Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1881, Image 7

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010 t-Arnhnm , bet. Oth and 10th Street * .
One copy lym , InadnvucotpjstfttM ) 110. W
I months " fi.0
month ! " 8.00
LCA\O Omaha No. 2 through jwwengcr , 11
ra. No. 4 , OikUnd I'lvWenKiT , b.-SOi. in.
AriU-o Onmhi No. 1 , through | n cn cr , 2MI :
tn. No , 3 , Oakland passenger , fi30 ; | i , in ,
0. , B. ft O. 5 ix. in. 3:40 : n. m.
C. & N. W. . ft. in. 3:40 : p. in.
0. , U. I. ( t. i' . . u n. m. 3:10 : p. tn.
K. 0. . St. ) , k C. H. , len\ci nt H n. m , ami 8SO :
p. m. ArrhoatSt. 0:30 : n. m. nnd 6:52 :
p. tn.
* > . . fit.Ii. & P..lea\e < atS a. tn. find 3:40 : | i.
tn. Arrises nt St. Louis ntOilO n , tn. niul 7:30 :
n , tu. v
vWIST on eotmiwr-irj. )
n. A It. In Neb , , Through UttircM , 8:55 : a. ro.
H. & M. Uiuoln Freight , 7:00 : p. in.
. U P Kinross 1216t ! > . m.
0. & U. V. for t lnoln , 10M : n. tn.
O. , fc U. V. for Ojccaln. 0:10 : n. in.
U. P. frcUlit No. 6 , 6M : n. tn.
U. I' , freight No. 9 , Slf. : a. m.
W. P. frel.'ht No. 7 , 6:10 : p. in. emigrant.
U. P. trcli'ht No. 11 8:2S : ) ' . tn.
C. . ft 0. , 6 : l n. m. 7:25 : p tn.
C. fi N. W. , 0:45 : n. in. " : " & p. tn.
C. H.'lU&n. m. :05p. : in.
K. C' . , St. Jou A , 0 U. , 7:40 : n. m. 0:16 : p. tn.
0. * n. V. frnin Unooln-12li : ! p. m.
U. P. Kxprciu : ! : PO p. in.
U & It. In Null , , Tlitoii 'h Express 1:15 : p. m.
I ! . 4 It. Lincoln KnlRlit 8:35 : in.
U. P. Fnltrlit No. 10-1:40 : p. m.
No. & 4:2. : ' ) p. ui. Kmixrant.
No. S 10:60 : p. in.
No 12 11:36 : . tit.
0. & U. V. mixed , < ir. 4:35 : p. in ,
Nobnuka Division ot tno bt , Paul & Sioux City
No. S loaves Oranhk SSO : n. m.
Ko. 4 Icn\e8 Oinal.n 1.30 p. tn
.Vo. 1 arii\c atOi4tilinat C:30p. : in.
No. 8 arrived nt Omaha ixt 10:50 ft. tn.
IXHUO Omnha at 8:00 : , 0.00 nnd 11:00 : . m. ;
1XX ) 2:00 : , 3.0(1 , 4:00 : , 6:00 nnd 6:00 : p. tn.
Loa\u Council lilutld at 8:25 : , B.25 , 11:25 : a.m. ;
1:26 : , 2:25 : , 8:20 : , 4:26 : 6:25 : anil 0:25 : i > . in.
Bun ii ) ! ) The dummy leaves Omaha at 0.00
nod ll:0ii : n. in. ; 2.00 , 4:00 : and 6:00 p , tu. Loaves
Council niuOa at 9:26 : and 11:26 : a. m. ; 2:26 : , 4:26 :
and 6:20 : p. in.
Opening and Clodnc of Mallf.
kourr. or UN. cboss.
a. in. p. ra. a. tn. p. m ,
Olilcnjjo&N. W 11.00 9:30 : 4:80 : 2:40 :
Chicago , R 1. & Pacillc. 11:00 : 9.00 4:30 : 2:40
Chli KO. U. & 0 11:00 : 0.00 4:30 : 2:40 :
Wubaih 12:30 : J:30 : 8:10
Bloux City end 1'aciOc. . 11:00 4:30 :
Union 1'ncilic 6:00 11:40 : ]
Omaha k R. V 4 )0 11:40 :
R. & 11. In Neb 4:00 : 8:40 : 6:30 :
Omvhafc NorthHcslorn. 4:30 : 7:30 :
Local malli for State o ! Io\va ICM e but once n
day , \lz : 4:30 : a , m.
A Lincoln Mull ts ale opened at 10SO a. m.
Office open SunJija from 12 in. to 1 p. tn.
Business Directory ,
Abttract arid Real fc tate.
JO1IN L. McCAQUE , opposite Post Office.
W. R. BARTLETT 317 South ISth Street.
Architect ! .
ltocml-1 Cruighton Block.
A. T. LARGE Jr. , Room 2 , Cicizhton Block.
Boots and Shoes.
Flno Boots and Shoes. A Rood assortment ot
home work on hand , corner 12th and Ilarncy.
TUOS. KUICK80N , 3. E. cor. 16th and Douglas.
60S 10th struct , manufactures to order good work
t ( air prices. Repairing done.
Bed Springs.
J. F. LAR1UHKH Manufacturer. 1517 DourlaiBt.
Books , Newt and Stationery.
J. I. FRUEUAUF 1015 Farnham Street.
Butter and Eggs.
KoSHANE & SCHROEDER , the oldest B. and K.
house In Nebraska eatablifihod 1876 Omaha.
MU3. A. RYAN ,
outhwesb corner 16thand Dodge.
Best Board for the Money.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Meala at all Hours.
Board by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms for Cash.
Fumlahnd TUmmB Supplied.
Carriage * and Road Wagon * .
WM 8NYUEU , 14th and Harnoy Streets.
jewa era.
JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnham Street.
H. BERTHOLI ) , Raw and MeUl.
Lumber , Lime and Oement.
FOSTER & OR AY comer bth and Douglas 8t > .
Lamps and Glassware.
J. BONNER 1309 Douglas St. Good Variety.
Merchant Tailors.
One of our most popular Merchant Tailors la re-
echini ; the lattbt designs for Spring and Summer
Goods ( or gentlemen's wear. Stylish , durable ,
and prices law an over 21513th bet. Uomr.&Karn.
MRS. C. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan
cy Goods in great \nrlcty , Zephyrs , Card Boards ,
Hosiery , Gloiun , Corsets , &c. Cheapest House In
the Wcbt. Purchasers tao 30 per cent. Order
by Mail. IIS Fifteenth Street.
JOHN WEARNE & SONS , cor. 14th& Ja < kBon te
Hour and Feed.
OUAHACITY MILLS , Hth and Farnham Sta. ,
. , prupriotars.
Z. STEVENS , 21 et between Cumin ? and Irar
T. A. McMHANE , Corn. 23d and Cumlng Htreots.
Hard wale , Iron and Steel.
OLAN & LANOWORTUY , Wholesale. 110 an ( "
112 16th street
/ HOLMES corner Iftth and fallfornl *
Harness. Saadles , &c.
B. WE1ST 20 18th St. bet Farn. & Karney.
ANF1ELD HOUSE , Coo. CanQeld.Oth tt Farnham
DORAN HOUSE , P. H. Cary , 913 Farnham 8t.
SLAVEN'S HOTKL. F. Slaxcn , 10th St.
Southern Hotel , Ous. llamel Vth < fel.eaimorth !
L Clothing Bought ,
0 .nnAVr'.wlll juy highest Cath price for second
hand clothlni' . Corner 10th and Farnham.
DR. PAUL , Williams' Block , Cor. 16th & Dodge.
Drug * , , Paints and Oils.
Pharmacists , Flno v-ano foods , Cor. 16th ind
Iouzl ttrecU ,
W. J. WHITEHOUf K , Wholcalo & Retail , 16th at.
1.0. FIELD , 2022 North Slrlo Cumlng Street.
. PARR , Druggist , 10th and Howard Streets.
Dry Good * Notions , Etc ,
New York Dry Oooda Store , 1310 and 1312 F rn-
him struct.
L. 0. Knewold nlwi boots and nhocs 7th & Pacific.
A F. OROSS , Now and Second Hand Furniture
od Stoics , 1114 Doufflu. Ulghcct cash price
aid for second hand uooui.
BONNER 1309 DourJa et. Flna oed , &c.
Pawnbroker * .
nOHENFELD. 10th Ht. . hat , fir. Ir H r
Fence Work * .
OUST , FRIES & CO. , 1213 lUrnoy St. , Improve'
ed Ice Boxes , Iron and Wood Fence * , Office
lulling * , Counters of 1'iiie and Walnut.
k .
A. Dfiniuhuo , planU , cut flowcu , iml > , boqneta
etc. N , W. cor. ifith ant DoucUs ntrccU.
Civil Engineer * nnd Qurveyor * ,
ANDREW R03KWATKU , Crdghton Rlock ,
Town Surtc } * , Qmdoand Sowcn > io Sjstomi a
JOHN O. WitL13U14 Doilgo Street.
D B. 11KKMKR. Kor d < tails see Urge iwlvortl o.
ment In Pallv and Weekly ,
Tobacco ,
WEST A FRtTSCDEIl. niftmifftctuTcrs of CiB ni ,
and > Vholc < e\lo De.Meni in To' cco' , 13051 > ouilai ,
W. V. LOREN2KN mamifictnror 61410th Httvl.
Cornice Works ,
Cornice Works , Manufacturers Iron
Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate Koofllng. Onlera
Irom any locality promptly oxrc < itt\l In the best
manner. Factory and Oflico 121S Harnoy SU
Galtanlrrxl Iron Cornices. Window Cap * , etc. ,
manufactured nnd put up In any ivm ot the
country. T. HINlldLl ) 410 Thirteenth tttctt
Orockor > ' ,
J. I10NNF.R 1300 Douzlis etrcct. Good line.
Clothing and f-uritlshtiiR Good * .
OKO. II. VEFEIISON. Al3a Hats , Cap * , Poets ,
Show , Notions rvnd Cutlery , SOI S. 10th street.
Refrigerator * , Cnnflold'o Pntent.
0. F. GOODMAN llth SU bet. F n. A Harne > .
Show Oasn Manufactory.l
ManutaRtutrrnnd Dealer In all kinds of Show
Cases , Upright Canes , A ' . , 1317 Cau St.
ntANK L. ar.KHAIlD , proprietor Omaha
Show Case inanutactnry , 818 South 16th struct ,
betuitn Ixvucnuorth and Uarcy. AH goodn
warranted llrst-clain.
Gloves ana Tinware.
Dealer In Stoves and Tinnnrn , nnd Manufacturer
of Tin llooh nnd all kinds of Building Work ,
Odd Fclloua' Block.
J. 13K UoujlasOt , Good and Chmp
J. EVANS , Wholcwilo and Retail Seed Drills and
Cultl > atora , Oddfellows Hall.
Physician * an1 Surgeons ,
W , S. GinilS , M. D. , Hoom No 4 , Crclghton
Block , 16th Street.
P. S. LEISUNIUNG , M. D. Mauonlo Block.
C. L. HART , M. U. , Eye and Ear , opp. postottUo
DR. I. . B. ORADDY ,
Oculist and Aurlst. S , W 16th nnd Farnham St *
Grand Centra ) Gallery ,
212 Sixteenth Rtrcct.
near Masonic Hall. First-class Work and Prompt <
iiesH guarantocp
Plumbing , das and Steam Fitting ,
P. W. TARPY & CO. . 210 12th St. , bet. Fnrnham
and Douglas. Worn promptly attended to.
D. FITZPATRICK. 1409 Douglas Street.
Painting an aper nnglng.
1KNRY A. KOSTERS. 141 Dodge Street.
Ehoo Utores.
Phillip Lang , 1320 Famham st. bet 13th & 14th.
Gocond Hand Otoro.
PERKINS & LKAR , 1410 Douglas St. . New and
Second Hand Furniture. House Furnishing Goods ,
&c. , bourhtand sold on narrow marrlns.
In the new hrick block on Donah's Street , has
just opened a most elegant DeoJ Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
c\ cry day.
" Caledonm " J FAtCONEK. 079 16th Street.
CIIA3. RIEWK , 101B Farnham bet. 10th & lltd.
00 Cent Stores.
P. C BACKUB. 1205 Fartiliam St. . F ncv Gnoiln
A Sure Cure Found at Last !
No Quo Noocl Suffer !
A sure cure for Blind , Bleeding , Itching and
Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Wil
liam , ( an Indian remedy , ) called Dr. William's
Indian Ointment. A fclngla box has cured the
worst chronic caeca of 25 or 30 } can standing. No
one need suffer the. minutes alter applying this
wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions , instru
ments and electuaries do nioro harm than good ,
William's Ointment absorbs the tumors , alia ) 8
the -ntcnsc itching , ( partlculaaly at night after
getting warin.'n bod.acts OMa.poultice , gives in-
utnnt and painless relief , and isprcparcd only for
Piles. Itching of the pri > ate parts , and for noth
ing else.
Read whnt the Hon J. M. Cefllnberry of Cleveland -
land saya about Dr. William's Indian Pile Oint
ment : I hare tiscd scores of Piles euros , and It
allo rds me pleasure to say that I have never found
anj thing ivnlcli gave such Immediate and perma
nent relief ns Dr. WIMam's Indian Ointment
For sale by all druggists or mailed on receipt of
price , 51.00.
HENRY & CO. . Prop'rs. ,
For sale by C. F. Goodman.OctlOdeod&w
OctlOdeod&w cowly
To Nervous Sufferers
Dr. J. B' . Simpson's Specific
It le a postl\e ] cure for Spcrmatoirhea , Eomlna
SVookness , IrapoUncy , nnd nil diseases resulting
from Self-Abuse , as Mental Anxiety , Leas *
Memory , Pallia In the Back or Side , and diseases
' lead to
Insanity and
early gra\
o hpeclllc
Medicine Is
beiii ( ; used
with wonder'
( Ut GULCC33.
sent free to all. Write fur tncrn and get full par
ticulars ,
Price , HpeclDc , 31.00 per package , or six pack.
tgca for t5.00. AddreHu all ortlcrs to
Nos. 101 and 100 Main St. Buffalo , N. Y.
Sold In Omaha by 0. F. Goodman , J. W. Bell ,
J. 1C Ian , and all drugglsttovorywhcrc.
ILEE & CO. .
Sole Manufacturers. OM A.HA.
217 and 219 North Main St. , St. Louis ,
Printers Stock.
CTCnah paid for Rags and Paper Stock , Sera
Iron and Metal * .
Paper Stock Warehouse * 1S20 to 1287. North
Prof , W , J , Anfler's Select Danc
ing Academy ,
A. Hoipe , Jr. Hall , 1610 Dodge 8t.
Class for gentlemen commencing Tuesday oven *
Ing , Oct. 4 , Class for ladles commencing Thurs
day e\enlng , Oct. 0. Tcnus liberal. Tim caa
method * 1 have ( or teadilng the Waltz , Oltds ,
to. , I can guarantee perfect satisfaction o
ncholaro. For terms , &r. , call at A. Hoi no , Jr. ,
or address 1119 Capitol At o. glTdlui
How the Big BnRd Mnnnrjo to Spend
Their Mottoy.
New York Sjn
If the rich pconlo of Eiiglmttl aliouhl
sou lit h bring down their domestic
oxpoitdititrus to Ihixt uaiml among
families of similar means hero , tlioy
would very soon bo nblo not mort-ly
to recoup thomsulvca for the losses of
sovcrnl bad harvests , but to snvo vast
Bums of inonoy. In our Inrgo
cast urn cttica family moil with
nnj thing under $25.000
spoiitl moro trcoly tlmn Kiiglishtncn
> vith the sumo incinno ; but , iw rcgnrda
thoan with iiicouiL's over that amount ,
it is tuito ] another matter. With
Mac-xulay , buforo proceeding to InUin ,
consulted SyJnoy Smith's oxpurienoed
brother , the famous "Robus , " us to
expenses at Calcutta , ho was told that
ho could not bo comfortable under
8,000 a year , and ho could not possi
bly Rot through with .L'5,000.
This is in n mouauro true of the
United States. It might bo safely
assorted that in the whole of this
country thcro are not five person * , il
ai many , who spend on their cstab
lishments $100,000. A careful oali
mate , nintlo a year or two a } o by per
noun eminently qualified to make it ,
brought puch expenditure up to ? flr , <
000. It included a town house , i
yacht , a villa at Newport , and a coun
tiy scat.
What runs away with incomes of
from § 50,000 to § 250,000 , in England
is the hooping of country seats ,
hounds , hospitality , and game pro'
serves. At LJrumlantig e.istle , for instance -
stance , ono of its owner's ton resi
donees , there are eight miles of grass
( 'rivo kept in order ; at Gridjjo , moro
than forty. Add to this acres of gar
den and grass , and the expenses of
park-keepers' ' and game keepers , am :
it is easy to BOO where the money goea ,
If there is a hunting establishment or
the liberal sc.ilo at least $20,000 a year
must , bo added.
Agnin , while the hospitality of the
average well-to do American favora
bly compares with that of an English
man of similar moans , that of the
broad-acred Englishman is immensely
greater than that of the American
millionaire. The latter ives some
dinner parties , and perhaps an annual
ball , and keeps a dozen servants. The
Englishman , on the ether hand , bo
aides constantly untortainint ; it :
town , often sits down to dinner
for weeks at a time with twenty
guests , staying with their servants in
his country house , and feeds from fif
ty to sixty every day in his servants'
hall , with as much beef and beer as
tlipy please to consume. More than
this , lie at times ontortaina whole
schools and parishes , besides giving
away hundreds of pounds in the shape
of beef and blankets at Christmas. Ho
subscribes , too , to ovcry public chan
ty in the county ; sometimes in two cr
thrco counties.
Merely to take n single ejiainp
there is Lord Derby , with ten
men servants in his house , and
about forty moro doiiK'stic'j feed
ing at his board. Supposing tomorrow
row ho and his wife should agrco to
struggle along on § 100,000 a year , ho
could save at least § 100,000 a year ;
while were the Dukes of Westminster ,
Devonshire and Bedford to do like
wise , their savings would bo still
greater. Supposing Lord Derby to
save at this rate , what an arch-mil
lionaire ho would becotno.
Twenty years ago there died
queer old bachelor , Lord Digby , who
owned Raleigh's ill-fated homo of
Sherborno casHo. Ho was a most
liberal landlord , but did not care to
spend more than some $35,000 a year ,
and let his money go a rolling up , in
vesting it all in the 3 per cents.
His income was not a fourth
of Lord Derby's , but ho loft in the
funds $4,500,000. Aa a rule , a poor
leaves comparatively little behind
him ; $1,000,000 would bo regarded as
an unusually large auin for a nun
with ? 400,000 a year to have , and
there is bub one case on record that
of Lord Dysart , an eccentric recluse
of a peer leaving over $7,500,000
On very largo properties the surplus
income is chiefly expended in very
costly improvements. Thus the Duke
of Devonshire 1ms built Eastbourne
and much of Duxton. The Duke of
Ducclouch has expended thousands at
Granton , and both have put vast sums
into enterprises connected with Bar-
row-1'unless. ' About § 10,000,000 of
Lord Bute's has gone into docks at
Cardill' . The late Lord Westminster
built and rebuilt probably not
loss than the 100,000 hous'es in Lou-
don , and Northumberland and Sontli-
erland reflect on all sides the gonor-
otts expenditure of the dukes of their
name , while beautiful churches , com
modious schools and handsome homesteads -
steads 8ion ) inform the traveler in
Wiltshire and Bedfordshire that he is
on the broad domain of the Earl of
1'einbr'oko or Duke of Bedford. Hud
the vnat sum thus spent been mainly
put into stocks , or bor.dn and mort
gages , the present holder * of the
kudu might have been richer men ,
but the country would have boon , in
many respects ; the loser , and it would
bo a widely dilleront looking region
from what it is to-day.
An Accession to the Family.
"Well , well , well , " said Mr. Spoop-
ondyko , with a grin that involved his
whole head , and an oll'ort at a tip too
tread that shook the whole house.
"And so it's a girl , my dear. "
Mrs. Hpoopondyko Ntniled faintly
ami Mr. Spookendyko picked up his
"It's the imago of you , " she said ,
regarding with some trepidation Mr.
Spoftpomlyk'j's method of handling the
"I don't sco how ypu make that
out , " said Mr. Spoopendyko gravely ,
lkl don't ' know when my nose looked
like the thumb part of a boiled lob-
itor claw. Do 1 understand you that
my eyes bear any resemblance to the
licitd of a ecrow/1 /
"I mean the goaoral features , " mur-
inwred Mrs. Spoopendyko.
"Tho general features Bcein tp ho
ill mouth , " retorted Mr , Spoopon-
lyko , examining his acquisition. "Jf
stir general features are nt all alike
my visage must remind you of an
Earthquake. ' Hi 1 kitchoo ! kitehoo !
NVhat makes her fold up her Icga like
that ? "
"She can't help it , " roasondd Mrs.
jpoopkendyko. They'll straighten
nit in time. "
"No.timo like the present , " quoted
Mr. Spoopondylvo , and ho took his
daughter's feet nnd commenced pulling
her limbs , 3 don't want tiny bandy-
logged first in this family while I am
nt the head of it , "
Naturally the baby began to cry and
Mr. Spoopendyko essayed to soothe it.
"Hi ! kitchoo ! kitchcolkitch-eo-uol"
ho chiftupod. " ( Jreat Scott , what n
cavurnl Any ido.i how much this
mouth weighs ? Hi ? kitchool kitch-o-o'
You'll hnvo to get that mouth roofed
in before cold weather. What's the
matter with her , ntiyway1 ?
" 1'erhaps yon hurt her. Let mo
tnko her , ploaaoj" pleaded helpless
Mrs. Spoopondyko.
Slto'stloing well enough. Ilil you'
Hold up ? llavon't you anything to
catch this mouth in ! It's spilling allover
ever the neighborhood. Hi ! ' Topsy ,
Olcncvievo , Cloop.itra , dry up ! I'm
jjoi K to hnvo trouble breaking this
young UUO'B tompur , T cnn see tint.
Here ! bend the ether wny oncol" and
Mr. Spoopondyko tried to straighten
up his oflspring without avail. ,
"Lot her como to me , do , please , "
moaned Mrs. Spoopondyko , and Mr.
Spoopondyko was forced to hand lu r
ovor."Well , that's qulto a baby , " said IIP ,
nursing his knee nnd eyeing the in
fant. "What'ro bumps ever tta
eyes for ? What preponderance of in
telligence do they represent ? "
" ' ' " romontitratoi'
1'ott musn'ttalk HO ,
Mrs. Spoopondyko. "She's tin
handsomest child you ever saw. "
' . 'Woll ' , sho'ii got to slop biting ho
nails before aho goes any further wttl
this procession. Hero , take you :
hands out of your mouth , can't you
Why don't you put her hands down ? '
"Why , all babies do that , " ux
plained Mrs. Spoopendyko. "You
c.ut't stop that. "
"I'm going to try , " said Mr. Spoo
uondyko , "and I don't ' want to bo in-
ti-rferod with in bringing thischild up.
Hero , put your hands in your pock
ets ! Don't let mo BOO nny moro nail
chewing or you and I'll ' get mixed ii [
in an argument. She gets that from
your family , Mrs. Spoodondyko. "
"Say , dear , don't you want to go
and order some things ? " asked Mrs.
" " husband "I
"No , rejoined her ,
want to see this youngster. Whoro's
her chin ? Do babies always h-K-O ,
their upper jaw set right on their
uhoulders ? Kituhco ! kitchoo ! Her
scalp comes clear to the bridge of her
noso. I don't bcliovo she's quite rii ht.
Whoro's her forehead ? Great MOSCH !
Her head is all on the back part ! Say ,
that baby'a got to bo pressed. That's
no shape. "
"Getaway , " exclaimed Mrs. Spoop-
cndyko indignantly. "She's apoifoct
angel. There's nothing in the world
the matter with her. "
"Of know " .
course you , growled Mr.
Snoopcndykc. "You don't want tiny-
thinu morotthnn n fog horn and a mis-
spout appropriation to bo an orulian
asylum. If I had your faith and the
colic I'd make a living as a foundling's
home ! Sho'll bo old'enough to spank
in a week , won't she ? "
"No , she won't ! " said Mrs. Spoop
endyko. "Sho'll ' never bo old enough
for that. "
"I'll bet Bhe will , " grunted Mr.
Spoopondykc , "if she isn't , she'll ot
it before she matures uo to that per
iod. That's all. Lot mo take her.
Here , Ipt's have her. "
But Mrs. Spoopondyko flatly re
"Keepyour dod gastod baby , then ! "
roared Mr. Spoopondyko. fit you
know more about babies than I do ,
then keep her. The way you coddle
her ono would think she was a new
paste for the complexion. If you had
ono moro brain and a handle , you'd
make a fair rattle box ! Fit you up
ith a broken sofa and a grcaso spot
and you'd do for a second-hand nurse
ry. "
And Mr. Spoopondyko started off
ts find his friend Specklowottle , who
congratulated him , and started off
with him to assist in the selection of
an oyorcoat nnd a pair of mud's as
precautionary against the approaching
She Refuses to Allow Her Husband
to Enter Her Room-
Little llock Gazette.
The other night a younp man from
Northern Arkansas and n young lady
from the southern part of the state ,
met at a hotel in this city and were
married. After the ceremony the
young man wont out and sat in front
of the hotel while his wife wont up to
the room assigned as the bridal cham
"This thing of gottin * married is a
lifetime business , " ho said , adrir sing
a nfnii who had just buen dVV'rccd
from his wife. "I reckon you have
found it BO , " ho added , turning to a
single man. "Wall , I reckon I'll go
up. Dinged if I don't sorter hate to
go up thar , too. But 1 never wau
atourod of a manan' 1 don't see why I
ahould bo afeercd of a woman. "
Ho went up and nipped at the door.
"Who'a there ? " demanded the girl.
" ' "
"It'a mo.
/'Who's mo. "
"Don't yon recognize my talk ,
honey ? "
"No , I don't. "
"It's j'our own wide awnko and
livin' husband. Lot mo in. "
"Cioaway from that door ; you shan't '
como in hero , I ain't got acquainted
with you yut. "
"Say , Jet mo in. Them follcrs
down stairs air laughin' at mo. 'Open '
the door , fur I'm ak-opy , " and ho
yawned like n man waiting for a night
"Thought you said that you were
wuht awake ? "
"I was a while ago , but I'm power
ful sloupy now. Buy , ain't you'uoin'
to open this door ? " '
"No , I nfn'ti" ' '
"Why did you mnrry mo ? "
' "Cause I waiitod to , " >
"Wall don't lot in "
, why you mo ?
' "Cause I don't want to. "
"All right , oldigal , I'll ' shell out fur
homo and leave you to pay the hotel
bill. I never scud the woman that
could pull the wool over my oyea. "
The hitch clicked , nnd the door
opened. The hotel bill had frighten
ed her. "It won't do for a woman to
buck ngin mo. tommy toll you , fur I
was raised at the cross-roads an' wont
to mill early. "
Bradford. Pa.
Thos. Kltchan , liiuilfonl , I'n , , wrltem
"I endow inonuy fur Ki'WNU UUMHOM , uu
I Huiil I would U it cured mo. My ( ly [ > epa -
< ! a Imu vaulHliod , with all itn uynmtumu ,
Many thanks ; I uhiill never ho without. It
In the JIOUHU. " I'rlce 50 cents , trial bottles
tles 10 cenU 17codlw
An Arlmnnn-w Traveler.
There is a member of the Arkansas
judiciary in the city who CAIIIO tip to
sco the sights , nnd yesterday morning
ho thought ho had paid at the rate
of $100 n siaht , for when ho woke Up
his pockot-bock wns minus 8'2,000
Rood cash. Ho wns very sleepy thuu ,
hut ho did not wait to take another
imp before ho had his clothes on and
was on the hunt ; for a policeman , do-
tcctiyu or anything who would assist
him in getting that money back.
The story ot the judge's visit and experience -
porionco as picked tin by the Repub
lican reporter yesterday is rather in
tlo cnmo to the city Thursday
norning and registered at a lirat-clas *
hotel. Din-im ; the day ho met a con
genial spirit in the person of an old-
time ncquaintattco who is well known
in St. Louis politics as a gcntlcnvm
and a scholar. Thin gentleman inti o-
duccd the Arkansas gentleman to an
other friend in the norson of a well
known journalist of this city , nnd the
three proceeded to lake iit the toWi
by daylight. Hut thai ,
So the three concluded to take it in
by gas nnd electric light. The jud-
tuld his two St. Louis friends that ho
had moro money than ho could spend
HO ho would leave all but enough to
have a good time at the hotel. After
taking in several theatres , numerous
saloons and a few of the gilded
aces , the party lauded in Ichor's
theatre on St. Charles street.
An hour Avns spent ( hero. Sovora
bottles of vine were paid for. The
fascinating actresses were treated and
all wont merry. But the Arkansas
gentleman wns not used to wine , and
ho could find no whisky that hnd the
effect of the article ho was used to in
Littio llock. The consequence wan
ho was soon very tired. A hack was
telegraphed for , and on its arrival the
Little ilock man got into it and went
to Bleep. His two friends were not
half-full oven and they remained in
the , saloon awhile. When they wont
out to got in the carriage the Little
Itock man
HUllKNI.Y | ) JUMl'lil ) OUT
And in an excited tone remarked to
the newspaper man of the party ,
"You've ' insulted my daughter , sail , "
and with that hit out with his right
and dealt his friend a terrible blow in
the vicinity of the optic. As quick as
a Hash the newspaper man , who know
ho had never seen the Judge's daugh
ter , and did not even know ho hod
ono , di'ow ' a knife and would have
nrndo miiico moat of the judge had
neb Con'Eshcr and the political ! stop
ped him. Even then it was hard to
keen the nowonragcdnows-papor man
back. Again the judge made an ef
fort to hit his now friend , and put
ting his hand in his hip pocket said ,
"I'll shoot him' ho insulted my daugh
ter. " Then it was that the noun-
paper man saw what was the matter.
An dibit was made to got the judge
to apologize but ho wns too far gone.
Ho was driven to the hotel. His St.
Louis friends wont to their homes
and then the matter rested.
At six o'clock , as stated ,
The servicea of Sorgt. Boyd w
secured , lie hoard the story nnd
wont to Esher's , woke up Con and
told the story. Con know nothing of
the JOBS of { ho money , but ho would
order strict search made. Uo know ,
though , the man had no money , for
one of the party with him , the polit
ical ) , said he saw him count out $2,700
and leave it at the hotel ; that ho
only kept out § 50 , . and already ho hat'
j.spont $40 of that. So ho could not
have had much monoy.
fho judge rushed around the hotel
in a very excited manner nnd declared
that he had boon robbed of 2,000 ,
and the clerk declared that ho hnd
'not ' boon robbed thoro. Afterwards
the judge apologized for his conduct ,
said that ho believed ho hadn't been
robbed nnd hoped the clerk would see
that the affair didn't get into the news
papers. The police will not say what
they know about the matter , 'but it
was learned on good authority that
two or thrco of them are on the hunt
for $2,000 which the Arkansas judge
is supposed to have dropped some
where , the story of the recovery of the
money being given out o avoid any
noise or publicity in the caso.
Too much cannot bo said of the
ever faithful wife and mother , con
stnntly watching and caring for her
dear ones , never neglecting a single
duty in their behalf. When they are
assailed by disease , and the system
should have a thorough cleansing , the
stomach and bowels regulated , blood
putiliod , malarial poison ex terminated ,
she must know that Electric Bitters
are the only sure remedy. They ar
the best and purest niodicino in the
world , and only cost fiity cents. Sold
hjvJsh * McMnhon. (2) ( )
lor Sewer BoudB <
Scaled jirupoimlH uill bo received until
October 20th , 1881 , nt 12 , noon , by tlio
City Clerk of Oinulm , county of Doti'IaH. (
SUtu nf Nebr.iBltiv , and will , at that hour ,
bo opened fur tltu jimuliuho of $50,000.00
of the issiio of § 100,000.00 of Sewer
1'oncls , First ib'ciicH , of tliu City of Omalm ,
Saul Ixmdrt uro tinted Buptcinhcr Jut , 1881 ,
nro in mnn.i ot $ ] ,000.00 each , bear inleretit
fioin their ( into at the rate nf nix per CUM-
turn per uniiuin , imyiblu aL the tiiiicu nf
Jvnuutie Jjroa. , ( Now York , neni-anmmly | ! ,
upon COUIICIUH attached ; wild bondn are
isHiied under tlio Chatter ttower of wild
city after election duly held aiilhuri/.inx
their isiiio.fur the completion of Hcwcn *
partly constructed , anil for tlio coimtruc-
tion of ncMltlmml Sewer * . Tlio $50.000,00
now uircmJ'nro ' tlio fimt sold of raid lioiuK
Jiid.i will bo nddrcHsed to the UiitlvruiunuU ,
mid mint state th'j fnll'nnmo anil nddreiH
of tliu lilddi-r , the amount of mild lionils
dc-dral , HIII ) tliu pricu proposed to bo paid.
The rigiit in n orywl tn reluct anv ami
all bid * . J. J. L. 0. JEWKTT ,
hept2'J-.TOt. City Clerk.
SUto of Kotiraika , Uounlaf County en :
At a County Court , licM at the County Court
llooiu , In tnd far iaM County , rfvpt. ,
A. 1 > , 1HS1. I'tcnuit , A. M. UIlAmVICK ,
County Judi'e. ,
In the mutter ol tlio udoptlori of Jcnnlnlt' oir >
On reading and filing the petition ol
nnU Well Carey , praying that they iimv u tn'Xow
cil to adopt said Jonnlu lt > an , arid ( ! , < . ix't'
anil htati incut of Henry nix ! hltn ) ! > uri , i-i
of ai | | child that Hald Augtivtui anil Doll Cun-y
may l j jiermltud no to do aii'loluntarlly rclhi-
iiuielilnt , ' all claim to Hald child
Or.lcroil , That October 'iiin.l , A. D. 1681 , nt
10 o'clock a , in. , to lunlj/ntxl forliCBrlnk' ililjictl-
lion , when all pemonii Intircstul In Bald nmttor
may * ] > ) > var at a County Court to tiu held , In and
far &ilil County , anil nhow cau why the prayer
uf ( letltloncr tliould not he ( 'ranttd , and that no-
ttioof punUonuy of b ! d polltlon anil the hearing
thvroof , l > u K\\un \ to all jn'ruom Interoetod In > ald
nutter , by puljllohliiK a ropy of thin ordcrhi Tint
KHKLV llitx , neut | iapurprlnM In wilJ
C-'ouuty , for thrco ouccowltu wutkn , prior to talil
l y of hmrlnif , A. M. C11AIWJCK ) ,
ee4w9 ( County Juil o *
i i
U It Hi !
1ST GE. . -A. "V 1 G-
While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower
than all others.
S TA - T B
I received all of the SIX FIR T PREMIUMS
offered for Oompetition in our line
Over All Competitors.
For the Best Watch Work ,
For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. )
. l ( For the Best Engraving , ,
For the Best Diamonds ( own importation )
_ _ - _ _ _ . _ _
Having lately enlarged my workshops and putting in now nd improved ma
cliiuory , I hope to BtiLfeinorp improve the quality and finish of our
ork nnd fill orders with moro promptness than is usual.
My Motto has always boon and always will l > o : "First to gain superior facill
tics and then auvortiso the fact not before no wild advortminnonts.
Some unprincipled dealers being in the habit of copying my
announcements , I would beg you , the reader of this , to
dnuv a line between such copied advertisements
and these of Yours very truly , *
The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. ,
Sign of the Striking Town Clock.
Is Once More Called to the Fact that
Rank foremost in the West in Asso rtment and
Prices of
Furnishing Goods
Hats and Caps. ,
Wo are prepared to moot the demands of the trade in regard to Latest Styles'
and Patterns. Pine Merchant Tailoring in Connection ' ' '
M. HELLMAN & CO , , :
1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th St.
Max MEYER & CO. ,
Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25c , per dpzen upwards. . . , ' „ 11
Cigars from $16,00 per l/JOOjipwards , , - .