Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1881, Image 6

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locorfl of a Day's ' Doings in
Iowa's Western Metropolis ,
The Irishmen Hold an Indigna
tion Meeting ,
Cent of Bloomer School nnd Other
The indigimtion mooting of the
Irish citizens of this city , called on
account of the nrrcat of PnnioU nnd
others ncross tlio water , waa organized
with Mayor Vaughan aa president , J.
3Cassady , J. A. Churchill , Marshall
Parley nnd Jnnios Franoy vico-prcsi-
'ifouts. Miyor Vauglmn on taking
Ilia clmir made n very eloquent nnd
'cficclivo speech. Ho stated the ob-
noct for which the meeting had been
.flailed. Ho accused Mr. Gladstone of
iuiprJBtnuii'r , without cause , Hon.
Stewart Parncll and others
dcfunders of the cause of Ireland and
Irish farmers. Ho alluded ( o the nur-
10W coJl iu which the great patriot
Parncllras at llmt moment incarcor-
ntod. Ifa clhimcd that those npita.
tora haflJcoinmUtcd , y U * no ciimo against
the Ewglwl&ngovornmont. Ho npoko
of'tho boant nfjAtncrica regarding the
rights of the pyisi and the freedom f
Bpeuch , "and coifckJod with the fol
lowing peroration < 'There can bo no
wonder that cur people arc aroused
Irom the Atlantic to the Pncilic over
this inhuman nnd cowardly act of the
English government' , Lot this meet
ing express its contempt for such un
merited oppression.1 .A > dominiUro
of five was appointed 'to > dnift appropriate - '
priato resolutions. * The committuo
waa composed of the following loading
citizens : Colonel Jbhil H. Kuntly ,
J. W. Chapman , Judge ( J. R. Ruia ,
M. G. Grillin and M. Ko tiiiff. Those
of the committee who were present re
tired , The following opistlu from
Hon. D. C. Bloomer wns rend :
COUNCIL BLUFFS , October 18-M.
G. Grifiin , Esq. : Beinj ; compelled to
Jeavo the city this morning , I very
much regret that I shall bu unable to
attend the meeting called for this eve
ning to sj'inpnthizo w ith the opprussod )
people of Ireland.
Very truly ,
The following telegram was then
read :
DAVENPORT , Iowa , October 18 1
nm with you heart and Koul. Lot us
all plcdgo ourselves never' to relax.
Down with tyranny , forward the land
tl ;
leagues ; remember Parnell , tltc
tc :
M. V. GANNON , tcT
President State .
League. tl
This was followed by the loading of tlC
ono from Hon. P. A. Collins , prosi- tli
dnnt of the land league of the United
States , which contained the following tli
words :
BOSTON , OctoborlS. ToM. G. Grif tli
fin : Mankind cries shame on n so-
callnd liberal government in the nine tli
teenth century whoso only argument 81
is the prfaon or n blow. Lot us unite 81Si
more closely. Liberty knows no fail Si
ure. P. A. COLLINS , Siw
President U. 8. Land League. w
Rot. J. G. Lemon was called f6r Si
and addressed the mooting. Ho ac of
cused the of
English government ai
originally wrongfully getting pos'scs- aiut
Bioli of the lands in Ireland ; that tho' utFi
people there were simply contending Fi
for what in law and
justice belonged nr
to them. In a very eloquent nmimr tli
ho spoke of the stand taken ro
by the "xVmorican " Irishmen reP
during our rebellion , and PBll
compared it with .the piratical cc :
course pursued by English govern of >
ment. Ho said that where the wauso fu
of liberty was assailed America would i
resent it ; wherever the liberties of the til
prom or of speech was denied Amoiica III
would bo found protesting loudly IIIhi
against the outrage. Mr. Lemon was hiC
interrupted frequently by the plaud C
its of the vast throng that packed the
John H. Keatloy was called upon
at the conclusion of Mr , Lemon's re :
marks , and the old American patriot
and gallant Holdier made the theater
ring as in eloquent and chosen words
ho apoko of the wrongs that had been
heaped upon the Irish race for the
past 400 yoars. Ho believed that
train behind the dark clouds that were
at present shutting out the light of
day from the lovers of liberty in Ire
land be could discover a silver lining ,
and that the Emerald lalo had a
bright and promising future before
The following resolutions were then
presented by the chairman of the
committee appointed to draft thorn :
Whereon , The painful intelligence
has Hashed across the ocean that
Charles Stewart Purnoll , the eloquent ,
unselfish nnd devoted louder of the $
Irish people , the bravo and beloved
champion of the rights and liberties
of his native land , has boon arbitrari
ly and unjustly arrested aud consign
ed to a dungeon by nil order of the
British cabinet , and
Whereas , Tlio spirit , dignity aud
eanctity of representative government $
everywhere luw been msailod , insulted
and menaced in his parson , as n mem
ber of the British parliament , for no
other oflbnso than that , in obedience
to the aspirations of his country , ho
Bought the restoration of the true $
ownership of her soil nnd that legisla
tive independence which former S.
treachery had bartered for British in-
iluonco and gold ; therefore ,
' Resolved. By this mass mooting of
American citizens , composed of people -
plo of every nationality , disregarding
differences of creed and rank , that wo
most heartily and earnestly extend to
him our. sympathy iu his present in
carceration , as the representative of n
great and noble cause , and to his
bravo compatriots in their heroic en
deavor to make Ireland the free and
prosperous homo of millions who are
attached to its soil as a birthplace ,
nnd who love its glorious traditionu
and history as a birthright ,
Resolved , That while wo truly and
liomstly reciprocate every step taken
by the British government and poo-
pie to eradicate all fooling of hostility
which has hitherto alienated the two
grout Englifth-spenHng peoples of the
world , wo nlso mo-jt emphatically deplore -
ploro nnd condoinn power , no
matter by whom exercised , which de
prives the people t > f Ireland of llnno
righU which God and nature inlondcd
and which nro in nil acr.cs , nnd under
nil circumstances , the common herit
age of nil mankind.
Resolved , That in out opinion , free
dom and trawiuility will never bo the
good fortune of Ireland , and of the
Irish people at homo , until the hum
ble tiller of the soil is secure for all
time to come , against the alien nnd
nbsontco landlord , and the principles
of our own doclnr.ition of independ
ence are rccognized by the British
government in an Irish parliament to
legislate for Irish interests , and wo
hereby extend our sympathy to the
struggling people , in the hope
the cloud nnd gloom which overhang
that beautiful nnd fertile island may
soon break away in n "sunburst" of
liberty and prosperity.
The resolutions were adopted amid
cheers , after which Col. D. B. Dailoy
wjw called for. No man in Council
Blufl * 1m * given the mibject of Ire
land's ' w roiled more study than ho.
Ho reviewed the histoiy of Ireland.
Ho believed that all imprisonmcntn
tlmt Imvo been made , that all blood
have been shod for the cause of Irish
independence nnd freedom , was nee-
cowry. Tlmt no freedom worth hav
ing , had over boon obtiinrd in nny
other way in the history of the world.
Ho claimed tint the present was the
third period in the history of that
liberty loving people ; tlmt patriots
md been compelled to bond the knee
knee to English dungeons. Ho al
luded to thuyujir 1708 , when Theodore
Theobald , W'olfo Tone , O'Connor and
others rose up In behalf of Irish liber
ty , as the first period ; to 1818 , when
Mcaghor , John Mitchell , John O'Ma-
honey nnd others lifted their voices
in the same cause , no the second pe
riod , nnd ho spoke of the present pa
triots , Parnoll , Dillon nnd Davitt , in
gloning terms , eliciting the applause
of the assemblage. Ho had no regret
to oflbr for the arrest of Parnoll nnd
olhori ) . In time it would prove n
great benefit to the cause for which
nil Irishmen nro contending.
Dr. Coolcwiis the next speaker , nnd
in n very touching and feeling man
ner responded. Ho quoted some of
the patriotic utterances of Robert )
Emmet , nud briefly portrayed the sad
scone * ot tlmt noble martyr's arrest ,
Irinl nnd execution.
Brief remarks wcro made by Mar- [
ihal Turloy nnd others , nftor which
M. G. Grillin on behalf of the Council
Ulull'u land league ollorod n resolution
f thanks to the citizens for the largo
tttondanco , and to the speakers for the
earnest and eloquent manner they
ud addressed tlio mooting. This
resolution was adopted , when the
Mooting on motion adjourned.
Quite a gay party assembled nt the ) .
residence of Mrs. Cassady , widow of
ho late S. H. Cassady , on Washini/-
on nvcnuo , about 9 o'clock last
fuesd.iy evening , the occasion being
ho marriage of Mrs. Cassady to John
j. , Flits , n , carpenter and builder of Pi
Inn city who has himself before been fu
nurricd. So the affair did not have to
ha same effect upon their minds as it hehi
Iocs upon those who nro about to put hi
heir foot in for the first time. The
louse was brilliantly illuminated lo
hroughout. The party present was cc :
imall but quite select , including cco
VOss Emma Morgan , Miss Lizzie w
Smith , Miss Lizzie Pain , M-ss Flora , whi
3ruco and Anna Cassady , Mr. Lota- hihe
valsy , , Mr. Brown , Mr. Hollis , Mr. of
Seeker and olhora. Rev. P. T. Webb , cl
if the Episcopalian church officiated , clhi
nd although the services were quito to
it length , they wore very interesting. cc
V.ftcr Mrs. Cassady had become Mrs. ar
ritts , and congratulations went
.round , supper was announced and ca
ho party retired to an ndjoiningi '
'oom , where everything to please the yc
ulaio waa spread before them , con-
iisting of cold lamb , cold chicken , hot
oQce , oyster stew , ice cream , cakes '
f nil kinds nnd descriptions. After
ull justieo had been done to the ro- ( Iu
ml , the company agiin returned to fel
ho spacious parlor nnd enjoyed in of
nusic , sinking , &o. , until the small lib
loura of the night when nil retired
ivishing the 1m , py groom nnd bride a cc
iomfortablo journey through life.
John Dohany should BOO to it that
ho window curtains are drawn nnd
topt BO or. the north side of his opera CJ >
louBo. A short timu since while it
lerformanco waa going on at the thea
ter two of Council Bluffo young ladiim
in attempting to climb up to the win- .
loxv to look in foil back into n coal
box nnd came very near injuring them .
seriously. No ouch temptation should
bo purmittod to remain.
Wo hoar from our ucliool board.
Phcy moot ncc.uiounlly. Wo don't .
licnr iiiuuh said lately ubout the posi
tion of BtipurinlundoHt nnd ahull nut
for no mo time , ns wo umluratund thu )
board olcotod Prof. Fiirtium for the
long toun. lloport of tlio coinilotion ]
of the Bloomur school building wns .
nuido , fihowitiy nmount of contnict ,
$20,890 , ; paid on same , § 24,135. ! ) j '
balance still duo the contractors , '
S2, A bill for other things
and oxtron vtui also reported , amount *
ing to $2U0.29 : ; balance on old con
tract "other "
, thiiKja" nnd ox- is
traa , nmount to § 5,073.57 , mak
ing the total cost of the building ;
$31,903.07. To this must boaddod
the $2,000 town clock nnd the $800
boll , making the cost 834,703.57 , and
this includes the cxponao of cutting
the names of the school board in solid j
granite in the corner stone , but not
$1,324.48 for the architect.
Out motion of M. P. Brewer , dims. '
. Leflerts , of the Nonpareil , was [
olcctod secretary pru torn , of the
school board ,
The now Bloomer school building
cost in round numbers , say 830.-
John Green was elected by the a 01
school board president pro tern. * f °
Thirty-six thousand uoycn hundred I" n
and sixty-throe dollars and fifty-sovon ( u
conta is a good largo sum of money ,
but wo have got u pretty good school
building in its stead.
E. A ( Oonsignory , of Avoca , was in
Council Bluffs yesterday.
Eli Clayton was lingering in the city
still yesterday. Ho thinks Morgan
will make iv representative tlmt the
democracy need not bo uahamod of ,
Ho tikes hiti defeat philosophically ,
nnd says thnt n little more Activity !
the republican cnmp would _ hav
clcctod him by n Imndsonio majorit
in spite of the opposition. '
The Nonpareil is < losirous of takin
n rest. It cnn do so TUB J3r.R won'
disturb it , but will continuo to giv
all the nows.
Morgan says that if the Nom > arei
tnkca n rtst The Glebe will do th
same , and then what will the pcopl
Mrs. Whipplo and her daughter
Mrs. Kilburn. of Oreston , who have
been visiting with the family of J. M
ilogors , returned home last Tunsdn ,
.1. 0. Adams , of the "Avochai
Doltau , " was in Council HlufFs , yes
tordny leaning up ngainst the JNonpa
ricl building catching the inspirations
for his noxk issue.
The barrel business in Counci
Mulls is brisk. Our upper Broadway
cooper , Joseph Hoss. c.m find employment
mont for several additional first-class
Standing "by the way sido" the
other afternoon wo observed a mule
hitched to n telegraph polo in front ol
Justice Abbott's ofllco. It was rain
ing. lie was stuck fast in the mud ,
a pic t nro of despair. Both cars wcro
hanging "by the way side , " shedding
the water that foil gently upon hid
head. Soon John Smidt nrosu nnd
began his address to John Hummer
and the other jurymen in the Glali-
dorn' case. Ho had got to ono of his
eloquent passages , when wo noticed
the mule strucglini : with all his
might. Ho lifted with dilliculty his
right car , while the other wns loft
dangling nnd shedding water as before
Having reached it as near the speaker
ns ho could , ho listened for a while ,
and then bringing it clown again "by
the way side , " exclaimed , "uh , give
us a Test I"
The celebrated glandorcd horse c.iao
was given to the jur > Tuesday , soon
after John Lindthad made his closiiu
remarks. After remaining out nearly
nil night , they came into court and re
turned a verdict in favor of the de
fendant , Mr. Feucrhakoiii Gcorgu
A. . Holmes appeared fortho defendant.
Wo undomand that Judge Reed
jranted Mrs. Motcalf an injunction
restraining Mr. Crery from pounding
ld bailers under her chamber window.
Dolonol John II. Kontly appeared for
Mrs. Motcalf.
D. 0. Bloomer , Captain L
virscht , Ben. Newman and about
iwonty others of the Odd Fellows of
his city have gene to DCS Moines ,
tvhorp the grand ledge are holding u
mooting , commencing yesterday.
Twelve hundred and twenty head
jf cattle were received at the Union
itock yards in Council Bluffs last
I'ucadny , and 1,040 head yesterday.
The 0. , B. & Q. had more freight
n hand yestord.iy than they had cars
.o carry it in.
Tlioro is an immense amount of
roight goii.g and coming on our rail-
oads at this time ot the year.
Ono lone and solitary drunk occu-
ied the calaboose yesterday until ho
urnished bail for his appearance yes-
orday afternoon. This ho' leaped ,
ipwovor , leaving his sureties to settle
its bill.
Sadie Roberts , quito a respectable
ooking "Alley girl , " appeared in
ourt yesterday aud complained to
Dhicf : Field that her solid man who
vorks in the Northwestern yard ,
lad hugged close toher
luart until ho had taken it
iff with all her earthly possessions in-
iluding the brace handle to her water
mckot. She wanted him brought up
the captain's office immodiatoly'and
otnpollcd to disgorge. The officers
ro on the look-out.
The cases against young Rcardon
ommoncod in Justice Frainoy's court
'estorday afternoon.
Palpitation of the t Heart.
< T. M. Might , Syracuse , N. Y. , writes :
'When I firat commenced using your Uur-
look Dlood Hittern I wn'a troubled with
.utteriiiR atnl palpitation of the heart. I
sit weak and lunguid , with a numbness
tlio limbs. Since unhid , my hnrt ] mH
iat troubled mo nnd the numbing Benaa-
ion in all none. " Price , 81 ; itrial oize , 10
cuts. 10-codlw
Gon.Qraut'a liiou Hunt-
Detroit Frco I'rcds.
It has just leaked out that while
3on. Grant was traveling in Asia lie
x pressed a desire to got a shot ut a
ion. Not wishing to expose hin to
langor , the natives secured a stuffed
ion , sot it up in a jungle , nnd then
.ook the illustrious traveler out for u
lunt. When the boast was sighted
.ho General was all oxcitmpnt , and'
Titwling up to a favorable' position ,
je an to blnzo away at the animal
ivith no procoptiblo effect. After firing
ibout twenty shots ho began to got
nnd , and , taking off his coat , ho sot-
.lod down for a regular siego. Fearing
lis wrath when ho discovered the sell ,
he attendants oudoayorod to kill the , tcllinghim that it bore a charmed
ifp , and that ho could not possibly
njuro it. Ho told them to go to
.hunder ; that ho was after bjood , nnd
vas going to have it. After a vain
'usillade of an hour ho rose to his
'oot , gnashing his tooth with rage ,
hruw his suspenders off his shoulders ,
piled up his sleeves , and grabbed , hi *
iilo by the barrel so ho could use it
a club. The attendants again beg
ged him to desist , but ho politely ,
hough forcibly , informed thorn that
10 would liavu that cuss or leave his
lonorod remains strewn promiscuous
all through that jungle ; and with
wild cry of 'Til fight it out on this
'ion if it takes alhiummor | " ho rush-
apou the beast , and with ono well-
liroctod blow laid it ever on its side.
l'ion | ho chased the native attendants
or six miles , but , being better no-
luaintod with the country , they got
way from him in safety.
On the lOliiiUj-ol October , 1881 , at S p. m. .
itK.O. Morgan' * , tor , 181S Puriiham 1 nJ
3ni i Cltir , Doutlw County. NebnuiU , I w | |
icll at imbllo auction pt-noiul proiicrty bulonir.
to thu eiuta oJ A iie J. Jforrow , .locowJ ,
iifludltiif Jewelry , book * crockiry , illicrwau-
lurnlturv , houbiliold tfooJi and other i'roiiort\
Admliilitiutor of Sl J l-jtaie.
RIHVni re i > Accntfr COLUUHU
" *
DIUTULLO. anjorroiiicfcua. a"n
luroac ntttjgji/orCat4lOKU |
aud price llit oontalnlnic lull
N , I , D , SOLOMON ,
Faint * , Oil * and GLu
The leading Scientists ot to-day agree thni
rno tdlsccinrocan < ed by disordered kldncji
orlhcr. II , thcrcloro , the Udno\snnd liver nro
kept In perfect orcltr , perfect lunlth will he the
result. Tills truth hi * only hecn know n a slier
time ixnd for J cars people FuUcrcd utcnt
without hrlnff aljlu to find relief.
of Wanicr'n bnfa Itldiuy and Liver Cure iimks n
i new era in the treatment of tlicnu troubles
Made from a pimple tropical leaf of rnio value. It
contains Jmt the elements nccewiry to nourUh
nnd Invigorate both of thcxo great organs , nn < !
'afcly lutoro and keep them InonUr. ItHn
Potftlve Rrmedy fnr ml the disuses that CIIKO
mint In tlio lover jiart of the l > ml > for Torpid
l.lvcr Ilcailnchcfl Jaumllco MzzlneM Uravol
KocrApio I.lvcr and Urlnnry Or 'ann.
It It an cxcc'lcnt nnd f fo remedy for fc
luring 1'reKinncy. It will control Menstruation
and In Iti'aluaUofor I.eucorrlicm or 1'ull njr ol
Aa a Ulood 1'iirlHcr It Ix uncquiUd , for It cures
lie organs tint make the blood.
Tlil rciucdv ' , which ha < clnno nucli wonder" , I
ncdlcine uiion the market , and I * noli ! hy Drui-
trlsts and all dinlcra at 51.25 per bottfo. For
UhhotuH. cnmilre for WAUNBH'S SAI'B UIA-
IKIES CUllK. It li n 1'OSI 1 1VE Ucmcdy.
H. H. WARNER & CO. , Rochester , N. Y.
JolO _ _
IA. Atiuti.
falling cliro
fur ficmlml
WeakncHit ,
rlica , linpot-
cncj , anil all
follow nfl n
MollAUuae ; AH Losi ol Memory , UnlMraul I.wsi-
tndc , 1'aln In the Hark , Dimness of VMon , Pro
matiira Old Are | , and niauj other Di-cises that
lead t' ) Inunlty or Consumption and a I'rcnm-
ZTtmpartlculnrn \ In our pamnlilct , uhlch
Wn ilcsiro to send free by mall to ( j\cry one.
, T5TTtio bjiMinc Jfcillclno la gold by all clrtif ; ' '
nt ? l per jxickujte , orOpicLiKca for S3 , or
bo sent frvti b\ mall mi receipt of the money , by
addressing T11KGIIAY MEDICINK CO. ,
Buffalo , N. Y.
For sale by C. F Goodman. ocTnio cod
The Oldest Ustabliahed
Caldwell , Hamilton & Co. ,
Business tnnttcted uma aa that of an lacor-
w rated oank ,
Accounts kent In currency or gold subject to
rht check without notice ,
Certificates of deponlb usucd payahlo In thrco ,
Ix and twelve months , jcarlng Interest , or on
cmand without Interest.
Advances made to customers on approved BOCU-
tlea at market rates of Interest.
Buy and nell ( cold , bills of exchange , govern
ment , state , county and city bonds.
Draw slgnt drafts on England , Ireland , Scot-
and , and all parts of Europe.
Sell European postage tickets.
n the matter of the Estate of Peter J. Johnson ,
Notice la hereby ghcn that the creditors of
1 < 1 dcctattd , v , IU me-.t the culmlnhtrator ot said
jtatf , before me , County Judge of Douglu
ounty , Nebraska , at a County Court Room. In
eaidCounty , on the 24th day of November , 1881 ,
n the 24th day of vanuarv , 1882 , and o the
1th day of March , 1832 , at Iu o'clock a. m. caoh
ay , for the purpoao of presenting their claims
or culmination , adjustment and allowance.
Ix months are allowed for crcditom to present
iclr ilalma , and one } ear for thu administrator to
cttle ald Estate , from the 21th day of Senteui-
icr , 1831. tills notice will lie published in Tim
MAIU WEXKbr BKB for four weeks aucceastvely ,
rlor to the 24th day of Notcrnbir , Ib81.
[ A true copy.J A. 11. CHAUWI K ,
oct9 ! w4t County Judge
Commission Merchants.
or the fate of Farm Produce ; Potatoes Poultry ,
liuttcr , Knee reccU ed and uod , on
Cash ad > anco3 made on consignments.
Warehouse and Store , 1413 Dodge Street ,
Omaha , Neb.
o Citharinu lUdde , non-resident defendant.
Yon are hcnby notified ( baton the - < 1 day of
rptcmbcr , 1881 , John Hcdde. ] > l > ilntiIT , filed his
iclltlon In the DlKtiict Court , wltlilixind tor
> ouglas County , Nebraska , n nlnut you M Jo-
emlant , the object and projtr of which petition
8 , to obtain a decree of divorce from the bonds
l mitrimon ) vtlth you for the following Cannes ,
o-wlt : Ut , habitual druiikcnnens ; 2d , extreme
riu'ltj , and for general relief ,
You are required to answer laid petition on
be 21th da ) of October , 1631.
o7 5t Attorneys for 1'laintlff.
DP , Amelia Burroughs
Tuesdays and Fridays ,
10 a. m. to b p. m.
_ _ _ _ _ eep26-
DexterL.Tliofflas&Brfl , 3
Pay Taxes , Kent Houses , Etc.
all at Office , Hoam 8 , Crclgbton Block , Omaha.
810 South Thirteenth Street , with
J. IV ! . Wool worth.
Orrics Front Iloomi ( up stain ) In Hansoom's
ew brick building , K. W. corner Kfteeuth nd
arnham Btreuts.
Geo. P. Bern is
IGth and Dodge fits. , Omaha , Neb ,
Th ! agency does TBICTIT * brokerage bu lne s.
oe not ( peculate , Md therefore any bargains
i IU books are Insured to Its patron * , InnUod
belnar robbled uo br th acent t
Eeal Estate Agency
Keep complete abstract of title to all Real
Estata In Omaha and PouulM county. mavtf
1319 Farnham Street.
We offer to-day the largest stock of Men's/Ladies'
and Children's Underwear in the State of Ne
braska. Moreover they were ll bought for cash
in the cheapest market of the World , and as the
high road to success lays through the medium of
a large assortment at low prices , we feel that we
are in a position to meet all wants at
And as special bargains we to-day open a case con
sisting of 60 dozen1 Ladies' fine Merino Vests and
Pants , at 45c each. These will be found fully
equal to any 60 cents Vests ever offered. At
75c we offer a Merino Vest , Silk bound and very
fine , fully equal to the $1.00 Vest of a year ago ;
and at $1.00 and $1.25 we have very fine quality
in Ladies' Underwear. Cartwright's and Warner's
best fine Ladies' Vests , ' $2.25. Scotch Cheviot
Vests for Ladies' Wear.
50 doz. Men's Merino Shirts and Drawers , 25c. 59 doz. Scotch Mixed Wool
Shirts 75c , worth $1.00. 30 doz. Men's All-Wool Scarlet.Shirts , $1.25. 50 doz.
Men's Heavy White Merino Vests 75c , sold last year for $1.00. CART-
WRIGHT & WARNER'S Imported Scotch and other fine Shirts and Drawers , i
our own importations bought last Summer Very Low.
A largo proportion of our Underwear , Blankets and Woolen Hosiery were on hand at the time of our FIRE
jAST SPUING , ss the season then was too far advanced to offer thorn , wo profered to pack them , nnd conso-
uently offer them at at least 25 PER CENT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES OF TO-DAY.
50 pairs 10-4 white blankets , § 1.50. 75 pairs 11-4 white blankets , § 2.00. 75 pairs 10-4 white blankets , $3.00.
0 pairs 11-4 white blankets , $3.50. 50 pairs 10-4 white blankets , $4.50. 50 pairs 11-4 white blankets , $5.00. 75
wire 10 4 very fine white blankets weight Gi pounds , at § 0.50. 50 pairs ll-4samo quality , only weighing 8 pounds ]
57.00. 25 pairs 10-4 strictly all wool blankets , very fine and heavy , 80.00. 25 pairs same quality , § 10.00.
CALIFORNIA BLANKETS.-25 11-4 California Blankets , $11.00 , ( Same sold last year at 814.00. ) 25 12-4 Cali'
ornia Blankets , $12.00. 20 13-4 California Blankets , $15.00.
COLORED BLANKETS. 200 paira cheap colored Blankets from $1.25 to $3.00 a pair. 75 pairs western
omo made grey Blankets , size , Gx7 feet , $4 00 a pair. 75 pairs western home made grey Blankets , size , 0x7 feet ,
eight , 71b , $0.00. 75 same quality , weight , 81b , $7.00. . 50 pairs 11 } Scarlotall wool western Blankets , $0.75.
Hotels , Boarding hdUses , and all using quantities of Blankets are especially invited to examine the above , by
ar the best assorted arid cheapest stock in the western states.
Country orders will "be filled with privilege of returning goods not Satisfactory.
S. IE * . HyCCXR-SIE &c OO- ,
1319 Farnham Street.
Roar for Moore ( s )
AND Saddlery.
I bare adopted the Lion oo a Trade Halt , and
1 my goods will bo 8TAJ1PKD with the LION
nil my NAME on the panic. NO GOODS AilE
30 beat material Is uecd and the moit akillci1
orkraen are employed , and at the lowest cast
rice. Anyone wishing a prke-llst of good will
Diifer favor by ecndlni ; for one.
Jnited States Depository.
Oor. 13th and Farnam Sts.
u a National Bank August SO , 1BC3.
OmCSM AND DIKBOTOU > Kooxrit , Pretudent.
Auucaitifl KODNTJII , Vice PrtslJenl.
U. W. YATIU , Cashier.
A. J. J'oprurroH , Attorney.
P. H. PATH , Ant Guhler ,
Thl bank recolvos deposits without regard to
luuestlmv eertiBcate * bearlntr intcrcrt.
Draws drafts on San Francuoo and principal
tie of the United States , alto London. Dublin
dlnburichand the principal cities of thecontl
ent of Euro | > o.
Bells pasgsnger tickets for emigrants by the f D
an line mavldtf
3R. L. B. GRADDY ,
Oculist and Aurist.
eforcnccs all ltcputabl 1'hyilctani of Omaha ,
. Corner IGth and Farnlmm Bit. ,
mnha. Neb _
Special attention gUea to collcctloni ID Duller
The Largest Stock and Most Com
plete Assortment in
The West.
We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil
cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures
and Lace Curtains. ' .
1313 Farnham St. , Omaha.
Steam Pumps ; Engine Trimmings ,
M.NINQ luonumr ,
A.1 L. STRANG , 206 Farnam St. , Omaha.