Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1881, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee.
PublUhod every morning , except Sunday
TU only Monday morning ddHy.
y M..510.00 I Three Months.$3.00
Months. . . 5.00 | Ono . , 1.00
TIIK WEEKLY BKE , published or
ry Wcdnosdny.
OneYcur. $2.00 I Three Months. . GO
BUMontlw. . . . 1.001 Ono " . . 20
c&ttonn relating to Nowaand KdltoriMirml-
tera alioulcl bo addressed to the EniTOli ov
Letter * and Remittance ! ) should be nd
dressed to Tun OMAHA rtjnuamNa COM
PANT , OMAHA. Drafts , Check * and 1'ojt-
ofHce Ordeis to be made payable to tlie
order of the Company.
E , ROSEIWATER , Editor.
Edwin Dnvls , Mnnncer of City
Jolin II. Pierce In In Charro of the
CirouUlon of THE DAILY BKH.
* A. II , Fitcb orrcBponclcntnndsolIcitor
OMAHA will soon have two riva
lines to Denver.
TENTH street in a slough of dopon
to every traveler.
Koiirit Omaha donmnds nnd ough
to have a substantial sewer down thi
Aw accurate French journalis
speaks of the president as Monsieur
Arthur Chester.
BLOODED cattle hrvvo decreased in
price. Voting cnttlo are firm , with
rising tendency.
ST. Louis is disgusted with her Ma
cadamized streets , and yet St. Louis
never possessed a Farnhntn atruot.
INDIANA wants n cabinet officer. In
diana gave UB a Colfnx and Tynor and
ouglit to take a back scat for a few
it coinos to a point whore an
answer must bo uivcn to the ( jucstion
"Tho railroads or the pcoplel" it will
not take long to solve the conun
fiisioiuHts are confident
of defeating the Bourbons. This is
ono of the first fruits of Mahono's ex
aniplo in Virginia. To the fusionists
bulong the spoils.
AH the cold blasts of wintur n\\- \
pronch wo arc involuntarily reminded
that Omaha ought to have it Union
depot where , travelers could find sliol-
tor from the inclemency of Nobnwka
COUNWALMS has aurrondorod. The
revolutionary war is over , nnd the
senate of thcso United States is about
to resume its dreary sessions with
the ponderous independent-greenback
party in the chair.
PLANS are in contemplation for four
now business blocks on Farnam street ,
which will do much to Till up the ugly
paps in our main business street.
Omaha needs more four and five story
brick and Htono buildings.
Tur.iiK is a movement on foot to secure -
cure the removal of Mr. Dofrccs , the
pa-sent government printer , on the
ground of his past political affiliations.
The actual ground is probably because
Boino pure-minded patriot BCOS a
political plum in the great govern
ment printing office which Mr. Do-
frees redeemed from disgrace.
Tin : increase of American invest
ments held by Englishmen is canainc
on influx of gold into this country
which ia seriously alarming British
financial journals. Last weok. § 2-
050,300 in gold arrived at Now York.
The Bank of England is nbout to
raise ittt discount rate in order to
prevent any further decrease in its ro-
TIIK reiuoval of Mr. Tynor from the
.post oftico department ia in the line of
the reform inaugurated by President
Garfield , and which resulted in the
overturning of the star route ringstors.
Mr. Tynor could scarcely have boon
ignorant of the corruption which waa
in progress in the deportment of
which ho was ono of the heads.
Whether or not his active participation
in the postal frauds can bo proved ,
his removal will bo generally com
mended. If ho was honest but ignor
ant , ho was plainly inefficient , and il
ho was dishonest , the sooner ho fol
lows Brady into court the bettor.
TUB bureau of stain-tics has pub
lished its report for September , anc
the eight months previous. The sta
tistics clearly show the effects ol
speculative corners in restricting the
export of brcaddtufla. Tlioro ia a decrease -
crease in all the exports for September
bor , except oats. In wheat and corn
the decrease ia 8,000,000 bushels , am'
for the eight montliH 42,492,000
bushels. This it the result'of the
speculation which for months past has
locked up in the elevator * at Chicago
millions of bushels of grain , and liUs
blocked the wools of trade throughou
the country in ono of its most import
fut branches.
PinLADBLntiA , Pa. , October 19.
In the United Slutos court to-day an
order was nmdo authorizing Olive
Amen , receiver of the credit mobiliei
of America to execute unto Tlioa. 0
Durant , president of the orodi
mobilior a full and womplolo rolcasi
of all donmnds against him by crudi
mobilior upon the execution and delivery
livery by Durant of a proper Icga
conveyance of real estate situated neni
Council Bluffs , Iowa , amounting U
about 320 acres and lands in Plat
county , Nebraska.
Hero wo have another chapter o
credit mobilior that will interest semi
of the old settlers of Omaha and No
brn.ikn. It is now nearly eighteen
years ainco Durant and tlio crcili
mobilior gang of highwaymen invadc (
this section of the country. Will
a land grant covering at
empire mid princely subsidies amount
ing to thirty millions , they doliberatc
ly not about to bleed , bulldoze ant
blackmail the inhabitants of over ]
town and village through which their
road was to pass. Thus Oiimlm was
bled and blackmailed out of a coo
million in lands , lots and bonds , anc
thus Columbus , the future capital o
America on George Francis Train'i
map , was c.xjolod into donating hal
her town lots to the Credit Fonoior
ring , which practically was the inside
ring of the credit mobilior ring ,
Tom Durant recklessly squandered
the millions ho acquired in his credit
mobilior operations , but the late la
mented Oakcs Ames , whoso inonu
mont adorns the crest of the Rocky
mountains , and Sherman put his
money where it did the most good.
Wo are gratifioi to notice that the
lioirs of this great and good man hav
finally consented to quitclaim Durant
for all the claims that the credit rae
bilior may have against him on condi
tion that Durant makes a legal con-
voynnco of his illegally acquired
Council Bluffs depot grounds and his
lalf section near Columbus , in Platte
The recent visit of the railroad ofli-
ials of the 0. , B. & Q. to Denver has
rcfliil'cd in Rome important move
ments on the railway checker board.
It is announced that the Burlington
route to Denver will bo pushed with
all possible speed from both ends of
the lino. Work will bo at once begun -
gun on the Colorado division of the
road at Denver , and will continue
eastward until the contractors now
working in the Republican valley
westward arc mot and the two ends of
; ho line join , The open-
ng of' ' the Union Pacific's
now Julcsburg line to Denver
las stimulated the Burling'on ' officials
to tiso every effort in hastening the
entrance of their uyntoin into the cen
tennial a ate , and neither time nor
means will bo spared towards the ac
complishment of this end. This is
nowA of great importance to our state ,
and especially to she republican val-
oy. It indicates that the entire line
will bo completed and in running cr-
dor by the middle of Juno of next
rear , by which time through trains
vill bo tun from Chicago to Denver ,
ind a competing line will afford
low benefits to the producers
of the west. The now
road will bo twenty miles shorter than
any existing line , not excepting the
Julosburg "cut off" of the Union
Pacific. The grades will bo easy and
.ho road-bed throughout equal to that
of the Burlington system in Iowa.
Up to the proaont time the proposed
ocationof the Republican Valley route
nto Denver has been carefully con
cealed from the public by the manage-
nont. Various aurvoys have boo"
nado of available routes entering the
capital of Colorado from both
lorth nnd notith , but the exact
ino finally adopted hat not boon
lubliahcil. From the best authority
Tui ! Bun is enabled to give the line
which in now under contract M fol
lows. From Oulbortson west the road
will bo built to old Fort Morgan in
Arupahoo county , Colorado , taking n
tangent in a northwcstorly direction
and varying from a duo west and 'east
line about thirty miles. The diver
gence is caused by the difficulty ex
perienced in crossing the divides of
tributaries of the republican river
which will bo loft * to the south. From
old Fort Morgan the line strike *
southwesterly to Denver which U
distant nearly ninety miles , and which
will bo entered from the north. Tim
entire line as surveyed is said to bo
very frco from hojvy grades , and
can bo readily kept in repair.
The through route at present will
bo by way of Plattsimmth , Lincoln ,
Hastings and Rod Cloud , but in tiio
future , should the necessities of busi
ness demand it , a change may bo
made .which will shorten the distance
some thirty miles. Under this plan a
cut-off from the main line of
the B. & M. vill bo made at ,
a point west of Hastings , and
a line built to a point on
the Republican Valley road went of
Rod Cloud and in the vicinity1 of
Arapahoe Thin "cutoff1 will form
a portion of the main line of the
Burlington route to Denver , saving
over an hour in time and shortening
the distance nearly thirty miles over
that by way of Hastinga and Rod
Cloud. This will giro now railroad
facilities to the counties ! Adams ,
Kearney , Harhn and Furnav But ,
the Burlington officials , not satis
fled with this outlet alone , have
nearly completed this southern
Nebraska sy tem from Nemahn
city westward to a junction with the
western division of the Republican
valley road. The now railroad in
northwestern Missouri , articles of in
corporation for which wore filed lasl
week in Alchison , will bo the natural
eastern connection with this line , furnishing -
nishing a through route from Burling
ton Junction on the Chariton branch
of the main line of the 0. , B & Q. to
Denver by way of the Republican val
ley railroad. When the Missouri
river ia brid od at Noniaha
city , as it is certain to bo nt
no late day the value of this inde
pendent line across southern Ne
braska can scarcely bo overestimated.
Railroad construction between rival
lines has become in thcso days a battle -
tlo of giants , and it is very evident
that the Burlington officials do not
intend to take a low place in the liata
of contestants lor' western trade and
traffic. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A DISPATCH from Chicago announces
that Manager A. E. Touzalin of the
Burlington it Missouri railroad has
biien elected first vice president of the
Ohicagi , Burlington and Quincy sya
tern. Mr. Touzalin has accepted the
position and will shortly remove to
Boston from which point ho will direct
the policy of the Burlington system.
The office of vice president to which
ho succeeds hoa boon occupied for a
number ot years paat by Mr. C.
E , Perkins of Burlington , Who fifteen
years ago waa general superintendent
of the old B. & M. in Iowa when Mr.
Touzalin was general ticket agent of
that corporation. Since that time Mr.
Touzalin has been constantly con *
noctod with the Burlington interest
with the exception of a few years
during which time ho built up the
and grant of the Santa Fo road as the
and commissioner of that system ,
lumors of the impending resignation
of Mr. John Forbes of the Burlington
and the promotion of Messrs. Perkins
and Tonzalin wore presented in the
BUK nearly two months ago
and emphatically affirmed after the
management of the Santa Fo system
was offered to and declined by Air.
Touzalin. Mr. Touzilin's brilliant
qualities as a railroad manager have
not found full scope in Omaha , al-
hough his direction of the finances
and policy of the Burlington & Mia-
souti River Railroad in Nebraska has
) oen marked by great success. With
lie consolidation of the liuo , with the
Turlington system it was generally
alt that ho would bo called up
lighor aud the election .of Woclnos-
lay is the result.
Mr. Touzalin's new- duties will
call him away from Omaha , and
vill lese to our city ono of its most
> opular , public spirited and ontorpris-
ng residents. During his residence
n Omaha , Mr. Touzalin has made
many friends and has retained them
ill. Ho has boon foremost in a num-
> or of plans for the improvement of
Durcity and has soont money liberally
n furtherance of his ideas" , His do-
partnro will bo felt As a personal loss
> y a larKo oirclo of frionda and will bo
mivorsally regretted by the com
munity at large.
Mn. ScoviLtK , brothor-in-law and
ounsol for Guiteau , has a very heavy
on tract , on his hands. Mr. Scovillo
vill not Rucceod in proving that Prcai- '
[ out Garliold's death waa duo to mal
practice rather than to the wound in-
lictod by Guitoau. Whilo.thcro was
i good deal of sharp criticism in va-
ioua quarters of the treatment of the
resident's case , it was criticism based
in a supposition not sustained by the
loat-mortem examination. The opin-
on expressed to young1 GarOeld after
tia father's death , by Ur , Hamilton ,
hat all that science and skill could do ,
iromptod by the moat loving in-
oroat , to prolong the precious
ifo , will undoubtedly atand as the
opinion of the most intelligent sur
geons of our country and of the world.
Guitouu'a only hope of escape from
ho attentions of the 'hangman rest
ipoti the pica of insanity. But oven
tore , however successful Mr. Scovillo
nny bo proving insanity to bo in the
emily and run in the Guiteau blood ,
10 will encounter the fact that Gui
toau , ainco the shooting , lias
evidence of being beside himself men-
ally. On the contrary , ho has shrewd-
y managed his own caao , and scouts
the idea of being insane. Ho was
nothodical and calculating in
Booking an , opportunity to [ commit
.ho infamous deed , taking in all
ho circumstances beforehand , and
providing for his own immediate safo-
: y from the infuriated people , whoho
mow , weald have torn him limb front
limb in their righteous indignation.
In all this he calculated nicely and
carefully , and it will bo difficult to
bring a jury of twelve intelligent men
to heliovo him to have boon so disor
dered mentally as to bo relieved of
either legal or moral responsibility for
his act.
THE Now York Times commenting
on the increasing ute of rubber and
the great consumption of the article
wonders where it all goes to. In Ne
braska a largo amount is uaod in tlio
manufacture of politician's consciences ,
Warner's Safe Kidney nnd Liver
Cure. 17eodlw
The shipment * from the Uodla mine
nvcrntro 7fifOOOft week.
0. It. Anlnirot , of Tehama , shears till
pciwon 11 , ' 00 head of nheop.
The levy for * t le Anil county taxes In
Monterey county this year Is Sl.CO.
The grand lodge of Mntons have con
tributed $1,000 to the Michigan nufTertrs
A monument to martyrs of llie Music
SlouRh "war" will bo erected by their ad
i'ho thousand dollars have been raise *
to erect n monument to Gen , Oar field in
Sun Francisco ,
In n recent fire tn Sin Francisco two
men lost.their 1 WB nnd 200,000 in prop
crty was consumed.
About 2,000 tncn are nt work on tlio
railroad in Tomccula Canon , n few miles
back from San Dtego ,
Clu ters of Hiunrimily grades Rrown ai
Kacondlcla , San Diego county , are s.-vit !
to weigh 8 $ pounds.
Los Angeles farmers are making moro
money this Reason , at present price * , thar
at any time f r years i > a-t.
Tbo yield on" ono \lncynnl. near Dixon ,
Solano cuunty , Is estimated at 200,000
boxes of ralalns , worth 5.'XX,000. )
In one of the canyons leading up to the
extinct volcanoes south of Mono lake ,
there is ft spring of lemon ide water al
least tlio fluid that oozei from tlio rock *
lias flavor that strongly resembles lem
The Chinese Six Companies of San
Francisco am practically Invincible in en
forcing the "ho d money" tax un their
homeward bound countrymen. Many
Chinanvn nro deterred from returning to
th--ir native head en account of nit bclnj
"square" un tin lx > olcs of the company.
The authorities are endeavoring to sup
press it ,
Six companies engaged in the Salmon
packln f industry report 115,14 ! ) cases on
tlio result of the catch this season.
Two old Orceonians had a fight twenty
yearn ago , In which one drew a pistol , but
before h could nhoot was H.I terribly
slashed with the other's knife that he
nearly died. They nccidcntly met each
other nt Baker City.fur the firwt time
since the fight. They recognized each
other and at once pulled their piHtoln and
blazed awnv till both went down. Ono
di d immediately and the other only lived
a tow minutes ,
The annual assessment on the stock of
the Comstock mines now reach $3,000,000
a year.
At the Nevada state fair there was a
Indies' riding tournament , four horse races
and a buby show.
Seven acres of wheat at Lake View ,
near Iteno , yielded MO jmshcls of grain ,
lacking ono bushel of being seventy-three
Imiihcla to the ncro.
The potato crop in the valleys of , the
state is this season the finest that has been
een for years. The tubt-rs are unusually
[ urge- smooth and perfect ,
A diamond drill was recently Introduced
to a depth of fifty feet , at Steamboat
Springs , and btruck a vein of water of a
; cineraturo ) of 215 d ( green.
The insurance companies appear to con-
ilclcr Tuscirora , a Lad place in which to
lave risks. Eighteen companies , repre
sented at Klkohave _ instructed Xheir agent
, o cancel all existing policies upon Tui-ca-
nfra property , which amount to § 42,700.
The stone contributed by the state to
ho "Washington monument is one of the
nest elegant and costly jet.received at the
national capital. It Is a pure specimen of
lativo granite , and Hclaboratelyinscribcd.
Thn letters are of solid silver ; are about as
hick as a silver dollar , 'some six inches in
icight , and of proportionate width. They
are so neatly fitted Into thw solid grarlto
.hat the joint is almost Invisible. Above
; ho word "Nevada" is deeply cut in the
rnnite the motto of the state : ' 'All for
Jur Countryntd ) below the date' 1881.
The figured of the date are plated , with
gold. _
Pinkeye has reached 'Ulackfoot ,
HJpllovue has about 1,000 inhabitants.
Not less than 050 mining claims have
jcen recorded on the Wood river ore belts
.hin year.
Idaho's bullion product for eight months
of 1881 , exceeds that of the twelve months
previous by 8475,018.00.
Henry McDonald , hanged- Silver
City for the murder of George Meyers in
September of last .year , leaves two widows
, o mourn his taking-off.
A resident of Bellevue , in the Wood
river country , reports times there very
dull. He eays all business Is far in ad
vance of the development of the milieu.
People are leaving very fast.
Las Vctros has a population of 7,000.
Kain continues falling copiously in the
Labyrinthtnn caves of unknown extent
mvu bctn dibcovcrvd in the .Kl 1UU lava
JC(1' ,
Malarial fo cr Is raging badly in the lUo
1 ramie valley , and the people are leaving
'or higher grounds.
The Mns elera reservation Is considered
jxceedingly rich in mineral wealth ; nnd
ImndrulH of prospector * * are anxiously
waiting for the opening.
Mineral City takes the lead as a mining
camp. The rush to it canals thut to Lead-
villa In 79. Kxtraoidinnry rich claims
mvo already been i\e\ \ eloped ,
Thirty-nine locomotives are in active
Bcnicu un llio LI tali & Nonhein.
The attempt to introduce the Brush elec
tric light , into lm failed.
A vrlnablfcnal mine is said to have been
dlm'oveicd In Oallatin county lately.
The amount of taxai to be collected in
Silver , llmv county , this fall , ls'J2,2y3. 7
The a essmetit of property In the city of
Helena proper has just been completed ,
nnd muounti to 62,333,482.
In the MifMiula public schools there are
about sixty pup In enrolled , while the
' tliu Slstera has ivbout twenty pu
Missoula contributed $ < 18 to tlio Gnrfield
Monument Fund , IJenton contributed
SSflO , HuHeSIMO , .Toilerbou City'SUO , Fort
Slmvv soldiers § 17.10 , mid Virginia City
Thp Bilvtr 0 iff nllnes aru peterlnp.
There are now about 900,000 head of cat
tle in the Htate.
Colorado'ti taxable capital ia nearly for
ty-five millions of dollars.
The bullion product of Park county for
1881 , will reach $000,000. ,
The I'euablo mine. In Boulder county ,
ban struck a vein of tellurium , tlio ere of
which nsaiys $1,000 ,
Denver ia contrlliutingluuiber , and rail
road companies nro transporting it free , to
rebuild the burned town of Kokoino.
The school contun of Chaffeo couqty
shows a list of 1,160 children of school age ,
of which number S'18 ' are In liuena Vista.
The Denver & Illo Grande II. U. ia push
in ) ; its extension toward IHack canyon and
on to Salt Lake aa fast as Ita facilities will
The olo-trio light at Denver cost $100. .
000 , and tha coU of lightini ; the oity will
bo 81-1,000 iw annum , Tha annual cost of
1'tww.w 813,600. ,
The recent discovery of brittle nnd ruby
dlK-cr in tha Olmmplon tunnel U causinn
evurybcMly In the vicinity to hayo a uevv
inspiration in mining.
Judge llallett , of the circuit court , has
decided that A verbal grub-stake
ment Is not necessarily binding on A nhtf t
less or careless prospector.
Denver promptly made offer of aid to
Kokomn after the leccnt conflagration , bill
the offer was declined with thanks , as
there were no cases of destitution.
The Kagls river branch of the Illo
Grande will have its terminus at lied Cliff
this winter. Grading below that camp
toward Hock creek Will not commence un
til next spring.
J. II , Hnvcrlcy Is developing his Gel
di > n Group mining property in the San
Miguel county. A stamp mill has been
erected. Thcrd Is now about 2215 tons oi
ore on the dumps.
Ogden and Bingham City are to bo con
nccted l > y telephone ,
It has been decided to * .vc the Utah k
Northern road In Silver Bow county at the
rate of ? 2,703 per mile.
There ts considerable talk of a largo iron
manufacturing city springing up in the
coal and iron fields of southern Utah ,
Several hundred men are busily engaged
at the proposed Junction of the Salt Lake
& Western and Utah Central railways ,
two nnd a half miles north of Lehi.
Dwelling houses arc In great demand at
Kawllnp ,
The breaking of the fan in the Laramie
rolling mill caused the stoppage of the entire -
tire works.
The Patrick Brothers have established
a trl.weekly stage line between Laramlo
and the North Park.
That vein of coal discovered by G
ornor Hoyt on his recent trip tn Forl
Bridger , is Raid to bo forty feet thick ,
The Union PaciSo surveying party have
reached the Swcctwatcr and nro now nl
work in the vicinity of Independence rock.
The Laramie National bank moved into
Its fine new building Tuesday , and now
the city , < < porta t-a find a bank as any in the
A brakeman named Ithinchart was
almost scalped,111 the snow shed at Look' '
out. Ho was riding on top of the cars
and collided with a low joii > t.
Hawllns parties have been looking over
the ground nnd claim to have found a
most feasnblo route to Port Thornburgh ,
making that point in 185 } miles.
The railroad shops at Haw ] inn are run-
ling over time. Four new locomotive
[ oilers for Laramie , and two snow plows
Eur North Platte are being constructed.
Mining operations in Yuma county ,
vhich had been almost- suspended during
.ho hot summer weather , are resuming
The late President Garfield , nbout two
ream since , invested In Arizona mines , ho
it the time of his deathbcing possessor of
1,000 shares of the Silver King ttock.
This , of course , will revert to Mrs. Garfield -
field , which. At the present price , together
with the monthly dividends , In in itself
mite n snug little fortune.
Rapid City is to have a Catholic church.
The Pierre census shows a population of
nearly 800.
The railroad bridge across Gold jlun is
The Pcnnington couhty fair will be held
Nov. 7 to 14 in llnpid City.
The Queen Bee people at Sioux Falla
lava 75,000 bushels of wheat on hand.
Wagon loads of deer , antelope , elk , buf
ale , ducks and prairie chickens are mar-
ceted in Deadwdod daily.
Tlio C. , M. & St. P. railway company
will give U rant county a court house square
f the county beat is located at Milb.tnk.
Yankton will vote on the auestion of
siuing $2,000 , in bonds to build an iron
mdge acrosg the Rhine at Douglas avenue
n that city.
A test was made oE silver ore taken from
Citlso bottom gulch a short time ago , and
.he value estimated at about three bun-
[ red ounces per ton. .
Lida ! < the name of a new mine located
eight miles south of Deadwood. The
assays that have been made are very flat-
.ering , and the mine is said to be n coming
The citizens of Milbank kave sub-
cribed nearly $2,000 toward the building
of a court house at that place , providing
he county seat of Grant county is voted
o Milbank at the election in November.
Bravo Bear , a Yanktouais Indian , ar
rested for the murder of n man named
TohnBon , above Fort Su'Iy ' , arrived in
Yankton on the 13th , In charge of Mar
shal Raymond and Deputy Gray , and will
jo tried for murder nt the November term
of the United States court.
A fortune may bo spent In using inef-
ectual medicines , when by applying
Thomas' Kclectric Oil a speedy nnd econ-
imical cure can be effected. In case of
rheumatism , lame back , bodily ailments ,
or pains of every descriptfon , it affords in
stant relief. 17 eod Iw
J. E. BOYD , Proprietor.
U , L. MAI1S1I , Business Manager.
Two Nights Only
MONDAY , OCTOBEE 24 , 1881 ,
Finest attraction of the diy. The ( 'rcat 8iI0.
cess by a rent company for the Inniu uratloii
of the finest opera housa In the west. First
time In this city. The t-aslilons't'umous fav
orite * ,
Star Opera Company ,
in the celebrated , latest and grcatcht Comic
Opera , liyANUHAN , as played 201 nlghtii In
r.oston , 160 In Nuw York , and still the reigning
success , the
These inessongeni which Heaven "ends
Are known us Mairott i , my pxid friends.
Ihrlcu happy ho unto uhoto homo
These bung ont't'U como.
Bale ot ecats w ill commence Thursday morn-
hi ) : , October 20th tOo'clock a , in , , at Wahash
Ticket olllcv , corner of 15th and Farnam ,
Parquetto and 1'arquctto Circle , reserved , . $1.00
I'ariiuctto Circle admire on 7'
Dross Circle , recru'd..i 1.00
Duns Circle adinlwlou , . , , , , , . , 60
family Circle , oil part * . , 25
oct 10-m-th-frl'tat-inou-tui
Cambridge , Neb.
1,000,000 aero * roternmcnt land open to Home-
itcads. Pre-emptions and Timber claim * . 200
choice Improved claims for sale or oxthance. 00
ot the best deeded farm * In SouthcnUrnNcbraa-
ka with timber and water for vale. A few choice
stock ranchon with fenced fields , timber , hay and
vraUr , ( or tale , cheap. Cornxpoudeiice HollclUxl ,
Edward W , Sime al ,
A110ENE1 .AT-Li .
Denial of th Pater * Affidavit-
STATK or NnnnASicA , ) _
DOUOLAS CoU.NTf. ( " '
Samuel G. Malletto being first duly
oworn dcjKMCR , and nay * that ho is city
treasurer of Omaha ! That hi * atlcr.Uon
has been called to thn nlfitUvlt of Mrs.
Una Petew , tmbllnhed In thoOmnha Dally
Republican , in which Mie swcarn that hc ,
on or nbout July 1st , 1877 , sold to Chris.
Itartman , then city treasurer , for the mini
of 512.00 , a Dodge street frnwlo warrant ,
which was in that panic month pntdln full ,
to-witi the sum of $20,00.
Affiant further anys that he has ex.imln
ed the btioks and records of the city treas
urer's office , nnd that they show ) 1st , that
no Dodge street gradfl fund warrant for
imy amount whatever was pnld in July ,
1877. 2d , that but one Dodge street grade
fund warrant for the amount of ? 2.00 ! ) was
iiald In the three years , 1870 , 1877 nnd
1878 , nnd that that one was paid in July ,
1870 , having been turned In for taxes by
John O. Willis , and endorsed by him , lie
having paid nt that time the tax on his
Dodge street store lot.S.
City Treasurer.
Subicribea in my presence n.nd sworn to
before me this 10th day of October , 1881.
[ HKAL. ] ( . } . W. AMHROSK ,
Notary Public.
The IDemocrntio Candidate for
County Treasurer-
Mrs. Lina Peters being first duly sworn
deposes nnd says , she is well acquainted
with one Chris , Hurt man , and that on or
about the 1st of July , 1877 , said Chris.
Hartman ( hen being the city treasurer of
Omaha. She presented to said Hartman
as such treasurer , a city warrant amount
ing to the mini of 825,00 and interest in the
sum of 54.00. Alttnnt ? avs snid warrant
was for work done on the Dodge street
grade. Alliant further says that said
Hartman told nfliant that paid warr mt
was not worth much , as it would not be
paid for teven or eight years. Affiant
further says that nbout ono week after
wards , the said Hartman called ut affiant's
haniCHH Bture of Fnmhani street , nnd in
formed her he could get a man to buy said
warrant. Thereupon wild Hartman , him
self , paid affiant the sum of $12.00 for said
warrant , Afliant further says that during
lug the came month of July , 1877 , paid
warritnt was paid In full , to-witi the sum
of $29.00
Affiant further says slio told said war-
rrant for § ' 2.10 , relying entirely upon the
false and fraudulent representation of
said Ilnrtman. Afliant sayssho was then ,
and is now a , widow ,
Subscribed in my presence and sworn to
before me this 18th d ty of October , 1881.
LUTHER R. WniaiiT ,
octlSeod-d Justice of the Peace.
Chris. Hartmnn being duly sworn , in
mswerto the affidavit of Mrs. Peters , says :
That during his term of office as city treas
urer of Omaha , from April , 1875 to April ,
1870 , ho did not buy any warrant what
ever of Mrs. Peters , or any other person ,
and that he did not speculate in warrants ,
lirecty or indrectly , during his said term ,
Afliant further says , that if ho cashed any
warrant for Mrs , Peters it wan at its full
'ace value , nnd for the facts relating to the
Dodge street grade tax warrants , begs
eave to refer to the accompanying affi
davit of S. G. Mallette , the present , city
treasurer. C. HAIITMAN.
Subscribed in my nresence and sworn to
before me this 20th day of October , 1881.
Notary Public.
We are now offering
Best and Cheapest Farming Land
n Nebraska , located In all the best counties In
hastate. In
Alona we bare about
25,000 Acres
"or sttlo at 83 , 310 and 912 per acre , 8 to 15
nllea from Omaha , 15,000 Acres In Sappy
Bounty , 18,000 Acres In Washington
Dountv. Large Tracts In all other counties in
Nebraska and Western Iowa.
An Immense list of OMAHA CITY property con-
fcistlng of FINt RESIDENCES , HOUSES and
.OTS It * ADDITIONS to Oiralia. ACRE
TRACTS , etc. , for Sale , Kent and Exchange.
Eeal Estate Brokers ,
1408 Farnham Street ,
320 acres , 14 miles from the city , 40 acres cultl-
\atcd , running water , plenty of ftlle ) , school
ioii o on the land , ( arms nil around it , 812.50
per acre. UOGUS & HILL ,
S2oacrcn , 11 miles from city , 75'acrea of fine
t alley 100 acres U levil l nd , 40 f-rret culti
vated. lUini ; Hatir , near timber , owner ex
tremely anxious to sell , 812.60 per niro.
110GOS& HIM , , Heal Kstatu llrokcn.
50 acres , 13 inll'n from city , 47 acres under cut-
thated very ihol.-o land will bo sold cheap.
ItOliGH It , HILL , Heal Ilitat ) Broken ) .
Macros , 10 miles from city , only $10 per acre ,
f bold at onco.
110CCS fc HILL , Heal I tate Brokers.
100 acres , 10 miles west of city , \alley nnd wa
ter , near elation , 82.201 .
JIOQUS& HILL , Keal Estate Drjkeru.
LOO acres , 11 miles west of city , plenty of allcy ,
li-lii ( , ' | irliif ( , lniproto < Harm on all ulilcs , near
school and station , must bo kold inttantur.
IVOrcrcs ulth running ater , line \alley , good
unrroundlnxs , 1 1 mllui from court lieu - > , only
810 per acre , if sold soon. 1100Gb & HILL ,
SO acres , two miles oait of Elkhorn station , very
100 cares , fhe miles north of Elkhorn station ,
910. * lirhty acres , 111 inllea from city , 40 a ires
cultivated , 811 , 110009 A HILL.
ICOacrct , 11 miles from dty , 81,200.
040 acres , In ono tract , sov en miles west of Fremont -
mont , U ) acres cultivated , all level land Is very
choice , three fourths of a m1o | from station
111 sell all o ; [ art , or w 111 oxdiatno for Om h
property. DOGUS & HILL.
3 t met i , of 160 acres etch In Sirpy county , 910
| ) r tu.ii ; water on all thrcu ciiurtu u.
10 acres , clot.0 to dty , 840 per acre , waternd va
lov. lluaCU&lHLL.
SO acres , 81 miles e < t of city : io aero , four
irllcs Houthucst of city both nlco pieces of
land-will sell cheap. UOGUS & HILL ,
16o acre far n , 5 } miles from cltr
nOOOS * HIM. , Real Ki
StOacroj , near MIU nI-wlll Hlyld
the ikhorn valley. . .
10,000 acre * on - -
Elkhorn and Krcmont , UOCHJS * M .
II omrternectlonK of land In to m > hlp 10 , ranjro
12 ! also IS quarter scUhnu In tow nihl > 10 , n niC
11 , only 12 to IS mil. s from Omaha. Borne very
land In thcso lots.
low DrtcM
" " ' " . . . .nn - ntrt u..i Kstntc ItroKcrti
Monthly Payments.
Will build thcso lieu M to order fart as 1C-
milrcd , on our lot * on Farnham , DoURlat an"
lodge , and 27lh , 20th , 20th .and aoth St. .
We ! rot Inilld anythlnt : but peed wild. No.
1 houses , lining lull as ( rood mttctUli and Ming
fully tujrood work as Is done on larjre , flrst-cluM
biiliillnn All houses are sheeted , Ur papered ,
iililcd , plontcrcd two coats , to .floor . ftud Jams
w 11 pointed with best paint , nil window * hung
on heavy weluhts. and fitted fo Insl o or out-
eldo blind * , us desired. All studdlne Is placed 10
Inchon fro.u centra to centre-all iramlnic mm-
her bcli K lully s heavy o tint used In larifo
home . Houses cent In Item four to six roon.B ,
with ten foot celling. folding doors , etc. Wo
I vile all p'OplowantliiB homes , U call ami ex
amine th hou c * c tre now building. Vif < to-
qulro In all ca es a In hand payment of ? 10t )
or ? i'cO , balance monthly.
Eeal Estate Brokers ,
1408 Farnharn St. ,
Lots Kesidences Etc.
Houses , , , .
I louse anil lot , IGtliaml Marcy. ? 3KOO.
Two hous > and one lot , 18th and I.earcn-
worth , 2iiO. (
House and email lot , 13th nnd Caa , $000.
Three hous 8 and lot , 12th and Cam , $2,000.
lloiipe and lot , Oth and 1'nclllc , SKi.WlO.
House- and lot , 10th nnd Pierce , $1,259.
Fine res dene" , Shlnn's add tlon , $0,01)0.
llouwandtwol ts. 2lth and Farnham , $2,600 ,
Ilousoand lot , 2bth and Karnha ,81,300.
. Tno new housts and lot , 17th and Marcy.
Mew houses and one-hall lot , 221 and Capitol
avenue , 92,000 , , .
House , Btnsn rooms , lthlt , Shlnn's addition ,
81,70(1. (
Kno ( residence property , St , JIary s avenue ,
? 5WO
House and lot , Davenport street , 81,000. ,
House nnd lot , Shlnn's addltlo , $2,000.
Houee nnd lot , Cih and Plctce , $2,600
Largo house , corner lot , 2Ut nd Butt , low
price. '
House and lot , Armstrong's addition , 92iOO.
Coiner lot , imall house , Armstrong's addition ,
Hou o nnd lot , 12th amlC pltol avenue , 83,200
House an > 1 t , 23d and Haruev , 2uOO.
Fine res dcncc , California street , $7,000.
lit tk house , 30th and Doiul-n , $1BOO.
Full corner lot ndt. o houses , loth and Capitol
tel aicnuc , 812.COO.
Full lot and hou e , bi'slness locatl n , $7,600.
Klcgnr.t residence , No. 1 locttlon , S7.UW.
H..IISO an i lot , 18th and Bur' , $2 , OX ) .
Commodious ri ld nee , th co lots , $18,000.
Hou-o and lot , 2 th and Farnham , ? 1,150.
Housa a > d lo , 26th Mu ( Douglas , $1CUO.
U ld nco property , Cal foruln itrcct , $0,700.
Residence property , Park Wlldocnuc , \cry
House and i lot , 12th a-d I > ac Cc , 81,200.
House and lot , Uod o ctrcct , ? 3fi'JU.
Two house and two thirds of a lot , S3d ant !
Ca s , 81BOii.
Dcsirab'o residence , two lot ] on Capitol .Hill ,
ll'lck residence , clioico location , 85,600.
Houio i.iid a icaerc , South Omaha , $3 < 0.
Kho spkndldiy located busincsloti , 22x00
feet tacb , as coo i a lucation as can he .found in
the city , each 82,600.
Two ( business lots , opposi e "Tn * Mlllud , "
south side Uougl.s , butne.n 12th : nd 13th , each
SU hti9lncS3 lots on 25th street , $1SOQ to
Full comer lots , suitable for business , 87,500.
Twobusln.ES lot , together 44xWJ feet , No. 1
locatlvti , $5,000.
Six good business lots , rich 22x120 , each
Three buslncts lots , 22x120 ftct each , all for
87,0(10. (
Vuslncss corner , 132 feet PO.II are , ono of the
beet locations n the city , 81lOuO. |
00x120 feet on conor , vcr. cheap for all , full
lot , 18th and Harney , 81,800. >
Full lot , 22d and California , 81.CCO.
Corner lot , Jeffcreonand Douglas , 81,200.
Itcaldence lot , Dodge street , 82,500.
Large lot , 21tt and llanicy. 81.UOO.
Corner , CUxbO feet , 13th and 1'iorcu , 8050.
Block in West Omaha , 81,600.
Itrlck cottage and two lots , well lmpro\cd (
'i wenty choice loU , Park Wild : n\cnue , 8COO to
Nln ty-clght lots/south of St. Mary's ( uenue.
between I0th and 20th ktreeta , 8600 to 8700.
Ninety lots on Farnham , Donglai and Dodge
between 2iith , 27th , 23th , 29th ana 30th gtroeta
83UOto 400.
TIRE BLOCK OP GROUND eight-full lots.
with fine large liousi of fouitccn rooa.s
many other valuable Impn vcmenti. ' .
Will divide this and sell In parcels to ault the
purchaser ,
Eeal Estate Brokers ,
1408 Farnham Street ,
In the matter of the Ettateof Peter J. Johnson ,
Notice Is hereby given that the creditors of
sild deceased , v. IK meit the administrator of said
Estate , before me , County Judge of Douglaa
County , Nebraska , at a County court Room. In
said County , on the 24th day cf November , 1BS1 ,
on the 24th day of . 'amiarv , 18S2 , nnd OJ the
2Uh day of March , 182 , at lu o'clock a. in. each
d.iy , for the purposa of presenting their claims
Tor examination , adjustment and allowance.
MX inonthsjuo allowed for creditors to present
their claims , and one } car for the ivJmlnUtrator to
settle said Kxtate , from the 2 < th day of Septem
ber , 1S31. this notice will I.e published In Tin
OMAHA WKFKI.V Dun for four ueeka successively ,
prior to the 2tth day of Noicmhir , 1881.
[ Atruoeopy.l A. M. CIIAUWK ,
cxtlU wu County Judge.
mAKKS IT September lltll , by the under-
JL rlKiicil , living on the Judge lirlgfr'n fannf
two and a half mllea ucet of Omaha , Douglas
Couuty , Neb , , one milch cow , supposed to bo
fiv o j ears old , no tar marks or Brands , red and
white speckled JAMKo G. HALE.
210novlS-vvSp :
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , as ;
At a County Court , hold at the County Court f * * *
Room , In ami for said County , August 1st , A.
D. Jb l. Present , HOW'AUD B. SMini ,
County Judge.
In the matter ot the estate of Joseph IL Nel
son , deceased ;
On reading ami filing the , .etltmn of Martha
S. Nelson , praying that the Instrument , pur
porting to bo a duly authenticated copy of th
ait w 111 and testament of paid deceased , and ol
the probate thereof , by the Circuit Court of
Fountain County , State of Indiana , and this day
tiled In this Court , may be allowed and recorded ,
as the last will and tcitament of said Joseph II.
Nelson , deceased , In and for the SUto of Ne
Ordered , That August 27th , A. D. 1881 , at 10
o clock a. m. , la assigned for hearing Mid petition ,
when all persons Interested In Bald matter may
appearat a County Court to ba held , In and for
laid County , and fhow causa why tha prajcr of
petltioncrt > hould not be granted ; and that noUco
of the pendency of told petition arid the hearing
thereof , bo gh en to all persons Interested In lalil
matter , by publishing a copy of this order In Till
OUAUA WKKKMT DIB , a newspaper printed In said
County , for three succttnlve weeks , prior to said
day ol hearing.
IA true copy. ) HOWARD D. SMITH ,
in wSt County Jud o. _
Reading and Elocution
Voice Training. Private Le on and
Claues ,
$011 Coat Strncfl between 0th and " 1st.
Beauty , lieallli , ami linppincss for ladk-a