Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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NKW YOHK , October 20 ,
Money closed easy 1 par cent ; highest
quotation current to-day wit 0 per cent ,
Exchange closed lower at 4 SOJ@4 81 J ,
Governments closed firm .
Currency C'a , . . . ,130 bid
4's coupons 115J bid
4J's coupons . . . .113 bid
Co continued , 1003 bid
5's continued 1 OOj bid
Pacific railroad bonds closed M follows :
Union firsts 110J@t 17
Union land grants , . . .1 13@1 14J
Sinking funds 1 20 bid
Centrals llli110
The ntock market to-day wai qu'ct
throughout and fluctuations general. The
list-was comparatively slight. Dealing *
went small and unattended with excite
ment. The elevated shnrca formed a fea
ture of the dealings and fluctuated widely.
Prices in , lhe general list were on the
advance until near the close , when thcro
wai some ic.iction. The market , however ,
cloicd strong at an advance for the d y of
i@i per cent.
The following are the closing bids :
A&TH 53 MoPac 104 ,
Preferred. . . . IX ) NtJ.C. . . > . , . . U3
C1J&Q ISiiJ NY C 13G <
OC&10 20 $ Northwestern . .123
Cedar Kails , . . . 23 Northern Pa. . . 37
Central PA .131 Preferred. . . . 78 j
CCC&I 92J Oinahn 41
_ . A..1 128 $ Preferred..10IJ
O StL N O. . . 77 Oregon Nav. . . .154
Hock Island. . . . 132.
DLi W 1253 Pacific Mall. . . . 49 :
Erie 432 PI ) K 40
Adams 145 StPaul 108
Wells , & Fargo. 133J St P & 1) p'f'd . 78
American 03 StPM & At..lOt
United Stdos. . 72 San Francisco. . 421
H&St.T 90J 'Preferred. . . . G9
Preferred. . . . 112 ? 1st preferred..105
111 Cent 129 $ Tex Poc fill
IB&'W 42 TD& B 21
K&T \ - Union Pacific. . 119J
LS 1181 Wab&sh . . , . . 48
Mich Cent . . . . 88 Preferred , . . . 88
MLS&W. . . . 49j W U 85g
uiNi.s-a STOCKS.
Following are the closing Bales of
mining stocks at the Now York 'mining
exchange :
Chrysolite . . . . 1069 Little Chief. . . . 100
Cent Arizona. 150 Moose , 100
Cherokee. . 125 N. Standard. . 23
Great Eastern. 11 Robinson 1250
Hukilt 05 Starmont 2"iO
Horn Silver. . , 1GJ Sierra Nov. . . . 1500
Iron Silver. . . . 190 StLineNoslt4 80
LaGnHae 22 StLine Nos2&3 375
Leadvlllc 140 Union Con. . . . 14J
Little Pitts. . . . 235
CHICAGO , October 20.
The demand for money was again ac-
tno , and rates were strong at U@7 per
cent for larp-o and 8 per cent for small
amounts , Eastern exchange between city
banks was firmer at G0@73 per cent dis
count per $1,000. , The clearings of the
associated banks were § 7,700,000.
Oznalin Wholesale Market.
Thursday Evening , October 20. j
The only changes of any kind that oc
curred in the markets during the day was
in grain. Wheat declined Ic. Barley de
clined 2c. Ilyo declined 2c. Corn un
changed. Oats n. fraction lower than yoa-
Live Stock We quote Council Bluffs
prices there is no market at Omaha , ex
cept for prime hogs for local packing pur
poses. _ _
Local Uraln Dealings.
WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 1 1C ? ; cash
No. .1,1 01J : rejected f 2Ju.
BARLEY. Cash No 2 , 93c ; No. 8 ,
SOc.RYE. . Cash , 89c.
COKN. Cash No. 2 , 4Glc.
OATS. Cash. 34Jr.
Cattle Good shipping , 84 00@5 00 ; fat
cows and heifers. 82 75@3 00.
Hogs Mixed packing , 55 25@5 50.
Sheep Slaughtering in demand at 84 00
FLOUIl Spring wheat , straight grade ,
: 323@375 ; patent , S3 75@4 fiO ; winter
wheat straight grade 33 85@4 25 ; patent ,
,84.5013490 ; graham rye , 32 75 ; Wheat ,
$3 00.
RYE FLOUR 83 25.
MILLSTUrFS Bran , per cwt. OOc ;
screenings , per cwt. 80c ; shorts , per
cwt 1.00 ; chopped feed , per cwt. 1 20 ; meal
bolted , yellow. 1 40 : white. SI 75.
POTATOES In car lots , 100@1 05 ;
Salt Lakes , 1 25@1 .35.
noy , Re per Ib. , very active at G@Gc per
POULTRY Live chickens per dozen ,
$2 50@2 75.
per dozen.
WILD GEESE 2 75(33 ( M.
WILD DUOKS-1 M > @ 2 00.
EGGS Firm ; 18@20c.
BUTTER Choice Hcarceat20 < 2.30poor ; ,
no market : creamery , 30@3Tic.
APPLES Good , sound , very scarce
rat St 50 per bbl.
HONEY Califjrnia white clover in
comb , 24@25c.
LEMONS Steady ; per hot , 1000 ;
Finest Mo-nina oraiwes $8 00 repacked.
PEACHES-SI 35 per banket.
BKESWAXYeliow , 18ffi20o ,
ONIONS 1 fi'i@l ' GO perTiushel.
CABBAGE SI 00@2 00 per du/en , aa
' to quality.
CRANBERRIES-Per bbl. , ? 8 00 ®
8 r > 0.
CELERY Per doz. , 50@55c.
Grocer * LUt.
COFFEE. Rio , > air , 13Ac : Rio , good ,
14o ; Rio , prime to choice , 14o ; Old gqv't
, iJivva ; 2GJ@2SJc , Mocha , 28Jc ; Arbucklo's ,
TEAS. Gunpowder , good , V ( K > * > c ;
iCIioico , ( jfl@75c ; Imperinl , good , 40(8) ( ) locj
ClioicL' , G0fe)75c ) ; Young Uyt > oii , good , HGa ( <
fiOc ; choice , c(5Sl ( 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
S5c [ Jap ill. choice , fiO@75o ; Oolong , go < d ,
35@10 ; Oolong , choice , 40@55 ; Souchong ,
Rood. lilrtSIOc ; choice. 35@45c ,
SUGARS , Cut loaf , llio : Crushed ,
llc ; Granulated , lie ; Powdered , lljc
' Fine powdered , 11 jo ; Standard Coffee A.
lOic ; New York Confectioner's Standard
.A. lOJc ; Good A , lO c ; Prairie Exrro O ,
SYRUPS. Sugur house , bbh. 60c : half
bl , 52ckegs ; , 4 ? pllons , 8260 ; choice
r table syrup , 50c ; half bbls , C3c ; keg ,82 50.
SPICES. Pepper , 20 ; Allspice , iOc ;
Cloves , 45c ; Nutmegs , 8100 : Cassia , 2oc ;
Mace 81 00.
80DA.-Dwlght's ft papers , 83 00 ; Do-
.land do , 83 00 ; Church's , 83 00 ; Keg ioda ,
M@4i ( .
OTAROH.-Pearl , 4ic : Silver Gloss , 81
" 8c ; Corn Starch , 8J@9cj Excelsior
oas. 7cj Corn. 7Jc. . .
SALT , Dray loads , per bbl , 1 05 ; Ash-
ton , . In sacks , 3 M ; lihla dairy CO , 5s , 3 45 ;
bbhulnlrv. 100. H < . : tir , .
URItilJ FJlUITrf-Cholce lialves ,
readies , new crop , iOc : Evuiwiiated Applet ,
B IbLoxuK , ISJfaMof Michigan , 8Jcj N w
York apples Hie : I'niue old , 7cf { new ,
aicj Gurruuu , 7@ric5 blackberries , new ,
OIIKKSB-FuU Cream , ICc ; Part
Skim , 11 Ic.
1 0" ; thron ho p pMln , 2 20 ; No. 1
9 60 ; No. 2 tub * , . 8 50 ; No. 8 tubn , 7 50 ;
ptonotr washboard * , 1 8Sj Double Crtwn ,
2.00 : WclllmcVctM , 325.
LUAD-Dar , 51 05.
MATCHES Per cadillo , OOoj round
oases S7.rMj innaro cft e < , $ , " > .10.
PROVISIONS Urcukfiwt bacon , 1-U
iholco Innl , 13Jc ! dried beef , Hie ; fhmilil-
era , canvfti od Oc ; lianm , caiivasfied Ho ;
bacon , nldes 13Jc
NK\V \ PIOKI.KS Medium , In tmrrcli ,
59 M ) ; do inhnlf Mil' , 5 2T > ! nninlN , in l > bl ,
11 50 ; do , in half bbK 075 ; gherkin * , in
bll ) < , 13 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 00.
VINKGAIl 1'uro apple extra , IGcj
imre ftiiplo , 13c ; 1'nwtnjf pure apple , lOo.
HOMINY New , 50 00 per bbl.
DKANS Medium , hand picked W 76
per Innhel.
JlOl'K Stall , \ Inch nnd larger , Ole ;
inch. 03c ; 1 ineh , lOJu
SOAl'S-KIrk'fl Savon Imperial , 3 RO ;
Kirk's satinet. 3 CO ; Kirk's utatidard , 3 M ) ;
Klik's Ivhlte Itumlan , fi 50 : Kirk'n Kutocn ,
2 25 : Kirk'a Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakci ) , 3
JO ; KirkVi magnolia , 4 80.
UANDI.r.S Noxcs , 40 lln , If ! or , 8s
IGcjbnxes 40 Ibs. , 10 oz. , 0 % lOc.
LYj : American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 340 :
Western , 275 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewi1
lye , 400Towell ; lye , 275.
POTASH 1'cnmylvauia cans , 4 dor. ,
in case , 3 : r > ; llahbltt'a Ball , 2 dor. in coxo ,
1 00 ; Anchor Hall 2 doz in case , 1 50.
FIELD SKHD Itcd clover , choice
now , g(5 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover
new , $7 00 ; white clover , now , 514 00
nl nlfa clo\cr , new , $1250 ; alsike , new ,
51300. Timothy , good , new , S3 00 ;
blue grass , extra clean , $150 ; blue groan ,
olcnn , SI 2"ij orchard grass 52 50 ; red top ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri ,
80c ; millet , German , 5100 to $125j
Hungarian , SOc.
HKDGKSKKD Osage orange , 1 to 5
bushel * , 85 00 ; osage orange , 10 ouiheln or
over , S4 50 ; honey locust , per lb. , 33c ; per
100 Ibs. , 525 00.
FISH Family white fiih , 00 Ib hf bbU ,
53 75 ; No , 1 white fish , 00 Ib hf bbls. 6 30 ;
No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; family
10 Ib kits 75c ; New Hulland herring , per
keg , 1 3."i ; llu&iian sardines 75c ; Colun-
bia ri\cr salmonper lOOlbs , 8 00 ; George's
Hank codfish , 6c ; ficn. boneless codlish ;
SJcj boneless fish , 4Jc.
MACKEREL Half bbls messmackercl ,
100 Ibs 812 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do ,
100 Ibs , G 00 : hf bbls , fat family do , 100
Ibs , 3 S3 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ;
No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 : No. 1 shore ,
12 Ib do. 1 00 : fat family. 10 Ib do , 75c.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 .Ib
( Field's ) , per case , 84 20 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) ,
per case , 2 CO ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , i > er case ,
3 00 ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per cane , 2 50 ; do
2 Ib ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) ,
per case , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1
Ib , per dozen , 1 60@170 ; do 2 Ib , per dozen
2 55. Sardines , small r'uh , imported , _ one
quarter boxes per box , 14Jc ; American ,
quarter boxes per box , lie ; do half boxep ,
per box , 21Jc. Lobsters , 1 Ib per dozen ,
1 SO. Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do 3 Ib per
case , 310 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain )
per cose , 3 70 ; eoakeil corn , 210 ; do
2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , j > er case , 375 ;
string beans , per case , 2 23 ; Lima beans
per case , 2 20. Succotash per case , 2 23.
I'eas , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice ,
per case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case ,
2i > 0 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per cose , 2 76 :
raspberries 2 Ib , per case , 275(3)300. ( )
Damsons , 2 Ib , per case , 2 45. Bartlett
pears per c.ose , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleber
ries per case , 2 SO. Egg plums , 2 Ib per
cue , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per case. 4 50.
do 3 Ib , case , 0 00@G 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per
oase,38" > ; do pie , G Ib , per dozen , 3 60.
RICE Carolina , * 8@8icf LouWana , 7i
@ 8Jc.
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten
nessee , Oc per Ib ; fancy white , lOo per Ib ;
ra'v white Virginia raw , 10c ; roasted ,
Dry Goods
7c ; Continental 0 , do , So ; Crescent LL
GJc ; Crescent C 7Je ; Crescent B 73c ;
Orescent A Sc ; Granitevillo LL Glc ; In
dian Head 7ic ; Lawrence LL , OJc ; Ports
mouth P , do , 4ic ; Utica C 5Jc ; Winthrop
L , do , 73c : Wachusetts 74c.
OJc " ; New York Mills 4-4 13c ; Pocassett C
4-4 8c. Wamsutta , 4-4 13c.
PRINTS. Allen's fancy , Cic ; Ameri
can do , Gta ; Arnold's do , 7c ; American
dfl(6cBerih ( ; ] solid colorsGc.ConestogadoO c
Cochico robe , 7c ; Freeman robe , fie ;
Dunmell do , 7c ; Eddvstone do Gc ;
Harmony , 5Jc ; Hartel.GJc ; Knickerbocker ,
Gjjc ; Gloucester do , Ofc ; Hamilton , GJc ?
Hamilton do , 7c ; M arlborodo , 59c ; South-
bridge do , 5 0 ; Spragua do , 5jc ; Simp-
son'n solid black , UJc ; Simpson's mourning ,
7c. Southbridge do , Gic ; Regatta do , 5Vc ;
Pacific do 7c ; bir ) guo do , GJc ,
Manchester , 7c ; Pacific , 7c ; Sprague ;
GJo ; Southbridge , GJe ; Mystic , CJc ; Merri-
mack shirting , Gc ; Washington oil colors ,
CAMBRICS Garner , 5c ; Harmony B ,
5c ; Hookselt , 5c ; Keystone Glove Finish ,
5Jc ; Wasliington , 5c.
CORSET JEANS Androscoggin sat-
teen , SJo : T ockwood do. UP ; Naumkeag
do. , UJc ; Rockport , 7Jc
TICKING Amoskcag- . C. A. , 174c ;
Albany S. A. X. , 17Jc ; Cordis A C. E. ,
17ic ; ConiiH , B. B. , Ojc ; Conestoga , II. C. ,
IledStripelGJcj Conestoga , C , C. A. , fan
cy , lie. Conestoga , JC. C. A. , 14c ; Conestoga -
toga , 4-1 , Gold Me IGc ; Conestoga ,
17jc ; Easton , B. , 0c ; Hamilton , D. , 114 ;
Hamilton regular , 13Jc ; Hamilton H" ,
Jljc ; Omegawperior extra , 27c ; Omega
medal , 23c ; Omega A CA , fancy stripe ,
18c ; Omoa ( A 4-4 , ICe ; Omega A , 13 ;
Pearl River , IGJc ; Shetucket , S. ,
Shetucket , S. S. , 12c ;
OIL CLOTH 5-4 wood , S3 00 ; 5-1
fancy marble , $3 00 ; 5-4 white marble ,
82 8j ; G 4 wood , § 3 GO ; 0-4 fancy marble ,
84 00 ; G-4 white marble , 83 83 ; G-i mo
xaic , 83 .X ) ; G-4 mosaic , Si 00.
DKNINS Amoskeag blue and brown ,
IGc ; I'f.-ucr Creek , A. A. , blue and brown ,
1 1Jc ; Beaxer Creek , B. B. blue and brown ,
13jc ; 15eaver Creek , C. 0. , blue anil
brown , l-'ic ; Everett D. D. , blue and
brown , 15 ; Haymakers blue and brown ,
9JeOtirt ; , IX. . A. , blue , 15e ; Otis B. B.
blue , 14 ; Otis C. O. , blue , 13c ; Pearl
River blut ami brown ,
DUCKS Arlington stripe , 18o ; Benton
chcclcH , 13Jc ; Boston XX drab , 12Je ; Boston -
ton XXX Uro. , 13Jc ; Boston XXX drab ,
13ic ; Benton 0. H.bro. , lOJc ; Boston XX ,
bro , , 12Ac " ; Bis'ciarck Rtrio ] , 174c ; Benton
stripea , "l.'Uc ; Dundee btripeu. ] 8c ; Fall
Itiver , ll c ; Hamdeu O. O. , lOic ; Lion
Blue , 1'jjo.
STRIPES American , lOc ; Amoskeag ,
Hie ; Dexter A , , lie ; Mechanics , 8c ;
Omega , lie ; Otis B. B. , lOc ; Plttofield , 7c ;
Uncasville , 9@0ic.
COTTONADKS Angora. D. & T. , 25c ;
A. Y. A. , 2Gc ; Bell , 18c ; Bridgewatcr , lOc ;
Capitol , 18cj ; Charter Oak , 18c ; Everett ,
heavy.Oc : Everett , medium , 15c ; Farm-
er'H 22ic ; LowUton 10 oz. , 23c ; NewYo.k
mills checks 18 ; New York mills proof ,
22jo ; Wicklow , ISJc ; Union Pacific , 18c ;
Whlttcnd n , D. & T. , 80o } York , light
weight , 12Jo
SHEETINGS Androscoggin.0-4 brown
23c ; do 10-4 do , 2Gc ; Pepi > erell'80-4 bnnvn ,
25o ; do 10-4 do , 27jc ; Alexandria , 40
Inch , blenched , 13c ; Androscoggin 0-4 ,
bleached , SOc ; do 10-1 , bleached , 20c ;
Peppereli , 0-1 , bleached , 25c ; do 10-i
bleached , 27Jc.Hide
Hide * , run , Etc.
HIDES Green butcher's hide , 71 ; green
cured hides. 8Jc ; green salt , pail cured
hides , 8@Rc ; dry flint , sound , 13@14c ; dry
calf and kip , 12@13c ; dry salt hides , sonna ,
ll@12c ; green calf. wt. 8 to 1C Ibs. . 10@llc ;
green calf , wt , under 8 Ibs per kin , Ma ;
green pelts , 81 00@1 15 ; green lamb skins
81 10@125 ; damaged hides , two-thiid rate ,
( cut scored and one grub , classed two-
tl Ink rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent , off ,
Com skins , No. 1. 45c ; No. 2 , 30cj No , 3 ,
20 , ) No. I , lOo. Mink , N.O. 1 , 50c ; No. > ,
80c ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , Co. Fox , No. 1 ,
GOc ; No. 2,25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black ,
cj s'/iort ntrlje , 40"1 narrow etripe We
broad stripe , lOc. Tallow , Gc ,
Merino washed , light , 14ffl)16c ) ; heavy ,
13@l5c : mo < llum unwMhed , Ifght,18a20cs (
tulhwa-ihetl , choice , S''c ; fair , SOc ; dingy
and w. , 28c ; burry , black and celled wools
2@Gc ICM
Horiei and Mue | .
The market In brink and all grade * are
oiling well at a slight advance In pi ices ,
The demand for eooil horses exceeds the
mpply considerably. Prlccn range as fol
town :
Fine single driver * , 5150. to 300. ; Kxtra
Iraft homes 8175. to 225. ; Common drait
dorses , S100. to 150. : Extra farm horces ,
8110 , to 12. . : Common to good farm
890. to 5100. ; Extra plugs ? CO. to 75. }
Common plugs , Si0. ! to 840.
MULES. 15 to 16 $ bauds ( extra ) , 5125.
to 150. ; 14J to 15 hands 8100. to 140. ;
14 to 14J hands , S" ) . to 100. ; 13i to 14
bands , 5U > . to 75
Carlwilic , 50c ; Acid , Tartaric , r.5c . : Balnnm
Copnbia , per Ib , 70c ; Bark , Sassafras , per
Hi , 12o ; Calomel , per Ib , 70c ) Clnchonidla ,
[ > r or , 75o ; Chlorofonn , per Ib. OOc ;
Dover' * imwilers , per Ib , $1 40 ; Epsom
salts , tier Ib , 3Jc ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib ,
44o ; Lead , Acetate , per Ib , 22c ; Car
bonoll , 110 ° , tier Ration , lljc ; doloO' ,
i > er gal , 13i < r Oil , Castor , No. 1. perga ,
PI 10 ; Oil , Castor , No.3nor gnli 30 ; Oil ,
Olive , i > er gal , SI 60 ; Oil , Origanum , 50
Opium , 81 50 ; Quinine , 8200 ; P. &W. &R.
AS.peroz,8200 ; Potassium , lotlide.pcr Ib ;
82 , 50) ) Salocm , per oz , 35c ; Sulphate of
Morphine , per oz , 83 75 ; Sulphur flour ,
per Ib , 4c ; Strychnine. or oz , 81 50c.
FENCING No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , 820 00 ;
No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 10 00 : sheeting dressed ,
No. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2 , 1U 00 ; common boards ,
dressed. 20 00.
FRAMING 10 ft. and under , per M ,
20 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00 ;
21 ft. 25 Ou.
FINISHING No. 1. finish 11 , 1J and
2 Inch , 850 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch 815 00 ;
No. 2. finish 1J , 14 and 2 inch , 81500 : No.
2 finish , 1 inch , $40 OOj No , 3 finish , linoh ,
$3500 ; O. G. battens per 100 feet liu. ,
5100 ; well curbing , 822 00 ; rough J and 2
Inch battens per 100 feet HP. . 50c.
STOCK BOARDS A stock , 840 00 ; B
835 00 ; C , $30 00 ; common stock , S22 60.
FLOORING No. 1 , $40 00 ; No. 2 ,
J35 00 ; No , 3 , 822 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1 ,
SIDING No. 1 , $21 00 ; No. 2 , $2200 ;
No. 3 , ? 18 00.
SHIP LAP-Plain , 822 00 ; 0. G. No. 1 ,
$32 00 ; No. 2 , 822 00.
CEILING 824 00 ( < S$37 00.
HldngleR , 83 85 , No. 2 , 82 50 ; No. 3 , 82 00.
Lath , 83 60.
Building Material.
LIME Per barrel , 81 35 ; bulk pcrbu. ,
35c. Cement , bbl , 82 50. Iowa plaster ,
bbl , 82 50. Hair per bu. 35c. Taned
felt 100 Ibs , 83 50. Straw board. $1 00.
PAPER Straw paper , 3c ; rag paper ,
4o ; dry goods paper , 7c ; manlla paper , lOc ;
news paper , 8c.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , $12 ;
Morris Run Blocsburg , 812 ; Whitebreast
lump , 8G ; Whitebreast nut , $0 ; Iowa
lump , SG : Iowa nut 80 : Rock Springs , 88 ;
Anthracite , all sizes 812 50.
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rates , S3 30 ; plow steel , cast , 7Jc ;
cast tool do. 15@20 wagon spokes , Ret.
2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 25 ; felloes , sawed
dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85 '
each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , _
washers , per Ib. 8@18c ; rivets , per Ib , lie ;
coil chain , per Ib , G@12o ; malleable , 8c ;
iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Gc ; harrow
teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring
steel. 7@8c.
NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 fiO ; 8 to 10 , 3G5 ;
Gd , 3 90 ; 4d , 4 15 ; 3d , common , 4 90 : 3d ,
fine , G 40 ; clinch , all sires , 5 15 ; Gd , casing.
4 G5 ; 8d casing , 4 4-1 ; lOd casing , 4 15 ; lOd
finish , 4 G5 ; 8d finish , 4 90 ; Gd finish , 6 10 ;
half kegs , lOc extra.
SHOT. Shot , 81.83 ; Buck shot , 82.10 ,
Oriental Powder , kegs , 6G.40 ; do. , half
kegs , $3.48fdo. , quarter kegs , S1.88 ; Blast
ing , kegs. 83.35 : Fuse , oer 100 feet 50c.
Paints Oils and Varnishes.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha
Pf P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P , & C. Co.pure ,
Oc ; Marseilles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ;
French zinc , green scalj 12c ; French zinc ,
red seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish asst ,
20c ; French ' zinco , in oil asst , 15c ; Raw
and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c : raw and
burnt Sienna , 13c : vandyke brown , "
refined lampblack. 12c ; coach black , j.
i"ory block , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian
blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome
green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind and shutter
green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; Paris green. 18c ;
Indian red , 15c : Venetian red , 9c ; Tuscan
rtcl , 22c ; American Vcrmiliod , I. &P. , I8c ;
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D. O. , 18c ;
yellow ochre , Oc ; golden ochre , 10 ; patent
ilryer , Gc ; graining colors : light oak. dark
oa c , walnut , chestnut and ash 12c.
Or "alnti
\Vhite lead , GJc ; French jine , lOc ; Paris
whiteing 2Jc ; whiting gilders. IJc ;
\\hiting coml , lie ; lampblack German-
town. He' lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Prns-
sian blue , 45c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vandyke ,
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw ,
Ic ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , ' 4c
Paris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green com'l
Jnc ; chrome green , N. Y. ' SOc ; chrom-
green K. , 12c ; vermillion , Eng. , 70c ; ver
million , America , 18c ; Indian red. lOc ,
rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookson's
' > jc : Venetian red Am. , lc ; red lead , 7ic ;
chrome yellow , genuine , 20o ; chrome yel
low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre ,
French , 2jc ; ochre , American , IJc ;
Winter's mineral. 2Jc ; Jehigh bro\vn , 2jc :
Spanish bro\vn. 2Jc ; Prince's mineral 3c ;
VARNISHES Barrels i > er gallon.
Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
SI ; furniture , U , 85c ; coach , extra , $1 40 ;
Coach , No. 1 , § 1 20 ; Damar , $1 50 ; Japan.
70c ; asphaltum , 70c ; shellac , S3 50 ; hanl
oil finish. SI 30.
OILS-110' carbon pergallon , 11 Jc : 150'
i eadlight , j > er gallon , 12jc ; 1 5 * headlight
iiergallon , IGJo ; crystolino , per gallon , 20c
linseed , raw , pergallon , C4c ; Liniecd , boil
ed , per gallon , G7c ; lard , winter tr'd , per
gallon , 1 0 i No. 1 , 75c , No. 2 , ( iOc ; castor ,
XXX , per gallon , 1 SOc , No. 3,1 05 ; mvpot
per gallon , 85c ; spenn , W. B. , per gallon ,
S" 33 ; fiihh , W.B. , per gallon , GOc ; nnatsfoot'
extra , per gallon , 75c , No. 1,05 ; lumber ! ,
eating , zero , per gallon , oOo , summer , 15o
golden machine. No. 1 , pergallon , 35c , No.
2 , 28o ; sjienn , signal , per gallon , 80c ; tur *
pentino , per gallon , Ole : iiaptha , 74 deu' ,
I er gallon 20o , G3 detr , 20c.
ALCOHOL 187 proof. ? 2 35 per
wine gallon , extra California spirits ,
187 pi oof at 1 30 per proof gallon
triple refined spirits , 187 proof , 81 21 ; per
lirwof gal re-distilled whiskies , $1 00@1 50 ;
fine blended , 81 602 50 ; Kentucky bourbons
bens , & 200@7 00 ; Kentucky and Pennsyl
vania ryes , S2 00(5)7 ( ) 00.
BRANDIES Imported , $0 00@10 00 ;
domestic 1 404 ( 00 ,
GINS Imported , 4 60@0 00 ; domestic ,
1 403 00.
HUMS Imported , 4 50@fl 00 ; New
England. 2 OOM4 00 ; domestic. 1 BOffiS 50 ;
1 75@4 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imported per case ,
2G 00@3I 00 ; A tnerican , per case , 12 00@
1800 ,
CLARETS Per case , 4 60@1G 00.
WINES Rhinewine , i > er case , 0 08@,0 ,
00 Catawba. per case 4 00(5)7 ( ) 00.
and Tobacco * ,
CIGARS. Seeds , 815.00 : Connecticut ,
825.00 ; Mixed , $35.00 ; Seed Havana , $50.00 ;
Clear Havana , $75.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule ,
21 Ib , GOc ; Spotted Fawn. Glc ; Our Rope ,
02c ; Star , pounds. 21 Ib , buttn , GOc ; Horse
Shoe , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , COo ; Purity , 24
Ib. butts , 62c ; Queen Bee , 21 Ib , butts , 53ci
Gilt Edge , pounds 2 * Ib , butts , 57 ; Army
and Navy , pounds 64c ; Bullion , pounds
58c : Lorillard'H Climax , ixjunds , OOc.
FINE CUT-In pallB.-Hard to Beat ,
753 ; Golden Threa f , 70c ; Fountain , 80c ;
Favorite , 05cj Rocky Mountain , 55c ;
Fancy , fXfc ; Daisy , 45c , In tin foil
Catllim 0 , S. , 2 oz packages , 5 Ib boxen ,
l > er llJ 05o ; Lorillard's 'llger , COo.
SMOKING AH grades Common , 25 to
33o. Granulated Blackwells Durham , 1(1 (
oz 51 o ; Dukeii Durham , 10 04 45c ; Seal ol
North Carolina , 10 oz , 40 ; Seal of Neb ran
ka , 1C z , 38o { IxinoJack , 4 oz , Hnenbags
p crlb , 81.35 ; ifarburgs' Puck , 3 01 , tin
foil f , 65c ; Dog TM1. 65o. _
Council Blnffn Market.
COUNCIL BLUFFS , October 20 ,
Flour Manufactured t > y Crystal and
City Milk 3 75(34 ( Mi Konnvi And Mis.
sour ! flour , 3 50@4 21V j graham , 3 i A ) rjc
flour , 3 40.
Bran and Shorts 17 00 per ton.
Chop Corn 23 W ) per ton.
Wheat-No. 2,8122@12T > ; No. 3,10.- ;
jected , 85. ,
Coni-No. 2 , 52 , rejected M.
Oats No. 2 , tOc ! roloctcd , Me.
JUrley No. 2. 0o ! No. 3 , 75c.
Hay fi ttXffif. 00.
Atf. . . .1 il nA/T O t\
- ,
Cattlo-Shlpp'tig ' , 400CMOO : milch
cows ! K ) OOCfi45 ( OU per head : butchers
t.xk , 2 75@3 00.
Rheep 1 00@5 00.
(5 ( Hldes-5c ; G S hides 8c.
Wool 15@ 5.
Butter We.
JVmj 20C.
Potatocs-100@l20 ; sxvcet , 4@6c.
Onions-1 25@1 40.
Grand Junction Market-
GiiANi ) JUNCTION , la. , October 20.
Eggs 14 c.
Butter 13c. _ _ _
CIIIOAOO. October 20.
On 'Chance the marketH were r.ik
and lower. The receipts of Rnun were
8,800 bushels by c.mal , 411carlo.ulsbyr.ill.
embracing 05 of wheat , 2.10 of corn , S'J of
oats 10 of rye and 37 of barley.
Flour Ruled weak and dull for tprmg
and winter brands stocks are small , Iran * .
actions \cry light , quotations nominally
unchanged ; common to choice western
Bprinif , 4 500 7Minnesotiv / ; , 025&7 75 ;
patents , 5 70@5 00 ; winter brands , G 60aj
H 75. The crop of IJUCK wheat is reported
light , and thcro has been considerable ex-
citetnent in the market for buckwheat
flour ; sales a few days arfo were made at
7 00fe7 73s ( 8 00 per barrel ; and ince then
Bsloa were made at 0 50@10 00 per barrel ,
and now held higher. ,
Wheat-No. 2 spring only fairly actUe
and during a share of the ecsslon a \ ry
quiet feeling prevailed ; not many outsiders
were received , and losal operators did not
manlfeatany desire to trade beyond a
moderate extent : operators were disposed
to real zo and prices declined about2to2te ;
our receipts were smaller , duo partially to
the bad weather in the country. The mar
ket finally closed about li@lic lower on
the regular board , and on call at 1 34J for
November ; 1 3GJ for December ; 1 34 for
the year ; 1 3"i for January ; No. 3 spring ,
quiet and nominal at 1 20. _
Corn Quiet feeling prevailed in No. 2 ;
during the early part of the session spccu-
lators were iiot Inclined to do much trad-
iug , being favored with but few orders
either on local or outside ; prices wore j@Jc
lower early ; later , however , the market
exhibited more strength , owing to the
meagre receipts reported , duo to bed roads
iu the interior , and prices gradually ad
vanced j@ic | ; hut the improvement in
prices induced more liberal offerings , es
pecially for the more deferred delucnes ,
and prices settled back again. The market
closed about j@So ) lower on the regular
board and on c llat GOJo for October ; Gig ®
Olio for No\ ember , 02 jc for December ;
GSHc for May ; rejected , fairly cti\u at
58c.Oats Dull and almost n 'thing ' doing ;
No. 2 closed t lljo for October ; t 11J@
41io for November , 41tfo for December ;
42c for the vear ; 4Cc for May ,
Rye Entirely nominal ; No. 2 , 1031
fo' No\ ember , 1 04 for December.
Barley Quiet and dull ; No. 2 , 1 00 for
November ; 1 07 for December.
Pork Easy at a decline of 2350c on
whole range Induced by heavy offerings ;
mess clo'cd at 10 02 for November ; 10 70
for December ; 10 5 for the year ; 17 80 for
January ; 18 05 for February.
Lard Lower but steady at the decline ;
11 55 for November ; 11 70 for December ;
11 00 for January ; 12 05 for February ;
12 IB for March. - .
Bulk Meats' Fairly active ; offerings
of futures unusually heavy ; short ribs
closed at 8 55 for October ; 845 for Nov-
emberS82i ; for January.
Whisky-Quiet at 1 17.Rec'ts.
Rec'ts. Shipm'ts
Flour . 14,040 12,005
Wheat . 50,002 23,603
Corn . 108,375 283,904
Oats . 47,310 82.348
Rye . 13,500 8,203
Barley . 30,070 0,778
Chicago JLive Broofe.
OHIOAOO. October 20.
Cattle Receipts , 7,000 head ; * ship
ments , 3,700 headmarket ; generally easier ,
with prices lOc lower ; exports , 0 40@7 00 ;
good to choice nativca were more plentiful
than usual and market slow at 5 GO@G CO ;
I i ll U UikLlfie wcltJV , IIUK DbU ujr , K * ea AVA-
ans , 3 00@3 75 ; .half-breeds and natives ,
3 70@4 GO.
Sheep Receipts , 3,100 head ; shipments ,
none ; market weak and slow ; poor to
choice , 3 2" > @ 5 00 ; territory and common
to fair natives 3 00@3 CO. ,
UogB Receipts , 2i,000 head ; shipments -
ments , 3,300 head ; demand Kinall and
quality of offerings excellent ; all grades
from the poorest to the best from 15@20o
lower ; mixed packing , 5 73(20 ( 30 ; choice
heavy , G 40@G 0" ; light , C 00@0 30 ; culls
and graaaers , 3 50@5 60.
St. Xjonlii Produce-
ST. LOUIH , October 20.
Flour Dull and unchanged ,
Wheat-Weak ; No. 52 red , 1 4li for
cash145i ; for November ; 1 48i for De
cember ; 1 62J for January ; No. 3 do , 1 38
bid ; No , 4 do , 1 28 bid.
Corn Lower ; C2o for cash ; G3.c } for November -
vember ; COlc for December ; G7go for Jan
uary ; 72Ju for May.
Oats Quiet ; 43io for cash ; 44Be for No
vember ; 4ic ' for December ; 47ic ( for Jan
uary ; 50./c / for May.
Rye HK'hor . 't ' 1 03J@1 012
Barley Steady ; medium to prime , 85c@
1 00 ; choice to fancy , 1 0" > @ 1 15.
Lead Slow at 1 00 bid.
Butter Steady ; dairy , 18@28c ; cream
ery , 3035c.
EL'gs Quiet at 15@18c.
WhiHky-Stcady at 1 14.
Provisions Dull and stocks mnall ; de
mand light and only a jobbing tradu doing.
Rea'ts. Shipm't * .
Flour 5,000 11,0(0 (
Wheat 11,000 15,000
Corn 10,000 33,000
Oats 13,000 7,000
Rye 1.000
Barley 0,000
Cincinnati Produce.
CINCINNATI , October 20.
Mess Pork Jobbing , 10 50@10 75.
Lard Hauler ; current make , 10 05.
Bulk Meats Quiet ; cleir sides , $1000.
Bacon Qultt ; clear uidcx , 11374 ,
Flour Firm ; family , 0 Mu 00.
Wheat Steady : No , 2 red , 1 45.
Corn Quitt ; No. 2 mixed , G8Vc.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 48o.
Rye-Easier ; No , 2,114.
Barley Steady ; No. 2 Canada , 115.
Whi ky Steady at 1 13.
Enut Liberty Iivo Stock.
EAST LIDKIITV , Pa , , October20.
Cattle Slow and unchanged ; Blow on
common ; bent 8000G ( 00 ; fair to good I
$5 50@r/76 ; receipts f,7G8 head ; shipuienU
1,730 heaJ.
Hogs Dull ; receipts , 8,300 ; BhipmentH
2,200 ; Philadelphia ! * , 0 ! K7 ) 20 ; best
Yorkers , 0 25&0 10 ; common and fair
0 00@G 15.
Sheep Slow ami unchanged ; receipts
1,110 ; bhtpinvnU 1,000 , .
Buffalo Llvo Stock.
EAST \\VVVMA \ , October CO.
Ho-'s Steady ; receipts , 45 ; hhipments
31 ; fair to good Yorker * , G 400 60 ;
good medium weight * , 0 & 0&G 5\
New York froilno *
NxwYoHK , October DO.
Flour Dull i\nd \ declining ; No. 2,3 60i (
4 80 ; nuperfine , 4 705 " 5 : notithorn , ihul
and declining ; common to choice extra ,
" 40@8 50.
Wheat Ixiwer , but steady ; No. .1 red
winter , 1 48l 60 ; No. 1 white , 1 44 i ®
U6f No. 2 Chicago , 1 41Ji No. 2 red ,
October , 1 40@1 40J ; do , November , t to
2)1 ) 61J.
Corn Opened lPJo off , but cloied
itrong with a partial reonery : ungraded
mixed , G5@70Jc : No. 2 , C070ic ; JNo. 2 ,
November , 7071c- .
OaU Dull and a nl.-ulo easier : No 1
white. 63c ; No , 2 do , 601@50ic ; No. 1
nixed , 47c ; No. 2 , C01aCOJj ( mixed west
ern , 43 ® Ific.
Uye Dull and weak at03@l 01 } .
Barley Active and linn ; No.l Canada ,
1141(8115. (
Pork Dull and declining ; sirot now
ORS 18 35 © 18 60.
Lard Dull and caknnd declined 12Jc ;
1 85 for cash ; 1182 $ for OcUier.
Beef Quiet , and without any important
Whisky Nominal.
Philadelphia Proilnco.
PlttunRLFlllA , October 20.
Wheat Firm ; 1 41 @ 1 40 for wish and
October ; 1 47@1 471 for Nox ember ,
Corn Finn ; CSIteGOjc for cash ; G8@
C8Jo for October.
Oats-Firmer at 51i@52c for cash ; WJ
351c } for October.
Rye-Quiet at I 08 for ca h.
FitUburff Oil Marhot.
I'lTTsnuim , October 20.
The oil market opened at 04ic , ad-
\nnccd toOIZc , declined to 0" > 3c , ailvaiic-d
,0 04'c , declined to nnd closed at ! > ! { bid
jhipmcnU yesterday were 51,730 , libN.j
charters were 34,12(5 ( hbln. New York
ctincd , fl c : Antwerp ruflneil 191 francs.
I'ittrburg oil rxclmngu stock , 1 I2j bid ,
Baltimore JProcliioo.
BALTUIOUK , October 20
Flour Firmer.
Wheat No. 2 rod winter steady and
kiior at 1 45@1 lf > i for cash and October.
Com Yellow canter at 81cj mixed
western dull at G9J for ca-nh.
Iilvorpool Produce.
IjtVKiU'oot , October 20.
Flour Amcrinii , 10x Gd@13i
Wheat Winter , 10GdHniH ( 2d : white ,
_ Js lOdfSJlls 3dj Hpring , IN lld@10i 5d ;
club , 11s 2d@lls 8J.
Corn 5s lljd.
Lanl-5'Js Cd.
'Enut St. LouU Live Stools-
EAST ST. LOUIK. October 20.
Cattle Receipts , l..KX ) ; xiuchanged ;
iinpir.g , 5 25rnl ! 00 ; light , 1 50@5 25.
llnpn Receipts 650 ; mixed packing ,
G OOgtC , 35 ; Yorkers to Baltimores. 0 15 ®
G 30 ; good to choice h a\y , 0 bO@0 05.
Toledo Proanoo
TOLEIIO , October 20 ,
Mhcat Dull ; No 2 icd , 142i for No-
\cuibcr ; 145g for December ; 1 18J for
January ; No. 3 red , 1.20.
Corn Dull ; No. 2 , G3c for cash ; Olio
for November ; 02J yoir.
Oats Nominal ; 71o for May.
Now Vork Dry Goods.
NKW YOIIK , October 20.
There has been a good steady move
ment in stap'o ' cotton goods , _ spring
woolens , shirts and dr.wem , etc. , in exe
cution of former orders , but the demand at
first hinds was comparatively lljht and
mostly restricted to such uniall parcels.
Seasonable goods as are needed by jobbere
for renewal of assortment * of the jobbing
trade baa shown little if any increase of
activity , business having been quiet iu
nearly all departments owing to the un
seasonable mildness of the weather hero
and iu many sections of the interior ,
H a n d s o mest
For Sale by
521 South Tenth St.
The co partnership litrctoforu existing bo
Uccn Charles Harmon awl Amlrow Harmon ,
flrm name rf < liif. llnrnion i Ilro ,
iitrtncM , corner U.tli ontl Hurt 8l . , Is llilada\
illfl-olveil l > y mutual tonnent , Iho iiu lnt ! i will
tontliino In the immo of Anlrcw Harmon , wlio
IIUollet ( nil cmtntnixllni ; accounts ani ) will not.
tlu nil hill * nvalnut thu llrin. Tnaiiklni ; the | iul > .
lie for past la > oriil wvuk a tontlimatu o ( their
Omilia. Oct. 10111 , 1MI. > 07-2' ' '
TUB BEST . * ' OjlUKNfl
AND * J < ® '
TUUE1) , M AltlCKl
Manulnctnred In ftvo eU'i , 4,0 , 8 , 10 d I
e llon . It hai no K0 rln < , tluiue no iiolio
Zee Ita work eatlly and nuleHy. and eel * the
UrL-cat amoui t ol l.utUr Itma llio milk or
croura : IB mnoe from the i cut a h luinber. It
told t lower price tlian any ntliir flnt-ilu
. hum. end lot dU.itl > tlv tlrcular and prlc
An eleinxnt llthoerapli enentliw ol 1'rceldcn
OarllcM , I'l black anil tlni , for MuiiU ; also
flnoly llnUhtd llthonraph ongrut IriK ( or > ! > tvnti
'J lic o picturio are from thu latest
of thol'rcnIJtrit , and ru Ilia Uncut ukUin.s It
IMJ Imil. ilallcil on a roller to any aildrcnv , IK >
free , on rcxcljit of jirlco. bltu of iilcturo lux'J4
1 , 0. Itox 290 , uilwaukvo , Wit.
I'oaUgo taniixi received , uSivtX
AnUNQTON , J. Q. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb ,
GRAND CENTRAL , D. T. PHILLIP3 , Harvard , Neb ,
DEPOT HOTEL , F. H. DAOOTT , Norfolk , Neb.
DRAPER HOUSE , O. WHIPPLE , Nlobrarn , Neb.
CREIGHTON HOUSE , P. 0. THIBADEAU , Crelfihton , Neb.
CITY HOTEL , L. J.JOHNSON , Nemnha City , Neb.
CENTRAL HOUSE , JOHN COOPER , Oakdale , tyeb ,
NELIQH HOUSE , W. D. MOULTON , Weit Point , Neb
DOROHE8TER HOTEL. A. 8. KINKLE , Dorcheiter , Neb.
COMMERCIAL HOTEL , J , O. MEAD , Nellgh , Neb.
TUTTLE HOUSE , W. H. TUTTLE , Aurora , Neb.
QAQE HOUSE , A. R. OAQE , Republican Valley.
SANDERS HOUSE , CHAS. E. McNISH , . Friend , Neb.
PACIFIC HOTEL , 8 J. PORTER , F-nlrmont , Neb
E8TES HOUSE , N. T tSTES , Grand Itland , Neb.
U. P. HOTEL , 8. F. DERRY , Gibbon , Neb.
COMMERCIAL HOUSE , F. W. WILM8 , Kearney , Neb.
COMMERCIAL HOUSE , T. M. STONE , Orleant , Neb ,
REYNOLDS HOUSE , Z. O. noOKHOLD. Wymore , Neb.
PACIFIC HOTEL , W. P. REN8HAW , Beatrice , Neb ,
SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , Oretton , la ,
PARK HOTEL , W. J. QARVIN , Corning , la.
DURKE'S HOTEL , E. R. BURKE , Carroll , la.
NEOLA HOTEL , F. 8IEVERTZ , Naota , la ,
CENTRAL HOUSE , 8. P. ANDERSON , Malvern , la.
EMERSON HOUSE , A. L. 8HELDON , Emer on'la ,
[ B. & M. 11 U. Central Nubraska. ]
John Itnhon Druqglat ami Grain Dealer.
F. A. Noble , M. D. , Druggist , Physiciim and Surgeon.
L. Teaman Grain Do.ilcr. ( Elevator. )
W. L. Grmiisbaum & Bro Dry Goods , Clothing , Hoots and Shoos.
Jacob Wolbaok Dry Goods , Clothing , Boots and Shoos.
A. G. Peterson Clothing and Furnishing Goods.
M. Kohii General Merchandise.
N. 0. llogors .General Merchandise.
J. M. Seohlur ; General Morohandjao.
II. W. Fairchild & Co Goneml Morclmndiso.
Stevens & MoKuu Grocers.
Nisscn it llabon Groceries , Quuenswaro , ifools and Shoes.
Cawthorne it Co Grocers.
.1.11 , Van Uoskirk Agricultural Implements , Sowing Machines ,
Carriages nnd Wagons.
W. J. Thrulkill Ueataurant , Bakery and Confectionery.
J. H. Hull Lumber , Lime and Coal.
McKny , Mnngor & Wontz i Bankers.
W. ii. Tuttle Tuttle Uouso.
J. II. Fillmore ; Commercial IIouso.
Byors & Glover Hardware , Furniture , &c.
11 W. Kir 7 Justice tmd Collection Agent.
Woods t Waite Furniture and Undertaking.
Win. P. llollings Heal Estate , Loans nnd Insuranco.
Temple & Farley Heal EHtate , Loans nnd Insurance.
Dr. E. K , Woods Magnetic Healer.
W. S. Gunter Station Agent , B. & M. Railroad.
D. G. Clark it Bro Photographers.
G. W. Bailey Hamilton County News.
L. W , 'Hustings Aurora Republican.
F. & J. B. Myers Aurora Moat Market.
Omaha , POLACK
Oheyenne , „ , oolorada
Fall and Winter' '
Hats , Gaps , Trunks , Valises.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices te Suital
the Oldest Wholesale and
Retail Jewelry House in
Omaha , Visitors can here
find all novelties in Silver
Ware , Clocks , Rich and
Stylish Jewelry , he La
test , Most Artistic , and
Choicest Selections in
Precious Stones , avid all
descriptions of Pine
Watches at as Low Pri
ces as is compatible with
honorable dealers. Call
and see our Elegant New
Store , Tower Building ,
corner llth and Farn-
ham Streets
O 3MC ufik.
General Agents for the
Finest and Best Pianos and
Organs manufactured.
Our prices are as Low as
any Eastern Manufacturer
and Dealer.
Pianos and Organs sold
for cash or installments at
Bottom Prices.
A SPLENDID stock of
Steinway Pianos , Knabe
Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi
anos , and other makes.
Also Clough & Warreu ,
Sterling , Imperial , Smith
American Organs , &c. Do
not fail to see us before pur
33P ' JL * v
It always gives satisfaction , because it makes a
superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap
est Flour in the market. Every sack
warranted to run alike or ,
money refunded.
W. M. YATES , Cash Grocer.