Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1881, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY OCTOBER 20 , 1881 STREET-CAR SCENES. What a New York Oar-Drivo : V ' Has to Say About Them. II' ' Qnolllnr ; Dlnortlorly Persons Eo \ FJOIII the Ntw York Stir. "Life on u nljrlit cnr 5s not so ilnl and inonotoiiuiH n the avor.igo poraoi would suppose , " wns the reply of i driver on u Third nvcnuo street car t ( The Star rooortor laat night , who had invited , conversation by asking the knight of the lines and brake if he did not "prefer driving by day. " Tht car \vns n closed one , nnd na tie ) houi wis ( juito Into , the man of news was riding on the front platform , lotli t < throw away a froshly-lightod cigar , "I hayo boon driving of night now foi over ft vo years , " the driver went on , "and in that time I htivo contriver to BCD about us much lifo in Chatham street and the Uowory as the tivunigd driver. Whoa , there ; can't you stand up , you old bundle of bones ? " ho cried , rebuking one of the horaos which lost its footing and came within an ace ol slipping down on the paving stones nt the Pearl atroot crossing "Every thing ia so damp to-night that the horsiss can scarcely keep their feet , " ho continued. "And thia is a pool team , too. The company always have their boat stock on the day cars. When a horao comes on the line fresh from the country , ho ia full of lira and pays no attention to the bell. J3y the time ho has dragged a day-car , com peting with tho'Elovatod , for a couple ot yeras and sustained A THOUSAND 1'AI.I.S , ho is as still'as an old .man ; then ho ia turned over to the night runs , when the running time is lengthened from ten to thirty minutes , and " "Going up ? " " .Not this evening ; some other evening ; good evening. The break in the conversation was occasioned by two young girls who were standim ; alongside of the track , at the en trance to the Bowery , ns though wait ing for a car , and the driver chocked the speed of his car as jio addressed them. Their slangy .ansVor evidently nettled him , for ho struck the pit horse a stinging blow with his whip , and muttered something by way of consolation , that the young women were not good enough to ride in his car. "You occasionally carry some pretty rough passengsrs , do you not I "Rough passengers'/ / Now you are shouting The roughs only travel late at night. In the early evening they are quiet because they have not bo- ,001110 waked from atalo beer oc 'vil lainous whisky , but , later in the night , when they are three sheets in the wind , they as nastyaa rattlesnakes. I carry all these low bummers , 'rope- in , ' runners and 'heelers' for the Chatham street and J3owery dives. This trip is too early for thorn , but when I leave the city hall on the next Tun , a score of them will climb oft board before I got to Grand street. The majority of these hoodlums live between Thirty-fifth and Fiftieth .streets and above Ninetieth street on the east side. They all know mo , and , as they never fad to greet mo when getting on the car , I can say , without tho. slightest exhibition of pride , that 1 am on speaking terms with some of the most notorious TUIEVE3 AND CUT-TUIIOATH in Now York city. "Do they ever make trouble on the trip ? " "Not as a usual thing. They know ino and understand that I know them and would give them away to the police if they ever got on my car the second time. At times one will come aboard a little drunker than usual , and pick a .quarrel with some timid-looking re spectable passenger. " "What course do you pursue on such occasions ? " "Well , it is a good deal like a play , i rccogni/.o the offender as the heavy villain , and myself as the avenger. I stop the car , set up the brake , walk in- aide and catch him by the throat. The conductor comes to my assistance , and wo railroad the offender out of the X .car quicker than a tonguoy woman could say Jack Robinson. I never warn them of what I am about , for that might give them a clunce to draw a knife. I tire thorn out first and lec ture them after the car starts on. About once a month one of this cla s , who is a stranger on the line , will try to g6 for a watch or a pocket-book. If either the conductor or I detect the thief , we hail a policeman or else give the rascal to understand that wo are on the alert. I can always toll when a job is put up to work a car. One fel low will get on at a street crossing and walk up to the upper end of the car , a second will get on a half- block further along , and the third will bo at the next crossing. If moro than three are travelling together , two will get on together , say at the second crossing. If the first man thinks there will bo any difliculty , or that the prospect is not worth the risk of detec tion , ho will leave the car before they all get on. Once aboard , they gather about tK drunkonoBt or richest dress ed passenger , and then if I or the con ductor decline In interfere , they are both conductor auu driver for tv time , The devices by which passengers maybe bo robbed are many. A mock quarrel can bo begun , and in the general sham battle which OIIHUCS watch chains can be snapped and their owners will not r loss until the thieves have loft the car. . Ono can got on the front platform and one on the rear and keep mysoV < and the conductor chatting while their palls are free to WOHK TUB It was on this score that aomo years ago placards wore put in each car urging that assongors should not en gage the conductor or driver in con- 'versation , and spotters were sent out with many cars to aeo whether wo were livim up to the rule which for bid conversation. Sometimes a thief will try to rob the conductor , but as a usual thing the crooks know that the man who works the alarm monitor haste to account for every faro registered , and so are honorable enough to let him alono. " "Do many women travel on the night cars ? " "On this trip , jesj on the following trips ? " No. At this season of the year a great num ber are coming from Coney Wand and Kockaway , and they save live cunts by riding on the surface lino. Next- trip the waiter-girls from the , concert sa loons , ana the cooks and servant girls , who Imvo boon out for 'a time , ' will climb on at every block. Tlio - this are piotty -women on run respec table , but occasionally they have takut : too much boor. I hate n < lrunkon man , but I novnr see a drunken woman without n feeling coino ovoi mo that I would like to ring her nook. Intemperance ia growing among women , too They start out by drink ing n glans of beer 'before going to bed of an evening , ami a * they cannot begin to slantl as mucli liiiuor as n man the tirst thing they know they nro regular sots. A woman who likes beer , and * fosters the dcsiro for it , speedily loses all claim to being a lady A few nights ago a woman cot on who was drcsfeod in black Bilk. She actually were diamondc , nnd n watch nnd chain thai must Imvo cost $ ; iOO. She WAS very drunk , but nut on n haughty ail' and assumed A mti.vmnn iiE.vmxo. She sat in the loft-hand upper cor ner , and the car was pretty well crowded. At Hester street an old hug got on , Shn wns slouchily dressed , and not quite bo drunk aa the other woman. Hy thu side of the nicely-dressed woman Ihoro wns about four inches of unoccupied space , and the new-comer attempted to wcdgo hcraclf into it , Such a look of dis * gust as she received I never saw bo foro. Hockoning to the conductor , the woman with the line clothes managed to say : "Con duclor , rumovo this vas ft-bond , ple.isoJ" "You dare call ino nio , n lady a vagabond , you drunken thing ! " cried the dilapidated- looking feninlo , and , before anyone could interfere , she flow in the lino-looking woman's fnco und almost scratched her eyes out before wo could interfere. As it was , the assaulted woman wont into hysterics , had a touch of the jim-jams , fainted and converted the car into : i traveling hos pital before wo got to St. Mark's place , whore she wished to get oil' , Very frequently iho Bowery qirls who travel on the late trips fight. They always carry a heavy whisky glass in their pockets , and a few of thorn carry revolvers about the sio of good ton cent cigar. Ono night I saw n Ger man girl with a dagger. She belonged in the Atlantic garden , .and was try ing to kill a fellow who was making love to a woman from ono of the I3owery variety shows. She would have stabbed him , too , had she not dropped her dagger. It wns very warm that night , and the front door was open , and I , who had boon WATCHINO THE FUN , quickly stopped in and put my foot on the kuifo , blocking her game. The fellow she wanted to stick turned white as a sheet and hurriedly loft the car with his serio-comic companion , The Gorman girl never said a word until the retreating couple turned into Prince street , and then she said , ad dressing mo , in a cool and decidedly sweet voice : "Oblige mo by removing your foot , Mr. Driver. " I was so taken by surprise that I blubbered out something , and stopped oll'tho dagger , and she thanked mo with her eyes , loaned forward , picked up the glitter- inginstrument , wrapped her silk hand kerchief about it , and then allowed handkerchief and all to drop in her lap. She loft the car at Sixteenth street and wont up toward the West minster hotel , and I'll wager a month's salary to a bottle of soda that she will ono day knife the chap whom she car ries the dagger for " As the driver concluded his story the car stopped at the stables , and while a fresh team of horses were being put on , the reporter bade him good-night and returned down town by way of tho'Elovated. Smngglor * Fall Into a Trap. New York Timca. The custom house officers on the lookout for smuggling have recently been closely watching the movements of certain vessels arriving at this port , and at midnight on Wednesday made a "haul" which to no inconsiderable" extent repaid them for their extra ac tivity , The Havana line steamer the City of Washington an chorcd oil1 Quarantine , early on Wednesday evening , to remain there over night. Special Officers S , D , Cook and M. J. Harrigan de termined to closely watch her , and when darkness sot in they lowed off toward the vessel in a small boat. For three or four hours or more they were to3s < ? d about on the waves , discovering nothing out of the usual order of things , but just before midnight their patient watch was rewarded. The steamer's stern light was raised and waved live times in quick succes sion. Tlio ofllcora pulled to the steam er. Harrigan handled the oars and sat with his back to the vessel , while Cronk forced his slouch hat well down over his face , and further disguised himself by tying a largo handkerchief over the top of his head and down under his chin , as if to hold his hat on in the wind. When they reached tlio vessel a voice from overhead said , in half suppressed tones , "pull awuy and como luck in fifteen minutes. " They followed instructions without a word , and wore soon a half mile or more dis tant. The fifteen minutes soon elapsed , and then the light was waved again , this time over the vessel's side. The small boat again pulled up beside the steamer. The voice overhead was hoard again. "All right ; hero goes , " and down to the boat fell n bag at the end of a stout ropo. The rope was loosened and an other bag followed , then another and anolhor , till live in all had been cast down. "That's all , " called out the voice , and the boat hurled toward shore , to turn as soon as darkness hid its track and make way to the hospital ship. That reached the bags were opened and the Havana cigars to the number of 7,000 were discovered , all nicely packed in pretty boxe * . The eoizuro was made known yesterday at the custom house , and an agent of the steamship line was soon on hand for particulars , and was not a little sur prised when ho learned tlio story of the interesting way in which the smuggler * on his vessel had over reached themselves and made delivery to government ofllcors instead of to confederates. The cigara have not been appraised yet , but nn examina tion proves that many are of extra brands. The steamer will probably have to pay a heavy line , there being no evidence ! as to the identity of thu persona who throw the cigars over board. Dan'l Plank , of Brooklyn. Tloga county , 'o. , describe * It tliun : " 1 rode thirty iij'eu for a IxHtlo of TiioiiAH1 EC-I.KC.TJIIO ) IL , wliicli effected the wonderful cure of crooked limb In nx application * ; it proved worth mure tlmu gold to me. " ITeodlw THE AMERICAN METROPOLIS. A City Exposed to Dostructiv Conflagrations. Poor Wntor Supply nnd Wrotoho Flro Protection. Xe.v York letter to rhihdo ! | > ! ih Kcctml. The great lire at Vanderbilt'a horsi car ntablus on Fourth avenue , aw which made a ruin f Moroll's ' ulogan storeago warehouse with its valuabl contents , has called attention to th liability of this well-built city to _ great down-town tire and the impossi bility of checking the flames , In the great fire of 1835 there was a smal supply of water and only a volunteer department ; before the conllagratioi of 1848 Croton water had boon intro duccd , but the mains were inadequate In both cases buildings had to bo torn down in order to check tlio llames Many of our citizens imagine Urn with the increase of Croton supply the lower portion of the city is eompara tivoly sufo ; but the fact is there ia not a building below Canal street whore thu water rises higher than the basement. The neu postoflloo water supply does not rise higher than this , and yet it is built 01 the most favorably-situated ground it the lower pait of the city. At thu terminus of the horao cars , opposite The llurald building , all the water for the horses has to be brought from the Antor , * ho w.itor hydrants not beint , available , llenco if there were a lire in that vicinity the mains would nol supply enough for a single engine. Ti 1843 thuso maina were wooden four- inch mains , madu by boring logs ; now they are only eighteen inches when they ought to bo four feet ami a hr.lf. Hero is whore the troubh lies in the lack of a new aqueduct am source of supply , which should supplement - plement the Croton and render thu How of the stream inexhaustible. In nearly all down-town stores water if pumped up to reservoirs on the rooi or in the top story , and nearly all the elevators are run by stoant , so thai the drain upon the Croton is kept up day and night. Suppose that a fire breaks out in any down town building. In point of fact but a single stream can bo turned upon it. The conilagration , oven in an alleged lire-proof building , must soon gain the mastery unless the watchman or the first engine on the ground can put it out while it .still re quires only a few pails of water poured on the tlamcB. If thia cannot bo done it must spread until an entire section of the most valuable portion of the city is in flames , and it will not bo chucked until dynamite is applied by some lovel-huadud official , and a blocker or two of vulu.tble buildings has been laid even with the street. The talk about lire-proof buildings is all non sense. Take "Fort Sherman , " for instance , at the head of Wall street , which will perpetuate for a few years John Sherman's peculiar ideas and methods in banking. Its massive walls seem stout enough to withstand the pressure of a dozen outside confla grations , but within it is filled with the most inflammable wood work , which would speedily curl up its iron girders , scale oil'its rod sand stone battlements and leave it a smok ing ruin. These are facts which are undeniable , but which noj newspaper in this city would dare to publish in the plainness with which they are hero set down. Seine of those papers have their local habitation in buildings which are professedly fire-proof , but are only iron and atone tinder boxes ; others tear to distress politicians by a veritable allusion to the water supply ; others , again , fear offending the Fire Department or the financiers who are erecting ten-story towers of peril. The Fire Department is all right "tho linest in the world , " of course but it is not their fault that the water supply is utterly insufficient for their nueda nnd that the public ia kept in blissful ignorance of the fact. Some day the thoughtless public of Now York will learn it to their sorrow and at a cost of several hundred millions , possibly. Meanwhile their ignorance is bliss and saves them some little expense in the : est of private watchmen. It must not bo thought that there is not a fire-proof building in Now York. 1'horo is ono , exactly ono , and no more. The building in question is the Lennox Library structure , at Fifth avenue ind Seventieth street , opposite the I'ark. It is literally founded on a rock , being built without a cellar , on i ledge of solid gneisi und trap. There yaw no contract work about. Every- ; hing was done by day's work , and the jricklayors , who were all carefully so- octed , were allowed only to lay BO nany bricks'a day. The result of Mr. Lennox's conscientious care is not inly ono of the handsomest buildings n the city ( its outside walls are of line vhito marble ) , but the only ono which s absolutely fire-proof. Within its iccuro walla are already placed a ihoico collection of statuary and mintings ( including "Milton Dictating I'uradise Lost to his Daughtora" ) , and lie libraries are olacing and catulogu- ng the finest library in America , 'the juildinu is bettor worth a vitiit than my other in or about Central park. Let us hope that when comuloted it vill be thrown open to the public at m hour when its treasures can bo nado uao of by the general public , { specially our workaday young moil tnd women. The Astor library and uost of' the others are closed during ho only hours in which working poo- do can visit them. If opened until a oasonablo hour in the night , they night possibly escape an accidental ire which would bo fatal to the valua- ilo contents of the buildings. As for ho few libraries that are kept open to tvening visitors , their available con- cnts are mainly works of fiction , SKK HKUK irou nio nick ; well , thcro ! H just ono retne- ly that will cure you beyond poHfllbillty or loubt. If it'n Liver or Kidnuy trouble , ; onaiiinitiin | ( , Dynpepain. Debility , Health llcnewer" it your hope. rl. Druggist Depot , C. V. Goodman , Baoklln'i Arnica Kalvo , The best salvo in the world for outs , jruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , over sores , totter , chapped hands , ihillblainsj corns and all kinds of ikin eruptions. This ealvo is guar- intcod to give perfect satisfaction in ivory case or money refunded. Price , ! 5o per box. For sale by IHH & McSUiiox , Omaha. An vnllowr ns n lotnon , ' oxprciiM th hcttlut jauiiiikc hat wl In. The iioor , 111 n od llv-pr IIM turned 111.0 tlio "troddeiHipoi worm , " and inserted her rl 'liK tno at once Tftrrnnt's Soltsor Aperient , , illrcctlorn ; the jn tctn In | iTO'cr lin | > o. ntnl won tliv Monin o youth will return to the lu-cV nm ! lioalth 1x3 ro utoroJ. No ini-JIcIno It licltcr for tlio nj-stfm tliixn TA ASt'n8Ki.Tm Armiitsr. 80I.U 11V ALt 1 > UIKC.ISTS , _ _ Oalljr oo l , Wlioso complexion betrays noMio humiliating imperl'ec- lion , ivlioso mirror tells you that von are 'i'luincd , Sallow nnddlsilgured in coiiittcnnnco , or Imvo Eruptions , Itcdncss , Itoiiglincss or uwUiolosomo tints of coniploxion say use llngan's Magnolia Ualni. It is u delicate , lmrmles ami delightful article , producing the most natural iind cntnuic- ing tints , tlio iirliliciulity of vvliich no observer can detect , and which soon becomes per manent if tlio lluguolin Bului Is judiciously used. If TOU are o Jit youan > n V nbU'4ne < ww1AC' 1 ' in of lev oned by tlio ntmln iif your duties HTOH ! IilHtit work , t < i Ttr rtlmulant-innil u < Hop Bittern. rhXxr a * Hop B If you nn > younjt and E dlsorctlon or duwlpnl jtluni if 3 * \i uie mnr- licit or tInftlc , i > M or I iKiorliraltli or Unwilvi I . [ tip on a bed of tick- Less i-L-ly on H o p \ luittori , " TlloUMin(19 Uio nA- AVlinprcr jrounro , fcol , nuallr J r u in sonio nhtiwvcr you lforiur m J Klclnoy j tlmt your needs rlcaiuinu.tou- ' XdLicaFo tlmt mlKlit tn ? or RtlinuUUntr , I \fithoutnfojrffu iiir , I Uy tlmolr w > u ( tnko Hop / , . HopDIttora Bltt.r. . M pt/ala , D. I. 0. crttruMi ahnnhito i an flatnt. ill iu ) e . anil irrotMa. of the itnmatlt , , HOP Mo euro for Inirclt , blood drunkenness , orntrval liver use of upturn , You wilt DO tobndoo 0 * * cured If you ure narcutlca. Hop Blttors simply Soldbydrnjt- Ifyounro Xo , bcndlor ply IT o n It and , NEVER Circular. low spirited try Iti | t may unpurrrtM onveyour FAIL H'F > 0 CO life. It has caved hun nocbMttrf H. T dreds. A Toronto , Ont , West for beliiff the most direct , quickest , ind wvfcst line connecting the prcat llctropolls , CHI- ! AQO , and the EAHTKHN , NORTII-EAHIBIU < , Bourn nd SOUTH-EABTJIRN LiNhg , which terminate thorc , Ith KANSAS Cur , I.KAVKNWOHTU , Aicnisoti , : OUNCIL ULUFFH anil OMAHA , the COMMIRCIAI 3BNT11ES from which radiate EVERY LINE OF ROAD tmt penetrates the Continent from the lllnsourl liver to thu Pacific Hlopo. The CHICAGO ROOK ISLAND & PA- v OIFIO RAILWAY s the only line from Chlur.go owning track Into Cansaf , or which , hy Ito own road , reaches the > olntaalK > onainc.J. Ifo TRASariuu BV CAimiAonl Jo HiHHiNn COSNECTIONSI No huddllniT In 111- entllatcil or unclcnn earn , aa every i > a3ungor la -nrrlod In roomy , clean and vcntllalcd coachca pen Fast Kxprum Trains. DAT CAM of unrlialod ma nldccnce , PDLLHAN 'ALACK HLBKIMNO CAKI. and our own workl-fivnous ) INI.SI CAIIH , urjon which meals are Borvod of mi- urittssod oxcollcnco , nt the low ruto of SnVRKTV- INK CUNTS BACH , with ample tiino for hoaltbful nlpjnncnt. Through Cars hotwccn Chicago , Poorla , till vaukco anil llisiourl Rl\or Polnta ; and close con cctloni at all jwlnta of Intersection with other oada. We ticket ( do not forgot this ) directly to every lace of Importance In Kansas. Nebraska , Black Illls , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , No\ada , California , recon , WaihinKtoa Torrltory , Colorado , ArUona lid New Mexico. Aa liberal arrargcmcnts rcar\l'lig ( \ baggage as ny other line , and rates of fare aluayR al ow ns nmpetltors , who furnish but a tttho oi tbo com- ort. Doss and tackle of enorturoen free. TickoU. miiM and folders at all prlnclpa fllcos In tlia United States and Canada. R. R. CAIILH , E. BT. JOHN , Ice Prcs't & flen. Oon. Tkt aud Pasi'r Ai { Manavcr. Chluurn Cftl < "urr > . 880. SHORTJ.INE. 1880. KANSAS CITY , ft , Joe &Couicil Bluffs u run OMLY Direct Line to ST , LOUIS AND TUB EAST Prom Omaha and o change of cars between Omaha and bi. i/mli , and but ono between OMAUA and KKW YOHK. Daily Passenger Trains MACUTNO ALIi EASTERN AND WK.Sir.ilN CITIE3 with LE8B OUAltQKS and IN AUVANCE ol ALLS OTHKU LINES. Thli entire Una U equipped with Pallman'i aluco Rlooplng Can , i'alaco Day Coachoa. Mlller'i afety Platform and Coupler , and the celebrated Vcatln house Air-brake. 2TBou that your ticket re d VIA nANHAB 1TV , ST. JOSEPH U COUNCIL ULVWH Hall- oad , via Bt. Joseph and Ht. Louis. Ticket * for Bale at all cou | > on Utlons la the Vest. J. T , IIAUNARU , 0. DA WEB , ( Jon. 8upt. , St. Joocph , Mo | Qen. 1'aw. and Ticket Atft. , Ht. Joseph , Jlo. ANUT llOKDRN , TlckU AKcut. 1020 Farnliam street. A. D , lUMUun. General Aeont , OMAHA. NK Exnmltint Jon of Teaoborc- I will bo prevent at my olllco In CrelKhton ockon tlio first Haturdayof each month to x. nine such applicant * M may dcblru to teach the pul.lloxhools In Douglas county , cjuar- rly examination tint Saturday In February , ay , Augiut and Noumber. J.J roiKM , County Hunt , ubllo Instruction tand3 ! om tl J.H FLIEGLE uccosxor to J. H Thlelo , MERCHANT TAILOR No , 180 DoDitlar * - . < V bt Neb , . T X33C3E1 No 'Changing Cars IflTWlIM OMAHA & CHICAGO , Where direct connection are niiutn with Thrnuifb 8l.KP.PINa OAK LINKS for NKW YOIIK , MOSTON. I'HILAUKI.PIIIA , 11AI.TIMOKR , WAattlNOTON AND AUj KASTKIIN lT a. The Short Line via. Peoria far INDIAKAVOMH , CINCINNATI , LOUIS- VII.I.K , nnd nil point * In the TIIR BWJT LIN I For ST. LOUIS , Vhore direct connections are mvlo In tlio Union Dei > ot with the Through Sleeping Cai LlnraforALI. 1'OINTa 3 o TT-ac aac . NEW LINE DESMOINES TI1I5 FAVORITE UOUTK FOIl Rock Island. The uiiiMitalcit Inducements offered by this line o traveler * nml tourists arc iw follows : The celebrated TUI.I.MAN (10-whpel ( ) PAI.A01C LKEI'INO OAKS run only on this Una 0. , II. & < J. I'ALACK UAVVINU HOOM CAIIS. with lorton'n ltcclltihi Clmlra. No extra charge lor attain Iteclliilm , ' Chain. Thofamoua G. , B. & i. 1'alaro Dlnlnj , ' ( lvrn. Qonrcom Smoking Can tted with rleipint hlK'h'lmekrd rattan roohing lialrs , lor the exclutilv o line of Qrat-clam | vacn- ; ore. ore.Stocl Track itnd superior equipment comblrM 1th their KMi'at through cnr nrniiciuont | , mtk < its , RM\O all othen , the la > orlta route to tno Kant , Houth and Southeast. Try It , Mi < l you will flncl traveling * luxury In. lead of a discomfort. Through tliketHlo this colcbrntud Una far laic tall olllccrt In the United State * and Canada. All Information nhciut ratvs of faru , Bleeping Car accommodations , Thno Tables , etc. , will bo beertutly given hy appljhiK to / KUCUVAI. LOWKLti , General Fatwonxcr Aircnt , Chicago. T. J. VOTTEK , OcnnrM JUnii'or CblCMto. Sioux City & Pacific THE SIOUX CITY ROUTE Uuna n. Solid Trnln Through from Conncil Bluil'a to fct. Paul Without Change Tlmr , Only 17 Hours , IT IS 3LOO MILKS TUB SHORTEST ROUTE , FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH OB B1SUARCK , > nd all polnta In Northern Iowa , lllnmwota anil > akotn. Thla line la equipped with tbo Improved VcBtlniihouBC Automatic Alr-lirako and UUler 'latform Coupler and OuHor ; nnd for 8PKED. SAFETY AND COMFORT a unsurpassed. Pullman Paliro Bleeping Car un throiiKh WITHOUT CHANOK between Kun BOB City ami St. I'uul , vie. Council llluUs and Sioux City. Tralna lcnp Union Paclflc Tranufcr nt Coun- 11 HluIlH , at 7:35 ji. in. dally on ai rival of Kaunas ; ity , St. Joseph und Council lllulTd train from lie South. Arriving nt Sioux City 11:30 : p. m. , rid at the Now Union Depot at St. Paul at 12:30 : oon. EN HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY OT11EU ROUTE. /tJTRemcmlicr / In taking the Hlnux City Itouto output a 'lhrnmh 'Jrnln. Thehoriiwt ( l.lnu , lie Quickest Time nnd a Conifortablo Rlda In the 'hrouuh i nrs botw ceil COUNCIL BLUFFS AND ST. PAUL. jtarSeo that your Tickets road \la the "Sioux ty anil 1'riclflc llnlhoail. ' ' J. S. WATTLKH , J. H. HUCHANAN , t-iipurlntvnik'nt. IOcn'1 1'ass. AKunt. P. E. KOUINSON , Ass't Ocn'l I'IMH. A 't , MiHwurl Valley , Iowa. J. II. O'HUYAN , SoiithwoKtcrn Aciit ( , Council UlufTj , lorta. HAWKEYE PLAINING MILL 00 , Des Moines , Iowa. Manufacturers of SASH. DOORS , DLIND8 , BRACKETS. MOULDINGS , ftO. Great rnlurtlon In Hank Countura , Plans lur- Uhul.niid word fiirnlnliu'l In all Kinds of hard rBoltvtorxl , CounturH llnlslioil In oil wliunilo- ml. Shelving ol nil klnili fiirnlshuil nnd put nto building ready for ( mint on short notlco ir workmen uru the liimt mechanic * that can bo irocurcd , ba\o monoby giving us your coo Blairs , Newels and Balusters. Oiirforeimin In this department was former ! ) ( Ill l''robt Manufacturing Co , I Chicago , llu , nnd liis donu uoino of the flnctt Stair * ork ntho Northnext Ordurj by mull promptly attended to. R29-3ni GRAND OPENING ! ProfcuHor Fluhcr , ( from St. Loulu ) Uanclnx Ac , Iviny , fjtnndard Hall , cor Fifteenth nnd r'arn- mm , Tucsdiy e\enlna , Sutittmbcr Dili. UlaxuoH for 1-adlcn and Oontlenicn comrncncln 'uuBday i\tiilnr ; September ( Jth ; clrtsntiw lor Inuea nnd Morton ) , commencing Saturday after- eon at 4 o'clock. Clnxacs for Kamlllcx , wlllliu rrmiKud tn milt tlie honoroblu patrona. Also talloc Jivntln ; ; tan be taught. TerniH llberitl , und iicrfi'U s.itlHfucllon tn Bcliol- n Ruarantued. 1'rliute imtructlom wll ictfr- n at the Dancing Academy or at the nulUvnco f th patronx. I'rivato orders may bo loft atllai lluycrA rnV ntSO-tf POPOSAL8 For PurchaiB or Lome City Property , Healed nrojxmlH for the purchanu of , or the caw of thu city property , known on tbo "Old 'cat House Orrjiind , " will kn receded by the un- enlgntil until Tnrwlay , October ! ! 6tb , 1H81,12 . 'clock noon H ld ground contains ono aero of and fully deHcrlbed tiy mctcn and bound * In the ccd to the city. Thu council reserve ! the right o reject uny aud all bldH. bldH.J J , J , L. 0. JKWKTT. City Clerk , Orntha , 9ct , 18Ui , UH1. oclB-Ot John G. Jacobs , ( Formerly of OWiA Jacob * , ) UNDERTAKER. o. 1417 Furoham St. , Old BtMid ol J cobOli. CTOrdnr * ov Tolwraph Rollritwl S7-lv J. E. BRADLEY , TEC. 33 Corner 10th and Webster Sti. 'rceb Oyitcrs and ( lame constantly on hand tnd served In tlio latent tt > lu , OS. 1 , OUUXtiON , i. O. 11VRT Clarkson & Hunt , Sucoeofirn ( n Richard * & Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW B ) UthBttt t Om ha Nb JTHIS NX7W AJOJi CORRECT ? MAP * > - I'rotuj Beyond nny rcMOtwhlo Question tlmt th CHSOAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RY I's t > y nil ixtrts tlio b s. roivrt for you to take when Iravollng Ia ollhcr direction bctwccnT' Chicago nnd all of the Principal Points In tlio WoJl , North and Northwest. ap. TlicrilnrlpM Cltlcinf the \VMtnml Nortliwo t urn Htfttlortt' nnth ironil. Its tlirouih ; trains iimko close couuccUotu with Uio trains ul all ruiU-owU a * junctlou points. * THE CHICAGO A , NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , : ffl < S fourormoro VutfiipmU The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. lloinc'mbcr to ask for Tickets via this roatt.foa stiro they reml over It , and toke none other. lUKVIN UL'OUHT.acu'l ' MnuaBcr.CMcaKO. M. W. II. STLSSEir , Gcu'l 1'aas. Apetit , OUIcaue * HARRY P. DUKL. Ticket A nt0. ; in N. W. Ralhvny. Hth and Fajnh m strcotn. I ) . IX KIUIIALI. , AwOMAiit Ticket Acvnt U. k N. W. ilallmiy , 14th and Farnham itrooU J. 11KLL. Ticket ARont C. & N. W. Railway , U. P. IV R. Depot. BAMKST. CLAHK Orncrel Aircnt. ti A large and varied stock of Sta ple and Fancy AT FIFTEEN PER CENT THAN DOWN TOWN STORES. You will Save MONEY by buying your DRY GOODS of GUILD & McINNIS , COS N. 16th Street , 2d door north of Oal E Side. EDHOLM & ERIGiKSON , -GIVE THE IlAltaAlNB IN ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY , WATCHES , CLOCKS , SILVERWARE SOLID AND PLATED WARE AND DIAMONDS. At Prices that Suit Any Customer Who Really Wishes a First- Glaes Article. STAR TINTED SPECTACLES Art alee Bold hy us. delusively CO riH rJi EDHOLM & ERICKSON , THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Office. SUPERIOR v.:1. ; : In 'Convenience ' , DURABILITY , ECONOMY AND > ' t GENERAL GOUSTRUCTION. BUYiHlBiESTr ( -SOLD Bll-l.1"1"1 < ivjl ' Lang & Fotick.