8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE THURSDAY OCTOBER 20 1881. THE DAILY BEE , Thursday Morning , Oot 20 , REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKK , 0 BLRCTION TUESDAY , NOVKMtlRIl 8li For Sheriff , DAVID N. MILLKR. For Treasurer , JOHN HUS1L For Clerk , JOHN BAUMKR. For Commtsslonor , ' B. P. KNIGHT. For Judge , /V. M. CHADWICK. For Survoyor. OEOUGK SMITH. For Superintendent of Instruction , J. J. POINTS. For Coroner , JOHN'G.JACOBS. For the nccomoiktfon of our tip-towi patrons arrangements hove l > oen miulo will Edholm & Erlckson , jewelers , opposite- pout office , wliero advertisements ntv qrdera for the city dollrcry of TUB BE will Jw received. Advertisements for th evening must bo handed in before 1:30 ji in. , tor the morning edition before 8 : & p. m * ci.t23-tt _ LOCAL BREVITIES. Pnttornon noils coal , Frederick Leading Halter. Doano. Itcllablo Hatter. Fine pocket knives at Kuhn's. Owl Cigars at Kuhn's Drug Store. Night School nt the Business College Th ° Lion continues to roar for Moore" Huncft fld Saddlery , For riNB Commercial Job Printing all at Tine BRK Job rooms. Smoke BUriton k Storms- fines Oigar , at Kuhn's Drugstore only. Boys'Warm School Caps , all kinds cheap , at Frederick' * ! largest stock. octl4-Ct The wind blows cold. The Mlllard hotel has reached tin floor of the third story. Two more Btoriei will make it an imposini' structure. , ' Get your neat to-morrow morning foi ( the Big 4 Minstrels for Friday and Satur day evening nnd matinco. The scaffolding is being removed froir the interior of Boyd's opera house , ant will all be-out by to-inorrow. The Fay Tompletnn opera company , which open Boyd's opera house Mondaj evening , is extensively billed throughout the city. A view of the Cozzens house , ai it will appear when rejuvenated , ii on cxhi < tion at Max Meycr'n and attracts mucl : attention. It is officially announced that tin Union Pacific company will comnioilci operating the Omaha & Denver short litu October 25. , Nave , McCord & Brady , Mctcall Bros , of this city , and Mllon , of Kearney , have made application for membership ii the board of trade. A deep hole on Tenth street , near the depot , was the spot vrhcre ft wagon loaded with furniture stalled Tuesday night ant ntood until u ornlng. Fourteen recruits for the western arm ] posts , particularly Cheyenne , passoc through this city yesterday , under com round of Lieut. Pease , The prosecution in the Garrigan case In the district court presented all its test ! ' ninny yesterday afternoon , and the de ffen e opens this morning. The jury In the case of Wallens , charged with larceny us bailee , returned a verdict for $100 in favor of the plaintiff , in the district court yesterday. The grand lodge of Odd Fellows la in ne8. ion at Lincoln. Quite a number ol members of the order from this city are ii ; attgndanco upon the meeting. "A rare chance" for somebody to stoj into a good paying buaincwi. The stud and fixtures of the Michigan tobaccu store 1417 Douglas street for Bale cheap , Kn quire on the premises. Heivy travel both eastward and wont ward still continues. The 0. , B. It Q road runs two train * from Chicago , on immediately behind the other , which ar rvo nt the transfer depot in the morning J. M. Meyer , | of Chicago , in in tin city endeavoring to form a company fo : the manufacture of jollies and the pro Bening of fruits. Articles of Incorpora tion , showing n capital stock of $5,000 have been drawn up , but not yet filed , Mr. C. L. Lofgren , traveling agcnl and correspondent for The Svonski Tribunen of Chicago , Is in the city on i business trip , The Tribunon is the largcsi and most inllucntlal Swedish nowspapoi in America. A practice game for the Union Puclfu nine on Saturday is being talked of James Whitney , pitcher for the Boito : League club during the past veaion , whi * will spend the winter in Omahn , U ex peeled to play and exhibit .noine of hi lightning curves , John Thackor , while repairing an ei i gine at the U. P. round houxe laatuvcning H ! was aevejcly scalded. Ho was working un der the engine at the time , and the blow off cock becoming disarranged allowed i quantity of hot water to run over him. Hi wu severely injured about the body ami anna. One hundred and fifty-nine beautiful residence lota , located on Hamilton utroct , half way between the turn table of thi ed street ror line and the waterworki reservoir and addition , and just west ol the convent of the Sinters Poor Claire ic Bhlnn's addition. Prices range from $7C to f 100 each , and will be sold on eas ) termi to those who will improve , BemU teal estate agency , Fifteenth and Douglat streets. Hum * From tlio Hani , Manager Toiualin , of the U. & M , railroad , Qon. Crook , and Q , II. Col lirui occupied a special car in the over land train from the west yuatorday af < 'tornoon. They had returned from c few dayn apart in Wyoming torrtoyi in which they succeeded in shooting Homo fine doer , The head and quar ters of a huge elk , with far reaching antlers , and a largo black tail door adorned the front platform of the car , ToniBon steaks are in order , THE HEREAFTER , Some Views on the Subject b Major Whittle. Ho Thinks There are Degree of Bliss in Heaven , And TnUci of AcoldonUi of Blrt and Prodentlnntion. ' What is jour idea of lioll ? " This question was naked Maj. Whi tie , ono of the two revivalists in th ! city , last evening , as ho and a r porter for THE BKB st t quietly elm ting on the first iloor of the Tresbyti rinu church building. JIaj. Wluttlo 1ms been before tli country for many years in the cnpac ty of n rovivalint , and next to D. I Moody probably lias no equal in th country. It was through the olTori of that great evangelist that Ma , Whittle was induced to undertake th work ho is engaged in , after his rolur from the army. Mnj. Whittle i a man of medium size and i general outline resembles Moodj although not qnito BO ntout. Ho i compactly put together and his fen turcs arc boldly outlined , lie wears full coal black beard , closely cropped nnd in appearance is grave on thoughtful. His voice is deep nn Bonorous. Tlicro is considerable mag tiotism about the man and a ayinpr ; hctic vein in his voice that draws pee ilo to him. Mnj. Whittle showed some diflidonc about answering questions to bo put ishcd in an interview , but finally said "IIoil is a place of punishment. " "Is the I3iblo to bo construed liter illy when it speaks of the fire of hell ? "It may bo physical fire as wo un iliirsland it and the word may be usei us a tiguro of speech to brinj o our conception tho' idci of such torture. But that there i iuch a place of everlasting tortun ? ou may see by rofcrringto Mark xix. 13 to 48. 'Than having two hand 0 go into hell , into the fire that neve hall bo quenched. ' " "Is heaven an absolutely locatoi > ! aoo ? " "It is. 'I go to prepare a place fo rou , ' suid Christ. " "Does the terms angels and saint is mentioned in the Bible indicate tha .hero are two order of beings in lieav an ? " ' "It does. As'I understand it angel ire an order of beings who have neve , ivod on earth ; while mints nro re ioomcd sinners. See 1 Hebrews 1 ! Mid 14. " "Are the references to streets ol ; old and the walls of heaven to bi taken literally ? " "As I take it the terms are used t < convoy to our finite undersUndingi ; ha infinite bliss nnd glory of heaven The highest earthly ideals of magnifi pence are used so that wo may , to ui ixtent , comprehend the transcondon > eauty of the homo to come. " "From your reading of the Bible ii t indicated that St. Peter will occum 1 different position in heaven from tni rest of the saints ? " "Ho was ono of the apostles and tin wolvo will bo raised above the othe taints , but I cannot see it indicatci hat ho will have a special duty out mlo of thtf In xxi , Revelations 21 ti . ' 1 is shown that the apostles shal sit in judgement over the twelve tribe ; of Israel. " "Are there degrees of bliss it leaven , and of punishment in hell ? " "First Corinthians , 15-41 , says 'There is one glory of the sun , am mother glory of the moon , and an other glory of the stars ; for one etai lilloreth from another star in glory. I think from this there will be different ont degrees of bliss. See also Danie xii. , U. In regard to punishment sei Luke xii. , 47-48 : 'And that sorvan which know his Lord's will , and pro Kirud not himself , neither did accord ng to his will , shall bo beaten will many stripes. ' " "lias the accident of birth any in luenco on the judgment hereafter Suppose a child with a natural dispo sition to do good ii : thrown into evi aurroundinga nnd turns out. badly when had the influences about it booi limirontit would have grown up t jod-fenring man has this any ulfoc MI the judgment in the world ti como ? " "People nro judged by the light the ; lave. SeeIlllomans , 11-12 ; ' "I'orm nany persons as have survive * without law shall perish withouc law xnd as many as have survived in tin aw shall bo judged by the law.1 "Is there iv distinct individua devil ? " "I think so. I h vo tried mhl i other ways of Bftisfnctorily explaining ho causes which impel men t < sometimes do euch awful deeds , bui can en no other ground. Take Quit ; eau for instance. In this connectioi otmo refer you to x Luke 18 andiv Matthew 1 to 11. 'And he said t .horn . , I beheld satan as lightninj 'all ' from heaven. ' There is an ovi icing constantly exerting a malign in luonco on mankind , " "Do you believe that those who an sonvorted arc able to fool and realize the moment they are saved ? " "No. Different persons receive the cnowlcdgo in difloront ways. I pul isido the feeling in the matter 'alto Author. He must accept the Lore Jesus. John vi , 87 j 'and him thai cometh to mo I will in no wise casl Dut. Preparation ? No thro nee < ! jo none. All that is required s n truit in God and t willingness to receive him. Yes ypi nust feel , but you must not base youi cnowlpdgo of salvation on fooling ! rust in God's word. There are hings in there wo cannot understand , mt as was said to President Garfield can't you accept Christ us a model ? " "What is your idea of prodeatlna' ion ? " "You will find it in 1 Epheaians , 5 , 0 aiidj ? : . 'Having predestinated into the adoption of children by Josui Christ unto himself , according to the good pleasure of his will ; ' and viii 11 mans , 29 and .10. 'Moreover , who ho did predestinate , them ho all called ; and whom ho called , the ho also justified ; and them ho just fied , them ho also glorified. " Wo fr quontly feel the hand of an ovorrulir tirovidonco in the direction of 01 lives. " "Is it necossaryto worship God t any outward forms to bo saved tin isjuocs a man , thoroughly believing i the existence of n God and humbl endeavoring to do right , need to bo church member to reach the Kingdoi Come ? " The major paused for a momoi when this question was asked but r < plied : "I think it is necessary to belong ( a church , for in no other way can yo fully carry out the injunction of Goi Ho commands two things : You mui bo baptized , and you must partake < the Lord's supper. I don't think necessary to worship him by any pai ticular outward forms to I : saved , For instance , I honest ! and truly believe there ai members of the Catholic church wh are rArrying outthoinstructionsof Go as faithfully as mortals can bo. Th same may bo said of members of th Episcopal and other churches. " At this point Major Whittle w.n obliged to prepare for his evening nei vice and the interview closed. MILITAEY HEADQUARTERS. How the Strang Buildmj Looks Inside. The imposing and elegant buildin on the corner of Farnham and Tent streets , erected for the headquarter of the military department of th Plattc , is now fully occupied. J glance yesterday into its interior wa sufficient to convince ono that it i admirably adapted to the purpose fo which it was built. As is plainly ap uront from thojstroot , the entire lowe Ipor is oecupiod by Strong , whoso en ; ints and pumps make a fine display file officesof the department are lo cated on the second and third floors unl on u part of the fourth floor. 3road hall runs nearly the length ol ; ho building on each fioo nnd affords access to larg and j > leasant officers on oithe side , with three especially spuciou nes in front. General Crook , commander of tin department , lias his office on the thin floor , in the southwest corner. It ii numbered room 10. The distinctioi made in the finishing of this apartment mont from the rest is that the wood work is dark. The windows commam a magnificent view of the city wcs and south. Adjoining Gen. Crook'i office is room 15 , in which Majo : [ loberta and Lieutenants Burke am .ichuyler , aids do camp , are to bi bund. This is also a front room I'ho remaining front room on this fioo : s occupied by Colonel Martin , the ad utant general of the department. The other officers on this iloor an ] ol. Royall , inspector general , roon 17 ; Col. Burnham , judge advocate room 18 ; Lieut. Kingman , chief engineer ginoer , room 21. The remaining oems on the third floor , six in num > er , ura occupied by clerks of the ad i utant general , jndgoadvocato and tin engineering corps. On the second floor of the buildint ; ho following officers have their of ices : Major Towar , paymaster , roon t ; Col. Stanton , chief paymaster , IODII 2 ; Col. Ludington , chief quartcrmaat or , room 3 ; Dr. Somers , medical di rector , and Dr. Barnett , attending surgeon , room 7 ; Gen. Wilson , chie : commissary , room 10 ; Capt I'lioinaa , < iuartunnastor , room 13 .looniB 45 and 6 are occupied by'tin [ Uartormaslor's' clerks , and room i iivj bfon fitted up w A neat and complete plote dispensary. The fourth flee : rooms are used for tbo preservation o : the records and occupied by tin watchmen. In general arrangements the part 01 the buildinc occupied by the department mont headquarters are most complete , Some of the conveniences principh among which are the passenger elevator tor , coils for heating the offices and tlio closets are now being put in 01 will soon bo commenced. All of the offices are nicely finished in wood , carpeted and furnished in the beat of stylo. Mr. Strung will soon oroot on the cast aide of the building an addi tion , with thirty toot front , foui stories high , but not as deep as the main building. This will admit ol the passenger elevator. A weighl elevator , run by steam power , i ul ready in working order , It is located on the cast aide of the building , ant extends from the roof to the collar. Tlio department offices are directlj connected by telephones with many of the principal points in the city , and can thus transact business over tin wires without the assistance of the main telephone office. About twenty live clerks and assistants are employed , The number of olllcera in the build ing , beside the commanding general , is fourteen. It will therefore bo BOOH that General Crook's military familj uildcr his immediate supervision it quito numovouo. All of the officers nro much pleased with itio appoint' men.s of the building , and doubt if iti general arrangement for convenience could have been improved upon , "Don't Know Half Their Voltt- ' "Thoy cured mo of Ague , Bilious ncsa and Kidney Complaint , as re commended. I had a half bottle lofl which I used for my two little girls , who the doctors and neighbors anici could not bo cured. I would have test both of them ono night if I had not given them Hop Bitter * . They lid them so much good I continued their use until they wore cured. That is why I say you do net know half the I'aluo of Hop Bitters , and do not recommend - commend them high enough , " B. , Rochester , N. Y. See other column. American Rural Homo. oct. IC-uuv. 1 Standard Club Hop- The seventy-eighth hop of the Stan- lard club was held last evening in their hall on Fifteenth street. Tlio [ larty was both largo and gay. HofT- mans orchestra furnished excellent music. The especially enjoyable fea ture of this club a receptions is the per fect informality , so that an invited ucst fools at ease as soon as ho enters the presence of the company. YORKTOWN CENTENNIAI Boflttlngly Celebrated by th Emmet Monument As sociation. Speeches and Music , Mirth am Dancing Freely Indulged in , Col , Chute , A' C. Campbell nn Jolm Rush , Sponltors of tbo The celebration of tha contcnnin anniversary of the surrender of York town by the Emmet monument assc elation in Clark's hall last evening was a great success. The event was celebrated first b public addresses , and secondly by ball. John Groves opened the oxoi ciaes by proposing that Col. C. K Chase act as chairman of the meet ing. Col. Chase , on assuming th chair , spoke briefly and pointedly o : the importance of the event , whici had called them together , nnd spok in well-chosen words of the oxistin state of affairs in Ireland. Ho al ludcd to the fact that wherever Irish men wore it was their pleasure am privilege to gather together on occa sions of this kind , and spoke of it a a significant fact that they were tin only nationality assembled in Omah in commemoration of the great event a Yorktown 100 years ago. He said th < historical and other phases of tin event would bo covered by speaker who were to follow and closed by in traducing Mr. A. C. Campbell. Mr. Campbell said it was meet tha1 they should gather together to cclo brate one of the greatest events in tin history of nations or men , an cvcnl gajvhich hinged the destiny of thi now world. It was fit and appropriate - priato lo mont as Irishmen and Irish Americans , linked to and descender from those whoso valor contributed tc the success and who tool part in the glories of that achievement. Ittwas proper tc moot in the name of him pointing tea a picture of Robert Emmet froir whose sacred dust arises inspiration * of liberty. Yorktown was comparatively not i great victory. Scarce 20,000 men wore sngagcd on both sides. Eighty yean later , over the same ground had passed an army of nearly hall a million. But relatively speaking , the siege of Yorktown was without parallel in the annals of ancient 01 modern warfare , both as to the mili tary genius displayed and the impor tance and consequences of its results. Previous to the victory was the darkest hour the country had cvor seen. Its condition was impoverished , the soldiers unpaid and unfed and the continental dollar , which took sixty or seventy to equal the gold coin , was a iogal tender only to those who looked on the public good as creator than private interest : Industry in the : iticsjvas paralyzed and the face of the country was laid bare witb years of ruthlcBS warfare. There was no such thing as a treasury , the arsenals wore empty and provisions scarce. Gates had exchanged his northern laurels for southern willows ; Lincoln liad surrendered at Charleston ; Corn- wallis was master in the south and Clinton hold Now York. Mr. Campbell then went on to de tail the event which led up to the siege of Yorktown : Lafayette being sent 'south to harass the enemy ; Washington's letter to him being in tercepted by the British ; how the siege was. finally begun and Cornwall's caged in Yorktown while tlio French loot in the harbor prevented escape on the ono hand and succor on the other. Mr. Campbell then wont on to say .hat . this was the crowning victory and gained American independence. There lave been greater battles than York- o\vn , greater in the blood spilled , greater in the lives that have been est , greater in the treasures that lave been wasted , in the homes deso- atod , the wives that have been made vidows , in the parent rendered child- oss , greater in the children 'mado > rj > Uy3 and in the grief and amentations caused , but Mono voro greater or of moro mportanco to the people. There mvo boon greater battles , but they mvo been fought in the name of angs and for the benefit of kings , while Yorktown was fought for the people and in the name of liberty. Mr. Campbell referred to the partaken akon in the affair by Irishmen and especially instanced the two generals , 5tark and Mad Anthony Wayno. Ho hen briefly referred to the two cen tral figures of the siege and said wo owed a debt of gratitude to Lafayette that mere remembrance could not re- lay. What is the lesson of Yorktown find what dooa it teach ? Simply this , hat self-government is realized. Bo- ore Yorktown self-government was ml thu dream of the enthusiast , nomo- hing pleasant to look upon but dan- jorous to touch. The result at York- own showed * it to bo a reality. Rienzi , in the middle ages , wont down to deoth in the rum of his M pital regarding liberty as visionary. Hid Madaino do Staol on the ncaffold wclaimod , "Oh , liberty ; how many : rimo3 are committed in thy name. Neither had understood the qualities Jf liberty which Yorktown demon- trated. Mr. Campbell closed with this pro. 'ation : ' 'Let us hope that under the irovidonco of God this priceless boors to enjoy and oun s ours forever ; oura o transmit. Let us , in the dawn ol his now century of independence ; dLfforonces , obliterate posi ergot past jriovances , one 1 M all nationalities , al roods , allcono'itiousand all section ! great , grand am Jo united in one Let Motional hue lorious people. ) o effaced , let th o " ° . east > " ' rest , no north , ni > B ° uthi lot ua m J orward influenced > y " , comm ° mpulie , soverned h ? Hl ° * 8am ° "K ' u the name by em of laws , uphold titutions , protected by the Bomo BOJ ml worshipping and. adoring the aam Mr. Campbell closed ' oraid loud aj IftUBO. Ilo was followed by Mr. John Ilusl who reviewed briefly the part Iris ! men and Irish Americans bad take in the light for American indopoiu cnce , nnd censured the press semi what for the position it had taken o the present troubles in Ireland. II said that their deeds then entitle Ireland now , in her time of neoc to some returns. Speaking of th fnct that Ireland was ordered to giv England's rule ono moro trial h wanted to know what good itwoul do. They had time and again give it trial after trial and every time wit more disastrous results , The parallel had been drawn between twoon Ireland and England and an ono state in our country which migli desire to have a separate government Ho showed how false a pic lure this was , and i sneaking of the repeated nsBertio that Ireland was unable to govern il self , aaid : "Wo all know how ridicu lous such a statement is. The ido that the country which has given t the world the finest statesmen and th truest patriots the world has eve seen should bo unable to obtain ruler for itself. " Mr. Hush was frequentl ; interrupted by , and closed amidst lou applause. The ball which followed was by n means the least enjoyable part of th program. Juliun Meyer acted a master of ceremonies and opened a leader of the grand inarch. At 12 o'clock an intermission wa taken in which to obtain supper afte this dancing was again resumed : in > kept up to a late hour. Tired out bu happy the crowd dispersed uftcr hav ing spent a really enjoyably evening Warner's Safe Kidney and Live Cure. ITcodl ; PERSONAL. Peter Henlic went to Lincoln ycstcrda ; afternoon. L. T. Calkin ? , of Lincoln , is at th Metropolitan. K. 0. Steele left for St. Louis last even ng , on a business trip. J. Wolf , of this city , left yesterday fo A short viRit in DCS Moiuea , la. Kirby Millspaup h , of St. IJoul , brothc to Dean Millai > augh , is in the city. Marshal Blerbower is out of the city fo * fdw dayg , conducting business of a clvi nature. United States District Attorney Lam jcrtson arrived in the city from Lincob limt evening. , Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Xnnher , of Tokamah tro in the city to at tend DeanMillauiuigh'i wedding to-day. J. W. Way , assistant chief engineer o .ho Union Faslfic railroad , came in froti , ho west yesterday. Mrs. Becht , mother of Max Becht , re , urns yesterday to her home in Peru Hs. , after a short visit hero. A. H. Souer , business manager of Till JEE , has returned to the city with his wife , vho was visiting friends in Indiana. A. Solomon , of Plattsmouth ; Charlei tVilson , of Fairniount ; L. A. Puffer , ol /alley , are registered at the Cnnfielc anise. Miss Jessie Tcmpleton , Miss Maggie Cempleton , A. K. Bice and G. H. Wixen , orm a Tekamah party registered at the 3reighton house. Among the east-bound passengers on the irriving orerlnnd train yesterday after teen was Sir John Kaye , one of the Eng ish nobility. He was accompanied enl ] Lieut. Chas. Mason , of Fort D. A. HUB el in Wyoming territory , was married at 3heyenne , Tnesday , and passed through his city yesterday with hia bride on ar astern wedding tour. II. H , "Visscher , accompanied by his laughter , Miss Gertie , will leave to-inor- on' for the Pacific coast , for the benefit o ! ho hitter's health which has been quite ielicato for some time past. The following arrivals among others arc loted on the Withnell house register : Geo. L' . Waller , of Osceoln ; S. S. Lowe and vlfc , of Fremont ; B. T. Hiuman , of forth Platte ; D. M. Platt , of Ked Cloud ] 3. M. Willsey , of Blair. August Borglum , son of Dr. Borglum , f Fremont , passed through the city yes- erday on his way to St. Mary'a college in Carman City , where ho will remain during ho winter. The agency of TUB BKB ic Tremont , which ho has for some t'mo BUC < essfully handled , is loft in the hands o ! IH younger brother , and all of ita patron : vill bo carefully horved. Mirabllo Dlotu. "Your Spring blossom in a success. ] ertninly think its effects are wonderful ; ill the dysi optic hymptoms I complained f have vanished ; my wife ia also enthusi astic in praixe of it ; nho was disfigured > y blotches nnd pimpl-s on her face , and md a continuous headache. She in all ight now , a ) d all unsightly erupt ons i ve gone. You may refer any doubting mrtieH to me. K. M. WIM.IAMBOX , "Elk street , Uulfulo. " Price , 50 cents ; trinl bottled , 10 ienti. [ 17-eocllw ] Move in tlio Right Direction. Of the property owners who arc [ uttering and curbing Tenth street , x-Ald. "Jim" Slophonson is making ho most complete job in front of bin table on the corner of flarnoy street. lo is putting in the best of Joliet inarry stone , and will anticipate the nuch needed work of paving the treot , by paving in front of his prop- irty to the street car track. At pros. mt twelve property owners are curb' m , ' , and the elnunazo ot the uppoi oortion of the street will aoon bo am. WORTHY OF PRAISE. As a rule wo do not rocommenc patent medicines , but when wo knov af ono that really is a public boncfac tor , and does positively cure , then wi consider it our duty to impart that in formation to all. Electric bitten ar < truly a most valuable medicine , aiu will surely euro .Billipusness , Fevo and Ague , Stomach , Liver and Lidnoj complaints , even where all others rein ediea fail. We know whereof wi speak , and can freely recommend ti ail. [ Ex. Sold at 50 cents a bottle Ish&McMahon. (4) ( ) _ "WINEOFOArtDUl" four times : day inakca a liappy household. MO. F. Ooodrom. _ "Tho Itevoro House < ouucl Uluff ia the boat second-class hotel in th " ttutr7lm * oat. Boyd'i Oporn Houno- Arrangements have been inaelo t the manager of lloyd's ' opera lioui with the U. P. railway to run a spi clal train Monday , October 24th , 5 order to accommodate those dcsirin to attend the grand opening. It i also understood that arrangomonl have been made with the B. & M railway to run a special train froi Lincoln on the same occasion , SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE AJtfrtleement To Loan , For S l Lent , Pound , W nU , Boirillng. &c. , will be 11 sorted In these columnt ouco ( or TKN CKN1 | Ksr Una ; each subBcqucnt liucrtlon , MVECBN1 ixr lino. Tha flnt Insertion rmcr less thi TWKNTY.flVK CEKT3 TO LOAN MONEY. PONKY TO LOAN C U nt Law ( Mice ol I M L. ThomM lloomS. Crclehton lllock. To loan ullromb to luinr con . . ' on pooj rcnl ejtt.tcsecur.ty , I UK. ISAAC EDWAUDd 1109 Ftrnhain St , M a per rent 11 . . tcrcst In sums nf ? 2,600 an upwards , for 3 to B yoart. on first-clam city an ( nn iperty. Bums HB L Emu and Lei AHKMCT. 16th and Donates Sts. HELP WANTED. . - - good machinists con gi steady employment at rhopi ot BEATON & LKA. splSOG 25' Lincoln , Neb. 7 ANTED Dining reoni girl , northwest co : ricr Capitol avcntieand 17th Sts. 303-1C "ITTANTED A stout boy to t.\ko ore of horsi \ V an < l work In store. Apply S. E. cornc Ibth and Dodge fat * S02 20 40 acres land within 5 milts < WANTUD , Improved or unlinprorcil. \ \ II. SPEIIA , Council lilufls , Iowa. 209-21' VTTANTED Situation by a first-class YY cook , had 20 j cars experience. At F. O. , Bco office. 210-10' A good girl to do general houst WANTED small family , no children ; wages t a competent girl $5 a week. 1712 Izard St. 293-25 ANTED Men and to ims by Duffy Bros , bot. Fnrnlmm and Douglason 8th St. 293-tf 'YTT'ANTED To rent a farm by man and hi YY two sons. Inquire at this olllco , or addrcs N. Flury.Douglas St. , bet. llth nnd 1211 : Omaha. 290-26 VITANTED By a lady , situation as house YY keeper or will astist In light work tnafani Hy. I Address this with Mrs. T. II. 0. . P. O , Omaha. 2S8-tt "ITrANTED By gentleman who < e wife wll \ Y Join him In a month , a comfortable roon and board. Location southeast ot the post otflc preferred. Address Jerome , tliU office. 271-19 A cninpetont. cook , WANTED , will > fct Kootl waecs , at lfil < Farnham bt. Koiio other need apply. 2SU-2 By widow lady with peed refer WANTED place with light work. Care o children prcfcrcd. Inquire at Y. M. U. A. 204-10 Good wa es to competent girl fo WANTED housework , except washing. Mrs Oell , He. Mary'a avenue and 20th St. 232-11 TBO furnished rooms In thi WANTED of the Central School , on o before November 1st. Address K. 11. U. , Pos Ofllce , Omaha. 274-1P To rent a furnished house nea WANTED School , six or eight rooms , on o icforo November 1st. Addrcsj K. R. U. , 1 * . 0. Omaha. 275-10 -A good tinner. Steady employ YT meat guaranteed the > cnr through ; thi highest wages paid. JAMKM CI.KARV , 260-10 Grand Island. \\1 ANTED. ICO to 200 loads of dirt near 23d VV and at. Mary's avenue. Enquire at Bet jfflcc. 2229-tf \TtrANTEOl-ltOto2001ondsofillrt near 23n YY and. fit , Mary'a avenue. Enquire at Bci office. 193-tf A couple good cylinder prcs WANTED . Can find steady employment a thia office. 27-tf "IT7"ANTED Respectable employment by hus VV band and wife. Address P. P. C. , Bee Of Bee. - 077-tt VJC-ANTED Housekeeper , 1109 Faruham St. YY upstairs. 30-tf TAN TED Girl at 2004 Dodge street. Funding bridge and school bonds WANTED Clark , Jkllovuo. M-tf FOR RENT HOUSES AND LAND. I71UK KENT Five ui.furnlshcd looms tor lUh JJ liOlieS'kceplng. flood JocUlcn , Enquire n * .M. C. A. 30510' RENT Cheap , on 2flth St. , between Tarn FOB and Dou.la , one story and half house ; urnl'hed if lequirud. Iriuulro ut once , W. C. Uumhaui , at A. B. Ilubcrmann's Jewelry store , 301-tf RENT Furnished front room on flrsl FOR , at 317 17th St. , bit. Davenport air Chicago. - 301-tf RUNT A now fix.room housu with FOR , enter nnd city water ; south east sorner Webster and 21 t SU. P , J. CRKLDON , 295-tf RENT Furnlshe rooms nt No. 10K FOR street. 201-24 * RENT House with 6 rooms and cellar al FOR per month , pajable In advance Inquire > t 1221 North luth St. , bet. Paul and .Shcrm.n. 253.19' ' 171011 KENT t furnished rooms ovur JleJ 1 } chant * ' Exi.hangeN. K. ccr. Itlth and Dodgl itreets. 2fjj > .tf RENT A commodious brick residence FOR S. W. cor. 10th and Farnham St. Foi crms address Mrs. K A. Itncr , Tabor , Iowa. 27II-19 COR BALE. BALK At nbout half prlca , my re * l FdK pr ] > crty , n .e mlle from York , Neb , , 10acres , fine Imuroteineiit- , trees ett , all new ; ) art on long time. UIIOS. F. Sl > VENP , spl307-21 _ _ . YorK , Nub. HALE A beautiful re Idencu property ol FOR a.'rca , with commodious house ; eight > crt8 of orchard and ilneyard ; lo'otion flghtly > nly two and a bat miles from poitolDce ; bur [ bin. JOHN L. MtCAau'Eop | > . P.O. 9'tl IpOR SALE Fine stock l rm of 400 acrev. goo : | < house , cuttlo sued , orchard , tt' % wllli'r ' 'jay rtach ol rallroa I. Price , (4,600 , part tlinc it 6 tier cent. JOHN L. IfcOAUUt , opplt < : 'o tortlce. ( Jio-t. SALE A small house and 1 lot with goot FOR anil alablo , on 20th , near bhcrimn St. Ko 1S07. l'rlMl 50. 273-tf T71OR BALE Chetp , Two Radl iit Homo itovei 1 ; in good condition , one & double hu-tur. Ap ) > ly at northcatt corner IDth and C llIoruU. B BALE A lot of second hand furniture FOR , carvo's and crockery ware , at II Splglc , 1203 IK > uglos Sts. 2b6-lm has rattling long lUita ot houses , loti BEUIS aiid faruu tor sole Cell and ge them. T7IOK S ALE Lvue and furniture at ft flnt chs J ? hotel In a town ot 1300 Inhabitant * , In ( tat of Nebraska ; has 24 beds ; the traveling men re unrt. Inquire at BKE office. i8f SALE A mail engine. B. W. Payne I FOR ' make. In perfect osder. Inquire of II ei. CUrk & Co. S6-tf 17IOR SALE Mips ol Douglas Mid Barpy our Jj tics. A. UO.EWATER , 1620Farnbom street 320-tf SALE Fine stock farm of 400 acru EOH house , cattle shed , orchard etc. , with In easy n-voh of railroad. Price , | 4fcOO , uai time at 6 JOHN U McCAGUK , Opp. Pos Office. ftsti-tf 1OR SALE A beautiful esldence property o J } 20 acres with commodious house. Kigh acres ol orchard and vineyard. Ixwttlou sightly Only two and a hull miles from post office. Bar K mi JOHN L.MCOAOUBOPP , P.O. w "PWR SALE A good strong pony , well broV Jj lo barnisM and * ddlo , El ant Seed itor 14th and DodgeHti. iSi-19 SPECIAL NOTICES Oontumed > IUCK ron BALK. ) 203-tf BALK.ESTAnnOOK ft COK. HALE 1 first class cabinet orpin , very 1 cheap : nearly new. Inquire Milton Rogers A Son , 14th Mid Farnham St. _ 30-tf J70H SALE Four acres of land near water * JM worXs reservoir , also two cottages on Capitol Hill. Add. ANDRUW BhVlNS.130fl DouglM St. 648 U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AND LAND lleuiis rent * noun HOUSES , hotels , farrr ots , fendi , offl rooms , etc , See 1st page MIOCELLANEOUB. rpAKKN UP A white speckled cow wl h red | ear * anil noa and crooked horn. Owner ran h&vo I ho game by calling at 1017 Howard St. . 390-21 * From my place , corner Hurt and , STRAYED , on Octohcr ISth , ono roan horwj pony , 9 j cars old , brand on left hind quarter. Anv whereabouts or return to me will be liberally - ly rewarded. WALDE MAR HAXTIIOUSEN. ass 20 * _ A IjADV Wishes writing to do nt homo or In A. an olllco , hvi hiul > otiio experience and con- slilcrablo business Uct ; or will as-lst In light homework and gho music lesions in a family * Address ono week , .Mrs T. II. M. , P. O. , Omaha (137-24 _ WANTED-To sell complete Domes tic Illblo. Besides some of the heat polling business and social works In the world Extra Inducements. Addiuw , C , 1C , Footo , 11 rcnco , Neh. _ 2S6-24 OEM'S CANVASS For Iwoks , you know , A will sell "I.lfu of I'r sident Oarflcld1 "Heroes of the Plains , " "Ilordcr Outlaws , " "Laws of Business. " IKA WALDHON & CO. , st. Louis , MO. sc2fi < i wini * ) A now single Drcccnloodinggun bar rcl at Florence Lake. The owntr can llnd the samu hy applying at M. ahutte , gun smith , comer of llth and Farnham its. , nnd pacing expenses. 277-19 UP Dark lay home , white stripe In T1AKEN about 16 jeas old. MOShS HAWKINS , 1010 Chlciga St. 202-20 * HE J. M. BRUNSWICK A BLAKE CO. , Keep a complete stock nf Billiard Tables and Mm- Hard mcr hindise on hand.at thclrttoro roamMi South 10th St. , Omaha , Nch. ol2-lin' R Will pay the highest cash . price for second hand Illlliard and Pool Tables. Call or address 609 South 10th St. 012-lm11 AND DOAliD A pleasant houio for JL"\ ) the mtcr for three gontleuion , where they can find the comforts ot a home. Reference ex changed. Address 1 ! , lice olllce. 236-17 T > F.M1S' IJOOil. See 1st page. TUIVA1'K INSTUUUflONS In KrenchvUor JL man , Greek and Latin. Prof. Henry W Meek , 1207 Jackson 9t _ P00-oc8 HAY At A. II. Sander's Feed Store BALED Harnoy St. " S19-U EMIS' REAL ESTATE EXCUANQE.-a B Isipage. _ B EMIS1 "NEW CITY 1IAPS.2SO. Boo 1st paga r CJHEEPKOU SALE 2600 fat wethers. AdO - O drcea Anton Abel , Plum Creek , Daw-son Co. , Neb. 185-18' OKTUNE TELLER AND-MEDIUM Mn EJIza tells past , prcacnt and future In love and all dfTairo. She reveals the deepest secrcUo ho heart. She posarssea the magnetic pbwcrt3 f ulflll all your wishes. Call at No. 322 corner ICta and Chicago street COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOT1CK. Special adtcrtlscmcntd , such as Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Bent , Wants , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at ths low rate of TEN CENTd PER LINE for the first insertion and FIVE CENTS 'EU LINE for each subsequent Insertion. X'avc adv ertiscmcnts at our office , up-stalrc , torner Broadway and Main street ) , Council Muffs. _ ANTED Everybody In Council Bluffs lo to take TUB UKE , 20 cents per week , de Ivercd by carriers. Ollice corner Broadway and Main , up Btalrs , Council Bluffs. 602-tf TICKET OFFICE War In railroad tickets continues to boom. Unprecedented ow rates to all eastern polnta. Every ticket ( uarantccd. Orders filled by telephone. From ono to ten dollars saved by purchasing ticket * at C. A. Potter , successor to Potter & Pnlmcr , No. to South Fifth street , Council Bluffy Iowa. octl3-tf _ Boy , with pony , to carry papers. WANTED at DKR office , Council Blutls. octl3-tf _ To buy 100 tons 'broom corn. WANTED address Council Illuffa Broom Factory , Council Bluffs , Iowa. G5S-20tf A eood carpenter at once. Ap ply Myneter & Adams , Council duffs , own. 059-29' A tlret-class hroom tier. Uayno WANTED Council Bluffs , Iowa. COO SO * A boy to do chorea at Mynstcra WANTED , Council Bluffs. 001-28' Good girl for general homework. WANTED Uynstcr , Council Bluffs. CO'Mf TTrASTED A situation by a first-clous miller. YY Had 20 jears experience. Understand * M and new processes. Sneaks Hn lUh ant' ' irriuan and acquainted ultli steam and water iiwcrs. Canghetho best of reference. Will omo on trial at any time. Address II. S. , Box 1511 , Council Bluffs , Ia. _ SU-28 _ fTIOR SALE Old papers 40e per hundred , at I ] The Bee olllce , Council Blutfs. tc27-l ( to Contractors , Builders and Property Owners. The undersigned having been appointed agen ) or the extensive Iron and wire manufacturing louaea of E. T. Barnum , of Detroit , and tha in-wel Iron Foundry and Works at Toledo , Ohio , capacity of 60 tona dally , Is prepared to urnlsh estimates and prh-cs for Iron columns , tc. , ftc. , for Htore fronts , window caps and tills , hresholdplaUH , wrought Iron beams and gird * rs , hydraulic delators , staple fittings , pufleya , liaftlng , Si. . ; also Iron fences , crenting , win- aw guards , shutters , stairs , balconies , settees , halts , \aseg , acquarlums , fountains , summer louses , lawn , garden and cemetery ornaments , low cr stand * , gra\e guards , Ac. , itin , cndleu arlcty. Catalogues Kupnllod on application , HtNHY II. BAKUy , Manufacturers' Agent , 22 Pearl xtreet. Cnunrll Bluffs. Inwa' EDWAED KUEHL , IAQI8TER OF PALMVSTEUY AND CONDI' 'IONALIST , 498 Tenth Street , between Fiirnhatn ndllainey. Will , with the aid of guardian plrlto , obtain for any one a glance at the put ml present , and on certain conditions In the ( u- u re. Itaots and Shoes inado loonier. Perfect latltfactlon vuarantred mi2l-lm POWDER Absolutely Pure. Made from Or pe CtttM Tartar. No other arpatlon make * such light , flaky bet bread * , uxnrlous paitry. Can IK etten hy Dyipcpilo Kltrout fear of the Ills iwultlng from heavy lodi settlblo food. Hold only In cans , by all Grocer * ROYAL DAKlNOirOWDKU CO1 New York. 0 , t ,