. in.
Opening and Closing of Malls.
orr.s. GLOSS.
n. m. p. m. a. in. p. in.
OhlcnjfO&N. W 11.00 9:30 : 4:30 2:40 :
Chicago , U I. t lttclllo.ll:00 : 9.00 4:30 : 2:40
Chicago. It. & O. . . . . .11:00 : 9.00 4:30 : 2:40 :
Watauh 12:30 : 4.30 2:40 :
Sioux City nnd 1'aclflc. . 11:00 : 4:30 :
Union Pacific E:00 11:40 : ]
Dmaha&H. V 4.00 11:40 :
D.&M. InNch 4:00 : 8:10 : 6:30 :
Ouinha& Northwcrtcrn. 4:30 : 7:30 :
Local malls for State cJ lena lca > o but once o
d y\iz : 4:30 : n , m.
A Lincoln Mill Is also opened at 10:30 a. m.
OIUco open SunilajB ( rom 12 m. to 1 p. m.
Business Director.
Abstract and Real tstate.
JOHN L. McCAQUE , opposite Post Offlcc.
W. R. BARTLETT 3ft South 13th Street.
P.oom 1 Crcighton Block.
A. T. LARGE Jr. , Room 2. Ciotehton Block.
Boots and Shoes.
Fine Boots and Shoes. A ( 'ood assortment ol
home uork on hand , corner 1-tli and Haniey.
TIIOS. EU1CKSON , 8 E. cor. 16th and Douglas.
60510th street , inanutacturcs to order good work
kt fair prices. Repairing done.
Bed Springs.
J. F. LARRIMKR Manufacturer. 1517 Douirlasst.
4 Books , Navvs and Gtatloncry < .
J. I. FRUEIIAUF 1016 Farnhim Street.
Butter and Egcs-
McSHANR k SCHllOEDKR , the oldest B. and E ,
houo In Xchraska cstablishod 1875 Omaha.
southwest corner lOthaml Dodfto.
Unit Board for tiie Money.
Satisfaction Guaranteed ,
lieali at all Hours.
Bo rd by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms for Cash.
Furnished llonms Supplied.
Uarrlaccs and Hood
WM SNYDER , 14 th and Harney Htreote.
Jewe ers.
JOHN BAUSIER 1S14 Farnham Street.
H. BEPTHOII > ( lUes and Metal.
Lumber , Lime and Cement.
FOSTER & Gil AY corner bth and Douglas SU.
Lamps and Glassware.
J. BONNEtt 1309 Dowlas St. Good Variety.
Merchant Tailors.
One of our most popuhr Merchant Tallora Is re-
colvliig the latest deigns for Sprldff and Summer
Goods for gentlemen a wear. Stylluli , durable ,
and Drlces low as o cr 216 13th bet. DOUU. & Farn.
MRS. 0. A. RINQER , Wiolesalo and Retail , Fan
cy Goods in great variety , Zephj rs , Card Boards ,
lioeicry , Glotis , Corsets , io. Cheapest House In
OioWcst. Purchasers K\\O 30 per cent. Order
br Mall. 116 Fifteenth Street.
( oiindry.
JOHN WEARNE & SONS , cor. 14th & Ja < keen st *
h lour and Feed ,
OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnhsm 8ts. ,
Welehans Bros. , proprielsrs.
Z. STEVENS , 21st between Cumlng ml IrJir
T. A. McSHANK , Corn. 23d and Cumlnp Streets.
Hardware , Iron and Steel.
DLAN & rjANdWOUTHY , Wholesilo , 110 snr1
112 16th street
A , HOLMKS corner 16th and California
Harness. Saddles , &c.
B. WEIST 2018th fit. bet FarnHarnev ,
ANFIELD HOUSE , Gea. Canflcld.Oth & Famhum
DOIIAN HOUSE , P. II. Gary , 018 Farnham Ht.
SLAVEN'S HOTEL. T. S cn , 10th St.
Southern Hotel , Ous. Hamel tltli & Lcav cnworth
Olothlng Bought.
0 .SHAW will pay highest price for second
bund clothlnr. Corner 10th arid Karnlmm.
DR. PAUL , Williams' Block , Cor. 16th & Dodge.
Drugs , Paints and Oils.
Phumaclstt , Fine ? ano Uoodi , Cor , Uth .nd
DoufUi ktrooU
W. J. WHITEHOUfE , Wholceale d Retail , ICth 8t.
.0. FIELD , 2022 North HWa Cumlng Street.
. PARR , Druggist , 10 tn and Howard Streets.
Dry Qoorls Notions , Etc ,
New York Dry Goods Store , 1310 and 1S12 F m-
' ham itrsot.
L. 0. Kncwold olao boots and ohooa 7th It PaclHn.
A r. GROSS , New and Becond Hand Furniture
oil Stores , lilt POUKUO. Jllghwt caeh price
fcld for second hand 20001.
BONNtUl 1809 Domri * t. Flno goods , &c.
R09KNFELD. lOth St. , bot.'far. < r Hsr
Fence vyorki.
co ,
OUST , FRIES & CO. , 1X18 Harney St. , Improve-
ed Ice Boxes , Iron and Wood Fencoa , Office
U&lUnirs , Counters of I'lne ted Walnut ,
A. Donnfh ( , rtint ( , cut flowcru , tccils , boquct
tc. N , Vft cor. IRth ni Donclw streets.
Civil Engineers find Surveyor * .
town Sunej-B , Onulo anJ Sewerage Sj-stonu r
Commission Merchant * .
JOHN 0. WID LIS.W4 DolRo , Street.
D II. 11KEMER. For details eeo hrgo aihcrtlsc
mcnt In Dnllv and Weckb' ,
Clnnrs and Tobacco.
WEST A F1UTSCDER , inanulMturcnot ,
nd WTiolomlo IHialera In Totnuco * . 1305 l > outH < ,
\V. F. LOHKN7.EN inMiutitcturcr 61110th street.
' Cornice Workt.
tt'coicrn Cornice WotVs , Mamiinctmcra Iron
Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate HoofllnK. Orders
from any locality promptly cxctulnl In the best
onnncr. Tactory Mid Oll'ce 1213 Ihniey St.
GaUanlzctl Iron Cornices. Window Caps , etc. ,
manufactured nnd put up In any part of the
country. T. HIM 101,1) ) 110 Thirteenth utrrct
Orocl-ery ,
J. BONNER 1509 DouulM street. Good line.
Clothing and Furnishing Goods.
QEO. II. PKTKIISON. Also llatx , Caps , Hoot * ,
Shoce , Notions and Cutlery , 804 S. 10th street.
Refrigerators , Canflold's Patent.
0. F. QOOmfAN llth St. bet. Farn. A. Hurnov.
Show Case Manufactory. )
0. J. WILDE ,
Manufacturer nnd Dealer In all kinds ol Show
Cisos , Upright Canes , A „ 1317 Ciss St.
FRANK I. . GEnilAlU ) , proprietor Omaha
ShowCase inamituctor ) , BIS South 10th street ,
between I , i\cn otlli and Marcy. AH goods
Harrnntid fli > t
Stoves ana Tinware.
Dealer In Stovci and Tinware , and Manufacturer
of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work ,
Odd Fellow s'lllock.
J. 110NNER. 1309 Douglas St. Good nnd Cheap
J. RVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and
Cultivators , Odd follows H\ll.
Physicians nn1 Surgeons.
W. S. GIBBS , M. D. , Rjom No 4 , Crelghton
Block , 15th Street.
I' . S. LKISENR1NO , M. D. Masonic Block.
C. L. HART , M. U. , Eye and Ear , opp. postoflke
Oculist and Aurlst , S , W Hlh and Farnham Sts
Grand Central Gallery ,
212 Sixteenth Street.
near Masonic Hall. First-class Work and Prompt-
now guarantee ! '
Plumbing , Gas and Steam Fitting.
P. W. TARPY & CO. . 210 12th St. , bet Fnrnham
and Douglas. WorK prompt ! } attended to.
D. riTZI'ATRICK. 1409 Douslas Street.
Painting nn apcr anglng ,
HENRY A. KOSTllRS. 141 Uodjre Street.
Shoo Stores.
Phillip L < T , 1320 Farnnaru et. bet , 13th & 14th.
Second Hand Store.
PERKINS & LEAR , 1416 Douglas St. . New and
Second Hand Furniture. House Furnishing Goods ,
&c. , bouirhtand sold on narrow margins.
In the nmr brick block on Dounlaa Street , has
just opened a most elegant Bi > cJ Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
u\cry da ) .
' CMcdonm " J FALCONKR. 670 10th Street
CHAS. RIEWE , 101U Faruham bet. 10th & lltd.
00 Cent Stores.
P. C BAOKUH. 1205 Farnham St . Fancy Goods
ILER & CO. .
Sole Manufaoturera. OM * _ HA.
i * IIa
217 and 219 North Main St. , St. Louis ,
BOOK , i DADCRQ JwniTisai a
Printers Stock.
rZTCasli paid for toga onil Papur Stock , fifra u
Iron and Metals. .
Paper Stock Warehouse * 1223 to 1237. Nortli "
To Nervous Sufferers
Di % J. B. Simpson's Specific '
It Is the for Semlna
a IKJHJ cure Kprrmatoirhca , "l
VeokncBS , Imintancy , and all diseases resulting "la
rom Self-Abuxo , au Mental Anxiot ) , Loss' a
Kinory , t'olna In the Bock or Side , and diseases
that lead to
Consumption ciu
Insanity and ciHi
early Kra\e Hi
The Specific Hifl
Medicine In fln
being used n :
nltll wonderful
ful nucicss.
ont free to all. Write for them and get full par li
iculars. litl
Price , Specific , Jl.OO per package , or lx pack tlHi
eel for 85.00. Address all onkrs to Hi
Nos. 101 and 100 Main bt. Buffalo , N. Y.
Sold In Omaha by 0. F. Goodman , J , W , Bell ,
, K Ish , and all aru < glstsovcrywherc. tc
Propos als lor Sotver Bonds-
Scaled proposnls will bo received until
October 20th , 1881 , at 1'- , noon , by tliu
City Clerk of Omaha , county of Doii 'lax.
State of Nebrankn , anil will , at that hour ,
be opened for the nuiohofso of ? T)0,000.00
of the IMSUO of $100,000.00 of Sewer
IJnniU , 1'irnt Series , of the City of Omaha.
Said bonds ore dated September lnt , 1881 , is
nre in Hums ol 81,000.00 each , bear intercut
from their date at the rate of uls per cen ;
tum per annum , payable at the office of
Kountzo Jiros. , Now York , ftemt-annually , n )
upon couponu attached ; oatd bouda are
Issued under the Chatter power of n i < l
ity nftcr election duly held authorizing ttsi
heir issue r'ir tlio completion of Sewer * siol
mrtly con tnictcd. nnd for the conitruc- A
ion of additional Sewers. The moOO.OO olst
low offered nro the first told of Bald lionda ,
* *
13id8 will be nddreRBt to the underulpned ,
and muet Ktate ths full nanio and
of the iildder , the amount of Bald Homlx w
denired , and the price nroponcd to bo paid. wHi
The right la rcneryea to reject any and
all bids. J , J , L. 0. JKWUTT ,
nept20-30t. City Clerk.
Prof , W , J , Anflor's Select Danc
ing Academy , '
A , Hoipe , Jr. Hall , | C0 | Dodge 8t.
Haw for gentlemen commencing Tuesday oven-
, Oct. 4 , Clua for ladled conimtncmir Thurs-
, Oct. 0. T rnis liberal. The
mutbod * I for tcachlujf Uio Waltz , Olid ) , by
: c. ; I can guarantee perfect tatlifoctlon o
cbolors. For terms , &c. , call at A. Hoipo , r. ,
r tMica 1110 Capitol A\e. slTdlm
By Annabel Wrlphl.
Four bay horses dnshoil in fine st vl
up to Iho door oflho inn , pulling lie
hind fhoin tliu gorgeous red stnu
Mhlclt sw.ijed nnd re-clod nnd rocku
in n fashion thnt innda the inoro nervous
vous nasscnsersvinco and shiver.
llollister throw his reins to tin
stnblo boy , nnd wont into the house
Hu was n blnlf , big-listed follow
ratlior rough looking ui hii wolf skii
overcoat and bnmd-visorcd c , p , No
body over doubted the kintlncsa o
licart under thnt unpolished exterior
liuw over.
Now , ns ho tnnnped through tin
biy hull , on Itia way to the bar room
ho paused at the sight of n foinalu fig
uru in ono dim comer , with her fxco ;
dropped into both hands , nnd her
hole altitude ono of sorrow mill de
spair. Tlio liguro \\i\9 slender niii'
jounu , chid in u well-worn gray suit ,
nnd the liands on which the brown
head was bowed were white and deli-
c.itc."I beg your pnrdon , nia'ain. Are
you in trouble } Caul bo of acrvieo
to yon ? "
Then the girl looked up , and IIol-
listor reeognii'.ed the da'ighter ' of n
man \\holmd been at tliu inn for aonu
weeks n man whom the driver hail
no hesitation in cla&sing aa an adven
turer and a blackleg.
Ilo had pitied tlio girl on that night
when ho had first seen her when ho
liad brought them out from the city ;
for she Hoetncd a lady , with her quiet
ways and her wistful eyes , and not at
til fitted for n lifo oi "Bohemmmsin ,
iuch us it was evident her father was
ending her.
She looked up , I say , nnd meeting
: hu expression of honest kindliness in
Prank Hollistor's clear gray eyes , she
struggled a moment for self-control ,
and then burst iiuo tcnra.
Frank squared hia broad shoulders
> eforo her in order to screen her from
; ho curious gnzo of any who might
) asH tlnougli the hall , nnd waited in
Presently the girl raised her head
onoo more , looked at him with tear-
itaincd eyes and said with quivering
ips :
"I am in trouble , sir. Yours are
: ho first fiiendly works I have heard
: o-day. My father , " hero a crimson
lush dyed her fair brow "my father
ios left me ; where ho has gene I do
lot know. I am absolutely alone
imoni ; sti.ingcrs'and our bill hero ia
unpaid ,
.Kor ono instant Frank looked at
lor doubtfully , and then with a snd-
l"n rush of self-shamo and chivaly ,
lis hand went into his breast-pookot
ind drew therefrom a big lenthoi
Tlio girl made a little indignant
jeatuvo , and looked at him with wide-
ipcncd , haughty eyes.
"Sir ! I scarcely expected ait in
sult ! "
Whereupon Prank liegan a hurried
uid indignant repudiation of her iu-
sinualion. lie insult n woman ! lie.
who had the dearest mother and the
sweetest little sister in the world ,
away off there in the eastern states ,
irayimr for him !
"P'laps I ain't so dainty in my
choice ot words as I might be , lady.
L'ni a rough fellow at best ; but I'm
dreadful soft-hearted where a woman
.s concerned. ] f you choose to look
mo as a friend and a straight man ono never gees back ou his word , you
shan't bo disappointed. Now , then ,
liow c.m I servo yon ? "
The big pocket-book had disap
peared , and the girl's face softened at
liis rough gallantry. She extended
ono littio hind frankly.
"Forgive mo , sir ; I know that you
are all that you seem. I cannot ac
cept any pecuniary aid from you or
any one. The landlord has ofl'ured mo
i situation as table girl. I shall accept
it , , .nd in that way can pay our in
debtedness. Thanks for your kuid-
nces. I ahull not forget it. "
With a little flitting smile she slipped
pod past him and went swiftly up the
dark stairway , while the driver pro
ceeded to the bar-room , 'where the
men wcio talking , laughing , smoking
and drinking.
Hero llollister listened to a detailed
account of the disappearance of Col.
Preisy , interspersed with various
comments concerning him and his
daughter Cora.
Piossy WM stigmati'/ed as a cheat ,
villain and a sponge anything and
everything , they called him , but an
honest man. There wcro some ex
pressions of sympathy for the girl ,
but it was easy to neo that she waa
not liked. Miss Prcssy had held her
self too far aloof from every ono in
the ' house to win the approval of this
fieo-and-easy western community.
Ono loutiih looking follow , leaning
ngainst the bar-rail , rumark how , with
sneering grin :
"That gal's a mighty 8tuckup little
sritter reckon she won't put on any
more airs with me ! " and ho sent a
jtrenm of tob.icco . juice in n very skillful -
ful manner straight into the mouth of
spittoon which occupied the center
the room.
Hollistur , who had been a silent
listener until now , crossed leisurely to
bhh extraordinary marksman , and ,
itriking hint a light blow upon the
moulder , Haid evenly and distinctly :
"Look hero , Jerry , you don't want
> talk any more like that about Miss
Pressy. " wan a dead silence for the
mace of h.ilf a nntiuto , and then Jerry ,
laughing uneasily and Hushing under
the driver's keen eyes , said with an
ittcmpt at facctioiiBiiL'SH :
' Goin' to many her , Frank ? "
"i oxppctto , " replied Frank coolly ,
ho turned to select a cigar from the
There wcro no more insinuations
tuainst Cora Pressy in his hearing ,
riio daughter of an unknown adven
turer , no matter how'thorough n lady
me might seem , and the sweetheart
the jolly , keen-eyed , strong-armed
itago-drivor , were two different per-
ions , nnd when tholonly girl entered
upon her new duties the next day , she
ivns surprised at the kindness and con-
idcratiou of all about hor.
Frank did not try to weaken the
impression which his words had mado.
Ilo know that it would bo her surest
protection ; and ho felt an intense do-
lire to protect und to help her she
rt'us so delicate and sorrowful , no abso-
lut ly alone , now thnt her unnatural
parent had deserted her.
Two or three uneventful days wont
, Cora filling her now situation
ivith satisfactory promptness. Every
night , on the arrival of ilollUttor
singe , she was left to wait \tpun him in
the dining room.
She felt an instinctive confidence in
this big , bluff , sun-burned follow.
Tlioro was n bond of sympathy grow
ing between them which she had no
de ire to broak.
Ono day , twenty miles down his
route , Frank a bit of news
which worked him into a fever ot im
patience. Never bad the whip curled
so sharply over the Hanks of his sturdy
horses ; never had ho made bettor lime
than on that day , \\lion it scorned to
him but a snail's space.
At last , however , the stage drew up
before the inn whoso roof sheltered
the girl who , in a tew short days ,
had grown inexpressibly dear < o the
Ilo held a hurried consultation
with tlio hostler which resulted in the
luttot' agreeing t" drive tlio stngo on
to ita destination for si certain sun. of
Then I'Vank wont into tlio long din
ing room , and Boating himself at out
ol tlio small tables in a secluded corner
nor , ho waited for Cora I'ressy.
Ilo lluihnil tn the roots of his
crispy curl 1115 town n ir as heat
at hor. She noticed it , and \\n
silently , thinking , meanwhile , that ho
was not half a bud looking follow ,
with his broad brow , honest eyes ami
Inn lips.
"Miis Corn , " ho said , rather n\vK
kvnrdly , " 1 would like to have you
ride with mo this evening , if you will.
[ have something of importance to
tell you,1' he added hurriedly , growing
redder than ever with emlurrnssment
Cora looked at him wistfully. Was
t soinithing about her father ? .But
who dared not put the thought into
words there were too many about.
So she merely bowed her head in ac
ceptance of his invitation , and went
aw ay.
Half an hour later she wan tucked
intw a trim little cutter beside him ,
dashing along over the white moon
lit road , and waiting anxiously tor
him to reveal the matter of importance
at which ho had hinted.
Hut Frank was curiously sUont foi a
long whilo. It seem to. Cora that he
would never speak. At last , with a
sudden cllbrt , ho said :
"Miss Cora , you've known mo only
a. few days , but you've soon enough of
mo to know that I am a blunt spoken
follow , so T hope you won't bo upset
by what I'm going to say. I'm not
much of a line gentleman , but I
haven't any very bad habits and make
n fair living , and and well , I want
n wife , little gal , and I love you. If
you'll have mo , I'll do my prettiest to
make you the happiest woman in the
country. "
Cora smiled up at him through tear'
filled eyes , and this gave him courage
to slip ono arm over the back of the
cutter and draw her closer to his side.
She m ill-mured something about being -
ing almost n stranger to him ; but
Frank , grown wonderfully bold , press
ed with Jus lips the lids over the girl's eyes , : iud queried :
"Do jou love any other man ? "
"No , " she answered , honestly
enough ; "J believe you are the bebl
man I over know. "
Whereupon Frank kissed her again ,
upon the lips this time , nnd made : i
second proposition , to which at Ural
uho would not listen. But the u'il"
and the energy of her carnest-heartiK
wooer curried the day , and the icsull
was a call upon a justice of the peace
and when they ro-entored the irii | the
night the girl was Cora Pressy no
longer , but Cora Hollistor , am
Franks face was radiant and tnumpl :
In the dingy waiting-room an excited -
cited crowd was gathered.
Frank endeavored to liurry his wife
past the doorway , but her quick
glance had caught a glimpse of a fa
mihar figure. ,
"Father ! " she cried , and stopped
into the room.
1'es , there ho was , haggard and dis
hovelled , with blood-shot oycs and un-
sliavoti face. Ho might have boon
line-looking once. There was juat
the ghost of a debonair about him
still despite his wretchedness. An
oflicer guarded him on cither side.
"What has ho done ? " cried Cora ,
with pallid lips.
Some one in the crowd answered
bru ally enough :
"Killed a brother gambler twenty
miles luck. Thoy'ro taking him
through the city. "
Then the poor little bride wont into
a ( lend faint in her hush.iiid's arms ,
and ho carried bur up-Ht.iirs with hia
brown chock against her white ono.
All night he watched beside her
while she wont from one deathly
swoon into another. At last in the
gray morning she amilod sadly into
her husband's eyes , and whispered :
"Do not bo troubled. 1 will go
away. "
'Not if I can help it , " answered
Frank , with a grim set of his under-
Then all at. once ho put his face
down on the pillow beside her and
began to cry like a two-year-old baby.
With her slender hands she stroked
the man's big curly head , and talked
to him in a sweet , weary way that
wont straight toiiis warm heart.
"Dear friend , " HIO ! said , "I know
how unselfish you are , but I will not
allow you to make such a sacrifice.
You shall not share my shame , "
"Look hero , little woman , I know-
all about thi.s affair yesterday morn
ing ; that's why I was in such a rush
to got married } , ' I know they would
bring Colonel Pruflsy thiough hero ,
and knew if I did not make sure of
you then , that 1 never should got
you. My little darlin1 ifo , " ho wont
on , kissing her hair , and oycs , and
lips ; "thank God nothing can separate
us nothing but death. "
And looking into horhusband'soycs
Cora knew that hero wan her , safe [
homo and shelter for evermore.
My readers would sot mo down as
an unsatisfactory story teller were I to
omit the soqual.
Colonel Prcssy committed suicide a
month later in hia prison cell ,
Frank took his little wife away to
his eastern homo , where she lives a
contented little matron , proud and
happy in her husband's love , and the
possession of a cooing , bright-faced
baby ,
Liquid Gold-
Dan'l Plank , of IJronklyn , Tloga county ,
'u. , < ! e cribcfl It thuxi "I rode thltty
mllod for a botfle of THOHAH' KCLKOTIUU
) a , which Effected thu wonderful cure of
crooked limb In tlx nppllcutlonn ; It
roved worth inoro than gold to me. "
ThoPocuHnr Porfonim-iiccn of Iho
Hey Pronohor.
San I'rMKiico Chronicle ,
Even so early an 7 o'clock Inst night
all the permanent and temporary seats
of the main lloor and the vast gallery
of Howard street Methodist church ,
nnd , with the exception of the ninlus ,
which were kept passable , all the
standing room , tvon the stairs in the
U'slibulf , were densely tilled with fur-
vent devotees , nith curious auditors ,
Mid with persons balancing evenly
between sudden convorsoa and con
tinued indifference. Among Iho mass
of faces could bo occasionally recog
nized one of an intcresti'd profession-
d ; and chief among these , olovatcd on
Itis long and attenuated poison , was
the thin , sharp visage of llallenbeck ,
liimsolf a mighty reaper in the ( told ,
and who has just returned from the
'ainering of a plentiful harvest in the
fields of Honolulu , us fertile of crop
imminently needing llueshing a < i is
even San Francisco itself. Mr. Hal-
lonbvck watched the proceedings ol
the evening with the skilled oyen ol
an export , perhaps a trillo critical ol
the methods of a lival worker in the
grainlands of grace. The vast con
gregation was kept pleasantly occupied
singing nil impartial way through the
affecting melodies of the Harrison
hymnal till about TiHO o'clock. The
nervously rapid boy preacher dashed
out of the vestry room in the roarul
the pulpit and upon the chancel plat
form. The more lymphatic Uov. Dr.
.lewell follow oil. Both immediately
knelt on the lloor , and extending the
upper portions of themselves prone
upon llio surfaces of chnirs , indulged
in n few minutes of silent prayer.
Tin : Acuoit.vTif uvAjfiir.usT.
The boy preacher , who is now a
maturing juvenile of - ( ! , with an ah
normally largo head , abnormally clip
ped of its brown hair , with wild dark
eyes , with face clean shaved , but not
to say very recently , with naturally
slender tiguro unnaturally attenuated ,
nnd with most capacious foot , seemed
then to bo bounced into the air by
some spring in the lloor , and lighting
on his tccL dashed at the commenda
ble business of the evening. Demos
thenes , a pagan , and a lay pagan at
that , when ho sontcutiously returned
the unvaried answer of "action" ton
series of'cxhnustivo questions put to
him as to what constituted the essence
of eloquence , imparted a IOBBOII which
appears to have been learned to its
nt tot moat limit , and for the spread of
the Gospel by the boy preacher. Head ,
shoulders , hands , body , legs and feet
are all put through all varieties ot
swift and remarkable motion , some
times singly , sometimes altogether ,
and often in the endless combination
which the many single factors enable
If the auditor could for a moment for
got the sacred object of thesp brillianl
and over-varying contortions ono
might easily suppose him an athluto ,
inspired with a now and startlinu con
ception of the postures into which the
pel-son can bo compelled. And as ho
durts from ono side to auother of the
platform , as ho bears swiftly down ti
its front , or rotreati rapidly to the
rear , or in the more fervid pass
ages as ho bounds "recklessly fron
the platform altogether andspiings 01
the altar railings or leaps over then
and dashes up the aisles , ono miglr
imagine him to bo tjio sole person it
charge of a tubular boiler. Corlis
engine , saw nnd plaining mill , and tha
if ho should not bo in every place a
ono time the whole establishmen
would explode. His enunciation i
distinct , but his voice is thin am
harsh , frequently goini ; to pieces in a
high falsetto , and a peculiarity of hi
almost chanting mode of deliver } ' is i
wonderful elongation of every lourtl
word of his discourse. Aside from tin
boy preacher himself the mooting hai
many of the sterling characteristics o
the old-ti tno revivals , notably that o
fervent and frequent nmcns and othui
ororotundo approvals of the preacher's
utterances. The Rov. Dr. .Jewell was
exceptionally affective in this suhsidary
Several hymns werosung , with utter
ances injected between the verses bj
the watchful preacher. The sermon
was on the momentous question , "Aro
You Saved ? " He divided the congre
gation by imaginary lines into differ
cut section , ono ot which , he said ,
thought it was saved , another hoped it
was savedanother , trusted it was saved
ind another behoved it was suvod.
Thu fact of the business , however , was
that none of them wore savc > d. At the
conclusion of the sermon eleven young
people camoand kelt at the altar niil-
nts nnd pntyed , either because of
.heir conversion or bccauso they de
sired to bo converted. After prayer
with them and over them the meeting
was dismissed.
Ho loved 'tlio Flag-
Detroit free I'rttH.
A Woodward avenue snlooniflt was
lecorating hi" bar the other day with
small Hugs when a stranger who hud
ust got outside of four inches of
vliisky , leaned his elbows on the bar
nnd observed :
"Stranger , I do love that Hag. "
"Do , on ? "
"You bet I do. "
" \Voro you in the war ? "
"Not exactly , but my heart was
hero. "
"Where was your body ? "
"Say , that's the only thing I blame
his government for. If there hadn't
icon such n golden chance to make
rom 8100 to ! 00 by jumping the
xninty I'd have died for the flag , and
uy old dad and two brothujs would
invo died for her , It was a mean
trick of Undo Sam to shako ? 000 at
feller who wanted to wrap that old
lug around him nnd die on the field.
jumped the bounty four different
imcsand between mo and you I wish I
mdn't ' , You nee , I hadn't harldy got
ho face to ask Undo Sam to grant
no a pension for a broken log ro-
icived while on the scoot for Canada ,
hough I may wprk up to it in time ,
MOSH thu old stars and stripes and
gimme a lectio more of that KIIIIIO
jrnnd ! "
Buaklin's /krnioa Salvo ,
I ho best salve intho world for outs ,
ruisea , sores , ulcers , salt rheum ,
ever sores , tetter , chapped hands ,
chillblaiiiH , corns and all kinds of
kin eruptions. This salvo is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction In
ivory case or money refunded , Price ,
25c per box. For sale by
IHU & Mt'MAUOtf , Omaha.
Manufacturing Company ,
Finest Silver Plated Spoons and Forks.
The only mid/ / ! plate that
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is giving for instance
Ilogora llros ,
stance n single
All our Spoons ,
i/ / Forks and plated Spoon a
Knives plated triple thioknosaof
with the greatest J > ;
plate only on
of care , Each i
lot the soctio s
being hung
on a scale while where expo d
being plated , to to wear , thereby
insure a full deposit
making a single
posit of silver OP
plated Spoon
wear as long aa
Wo would call
a triple plated
especial attention
tion to
our soc-
Rival. Orloiit Tiauod.
All Orders In the Wt t ihoulitbc AddrcMcd to
Wholesale Jeweler ,
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - - OMAHA , NEB
Max MEYER & CO. ,
Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards.
Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards ,
In 'Convenience ' ,
Lang & Fotick.