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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY QCTOBER 21 , 1881. . AURORA , NEB. History of That Enterprising Oity From Its Beginning. Aurora , After Pivo Attempts , Becomes the County Scat of Hamilton County , A Canal ill Prospect CThurchosnntl Schools .Mrinnfnotuvos--Qood Crops. Carrcjpondcnce ol T * HER ATJIIOHA , Neb , , October 10.-During Iho foil of 1871 David Stone , nn ec centric gciuus , with some money , n pnralytio leg and n hand big enough to grasp everything within his roach , camu out on the wild , uncultivated prario , built n store , and started into business on the spot where AimbllA now atands , Stone was from Aurora , 111. , mid lie named his baby city after that thiiving town of thoSuck rstalo. Next came JolmSchultz , with a black smith shop ; then Brnmstend & Kline- smith , with a general store , started into competition with David Stono. D.V. . Rca , Aurora house , K. S. Nia- son , grocer , Chas. Tnggort , hardware , Hulina & McPheraon , lumber , Kcm- per it Ivoon , wagon makers , and W. II. Streoter , agricultural implements , then came in to help boom Aurora in about the order in which they nro named. Stone , Shultz , and several others are gonobutmoatofthopionoers remain , and , by their efforts and those of a largo body of enterprising men who h.ivo in the last few years become residents of the town , Aurora has grown to bo n city of fully ONE THOUSAND I'KOl'LK. The county seat was firat located a1 Crville , a village on the river LHtio , that has since yono out of existence. In the full of 1873 11 petition to relocate - cato was filed , and at the election that followed n two-thirds majority was given for the town of Aurora , but the commissioners refused to move , and when mandaiAUsod.they carried itinto the supreme court and beat Aurora. In the fall of 1874 another election was had , and Aurora again won , and the commissioners still refusing , on technical grounds , to remove the county scat , Aurora mustered about a ' hundred and fifty men , and by force of superior numbers captured the records and transfeircd them to their present depository ; but the fol- lowingspringtlio records were returned and the third court house cleetion ordered. Ilnmilton , a town half a mile away , was now in the light and no it became 11 threo-cotnuied battle. Under the law it requires n majority over all competitors to move a county ' neat , and on this ballot Aurora failed to got a sufficient number of votes. Not dismayed by all these bootless contests , Aurora again came to the front in July , 187-1 , and after a hotly contested battle she was badly de feated , Hamilton getting 150 moro votes than Aurora , but still not enough to move the county seat from Orvillo. The vanquished charged fraud , corruption and ballot box stuffing , but at that time the trick of going behind the roturn- Mng board was unknown , and Orville still held the much covotcd county capital. The fifth election in this somewhat extensive series was , howovtr , the Waterloo for both Hamilton and Or- ville. It is presumable that Aurora had by this time learned something from the Ilaunltonian tactien , for , ( whfii the last vote was counted , eighty majority over all was found , and then the enemy laid down their arms , and yet the southerners and northerners of Hamilton county don't Icvo each o'.hor , and to this day a skirmish breaks out at nearly every convention or election , although there is no longer any hope or thought of nny more count } ' seat contents , Hamilton having gone over to Aurora , stores , houses , stable * and all , and Orville has become the county poor farm , and Aurora ia a beautiful , live and thriving city , growing rapidly. Aurora won because aho had the men who could conquer , and , to re tain her victory , she built , without expense to the county , as fine a court house as there is in the western part of Nebraska , and deeded to the county the magnificent block that formed the central square around which ( lie city was built. This block is now neatly sodded and set 9ut with a thrifty young grove that ere lo will maku Aurora's centre an emerald gem of tare hcuuty. TUB HIESKNT. The advent of the railroad which took place in the fall of 1879 , gave Aurora ; i big boom , the population ' having nearly trebled silica that time. The 13. it M. , by building the largest coal house west of Liucohj and reserving large depot and side track grounds , has indicated that they will redeem thoii premise to make * this u junction for their Republican Valley road from Hastings , via Au rora and Central Oily , to Albion and Oakdale. Aurora is also an objective point for the Onmhu & Republican Valley railroad , they having made two sur veys to this town. This branch ol the U. P. is destined to run througl Harvard , Olay Centre and Nelson to u connection with the U , P , Kansas branch road , that strikes the llopub lican Valley near Sukerior. WATKH I'OWKU. There ia another improvement ii prospectus which ia destined to bo o more importance to Aurora and th towns along the Itivor Blue than any railroad ; it is A CANAL from the Platte river to Lincolnorcok five miles in lehglh , and costing abou $50,000. This will give a wato power of enormous volume , and aulli ciont for all Nebrarka'a manufaotur ing needs. Gentlemen connecto wih the 13. A. M , are now takin. the 'necessary stops towards th organization of this canal company and in a short time it is expected thu a definite movement will uo inado t v utilize Uiumw muted waters of th wvndy , shallow nnd worao than Plat o liver. When turned partly , at least , into the narrow channel , Bolul banks , and for the lower part , rocky bottom of the Lincoln nnd lllup , this Platte river water w ill furnish nn in exhaustible and steady flow , that will make mill sites along these rivers of great value and tend to the rapid development of our manujacturcs which are now in a very infantile stnto nnd without sufficient water power during dry seasons. The straw and prairie grass now go ing to vMio can then bo ulibV-cd by paper mills , and our corn made into starch or glucose. The wool of our sheep will not need to go eaet to find water-power mills anil then come hnck to us in the nhauu of blankets or clothing , and freight both ways will ho saved on much of our products. A line tf ) industries will spring into life that will make Ne braska one of the most important , if not the most important of all western statoa. MANUHACTUUF.S. A steam feed mill with wood work ing machinery is now in operation , nnd it will soon bo turning outsosh , doors and blinds. During this fall Mr. W. II. Kempor will put in n steam engine and machinery for manufacturing plo s and wagons. A gentleman from Iowa who has purchased n section of land in the northeast portion of the coun ty and who is bringing in 300 cowa. will start n , creamery that will use the milk of GOObovinos. CHUUCHI'.S AND SCHOOLS. Iii the northeast port of the city there is a brick school house the west wing of which ia now completed ; the whole rtructuro will cost from gl8- 000 to § 20,000 and will bo finished as soon as the needs of the city require. The Presbyterian church is an ele gant building , finished inside with fresco and other ornamental work. It is a credit to the town , but there are Borne points nbout the fresco work already referred to , that attracts a good deal of attention. A female angel in tights with fine bust and shapely Hubs , is discovered flying across the ceiling , while from the exact center of her body the chande lier is suspended , outside heathens whom gazing heavenward while sitting in the pews are apt to think of the last circus they attended nnd of the ( lying leap of Madamoisollo Twin- klotoo while clad in the gorgeous panoply of her profession , or of the suspended theatrical angel of the transformation scene , who is found in all her dazzlim ? beauty with no panoply ply to obscure the glories of nature unadorned. The Baptist church is not com pleted , but is already in rise. The Con roaationalists have secured lots and will build with brick early next season. HOTELS. There are three large hotels in the central part of town and it is a close race for supremacy between the twx ) best. My old time friend from Seward , Mr. II. W. Tuttle , is land lord of the Tuttle house , and Mr..Fil- moro an old time BEE man keeps the Commercial house. There are two largo grain elevators and two sn < allor elevators ; five dry goods atpres with stocks ranging from 85,000 to § 10,000. There are seven groceries and a bakery ; two restau rants , two harness shops , two meat markets , two hardware stores , four millinery stores , three drug stores , two weekly newspapers , two banks , two boot and ahoo stores , ono cloth ing store , ono tailor shop , two b.irbor shops , throb livery stables , two lum ber nnd coal yards , four dealers in machinery , four blacksmith shops , onu wagon and plow factory , ono sash , door and blind factory , two paint uhops and ono gun shop. Also two of the most enterprising nnd public spir ited of firms in the real estate line , the most important item in the rowth of the town ) and a fair com- limont of well qualified professional nou. There are no saloons. WANTED. A steam grist mill ia badly needed , nd any ono who will put it in vill be regarded aa a public benefactor , ) yor twenty miles of a circuit will bo ributary , with no competition , and ; his is ono of the beat grain-raising fcticuia of Nebraska. There is less lock in the counties hereabouts than n any other portion of the state , so hut reduction of thu grain bulk is only iccompliHhcd hero by milling. THK LAND , Mr. W. P. Hellings , leal estate Icaler , nnd a gentleman who has thu volfaro of Hamilton county uppermost n all of his week day thoughts and m special occasions wo fear that somo- hing of the kind will .atop over into .he . aabhith , furnished your corre spondent with n larpo amount of faets ( uid fitatutiua from which I glean the iillowing- Hamilton county , ' the source of the north Blue , Lincoln river , Beaver river and South Blue is watered bountifully und is BO beau tifully and gently undulating that im pure seemed to do her best it this point towards pro ( hieing perfect farming lands. There is not an acre of waste land in the county , The soil is rich , fertile and inexhaustible , the depth aver aging nearly throe feet. The rainfall has been ample this year , while eastern status have aufi'ercd terribly from drouth. IHH cuoitt lioro ore simply unsurpassed by any spot in Nebraska. Fifty to seventy- live bushels is the corn product to the acre , and the total amount is stupendous nnd cannot bo correctly estimated at this this time. Wheat will fully average twolvobushols to the aero , which is out of the com mon this year ; oats from fifty to sixty bushola , und other grains in proper tion. The hay , potato , and other minor crops are all good and some o thorn very good. A magnificent ex hibit of Hamilton county products was made at the stnto fair this year , through the enterprise of Mr. Helling , The Lincoln land company lias i largo lot of choice lots , residence am business sites , for sale on reasonable ternu , in the town of Aurora and a largo Hat of choici wild and improved farms are 01 sale at Mr. W. P. Holling's agency who will bo glad to correspond will anyone wishing further details , OU1M AND KNDH. To Mr. E. D. Preston I am undo special obligations fur favors ed , and to Mr. < ilollings , who ener getically nnd successfully assisted mo 'n my labors. A very peculiar mode of advertising attracted my attention in 'Aurora. A wagon is kept constantly m the move , while u deep toned boll rings incessantly. The outfit is covered by a mass of cot ton domestic , on which is inscribed the following legend : "Liberty and freedom I The great and only 0 rune- mum's Have on the south the argcst stork at the lowest prices. Give us a call. M. M. Grunobaum & [ Jto , This bell tells the joyful news , hat Grunebauin sells goods choapcstf ind hotter than the best , Ilomeiiibor Jrunobaum's store on the south side. Joint ; south follow this car to the ox- libitum at the fair grounds. Going lorth this car conducts you to Grime- ) aum's. " A two pound baby is the latest curiosity. The little might ii well and hearty. The parents are rather above thu medium size. Mr. W. J. Thrcadkill , the roslaura- our , is building a store. Mr. W. S. Junior , the station agent , is erecting several dwellings. Mr. John Itabcn hjw built n new store , nnd is now doing business in grain besides having n drug store and i general merchandise store. There s nn opera house , brick , with French ilnto glass front , going up at the loutlnvest corner * f the square. It vill coat , when completed , § 15,000 or 810,000. Mr. J. II. Boll is erecting n two- story brick , with stone foundation ind iron front. It will bo occupied > y McKay , Manger it Wonty , bank ers. Cost , 8,000 to 89,000. A fine brick store , -2x70 feet , has > con erected this summer by Mr. A. 3. Peterson , Mr. M. Knhn has removed his gen eral stone to the best corner in town. For business directory POO ndver- iaing columns. RAMEK. The Country. Who that has over lived any time In the ountry but muat luwo heard of the virtues f IJunlock M n blood purifier. Hurdock Mood Bittern euro dyspepsia , biliousnera > nd all disorders arising from impure ilood or deranged liver or kidneys. 1'rico 11.00 , trial l-cttlca 10 cents. 17 eodlw COAX. CLOSE BV : A Rich Strike nt Grand Junction , Iowa -Provision Prices. ; orrcspomtcnco of The Deo. GHAND JUNCTION , IOWA , October 20 , A company has been organized lore nnd a shaft slanted in the new ; oal mine to-day. Wo have got from wo to three feet of good coal , the > cst in this part of Clio country. It jurns all up. but a little white ; wo lave no cinders whoa burnt. It has been raining hero for the last hrco weeks over half of the timo. is worth 5500 cents per buahol. 'otatoes ' at wholesale $1 120 , at retail 31 40. Wheat $1 00. Best Hour $2 40 per sack ; second $1 12 ; com mon § 2 00. Onions $1 GO per bushel. ! oal per ton ? 4 00@4 DO. Yours ruly. W. G. B. No Tiding * of the Balloonist * fattonal Associated Press. CHICAGO , October 20. So far as icard frbrhj'Prof. King's balloon has only been traced to a point fifty miles lorthwest from Melrose , Wis. Mr. 3abcock , the civil engineer , who saw t Friday aftornon and conversed with ho occupants , says that if the balloon lold out she would bo in Minnesota. f n ot , she lies in the woods somo- vhero between Eau Claire and the iver. Thu telegraph wires all through hat country are badly down. A enrolling party loft Eau Olairo this Horning , and is proceeding through ho country northwest by team. Died from His Wounds. National Associated 1'icss. SAN FRANCISCO , October 20. Bon. Jitchell , deputy sheriff of Kern Bounty , died from wounds received vhilo defending his prisoner , Tom jj lerbort , at Kernvsllo. The mob was first supposed to bo vigilantsion- loavoring to hwch Herbert , who is iccusod of mrjrder , but is now bo- iovod to bo composed of friends try- ng t" efl'ect n rescue. Mitchell killed mo of the attacking party. FREE-OF COST. DK. KINO'S NEW DJSCOVKKY for Consumption , Coughs and Gelds Asthma , Bronchitis , etc. , is given i way in trial bottles free of cost to , ho nfllictcd. If you have ( n bud xnigh , cold , dilliculty of breathing , lioarscness or any alfcction of the throat or lungs by all means give this wonderful remedy a trial. As you value your existence you cannot xllbrd to lot this opportunity pass. Wo could not afford , and woulu not jive this remedy away unless wo Icnow it would accomplish what wo claim for it. Thousands of hopeless cases have already been completely cured by it. Thpro is no medicine in ho world that will euro ono half the ases that ln. KINQ'H NuwDiscoraiv ill cure. For sale by ( J ) TSH & MoMAHON , Omaha. BOYD'S OPERA HOUSE ! JAMES K. HOYD. ' . _ _ . _ _ IVoi'rlctor ; H. L. MAllSH'T IJuAiicssilanuger. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Wednesday , Oct. 26th , Denman Thompson , _ _ _ AS JOSHUA WHITCOMB , Supportoil bv the eanio company which hu nj ) jxsntuJ with lilm during 210 Nlghttln Chlcafiol 160 Nights In New YorkOltyl 103 Nights In San col and Eleven Week * In Boston ! MUSIC IV OUll OWN OnOllESTHA. f jTDox Sheet open foriale ot Hesentd Beat ) Jlonday inoriilni ; at 0 a. m , at Optra Homo IJox Office. ocZOJtlt D. S. BENTON , ATTORNEY - ATLAW ARIIAOK ULOQK , UthSt ) . UmahaNcb Dexter L. Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT LAW treat German REMEDY ron NEURALGIA , SCIATICA , LUMBAGO , BACKACHE , GOUT , SORENESS OP til * CHEST , SORE THROAT , QUINSY , Kill SWELLINGS SPRAINS , FROSTED FEET ma EARS , 33 XT IXIV O iSD SCALDS , OENEHAI. TOOTHEAR 1 ixn HEADACHE , AND All otkr hm No l'rtr ruiun on nli | ui1 > Sr. Itcnm OIL > i t sin , SUKE , tiMrLt tiid curtr Kxtorntl Ittmedy. A trltl cutjlll but thoc ur > ritlTcijr trifling outlijr of & ) Citnn , uJ iY rjon iu3 rlnc itb | ia c a liiti chetpt&d ( iciltlre proof of Iti clilmi. VntlCTIOitS II BI.STK5 LinOCKlFfl. SOLD IT ALL DKUOBISTt A 0 DIAlCRS IN MIOICINI. A. VOGELER & CO. Jlattltrtnrr , Sfrt.t tf , ft. A. Dlmlnlshotl Vigor. Iff reimbursed In great measure to those troubled wlthucak kldncvs , lif a judicious use of Hostel er's Stomach Bitter which Invigorates and stimulates without .idtlne the urinary or- cans. In conjunction with Us Influence upo < i horn , It corrects acidity , Improves nppotlto , and sin o\cry way conducUo to health and ncno epose. Another marked quality is Its control ocr fever xnd ague , and Its pen cr of procntlnjr t. ForBi'obyall Drulita and Dealers gen- crallv. Dr , Amelia Burroughs AT TH WITHNELL HOUSE , Tuesdays and Fridays , 1O a. m. to 5 p. m. sepgg- POLAND & QWYBB , Commission Merchants. For the ealo of Farm Produce ; Potatoes Poultry , Butter , Efc'trs receded and Bold on commission. Cash advances made on consignment ! ) . Warehouie and Store , 1413 Dodge Street , Omaha , Neb. s28ton30 NOTICE ! Public Markets. Ordlnce No. 447 passed March 8th , 1681 , pro scribes that , "that portion of Chicago strict , be tween 16th and 10th streets , and that portion of Fourteenth fctrcut , between Howard ami Harnoy street ! , shall be and the Bsimonro hereby design ated and set apart an places wheio tlmll be locat ed and lieH the public hay markets ot the city of Omaha. J. J. I , . C. JKWKTT , ocl5JO City Clerk. DlnVOI EC InmApontfr COLUMDIA DIUIULCO. andOrrOBK VCLKS. Send three cent stamp for Catalogue and price list containing full Information. N , I , D , SOLOMON , PnlntB.Oild and Glaa OMAHA. NEJJ leMaLand Agency DAVIS & SHYDER , I50S Farnham 8t Omaha , Nebraska SCOOOOO .OX&Zl&B Carc.ull-ecloctwl land In Kastern Noliraskafor sale. Clrcat Ilariralns in Improved fanus , and Ouiaha cltj prouorty. 0. P. DAVIS WJUJSTKIl 8NVDEU IMa Tan I fjmn'r IT P " ' QEO. W. IHIAMt. A. 0. CAWPBBtl/ BOANE& CAMPBELL , Attorneys-at-Law , 8 W COn. TH A DOUGLAS SI'S. , Iv21'tf OMAHA. GRAND OPENING ! 1'rf ( cwor Plthor , ( from St. Louis ) Danclnir Ao. wlc-jiy. fatandsnl Hull , cor Fifteenth and Karn lam , Tuiiiiliy ovciili't ; , Bcptcuibcr Oth , Classen ( or Ladles and Qantlointncomrocncln Tucstlay nenlnir Bcptdnibor thj clasuciw tor MlMca mi J JIastora , couiinciicliit , ' Saturd iy after noon at 4 o'clock. Classes ( or Fanillloa , will bo arranged to milt the honorable ) patrons. Alia ballet ilaticln van lie taught. Tornu liberal , and jierfoo sfttUfactlnn to chol arKuuinti < Ml. 1'rlMitelnttrui.tloinwll - ' - cnattho Diiidntr Aciiciny or at the ol the patroni. , . l'rl\ato ordciion } 50 left tttM Jleycri ro't wSO-tf B. D. MCLAUGHLIN , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW And Notary Public. Premier's Block , Opposite Pott Office C. F. Manderson , ATTORNEY -LAW. J F rnh ra Bt . Onnh JH FLIEGLE uccetaor to J. n Thlele , MERCHANT TAILOR I No. tV ) Doualar " - * < * N . ion. R. ciauaos. > Clarkson & Hunt , Bucocnvr. to Richards & Hunt , ATTORNEYS-AT- SJ KUiSUfot On ha Neb. TT Burdock BITTERS IJ on Buffer from Ij > j > ] nt , use IIUHDOCK BLOOD I11TTKUS. f jou are afflicted with nilloinnw , use nunnocK IILOOD HITTERS. ( jou arc prostrated nlth sick Hriul.iclie , take HUUDOCK 111,001) iIITTT f jour Houcliare disordered , rrpulftto them nlth HUUDOCK BLOOD HITTEnS. f jour niood Is mpurn , purify It with ltmi ! > OCK W.OOIJ IHTTKtlS. fysuhmo Inrllgortlonou u 111 find an antidote. n nunnocK IILOOD mrmis. f you are troubled with Spring Complaint * , er adicate them with UUItUOCK IILOOD H1TTEU8. ( your Lhcrfa torpid , restore. It to healthy action kith BUKDOCK IILOOD UIITKIIS ( your Lhcr Is affected , you lll find a sure re- torath c In IWKDOCK IILOOD UITTK11S. / > ou 1m o an ) ' species ot Humor or Pimple , fall not to take BU11DOCK IILOOD 1HTTEIIS. f jou hai e anBJ mptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores , n ctiratho remedy will lie found In IIUUDOCK IILOOD IHTTEnS. 'or Imparting strength and \ltahty tothosjs- cm , nothing can c < | iial BURDOCK HLOOD HITTERS. * or Nervous and General Del > | Ilty , tone | > the jstcm with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS , rice , 91.00 per Bottle ; Trial Dottle * 10 Ct FOSTEBlMILBURN&OoM , Props , BUFFALO , N , Y. Sold at wholesale bjIsh & ItcMnhon and C. P. Goodman. jo 27 cod-mo BASWITZ & TOLS , 1422 Douelas St. . § th. Before removing to their new OPERA HOUSE STOEE Will sell their stock of BOOTS 9 SHOES At Greatly Reduced Prices. Established 11 Years. AaaotB Ilcuroicntcd 882OOOOOO.O. Acthe F"8 < " "to Canted. .a.T. ' AYUn ) CO. 14th & Douk'las DON'T IT BURN I My Louse and furniture Is Insured witli O.T. TAYLOR & CO. , Cor 14th and Pouclaa. ADMINISTRATOR'S 8AUE. On the 10th d y ot October , ISSI , at 2 n. ' > all-1. C. Morirairi ttore , 113 F rnham tr.ct. Omaha Citv , DouitlnH'ounty , Nelira ko , I will tl ! at imUIu auction immonal prnpcrty Mouf- Ing to the eilate of AynciJ , Morrow , Uccouv < l , iiiciudini ; Jewelry , books crockery , nlherware , furulturu , hoiwehoia ( foedi and other property , OdWSt Atolnlittnt'or ot Ba FOSTER KRAY , WHOLESALE- LUMBER , GOAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet , Farnham and Douglas Sts , , WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NE13. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. Jr 18-tno IE1. O. WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. * MARBLE HEAD LIME CO.'S Double Strength White Lime 3E1O"EC > ST. PAUL LUMBER YARD Lumber , Lath , Shingles , Thirteenth and California Streets , OMAHA , - - - NEB , sc21mclm WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALER IN Wall Paper and Window Shades. . 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. ocMnc-iy FEARON & COLE , Gommissson Merchants , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. " Conalsntnenla . , made UB IH receive prompt attention. References : State- Bank , Omaha ; FJatl , . . . & Co. Daltlmore ; I'eck & Uanahcr Chicago : M. Werk & Co. . Cincinnati. HEADQUARTERS -FOR- MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. We desire to call the special attention of the trade to out- elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overahirts , Overalls Hosiery , &c. , now open. "Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVIS & CO , Comer Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. STAR STOVE POLISH AN1 > td a. BEAUBEUMMEL BOOT BLACKING MANUFACTURED BY I. OBERFELDER & CO. , ANI > JomtKiis OK 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. OXME./ & . The only exclusive wholesale house m thia line in the west. west.&Co. . Guns.Ammunition.Sporting Goods FISHING TACKLE , BASE BALLS , and a FULL LINE OF NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS , SU3V30 BP-OrEC , 3E XC.XO3EI-3UCSV. MAX MEYER & CO. Omaha. Ne CHARLES MCDONALD NOW OFFERINa TOR ONE MONTH ONLY DECIDED BARGAINS Ladies' ' Suits , Gloaks , Ulsters , Circulars Jtc , 0080 ? . 200 Handsome Suits , at $5.00 ; 300 Stylish ISuitfl , ffilO.OO : 75 Black Silk Suits , $17.00. Wo hare several lots of staple goods which will bo offered at SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. All ladioa should avail themselves of this great nalo of OORSETS AND DNDEEWEAE , iOHBH AND MOHAIE ULSTERS , 8ILK AND LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS , LAWN SUITS AND SACQUES , CHARLES MCDONALD.