Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1881, Page 4, Image 4
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY OCTOBER 20 , 1881 The Omaha Bee , I TJnbllsfewl every mornmfj , except Smyjay. Cha only Monday morning dMly. TKKM8 BY MAlLs- y , M $10.00 I Three Kotiths.$3.00 Months. . . T > .000no | , . .1.00 HIE WEEKLY BEKpublished or. T ry Wednesday. TJKKMS 1'OST PAID ? One Year..52.00 Three Montlw. . CO Blx Months. . . . 1.00 On-o " . . 20 All Commnnl. tftttom rclntint ! to NCVH nnd Editorial mat ters riiould bo iwldrowod to the Eniron OK BUSINESS Businc "tiettew ivnd Remittances should be ad greeted to TUB OMA'HA rnnusni a COM SPAIW , OMAHA. Drift * , Checks nml PojU > < Reo Orders 'to bo inndo payable to the * > rdor of tha Coinpany. * * W& PUBLISHING 00 , , Prop'rs ' E. RQ5EWATER , Editor. Edwin TDnviR , Monneor of City 'Circulation' John H. Plerco Is In Chow ? of the Moll CJrcuUion of T1IK DAILY BEE. A. ILTitcli , correspondentunilsolicitor. A M.IVATB dispatch from Nebraska City4otho editor of TUB BEK nn nounces the death of Senator Vat Wyck's second and last child of diph. Ihoria. The senator and Mrs. Van Wyck wore called by telegraph from Was ! 'ington n few days ago by the sudden illness of their two children. They .arrived at their homo only a few houra before the death , of their youngest child , a baby fourteen months old The death of their oldest , a bright , gifted and genial girl , about nine years old , followed yesterday. This is a sad bereavement , in which Senator and Mrs. Van Wyck have the profoundest sympathy of the people of this whole state. Their loss is deplorable plorablo and irreparable , and only those who have been aimilarlyafllicted an comprehend the depth of their unutterable sorrow. Lot us hope they may find con dolence for their grief in thercilection that their cherubs are forever spared all the ills humanity is heir to. ALL good Irishmen now speak French. IOWA is still busy counting up its republican majority. THE journeyman cabinet-makers at Washington are ngain at sea. AH A political sphinx President Ar thur excels his illustrious predecessor , General Grant. THE candidate is especially numer ous at present and correspondingly agreeable to voters. THE Mississippi river does not not propose to wait for the convention at St. Louis. It is having a river boom of its own. TUB Now York Herald sagely ro nu\rks that "tho democrats of Ohio usually carry the state up to the night "before election day. After that the republicans carry it. " BILL CHANDLER ia still on deck , but ho cheerfully admits that ho doesn't hope for any great things from the pre'aont administration. Tlmtsolicitor generalship has boon hung up to dry. MB.WINDOM'H political future wil bo settled on next Tuesday by the Minnesota legislature , nnd the im pression is that the ex-Bccrotary wil bo returned to his old scat in the senate. QENEIUL EAULY wants to fight Sen ator Maiiono A few morb duels like those in which Itiddloborgor engage * will do moro to destroy the c do than all the pulpits and platforms in the country. E.VEUY voter in Douglas county is interested in the erection of a first class fire proof court house , ea poclally when the cost necessary to ' build'sucli a structure will not ndd dollar to his taxes. A MAN may bo tv government swin tiler , a horse thief or guilty of all the crimes on the docket but if nny on " dares"to raise his volco against the monopolies nil othpr crimes in Dr Millers estimation sink into insigniiic T&KiJTerald never advocates anybu straight out ciomoenitio principles.- Jferatil , f - . The Herald , "never advocates'any thing but ' straight Out , corporation pol itics , b'o they democratic or ropubl' can. ' _ ' Ar the International Electric i exhibition hibition America particularly distlii guiahed herself. Gold medals of th highest , classes were awarded to Edi on and Brush for dynamo nmgnotii machines , and other geld medals to both the above named inventors for olectri light. Edison cime out ahcac t ot all c mpetftori , being the rocipioh of five gold mcdal | , , FOLITICAIi CONUNDRUMS- When Andy Johnson was swinging uonnd the circle ho inndo himself tlio aughing stock of the whole country > y closing nearly every spocck ho rondo nt the utnlions along the route with the sohimn injunction , " 1 leave the constitution in your hands. " Andy Johnson's legacy hni evidently jccomo an heir-loom with the editor of the Chicago Timt * . That pro found expounder of t'nc constitution lias just discovered nnolhcr marc's- nest. nest.When Mill the oflicinl term of President Arthur legally expire This silly conundrum , propounded to himself by himself is nnsvvorod by the man in whoso keeping the constitu tion hns been placed , ns follows : When will the lepnl term of Presi dent Arthur legally oxpiro. The onnctcd constitution declnrcs with the utmost oxplicitncss that "ho [ the president ] shnll hold his ollico during the term of four years , " The executive power shall bo vested in n president. . . . lit thallhold iffice dwrlny the term of four ycnr * . Const. , Art , U , Sec. This is all that can bo found in the letter of the constitution relating to the presidential term. It is nowhere declared , or indiratod , at what date the presidential term shall begin , oral what date it shall end. The time of his election , or his inauguiation , is not fixed in that law. But it is de clared in the most positive and explicit language thnt "ho shall hold his oflico during the term of four years. " If wo nro to nccopt ns the law that which thopositivo lottorof tholaw plain ly means and imperatively declares , it is perfectly certain thnt the legal term of the present president will expire ( unless ho should bo removed by cas ualty at an earlier time ) on the 20th day of September , 1885 The exec utive power wns vested in him , he became the president on the 20th day of September , 1881. "Ho shnll hold his oflico during the term of four years. " Therefore , "ho shall hold his oflico during the term , " or period of time , which will intervene between the 20th of September , 1881 , and the 20th of September , 1885. Such logic would make n horse laugh. Even Andy Johnson who had the constitution served up to him for Breakfast , dinner and supper , never sfruck the idea that his oflicial term ns * " president did not expire until four from the 15th day of April , 1805. If ho had , wo don't believe ho would hnvo voluntarily vacated the residential chair to Ulysses S. Grant on the fourth of March , I860. By reference to the onnctcd constitution wo find article II , section G , ( vacancy tcting president. ) "In case of the removal of the presi dent from oflico , or his death , resig nation or inability to discharge the xnvors nnd duties of the said oflicc , , bo same shall devolve upon the vice- president. " Under this section of the constitu- ian the vico-prcsidont is charged with .ho performance of the duties dovolv- ng upon the president during thopor- od that the presidency remains vacant. The vice-president acting ns presi dent can in the very nature of tilings only continue to exorcise the powers of the chief executive until the suc cessor to the president duly elected shall assume the oflico. The cousti- ution expressly proscribes the mode of electing presidents through the electoral college or by thehoueo of representatives , leaving congress to ix the day when presidential electors shall bo voted for , nnd the day upon which the president shnll enter upon tiis oflico. Congress fixed the 4th day of March ns the day upon which each president begins his term , and the constitution having limited the term to four years from that day , no presi dent can hold oflico n single hour be yond this timo. Whether his successor has qualified or not , the president cannot hold over bo- ynnd the fourth day of March. It would bo absurd to assume thnt the vice or noting president cnn exercise presi dential functions after the term for which ho was oloctcd ns vice president had expired. Suppose General Gnr- field had lived until the third day of March , 1885 , ono day before his term expired , would any sane man contend thnt Arthur's official term , beginning on that day , would extend four years beyond that time ? Would not the successor of Gorfiold elected by the pcoplo through the electoral college , and so pro claimed through congress became president on the tiny following Ar thur's induction to the vacancy made by the death of Garfield ? but sup pose that Garfield , re-elected for n second term , with n now vice presi dent , had died during the last month of his first tonn , say on the 1st of March , ' 1685 , who would bo president nf tor Oarfiold's first term had expired ? Would it bo Arthur , or the man elected vice president with Garfield for a second term. By the magnificent logic of the constitution expounder of the Chicago Times , Arthur would in such case continue ns president for four yours from the first of March , 1885 , or thrcu , years , eleven months nnd twenty-six dnys after his own term as in vice president had expired , and the real vice president of the United States would during nil that time remain - main a cipherIt is hardly necessary to pursue this subject furthqr than to romiirk that the man who propounds the constitutional conundrum nnd expounds - pounds the constitution for thoOhicnpo Timu is much better fitted for , pound ing rock in some stone quarry. THK RIVER CONVENTION. Trw Mississippi Itiver Improvement Convention which will bo hold t St. Louis on the 20th day of the present month promises to bo rui event of unusual interest to the producers of the west. The call for the mooting was inndo in recognition of the general dcsiro expressed by various commer cial bodies for a thorough discussion of this vital topic , looking to united notion in placing its consideration bo- tore Congress. It cnnnot bo denied that the question of most importance to rosidcnts of ho west is that of cheap transportation. Every oxpori- mont made of late yenrs hns proved thnt wntor transportation is n solution of the problem which comes nearest to n complete settlement of the question nt issue. It is on this account thnt the pcoplo of the west hnvo determin ed to urge upon congress nn improvenl mcnt of the great rivers without which nny effective transportation cannot bo secured. They point to the fnct thnt with the area of tlio states nnd ter ritories drained by the Mississippi and its tributaries is produced 00 per cent of the corn , 73 per cent of the wheat , 83 per cent , of the oats , G3 per , cent , of the tobacco , 77 per cent , oj the cotton andtiG , percent , of the value of the live hogs of the whole country. The tide of population is constantly pouring ever the borders , settling up the vacant lands , incrcns ing the productiveness of its soil nnd assisting to feed the world with its surplus wealth. One-seventh of nil the export trade of the country goes to the ocean by way of the Mississippi river , nt a cost of loss thnn one-third of which it can bo carried by nny other routo. When such focts arc taken into consideration - sideration , the great importance of improving our waterways does not need to bo argued. It does , how ever , need to bo strongly urged upon the attention of congress , and this is the object of the coming convontion. Every . state and territory on the great basin of the Mississippi wilt bo ropro scntod , and the result can hardly fail to bo in the highest degree beneficial. WESTERN PROVINCIALISM. A number of writers are congrntu. lating the country ever the departure of uncouth western manners from the white house. They inform the public that since Buchanan left the prcsi doncy the crtidetics nnd peculiarities of western people hnvo been a coa stant source of annoynnco to eastern culture nt Washington , and dilate upon the alleged fact that for over twenty years no people of breeding liavo occupied the white house. Linc coin is pronounced as ungainly as awkward. Andy Johncon is disC missed as a man of vul gar ideas nnd still moro vulgar associates , nnd General Grant's influence is declared'to have boon most corrupting on Washington so ciety , promoting a rngo for wealth and shoddy displny , in which flattery wns paid to the rich , no matter ho-v coarse their manners. Under Mr. Hayes wo nro told that a lack of social culti vation and refined breeding was always observable nt th.3 White House , while nn approcintion of religious principles nnd an ignorance of the ways of the world were displayed which were either amusing or disgusting. General Garfield is not counted in this estimate bccnueo ho was not president long enough to make his mark social Iy , and because Mrs. Garfield was so unobtrusive , and so little inclined to force her opinions upon visitors to the White House , that her short stay there will bo long remembered with pleasure. But at lust a change is to bo made , and General Arthur , n gentleman of remarkably line nppear- nnco , of polished mnnnors nnd of fa miliarity with the well-educated society ty of Now York , is to carry into the White House a degree of social culti vation which it has so lone ; lacked. This charge of provincialism against the west has been so often repeated that it is becoming exceedingly wcari Bomo. No ono doubta Mr. Arthur's refinement , culture and gentlcmnnly qualities but wo doubt very much whether his predecessors- will suffer much by comparison. A gentleman is n gentleman the world ever , nnd the standard of refinement in the west is ns high ns that in the cast. Of course the rules of society nro not identical in the two sections but a comparison is very often in favor of the west. There is loss conventionality moro originality nnd sparkle in con versation and a greater amount of hospitality than in the oast. West ern society , it is true , docs not pea < SOBS quito ns many apes of English anobbory or languid low-nocked women as in the cast , but it moro thnn innkos up in ita deficiency by mon and women who can express nn emotion and advance nn idea outside of the conventional rut. The fact is , thnt taking the same classes of society both sections , for comparison , the Western people nro the equals of the Eastern in loth mind and man < nors. Their country is too widely traversed by railroads for provincial0' ism , nnd their access to the world's thought is us easy as thnt of their d friends further cast. n Wo do not believe that the white Ii house hns suflorrod socially under its occupancy by western presidents nnd W ; hcir families and nny altcmpt to innko such appear to bo the case can only bo dictated by a snobbery which is oven worse than honest awkwardness or credulity. TUB policy of every largo nnd wealthy corporation is to ovndo bearing - ing its share of the expenses ot the government. While claiming protec tion for its property nnd employes ngninst the dangers which every gov ernment is organized to ward offit , re fuses to bear the proportion of taxn- tion nnd shirks upon the shoulders of the people , already heavily taxed by its own operation , the debt which it honestly owes to the state. Every rnllroad in the west is an oxnmplo. In sonio stntcs , notnbly Illinois and Wis consin , the policy'of the railroad corpo rations hns been checkmated by honest nnd efficient railrond commissioners nnd boards of equalization , but in others , nmoiiR which Nebraska must bo classed , the railroad * have found pliant tools in the stnto government and have snapped their fingers at the complaints of the people. Pennsylvania has lately nwnkoned to the discovery that the Standard Oil company hns swindled the stnto of nn enormous nmount of taxes nnd is tak ing stops to recover the debt by pro cess of Inw. The plan adopted by the corporation was to claim a resi dence in Ohio nnd deny the jurisdiction of Pennsylvania. By collusion with the state officials , nnd , ns it is claimed , by the most bare faced bribery , the Standard oil comtc pnny succocded in eight years' time in evading over $12,000,000 of taxes , Suit hns now been entered nt Hnrrisir burg by the attorney general for $3- 000,000 taxes and ponnltics , nnd a lively contest will result. The Stnndw nrd company hns hired the ablest counsel in the country and will con0 test the claim TS STw bitter end. TUB rapid reconstruction of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul line across Iowa assures Omaha of five through lines to Chicago at no very distant day. With the Burlington , Northwestern , Rock Island , Wabash and St. Paul companies bidding for the trans-Missouri traflic , there should bo no danger of any further increase in freight tariffs. A pool with five roads composing its membership , will bo a difficult combination to handle. If the building of the St. Paul road to the Missouri results in bridging the 'Missouri ' at this point , Omaha will have an additional cause for con gratulation. THE house of representatives has long been recognized as the steppingstone stone to senatorial dignity in this country ( in n , inoro marked decree than the commons in England is to the house of lords. Eight members of the last house nro now United States senators' Messrs , Fryo and Hnlo , of Maine ; Aldnch , of Rhode Island ; Hawley , of Connecticut ; Lap- ham nnd Miller , of Now York ; Mitchell , of Pennsylvania , and Con ger , cf Michigan. TILE death of Governor Louis A. Wiltz , who figured so prominently in Louisiana politics during the reign oi Kellogg and Packard , brings Samuel D. McEnery , former claimant of Kol- logg's scat in the senate , to the fronl aa full fledged governor of the pelican state. McEnory succeeds Wiltz by virtue of being lieutenant-governor. GEJI. TYNKU'S known sympathy with the star route thieves compels a change in the the first assistant post master generalship. Judging from the as.ociations and habits of Frank Hatton , tfl'i is pressing forward for Gen. Tynor's place , wo should consider such a change like going from the frying-pan into the lire. ON Tuesday * COO cars of freight wcro crossed over the Union Pacific bridge from the transfer to Omaha. This , at $10 a car , represents the 4 enormous sum of $5,000 for a single day's business on the west bound * freight on n haul of three miles , or an annual toll of over $1C001000. ( IT is sugsea'ed ' thnt Kansas bu known ns the "Sunflower Stnto. " Leaiinworth Times. Never ! As long ns Omnha pos sesses the Great American Sunflower Nebraska will never permit nny ether state to wear the laurels which belong rightly to her. KAHSON is still regarded as the most available niun for the apuakorship of the next house , nnd all the indication ! point to his selection for thnt respon sible position. 81 In In u Nntaliell. w * MbMVUW * * ' CC Lincoln Democrat. Railroads are all right enough : the hi people only find fault with their manctl npomont when it becomes oppressive ; nnd to deny the right of the legislature to rogulnto their rules as public carriers - riors , is the height of impudence. But nsido from buing oppressive in its rates , the railroad corporations of ftt Nebraska nre , moreover , political sa tyrants ; their will is to bo the law , or wi elao down goes somobody'a head. To this wo object oven more than we to do to the rates , for it checkmates all attempts to regulate such rates. In ita capacity as a citizen , n cor poration is , to all intents and pur poses a tyrant ; it controls by the $25 bread mid butter uuaoion ; it tempts , l t # > < a' , .J4 UtV woak-mindrd souls , it encourages id- lots in aspiring to ollicc , nnd it nns in its service , BO to spcnk , nothing but I slaves. That the time hns cotno to do nwny witli such n sort of citizens , but very few are bold enough to deny , nnd .lirxt they shall bo done nwny with is : ho will of ( ho pcoplo of NobrAftkn , ind the time to do it is nt the Novem- lcr election of 1882. No republican or no democrat should bo sent as n delegate to nny convention , county or state , unlusft ho is solid on that prop osition ; thpro nro no two ways nbout it , ono is either * for the corporations nnd against the people , or for the pcoplo nnd rgainst the monopo ly rule of corporations. That is just exactly the question , nothing more , nothing less ; nnd the pnrtythat shows its sincerity in this is the very party thnt will win the fight , no innt- tor how much in the minority that party nmy be. J < 'or lot it not bo for gotten that the farmers of Nebraska tire on the watch , nnd wo ml vise them , through the atuto Alliance , not to make any state or county nominations for ollicca until the republican and democratic parties luwo shown their cards in their own atato and county conventions. That will bo the mcaus to force the two great particn in this state to meet the issues , in their can didates ns well as in tlioia platforms ; it will , so to spcnk , act us n s.ifety ynlvo to the loud puss which may bodoiected in either party. CURRENCY. A waterspout killed sixty-five persons in Algeria , Nearly 11,000,000 acres of public lands were-disposed of last year. Mrs. Garficld hati pent n subscription to the fire sufferers. The Boston police will wear bull's-eye lanterns on their belts next year. The grave of Earon Steuben ia in the town oj Steuben , Oneida county , N. Y. The people of Boston have not yet relln quishcd the idea of holding ft world's fair in , that city in lS85and they nro still mak ing an effort to raise n guarantee fund ol $5,000,000. The duke of Sutherland is nt tlio head ol a company of Englishmen , with . 2,500,000 who have bought CO square miles on the St. Paul & Oinnha railroad , CO miles cast Oj Sioux City , for a colony ; price , $103- 000. ( 000.In , , In the cotton mill of which Mr , Cross , M. P. , is the principal proprietor , at Bol- ton , In s. thirty-foot lly-wlieel which runs a belt at the of a mile a minute. On the ends of tlio fingers of persons who point ' at the belt pencils of electric light are seen. The two great American triumph ! ) of the revolutionary war occurred in October. The capture of General Burgoyno's entire army nt Saratoga by General Gates was concluded on October 17 , 1777. The glori ous work at Yorktown was consummated on October 19. fill. John Walter , of The London Times , who is imw thinking of turning homevyard , has been so pleased with lib American visit that he declares ho would like to have his family live here Ion ; ; enough to become thoroughly acquainted with the people. A crentlemnn who roncently rode through ex-Senator Dorsey'n cattle-ranch irm New Mexico says of it : "It is forty by sixty miles in size , and has on it 28,000 headof < cattto an' ' ) 1,300 horses. The in come from this place cannot be less than ccSI 75,000 for the present season. " SIa Mayor Nceney ; of Toronto , was charged a a neighbor woman with bewitching ono of her hens to "stop laying , " and Margaret Hughes was charged by Mrs. Xidd with bewitching < her cow. The charges were brought in court , when it appeared that the "hen" vvns not that kind and that the cow had dwindled in milk subsequent to banqueting upon four summer hats and contents of an old straw mattress , x Nn fewer than live "enterprising show men' * have visited Cleveland' in the hope of purchasing the funeral car which con veyed the remains of President Garfield , and have offered very large prices for it 850,000 , it is said , in ono case. The per sons in authority have refused even to lis ten to such offers. The car ia to be en- closed in a handsome case constructed in large part of plate glass and preserved in the cemetery. Mra. Ida Lewia. of Newport , has just received the gold msdal awarded to her by congress for bravery in saving thirteen lives at the peril of her own. The flatter ing presentation speeches uttered by Lieu tenant Chadvrick and ex-Governor Van Zandt made the shy young woman so un comfortable that the speakers desisted and the little company gathered for the occa sion at the Newport custom house proceed ed to congratulate the nervous heroine. STATE JOTTINGS. Hubbell will invest § 2,400 in a now school. Plum Creole has n population of five hundred , Hichnrdson county has 0,000 children ol school age. Work has begun on the railroad machine shops at Wymuro , Plows are trumps in Nance , and every farmer holdn a full hand. Humboldt contributed $33.25 to the Garfield monument fund , John Bnur was run over and killed by a runaway team nt Scribner. The three national banks of Nebraska City have § 500,000 on deposit. Grceley Is the potato county of the state ; 4,000 bushels have already been marketed. A great amount of hay has been spoiled in Dixon county by thounusual amount ol rain. Huniboldt has already consumed 340,000 brick thin season , and the demand exceeds ho supply. A company with n capital of ? 50OOC will build and operate a packing house at Columbus , tl The firn department of Lincoln resojvo " to disband Nov. 1st unless furnished with 1,000 feet of hose , The Greenwood Kaglo is abroad in Ca s hibt county gccklng public favor and journal- TrainB are expected to run into Falls tliNi City on the Miusouri Pacific by NiPi the latter part of thin week. Pi Pigr The people of Grcoloy will vote on a gr proportion to fund the "county indebted. . ( SUU.OOO ) at 7 per cent. Ilc The dipthhcrla at Jackson is reported m under control , and the c IBCS that now ex- irtt are in n fair way to recover. Lincoln is a(11 ( Icted with a gang of young snobs who loiter around the school buildIngs - Ings and flirt with the girls during re- ecus. ecus.An An accident on the llepubllcan valley branch of the Ii. & M , Jt. U. , last week , ditched fourteen cars of stock , killing forty head. It. W. Patrick has purchased twenty- eight quarter sections of land near the Loup river in Merrick , for n block farm. Price , $14,000. A horse thief was captured on the car * Columbus with tlio proceeds of several sales in his pocket. The people of Albion were after him , The Fremont News solicits Mibscriptiotw St n fund to erect a monument over the prnvu of Hun. Daniel Gantt , late chief jus In tice of Nebraska. ' Thomas PI at ford , a short , humpbacked man , aged 40 , took a French leave of the people of fiewnrd , nnd his creditors offer for bin nrrent. Stuart Is one of the coming town * of Northern Nebrnakn. It Inn \ Holt county , viul the Soulx City & I'ftcific rend Ii the bails of the boom. Seventy-five head of bccvef , seventy- five nhcep , one InintlrcdhoRB , hf'y ' cahw nnd poultry by the ton , is the weekly bill of fnro of Llncohiitcit. Every snlnon keeper 5n 1'lntto county , titlile of Columbus , was Indicted at tfio liwt term of court. They wanted to do Imtltuss under the old law , Visions of a bridge over the MNnouri ri cr fill the mindi of tlio pcoplo of Ncra- nlm City , caused by the appearance of a railroad annoying pnrly in that Ucinity. An cnterprislnf ; immlxr.'xnt from < ? cr- many recently bought a farnt nehr West Point , Block , implements anil nil , paying for his imrclifVMc the neat sum of § 11,000 The grand jury of Dodge last week pro- pcntcd a wholesale lot of indictments for violation of the Slocumb law. The lletjis Biippoceil to include every saloon keeper In ' I'rcmont as well aa nt North licnd and Scribner , who have been selling without the high license Tlio Discovery of Silk nnd Sntln- From tlio Manclic te'r Times. The discovery of silk is nttributod to ono of the wives of the emperor of China , lloang-ti , who reigned about 2,000 ycnrs before the Chistian oru , nnd since that time a special spot hns been allotted in the gardens ot the Chinese pnlaco to thocultivntion of the mulberry tree nnd the keeping of silk-worm. Persinn monks who anne to Constantinople revealed to the Emperor Justinian the secret of the production of silk , nnd gave him some silk-worms. 3 < "rom Greece the nrt passed into Italy nt the end of the thirteenth century. When the Popes loft Romp to settle nt Avignon , Franco , they introduced into thnt country the secret which hnd been kept by the Italians , nnd Louis XI. established nt Touts a mnnufnctory of silk fabrics. Francis I. founded the Lyons silk works , which to this day hnvo kept the first rank. Henry II. , of Franco , were at'tho wedding of his sister , the first pair of silk hose ever mado. The word "satin , " which in the ori ginal wns npplicd to nil silk stuffs in gonornl , has since the last century been used to dcsignnto only tissues which present n lustcrcd surface. Tno discovery of this particular brilliant stud'wns accidental. Octavio Mai , n silk weaver , finding business very dull , and not knowing what to invent to give n now impulse to the trade , was ono day pacing to nn fro before his loom. Every time ho pn.sacd the machine with no definite object in view , ho pulledlittlo , threads from the wnrpand put them to his mouth , which soon af ter ho spat out. Later on ho found the little ball of silk on the floor of his work-shop , and was attracted by the brilliant appearance of the threads. Ho repeated the experiment , and by using certain mucilaginous prepara tions succeeded in giving satin to the world. Economy. A fortune inay be epent in using inef fectual inedirincs , when by applying Thomas' Kclectric Oil A speedy and econ omical otire can be effected. In CUBB of rheumatism , Lime b.ick , bodily ailment * , or pains of every description , it affords in stant relief. 17 cod Iw flADCICI n Agents w tinted for Life of b/llirlCLU President airfield. A com plete , faithful history from cradle to Kra\c , "by the eminent blogripoer , Col. Conuell. Rooks nil rendy for Jclucry. An elegantly illustrated % olumc. Kndsrscil edition. terms. A ent ? take orders for from 20 to 60 copies dally. OuUolls any other bool : ten to'onc. Aguntd never made money BO fast. The book tells Itself. Ex- pcrlcnce not necessary. Failure unknown. All make immense pronto. Private terms free. acoiian STINSON & co. , ocCd&wlm Portland , Maine Western Horse and Cattle In surance Company , Capital , . . . 8100OOOOO Insures Horsea , Mules and Cattle against low by ftcolJent. decease or theft. 'Agencies ' In all coun ties of the State. Send fortcirculars. eeZOwly Election Proclamation on Court House Appropriation * At a session of tbo board of Countv Commis sioners ot the county of Uduglas In the state of No rosk , holaen ou the4th day of October , A. D. 1BS1. Thofollanlni ; action was taken by the board with with respect to tbc construction of a Court House. WIIKRHAB , Ovtlng to the enhanced value of labor an'i material it Is imposnible to erect a Court Houno eultablo for the purpose of said county for the sum designated in the proclama tion for the isjuo of l > onda for the construction of n Court House , mibuiitted to the people Norcm her 2nd,18SO ; and WliRifjis , After twli-o thoroughly advertising the matter the loucnt rcspon-lblc bid for the conbtructlon of A Court Houno that would bo tire pi oaf and such auto meet the needs of the cofln- tv , amounts > o One Hundred and Ninety-tight Tliousind Dollars ; and \ViiKHEAK , The halance pf fundi ncccs ary to construct a tmitalilo Court HottfC cnn bo supplied ftom the , ; ciieril rotcnuo of the county without any additional levy that now authorized by law , but the quuotion oj biich appropriation mint tint bo aubmlttcd to the c.euoru of told count ) ; therefore , It I HKMOLVFD , That the follonlng projxisltlon bo and the Bamo la hereby submitted to the qiull fled electors of raid county of Douglax , to-\Ut : bhall the count } ol Douglas bo authorized In the jearlSfc2 , tj approprhto from the general rove-riue of the said county for that jear out of fund' * not otherulsa required for county pur pose * , the sum of Twentj-flvo Thousand Uollam , and In the j ear 1SS3 , from the ret mme of that jear out of funds not otherwise requlrod for count ? purposed the further sum of 'Ittcnty-flvo Tliouaimt Do lure to aid In tlio erection con Btriicttoii and completion ol a Con t Itouso building tu the city ol Omaha for county pur llio form In which the above proposition f hall lie riibmitted shall bo by ballot , upon which ballot nhall be printed or written , or party printed or written , the worda "For Court House Appro pjatlon"or | ' 'Against Court House Approprla tlon , " and nil ballotn east Imvlnc thureon tlio words "To i Court House Appropriation , " shnll bo dfemcd and taken to bo in favor of said proposl tlon < , and nil ballots cat having thereon the word * "A liiKt Couit HOIIBO Appropriation. " shall > i ba deemed and taken to bu against sold proposition ' , and it two thirds of tlia votes cast lit the election hereinafter proIdcd I'l this behalf half bo In fat or of the ubov o proposition , It snail bt dccuicd and taken to bo carried. Tlio Bald proportion phall be voted upon at the general electl n to be held In the county of Douglas , btato of Nebraska , on the btli day of November , A. P. 1631 , at the following named place * Omaha Precinct No. one , (1) ( Felix Slav en' * grocery ; Tenth street. Omaha 1'rcclnet No. two , (2) ( ) at Jerry Jta- Iionuy's gToceiy storv. Oinalia I'reclnct No , throe , (3) ) Dr. 11 } do' * of * lie , eor. Douglas and Twelfth streets. Omaha 1'ieclnet We. four , (4) ( blicilft'a office court house. Omaha I'reelnct No. flte. (6) ( ) Holmes' hard' arp store , Sixteenth and California streets. Omaha Precinct No. six , ( ti ) No , 1 Kngtno ' House , Twentieth and Jiard btreets. teratoj.'a 1'recinct School house near Orue- pins'n , Florence Precinct Florence hotel. Union 1'nclnet Inlngton tcliool houso. Jefferson I'reclnct School house m district No. 41 , Klkhorn Precinct Elkhorn school houso. I'latto Valley I'reclnct School huuno at > Vatcr- loo. Chicago I'reclnct School house at Klkhorn illation , Milliard Precinct Ulllard nchool house , JlcArdlo 1'rcclnct McArdlo school home. Douglas Precinct House of J , C. Wllcox. Weit Omaha 1'recinct bchool house near Id en's. And Mihleh election will lie opened at 8 o'clock the morning1 and will continued 'open until 0 o'clock In the afternoon ot the Mine day. 11. I' . KN1011T , F1IKD 1IHKXEL , F , W. COI1LISS , County ComralMlontrt. [ 8IAU ) JOHN It , MANCIII-HTKIt. County Clerk. ; ij u CHEAP A NEW ADDITION -TO- Omaha. TBJS BEST BAMA1S Ever Offered IN THIS CITY. NO CASH PATIENTS Required of Persons Desir- in to Build. LOTS 01 PATIENTS ox * S5TO : 810 PER MONTH. Money Advanced TO Assist Purchasers in Building. We Now Offer For Sale S5 Splendid RESIDENCE LOTS , Located on 27th , 28th , 20th. and 30th Streets , between Parnham , Douglas and the pro posed extension of Dodge St. , . , 12 to 14 Blocks from Court .s' House and Post Office , Alk jlr PRICES ranging from ' $300 to $400 which is about Two-Thirds ofc their Value , on Sm ll Monthly Payment of $5 to $10. Parties desiring to'Build and. Improve Need Not Make any Payment for one or two years , but can use all their Means foi Improving. Persons having $100or$20Q of their own , But not Enough to Build such a house as they want , can take a lot and ws will Iioan them enough to com plete their Building. These lots nro Jocntod between the MAIN BUSINESS STREETS of the city , within 12 minutes wallc of the Business Center. Good Sitlownlks ex tend the Entire Distnnco on Dodge Street , nnd the lots cnn bo readied by wny of cither Fnrnharn , Douglas oi Dodge Streets , They lie in n pnrt ot the city thnt is very Rnpidly Improv ing nnd consequently Incronsing in Value , nnd purchasers inny reasonably hope to Double their Money within a short time. Some of tlio most Sightly Locations in the city mny bo selected from those lota , especially on 30th Stroot. We will build houses on a Smnl Cnsh Pnyment of & 150 or ? 200 , nnd sell house nnd lot on small monthly 'payments. It is expected thnt theao lots'will bo. rapidly sold on these liberal terma , nnd persona wishing to purchnso should cnll nt our ollico nnd secure their lots nt the earliest moment , Wo nro rondy to show those lota to nl persons wishing to purchase , BOGGS & HILL , Estate Brokers , . 14OS North Side of Parnham Street Opp. Grand Central Hotel , , OMAHA