Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1881, Image 6

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llodrd Of a Day's Doings in
Western Metropolis ,
In Winter * Goal io a Necessity
nnd the Supply Seems
< ' Inadequate.
Marriage of Mr. Wm. Aohton
and Miss Jennie Millard ,
The Now * in Brief.
"When W. H. Millard wont homo on
Wednesday night ho looked Bad and
careworn. It waa evident that some
thing wns about to happen , and , pass
ing by nbout 8 o'clock , wo wcro nuns
toomothing unusual uas taking plnco
in the now hciiso ho has just erected
in Glemlalc. Wo sent our little Puck
in through 'tho key hole to take notes.
Jlo came out and reported thrrt n
wedding had taken plnco. Tlmt Miss
Jennie Millard and Mr. Win. Ash-
ton had been united in mar
riage by Ilov. F. T. Webb , rector
of St. Paul's ' Episcopal church. Tito
ntTair was lather a private ono. Only
the relatives and a few friends of the
bride were invited. Those , including
the Misses Oborlioltzor nnd Bobco ,
' * ' members ot the aamo graduating class
( high school ) with Miss Millard. Mr.
AV. W. Sherman acted aa groomsman
and Miss Oorncr as bridesmaid. Re
freshments in abundance were pro
vided. The groom , Mr. Win. N.
Ashton , is at the present time in the
employ of the American Express
jcompany under Superintendent . J.
. Hnnconk , having na route. ngont
i , charge of ono of the ace
tions into which the ro
of the company is devotod. lie if n IT [
steady industrious young man nnd bids finn
fair to advance rapidly both in the esteem -
teem of the company and in position. nn ,
The bride is ft young lady well-known nc
to the people of this city , n daughter in
of W. II. Millard of the extensive
grocery and produce firm of Unys & br
Glcason on Alain street. The happy siv
' couple lelc yesterday on u brief bndui tin
trip and will visit his homo and
friends at Lyons in this slate. May
' en
t J ° y 8 ° nnl ( r"turn with 'thorn. tin
A family of emigrants , ftinco their it i
arrival in this city bound west , have wino
concluded to remain in Iowa. In
conversation with the head
of the no
family , ho stated to Tun BEB reporter Bti
ho believed that northwestern Iowa
'still offered the best inducomcnts'for Co !
those who contemplated farming. toi
Since ho started , in every town ho roi
passed through ho has heard nothing 23
but praises of IOWA soil , and Atl
from all ho can gather ho am
" tolicvos there ia no s'ato
in the Union so auro of a good crop
after the seed is in. Ho thinks , in- gui
' 'stead of crossing 'tho river , ho will rol
take n team nnd go up into Osceola dai
county , in the norther a part of the Vnr
state. Wo believe ho could not select
a inoro promising location. BO
aooD riucE ton , coitx. d
AVilffcd Haynes , ono of Pottawattn-
iriio's young farmers , called at TUB nm
BEE 'ofilco yesterday. Ho , says his nsa
corn ' crop will fall n little short , Sh
but that ho will put fully riai
ns much upon the market
as usual. Ho thinks that one-third
JOB corn will bo required to winter cut
atock this than lost season. Ho bo- yet
liovcajthnt on an average the Potta- dot
-wntomio farmers will soil ns much corn
ns over , and that the best of all is
they will got a good price. It is esti
mated that the corn crop this year abi
willbo 265,000,000 bushels short. The
c ' ' off itl from
'greatest falling reported lit
Illinois , Missouri , Kansas , Now Eng cit
land and the territories. These show
the least , while Iowa is expected to
put as much upon the market us usual.
Lnst Tuesday Mrs. Eliza 0. Bon ha'
net received , at the hands of M. F.
Ilohror , general 1130111 hero of the
Mutual Lifo insurance ) company , ofDt
sum of $1,000 in cash , which was the Dt
amount of the risk that the 'company tin
was carrying for Mr. Boiinott at the \V
time of his death. This certainly ou
A will bo n great help to .Mrs. Bennett , nni
s' aj she was left with quito a family of
little children , the youngest unborn tin
at the time her husband wns taken
from hor. With the aid of this we
money and her own labors she will bo
able to keep her little ilock together. in
It is said that already , before winter 8h
lias made its appearance , there is n it
. . scarcity of in Council Bluft's.
There is a wrong somuwlicra that
should bo righted. The co.xl dealers
Bay tint the roads are in fault , and the til
roads say that the conl doalera don't
* * keep enough conl on hand ; that some
of them soil a car load and then send leu :
awny for it. It does seem strange vc
tlmt with the railroad facilities wo are
f" . "bloBSc-d with wo uro obliged to frouzo th
tj lialf the winter for want of coal. A ca
.railroad company that will allow coal caL.
to bo side-tracked for the Hake of a lit-
ttlo extra freight money1 ought to have cawt :
'its whole concern ( side-tracked for all wt
° time , ro
The cftlnbooao , was occupied yester
day aftcrngon by quito nn original
JJ'character , an Irishman by the name
pjjof Johni Langdoij , arrested by Ster- '
rl'mlyj JIowasYi , hort , ' thjpk-sot , dir- do
Vty specimen With only bno foot , the [ cit '
. jjothcii having bouu caton ijff either by if
disease or some ferocious .uniiimf. lot
John was incarcerated on coniplamt tlo
m , of.tliat aiYcQt .daughter of hades , cei
I TJeJle i'QlQiror. " It'eeoniH that ho had
crawled in someway , into her olio- -
baiiK , and'being Bomowhat 'thirsty \
akod fppa , drinlc whieh Belle ui > .
plied andfor , Mhicli tlio son of Erin
thanked 'her , and turned to'go out ,
She then stated to him tlmt the nonr-
a iatiment wh li , BUV furniahud coat
iiidfiiuy , ' iijgenuily toflmndlo' ' in the
' ' : %
faco'cjf the la\f'anda nian drinking
in that liouso tnp tpay. 'Woll ' , bo
< lad , " replied John , ' ' have no I
jiioney. What d6' you dp when a CU'I
man's pocket is as dhry ns mcself. "
When ho had reached this point
she gave him ft back
hander under the left car.
This set the wliisky to working and
before it had sot through , according
to nil accounts , it got the best of Bell ,
The Irishman claims , however , that
she nearly bit his linger "intirely" nnd
chawed him up generally. Ho says
ho don't know what th6 judcro will do ,
but if ho will lot him off midget n
post for him "to Plataburgo lio'll
nivcr Inch n nuthcr drop of Bell'
Clover's spirits. "
III.UFFH IN imir.x.
John Abels sayn that ho nnd Ilov.
Mr. Lemon's theological views blend
nicely so fnr aa the question who
places the crowna upon the heads of
European rulers is concerned. Ho
agrees with the reverend gcntloinnn
that that royal duty is performed by
Batnrical hands.
West Jack is keeping bachelor's '
hall , his wife hiving left him alone
until her return from a brief visit to
Burlington ,
1to 1n The county board nf supervisors , wo
nro informed , refused to allow a bill
teontrnctcd by the city oflieors in the
conveyance of n crazy man from the
transfer depot to the county jail.
A woman remarked the other day
( and'sho is not a member ot the Pres
byterian church ) that Charley Bang-
ban wns n nice man nnd n public bene
factor , , oven if ho was sometimes n
"littlo" i haul on the girls.
J. W. Crossland is putting in an
nria to supply the largo vault under
his now building on Broadway with
freah cold air , for the purjiuso of bet
tor keeping the beer nnd liquors that
will bo stowed there.
The board of supervisors , wo under
stand , have appropriated $2,000 to
assist in building the levee. There is
asbi doubt but that this city will bo
beyond the roach of another flood
within a year nt most.
i They fny wo nrc to have the Her-
ilica very soon. Thid story _ is getting
Lhln. . Wo shall believe it when wo
sere them running , nnd not before.
A. Loui has the whole front of his
restaurant hung with wild ducks nnd
Wo have been informed that Hon.
Toraco Evorutt will before another
rear erect n largo four-story brick
Hiilcling on the corner of Sixth street
nd Broadwny. Wo hope ho will con-
icct the opera house with it that will
nako Hoyd's look sick ,
J. Mullicr ia moving into his now
tick huildjng , ono of the moat oxten-
ivo over devoted to a music hall in
ho west. C
Ex-Alderman Graham has put a Inor
row of men at work cutting through ordii
ho bluff on the west sidoof < Grand
How park. When the city can afford in
, this passage should bo arched over cli
nth granite. 18 sc
It is claimed that colored people W
over kiss each other. How is this , thI
Stirko ?
And now the news comes to us tlmt
ouhcil Bluffs will bo the western
irminua of the grand continental
auto direct from Now York , with
30 ( miles in this stnto passing through
.dams , Wells , Huntington , Wabash ffi
nd Miami counties.
Mrs. ] Chapman , wife of our distin- vo
uished United States marshal , has AI
turned from n recent visit to her IDE
aughters who are attending school at
The Big 4's big band discoursed
nmo ! fine music on Broadway yestor-
ny ; afternoon.
Lnura Sheldon got into ' "limbo"
nd in charge of Oilioor Sterling for
ssaulting a sweet Bister yesterday ,
ho was taken to police headquarters , In
aid her line nnd her ao
went wny , ro- tic ;
ijcing that it cost so littlo.
The caao against youndllonrdon oc-
upied1 Juatico Frainoy'8 court nil dny
esterdny , The court reserved his sla
Wheeler , the proprietor of the
Igden , feels ns hnppy ns n bivalve ut w He
igh tide with his wife and little ones
bout him. hi
I. N. Hockingor , of the firm of eoi
lockingor Bros , , lawyers , was in the aC tlo
ity on business , Wednesday , and bei
topped at iho Pacific.
Father MoMonorny is confined to coi
. house- and bed with'a fever. i
J. ' W. llobbins , of the Inter Ocean , .
IBS gone cast on n short business trip. COI
It is said that through the influence fro .
The Nonpareil nnd ftfayor Vnughan , an bu
r. Cook was brought out in n speech fin
ho other evening nt the opera houso. thi
Veil , if any ono can brim ; another
ut the mayor can. The Doctor will
unko n good speaker. thi
T. i J. Younir , of Macodonin , was at fui re' '
ho Ogden yesterday , po
J. P. Burrows and wife , of Clarinda , ane
roro in Council Bluffs yesterday. coi
D. II. Solomon and daughters were sti
Council Bluffs yesterday. bubo
Mr , Downing , father of Mrs. E. L.
ihugard , is in Council Bluffs on n vis- bo ba
to his daughter. or
Spencer Smith , of the Nonpareil , is tic v ?
understand on the mending hand ticwe
ml will soon return to his place in dc
tic :
counting room. we
Ilov. J , G. Loin an has gone to Kco- sh
uk in attendance upon thu state con- nt 1'f
ention of the Baptist church. ntha
The following were the receipts nt
ho Union Block yards yesterday : 20 Iho
ars , II. A. Torroy ; 8 cars , Baldwin it IXNc
. J G cars , A , Martin ) 10 cars , West pi. |
( Stock & Co. ; 22 cars , Sturgcsj 20
ara , Mason & Co. Tlio shipments
vcro ns follows : 11 cars to II. A. Tor-
oy ; , 13 ears to Raphol and 10 cars to ttre
Palpitation of tlio Heart-
.T. f. Might , Syracuse , K. Y. , writes :
'When I first commenced using pur ilur- „
lock Blood Hitters' I 'wnti troubl led with
tittcrim ; nudliltntnn ) | ! o ( the lienrt , I
wetilc nnd hiii iild , with a numbness
the Htnhs. ciinco iibliij : , my heart has
troubled mo mid the numbing BCIIS.V No
Ion Is nil ( 'ono. " 1'rlcc , $1 ; trial the , 10
cuts. 10-ccxlhv
, ,
310 BouthThirteenth Street , with
J. M.Wbolworth.
Owen front Ilooros ( un stairs ) In Hanscom'i
brick balldluy , N. V. corner FfUcntb nJ
trnharu Streets.
The leading Scientists of to-day ftsrrco , that
rno tdl oaiCaroeiuucd liv dlaordcrM Kidneys
or liter. If. therefore , the kldncyi and mcr ore
kept In perfect ordr , perfect licnlth will * o the
rcmilt. This truth only been known a fhort
time and for ) ean people ( irri'ftl a onj
without belnirablo in find relief. Thodl co\cry
of Warner1 ! ! Safe Kldtur arid Liver Cnro nmrks a
n new tra l > i the treatment of thcio trouble ? ,
Made from n ulniplo troj leal leaf of ram \alnc. It
rontalnq just Ilio dements neccinirj' to nourlnh
nndlnvlffonto both of thcfo ureat oryan' , and
wifely rcitoro anil Ktcp them In order. Itlia
Positive Remedy fnrafl the ill.imns tlmt mine
( mini In the lower ( urtot the liody for Torpid
l.lxet lluMlaclicJaundko DIzzlncM ( Jra\cl
Ko < erAfiie ( Micrand Urinary Or an .
It li an uxccllcnt andluifo riinctiy lor frnmln
dnrlnjr Trcvnancy. It will control Jlcnstniatlon
and H In 'nhmlilo for Lcucorrhaa or Tall ng of
the \Vomli.
An a Moot ] I'urlflcr It In tin equaled , for It curcu
tlin organs tlmt make the hlood.
This nmnly , which hai ilono cneh wonder' , la
put up In the MHOF.ST HtZKI ) HOT I'M : of any
incdlcino niton the market , and I ) xnl-l tiy lrn -
K\tli \ ami all dealers at SI , 25 per hottlo. for
Dlahelcs. enquire for WAUNCn'S HM'K DIA-
iiirna OUIIB. it 11 a rosi 1 1 VE lumtdy.
H. H. WARNER & CO. , Rochester , N. Y.
lcin-tii-th-K > t-tv _
To Citharlno Hcdde , non-rcnldcntdcfcnilanti
Yon are licrcby notified that on the 2il cKy of
September , ISSl , Jnhn lltddo , pUlntlff. Hlud hit
pttltlon In tliu District Court , wlthliinndlor
loiixlai County , Ncbranka , tralnst iou na do-
fendtnt , the object and pwjir of which petition
l , to obtain adccrcaof dlvoreo from the bondl
oOnatrlmony with jon for the follow Ing caunes ,
tolt ! Ut , habitual dninkenncHs ; Sd , cxtrcmo
cruelty , and for general rillcf .
You are. required to animcr .sold petition on
the 24th day of October , IhSl
Bc7w6t Attorneys for PlalntlO.
Ezaminntiou of Touchers-
T will bo present at my olllco In Crclprhton
block on the first Saturdayof each month to n-
anilric Btich apnllcanta < a may desire to teach
In the public acnools In DouRlai county. Quar
terly examination first Saturday In rcbruary ,
llay , August and "o ember.
County Suiit. ubllo Instruction
In the matter of the I JUte of James K. Ish ,
Notice In hereby ( riven that the creditorof
mid dctc.iseil , will meU the-ailmltilstrK of said
Kutatc , before me , County Judxo of Douglas
County , Nebraska , at the County Court Hoom
In said County , on the Qth diyof Dceembcr , 18S1 ,
or the Oth ilav nf February , 1882 , and on thoCth
ilny of April , 1SS2 , at 10 o cloik a. m. diy ,
for the purpotie of prcnontlni : thilr clalmj for ex
amination , adjustment and allonanuc. Six
nionti a are alloncd for creditors to present their
claim * , and ono year for the administratrix to
icttle said estate , ! from the Oth day of October ,
1831 , this notlcu will bopiibllshut InTiiK OMAHA
WXKKM DKK for \\cckaHUcccssltcly , prior to
the c'li day of Ilcccmbcr , 1S81.
[ I A true copy.J A , M. CHADWJCK ,
oclt > 4t County JndRO.
11111511IIST CHA.N'Ci : for n harness maker tn
J. the Wctt. In aood Inialnms town and a
veil nettled Country and no harness niakcri * . In-
julrcatihlininco. d2t-wlt
Ajfunts wanted for Llfo' of
rrcnUcnt Uarlleld. A com.
ilcto , faithful history from cradle t > Kra\o , hy
ho eminent Mogr * ] > ocr , Col. Conwtll. Hooks
ready for dclnery. An elegantly Illustrated
rolnme. Endvn < cd tditlon. Liberal terms.
Vgents tiUu nrderH for from 20 to SO copies dally.
ut etls any other bool , ten to'onc. Apentanmer
node money P.I fA t. Tim book fells itself. Ex-
wricnic not nuisnary. ' Failure unknown. All
iml.uliniucu opront . Prltato terms free.
ocOd&wlm Portland , Maine.
ffostern Horse and Cattle Insurance -
' surance Company ,
OTVT / % TT A y 3XTZ133. >
Capital , . . . 810OOOOOO
insures Horses , Mulci and Cattle agalimt IONS by
icoldcnt , dccoaso or tliolt , Agencka tn all coun-
lca of tliu fjtatu. Mend for clicxlara. ec20wly
Election Proclamation on Court
House Appropriation.
At n SCBH'.OII of tbo hoard of Countv Commls-
loncmof tlm county of Uouglau In tlio tate of
o > rnsktt , hulacn ou the 4th day of October. A.
Thu follawlnff action was Uken by the hoard
iltli ! vilth respect to ttm construction of a Court
louse. \ \
WiiKnuAfl , Ouln ? to the enhanced Milne of
ahur ant nutcrlal it In lnii > os lble to ercitn
Jonrt House BUltatla for the pu.pouo of enlj
ounty for the sum designated In the proclaim- W
Ion for the lame of bonds for the construction of
Court House , submitted to the pcoplo No\ciu-
ter 2nd , IBbO ; and
WllKHrAa , After t\\Iro thoroughly mhcrllstnR
mutter the lowest responsible hid for tliu
onstriictlnn of A Court Homo th it would tin flru
noof and as to meet the needs of tlm coun-
, amounts Io One Hundred and Nlnctj-eight
.housand DolUn ; and at
WIIXRKAH , The balance rf fundi ncccs'iry to
onstruct a suitable Court House can be sumilled
rom the general roM'nuo of the county without
.ny additional levy that now authorlrtilby law , | >
Ut the question o ; such appropriation mutt
Irst be submitted to the electors of wild county ;
hereforo , It Is
IlKsoLYKD , That the following proposition bo
ind the tame U hereby nuhmlttcd to the quail-
led electors ot said county of Douglas , to-ult :
Shall the count ) of Douglas be authorized In
ho } carlSS2l to upproprl ito from the liiniral
evcnue of the said county for that ) cnr outnf
'unds not othcrwlio icqulred for county pur-
loses , the sum of Twnnty-flve Thou and Uollars ,
md In theear 1BS3 , from the rcncnuoof Unit
icar out of funds not othcrulMi rfijnlrul for
ountr purnosrs the further Bum ot 1uejit-n\o
rhoustnd lolars ! to aid In the erection con- a
itructlon and completion of n Con t House
julldlngln thv cltj of Onnha for county pur
7ha form Inhlch the above jiropmltlon rhal )
iubrnlttcd bliall lo hy ballot , upon which
allot shall bo printed or written , or partv printed
written , the words 'Tor Court Housa Appro-
lulatlon , " or "Ac li t Court lloiuo ApproiuU- i
Jon , " and all ballot * cast havlii ) ; thereon the
orda "Foi Court Homo Approprlil Ion , " Mnll bo
UeniiHl and taken ! > bo In mor ot e.ild iironiHi
lon , and all ballot * ct t hadni ; thereon the
ordi "Airalntt Court Homo A | > proirlatlon | , " ict
iball ho ( Icemid and takrn to bu ajulim' n\l < l 1"
imponltton , and It two-lhlrds of thacie < taut 1"t"
the election herilnaftir protUM lithlj bo- ill
ulI be In fator of the obo\opro | > okitlon , It snail cul
ilwuiu ! and taken to be cnrrk-il. CtlCl
The I lalil proportion tlnll l > uotcd upon nt
general eleitl n to be held In tliu count } ol
Douglas , atateof NOiiaika , on the tth day of
Ifouinbej , A. D , IbSI , at tlio follow Jug numed
lnc . ( * Tl
Omalm Vrcclnct-No. one , (1) ( ) J'ellx Hlatcn'n in
jroceryj Tvnlli strret. lx
Omaha ' I'rccinrl No. t o. ( ! ) at Jerry ila-
tionej' grocrjy etorn.
Omaha I'riclnct No. throe(3) ( ) lit. Ihdo' * of. tli
, cor. Douglas and Twelfth itrtotn.
Omaha Precinct Nc. four ' '
, (4) ( ) bhcilfl'd office
court home.
Omaha I'reclnct-No. ( ho , (8) ( ) Holinea' hard
ware utoro , BlxUenth and California itrmta.
Omaha precinct No. sl , ( ti ) No. l Eujlue
Home , Twentieth and I wdBtreoti.
lrcclnct ; School hounc near OrueP
Florence Prerlnct Kloroncn hotel. Ui
Union rrcclmt Ir\Inttoii ; rchool house. Uibt
JUIcrwn 1'recluct School houto in district
, 41.
Klkhorn 1'reolnct Klkhorn nhool liouso. Tl
J'littu Valley I'rcclnct-Uchool h&use at Water *
Chicago . I'rctluct School houw at Ulkhorn
l.allon ,
llllllaril 1'rcclnct Mllhrd chool house.
McArdla 1'ri.clnct ItcArdle ichool house.
DouglM I'rccluct HOUHU of J O , Wllcox nl
Wctt Omalia 1'rciliict ichool Jiouso near or
sildun'i. > li
And which tlnlloii will ho 0 | > oncd at S o'clock '
the mornlniranJ will continued open until (1 0' '
o'clock In the aftvinocn ot the miinu dat. I'l
' -II. 1' . KN10IIT. tr
. \ . .
, K.\y.COHLIS3 ,
, , , _ . County Comnil loners ,
( Kit. ] JOHN Jt. UANCIlrflTKll. 11U
County Clerk. in
1 t \
The Oldest UJatabUshed
Caldwell , Hamilton & Co , ,
RnMncvi tranncted ame M that of * n Incot *
poratcd nank.
Arconntt kppt In currency or gold subject lo
ilrht chock without notlnt
Certifif tc of ilcpfwlt "wiied p r ulo In three ,
tin and twelve months , jcsirinif Interest , or on
demand without Interest.
Adiincex made tn cuftomen on approved noca
rltles at market rates of Intorf t.
liny and nctt itold , blllfl of exchange , govern
ment , state , county and city bonds.
Dnw ulifnt dntM nn Kngland , Irnltnd , Scot
land , and 1J part ! ol Europe.
Soil European paMute ticket * .
ancldt _
For Purchase or Lenie Olty Property.
Sealed nroi < o < ata for tha purchtto of , cir the
lease of the city property , known M the "Old
I'cat llo'iio Uround , " will bo recchod by thnnn-
l rntd until Tucmlay , October 25th , lasl , 12
o'clock noon Si'iljfround contains on airo of
land fully dtucnbcd by lucte.x rxnd bound * In the
deed to the cit } ' . The council reserve l the right
to rclcit any and all bldn.j.
j. J. L. c. jEvrinT.
City tli ! rh.
Onn'-R Oct ISth IfH , oclSOt
John G. Jacobs ,
( Formerly of ( Jl h ft Jacobt , )
Vo. 14'.7 FnrnhamSt. , Old Stand o < ncob Old.
Oorncr 10th and WebsterStt.
'rcsh Oj-etors and Game constantly on hand rnd
cr\rd In the latc t utjlo. o5il3m
English rent-
piiy. Anun-
falllPK euro
fur nominal
WoakncsB ,
rhca , Impot-
cncy , and all
ni earsthat'
' "
} iglf-Alninc ; as IMS * of Memory , , ; UnU crsal Losal
udf , I'ain In the Back , Dimness of Vlidon , I'ro
nature Old Age , and many other Dl'ciflffl that
cad to Imianlty or Consumption and a I'rcnm-
t3TFu\l \ partlculara In our pamnlilct , which
wn dulro to gcnd free by mall to e > cry ono.
jtiTllie Spcciflc Mcdlcino Is sold by all druggists
it $1 per package , or 0 packages for $5 , or will
bo fcnl freu by mll un receipt of the money , by
addressing THE QUAY MEDICINE CO. ,
Buffalo , N. Y.
Tor sale hy C. r Goodman. ocTmo cod
If you Are f\innn | ult you nro
of Lu-ineHwoAk- J man of In
. .ed by tlie strain of tontoUlneoTermk.
jour ilutlM nrolil nlRUt vrork , to res-
ttlmiuaiitand Udu lore brain nerve nnd
Hop Dittora. rabte , UMJ Hop 3.
If you ro ronna and I I mifTerlnir from ny lu-
dUcntlon , or illmliin Itlon ; it you are mar *
rlod or tlnulo. old ur inff , Buir rlnK from
noorhcaltU or loneukh on a bed of sick-
Iie3. % rolr on Ho pi loittera.
' , TJiousanns die an-
feel , nuuUyfrom eouio
that your ryetcm I form of Kidney
needs clcunsJnif , ton- > tll5ea o that might
Inif or ntlnmlatlncr , have Locn pn cnttM
I brn timely use of
tnlte HOP HopBlttoro
ptfitta , D. I. C.
crunnartfcom- dlfeano Is an absolute.
of Ilia ffomofA , and IrrcElntn ,
bamli , blood , HOP lilo c u r o for
Ihtr ornervet t drunkenness
use of opium ,
Tou will be tobacco , o'
eiinxllfTouuse aucotlcs.
Hop Binera
jily weak and ( rl t . .Senator
1onnlrilc < ltry NEVER Circular.
iti it may nopBrmsa
life. It haa FAIL BT8 CO. ,
aaved hun RwkMtfr , H. T ,
dreds. AToranto. Dot.
being the Story o ( the Scriptures , by Rer. George
Alexander Crook , O. D. , Inelmploand attractive
siipiago ( or old and 3 oan . Vroruscly Illustra
ted , making a most Interesting and Impre&she
outh a Instructor. Every parent will secure thli
work. Prc&chbrs. you should circulate It. Price
IS 00 , Bend for circulars with extra terms ,
J H. CHAMBBUH At OO. St. Innl " >
A Syre Cure Found at Last ! f
No Ono Ncod Suffer !
A sure euro for Blind , Bleeding , Itching and
Ukcmtod Tilts has been discovered by Dr. Wil
liam , ( an Indian remedy , ) called Or. William's
Indian Ointment. A single bo\ has cured the
\\orctchronlc cases of 25or 30)cars btandln ) ? . No
onunced Hiiffer fl e mlnntrs alter npplj Ing this C
wonderful eootliln ) , ' medicine. Lotions , Instru
ments and electuaries du inoro harm than ( 'ood ,
Illlam's Ointment abiotbn the tumors , allajs U
the ntcime Itching , ( partlculaaly at night after
Retting wanu In bed , ) acts nu apoultlcc , KVCS In-
btitntond painlocs relief , and Hprcparcd only for
I'llcs , ItchliiK'of thcprhalo partD , and for noth-
Inclue. .
Head whnt the Hon J. M. Odlnbcrry of Cleve r
land sa > about Dr. Wllllam'H Indian I'ilo Glut-
mcnt : I ho\o used scores o | 1'ilc-n euro ) , and It f
afTords mepleasu'c to say that I ha\ono\er found
unjthlnu' wnlch gave such Immooiato and pcriua-
ncnt relief as Dr.M1 lam's Indian Ointment
For sale by all druggists or mailed on receipt of
rkc , 81.0 ° .
HENRY & CO. . Prop'ra ,
For falo by 0. F. Goodman. all
- OctlOdood&w eowly an Gl
Foundations of Success
Iholansof trade , legal forms , how to trans
bu'lmtnluuhlo tablet , totlnl etiquette 0
parllanunlary IIIAKC , how to ronduct pnbllo busl 0Ol
now ; In fact It U a complete ) Uuldu to Huciedi foi Ol
tiuvs. A fnmlly nccvilty. Acldrctit forclr
> rn and i-poclnl tenntf ANC1I c/
CO. . Ht.l/inii. Mn
1I01UJIK BIIOH. Ilrokern In all ItnlUoad
Tickets , Onmha , Neb. , olfi r Ticket * to tha hiut.
until further not to , at the following unheard of
> w liatcn :
Chlcaco , I2 | Hound Trip , $21.00 , Then * arc
limited First-Class Tickets and Kood for return
through thoi > ar , and ila the Old Itcllbblu Chicago
cage , Burlington & ( julnt-y jlailroad. Alto , ono
> to an
MEW YORK , Istclw , J1900.
IIOSTON , do 2E 00.
1'llILADKLt'lIIA , di | ID Ml , cit
WABHINuTON' , do IP 00. Eel
For Particulars wrlto or ro direct to HOliilli : neI
nilOS. , Dealers in Iteduc d Halo Kallroad and
Steamship Tickets , b09 Tenth St. , Omahi , Meh.
Ileiniiubor the place Three Peers North of
Union 1'acllla lUllroad Depot , Kost tildu of Tenth
Omaha , August 1,1831 au25daw4m
Des Moines , Iowa ,
Manufacturers of BASH. DOOFJG , DLINDS ,
Great rwluctlon h Bank Counters , Plans fur-
nUbul.nnd word furnished In all-Muds of hard
soft wood. Counters HnUhoJ In oil \Uien Uo-
sired , filiehlntfof all kinds furntihixl and put IU
Into bulldinff riody lor paint on nhort uotlco IUJ J
Our workmen are the beat inuclianlci that can bo Oi
jiroiurcd , Sa o money by u\\lnis \ uj jour con
8talr , Newels and Daluitera.
Our foreman In till * flopattmcnt os formerl )
with Kro t ManufacturlnB Co , IChloago ,
, ami has done eoma of the fluent SUIr * ork
the Northwest I
Order * by mall promptly attended to , ift ) u coi
1319 Farnham Street.
We offer to-day the largest stock of Men's , Ladies'
and Children's Underwear in the State of Ne-
braska. Moreover they were all bought for cash
in the cheapest market of the World , and as the
high road to success lays through the medium of
a large assortment at low prices , we feel that we
are in a position to meet all wants at
And as special bargains we to-day open a case con
sisting of 60 dozen Ladies' . fine Merino Vests and
Pants , at 45c each : These will be found fully
equal to any 60 cents Vests ever offered. At
75c we offer a Merino Vest , Silk bound and very
fine , fully equal to the $1.00 Vest of a year ago ;
and at $1.00 and $1.25 we have very fine quality
in Ladies' Underwear. Cartwright's and Warner's
best- fine Ladies' Vests , $2.25. Scotch Cheviot
Vests for Ladies' Wear.
50 doz. Men's Merino Shirts and Drawers , 25c. 50 doz. Scotch Mixed Wool
Shirts 75c , worth $1.00. 30 doz. Men's Ail-Wool Scarlet Shirts , $1.25. 50 doz.
Men's Heavy White Merino Vests 75c , sold last year for $1.00. CART-
WRIGHT & WARNER'S Imported Scotch and other fine Shirts and Drawers , '
our own importations bought last Summer Very Low.
A largo proportion of our Underwear , Blankets and Woolen Hosiery were on hand at the time of our FIRE
LAST SPRING , sa the season then was too far advanced to offer them , wo profored to pack them , and consequently
quently offer them at at least 23 PER CENT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES OP TO-DAY.
CALIFORNIA BLANKETS. 25 11-4 California Blankets , § 11.00 , ( Same sold last year at $14.00. ) 25 12-4 Cali1
forma Blankets > $12.00. 20 13-4 California Blankets , $15.00. 'v
COLORED BLANKETS. 200 pairs cheap colored Blankets from 81.25 to $3.00 n pair. 75 pairs western > .
homo made grey Blankets , size , 0x7 feet , $4.00 a pair. 75 pairs western homo made grey Blankets , size , Gx7 feet ,
weight , 71b , 80.00. 75 same quality , weight , 8lb , $7.00. 50 pairs llf Scarlotall wool western Blankets , $0.75.
Hotels , Boarding houses , and all using quantities of Blankets arc especially invited to examine the above , by
far the best assorted and cheapest stock in the western states.
Country orders will be filled with privilege of returning goods not Satisf ictory.
1319 Farnham Street.
Roar for Moores ( )
AND Saddlery.o
I have adopted the Uofi as Trade Matk. and
II my ( roods will bo STAMPED with the LION
nd my NAME on the Mine. NO GOODS AHE
he best material la used and the mod sklller
orkmen are employed , and at the lowest ca l
rite. Anyone wUhiug a price-Hat of good will
infer a fat or by sending for one.
Jnited ] States Depository.
Cor. 13fcb and Farnam Sta.
IrKiinlicd ny a National Dank August 20 , 18133.
ornciiu AND uikiurrou :
BKMIX KODITZS , Fruiident.
Auuusrua Kornnn. Vice President.
II. W. YATIW , Cashier.
A , J. I'orrLirroit , Attorney.
JouNA. CuBiuuroa.
'P. II. DAVIS , Ant. Cashier.
Ttil bank rocolves deposits without regard to
Iiuucstlme 1 certificates bearing Interest.
Drown 1 drafts on San Francisco and principal
tied of the United States , also London. Dublin
dlnbiiruli and tbo principal cities of Uie contl
ent of Kiiropo.
Stills passenger tickets ( or emlgratiU by the In
inn linn mavldtf
DR , L , B. GRADDY ,
Oculist and Aurist ,
efrrcncca all llcputablo Physicians of Omaha.
tSTOtnce. Corner ISth and Farnham 8t . ,
maha. Neb tu25metf
Drm CITY , NEB ,
Sp clal attention elicit tocolloctloni In Uutler
J. B. Detwiler's
The Largest Stock and Most Com
plete Assortment in
The West.
We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil1
cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures
and Lace Curtains ,
1313 Farnham St. , Omaha.
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
A. Lk STRANG , 206 Farnam St. , Omaha ,