Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1881, Image 1

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For Sale By
No. 1 , New house , 7 rooms , on Cunilng street1
near Saumlers , SliOO.
No. 2. 2 story homo , 0 room' , well , cistern and
barn , Welister , near 15th street , S2600.
No. 3 , House of 10 roomi , on Harncy , near
Otli street , tttonc foundation , $1000.
No. 1 , 1-aruo homo of 11 rooms , on Webster
atrect , near Ureijfhton Colleno , $3SuO.
Ho. C , 1I.H130 of 7 rooms , on Casa , near 17th
DtYcct , $1000.
No. 7 , House of 8 rooms , 3 lots , on 17th street ,
near Jzird , $3 00.
No 8 , House of fi rooms , on Cass , near 14th ,
22x132 feef lot , $1300.
No. 0 , House of 3 rooms , kitchen , etc. , op
Cast , near 13th > t cct , $ iOO.
No. 10 , House of 3 rooms with lot 22x132 feet ,
on Cas.i. near 14th street , $000.
No. 11 , House of 0 rooms , on 10th street , near
Douslai , 44\CO feet lot , § 4000.
No. 12 , HooBOOf 0 roomi , brick foundation , on
Harney , near 27 Hi btrcet , 81000.
No 13 , 1 story new house of 0 rooms , brick
iloundalion , ofi &t. Mari's avenue , near convene ,
No. 14 , IIouso of 5 rooms anil summer kltx-hen ,
ou 20th street , near dark , 52MO.
No. 1 % Houfo of 8 roomi , on bhemiana\cnuo
(10th street ) , near Nicholas , 52250.
No. in , 1 j-story house of 4 rooms , cellar ,
itable , etc , , on Daemart , near 22d street , $1600.
N. No. 17 , 2-i > tory brick house of 0 rooms , near
. cnJ of red street car turn table , $ ' 350.
No. 13 , IIouso and 2 lots , 4 blodis w cst of High
' School , $3.100.
No. 19 , ifousa and 3 loU on road to park , near
I7' 1 rhead St. Mary's a\cnuc , S3MH ) .
No. 20 , House and 11J lots near tlascall s , South
Omaha , $2500.
No. 21 , House and lot on Davenp rt street ,
.near UUh street , $5500.
No. 22 , 2-story house ixnd l"t 32x00 feet , on
Davenport , near 12th street , $1300.
No. S3 ! , House of 4 rooms and 2 lota on 17th
street , near Izard , 31200.
No. 25 , House and fr lot on 10th itroet , near
. - .
No. aa , House nn < ! i lot on 10th street , near
-Cap tel tucmie , $1450.
N3. 27 , 2 houses and lot on Jackson , near 13th
trect. $4300.
No. 29 , 6 houses and 1 lot on California , near
13th struct , f 5000.
No. 30 , Ij-stor.v brick house of 4 rooms with
lot 00x21.0 feet , on Sherman avenue ( IGth street ) ,
near Izard , $3000.
No. 31 , 1 j-story house and 83x60 feet , on 13th
etrucct , near Howard str o % $2000.
No 32 , l-stoiy house of 0 rooms and two lots
on Mi m , near 15th btrcet , $3000.
No 35 , Jirco homo o d full lot on Canltol
avenue , near 13th ttreet , S2400.
No. 30 , 2 three story bricl ; house ) 1th lot 44x
SIS feet , oti Chicago , near 18th street , $5000 each.
is o.37 , IIouso of 7 rooms with 1J lot 1'aul
street , near 18th street , $2750.
Np. 3d , IIouso and lot on 18th street , near
Sherman , S1850.
No. 39 , House of B rooms with 44xCO feet lot ,
on ISth street , near California , $2500
No. 42 , Housuot 8 rooms with lot 150x150 feet ,
oil Coburn , near C'olt.ix street , $3500.
No. 43 , House and 2 lots on Chicago , near 20th
etreet , S75JJ.
No. 45 , Largo house of 7 rooms , closets pantry ,
well and cistern , on ISth , near Clark street , SJ500.
No. 40 , Lar e house with full block , near new
sbott Otter , $2000.
No. 47 House of 0 rooms with J lot , on 1'aclflc ,
near lltli street $3000.
No 4D , liriik housoof 11 roonn , well , e stern ,
gas throughout the house , tro < > d barn , etc. , on
Fanilmin , near 17th stro-it , $ bUO ) .
No to , HOIHJ ol U rooms , cellar , well , etc. , on
10th , near Paul street , 8..000 ,
No. 63 , House of 0 roouvi and cellar , Iot33xl32 ,
off St. JIary's avenue , near convent , $1500.
No. 65 , Four homes ami 88x120 feet , on Daven
port , near 10th street , $5000.
No. 60. Hou'u of 0 or 10 rooms , on California ,
no ir 21st ttrcct , $5500.
No. 67 , House of 0 rooms , Hummer Kitchen ,
cellar , cistern , well , good lurn , etc. , near St.
Marj'b amiuo and 21st street , $3000.
No. 53 , New house of 7 rooms , Rood orn , on
Webster , near 22d street. $2500.
No. 69 , Four houses with J lot , on 12th street ,
near Cos * $2500.
No. 0" , House of 3 rooms on Daicnport , near
23rd street , SlWO. . , , .
No. 01 , House of 9 or 10 rooms , on Hurt street ,
ncnr l2nd ! btreet , t5UOO.
No ( H , House of 4 rooms , 1 story , porch , cel
lar. cistern and veil , on Harncy , near 21st street ,
No. ' (13 ( , House of 4 rooms , closet * , basement
and cellar , near White Lead Works , S1COO.
r.o 114 , Hulldlnonlca ; > > cdlotoiil > odo8trect ! ,
near post olllce , store below and r ems auovo ,
No. 05 , Slots with barn and other Imple
ments , near street car turn table , 82000.
No. 07 , Now houio of 0 rooms on 17th , near
Cutmnt , ' ntrect , $1000.
No Ul ) , Large line house of 12 rooms , e\ory-
thlnK complete , oil IBth , near Chicago , $ UOOO.
No. 70 , House on 18th ttrect , uaxenport ,
etoro below and rooms'abovo , bam , etc. , 81500.
No 71 , House of H roomn , line cellar , all com
nleto , on California , near 21 t , X7000.
No. 72 , Ilrlck house , 10 or 11 rooms , on Dat en
port , near 16th $ SOM. ,
No. 73 , 11-story house , 0 rooms , cellar , w.l
and cUtern , on Jackson , near 12th , SIMM ) .
No , 74 , Ilrlck hoH < o with 2 lots , fruit trees ,
etc. , on 10th , near Capitol \ cnue , 816,000.
No. 76 , Howe of 4 roonu , buemcnt , lot 17Jx
132 feet , on llatcy , near 7th , S076.
No. 706torv house , Brooms , on Qua street ,
near 10th street , 84500.
No , 77 , 2-story house , 11 rooms , clojoti , Jur-
race , fruit trees , barn , etc. , on Farnham , near
18th street , SbOOO.
No. 78 , 2 lots with now bouno , well , cistern ,
. about one mile ncstof post oflice , 41GOO.
No. 791 , Housu and lot near end of led streut
Saumlurs street 8000.
c r turntable , on ,
No. to , House of 4 rooms , hall , cellar , pantry ,
coodwell , etc. , $1300.
No 81 , 2 houws with 0 rooms , und other with
e rooms , on Chicago , near I2th street , $3000.
No. 62 , U-story house , U rooms , 4 clour * , well
ami 100-batrel clbtcrn Rood burn , on I' crco St. ,
near 20th ( near new government corral ) ) , JlbOO.
No B3. 2-story house , Urooms , coal hod , good
well , ci.tcrn , on J lot , on Capitol avenue , nt-a
No. 81 , i-story house , 8 rooms , 4 below niul 4
bove. 8 closem , cellar , well and cistern , with 6 ,
ucr a ground , on Saundernstrcot , near
' 2rOO
No' 85 , 2 stores , house on leased J lot , lea o
ruin 2 } i from April 1st , IbSl , on 1'aclllo B ( . ,
near U. I1 , do pot , SbOO.
Seal Estate Exchange
16th and Douglaa Btreet ,
A Bnmor That Ex-Bov. Morgan
Has Beeu Offered tlio Treas
ury Portfolio ,
Nothing Positive Known as to
Whether Ho Will Accept
or Not.
Scoville Qives Hia Opinion
Why Qaitonu Was Induced
to Shoot Garflold.
No Cabinet Nominations to bo
Sent to the Senate1 This
The Dead President's Life to be
Published With Mrs. Gar-
fleld'o Sanction.
A Mysterious Silence in Regard
to Tyner's Requested Res
ignation ,
Republican Loaders Hold a
Conference at Senator.
Jones' House.
No Cabinet Mooting Yoitorday-
The Members Call Upon the
.Vntlorml Associated Picss.
WASHINOTON , October 21. In the
senate to-day Mr. Sherman culled up
his resolution calling upon the secre
tary of the treasury for a 'copy of tlio
Pitney report.
Mr. Parley moved to amend the
resolution by adding "a call on the
testimony taken. "
Mr. Farley's motion rejected
by a party vote , 20 to 23 , Messrs.
Davis , of Illinois , and Sherman voting
no.Mr. . Sherman's resolution was then
agreed to and at 12:45 : p. in. the senate -
ate went into executive session.
The senate , in executive session , to
day confirmed the following nomina
tions : Alva S. Alexander , ot Indiana ,
to bo fifth auditor of the treasury.
Postmasters W. { H. McLaughlin ,
St. Petersburg , -Pa. ; Coon , D.wid
City , Neb. ; Oliver P. Temple , Knox-
viile , Tonii.
There were a large number of mili
tary appointments , among them all
the cadets who have. graduated from
tlio military sclibol. * * ' * *
WASHINGTON , 'October 21. It is
stated positively that the president ,
before going to Yorktbwn , tendered
the treasury portfolio to ex-Governor
Morgan , of Now York , and up to this
hour no answer has been received , al
though it may have come to hand , as
the president lias not had time to look
at his mail. A reporter of'the Na
tional Associated-Press called at ox-
Governor Morgan's ollico this morn
ing , and found him there. In answer
to a , direct question ho said that ho
would consider it a breach of trust to
give any information on the subject.
If ho had accepted , ho thought the
president would like to send it to the
senate before it ivas known to any
newspaper , and if ho had declined it
ho thought the president would likoto
have the opportunity to ofier
the position to aomo one else
before it became publicly known.
District Attorney Gorl hill and Sco
ville , counsel for Guiteuu , were in the
criminal court to-day in reference to
the case. Judge Cox said ho would
consult with counsel and appoint some
one to assist the defense.
To-day Judge Cox rendered a de
cision upon thu request of Scoville to
have the court summon witnesses lor
the defense. After reviewing the law
recited by Scoville , the judge Giiid ho
felt justitied in the decision that the
court may summon the neces
sary witnesses for the defense , but
reserved a decision us to the character
and number of the witnesses necessary.
Scoville , counsel for Guitcau , has
received numerous replies from Now
York ulono to his appeal for testimony
as to Guitoau's insanity , and thinks
ho will bo able to get all the witnesses
ho needs. Ho has received u letter
from A. . McDonald , medical super
intendent of the New York city asy
lum for the insane , wondering horV ho
got the idea of the doctors favoring
the plea of insanity. Scoville re
plied that a friend had given him Dr.
McDonald's name an that of u useful
witness , but had not intended
to convoy the idea thr.t the
doctor had offered to assist
in the defense of the prisoner. The
questions of the assisting counsel and
the character and number of wit
nesses the court will summon for the
defense are expected to bo settled to
morrow. In regard to some pub
lished statements concerning the po
litical aspect of the case , Scoville , in
reply , says ; "I wish to say once for
all that I have no information or be
lief that any statesman , politician or
any other person than Guiteau him-
selt had any intimation before
the shooting that ho contemplated
the act. Afy position is simply
that the fierce contest waged by the
stalwarts against Garfiold's adminis
tration , with no such design of the ac
tors , resulted in worrying upon a
deceased mind to the commission pf
the act. The crime of murder is not
therefore charged against politicians.
There is only a crime against the
peace and welfare of society , which is
made manifest in a causeless und bit
ter fight against a prpniclont elected
by a people in thu discharge of his
public duties and seeking to maintain
his high prerogatives.
LIFE OP ( unman TO nn punusitnn.
Col. Rockwell has received the fol
lowing letter from Mr..GarKoldwhich
is furnished the press for publication :
MENTOJI , Ohio , October 21 , 1881
DKAU COL. IlocitwELt : It is my wish
that nn account of the lifo and an ap
propriate collection of literaturewhich
remains of Gen. Garfield , bo published
after that careful consideration and
preparation BO manifestly necessary.
To that end I request that you will
at once , in some public manner , an
nounce that it is my purpose to cause
this work to bo done nt , the earliest
practicable time and of which duo notice -
tico will bo given. Tory sincerely
yours , LWIIKTIA 11. GAUKIKU ) .
With regard to the foregoing , Col
onel llockwoll makes the following
statement : So that those boat ac
quainted with the great capacity for
tlio work and the vast versatility of
Gen. Garfield , the extent , variety , and
orderly arrangement of his intellec
tual estate may fully appre
ciate its value , and behov
ing that the most enduring monument
ment of the hito president must
be erected upon the granite
foundation of what ho said and did
and was , Mrs. Garfield proposes an
affectionate and careful work in this
direction. Such a monument , therefore -
fore , illustrating u lito which cannot
bo written until the world was moved
far enough from him to take in the
great grandeur of his career and char
acter , may bo expected only after
matured and deliberate work , and as
coming from Mrs. Garfiold's sanction
and authority.
First Assistant Postmaster Gen
eral Tyner also culled and saw
the president privately. Post
master General James says ho
has asked Tynor to resign at
President Arthur's request , but ho
docs not know that the resignation
has yet been tendered. It is positive
ly known that Arthur has received a
letter from Grant on the subject , and
that Grant has telegraphed Tyner licit
to hurry his resignation. . It is somi-
otlicially stated hero that the first as
sistant postmaster general to-day re
cabinet . Wiu-
No meeting to-day. -
dom , Lincoln , Hunt , .James and
Kirkwood , however , called on the
president for a tow moments each.
President Arthur and Secretary
Kirkwood to-day granted the necessary
permission for the right , of way for tlio
extension of the Chicago , Texas &
Michigan Central and St. Louis &
San Francisco railroads through the
Choctaw Nation. These companies
are building southwest to Texas and
Mexico , and must pass through the
Choctaw Nation's territory in order to
complete their lines. The Choctaw
council is now in session , and it is un
derstood are willing to irnmt the de
sired right of'way , but it was neces
sary forthem , to obtain the pnnnifision
of the secretary of the interior and
president , as they have supervisoiy
power over the Indian Nations.
Captain H. W. Howpate will plead
to-morrow to the indictment against
him. The indictment numbers 74
counts , the witnesses being govern
ment clerks and minor olliciuU who
kept the accounts by which the em
bezzlement was discovered. An in
dictment had been returned , and at
the request of District Attorney Cork-
hill and in the absence of counsel for
the defendant thu'captain was called.
His recognizance was forfeited and ii
bench warrant issued for his arrest.
Subsequently Howgato's counsel ap
peared , expressed satisfaction , and
Judao Cox reconsidering declared the
bench warrant void.
Loaded steamboats and trains from
Ycrktwn have been arriving all day.
Secretary Blaine returned with Presi
dent Arthur. Assistant Secretaries
Blaine and Hitt and Chief Clerk
Brown remained with the foreign
guests , and are in Richmond to-day.
The Arlington hotel lias been wired
to have rooms for both the German
and French visitors by to-morrow at
11 o'clock. The German visitors are
to' bo sumptuously entertained by
their countrymen in the District on
Sunday. Governor Cullom and staff ,
of Illinois , start homo to-morrow.
President Arthur stated definitely
to-day that ho should submit no cabi
net nominations to the sonata this
week. This gives slate makers a
new lease of life. A member of the
official family of the president stated
this evening that ho very much
doubted if any cabinet nominations
would bo sent to the present session of
the senate. Ho thinks that the presi
dent intends to make no cabinet
changes until compelled to , which
moans until vacancies occur.
The same person expects
Windom to remain in for a while ,
even after ho may bo elected to the
senate , since his credentials could
scarcely reach hero before thoadjourn-
inoift of the United States senate , and
since his term then would not neces
sarily begin until December next.
This program is advanced on the the
ory that the president being alike
anxious tc retain James temporarily
and give the treasury to New York
finally. He hopes Windom will re
main Ion1. ' enough for the star route
cases to be disposed of and the difli-
culty be thus bridged. Win
dom , however , stated to-day that
such a program has not even been of
fered , but the president is thought to
bo holding the portfolio for him only
if Morgan will not accept it. In re
gard to the latter there have been two
exactly opposite reports hero to-day.
Ono caino from a Nosy York gentle
man to the eil'ect that Gov. Morgan
was settling up his private business
preparatory to accepting the sec
retaryship of the treasury. The other
is to the effect that he hud written to
the president declining to accept a po
sition in the cabinet because it would
bo impossible at present for him to
Borer his connection with his largo
commercial business ho is in. No now
names came to the surface to day.
Messrs. Frelinghuyson , Lincoln , Sar
gent , I/ongstroct and llowo are gen
erally conceded but no one ROO in a to
know when they will bo disposed of
The treasury investigation report ,
to the senate tomorrow
which is to go -
row , U a volutunioua document in
itself , and will bo accoinimniod by
lengthy cards from A sisUnt Secre
tary Upton niul Chief Clerk Tower , in
part explanation of certain points
therein. Sccrotnry Windom says that
if so much had not boon Raid concern
ing the report he doubts if any one
would care to road it all , implying
that it is not so very spicy after all.
The comingreportof First Assis ant
Postmaster-General Tynor will show
that there are now 44,572 , postoflices
in the United States , an increase of
IfiO during the fiscal ) ' . Of the
total , 1,803 are presidential , an in
crease of 103. The number of money
order offices in the United States is
5,10 ! ) , of which Illinois has the largest
number. This will bo submitted to
Postmaster-General James in n , few
days and will bo more interesting in
connection with the prospective resig
nation of General Tyner , which has
not taken place as reported this after
General Tyner was spoken to this
evening , and referring to his remark
yesterday that ho declined to speak
about his removal Until after ho had
seen the president , said ho eould only
say that ho had a protracted inter
view with the president to-dny , which
was adjourned to to-morrow or 5Iou >
day. Ho was informed that there
was a current rumor to-night thas-V-
hiul loft his resignation in tlio hands
of the president at the close of this in
terview. "That , " said Tner , ' 'is not
so. " Ho further added Unit ho would
bo at the department to-momiw in
charge of his duties as first assistant
postmaster general.
The nomination of ex-Marshal Dud
ley , of Indiana , as commissioner of
pensions , was favorably reported to
the senate in executive session to
day and went over under the rules.
His friends say that all opposition has
been withdrawn and ho will bo con
firmed to-morrow.
Secretary Kirkwood to-day decided
in regard to the entry of coal lands
near railroads and the price to be paid
in such cases , that the price of land
should depend on the distinct ! from a
completed railroad at the date of
entry. If moro than 15 miles the
price should not bo less than S10 per
acre , and if within 15 miles , not less
than $20 per ton. This decision is
niado to meet cases that may arise
where the original claim is made be
fore the construction of the railroad
within the above limit , and when pay
ment is made before the'completion ' of
" " ' "
' e" '
Iho road.
Land Commissioner MacFarland's
report , to bo submitted to Secretary
Kirkwood next week , in referring to
the land actof March 3d , 1870 , which
permits surveys being made upon rep
resentations of interested parties , am !
through which frauds are alleged to
have been committed , says that un
settled tracts have evidently been
largely surveyed on applications fraud
ulently prepared by or through the
instigation and management of a dep
uty sheriff , or thoao who have reim
bursed themselves by assigning certi
ficates of survey. Ho lecoinmonds the
repeal ofthoact and thu substitution of
a remedial one as soon as possible.
General Grant reached hero this af
ternoon and went direct to Gen.
Bcal's. At 8 p. in. Gon. Beals and
carriage wore driven with Grant to
Senator Logan's , where the Illinois
senator and Senator Cameron entered
it and were driven to the house on
the hill , where they were joined by
Senators Allison and Edmunds
These five gentlemen wore closeted
with President Arthur untij after /nid- /
night und no one else was'admitted. .
During the evening a consultation on
the cabinet was certainly hold though
the result is not expected to become
apparent before to-morrowor Monday.
National Associated 1'rcnx ,
MEMPHIS , October 21. Gillen
Waters , who murdered Jin | room
mate in Arkabuluh , Miss. , and after
wards captured , taken out und shot
nine times by a mob , has made hit )
escape from jail. When in the hands
of the mob ho made what was thought
to bo a dying confession , but since
recovering ho has broken jail and no
trace of him can bo found.
OAHIIOLLTONGa. . , October 21.
Jamt'5 0. Harvey und William Moon
were yesterday sentenced to bo hang
ed at this place on the Oth of Decem
OTTAWA , Ont , October 21. Du-
maso Bennett and David Provost ,
found guilty of the murder of Tiorro
Bennett , uncle of the first named , has
been sentenced to bo hanged Novem
ber 30.
COLUMIIUS , O. , October 12. Harris
Wiltson , a convict in the penitentiary ,
who confesses to have murdered his
sister in Now York , September 2 ,
1870 , was received fioin Cuyahoga
county , in February last , under a two
years sentence for forgery. Ho says
tie killed his sister with u poker and
hid the body in the collar. A five-
year-old brother saw the crime Wilt-
son is about twonty-ono years old.
JEUSEY CITY , N. J. , Ootobor 21.
This was the last day of the trial of
Martin Kunkowski for thu murder
of the Muller girl in the woods at Gut-
tonborg. The jury returned u verdict
of guilty of murder in the first degree.
Kunkowaki gave an agonizing cry und
fell to the door in a. dead faint ,
Xktlonil AnocUtcd Pro * * .
ATLANTA , Ga. , October 21. This is
Cincinnati's ' day at the exposition ,
and a largo party of excursionists are
enjoying themselves. At noun they
isaciuhlcd nt the judge a hall , and
were welcomed by Director General
Kimlull and Mayor Crane , of the ex
ecutive committee. All speeches ,
both of the hosts and guests , were
brief and to the point. Kvory allusion
to the unity of the country was
lieartily applauded. The visitors
were astonished at the magnitude and
beauty of the exposition.
Great eiithtniusm prevails in the ex
ecutive committee over the reports
rein all sections of crowds coming
next week to 'V'ovornot's day , " Thurs
day , October 27th. Eight largo ex
cursions are already arranged , and
[ ithors are in preparation.
The Garhold monument association
lias a beautiful stand near the building
where the dollar subscriptions lira re
ceived. It is surmounted by a life-
siy.o photograph of the dead president
and of his wife and mother.
Prof. King and His Companion
Make a Safe Landing
in Wisconsin.
CIUCAOO , October 21. The Daily
News this morning received the fol-
lowinti telegram from Chippewa Falls ,
Wibconsin : Prof. King and Mr.
Hashagen arrived here late last night.
They landed in the woods of Baron
comity and walked their way out.
They are both well.
CaicAiio , October 21. The follow
ing telegram was received this morn
ing by Electrician Summers , of the
Western Union telegraph company ,
from Superintendent McMiclmcl :
CHUTIWA FALLS , Ww. , October
21. Prot. King is now ttt Chippewa
Fulls. His balloon landed Oil miles
up the river from this point lost Fri
CincAoo , October 21.Tho Daily
News thiH afternoon has a
thrilling account of the adventures
of Prof. King and Signal Ollicer Has-
hager. in their balloon voyage. The
Htory is briefly summarized as foi-
lows : Five minutes after leaving the
ground at Chicago they reached an
altitude of 4,000 feet. They first
moved southwest , but u little later as
cended into the upper current
and moved west , afterward
going northwest. They hung
iiuspeiulcd and swinging in
a circle for three hours over a place
they supposed to bo Peoria. Fri
day morning they found themselves
in Wisconsin , and trailed their drag
rope over a number of houses at
Spring Valley , where a man came out
and tired a shot at them. They then
passed over Platte Mounds , where they
were hold for half an hour , Loing
finally forced to throw out ballast to
escape the mounds. In passim ; over
Little Falls , Wis. , they c , mo so near
ground that they struck the trees and
took a largo portion of ono along aa
a Rouvenoir. They then rose 0G'00
feet in tlio air and wont through a
severe rain storm , which wet them
through and through. The last man
spoken t < had told them they were
forty miles from &t. Paul and
they finally concluded to land
coming to the bank of a river which
they supposed to bo the Mississippi.
They were dropped in a cranbery bog
and spent days in aimless wanderings
without food , sleeping in the woods ,
when they finally found themselves on
the banks of the Flambeau river and
were taken in charge by two hunters
who piloted them to Chippewa Falls.
The Man Who Wanted Gold.
National AmoclntcJ I'ITHS.
YOUNUSTOWN , 0. , October 21.
Jesse Baldwin , the old gentleman who
yesterday demanded and obtained gold
for seventeen thousand dollarsin gov * '
eminent bonds from the treasury do
p.irtment at Washington , and who was
nftorwcirds put in charge of the police
for safe keeping , is a resident of this
city. About twenty-livo years ago
Baldwin was thrown from a horse ,
having his head injured. Previous to
this ho was considered in every way
one of our most intellectual citizens.
Since his injuiy he has had a nvmia
for writing articles on finance and has
Hi'curcd ' the printing of these articles
in many lirst-cluss journals. Ho has
been until recently a heavy dealer in
coal and iron , and during the war
made qnito a fortune. In all his
dealings Jiohas always demanded gold
and would hound a man day and
night if ho was known to have a § 20
gold piece. It is known that on
Baldwin's farms , six miles from this
city , ho linn over § 100,000 worth of
gold buried , and it is the wonder of
the people that ho has not been
robbed or murdered at his country
residence years ago. Previous to
starting to Washington with his
bonds , he asked thu bank to give him
gold for them. Ho found that ho
could save four dollars by going to
Washington for the gold. Ho re
turned safely this evening with three
satchels full of gold pieces.
Indication *
National Anoctatod from.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , October 21.
For the uppur lakes : Fair weather ,
southwest to west winds , higher ba
rometer , stationary or lower tomppra-
turo. For the upper Mississipp
valley : Fair weather , south to west
winds , higher barometer , nearly sta
tionary temperature. For the lower
Missouri valley : Partly cloudy weather
and occasional rain , variable winds ,
mostly northerly , higher barometer ,
station ury temperature.
Foreign Visitors at Richmond.
National AmwclMwl 1'ruba.
Ilic-iiMONl ) , Va. , October 21. The
French and Gorman visitors arrivei
hero this morning on thu steamer
Catskill and were met at the wharf by
the mayor and other city oflicials ant
citizens. They visited the capital ajit
were cordially recoivud by thu gov
urnor ,
All Future Meetings of the Laud
League to bo Brokoii Up by
the Britisb Government ,
An Attempt Made to Got the
Pope to Condemn the Land
League Manifesto.
Gladstone's Present Policy Dif
ferent Prom That of a Few
Yonrs Ago.
A Writer in The Newcastle
Chronicle Shows Up Glad
stone's Past Policy.
A Stirrlnc Adilroin Issued to the
Land Iionguo * of Amorlon-
National Asuoclitod 1'rcM
NKW VOIIK , Ootobor 21.-Mr. Put-
rick Ford cabled hi The Froodtnau's
lournal thin morning the following :
OPKIUK op TIIK liusiiVouu > , \
NKW YOKK , October 21. )
Mi.v : or ] ur.t.\Ni > : The cyoa of the
world i\ro on you. Stand together.
IJo fnithful to your imprisoned chiefs.
Obey the manifesto , "no rontn. " 1'ro-
) .iro for sacrifices. Ho bravo , but
mutant , and rely on Ainorica'R money
ind sympathy. Wo will snccov the
children of the evicted and honor the
uornl liurocs. Landlords must go.
3o true lo principle , mid redemption
a assured. God snvo Ireland !
( Signed ) PATIUCK Foun.
October 21. The land
aaguu has issued n proclamation urg-
ng the abandonmunt of nil projected
or contemplalod meetings , warning
he league sympathizers that the Eng-
ish government will make every fu-
.uro meeting held under the auspices
if the le.iguo a pretext for a resort to
irmed foico against the attendants.
! t is believed thaf. the aoizuro of the
and league origin , The United Irish-
nan , is imminent.
Tim FOIM : .
Great pressure is being exerted to
ibtam from the pope a strong and
clear condemnation of the land league
A largo English military force has
icon dispatch to the Glango und 13al *
aghadorin districts to suppress there
lie great riots raised by sympathizers
with the land league.
LONDON , October 21. Mr. Gowon ,
In an editorial in The Newcastle
Chronicle , saya : "Not so many years
ujfo , Mr. GlatiatDno wrota ad tillowa :
'The prisoners in the kingdom of
Naples , arrested and imprisoned with
out duo legal process were in viiat pro
portion not tried at all , and when
they wore tried were so badly treated
by exceptional and not regular tri
bunals , that when they were con
demned they we're condemned not by
the f roe verdict of a popular body ,
but .by the sentences of judges de
pendent upon the government
For their bread , a government
noreover whoso power rested on
liigrant breaches of a written legal
constitution of the country. " The
irimo minister in his time played
nany parts , but oven those familiar
with Ins gyrations were not , perhaps ,
iwaro of the rapid transformation of
: UH opinions on the treatment of polit
ical prisoners. It is true that the men
fur whom ho pleaded years ago were
jtrangars at a distance whereas , those
ho now imprisons are follow country
men a near distinction may reconcile
the difference with which cases uro
treated to the sublime and versatile
intellect of Mr. Gladstone , but to
plain men it is not so apparent.
NKW YORK , October 21. The fol
lowing address will bo issued tomorrow
row t'toin the ollieo of The Irish
World to brunches of the land and
industrial leagues of this country :
To lliu IrMi National Land ami Industrial
I.caKiRS of America :
UKOTHUUH : Engliah despotism 1ms
outlawed the land league , but the
spirit of the urgunizatioii in inde
structible. The movement cannot be
suppressed. In order to kill the
vitalizing principled implanted in
Lhe mind of Ireland by this
agitation , it IB first necessary to
exterminate the Irish pcrplp them
selves. Nor would the diabolical
effort succeed even then. There is a
new Ireland this proclamation cannot
iflcct. America is the unassailable
base of operations. In truth , war
linn just commenced in downright ear
nest. England and Ireland are now
face to face. Nothjng rash or foolish
should be attempted , but every on-
[ lortunity to strike England morally
or physically ouyh * . to bo taken ad
vantage of. Gladstones bun sown
wind , let him reap the whirl
wind. The point which The
Irish World has urged all along ; "no
rent" is now adopted and The Irish
World and its constituency from
Maine to California will support the
land league with redoubled energy
and zeal unparalleled. Already you
who made this journal the channel of
your offerings to the land league liavo
Hubscribed $100,000 to the land
league , but , respectable as thin is , it
is a * but a drop in the bucket
to what wo can and must contribute.
You are 9,000 , leagues stronu. Now
i the time for you to show your
strength , We. pledged ourselves to
the land league in convention assem
bled If it would prosecute war on
the no rent program we would re
double dur efforts iu itn .behalf. The
no rent banner is unfurled. It now
rums in for ua to fulfil our pledge.
Hold public meetings , increase the
mumbonthip of your branches , sent
out collectors into the ward ;
mid parishes , promptly forwuri
to us all monnys which
The Irish \Vorld will ( lush by cable to
Mr. Kgan in Paris : Do these things
and you will RIVO now hope to the
people of Ireland who arc now en-
cngod in a life and death trugglo
with landlordism and alien rule and
are bravely working out their political
salvation. God defend thu right.
( Signed ) PATUICK Fonii.
K tomt ! Associated t'r si.
LONHON , October 21. Hotting this
evening pit thu r.tco for the Cam
bridgeshire ) stAkcs are fi to 1 against
Incendiary , ! f to 1 against Ilotreat ,
10 to 1 against Foxhall , 100 to ! >
against Lucy Glitter , and 'it ! to 1
against Don Kuliuio.
The Dutch steamer Koonig Noder-
lander , on passage from lUtavia to
Amsterdam , to-day foundered anil
Rank. Gnu boat containing thirty-
eight pontons has been rescued , bub
the others , with one hundred and fif
teen people on board , are still missing :
and it is feared are lust.
DUPUX , October 21. The imme
diate cause of William Derris , who
was in charge of the land league oflico ,
was a secret circular advising the ten
ants throughout the country to give
billa of sale on their property to
tmdesmon , in order to prevent land
holders from seizing for rent.
Dr. Donning haa declined to viaib
imprisoned subjects in the presence oC
the warden , and ho declines to em
ploy any other doctor.
LONDON , Octwbor 21 , It is stated
that if the Oner convention is not
ratified by the ttil of November , the
troops will advance.
The Duke of Mat-thorough , Into
lord lieutenant of Ireland , has written
a letter censuring the government for
delay in suppressing the land league.
The Duke of Abercorn and Lord *
Hamilton , Lcitrim , SuUblkand others
spoke in similar turmn at a meeting ;
No Abatement of the Floods
in the Mississippi River.
Railroad Traffic Suspended fortho
CIUCAOO , October 21. Advices this
morning from Quincy indicate that
there is no material' change in the sit
uation along the river at that point ,
excepting that the flood is steadily
advancmp , the river having risen
seven inches iiv the past 24 hours.
The Hannibal & .St. Joe , the Quincy ,
'Missouri & Pacific and the St. Louis'
Keokuk & Northwestern trackson
the Missouri side of the river , are un
der water , and all trains are aban
doned for the present. A break is
reported in the Indian grave levee ,
Hixteon miles aboveQuinoy , but thu
cravasso in not serious , t&o backwater
from Quincy bny having already
Hooded a wide extant ofi country ex
tending several miiemtq tlio north of
Quincy along the Spy. Tlio dostruc-
, ion is complete , the water from this
jrovasso west of Ilockport gradually
jxtonding and inundating the line
arming country protected , by the em-
Last night the Sny levee broke at n
joint seventeen miles below East Uan-
libal , and the watuc-is pouring in and.
lacking up over the bottom lands.
Unless there is a speedy fall the
valor may bo expected to cover all
ho lowlands back of the levee as fai-
ip as East Hannibal. Tlio break
11 the levee is said by Lovco
Jommissionor Murray to bp 200 feet
ii width , and the water , being almost
; o tlio top of the levee embankment ,
u pouring through with a roar and iu that can be heaud for miles. No
definite estimate of thu-losses can yet
je obtained , but thie corn still re
naming on the bottoms will bo almost
.otally destroyed. The levee abovoj
liia place is still unbroken , but ut ono
loint nearly/ opposite is sloughing oflT
ind hourly growing weaker. jTho
river hero hoa risen cloven inches in
; holost twenty-four hours , and is now
jut two feet bolwv the high water
mark of 11351. This is higher than it
lias been since thai mnirorablo year. ,
Railroad tracks are all umlor watur
and trailic is nearly at iv standstill.
At Davenport , Iowa , the Missis
sippi river only la-tks Hovonteen inchcii
of tlio lioiglit reached by the great
Hood oi Jtino , 1880. The streets near
the river are badly Hooded , and travel
on souio of them impossible. In ono
[ ilaco thu street cars uro running in
water a food deep. Sidewalks am
ifloat and tied to houses by ropes.
I'ho cellars , ot many large- business ,
liotucs are lull of water necessitate
ing the removal of a largo quantity off
joods , Tlu water is stillu'dvanuUig.
National Asaoclaled Press.
NHW YOHK , Octobar 21. .1 . , - , , . _
Weatbrook has granteU an ord r au
thorizing the Manhattan receiver * to
begin suit against tlvo Now York anil
Metropolitan company to removal-front ,
e'ach $0,500,000 iwid interest from
May , 1879.
OTTAWA , October 21. Lord Lot-no's
trip to England lias boon postponed
a fortnight , the unrquU sutfcring fronx.
a. eoy we cold.
Goasv Tfawttv
SAX FiiAsmuo , October 21. The
rcaidonco of N. Jellecktt wealthy vluo
grower near Jaokaon , was burned Ouv-
ing lant night and the family o { IOUL-
pereonn lost their Hvoa.
The Kud Gutter , Thomas Convin ,
from un Arctic cruise brought down
nine of the crow of the whaler Daniel
Webster but no tidinqi * of i
i > J
notto. 1.
M.i , .Jt JOU - U VII