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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEi JFEIDAY , OCTOBER SI , 1881 THE DAILY BEE. rtAHA PUBLISHINQ CO. , PROPRIETORS 010 harnhnm , bet. Oth and 10th 8tre U. IKKMS OF sunscnirrioN Onocopyljear , In adtancod itpald ) $10.00 months " 6.0 months 3.00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE. MI CARD CHICAGO , AT , fAtl. , MINNRAfOLlS AMD OMAHA RAILROAD. Leave Omiihn No. 2 throiich pimonRcr , 11 t m. No. 4 , OiliUnd puwcTifrcr , 6:30it. : in. Arrlro Ornnha No. 1 , through pftMcngor , 2:50 : m. No , 3 , Oakland i-.issi.ngtr , 6:30 : p. m , LIAVIXa OMAHA HAST OR SOUTH HOUND. 0. , 1) . ft q. 6 a. m. 3:40 : p. m. 0. & N. W. , 0 a. m. 3:40 : p. m. C. , U , I. & p. , o ft. m. 3:40 : p. m. K. C. , St. J. & 0. ) ) . , loaves it H a. m. and CSO : p.m. ArrhosatSt. Loulsnt 0.30 a. m , arid 8:52 : P. ni.W. . W. , St. I , . & p. , icaxcH&tB ft. m , nml 3:10 : p ; tn. Arrliea at St. Ix-uU ,1 0:10 : n. m , and 7:30 : . m. WTOT OR ioirriiWMn.1 n. ft M. In Neb. , Through Kxprcw , 8:36 : B. m. It , & II. Lincoln Krclitit. 7:00 : p. til , U P Express , 1S:16 : p. tn. O. fc H. V. tot llnoln , 10:20 : a. m. O. A H. V. for Oscuob , 0:40 : a. m. U. 1 * . Jreljfht No. 6. 6:30 : a. m. U. P. freight No. 9 , 8:16 : . in. U , P. freight No. 7 , 0:10 : 11. in. emigrant. U. 1' . freight No. 11 8:45 : p. nt. . ARRIVIKO FROM XA8T AMD POUT1I. 0. B. & Q. , 6:00 : a. ra.7:2B : p m. 0. & N. w. , 0:46 : A. in. 7:26 : p. m. 0. B. I. fcl' 9:45 : a. in. 9.05 p. m. K. C. , St. Joe & 0 It. , 7:40 : n. tn. 0:45 : p. m. ARR1VIXO MOM TUB Tf JOT AND 80UTHWK5T , O. & 1U V. from Lincoln 12:12 : p. m. U. P. Express 3:25 p , in. 11 & M. In Nob. , Through Kxprcw 1:16 : p. tn. H. & U. Lincoln Frci hl 8:35 : u in. U. P. Freight No. 10-U40 p. in. No. 0 4:25 : p. m. Kmlgrant. No. 8 10/iO : p. m. No 12-lli5 : : n. in. O. & U. V. mixed , ar. 4:35 : p. m. Mourn. NobnwUa Division of tno ht , Paul & Sioux City Koad. No. 2 loaxcs Onrnli * 8:30 : ft. m , No. 4 lenxci Oiual.a 1.30 p. m -S'o. 1 arrhca at SUM ) p. m , No. 3 arrhcv at Omaha nt 10:50 : a. m. BVUMT TRAINS BKIWICE.V OMAUi AMD COUNCIL , BUJPP8. " Lcno Omaha at 8:00 : , 9.00 and 11:00 a. m. ; 1:00 : 2:00 , 3.00 , 4:00 : , 6.00 and 0.00 p. tn. Loaxo Council IJlufls&t 8:25 : , 9:25 , 11:26 : a.m. ; 1:26 : , 2:26 : , 3:25 : , 4:25 : 5:25 : antl 0:25 : p. m. Sundays The dummy leaves Omaha at 9:00 and 11:00 : a. m. ; 2.00 , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. ra. Loat os Council BluHn at 9:26 : and 11:25 : a. m. ; 2:25 , 4 : ' > fi and 6:25 : p. tn. _ Opening and doling of Mails. BOOTS. ornx. CLOKS. * . m. p. m. a. ni. p. m. Chlcago&N. W . 11.00 9:30 4SO : 2:40 : Chicago , H I. & Pacific , 11:00 : 9.00 4:30 : 2:40 : 'Chicago , 11. & O. . . . . .11:00 : 9:00 : 1:30 : 2:40 : Wabash . . . . 12:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 : Sioux City and Pacific. . 11:00 : 4:30 : Union Pacific . 600 11:401 : Omaha & H. V . 4:00 : 11:40 : B. & M. In Neh . 400 8:40 : 6:30 Omaha Northwestern. 4:30 : 7:30 : Local malls for State of Iowa leave but once a day , \lz : 4:30 : a.m. A Lincoln Mill in also opened at 10:39 : a. m. Office open Sundays from 12 m. to 1 p. m. THOS. F HALL P. II. Business Directory , Abstract end Real fcttate. JOHN L. McCAOUE , opposite Post Office. W. R. BAKTLETr 317 South 13th Street , Architects. DUFRENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS Room Creighton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. , Room 2. Ctctchton Block. Boots and Shoes. JAMES DBVINE & co. . Fine Boots and Shoes. A peed assortment of home work on hand , comer 12th and Uarney. THOS. ER1CKSON , S. E. cor. ICth and Douglas. JOHNFORTUNATUS. < 60510th street , manufactures to order good work at fair prices. Repairing done. Ded Springs. J. F. IiARRIMER Manufacturer. 1517 Douplagst. Books , News and Stationery. J. I. FRUEHAUF 1015 Farnhatn Street. ' Butter and Eggs. McSHANE & SCHROEDER , the oldest B. and E. -house In Nebraska established 1876 Omaha. CENTRAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , southwest corner lethand Dodge. Host Board for tno Money. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Meals at all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cash. Furnlsh < * 1 Unnit > n Supplied. Carriages and Road Wagons. WM SN YDER , 14th and Harney Streets. jewe ors. JOHN BAUMEH 131i Famham Street. Junk. \ U. BEUTIIOLD , R W and Metal. Lumber , Llmo and Cement. FOSTER & ORY corner Btb and Douglas Bte. Lamps and dlatswaro. J. BONNER 1309 Uoualas St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailors. O. A. LINDQUEST , One of our most popular Merchant Tnllora Is re ceiving the latest designs for Spring and Summer Goods for gentlemen s wear. Styluh , durable , and prices low as a\cr 21S 13th bet. Doutr.bFarn. Millinery. MRS. C. A. RINdER , AVholcsalo and Retail , Fan cy Goods In great ( urlcty , Kephyrs , Card Hoards , Hosiery , Gloves , Corsets , ie. Cheapest House In the Went. Purchasers Ba\o 80 per cent. Order br Mail. 115 Fifteenth Street. Foundry. JOHN WEARNE & SONS , cor. 14th & Jac-kson et * Hour and Feed , OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnham Sta. , WelBhaua Bros. , proprietors. Grocers. Z. STEVENS , 21at between Cumlng and lur T. A. McSHANE , Corn. 23d and Cumlng Streets. Hardwaie , Iron and Steel. OLAN & LANQWORTHY , Wholi6le , 110 tat 112 ICtlj street A. HOLMES corner IMh and OallfornU Harness , Saddles , &c , B. WEIST 2018th St. bet Farnk Hnrnov Hotels ANFIELD HOUSEGej. CanneL'- nntlAN HOUSK , P. Cory , 918 Farnhain Bt. SLA YEN'S HOTEL. F. Sla\cn , I0th St. Southern Hotel. Pus , llamcl Oth ifcLcatcnuortb Clothing Bought. 0 .SHAW will pay highest Cath price for eccond hand clothtnir. Corner 10th and Farnham. Dentists. DR. PAUL , Williams' Block , Cor. 15th & Dodge. Drugs , Paints and Oils. KUIIN & CO. Pharmaclate , Flno "ano Uood , Cor. 16th wd Doutlii treeta W. J , WHITEIIOUfE , Wholesale &R UI1 , ISthet. ,0. FIELD , 2022 North 8lJa Cumlng Street. PARR , DrusrglBt. 10th and Howard Btroeta. Dry Goods Notions , Etc. JOHN II. F. IEJ1MANN & CO. , New Tork Dry Goods Store , 1310 and 1818 Farn- him itreet. t.0. Enewold also boots and shoes Tth&PaclHo. rurulture. A F. GROSS , New nd Second Hand Furniture od Stoves , ilH DonsrU * Hlibt [ t cosh price * .ld for second hona irooos. BONNER 1S09 Doutrl t. FlnoKOodi , &c. Pawnbrokers. ROSENFELD. 10th Bt. , bet , far. & Hsr Fence Works. OMAHA FENCE CO. OUST , FRIES i CO. , 1213 Harney St. , Improve ed Ice Boxes , Iron and Wood Fences , Office j , Counter * of I'lno and WMout. Florist. A. Donnghue. pUntA , cntflowert , § o di , boqaeta etc. N , W. cor. iflth and Dourlan itrcctn. Olvll Engineers nd Surveyors. ANDREW ROSEWATER. Crclijhton Hlock , Town Suneyt , Qratl * and Sewerage Syitomi M gpeclaltV ; Uommlsston Merchants. JOHN 0. Wit , 1,13,1414 Dodge Street. D B. BEEMER. J"or details scehrge adtcrtlte- racnt In Dallv and Wpekly. Clgnrs and Tobacco. WEST ft 1TSCDEII. inanufoctiirf of Clfr N , and Wholemle Dealers In ToiKiccos 1305 Doiulxs. W. F. LOUENZKN nianiiracturer 614 lOthstrcct. Cornice Works. Western Cornlco Works , Mannttetnrcri Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate Hooding. Orders from any locality promptly executed In the best manner. Factor- and Ollico 1213 Hartley St. Qaltanitcd Iron Cornices , Window Caps , etc. , manufactured and put up In any part of the country. T.8IN1IOLU 410 Thirteenth street CrocVery. J. ROKNER 1300 Douglas street. Good line. Clothing and Furnishing Qoodi. GEO. H. PETIIRSON. Al o H t , Cap , Roots , Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , 804 S. 10th street , Refrigerators , Canfleld's Patent. C. P. GOODMAN llth St , bet. Farn. A JUrnov. Bbow Case Manufactory. ) 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer tn all kinds of Show fused , Upright Case * . & . . 1317 Cass St. FRANK L. OERHAltD , proprietor Omaha Show Case manufactory , 818 South 16th street , iHitncen Lcatcimorth and Marcy. All goodi warranted flrst'Class. Stoves no Ttnwaro. A. BURMESTER , Dealer In Stoves and Tlnwaro , and Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work , Odd Fellow s'Blotk. J. BONNER. ISO ! ) Doufflas St Goo.1 and Cheap. Seeds. J. EVANS , Wholesale and Ratal ! Seed Drills and Cultivators , Odd Fellows Hall. Physicians and Burgeons. W. 8. GIDUS , M. D. , Room No 4 , Crclghton Block , 16th Streut P. S. LE1SENH1NG , H. D. Masonic Block. 0. L. HART , M. U. . Eye and Ear , opp. postofflco DR. L. II GRADDY. Oculist and Aurlat. S. W 16th aud Farnham Sts Photographers. GEO. HEYN. PROP. Grand Central Gullcrv , 212 Sixteenth Street , near Masonic Hall. First-class Work and Prompt Plumbing , Qas and Steam Fitting. P. W. TARPY & CO. . 210 12th St. , bet. Farnham and Douglas. Work promptly attended to. D. FITZPATR1CK , 1409 Douglas Street. Painting ; an aper anglng. HENRY A. KOSTKRS. 141 Dodge Street. Choc Utores. Phillip Lang. 1320 Farnnam st. bet. 13th & 14th. Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAR , 1416 Douglas St. . New and Second Hand Furniture. House Furnishing Goods , &c , , boui'ht and sold on narrow marring. tialoons. HENRY KAUFMANN , tn the nuiv brick block on Douglas Street , has just opened a most elegant BVCJ Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 e\ cry day. " Caledonia " .T FALCONER. 079 10th Street. Undertakers. CHAS. RIEWE , 101S Farnham bet. 10th & lltd. 00 Cent Stores. P. O BACKUS. 1206 Farnham St. , Fancy Goods To Nervous 'Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It Is a po8tt\ecure | for Spermatoirhea , Semlna Wooknesa , Impotancy , and all diseases resulting from Self-Abuse , as Mental Anxiety , Low Uemory , Pains In the Back or Side , and diseases that lead to Consumption Insanity and early grave The Specie Medicine U being used with wonder ful HUCCCUS. . Pamphlet * tent Irco to all. Write for them and get full par ticulars. Price , Specific , $1.00 per package , or six pack ages for 16.00. Address all orders to B. SIMSON MEDICINE CO. N08.104 and 103 Main St. Buffalo , N. Y. Sold In Omaha by C. F. Goodman , J. W. Boll , J. K Ish , and all drugglstsevcrywhero. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA ILER & CO. . Sole Manufacturers. X.OXTXSSS PAPER WAREHOUSE. GRAHAM PAPER GO. 217 and 210 North Main St. , Bt. Louis , WHOLKBALH VtULK&t IN DOOR , i QADPRQ jwniTiNar NEWS , f rfirtliO 1 wiiApma ENVELOPES , CAUD BOAIID AND Printers Stock. PftP ° r atock' a 1229 to 1287 , North Prof , W , J , Antler's Select Danc ing Academy , A. Hospe , Jr. Hall , 1510 Dodge St. Class for gentlemen commencing Tuesday even- In , Oct 4. ClMi for ladles commencmir Thurs daroicnlni. , Oct. fl. Terms liberal. The eas tncthodj 1 ha > o for U'achlnf thu Wr.ltz , Ollda , &c. , I can jrtiarantce perfect Batl fa < llon o scholars. For tern's , &r. , call at A , llospo , r. , or address 1110 Capitol Ate. 8l7dlm Propos all for Sewer Bonds. Sealed proposala will lie received until October 20th , 1881 , at 12 , noon , bv tbo City Clerk of Omahn , county of Dou'laB ( , Htato of Nebraska , uiul will , at Hint hour , bo opened for the innchaso nf 550.000.00 of the issue of 8100,000.00 of Sewer Uonds , First Series , of the City of Omaha. Said bonds nio dated September 1st , 1881 , are in sums ot $1,000.00 each , bear interest from their data at the rate of nix per cen tum per annum , payable at the odice of Kountze Bros. , New York , Bcml-annually , upon coupons attached ; said bonda are issued under the Charter power of said city after election duly held authorizing their issue 'or the completion of Sowera partly eontructed , and for the construc tion of additional Sewero. The 8r.0,000.00 now offered are the first sold of eatd IJonds , Bldn will be addressed to the undersigned , and mtwt otato tin full name and oddreaa of the bidder , the amount of said UowU dcMired , anl the price propoucd to bo paid. Tle right is reserved to reject anv and ail bidH. J. J. L. o. J WITT : , City Clerk , A STRANGE LIFE ENDED. A BiDRrnpbyVkioli Honda for All the "World 1,11(0 n. Novoli St. tout * Kciubllcnn. | llobort M. Me O'lllonis ' died at his rcsidonco , No. 2500 Carr strcot , nt liloO on Kridny night , nnd wai buried from his late homo nt 2 o'clock Sun day afternoon in Calvary ceniotory. A Republican reporter viiitud the house yesterday afternoon nnd found an inconsolable widow a nd her two sisters mourning for the lost ono. A strnngo fact is that tlioy are left in circumstances far from comlortnble. As Sir. Me O'lUonis ( bolter known as Hob O'Hlonis ) was n notable man in St. Louis , it is lilting that a brief sketch of 'his ' career bo givon. Ho was born in 1'onnsylvnnin , and nt the time of his deatli was sixty-eight years , five months and a few days old Contiary to general belief , ho was a Scotch Presbyterian , or , r.ither , ho as a descendant fiom that hardy class of people , nnd thcro , physically speaking , a tough ciluon. Ho cnmo went when quito n youni { man , went to Mississippi , and then came to St. Lous , which city ho baa since made bis permanent homo for forty-livo years. Hero ho became ncqnninted with and married nn estimable young lady , the daughter of a descendant of n Spanish grandee , who wns a resident of St. Louts at the time the territory of Louisiana was a Spanish colony. Mrs. O'Blcnnis has two sisters living Mrs. Sylvester Oliontoau ; a widow , and Mrs. Win. J. Wood. "Dob" was a wild rather wayward youth , full of tire nnd vigor , moro swayed by impulse than reason , and consequently wns a very vindictive enemy and a fraud who would stick and hang till the last drop of blood shed. These traits , of course , made him many vengeful enemies nnd many fast friends , lie was a man of quick impulses , nnd it is reported that in the heat of passion ho KNIFED A MAN TO DEATH In Mississippi. Mr. O'UlcniB , like his subsequent partner , Erastus Wells , was not an educated man , but also like him , had a good hard head full of what is known as "horso sense. " Ho and a Mr. Matthews formed a co-partnership and started the first omnibus line of the city. Subsequently Mr. Matthews went out and Erastus Wells , recently member of congress , and a Mr. Case , wont in with 0 Blonis , the linn name being Case , O'Blonis it Wells. The latter helped the business along by driving ono of the 'busses. The line of omnibuses ran from the court house up north to Bremen , west to Rock Springs , the extremity of the city , and south to Vide Pocho ( see the pocket ) , now Carondolot or South St. Louis , which at the time was only a. little French village. O'Blenis continued to prosuer and be came quite a favorite with the Ger mans of the south end of the city , but , in an unfortunate moment while excited with drink and passion , ho used an axe on a Teuton's head to such an extent that the latter became an embecilo nnd subsequently died from the ett'ects of the injuiics so said. said.In In 1852 or thereabouts ono Judson , better known as ! Ncd Buntline , the author of sensational stories for cheap publications , who rode on the top wave of an excitement growing out of knoxV-nothingism , camera St. Louis At first O'Blunis took no part in die hurrah that was gotten up , but subse quently got to bo a great enthusiast in the cry of "Americana must rule America , " and when Bob went into anything ho went WITH I1IS W1IOLK IIKART and soul , the result being that ho was engaged in moro than ono desperate scropo braught on by the fpolhardi- ness of his companions and himself. Mr. O'Blenis was known for many years in this city as a desperate char acter and a gambling man. It is true that ho was interested in "square" gambling g.imes for many years , but ho was never known to play a game of cards himself , either for amuse ment or money , and there was never a p ) or person a sutferor that ap plied to him for financial aid that did not receive it. For many winters ho supplied some twenty-live poor fami lies with their coal during tlio winter time , and yet many no-called "sport ing mem" said ho was an icicle. God knows , and Ho will judge. That "Old Bob" was a sport from A to Izzard is probably better exem plified by a little incident than any thing else. Ho would bet on any thing , even as to which of two files would ily from the counter first. The incident , however : A number of years ago a building on Pine street , between Third and Fourth , whore De Bar's opera house and tlio Theatre Comiquo were afterward ? ! , was occu pied by a Gorman aa a beer saloon. This Gorman owned a stallion ; so , also , did O'Blonis. One day ' " was in the saloon , and tlio relative qualities of the horaea were discussed , each claiming his waa the be * * * f l : nally , they marked. , * ' " ' estimated value of the peotivo uiiimuk on slin "e tllur n"d compared them , cinch had marked $ (00. ( Bob then said : "I'll throw you dice to BOO which has both horses. " The Gorman said "All right ; I'll go you. " Bob went out and soon after ward appeared with his stallion and I.BD HIM INTO THK HALOOJf , But the German backed out. Bob said ho bad brought his horse over to bo raflled for and ho was going to raflle him oil * forty chances at $10 a chance. Only one man tookachanco , and after waiting KOIIIO time for "drop ins" and nobody earing to invest , Bob said ho would take the'other thirty-nine chances. Thu two men throw , the stranger scoring forty-ninoj Bob throw the remainder of the chances , but Bob lost his $400 horse , consoling himself with the remark : "Well , stranger , you'd bettor sell him pretty quick , or he'll cat liiu head oil' , as he linn done for me two or three times. " As intimated above Mr. O'Blonis was a man of violent passion , and no matter whether for good or evil he gave his feelings full sway. At onetime time it was stated on pretty good au thority that ho killed a man by the name of Smith at the Planters' house , but as nothing ever came of it thu presumption was that the deed waa justifiable. Subsequently , however , there were angry words at the Plan ters' between him and Mr , Brandt , who at the time waa deputy city mar shal. This was in 185S or ' 54. O'Blonis claimed that ho was grossly insulted and went down to his stable , next door cast of the present llopnb- licnn otlice , got his pistol , whont back- to the drinking-saloonof the hotel and allot Brandt dond. For this ho wns arrested , tried , convicted and HKNTKNCKl ) TO T1IK PKNITKXTl.UlY For twontyfivo years. After remain ing there n few months , some extenu ating circumstances being nmdepatetit to the then governor Bob StewArt ho wnsgnxntod n pardon. Some years later a frequenter of his sporting- house expressed his intention of kill ing some ono on sight , when Bob quietly remarked : "Well , I used to bo a d n fool , but 1'vo got over it ; you can go nnd do your killing if you want to , but for my part , 1'vo been through the mill and don't want anymore moro of it in mine ; it has cost mo half a dozen fortunes. " On the nth of July , 1801 Mr. O'BlcntiH received a severe paralytic stioke , from which ho pnrtinlly recov ered , but afterwards had four other strokes , which rendered him a com plete cripple. Notwithstanding this his firmness of will and tenacity of purpose was such that , with the aid of a crutch nnd a cane , ho managed to hobble around the streets until a little moro than a year ago , when ho wns compelled to keep his room , but oven then he would half fall , half slide out of bed , nnd on his hands and knees dr.ig himself about the room rather than put his devoted wife to any additional trouble. The immediate cause of the death of Mr. O'Blenis was apoplexy. Al though ninny wjll say ho wns n had man , theiu are hundreds of oilier poor people who will say ho was a kind-hearted gentleman , full of rou > > h words , but with his purse- strings relaxed. Bradford , Pa. The * . Pitchan , Bradford , Pn. , writes : " 1 uncloio money for Si'iusu Hi.oficoii , ns I said 1 would It it cured me. My dyspep sia has vanished , with nil its sj mptonis. Many thanks ; 1 nhnll never bo without it iu thu house. " 1'ricc CO ccnU , trial bottles tles 10 c nts. Ifcodlw FINE FIGURES. A LOIIB Study of Fair Forms ill the Turkish Bath. St. Loula Chronlclo A heavy red curtain hung to the lloor between two women. The ncgrcps utsido pushed it slightly and looked into the stall. She saw hang ing from .hooks at either side nnd over th shelved mirror the principal essen tials of the female liguro. Thq"corner stone of this structure drew together behind n wooden stool. > "Plcaso don't. ' " > "I suppose you don't know rfliat to do ? " . / ; "No. " % "Why , just strip and wrap jiip in that there sheet on the stool. Then coma out untUI will toll you. " V Presently emerged thence some thing very similar to Bernhardt's "vis ion of death , " whereat the attendant opened another door with : ' 'Hero's another hury. " / It was in the Turkish bath of , Sev enth street. Not long ago Claratk'lle , Now York correspondent of tlib Cin cinnati Enquirer , described a yisifc to the bath made by her in Gotham ; She gave a most flattering description of the bullea of the metropolis , and , un less the picture was shaded , Now- York women are look'upon whoh unadorned than1 when adorned HTo most. "Ladies here are better look ing , " was declared , and the Ohrorji- cle's feminine representative invaded the bath yesterday , to BOO with liijr own eyes , that she mighthorcaftertoll the truth with her own pencil. The air was hot and dry , and'thb floor tiles much warmer , and , after th'o manner of a cat with its feet tied in paper , the newcomer hopped into the only vacant chair of four. "Why , it's hot , too. " "Yes , jou'ro there to iswoat. Lie down.1' The speaker approached with a cold , wet towel and placed it on her patient's fonmoad. She was n plump white woman , and she was in a sleeveless red shirt and gold hoop earrings. Then she wont out nnd moro heat came in from a largo yellow pipe crossing the room. Four pair of eyes read" that "to got your feet warm place them on the floor , " while the tees all arow pointing to the blue skylight involun tarily turned about or turned up. ' " "Is any ono perspiring ? " was ven tured. "Yes , indeed. " "It's just terrible. " "Sly fnco in dripping.1 "How much does ono lose in w * by this operation ? " / ' "You'll ' after ib ' ' ' - see pool/-- "Nellio"-this to > f n "you surely donVVd bat"8' ' . . . ' "Four f ' 'co'c ' "ocs mu < Ain't . . . , , . answered herself by feeling un der the several flhuots. The latest comer was some hundred degrees the uvtrniCBt. Thin was increased an much ngnin uftur they hud tr.ivencd a similar sweat-room to a green leather door on the opposite side of the lull. "Oh ! " Nellie had the Hheet in her hand. "Givo it buck. Don't you aeo I can't cii > 'i turn around ? " "Don't. ' Go in. " , "Who's there ? " "Nobody. " "Aio you coming ? " "Of cuurat1 ; but never mind mo. " "Ploano let mo have a towel. " "Pshaw ! G'long ! " "You should show mercy , " "Thoio , stretch out on that marble , face up. " "Why , it's like a morgue. " "It won't bo after you put your head on that pillow and give mo a chance at you , It's awful lively , this it , Hero , lumber up ! " Fancy thu strugglobetween modeaty nndmusclu ! Muscle rubbed the sur face skin IOOHO with her callous palms , souped her from head to foot , and rubbed all with a barb-wiro wisp , opened up u hose stream that would quench a block allro.and then turned thu victim over for a repetition ! Spat n-spnt-spat ! spat-n-spat ! drum med her hands over the quivering flesh in perfect time , "To quicken the circulation , " she said. Useless to repeat that the circula tion uas running away with itself. Morn Apnt-a-Bput-pat and thu final douche which swept its victim blinded into u corner , Nelho dried her charge with a pol ish that would have told on mnhosony and gave it over to the no rcss. Here acquaintance was renewed with the whilom sheeted figures now swathed m blankets ami grouped wearilv about n softly dripping fountain which to ninny brought the rest of oblivion. Bro. Gardttor'H Philosophy. Detroit Free I'ttm. "Lis' nito ns T war gwino pas' Me- iiry'H grocery , " solemnly began Urotliur Gardner as Snmuel Shin final- lygot through pounding the slovo , "as 1 war gwino pas' McGufly's gro cery , dar sat do old man Leo. I reckon - on you alt know do old mnn. Ho ml ilar on a box , hat on do luck of his lirad , and feel obstructm' do sidewalk , an' ho was saying to do crowd dat do ' present grc.itual'hccds of dis kentry war AII increase of currency. I > as' winter all ho got to eat cum From di- poo'inaster , an' nil do clothes his fain- ly were cum from charitable pooplo. 1 duiii reckon ho has dun one fqunr' day's work dis seaion , an' T am quite curtain dat his wife am bar'fut and his chill'en hungry , an" yet ho snt dar spotitin * bout the needs of do kontry same as if he war oirryin" Inlt do states in his west pocket ' Lot mo s.iy to you alt right here dnt none of you need shoulder your selves with any responsibilities in re gard to dis kontry. , list lot 'or slide. If she runs oil' do track that's none ot your look out. I know a < lo/on cull'ed men in dis city , who am continually worried about do expansion or con traction of do currency , free trade or purtueahun an' odder qucsshuns , an' obery ono of 'om tagged 'an hungry , Doaii1 you lose any sleep fur fear America won't git up right nnd fust in Iu mawnin. " All you It.u'o to do am to begin work at aoben and loivo oll'at six , and if do kentry busti In r bilor you'll have suthin * laid by to emigrate on. I doan' keer two cents fur do political fuchur. Let'em contract or Mpnnd , swell or slit ink , nail down do kiver , or leave do box. open I'm counted out. When I have dun my day's work an' got my pay , I have no furdcr claims on de kentry. While- [ > ay my debts an' ' obey de laws she has no furder cl.ums on me. Wo will now enter upon the reckless program of biznesB. " Too much cannot be said of thp over faithful wife and mother , con stantly watching and caring for her dear ones , never neglecting n single duty in their behalf. When they are assailed by disease , and the system should have n thorough clinsing > , the stomach ami bowels regulated , blood purified , innlurinl poison exterminated , she must know that Electric Bitters are the only sure remedy. They ar the best and purest medicine in the world , and only cost fifty cents. Sold by Ish AMoMnhon. . _ ( ! 3) ) _ _ SPECIAL ORDINANCE NO. 271. Lovyhifr a special lax for curbing and guttering -Kirnh.iiii utieet from the center pt 15th ittieet to the center of 18th htrcet , in the city of Omaha. ] 5o it ordained by the city council of the city of Omaha. SKCTION 1. That a special tax to the amount of ? : i-07.GO three , thouHaud two hundred mid soxcli dollars and nixty cento , which beitiB tlio cost iiiulcxpenao of cuib- injj and guttering ! Foriihnni street from the center of 15th Btrect to the center uf 18th street , b * , nnd the name is hereby levied upon those lots that are bounding or abut ting said improvement , according to ISyron Heed'sjnap , which correspond ! ) with A. p. ' ilbneViunp , an' ' the liwt' and origieal map niiit-plot-of th * city uf Omahn ta.witl I A 5 a uo fa 1 luu en 133 o : 2 130 ( in 133 n ; 3 isa on isa or 1 13 ! ) 00 133 05 5 118 GO 133 05 0 118 00 133 Or 7 118 CO 133 03 8 118 00 133 C > r 1 110 00 333 05 2 110 CO 133 05 3 140 0(5 ( 133 05 4 110 fit ! 133 Of 5 117 00 133 0 ? 0 117 01 ! 133 7 117 IIXiM Gfi 8 117 'U ' * , ' , ' , , ' * . 1 11 Ml 1.M tlj { ; ! oo 133 05 "J / CO 13305 ti | ' fiJ ( 133 05 ill iG ! 13305 } } ] ' . f ! 133 05 ib 00 133 05 Total $3,20700 SKC. 2 Snob upecial tnt nhall bo duo In , jrty0) / ) 1/ayn / from tliu passage and np- n > v [ i'f thiH nrdinniicc. sifr.c. ; l. Special ordinance No. 208. entitled - titled an ordinance levying n , ppeeial tax fir curlihifj nnd guttering 1' ariihumitreet / from the east curl ) of Ifitli Htrret to the center of 18th street , in the dtyof Oinnha , and ulso a tpecial ordinance No. 270 , en- tilled an oriliimnco ni > | noriatiii | ) ( ; mOney nut of the Hpccial fftnd to jiay for curbini , ' nnd guttcrin ; , ' l''nrnlinia ' utreot from the eaht curl ) of 15th btreot to the center of 18th Htrcet , arc hereby repealed. KKC. ! . 'i'lih ordhmnUB hall ako elTcct and bo i t fprcu from and after itn iiaBiayo , Tnos. H. DAII.M- AttrMt : J'res't City Council. J. .1. L. C. JKWKTT , City Clerk. 1'nHKod Oct. 11 , 1881. Approved Oct. 13,1881. .1. K. 15ovi > . Mayor. Thonbovo tax becmnea < lcmniient ) on the 12th duy of Nnvciul or , 1881 , after M'litch ( l.ito ti'ii per cent , pennlty nnd intcrritt nt thu rnto of one per cent , per month , payable inn > lvancv , will lie added. H. O. MAI.L.I.TTK , ocll5d5t OHy Ticnsiircr. SEALED PROPOSALS For the Construction of Sidewalks. Koiilcd iiropostln nlll ho rccchul liytliuutnlcr gned until Thurwlay , OUobcr 20th , 1881 , U o'clock noon , forthucoiiitrui-llonofund ripilring ofulilouuIkH In I rout of anil adjoining thu follow. Ing dmrihed pruinUes , to-ult : 'Jho west Mil feet ot tliu Houth Ilia feet nf lot 2 , of Capitol addition , on thu north uiiluol Karn- lum titrevt , U fvct widv. AUo In front of thu HOiith 132 feet of lot 3 , In Capitol addition , north title of Knriilmiii ttictt , Ufutuldu , Alto lot 4 , north uldoof Karnhain utriet , 0 feet wide. AUo lot C , north eldo of I'arnlniu utrect. 0 fvct wide. J. J. L. C , JIlWlIT : , oc3 Ot City CItik , PnOPOSALB For Qradlnc Sixteenth Street. il proposal * vlll bo received by t ! dcrilgncd until Friday , October Slut , 1H81 , 12 o'tlocK , noon , lor tlio Kradliif ; of tflxtn-ntli dtrtct Iroin Karnham to Jlowaru ttn-ctn , a pro- Moot wlikli can \ia \ sctn at tlio ollico of tlio Uty ciiKliittcr , lililn ilmll njictlly tlio prlcoimr tuLIc janl ( or iiuch ( { railing and also ttatu wfitin ' ml ) work utiall bo completed , and aicomiutnlud liy tlio name of proponed ourltv tmdir tlio iinual condltloim. lllils to lie opoiidl at th < > meeting of tlio council neil nuccuoillnKallor October iil , 18S1 , I'lio city comic I rmervvu the rliflit ti > rg- joct any and all liliU. Knuloi | ( tonUlnlni ; nail ] prop fa'n lmll lie marked , "I'rojioralK lor K-ra-lliiL-nlilccnth ctruot. " and deltuml 10 tliu undemTenod not later than the time atcno 5j > uim < , d. J. J. L. 0. JEWKTr. City Clerk. OMAHA , October 7th , 1B31. OcTd w DEWEY & STONE , FURNITURE ! fft@P WJt > C ' ORCHARD & BEAN , J. B , FRENCH & CO. , C A R P ETS1 G R O O E R SI WM. Manufacturing Company , -MAKERS OF THE- Finest Silver Plated Spoons and Ms. The , only iind tional plate tbnt Loriginal firm of ' i is giving for in- J ulog.ors llrps. stnnco a single All pur 8Kotifl ] , F or-k , B and plated Spoon a Knives plated triple thicknossof with the greatest pjnto W1on of caro. Each line a o o t i o a lot being hung vfett'H alo' while > ' . ! ' > ' t'x.u ' being plated , to to wear , thereby Insure- full to' making a single * of silver on pop plated Spoon chum. wear oa long asa Wo would call a triple plated especial attention ono. tion to our sec- Rival. Orloiit TlxmotL Alt Orders In the We it should bo AiMreiwcil to . HUBERMANN Wholesale Jeweler ' , NEB. OMAHA\ \ - - - - - J. A. WAEEFIELD , W1IOLF.8AI.E AND HETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT /arSTATK AOBNl FOM JULWADKKK Near Union Pacific Depot , 'OMAHA , NEB lax MEYER & CO. , Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards , Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards. Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards , O. H. BALLOU , DEALER IN Lath and Shingles , Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blockt * north , of ST. PAUL. AND OMAHA DEPOT .ood-3in.