Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1881, Image 8

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"Wednesday . Morning , Dot 19.
u * ,
For Sheriff ,
* For Treasurer ,
For Clerk ,
| For Commliwloner ,
' "
; , B. r. KNIGHT.
} I'or Judge ,
For Sarveyor.
I * "For Superintendent of Instruction ,
For Coroner ,
For the accomodation of our up-lown
patrons arrangement have been rondo with
Edholm & Krlckson , Jewelers , opposite the
post office , where advertisements am
crderu for the city delivery of TUB UEE
will be received. Advertisements for the
evening must bo handed In before 1:30 : p
m. , lor the morning edition before 8:30 :
Patterson sells coal.
Frederick Leading Hatter.
r1 Doano , Reliable Hatter.
' Fine pocket knives at Kulm'n.
Owl Cigars at Kwhn'a ' Dru < ? Store.
Night School at the Business College.
j , Th Lion continue ! to roar for Moore's
Harnokad Saddlery.
For TINE Commercial Job Printing ,
11 at TUB BEE Job rooms.
Smoke Starlton & Storms , finest
'Cigar , at Kuhn's Drug Store only.
Boys' Warm School Capo , all kinds ,
cheap , at Frederick's ; largest stock.
< * . oct4-Ct
The wedding of Dean Mlll paufih
\vl\\ \ take place in Trinity Cathedral at 8
o'clock Thursday morning.
Get your scat to-morrow morning for
the Big 4 Minstrels for Friday and Satur
day evening and matinee.
The U. P. train for the west did not
leave until 4 o'clock to-day , haung waited
for the Rock Island train at the DluffH.
' The BKK acknowledges the following
1 additional subscriptions to the Garfield
msnumentfuml : O. , T. Wilde , § 1.00 ; O. J.
Wilde , Jr. , 81.00.
' The Union- Catholic literary asgocla-
. ' tton gave n literary and musical entertain
ment nt their rooms Inst night. The at
tendance was fair.
"A rare chance" for somebody to step
into n good paying business. The stock
and fixtures of the Michigan tobacco store
1417 Douglas street for Bale cheap. En
quire on the premises.
I There will be an adjourned meetingof
those interested in the Chihia Hospita1 of
the Trinity Parish to-da > { afternoon at
' - o'clock in the Cathedral. All ladies in
terested in the work arc cordially invited
to be present.
-About D o'clock yesterday afternoon a
-man who was decidedly under the influence
ol liquor fell from hla wagon at the corner
of Sixteenth and Chicago streets. He wan
ci drunk that he could not get out of the
mud puddle in which ho fell without as-
4 On last Friday Oscar Chase , of thin
city , was married in the Episcopal church
at Lincoln to Miss Parrot of that city.
The couple Imvu returned to Omaha where
hey will hereafter reside , The groom
thinks the object was well worthy of the
Chase , his friend * say.
tfrine hundred and fifty-nine beautiful
residence lots , located on Hamilton street ,
half way between the turn table of the
red street car line and the waterworks
rescryoir and addition , and just went of
t ho convent of the Sisters Poor Claire in
8hmn'e addition , Prices rangp from § 75
t o $110 each , and will bo Bold on easy
* I terms to those who will improve. Bomls'
real estate agency , Fifteenth and Douglas
jstrects ,
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver
O uro. * 17eodlw
] Tnke "BLACK-DRAUGHT" and you
' will never bo bilin'i"
1 At C. F. Goodman.
, ' , Sarionily Hurt.
, . „ r Daniel O'Koefo , who lives in South
i t Omaha , and who lias boon working at
the barracks , in getting out of a wagon
if-at ' the headquarters , Monday morning ,
' " -lilippod and foil astride of the wheel.
* At the time ho did not think himself
f injured , but yesterday , feeling seine
pain , ho visited Dr. Morriam's ollico ,
when it was discovered that bo was
ap seriously injured that ho may pos-
* ' aibly lose his life.
A fortune may be spent in using incf-
t Vffectual medicines , whim by applying
Jlho'njM1 Ecleetrio Oil a speedy and ccon-
j iimical cure can be Directed. In cane of
Theuinalisnv'lAme back , bodily > allment3 ,
or pains of every dcacriptfon , it affords in
stant' relief. , 4 /LJ cod Iw
The Mammoth Southern MinA -
A rumor has boon pretty widely
circulated abouUho streets that the
ll ( pn\o \ h" _ , Southern Minstrels \ ho
started from thi.i city some weeks ago
had "Kone , J.p thunder , " having dis-
. | iu that their manager , 'Nii- '
„ „ i on his way back to resuino
the personal supervision of the variety
ty show in this city. Inasmuch as
immoth Southorn" are esson-
Q iaha jorgaiiuation , at the
which' are ! Molnfyro and
nif.t > fa'/- Jj i
'last '
of the manager of the minstrel troupe.
denied the ptory in tote , dud- allowed
u letter front the other , but three dap
old , whicIfttdtocTlliat ( hd * troupe uro
clearing , above oxpoiiBea and Balarjcs
$200 weekly addiprbmieu to do a utili
better buBiuoas. Tlic fate of Omaha
line , does not , therefore , ueem ( o b'o
in { ho way of failure.
HiaVersion of the Indictment
Pound in Iowa.
Domestic Infelicity Hie Excuse
For Infidelity.
A CImptcr on the Villain Who
Still Pursued Him-
To the Kditorof Tur. tlxt.
WAHOO , Neb. , October 18. 1 was
not much surprised at roadinj
the interesting and flattering report ol
myself in your issue of the 13th inst
because the author of it has been busy
for the past year and a half tolling his
story and .hunting an editor mean
enough to advertise his tirade , bul
failed , and now if you had published
his name ( which is John Stcon ) as
plainly at the bottom of his article as
it appeared in every sentence of it
to the mind of the citizens of Wahoo
and vicinity , I would not stoop to
notice any part of it , because the general
oral public are not interested in n
family quarrel , and such matters
should bo beneath the notice of a pul
lie journal ; but as many will read il
who nro not acquainted with mo anil
who have no opportunity of knowing
the circumstances connected with the
case , I will accept your kind offer of
publishing a reply.
The indictment was found upon the
evidence of John Stcon , who , under
the statutes of Iowa , made an illegal
complaint , and then indirectly per
jurcd himself by evading the facts
by some hccus pocus , known only to
those who , on this occasion wore ad
mitted into the secrets of the grand
jury loom. He aworo "that in Juno ,
18U7,1 was married to Carrie A. An
derson" which I am sorry to say is
true "that I lived at Wahoo , and
that ho wan there at the request of
the woman I married , his wife's sinter ,
to make the complaint. " Thus you
see ho loaves' me in the mind of that
, 'nind jury , who were all strangers tone
no , as being still the husband of Car
rie A. Anderson , 'the woman I mar
ried.1 Ho was very careful not to
say lie was there at the request of my
wife. Ho then identified a picture of
myself which ho had taken there for
.hat purpose , and ends his testimony.
[ Io then has my wife's sister , a little
; irl 11 years old , brought in betoro
; his secret court , and she testified
'that she had a sister named Alice
rho married Henry Anderson , of
Wahoo , Nebraska. That she was not
at the wedding , but that T had been
at her father's house in company with
ny wife at difi'eront times , and that
ho picture presented was of mo. "
L'ho result was an indictment , as stat
ed. A short time after I had an inti-
nation that something of this kind
was going on and I Went over to in-
ostigato and found the case standing
as above otated. I then went to the
trosocuting attorney and asked him
wl-at ho proposed to do about it. If I
va to bo tried I was there to give
xmils for my appearance. But ho ad
vised mo net to do so , saying ho
micrht not want me and it would bo a
useless expense and inconvenience to
attend court to save the forfeiting of
my bond , and ho iniulit never want
mo , in fact ho admitted that ho had
since come to the conclusion there
liould not have been an indictment ,
) iit it was too late to remedy and
Captain ( / ) John Steen had gained his
object and now has got it published
and ought to bo happy. Ho had the
iamo kind of a telegram sent to The
[ lorald just in time to bo published
'or the enlightenment and edification
of our county convention on the 3d
imtant , but not having the
manhood to sign his own name.
In regard to my leaving for Colorado
I will say that in the fall of 1878 I
made up my mind that it was useless
"or mo to attempt to live and maintain
i house with Cariie A. Anderson any
longer and consulted my bosom friend
"John" and his verdict was that "ho
would bo G d if ho would have
lived with her half an long as I had , "
Ilia own language , not mine ) , and I
commenced preparations for temporary
or permanent removal from her as cir
cumstances might dictate , repeatedly
counseling Capt. ( ? ) fetoon concerning
my course , and on February 23 , 1880 ,
[ had my business matters m shape to
leave. The last three months pre
vious to my departure n alight cold
ness wan perceptible on the part of
3upt. ( ? ) Stcon because I did not turn
oyer my banking business nor the
treasurer's otlico to him as my "near-
est and best friend , " to use his own
language on the evening before 1
ntartod , when ho asked mo
what I intended to do with
my oflico after I was gone. Ho sup
posed he would bo as near in the line
if succession as any ono hero. I told
liim I had employed my deputy dur
ing my term of ollico , and aa long as
ho did the business satisfactorily to
the public and myself I should retain
him. This was the straw that broke
the camel's , back , " and Captain ( ? )
John Steen has since laid awake
nights tp plan law to ruin me , or
drive mo out of the country , > AmoiiK
other arrangements , j ; had my attor
ney prepare a petition suing for di
vorce In the term of the dis
trict court for Saunders county in
April , 1880. but with the instruction
not to begin action if there was any
prospect of MJ-S. Carrie A. Anderson
bcgining an Action of the Maine kind ,
which she did. What induced her 1
care not , but that 1 , had any inten-
tjqjv or desire to defraud her of any
rights or bcat her out of' any part of
her interest in my property ia
a willful and malicious false
hood , for I did not attemut to
wnwioriior toTpiipw Sine , and what
Bhegotwasmy owii ! free 'gift ' , aid :
amounted to about ' 88,000 , stead of
§ 5,000 , viz : Our house nnd
homo , furnhhcd complete ; also barn ,
horao and carriage , well worth § 3,000 ;
aii 80 acre farm , ' wolK' improved and
good buildings , adjoining town , worth
* 2,000 { tweut6ghttoi i6ts , for
which I would nnd nilr now givi her
& ,00QmidC , , ljOOO/caah.bcsideJ her
attorney's foe , the modest sum of
S''OO. If the property lias dwindled
down to ? 5,000 it hns been done
through the manipulations of this same
Capt. ( ? ) John Steen , who I know got
the most of the cnsh at the time and
oven refused to give her a nolo for it ,
and his brother's houses are
now paitly furnished with the furni
ture out of our homo , and then they
point to the homo of my children , ay-
ing they cannot afford to have any
thing better than the old furniture re
fused by them.
I returned hero about the 1st of
May , 1880 , and found that Corrie A.
Amlocson had broke up her homo
and moved to Omaha by the advice of
John Steen and horsistors , as she told
mo herself , and nho complained that
they treated her so badly , they would
not even answer her letters on matters
of bnsinois , and consequently she
wrote to my brother and myself , Hay
ing in ono of her letters , now before
me , that she had "conto to the con
clusion that if anyone would do any
thing for her it would bo Henry and
his folks , " bill Io ! another clungo
came over them , when in December
last I was married again and brpuitht
my wife hero , then she said their let
ters and visits were too numerous to
keep account of and nothing would
do but she must come back
to Wahoo to livn , it would
make it so much more pleasant
for us all you know , and now while I
do not think I should have brought a
second wife hero to bo persecuted by
thciio devils had Carriu A. Anderson
and our children made this their
homo. I do not propose to bo driven
away by such a rabble.
As to their charge that I avoid my
doarchildron they know it's an infamous
lie. On the contrary T never miss an
opportunity to see them and they
know it so well that they have both
coaxed and threatened the children to
induce them not to notice or speak
to me , and they have even committed
violence on the smallest girl in order
that they might punish me and have
told them that they ought to shoot mo
if I ever came near them.
As to the charge that disease had
crazed or impaired the mind of Carrie
A. Anderson before our separation it
is as falao as it is infamous and nobody
knows it better than Cnpt. ( ? ) John
Stuon and you will please allow mo to
copy his own voluntary effusion
addressed to mo four and a half years
ago , at a time when Carrie A. Ander
son concluded that she could no
longer occupy our joint domicile , and
[ consented to her going away and
iaking ono of the children with her
upon the express condition that she
; o to her old homo in Iowa , whore I
would send her money to support her ,
and whenever she was inclined to
: omo back sheSvas welcome to do so.
Thrco days after her departure I ro-
ceivcd a loiter from her dated Sidney ,
Neb. , Baying ho was bound for the
Black Hills , and wanted me to send
lior money to go on or else to buy her
i house und lot in Sidney. No ono
cnows what I suffered the next cou
ple of weeks. I was just getting es
tablished in my business and was on-
: irely alone , so I could not possibly
{ ot away , and she would write mo al-
nest every mail what a terrible place
she was in , and the little
child witholit a place to sleeper
or keep comfortable , ' but to cut this
narrative short , in the same mail in
which I received the first letter from
Carrie A. Anderson I received the fol
lowing from my friend John :
FHEEMONT , March 7 , 1877. j
"MrDKAit HENRY I learned from
Mr. Fuhoman , yesterday , that Carrie
was on the train from Wahoo , evidently -
ly to try the world alone for an indefi
nite period of time. As I may not'.bo
in Wahoo for a few days I hereby ex
tend myhoartyand friendly sympathy ,
while the separation may not bo with
out its benefits. I thinkl can readily
comprehend the position in which it
places you to say the least it must bo
terrible and it is certainly to bo re
gretted that no other course was pos
sible for either n temporary or perma
nent pooco. The world may never
know what you have undergone for
the past three years , to continue and
uphold a homo for the sake of your
children not yourself , nnd the pa
tience with which you have
borne it all. But I think that you
can appeal to your own conscience for
that approbation you failed to receive
from an unreasonable , jealous and un
grateful wife , and in case Mother
Uossip becomes too loud , plcaso refer
thorn to your old and steadfast friend ,
who will stand by you through thick
and thin.
"Youra , as over , JOHN. "
Suffice it to add , on this subject ,
that I do not think she is at all to
blamp for thcso fits of frenzy , because
I believe they are hereditary. I be
lieve her mother brought her husband
to a premature grave by the same
conduct , and I am told her sisturs are
afflicted with periodical screaming fits ,
and their father told mo himself , the
last time I saw him now about nine
years ago , and before my family had
been disturbed by any trouble
that ho feared Carrie and I
would not live happily together lonir ,
because Carrie was getting more like
her mother every day , " is it disease ,
or what is it that ails nil of them ?
I might go on and make charges
against John Stcen's conduct in pri
vate life , which are facts to my own
knowledge and of equally as a damag
ing nature , but at I have already said
they could bo of neither publio benefit
or particular interest , nnd rather than
to make innocents suffer as they do by
such reports I forbear ,
I have already written much more
than I had any idea of doing , and
will leave the case to bo judged by
friend and fuo , as they see fit , relying
on the promise from the higher court
that He who once said : "Lot him
who is without sin ciut the first
stone" shall eventually judge who is
a villain. Yours , etc ,
"Don't Know Hnlf Their Value. "
"Thoy cured mo of Ague , Bilious
ness and Kidney Complaint , as re
commended. I had a half bottle loft
Whiqh I used , for my two little girla.
who the doctors and neighbors aaiu
could not bo cured. I would have
lost both of them ono night if I had ,
not given them Hop BittoiM. They
did thum so imich good f continued
their use until they were cured. That
is why I say you do not know half the
jValuo of lion Bitters , and dp not re-
oomuiond them high enough. " ) B , ,
pochcBtor1 , 'N. Y. See other column'
American Rural Homo. ' " * .
oct. 10-nuv. 1.
Which Greatly Astonished
Judge Savage's Court.
List of the Jnrom Who
It In.
The case of the state vs. Frank
Martin was concluded in Mio districl
court yesterday. Martin , who is a
young man. was charged with having
made away with ono of Jim
Stophonson's horses , which that
gentleman valued at $80.
Martin had represented to Stephenson
that ho uas a commercial man and
would probably bo out on the road for
several days , but thcro would bo no
cause to worry. When n few days
had elapsed Stephenson did not become
come alarmed until he received a * .ol
ogram from Iowa saying that
horse , apparently belonging
to him , had boon sold there by a
stranger. 1'rom the description appended
ponded to the telegiam there was no
doubt whatever that the horse was
Stephenson's ' , and a deputy sheriff
was at once sent there. Ho soon returned
turned to the city with the informa
tion that the.surmisea werocorrectand
Martin being in custody , was locked
up. The case against Mat tin was as
clear M it would be possible for a case
to bo , but nevertheless the jury to
whom it was given returned the as
tonishing verdict of not guilty. Judge
Savogo himself was taken by Hurprio
and in discharging the pris
oner from custody intimated
to him that it would not bo safe for
him to rely upon juries hereafter ,
which , like the ono that had just tried
him , seemed to act in Mio face of posi
tive and direct evidence. Ho advised
the young man to mend his
way and got out of thn city as
rapidly as it was possible for
him to do so. The jury which ren-
ilercd this peculiar verdict was com
posed of Joseph Redman , B. L.
Koyes , Titos. Price , H. D. Shull ,
Theodore Orobo , John P. Timporly ,
hai. " J. Ryan , W. Anderson , Frank
E. Currier , Frank P. Hanlon , Win.
"rowley , nndD. D. Deyo.
Mr. Hull ) , of Lincoln , Neb' , is in the
W. K. Bacon , of Grand Island , is in
C. C. Freeman , of Kxcter , Neb. , is in
thu city.
L. Carter , the cattle man , left to-Jay for
the weat.
Sirs. M.T. ] ) a\is , of Beatrice , is at the
-Tom Collins , hailing from Chicago , is at
the Creighton house.
Vred H. Blecker , agent of the FayTem-
l > leton opera company , is inltown.
John Sanger , of Niobrora , Neb. , is in
the city , a guest at the Oreighton house.
Hon. Masau Gregg , of Fairberry , Neb. .
is in the city staying at the Creighton
G. 1) . Thayer , fromHockCreek , Wyom
ing territory , is registered nt the With-
nell '
Peter Herdie , Jjf Philadelphia , of Her-
die couch notoriety , is in the city at the
Hon. Samuel Chapman , of Plattsmonth ,
IB in the city. He In stopping : at the Met
flawy Croighton , of Texas , i in the
city , on a visit to Inn brother , Jiunes
If. H. Henshaw , post otlice inspector , of
Chicago , 111 , , ia in the city a guest at the
Creighton house.
V. Curtis , of Dead\\ood , came down to
"the Stntea" yesterday , ami will spend a
few days In Omaha.
II. II. Baxter , editor of the Mirror of
Bourbnn , I ml. , in in tlie city the guest of
W. ] f. Vanory , a former Hcliool mate.
Fudge Woolworth leaveH to-day for
Washington to attend the nupreme court
before which ho IIOH several cases pending ,
K. N' Vlnqucst , E q. , for many years n
resilient of Umahn , anil naw living in Kan
sas City , arrived last evening on a business
G. 0. ( iarribaldi , well known as a dec
orator of theaters of San Fianuisco , passed
through Omaha yesterday bound for New
Cm K , Howe , of North Bend ; Karl Jj.
Dlxon , of Ulnir ; W. 11. JlcGinncss , of
iu City , and .1. K. Kcmingtim , of
Pl.ittHinoutli , aiujat thu Canfleld house.
At the Metropolitan : L. D. Wilgns , of
DuidClty ; MnDauUtrom , of Fremont ;
Mason Uiegg , of Fairbury ; J. M. Ilyan.
of Columbus ; C. .f. Gardner , of Sioux
C'ity ; M IV JbhiiHon , of Nebraska City.
, K , Olnrovsky , consul-genera ] of Hua-
, located at San Francisco , wni on the
east-houml train of the U. P. yesterday
going to Xuw York , f Io upaaka hopefully
of the Kuiaiatisituation ami believes nihil
ism is being crushed.
The following arrivals in the city from
Nebraska ami the west are noted on the
Withnell house register : K. P. Anderson ,
of Cheyenne ; Jams Chute and daughter ,
of Lincoln ; W. N , Noble , of Fort Wanna-
kel , Wyoming territory ; It. 1) . Steams , of
Lincoln ; Gco. S. Smith and F , F . White ,
of PlatUmouth ; J. J. Stublw aijd wife of
No hvatl-acho or Wck-ncho for ladies
who drink "WINE OF CARDUI. "
At 0. F. doorman
rUOHTiit ; , JOHANNA Wife of Ifcnry
Hjchtcr , died Ocloler 18 , at 0 a. in1. ' ,
ngetl forty'yeaw. '
Funeral Thursday , October 2 ( > , at 3 i > ,
m. , from residence , No , 1110 Howard
street. Vripnds Invitod.
Cull at WinN , Whitney > D.tuglas
ropt JJppt and ! Emporium. , , Burt's '
' " ' " '
premium goods'"for' both"ladics' and
gentlemen ,
South Omaha Sewer
It will bo remembered that some
time ago it was decided by
the council that if these hav
ing claims against the city wouh
mass the amount judgement would a
once bo confessed and the amount o
the claims paid by the city. E. R
French and A. M. Chadwick were
trustees for claimant to the amount o
84,745. Yesterday Mr. French present
ed the matter before Judge Chad wick
and City Attorney Mandoraon con
fcsscd judgment in the amount be
sides the costs. This money cannot
at once bo paid by the city , but pro
visions will be made for its paymcnl
in the next tax levy.
Some of the Offenders Before
It Yesterday.
Convictions Secured in a Couple o )
John McDonald was tried in the
district court yesterday on charge oi
robbery. Ono evening some time ngo
Jack Connolly alias Whisky Jack , was
lying on a sidewalk in his usual
condition of elaborate intoxica
tion. Ho had a short time
previously been p.iid by the
U. P. for a month's work , and
consequently had about $ -10 in his
possession. While ho was lying there
a man with the appearance of a re
duced Thespian happened to pass.
So rilled Connelly's pocket and
noved along. A couple of little boys
lad , however , noticed the por-
bnranco , and followed the fellow
up until a policeman was met , when
; ho man was arrested. He proved to
jo John McDonald , ono of the alleged
actors who perform at the St. Elmo.
McDonald , when put on the stand ,
icknowlodged having taken 820 , but
this did not prevent the jury from
bringing him in guilty of grand lar
Morton Lewis , a colored man , was
> laccd on trial charged with burglar-
zing the residence of Samuel Burns.
A jury was impanelled and Mr.
Burns put upon the stand , when
jewis pleaded guilty to the charge.
The case of Michael Wallons ,
charged with laiccny as bailee , was
called up for trial in the afternoon. It
appears that a man named Lewis Sny-
der.boarded at Wallens' house. Snyder -
der claims to have placed § 1,000 in
iVallens' care for safe keeping , and
hat it was safely kept as he has not
ecn the color of his money since.
Garrigan' Trial.
The'trial ' of P. H. Garrigan , former
agent for the Singer sewing-machine
company in this city , on an indict
ment for embezzlement , will probably
come on to-day. It will be remem-
jered that Garrigan was arrested in
[ ndiana , on a requisition , by a special
letectivo who discovered his where-
ibouts in a small town in that state.
The chief complainant in the case is
jidney Smith , the general a cnt for
ho Singer company in this state.
Smith alleges that Garri an embez
zled about $150 in money and ma
chines. The defense .vlll be based
ipon a general denial of the charges
n the indictment.
Will Run Them in Omaha
If They Kun at All ?
The presence of the venerable Pe
er Herdie , of Williamsport , To. , in
) inaha , is on business relating to the
iurdic coach and its adaptability to
Nebraska mud and dust. In Omaha ,
another thing should bo mentioned ,
and that the crosswalks. It is
lainied by many that the low hind
axle of the Herdie coach and the hiqh
crosswalks in certain-parts of the city
can never agree , or that the coachea
can neither go over the walks nor the
valks under the coaches without a col-
ision. This is at present more n mater -
or of calculntion than of trial.
Of courtio this difllculty will bo ob
viated whenever the streets uro fully
graded , which it h to bo hoped will bo
in 11 year or two at thu most.
But another consideration comes
nto question now , and that is if the
[ Icrdica can bo run at all in Omaha.
It is reported that the delay on the
art of certain gontlumon to push for-
rvarcl the plan ol putting the couches
ho streets is duo to the fact that they
iiavu boon checkmated , and that par-
tics in Council Bluffs have bought the
privilege from I'etor Hordio to run
, ho coaches in both cities , paying
-hercfor the neat sum of $10,000. In
my event the coaches ate a good
.hing hand , handsome and cheap to
ride in and could , doubtless , obtain
a profitable patronage.
As a rule wo do not recommend
[ latent medicines , but when wo know
af ono that really is n public benefac
tor , and does positively euro , then we
consider it our duty to impart that in
formation to all. Electric bitten are
truly a most valuable medicine , and
will surely euro Billipusnuss , Fever
and Ague , Stomach , Liver and Liduoy ,
complaints , oven where all others rem
edies fail. Wo know \yhoreof wo
apeak , and can freely recommend to
all. [ Ex. Sold t HO cents n bettle.
Ish&McMahon , (4) ( )
"WINEOFCARDUI" four times a
daymakca n happy household.
At 0. F. ( ioodman.
'Tho Kovcro-House ( ouncl Ulutl's
is the best second-class hotel in the
Teat. " auel7-lra
Moj. Whittle's Subjoo's ' for the
Week ,
The terrible concition of the
streets did not dolor a largo aiulionci
from gathering in the Firsl
Presbyterian church last night ,
Scats could not bo obtained for many
in the audience , and thcso
wuro consequently compelled to
aland during the service. The
topic for last evening's discourse was
' [ Guilt of Sin , " and this was ably
handled by Major Whittle. As usual ,
Mr. McOrannhan nnd lady gave their
assistance in a vocal way.
There will bo two services held dailj
during the week , ono at tti
and another at 7:30. : Tin.
topirs for the altornoon
services relate generally to the Holy
Spirit and are us follows : On Wednes
day , "Walking in the Spirit ; " Thurs
day , "Filled with the Spirit ; " Friday ,
' Prayer for the Spirit. "
Major Whittle's topics for the eve
ning services throughout the week
will bo as follows : Wednesday , "Stain
of Sin ; " Thursday , "Penalty of Sin ; "
Friday , "Remedy for Sin. "There will
le no Saturday service.
NOTICE Ath crtlscincnt To Lonn , For Sale ,
jOft , Found , Wants , Boarding , &C. , Kill be Inserted
sorted In thesa columns once for TEN CENTS
per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVE CENTS
> cr lino. The first Inxertlou ntncr less than
IONEY TO LOAN Call at Law Olllce of D.
M L. Thomas KooniS , Crelchton Hlock ,
To 'loan t from 8 to 10 per cent ,
on Rood real ostotcsecurlty , by
1)U. ISAAC EDWAHDS 1109 Farnbam St.
T ° LOAN At 8 per ccntln-
terest In suras of 82,500 and
upwards , for a to 5 yaars , on flrst-clafia city and
arm prop rty. HXMIS URAL EsrAH and LOAM
AOFNCT , 16th and Douulcs Sts.
Men and tonns by Dufly Bros. ,
WANTED nnd Doujjlos. on 8th St.
ITtTANTED To rent a farm by man and hla
> Y two eons. Inquire at this olllcc , or addrcta
N. Flury , Douglas St. , bet. llth und 12tli ,
Omaha. 290-25
ITTANTED Bj a lady , situation as house-
YY Keeper or will ial3t In light work inafain-
y. | Address this with Mrs. T. H. C..P. 0. ,
Omaha. 2SS-tf
[ TTANTED Hyaigentleman whole wife will
V Y Join him in a month , a comfortable room
nd board. Location southeast of the post office
referred. Addrcta Jerome , thU olllcc. 271-10 *
n7"ANTED A competent cook , * asher
VV andlroner , nlllVct good wa cs , at 101
' St. Keno other need appl } ' . 289-20
rTT"ANTED By w don lady with Rood refer-
VV enccs , place with light work. Care of
hildren prefcrcd. Inquire at Y. M. C. A.
[ XT'ANTED Situation by a competent en-
Y Y glnecr. Address 11. Y. " .Bco office.
281-18 *
- by a lady to work for
WANTED-Slluatlon an object. Best of rn-
ercnccs given. Address , Miss A. , Bte office.
280-lb *
WANTED Good wages to competent girl for '
general housework , except w ashing. Mrs.
tell , St. Mary's avenue and 205 h St. 282-tf
HtrANTED A good girl in small family for
YY the winter , must be a good cook , washer
nd Ironcr. German preferred. Call a COS cor'
7tn and Jackson Sts. 266-1 f
[ TTANTED Two furnished rooms in the
YY neighborhood of the Central School , on or
icfore No\ember 1st. , Address E. li. U. , Test
Olllcc , Omaha. 274-19
iTTANTED To rent a tumlxhed homo ucar
VY Central School , six orelght rooms , on or
icforc No > ember 1st. Address E. U. U. , I * . 0. ,
Omaha. 275-19
An experienced girl for [ 'cnc.ral
housework , castsldo 20th St. . bet. Cli cage
nd Cas < s 200-tf
[ T7"ANTEl > A good tinner. Steady employ-
YV mcnt guaranteed the > car through ; the
ilghest wages paid. JAMKM CIKAKY ,
2&0-19 Grand Island.
IT7 ANTED-KO to SCOIoads of dirt near 23d
VV and St. Mary's a\cnuo. Enquire at Bco
IHce. 2229 tf
ANTED-HO to 200 loads of dirt near 23rd
YY and St. Mary's atomic. Enquire at Bco "
ttlce. 19J-U
WANTED A couple good cylinder prcsa
feeders. Can Uud steady employment at
hlo omcc. 27-tf
RcopcctaMc emplojment by hus
band and wife. Address P. I' . C. , Bee Of-
ee. - 977-tf
W ANTED Housekeeper , 1109 Farnham St. ,
up stairs. SO-tf
[ TTANtED Girl at 2(501 ( Dodge street.
.Ttr ANTED Fundlnir bridge and school bondi.
W U.T. Clark , Btllevuo. 2f5-M
HKNT Kiirnliho rooms at No. 1U1U
FOR . 291-21 *
"TT'OK KENT I'urnlkhoil room for 2 joutiff
JJ men ; central location. Kmiulro nt V. M. C.
A. rrlu 912 per month. 278-18 *
ftOR KKNT A commodious brick residence ,
[ J on 8. W. cor. 10th and Furnham St. For
onus address IIrs. K. A. Itncr , Tabor , Iowa.
RENT Ilouso with B rooms and cellar at
FOH pur month , patablo In adtanco Inquire-
t 1221 North Utli St. , bet. Paul and hhtrnun.
I7IOR KENT Store and dnclllngiiouse.combln-
1 } id. Inquire at COO South 10th St. 248 18'
neil UENT-Hult of room' , nicely furnished
[ } suitable for four gentlemen. Aluo ona tingle
com for two. Northwest earner SOth andDat-
nport bU. 232-tf
TTlOil KENT K ( unmlieJ room * o\er ttci-
JL1 chantV Kich neN. | B. cor. IBtb and Dodge
. " " " "
Blrwt. .
SALK A peed strong jwny , will brok < ito
to liarncBH and saddle , K\ana' Seed ttorc ,
4thand DodKeHti. f T 2BMO
nOH SAl.rA small limbo and 1 lot with good
I ; w ell and Blablo. ou20tli , near Shernun St. ,
No 1307. , $050. % 1 f 273 tf
[ 71011 SALK Cheap , Two Itadlont Homo t totes
\ ; In good condition , ono a double lioattr. Ap-
ily at nortlitast cornvf 10th and California Kin.
nOll BALK A lot of second hand furniture ,
L1 itotcv , rarpotH and crockery ttare , at II.
faplgle , 1203 Douglas BH. 288-Jm
T > CUIS has rattling long ll ti of houuoa , lot *
D lands aiid farms for 'talo Call and get
TTAOIl aALlJ-fLelauancl ( uraltnn/of / a'llrbt claea
D hotel In a town of 1300 Inhabitants , In state
of Nubruka ; hai 24 hcdi ; the tratollng men I re-
Bert liiqulroatllKKolUce. iilS-tt
neil flAf.K-A sinall engine/ . W. I'ajnofc
[ < Son's make. In perfect osder. Inquire of II.
U. Clark & Co. 0-tf
nOR BALK ll p of DouxlM and Han ? Quo.
L1 tlet. A. KOBEWATEU , mOPirabwa tie t
: SAUJ-Klne stock f rm cMOO ms-
FOi rood licn o , cattle nhcil , orch rd &c. . llh-
In way rrvh of r&llroad. Price , ? K > 0 , unit
time U 0 * JOHN L. HcOAGUE , Opn. font
Tjion SAI.E-A bemillriil wldcnce propcrtv of
JU 20 acres with coimnMlloin house. fciRht
ncrM of on linn ! ivml \ Inojiml. Location sightly.
Only two ami * liulf rnllcn from post office. I ) r
K mt JOIiNUMcCAaUE , Opp. I'.O. 70-tf
> 203-tf BSTAnnOOK&COK.
"fJlOIl SALE 1 flrst-ctasj cfthlnct orpintry
JJ chc-ipj neatly now. Inquire Milton JlOKors
te Son , 14th ami t > rnhi > m at. 30-tt _
"T710U SALE Four ncron of land near water-
JProrl.ii rcscnolr , n.\M \ two oottAircs on Capitol
filll. Add. ANDUEWIlh.VlNSiSOO DoxiRla * 8t.
M8 If
AND LAND Ueinn rent * hounet.
HOUSES , hotel * , fanr oto , lantti , office *
rooms , etc , See 1st pace
From niy place , corner Hurt anil
STRAYKO , on October 13th , one roan horse
pony , 0 } cars old , brand on left him ) quarter.
Any whereabouts or return to me will lie llbcrrnt.
285 20'
LADY Wishes writing to do nt homo or In
A nn ofllce , has had tonic experience and con
siderable business tact ; or will as lst In lluht
housework nnd gho music lessons In n family i
Address ono week. Mrs. 1' . II. M. , 1' , 0. , Unnli.i
A C1KNTS WANTED To sell lomplcta Domes.
J\ tic lllblo. llcskles somu of the best tclllnp
buslncei nml social works In tlio world. Kxtra
Inducements. Address , C. IX Footc , Flnnncc ,
Noli. 280-24
FOUND A nowslnfflo Ilrcccnlovllniftjuii bar
rel at Florence Lake. The owner tun find
the same by nppljlmr nt M. bliutto , Run Hmlth ,
toriicr of llth and Farnham Sts. , nnd
. 277-10
fTlAKKX Ull Dark bay home , wlilto strlpo In
1. faic , about 15 Jena old. MOSES HAWKINS ,
1010 Chicago St. 202-20'
THE complete stock of Illlllnrd Tallies and flllf.
Hard iiicrrhandlsa on handat thelrstore roomMK >
South 10th St. , Omaha , Nob. ol'J-lm'
JHOCHSTASSEIl Will pay the Inchest cash
. price for second hind llllllard nnd I'ool
Tables , Call er address EDO South 10th St.
_ ol2-lm'
I OOMb AND ItOAUD A pleasant home for
JLXi the winter for three gentlemen , where the >
ran find the comforts of a home. Deference ex
changed. Add a B , Dee olllcc.
T > EJI1B' REAL.3TATE BOOM.-bte 1st poKB.
pIUVA'lK INslKUirriONS In FrencnUar
JL man , Greek and Latin. Prof. Hutiry W
Meek , 1207 Jackson St P00c3
BALED HAY-At A. H. Sander's Feed Store
1013 Harnoy St. B19-U
r > EMIS' NEW CITY MArS,2ic. Sec 1st p < v0 !
HKEPKOR SALE 2000 fat mothers. AdT
dress Anton Abel , Plum Creek' , Dawson Co. ,
b. 185-18 *
Eliza tells past , present and future la loto
and all affairs. She ret cats the deepest aecrctso
the heart. She possesses the magnetic powerij
fulflll all your wishes. Call at No. 322 corner 10th
and Chicago street
TlONALIhT , 408 Tenth Street , between Farnham
andltaincy. Will , with the aid of guardian
spirits , obtain for any one a glance at the past
and present , and on certain conditions In the fu
ture. Boots and Shoes made to order. Perfect
satlnfictlon puarantreil au26-lm
NOTICE. Special adtcrtlscments , such ns
Lost , Found , To Lean , For Sale , To Dent ,
Wants , Boarding , eta , will be Inserted In this
column at the low rate ol TEN CENTd PER
LINE for the first insertion and FIVE CENTS
PER LINE for each subsequent insertion.
Leave odrertlBemcBti at OUT office , up stairs ,
corner Broadway and Pearl streets , Council
fTTANTED Everjbody In Council Bluffs Io
YY to take TUB Bun , 20 cents per week , do
llvered by carriers. OHlco corner Broadway and
Peirl up stairs , Council Bluffs. 062-tf
JL tickets continues to ; boom. Unprecedented
low rates to all eastern points. Etcry ticket
guaranteed. Orders filled Dy telephone. From
ono to ten dollars sated by purchasing tickets
of C. A. Potter , successor to Totter Is. I'almcr , No.
40 South Fifth street , Council Bluffs , Io u.
Boy , with pony , to oarrj papers.
WASTED at Urr. office , Council lllutts.
octlS tf
\T7-ANTED To buy 100 tona 'broom corn.
YY I'or particulars address Couucll Bluffs
Broom Factory , Council Bluffs , Iowa. B5S-29tl
"tTT"ANTED A ijood carpenttr at once. An-
YV ply Mxnsttr & Adams , Council Bluffs ,
Iowa. 059-29 *
A Hint-class broom tier. JIajno
WANTED Council Bluffs , low a , LOO 30 *
'ANTED A boy to do chores at Jljnstera
W fishery , Council Bluffs. Cfll-28 *
Good girl for general housework ,
WANTED } , Council Bluffs. ( IC2 tf
"TTTANTED A situation by a first-class miller.
YY Had 20 jcars experience. Understands
Id and new processes. Spunks tnijllsli niu1
Uenuan and acquainted with uteam and water
i3wers. Cangito the best of reference. Will
ome on trial at any time. Address H. S , Box
1611 , CouncIIJDIuffs , la. _ * > -28 _ .
SALE Old papers 40c per hundred , at
FOR Bee olHco , Council Bluffs. 8e27-tf
To Contractors , Bnlldor * and
Property Owners.
The undeiBlt'ned having been appointed agent
or the extensive iron and wire manufacturing
louses of K. T. Barmnn , of Detroit , and the
lussel Iron Foundry and Works at Toledo ,
Ohio , capacity of W tons dally , Is prepared to
urnlsh estimates and prices for iron columns ,
EC , , Ac. , for store fronts , window caps and < ills ,
hrcshold plates , wrought iron beams and ttlrd-
rs , hjilraulle eletatora , staple HttinjfB , pulleys ,
liaftln ; , ' , ic. ; also iron tenets , creutlnjr , ttln-
daw guards , blmttura , ntalni , balconies , bcttcea ,
hails , tascs , acquariums , fountains , summer
louses , lawn , garden and cemetery ornaments ,
lower stands , grave guards , &c. , &c. . In indices
arlcty. CataloKuos suiiiilied on application.
11EKKV II. IlAIlliy ,
Manufacturers' Agent , 22 1'carl street.
aUL'10-lm me Council Bluffa. lowft'
Absolutely Pure.
MadofiomOrapo CittuaTartar. No.other .
arpatlon makes bucli light , flaky hot treads ,
unurloua tuwtry. C n he eaten by Djepeptle
wllrout fear of thellli rrtultin from huny IndJ
Pttlblc food. Sold only In cans , by all Orocers
New York.
' 0 , r , Ooodnuc