Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1881, Page 7, Image 7

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CIO harnnam , bet. Oth nd 10th Streets
Onecopylyear , In tulVMicopj trnJ.flO )
raontlu " . . . . 5
months " "
Lc&xo Onuhi No. 2 through pwcnfrcr ,
, m. No. 4 , Otiklnnd p-ijsciiKcr , bSOx : m.
Arrive Oninhn No , 1 , through ivwsorgor , 2
m. No , S , Oakland jiassciigcr , 6:30 : p. ra ,
0. . R. & Q. & . m. 8:40 : p. m.
0.&N. W. , On. m.-S : Op. m.
C. , R. I. A 1' . , o A. m. 3:40 : p. m.
K. 0. , St. J. & 0. II. , Ic\\c9 at 8 . m. rim ! 6
p. m. Antics at St. Ixiulint 0:30 ft. m. anil 6 ;
p. m ,
B. & M. In Nob. , Through KxprfWi 8SB : *
B. & M. Lincoln KrclRht. 7:00 : p. m.
U 1' Ilxprnu , 12:15 p. In.
O , & H. V. for tliuoln , 10JO : ft. m.
O. A U. V. for OacooU , 0:10 : A. in.
U. 1' . frolffht Ko. B , 6:30 : a. in.
U. I1 , freight No. 0 , 8:15 : ft. in.
U. P. frclcht No. 7 , 0:10 p. in. emigrant.
U. P. frelrht No. 11 ES5 : p. m.
0. B. ft Q. , 6:00 : . m. 7:26 : P m.
0. & N. w. , 0:46 n. m. 7:25 p. in.
C. II. I. & P.,9:45 : ft. m.-9OS : p. in.
K. 0. , St. Joe & 0 B. , 7:40 : ft. ra.-fl 46 p. i
W. , St.L. & n. m. nml 8:40 :
m. Arrives at St. Louis rtt 0:10 : n. m. n J 7 :
O. b It. V. from Lincoln 1SK : p. m.
U. P. Extir < * 3:25 : p. m.
B & H.ln Neb. , Through KxproM 1:16 : p. I
B. & It. Lincoln Freight 8:35 : a m.
U. P. Freight No. 10-1:40 : p. in.
No.i ( 4 : 5 p. in. Kinlgrant.
No. 10.50 p. m.
No 12 11:35 : rt. m.
O. & H. V. mixed , nr. 4S6 : p. m.
NO aril.
Nebraska Division of tno St. Paul b Sloni Cl
No. 2 leaves OmilitS:30ft. in.
No. 4 leaves Orrml.a'l.SO p. m
So. 1 arrives nt Oi.utmat 6:30 : p. m.
No. 8 nrrUen at Omaha at 10:60 : a. m.
L a\o Omaha at 8:00 : , 0:00 and 11:00 : ft. rj
1:00 2:00 : , 8:00 : , 4:00 : , 6UX ) and O.QO p. m.
Lea\o Council BluiTa at 8:25 : , 0:25 : , 11:45 : ft. U
1:25 , 2:25 : , 3:25 : , 4:26 : 6:25 : and C:26 : p. in.
Sunittjs The dummy loaica Omaha at 0i :
nd 11:00 : a. m. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. Loav
Council Illuffs ftt B:25 and 11:25 ft. m. ; 2:26 : , 4 :
ftnd 6:86 . m.
: p. _
_ _ _ _ _ _
Opening end Closing of Mails.
ROOT * . OPBS. CI/03H.
ft. m. p. m. B. ru. p. i
ChlcacoiN. W 11.00 9:30 4:30 2 :
:00 : 9:00 : 4:30 : 2 :
:00 : SS
SS *
Sioux City and PaclUc. . 11:00 : 4:30 :
Dnlon Paclrto 6:00 11JO |
OmahftiK-V < * 0 11:40 :
B.1I. InNcb 4:00 : 8:10 6 : ,
Omaha & Northwestern. 4:80 : 7:30
Local malh for State of low * leave but oaeo
* ! 'Lincoln MalUs also opened at 10:30 : ft. m.
Offlco open Sunday. '
Business Directory.
Abstract and Real bstato ,
JOHN L. ilcCAGUE , opposite Post Offlco.
W. R. BAUTLETT 817 South 13th Street
Room 14. Crelghton Block.
V A. T. LARGE Jr. . Room 2 , Ciclehton Block.
Boot * and tihoes.
Fine Boots and Shoes. A rood assortment
home work on hand , corner 12th and Harney.
THOS. ERICKSON , S. E. cor. 16th and Dough
00510th street , manufactures to order good woi
ftb fair prices. Repairing done.
Bed Spring * .
J. F. LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1517 DaurtMt
Books , News and Stationery.
J. I. FRUEHAUF 1015 Fornham Street.
Butter and Eggs.
UCSHANE& SCHROED'ER , the oldest B. and i
bouso In Nebraska established 1875 Omaha.
southwest corner lOthand Dodge.
Beet Board for the Money.
Satisfaction Guarantee *
Meals ftt all Hours.
Board by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms for Coal
Furnlahral Rooms Supplied.
UarrlaKei and Road Wagons.
WM 8NYDER , 14th and Hartley Streets.
Oewe eri.
JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnham Street
Junk ,
H. BERTHOLD , Rags and Metal.
Lumber , Lime and Cement.
FOSTER & OR.\Y corner Bth and Douglas St
Lamps and Glassware.
J. BONNER ISOU pouslas St Good Vorlet'
Merchant Tailors.
One of our most popular Merchant Tailors Is n
celvln ; tha latest designs for Spring and Sumiui
Goods for gentlemcng wear. Stylish , dur ll <
and prices low as over 21513th bet. DOUIT. & Fan
MRS. 0. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fai
cy Goods In great variety , Zephyrs , Card Board
Hosiery , Gloves , Corsets , ic. Cheapest House I
the West. Purchasers nao 30 per cent. Ordi
by Mall. 116 Fifteenth Street.
JOHN WEARNE & SONS. cor. 14th & Jarkson si
Hour and Feed.
OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnham 8t
Welshans Bros. , proprietors.
Grocer * .
Z. STEVENS , 21st between Cumlng and lur
T. A. McSIIANE , Corn. 23d and Cumlng Htreeti
Hardwaie , Iron and Steel ,
OLAN & LANQWORTHY , Wholesale , 110 an
112 16th street
> . HOLMES corner Ifitri and California.
Harness. Saddle * , &c.
B. WEIST 20 18th St. bet FarnlUrnei
ANFIELD HOUSE , Qoo. Canflcld.Sth it Famhiu
DORAN HOUSE , P. H. dry , 018 Farnham HI
SLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. Bla\cn , 10th St ,
Southern Hotel. Pus , llaincl Oth ALeavcrmort
Clothing Uought.
0 .SHAW will pay highest Cash price for secon
band clothlnr. Corner 10th and Farnham.
DR. PAUL , Williams' Block , Cor. 16th & Dodge.
Drug * , Paint * and Oils.
Pharmacists , Fine Vane Uoods , Cor. 16th MI
Domrin ktreoU
W. J. WniTEHOUfE , Wholeealo & RoUU , Utb e
0.0. FIELD , 2022 North Sltio Cumin ? Streel
PARR , Druirrlut , lOtn and Hovrard Street * .
Dry Goods Notion * , Etc.
New York Dry Goods Store , 1310 and 1812 Fan
b > m street
L. 0. Enewold also boots and shoes 7thAP > clfli
mrultur * .
A F. GROSS , New and Second Hand Kurnltin
nd Stores , 1114 DouelM. Highest cash prl (
aid for second hand goods.
BONNER 1809 Dooyl * t. Fine goods , &
Pawnbroker * .
, R08ENFF.LD. 10th St. . hut f r. * Ifai
Fence Works.
OUST , FRIES & CO. , 1418 HameyBt , Impron
ed Ice Boxes , Iron and Wood Fences , Offlc
n , Counters of Pine and Walnut
A. DonoRhue , plant * , eut flowers , seed * , boqn <
etc , N. W , cor. 16th an J VouclM itrccU.
Olvll Engineers und Surveyor * . '
ANDRF.W R09KWATER , Crclghton Bloc
Tonn Suncyi , Qrftdo and Sewerage Systems
Uommlsslon Merchant * .
JOHN O. Will L1S.1414 txxlfo Street.
D B. BEKMER. For dcUtls see Urge ftdvortlt
mcnt In Dally and Wfyklj _
Cigar * and Tobacco ,
WKST k FRITSCIlKUmAn , fftcttircMol Ojr i
nd Wholesale Dealers In Totviccos , 1805 Doucln
W. F. LOREN2EN nmmil.utiircr 611 10thstrc
Cornice Works ,
Western Comlee Works , Manulacturers Ir <
Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate Rootling , OrOo
from any locality promptly cxccutnl In the be
manner. Factory and Olliec 1213 Ilarncy St ,
OMvunlzol Iron Cornlcoj , Window Caps , et <
mnnufacturnl and put up In any part of tl
country. T. SINHOLD 410 Thirteenth rtri-ct _
J. BONNER 1500 Houcns street. Good lino.
n - - . _ . - - - _ r - _ - _ _ _
Clothing and Furnishing1 Qoods.
OKO. 11. PETERSON. A1w Hats , Cap , Boot
Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , 601 3. 10th street
Refrigerators , Canfleld'i Patent ,
0. F. GOODMAN llth St bet Karn. & Harnc
Show Case Manufactory. )
0. J. WILDE ,
Manufacturer and Dealer tn all kinds of She
Cases , Upright Caws , A „ 1317 Cass St
FRANK L. OEU1IAIID. proprietor Omal
Show Cano manufactory , 818 South 10th etruc
between U'3en worth and Marc ? . All K001
warranted Orst-cliuw.
Stove * ana Tinware.
Dealer In Stovca and Tinware , anil Manufacturer
or Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Wor
Odd Fcllo 8' Block.
J. BONNER. 1300 Douglas St Good and Chca
Seeds ,
J. EVANS , Wholcwilo and Retail Se < xl Drills ar
Cultivators , Oild Follows Un.ll.
Physician * nn J Surgeon * .
W. S. Ginns , M. D. , Riom No 4 , Crelghtc
Rlock , 16th Street
P. S. LEISENRlNaTiJ. D. Masonic Block.
0. L. HART , M. U. , Kyr and Ear , opp. poetoffli
Oculist and AurUt. S. W 16th and Farnham S
Grand Central Gallery ,
212 Sixteenth Street.
near Masonic Hall. First-close Work and Promp
noon guarantccn
Plumbing , daiantf Steam Fitting.
P. W. TARPY & CO. . 21U 12th St , bet. Farnhai
and Douglas. Work promptly attended to.
D. FITZPATRICK , 1409 Douglas Street.
Painting nn aper onglng.
1ENRY A. KOSTERS. 141 Oodgo Street
Shoo Otores.
Phillip Lan ; , 1320 Farnham st. bet 18th & lit !
Second Hand Store.
PERKINS & LEAR. 1410 Douglas St. . New an
Second Hand Furniture. House Furnishing Good
&c. , bought and sold on narrow margins.
In the new brick block on Douglas Street , bi
Just opened a most elegant Ucci Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
e\ cry day.
" Caledonia " J FALCONER. 079 16th Street
Undertaker * .
CHAS. RIEWE , 101) ) ! Farnham bet 10th & 11U
U9 Uept Store * .
P. 0. BACKUS , 1205 Farnham St. . Fancy Gooi
To Nervous Sufferers
Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specift
It la a positive cure ( or Spermatoirhea , Semlni
Wookncea. Impotancy , and all diseases resultlo
from Self-Abuse , u Mental Anxiety , LOBSI
Memory , Pains In the Uncle or Side , and dlsoast
tnxx Itt&t lead I
Insanity an
_ earlygrax
The Specif !
Medicine I
being use
with wondei
( ul success.
. Pamphlet
seni t. free to all. Write tor them and got full pai
Price , Specific , 91.00 per package , or lx pact
ges for 95.00. Address all orders to
NOT. 104 and 106 Main St , Buffalo , K. T.
Sold in Omaha by 0. F. Goodman , J , W. Dell
I. K lab , and all drugglstsoverywhere.
\ iB-d wlr
tx , !
t = i i
tLER & CO. ,
3olo Manufacturers.
217 and 210 North Main St. , Kt. Louis ,
a \ PAPERS wpa
Printers Stock.
tyC&sh paid ( or Rags and Paper Stock , Sera
[ ron and Metals.
Paper Stock Warehouses 1229 to 1237 , Nortl
60S Farnham St. , , . . Omaha , Nebraska
3are.ully selected land In Eastern Nebraska foi
ale. Great Bargains In Improved farms , ant
} maha city property.
Late Land Com'r U.P , P. . . tf"
Prof , W , J , Ander's Select Danc
ing Academy ,
A. Hospe , Jr. Hall , 1610 Dodge St.
31ois for gentlemen commencing Tuesday even
ng , Oct. 1 , Class for ladles oorumcncinif Thurs
laye\enlng , Oct. 6. Terms liberal. The eas
nethods 1 hare ( or teaching the Waltz , Gilds
to. , I can guarantee perfect satlnfactlon (
icholarn. For terms , lit. , call at A. Hospo , Jr ,
ir address 1110 Capitol Ave. sl7dim
Foundations of Success
The laws of trade , legal forms , how to tram
tct buslnew , valuable tables , social etiquette
Mrltamentary usage , bow to conduct public bush
icon ; in fact It is ft complete Guide to bucce&J foi
til r * es. A family neceeelty. Addreas for clr <
: ulars and specUl termi ANOU6
30. , St.LouU , Mo.
Striking Effoots Prodnood in i !
NY. Ma.l. .
About n ycixr ngo an Kitgliali choi
ist discovered n process by wliicl
phosnliorcscont jtowdor could bo i
corporntod with oil so as ( o nrotluco
pnint which , applied to Yimous an
stances would render them not on
visible in thu dark , but cnitau them
omit a considerable amount ofdilVus
A paint of this description 1ms be
for aomctnnu m.tnufnaturcd by n vri
known pnint house here , nnd it h
boon applied to sovotrd useful nv
poses It is nut ns well ndnptcd
general use in ns jjrent u variety
forms ns it wus nt first expecttd.
ift believed' however , that improv
inents can bo tmido in Ita compositii
nnd application which > vdl nuiko it
great value.
A reporter called nt < ho oflico ot t !
house in ( Uiestion in older to inves
gate the mutter as fur ns possible , ni
was shown u number of interoatii
experiments with the luminous pail
A perfectly dark room has been ma
in the building for the purpose of e
hibitint ! the peculiar otl'ecta produc
by the paint , In the coiling of tl
room arotrap-doora and various app
uncos for the better display of prac
cal tests.
The gentleman in charge of 11
department , after first explaining th
thu paint was a secret , gave n tlcscri
tion of the method of applicatio
and of the theory of its dillusiou
light us follows :
The powder , which is the b.xsi.s
the pigment , may bo mixed either
oil or in distemper. It is prepan
in the latter form for application
the walla of rooms , plaster busts
atatueSj etc. It may be applied win
mixed m oil to wood , atone , iron ,
substance. 'Jl
[ \ny ordinary solid
odject painted with it is first given
coat of a chemical mixture which r
tains the phosphorescent properties
thu luminous paint , of which three <
four coata are then applied. Bofo :
commencing to diffuse light the pai ;
must be exposed to sunlight for a fe
momenta. The principle upon whic
it is supposed to actU this : The sol
rays are supposed to disintcrgrato '
disturb inoio or less , according to tl
timu for which it is exposed , the mol
Qules of the exterior surface , whit
jives off at once rays of light. "Win
it is taken into the dark the mirfu
gradually returns to its normal co :
lition ; hence the light diminish
luring the night , becoming faint
uid fainter , though still perceptab
just before daylipht.
Tho. first experiment was the lowe
ing of a largo canvas stretched on
Framework and covered with the 1
ininous paint through a hatchway
the coiling down into the perfect
dark room , which it immediately till <
with a peculiar purplish light , t
first sight the impression given w.
i peculiarly weird and ghastly on
but as the cyn became accustomed
it , it became oven agreeable.
Then a largo pane of glass was place
in the hatchway and covered so as I
exclude all natural light. Thia thro
lown rays of light by which the wal
pf the room and the various articli
in it wcro faintly indicated. The
the hatchway was removed and tl
light allowed to enter through tl
glass. By this means the room wi
Almost brilliantly lighted , as the pail
la a remarkable conductor of natur
light , or 'rather ' 'tho light has the .e
feet of exciting continually the pho
phoreacenco of the paint.
Next a plaster bust illuminated I
the preparation wis taken into tl
light for a moment and brought in
the room. The outline waa qui
iistmct , and there wore very natur
shadows beneath the chin of the hcai
ind near the principal features , whic
javo it almost the appearance of lif
Then it was exposed to the light agai
For a longer time , and upon all aidi
2qually. Alter this its appearance i
the dark was remarkably vivid , an
the head stood out in bold relief , HI
that of a fine cameo , while nothii :
jlso in the room could bo seen.
It has been suggested that the pail
lie used on poata along the sides <
roads ; on lifo and moving buoys , ar
in the interior of powder mag.i7.inoi
: ollierics , or wherever it is unsafe 1
jarry an ordinary light. Tor out-o
loot- uses , however , the reporter wi
informed that it waa of no great vali
la the diffusion of light is so genera
) ven at night , except on rare occusioi
: hat the paint would have no offoc
For domestic use it may _ bo applic
: o a number of small articles with coi
, 'eniont results. For mateh-Bufoa
s useful , as indicating their precise 1 <
: ation. Watch facea painted with i
niablo the wearer to see the time i
ho dark. In sick-rooms it mii'lit b
ilod with advantage from above , i
n the second experiment muntioncc
it is actually being employed in pile
louscB to illuminate the compass , an
n the Bteamora Bristol uud Prov
Ipnco to show the indicator , whic
'ives thu position of the holm. Why
ised in the pilot-house in this wu ;
o the ordinary light , a much bettt
ookout can bn had
'A Pica for tbo Pig.
There is nothing more positive tha
hat the present condition of awino i
ho list of live stock la undeservot
[ 'ho result of judicious breeding on
; oed care is a product of wholesoni
10rk fit for the moat fastidious taatt
t has been the rule to ignore tl :
ightf ul position of the humble pig an
p generally relegate him to a cond
ion where ho becomes simply ill
urm scavenger. When othi
lock has been allowed to eat all th ;
j nutritious in a field , or has exhausl
d the contents of a corn-crib , th
wine are turned in to eat up the n
mitia , and to ininglo with tins refus
ho dirt , and in many cases germs c
iscascs , left by its moro fortunat
allow-candidatea for the market. 1
ho farmer lm anything about hi
remiaoH which no other class of stoc
fill touch , because of ita ropulsiv
haractor , the owino are called upo
o regale thomsolvea with the unaavor
Whole drovca of awino are fed i
hia way for two-thirds of ov ry year
nd just before killing time , in ordu
> present good round bodiea and d
ot all the lard possible , they are atufl
d with decent feed and called corn
oga. Thu gonna of disease , howovei
ave boon planted previous to thi
me , and the unfortunate "ucavon
or" goes to the block or packing
OUBO in altogether too many instance
ith hia flesh full of panvaitea causei
by unwholesome feed , nasty pens , a1
other objectionable features which a
the result of a system nf almost crin
nal neglect. To inaitro wliolcxni
pork cleanliness and good , wholc.ioi
feed are necessary , and the apparc
carelessness in preparing swine for t
market IB , to Bay the least , very ce
aurablo. Pigs from the moment th
are weaned should bo afforded clci
- . and fci
pens , good niry runwaj-a.
that is something belter tlinn the t
fuao of nn obnoxious awill-pail , Tl
breeder who conducts his businc
upon this principle is thu man who P
cures the best prices and makes f
himself an oxloitdcd reputation.
Their Boots Drifted Apart-
A thrilling story which counts fro
down south adds another fact to tl
accumulated proof that the romam
of j-oal lifo is far moro interesting thr
tno contrivances of fiction.
"Iwaa the native land of the r
mantic , wherein that happened i
which our poor pen may nook in vai
to do justice. 'Twas in the land (
thu magnolia and thu mocking bin
the land of soft aides- and sumi
climcA , the land of the orange an
myrtle an I the cotton worm. 1
brief , it was in the atato which 1
edict of its sovereign legislature
henceforth to bo called Arkaus.w. 1
Arkansav George Gray aaw Jlr
James Wallace.
On ( ho beautiful banks ot ( ho inn
muring White river dwelt ,1mm
Wallace , planter. To him belong
acres of nugar-eanu and broad licit
full of bursting cotton-bolls. Ljk
Dogberry , ho had uvorything ham
some about him , oven to a huiuUon :
wife. Providence had blessed him i
bnakot and in storoj and lux cotto
crop waa particularly rich and ahum
ant. Alas I alas 1 in that i icluioi
waa his ruination. Better the luirr
cano and the worm had awcpt over i
and left not enough of it to pad a pit
Mr. Wullaco hired n mnn to supei
intend the gathering in of hia cottoi
Ho waa a young man.1'ho neb !
name of Gray has boon distinguishe
from the daya of the hapless Lad
Jane down. Earl Grays and Nelli
Grays , and gray cyca have been hoi
orcd in song and story , timu out t
mind. Mr. James Wallace's youn
niBii bore the pleasing name of Georg
Gray , and it wasn't long till he wu
Mrs. James Wallace's young man.
George Gray was very handsome he had what was moro than ham'
aomo ho had winning ways. Agains
winning waya who can hold th
ground / Mrs. Wallace could nol
plainly. Gray seemed so rellned an
\vell educated , and knew so well ho'
to say all the pretty nothings tin
count for so much , that presently
compared with this noblu youth , th
hdy'a husband appeared a regular ol
At length ( hero came a time whc
thu youth whispered to the lad )
"Wilt thou ileo with mo ? " and sh
How. In thn most romantic way poi
aiblo they together took leave of ol
Wallace and his cotton. 'Twos nighi
The glorious moon shed a sott uliu
genco over the face of all nature , an
the silvery bosom of White rivi
gleamed in a million sparkling ripleti
'Twas u time for softhcadedness wit ]
out end. The noble Gray lifted h
Mr ? . Wallace into a little boat , an
tenderly drew a lleecy wrap cloao aboi
hrsothat aho mightn't catch col
in. her hoad. > TJion k4ly ! sweotl
lloated down tbo river iff"thoir litti
rodicanoo. They meant to glide dow
the silvery surface of White river ti
they camo'to a railroad station , whc
they would fly eastward upon tl
wine's of the iron horse. That ia tl
only'wny in whichnt can bo put so i
to preserve the proper poetical lai
guage. All the world was before tl
happy lovera. But old Wallace wi
behind them. In point of fac
ho waa very 'inconveniently ' bohin
them. Ho ainolt a largo rat in lei
than no time after they left. In tl
twinkling of an eye ho seized a doubli
barrel shot-gun and followed to tl ;
river in hot haato by the light of tl
moon A double-barreled shot-gu
appeara to bo the proper weapon f (
an injured huaband to prance aroun
with. Lot novelists note the fact.
What in that supreme momoii
wore _ bursting cotton-holla and tli
price of Orleans molasses to Wullaco
llo tore hia hair and shrieked , "Vot
glance ! Vengcanc-c-c-co I" H
jumped into a boat and rowed i
though the fiend himaolf hold th
pars. A man in a good , healthy rag
ia endowed with uncommon atrongt
and Bwiftiicss. Wallace speedily cam
within shot-gun range of the dream
intf lovera.
Then began a naval battle only e >
celled by the bombardment of Moir
phis. Not wholly unprepared fo
war had the bravo Gray started o
his journey down tlio moon-lit rivei
Whun the enraged husband opcne
Iho naval engagement witn his nliot
LJUII , Gray sent back notes of dofmnc
with his pistol. The two kept ahoot
ing as though all death MI
destruction was in thui
rcapectivo weapons. Bang , banjj
bang , whizz , whizz , wont tli
bullets , till the river won in a foam
RIra , Wallace , meantime , proved hoi
) elf a true lioronino. The hamlsom
Bray in hia excitement had droppci
3iiu of the canoe oaia. Mrs. Wallac
bravely took the other , and guidoi
chu boat , to give Gray the butter 0i
portuuity of ehootinu bur husband
She was thu moat obliging woman ii
Iho world.
The mystery in the affair in that R <
much uhooting could bo done and no
body hurt. Thu men kept loadiii ]
ind firing aa rapidly aa [ possible whili
; tie boats drifted down ntreum. Then
ivaa a madly rocklcHH waste of powde
in both sides , and not so much aa i
whisker taken oil'on cither side. I
ookcd as though neither ono of thou
norp than half meant it.
Finally , aa the voracious chronicle :
roporta it , "both bonta were disabled
ind drifted to opposite banks of tin
ivor. " It appeared OH though thoj
ivantod to drift to .opposite banks ,
tomehow. Strangely enough , too !
( bout that time the husband also los
ui our , and waa unable to purauu
Hut ho vowed by the cotllm
) f Bluebeard's wives that ho wouli
nako inincu-muut of the dostr-r-royei
if hia happiness at some future timu ,
[ t is a singular psychological phonom
mon that the wrath of at ; injurei
umband or wifu suttles , not on tin
iffunding partner of their joys , bin
m the other man or the other woinui
AB to Gmy and the obliging Mra
iVallaco , thoyliko , the colored brotlici
of tlioslorj'i "took to the woods. " I
thu line langungo of the nowspapo
reporter , "tlioy disappeared in th
depthsof the adjacent forest. " Wha
will their future bu ? Will they go t
miino unknown region , changu tliei
names to Montague or Do Yere
and livii with a dread secre
in their aouls ever after , am
confess it on their death
beds ? Or in a year or two will th
beautiful Mrs. Wallace , who uuidei
the boat for her lover while ho na
trying to shoot her husband , atoa
back to the banks of White river
slinking with fover'n'agcr , a slab
aided , leather-colored female , in i
dtnggled calico dross , with her fton
teeth all gone , uud tell Old Wallaci
she has como to din'
Bradford , Pn.
Thin , ritclmn , Itindfonl , 1'n. , writes
"I cnclnso money for SPIUNU Inos osi , n
I paid I would If It cured mo. My ily i cji
sin hai VAii < hcd , with all tti sjniptdiMs
MAIIJtlmnkni I xhnll never Im without i
tn the liouio , " 1'rlco 60 cent * , trial bet
tli't ID cents.
Docltuo lu tlto Price of Bloodoi
Within the past few years then
scinns to have grown up a feulini
among cattle men that prices for pod !
greed beef cattle have ruled too high
at homo and abroad. The cense
qttonco ot this growing belief is tha
more attention is being paid to ( lair ;
interests , and the most mieci'fsfu
breeders are slowly recognizing tin
fact that the demand for fancy cattl
ia being curtailed. Time was whei
thu mtetioneor who was engaged ii
knocking down this elm of cattle con
lined himself unliruly to recommend
ing thum as beef producers , and tin
livalry resulting from thu endeavor
of breeders to bring out fattuniiij
qualities made it nnnecussary to men
lion f.icta in regard to the record o
cattle as milk-produccra. Exhoroi
taut prices have resulted in coniininj
this livalry largely to a class ol'mei
whoso wealth makoa it possible to tit
up large sums of money in the pro
priotorahip of herds whouo chief re
commundation is that they are the do
ncundanta of sonio ono of the greal
English fam'htH of Short-Horn cattle ,
Tina is especially thu c.isu across tin
water , and ia becoming very notice
able in Una country , The youngei
nnd lees wealthy breeders are awak
aningtoa knowledge of thu fact thai
this species of rivalry ia beyond then
means , and they have in consequent
begun to cast about for soinu less
co&tly and risky .investment whicl
will guaranteu a reasonable profit
Dairy cattle are , therefore , rapidly in
sroaaing in number , as the record o
the fairs of this acanon conclusively
proves. All ovur thu country ontrici
in this class have largely outnumber
cd thu beef breeds , and a casual glanci
vov the records of salea during thi
past HUiiuner shows ciittlu wliosi
hief rocommundation is their capacity
For milk aru bei g eagerly sought ai
Fair prices by men who in lormer yean
liave handled beef cattlo. The mora
: > f this condition ia that brucdura ol
: attlu must begin to ealculuto on ca
pacity for the dairy. Thia viuw o
the case has too long been ignored bj
brcedorti , especially Short-Horn men
who will have to add to their claimi
of merit that of presenting good am
valurablo cattlu for , gonural farm pur
poses , outside of the simple bee
phase of the subject.
Yon nro sick ; well , tliero is lust ono remc
dy that will curo'y ° u beyond pOHsibility o
iioubt. If it's Liver or Kidney trouble
Consumption , Dyupepaia , JJel'llity
' Woll'H Ilcnlth Icnewer" ! U your hope
§ 1. UriiBgiat Depot , 0 , P. Goodman
Omaha. (4) ( )
Consumption , Coughs and Coldi
Asthma , Bronchitis , etc. , is givoi
away in trial bottles free of cost t <
thu afllictcd. If you have a bi ; (
cough , cold , difficulty of breathing
hoarseness or any affection of tin
throat or lungs by all means give thi :
wonderful remedy a trial. Aa yet
value your existence you cannel
nll'ord to lot thia opportunity paaa ,
Wu could not afford , and would not
; ; ivo thia remedy away unless we
know it would accomplish what we
claim for it. Thousands of hopolos ;
cases have already boon complete ! )
cured by it. There is no medicine it
the world that will euro ono half tlu
wises that Dn. KINO ' NEW DIBCOVKUI
will cure. For sale by
0) ) Isir it M MAHON. Omaha.
To Citliarino llcililc , non-rcaldont dcfcnilant.
Yon are hereby notillul that un the 2 < 1 day o
kiitcinlicr , 1881 , Jnlin Hulilo , jihintlfT , rtliJ hi
petition In the Dlitrlct Court , lthln mi'ltoi '
Douglas County , NcbraHkn , pjrnliiiit you M do
'ciulant , tha object ami prayer ol uhlch rUitlor ohUIn a ( Iccri'o c ( ( llvorcu from tlio Imnih
X nmtrhnony with you ( or the folltmlti , ; Cannes
to > wlt : 1st , hahltuitl tlrunkciincbu ; U , extrcmi
: ruc1ty , ami ( or ( 'i'ncral rollef.
You nro require' ! to nimutr calil ixitltlon or
.ho 21th day ol October , IhSl.
nc7w5t AttoriiovH 'or rialntm.
1 Notice In hereby uen \ that I ) . Ilurr , I ! . U.
Van 0 urt anil I ) 1' , liurr luuo IneorjwriUed
.bciustl vca under tlio iiaino o ( thu "Omahn Iin <
demerit Coiniany. "
2 , 'ilio principal plan o ( tran&icthie th ; hiibl <
less o ( ald Incorporation If Oniulm , Noli ,
3 The iiaturu ol the hiHlni'MU nf nalil Incorrnr-
itlon It thu Miilo of general ( arm JlochlnOry , Hug-
[ tun and Wu onx.
4 , The iini.jiint nf rnpllnl t tork ixu'horlzcd In
'M.OOO ' 1 0 o ( which fUOO.OQ must li mibucri id
ind ono half o ( mlJ lai > t iiiuntlonud flum lie paid
n before ald lompany uliall coiiiineiiioliUHimmi ,
alii utouk to bu dli likd Into nharei < o ( 8100 1 nth.
fi. Thu hlubcst amount of InilobteilnccH lint
an bti Incurred bynaid liitorporation In two thirds
il th'i capital htoek ] iid hi , nnd tbi.'ru idiall bo no
nillvldiial liability on the jnrt of thuntock holJ.
rn thereof.
U. lliualTalriiot fald corporallori are to Ixicon-
lucted by a ] ire ldent , necretaty nnd treanurcr ,
.lionliall cQimlltutu n hoard ol dlrictorH.
7. Slid corp ration Khali comiiicniuon Iho 18th
lay of Hcptomher , 1B81 , oud "bull terminate on
he lit day of September , A. I ) . IBM.
1 > . llunn.
It. r.lJt'RR
Omaha , Kcb. . Oct. 3 , 18 _ oHov mon 4t
Ute of Nebmaku , Douiiloa County M :
it % County Court , held at thu County Court
lloem , In and ( or oald County , Kept , ! Urd ,
A. I > . mi , I'riwont , A. U. CIIADWICK.
County Judge. , k _
n tlio matter of the adoption f't ' JonnlnK > jhT >
On ruathni ; and fllliiK thu petition of Auiu < ; ui
nd Dell Carey , prujhii ; thai they mav 01 Allow.
d to adopt earn Jennlo H > au , and tn- .x'CUv'M
nd vtatement of Henry and blm Kyun , i > truin
( ild child that wld AuUbtui | and I Jell Carey
lay be permitted no to do and voluntarily rellu *
nlfcldiijT all claim to uald thllil
Ordered , That October S nd , A , D , 1H81 , at
0 o'clock a , m , , U ojulxiiod ( or hearing laldiwtl.
Ion , when all peruoni In tc runted In .ild nmttor
nay pp < ar at a County Court to bo held , luand
nr * ild County , and > how rauno why the prayer
f petitioner inould not bo eranted , and that no-
ke of twiidunuy ol uld ] Kitltlon Anil the hearlnK
hereof , be u'lven to all \KIWM \ ( nteru > tix | In Hald
mttcr , by putllnhhijt R copy ol tliuordcrln Ti |
IMAIU WKEKLT HBII , > ntwuiupor printed In nalJ
! ounty , ( or three vuuceulvi ) week , prior to tald
ty o ( hearlnjc A , U. CIlAuWlCK ,
t- * * - ' * , ' * - v - i ' + - * } * ! Kft & ? fi8
Manufacturing Company ,
Finest SiiYer Plated Spoons and Forks.
The only undlj jtional plate that
< ? < F
original firm of ]
is giving for instance -
Rogers Bros.
stance a oinglo
All our Spoons ,
plated Spoon a
Forks and
Knives plated triple thioknossof
with the greatest
plato only on
of caro. Each
the B o o t i o B
lot being hung
on a scale while' where expo d
being plated , to to wear ; tlioroby
insure a full deposit - making a single
posit of silver on
plated Spoon
them.Wo wear as long as ,
Wo would call
a triple plated
especial attention
tion to our sec-
Rival. Orient Tinned.
All Orders In the Woit should lie Ad dressed to
Wholesale Jeweler ,
In 'Convenience ' ,
- -
Lang & Fotick.
it always gives satisfaction , because it makes a
superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap
est Flour in the market. Every sack
warranted to run alike or
money refunded.
W. M. YATES , Cash Grocer.
Max MEYER & CO. ,
Tobacco from 25c. per pound Q up warde.
Pipes from 25c.7perjdozen ; upwards.
Cigars from $15.00 per l.OOCU