Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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Friday M6rnlnpf , Dot , 21.
ft f For Sheriff ,
For Treasurer ,
For Clerk ,
For Commissioner ,
* For Judge ,
For Surveyor ,
For Superintendent of Instruction ,
t For Coroner ,
For the accomodntlon of our up-lown
patrons arrangements have been made with
Etlholm & Erickson , jeweler * , opposite the
jpoRt office , whcro advertisements nnd
orders for the city delivery of. Tint Bsr.
will bo received. Advertisements for the
evening must bo handed In before 1:30i. : \ .
m. , lor the morning edition before 8:30 :
p. m
Patterson soils coal.
Frederick Lending Hatter ,
Doane. Reliable Ilattor.
Fine pocket knives at Kuhn'fi.
Owl Cigara at Ktilin' * Drug Store.
Night School at the Business College.
Th Lion continue * to roar for Moore's
Sarncn .ad Saddlery ,
For riNE Commercial Job Printing ,
il At THK BEK Job rooms.
Short Hand taught at Business Col
jlcgc. oct20-Hl
Don't forget the Gospel Mcctlnga nt
the Presbyterian church.
Don't forgot the Gospo1 Mcctlnga at
tlio Presbyterian church ,
The matting and carpetB for Boyd'n
opera house arrived to-day.
Smoke SUriton k Storms , finest
Cigarat Kuhn'aprug Store only.
Boys'Warm School Caps , all kind * ,
cheap , at Frederick's ; largest stock.
Two'SIocumbi ? went Into the cooler
last night. They " will get the usual dots
ihii morning.
The trial of the complaint brought by
O. J. Cmian against Jim Stepheiison for
disturbing the peace by uttering profimo
language has been postponed thirty days.
Dr. Frisoni , the veterinary Burgeon ,
"had a finger bitten oft by a horse yester
day. Ho had hold nf the animal's tongue
And narrowly CRcancd losing part of his
T. J. Potter , gcn ral manager of the
C. , B. & Q. , west of the Missouri river ,
has been elected third vice president of the
road. He will now bo general manager of
the Burlington lines.
"A Turo chnnco" for somebody to step
nto a good trying business. The stock
' .nU fixtures of tha Michigan tobacco store
1417 Douglas street for .
j0 cilean. j n.
quire on the premises. _ " '
A very enjoyable surprise W tc ler.
cd Harry Hunt , of Max Meyer & > lffp. .
"Wednesday evening , on the occasion > .f
Ilia return from a visit to his old homo iu
Dloomsburg , Columbia county , Pa.
Mrt. Kelly , residing at the corner of
Twelfth and Casteller street * , South Oina- '
hs , diilocated her'jnw yesterday afternoon
while yawning. Sha was obliged tu remain -
main iri this somewhat ludicrous , but do-
cidcdly unpleasant condition for several
hours before a' surgeon could arrive.
One hundred and fifty-nine beautiful
reiidenco lots , located on Hamilton street ;
half way between the turn table of the
. ol street car line and the waterworks
reservoir and addition , and just west of
tlxi convent of the Slstvra Poor Claire in
Shinn's addition. Prices range from $7fi
to $110 each , and will bo sold on easy
termi to these whu will improve. Boinia'
real estate agency , 1'iftcenth and Douglas
streets. .
Omaha' * Tanning Company.
The Lincoln Journal says : Articles
of incorporation of the Oinulm Tan
ning & Gluu company were filed in the
ofiico of the sccrutury of ntato on the
10th inst. Tlio company is formed for
the purpose of tanning hides and
making luo in the City of Omaha ,
"whcro the principal pluco of business ia
to bo. The capital stock , of the cor
poration is placed at $5,000 , divided
into shares of 810 each. The incor-
pbrators named nro J. E. Boyd , C. E.
Yost , 0. Anderson , Henry Gibson and
Nols P. Olander.
Mlrabllo Dlotu-
"Your Spring Llossom U a success , I
certainly think its clleuts nro wonderful ;
all the uyn | cptlo symptom * I complained
of have vanished ; my wKo id alun onthuai-
ratio In praise of it ; ulio was dlaflgurcd
1/y blotches and pmp ! ! ' on her face , and
Iiad n continuous headache. She is all
right now , nnd all unsightly erupt on gone. You may refer nny doubting
imrtiott to mo. B. M. WILLIAMSON ,
"Elk street , Buffalo. "
Price. 50 cntH ; trial bottled , 10 conU ,
[ 17-eodlw ]
Slo of Seat * Begun.
The box shoot for the sale of tickets
to the opening performance in Boyd's
opera house on Monday evening next
was' opened In the Wabash ofiico this
morning. A largo crowd was on hand
parly nnd the reserved seats on the
parquet floor nnd in the first tier
went with ii rapidity that ; was truly
gratifying. Manager Harsh was kept
Liny during the day chocking oft'soau
for both thu opening and1 tho1 Tuesday
-ovcuinj , ' performances. It will bo n
great first night at Boy el's opera house.
No head-ache or b'nckinclio indies
who drink "WINE OF CAMPII ! . "
i .Ciuckera r always on
liand , at J. "I. Nichol's , corner Fif
teenth and Dodgp , ' ocl20-f2t
fl Furniture , JBedding , Mirrpre and
oyorythingVportaininK to the fumi-
turo and upholstery trade. HUB the
best stock in Omaha and makes tlio
lowest prices , ft p , .SopUJJtr-
V i \J " t . . j / % J MIV ' ,
Quo of the Oniof Actors Now
in the City.
Among the names recorded upon the
Cnnfiold house register last evening
was that of I. P. Ollvo , rv heavy cattle
owner of western Nebraska. This
name called to memory the terrible
tragedy of Castor county two years
atjo , in which Kotchum and Mitchell
were shot and afterwards fatally
burned , Olive was convicted ns4a
principal in Iho alTair and sentenced
to the penitentiary for life , but was
released by the aupronio court for ir
regularities in the trial.
At the time of the tragedy considera
ble ill feeling existed between the cat-
Up men and Bottlora of Ouster county ,
, the former wishing to retain the land
undivided for grating purposes. The
settlers who had located in the county
began to raise cattle , some of which
mixed with these of the stock dealers ,
At the fall round-up a number of settlers
tlors , among whom were Kotchum and
Miller , attempted to reclaim the cattle
they alleged had strayed to the herds.
This attempt the cattle men resisted.
A hght followed , inwhich Stephens ,
then sheriff of Ouster county , was
shot while ho was aiding Iho cattle
men. A deputy sheriff with a posse
arrested Kotchum and Mitchell on the
charge of the murder and started for
Hastings with them. While on the
way the posse wore overhauled by a
number of cattle men and the prison
ers taken from the officer's custody.
Kotchum and Mitchell were then both
hanged , shot and their bodies partly
burned. Olive was afterwards ar-
rrstod as the leader of the lynching
party and taken to Hastings , whcro
ho was tried and convicted. It was
reported at the time , and generally bo-
liovcd , that Stephens , the murdered
sheriff , was a brother of Olive , bub for
some reason wont under an assumed
The trial at Hasting was of the
most exciting nature. The legislature
of 1870 appropriated $10,000 for the
apprehension and persecution of Olive
and his gang. Attorney General Dil-
worth prosecuted the case , assisted by
iblo attorneys. The defense was also
in the hands of the best legal talent
obtainable. Several hundred cattle
men and cow-bow& wcro in Hastings
during.tho trial , and they novoral times
threatened to burn the town , but the
authorities closed all of the saloons
ind made the moat energetic precau-
tioiiH , so an incendiary attempt was
not mude. ' Olive is reputed to bo
quite wealthy , as ho was at the time
of the tragedy , and in business mut
ters is spoken of in the highosr terms.
United Stntoi Court.
'Iho bar docket for the November
term of , the United States circuit court
is ready for attorneys. It contains
117 cases in law and 220 in equity.
The May term contained 130 cases in
law and 201 in equity. Court cam
monces November 14th. The jury
panel will bo drawn to-morrow.
Arroited for Perjury.
Thomas D. Scott was arrested to-upy
on otargo of perjury at the instance
of Dispel AUoriloy Burnham. Ho
testified 1 * the Nrrigan cose , which is
still on { rial in the tnct court , that
ho saw darrigan pa , „ man namcd
Smith $25 , and this is t,0 ground for
the compaint. ' .
A Wise Deacon- \
"Deacon Wilder , 1 want you l\ \ > { 0\\ \
mo how you kept yourself and fomiv
well the past season , when all the rest
of us have been sick so much , and
have had the doctors visiting us so
often ? "
"Brother Taylor , the answer is very
easy. I used Hop Bitters in time ,
kept my family well and saved the
doctor bills. Three dollars' worth of
it kept mi well and abla to work all
the timo. 'I'll warrant it has cost you
and the neighbors one tu two hundred
dollars apiece to koeir sick the same
timo. "
"Deacon , I'll use your medicine
hereafter. " octl5-novl
_ _
Gnrrifiim' * Trial.
The trial of P. H. Garrigan , in
dicted for embezzlement from the
Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine
company , occupied the entire day in
the district court yesterday. The
testimony on both sides was strong.
The attorney concluded their sum-
ining up , mid the jury will bo charged
this morning. One of the witnesses
for the defense , Scott , was nrtvstod
yesterday afternoon on the charpo of
perjury. Ho is in jail. Should Gar-
rigan bo cleared , ho will bo arraigned
on the indictment against him for
That Stlnlc.
It cornea up in chunks from the hog
yards on the river bottoms south of
the Union Pacific track , and nt night
fairly loads down the air. No part of
the city east of Fifteenth street is free
from this overpowering , sickening
odor when the wind blows from the
right quarter. Jf any moans can bo
devised to fence the atink in or de
stroy its spreading qualities , they
should bo immediately put into execu
ItegUtratlou Notice.
STATE OF Nr.irtusiu , \
Notice is hereby given to the oloo-
torp of ( ho Fifth' ward that I will sit
in the U. P. Bnkory on Sixteenth
street , bo'woen ' California and Web-
utor , on October 3lnt , and Tuesday.
Wednesday and Thursday , November
1st , 2d and 3d-1881 , for' tlio purpdse
of registering thu electors of said ward.
Uii witnpss whereof ] > hereunto set
my hand this lOlh day of October , A.
D. , 1881. g , WAKKFIKLD.
oJP-lt Registrar , Fifth pnl
Take " "
\W uever bu Uli < > "
Manager Toutalln Goes Over to the
C.B. &Q.
Some months ago there was men
tioned in TUB BF.R the probability
that Manager A. E. Touzalin of the
B. & M. would become ono of the
ofliclah of the 0. , 11. &Q. This has
turned out to bo the case , Manager
Touzalin hao been elected first vice-
president of the 0M B. & Q. , or prac
tically the head of the road. His
headquarters will bo in Boston. Man *
ogcr Touzalin will accept the position
and remove with his family tu the
_ _
Aid. Hornbcrgcr hrw returned from "nn
extended visit cnit.
Mr * . K. Ii. Eaton and daughter went
east yesterday Mtcrnoon ,
Chief Knfpriccr IMickcnsderfor came in
from the wo t yesterday.
Wm. A. 1'nxtou returned homo from
North 1'latte yeitenlay.
0. V. Kltclica and daughter rrivcd
from Lnramlo yesterday afternoou.
JC-J , W , Morse , ( encral ticket Agent of the
Union Pacific , went cast yesterday after
Father English left yesterday for Ot
tawa , 111. , on a visit to IIH ulster , Mrs.
A Hiley returned Wednesday after
noon from a visit to his old home in
J II , Hungntc , of 131".ir , treasurer of
Washington county , is In the city , stop-
pin ; ; nttha Creighton ,
At the On afield house : .T. 1J. Holmes ,
B , Barker , .Inlin M.Kirn , of PlnttBinouth ;
il.T. Dunning , of Shelby.
Tr , Hoot , of Cans county , member of
the legislature , wiw in the city ycscenlay
ami called at Tm : ] ) EK oflicc.
J. ] ; . > 'inncy , the popular Rilcsraan of
ICosenheim , I/ovin fc Co , , of Ht. Louis , ia
In town , Btopplns at the Metropolitan.
jraj. J. D. Kluebch and lady , of Lin
coln , ara in the city , the guest of Mrs.
Bauiimnn , of North Sixteenth street.
Lieut. Dan , 0. Kingman , f the en
gineers' corjiH , is asHigned to duty in the
cngineera' oRico tlcpartmeii * ; of the Flatto.
Col. John E. McClure , general western
agent of the U , & At. , returned homo
Wednesday afternoon from a lusinos
trip in the west.
Misscn Daisy Johnson and Mnry Love ,
of Keokuk , la. , who Imvo been \isitinc
Miss Doane , daughter of Hon. Geo. W.
Doane , In tlm city for Boveral days , returned -
turned homo yesterday.
The Metropolitan hoti I'H register shown
.ho arrival in the city nf G. II. I'lummer
and wife , of Mcl'licrsonj K. M. Collins ,
of I'romont ; O. P. linker , of Kxetor ;
Tno. G. Sluilte , nf Fort Cjstor , Montana ;
D.'S. Ilose , of Wellsville.
Jutiticc Edwin J. Abbott , of Council
ttufta , nccoinpanled by hu wife and her
, hco Binters , Mrs. John llarnian , of Coun
cil Bluirs , Mrs. John Purcapilo , of Elyrla ,
Dhio , and Mrs. John Spangle , of Paraonu ,
Kansas , were in the city to-day to take a
ook at a live Nebraska city.
The following ntrivals nto noted on tha
Withnoll IIOUBO regiater : D. H. Clay and
wife , of York ; F. II. Wetmoro und wife ,
and James Shermrn , of Walnunrla. ; O.
W. Patten , of Plum Creekj E. C. Carn ,
ofSewardj H. B. Windham , of Platts-
mouth ; W. II ] B. Stout , of Lincoln.
Tha following persons arc registered at
.ho Creighton house among yesterday's ar
rivals : 0. E. Bahcock , E. M. Webb , of
[ jincolnj Dan Hopkins , J. A. Holden , of
Central City ; Daniel C. Tinnfus , of Fair-
mount ; A. S. Venmim and wi'o , of Exe
ter ; R. II. Boughton , Alfied A. Baxter ,
of Ida Grovo.
K. II , Wade , the recently appointed
superintendent of the Iowa division of the
1 , B. & Q. road , was in Omaha yesterday.
It was his first visit to the Gateway city ,
l ho was both mirpriscd at its cnter-
fcand seemed to obtain a most favor-
aUo iu.jro sion. Mr. Wade is an ex-
periented-Ilroall officilll nnd
gentleman to .1Cti
Among the , , , , paMengerg on the
overland train froB1 , ho WMt yetordfty
afternoon were Majo , toLaughlln and
family , of San Francisco- ioLalglliin j8
manager of the Mloceno goU.niine which
IB located on and under FeaXvcr j.jvcr
which forms the line
between Ca > rfornia
and Nevada. In recently digging ttia.
nel under the river , a vofn of w ( jerfui
riclmcsi was struck , in which nuggeU Of
gold worth several hundred dollar * nra fre
quently found. McLaughlm had one in
liin posiesslon , which ho valued at 8350 ,
It was aa large as a man's fist , and almost
entirely gold.
"Hot Cakes' "
Thoopening of the diagram for the
opera house yesterday was the signal
for a rush for tickets for Monday
evening's performance. Manager
Marsh and a clerk wore busy nil day
taking in the shekels , and when evening -
ing came eight hundred seats
had been reserved. ' This is some
thing unprecedented for Omaha , and
shows that the elegant temple tu
Thespus is to bojcrowdod to the ut
most on both of the opening nighU.
On the Way to Homo-
AIUOIIK the oast-bound passengers
on the Union Pacific train Wednesday
afternoon was Catholic Bishop Horn-
ley , of Vancouver's Island , on his
way to Homo. Ho will there assist in
the canonization of the Blessed Labro ,
which tokes place" in St. Peter's
cathedral , December 8th. Bishop
llomh-y has cloven priests in Van
couver B Island and ono in Alaska
under his charge. The population of
the island ia largely Indian.
iThe Club Hunt.
The "spoils of the chase , " which
will bo brought in by the rival sides
from the Omaha sportmon's club , who
hunted yeslordoy , will bo counted nt
Collins & Potty's store at 4 o'clock
this afternoon. As yet none of the
sportsmen have sho\vi | up.
.Boot and Shoo Emporium is the place
to buy. Do not pass by but stop nnd
sco his fine line of goods for Ladies ,
Gentlemen und Children.
Trials of a Vender of Railroad
When the observant citizen walks
by the comfortable nnd spacious ofiiccs
of thogoncrnl ticket agents in thiscity
nnd notes how Harry Duel's broad
cloth vests are cut gradually larger
and his meerschaum takes daily richer
hue , nnd how Frank Moorcs * genial
smile is omnipresent nnd his shadow
grows not a bit Icsa , the same observ
ant individual is apt to conclude that
the ways of these fortunate gentlemen
are over haj.pincss and that nil their
paths nro peace. But ho doesn't know
the whole story. Ticket agents have
Ihcir trials and it was the fortune of
the valiant champion of the cannon
ball route to pass through ono
of these ordeals last evening. About
eight o'clock , as the "gang"
including prominent members
of the Chalk club wuro dropping in ,
pno by ono , nnd preparing to trade
yarns of undoubted reality , there was
( i stir near the door and in walked a
customer , that is , ho was a prospca
tivo customer. Ho were n bit { over
coat , with a capo , and top boots. The
boots might have been tight , which
made him walk unevenly , or perhaps
something about thoappoaranco of the
opera house on the west side had un-
stcadiud his equipoise. Ho managed
to got to the rail , however ,
exhibited a telegram announcing
that his wife was coming from the
west with thrco children nnd would bo
hero Friday , when all were to go on
to St. Louis.
Of COUMO the manipulator of tickets -
ots was pleased at the prospect of
sending the whole family over his
line , and he explained everything to
the man in the most careful nnd
urbane manner. The telegram was
consulted several times , the exact
time of which the lookod-for wife and
throe children were to arrive
calculated , and the hour
agreed upon when the tickets
were to bo sold but still the
fellow wasn't satisfied. Mooro's talked
with him about twenty minutes , learn
ed nil about his place in the mothor-
of-president's state , concerning the
prospects of the crops , the Slocumb
law , nnd the coming election , nnd
Blinking the performance ended ,
made n move to sit down at his desk.
The fellow leaned confidentinlly
over the rail and whispered : "Say ,
whon'd you say they'd bo hero ? "
Frank looked up in surprise at the
Interruption , but the man never no
ticed it and kept on whispering.
Frank got up nndwnlked back toward
the rear of the ofiico. The fellow
followed. When ho came to the big
bamboo screen , which temporarily
cut off his line of communication , ho
made n move on the right flank , and
by a quick detour , caught the enemy
before he could get away.
Presently the end of the
long rail had been reached , and
the victim started on the back track.
The boys by this time had suspended
conversation and devoted their atten
tion to the play. Gradually Frank
worked back toward his desk nnd the
shadow clung to him with n fiendish
pertinacity , talking nil the while like
A house on firo. They made the
second lap in good time , and started
r n the third about oven.
At this moment the decorum of
the lookers-on deserted them.
Frank Hanlon bccaino delirious witli
joy , Joe Tohon looked for n conven
ient place to stand on IUH head , nnd
Maxwell got a piece of chalk to keep
score. The victim didn't appreciate
the joke , but ho couldn't help himself.
Another promenade , more quick
moves around the bamboo screen , and
the pedestrians came in on the fourth
lap in good form Moorcshnd assayed
several times to got away from the
rail , but the follow on the other side
manifcstedsomuch disposition toclimb
over , that the ticket min had no
olternativo except to stick to it or
out in revolt.
the fourth lap was finished ,
Frank lotkMUitrack for fresh nir- The
man followed vm ; . out of the front
door , arpund on irtoenth slroet , in
the rear door nnd ajj. . , drove him
back of the protecting ran. Ti-rulljj
gave it up. The crowd , which > i .i
visibly augmented , w.ia in a roar ,
and ho had to ngain sit down
at his desk and patiently submit.
The fellow took n seat just outside the
rail and kept on talking. After dis
cussing various topics ho heard some
remarlt concerning A. D. Jones. "A.
D. Jontsl" ho exclaimed ; "why , I
know that there man. Ho used ter
live in Old Virqim.y. Now when ho
first como thor" with his wife "
Frank saw his chance. Hu broke
in with , "Let mo see ; on what day
did wo liguro that your wife is com
ing ? "
The fellow looked n little nut out
but was willing to attend to business
first , and the preliminaries regarding
the tickets were talked over again.
Ho again began :
"When A. D. Jones first showed up
in "
VirKinny" -
"Sh-hush ! " whispered Frank , "I
think that ho is just outside of the
window. "
"I ' " remarked
don't care n - profanely
marked the interrupted story teller ;
I know A. D. Jones as well ns nny of
you , nnd don't you forgot it. "
The crowd promised that they
would try to not forgot it , but they
never heard that story or learned what
happened when "A. D. Jones came fo
Virginny with his wifo. " The man
gave up finally in despair nnd wont
away with n broken heart. Whether
ho will buy these Wnbash tickets re
mains to be soon.
"WINEOFCARDUI" four times n
day makes a happy household.
AtC. F. Goodman.
Derm MlllnpnTiRh Mnrrted.
The mnrnago of lean Millspaugh
to Mrs. Hambloton , daughter ol
Bishop Clarkson , took place nt the
Episcopal cathedral this morning nt 8
o'clock. The ceremony wns per
formed by Bishop Olnrkson , assisted
by the Episcopal clergymen of the
city , nnd woo witnessed by quite a
Inrge nudionco. including members ol
the Dean's and Mrs. Hnmblelon's
families. The bride was married in n
traveling suit , nnd the couple nt once
started for the Sioux City & St. Paul
depot nnd took the trnin for Duluth.
Upon their return they will go to
Fnribnult , Minn , to visit the friends
of Dean Millspaugh ,
In Which a Pawn-broker Fig
ured Prominently.
Some timcngo n man from the coun
try bought n gun from Joe llobbins ,
the pawnbroker. He soon accidental
ly broke the lock of it and returned it
to llobbins to bo repaired. llobbins
loaned him another gun to use
in the meantime. To-day the
man returned to llobbins1
with the old gun nnd nsked for his
own weapon , llobbins said it was
unfortunate , but ho had sold it. This
naturally made the countryman mad ,
nnd ho got hotter still when told by
Rnbbins that ho could possibly get
the gun back by paying n bonus of
$3. Quito a war of words ensued ,
nnd llobbins finally drew n re
volver and pointed it at the
stranger. That gentleman in turn
brought the gun to n level nnd things
began to look ugly , when Ex-Sheriff
Groby interfered and took the
stranger to the police court. There
ho was discharged by Judge Benoko
after the case had been stated to him.
Soldiers' Sooroi-
The following are the grand totals
made by the soldiers whoso names are
appended , in six scores of five * .shots
each , nt 200 , 400 and 600 ynrds re
'Don't Know Half Their Value. "
" cured of Biliousness
"They mo Ague ,
ness and Kidney Complaint , as re
commended. I had a Imlf bi.ttlo left
which I used for my two littlu girls ,
who the doctors and neighbor * uuid
: ould not bo cured. I would have
lost both of them ono night if I had
not given them Hop Bitters. They
did them so much good I continued
their use until they were cured. That
is why I say you do not know half the
value of Hop Bitters , and do not re
commend them high enough. " B. ,
Rochester , N. Y. See other column.
American Rural-Homo ,
oct. 1
Real state Transfers.
Tlio following are nil the transfers
recorded nt the bounty clerk's oflico
during Monday , Tuesday and Wednes
day , as reported torr this paper by
John L. McCaguo , real estate agent
and conveyancer :
Sanford N. Staysa , and wife to 0.
0. Paul , part lot 2 , block D , Lowe's
second add. , W. D. § 300.00.
Samuel E. Rogers tu W. F. Tucker ,
lot 3. block 9 , S. E. Rogers' add. , W.
A. S. Poppleton to John Davitt , lot
15 , "Elizabeth Tlace" add. , W. D.
§ 350.00.
Alfred Schroter to Wm. W. Davis ,
lots 5 and G , block 11 , in Isnncs &
Solden's add. $1,350.
Jno. A. Harbach and wife to J.
Cammenzind , lot 8 , block 4. liar-
bach's second add. , w. d , $250.
Geo' H. Guy to Isaac Ed wards , part
lot 1 , block 7H , Omaha , deed. 8700.
James .T Brown to Francis L. Pack
ard , south 88 feet , block 108Oinahn \ , ,
w. d. 51,000.
J. 0. Wilcox to James J. Brown ,
mujdry lots in Wilcox's second add , ,
w. 0\t300.
James G. McGon'h nnd wife to
OJiarlus Bainnnn and Edward Loeder ,
' ' " " Huiwcom . d ,
i'nnCl . "ir park , w.
Andrew J. Poppiui _ io Michael
O'Domiol , lot liEli/.abothT'iirot.i ( ;
w. d.-$350. '
Michael Walonx to Catherine
linger , lot D block 253 , Oinnliaw.d.
J. Kornor and wife to Mary A. Dai-
ton , lot Gl , llartman's ' ndd. , w. d.
Andrew J. Ilunacow to Horace E.
Powers , lots 17 and 18 block 3 , Iluns-
com place , w. d. $1,000.
Hugh McCafl'ory to John I.Rodick ,
east half of lot 3 block 147 , Omalm ,
w. d-82BOO.
John I. Redick to Hugh McCaflory ,
parcel in ' Rodick'a add. , w. d. $3-
Byron Rood and John Campbell to
Consolidated Tank Line company , lot
8 block 175 Omalm , w , d. $1,000.
As n rulp wo do not recommend
patent medicines , but when wo know
of one that really is a public benefac
tor , and doea positively euro , then wo
consider it our duty to itnpart that in
formation to nil. Electric bitten are
truly a most valuable medicine , and
will surely cure Billipnsncss , Fever
and Ague , Stomach , Liver and Lulnoy
complaints , oven where all others rem
edies fail. We know whereof wo
speak , and can freely recommend to
all. [ Ex. Sold at 00 cents a bettlc.
Isli & McMjihon. (4) ( )
Further Work Against Saloon
Keepers and Barbers
Information was filed by the tem
perance committee to-day four
more liquor dcnlcrn. J. W. Rogers
complained of Barney Shannon ,
charging him with violating the Slo
cumb law. "W. B. Smith
filed complaints ngninat John
G. Brandt and Julius Rosi on the
same charge. 0. F. Davis com
plained against Henry Siort to the
same oDTcct.
Win. Fleming also filed n coin-
plaint against Ford. Schroeder , the
barber , charging him with violating
the Sunday law on the Oth of October
and W. 13. Smith preferred another
charge dating the complaint the 2Cth
of October.
"Tho Kovoro House ouncl Bluifs
is the best second-class hotel in the
NOTICE Ad > crtlBcraent To Loan , For Sale ,
Lost , Found , Wonts. Hoarding , be , , will be In
serted In these columns once for TEN CENTS
per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVE CENTS
per lino. The first Insertion never less than
IONEY TO LOAN Call at Law Otllce of D.
M L. Thomai HoomS. Crclchtan Block.
' ° loan at from U to 10 per cent
on coed real cstatcsocurlty , by
1)11. ISAAC EDWARDS 1100 Farnham St
ti OKillkf I'JU UOAti At B per Uttiitin *
35/OOU.Ul/U tercst In suras of 2BOO and
upwards , for 3 to 6 year , on flrst-closa city and
farm property. UXMIS RRAL ESTATI and Ixux
AOBSCT , 16th and Douirlis Sit.
W 'ANTKll Experienced dlnlne room ( flrls nt
Perkins llounv , PUttimouth , Neb.
WANTED Nuso girl.1800 Chicago street.
311-20 _
WANTED Two good machinists can get
ttcouy employment at f lioin of
eplSOO 25 * Lincoln , Neb.
WANTED A situation by aflr t-cl"jS month
ly nurse , a stranger in the city ; would
take cam of children. Address 1323 corner 14th
and DodKC Sts. 303-21 *
A stout boy to take care of horse
nml work In etoro. Apply S. E. corner
Ibth nnd Uodtfc tts 302-20
'ANTKD-40 acres land within 5 miles of
Wl Omahi , Improved or unimproved. W.
II. SPEUA . . *
> l 14111 , Council UluHs , lUnit 20U-21
WANTED A good ( jlrl to do pencral house-
nork , Hinall family , no chlMron ; wages tea
a competent k'lrl $6 n u eek. 171 ! ! I/Aid St.
W ANTED Men and toims by Duffy Bros. ,
bci. Farnham and Doughs , on Sth St.
"VtrANTED By a lady , situation as house-
YV Keeper or111 as < Ut In lix'lit work In a fam
ily. | Address thla with Mrs. T. H. C. . P. O. ,
Omalia. 288-tf
WANTED A compttciit cook , cosher
and Ironcr , will cct good uatres , at 101U
Farnham bt. None other need apply. 2SU-20
WANTED Good wages to competent glil for
Rcncral housework , except washing. Mrs.
Bell , St. Mary's avenue and 2Blh St. 282-lf
\T7 ANTED-1CO to 2CO loads of dirt Bear 23d
VV and dt. Mary's avenue. Enquire at Bco
Office. 2220-tt
\T7-ANTEO-llOto200loadsofdlrt near 23rd
VV and St. Mary's avenue. Enquire at Bco
Otllce. 103-tl
A couple good cylinder press
WANTED . Can find ttcady employment at
thia office. i 27-tt
Respectable employment by bus-
WANTED wife. Addras P. P. C. , Bee Of-
flee. 977-tf
W ANTED-Housckceper , 1109 Farnham St. ,
up stairs. 30-tf
\TTANrED-Qlrl at 2601 Dodge street.
"VSTANTED Fundlnir bridge and school bonds.
YY II. T. Clark , Bclletue. 26-tf
"VTTANTED To rent a farm by man and his
V V two EOIH. linjulre at this otik-c , or address
N. Flury , Douglas St. , bet. 10th and llth ,
Omaha. 290-25
WANTED A lady ulslus writing to do at
homo or in an otlicc , hu had tome ex
perience and considerable business tact ; or will
as'lst in light housework and giro music lessons
in n family. Address ono neck , Mrs V. U. 41. ,
t' . U , , Omaha. CST-24
Ever ono ID know that Iran af
ford to veil cheaper than any store down
tow n , on account of my small expenses. I hao
new and stylish haU in every uhapu , school hits
In felt and tcltct trimmed for 25 , tOandT-lccntc.
Ladles' hats In straw , > ehet and felt trimmed
for ? 1 00 and (1 CO and up. New line notions
and novelties , also stult dresjoi as low ai il 00.
Call and sco them. No trouble to show Roods.
-MRS. VV. B. WOOD , 210 ICth street , near C'apitol
avenue. 310-27
| 710H KENT Furnished rooim. Inquire at No.
JL ? 010 bet. C'hlcigo and Dat enport Sts.B0021
ITIOIl KENT-Chcap , on Sflth St. , between Farn-
.1 ; l m and Dou lat , ono story and half house ;
lurnMivd If required. Inqnlro at once , W. 0.
BninhaiM , at A. Ii. llubenuann'd jondry store.
llENT-Fnrnlsbcd front room on first
POK , at 317 17th St. , bit. Dat enport aii'l
Chicago. KOl-tf
171011 11EST A new fix room houao with
L closets , cuter and city water ; hoiith
corner Webster and 21 t Su. P. J. CKEhDON.
P10K IIRNT KurnUho rooms at No. 1C1C
( Hurt ktreU. 291-21 *
f U HUNT 2 furmshud rooms over MCJ-
J. ' chants' ExibaiiKoN. E. cor. ItHh anil Dodge
T7IOK SAI.B At abouT i. . . . . .
I1 denco pr pcrty , o o mlle frK
40 acres , fine Improvement' , tro r. .
part on long timo. 'JIIOS. F. STbVENBl
npl307-21 York , Ntb.
T7IOR 8AIE A biamlfiil re IJenco proye-ty of
J } 20 acres , \\ltli eoiumodlous house ; light
acres of orchard and < inryard ; loation slglitlj ;
rnly two and aba f ml'oj ' from postolllcc ; l r-
gain. JOHN L , McCAOUE , opp. P.O. 79 tf
"T710U SALE-Fine stock farm of 400 acres : tool
JL housu , cattln Hticd , orchard , ctr. , within
cany reach ol rallroa1. Prlee , 44,600 , i rt lime ,
at 0 per cent. JOIIN.L. JlcCAGUfi , oppnlto
Pottoffico. Oio-t
T OIl SALE A small Iiouso and i lot ujth good
1 } ell and stable , on 20Ui , near Shornun St. ,
No 1307. rrU * , OSO. 278-tf
SALE Cheap , Two Itadlunt Homu > to > ca
In good condition , ono a double heater. Ap
ply at northeast corner 19th and California His.
T710H SAI.E-A lot of second hand furniture ,
Jj sto\es , i-arpetsand crocUery ware , nt H.
SplRle , KM Douglas Sts. 204-lin
BEMIS h i rattling long IUU of houaea , loU
landi and faruu for sale Cll and g |
FjlOi : SALK Lease and furniture of a tint class
J3 hotel In a town of 1800 Inhabitants , In state
of Nebraska ; has 24 beds ; the trat cling men a re
sort. Inquire at DEE otUce. 219-tt
I7UH SA'-K A small fnglne , U. W , I yuc &
JL ; Son's make. In pvrfevt coder. Iiiqulro of U ,
U. Clark & Co. S6-tf
170U SALE Maps of Douglas and Sarpy oua >
Jj tie * . A. aOSEWATtUi , 1620Faruham struct
flAUJ-Fin * lo k farm of 400 ms-
Eon liouio , catllo thrill orchard &c. , with *
In FMJ r vh of railroad. I'rlfo , 4MO , J it
lime at 6 * JOUN U McCAQUE , Owx Volt
TTIOn SAIiE A bfautlfill evidence property of
JL' 20 acres with commodious houso. Klpht
ftcresof on-hard and vln ) nl. location nightly.
Only two and ihi lf mllM from post offlco. Har-
gwnl JOHN U McCAGUE , Opp. P. O. 7B-U
"TnbR 8AtE I first class cabinet organ very
JL1 chtap ; mr1y new. Inquire Mlltor J ; ogcr9-
& Son , 14th and Furnham St. 30-W
SALE Four acres of land near wat r
EOll * reservoir , M otwo cottAges on Capitol
Hill. Add. ANInKWHhVIN8.1300 Douglas SU.
AND U\NO Ucraii ronn hon M , .
HOUHK9 . hotels , fartr olt , land * , office *
rooms , etc , See let PH '
\T ° TICK T0 BUICK-LAYEltS-l urn a man of
Jmy trade , and I want a situation to do
] oljliiif ! | , &c. , .to. Persons wanting such Inquiry
at Mr. Jonnicti , jeweler , 13th St. , liet. llarncy
nml Howard. 312-20 *
UI' A white sptcklcd cov with rnl
car * nnd noio and crooked I orn. Owner
CUM hitvo the same liy rolling at 1017 Howard St.
ana piyinjf ( H imici. 390-21 *
THA YED From my place , corner Hurt ixnd
S 27th SU. , on October 13th , ono roan horse
] < any , 0 ) earn old , brand on lelt hind quarter.
AH1 thereaboutor return to mo will l > o liberally -
2SS 20'
. WANTKD To (11 complete Domra
AOr.NTS . llcsldcn some of the best f ellliiR
hii inc ? nnd social works In the uorld Kxtra
Inducements. Addtcss , C. K. Footc , Fl rcncc ,
Ncl > . 2SO-21
UllNTs CANVAH3 For books , you know.
AU iil sell "Mfo of 1'r nldcnt Garfleld1
Heroes ol the Plaint , " "Uordcr Outlaws-
"Lawa of Ilualncsg. " IltA WALDKOK & CO. ,
St. Louie , Ho. ncSOdawlm *
WAKEN UP Dark bay horse , white strlpon \
_ L face , about 15) caa old. MOSES HAWKINS ,
1010 ChlWjto St. 202-20 *
: j. M. nuuNswicu * ULAKK co. , Keen ,
Tin complete stock of HlUlard Tublu.i and 'Lllf-
Ikud merchandise on haml.nt their 8 to re room , 09 >
South 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. o2-lm *
JHOClISTASSt II Will pay the highest roth
. price for second hand Dllllanl ami Tool
Tables. Call or address 000 South 10th St.
1 > KMIS' KKALNsTATH liUOM. 6 let pa o.
J _ man ; Greek and Latin. Prof. Henry W
Meek , 1207 Jackson 8t OOO-ocS
HAY At A. II. San r' Feed Store
BALED Harney St. 8lO-tt
B lire patfe. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B KMIB' NEW CITY IIAP8,26c , See 1st papo
CJUhEPKOH SALE ICOO fat wethers. AdO -
O dress Anton Abel , Plum Creek , Dawson ( Jo. . .
Neb. 185-18 *
J } Eliza tells post , present and future in lo\o.
tnd all affairs. She rccals the deepest secret * }
: ho heart. She possesses the magnetic power to
fulfill all your wishes. Call at No. 322 corner 16th
and Chicago street
NOTICE. Special advertisements , such n
: ,03t , Found , To Lean , For Sale , To Rent ,
Wants , Hoarding etc. , will bo inserted in till *
column nt the low rate of TEN CENTS PEH
LINE for the first Insertion and FIVE CENTS.
'ER LINE for caih subsequent insertion ,
.caveadvcrlisements at our oflicc , upstairs ,
corner 13rjad ay and Slain street ) , Council N.
lilugg. .
ANTED Even bodv in Council Bluffs lo
to take Tu R BRK , 2d cents per week , de
U crcd by carriers. Oillcc corner Broadway and
Main , up stairs , Council Ulufls. OttMf
' TICKET OFFICE Wnr In railroad
tickets continues to boom. Unprecedented
ow rates to all eastern points. Kvcry ticket
guaranteed. Orders filled by telephone. From
ono to ten dollars saved by purchasing tickets
of C. A. Potter , successor to Potter & 1'almer , No.
40 South Fifth street , Council bluflj , Iowa.
'ANTED Boy , with pony , to carry papers.
W Inquire at IKK office. Council Bluffs.
To buy 100 tons 'broom corn.
WANTED address Council Bluff *
Broom Factory , Council Bluffs , loun. 6SS-29tf
A treed carpenter at once. Apply
ply Mynstcr Ii Adams. Council Bluffs ,
Iowa. 659-29 *
"VT7ANTED A first-class broom tier. Xlayno
YV &Co. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. MX ) 30 *
A boy to dp chores at MynBtera
WANTED , Council Blulfi. C01-23"
Good girl for central housework.
WANTED Mynster , CouncilBluffS. CC2-tf
"TT ANTED A situation by a first-class miller.
V ) Had 20 3 ears experience. Understands
old and now processes. Spuaks English am1 and acquainted with steam and uater
nucm. CnnyUo the best of reference. Will
come on trial at any time. Address II , H. , Box
1511 , Council Bluffs , la. 6U-28 _
TTIOH SALE Old papers 40o per hundred , nt
U The lieu olHcc , Council DluUs. se27 tt
To Contractors , Builders and
Property Owners.
The undersigned haIng been appointed agent
'or ' the extensive iron and wlru manufacturing
louses of E. T. Barnum , of Detroit , and the
Kuwcl Iron Foundry and Works at Toledo ,
3hlo , capacity of CO tons dally , irf prepared to
'urnish estimates and prices for Iron columns ,
fee..c. . , for store fronts , window caps and tills ,
threshold plates , wrought iron beams and gird-
era , hydraulic elevators , staple liftings , pulleys ,
Hhaftlnt ; , 4e. ; also Iron fences , creating , win
dow guards , shutters , stairs , balconies , ecttces ,
chaits , taxes , acquarlums , fountains , summer
louses , lawn , garQcn and cemetery ornaments ,
floucr stand * , grave guards , &c , , &u. . In cndloo *
rariety. Catalogues supplied on application.
Manufacturers' Agent , 22 Pearl street.
aiiglO-lm me Council Bluffa , Iowa1
TlOXALIbT , 409 Tenth StreetIwtween Farnbam
nmlllainey. Will , with thu aid of ( 'Uardlan
epirlts , obtain for any ono aKlance at the past
and present , and on certain conditions in the fu *
turo. Boots and Shoo ) made to order. Perfect
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Grape Tartar. No other
arpatlon roakca such light , flaky hot breads.
iixurou | > pastry. Can be oaten by Dytpeplle
without frar of thollli rctultlng from heavy Indf
od. Bold only In cans , by all Grocer *
New York.
0. P. QocdiniD